Spike At Your Service

by Jinxed

First published

Spike has become quite the feminine beauty over the past few years, much to the joy of his workplace, and his boss...

Writing letters, delivering letters, delivering paperwork to the entire office, making drinks for the entire office, organising shelves and books, keeping the place clean, running errands, being sexually harassed very heavily by your co-workers and your boss... just a few of the tasks in a normal day in the life of Spike the Drago- Wait a second, what was that last one?

Contains: Traps, crossdressing, forced molestation, exhibitionism, anatomically correct ponies, crotch-boobs, M/F, M/M, oral, facefucking, deepthroating, prostate stimulation, nipple-play, spanking, excessive cum, cunnilingus, anallingus, cervix-play, ponut-play, general BDSM theming and D/s dynamics, soft femdom, light bondage, fun fancy outfits, and an absolutely blatant disregard for workplace etiquette and rules on office relationships.

While Spike is a biped, all ponies are their usual fun quadruped selves, so no anthro tag.

The full cover artwork that was commissioned for this story is by Noben.
I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Good Evening!

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“Celestia’s alabaster ass, this is taking forever…” Ink Ribbon sighed, lamenting his insane workload for what was likely the third time today as he ran a pale-silver hoof through his messy burgundy mane. “Do we really have to get this out before tomorrow? It’s already six!”

He yawned as he slowly scanned over the remaining sheets he had to type up and print for this newspaper, bright-copper eyes feeling overburdened. Poppy’s Printing Plaza covered newspapers, comics, books, made business cards on order, instruction leaflets, you name it; if it could be printed on some form of paper then Poppy could probably set up a department for it. The Plaza was most likely the best place to work in this part of uptown Canterlot, the employees here were the best paid with great medical benefits covered and a great pension scheme to boot, so he wasn’t ungrateful for his job. Though, whilst the boss made sure ponies got decent amounts of rest and plenty of bits, the heavy workloads and tight deadlines were something else entirely, it wore away at his sanity at times. He wished he could work down in the business card section, there was less to type in total and they had a really great beverage machine.

“Yes, we do.” Button Up nodded, returning to his runetype-machine.

His magic tack-tacked away at the keys after taking a sip of his wonderful coffee, quietly levitating it back down on the desk in a jade haze. He wasn’t one to complain like Ribbon, and he was smartly dressed too unlike him, as much as a stallion could be with just a shirt and waistcoat anyway. He actually had his tie perfectly straight and the buttons of his shirt done up whilst Ribbon didn't really bother. His pale-green coat blended well with his dark-navy mane, making him appear quite professional looking with his formal attire. He considered Ribbon a decent friend, even if he annoyed him a lot when it came to the work they both always teamed up and sorted their problems together when need be.

Button side-eyed Ribbon. “If you hoof down and focus it’ll go much faster.”

“But it’s sooo boring!” Ribbon moaned, magically pressing the keys of his own runetype-machine with unenthused effort until the last he had page ended.

He pulled it free with bronze-coloured magic and placed a fresh stack of paper into its holding arm, ready to keep typing. RTM's were a small step up from the classic typewriter in that they didn't require a form of typebar that needed to be reset. A stack of paper could then be slotted into place, and a magical marking powered by gem magic floated over the top of the first page where a key would strike, naturally left to right, before it would immediately reset back upon reaching the far side. It cut out a small measure of time, though it wasn't nearly enough for his liking, and if one made a mistake the page would still require retyping.

He pouted as he looked around at Button. “Why can’t we get those new RTM-style things that you can endlessly type on and reverse issues with, with the magic screens that never end and no damn paper to be seen, what were they called, SMIDs?”

“Spell Matrix Input Devices, yes. They would be nice to cut down on work but they’re just prototypes anyway. There would still be paper too, you know, it would all need printing out once it's typed up. Besides, not only does Poppy not have any, we’re not qualified to work with them, we don’t know the spells to interact with their architecture to move things about and it takes training.”

“I suppose, yeah,” Ribbon conceded, looking perturbed. The page he was writing was one of at least fifty in this single article he was to write continuously. “Those things are cool though, save us a lot of time when they go into full production.”

If they go into full production,” Button corrected him, using his magic to straighten his glasses whilst he still tapped away, the jade winking out. “They’re trying to say in future developments that they’ll be able to help in other avenues of work beyond new forms of typing; streamlining spreadsheet data and complex mathematical formulas, solving most of it almost instantly with a press of a button. That’s a lot for any single magic construct to do unless a very large gem or two with sophisticated spell matrixes power it, so it’ll be rather heavy with what would be needed and quite costly. I don’t see it working out, not at least in the near future.”

“Always such a neighsayer, dude. You’re more of a buzzkill than Integer upstairs in Marketing is,” Ribbon grunted at his co-worker, lightly bapping him with a telekinetically controlled ruler. “I reckon they’ll be the future, what with the magitech-link network they’re wanting to implement into telephones for mass connection, how soon will it be until these constructs have the same thing? Telephones were a massive breakthrough in communication though they're limited to how far the lines are laid, and gem phones whilst mobile only have a really basic link system to a set mass-matrix already, they only work within the city," he grinned at Button as he thought about it. "With these having that same sort of tech, but evolved, we’d be seeing information being shared across huge distances in seconds, like a nationwide spider web that connects everything together, an interweb? Plus who says these things can’t do more, like… imagine if we could see more than just text on a screen, like what if we could see one another through them like a portal?”

Button sniffed with distaste, batting the ruler away as it tapped him again and seizing it in his own magical grasp, the ruler glowing green from copper as he placed it down gently on the desk. “You’re too much of an optimist. Think of the expenses of such a massive endeavour, setting up the infrastructure for that alone would bankrupt the treasury. Then think of the complications and trouble that could arise from that advancement in our society, the possible social change and upheaval, as being able to see another through your screen means you have no need to go out to see them, the thought sets a worrying precedent. Also consider that people are likely going to be put out of certain types of work with the advances making things obsolete even though the set-up will initially create jobs. You'll also have civil unrest from a population getting to grips with a new technology thrust upon them and then you'll have the newer generation adapting while leaving the older behind, unable to work in this newer world. Not to mention; other races are going to want a slice of that pie for themselves even if we were the ones managing to get it off the ground.”

“What do you mean?” Ribbon wondered, looking at him directly. “You know ponies would share this with others.”

“Yes, if we were the ones making the SMIDs. They're a creation of western-land ponies in Equinisi, not Equestria, and they don’t like sharing,” Button told him matter-of-factly, his tone keeping even as he continued after another sip of his coffee. “They’ve allowed a select few other than the Princesses a few prototypes to ‘bear their fangs’ if you will. They're showing us what they can do, and what if they are allowed to continue doing will keep them ahead of Equestria technologically, which isn’t a bad thing really, I happen to encourage that."

“Why’d you say that? Them being on top is dangerous as we don’t know them too well, us being ahead of other nations so we don't get sidelined and allowing them tech is a win in my books.” Ribbon shrugged with a brief pause in his work.

“No, it's not. You think sharing technology is easy when it truly isn’t, and they have to do so carefully which means they can still be an important ally to Equestria,” Button said, looking at Ribbon with intent murky-green eyes as if he was being about as smart as a monkey. “You don’t think far enough ahead, and perhaps don't consider how the Diarchy moves. They’re keeping us from advancing too far too fast on purpose, keeping the populace placated by curating the technology of the world and allowing certain types of lesser advancement only as the public interest in it grows, only building on what already exists with the typewriter as a perfect example, or gem-powered carriages. In truth we’ve been stagnating as a nation for quite some time, the only reason the telephone was rolled out en masse to the people was because the cost was negligible, the infrastructure was easy to set up, and these magical constructs, the SMIDS, were being drawn up at the time, which the Diarchy saw as falling too far behind. I personally think it’s good that they’re not making us an unstoppable technological powerhouse.”

Ribbon clearly didn't see his co-workers' reasoning, an eyebrow raising. “But… why though? Us being further along than other nations in technology means we’re secure.”

“We’re already secure militaristically. We’re being kept slightly behind on the technological side of the equation because we’re the strongest nation on Ardinum with a wealth of magic to boot and nothing can touch us. Our Diarchy controls the celestial bodies of the planet and we have a fourth princess now that along with her friends can utilise ancient artefacts with untold power that only they can use. Those two reasons alone give all other nations around the world the sensible right to fear us. The Diarchy knows this and has carefully developed a huge trading network between several nations over hundreds of years, which ensures we don’t get cocky about our might, and those nations fear our might less because we’re just as reliant upon trade as they are.”

Button Press sighed, then stopping his work for a moment as there was a ping from the lift down the hall, glancing over his shoulder to the noise. “So why no big tech and massive push, you ask? Because us being on even hooves with everypony else means we won’t be fucking stupid and blow them up. That would mean no more of these interesting advances like the SMIDs, no more innovation from the rest of the world, and no more of your ‘interwebs’,” he remarked, glancing at his mug of coffee that was nearly empty. “And no more of my delightfully ambrosial Equinisi-grown coffee bean imports, wouldn’t that be a shame? But alas, as enlightening as this conversation has been to the state of your intelligence we have work to be getting on with, and our wonderous maiden of the office has arrived to brighten our otherwise gloomy day.”

“He’s a dude, dude,” Ribbon rolled his eyes, yet it didn’t stop his vision from going to the turn in the hallway that travelled from the lifts. “Will admit he certainly does look the part of a mare, though.”

“He’s a perfect beauty isn’t he?” Button mused, continuously switching between looking back and doing his work. “He has more than a mare’s curvature normally allows, and the femininity of a housewife to match. I do see you sneak glances.”

“I mean sure he’s… cute, but he’s still, yannow, male.” Ribbon pointed out with a slight flush of his features.

Button countered quickly, a small smile on his muzzle. “That doesn’t matter to me, nor to you either, I'd have thought? Besides, his exquisiteness and personality override the equipment in his ofttimes mareish underwear. He does wear a lot of frilly numbers that ride up on the inequinely-wide hips.”

“Well I mean it’s not that he’s not good looking,” Ribbon began, before noticing the subject of their current talkpoint rounded the corner into their section, the usual cheeriness on his face clear to see. “It’s just that that...”

Spike the Dragon: Royal Assistant of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Ambassador to Draekllanir, a hero of the Crystal Empire, recently also a Friendship Ambassador, and very recently now an office assistant at Poppy’s Printing Plaza; was rather cutely crouching down to fish out a stack of paper from the utility trolley he had. He was smiling and contently humming to himself as he moved along to music playing in his finned ears, connected to an older model gem-player hooked on his jeans.

Ponies and pretty much most creatures didn’t usually wear any clothing except for work or special occasions, yet Spike always did and it frankly seemed downright erotic as it hid the drake’s trappy naked form from view and left almost everything to the imagination, even with the clothing looking almost sprayed-on. His slender upper body that sported some slight perky bumps upon his chest was covered in a short-sleeved and form-fitting green hoodie that didn’t reach his midsection, giving a very tantalising view of his sleek toned navel, which lead downward into just as equally tight black jeans that looked as if they were struggling to hold the immense curvature of his broad hips and taut against the fair bulge in the front.

When he turned about to grab some extra things from the side of the cart it was clear the jeans were utterly strained all the way around and really couldn’t go up any further past his undeniably ample posterior, and were stopped anyway by the huge fleshy tail that snaked down to the floor. Even with an interesting securing clasp atop his tail to keep the jeans in place, both the clasp helping hold the jeans up and the thick tail did very little to hide the just-visible split being created between the two large malleable cheeks when his active tail swished from side to side, or the enticing pink underwear that rode up between them and rested ─much as Button had thought─ on his round hips above the hem of his jeans, underwear of which was most certainly meant for mares. The skinny jeans snugly trailed down his generously thick thighs and long shapely legs to dainty clawed feet that were tip-toeing around as he started to distribute what was quite likely the department's next work assignment.

“...That’s not fair, dude. No guy should make me feel like this,” Ribbon shakily breathed out as a heat slowly built up within his lower abdomen. He didn't exactly do his best to not focus on the dragon’s wonderfully massive bottom that could probably cause death-by-facesitting as Spike then bent over to pick up one of the pieces of paper that had flown free of the stack, unintentionally mooning them with a slight extra peek of booty as the jeans revealed more of the mareish underwear.

"Methinks thou doth protest too much," Button smirked a little, leaning in close. "You often don't when-"

It was then their conversation abruptly stopped as the petite dragon came over to give them ─as Ribbon had thought─ a new work assignment from upper-management, probably for the coming week. His breath slightly hitched in his throat as he saw Spike was wearing a different type of make-up today that really emphasised his gorgeous emerald eyes, the black mascara and eyeliner evenly framing them that flicked out into pointed wings, with a heavy hint of eye-shadow and some pretty lip-gloss finishing the look. It made him incredibly seductive, and Ribbon had a feeling that Spike didn’t actually know just how alluring it made him when combined with his sensual girly features, that cute pointed chin and dainty snout, the long green head-spines that looked so soft to the touch like a mane, those wide innocent eyes looking at him inquisitively…

Spike was looking at him.

“Are you alright, Ink Ribbon?” Spike curiously asked, his mouth shaped in a cute little ‘o’ that really drove Ribbon to wonder if he wasn’t doing this on purpose. “You look really pale, would you like a glass of water?”

Ribbon still tried his best to ignore that on top of the fact that he was possibly the most beautiful creature in Equestria next to the Princesses, that this wonderful sexy male drake had an extremely lovely honeyed voice that belonged to divinity.

“I, uh…” was all Ribbon managed to say.

“Spike, you’re looking absolutely ravishing today if I do say so myself,” Button spoke up, having noticed Ribbon had apparently crashed. “Stunning, my beauty. New make-up too, am I to guess?”

Spike blushed at the compliments, making himself even cuter in the process as he shyly looked down for a moment. Recovering, he looked back up to Button, nodding with a polite and enthusiastic smile. “Yes! One of my friends. She taught me how to do it, she’s really good with make-up and fashion. I appreciate you noticing, Button.”

“Simply divine. I do agree that our friend here does need some water, or a drink at least, and if it’s not too much trouble might I bother you for some more coffee?” Button gave a genial smile as his eyes very carefully drank in all of Spike’s shapely form from head to toe.

