Not so Sealed in Tartarus

by TheOneWithoutAName

First published

Flurry Heart has enough of her father cockblocking her constantly during her heat. So she decides to summon a lust demon to take care of her heat! Not like anything could go wrong with that...

Flurry Heart is at odds with her parents, especially her father. Shining is constantly cockblocking her, despite her clear need of sweet release during her heat. Being the bratty, foulmouthed girl she is, she decides to circumvent his rule. Luckily she found a book on summoning. A lust demon seems like the perfect solution for her predicament.

It is after all just a minor demon...right?

While the same demon as in Sealed in Tartarus is used, this is more of an alternate take on it with a different target to corrupt.

Commissioned by: Ray-Felgrand

Editor: Koekelbag

Cover Art by: nsfwquynzel

Contains: Vaginal, Anal, Oral, Handjob, 69, Kissing, Heat, Defloration, Impregnation, Corruption, Maledom, Eating the Pureness/Innocence of a Soul (Vampirism Type), Sweet Breast Jealousy, a slutty/bratty virgin and a humorous Ending!

Featured: 05/03/2020, 05/04/2020

With an Unexpected Slutty Romance between a Brat and a Major Demon

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Flurry flew through the palace at high speed.

The young mare was mad. Really mad. Of course she wasn’t young enough to get away with blowing some walls by now, so simple flying had to do, and some loud growling.

It certainly frightened one guard or the other. At least the newer ones that hadn’t served long enough to get used to her shifting moods.

Unlike her father and mother she didn’t care to mask her rage, no matter how often she was told to get a handle on her emotions.

Her father…

It made her growl some more.

‘How dare he!’

All seemed so perfect. It was heat season and seeing how she was 18 now, she planned to finally get rid of these annoying urges in the easiest way possible.


She had looked for weeks for perfect candidates. Something that was easy for her as a princess. She tried a guard first, but her ‘daddy dearest’ chased him away. Stallion fled to Canterlot. And all the other guards were deterred from even ogling her form now.

Second try was a student from a university. Surely, she couldn’t go wrong with that.

Nope! Her father chased that one away too!

Then she simply picked a random one from the street and tried to get it on before her father could know, but she was denied again! It led her to believe that either the maids or the guards were snitching on her constantly. Not that she could blame them with Shining being a complete control freak when it came to her love life. And his ‘helpful advice’ to weather it through as newer means of heat impairment didn’t prove effective with alicorn’s wasn’t of course helpful either.

‘What is his issue?! Not like he has to watch me get slammed from behind!’ she oh so eloquently roared in her thoughts. ‘Not like stallions can knock an alicorn up that easily anyway. Heck, dad had to get some voodoo potion of fertility or something so that my mom could even conceive me in the first place!’

Flurry licked her lips as she slowed down and set back down to the ground, fidgeting as she hugged herself sensually.

‘Damn. How I would long for repaying that zebra shaman that helped make me,’ she thought with a lustful smirk. That idea was so taboo and out there, no doubt leaving her father with a conniption if she actually would manage to pull it off.

But that was just wishful thinking.

No, it had to be the ‘one true love’ that was supplying her with some thick, veiny meat and no one else. It was so idealistic and so made Flurry want to puke.

And hey, nothing against her parents going that route! They can do their thing, however Flurry wasn’t them. She had other ideas when it came to these kinds of things. And those other ideas included a more free love life. Especially during heat. She was a princess for fucks sake. Can’t she be rutted in peace to help her not suffer during that time?

At this point she would have very much loved if her mother, the fabled, ‘Princess of Love’, was anything like in those smutty stories she had secretly read. Not uptight about the topic and instead just being sharing. Especially with that bombshell body.

Flurry grabbed at her own set of breasts. B-cups… Then she looked over her body. Juicy thighs, a heart-shaped ass that was soft to the touch, pristine white fur, a slim waist which lended her body a bit of a curve, as well as a pretty face.

She was 18, and yet while she did look attractive, she still would need some more growth in some areas.

‘Curse those slowly growing alicorn tits!’

And while that might not have been a bad thing in and of itself...compared to her mother she was little more than an ugly duckling.

A bit harsh, she knows. She just comforts herself with the thought that more than half the attractive mares were ugly ducklings compared to her.

Heck, even Twilight had grown into an incredibly appealing form! Nerdy Twilight!

...It made her feel self-conscious.

“I am attractive,” she mumbled, knowing it to be true, and yet she couldn’t help to compare herself with her fellow alicorn family.

Beautiful beyond measure. Fabled powerful heroines. Her father and uncle Spike heroes in their own rights as well if one wanted to crudely put it. They were special. So incredibly special. What was her achievement?

...Having the Crystal Empire almost destroyed from crying loudly.

...Yeah, she wished she was joking. Her one achievement was Empire Destroyer. Well, that was not quite fair, seeing how she actually failed at that quite miserably in the end. But hey, she gets a B for effort!

A dry thought, alas one that did bring a light crooked smile to her muzzle.

Still, it was nothing she could dwell on, so she shook her head free of those depressing thoughts. Instead she reminisced over her failed plans to get a suitor.

She knew by now that there was no way in tartarus she would get anywhere. At least not the way she was trying before.

A hum escaped her lips, before she noticed she stood deep inside the library.

“You dusty old tomes don’t have some spell to help me, do you?” she asked jokingly, before she lit up.

That was it! While there weren’t that many sexual spells, they still existed, meaning that if she looked hard enough she could find one to solve her heat problem! Or at least delay it.

It sounded good in her mind as she grinned, her mighty wings flapping to bring her up to scan the shelves.

Her wings were actually superior to her mothers or aunt Twilight’s in size and fluffiness so she was particularly proud of them. It was in her mind at least one thing she beat those two at.

It took her a bit until she found an interesting book. It was black with an intricate font to it.

“Sexual Arts - The Magical Guide for Horny Unicorns,” Flurry read, snickering at the innuendo. “Close enough~”

Her hands then flipped through the pages, opening at a random one. And what she saw made her eyes open in surprise.

Intricate summoning circles could be seen. A complicated magic she didn’t think would be in such a funnily named book. It made it all the more intriguing.

‘Summoning to slate one’s lust?’ she wondered, flipping a few pages forward past the introduction of this chapter. And what she saw didn’t disappoint her.

“Woah! Tentacles? Real-life, not-the-fake-in-porn-used tentacles? Kinky! But not today, though I will keep you in mind, cutie,” she winked at the page.

It was so exciting to her, making her legs fidget mid-air. She had no idea that this dusty old library had such rare finds.

‘Gonna give it to aunt Twilight. Libraries can be fun after all!’ she joked, giggling like an overeager schoolfilly.

She then went a page backwards, to see what else there was this book could offer.

And she most certainly liked what she saw. One page was depicting a succubus with a drop-dead gorgeous, sexy body. Another, that held her interest more, was of an incubus.

A demonic being built like a fucking brickhouse. Large abs, massive muscles, six-pack and an impressive tool...practically all a mare could ask for. Like the succubus, an incubus was one of the easier summons it seemed. Seemingly both of these types were summoned once upon a time to help mares and stallions with heat and normal sexual urges alike. After the summoner is satisfied, the demon would leave, no questions asked.

A proverbial booty call.

Flurry grinned with an almost mad eagerness at the book, her eyes sparkling.

‘Exactly what the doctor has ordered!’ she cheered internally as she poofed the book right into her room along with herself.

Now all she had to do is wait for her parents to get out of the house...or palace.

While annoying, Flurry had to wait.

She couldn’t just up and summon something with her parents close by. Chances are her dad would disrupt it and take the book from her.

With how he always found out whenever she was close to getting boned it seemed like an annoying cockblocking sixth sense. Or pussyblocking if that made sense.

It took a day until she got her chance. And while that might not be much, it was for her. She was grounded after her last attempt to take care of her heat, so she was bound to the palace for now.

Anyway, both of her parents were out for the night, having planned to go on a dinner that no doubt would have them discussing her inappropriate behavior. Or at least she was sure that one part of the conversation would have that in it.

She was an adult. 18 years of age. That they even felt the need to baby her was something that infuriated her to no end.

