Lilac's Fall

by CyrenesSiren

First published

When the body of Roseluck is found, Crystalline Eclipse begins to notice something, off about her girlfriend, Lilac Fall. What she find out shocks her to her core.

When the body of a mare named Roseluck is found, killed in a clearing near her home, Crystalline Eclipse begins to notice her girlfriend retreat back into herself more. Crystalline notices how Lilac seems to want to always be by her side but brushes it off as nothing.
That is until a pony she had been talking to disappears. Lilac had vanished around the same time he was last seen, but Crystalline brushes it off.

Surely it's nothing, right?

Suddenly, her world is thrown into a tailspin as she finds out things she never wanted to know, and realizes that Lilac may be too far gone already.

Lilac Fall and Crystalline Eclipse are characters of mine ^^


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A quiet thud followed momentarily by a cry sounded out through the empty forest. In the middle of a clearing lay a shivering mare, tears flowing down her cheeks and her eyes wide and staring above her. Her attacker brought their pale hoof down onto their victim again, drawing out another cry.

“Have you learned your lesson?” The attacker hissed through gritted teeth, daring their head closer to the mare on the ground.

“W-what did I do..!?” The mare blurted out, pain riddling her voice. Her attacker rolled their eyes and pinned a hoof against her throat.

“Playing dumb? Well then, I’ll tell you, idiot,” The attacker pushed harder against the struggling mare’s throat, “I saw you staring at my girlfriend, I know you like her.”

“W-wh-what?” The mare gasped out, her eyes going wide. “N-no..”

“SHUT UP!” The white hoof lightened off the mare’s throat as she growled, “You don’t seem to get it, so I’m going to kill you.” A horrified expression crossed the mare’s face as she began to struggle harshly below her attacker.

“Please no, stop, I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll move somewhere, just let me go!” Her cries grew louder in the otherwise silent night. She screamed as her attacker bared their teeth, their eyes glinting evilly in the moonlight.

“Too late.” The attacker lunged downward, her muzzle opening wide, aiming straight for the throat.

It lasted mere seconds, the screams quieted and were replaced by quiet whimpering. Still, through the unimaginable pain, the mare managed to mutter a few words. “T-the Poisons with h-have your head f-for this…”

“If they catch me, I’m sure they will.” The attacker laughed, glaring down at her victim. “But they haven’t yet, and this time won’t be any different.” They watched the light drain from the mare’s eyes and turned to leave the forest. As the form stalked away from the body, they unknowingly stepped in a small puddle of blood, leaving a stain on their right front hoof.

Chapter 1

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Lilac sat on the couch, crossing her hind legs and leaning back comfortably. A soft smile crossed her face as her eyes drifted shut, weariness from the day prior overcoming her.

She was unsure how long she sat there, on the verge of sleep, but she jumped when the door to her home swung open softly. Her minor surprise melted into joy as a deep grey unicorn mare walked through the door. The mare had a rich grey coat, with white hooves and a white marking on her face, and her horn was white as well. The crescent moon with three spots below it on her rump resembled a cutie mark, but Lilac knew better. A choker around the mare’s neck had a necklace hanging from it, an onyx crystal held by gold hanging down onto her chest fluff.

“Hi sweetheart, how was your day?” Lilac felt the words slip out of her muzzle and watched as Crystalline’s ears perked towards her, a smile spreading across her face.

“Hello Lilac,” Crystalline paused to yawn as she approached the white and grey striped mare. Crystalline’s maroon eyes locked onto Lilacs light blue/pink ones. Lilac glanced down, blushing as her girlfriend pulled closer.

Lilacs eyes landed on Crystallins right hoof, and Lilac gasped. Her own hooves reached down to take it, and fear played through her senses as she pulled it closer, looking at the red that was staining the pure fur. “Crystalline, what’s this?” Crystalline glanced down, and paled, attempting to pull her hoof back.

“Nothing, darling, let me go get that cleaned off,” Lilac backed away, sensing an air of fear and regret wash through Crystalline. Nodding, Lilac placed the hoof back on the ground and gave Crystalline a light peck on the cheek.

“I love you,” Lilac whispered, smiling at Crystallins retreating form.

The tears had already begun streaming when Crystalline entered the restroom, Her breaths were short and stilted, her whole body shaking as she fumbled with the faucet. It eventually turned on, and she stared into the flowing water.