“Oh, of course!” Spike beamed, gently stepping away and smoothly turning on one foot, giving them an excellent view of his rear-end up close, before pivoting back on the same foot towards Button with a curious pout on his full lips as his tail swished behind him to balance the smooth motion. “Did you want that Equinisi stuff again?”

“Indeed, beautiful. You know me so well.” Button winked one murky-green eye at him.

“Laying it on really thick,” Ribbon muttered, finding his voice again and arching an eyebrow to the things Button was saying, then trying to talk whilst focusing on Spike’s pretty face and not his stunning body. “Uh, I wouldn’t mind some tea actually, if that’s no trouble.”

“None at all,” Spike laughed sweetly, the sound pleasant to the ears. “Milky and one sugar?”

“...Yeah.” Ribbon chuckled, partly surprised.

“I remember these things.” Spike smiled warmly, tapping the side of his head with his index finger and smoothly facing about, putting his music back on. Ribbon and Button both watched, entirely mesmerised by the soft bounce of his voluptuous derriere and the sashay of his door-jamming hips, as he gracefully walked away to the kitchen area with his lengthy tail slowly waving behind him.

Perfection.” Button whispered in Ribbon’s ear, turning back to his assignment.

Ribbon managed to pick his jaw up off the floor and return to his RTM as well, noting that he actually felt much more energetic than before, the gorgeously petite and effeminate drake having partially refreshed his spirit and lit a fire in his gut. Noticeably it was a point of some embarrassment and shame that he was now sporting a rather sizable erection from the encounter, his thick cock hardening up and starting to throb and stick out like a sore hoof. It made him wish stallion office fashion extended a little more beyond a shirt and waistcoat. He quickly shuffled himself forward in his seat so he could hide it under the table from possible prying eyes. With any luck it’d go away soon enough, he needed to stop thinking about the sexy dragon, otherwise he wasn’t going to get anything done. The sheer thought of Spike underneath him and taking his full throbbing length, the smaller trappy male moaning his name in earnest as his meaty horsecock pounded that tight little hole and slapped into that thick jiggling bottom…


This was going to be a long evening.

“Thanks, Spike!”

“Lovely as always!”

“You make the best mochas!”

“Thanks for the tea, Spike!”

The compliments he got always made him swell with pride at just how much effort he put into helping everypony around the office. It was a really great place to work and he’d met so many nice people here, everypony was always so cordial towards him with a level of kindness he only used to get from the girls, Ponyville, or the crystalline from the Empire. In recent years as he aged he’d gotten a great deal more respect which he was glad for as people took him more seriously now he wasn’t a simple childish dragon anymore.

Twilight had always said he was a natural at making people comfortable and being a number one assistant, so he thought that he could get a proper job that paid a wage. Twilight had thought it an excellent idea to move up in the world and the next thing he knew he’d gotten an interview here at Poppy’s. That was a number of months back now. He supposed it paid to be a Princess's assistant for most of his childhood?

It certainly impressed Poppy to have that on his résumé, Royal Assistant to the Princess of Friendship had quite the ring to it. Along with all of his other titles gained from what he’d seen as a mostly normal young life and Twilight vouching for him to boot, he’d practically been hired on the spot. It did help that the office lacked assistants needed for errand running, apparently it wasn’t a very popular job, which was weird because he found it very rewarding.

He had a lot of duties that a normal pony would be unable to keep up with, being able to go for hours on end helping everypony was something he could do with great ease, especially if he was listening to music on his gem-player. The Plaza was very large and covered at least four different buildings spanning over thirty floors all equally massive and full of workers, tirelessly creating in their respective departments to make what was needed for the public. They all needed assistance in the form of refreshment, errand running between coworkers, and regular restocking of supplies, all so that they could focus on their work. He was fairly sure he almost single-handedly managed at least two of the office buildings by himself on a near-daily basis.

He smiled sweetly at a mature zebra mare that accepted her coffee with a friendly wink, thanking him and brushing her hoof along his outer thigh. She was one of the bold ones that preferred to show physical affection of her thanks, which wasn’t entirely uncommon. He remembered that when he was younger Twilight would hug him close and kiss him goodnight, and people showing a warm gesture like a soft caress reminded him of that.

Then he got the flat of a hoof on his backside from a younger stallion, it was just a quick pat but it made his face burn a little as his sizable bottom jiggled from the slight impact. That one was actually slightly more common as of late though it wasn’t exactly upsetting, it was just a case of ponies being silly and either playing around or showing their gratitude in a kind of forward manner.

It was nice to be shown affection, even if it was just good-natured ribbing.

Plus it was kind of his fault, he’d been eating a lot lately and for some reason it always seemed to gravitate towards his hips, butt, thighs, and a little to his chest on occasion too, though thankfully that hadn’t happened too much. Despite that, it seemed he never actually got fat in an unpleasant manner, which made him a prime target for being playfully slapped on the bum or have his thighs squeezed, maybe a few looks to his ‘boy bumps’ as some people called them, and it was something of a running joke between the offices from what he knew or overheard every now and then.

He really didn’t mind though, it was all in good fun.

Sometimes he considered it to be fun in other ways too, like Button Up and Ink Ribbon earlier. Button was forward in an entirely different manner to nearly everypony else and would always be so flowery with his words, and often smelled of many different types of flower as he never kept to one type of fragrance. He would never lay a hoof on Spike whilst showering him with compliments to the point where it was almost a game between them to see just how verbose he could be, and it was really endearing.

Ribbon on the other hand was always so flustered and he wasn’t sure why, but Button would tease him for it a lot and that was highly entertaining. Spike would have to ask for the reason when they weren’t super busy. Ribbon was a good guy with an honest scent that just seemed a little trapped in a self-made bubble, maybe Spike could help delicately pop it one day and make him feel really relaxed.

He liked those two.

When he eventually came into the last section of the top floor offices and went past a few fancy desks, he quietly gasped as one of his lower cheeks was actually groped, and rather tightly as well, the soft combination of muscle and fat being kneaded for just a second or two by who he was facing away from. Spike sharply pulled away when the taloned thumb of that playful hand slyly grazed at a particular erogenous spot under his fleshy tail, and attempted to slide beneath the underwear into the slender valley that travelled down between the two great hills towards a certain protruding area.

“Gaillardet!” Spike blushed violently as a tingle jolted through his lower body and up his spine. His ears folded as he shot an annoyed frown that just came off as a coy pout whilst he pulled his earbuds out. “Being a little too fond aren’t you?”

“Not at all, little dragon. How can I resist such a splendid form when you tempt me so?” The smartly dressed gryphon charmingly smiled with his compact pointed beak. He wore a black suit and red tie that complimented his stark white exterior feathers and silver down, his golden head-feathers smartly trimmed and slicked back as usual. He simply smelled as powerful and attractive as he looked with the right amount of scented wingwood oil likely applied around his neck.

“I tempt nothing,” Spike stuck his long fleshy tongue out at him, whipping it back in when Gaillardet made a move to grab it between his index finger and his thumb. “Do you want another cup of tea, you look about empty.”

Gaillardet glanced at the large cup with nothing but the dregs of his last caffeine hit resting in it, and quickly let his eyes travel back over Spike’s sumptuous shapely body. “Ah, yes. That would be… appreciated.”

Spike carefully eyed him with a marginally coquettish look as he wrapped his supple hands around the girth of the mug after putting the buds back in, Gaillardet piercingly keeping his gaze even with a suave smile as he did so. Spike gently laughed and nimbly stepped back as Gaillardet slowly snaked his taloned hand towards him, though he let his thick tail slide through the gryphon’s hand as he walked away.

“Marquis Grey, half-a-teaspoon of sugar, no milk.” Spike said cooly, knowing he was quite right. He yelped and hurried along as the refined gryphon deftly reached out with a hearty confirmation slap on the other bouncy cheek that hadn’t been assailed with a rough fondle.

Spike was also rather fond of Gaillardet, he was similar to Button with his flowery words but did seem greatly more sure of himself in certain aspects. He was definitely more of a hands-on sort of creature, and taller than most. Ponies tended to come up to just past his waist on all fours, and stallions were generally a bit taller than him standing on their hind legs, with mares coming about at eye level. Gaillardet when standing straight however, towered over him by at least a head and a half, which involuntarily made his knees go weak and his tummy flutter. It was an odd feeling, and a part of him wondered what a warm embrace from the gryphon would feel like, to lean his head against his chest.

As Spike made his way across the room to the kitchenette in this part of the office he collected more cups and mugs along the way, subsequently being felt up much more than he had been on the lower floors. He supposed he was more well known on the uppers as he visited the boss a lot, one of the mares in a curve-hugging suit even using her magic to be very affectionate and igniting her horn, where he’d felt a very smooth gentle force on the inside of his jeans that teasingly caressed and stroked at his dick.

He let out a soft moan at the contact and hurried along as swiftly as he could, reddening more than he had when Gaillardet had attempted to slide his thumb between his buttocks; it seemed the entire office was very cherishing today…

The simple stimulation hadn’t lasted very long but it had been rather intense, the magic had... stroked over the head of his penis and under the foreskin, a rather clever use of telekinesis. He’d focused on making hot drinks and remembering what everypony wanted, though having been the centre of everypony’s attention, having been gently or roughly squeezed, caressed, stroked, and played with by hoof, magic, or talon alike; it all always caught up eventually and now he bore quite a formidable erection himself under the tight woven denim of the jeans, which was lewdly tenting quite an immodest bulge.

This did happen sometimes, and he didn’t not enjoy it, it was just that he couldn’t be at his best when his mind was elsewhere thinking of his arousal and the need to deal with it. His jeans being quite silky, they tended to cause a small amount of excitement with each movement that invitingly tugged and smoothed at his nethers, and right now each touch jolted like electricity through his groin and made it feel as if an invisible key in his back was being wound with every step taken.

His heart was pounding and his breathing was getting heavier, very quickly he glanced around to see if anyone was around, his ears angling to catch anypony coming along, and thanked Celestia he was alone. The rising heat in his middle that spread through his lower half was fogging up his mind and making him think of doing just terrible naughty things right in the middle of this kitchen’s space, the only thing hiding him from view being a few cosmetic low walls.

No one was around… no one would see or know…

He breathed deep.

Very very slowly and carefully, Spike painstakingly tugged down at the zipper of his almost sprayed-on jeans, the bottoms being so snug that as the zip descended his moderate drakehood pushed out, the firm rod of flesh having pulled free of his erotic underwear that failed to contain it. That was always a battle such garments lost seeing as they weren't meant for males, not that he much cared. He was fully erect and the pink glans was poking free of its protective foreskin, it was glistening with his lust, and his testicles ached with his need to orgasm. This was so naughty, he knew he shouldn’t be doing this yet the lascivious feelings were overwhelming and his petite hand went straight to the shaft, giving it a quick squeeze and sending electricity through his lower body and down to the tip of his tail, which made him elicit an extremely low moan that he stifled rather well.

Despite his overpowering lust the small voice of reason in the back of his mind was slowly but surely managing to wrest back control, so after a few short pleasurable strokes, the fear of being caught red-handed came flooding back and he worryingly tucked his privates back into panties as best he could and immediately closed his jeans back up.

He promptly ran the hot tap in the sink and rinsed off the precum that he’d scandalously leaked on his hand and on the floor, noting the slight damp patch in the front of his underwear that he felt with every step he took. He was more worried about the cloying scent of it, and hopefully it wouldn’t cling to him long enough that others sensed his heightened libido.

Before he actually made what everypony wanted to drink, he gave his hands a proper wash and readjusted his jeans after sorting the section of the floor he'd leaked some emission onto. Giving it a few moments after everything was done he strolled out of the kitchenette with the carrier and a happy smile on his face, most of the lustful thoughts he’d had buried under the need to do his job as perfectly as he always did.

“Took your time, gorgeous,” came a comment from Gaillardet, the gryphon eyeing his slender body as he drew near, giving an interested nose to his lower body which Spike hoped wasn’t a telltale sign of anything. He gave Spike a warm smile as he accepted his specific tea, his handsome features carrying a certain charm that told Spike there was something more to the simple gesture. Gaillardet took a careful sip and nodded. “Lovely as always, the tea as well.”

With a brief roll of his eyes and a good-natured wave, Spike carried on, putting his music back on and distributing the hot drinks through the office to their rightful places until his laden cart was bare and free. He gave a contented hum and turned back towards the kitchenette, it wasn’t quite seven yet and it was always at seven that the boss liked her pepper-upper on the days where her shift was longer.

Now, this kitchenette in particular had a special compartment under the left cupboard.

Some knew about it, but most likely assumed it was for cleaning supplies, and those in the know didn't touch it, and not only could they not touch it; they couldn’t access it. Only Spike was allowed to do that, he'd had to tell them when they tried getting at it. Gently putting his hand down his hoodie he fished out a small unsuspecting key on a simple necklace from within the top underneath, unclipping it from the woven fabric and quickly unlocking the restricted drawer.

The reason that only he was allowed to access it was because this drawer contained Poppy’s special caffeine blend and her treats, and he was their keeper.

Grabbing one of the sachets inside along with one of the packaged treats Poppy had ordered specifically from a special bakery in downtown Canterlot, Spike locked the drawer back up tight and placed the key back inside his hoodie on its cord, the metal resting snugly between the soft rises in his top. It didn’t take very long to make the personal infusion of tea, coffee, and hot chocolate, though it did require extras; such as the three teaspoons of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a splash of milk, and some mini-marshmallows. It was overkill on sweet and his senses, but it was just the way she liked it.

Placing it on his cart along with the confection, Spike rolled around to the stretch of space behind the small kitchen-area that was separated by a large artsy tinted-glass wall, to a far more robust and darker one of fractal crystal across the stretch of carpet, of which through the hazy screen he could only just about make out his boss’s imposing silhouette comfortably sitting behind her large desk thanks to his heightened draconic eyesight. The layout of this section was built just so; she could see everypony in this department on all sides of her clear as polished crystal, whilst she sat at the back of the floor and no one could see her within. Not only that but if ever she called somepony to her office to talk, the room was magically soundproof unless she wanted to cast her voice out of the room with a spell, so generally no one could hear or know if what was being discussed boded ill or good for the culprit.

Poppy was an excellent boss and everypony would generally say to him that she was a stern, albeit very fair employer that paid a good wage, but Celestia forbid if anypony angered or crossed her in any way, shape, or form. It tended to have the effect that the entire upper floor would become oddly silent when she purposely summoned an individual rather than a group.