‘Not any longer!’ she thought, grinning down at the chalk in her magic and the book floating in front of her.

She stuck her tongue out in concentration, drawing the many different lines that would turn her into a mare by the end of the night.

Excitement was clear in her eyes and her wings fluttered in elation while she was drawing the last lines that were needed.

‘I am a naughty filly~’ she giggled with blushing cheeks, staring at the circle with clear anticipation.

Once done, she looked her work meticulously over. An important thing to do for all kinds of magic as her aunt told her. If things blew up she would also blow her cover with it. Didn’t matter that she put a sound dampening spell on her room.

“Alright. Now the summoning. Just have to put an intermediate level amount of magic into it,” she mumbled, her horn glowing as she quickly sent out a beam of magic into the starting rune, activating it as it started to fuel the entire circle.

The mare bit her lip, her legs fidgeting as she felt her body making this hard on her. It is no wonder that heat is a legitimate reason to call in sick to work. It would be too distracting for the mare and any pony around her.

Even now it was distracting her as her horn was fiercely glowing.

She thanked aunt Celestia that she was wise enough to put a sound proof barrier as well as one that would block the light and magical feedback so that she wouldn’t be noticed.

‘No time for thanking!’ she mentally scolded herself, just concentrating on the spell, continuing to purr as she was rubbing along her clothed slit.

She certainly looked sexy, or more aptly, slutty tonight.

For this night she dressed in the more outrageous clothes she managed to get behind her parents back, meaning a purple miniskirt, a black thong, black stockings as well as a black tight tanktop that left her belly free. A pink heart was on it, representing the word ‘love’ in the writing ‘LOVE TO SUCK’.

Then a portal opened and Flurry felt herself getting blasted back and against the bookshelf.

“Oof!” she exclaimed, as books noisily clattered on the floor as she groaned in some mild pain.

Her eyes were unfocused, but quickly refocused as she saw a large white hand gripping the edge of the portal, before a demon pulled himself up and out of the portal, stepping in front of her.

He was massive! Easily casting a shadow over her entire body! Taller than aunt Twilight, aunt Celestia or any other pony she had seen! His shoulders were wide, his chest was muscle-packed with a six-pack clear for all to see. His arms were just as jacked, showing the pure might that lay within even without magic. Same for the legs. Flurry was sure this guy could beat down the best of the royal guards with ease. His mane was flaming as much as his tail and two off-white curved horns were growing out of his head. And those eyes! Black sclera with an intensely orange glowing slit! Extremely intimidating and definitely hot to boot! Especially on top of this entire package and also…

Her eyes travelled down.

That stud was completely naked.

She could see his dick.

It was ginormous.

Flurry drooled lightly, despite actually having second thoughts now with what this guy was equipped with. It seemed a bit too large for her...or actually any mare really.

A cock that was broader than her arm and went down to his knees? Yeah, that wasn’t standard stud equipment even in the most generously equipped cases. Except maybe bigger grown dragons.

He also emitted a certain aura. Flurry would have called it sexual, which would be fitting for some simple incubus.

‘Right. A simple, low-level incubus,’ she reminded herself, standing up confidently. Despite her shortcomings she was still an alicorn! An especially powerful one at that! So there was no need to actually be intimidated by some low-tier demon.

So she stood up and placed her hands defiantly on her hips.

“I-I summoned you, incubus!” Flurry Heart declared, hating how her voice nervously squeaked there, though she pressed on unhindered. The itch between her legs was more than enough to remind her that she needed to get this show on the road instead of just staring at him. “Your duty is to service me until I am satisfied!”

A bit more simple lines, Flurry lamented. But with a naked hunk there, she had trouble to actually formulate anything grand. Albeit it might have to do with how she was skipping on her articulation classes as well.

The demon smirked, making her a bit nervous. Not that he might do something. She was stronger than him after all. Not to mention the golden shackles with loose chain ends around his wrists, signifying he was a summoned demon and would prevent him from taking any actions against his summoner anyway. It was more a nervousness that came from the thought of finally losing her virginity. To finally become a mare.

He swiped his hand in a grand gesture and bowed lightly to her.

“I am Felgrand. I have heeded your call and am willing to lend you a hand.”

Flurry’s heart fluttered. That minor demon seemed pretty charming, making her cheeks feel warm.

“I-I am Flurry Heart, your summoner,” she said gulping, “I am not one for big words, so...can you get a move on and k-k-kiss me?”

Her eyes avoided his in an instant. It felt embarrassing to ask this, despite it being this incubus’ job.

Then she felt a hand on her chin, tilting her head up. She looked into his fiery slit eyes, a smirk on his face before darting forward.

The mare jerked a bit as she felt his rough lips meet hers, before shoving his long and thick tongue into her mouth. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against him in a way that caused many more fluttering feelings to bloom inside of her as he was playing with her tongue.

Just to feel herself being pulled against his strong chest was an incredible experience and she practically melted into him with no resistance whatsoever.

Her pussy gushed, lines of juices running down her legs from her arousal at this incredible prench kiss he was delivering.

And it was better than any kiss she had before. And she was actually known as a kisser.

Empire Destroyer might have been her one nickname, though Kiss Demon was her other. Since puberty she had been smooching maids and guards on the lips, even slipping in tongue when she was fast enough. Though the castle staff had gotten some pretty impressive reflexes over the years and managed to avoid her attempts of ‘sexual assault’ as her father called it. Technically he really had to settle quite a few disputes because of such allegations with the staff and there were quite a few that changed jobs because of her. Something Flurry was wearing like a badge of honor. It was also that behavior that got her banned from ever being allowed near any foreign dignitaries. Pity, since she always wanted to fool around with those.

Point being, she had lots of kissing experience. She knew a good kiss when she felt one.

And this minor Felgrand fella was a good kisser!

Her arms were hugging him back, her hands gripping onto his back as his own on her waist lowered deeper, before settling on her juicy ass, giving it a squeeze.

There was no helping the moan that reverberated in her mouth.

She wondered if he was going too far and then realized that she sounded like her father, so she shoved it away and pushed her ass simply more into his kneading grasp to encourage him.

‘Come on. Show me what you can do with these magical hands,’ she purred in her mind huskily.

The invitation was wholeheartedly accepted by Felgrand, as his second hand joined the first, sinking into her free asscheek and giving it a squeeze.

The mare trembled in clear delight as she leaned towards him more, while trying to caress his tongue with her own. It felt like a little game of its own, albeit a harder one with the groping hands of Felgrand distracting her constantly.

It was the demon that finally pulled back, Flurry’s tongue longingly following out and drooling on the marble floor. Much to her regret, his hands were retreating too.

While she knew she couldn’t waste too much time, lest she was found out despite her safety measures, the loss of contact still irked her. Less in an angry way and more as a clear need the princess wanted to fulfill.

So she grabbed that need. Not by the balls, but by the cock itself.

Her hand had instinctively wrapped around it, before he could move too far. The weight, girth and pulsing hotness of it all making an eager curiosity bloom in her as she quickly jerked it up and down.

‘This is a real demon cock.’

Not her first dick to grab either. She actually also had a ‘bad’ habit of grabbing dicks.

Quite a few guards resigned as she was abusing their orders to stand still, so it was a welcome change of pace to have a demon here that appreciated her curiosity.

Also that didn’t mean she ‘only’ got her hands on the male side of the castle staff. She was also playing around with the female side.

...She was a rather curious mare and there might have been a few maids too that quit because of that.

Anyway! Her hand moved up and down, the cock getting erect almost instantly in her grip, veins pulsing along it up to the flat-tipped head that probably could dislocate an inexperienced or fragile mares jaw.

Luckily alicorn bodies are flexible, so for the moment she was confident that she could take it.

“Make sure to use your free hand to fondle the balls,” Felgrand advised her.

The idea was interesting to her so the white alicorn mare didn’t hesitate in grabbing his balls...or ball, considering only one orb fit in her hand.

It felt heavy and hard in her hand. Of course nowhere near as hard as this demonic shaft, but what she had in mind was that they were everything but fragile. They were plump and full of hopefully tasty seed.

