An Inky Adventure

by arandomboi12

First published

If Ink finds a rip in his doodle sphere, he jumps into it. Why? that's ink for ya!

Ink sans is the protector of all of the AUs. But what happened if he got teleported into another dimension with his powers? Fun chaos and a lot of questions.

Dimension Tear

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Our story takes place in a dimension known as the doodle sphere. The doodle sphere is a place of Islands that holds AUs. in the distance of this seemingly empty void was a figure. Not just any figure. It had bony hands, no skin, no ears, and had a grin on its face. It was the protector of the AUs, Ink. Ink Sans is a Sans who exists outside of timelines to help aid artists in the creations of new AUs. Despite aiding creators, he does not create AUs himself. He brings characters to life (outside of already deceased people). Ink is overprotective of the characters he creates and has started fights over them many times. He was on his normal routine. Saving universes from error, causing mischief in other AUs, and doodling sketches. Once he got back from an AU, he started to doodle. Nothing better to do, he started to draw with his big inkbrush Broomy.

Thats until he noticed something… a rip in the fabric of his dimension. He then went up to it and investigated it.

“What's this? I haven't seen this before. *GASP* maybe it's a new AU! Well only one way to find out!” he said happily as he jumped into the rip. As he was flowing through space, time, and universes when all of a sudden, he was engulfed by black ink! He didn't pay attention to it. Rather, it surprised him when he suddenly felt squishy. That's all he remembered until he fell unconscious.

Ink woke up and look around. But he did notice something different. It confused him so much. Oh so much… He was at a high school! And he was a human!

Well, that's not so bad. Except the human part. THAT confused him

“Hmm…” he blinked to show in place of his normal starry eyes were replaced with hour glasses to show that he was thinking. “Must be an AU where frisk goes to highschool… but i don't see them anywhere, nor do I sense them or ANY monsters here… weird.” he said before his eyes turn back into their normal.

"W-Would anyone like to help at the animal shelter?" He heard.

Ink looked to the other side of the statue he was beside to see Fluttershy. He blinked to show purple diamond shapes. At the very least, he was confused… but then it hit him like a brick. He wasn't in an AU, He was in a different dimension! He blinked one more time before he showed his usual starry eyes. But bigger. He was very excited. But then he heard something. It was the girl… The girl sat down and began to cry. Nobody was willing to help her at the animal shelter. He can't stand it when people cry. He then started to go up to the girl.

“Are you ok?” Ink asked genuinely while looking at her with tear drops in replaced with his starry eyes. That was his way of showing sympathy. She looked up at ink.

"O-Oh! Uh... Hello..." Fluttershy said, looking down again.

"I'm interested in this animal shelter." Ink said, trying to make her feel better.

"R-Really!?" Fluttershy asked, perking up.

She stood up. Ink was three quarters the size of Fluttershy. He had to look up at her. She gave him a paper about the animal shelter.

"I-I'll see you there... What's your name?" Fluttershy asked.

“Ink sans, just ink is fine too.” Ink said.

Ink scares a bully

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"I-I'm Fluttershy. Thank you so much!" Fluttershy said, going away.

'Huh. So this is a creators world?' Ink thought.

"GET INSIDE! IT'S TIME FOR CLASS!" A student yelled.

"Uh... Doh, whatever." he said, running slowly to the school door.

He entered the school to see... Well, a school. He marveled at almost every color. He was excited but then a thought came to mind: how did the doodle sphere get a rip in the fabric of dimensions anyway? Also, there were students everywhere. They were all giving ink weird glances. Mostly out of curiosity, disgust, dislike, interest, or confused as to why a 4’11 sixteen year old had a big paintbrush on his back and had a long brown scarf on too. And also how he got his eyes all starry like in the first place.

Ink traversed the crowded hallways, struggling to keep his inkbrush from hitting people, and not knocking into people. The bell rang, and everyone went into their classes. Well, except for ink. He just stood in the empty halls. The thing he feared the most: blank spaces. But he kept his calm and carried on. He sensed another presence approaching. So, he hid in the boys bathroom until it passed. Maybe the principal was passing by? As the person left, Ink sighed. He left the bathroom and looked around. He saw the trophy case.

But something, or someone caught his eye.

It was Twilight. He noticed the dog, which was Spike, talking. Now ink was no fool, he knew that dogs don't talk (unless you count dogs in the underground) so he did what he always does when he saw abnormal things: go up to it and acknowledge its existence
“DID THAT DOG JUST TALK?!? OMG THAT IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!” Ink shouted while Twilight jumped up in the air.

“U-umm… I can explain.” Twilight said as she started to sweat. “P-please don't tell anyone…” she begged ink. He blinked to show purple diamond shaped eyes. She was surprised.

“How did you do that?” She pointed out his eyes just so she wouldn't draw attention to herself as much as she already did.

“Do what? Oh! You mean my eyes?” he blinked again to show his normal starry eyes. “Lets just say its magic.” He winked at Twilight.

Then the bell rang. The hallway was filled with students yet again. (End of homeroom and now starting first period)

"I'm really sorry, I just found it, and I thought I should give it to her!" Ink and Twilight heard.

It was Fluttershy.

"Wait..." Ink said.

The three ran over to where Fluttershy were.

"I didn't know you had dropped it..." Fluttershy said.

"Well I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you." Sunset Shimmer said, pointing at Fluttershy.

"Hey!" Ink called.

Fluttershy was shocked to see Ink. Sunset Shimmer turned around.

“Oh look it's the weird kid with the changing eyes. What are you gonna do? Paint me to death?” Sunset Shimmer mocked.

“Don't tempt me. I might fill in that request.” ink said while he pulled out Broomy and got into a stance. She just laughed at him.

"Hah! This is hilarious. You're pathetic, you know that?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Really? If im right, you stole a crown earlier. Right? Thats real pathetic. Don't ask how i knew that. Just say its magic.” ink said. After all, having overwhelming magic has its perks. Like peering at her recent sin.

"It's MY crown!" Sunset Shimmer said.

"Um... Well, technically it isn't..." Fluttershy mumbled.

Sunset Shimmer slammed her hands against the locker, trapping Fluttershy.

"What did you say!?" Sunset Shimmer shouted.

"Oh, um... Nevermind..." Fluttershy said.

Ink tapped on Sunset Shimmer's shoulder. Despite him being short.

"Seriously. You can't just prance around and talking like that." Ink said.

"Yeah! Be nice!" Twilight shouted.

"You two must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want!" Sunset Shimmer said, walking away. Ink just nodded with his eyes closed. He put broomy back on his back.

“I’ll be right back. I'm gonna regulate on a spoiled child!” he said as he followed her from behind. Once he got close, he tapped her shoulder.

“Ugh! What no-” she stopped mid sentence as ink pushed her to the wall. Despite his size.

“Look here bacon haired sinner. If I ever see you pull the ‘i can speak to anyone anyway i want’ language, then your dead wrong!” Ink said pouring into her soul.

“Do you know who i am kid?” Sunset asked before ink mad his signature scary face.

“You don't seriously think I actually care about you? DO YOU?!?” she then tensed up and ran away.

“YOU WILL REGRET THIS!” she shouted at ink. He just shrugged.