Such things didn’t worry Spike... much.

After taking his earbuds out, he wrapped them around the player and placed it on the cart as it tended to annoy Poppy when he had the buds in. He then curtly wheeled around to the door of her office and politely knocked twice. A few employees over to his right eyed him with curiosity momentarily and returned to their work shortly after.

“Come in, Spike.”

Obviously she’d seen him through the smoky crystal walls, and if the poised smile on her face wasn’t enough then her tone was telling him she was amused. He knew she would prefer he just came right in, however he always preferred to knock because she was in charge of him and she was very deserving of his respect. She was also very intimidating when she wanted to be, as she did once attempt to take over Equestria for the Storm King, after all.

Tempest Shadow, also very rarely known by her actual name of Fizzlepop Berrytwist, and of course now her business name ‘Poppy’; was neatly sitting behind her ornate, opaque crystal desk with an impish smirk on her muzzle as she fixed onto him with teal eyes. Her shocking fuschia mane was still much the same if a tad longer and the striking scar over her left eye just as prominent, her jagged horn intimidating and her rich mauve coat sleek and velvety. She absolutely reeked of feminine beauty and power amidst her subtle usage of lavender perfume, something she'd never bothered to use until Twilight had gifted her a bottle on her birthday, and every one after since they officially became friends at the Friendship Festival that Tempest had tried to crash.

Her previously standard armoured bodysuit she'd worn back then had been replaced by a formal suit and skirt, at least in the office. It hadn’t taken her very long to acclimate to society again, she was a natural born leader and a very smart and deductive thinker, precisely using her gifts to gain a strong hoofhold in the business sector where innovation had been lacking, and created a thriving printing firm that outclassed everything else currently on the market.

“Got my pep?” Tempest asked, clearly looking at it on the trolley where it sat.

“Yes, Ma’am. Your usual, I hope it’s up to your expectations.” Spike smiled sweetly, attentively picking it up with utmost care and placing it before her on the vacant coaster at the edge of her desk, smoothly easing it toward her and avoiding her paperwork, and then laying the treat next to it as well.

“It generally always is, Spike,” she fiendishly purred, her striking teal eyes fixing onto his own with such intensity he felt forced to look away in a blush a terse few seconds of direct contact later. Her horn sparked as the broken piece ignited, dying out once she’d lifted, taken a long sip, and lowered the mug with a smile. “...And of course it is.”

She didn’t speak for a few moments as he stood there, his tail swishing with minimal agitation. Her gaze focused on him and travelled up and down his curvy figure, only stopping to zone in on a certain part. He said nothing as she smiled and unwrapped her delicacy, intently keeping her vision on his groin.

“I really do enjoy these cupcakes,” Tempest commented, taking a slow bite of the confection that was followed by another mouthful of her drink. “Pinkie does make some excellent sweets.”

“Yes, M-”

“Spike, come here.” Tempest said, not taking her eyes off the prize.

It wasn’t a request.

A tightness blossomed in his chest as he delicately toed over to the desk she was still tucked into, a fuzzy warmth beginning to rise in his groin and lower abdomen again when Tempest didn’t stop her ogling even when he stood right before her. In her chair she was low-down and comfortable, so her face was only just higher than his crotch. He gently breathed in and clenched his hands together as she leant over and pressed her nose against his barely concealed package, breathing in his scent with a pleased hum.

In this situation he was entirely at her mercy because he tended to lose his ability to think straight, which was customarily how it was when alone with her in her office and she was on the prowl. Sometimes she would have her pepper-upper and send him on his way, other times, well…

Tempest was currently using her teeth to undo his zipper.

...Other times, she wanted a much more special treat.

The zip was deliberately edged down at a snail's pace, and Tempest’s head was angled to the side so she could lock her eyes with his own, giving a small raise of her brow; she was fond of letting him know that despite her wanton inclinations, at this juncture there was one last chance to back out if he so wished, but he never did. He simply kept his gaze level and heavily blushed with a shy smile, that was all the information she needed.

The link was fully opened then, his snug meaty pecker whipping free and unintentionally booping Tempest on her snoot, she chuckled and rested her thick lips against the pink cusp that was pushing free of the foreskin as he fully hardened. Her horn ignited again and he was pulled towards her as she fiercely undid the top button of his tight-fitting jeans, making it easier to access him. She tugged them down until his entire package, and his massive bottom were free of their confines, and smacked a hoof against one of the supple jiggly cheeks.

He yelped and jerked forwards, which was exactly what she wanted, popping the tip of his dick into her waiting mouth. Spike couldn’t stop himself from lightly moaning as her tongue played with his glans and deftly teased under and around his foreskin, the sensitive flesh there being pushed back with her lips so she could have at his entire head. Her tongue smoothly danced over it with each stroke, sending electricity down his spine and through his inguine to the tip of his tail.

His hands clenched and he continued to release small gasps of pleasure whilst Tempest gradually bobbed further forward onto his hefty length, both of her hooves were kneading the soft hills that were his arse, and he could feel the tight warmth of her throat encapsulating his size until her nose was pressing against his lower abs. Even then she squished her hooves deeper into the flesh of his ample buttocks and took an extra centimetre or two, a low vibrating sigh of bliss emanating from her as she gently deepthroated and the telltale smell of her feminine arousal filled the air, whilst rhythmically rocking his hips back and forth with minimal input from himself.

She didn’t gag once.

Tempest did need to breathe however, so she eventually relented and leisurely eased herself off of his broad cock, letting it free with a soft wet pop whilst taking in a few lungfuls of air and smiling as if she’d simply enjoyed a mouthful of her drink. She gladly gave over a few minutes of lavishing his smooth scrotum with attention, lovingly running her tongue all over each of the cute orbs and tenderly sucking on them, a hoof gently massaging his glans and shaft until she then decided to relent.

“We’re doing that again in a moment. You are very tasty today, Spike, you’re keeping to your diet regimen,” she grinned, briefly going back to running her silken tongue over his dick and suckling on its end to milk his copious amounts of precum.

“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you, Ma’am,” he groaned as she kept administering him, gasping and jumping just a bit when she immediately gave one of his great halves a firm smack, sharper than just a normal one. He understood his error immediately and corrected it. “M-mistress.”

“Good boy.” She purred from his cock, running her tongue over its ample length again.

He really liked it when she called him by pet names, or referred to parts of his more marely anatomy in girly ways despite that he was male, it was blatantly erotic and made him feel quite sexy, every word sent a heat to his core and made his cock twitch. At this stage he was already drifting through a thick mist of arousal, being quite enraptured by her spilt mare juices wasn’t helping either, but that was exactly what Tempest wanted from him.

“Now, fuck my face,” she ordered, placing her hooves in her lap whilst keeping her head turned towards him and giving her lips a good lick to wet them. She noted the hitch in his breath. “Do it now, boy.”

Not that Spike didn’t enjoy the act, it felt amazing to languidly push his thick member down her warm velvety throat, though it always worried him that he’d end up accidently doing her harm as she would generally never stop him when he looked like she was going to pass out from a lack of oxygen. She wasn’t one to admit defeat and she did actually thoroughly enjoy that feeling of suffocation, at least with his genitals; a concerning level of indulgence that made her incredibly horny and sopping wet.

Such an extreme was her idea of beginning foreplay.

“Yes, Mistress…”

Taking a tentative step forward so he could keep her steady, Spike gently took a hold of her ears as the tip of his dick pushed against those big cushiony lips, ever so kindly squished out and slightly parted. The shift from room temperature to her hot mouth was instant as he carefully eased himself onto the soft caress of her tongue, the wet organ quickly taking to attacking the underside of his glans and shaft as the rest of her mouth encompassed the rest of him. Once again, he felt her muzzle reach his base and his tip snugly resting deep in her gullet where it made her throat bulge outward, one of his ears flexing a little as his hearing picked up the heavy dripping of liquid onto the carpeted floor.

He started to gradually move his broad hips, delicately pulling his girth from her hungry maw with a carefulness he knew wouldn’t be able to continue for much longer; her tender muscle was striking all around his shaft with impatience as he mostly left her mouth and carefully pressed back in. She’d likely tell him to be much rougher with her if he didn’t start soon, as she had done before, but much to his surprise as he carried on taking it slowly she didn’t do that at all.

Instead, she opted to coerce him into doing it by playing to his kinks.

His excitement utterly skyrocketed and his heart rate likewise soared when one of her smooth hooves moved to the underside of his shaft where a small mess of saliva and his precum was starting to spill from her mouth, glazing the flat of her hoof with the fluids as she navigated under his cute sack to between his legs and tail. Her jagged horn crackled to life and he felt his two massive cheeks being gently parted, and his erect nipples ensnared.

She’d done this just once in the past month, and he’d loved every blissful second of it, so it seemed she was playing to it again for both their sakes.

Spike gasped as his insanely sensitive, incredibly tight, and minorly protruding cute button of a hole was just stretched ever so slightly as her magic tugged his halves a little further than need be, and the warm sole of her hoof pushed with a gentle amount of force against his small exit. He let out a series of smaller gasps and moans as his boy-bumps were mercilessly teased, and released a much more profound groan of pleasure when her magic then nudged at his passage with a lovely form that was comfortably phallic and pliable.

Persisting in his efforts, he lowered down into her gullet with a renewed interest, doing his utmost to ─and absolutely failing─ not exclaim or cry in sheer delight when the shaped spell began to cautiously penetrate and vibrate. It silkily inserted inside of him without harshly distending his virgin opening or robbing him of his virtue, intensively sliding in deeper until its smoothness pressed into what Tempest liked to call his ‘love button’.

“M-mistress, yes!!”

The high-pitched squeak of elation he cried out would have alerted the entire upper floor had the room not been soundproofed. He faltered in moving his cock as she giggled, vibrating around his girth, and he definitely felt himself discharge a large amount of precum that she gladly drank down. It was purely amazing, his length down her throat, the magical force tweaking his chest, the tantilising tremour against his prostate. The pulse was adamantly kept at his cadence by Tempest, so the greater he thrust the harder it would thrum and press; she wanted him to be forceful.

He wanted his prostate pounded, and his and her prominent lusts only increased as he somewhat regardfully initiated pumping even faster, as much for her as for him. The worry at her discomfort abated if only for a time, the niggling thought at the back of his mind kept in quiet consideration, but vastly buried by his moans and surging need to fill her throat with his spunk whilst he was rhythmically hammered and teased by her spell.

Gaining some extra speed as his desire acutely amped up, he eagerly thrusted faster which caused her to raise a pleased growl. The lewd, wet noises of his sodden member rapidly entering and exiting her mouth wholly escalated and became vastly louder as he was now truly fucking her face as per her demand. She was rather enjoying herself with it if her broadly intoxicated moaning, fluttering eyelashes, and rough suckling was anything to go by, and he knew if he saw her marehood she’d be an engorged, puffy-lipped mess of fluids.

For the briefest of moments he paused, scarcely allowing her a second or two to snatch a meagre amount of oxygen before plunging his length back down into her eager waiting throat and resuming his quick pace to please himself from both sides.

He was getting very close to his climax now, and she knew it too when his thrusting sped up a fraction higher, and his breathing grew heavier with the occasional jolt in his rhythm. She joined further into his tempo by easing herself off when he would leave her and force herself back on when he would sink back in, working at his speed with great control and changing the spell to pinch his nipples tighter and now double-tap his button with every instance. Spike groaned as he felt himself surging, the pressure that rushed through his lower body was growing exponentially; the sensation on his entire member and the magic that wracked his voluptuous body was too great.

“Mistress, I-I…”

She hummed her approval.

When he couldn’t endure any more he cried out in ecstasy and thrusted as strongly as he could, he deeply sunk his cock down into her waiting throat as the phallus behind took up a new rapidly vibrating pulse and grinded itself into his prostate with such intensity his tail involuntarily curled. The swollen head of his dragonhood exploded with hot cum, shooting a torrential flood of continuous sticky oversized bursts with every throb, his loud pleasurable mewling not stopping as he kept pumping and his snug passage clenched around the invading toy.

Tempest was having a magnificent time as Spike kept discharging ample amounts of semen into her throat, so much so that it overflowed when he eventually began to wind down and his shaft moved from plugging her throat to resting in her mouth, whilst her tongue lapped at the mess that was still spewing from his cock. She was in bliss swallowing everything she could, Spike saw her eyes sometimes rolling back in the moments she lost her composure, the puddle under her must have been crazy.

Spike tiredly gasped as Tempest's magic dissipated and relented its rapturous assault on both his boy-bumps and his prostate, sluggishly leaning forwards to gingerly rest himself against her head for only a short time. She continued to suckle every last speck of his cum that she could reach, giving some special attention to his smooth balls where a lot of it had dripped, and he was happy to let her, though lightly twitching with each small lick from his current oversensitive state.

Mmmmmmmm... Ahh, that was good. Well done, you adorable little trap.” Tempest finally groaned, licking her lovely lips and giving the tip of his penis a final small suck, finishing with a kiss. She rested back into her chair and closed her eyes with a low sigh of gratification, then smiling, inhaling and exhaling as she gently patted her stomach.

“You’re welcome, Mistress. I’m glad to have been of service.” Spike replied, a likewise content smile on his face, he loved being called that most of all as it implied he was the pinnacle of femininity. His legs were just beginning to feel an ache but he’d be perfectly alright to continue his office duties once he got to sit down for a moment.

“And you still will be,” Tempest amorously smiled, her smile widening into a knowing grin that made him more curious than scared, he couldn’t be afraid of her. “I think you might have noticed I need tending to.”

Spike nodded, not hiding the small grin that came to his pouty lips. He might have been a little knackered but he loved performing cunnilingus on her, and he certainly wouldn’t wish to leave her horribly pent up. “You’re very aroused, Mistress. Would you like me to serve you?”

“Indeed, and more after, boy,” She raised her brow, pushing back from the desk and reclining her chair whilst turning the seat to face him, a pillow was brought from beside the desk where it had been out of view and placed before her now spread hindlegs. “Get to work.”

It was a gorgeous sight to bear witness to.

Tempest’s marehood was swollen with her need, the usual inner lips of her puffy vulva pushed outwards, the delicate fold engorged with wanton arousal, and her large glistening clitoris was quickly winking in and out. Atop that perfect pussy were two equally lovely medium-sized orbs of flesh, both topped with puffy areola that covered a hefty portion of their surfaces, and capped with suckable cherry-sized nipples. Below lay her wonderfully pronounced thick ponut, unspoiled and taut with a soft dock cushioning it, her tail resting down to the floor.