Her first taste of cum was going to be a demon’s. She licked her lips thinking about it, as well as inwardly smirking how her dad would blow his lid that his baby daughter was about to suck and fuck around with a demon.

Before that of course she wanted to get a real feel for the rod in her hand, despite her body already urging her on, demanding she just impale her throat on this wondrous piece of towering cock.

With her obviously really bad impulse control - grabbing dicks and pussies, as well as kissing mares and stallions alike - it was a wonder she held out as valiantly as her hand was sliding up and down while the other massaged his balls.

A second later she licked the shaft.

A long, wet, sloppy lick, all the way from the sweaty testicles up to the tip. A tip where already a shimmering fat glob of precum was waiting for her.

So...not really such good control after all. But the few seconds she held out were good enough in her opinion!

The musk of his demonic pole as well as the salty taste and tantalizing texture sliding over her tongue were too much to resist for her. And once she hit that big pearl of pre? There was nothing holding her back.

She was squealing in clear delight as it landed on her tongue, spreading the taste. Her first real taste of precum.

It was everything she was hoping it would be. And more.

It was depraved, it was salty, it was shameful and all in the best of ways.

If her mother was born to spread love and her aunt was born to spread friendship, Flurry Heart was born to suck cock.

With this taste of heaven - or more apt tartarus - she couldn’t be satisfied with simply ‘stroking’ it.

Her head stayed leaned forward as her nimble tongue continued to dance around the sides of the dick, trying to lick around the different yet unattended areas to get even more of that taste to play along her tongue.

The second lick was followed by a third and then a fourth as she continuously worked her way up his shaft. Once she was at the tip she licked under its edge and then over it, not being able to ignore another forming glob of precum.

It was then that she felt a hand on the back of her head. Though it wasn’t commanding and forceful, but seemed more guiding to her. A soft coaxing to push her soft full lips towards his flat tip.

Flurry couldn’t give less of a fuck how much this would strain her mouth. She agreed with this minor demon here. They needed to move on. She needed to move on. So she followed his movements feeling her mouth open wide as her lips slowly spread around the sensitive head.

Wider and wider it went until she had it almost in her mouth. Her tongue was playing with the little surface it could reach, placating her needy self long enough for this dang tip to finally push into her.

“Mmmphfhhf!” came the frustrated sound before it was cut off from her as the heavy cockmeat lurched into her mouth and onto her tongue, pushing it flat against the bottom of her mouth.

Her breath hitched for a moment at the ridiculous fullness. At the full taste and musk hitting her nostrils stronger.

There was a slight pause, the young mare taking a moment to adjust to this. And Felgrand let her, giving her the time.

Flurry felt grateful as well as disappointed, though she knew it was probably better for her to take it slow, despite how averse she was to that very word.

Rainbow was fast and so should be Flurry. Well, in a more debaucherous sense of the word.

So with that motivation she moved. Her head slowly pulling back and then pushing forward in short even strokes. Strokes which she expanded on each new round until she was servicing him from his tip to the point where her mouth was filled.

Overall it wasn’t even half his cock that she was pleasing like this, however it was a start for her. And quite the delicious one at that. Her tongue felt like it was in heaven as her head swam slightly from the musk. She abandoned massaging his balls in favor of letting both of her hands wander under her top and grip her taut tits.

A muffled moan reverberated along his length as she voiced her approval of this entire situation, letting her fingers press and sing lightly into her titflesh as she fondled herself, wishing it would be the demon himself doing it.

Of course with a real grade-A demon cock in her needy maw, she wasn’t about to complain.

Though with the hand, softly halting her, it seemed that Felgrand had a complaint.

She was as curious as she was worried.

‘He isn’t dissatisfied is he? I mean, sure I didn’t do this before and am alright looks wise, but I am still a princess of some sort. That should be enough to get his rocks going,’ she argued internally.

As if he saw the flickers of doubt, he smiled reassuringly at her.

“I just want us to change positions a bit. It is after all unfair, if only you got a taste, wouldn’t it be?” he asked her teasingly as her tongue was lapping some more pre off his tip.

She blushed a bit in embarrassment, despite the situation. After all it should hardly be embarrassing to be eager. Not that this thought helped her burning cheeks.

A burning that got stronger once the insinuation of what he said finally hit her.

He wanted her pussy.

Her dripping, wet cavern.

To shove that fat tongue right between her own fat pussylips and play her like a high-pitched squealing fiddle.

And he wanted to eat her out fiercely.

Clear dripping sounds could be heard, making him smirk.

“A yes, then?” he asked rethorically before his horns glowed and they quickly floated to the bed.

The mare gave a little startled noise as the positions changed, while her muzzle still stayed on his cock, as if he didn’t want her mouth to leave the tip unattended.

Then they floated back down. Felgrand with his back on the bed and her on top of him with her ass right above his head.

Flurry appreciated that he let her stay on top of him for this, as it gave her more control. Again, there were slivers of disappointment, but those were pushed away again. Instead she went right back, bracing her hands on the soft mattress as she was thrusting her head up and down his length.

At the same time she could feel the demon’s hand flipping her short purple skirt over her ass, enjoying the sight of her thong-wearing pussy. His fingers gripped onto her plot, giving it a firm squeeze that made Flurry moan. Her soaked black thong was dripping on him as it couldn’t even come close to contain her arousal.

It felt like a massage, but directly to her cute ass. The squeezes and ways he pressed into her with his strong fingers were mesmerizing as much as tempting.

And then he pulled it down, the black thong, to reveal her glistening and puffy pussy lips.

The cold air made Flurry mewl around the shaft she was earnestly slurping on. Both free hands were around the part of the cock she couldn’t service, stroking it instead in clear approval as she shook her ass lightly, urging him to move on.

Then the hands were pulling her derriere down towards his face. She felt her heart beating in her chest, thinking about how this would be the first time someone else pleasured her.

And then they connected.

She felt his lips. She felt his tongue. And then her hips buckled as her ass was resting fully on his face.

At the same time he pushed in his long and thick tongue.

Flurry came right on the spot. There was nothing that could have prepared her for this. The feeling of having someone shove their tongue up her dripping twat. It was alien. It was unexpected. It was wonderful.

Little fireworks were going off in her brain, popping over and over as her brain was overloaded with a climax she so direly needed.

Her wings were flaring stiff at this point as her juices gushed on his face. Felgrand himself, didn’t seem to mind it in the slightest as he continued to service her, while drinking her juices like they were a delectable wine.

And he was holding back.

That was the most incredible thought Flurry could have in this moment. His tongue wasn’t even in too deep so as to preserve her virginity. And yet the flicking, exploring appendage was swiping over every inch expertly despite the clear limits her pussy was setting, maybe even taking it as a challenge to turn her into putty even despite that.

Her hands scrambled to jerk his dick fast, trying to unload the clear excitement and twitchy wonderful feelings going through her body. Her tongue kept circling his tip before quickly moving up and down again.

Moans escaped her as she was building up another high. But this time she wanted it too. Wanted to have a taste of him. To taste the white stuff she had so often fantasized about.

The closest thing she came to knowing were her own juices. And she imagined male cum to be vastly different. It’s thick slimy texture and white, rich color a clear indicator of quality in her mind, of virility.

She was practically slathering over it, begging for him to cum. To give her the oh so desired - and by this point needed - taste.

And all the while his tongue was spreading her. She felt her legs shaking.

Then she felt a change. It was throbbing.

She only had enough time to wonder what this meant before a fountain of salty spunk was filling up her greedy maw.

It did fill her up. Quite literally as it spewed forth between her lips, running down the sides of her mouth.

Suffice to say, she loved the taste and texture as it made her body tingle in perverted delight.

It was then that she remembered to gulp and did so, trying to not let any of it escape her, or as best as she was capable of.

Her hands went back to her tits as she was humping his face, only to have him stop her and lift her ass off him.

Gurgled mewls escaped her as she protested, though could do little else with her focus still straining on the thick cock.

Then Felgrand rolled over.

Flurry made a surprised sound as she hit her back on the mattress, the impact freeing his cock from her and sending the succeeding volleys all over her face, staining it and her purple mane white.

She spluttered a bit before the cock stopped and Felgrand stood up and off the bed, before turning to her. He had not only stopped short before her climax, but also startled her.

