Crimson Warlord: How do I feel?

by shattered_sky

First published

Serene has always eliminated the kingdom's problems with cold efficiency. Leading a group of former criminals and disgruntled upholders of the law. But when she begins to feel will she carry out her duty, or chase her desires?

In the power invested by His Royal Highness Sombra, The Warlords were tasked in controlling crime in their various territories, recruiting former criminals and disgruntled upholders of the law. Serene Grace is the Crimson Warlord, and her gang The Flavor of the Week has watched over the city of Manehattan.

Serene Grace has always eliminated the Kingdom's problems with cold and brutal efficiency. Her cute and unassuming stature allowed her to pull the strings on many people. As memories of her past resurface and her heart given love, how will she handle it? Will she abandon her duty? Will she buckle under the weight of her newfound emotions? Well of course the fate Equestria hangs in the balance, but this time she wants to make different choices.


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East of Canterlot was the city of Manehattan. Manehattan was like no other city. The skyscrapers, the commerce and the bustling harbor. Canterlot may be one of the greatest architectural wonders but there was something about this city.

Ponies went about their business, merchants selling fare from all over Equestria and the harbor where creatures around the world came and go. Of course there was the fear, but it was way less pronounced than in the little villages and cities. People – not just ponies – went on their lives.

Despite the war brought by the Celestial Tyrants. Despite being the nearest city to Celestia’s seat of technological might Fillydelphia. Despite the large guard presence. People did not give in to the fear.

Of course there was crime and strife. But it was way better than a decade ago. Infact Manehattan used to be a cesspool of the unsavory and criminal elements of society. Sophont trafficking, smuggling, gang activity and more…

“And it’s all thanks to us!” Light dust proudly declared. “Some thanks we get though.” She pouted. She was known as Mrs. Saturday. Member of the gang that called themselves ‘Flavor of the week’. She lay down on top of a crate and stretched.

The huge brown stallion pushing the crate smiled and rolled his eyes. He grunted as he lifted the crate – larger than himself – and tossed it unto a high stack. He daintily wiped his bushy brows and sighed. Mountain Express was known as Mr. Monday and his cutie mark was a parcel.

“Ugh we work sooooooooo hard!” LD complained, rubbing her eyes. Mountain chuckled and ‘hmm’d’ in response. “I mean I get it, we gotta keep the other gangs in line. And we keep Celestia’s lackeys out of the picture-”

“Imperative even.” He cut off as he started pouring gasoline all over the warehouse.

“-but they should cut us some slack. We haven’t got a new Friday!” She continued her rant. “Including the creepy dog there is only six of us!”

“Be nice. She’s my daughter.” Mountain gently chided. “And OUR boss.” He added more firmly. “Although we are seven. The boss just doesn’t have a day.”

“Well Pepper is dog. A diamond dog to be exact.” A lean but muscular grey diamond dog reasoned. Pepper wore a brown vest with various metal plates attached. A claymore was strapped to his back.

“Not you Tuesday, the frou frou mutt!” She poked her head to glare at the diamond dog. Mountain rubbed his face and grunted.

“She is alpha of pack. Respect her, yes?” Tuesday clasped his hands and smiled. “She help us. Then we help others. And we help each other.” He happily declared and mountain nodded in agreement.

“There is a reason she doesn’t fight.” Mountain added.

“But she’s weird! And she’s hardly around too.” LD complained.

Pepper dug into one of the containers. Fabrics that held cubes of salt. He grabbed a cube and called out to LD. “Salt?” He offered.

“Gimme.” LD abruptly replied and Pepper tossed it at her. LD held in her hooves and licked it a few times. “Oh, yeah… That’s the stuff.” She smiled stupidly. Mountain shook his head disapprovingly as he pushed a few more crates to the center of the room.

“You need help?” Pepper asked. Mountain smiled and pointed at Lightning Dusk swaying on top of the pile. “Ah yes, Saturday.” He smirked as he looked up. He sighed as Mountain went past him and pushed the crate he was digging in. All of these firearms and salt seemed to go to waste. He thought it was a complete waste. But orders were orders.

“Get down now.” Mountain commanded, LD gave an exaggerated sigh in return.

“Yes, I will catch you.” Pepper chimed in. He dug through the crate again and grabbed a bundle of towels. He held his arms out and grinned. “Soft and comfy.”

Mountain watched with interest as Pepper grinned wickedly for a moment. Lightning Dusk looked on in a daze. She shifted into a pouncing stance. She must have forgot that she was a Pegasus because instead of gliding down she jumped with her wings shut. Halfway her descent Pepper nailed her with the bundle of towels.

“Oof!” She hit the ground with a soft thud. Pepper snickered as he removed the Pegasus from the bundle. He tossed the cloth back into the crate.

LD appeared to be unconscious. “Lightweight. It’s just salt.” He muttered as he hoisted her over his shoulders. Mountain splashed gasoline all over the crates and shook his head.

“Unrefined.” Mountain grunted. He didn’t want to go into detail how it affected ponies, nor did he want to detail her problem with controlled substances. “Let’s go.” He commanded. Pepper nodded and they left the warehouse.

“I wonder. How is boss?” Pepper curiously asked. He was digging for something in his pack. “Pony King wants to talk. Maybe we have a new member?” He was curious and a bit off put he wasn’t there. “Though new friends are welcome, yes?” He grinned widely, his tail wagging.

Mountain grunted in agreement. “We need people from the system.” He commented as he spied his surroundings.

The thick fog ensured than workers would not go in this side of the harbor. But only until the weather division came by. However due to the major weather factories in ruin many Pegasi we laid off. Which meant they had a lot of time. But mountain wanted to be far away before authorities knew.

“Leader is quite powerful. How she make fog?” Pepper questioned as he pulled out a Molotov.

“I don’t know.” He patiently replied.

“Well, we finish soon. We should celebrate.” He pulled out a lighter and lit the rag. Mountain’s ears twitched. He slowly turned around and shook his head. He tried to reach out and stop him but he already tossed the Molotov. “With fireworks!” He yelled as he jumped for the water.

The huge blast let out a huge shockwave which knocked LD and Pepper farther. Mountain stood his ground and one of the large steel doors was propelled in his direction. He punched it aside before diving into the water.

Pepper surfaced and was laughing hard, the Pegasus held over his head. His posture was relaxed and his feet were keeping him afloat despite all of weight he carried. Mountain resurfaced a few seconds later and floated over to the diamond dog. He glared at Pepper and he merely chuckled in return.

“Let’s get out of here.” Mountain said after a while. He would have a word with this dog later.


A white and pink canine was being escorted by three unicorn guards. They bore the purple and navy blue armor of the Guard. Both male unicorns had a grey coat due to the enchantments of the armor. Except for the officer in the front who kept her red mane and white coat. The mare at the front, Sargent Moondancer was in a foul mood.

“Ah Moony. Thank you very much. You shouldn’t have” The pink canine sweetly cooed. Two pink, blue and white ribbon like appendages on her head fixed her yellow sunhat. She smiled at the guards beside her. “And such hardworking gentlemen. Taking me right to the palace on short notice.” She praised.

Both guards couldn’t help but smile. “And quite far was the distance we’ve travelled. It isn’t hard on all of you?” She asked in concern.

“No mam. It’s our duty, no need to thank us.”

“And we’re quite fine. With Sarge here it’s a breeze. She’s very-“

“Private Zoom and Private Pot! I did not give you permission to speak.” Moondancer snapped. “And you will refer to your superior with the respect which is due. Is that clear!” She bellowed.

“Mam yes mam!” They responded with a salute before walking again.

Private Zoom to the right squeaked a request. “Permission to speak freely?”

“Denied.” She growled out.

Private Zoom sighed and looked sad. “Well I’m not a soldier so I’ll talk AT both of you.” She happily concluded. Both guard perked up at her statement Serene Grace went on to thank the Guards for their service. She also talked about the charity concert she was singing at a few weeks ago. She talked about her various hobbies outside of work.

Eventually Moondancer dismissed the guards in frustration and teleported herself and near the meeting room. “Aw. That wasn’t nice.” She pouted at the interruption.

“Look cut the horseshit. You know why you’re here.” Moondancer growled. She faced down the canine. Serene’s expression went blank as she started tracing lines in front of Moondancer’s face. The sergeants left eyelid twitched. “What are you doing?”

She broke into a goofy smile. “I’m tracing constellations and your freckles are stars…” She then made beeping noises. Moondancer turned around and walked to the nearest wall. She then rhythmically banged her head against it. “And I thought soldiers were more disciplined.” She smiled as Moondancer did strangling motions with her hooves. “You seem on edge. Do you want to talk about it?”

Moondancer found that there was something about this woman that made her blood boil. Moondancer stared at Serene for a good while before opening the door. “Just get in” She tiredly said.

“Thank you kindly.” Serene gave another sweet smile before entering.

The office that she entered was really bare but clean. The black tiled floor and the grey walls gave the room a very depressive atmosphere. The very nice looking mahogany desk seemed out of place here. A grey stallion wearing a green and white suit was idly chewing a folder. “So that’s all the information they have? Disappointing.” He muttered before his mouth expanded to swallow the whole thing.

Chewing loudly he opened his eyes. Which oddly looked like strawberries in a sea of yellow, literally. Serene tried not to think about it. The stallion smiled broadly at the Sylveon. “Ah, good evening to you. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” He clapped his hooves and a red gaming chair erupted from the floor. “Please have a seat, we have some things to discuss.” He invited.

Serene walked over to the chair and a footstool appeared so that she could easily get up. “Hello C, doing good for yourself these days I see.” She tried to strike up a conversation. “So how have you been?”

“Quite fine. I do apologize for whisking you away all of a sudden. But I wanted to give your assignments in person.” He explained. His face went serious as he pulled out a few reports out of thin air. “And I have some… reservations on how your team handles things.”

“We get the job done Director Curiosity. You only care about the results.” She stated matter-of-factly. “I don’t see what the problem is.” She gave a coy smile.

“Look Serene, you’ve done a lot of things. And I’ve been begging the Director of Night Shift to not shelve the Warlord Initiative.” Curiosity explained. This wiped the smile on her face. “If she drops this I can’t do anything. And you’d be sent to Tartarus for ALL of your crimes. So tone it down.”

Night Shift, the covert organization used to be run by Director Luna before her corruption. Now run by Director White. Director White backed by the crown was tasked to handle criminal threats in various cities. Curiosity Impact came up with the Warlord Initiative to use ex-convicts to police the various cities underworlds. The dubbed Warlords were criminals or very influential people who wielded their power for the crown’s interests.

Who would think the singer and actress Serene Grace was a Warlord?

“I thought I knew you. But I keep finding more horrifying things in your past-“

“Well Director, my past does not make who I am.” She reasoned. A different smile appeared on her face, wicked. “I toil for the well-being of this country. I hope that Director White realizes that. Without me Manehattan would be a cesspool of corruption and crime.”

“Your services are well appreciated so up to this point we’ve left you to your own devices. But if you keep on going like this… Causing large scale collateral damage and loss of civilian life… I can’t help you.” He calmly spoke. “So please Serene, I need you to proceed with more care. You’re a scalpel not a fucking sledgehammer. Conduct your operations with this in mind.”

“Of course director. I understand.” She nodded.

“Do you? Because just half an hour ago you blew up a warehouse. I hope this kind of incident does not repeat.”

“How did you know?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Director White is trying to keep tabs on you. Your mission was to destroy the illegal weaponry and substance.” He groaned. “Not a whole warehouse.” He then tapped the table a few times before pulling out an empty bottle. “What’s taking his update so long?”

“Oh I have an idea.”


A griffon garbed in a black monks garb was meditating. Various wooden charms adorned his body and a grey bandanna was wrapped around his head. He was also humming to himself. “Inner peace…” A drop of water from a nearby snapped him out of concentration for a moment he growled and began to chant ‘inner peace’ over and over again.

He was simply referred to as Sunday. Nobody in the team actually knew his name.

The door slammed open. He got up with a start and growled. A dark brown unicorn mare was levitating a sack over her head and a monkey hanged from her shoulder. The unicorn mare wore a weathered brown jacket and she had a long spiky mane. The monkey only wore a pair of jeans and carried a black briefcase.

“Ah Kapatid! Nice to see you!” The monkey greeted in a heavily accented English. He leapt off and filled a pail with water, putting the briefcase aside. “They are finished. But we have some lose ends.” He shut off the faucet and grabbed a chair. The middle aged monkey was Armando. Called Isboy by friends and Wednesday by his teammates.