He hadn’t expected her to be completely skirt, bra, and pantyless, however it did make things more readily accessible. It occurred that she might have been wanting this all day, so how long had she been letting her hefty teats hang free? It wasn’t too important anyway, he had a much greater job to do than serving tea right now.

“Of course, Mistress.” He humbly nodded, getting down onto the silk pillow.

End Of Shift

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Spike loved many things. He loved music, adventures with his friends, reading his comics; it was all fun to do whenever he could engage with it. In work, he loved doing a good job for others, and that bought him a sense of self-satisfaction when they genuinely appreciated the effort. He loved when somepony would see he'd gone the extra mile entirely for their sake just to make their day a little easier, the honest thanks received was a boost in his step and a pleasant flutter in his midsection.

In this sort of work however, it was all the more powerful.

Tempest's deep moans and long hums of pleasure echoing off the walls of the small sound-proofed office as his winding tongue pulsed within her and flexed back out, reaching places a normal tongue couldn't, was speaking volumes as to her sincere appreciation of his effort and abilities only he could offer her.

Also fingers were a thing.

Throughout his life growing up and even when he was quite small, he had been very aware of the sheer fascination that ponies had with the few species that bore fingers, on hands or paws, but they were far more interested in soft digits with no sharp claws or talons. Perhaps it was from something of a safety point of view as gryphons had sharp talons and didn't tend to clip them, that example he could understand. He himself had decided very young that he would soften his image as he grew to be more... consistent with a pony lifestyle, so soft and curvy, and in turn he was sure it only increased interest in the fact his hands were very gentle, and his talons were simply smooth filed-down nubs.

It was only as his own sex drive came into being and his body changed to be a great deal more effeminate that he realised that a very little part of that deep interest came from a sexual desire at his uniqueness. One that Tempest had made clear on several occasions, before she had finally made it crystal clear she actually wanted to fuck him; the hints had simply gone from subtle to brazen when they hadn't hit their mark, as he was rather scatter-brained about these things sometimes. Looking back he could see the delicate words spoken whilst others were around had heavily insinuated something under the surface.

The dainty fingers she'd been hintingly curious about were now very openly splaying her pink folds apart as they drove into her slick depths, carefully stroking around inside her inner walls and adding to the heavy assault his tongue was mounting upon such a sopping velvet fortress.

Unless he wanted to pay her a compliment, he didn't need to pause to speak with Tempest during this part anymore; she orchestrated his movements with squeezes of her thighs and blissful moans, or the stroke of her fingers over his head spines. If he had been doing something she wasn't fond of then she would sharply tug on them, or her horn would spark and he'd find himself poked in the side, and he would change form and try a different approach. That was all long past now as she was an excellent teacher, and their rhythm was perfectly in sync at every step, so he knew just how to keep her on the brink of orgasm until he could feel her need in how she squirmed and dug her hooves in.

Sometimes she'd just want him to see her off with a lovely long string of consecutive orgasms that kept her in mind as it left his jaw and tongue aching for a day or so after, and oftentimes she just wanted a few quick ones to perk her up every couple of hours. Sometimes though, she wouldn't be specific and he'd purposely draw it out after giving her one or two, teasing her until she became so wanting that she would command him to push her over the edge, and he'd mercilessly go at her until his tongue was starting to poke against the ring of her cervix and she cried out in ecstasy.

Today was one of those days to him, she seemed quite tense.

Tempest hadn't been disallowing him from touching himself, so whilst one hand had been fingering her, the other had been straddling his large cock as his arousal made it slick with precum. Now he moved that up past her vulva, to rest upon one of those lovely mounds above her engorged labia. She breathed in as his tongue quickly withdrew for barely a second as he dragged it over her heavy teats, before plunging his wet muscle back into her and continuing his charge, and gently massaging each teat in turn as he slowed to roll the fat nipples between his index and thumb.

"That's good..." Tempest whispered from above, he looked up and was filled with satisfaction at her half-lidded eyes accompanying the words. "I really needed this, the past few days have been terribly overburdening. It's nice to have some time for us..."

Tempest's head went back and a low groan of enjoyment vibrated through her as his only response was to gyrate his meaty tongue inside her hot passage and gently pinch her puffy clit to perform the same massaging treatment he was giving to her nipples, occasionally switching between stroking the sensitive spot and easing his digits back inside of her. He used the mess of saliva and marely arousal to lightly tease her tight puckered ponut with the tip of his spade tail, something of a new area they were exploring together, which Tempest had acquiesced to after noticing Spike really couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous and tantalisingly thick ring of muscle.

He gently stroked and teased the sensitive flesh, his tail tip caressing and pushing just so, not penetrating, that wasn't on the cards yet, but certainly hinting at the fact enough to tease the extensive amount of nerve-endings nestled within the ring. His tongue came out of her glistening marehood and lavished the pronounced ponut with attention, Tempest shifting in response to the new area he was treating and reflexively pushing her hips up to the delicate zone being touched upon. His wet muscled organ forced past the extremely tight defence with its strength and slipped inside for just a single unexpected moment, a loud exclamation of both surprise and intrigue issuing from Tempest. The tip of his fleshy tongue was constrained by the taught vice of her puckered muscle, moving it within her for the moment he'd been able hadn't been as easy as with her marehood that he was now moving back to. It was definitely something to test later on, just how enjoyably deep he could go, and how wide he could make his range of movement within the far tighter passage?

Attending to her beautiful flower again, he continued his rapid oral pace and let his work speak for itself as the room was filled with nothing but her wet sounds and pleasurable moans, gradually building her up as she rose to the crescendo, to then quickly halt the pace and change rhythm to throw her off. He felt himself smile whilst his tongue danced within her silken snatch at an agonisingly leaden crawl, as her hips thrust further forwards onto his slick muscle in clear expectation.

He acquiesced and carefully began to resume the previous speed, then slipping fingers back into her and heavily stroking the textured interior, continuing the motion as he sunk in and out to the knuckles, her inner passage greedily grabbing at his fingers as well they could with his tongue dancing around. His ample length gave a short twitch as he continuously delved his digits within, he really wanted to feel her pulsing warmth all around his drakehood, but he also knew the longer he held off the greater both their satisfaction would be.

Spike really did love eating her out too, it was just so incredibly wonderful to be this deep within a mare's most sacred of places and reduce her to a blissful shuddering mess that couldn't form sentences whilst her lust-fogged mind rebooted. He enjoyed the cloying taste, the deeply clean smell of feminine arousal, the thick rolling tightness that squeezed with want and need. He rose to the point where he almost kept on so hard that she achieved orgasm, and only just managed to stop himself short as he felt her body tremble with every flick of motion his appendages made, causing Tempest to gasp in both pleasure and disappointment at her thwarted climax. He knew her body well enough at this juncture that he could tell exactly when she was upon the precipice. Sure, a mare could have several orgasms within a short space of time, but that didn't mean he couldn't really draw them out.

"Bastard... L-let me..." She hissed in a moan, not really all that angry.

He suppressed his amusement, his tongue pushing in again and repeating the process harder. He continued in a similar fashion for quite a considerable time, until his tongue started to ache again from the intensity of how much he was forcing it inside her, and her eyes were practically facing the ceiling as her eyelashes fluttered. She'd dragged him forwards at some point during his servicing and her wonderfully thick muscular thighs enveloped him in warmth as they wrapped around his head, her hindlegs meeting around his back and her forehooves pushing into the arms of her chair as she vigourously mashed her cunt against his face through her audible pleasure.

She kept tensing as he played around, and decided to let her go right to the edge a few more times before he relented and went to eleven. Tempest was partly surprised though quickly and eagerly pushed her hips up, going with the newly set pace as a hand moved to support her by grabbing and sinking into the supple flesh of her hefty bottom. Not that she needed it with her muscular haunches around his head, but kneading one of the wonderful half-globes of her buttocks wasn't something to pass up.

He pushed further, making his tongue go into a full ache again as he wildly writhed the organ inside the tight confines of her sex, rapidly withdrawing just enough to grind it against the winking clit or catch the tender nub between his pouty lips and suck on it as the fleshy pearl taunted him every few seconds. She was fucking herself on his slick muscle as much as he was doing her service, pulling herself into the seat just off his pulsing flesh and bucking forward as quickly as he dove in to have it reach inside again, as much as she could with her strong legs gripping his head anyway.

He kept his wild pace as her breathing grew heavier, and her movements more desperate, enjoying the scaling sounds as she let herself fully build once more without him making any attempt to stop giving. He savoured the moment she cried out in an extremely deep moan of satisfaction as her orgasm came in hard and fast, more akin to a warriors roar, which he smiled around whilst working her body through, as it was racked with the pleasure of his fingers and tongue playing merry with her contracting snatch. His tail carefully taunted her backdoor as her tensing made the trembling ring of flesh that much more sensitive, and he repeatedly lashed his tongue tip against the winking node from where it pushed out of her inner depths.

His mouth filled with pleasant marecum as his reward whilst his broad tongue deftly and deliberately flexed in every part of her that could be reached. She shook as he slowed the coiling movements and she kept up her small cries, her insides rippling and tensing around his muscle, with his slickly coated fingers lovingly caressing through her like a delicate instrument and his other hand joining it to play with her as she eased down. He languidly dragged his tongue up against her clitoris again even as she sharply bucked at the oversensitive nub being touched, and trapped it then in his mouth for the final play, gently drawing it in and pushing against it. He utterly surrounded it with the full might of his tongue and his pouty lips whilst his fingers slid around the inner edges of her entrance, keeping her senses completely enraptured as she wound down in an overstimulated shiver.

Letting himself relax a little as he swallowed what she'd given him, he lightly stroked around her vulva and inner thighs, massaging as he lapped at her still-dripping marehood, Tempest groaning deeply as she fully collapsed back into the seat. She breathed quietly for a few minutes in her afterglow for a while as she let him absently play, twitching occasionally as his tongue lightly flicked across her clit.

"Excellent work, boy. I think that an... intimate reward is in order," she said almost breathlessly, lightly panting from her exertion.

His lips curled up as he looked up and met her eyes. "I'd really like that, Mistress."

Getting up quickly, he felt her magic over his lower body as he went to pull his jeans down a little more, trying not to giggle at the weird sensation as he and his clothing were cleaned of any dried substances. She winked at him as she gave a glance to the clock behind her above the desk, smiling and looking back at him expectantly. They had plenty of time apparently, Tempest kept people to her schedules with military precision to the point they'd never been interrupted so far, although that was also likely due to the fact that the secretary at the front desk was also part of their specific dynamic and was under Tempest's spell as much as he was.

Aurora Ember was a pretty nice pony, all things considered, even if she was broody and barely spoke to him when Tempest asked them to work together, to which he had a feeling that Tempest was seeing how they got along. Spike did quite like the other mare even with the distance she kept. There were times where Aurora would purposely come up to 'deliver' something to Tempest and spend time in her office much the same as he would, his enhanced sight allowing him to see exactly what they got up to. She'd look his way upon exiting with a certain look that maybe suggested she was doing a better job of things.

Thoughts aside, he smiled as Tempest gave a nod, stretching her hindlegs a bit wider for him. "Come now, you've really worked me up for more and you'll need to remedy that, boy."

Spike blushed at the lovely sight of her dripping snatch and nodded, his engorged member quite clearly standing to attention. He stepped forward on his dainty feet and gently teased the tip against her glistening slit with barely held anticipation. He was going to savour this, he'd built himself up enough and treated Tempest enough that he would get to take his sweet time with it. He loved to go slow and deep, truly feeling her warmth constrict and squeeze him as he kept to a languid pace that made them shiver equally.

Her delicate inner lips were flushed with her arousal, the gentle fold of her pink vulva harmonious with the slightly darker purple of her surrounding puffy mons. He joyfully pushed his length up between the ridges, the slick flesh parting around his partially exposed glans as her engorged nub winked out, she tensed with it so her thick clit would stay for a moment longer as the underside of his shaped glans mashed against its sensitive apex. Her low moan and smile told him this was a pleasantry she'd allow, he really enjoyed the sensation of his glans and her clit kneading together as it built his anticipation.

He teased himself on the precipice of her marehood, his member not penetrating more than his meaty tip, his lust building higher as her drooling slit clung to his flesh as if to drag him in whilst he moved. Finally he relented, leaning forward towards her and supporting himself by placing his hands securely around her croup as she reached her forelegs around his neck, and their lips met in a passionate kiss. His tip pressed down, her tight satiny depths sliding over the head of his cock as he lowered into her, the tight walls of clenching muscle eagerly inviting him as his foreskin was pushed back and his deep moan of pleasure joined hers as his thick length spread her apart the further he sunk.

She eased her hips up whilst he moved his hands down, and gently lifted as he lowered his cock deeper, every fold and bump grasping at his member like her military bodysuit would have fit to her as a second skin, the muscles further twitching in their need as he pushed deep. Her wet tongue wrestled with his own as he eased for a moment to let her acclimate to his size, the kissing a wonderful accompaniment to their activities, their breaths for air between the moments their lips parted and met making Spike's heart flutter as he took oxygen into his lungs. He broke their passionate embrace and leant down to kiss at her neck as she chuckled gently, her lavender perfume working its way into his head as she thrusted her hips upward to entice him onward.

A tremour spread throughout her body as with every thrust her winking entrance pulsed out against his length, adding to her pleasure. His member forced against her soaking insides, her flowery depths so slick that there was almost no friction, and her muscles constantly closed around him to a maddeningly erotic degree. Her walls tightly embraced his cock, squeezing him with an almost painful ferocity as they massaged his length. He could feel the walls of muscle as they slid around him from the base to the tip, milking his generous girth for what her body naturally desired, gripping and kneading with a blissful pressure. It would almost have been painful if not for her exquisite canal, her hot, lubricous insides a purer feeling than the finest silks in Equestria, a wonderful texture that couldn't be matched.

He began to increase his speed to a seconds pause and breath in pace with each buck of his own ample hips, allowing him to luxuriate in the deep extent of her pink walls, each push in sucking him in, torturously pleasurable as the feeling spread through his length to his groin, and desperately clinging to him as he relented and released himself. His moans were equal in pitch to her own as their bodies met when his base met her flush folds, and her own joyful sounds were forced further as his chest contacted hers. The intimacy of the embrace left their minds fogged with arousal and wanting much more, Spike kissing at her again, pushing his tongue against her own in an attack, Tempest letting free a small giggle at his lust.