“W-What gives?” Flurry Heart complained, lifting her head to look up at him with her lower legs spread slightly and dangling off the bed.

“I just found it pertinent to reserve your second climax of the day for when I take your virginity. No need to make you jizz so much that you are getting sore before the real fun begins, don’t you think?” he asked her with a disarming smile.

The white mare blushed, turning her head a bit.

“W-Well, maybe…”

Felgrand smirked at her.

“You know, I have to admit, you are quite eager. Especially for a pure alicorn heroine.”

This was but a simple comment, however it struck a cord with her as she stopped her coy look to actually glare at him, before rolling her eyes sarcastically.

“Sure. Because every alicorn is some puritan. And every alicorn has to live up to some impossible to reach ideals. You can stuff those ideas, right up your ass!”

The incubus stroked his chin, humming in thought at that unexpected exclamation.

“That is interesting. I thought you would be the typical demanding princess heroine kind of mare-”

“Hey!” Flurry protested, feeling a bit insulted.

“-though now I see there is more to you. Not the typical alicorn. I find that rather fascinating. Rather special in its own right.”

There was no fighting the blush that rose to her cheeks.

He cupped her chin, looking into her insecure eyes.

“I am not your parents. Not your family. Not any pony you need to prove yourself to,” he told her, to hammer his point in once more.

And hammer he did as he saw right through her, making Flurry feel vulnerable.

There was no denying that she did feel inadequate. Not up to par with anyone she was close with. She was the Empire Destroyer at best. That was her only glory. A glory in failure. And a failure in life. She didn’t listen to her parents. The mare had long since given up to measure up to them. To even try to measure up to them.

And now this minor demon told her it was alright. That she still was special.

Flurry was pretty sure he only said it because she was letting him fuck her.

...Nevertheless it felt incredibly good to hear.

She spread her legs, but then felt the thong straining and blocking her.

Felgrand chuckled as Flurry felt embarrassed by forgetting this. He simply righted it, ripping it on one side to let it dangle on the other leg.

The white mare didn’t protest, instead this time really spreading her legs for him as she huffed.

“You have your way with words. Like I expected from some minor demon. I will give you a reward. You can take my virginity now. Go on,” she prompted as his large fingers went between her legs, squishing into her pussy and making her shudder.

“How about you beg for it?” Felgrand shot back, suddenly getting cocky as he teased her.

Flurry looked at him, surprised by his attitude. She felt a bit irritated to have progress halted like this as she was needing it now. Needing to finally become a mare. At the same time, she could get behind begging, if it was something sexual. She was grabbing pussies and dicks, so it wasn’t like she had any dignity to lose to begin with.

Her eyes travelled up to his own pleadingly.

“Please Felgrand. Please shove that throbbing piece of demon meat deep into my virgin twat and show me what it feels like to be an unforgiving, filthy whore!”

Celestia bless her vocabulary.

Even more so as Felgrand appeared rather pleased by her words, his hands gripping her thick thighs and pulling her closer as he smacked his cock on top of her body.

She squeaked, feeling the heat of the dick resting on top of her slit, making her wonder how long he will continue teasing her. The mare had half a mind to now demand he fulfill his duty, just to get things going, however it was unnecessary as he was already pulling his hips back and positioning his tip at her entrance.

There was no grace period as his pillar of flesh sunk right in. Her pussy didn’t even try to resist. With how wet it was it slid right in, even surprising Felgrand for a moment.

Of course the demon went for it a split second later, pushing and piercing her hymen, finally giving the sex-depraved Flurry what she had been longing for years.

Her hands gripped the sheets beside her head, her back arching, her mouth opening in a big ‘O’.

She could feel it. The pleasure, the pain, the fullness.

The pain was easily droned out by the other sensations, which didn’t come as a surprise, considering that she was in heat and her cunt was practically begging for a nice, thick shaft.

Then, a second later a squeal escaped her, the corners of her mouth twitching up. She wanted to cum right on the spot, but a flash of magic washed over her, quickly holding it back.

There was enough sense left in her to look up at the smirking Felgrand.

“A little time spell. It will freeze every climax you experience, only to unleash it on you on my say so. I believe, a normal high wouldn’t be adequate for your virginity loss after all.”

It was a simple explanation, as well as one that made her curious. Of course there was the voice that demanded he give it to her now, though as this could potentially ruin something incredible, she bit her lip hard and held it back.

“I-I will allow it. N-Now show me what it feels like. H-How good you can make me feel.”

Felgrand did. He started with a soft but insistent pace, his massive rod straining against her as he seemingly tried to go easy on her for the moment, so that she could get used to it.

The white girl agreed with that sentiment as she was feeling just how she was filled. The girth was a challenge, now that the first high from it, that didn’t quite reach her, wore off.

Soft moans escaped her lips, jolts of pleasure running up her spine with every thrust into her straining cunt.

Then his hands left her thighs, a second later pushing her black tank top over her tits, revealing her bare breasts.

He already knew she wasn’t wearing a bra. It was clear to see with her stiff nipples poking through the thin fabric.

Flurry felt self-conscious as his hands grabbed her rather modest B-cups, not seeming at all turned off by it, even if the mare was thinking otherwise.

It was a notion Felgrand was intent to smash as he was kneading the small tits that she had with force.

“G-Gah!” the mare exclaimed in clear surprise as he was pushing and pulling on them like he was trying to prepare dough, before going for her puffy pink nipples and twisting them.

“You should be more proud of these. I know plenty of demons who do like them small. It can be seen as a sign of youth,” Felgrand told her as she was panting heavily.

“D-Don’t make me laugh! Y-You probably would like my mother’s or aunts more!”

“I don’t. While I do like larger tits, I prefer them like this. Modest size, with large areola and puffy thick nipples.

She blushed now once more, covering her face with her arms as she cried out from one particularly strong thrust.

“S-Shut up! Y-You only say that because you are fucking me! T-Trying to play me like a fiddle!”

“I personally would say a cock sock with how deep I am reaching,” the demon teased, before going serious. He pushed into her one last time, before halting his efforts.

“Oh, c-come on!” she lamented in aggravation, trying to urge him to carry on by humping into him, though a strong pull on her nipples persuaded her. “H-Hey!”

His shackles briefly glowed, showing the clear warning that automatically blinked up from her small protest, so he let go of her nipples and instead leaned over her, putting his face close to her.

“You are avoiding this. You are not taking my compliments. I already told you that you do not compete with anyone with me. I am interested in a tight hole to fuck and some nice modest tits. Simple as that. I would without hesitation bend you over every table in this palace, day after day. I would fuck you so hard and mercilessly that your cunt is burning from overuse. I wouldn’t simply discard such an interesting mare such as yourself. So forget about your mother, about your aunts, about any figure which you perceive to stand higher than you, because for me, you stand higher than them.”

Flurry looked up to him in surprise. She wanted to shout at him, to scream for a moment, to protest. To do ANYTHING, as unbidden emotions resurfaced.

And then a sob escaped her. She tried to hold it back, as well as the others that followed.

“S-Shut up. I-I am the Empire Destroyer, the Kiss Demon, the Genital Grabber. T-The bane of the freaking Crystal Empire!”

Flurry held the tears back as she glared at him, for toying with her feelings, though he only seemed surprised.

“Empire Destroyer? You know, I do like the sound of that title, even if you clearly failed at it the first time around. To get that title, you must have been rather close still. It is a title befitting of a demon. And it only draws me closer to you~” he purred, his deep baritone rumbling and vibrating in her ears.

“Y-You shouldn’t joke like that! It is a bad title to have!”

“Who decides that? For me it is the best title. Anyone disagreeing is only holding you back. But under demons, you are special. To me you are special, as a nice hole to fuck. A purpose fit for such a sexy alicorn slut~”

While she covered her face in embarrassment, Felgrand could clearly feel how her pussy contracted around him in delight at his words. Flurry could feel it too. Feel how she was growing fonder of the demon who so casually exclaimed how he was going to rut her every day without getting tired of her, or how her title was a great thing to behold.

It confused her.

It made her yearn for more.

“F-Fine, I will accept your compliments! C-Come on!” she urged, making the demon grin.