The unicorn mare emptied the contents of the sack, which was a young stallion

“Hey wait a minute… Where have I seen this person?”

“Pony.” The mare absent mindedly corrected. She tied the stallion to the chair and levitated the pail of water to her side. This was Quills, Mrs. Thursday. Her cutie mark oddly enough was pink sheet with a needle and thread.

“Person. Tao kapatid. It is general term Wednesday.” The monkey answered back in irritation. “Speaking of… I think I know this stallion.”

“We’ll find out.” She replied as she splashed the stallion with water. He groaned and coughed and after processing his current situation he began to struggle against his bonds. “Now who do you work for?” She demanded. A face palm and a face claw.

“Have you tortured someone before?” The monkey asked

“She has quite an intimating presence. So most likely not.” The griffon answered. “Water flows free from the cracks, and a gentle push makes it gush out.”

“A virgin.”

“I... W-what!?” The griffon rounded on the monkey “A tree digs it roots deep into the earth and even the strongest, are overcome by storm. How much more those frail and thin!” He shouted at the monkey.

“I don’t get it.”

The griffon let out a roar and assaulted the wall with his claws. The monkey and unicorn covered their ears. The assault lasted a good few minutes which left the griffon panting and growling. He eventually calmed down and leaned on the wall, crossing his arms.

The monkey shrugged and started looking around the panicking stallion. “What he means you’re going to break one way or another.” The mare stretched and her horn crackled with a lightning spell.

“Well mam I don’t think that’s necessary.” He nervously supplied in a high pitch voice. The mare frowned, he was hardly an adult. “It’s just a misunderstanding.” He smiled. She now had reservations about hurting him. But she needed to know which side of the fence he was on.

“Wait a minute I know who this is! It’s little Mash. Except not so little anymore.” The monkey realized as he crouched down and examined the controller cutie mark. “Heh. So you’re working nights huh?” The monkey rubbed his chin. He couldn’t help but chuckle as Button Mash paled.

“Night Shift?” The griffon raised an eyebrow.

“Okay then, a little test.” The mare decided. “Long nights but it’s the first light. Wrong for right, out of sight, I guard the night.” The mare recited. Which identified herself as the Warlord’s ally.

“Day or night, out of sight. Dark be brought to light. And into night wrought light.” He recited in return. “You… weren’t supposed to see me.”

“This young man is an agent?” The monkey spoke in disbelief. “They get younger and younger.” He shook his head in disapproval.

“Good job of staying out of sight.” The griffon sarcastically muttered before freeing Button Mash. “You two idiots just foalnapped an agent. Great!” He kicked the pail and shattered it. Mash jumped back in surprise.

“Well… You got me. Director isn’t happy about the way things are going here.” He explained. “So he wanted me to check on things.”

“You’re the pony that had been tailing us. They’re usually satisfied with our reports. So what changed?” She narrowed her eyes and fixed her gaze on the stallion.

“Well Director C and Warlord Serene are currently having a discussion. There have been a few incidents that made my superiors… concerned. So they sent me to keep an eye on things.” He explained. “Oh buck. I need to make my report.” He realized and he went into panic.

Wordlessly Quills floated over the briefcase to Mash. When he grabbed it she threw him out of the room.

“That was unnecessary.”

Both Sunday and Wednesday said at the same time. Armando walked towards Quills with his arms open. “We don’t need any more trouble Quills.” The monkey added.

“Shove it. Why, do you have any problems?” She faced down the monkey.

“Hmmm… yes actually.” He pondered for a few minutes before grinning widely. “I don’t want to go back to Darkside. Tang ina. I might just be thrown in Tartarus.” His grin was replaced with a somber expression.

“We’ll we shall know our fate when our boss comes back.” Sunday sighed. “We are but wolves on a leash. Heedless of our true nature we guard sheep. But what use do they have for us, if we turn on those we are supposed to protect? Of course, we would be put down like the wild beasts we are.”

Now Quills looked somber too.


“I believe you understand the gravity of the situation Serene.” Curiosity rubbed his temples.

“Of course Director.” She replied seriously “So what’s next on the menu? My team grows restless quite fast.”

“There are a few matters that should be addressed. And one that requires immediate attention.” Curiosity pulled out a sheet of cardboard and folded it into a box. Turning it upside down, a few thick binders spilled out. Serene reached out with her ribbons to lift the files. They stared at each other for a while. “…You might as well take the box.” He muttered.

The papers now back in the box Curiosity gave a short summary. “The first case had something to do with a portable turret known as a Sentry. Apple Corp has developed this machine. It’s a small compact machine with targeting talismans which ensure its accuracy. It scans targets for a card and if they do not possess one it lets out a barrage of small caliber rounds on targets.” He explained.

“And someone got ahold of some blueprints?” Serene guessed.

“Exactly. My concern is it’s not available in the market yet. So somepony leaked the blueprints to a third party. I do not want this to end up in Celestia’s hooves.” He slammed his hoof down.

“There’s something else right?” Serene smiled. “Of course they wouldn’t be forward with ALL of its capabilities. And I’m guessing it was commissioned by the government. So if this was all it did it wouldn’t be that dangerous.”

Curiosity glared at her for a moment before sighing in defeat. “Data on how to manufacture synthetic mana stone. Self-repair talismans. A variable weapon system. This kind of technology is far ahead of our time.”

“Impossible.” Serene insisted. “Nobody in the world is smart enough for that.”

“You underestimate earth pony ingenuity. Earth ponies created prototype tanks pre-unification era.” Curiosity countered with a smirk.

“You mean giant hulks of metal pushed by earth ponies?” She idly observed her nails before scoffing. “They created cannons, I give them credit for that though.” She poked around in the files. “But the complexities of the spell matrices…”

“You do bring up a valid point. But they have skilled unicorns too.” He then studied Serene intently “Another angle howere should be considered. A decade ago these so called digimon-“

“You know I’m a Pokémon C.”

“-started popping all over. Who knows what other sort of creatures followed? And who’s to say just THESE creatures came?” He sighed and pulled out a chocolate mug. “For all I know there’s alien geniuses, comic book heroes, medieval humans and all sorts of crazy individuals under my nose.” He raised his hooves in frustration.

“And now they have a bucking city!” He coughed into his hoof. “But I digress, I got carried away for a bit.”

“I’ll get to the bottom of potential security breaches myself.” He promised. “I need you to get that data back. And eliminate the individuals responsible. Eliminate manufactured models if it progresses that far. Destroy all traces and copied data.”

Serene gave a sweet smile. “Consider it done.” Curiosity offered a white chocolate mug but she politely declined. “About the other cases?”

“To be honest I don’t have information much on the others.” Curiosity admitted. “But there’s been a rumor that the Alicorns actually have children. And I find the idea of half a dozen Alicorns flying around incredibly disturbing.”

“As far as I know Cadenza does.”

“You’re correct. She has daughter, Flurry Heart.” He pulled out a folder and revealed it to be empty. “Shining Armor himself confirmed it before his death. And now she’s gone missing. They were concealing it but we managed to capture one of their agents. And his mission was to return her only daughter.”

Serene remained silent so he continued. “If we could get her we could use her as a bargaining chip. Or better yet, we could have an Alicorn on our side.”

“I find that sickening. Not sure what’s worse brainwashing or foalnapping. She’s at least a teen.”

“You manipulate ponies.”

“Yes. But I’m a predator. Ponies are prey so hearing that from you is not just hypocritical. It’s against your nature.” She reasoned. “My kind uses our unassuming appearance to lure prey into a false sense of security. My feelers as bait and Pheromones to disarm would be threats.”

“Thank you. Should I add that to your file?” He dryly asked. “Look just keep an eye out. You aren’t just going to run into her but they can’t get her back. A decade later she would be just as dangerous as the Celestial Diarchs.”

“I do have some leads for you. But they’re cold at best. So we should move on.”

“Anything else aside from looking for proverbial needles in the ocean?”

“There has been rumors of a Voodoo master which has been giving out bad deals and cursing others.” He gestured to the box. “There had been a number of weird occurrences. A noble pony disappearing while his servant acquired riches. Ponies missing their hearts and eyes. A dragon maid in comatose. Somepony even aged a few decades. Among others.”

“I’d dismiss them as separate cases. But an asset who dabbles in such arts described it as ‘vile and black’. And apparently all cases have traces of the same magic. Unfortunately I’m not well versed in such arts.”

“I have friends on the other side~.” She sang ominously. At Curiosity’s raised eyebrow she giggled. “Oh it just reminds me of a song and some stories.”

“Well the last thing I want you to look in is some deaths.” He finally gobbled up the chocolate cup before continuing. “Five ponies have died from odd circumstances.”

“How so?”

“They’re corpses were exsanguinated. Like colored raisins in fact. But on further study we found that they had small cuts.” His tail swished back and forth. “And lack of cutie marks.”

“This is interesting. First time I’ve heard of such circumstances.” She frowned. “This is horrendous.”

“Yes. This is certainly a vile magic. Ponies very being is stolen away from them.” He gritted his teeth. Obviously distraught at the idea. “The deaths are months apart. The most recent one was two weeks ago actually.”

Serene chewed on her ribbon, trying to recall something. “Two weeks ago?” She scowled. “Quills saw a body at the morgue matching your description. At first I thought he was too young to have a cutie mark. But his identity was confirmed. In fact he received his cutie mark a few weeks. Before his death.” She sighed sadly. “Such a tragedy…”

He nodded in agreement “Well that is all I have at the moment. You may take your leave.” He smiled and walked over to her. He offered a hoof and assisted her in getting down. “I’ve arranged a chariot to bring you back. I apologize, Moondancer is currently indisposed at the moment.”

She wrapped a ribbon around his hoof. “Did I annoy her too much?”

“Yes but that’s irrelevant. She has other tasks you know.”

“So why did you call me?” She innocently asked. At his confused expression she giggled. “You could have sent the files. Or even sent someone to debrief me and my team.”

He didn’t know this. But she was able to feel his emotions when her ribbon was wrapped around someone like this. A lot of sadness, some happiness, some anger and lots and lots of guilt. He felt embarrassed at the question she asked.

“Things have been hard. I just wanted to see an old acquaintance. There are very few people who I enjoy company with.” He admitted.

“I’m flattered.” She gushed as she removed her ribbon.

“We are hunters Serene. You and I see things in a similar light. And we both stalk other predators in the shadows.” His voice fell to a whisper. “We are both monsters. There is no doubt. But everything we do is to make things better. Please try to remember that.”

“As irrational as it sounds… I feel a certain kinship with you.” He sighed. “Maybe I’m just getting old. Or maybe Discord’s gift is driving me to madness. Or maybe the madness is the byproduct of all of the secrets and vile things.”

She put a paw on his shoulder. “We could relax and have tea someday. You should have a vacation.” She offered.

He shook his head. “No. I cannot indulge myself.” He smiled. “But thanks for your concern. Goodbye. The night watches.” He nodded as the doors swung open.

“And the day gives life.” She bowed her head

As she walked to the palace runway she was escorted to her ride. The two privates from earlier escorted her. She had a conversation with them and they seemed really happy. At the end she offered them tickets to her next concert. They were overjoyed. As she rode back her happy expression shifted to a blank one.

“Kinship? What a foolish sentiment.”

The Way Things Are

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It was morning. Serene felt indifferent to mornings. Many saw it as a cruel reminder of the god-like beings that toyed with ponies. Others saw a new day with all of the hope it represented. Some ponies despised mornings because it was simply torture to get up. Serene noted she definitely was not a morning person. Her mind worked slowly in the morning.

But to be fair the sun wasn’t even out yet.

She went through her daily routine. She took a long bath. She didn’t really enjoy baths either but she made sure she smelled fragrant. The apartments in the south side of the city didn’t have hot water. Waking herself up was the downside she guessed. She then brushed her teeth to a shining gleam. Wrapping a towel around her barrel she entered the kitchen to see Mountain cooking breakfast.

Her stomach rumbled as she smelled the tomato soup. She put a paw to her mouth. “Pardon me.” She excused herself. The table was low so there where cushions in exchange of chairs. “Good morning father.” She greeted.

Mountain smiled as he brought two bowls of the soup over along with a few sandwiches. “Good morning.” Earth ponies Serene thought, were more fascinating than most give credit for. The way the gentle giant balanced the bowls and plates on his back. She was thankful for the dexterity of her feelers.