"Go faster, boy." Tempest whispered in his ear when the kiss was finished, placing a kiss on his neck and shifting her weight to get into a better position for it.

How could he say no?

Spike gripped the meat of her croup and buttocks, his fingers sinking into the pliable flesh as he pulled her up and himself deeper in, causing her to groan in satisfaction as his member speared into the tighter confines of her lavish sex, and positioned his stance so that he could lever himself out further. His thrusts went faster and within moments their lewd sounds were both at a heightened level, Tempest grunting in primal joy as he felt his glans push against a particular ring within her. His pace and reach meant his member pulsed throughout her and mashed against the entrance to her cervix with reckless abandon, and she loved the almost numbing ache it sent through her hindlegs. Her breath caught as she buried her face into his neck and cried out as she came hard, moaning as she rode out her orgasm with him pounding into her, the frenzied contractions of her cunt only adding to his enjoyment as the muscles tried to keep him inside and milk him.

He felt the pressure building in his groin, her marehood was causing him no end of delight, the light uplifting warmth in his core reaching a heavier peak as he neared his own climax, his passion driving him to a higher momentum. He could feel it coming, he was going to fill her with his draconic seed and-

A sharp intake of breath, surprise and anger from Tempest, at the buzzing from the intercom on her desk. The sound immediately drew Spike out his revelry and he knew something was wrong. He painfully ached on the edge of his crescendo as he quickly pulled himself free of Tempest's wonderful velvety tunnel with a lurid pop and struggled to pull up his tight jeans, focusing as he returned back to himself and onto the voice from the device.

"-bout ten seconds before he's there, asshole just went right past me."

Aurora's voice, somepony was coming straight to Tempest's office.

He tugged the jeans up as fast as possible over his titanic hips and bottom with a little extra effort, Tempest quite enjoying the small show of him dancing into them despite the need to quicken the pace. She swivelled around and sharply pulled herself into her desk to hide her lower half as she cast a cleansing spell around the office, reasserting her mask of pure military seriousness as she no doubt fought to settle her pumping heartbeat. He was combating his own whilst it thundered in his chest from the pleasure he'd been building, and quelled his discomfort from the ache in his groin. He only just managed to tuck his erect girthy member into his cute panties, secure his tail-clasp, and put his top button across his jeans before the door burst open behind him, making him jump and squeak in a very unmasculine fashion.

"Poppy, my dear mare!" Exclaimed an infuriating voice Spike knew all too well. "Aha! So you did hire this sorry excuse for a dragon after all! Well I suppose he's far less brutish and offensive to the senses than most of them."

Spike stopped himself from scowling as he turned away and around from the newcomer ─as Tempest discreetly worked her magic to clean his front and do his zipper up─ gently closing the door behind the fit sable-grey earthen stallion that came swaggering into Tempest's office with all the self-assured dickishness that generally only being disgustingly rich could allow a creature. Like most businessponies, he wore a black half-suit, but his was obnoxiously embroidered with pure gold and silver threading in a pompous display of wealth. His jet-black mane was slicked back with expensive natural oils that permeated the air with a cloying scent of ebony-willow, and his stupid pointed muzzle and jade-coloured eyes always held an aloof air for most of the creatures around him. The overpriced icing on the I-am-a-massive-dick cake was his cutie-mark of a massive polished uncut diamond.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't insult my employees, Shadowmane," Tempest sharply spoke to the stallion called Shadowmane as her tail lashed, flicking her eyes towards Spike with a sympathetic glance before turning them back to him. "You're too early again, as usual."

Spike could see Tempest's annoyance flare briefly under her mask of calm coolness at the blatant disregard for her timekeeping and appointments, amazed at how quickly she'd brought her flushed state under control. He gave a brief nod to her as he daintily toed over and plucked the wrapper of her cupcake off the desk and made to leave, before Tempest held a hoof up.

"Spike, my pep is cold. Get me another, please. Would you care for anything, Shadowmane?" she said calmly, not taking her eyes off Shadowmane as he looked at Spike with a vague curiosity and somehow not noticing the lewd bulge or his semi-erratic breathing, before sitting down in the lounge chair across from her desk.

Shadowmane raised an eyebrow, regarding her as he sat himself back into a cushioned seat before Tempest's desk. "I don't suppose you have any Saddle-Arabian Velure around this office?"

"Not when it's nearly two-hundred bits per box," Tempest's eyes narrowed with a dismissive grunt of annoyance. "I'm not in the habit of spending good money on overrated exotic imports. The richest thing I have in the office is Equinisi Gold."

Shadowmane scoffed, but gave a wave of his hoof at Spike. "Go on then, it'll do. No milk, and a single sugar, please."

Spike collected the mug still half-full with a mostly warm drink, but understood the reason why she was making him make it fresh even though she still liked it cold. The more time she had to deal with Shadowmane uninterrupted, the sooner he would be out of her mane, her office, and her Plaza. It was likely that she was sparing Spike the stallion's snobbery, which he appreciated, and in a situation where Tempest wanted to generally deal with somepony in a less than friendly manner she also preferred Spike not to be around as she didn't like him seeing her furious side. He'd take his time making her drink and come along after a general round of the office, as that was likely the best option.

He still had to make Shadowmane a coffee, though as costly as it might be to waste even a single mug of the exotic import, he was sure snubbing Shadowmane by deliberately lollygagging so he couldn't drink it in time before he left was also a small part of Tempest's scheme. He wasn't surprised the rich bastard thought Equinisi-bean imports were beneath him even with them costing seventy bits a box at the cheapest supplier, and that was at a business discount. It was one of the few pricey things Tempest gave to the office as a small perk of working for her.

Curious eyes met him after he exited and closed the door with the trolley before him, the cart hiding his now semi-flaccid cock that tented his jeans. He gave them an annoyed shrug and a few quietly talked amongst themselves about what a massive arse Shadowmane was. He wasn't here often, and Spike had only met him twice before in passing; once when Shadowmane had come to see Twilight at her castle with a business proposition, spending most of that encounter making odd remarks towards Spike's nature or trying to butter up Twilight, and the second had been when he'd first come here a few months back for his job interview, and Shadowmane had been on his way out the lobby to then comment on Spike's unprofessional state of dress and that he should carry himself better.

He was a giant of industry when it came to tobacco products, making him insane amounts of money so he could dip into other ventures too. Spike had seen several billboards dedicated to Shadowmane around Canterlot that promoted products like his premium cigars to things like luxury shampoo and pet food. Spike didn't like any of the brands he owned, they were overpriced for what they were, and whilst produced inside Equestria rather than being foreign-made for the lowest bit, they still catered for a more 'discerning' class of people.

Shadowmane was as aggravating as they came, and Spike hoped the bastard would get taken down a peg one day. Bad ponies weren't villains but they were pretty close in his books, sometimes cartoonishly petty like in his Power Ponies comics. He knew Tempest could handle him though, as if she could handle a giant Gorilla-Ape-whatever-the-Storm-King-had-been then a single stallion was no issue at all. With his breathing a little more even, he hummed to himself as he went down to the kitchenette, giving a half-smile to Gaillardet as stopped in passing next to the gryphon to pick up his large mug for a refill, whom of which then eyed the way near Tempest's office and frowned.

"If there is something I dislike, it is a creature with more power than decency. Truly, what a vicious brute you are, all beak and talon." Gaillerdet said in a low tone, glancing at Spike and drinking in his appearance.

"Yeah, thought you might have heard that." Spike pouted back over his shoulder.

"Gorgeous, I believe the entire top three floors heard that," Gaillardet dryly remarked, snaking his taloned hand forward and stroking near the base of Spike's tail. He gently brushed a thumb down the inner edge of one of the curvaceous cheeks and squeezed the great moon-halve as he went, enjoying the sight of Spike's plump posterior as he moved onto idly caressing the length of fleshy tail as it trailed along. He lifted up the spade tip and delivered a small kiss to its flat as he kept gaze, Gaillerdet's beak somehow softer than Spike would have expected it to be. "That stallion is quite blind not to see such clear beauty."

Spike gave a half-shrug with a small blush as Gaillardet released his tail, giving the gryphon a kind smile for his affections. "One guy thinks I'm not respectable, I can live with that."

Leaving to do his task and rolling the trolley along, he noted that there were a few eyes on him, courtesy of Shadowmane's loud outburst. Spike knew he was appreciated by people in the office, and it warmed his heart that there was concern for him and annoyance for the pompous stallion in Tempest's office. He collected empty mugs from desks as he went, just in case Shadowmane decided to take up more of Tempest's time. He'd rather not go back until he saw the stallion leaving.

"Thanks, cute stuff," said a red stallion as he left with both his paperwork bound for another office, and his mug. Spike jumped a little as the stallion delivered a slap to his backside that made a cheek jiggle. "Nothing offensive about you at all."

Spike smiled as he went on, finally coming to the kitchenette and setting about making the now dozen or so cups of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or some mixes thereof that were wanted, and making Tempest's pep after retrieving the key from within his top. He hummed whilst the kettle soon boiled for a third time, the already made mugs of hot drinks wafting scented steam of their various differing blends as they sat aside on a special part of the counter to keep them at a piping temperature. It didn't matter that his hands brushed the heated warming plate as his scales were impervious to such a trifling level of heat, one small perk of being a dragon. An ear-fin raised as he heard a whistle from his left, smiling with fondness at the familiar scent of a stallion's mixed flowery aroma heralding a new arrival into the kitchenette.

Button inclined his head in a bow as he trotted over. "Ah, well hello there, beautiful. Diligently doing your job, I see. Thought I might stop by and make my own coffee as you were on the other side of the office."

"Sorry, I was going to come around soon after giving Poppy her drink." Spike apologised.

"No no, quite alright, you can't be everywhere at once," Button waved off, horn igniting and grabbing a packet of his beloved Equinisi Gold from the cupboard. Button smiled at Spike after a second of working. "I'm trying to picture something more wonderful than two of you, but nothing comes to mind at the present moment."

"Flatterer," Spike coyly smirked, recalling that Shadowmane did ask for an Equinisi Gold coffee as well. Much as he didn't like the stallion, he still had to do his job. He toed over and leant up to grab a packet of the exotic-import from the cupboard, as one came out before him in a hazy green telekinetic grasp. He took it and smiled back at Button. "Thanks."

He grabbed another mug and added the beans to the coffee grinder specifically put aside for the Equinisi-beans as they were far stronger than normal types of coffee and tended to pervade the taste of all others, pouring out the boiled kettle into four full mugs and making up some more drinks whilst just managing to fill up Button's too. He added them to the warming plate, not needing to strain these four as they'd all been tea, and let the bags steep whilst he refilled the kettle for the last batch that would go out.

Button sided up to him, upright for a moment, and gently placed a foreleg around Spike's waspish waist as his jade magic strained his own strong-smelling mug of Equinisi Gold. On his hindlegs, he stood a head over Spike in height, almost as tall as Gaillerdet, and he nudged the drake with his hip as he spoke up.

"I thought of something far better than there being two of you actually, though I'm afraid voicing what the activity entails in the workplace might be rather unprofessional of me." Button whispered in his ear conspiritally as his hoof moved down and cupped one of his supple cheeks.

Spike's heart beat a little faster at the insinuation, and forward contact. Apparently Button was moving past their word games and trying to be as forward as Gaillerdet commonly was. It was quite thrilling, actually. Thankfully the dapper gryphon wasn't here either, otherwise he'd be getting intimately fondled from both sides by two taller strong males, and the mere thought of it hazed his mind and flushed his face a little. He felt his member tingle and harden too, trying as he might to banish the mental image of the two lavishing him with attention, they both did quite enjoy playing with his titanic bottom. It wasn't as if he often thought about being the subject of focus from the same sex ─not that he wasn't slightly curious─ but he was still very horny after his impeded orgasm with Tempest, and this was not helping him at all to dispel such piqued feelings.

"Oh dear," Button grinned to himself, taking full notice of the situation and moving his other hoof down as he partially turned, stroking over the obscenely obvious bulge in Spike's taut jeans. "I didn't quite mean to excite you so much, my lovely."

Spike took a deep breath and exhaled as Button deftly moved back to making his coffee just as quickly as he'd been playing with Spike, his pleased smirk evident on his features. Spike was painfully aware of his glaring erection, and of Button's fat shaped tip poking free of its large sheath, his eyes focusing on the lewd flesh as the stallion's natural scent became far more powerful and made his head swim. He pulled his vision free of the stallion's groin where those large heavy orbs lay between his hindlegs ─how did stallions even manage such things, seriously─ and returned back to his task, the kettle finally clicking as it finished bubbling to boiling point.

"See you later, gorgeous." Button winked at Spike as he left with his coffee in tow, the mug hovering behind him as trotted away, his tail covering his rear.

Calming his state of mind at Button's newfound approach, he sorted the remaining drinks and placed all of them onto the trolley, once again a miracle of an implement that hid his immodesty from view as his body settled down. By the time he'd finished serving everypony and rolled around to Tempest's office to knock on the door, he expected that maybe Shadowmane might have gone whilst he hadn't been paying attention, but upon entry he saw both he and Tempest had no such luck. She and Shadowmane were still engaged in conversation, the scent of his ebony-willow fragrance overpowering Spike's nose. The stallion turned his head to the door as Spike came in with the cart, and back to Tempest as he continued on.

"And you know I have connections to a few noble houses that also dabble in printing around Equestria; a good word here and there can do wonders for career advancement or money making opportunities," Shadowmane smiled, almost kindly. "It's not unfeasible that you might want to expand beyond the Plaza and Canterlot one day, surely?"

"Naturally," Tempest nodded, accepting her Pep from Spike along with another cupcake, as she took a sip and allowed herself a slight sigh of contentment. "But as I say; Naturally. I don't want to expand into a sector that I haven't felt out for myself. I don't want to make any deals at the mere toss of a stone that I don't fully know every detail of. I most certainly don't want to have you muscling in on my areas or thinking you can ask of me simply because a good word directed some nobility towards me. Besides, nobles like to have an awful amount of caveats and addendums to their contracts, and they adore when they're given preferential treatment by businesses. I offer no such terms to the rich and powerful for favour, I already did that once and it got me nothing but misery."