What do I tell her…? She knows I wouldn’t hurt a soul, would I? What did I do…

Crystalline began to furiously scrub at the fur on her hoof, effectively scrubbing the dried reddish color out of it and down the drain. Tears were flooding her face, and her breaths caught in her throat, effectively bringing sobs out. She flared her magic up, turning the shower on to full blast.

Curling up on the floor she sobbed openly for a few moments, before just stopping and staring off into nothing. A few moments of silence later she sat up and stumbled into the shower. As the scalding water poured over her body, a memory she had tried to push down flared up. A memory of her rocking a dead creature, its warm blood spilling onto her right hoof.

Oh right, that’s what happened.

Chapter 2

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She had passed out in the shower.

I passed out in the shower

Frigid cold water flowed over her shivering body, deep grey fur hanging low as she rose from the slippery floor.

Why didn’t Lilac check on me?

Her head spun when she straightened, threatening to send her tumbling to the slick floor again. Lifting her leg she stumbled out of the shower, shivering again at the rush of cold air that brushed over her.

Crystalline stared at the mirror, stared into her own maroon eyes, over her dripping, deep red mane and tail, and over her soaked fur.

Glancing back at the shower she turned it off with her magic, before casting a spell to dry herself. Her eyes were heavy with exhaustion, even though she had no reason.

I’ll just go snuggle up with Lilac, she won’t mind…

As she clicked the light in the room off and paced out to the kitchen, her ear pricked at the sound of ponies talking on the television.

“It is highly unfortunate that the one to discover her body was her own daughter, is it not, Deputy?” A blue-grey pegasus mare with deep blue splotches covering her fur held a microphone up to the gruff stallion.

“Yes, miss Tsunami, most unfortunate.”

“Is there any other information you can share at this time?” The mare tilted her head curiously, a deep shimmer in her violet eyes.

“As this is an ongoing investigation, no, not at this time,” the two continued to speak, but Crystalline tuned them out, instead focusing on the quivering figure on the couch.

“Lilac?” she approached Lilac carefully, wary of both the fangs in her mouth and her powerful shark tail.

Snapping out of her trance, Lilac turned to her, tears in her eyes. “Crys-” a sob escaped her lips instead of the latter part of her name.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Crystalline looked towards the television as Lilac tried to stammer out a response.

“Roseluck, Roseluck-” she began to sob openly now “-Roseluck is dead!”

Crescent felt her blood run cold and she looked at her crying partner, then to the television, then back to Lilac.

She never cries like this, she didn’t even know Roseluck, somethings wrong...

She pushed that thought to the back of her mind as she curled around Lilac, casting a calming spell around the room. Crystalline planted a small kiss on Lilac’s forehead, pulling her closer and hugging her tightly. “It’s alright, sweetheart, it’s alright.”

Deep inside Crystalline began to suspect something was off with Lilac, but she pushed those thoughts down as far as she could, instead trying to calm Lilac down.

I’m imagining things.

Chapter Three

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Lilac had calmed down, and now was just staring at Crystalline as she moved around the kitchen. Crystalline had a worried expression painting her face, and kept glancing at Lilac every so often.

Meanwhile, Lilac had a blank expression, her cheeks matted from tears, and her hair a mess. Lilac had her ears pinned back, and her tail was limply laying on the ground.

“Lilac, you sure you’re okay?” Crystalline broke through the silence, and Lilac jolted her head up to meet her gaze. Jumbled thoughts flew around inside her mind, but she settled on one long enough to vocalize something.

“No, but yes,” Closing her eyes and lowering her head to the table, Lilac swiveled her ears to face Crystalline.

“Lilac, please don’t get mad at me for asking this, but why did you react as you did to Roseluck’s death?”

Lilac's blood ran cold. Her heart sped up as she searched her mind.


She opened her eyes and stared at Crystalline.

“Lilac, you can tell me why,” Crystalline smiled softly at her, moving a tiny bit closer.

“We, we went to preschool together,” Lilac coldly responded. Her ears pinned back again. “I had a small crush on her when we were younger and before I met you. We had been close friends. It shocked me, that’s all.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Crystalline moved closer again and gave Lilac a soft kiss on the cheek. “I didn’t know that, sorry again,” Crystalline moved away, her ears lowered.

“Why did you have blood on your hoof?”

Crystalline paused mid-step and turned her head back to Lilac, “What?”