She stared at the stallion she called father. He found her a decade ago on one of his journeys. Honestly, she didn’t remember her real parents. But this stallion loved her and took care of her and tried to set her on the straight path. She wondered what he thought, a middle-aged stallion with no one else but her.

She couldn’t even feel sorry. That she didn’t love anyone.

A worried expression crossed his face. “You’re thinking deep.” He whispered.

They stared at each other for a while. He took a sip of his coffee. “You should get a wife.” She commented. The stallion choked on his drink. Coughing and sputtering his eyes darted around for a napkin. Serene stood up and handed him one using her ribbon.

“What brought this on?” He asked after finally getting himself under control.

“You deserve it. You’ve had a hard life. You should find a mare and marry her.” She spoke between sips of her soup. He chuckled indulgently. “Get a shop. Or a farm. A cabin in the woods and live the rest of your life happily. Have a few little fillies and colts. Start a family.” She advised.

“Hmm…” He thought about it. “You’re my family.” He smiled warmly.

“Look, I can find a new Monday. You’re getting too old for this.” Logically despite being powerful he was getting old. Realistically he could go on for a few more decades if she needed him. But if decided to leave she would let him, he had finished his service a long time ago, he only stayed because of her. Not to mention she needed new people with connections.

A foolish sentiment she would say, but for her, he deserved better.

“One day I suppose.” He allowed. “I have over a hundred years left you know.” He joked. Serene noted that the old hag in the Apple family was well over 200. But her team courted death on every occasion. He would make a careless mistake one day.

She shook her head and sighed. “We have to be more careful. Night shift might shut us down. It would be a pain to start over somewhere else.” Mountain grunted. “I’m quite fond of this eeveelution.”

“Those youngsters.” He grumbled.

“You were there too. There was at least one responsible adult.” She teased. “But in all seriousness we need to tone things down a bit. I’ll talk to them later. We have new assignments.

After finishing their food, Mountain washed dishes in silence. Serene curiously peeked through the curtains. To her dismay there was a large crowd outside the building. Officially she was on vacation, so she wondered how these ponies caught wind of her. She had a house in the upper district but she wanted to lay low for a while. “There’s a lot of ponies outside. The press.”

As he turned around Serene grabbed a box and placed herself in it. “Adorable.” He smiled. He also peeked outside. “Why don’t you quit show business for good?”

“The information is invaluable to my task. Not to mention many people like my shows.” She closed the box. “Take me to the headquarters please. It’s too early for me to deal with this.” Her muffled voice requested.

He chuckled and balanced the two boxes on his back. Instead of heading through the main entrance he opted for the fire exit. Opening the door he spied for anyone outside. No one. At the side of the building he slowly walked out and looked around the corner. There were a large crowd of ponies. Some had cameras and recording equipment.

He slowly walked away, trying not to draw attention to himself. A loud crash rang and as he accidentally knocked over a trash can. One of the ponies turned around. “Hey wait! Isn’t that Serene’s father!?” He yelled. Everyone in the crowd immediately turned to him.

Serene poked her head out of the box. “Uh-oh.” She whispered. “Good morning everypony! Bye-bye!” She greeted with a smile before going back in. “Run.” She whispered. Mountain broke into a mad dash with the ponies hot on his trail.


The gang’s current meeting place was in the upper district. A larger and better apartment owned by Lightning Dust. As much as the Pegasus wanted a cloud house the materials were a bit expensive. Not to mention for some reason the taxes for owning a cloud house was expensive. Mountain knocked on the door and waited.

To his surprise Armando answered the door. “Maayong aga, Mountain. He greeted in his native language. He was dragging a plastic bag and cleaning up. Sunday could be seen cleaning the couch. He wore a face mask and his sleeves were rolled up. He was also wearing a pink apron over his usual garb.

Mountain looked at Quills who was washing a huge pile of dishes. “Morning.” She muttered.

Sunday went around spraying the surroundings with a disinfectant. “Lightning Dust is currently indisposed.” He mumbled.

Armando tied sealed up another garbage bag and disposed of his gloves. “LD is still sleeping. Pepper is currently following a lead.” He opened the fridge and pulled out a cupcake. “Pepper will probably disappear for a few days. Be sure to tell the boss.”

“Duly noted.” Serene chimed in, jumping out of the box. The monkey let out a scream and scrambled behind Sunday. She giggled. “Oh my. You didn’t expect me?” The monkey picked up the fallen cupcake into his mouth and swallowed.

“Hey boss!”

“Morning Boss.” Sunday and Quills greeted.

“We have our work cut out for us. So we should get started.” She put a paw on Mountain. Father please bring the files to the meeting room.” Mountain nodded. She sighed. “You three should stop. Lightning should learn to take care of her own responsibilities. And please drag Lightning to the meeting room Armando.” The three nodded and stopped their current tasks.

Serene waited for everyone in the meeting room to be seated. Armando dragged the still groggy Pegasus.

“Well then. About yesterday. The disposal of the illegal cargo.” She frowned as she glanced at LD and Mountain. “I’m not going to talk about it. I’m pretty sure that I didn’t have any warehouses blown up. Much less five.” She growled. She passed by the docks earlier, worse than the initial report.

Mountain sighed while LD merely groaned. Quills frowned and shot a bolt of lightning at the Pegasus. She let out a yelp and flew straight up. Landing back in her chair she looked around wildly. “I’m awake! I’m awake!” She yelled. Everyone looked at her in varying amounts of irritation and amusement.

“Moving on!” She cheerily announced. Our top priority is to recover blueprints of the Mark one Sentry unit Destroy any manufactured units and apprehend those responsible. Developed by Apple Corp- Please do pass the files around Father – we need to make sure this technology doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”

Quill lifted a hoof. Serene nodded to her to speak. “Is there any suspects?”

“We have some leads, but no one in particular yet.” Serene then turned to the monkey. “Armando, I need you to keep an eye on the underground market. Keep your ears open for information about this technology.” She flipped through the files. “So any ideas?”

“Testament of Progress. Rusty Rails is an Ideal who normally carries out the dirty work. I can track him down and extract info from him.” Quills growled. She had an obsession about taking out Celestia’s troops Serene knew.

“Could be internal matter.” Armando muttered as he flipped through a file. “Apple Corp or Night Shift. Corrupt members could leak the project files. Or somebody at Apple Corp sold the files for a profit.”

Serene looked at Sunday. “I can’t imagine. I hold true to my oath.” He put a claw to his beak. “But if was like those suits… I would have to be high up to get valuable assets. And if was a researcher I would have others work on different parts. While I would hold all of the pieces myself.” He thoughtfully offered.

Lightning Dust cut him off before Sunday could recite one of his sayings. “It could be any of the big wigs! Or any of the nerds that work for them.” She complained. “Heck it could be the big boss himself.”

Everyone was silent at that. None of them were pleased. They were already in big trouble and potentially someone big could be behind this. In either Equestria’s largest weapon manufacturer or Equestria’s Secret Police.

Armando was first to break the silence. “So. We have nothing concrete.” He muttered. “We need to know about the researchers of the project then. Everyone involved.”

“And what? Track them down and interrogate them?” Quills snapped.

“Apple Corp refuses to cooperate with Night Shift. They’re protecting the identities of those involved.” Serene passed another file around. “Between me and Quills we could force out the truth.” She idly chewed on her ribbon. “But we need names. We need to ask the big Stallion himself.”

“If they didn’t help Night Shift they won’t help us.” LD scratched her mane wildly.

“I could convince him.” Serene gave a sly smile. “But it’s the where. Apple Corp is based in Canterlot. It’s better if I’d look for an opportunity at some social gathering. Take him somewhere private…”

“Bad idea.” Mountain grumbled. “You attract too much attention.”

“You are the King of the Board. Bodies would pile up. For when the King falls, everything is lost.” Sunday recited. LD rolled her eyes. “Those who know who you are would seek to eliminate you. Those who don’t would try to use you. Either way you wouldn’t have respite. It would be impossible to pin him down.”

“…Live weapons testing?” LD offered. “We set up a field day with him and we could get answers.”

“Why would an Actress need the latest weaponry?” Armando asked.

“A Warlord would. He probably knows who the Warlords are.” LD reasoned. “Something behind the scenes. A deal for something with a little more POW. Like Etheric Suppression Fields. Those cloaking devices. Or prototype weapons that don’t meet legal standards.” She listed down.

“Lightning actually knows what an ESF is.” Quills marveled.

“That was a bit wordy for LD.” Armando added.

“Truly wonder of wonders.” Sunday chuckled to himself.

Mountain nodded in agreement.

Quills had to suspend the screeching Pegasus in midair. Everyone save for LD and Serene broke into laughter. A sweet scent filled the room and everyone calmed down. Mountain pieced together that Serene wanted thing on track. “Enough. We have business.” Mountain declared.

“Quills and Sunday will get leads on the Testament of Progress. To see if they’re involved in this. Armando will look up info on the market. LD, track down Pepper. I need him for something. Mountain get in touch with Night shift and Big Macintosh. See to that weapons demonstration.” Her team nodded.

“There are few other cases that require our attention however.” Serene added. “Quills do you remember that body you told us about?”

“Yes. It was disturbing… I’ve seen a lot. But taking away one’s cutie mark and leaving them a husk?” She shook her head. “He was just a colt. Who recently got his Cutie Mark. What monster would do that?” Her eyes seemed to blaze.

“Apparently this is one of many murders.” Mountain confirmed. He looked through the files. “It’s almost if… Something harvested their blood and Cutie Mark.”

“It’s inconsistent however. A few months and even years between cases. And we can’t be sure if these are the only cases.” Serene sighed.

“It sounds familiar… I’ll look into it boss.” Armando spoke up.

“We also have somebody cursing people.” Serene flipped through the file before passing it around.

“Horseshit.” LD swore as she looked through the file. “There’s no such thing as curses.” She dismissed.

“What the actual buck/fuck?” Quills and Armando swore at the same time. “A dragon maid?” They both asked incredulously.”

“My daughter is a pink non-magical dog with ribbon feelers who has dragon slaying powers. Which I adopted on a job delivering a package from the mafia to a depressed witch. I saved Serene from an undead lord who wanted to drain her soul to kill dragons because a dragon bucked his wife two hundred years ago.” Mountain crossed his hooves. “She’s currently an actress and singer. Behind the shadows she works for a covert organization our government denies its existence. Leading a band of criminals to take down other criminals.”

Serene snorted and giggled. “I guess truth is stranger than fiction.” Mountain laughed too. The rest tried to wrap their head around it.

“… I’m beginning to believe those old tales my master told me.” Sunday muttered.

“We are getting side tracked again!” Serene huffed and raised her paws in frustration. She cleared her throat. “Armando and Sunday. Try to get info on this.”

“I’ll do my research boss.” Armando saluted. Sunday bowed.

“Our last order of business is to keep an eye out for Cadenza’s daughter Flurry Heart.” Serene announced. They waited for her to say more. She didn’t. They all flipped through their files and to their dismay had no information on the pony in question. In fact it seemed like they were hardly given anything at all.

Lightning Dust was the first to comment on this. “Oh come on! It’s always like this!” She slammed the binder she was holding. “Do this. Do that. Don’t break things. And we’re being asked to solve a jigsaw puzzle… with the pieces all over the town!” She complained.

“Needles in the ocean.” Sunday agreed. “But it’s our duty.” He concluded.

“Well. Sentry is top priority.” Mountain gestured to the binders. “Its dangerous technology.”

“Honestly it’s going to be rough. But if we catch a lead for the other cases we can follow through.” Quills reassured them. “We just have to stick to our parts.”

“I have complete trust in all of you. We’re going to get to the bottom of this.” Looking at the sulking LD she impishly smiled. “Who knows? We could get some nice things on the side. I admit, the prospect of overwhelming firepower is soooooooooo attractive.” LD’s ears twitched.

“Just think of the benefits of our job. It’s well worth the effort.” She clapped. “Okay dismissed.” She announced.

Lightning Dust zipped out of the room. Sunday and Quills discussed between themselves about their task. Mountain nodded to Serene and left. Armando looked a Serene. They exchanged glances and Serene nodded.

“Hey Lightning wait up!” Armando rushed out to follow the Pegasus.