“Very well,” he answered starting to fuck her once more. But not at a moderate pace. No. This time he started fast, hammering into her.

There was no holding back this time. He was making her scream. Literally.

“How is this? Liking it better when I am not holding back with you slut?” Felgrand asked her, feeling her pussy contracting around him as the pleasure was almost peaking for her, only for it to be cut short again.

“C-Celestia I dooooooooo~! I-I think I will summon you really daily, i-if you perform like this every day!”

Felgrand chuckled, pulling on her nipples again.

“Not good enough. While I do like to get some pleasure for your body and am more than willing to use you like a cheap fleshlight every day, I need more to spice up the deal. Those shackles for example. They are hindering me from going all out. Without them I could wreck your pussy and mind so hard that you would get addicted to cock and couldn’t go a single day without it.”

“I-I can’t do thaahahaaat!” the mare protested, if only barely as her whole body was rocked by his mighty hip-shattering thrusts. It made her feel small, but in this instance it was actually in a good way. A way she loved.

Felgrand scoffed at her. “I am just a minor demon to you, am I not? So it shouldn’t be a problem. Besides, if you do that I will make sure that you are always close to my side. Like I said, I won’t leave, or replace you, and will rail your slutty holes every single day. It should be good enough for such a nice little whore like you.”

While his words got harsh enough for his shakles to glow, they didn’t activate still, showing how Flurry wasn’t fully against the treatment and the roughness of it.

‘Still, h-he suddenly is soooo rough!’ the mare thought in clear distress and lust as she felt another almost-climax close to wrecking her, before the magic delayed its effects.

It at least helped her lust-addled brain a bit, so that she could think some clear thoughts even while he wasn’t slowing down on her even a bit.

Was this what she wanted? To have him by her side, always?

The answer was yes. She knew it. The way he told her that she was special tickled something deep inside her. And then he practically told her she was special to him like an onahole that gets used made her even wetter than she even was before.

She was dripping. Constantly. Her bedsheets were practically drenched and ruined. Well, they would be ruined completely by the time he was done with her. That was something she was pretty sure about.

And then he pinched her clit.

Flurry howled in pleasure, her wings flaring and twitching as her body was trashing. It seemed like the spell was almost not able to hold the climax in this time. Almost. And it was driving her wild.

“Your answer, Flurry Slut the Empire Destroyer?”

“Nnnnnnghgh! W-What will this make me t-to you? W-Wife? O-Onahole?”

He leaned down to her ear, a manly and dominant growl making her body shiver in anticipation.

“You are my whore, my onahole, my concubine, my wife and my queen. I will use you however I please and have others use you however I please. You will stay by my side for the rest of your life, begging for my cock. Does that answer your question, little alicorn slut?”

“Y-YEEEES! O-OH CELESTIA Y-YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! B-BINDING C-CANCEL! B-BY C-CELESTIA! C-CANCEL IT!” she cried out in clear desperation focusing her magic wildly on the shackles.

The shackles glowed for a moment before coming off and falling to the ground where they disintegrated.

Felgrand saw this and laughed loudly.

He gripped her waist and then jackhammered her cunt as hard and fast as he could. It was a pace several times faster than before, making her cry out in clear delight as she felt one climax after another almost reaching her before being sealed by Felgrand’s magic.

It was so feral, so dangerous. It was what she had been missing until now. And now that she was experiencing it, she wouldn’t ever want to miss it. If she had enough brain still left to think clearly, she probably would have been worried, or tried to aid him in his fucking by wrapping her legs around his waist.

Not that the latter was possible with how he was plunging into her soaping wet hole.

As it was she simply let him do whatever he wanted.

And that is something he did.

So as he was having his way with her, his slit eyes were focusing on her. They seemed much more dangerous now, not looking as minor demon-like as she thought they did. Neither did his strength seem that minor either.

Flurry was distinctly aware that he seemed physically stronger than her in that moment. A realization that he picked up from the helplessly drooling and wildly moaning mare slut.

“Noticed it now? After all this time? Noticed how I am not a minor, but a major demon?” he teased her with a feral grin, showing off his sharp teeth. “A bit late now isn’t it? Seeing how you have no protection left. Still, to think that I was summoned for the very first time after being locked away to Tartarus all those years ago. One has to be as powerful as one has to be stupid to pull that off. Luckily, you aren’t the brightest bitch around, though that is fine with me. I don’t need a mare that can solve complicated problems. I just need a mare with some nice wet holes and you fit the bill.”

Flurry preened a bit at the compliment, despite the more disparaging comments that he said along with it. She didn’t mind them. There was no reason to be bothered by them. All that counted in her mind was this thick MAJOR demon cock.

Her pussy gushed some juices, another climax almost pushing through.

The mare was aware that she had probably already cracked a count of at least 10 orgasms that were frozen at this moment, making her giggle lustfully, as well as drunkenly.

She felt it burning. Her arousal was increasing. It was itching by now. She felt like she was short before breaking down, if she didn’t scratch that itch soon as her heat was spiralling more and more out of control.

Felgrand didn’t seem to care or notice as he pressed on.

“I certainly am thirsting for revenge on your aunt Celestia and Luna. You see, until now however I had no way of facing them. No way to escape Tartarus. Luckily with you I do have a plan. I will breed you. I will pump all of my slimy demon spunk into you and fill you up completely. And then I will grow myself as a body in your pregnant womb, so that I can be born into this world and circumvent the seal. A simple and effective strategy, don’t you think? I don’t imagine you would object to this?” he asked in a mocking tone, already knowing that she was way too slutty, way too needy to object his will.

And to be fair he was right.

Flurry screamed out in bliss at the mere thought of getting bred by this major demon that would be threatening her home. She was the Empire Destroyer. It fit the bill. And for that moment she actually did like the title.

“Y-Yes! B-Breed me! F-Fuck my pussy raw! D-Dump your demon spunk into me, like I am the loosest bitch on this side of the Crystal Empire!” she begged, shamelessly confirming what Felgrand already knew.

He felt her cunt quivering and contracting along his length as she looked at him with a retarded and utterly needy look. The demon even could tell how she was ovulating from his dominating presence alone, her body surrendering to his demands and preparing itself to get impregnated like a lowly bitch.

Flurry meanwhile felt his cock throb as some pre spilled into her, making her even hotter as she just laid there and took it like a mere ragdoll.

It felt like an accurate description as he still went at her full speed and with a harshness that would break lesser mares. Flurry was convinced a normal mare probably would need a wheelchair for the rest of her life after fornicating with a beast like Felgrand.

His horns then glowed and she felt a certain build-up inside her. His balls were contracting so she assumed he might be getting closer.

“Cum for me, bitch,” he whispered, before releasing his magic and letting every climax she had crush her all at once.

And then he came.

A loud shrill cry erupted from Flurry’s throat as her back arched and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She flailed around wildly, unable to comprehend anything at this moment, only able to feel ecstasy a hundredfold.

It was so intense, it felt like it was frying the synapsed in her mind. Dozens of orgasms were just fucking up her brain directly. Fucking with her mind. It was the greatest feeling in her life and probably the greatest feeling she could ever hope to feel.

Her pussy squirted like crazy. And if the sheets weren’t already ruined, now they would have been, just as much as the mattress that was unsalvageable now.

There was little more to do for her than to squeal like a pig and then squeal again and again as she felt the multitude of pleasure just carrying on. Flurry wasn’t sure if this was a past climax that was held back, or if that was the climax from feeling her womb getting pumped full of demon seed. It was impossible to tell.

Though what she could tell though was how she looked pregnant by now as her belly expanded out a bit. A slight bulge as if she had overeaten could be seen as her womb was stuffed to the max. It was once so pure, unblemished by cum and now ruined forever, ripped of its innocence.

As if to really hammer it home, she saw something looking like a tattoo appear over her cunt. It looked like some stylized, perverted drawing of a womb with ovaries and uterus. The overy section is stylized to look like hearts or a devils tip. No pony or otherwise could ever mistake that for anything else than a clearly perverted symbol.

It felt to Flurry like an eternity before her body slumped back on the bed and she had calmed down, her eyes lazily looking up at Felgrand as the demon pulled out his cock, making a large deluge of semen spilling on the bed.