"I understand, Poppy," Shadowmane nodded, not exactly pleased. He accepted the mug of coffee from Spike and took a sip. He didn't comment, returning his attention to Tempest, so it couldn't have been bad. "I know you prefer to do things your own way, it's just that it only gets you so far before you find that such tactics don't get you past the doors that you want."

"When one door closes, another opens." Tempest dismissed him.

Spike made to leave, but Tempest beckoned him back over with a hoof. He obeyed and lightly stepped towards her as her magic put down the silk pillow she kept. He hesitated for a second, his eyes briefly flicking to Shadowmane, yet understood her wishes and complied, quickly kneeling down on it and remaining silent unless he was spoken to whilst keeping his head down and listening to the conversation at hoof. Interestingly, Shadowmane didn't comment, possibly assuming it was a disciplinary action of some kind. Spike kept his eyes mostly towards the floor as he never really knew where to look when ordered to kneel on the pillow, simply resting as Shadowmane continued.

"How many of these lesser doors will you walk through? How many chances of higher progression will you snub on principle because you dislike the idea of somepony richer than you letting you have a small favour? It might be in their favour, but you know you don't get something for nothing. If anything you can surely see that as a business transaction?"

Shadowmane paused, glancing a quick eye at Tempest running her hoof through Spike's soft head-spines after asking the question, yet not deeming to comment on the definite oddity of it which Spike found slightly bewildering.

"If it was only that, and fair. Certainly," Tempest sighed, pausing her attention to Spike and rubbing her temples. From what Spike knew of Tempest venting to him during a few of their oral sessions, this was a moot point the two businessponies argued over time and time again. "You know there are always games to be played, and I don't enjoy pussyhooving around. If I accept a noble's deal, then suddenly hidden in subtext of a contract I wasn't shown that is linked by a single line to a five-hundred page contract I was shown and took a week to get through, specifically crafted by hired lawyers to be deceptive so I can't weasel out of it; I am then required to give ten percent of all future earnings in this deal directly to them, and not the business venture we agreed to partner in."

"That's a very colourful scenario you've created." Shadowmane rolled his jade eyes.

Tempest frowned. "I am only building off a real court case that Princess Twilight Sparkle had to personally deal with between herself and a noble house. It happens, and I will not be misled and fall for such tricks. The best way of course is to entirely deny nobles any attention whatsoever."

"And have I not said that there are nobles I refuse to deal with because of these sorts of tricks?" Shadowmane said, waving a hoof. "Not all nobles want to syphon off of you."

"Just ninety-five percent of them." Tempted smirked, returning a hoof to Spike's head.

Shadowmane sighed, tapping a hoof on the chair. "Look, we're clearly getting nowhere again. However, I do come bearing a proposition this time around."

"Oh here we go..." Tempest sighed, taking a deeper sip of her Pep and then straightening her back. "Go on."

"There's an upcoming event at the Royal Palace, very respectable, a formal affair of course with a strict dress code. It's a semi-open sort of event catering to both nobles and business entrepreneurs, upcoming or otherwise well established, and specifically created by the Princesses so ponies like yourself can bump flanks and find new opportunities." Shadowmane smiled as he paused briefly to take another sip of his coffee. "You could come along and not even have to talk to a noble, just other titans like yourself. It never hurts to have a few friends, you know."

"I know you, Shadowmane. You want some part of my enterprise in return for entry to this event. I'm not interested." Tempest growled, the eyebrow of her scarred eye shooting upward.

"You wound me, Poppy," Shadowmane touched a hoof to his chest in mock upset. "No, I want nothing of your printing ventures, at least not anymore, I assure you. I recently came to own a choice mainstream newspaper outlet, and acquire and produce quality books under a personal label for public consumption. I'm well involved in printing now, so I have no need to dabble in smaller items nor try to attain a percentage of your capital. No no, what I want from you is far more innocent."

She frowned again, waving a hoof for him to continue.

"You are quite a name in certain upper circles, Tempest, and I know that you know it," Shadowmane regarded her with a gentle tilt of his head. "Your... previous occupation, of capturing those going to great lengths to stay hidden, accompanied with your ruthless prowess in your more recent endeavours after the fact marks you as a pony of great interest. There are a number I've spoken to, nobles or otherwise, that greatly wish to meet you, but you keep yourself to yourself and don't ever go looking for them," he shifted as he leant forwards a smidgen. "Essentially, you have not had your time in the spotlight, as it were, and to be able to introduce you into it, to be the stallion that introduced you into it as one that has your ear on some very small scale at least... That very innocent action alone would, as I'm sure you're quite aware, set many wonderous future prospects up rather nicely."

Tempest nodded, her Pep now half empty as she drank. "It gives you clout, I get it. It's just not my 'scene'. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time and assume you're innocently trying to broaden my horizons, however if I spend any amount of time at one of these dreadfully dull functions I'm liable to hospitalise somepony and you know it."

"And that's the beauty of it," Shadowmane gave a small grin. "The shrewd nobles that weasel up and oftentimes try to be sly aren't going to come within a lance's length of you. The actual businessponies and other aspiring would-be's will either respect your might or be sensibly fearful-"

"Those are not mutually exclusive."

"-and they will strictly talk business or just want to chat instead of trying to entrap you with deals and schemes. They're there to meet people, others in the sphere. Very few deals are worked out at these events, nopony with even half a brain jumps into a business proposition the same day it was laid down without knowing all the details and having them ironed out first, and knowing if the partner is solid," Shadowmane scoffed, leaning forward just a tad more. "You know that obviously, but you can at least trust that I am not trying to steer you into a den of wolves, surely? Not that you yourself wouldn't be the wolf in that situation..." he trailed off, scoffing again as he regarded her. "If I was out to get you, I would not treat with you. It's no fun being at the top when I have no friendly rivalries, and you are quite possibly the only single other I would consider to be my equal despite your current position within the business world."

"You really want me as a rival?" Tempest shot back coolly, Spike smiled inwardly at the idea that Shadowmane could actually stand hoof-to-hoof with Tempest. "But... yes, for all your grandiose, you are thankfully fairly candid. I'll give it to you that you've always been frank in our meetings and heated discussions."

"Naturally," Shadowmane smirked, echoing the word usage back at Tempest. "Transparency is the reason why you and I have so efficiently carved ourselves a slice of Canterlot that others have been unable to touch upon. I always notice such details. A secretive and dishonest tycoon will, without question, inevitably find their dirty laundry being aired out sooner or later. All of their dodgy deals and their stitch-ups, all of their unknowns they want hidden from the public spotlight. You know I have my hooves in many ventures, but they're true to what they are, there is no misdirection or deceit in my empire. Celestia's graces, I even make sure that the tobacco products I sell show exactly what they'll do to a creature's lungs right there on the packet. Bloody awful things, but they're still apparently wanted by everypony from the aristocracy to the working classes, so why not give them all high quality natural tobacco that only marginally harms them as opposed to the further-so chemically laden rubbish that comes from abroad? I'm working with a few specialists that tell me they can make an alternative to tobacco by utilising flavoured water of all things, so that would be nice as I can then heavily downsize that side of my industry once the interest in tobacco dies out."

Spike had never really heard Shadowmane talk before. He had no idea why Tempest wanted him to stay during this conversation between them beyond that she wanted him to actually have a feel for how the sable stallion was outside of being insulting to the drake. Spike did have to admit that from how Shadowmane spoke and how Tempest spoke with him, he was quite charismatic, and wasn't as dishonest as he might have believed. Still didn't mean he wasn't a massive dick with too much money, or that he wasn't using his power to further interests that didn't have negative consequences...

"Back to the subject matter; this is a rather exclusive event of course, being hosted by the Sisters in their own joint court. A minor rarity when they both make their appearance together, but with the lovely Princesses Sparkle and Cadance both attending it's becoming more common as of late, and the excitement of Princess Sparkle still hasn't quite worn off yet," Shadowmane explained. "Getting a place isn't easy. Of course, you couldn't buy an invite with a diamond the size of a storm creature's testicle, but I got my hooves on a couple."

The comment hung in the air as Shadowmane likely expected a small amount of appreciation for his efforts, though the insinuation he hadn't realised caused Tempest a smirk that spread across her features, and Spike blushed as he met her amused eye with a cute grin. Then Shadowmane caught on.

"Of invites!" He quickly corrected himself. "Look, do you want to come along or not?"

Tempest tapped a hoof on her desk. "I'll think about it, alright? When is it held?"

"The end of the month, so it is quite time sensitive," Shadowmane sighed, rolling his shoulders and he shifted. "There are a number of ponies that would gladly-"

"Oh, quiet," Tempest cut in with a wave. "You want me there specifically for your clout, don't try to impress upon me that you're going to entertain others. I'll think about it, and it won't take me over three weeks to decide. You'll have plenty of time to find some others to sell these tickets to in some faustian bargain if I don't accept."

Shadowmane composed himself and nodded. "Yes, well... Good. I'm pleased that at least for the first time in a long time, we've managed to reach an accord on something."

"That makes two of us. It wasn't as horrendous as the last time, so there's that. You're still just as long winded though." Tempest smiled, finishing her Pep in one go.

Shadowmane finished his coffee despite its likely heat and placed the mug on the desk, flashing Tempest a winning smile as he got to his hooves. "I'll see myself out. Have a pleasant day, and I'll see you later."

He walked past the cart and opened the door, a final nod in Tempest's direction and a short-lingering glance at Spike, regarding him momentarily before turning and stepping out to close the door with his tail, once again leaving them in the soundproofed privacy of the office.

"He's not all bad, is he?" Tempest mused, patting Spike on the shoulder to indicate he was allowed to get up. "A shrewd bastard and a pain in my flank, but he has his moments."

"He sounds... fairly honest? He didn't seem to mind my staying." Spike said as he got to his feet, Tempest floating the pillow back to its place behind the desk.

"Similar working environments," Tempest said, a ghost of a smile on her lips. She breathed in and straightened up, meeting Spike's eyes. "Now, quite unfortunately we can't continue where we left off. Thanks to Shadowmane's extended presence I'm behind schedule, and that's not fair on those waiting to see me."

"Understood, Ma'am. I'll get back to it." Spike nodded, dropping the 'Mistress' moniker as it was back to business as usual and turning for his trolley. He blushed as a magical force much like a hoof groped at both his bottom and his groin in way of a goodbye from Tempest, and it tugged with more force as he reached the door.

"Do come back after your shift. I have something in mind." Tempest mused.

Spike's chest fluttered as he nodded. After leaving he gently closed the door behind himself and left Tempest's scent behind, going back to his deliveries as he contemplated what she had meant. With Tempest he was sometimes unsure with what she cooked up for him, but it always tended to be fun. He turned his focus to his work though, he still had a few items left that needed to go to the lower floors, and he hadn't been there for a few hours so it was more than likely that there would be paperwork to go elsewhere.

With any luck, with it being late in the day there would be less to go out. It was almost eight-thirty and most ponies would just be finishing up by now, though those working in later shifts and overtime were going to be going until ten, or slightly later. He rolled past the upper level desks without much in the way of attention as most people had gone, or were in the process of leaving. Gaillardet had already packed up too, the gryphon was quite high in many circles from what had cropped up in conversation, he had places to be.

He spied Button and Ribbon still working away across the wide office yet he didn't really have the time to see them and talk, however he might catch them before they left, assuming they were working until ten today. Spike continued along the carpeted path towards the lift, a few curious eyes following him as he went through the floor with the trolley's wheels partially reverberating off the walls, even on carpet. He came to a stop and pressed the button, waiting for the lift to come, the other was currently making its way down to one of the lower floors. Spike grabbed the buds of his gem-player and placed them in, tapping the side of it to let it continue where he'd left off. No better way to pass the time, other than reading his comics.

After a few moments, the lift pinged and opened, and he paused when the doors slowly parted to reveal an extremely bored-looking deathly pale mare. She possessed a heavily layered jet-black bob of a mane that partly ran across her vision in a fringe, wearing an equally dark gothic dress with metal-plated faux-leather boots ─of which the material was commonly referred to as faleath for short─ on her hindlegs that certainly wasn't office standard, and bore the heaviest application of eyeliner and eyeshadow around her amethyst-coloured eyes known to ponykind listlessly peeking out from under the fringe. Spike had seen her around the neighbouring offices in the building across from this one when he'd been pulling overtime as she did night shifts, and had never actually spoken to her as she was rather quiet and aloof. Rain? Mist? Omen? He was sure he'd heard her name in passing from others.

She blinked impassively at him and walked past with disinterest, a stack of folders in the purple aura that emanated from her horn, the scent of burned rosy incense resting on the air that he could smell coming from her. He felt a little snubbed that he didn't even get a smile in way of general acknowledgement, but really, what could be done abo-

Spike felt momentary surprise as he felt his entire self be tugged on as he found himself and the trolley whipped around in her mauve haze, and a finned ear being freed of music as the mare fixed a now-curious visage on him as it continued to play in the quiet of the floor.

"Hex Fillies." she queried more like a statement, a semi-monotonous voice sounding from her mouth that almost bordered on interested as she mentioned the name.

"I, uh, yeah," Spike nodded with his answer, clutching the trolley's handle with a slight flutter of surprise in his chest. It was usually only Twilight that could completely ensnare and lift him or others in magic let alone whole other heavy objects, and without warning... "They're one of my favourites."

Hex Fillies; a pretty good goth-rock trio from Mareschusetts, in his top ten of bands but he didn't have too much of their newer stuff. With the sheer amount of music he had on his gem-player it was pure luck he'd been on one of their songs.

"Marevanescence? The Sugarcubes? Sleep Party Ponies?" she quick-fired at him with a scrutinising and rather intense look.

"All on here, actually." Spike smiled genuinely, hearing names of groups he enjoyed.

His music collection was, well... a collection. Music in Equestria and beyond had exploded into being with dozens of different styles within a very short space of time within the last few years as technology and industry advanced. Whilst there was certainly something for everypony he just kind of enjoyed everything because it was all unique in its own way, he just had a slight preference for something with gem-strike guitars or a pulsing synth beat.

She eyed him for another second, gave him a short nod of appraisal, and deposited him back down before resuming her walk in through the corridor, and likely in the direction of Tempest's office as he couldn't see any other reason for her to be up here. Spike was slightly bemused by the situation, following her with his eyes as she went, and wheeled his cart back around towards the lift. He couldn't help but notice her dress stopped at a certain point across her haunches before she disappeared around the corner, and she was quite well proportioned in all areas from what he could see, whatever wasn't hidden by her tail in any case.