As she sat alone she wondered about things. “Am I simply a trained guard dog?” She mused. She was holding her paws out but she stared far past them. “Perhaps. I was never human to begin with. Maybe the way I am is much more appropriate.”


“I thank you for giving me a ride Kapatid.” He thanked Lightning Dash. LD decided to fly around a bit before dropping Armando off.

“You keep saying that word. What does it even mean?” She irritably asked.

“In my language it means brother or sister.” He confirmed.

“You mean…”

“I consider you all my family.” He softly said. “I will probably not see my home ever again. I am quite old already.” He chuckled. “Truth is I was one of the founding members of the gang. So in a sense I’m the older brother.”

“You ain’t bad old man. Why do you still work for her?” She asked.

“I swore to serve her after she saved my brother. She told me I owed her nothing. That she just wanted to do it. I was thinking of quitting after Red Tape’s death.” He smiled as he reminisced. “I remember when she was just a small fluffball. But she acted more adult-like than anyone else.”

“Now I ask you in return. Bakit? Why do you still work for her?”

“Well… It pays well.” She admitted. “But the way the government treats us. We’re doing all of this! And we’re still considered as scum!” She scoffed. “Not to mention she’s creepy.”

Armando thought about this. “It’s part of the job. You ponies have it easy. From where I’m from. Ex-cons don’t get second chances. You have a criminal record and nobody wants to hire you.” He snapped. “Imagine spending fifteen years of jail time for just stealing a few bits. Murder, drugs, corruption and many more are punishable by death.”

“And about Serene… She’s been through a lot.” He sighed sadly. “All of us did.”

Lightning was silent at that.

“So if you have any concerns you should bring them up with the boss. She’s not unreasonable.” He scowled. “Unlike pony government.”

“I guess so…” LD relented. Without warning she dived down. Armando screamed as he grabbed on to her neck for his life. Near the ground she gave a powerful flap of her wings canceling her momentum. The monkey was still clutching her tightly and screaming.

To her amusement she slowly opened his eyes. She snickered, trying to stifle her laughter. “Hallelujah! I’m alive!” He jumped off and began kissing the ground. “I’m never flying again! Nakakatakot!”

She broke out into laughter and so did Armando once he realized how silly he was. Armando poked her to get her attention. He saw that the ponies were all staring at them. She wiped off her tears and they stared at each other. LD had deposited him in the market, close to where he needed to be.

“Thanks Lighning. I’ll be off now.”

“Yeah dude. Thanks too. Smell ya later!” She saluted as she took off.

Armando scampered off into an alleyway. Hauling himself over a dumpster he jumped over, grabbing an AC unit he climbed. Grabbing the various pipes and rails he got to the top of the building. He grunted as he pulled himself up. It upset him a bit that he was getting old. “It used to be way easier.” He chuckled dryly.

Perching on the edge of the building he surveyed his surroundings. LD had dropped him in the residential district near the market. He would have to make his way to the market himself.

Ever since they cracked down on the various criminal enterprises, the black market scattered. It was more like connoisseurs sought after the different merchants selling things frowned upon. More daring merchants sold the illegal talismans, ran money laundering schemes and kept certain substances on demand.

After all who would expect a fruit stand to partake in money laundering? There was this one case that people sold off fake antiques as part of a money laundering scheme.

He would have to visit a few contacts in order to get some information. It sounded like a Hemomancer, Voodoo Shaman and an Alicorn were around. He wasn’t prepared for any of those… at the moment.

For him Equestria was filled with extremely dangerous people. Unicorns and their spells. Pegasus flight and weather control. Earth ponies were not so bad, an oxen, yak, griffons, Minotaurs could rip him apart as easily. Umbrums. Changelings. Alicorns would just see him as an ant. But anyone could be beaten with enough preparation.

He made his way over to the market. Walking on various signs and wires allowing him to cross buildings. Finding himself at the market he slid down a traffic light. Plopping down nobody batted an eye. Most ponies just went along with their business, browsing and haggling. A few yaks went by, everyone giving them wide berth. An armored deer talking to a teenage dragon was the weirdest.

His own kind had their own little community. No one he was actually related too. But they were quite hospitable regardless of race.

He went through many stands handing over a piece of paper, an inquiry about the Shaman. He wouldn’t look here for info on the hemomacner, he’d ask a friend of his later.

Eventually he walked over to a fruit stand and bought some apples. He discreetly passed a note along with his payment. ‘Who has friends on the other side?’ it read. The stallion grunted, counting the bits. “Just apples? Don’t you want any bananas?” He joked. The stallion placed the apples in a paper bag.

“Nope. You wouldn’t have some coconut?” He asked. Peeking into the bag he saw the note. It had an address.

“Expensive. Most fruits are hard to come by these days.” The stallion sighed. Armando looked at the limited selection and sympathized with the Stallion. Armando sighed and bit into the apple, eating a chunk along with the note. He already memorized the address. “Thanks come again.” It was a shot in the dark. Like the lead was just dropped into his hands.

“Thank you Ripe.” He answered back. “Ah just like the apples back home. Almost tasteless.” He grumbled under his breath

He would head first to Vulcan Forge. For some reason it was located in the market and not in the upper district. Known for creating the best gear and affordable prices. The owner definitely enjoyed crafting and all of the challenges.

Her assistant did not share the same sentiments. Magma would go lengths to make bits behind her back. The unicorn was made good Cloud Steel and ever since the Pegasus cities fell he didn’t have much competition. He was probably talented enough to craft the targeting talismans. Or he could be involved in the acquisition of materials.

Walking up to the shop he frowned. It was closed. He ignored the sign and reached for the handle. It opened. “The dammed fool.” He walked in and sighed. An orange pony with all sorts of burns was dozing off at the counter. His head was missing patches of his dark red mane and he had no eyebrows.

Guess his boss wasn’t here today. He walked over and stuck an apple on his horn. He then shouted at the top of his lungs. “WHY IS THE FORGE COLD!?” He immediately ducked as the cooked apple exploded.

The unicorn got up with a start and looked widely around. Setting his eyes on the monkey he groaned. “Oh. It’s you.” He blinked before grabbing a morning star. “I’m going to crush your head!” He shouted in rage.

Armando held up a bag of bits. “Eh?” He jiggled it a few times. “Eh?” He smiled as he gestured to it.

“What do you want?” He irritably asked. “If it’s your order, you have to come back another day. The boss went over to the Tagalog community to research on the symbols.” He added. He snorted as he lay his head on the counter.

“She could have asked me. It’s my kind’s ancient writing after all.”

“She wanted to research it herself. And something about ‘you can’t enchant it properly’.” He gestured air quotes with his hooves. “I’m good at what I do. Good luck finding a unicorn as good as me.” He scoffed.

“Easier to find somepony who opens the shop when you’re gone Larv.” Armando looked away and muttered under his breath.

“What was that?”

“Easier to get information from you than Larv.” He chuckled as he corrected himself. “I know my Agimat is nowhere near ready. I just need some info.” He clarified.

“It depends.” He then leaned forward. “What do you want to know?”

“You seem very open.”

“Well as long as I’m paid and the authorities don’t crash on me. My thanks for being covered.”

“As long as you don’t go into certain ventures you can make all the money you want.” He promised. “You can start by talking about what materials you supplied.”

“Materials…” The unicorn murmured. He floated up a booklet and flipped through it. “Lots of lead and iron, off the books. I’ve been gathering that for a long time. My boss might suspect me so I took it nice and slow.” His eyes narrowed. “Kinda strange if you ask me.”

“Strange?” There wasn’t any lead in the blueprints.

“Yeah. Lead negates magic. You can’t enchant it.” Magma explained. “Mind you it’s not magic proof. It’s just impossible to use it for magical purposes. My guess it’s for confinement.”

“How about in any alloys?”

“Buck if I know. I’m an enchanter first, smith second.” He shrugged. “Or probably for guns.”

Armando would ask Larv but she wasn’t one for small talk. She was all business. “So who ordered it?”

Magma was silent for a time. “I can’t tell you.” He finally spoke up.

“Look friend. This is a very important matter, I need your help in this.”

“Can you prove it’s related to your investigation?” Magma asked. Armando sighed in exasperation. “I’ll take that as a no then. Now if you’ll excuse-”

“Just hold your horses.” Magma let out an annoyed whinny at the expression. He would try a guess. “Look, you are a craftspony. I know you set your unicorn friend with some tools.” He’d have to pull everything out of his ass. He could rattle Magma into giving him the information.

He flinched. “You don’t know that.”

“I. Do.” He leaned forward and smirked. “I’ve already tracked down your friend’s supplier for gemstones. Just wanted you to come forward with the information. You’ve proven I can’t trust you anymore.”

Magma was sweating. “I’ve protected you so far friend. We’ve had a good relationship. So I’ll deal with you later. Give you time to skip town.” He raised the apple in a toast. “I’m fishing for the bigger fish, so I’ll come back to fry you later. On account on our former partnership I’m giving you a head start.”

“Wait!” Magma called out. He’d either use his magic or give him the information. Armando was confident that his association with the Warlord would dissuade the unicorn from attacking him.

“Goody bye old friend.” He waved as he grabbed the doorknob.

“I have useful information! I can give you a lead on Quick Fix!” He yelled desperately. Armando turned around and raised an eyebrow. Inside he was laughing, he couldn’t believe that worked.

“Oh? Really now?” He turned around and took a bite out of his apple. “Why didn’t you come out with it?” He smiled as he walked away from the door.

Magma revealed the Quick Fix was an acquaintance of his who ordered different metals from time to time. Quick Fix said he had a new project he was working on but didn’t elaborate. Magma dropped off the supplies at the scrapyard in town. It was clear that Magma was only a supplier and delivery boy. Armando promised Magma that his involvement in any of this would not come to light.

Magma caught the bag of bits that Armando tossed. The monkey waved, said his thanks and left. The unicorn glowered at the door and locked it. After a while he privately wondered if he was played. He thought he could have some time off with his boss gone but his thoughts were racing right now.

He sighed in defeat, unlocked the door and placed the open sign. He floated today’s newspaper over to him to calm himself and pass the time.

Follow Up

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Pepper was walking through the streets of Manehattan. He wasn’t convinced that the salt and weapons supply was the only one. He did consider the fact that the distributers still had some stock but not too much. Someone in Griffonia was exporting the salt but now the local authorities were keeping track of things.

He wasn’t quite satisfied. He would clean up a bit more.

He could smell somepony familiar. “Ponies never change.” He muttered sadly. Following the smell to the slum side of town. The so called Drifters were creatures from different races who came to Manehattan, allured by the promise of money. Then the war came in full scale, leaving thousands without work.

Of course the non-ponies were fired first. This part of town was actually owned by various business ponies. The drifters were illegal settlers. At one point the Warlord Serene was called to deal with the problem. She flat out refused and brought the matter to King Sombra. The King then started a project to relocate the Drifters. But the workers were harassed by Celestia’s army and it was never completed.

The Directors were livid at Serene’s insolence however. Good thing she found favor with Director C and King Sombra. Or else Serene and her team would all be locked up again. This probably explains why the acquisition of resources took months and their budget had been reduced several times. All the while trying to find some way to prove the Warlord’s incompetence and unreliability.

Pepper thought ponies were foolish. They were supposed to be united against their enemies.

Climbing up the various shoddy buildings Pepper thought of all of this. Eventually he found the pony he was looking for. Some deal was going on and they couldn’t be more obvious. He could barely make out what the four ponies were saying. He caught the barely noticeable shimmer of a sound bubble.

One of them handed a bag of – what Pepper assumed – bits. And a Pegasus passed a pouch back. The pony pulled out a cube of salt and gave it an experimental lick. “It’s now or never.” He whispered, he slowly drew his sword as he prepared to jump down.

“Oh no.” A filly passing by was grabbed by one of the thugs. Without thinking he jumped down. Drawing the sword he slammed the hilt on the unicorn’s horn. ‘Disable unicorn first, potentially the most dangerous.’ Pepper thought. A crack resounded and before the unicorn could scream he punched him in the gut.

He then turned to the thug holding the screaming filly. ‘Usually Pegasis next. But he has a hostage. But I have the element of surprise.’ He slammed the flat of his sword on the pony’s head. The thug went down and the filly squirmed out.

The Pegasus tried to take flight but he grabbed him by his hoof and slammed him down. The remaining thug stumbled. “Pony. I recognize you.” Pepper tapped his chin, the other while pointing his sword at the trembling thug. “Ah yes. I told you to go clean.”