She could only weakly shudder as she felt the tight grip her pussy had on his pole relax as well. However, much to her surprise, even after all that he was still hard.

For now though he let his thumb rub over the symbol, making her shudder.

“Good. Seems that it has taken hold easily. You are well-bred now. That symbol is proof of that. And don’t worry, I did hide it with magic as well, so they won’t discover it. We after all really don’t want any of them to see a demonic breeding symbol on you. That would lead to too many dangerous questions, understood?” he asked her, waiting for her to simply nod.

The major demon snorted. “Already that far gone? I haven’t robbed your anal virginity yet, so don’t expect a break yet. Without the shackles, I will simply have fun for as long as I please. And I plan to pump at least two more loads into you before wrapping this up.”

“T-Two?” Flurry asked, a hint of fear as well as lust.

As if in answer he flipped her over with his strong hands.

“Oof!” Flurry exclaimed as she landed on her front, her knees supporting her ass while her head hit the bed.

She wasn’t disoriented for long as the hot wet and thick cock was slapped on her ass and between the asscheeks.

“M-Maybe we should skip the other two times. I mean, fraglile little mare like me should keep her anal cherry for a bit longer. Y-You did breed me already and fulfilled your plan, so there isn’t really any more reason to-” she blabbered on in some trepidation, albeit with no real success. Felgrand wasn’t listening to her reasoning as he set the tip on her pucker and pressed in, making the white alicorn quickly panic as she felt the clear pressure and strain. Especially as the tip spread her ass wide and uncomfortably.

“M-M-MERCYYYY! T-T-TOO BIG! T-TOOOO FUCKING BIIIIIG! M-MY ASS! M-MY ASS IS BREAKING!” she cried out, trying to crawl away, but to no avail. He kept two hands on her ass pulling her to him as he also pushed forward.

Flurry could feel every inch that was sinking into her, could feel how her anal walls were obscenely stretched for the first time in her life. She could do little more than squeal at this point, her speech failing as she flailed around.

The major demon enjoyed her struggle. It showed that while Flurry was loyal to him, she still had some fight left in her. And he loved a mare with some fighting spirit.

Which is why he pressed on, not stopping as he slowly sank his shaft into her. He only really stopped once his balls were hitting her cunt and he was fully buried into her.

The mare’s tongue stuck out, her eyes wide at what had just happened. Her rubbery alicorn body had taken the full length up her ass, just like that. An outlandish concept for her in that moment even though she already knew how she could handle it.

It was a small moment of respite, though the only moment Felgrand would grant her.

One hand gripped her tail like a handle, pulling on it sharply. The mare’s dock strained and she whined before he started to ravage her once virgin ass.

“C-Celestia! B-Big! S-Still too big!” she cried out, her distressed voice music to the demon’s ears as he enjoyed the tightness her sphincter had to offer. It contracted around him, massaging him as his cock spurted some pre, helping to further lubricate it.

All the same Flurry did not only feel uncomfortable. The filly gained some hot feelings from the act, some light ecstasy tingling her senses. A tingling that only grew with each succeeding thrust into her.

That she was enamored with him only helped with that further. And his forceful demeanor, the demeanor of a demon who would just take what he wants appealed to her now even more than ever.

She knew she was his bitch now. He bred her. He owned her. At the same time she would be his wife and lover, though it wouldn’t stop Felgrand from asserting himself whenever he wanted to. It was this utter dominance that she craved. A stud that simply ravaged her, an untouchable and powerful alicorn princess, without giving any shit about the consequences.

Crude as it was for her to think that, she was a crude bitch, so she wanted for him to treat her like this, even while she protested. And Felgrand was giving it to her. So she was taking it.

Lusty moans escaped her lips. These thoughts and the continued thrusts wearing away at her resistance as the pleasure increased. By now it did feel nice and made her pussy throb with need even while it was empty.

“Starting to enjoy it my little anal slut? Alicorns really are bred for sex...or would be if they were more fertile. Luckily for you a major demon has the most virile sperm to go around. Virile and versatile enough to knock up any living being in the world. I actually expected you to inquire about how I could get you pregnant, though I guess there weren’t enough brain cells left after I was done,” he mused with a smirk.

Flurry didn’t mind the clear mocking as she enjoyed the way he was shafting her ass. A constant stream of ecstasy was running along her spine, making it tingle with its incredible sensation as her climax was slowly building up.

“H-Hope this ability will stay even in your new body,” she shakily mused. A small worry about the situation. Felgrand didn’t seem worried.

“It will work out still in another body. As the body grows, I will make sure to develop it to be as strong and virile as my form now. So, I will impregnate you again. And again. And again. Whenever I feel like it. So you will experience the joys of being a slut mother. No need to worry.”

Flurry blushed and nodded, even if he couldn’t see it. The thought was even a bit better than having a cock scrape along her anal walls. Though it was a tough competition. The loud smack of her wet ass meeting his hips were loud and clear as a volley of spunk shot out of her pussy from the pressure in her ass and onto the sheets below. While a pity, it didn’t ultimately matter as she was already bred. Not to mention that he had two more loads to go.

Joyous cries continued to escape her muzzle as she felt like she was cumming, a sharp pull on her dock as well as an increase in speed showing that Felgrand was finishing up in her rear as well. Her pussy twitched in anticipation at the thought of experiencing the glorious feeling of her first anal creampie.

So she came.

Her legs quivered, her high-pitched voice cried out and her juices and white cum splattered from her pussy in a small fountain as shortly afterwards she felt another small fountain going off in her ass.

The hot spunk was pumped right up her anal cavity, spreading inside her walls and filling her colon up nicely, no doubt painting them a lovely white shade.

Then he pulled out of her slightly gaping ass and let go of her dock. Flurry slid forwards in her bed, her ass no longer positioned.

She took a moment to catch her breath, heavy pants escaping her mouth.

Then Felgrand gripped her mane, dragging her up and towards to face him directly on her knees. She whined a bit, though Felgrand of course wasn’t going to just let her go that easily.

He let her go, his hands shifting to her ass, grabbing each cheek in one of his strong hands and lifting her up, off the bed and towards his chest.

Flurry braced her hands against said chest, already feeling his hot cock aligning with her pussy once more.

“U-Unsatiable,” she breathed out with a slight smile.

“The same could be said about you. You are dripping on my cock. And it isn’t my cum either,” he stated, and truthfully the young mare was still getting excited, even after all of that.

She had enough shame left in her thoroughly used and abused body to blush. Of course it was only a small snippet of shame, seeing how her slightly gaping and freshly deflowered ass was leaking copious amounts of demon spunk.

Something that was even worse for a symbol of purity like an alicorn.

Well, worse for maybe her mother or aunts, she admitted to herself. She was a fallen alicorn at this point, though she felt like she had been her entire life, though as Felgrand accepted her instead, it didn’t matter.

So she grinded her pussy on his pole moaning hotly.

“F-Fine, I am a whore. Your whore wife. We already had that established anyway. So you might as well use me for the third time now.”

As if on cue he let her body sink down, gravity doing well to impale her slimy cunt on his girthy shaft.

At the same time he did slam her back into a bookshelf, knocking the air out of her as he fucked her.

“C-Cummiiiiiing!” she screamed, not really being able to hold it back, despite him only getting started on the third round. It didn’t seem to matter to her body that she had countless orgasms by now either. She simply reacted. Despite being already bred, her instincts for it were as strong as ever.

Felgrand felt how invitingly her pussy was pulling him in, begging his cock to go deep and explore every inch of her soft pink walls again.

One hand then travelled up to her revealed breasts again, sinking into them once more and fondling them. No holding back, just having his fun and showing his clear interest even in the smaller sized cups.

Flurry moaned louder, not being able to do anything as she was pressed against the shelf by him.

He grinned at her and her tired eyes could see the sharp fangs he was showing her.

“There is still something missing my loyal bitch. I need to take a part of your soul and replace it with my essence to corrupt you sufficiently so that the body in you will grow strong with my demonic energy instead of fighting it.”

“M-My soul? H-How can you do that?” she wondered, genuinely curious despite knowing that she should probably feel apprehensive.