Oh horseapples, he still hadn't gotten her name.

Well, they would most likely cross paths again in the future.

The lift door having remained open, he pushed the cart inside and pressed for a lower floor several buttons down. Whilst he could take it further, within the remaining hour or so of work he could only cover about five floors and he wasn't working overtime today. This late, there were very few remaining assistants or interns as most had finished up around seven, and he was one of the few hired on for longer for his efficiency. It didn't take the lift any time at all to reach the level needed, and Spike quickly set his own pace collecting documents from drop-off points outside of cubicles or off desks. He made the rounds of three floors going between the lifts and collection within half an hour, making excellent time. In the morning, all the delivered paperwork could be picked up from a single designated point to be sorted where else it needed to go beyond him.

It took about another half an hour to do the remaining two floors nearer the top as a few ponies working overtime still remained, and making them a hot drink so they could save time and focus on their work was part of his own job. One of the mares may have also groped his bulge through his jeans, just a little bit, with her nose. Just one of those things, really.

By the time he came back to the top floor, he saw three ponies remained. Tempest was still in her office, the dim glow coming from inside the shadowy opaque crystal office hinting at her continued presence beyond his ability to see her faint silhouette. The other two were, surprisingly, Button and Ribbon. Spike smelled the two stallion's individual scents working through the office from a long day as he rolled the trolley over to them with a smile, and they turned to him as the sound of rolling wheels gave him away.

"Still working, guys?" Spike asked, looking to the stacks of forms completed for the newspapers that would be going out the day after tomorrow. He could understand why they stayed to finish it; the ponies working down in the printing section that put these specialised forms and pages into the papers needed plenty of them, and time to carefully put it all in as required, which generally took the better part of a day. Even with every building having the combined amount of three whole floors each dedicated to it, there were a lot of newspapers to sell after all. "Need a coffee or something?"

"Oh no, thank you my dear, I've had far too much caffeine for one day." Button waved a hoof, his smile waning.

"Uh, I'm good too," Ribbon said, drinking in Spike's appearance again and barely managing to keep his focus. "I think we're almost done here, actually."

"Yes, just a few more pages," Button nodded. Flipping around and getting back to his RTM, the machine's tacking somewhat louder in the emptiness of the floor. "Then we can at least go for a drink of something wonderfully fermented. It's been a while since we've had such a heavy workload."

"Well, a bit more than usual, yeah," Ribbon sighed, tearing his eyes away from Spike and returning to his work. "Most the time we finish at eight-thirty and sort things out the next day, or spread a project across multiple days." Ribbon then waved his hooves in the air. "But this was super urgent or some shit, Integer said it was an advertisement push for these Nipponeighnese businesses we've been typing up for."

"We get overtime so it's not all bad. We're over forty hours." Button shrugged.

"Yeah but you lost my bet, so the drinks tonight are on you," Ribbon grinned at him, Button rolling his eyes. "Don't gimmie that, you said you could get tickets to the Knight's volleyball game. I knew you couldn't."

"They are in high demand, I thought I had ample time." Button countered with a sniff.

Spike was a little lost, he didn't really follow sports, but the subject matter was certainly perking Ribbon up from his general fugue. "Knights?"

Ribbon craned his head back with a smile. "Yeah, the Canterlot Knights, best volleyball team in Equestria, and the sexiest."

"Probably a contributing factor to the ticket demand," Button added, looking at Spike with a sly smile. "I'd say Spike could probably try out for them."

Spike blushed and laughed, shaking his head. "What? No, I'm a dragon. Aren't most teams race-bound? Also... female only?"

"For buckball or something, maybe, on the first part at least," Ribbon said, nodding. "The general requirement is that you have hooves to buck with. Don't normally see gryphons playing it or whatever. But volleyball? It's a mixed bag even on the sexes. The Canterlot Knights are mostly ponies and mostly female, but they have a gryphon or two in there and a deer. Used to have a minotaur girl on the team, but the raw strength and reach she had really made things unfair. Plus, like with most minotaurs her tits were massive, huge distractions for both teams, they had this whole fiasco about it until she felt she had to quit for a different league with more minotaurs."

"I see," Spike giggled, enjoying the conversation. "Well I don't think volleyball lies in my future, I quite like working here."

"And it would be a shame if you left." Button said, then turning his attention towards Ribbon. "Also, as a point of interest, you should know that minotaur is the term for males. You're essentially saying 'male female' when you say 'minotaur girl' and implying that there's a penis in there somewhere. While dickgirl is certainly a popular category in Nippone, I've told you before, minobous is the term for females."

"I thought that was uh, bulls and cows?" Ribbon wondered.

Button gave a nod. "It is, the equivalent for us of course being stallions and mares, or tiercels and hens when it comes to gryphons. However, as with say, a gryphoness, calling one a gryphon isn't going to annoy her because that is the species name, and gryphoness is a blanket term from other cultures for their females such as with dragoness. When you say minotaur in the general sense you mean to say minosan as that is the species name, as pony is our own, with minotaur for males and minobous for females. Don't ever call a minobous a minotaur to her face, will you? You might find yourself with a concussion afterwards."

"Okay whatever, po-tay-toe, po-tat-toe, so, history lesson aside and talking on volleyball I think that..."

The topic of conversation remained on the subject of sports for a while, with Spike asking a few questions, and Ribbon happily filling him in on the must-know information. Allegedly the Canterlot Knights had a feud with the Gem Knights of the Crystal Empire on account of their crystalline making themselves shinier and being a distraction, a common tactic that sometimes got the team in trouble yet not enough to get them disqualified as they never pushed their luck. Spike wouldn't have thought it mattered all that much as they rarely won against the Canterlot team anyway, but maybe it was just part of the fun rivalry Ribbon was going on about, he looked a great deal more enthused and wound down as he concluded the discussion.

"I'm finally done," Button sighed. "What a day this has been."

"Yeah I'm pretty beat." Ribbon yawned.

"Not so tired you can't enjoy a drink I hope?" Button gently poked his shoulder, getting up and packing his saddlebag. "I'm fairly certain that the Hooftapp isn't too occupied tonight, what with it being Friday."

"I hope that's sarcasm." Ribbon raised an eyebrow.

"Obviously," Button smirked back, then quickly looked at Spike. "Would you like to join us for a few drinks? I'm sure we could use the company."

Ribbon's eyes lit up at the prospect. "Hey, yeah! Why don't you hang out?"

The comment gave Spike pause. He'd... never actually gone out to drink before. Sure, he'd shared some mulled wine with Twilight during her coronation ceremony, but that was just a glass or two. It wasn't like he was too young to drink now, though the thought did feel exciting as it would be a new experience. Unfortunately for the two, Tempest had requested his attention, and she came first in almost every regard for him. Button and Ribbon were friendly coworkers, so he knew in future he'd be safe to go out with them. He gently sighed as he spoke up.

"Afraid I can't," Spike pouted. "Tempest wanted to see me, it's likely I've got to help her with her workload for next week."

Ribbon shrugged. "Well shit, what can you do? Boss says jump..."

"Understandable I suppose, Poppy is a busy mare," Button nodded. "I do hope you'll find time to join us at some point."

"Least if Poppy doesn't work him to death first. The amount of shit she piles on you, always having you in there, that must really suck." Ribbon commented.

"It's not so bad," Spike mused, they had no idea. "Poppy is fairly kind once you get to know her."

"Yeah, right," Ribbon scoffed, glancing at the opaque office behind him. "Next you'll tell me she smiles. You can probably make friends with anyone, but I wouldn't like my own chances with the boss."

Spike laughed as they both got themselves finished up and ready to leave, waving them goodbye as they left their work area, and blushed as Button shot him a wink after a momentary discreet magical fondle before going off completely. After they left, the office floor was almost devoid of any sound other than the faint hum that came from the various gem lights around the office or the kitchenette's fridge.

He turned back to face Tempest's enclosed office space with pursed curiosity, and slowly toed his way over. He couldn't be stealthy about it, Tempest could see out of the room as clearly as if there were no walls, but his approach was still unrushed. He suddenly wondered if she would be peeved that he'd taken a little longer to get to her as he'd stopped to talk with Button and Ribbon, as she had said to come back after his shift but she hadn't said directly after, so maybe...

"Come in, Spike."

Oh, he'd been standing outside the door in his own little world.

He jumped a little when the door flew open with Tempest's magical assistance, and felt himself pause completely as he stood in the doorway and laid eyes on her.


He'd never seen her wear that before... just what did she have in store for him?

Private Party

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Spike quickly stepped inside and shut the door to her office.

Tempest was softly lounged back in her chair, pulled away from her desk again. She faced him with her hindlegs spread apart much as she was earlier, yet this time she wore an incredibly alluring skimpy one-piece made of tight black faleath that smelled well-cared for with natural oils, though it was likely that it was simply just new. Some sheer silk accentuated it in places, being accompanied by some faleath thigh high hoof-boots on her hindlegs and lacy silk elbow gloves on her forelegs, both of which matched the colour of the outfit.

The outfit framed her body wonderfully, clasped at the neck it contoured to her perfectly chiselled form as it cut out in several different places. It travelled down in an arc from the neck that cut at the shoulders, with flicks of silk draping over the upper limbs from where the faleath ended; bore a love-heart shaped hole at the chest that let her small tuft through freely, with the contour of faleath around the heart being surrounded by a silk window at either side; was tightly snug around her barrel and flank as it cut out around the belly and teats, showing off her toned abdominals and the size of her mammaries; had symmetrical gaps at the flanks that let her flared hips and haunches push out, equally draped with some silk; it was completely cut out around the genitals and backside to frame and squeeze her shapely croup and buttocks, and where it reached her puffy dock it was separately cut out and snug in such a way as to perpetually keep it and the tail partly raised. It ended just across her upper thighs, with the nice detail of silk coattails travelling from the back to hang down. If she were standing normally, the silk would frame her backside and everything in between wonderfully.

Completing this tantalising and raunchy look was both the comfortably supportive lacy bra that cupped her wonderfully fat teats, barely hiding the mouth-watering puffy nipples and areola within the design, and the extremely snug faleath panties that were so tight around her gorgeous sex that he swore he could see the faint indent of her inner fold, her puffy ponut tautly compressed much the same. Lastly, but certainly just as eye-catching, came the intricate masquerade ballroom mask resembling a dragon's skull ─with the addition of a full horn that covered her broken one─ resting around her head, muzzle, and across her nose in a layered flurry of gold and polished onyx crystal surrounding the eyes. It stopped around the ears and freely allowed her spiked mane back. Her striking teal eyes stared out at him from within the fractal crystal window patiently.

Where had she been hiding this?

"I-I...." Spike stammered, his breath caught as he was utterly transfixed by both surprise and her sheer heart-stopping beauty.

"I've been thinking a lot lately about you, and us," Tempest cut in through Spike's short-circuiting, a serious tone to her voice as she spoke. "You've been extremely well behaved, and perfectly diligent to me in your training, Spike."

Spike came back to his senses upon hearing his name as she was using her business tone, and it wasn't often she used that on him. It was usually that she did that with other people because he wasn't a rich CEO or something that came in with designs on her capital. He stood a little straighter and tried to keep focused on her eyes, rather than everything else she was showing off.

"Our dynamic has been working well, and overall any issues we might have are always resolved with understanding; you strive to improve for me, as I try for you," she continued as she languidly relaxed in her sexy outfit, but kept the formal tone. "I've enjoyed and am enjoying what we have together, and I believe you feel the same enough to continue with what we have and go further?"

"I... Yes, Ma-Mistress," he stumbled and corrected, a little nervous, his ears folding ever so slightly. He swapped into calling her by the second title just in case as he didn't want to displease her, and he really did enjoy being hers. "It's been amazing. I've learned a lot from you, I would still like to."

She gave a nod.

"Hmm. You see, Spike, tonight there's a very special party happening," Tempest purred the word 'party' through the proper tone she'd put forth. "I've been debating with myself as to whether it's something you would be able to manage, and seeing how you've been over the past month from the previous months as you've grown, how you've been with Aurora, as well as how you've kept form when Shadowmane is around the office, I fully believe that you would."

Tempest sat up a little straighter.

"Every Master or Mistress has their own way of doing things. I've taken a different approach to how I have trained you from how I did Aurora," Tempest stated, with a quick glance at the intercom. "Aurora required a different teaching method, but does act much in the same way you do when serving. Although your meetings have been somewhat minimal and in passing you have both gotten along splendidly so far, which is a quality I certainly want in any sub that I take on. The ability to get along with one another to both serve in the greatest capacity possible, and forming a strong bond that will ensure that they can help one another grow as they learn are key."

Spike felt a little lightheaded. Tempest was advancing things on, he hadn't expected it to happen anytime soon. Hadn't Aurora taken longer before reaching this point? Did this mean he was going to see a lot more of her? He didn't think he'd been that far along in his training, he thought things were going to at least take a year. He tried his best to keep his demeanour smart and breathe evenly to stop his heart from beating out of his chest, which had already begun from seeing Tempest in the lovely scented faleath fit she wore. Spike felt himself to be extremely fortunate, being a part of this strange little world she had introduced him to.

It was about four or five months back after he had started working at the Plaza, for a month after then Tempest had prowled as he'd properly caught her eye, saying her subtle hints of desire that had gone over his head. Then came the forwardness of just outright saying what she sought not long after, when she'd requested he come up to her office. He had been attending his duties around the office and as she'd asked; came in to deliver her a piping hot cappuccino, simply business as usual, but she'd asked him to stay for a moment and then told him to sit.

Spike had believed himself to be in trouble, considering her sharp tone. He'd thought that perhaps he was already getting the axe, that perhaps he hadn't been doing well enough with the heavier workload which had been quickly thrust upon him for the job. Maybe he'd upset one of the higher-ups that had come to inspect the office or something...

Then Tempest asked if he would be interested in fucking her. It had taken him a moment to recover.

Spike had been blushing madly whilst she'd awaited an answer. She was a polite mare and a pleasant boss, absolutely wonderful to behold, and easily one of the most ravishing mares he'd ever known, and yes he absolutely wanted to do that and he didn't think many males would say no either. Yet, he couldn't just say that, she was his boss! He tried to more or less tell her in a nice way that she was very pretty and attractive and that whilst she was lovely... He hadn't gotten much further than that because she'd pursed his lips in magic and repeated herself. Did. He. Want. To. Fuck. Her?