“C’mon dude I have to make a living!” The pony whined. Pepper could not remember his name – nor could he discern the color of his coat – he knew this pony was a small time dealer he let go. On the condition that he went clean.

“You know, I told you to stop this. So I let you go.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I gave you a chance.” He then raised his sword to kill the stallion.

Magic surrounded his sword. He tried harder yet he couldn’t move his blade. He looked over to the unicorn he knocked out. “Still out, Pepper wonders…” He stared the filly. She was crying and her horn glowed.

“Please don’t. You don’t have to kill him.” She pleaded in a weak voice. He was surprised.

“Little one. He would have done things to you. Maybe kill you.” He spoke calmly with a curious tilt of his head. “And he ruined the lives of others. Do you still want me to spare him?” He asked. She nodded.

“Yeah listen to the little filly! I have a family man!” He whimpered. “I also have good info! Just don’t kill m-me!” He yelled in terror.

Pepper sighed heavily. “Alright pony. But you won’t get any more chances with me.” He coldly spat out, his eyes hardened. “Now what do you know?”

The stallion then went on to say he overheard something. Apparently a few crates of weapons and salt were still here. One of the larger dealers decided to cheat the others, and stockpiled a few crates. Pepper realized this was one of the dealers that was still at large. There was a big deal going on today in a warehouse in town.

“Alright then, just go. And remember, if you do anything like this again or if you’re lying to me… I WILL find you.” The whimpering stallion nodded rapidly. “Make sure your friends change too, yes?” He nodded again. “Good, I’ll be off now. I hope we meet on different terms.” He kneeled down and growled in his face. “For your sake.”

The stallion fainted. Pepper took the salt but left them the bits. He then looked at the young filly. She was not really a filly but not quite a mare yet. Now taking a good look at her, she was severely malnourished. Her ribs were showing and her eyes were bloodshot. For some reason the blue crystal heart cutie mark was familiar. “Little one, don’t be afraid.”

He felt her magic washed over him then pulled back. She gave an uneasy smile. “Thank you…” She weakly spoke.

He tried to give his most reassuring smile. “Pepper is sorry for scaring you. But Pepper’s job to catch bad guys.” He explained. “What is little one’s name?”

“Skyla.” She then glanced at the ponies. “Are you going to arrest them?” She asked.

“Well… Pepper helps cops.” He crossed his arms. “But these poor ponies that do bad things. I have to get boss ponies to stop all of them.” He sighed. “I guess Pepper could let them go. Hard for ponies to change if they are in jail, yes?”

“I believe ponies should be given chances. So thank you for that too.” She stared at the unconscious ponies for a while.

“Skyla is lovely name. So where are your parents?”

“I don’t have any sir.” She looked down. He felt his heart break. “I should be on my way.” She then got up.

“Wait! I can help you.” He blurted out. She stopped and looked at him. “I have a friend, she’s quite old. Bad back. She need help at store.” He explained. “Is simple work, you like?”

She mulled it over for a bit. “Thank you very much sir, I do need one.” She agreed happily. Pepper thought this was odd, most ponies would be suspicious of him. Even if they didn’t know who he was, based on the fact he was a Diamond Dog. He brushed it off as her being desperate for help.

“Alright.” He wrote down the address. “Is clothing shop. Owner friend of Pepper.” He scratched his head. “But you need to tell her this. ‘Tuesday night is bright. For dog looks after friend.’ You got it?” She nodded. “Good, don’t forget it. It will let her know Pepper ask.”

He then pulled out a water canister and some dried fruit, placed it in a smaller bag and gave it to her. “I’m going to walk you near there okay?” She shook her head. “No? Little pony is not safe here. Dangerous area.”

“I’ll be alright sir. You’ve already done so much for me.” She frowned. “Not to mention you’re trying to catch bad ponies right? I’ll just be on my way. Thank you very much sir.” She beamed and she went on her way.

Pepper didn’t like leaving her like this. So he decided to stalk her from afar. Until she reached the safer parts of town that is. He tailed her for around half an hour. She didn’t move that fast. When she was a ways from the slums he decided to go chase that lead.

It brought him to the industrial district. A textile warehouse, next to the factory where various garments were produced. He didn’t have time for backup. He might have been too late anyways.

He could always pop in and just whack them. That was the fun way. But he remembered about the firearms and begrudgingly decided to sneak. You couldn’t outrun bullets after all.

Making his way near the entrance he heard the clip clop of a pony approaching. He raised his sword and braced himself. A stallion came out, with a riffle slung on his back. He slammed the flat of the blade on the stallion’s head. Slumping into unconsciousness, Pepper caught the stallion, dragged him inside, tied him up and stuffed him into a trashcan.

He stared at his sword for a moment. “Pepper needs a baseball bat.” He muttered.

He heard ponies talking. As he went he disabled the guards by slamming his sword or chocking them.

“Look these are all high quality.” A stallion holding up a riffle angrily muttered. “What else do you want?”

Pepper was not familiar with any of them. The fact that they covered their cutie marks and he was colorblind didn’t help. But he could smell salt and gunpowder.

“Yeah man. I getcha. This salt is primo dude.” A stallion that could be described ‘far out dude’ replied. “But ain’t it a little pricey? I mean, this isn’t what we agreed on.” He sighed.

‘Seven targets left. Two with riffles, four with peashooters one with a gun Pepper doesn’t recognize.’ The diamond dog thought. The angry pony – what Pepper decided to refer him as – was about to speak but he was cut off by another earth pony. For some reason the way he carried himself made Pepper focus on him.

A two toned messy mane – amber and brilliant gamboge but for him it was barely different – and a hat. “Look partner, thangs ‘ave been hard. That damned gang took out the rest ‘o my supply.” He walked forward and pulled out a riffle out of one of the boxes. “So, supply and demand an all that.” He chuckled. “So it’s this, or not at all.” He glared at the ‘high pony’.

“Chill… I just thought you could cut me a deal.”

He smiled and shook his head. “Look. Ah need ta get a little sum sum then I can getcha back.” The angry pony snorted. “In a few weeks’ time I can get a stable supply. Next time around y’all can come back for a discount.”

The ‘high pony’ sighed. “I getcha dude. You’ve done me a solid every time.” They both smiled and shook hooves and the high pony passed a bag of bits. “C’mon dudes. Load ‘em up.”

Pepper decided to act now. He threw a flash bang and covered his eyes. The pony with a hat saw it coming, turned his head away and covered his ears. Pepper hoisted himself over the railing and took down the two ponies behind the high one.

A shot hit him in the stomach and he barely deflected one aimed for his head. He dashed and took cover behind some defunct machinery. “Well butter mah butt an call me a biscuit! Ah wusn’t aware that imma put an end to Tuesday!” He yelled in glee.

Pepper groaned and held his stomach. The bullet didn’t penetrate due to the enchanted armor but it felt like he took a boulder to his gut. He took a peak around the corner but quickly pulled back. The stallion with a hat took another shot at him.

“The big boss sends a DOG after me. Aren’t you a good boy?” He then laughed. Pepper chuckled, this pony didn’t know the irony of it.

“Dude let’s get out of here!” The high pony yelled in panic. The angry pony fired a few shots on Peppers cover before hauling the crate in his magic.

“Sure! Let’s.” The southern pony drawled before throwing a grenade. Pepper stared at the metal apple that landed in front of him. His eyes widened and he tossed his pack on top of the grenade and dived in the opposite direction. It let out a loud shrill noise and sent shrapnel in all directions.

As the smoke cleared he lay there, groaning. Bits of shrapnel peppered his arms and legs, his torso protected by the plate he wore. He heard the sirens in the distant. “PEPPER… DID NOT CALL COPS. COPS TOO FAST. WHY?” He was somewhat deafened but he could still hear the sirens. Which meant the cops were nearby. He groaned and grabbed a cloth, gathering what was left of his belongings.

To his surprise a familiar Pegasus flew up to him. “Dude! You just gotta go and have all of the fun yourself, do ya?” Lightning Dust remarked.


LD suppressed her laughter as she prodded the confused diamond dog out. “We gotta go!” She yelled, wrapping Pepper in her hooves and taking off. “Oof! You’re heavy big guy!”



“I would recommend using half and half. Cake flour and all-purpose.” Serene recommended. Mountain nodded and followed her instructions. “Oh Button, could I get you anything?” She sweetly asked.

The young stallion coughed. “Nothing mam.” He politely declined. ‘She’s the mighty dragon slayer everypony at hq talks about?’ He thought. He flinched at Serene studying him. “On second thought a glass of milk please.” She placed two glasses of milk on the table with her ribbons before sitting across him.

“You seem quite young to be an agent.” She drank her milk, giving herself a milk mustache.

“I… never imagined that you were a Warlord mam.”

She giggled. “Touché.” She then turned her head. “Father! Use Melted Butter please. Better if you brown it, then add some water. It’s going to lose some water.” She called out. “My father seems to have taken an interest in baking.”

“Your father?” He curiously asked. Looking at her, he thought she was absolutely adorable. But he was nervous, his superiors wouldn’t have put her in this position if she wasn’t qualified.

“Oh it’s in my file.” She easily replied. “So why have you paid me a visit?”

“Well mam. Mr. Express actually invited me.” He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Mountain shivered as he felt Serene gaze in his direction. “As an apology for yesterday.”

“Ah is that so? That explains the cookies.” She took another sip of milk. As Button Mash drank his milk Serene spoke up again. “Do not take this the wrong way Button Mash. But you don’t seem cut out for your job.” A clatter could be heard from the kitchen. Button Mash choked on his drink.

Serene moved over and patted him on the back. “W-what?”

Sighing Serene returned to her seat. “Look, I’m worried. Children should not be going on assignments like that. Good thing my team didn’t just kill you.” She put on a concerned expression.

“With all due respect, I’m fifteen mam. And I have trained since I was six.” He replied in a serious tone. Serene’s eyes widened momentarily. She berated herself, everyone wore a mask. She also considered her was just boasting, but this was the most confident he’d ever carried himself.

She blurred out of existence. He looked panicked but a dense field of magic tightly surrounded him. She felt the pressure radiating from him. Instead of attacking he pat his head. “Well I apologize then. But you’re quite adorable!” She squealed.

“Eh. EH!?” He jumped out of his seat. Mountain curiously peeked around the corner. As Serene sat down she broke into giggles, then into full blown laughter. Button Mash did not expect this.

“Serene. Please don’t mess with the poor boy.” He cut in, revealing the pink undersized apron that looked like a bib.

“That’s my apron.” Serene flatly remarked, regaining her composure. “So how’s the cookies coming along?”

“Fine.” Mountain looked at the crestfallen earth pony. “Young one. You’re quite well trained, your aura confirms that. But Serene doubts your capacity in… espionage.” He reluctantly put it. “Why not the Royal Guard?” He curiously asked.

He was silent for a time. “It’s personal Sir.” He sighed sadly. Serene and Mountain shared a look and decided to drop the subject. “But I did come here for a purpose.” Button placed a briefcase on the table and opened it. A few binders, Mash picked three and passed it to Serene. “I looked up a possible lead, courtesy of Director Curiosity.”

She scanned through the file. “Braeburn?” She asked in confusion. “Former operations manager in a weapons manufacturing plant in Appleloosa. He was fired three months before his death.” Her brows furrowed. “He worked on the project?”

Button Mash nodded. “I don’t know. He’s dead.” Mountain grunted. Turning over to Serene he added, “Or is he?”

“So he was killed off. Or he’s hiding out there.” Serene concluded. “He could be the source of the leak. Or a loose end that was tied up in time.” She pondered. “Appleoosa is not my area. I assume that Curiosity has someone on it.”

Somepony.” Button corrected. “And yes. I also brought files on Applejack and Big Macintosh.”

“Applejack?” Mountain asked in irritation.

“I read her file a while back. Estranged from her family she was supposed to be the heir of Apple Corp. Her parents died in a freak ‘accident’. Currently a gold rank adventurer of Manticore Sting.” She sighed. “My Father had a run in with her one time. She almost got him with a homemade mini sentry.”

“She’s strong.” Mountain supplied. “Even without her toys.” He watched Serene for a few minutes before speaking up again. “What does she have to do with all this?”

“As you both probably know, she designed the original sentry. But this was years ago. Her file is just there for reference. I’ve included the various incidents her weapons were used.”