“You asked me a question I get to ask you one. Why did you have blood on your hoof,” Lilac's cold expression and monotone voice chilled Crystalline to the core.

“I was helping Fluttershy out with a few injured animals, I couldn’t save one of them and it hit me hard so Fluttershy sent me home. I forgot to clean it off before I got here,” Crystalline tried to keep a steady voice but it crumbled as emotion washed through her. “Sorry if I scared you with that.”

“Oh, okay, well-”

Knock, knock.

Crystalline snaps her head to the door and moves towards it. “I’ll get it,” Lilac nodded as she watched a pale glow encase Crystallines horn, then the door handle. With a quiet creak the door was pulled open. “Oh! Hello there!”

“Hello there miss, Crystalline Eclipse, is it?”

“Yea, that’s me, who might you be?”

“I’m Tsunami, a journalist for the Equestria Times, and I’m covering the-” Tsunami lowered her voice, “-the murder of Roseluck.”

“Oh, well, come in.”

“Thank you, I would just like to ask you a couple of questions.”

Lilac flicked her ears and turned her head towards Tsunami, who had paused and was staring at her.

“Lilac? What the hell are you doing here?” Tsunami pinned her ears back, her eyes narrowing and her professional demeanor slipping.

Chapter 4

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Tsunami sips her cup of tea, putting a hoof on her forehead. “Lilac and I went to school in Canterlot together, I never thought I’d see her again. We kinda had a falling out.”

Crystalline nods, stirring her tea with a small spoon. Lilac was curled against her side, staring at Tsunami. “So, what did you want to ask us?” Lilac stirred against Crystalline as she spoke, her tone cold.

“Oh, right. I was just going to ask you about your relationship with Roseluck. Were you friends, coworkers, partners, or anything else?” Tsunami pulled a pen and small notepad out of her saddlebag.

“I used to help Roseluck with her garden when I was younger, she loved those flowers. I learned everything I know about gardening from her actually!” Crystalline smiles at LIlac, who returned her gaze with a soft smile. When Crystalline turned her head back to Tsunami, Lilac scowled.

Crystalline kept talking about Roseluck while Lilac tuned her out silently sipping on her cup while glaring at Tsunami.

“What about you, Lilac?” Tsunami was staring at her, her eyes slightly narrowed and head tilted.

“I haven't interacted with her at all since preschool, I just moved back here a couple months ago, to move in with Crystalline. We had been long distance for a while and I thought it was time to move in together,” Lilac nuzzled into Crystalline's side, a smile crossing her face.

“So you haven’t interacted with Roseluck recently at all? Okay, do either of you have any theories or final comments?” Tsunami turned a page in her notebook, and glanced between Lilac and Crystalline curiously.

Lilac shook her head and stared down at the floor. “I don’t think so, all I want to say is I hope that whoever did this is caught, and punished accordingly,” Crystalline glared out the window, her ears flattening against her head. Tsunami wrote that in her notebook then slid the pen and notebook back into her saddlebag, standing after finishing the rest of her tea.

“Thank you both, and I hope we can connect sometime again, Lilac! I’d love to try and rekindle our friendship,” Tsunami smiles softly at Lilac, then glanced at Crystalline. “Again, thank you both for your time.”

Crystalline nods and leads Tsunami to the door, using her magic to open it. Lilac follows slowly, head lowered and tail waving across the floor roughly. “I hope you got what you needed!”

“I did, have a good day, both of you!” Tsunami nods at Lilac and Crystalline then walking out of the house, spreading her wings and taking flight. Crystalline closes the door and turns to Lilac.

Quickly lighting her magic she lifts the two empty cups of tea and one half empty cup and moves them to the sink, before turning her full attention to Lilac.

“You seem tense. What happened between you two?” Crystalline walks up to Lilac, then gently guides her back to the couch. Lilac plops down, sighing.

“I don’t quite know, I think we just grew apart. She was always so busy with schoolwork and taking notes about everything, she didn’t seem to want to hang out anymore,” Lilacs eyes fall to the floor. “Senior year we had a big fight, she said she was moving away to go to school to be a journalist, and I yelled at her about it, I don’t remember what I said but it was mean and she seemed really hurt. We stopped talking after that.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, next time you see her you two could talk about it? That might help,” Crystalline smiles at Lilac and puts her hooves around her in a hug.

“Maybe,” Lilac leans into the hug, closing her eyes and relaxing.

She's so oblivious, that's not how things work.