“By doing things directly.”

It was a short answer that didn’t provide the information she asked for, though just a moment later he showed her what he had in mind.

His horns glowed, making a light blink out from inside her chest. A white flaming ball could be seen...her soul. Then the major demon went for her neck, sinking his fangs into her.

“Argh!” the mare cried out in pain, shuddering as she felt lines from the fangs inside her latch onto her soul. Black tendrils clearly seen in the projection which then sucked on her very core.

It felt for a moment like ice in her veins. A feeling which contradicted with the hotness in her lower area. Though the chill passed soon enough as she felt something burning hot filling the void of her soul.

The white ball was missing pieces that were filled up with black corruption, tainting her. It was shocking to her. Just to see that she hadn’t really fallen to her lowest yet and that this corruption would mark an all new low for her. A permanent stain on her very soul!

She smirked shakily, her pussy constricting around his dick as he fucked her.

He felt her quivering pussy walls, and her eagerness, which made Felgrand more enthusiastic, slurping up more parts of her soul, deciding to give the slut the full experience she deserved as she clearly delighted in it.

With that Flurry looked on in wonder and lust as her soul was tainted by him, filling up to a quarter with its black corruption and beyond.

Her legs twitched as she wrapped them around his hips, inviting him as her back was pressed into the bookshelf with each hip-shattering thrust.

She was melting into him, as her entire body started to burn from the corruption. Every cell in her being got sensitive, screaming with addicting ecstasy. Her nipple being pulled was enough to make her squirt on his dick and squeal like a pig.

The orb was almost half full as he stopped, almost reluctantly, taking his fangs from her and drawing back, while licking his lips.

“49% is tainted. The maximum I can do without your body developing demon traits. You are merely 1% away from turning into the demons that your kind hates,” he purred into her ear sultrily, making her entire body quiver.

Flurry had half a mind to beg for the 1% but already knew that she had to keep a pony form for him to come into this world. Otherwise she would be found out.

Then his other hand left her ass and went for her other breast, squeezing both tightly as he held her there as his own pace reached another peak. Once more Flurry moaned, feeling like cumming again, though trying to hold it back as she feared the end of their meeting was drawing close.

Though the attention to her smaller mounds was enough to work her up too much to stop herself. Another scream followed with another wet splattering of her juices, right before Felgrand himself growled possessively and pushed into her womb, battering the cum-stained sanctuary of hers for one final time.

Her belly swelled more from the additional salty payload that was released into her, her body rejoicing in the ecstasy as she soaked in the experience.

Even after he was done Felgrand didn’t pull out, instead he cupped her chin and lifted it up as he kissed her deeply, his strong tongue invading hers. Flurry’s hands roamed over his strong back as she moaned in excitement, her tongue proving little challenge for the major demon. It was a sloppy steamy kiss that left the girl with spit smeared around her lips, though that was for her the best part of it. The feral way it was done with.

He seemed to pour magic into it as well, creating an imprint on her soul, right before it faded back into her. Almost as if he wanted to make it official. To write on her very soul that she was his soulmate. A queen and whore to this great demon who would conquer their puny empire and all of Equestria, nay! The entire fucking world!

And still it wasn’t enough. He wanted more as he growled directly into her face, something inside him breaking free as he looked at the slutty and sloppily fucked body. The two promised times weren’t enough.

“F-Felgrand?” Flurry asked in fear, as well as a notable bit of excitement. His slit pupils looked down at her as if she was a mere piece of meat. His prey as she whimpered.

Another louder growl left him as both his hands grabbed her tits, squeezing them hard enough to make her uncomfortable, as she felt his hot breath on her face. His hands pushed her back into the shelf harder, lifting her off his dick as she spilled his seed, before he let gravity pull her down again.

As his dick was enveloped by her vaginal walls she could feel his hands pulling her nipples to each side, making her cry out and moan in surprise. He had speared her completely with his shaft pushing into her womb once more and stretching those pink soft walls out as her belly bulged obscenely. His hips smacked up, battering against her innermost walls mercilessly, as he milked her body for all the pleasure it was worth.

He was different from before as he was ferally taking her. The bookshelf rocked as her tongue lulled out as she squealed and drooled, hardly able to keep up with him.

“You are carrying MY child! You are bred by ME! You are MINE! My PROPERTY! My lowly PONY BITCH! And you will be for ETERNITY as an undying alicorn!”

His voice was strong. His voice was harsh. It was domineering, rattling the young mare to her very core as she screamed.

“Y-Yes! I-I p-promise! F-For eternity! I-I am just a small a-alicorn! I-I can only be owned b-by you! B-By a superior demon!”

The fright in her voice was tangible and the thrill was getting her on edge. She was afraid for her life, but at the same time, her ass clenched needily, as if begging him to continue.

Then his fangs flashed as he dived for her neck again.

Flurry struggled this time as he poured even more corruption into her. Only that he didn’t seem to absorb anything of her soul, simply seemingly trying to overpower the pureness of it with its sheer corrupted force.

The mare could feel how the excess was attacking her innocence, her eyes changing back and forth between slits and her normal eyes as her body trembled.

She felt hotter. Much hotter, her pussy spraying a deluge of her juices as another high was frying her synapses with ecstasy.

Felgrand continued, railing her, almost as if to make sure she wouldn’t be able to walk properly for the coming weeks or even months.

“T-TOO M-MUUUUUUUUUCH!” she cried out, her body jittering as she drooled as another climax took her. She was sensitive. She was so sensitive that she couldn’t stop it as he overpowered her and ruined her, slowly turning her into a demon, fangs growing as her tail slowly changes as well.

Maybe the begging had an effect on him as he was reaching his own peak. She only noticed it once it was too late. Once he roared into her neck in a way that made her hackles stand up in fear, while his hot seed was spurting into her cunt once more, giving it another internal coating.

Flurry tensed again, another moan ripping from her throat just as Felgrand seemed to slowly snap out of it.

His cock pulsed, as he was in the middle of emptying more of his baby butter up her twat as he took in the state of her soul.

Quickly he sucked the excess corruption back, before it could destroy anymore of her innocence and purity. Luckily enough he managed to keep corruption down to 49.9 %.

The leaving pressure made Flurry slowly relax, her body going slack as her fangs receded and her eyes and tail turned back to normal.

“Oops,” he said a bit sheepishly, but seeming mostly unapologetic. “Seems like I forgot myself for a moment there and let instincts run wild. It can happen and be rather frightening to weak prey animals like you. Then again, you seem to have enjoyed your place as prey beneath me,” he joked with a chuckle and Flurry gave her own weak, exhausted smile.

The major demon had to admit that they had a great chemistry if Flurry wasn’t appalled by this turn of events. Quite the opposite in fact. She seemed even more clingy now, more convinced that she wanted to stay with him and never be separated.

It was a happy thought. However, it was a thought that was quickly fading away along with Felgrand himself as lights were coming off his body.

Flurry smiled goofily in her happy blissful state. But it is a smile that quickly dropped as she saw what was happening to him. Her hands gripped Felgrand tighter, while her legs became just as insistent, clamoring him.

“N-No! Y-You cannot go and leave me here!” she whined like some might interpret as being a spoilt brat, but was clear to Felgrand. It was the desperation of a mare that had found her love and place in life and was now afraid to lose it.

He smiled gently this time, his arm going under her plot and lifting her off his cock, letting him ride on said strong arm as he patted her head, while carrying her over to the bed.

“Silly mare. I am with you. I bound my soul to what will grow in your womb. You will just have to wait for a bit before we can interact like this again. Until then, show some backbone. You are a queen now. My queen. The sluttiest one of them all. They will all bow down to you, or bend you over, depending on the situation,” Felgrand purred in a clear teasing tone that made the young mare giggle, despite the situation at hand.

Still, a sad frown returned to her as he sat her down on her bed, her hands gripping his own.

“You promise?”

Felgrand actually smirked at that.

“Pinkie Promise,” he told her, going through the familiar motions. A thing that surprised her.