“So the basis for this government funded project was her own design?” Serene wondered about this. “It should be on the market. Yet I’ve never heard of any being produced. “She put aside the file and finished her milk. “Until this mission that is.”

“Well the reason why they commissioned the project… Is because they saw Applejack’s creations in action.” Button added nervously. “A year ago Applejack was hired to retrieve a noble. He was kidnapped by a griffon cartel at Baltimare.”

Button swallowed. “In the griffon city of Alexandria, the mob boss had the police force under his payroll… And Applejack managed to hold out and kill over three hundred SWAT units until the Shadow Bolts extracted them.” Mountain’s jaw dropped. Serene’s eyes glinted.

“Oh? That sounds interesting.” Serene eagerly noted. “But I don’t see…”

“Mam. This were griffonian specialized units. They even had ten Bulldozer Mechanical armors.” He waved his hooves in the air in disbelief.

“I’m familiar with the heavy specialized unit. The structural integrity of the face plate is a glaring issue. Under heavy sustained fire…”

“Still!” Button Mash insisted. “And these sentry units are even BETTER that those. Applejack made them out of SCRAP METAL. How much more-”

“Stop.” Serene put a paw up and Button froze. “Look. I’m well aware, and I will get to the bottom of this.” She sniffed the air. “Father do check on those cookies.” She politely asked, Mountain nodded and went back to the kitchen.

“I’m grateful for your hard work. But I’ve handled worse.” She stood up and grabbed the cartoon of milk, pouring herself a new glass.

“The last file is about…” Whatever Button was going to say was interrupted by Armando slamming the door open.

“Hey boss!” He cheerily greeted. “Oh and Agent Mash, maayong adlaw.” He greeted good day in his native language, he occasionally went back when he felt he couldn’t express how he felt in English. “Wow that smells good!” He scampered off to the kitchen.

Button was about to speak when Sunday and Quills entered. Quills was gingerly walking, her front hooves wrapped in bandages. Sunday looked more irritated than usual. “Sorry boss, we pulled out. They saw us coming.” She grumbled as she made her way to a sofa. She gave Button Mash a curious glance before lying down.

Sunday bowed to Serene before wordlessly entering the meeting room. Mountain and Armando argued in the kitchen.


“But they smell sooooooooooo delicious.” Armando complained.

“There’s plenty.”

“One can’t- OW!”

“No. Wait.” Mountain scolded firmly.

Serene sighed. “And it was peaceful.” She wistfully commented. Button was staring at Quills. Serene grinned impishly as Button took a drink. “So do you think she’s hot?”

Serene was rewarded by Button once again choking on his drink. Quills got up with a start, hissing as she was reminded of her hooves.

“What!?” Both ponies exclaimed. Button sputtered and turned red.

“Serene, please stop tormenting ponies.” Mountain chided.

“Well I’m right.” Serene huffed, crossing her paws. “I can tell what he thinks of a young attractive mare such as yourself. Overpowering him. Smothering him between your thighs…”

Mountain and Armando looked on in amusement. Sunday walked out of the meeting room, smirking as he watched. Quills turned red too and Button turned a deeper shade of red. “I didn’t happen like that!” Quills screamed.

“Well I couldn’t fault him. Button is stronger than he looks. So I have a feeling he enjoys being in such situations.” Serene giggled. “And Quills… I’d say she likes to, dominate. You two would make a perfect match!” She squealed.

Armando broke into uncontrollable laughter. Mountain looked uncomfortable. Sunday was holding back his laughter. Button Mash grabbed his suitcase. “ThanksIgottagobyeI’mverybusy!” He rushed out of the apartment. Sunday was holding his stomach as he crouched, still suppressing his laughter.

“Bye-bye!” Serene happily dismissed.

“Serene what in Tartarus was that for?” Quills demanded.

“Look, now that the suit is gone we can discuss your findings.”

Everyone went silent at that.

Mountain chuckled and brought the freshly baked cookies into the meeting room. “So you did that to get rid of little Mash?” Armando asked carefully.

“In essence, yes.” Serene beamed. “I wanted to get rid of him for now. That seemed like the best way.” She replied as if it made perfect sense.

Quills silently shook for a bit. “Boss. I’m going to drink some water. I’ll follow.” Quills quietly said.

“You heard the boss let’s go.” Mountain stomped his hooves. As all of them – sans Quills - took seats at the table. They could hear a hissing sound from the kitchen. Like something really hot hit water. Then a muffled scream. Quills walked in, partially soaked and steam radiating off her.

Serene told them to wait for Lightning Dust and Pepper at least half an hour, if not they would start the meeting. Armando promptly stuffed his mouth with cookies, much to Mountain’s chagrin. Fifteen minutes later a very embarrassed Pepper came in, his arms and legs bandaged. LD looked somewhere between nervous and amused.

“Okay. What did you do?” Mountain asked as the two took a seat.

“Why you think Pepper’s fault?” Pepper snapped.

“A lead.” Mountain simply replied, reminding him on what he told Serene yesterday.

“Pepper tracked down remaining dealers, but they got away.” Pepper looked down in shame.

Mountain sighed heavily, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle. “Are you hurt badly?” Serene asked in concern.

“Minor injuries. Pepper can fight-“

“Serene says Pepper not fight. Pepper clean.” Serene joked. “All jokes aside you are in trouble. So I’ll have you take care of Lightning’s apartment in the meantime.” She waved her paw to a stack of boxes. “You’ll also sit down and go through all of these reports to find leads on the other three missions.”


“I made myself clear Tuesday. Because of your little stunt the remaining salt dealers will proceed with outmost caution. Not to mention you could have gotten yourself killed.” She scolded. She thought for a moment on how to get through him. “Do you see me as your alpha?”


“And our team is like a pack.”

“Peppers agrees.”

“We are a team. We fill up various roles, complement each other with our unique skillsets and most importantly we have each other’s backs. “Pepper nodded. “You need to think harder on how your actions affect all of us.”

Pepper frowned thoughtfully. “Pepper understands. Pepper will be more careful from now on.”

Serene smiled, satisfied by his response. “Good. But you’re still being punished until we solve two cases.” Pepper nodded and groaned. “So how’s that meeting Monday?”

“Set for tomorrow.” He simply replied.

“Good.” She then turned to Quills and Sunday. “So what happened, Sunday and Thursday?”

“Sunday tried to spy on them using magic but it backfired. We decided to back out, it would be too dangerous to chase them without enough info” Quills responded. “We do know however, they’re heading for Fillydelpia. Should we ambush them on the way?”

“No. I need all of you in the city. Plus they might head here instead of their HQ.” She ordered. “Armando, any leads?” She asked, turning to the monkey. Everyone stared at the monkey, who was STILL stuffing his mouth. He swallowed and cleared his throat.

“An address for a potential voodoo shaman. And a lead for the sentry problem.”


“A friend of mine delivered large amounts of lead and iron to a unicorn named Quick Fix. Off the books Boss. Delivered at Manehattan Scrapyard.” Armando frowned. “I tried to look into other places this Quick Fix could get the materials but no luck. But seeing that he also loaned from equipment he might be using the scrapyard as a base to produce the sentries.”

“We don’t even know that!” Lightning piped up.

“That’s why it’s a lead. Fragments scattered in the wind. Sometimes we follow them and we get disappointed. They all lead somewhere, but not all the time to what we seek. We chase after these fragments to realize the truth.”

“Leads are a hit or miss.” Mountain summarized at LD’s blank look.

“Ah. I get it.”

Sunday growled everyone except Serene and him laughed. Serene waved around her ribbons and everyone calmed down. “I will need Wednesday and Thursday at the Scrapyard tonight. In the morning, Sunday and Monday. You will observe. I’ll leave it up to your judgment on how to proceed.”

They nodded in agreement…except for LD. “Wait boss! How about me?”

“You’re my security detail for tomorrow. I’m heading to Apple Corp for some more information.” LD looked bored so Serene added with a smirk, “And new gear. Something a little… Excessive.” LD perked up at the mention of new gear. “We get to test the weapons of course. I hear big Macintosh has some weapons the government ordered destroyed, due to being too dangerous.”

Lightning Dust let out a whoop and did a few loops in the air. “NOW you’re speaking my language boss.” Mountain glanced at LD then at her chair. She looked sheepish and returned to her seat.

“Well if there aren’t any other concerns. I adjourn this meeting.” Serene declared.


Somewhere in the scrapyard Quick Fix was holed up. The white unicorn was slumped over a work bench, his white coat soaked with sweat. He rubbed the diminished crown of his balding mane and cursed his luck.

Making these talismans himself were hard, he made just about ten of them so far. Well he had too, he was the one who could create the complex spell matrices even without the blueprints. He had the blueprints pertaining the enchantments destroyed, without them the sentry would be a lot less powerful.

He didn’t want to be expendable after all.

The only buyer that could set him for life was unfortunately was Queen Celestia. Everypony knew Sombra was fighting a losing war, he’d chip in and he’d be relatively safe from her wrath. He knew his survival depended on what he knew, and what she didn’t.

Of course he was offered a position by the Testament of Progress, leader of Celestia’s tech division. He would accept after this little test of his went well. He’d want to be far away in the off chance everything blew up in his face.

He walked out and wiped himself with a towel. He scowled at the giant capsule filled with a green gas, he could barely make out a silhouette of a chained mare. He shuddered as he thought about what experiments were performed on her. Her partner however looked normal and talked normal. That didn’t mean he was normal. His stomach ached and his vision blurred. If the circumstances were different he wouldn’t help that tyrant.

Oddly enough a crow was perched on the capsule. Quick Fix gathered himself before shooing the crow with his hoof. “Go along now, git!” He angrily commanded. The bird simply took a few steps forward and tilted its head. Quick Fix gritted his teeth and growled. “Stupid bird…” He muttered as he headed back to his temporary workshop.

The bird threw its head back and yelled. “That’s right imma buuuuuuuuuuuuurd beyetch.” Silver screamed like a little filly – he would vehemently deny he screamed like that – and fell down. He proceeded to crawl away in terror. “Ghost, leave now. This is important, I will give you your task later.” The once whiny and nasal voice was replaced by a gravely one.

Silver paused and turned to look at the bird. “Quick Fix. It seems that you are quite adept at what you do. It almost makes up for your… undesirable qualities.” The crow condescendingly lifted its head, looking down at the sweaty stallion. “I look forward to your test run. Perhaps you could open up many opportunities.

Silver continued to gape at the talking crow. “Ah, pardon me. I am the Greater Ideal Grisha, under the Testament of Eternity. I only wished to see what sort of mind could invent such intricate spellcraft.

Silver frowned, he was working for Progress. “You’re not my boss. I have dealings with only my client.” He stood up and stood stiffly.

I am Her hoof, I carry Her will. I would be careful with my tongue if I were you.

Silver thought about it, he realized it would hurt his chances if he disrespected her men. “Apologies.” He bowed.

The crow studied him for a moment. The before shaking its head. “Will everything be ready by tomorrow?

“Uhhh… Yes sir. Ten models will be ready for testing tomorrow. The twenty units in a month’s time.” He promptly replied.

Excellent. Boiler and Rusty shall acquire your… volunteers as Progress would put it.” He finished in a disgusted tone.


Of course. You have caught the eye of the Crimson Warlord. She has begun to stalk her prey. You.” Silver paled at this. He’d kept a low profile for months. He wondered how she found him. “She is patient. But if her pack is under attack she will hunt personally. Progress wishes to see how your handiwork would fare.

Progress commends your work. But he needs live test results. Either way you will receive your commission and your place among his little group of… Researchers.” Eternity said the last word with a good amount of distaste. Quick Fix was still panicking at the thought of Sombra’s guard dog attacking. Eternity sighed as the Stallion began to pace back and forth.

Worry not, Progresses’ Ideals will protect you. He expects great things of you, do not disappoint.” He stated as a fact. Seeing that the pony was still in that state he released his grip on the crow and it flew off.


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Lightning Dust flew around the city, the moon still in the sky. The sun would rise soon and it was a little chilly. She never really felt the sun popping up suddenly was jarring. Until she heard about Armando’s stories about them not having control over the weather. Losing the cloud cities of Neighvarro and Cloudsdale – and the weather production facilities – made her wonder what would happen if ponies never controlled nature.

She'd wondered if the giant storms in other parts of the world would be the norm then.

She shook the thoughts away. Armando and Sunday were rubbing off on her it seemed.