“I have a scrying mirror. I see everything. Once I am back and strong enough I certainly plan to have a go at that jiggly plot myself~”

“Hey! I am your queen! You have to use me first and foremost!” came an indignant protest as well as a slight glare from the young alicorn that made Felgrand chuckle.

“Promise. You will be my priority before I fool around with anyone else. In my personal harem, you are a queen to me. The first in said harem too. You are special, no matter what mare I will rut in the future and no matter which demon will rut you for my amusement. Does that appease you, honorable queen?” he asked in an elegant tone.

Flurry nodded, her head pointed high in an arrogant manner.

“It shall suffice for now.”

“Then…” Felgrand started, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips one last time, “work hard so we can build this future together.”

After that he dissipated fully, his hands gone from her grip. She reached out to him, though he was gone.

Flurry felt like crying for a moment, but suppressed it immediately, staying strong.

“C-Come on! I can wait for that future, work for that future!” she said, giving herself a slight pep talk, but falling with her back on the mattress all the same, sighing. “Just...need a moment to rest my eyes is all…” she mumbled as the exhaustion suddenly took hold and she slowly succumbed to a pleasant slumber.

The aftermath was...colorful.

Lots of colorful language...and most not even from the young mare herself.

At least it ended with her beloved father only scowling at her. Though it took hours before he could calm down after walking in on her sleeping and looking like a cum train had run her over. Not to mention the many stains inside the room.

They actually believed she was gangbanged first funnily enough.

Flurry used that to tease him slightly, albeit much more demurely than usual as she felt a bit embarrassed by the situation as well. So she didn’t tease long and things were getting serious fast, her mother being all serious as well.

With how it was, the young alicorn gave a short rundown of what happened. Mainly that she fell in love with a stallion, while not telling who it is and that he left the Crystal Empire because of her overprotective family.

Oh, and she admitted that she got impregnated too. Sure, maybe unnecessary with her womb being swollen with a heavy dose of spunk, but one could never be too sure, so it couldn’t hurt to point it out. Hard to believe with her being an alicorn after all. But a pregnancy test proved it quickly.

Still, she made an effort telling them that everything would be okay and that he would be back once the time comes. Which brings us to here and now.

“Nothing will be okay!” he told her harshly as he walked back and forth, almost as if wanting to a walk a trench into her room. “Even less when he returns! Doing this to my filly is something I won’t tolerate! He could have hurt you! Technically he did as he knocked you up and left you alone! Would he even come back in the first place? You are too naive Flurry. You cannot trust strangers like this! Love can blind!”

Cadance coughs in her hoof, the tall stallion looking to her and smiling sheepishly.

“Uh, not to imply love is bad, but you need to be more careful. As royalty you do attract less savory types of ponies and other races. Seeing you...seeing you getting your heart broken is nothing I want, despite what you might think about my strictness with you,” he admitted, getting more calm as he threw her a worried look.

“I, um, yeah, I get it. I am sorry for worrying you,” Flurry said, lowering her head lightly.

Her father’s ears shot up in an instant in alarm. Her mother was the same, seeming surprised.

The white stallion walked over to her, taking her head in his hooves and looking into her eyes, as if to inspect her.

“Pupils aren’t widened so no drugs. Still...are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?”

“I-I am fine dad. J-Just tired a bit is all. You really don’t need to be that worried,” she said, not even trying to push him away in a fit of super alicorn-powered rage.

Shining dropped the already prepared shield spell for the expected outrage as he slowly walked a few steps back, looking her over again and her matted coat.

Truth be told, they only had given her a few towels as talking about the situation seemed more important than a shower.

Cadance glanced over to him, signalling something with a movement of her head. He nodded to her.

“If you say so. I will be back to duty. And don’t think you are off the hook, young lady!” he scolded, before slowly leaving the room. He threw one last scowl of a worried parent her way. Maybe some annoyance mixed into it too, as she wouldn’t give him the location of her lover.

Flurry rolled her eyes slightly as she was left alone with her mother.

“Are you sure you are alright?”

“Yes, I am mom. He will be back.”

Cadance looked as if she doubted it still and had to ask.

“How can you be that sure?”

Flurry simply smiled demurely. “He Pinkie Promised.”

It was an unexpected answer, though one that satisfied the pink alicorn who smiled as she sat on an opposite couch from her, Flurry wrapped up in a clean blanket.

“Now good was he?”

“MOM! S-Seriously?! From all the times to be interested in my debaucherous lifestyle you chose this time?!” the young mare asked, more in surprise than the anger she would normally display as her mother tittered.

“Well, if he is as good as a stallion as you make him out to be, it would of course make me curious. Not to mention...the state your room was in. I find that rather fascinating as the Princess of Love.”

She fidgeted around a bit, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed, despite normally being the lewd one. “F-Fine then,” she said smiling shyly. “I can tell detail. Just don’t tell dad. And don’t regret it either.”

Flurry managed a light smirk, despite her blush. It was a smirk her mother mirrored.

“I won’t~”


“It is a healthy boy!”

Flurry slumped in her bed, sweat permeating her brow as she breathed heavily. It was a long nine months of torturing loneliness.

Well, maybe that wasn’t fair to say, seeing how she actually was constantly surrounded by her parents. And even her many alicorn aunts visited her regularly after the incident. Despite that of course she felt something was missing without Felgrand.

Now however, it all paid off. The nurse showed her her baby. The white fur and flaming mane color a clear indicator of the success. Even more so as the baby colt stared at her with a deep wisdom laying behind his eyes.

Hopefully aunt Celestia and Luna won’t see that. Would be a pain for her to try and assuage their correct suspicions.

She took the colt, holding her close to her chest with a smile, slowly her breathing getting back under her control.

“I always wondered about tit milk,” she muttered a bit curiously.

It was then that the doors were flung open and quite a few tall figures strutted in, in elegant gowns. It were her parents as well as her three aunts.

Flurry smiled lightly as she saw them…


...and quickly lost her smile at the array of double D to F cups merrily bouncing sexily along their way towards her.

The young alicorn’s free hand groped her still failing B-cups as she scowled.

“Freaking alicorn tits that aren’t inherited,” she mumbled until she heard the bundle of colt in her hands make a cute sound, giving her a smile as the small hand touched her breast.

Flurry smiled as well as she remembered Felgrand’s words.

‘He likes them small so...I am superior in tit size.’

She was wrenched away from her thoughts as she heard her aunts cheer.

“Congratulation for your first born colt!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly, making the other mares titter as her purple wings fluttered.

“Greetings niece. We congratulate as well on this most joyous occasion!”

Celestia smiled serenely, leaning her head down to the colt.

“Like my sister said. We are happy for you. Especially with such an adorable little colt!”

The colt in question quickly stuck his tongue out at her, making a face as if he had eaten something sour, much to the shock of Celestia.

Flurry felt like her heart sank to her boots at this, as she paled in clear fright and disbelief of what Felgrand was doing right now, insulting one of the most powerful mares in existence.

Her fear was quickly alleviated as she heard Luna chortle.

“We like him already.”

The alicorn of the sun leaned her head back and huffed. “He is just a baby. So he is lacking some manners. He probably would do the same to you.”

At this moment Flurry’s mother approached, giggling.

“Seems like he has a problem with authority figures. Just like a certain young mare~”

Flurry smiled happily at her mother as she nuzzled her. Cadance has been the most supportive of them, even despite having some doubts herself.

“Y-Yeah. B-But like aunt Celestia said, he is just a baby, so...” she answered demurely making her mother nod.

“Congratulations, Flurry,” Shining Armor butted in, though saying it with less enthusiasm as the others as he looked around, seemingly distracted, before sighing in annoyance. “I tripled the guards, but it doesn’t look like he will show up.”

It was clear to all that her dad was referring to the sire of this colt. This event certainly didn’t make her father less overprotective of her...good thing Felgrand uses the colt body to avoid it. Also she needs to think of a name for him still. The name Felgrand would blow up in her face. She herself was partial to something like Empire Destroyer.

“Can you blame him with all alicorns in the room ready to pulverize him?” Cadance meanwhile joked, giving a good natured smile to Flurry.

She smiled back, chuckling nervously.

“Well...I am sure he is always close,” she told them, throwing a glance to the colt, who gave a knowing smirk back.