She landed at the harbor. It was quite early and Serene hadn’t arrived yet, LD was excited at the prospect of cool weapons. Maneuvers were quite tiring to pull off, it really drained on any pegasi’s magic. Unicorns could employ more destructive spells easier. Pegasi had to be moving fast.

She was really excited about the new gear. But she knew better than yap and gush about all of the great weapons. You never knew who was listening.

She settled for circling around the harbor, where Big Mac would send his Pegasus chariot to pick them up.

“I can get there faster…” She grumbled as she landed. She sighed as stared at the rising sun.

“I would have you get my sky chariot, but officially I’m on vacation.” Serene smirked as LD let out a startled scream. “Oh dear, you should really be more on guard Lightning.” She took a pair of shades and put them on. LD snickered at the white sunhat that was wider then Serene herself.

“Afraid of the sunlight Boss?” LD teased.

“No, of the Paparazzi.” She clarified. “You’re up and early today. Excited?”

“Yeah boss, I can’t wait for the new gear.”

“Well we don’t really need the firepower. It’s just a bonus.” Serene declared.


“Remember Lighting, we need some more insight on the case.” Serene looked the Pegasus over. “Well you can handle the weapon testing. I’ll be busy doing my thing.”

“Being creepy boss?” LD muttered.

“Ugh, no. Adorable.” Serene deadpanned. “Look, do you have a problem Lightning Dust? We’re working together so we need to have teamwork. If there are any issues that concern you, talk to me.”

LD was silent for a time. “Look boss, I’ll be honest. I don’t like you.” Serene raised an eyebrow. “I mean, nothing personal but… There’s something wrong with you. And I can’t put a hoof on it.”

Serene stared at LD and took off her shades. “There is of course. A lot in fact.” She sighed deeply. “I’m not sure what so tell me.”

LD scratched the back of her head. “Look boss, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-“

“Lightning Dust. I’ve worked with you for two years. But you clearly don’t trust me. And if you’re not capable of talking about this… Well I can’t trust you either.” LD looked down. “Look, trust in this business is vital. If we don’t have each other’s backs we’ll have a knife twisted in. So we need to talk about this.” Serene pleaded.

LD looked anxiously at the sky, wishing the chariot would come sooner. “Boss I…”

“Go on.” She encouraged.

LD took a deep breath. “You’re a phony Serene. Just that everything about you feels so fake. So how can I trust if you’re acting all the time?” To her confusion Serene slowly clapped. She stood there stupefied for a few minutes. “What the hay!?”

“You’re very perceptive. It’s true I wear masks all the time. I’m impressed, most never bother to look behind them.” Serene’s face became unreadable. “So what can I do to earn your trust?”

LD stood there stupefied again. “W-what?”

“What can I do to earn your trust?” Serene repeated.

“I don’t know…”

“Then I’ll tell you something dangerous for my safety.” Serene declared. “My body’s immunity against poisons are very weak and metallic weapons disrupt my body’s unique energy causing extreme damage. My most powerful abilities are nullified by dark magic. Not all, but those of the same type my body use.”

“Why are you telling me all of this!?”

“Because I’m showing you my back as a sign of trust. And I can trust you because you went out and told me straight what you think of me.”

“So you’re weak against metals and poison?” LD asked in disbelief.

“Yes. But I have countermeasures. With this information it’s possible to assassinate me however.” Serene stared straight into LD’s eyes. “So is that enough for you to trust me?”

LD went silent for what she felt was the hundredth time today. “How do I know you’re not lying?” Her eyes narrowed.

“It’s up to you Lightning Dust, trust has to start somewhere. But from now on I want you to be honest on how you feel about things. Bottling up these kinds of things could have dire consequences.”

“I was nervous actually boss, about this. I thought it was silly at first.” LD chuckled. “But is it that bad?”

“Everyone has unique experiences and opinions. It doesn’t matter if you think they’re silly. I want to hear them, it could be enlightening for me.” Serene put her shades back on. “I thank you for being honest with me. And I hope you continue to speak your mind.”

LD gained more respect for her boss, she couldn’t help but grin. “Of course boss. Also that hat looks silly.”

Serene shook her head. “That’s definitely an opinion. I look fabulous~.”

LD couldn’t help but laugh.

In the distance Serene began to hear the sounds of somepony galloping towards them. Serene turned to the source and LD also looked in confusion. Eventually the brown unicorn mare came into view. Her usually messy mane looked even more frazzled and she wore a black suit of combat armor.

“Whoa Quills! What’s chasing ya?”

Quills took a few breaths before speaking. She reported what she discovered last night. There was an abandoned workshop in the scrapyard that someone holed themselves into. Protective wards were spread across the perimeter. A white unicorn was seen entering the place with various tools along with a yellow earth pony with a hat and a cutie mark of a single apple.

“Braeburn.” Serene whistled. “Guess he’s still alive after all. And do you think this unicorn is Quick fix?”

“I’m not sure, he could be a grunt. He covered his cutie mark with duct tape however.” Quills pondered. “Sunday and Monday are now running the surveillance.”

“And why are you here? I mean, if there aren’t any pressing issues you wouldn’t seek me out.” Serene reasoned.

“Well boss. I wanted to go with the both of you.” Quills nodded firmly. “To keep you safe, and Lightning out of trouble.”


“Well that’s not necessary. You could have told me you wanted to test weapons too.” Serene replied with a smirk. Quills scowled.

“You never know what could happen. You always tell me that boss.” Quills was serious. “I heard that the former Crimson Warlord died in an ambush. Between the three of us we could launch a counterattack. Or Lightning could fly you away.”

Serene frowned at this. “Do have a bad feeling about this?”


LD spied the chariot approaching in the distance. “Our ride’s here boss.”

Serene thought for a moment. “Lightning, scout the route ahead. Keep an eye out for any threats.”


Quills premonition didn’t seem to pass. They arrived without any trouble to the Capital City of Canterlot, where Apple Corp’s main office was located.

LD was drained of some of her enthusiasm upon seeing the state of the city. Provided it was still early, and the city only really became active around ten. There was a depressive atmosphere surrounding the city, weighing people down. Guard presence was high, and Serene idly traced the oddly colored stones. They were a lighter shade than the original stones used when the city was first constructed.

Two unicorn and two pegasi suits guided them through Apple Corp headquarters. The design was very dull Serene decided. Grey walls and minimalistic interior design.

“You were here boss?” LD hesitantly asked.


“The Night of Red Moon.” Quills guessed. “Am I right Lightning?” Quills turned to the Sylveon.

“Yes, I was here that faithful day. Eight years ago.” She sighed. “I almost died a few times. They tried to kill all of the Warlords. Agents, nobles, King Sombra, the Directors and everyone that could stand in their way, they struck all of us simultaneously.”

“It was the end of an era.” Serene continued. “The day Princess Luna was corrupted. Not long after that the only Pegasus City that stood was Las Pegasus. There used to be 13 warlords for the largest cities. Now only eight” Serene stopped walking and everypony stared at her.

“Serene. That’s why we’re here. One day the damned sun tyrant will fall.” Quills gritted her teeth as her magic flared. Serene tried to calm her down using her abilities, waving her feelers around to release a calming aura.

Quills snorted and they continued walking. Their escorts eyed them nervously.

Eventually they saw the big red stallion himself, Big Macintosh the CEO of Apple Corp. He dismissed the escorts and smiled at the Warlord and her security.

“Good morning.” He greeted. “So this is the Crimson Warlord.”

Serene smiled. “It’s polite for the Stallion to introduce himself first.”

Big mac nodded in agreement. “Big Macintosh Apple.”

“Serene Grace.” She extended her paw and he gave it a kiss. “And these mares are Lightning Dust and Quills.” Serene gestured as she named her companions. Big Mac nodded to each acknowledgement. Though his stare lingered on Quills for bit. “It’s our first time meeting on official business. Apple Corp had designed the best equipment for modern warfare, I believe you have something special in store for me.”

Big mac smiled and nodded, gesturing them to follow him. Eventually they arrived at a heavy steel door with some kind of cushioned slot and a keypad. He quickly went over the keys, showing surprising agility for somepony his size.

Serene caught the combination, 14950827. Then to their surprise Big mac turned around and bucked the slot with a hoof. “3245 pounds of force. Identity Confirmed: Welcome Big Macintosh.” The automated voice sounded, the heavy iron door groaned and slowly opened. Quills mouth dropped in surprise.

“Is that a lot?” LD Whispered to Quills. Quills nodded dumbly. LD let out an appreciative whistle. Both Serene and Big Mac turned to look at the two. LD pointed at the unicorn and was smacked behind the head as a reply. Big mac winked and chuckled before heading in. Serene ruefully shook her head.

There was large tables with all sorts of weapons displayed. LD dashed over to a sleek suit of black mechanical armor, with a stinger. “Whoa! That’s nice!”

“Doesn’t work. Prototype.” Big mac grumbled.

“Whaaaaaaat! Why!?”

“Power source. It needs to be compact.” Quills explained. She looked over to the large bulky armor taller than Big Mac. “That’s why the Bulldozer works. It has enough space for bulky etheric batteries.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac agreed. “And what about the design flaws?” He asked.

“Two. The visor and the external power source on the back.” She replied, walking over and running a hoof on the armor. “Also I have a piercing spell, I can drill right through the armor.”

Big Mac smiled. “Impressive.” He walked over and grabbed a large gun with two barrels. “Would you fer ah demonstration?” He walked over to a panel. Two platforms rose with plates of iron alloy, a mechanism reinforcing it with magic. A wall raised behind it. “After you.” He gestured to the targets.

Quills stepped over to the line and lowered her head. Her horn crackled red and two beams shot out. A red and orange beam swirled around each other and impacted the metal. Sparks flew and the magic field crackled and collapsed. A second later the beam went through the metal and the wall behind. Quill’s horn was smoking and she walked back to Serene’s side.

“WHOA! Damn girl!” LD cheered.

“Impressive Quills.” Serene praised.

Big Mac frowned and walked over to the line. He turned a few dials and aimed. The barrels spun as the gun let out a whine. A swirling red and green ball of magic impacted against the metal. The magic field collapsed immediately and the ball exploded. Fragments of smoking metal flew around, some embedding in the wall.

“Can you move while casting?” Big Mac curiously asked. Lightning Dust began to zip around, looking at various weapons.

“No. I have to brace myself to fire a concentrated blast.” Quill explained. “Buck it hurts.” She gingerly touched her horn. “I haven’t perfected it yet. There’s too much going on with this spell.”

Big Mac nodded and headed over to LD. Big Mac browsed through the various weapons. He pulled out a scattergun and tossed it to LD. He walked back to the panel and a few test dummies rose. She grinned and studied the gun for a moment. She looked at him in confusion.

“How do I fire this thing?”

Big Mac sighed and pointed to his mouth. He gestured for her to get him one. She zipped over and handed him one. He walked over to the firing range and placed the gun in his mouth. Pulling the trigger with his tongue, the scattershot hitting everywhere. He held the gun in a hoof and pointed to his tongue with the other. “Close range.” He simply advised.

She thought about this for a while. “Oh.”

“So Big Mac… Wait can I call you Big Mac?” Big Mac nodded. “I’m looking for a little something… to take down unicorns and pegasi.” Both mares turned to stare at her. In LD’s case turning around as she fired, the gun kicked her in the face. LD rolled around and hissed, apparently bruising her eye. Serene rolled her eyes. “Not you two.” Quills held down the flailing Pegasus to check on her.

Big Mac ignored the scene and walked over presented Serene with a metal case. Opening it, Serene thought it looked like a golden tuning fork which was sharp at the end. The handle was made of oak and had an emerald embedded. Copper wire ran around the prongs.

“Not my taste, but is it functional?”

“Experimental.” Serene carefully held it using her feeler. “It’s called The Disruptor. That’ll stop ‘em from using magic for a good while.”

“Has it been tested?”

“Not enough.”

“So you’ll give this to me?”


“In exchange for testing it?”


“You want detailed notes?”


“Does it work on earth ponies?”

Big Mac thought about before shrugging.

“I’ll send you the details when I get them.”

“Also I want you ta get mah property back.” He added seriously. “Ah know why you’re really here. And I’m willing to cooperate with you. Despite Granny’s wishes.” He adjusted his necktie. “As long as it has nuthin to do with our production, that’s classified.”

Serene blinked. She didn’t even need to maneuver him. “Pardon me?”

“Just slide it up straight Miss Warlord.” He gestured to the weapons. “I make things for a living, nice and simple solution. Need somepony dead? Gun. Need a monster dead? Bigger gun. Breaking a Shield spell? I make the answer, gun. I like things simple, so let’s keep it simple.”

“People like you suck the fun out of things, I’m an actress after all.” She rolled her eyes.

"Like ah said. Nice and simple." He rubbed his chin and looked up in thought. “Well Braeburn, Quick Fix and a few other techs worked on the project. I'd hoof you over their profiles.”

Serene glanced at LD, who was flying around shooting at the practice dummy. “I see. Why did Night Shift commission this project?” The stallion’s eyes widened. “I wasn’t born yesterday Big Mac. There’s no way these designs would come to be otherwise. And definitely not something they would allow someone else to have.”

“Humph. Director of Operations of Night Shift, had it commissioned.” He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “The specifications were a portable sentry gun to be easily deployed. It had to effective in crowd control and able to hold position over an extended period of time.”

Serene was intrigued. None of the reports gave her this information. But it was unfortunately irrelevant at the moment, although it couldn’t hurt to take note. “So why did you take Braeburn off the project?”

The massive stallion’s nostrils flared, Quills tensed and ready to fire a quick cast spell. “The traitor… He was selling designs to my competitors. He was family, but I’m glad he’s dead. My only regret is that ah didn’t end him muhself. Nopony. Betrays my family.” Serene noted the stallion was quite talkative when he felt strongly about something.

She placed a feeler on his back. She almost flinched from the hot rage emanating from him. It wasn’t an act. He claimed he didn’t kill Braeburn, he had motive, means and plenty of opportunity. But she wasn’t here for that, she needed to know more.

“I apologize Big Mac.” He raised an eyebrow at that. She felt his confusion and amusement. “I do have more questions however. Did a unicorn named Quick Fix ever work on the project?”

Big Mac thought about it for a while. “Enope.” He replied, she felt just his confusion and interest. She decided to remover her feeler. You couldn’t fake emotions, only expressions. But emotions without proper conclusion can be misleading

She went on with her questions, asking him about the other members of the project. Apparently Apple Bloom, Braeburn and a unicorn named Silver Engraving worked on it. She asked questions about the capabilities of the turret and Big Mac went into detail – nothing new however – on its capabilities.

She felt he was hiding something but she didn’t have anything to dig it out. Company secrets perhaps. All in all she concluded that she was left with a rather large pile of useless facts. She was just fact checking

Quills and LD spent their time trying out weapons. She commissioned a Bulldozer unit, guns and other weapons. She was going to pay most of it with bits from accounts that no one else knew. They would object to her having destructive weapons. Of course some of the weaker models was billed to Night Shift.

LD was holding a few guns like a child holding her gifts on Christmas. She picked out the scattergun, semiautomatic pistols and stun sticks. She was given a batch of experimental soda that to her fascination, would make her even faster. Serene did not decide to comment on it, but everything felt familiar. Big Mac said that it was his two bits in keeping the environment healthy.

Quills didn’t pick up anything for herself. She did however pick up stun, smoke and fragmentation grenades along with military grade packs for Pepper.

Serene didn’t like this mare’s confidence in her strength. She was the primary combatant of the group. But anything unrelated to fighting – or sewing – she had a hard time picking up other concepts. She was narrow minded and armed with her thirst for revenge.

Which was amusing because she didn’t pick up on Big Mac advances. He held her close while giving her tips on shooting. To be fair physical arms and magical arms functioned differently. And some had properties mixed, such as a heavy riffle with a stabilizing crystal. He invited her to some social gathering, which she only accepted at Serene’s silent command. Among compliments Serene covertly brushed a feeler and confirmed the stallion’s feelings of admiration and infatuation.

She knew Quills good enough to know she didn’t notice any of this.


Quills sat beside Serene in the chariot and the mare was still on guard while Lightning flew around. Serene learned from many others that one’s instincts should not be taken lightly. However during their journey nothing seemed wrong. Quills nerves were frayed from being on guard for so long, Serene felt the mare needed a vacation.

Quills sighed and relaxed as they neared Manehattan without incident. Of course, that was the moment the chariot exploded. “Protect.” Serene spoke and a green barrier wrapped around her. Quills managed to quick-cast a shield to protect herself, she noticed it too late and was unable to help the two Pegasi driving the cart.

Serene whispered. “Wish.” And despite being day a star crossed through the sky. Quills grabbed everyone and enveloped them all in a ball of solid magic. Serene wasn’t very durable, Wish in this world healed all allies in a vicinity based on half of her vitality. Which was only enough the get them off death’s door.

The muffled exchange of gunfire could still be heard behind the barrier. Four Pegasi in silver and orange armor were chasing LD. All had identical coats of white due to armor enchantments. They were equipped with the so called Battle Saddle. A saddle equipped with firearms at their sides and a mechanism that they bit down to shoot. In their case were riffles.

LD was ill equipped, at the speed she was moving she could not land reliable shots with her scattergun. Not to mention she had to be facing them. Lightning pulled back and unloaded her clip into one’s face. She then grabbed and twisted the stallion, facing him toward his team. He was still biting down on the firing mechanism and one of the Pegasi were gunned down.

Serene looked bored as she stared through the red sphere. She was insulted they sent only a wing and somepony with a rocket launcher. Quills on the other hoof was terrified, she was convinced that unicorns were not meant to fly and had been silent about that the whole trip. “I do hope she picks us up now.” Serene sadly remarked as they plummeted.

A blast exploded against the sphere and cracks appeared, Quills was sweating from the exertion. Serene took it into serious consideration to get a unicorn that specialized in teleportation. LD swooped down and caught them. Before she could set them down something barreled into LD, the sphere rolled and shattered spilling its occupants.

“Well I’ll be damned.” The stallion with the rocket launcher marveled. “It’s the bloody pincushion!”

He grinned as he kicked back a lever, reloading his weapon. He wore white armor with a custom battle saddle, RPG on the left and a rifle on the other. His mahogany coat glistened with sweat and some of his blond mane hung over his eyes. “Damned hot out here in this armor, ya know its bad manner to keep somepony waiting!”

“No one invited you.” Serene unamused replied. The stallion stared at Serene, just noticing her now.

“So… Is this your protection racket or something?” He questioned, turning back to Quills. “I dunno, she having tea and biscuits with the good ol’ king?” He chuckled. He spared a glance to his partner, tumbling in the dirt with LD. Both trying to kill each other.

The mare was wearing a bronze mask which pumped a green chemical into her mouth and neck. A machine on her back hissed and groaned, as she shot magic bolts from a twisted blue metal horn. LD unloaded a clip into the mare’s side and flew to Serene.

“Come on!” LD complained as the soot colored mare’s injuries closed up. The mare let out a roar, her red eyes reduced to pinpricks as her mask hissed. She slowly walked over to the stallion, trembling as she walked.

“Rusty.” Quills spat. Her horn glowed as she prepared her spell.

“Milord sends his regards.” He flipped his mane out of his face, and glanced at the two Pegasi circling them. “It was kinda cute at first. Your little revenge, but you’ve been a pain in my arse.”

LD drew her pistol. The soot colored mare turned to Rusty. “C-can I rip h-her apaaaaart?” She asked in a creepy voice, her head jerked and her body violently convulsed every few seconds. At her question Quills scowled and her horn glowed brighter. The soot colored mare looked expectantly at Rusty.

Rusty was unnerved too. “Uh, sure I guess. But don’t kill the pink pooch Boiler.” He nervously allowed. At his approval she let out a giggle and charged.

“LD! Get Serene-“

“Lightning please do take care of the Pegasi.” Serene cut off Quills. LD saluted and shot off.

Quills shouted and a wall of fire rose and pushed forward. She immediately prepared her next spell. Boiler leapt through the wall of flame heedless of the damage. A bolt of lightning shot at the deranged mare but she kept on going. Serene jumped out of the way as Boiler pushed Quills back. Quills raised to her hooves and stood her ground, Boiler let loose blow after blow to Quill’s ribs.

Serene calmly walked towards Rusty as the wall of flame died. He hid behind a rock but his back was exposed to the heat. He hissed in pain then looked at the Sylveon in confusion. “What?”

Serene waved her feelers around and a purple ball of energy swirled. “Moonblast!” She shouted as the ball launched. Rusty was surprised and got hit directly in the chest. The place it impacted left cracks and his armor let out a groan. Somehow he felt more vulnerable.

“What the- What was that!?” He demanded. He shook his head and swiveled his guns on her. “Just make me job easy-“ He was cut off by another Moonblast to the face. He felt that feeling of vulnerability, but her attacks didn’t seem to be doing that much damage to him. He growled and fired at her.

The shots pinged off the green shield surrounding her. Rusty was desperately trying to capture Serene alive, reports said that she was one of the Crimson Warlord’s informants. The fact that she was accompanied by two gang members meant she was a valuable asset.

It was infuriating. She would dodge or block most of his attacks. Every time he let up his attack she muttered ‘Calm Mind’. Whenever she took a lot of damage she would heal herself. She wasn’t strong physically but the blasts she launched were actually powerful, just that his armor’s enchantments protected him. But with every hit he felt those enchantments weakening.

Meanwhile in the air the Pegasi were still duking it out. The two now wary of Lightning and Lightning was not able inflict any damage without getting closer. Still, it was matter of time before they ran out of bullets. On the other hoof, Boiler was pressing the attack, not giving Quills a chance to charge up any meaningful spells. The enhanced mare’s strength was only fended off barely by Quill’s hoof-to-hoof combat skills.

Serene blocked an incoming missile and shouted at Quills. “Next runner!” Quills nodded and teleported away from Boiler and braced herself for a powerful spell. Boiler let out a scream of rage as she gave chase. Rusty was confused, that wasn’t enough time for her to charge a spell that powerful.

Quills had her horn pointed straight ahead, and she held the spell despite Boiler almost upon her. Serene smirked. “Baton Pass.” Quills and Serene switched places.

Boiler harmlessly bumped against Serene’s Protect and Rusty found himself in a very perilous position. Facing down a powerful spell that would obliterate him. He hit the ground as a massive blast of fire roared over him. The ground trembled and everyone else stopped to gape at the massive blast that stretched around 50 meters past.

Quills shook as she realized her blast was way more powerful than she expected. To her knowledge she shouldn’t even be able to do something like that. “That boost was too much.” Serene spoke in a tiny voice.

Rusty lay on the ground gagging and thrashing, a good portion of his torso blown off. The molten metal hissed against his inwards and released a very foul smell. Quills slowly stepped back, her eyes shrunk to pinpricks and shaking. She shuddered and retched, expelling her breakfast and her eyes watered.

“RUSTY!” Boiler yelled in horror. She slid to his side and held his head, slapping his cheeks. “Hang in there… I-I can fix this!” She hysterically promised. She pulled off her mask and placed over his muzzle, she gasped and choked as she smelled the air in the longest time. She yanked off the various cables in her neck and shoved them into his body, filling him with the vile chemicals that kept her going. Her horn glowed brightly and they both disappeared in a brilliant bright flash. Her screams echoing for minutes.

Quills stared at where the Ideals where, with a haunted expression on her face. ‘It’s different for you when they show some measure of humanity I suppose’ Serene thought. “It’s dangerous when you’re not sure who the monster is.” Serene found herself saying.

The Pegasi were steadily aloft, still thinking of the scene. LD slowly flew over to one of the Pegasi and shot him in the head without looking. As the other turned around she clubbed him, sending him hurtling down. Quills glared at LD, who simply shrugged.


“Boss I…”

“This is what revenge is like. Hollow, meaningless.” Quills ground her teeth. Serene walked towards her, inches from her face. Quills looked away. “If that sickens you so… Despite all you’ve been through. Then you should have never entered our world.” She coldly spoke.

Quills stomped her hooves and snorted. “With all due respect boss, shove off.” Her voice dangerous.

“Are you still that little filly hiding in that closet? She can’t face that monster.” Serene sniffed and turned away. “You are nothing. He thought so, that’s why you’re alive, and why they died. Are you going to prove him wrong?”

Quills looked down, gritting her teeth. “Do commit please. Or just walk away.”

Serene knew that there was a chance that what she said would make her leave, but she counted on her rising to the challenge. Either way it was a win-win. If Quills hesitated it could cost them greatly and if she couldn’t handle it she should just leave.