Tempest had really emphasised the 'fuck'.

Well, he'd said yes, how could he not?

Then... she went into that worrying tone. Spike knew now of course that it was just the tone she took on during a business discussion, the same as she was talking to him now, and her proposal hadn't been any less formal in her dealing with him. She'd taken him as seriously as she would have anypony else, regardless of his nature. Tempest had taken a breath, and then laid out that Spike was altogether very stunning, beautiful, and interesting to her, and that she'd noticed his curious looks at her every now and then, of which she'd taken such as interest. She'd been trying to get his attention for the past month or so ─of which he had of course been completely blind to her advances─ and that she wanted to get to know him in the personal sense, and if that worked out then she wanted to invite him to be hers to see if they would truly connect in a far deeper sense.

She explained that if they found one another agreeable, and he thereafter accepted moving forwards, then it would see them becoming quite intimate in a semi-formal power exchange known as a Domination and submission dynamic where they would be Mistress and submissive. It had been so forthcoming and candid in its delivery that it had completely taken him by storm, and he hadn't any clue what any of those last details had meant beyond the basic ideas of the words.

At first he'd thought she was perhaps joking, yet her expression had been anything but laughable; Tempest wasn't a mare to put down such ideas lightly. He'd simply sat there utterly perplexed until she took it as a sign to continue, starting to lay out the additional duty she would set him beyond his normal job as a step in the journey ahead, which would have of keeping a special locker of some kind that would be his responsibility to set up and keep safe, and that she would give him something to store that she would regularly inspect.

Which was how he came to keep a personal stash of her beverages and confections, when they'd moved on from simple storing of effects. He still did keep personal files for her when she needed it, personal drafts of upcoming business plans that she didn't want to lose track of, and he was trusted enough to take those home with him and keep them safe.

Again he'd remained quiet, as he was actually quite intrigued by her honesty, and she'd continued on. After inspection ─or in his current case delivering her pep─ he would be allowed to go on with his usual work day, though she might also wish to engage sexually with him for a while, but that he would always have the option of declining her if she made an advance he wasn't comfortable with. She wanted to make it perfectly clear he would have the most power in this dynamic, and that as the one guiding and nurturing him she would be completely fair in her training of him. Tempest had used the term training, however then specified that he should not feel as if he would be made to learn things he disliked, or that she wanted him to be anything other than how he was; simply that their dynamic would encounter a few bumps along the way as they came to understand one another, as that was what training a submissive truly was.

He'd been confused at first, many questions had run though his mind. Why would she want to surrender power to him when he wasn't exactly commanding in nature? Why if she was the Mistress would she not have the power to do what she liked? He thought the whole power thing was to do with dominating somepony completely, like a slave, wasn't that the idea? Wasn't this whole weird dynamic thing she was going on about to do with whips and chains or something? Granted, he'd gotten a lot of his ideas of what it all was from magazines and films that Rarity tended to enjoy, but the questions were there.

Tempest had answered all of them in time, he knew better now as part of his training had been teaching him about the specific dynamics that she employed, although at that point in time he'd been speechless. She had explained that she already had Aurora under her and had for some time, but still wanted Spike to be hers if he was comfortable with that, and that everything she'd just told him she had initially told Aurora as well. She'd not expected an answer the same day though, so she told him to think on it and come back the next day. If he came back and wasn't interested then they wouldn't speak of it anymore and they'd simply go back to their normal work environment with no fuss, though she'd said she still might tease him regardless. He'd left bemused, and spent the entire night awake mulling over her words and the expectations she would have of him, and he'd have been lying to say he hadn't been interested.

Of course, he had been.

Several months on, and now she was looking to advance him.

Was he really ready? He felt a little fluttery.

"I invite you to come with me to this party if you feel that you're ready, Spike. Aurora will be joining me as she has a few times before and I would like it if you did too. I think you would do well taking the next step into everything, and the party's dynamic would help you and Aurora bond a little more as a bonus," Tempest smiled, her tone becoming a little less serious now. "Although, you'd be needing an outfit."

"I-I'd love to come along!" Spike nodded, slightly bouncing on his toes as his ears perked. He squashed down the giddiness and smiled, quickly catching himself. "Mistress."

Tempest coyly grinned. "Wonderful. Then you may have this."

She tilted her head to one side as her horn sparked from within her mask and made her look complete, floating out another faleath fit that had a similar wonderous new oiled smell to it. He could see it was almost identical to hers ─albeit specifically tailored for his form─ with lacy silk elbow gloves, and a pair of gorgeous thigh high open-toe boots and snug-looking panties both of faleath, the underwear appearing as if it would only just accommodate his rather sizable package. The clothing was accompanied by a matching vaudevillian ballroom mask of his own that was shaped for his head, complete with a horn.

There were a few differences on his outfit to hers in that the back of his was cut out in two places and lined with smoky silk, although maybe hers was too and he just didn't see it because she was laying back. If that was the case then the only major differences were actually that the tail hole was bigger for his outfit ─and probably wasn't going to be capable of lifting his tail's hefty thickness like it would her dock─ and the neck on his didn't go up as high.

He wondered why that was amidst the overwhelming elation he felt from such a grandiose gift, the tightness in his chest from being awarded such a well-crafted set of beautiful garments heightening as Tempest floated up the reason as to why the neck was so low cut.

He was being presented with a collar.

Rather, it was more specifically a choker, though they were referred to as collars. It bore a small emblem on the silver plate at its front of a stylised nude and voluptuous dragoness with thick head spines not dissimilar to her own mane, expertly etched with a patterned backdrop into the plate with loving detail. Tempest really liked dragons, he knew rather well.

She'd spoken about the symbolism of a collar some time ago, and that she'd only offer him his own when she felt he was ready. It was more about commitment than anything else, and whilst it tended to vary from person to person the ideal behind it was the same. It wasn't marriage, there was no engagement as such even if some had themselves a ceremony, it was more a promise to serve loyally without an official contract. It was the contract. It was an acknowledgement of the deep bond between Dominant and submissive, and a profound symbol of friendship; although a bit more perverse and intimate than the standard fare of say, a hoof bracelet or something similar.

"I would also gift you this, if you'd have it," Tempest said politely, meeting Spike's eyes with a sudden weight to them. "My collar, that carries my emblem. I have to admit I'm eager to offer it as it would show anypony else that you are mine, though it's in part also because of this party. You see without it, while you will belong to my entourage other Dominants may set their sights on you, possibly seeking to have you for themselves. You would receive offers to come serve them instead to which I'd rather that didn't happen, and a collar is a sure-fire way of circumventing that."

She quickly added. "But make no mistake; I don't want you to feel like you need it to be safe from another Dominant as there are strict rules, nor do I want you to feel like you have to accept it right now if you don't feel ready for the commitment it entails. It is a little unorthodox as usually a collar is only presented upon completing your training, which really should include your involvement with the deeper aspects of the culture, but I do tend to play things a little differently. If it's not something you would like right now, I would happily wait for you."

Tempest finished with a soft smile.

Spike's chest was still feeling tight, he wasn't sure what to do. He certainly felt appreciative that Tempest cared for him to the point that she was worried he might entertain other Dominants. Not that he would as he liked her far too much, though he wasn't sure he really deserved such a gift, or that he was ready to accept the full commitment.

In the past she'd taught that oftentimes a Dominant that wanted to collar a submissive would want that submissive to be readily available, which usually meant having them move in or at least be nearby. That was quite a jump in some respects. He'd really only just felt settled into his small flat downtown that he'd moved into when he accepted work here in Canterlot, and it was a fair distance away when accounting for delays. He generally left for work an hour before he began so he could arrive on time. It was an excellent way to stay in shape, but that aside it was still a trek from his home to work on foot.

So Tempest would probably want him to move uptown, nearer to or in with her. Whilst that might not be such a big issue, he really liked having his own place, no matter that it was small. After living most of his young life with a constant presence from multiple ponies, it was incredibly liberating to have actual privacy and true freedom. He had also just finished decorating the place perfectly to his liking with the limited time he had after working as much as he did, as an extra reason.

He may also have been a little intimidated by such an offer.

"I... um, I think I would... I think I want to wait," Spike told her, his ears folding down as he felt like he was letting her down. "I-I'm sorry, Mistress."

"Don't fret, Spike," Tempest smiled plainly, floating the aweing collar away into a drawer. She hid her slight chagrin at the rebuff incredibly well, or she'd expected he would decline, before her expression then became almost predatory. "As I said, I will happily wait. I understand that you might feel it's a bit fast."

Spike felt a little awkward about it now, at least until Tempest brought up a neatly sized box and placed his outfit inside along with the mask, putting the lid on and pushing the outfit over on the desk towards him. Not accepting the collar didn't mean she didn't want him to come to the party with her, after all. He was thankful she wasn't pressing him, she never did try to force anything he wasn't comfortable with and it made him like her all the more.

"Now then, that is yours. It will fit, the couturière I commissioned can tell measurements just by seeing a photo," Tempest grinned impishly. "You recall that one I took during our little business trip to Manehatten?"

Oh? Oh!

Spike blushed.

"Such a lovely photo, you should model that bikini for me again," Tempest chuckled warmly, beginning to take off her outfit with her magic. "I will get ready to leave, please gather your things and be waiting for me in the lobby with Aurora, and I will join you shortly. I can't very well go out like this in public."

Nodding, Spike began to turn to the door and do as he was bid, before Tempest's comfortable seat creaked as she got up and came over on her hindlegs. Standing bipedal she was roughly the same height, she leant forward and met his lips in a soothing gentle kiss that was accompanied by a swirl of lavender in his nose, before she pulled back with a caring smile.

"And please don't worry about the collar," she said, keeping her smile. "I don't think any less of you for not accepting, and I'm not going to throw you by the wayside, alright?"

Not that he had any doubt of that, but he very much appreciated the words. Well, alright... maybe he thought she might be really disappointed. Her words meant a lot. He smiled and gave her a nod before a hoof went down behind him to slap one of his immense cheeks, making him jump in a squeak. She chuckled and nodded at the door.

"Go on downstairs. I shall see you shortly."

Whilst Tempest was getting prepared, Spike stepped out of the lift onto the ground floor with his gift under one arm. Walking through the hall he moved into the expansive main lobby of the building, glancing down the other connecting corridors for anypony else but finding them barren. Opposite the main seating area for waiting guests on the left was the circular surround of the reception room and its neat desk, looking almost like a rather stylish and slightly more open pillbox, with the lobby entrance not far from its position to readily welcome visitors.

Aurora Ember sat within, the pretty alabaster unicorn mare looking more than a little bored this late at night. An almost iridescent platinum-blonde mane cascaded down in tresses around her cute features as her fiery-orange eyes scanned over a sleek and expensive looking gem-phone held in her equally fiery corona. She wore a simple office blouse and long skirt for work, but with a dark silk scarf around her neck. She was a rather gorgeous mare similar to Tempest in body shape, albeit a significant deal more bottom heavy with a slightly wider waistline. Whereas Tempest was trim around the barrel with the barest amount of fat over her muscular belly, and plenty of fat over muscle in all the right places to make her excellently curvy; Aurora was a tiny bit softer around the barrel with the slightest level of feminine belly fat, and a great deal more curvaceous around the croup, bottom, and haunches. She was roughly equal in the size of her thighs to Tempest, though hers were a great deal more cushioning-with-some-muscle rather than muscular-with-some-cushioning, and from what Spike had seen she had a far puffier dock as well.

Aurora didn't look as if she was enjoying herself all that much as she rested her stony face on a hoof, but Spike figured that was just... kind of her default facial expression. He knew he'd heard Ribbon use a specific term for her before about her face, he just couldn't recall what it was. Resting... something that wasn't nice, even if it wasn't exactly wrong. He'd certainly used more than a few pleasant terms in regards to her body however, and Spike couldn't help but agree on that front too.

She probably should have finished at around nine like he usually did unless he was working overtime, but if she already had the party to consider... Aurora didn't live too far away like he did, surely she could have just trotted home and relaxed for a short while before coming back in time? Unless Tempest asked her to wait patiently, he'd done something like that a few times as she'd ordered, however that was usually kneeling in her office on his pillow whilst she worked.

"Hey, Spike," she greeted nonchalantly whilst not taking her eyes off of her phone.

"Hi, Aurora. Been a fine day?" he returned with a smile, toeing over and gently putting the box down onto the reception desk as they waited, breathing in her pleasant scent that was akin to roasted chestnuts as he rested on the polished wood.

"Boring as shit, as usual," Aurora commented rather dryly, her eyes flicking to the box, and then to him for a scant moment before returning to her screen. "Coming along then? It'll be nice to have some extra company."

"I... yeah," Spike gave a nod, glancing around at the lobby briefly, before his eyes went back to her phone from the noises it was making. "What are you playing?"

"Some weird Nippone sci-fi game. Only one they got seeing as the tech's still new. Lotta base building and management between battles, lotta collectable hotties."

Oh, one of those games.

"You haven't paid for anything, right?" Spike asked with concern. He avoided mobile phones in general as they seemed like such a nuisance, but because he knew if he ever played a game like that he'd end up having his wallet drained of bits. "Syntax from admin said he'd managed to spend a good five-hundred bits on one of those things in a month once."

"Syntax is an alright guy, but he's a fucking idiot," Aurora said, not taking her eyes off what she was doing. "I aint paid for shit, I just use a hacked gtk to increase my drop rate, then I get more shards to buy what I want."

"W-what are shards?" Spike asked with a little confusion. He wasn't sure what a gtk was either, but he could hazard a guess that it was something to do with cheating seeing as she'd said 'hack'. Syntax had spoken about hackers, they didn't seem like nice people but he supposed if Aurora was using one... Maybe it wasn't that bad?

"In-game currency," Aurora explained. "Save up enough and you can get the best outfits for the characters you unlock or whatever else, don't gotta spend bits on stardust. Takes a bit longer even with the better drop rate but that's fine by me, I got time to kill."

"Stardust?" Spike was still lost.

"Different currency bought with real money," Aurora flicked her eyes at him and looked annoyed, as if he should obviously know this. "It's for buying shit you want immediately or what you don't wanna grind for."

"A-and you... um, have a lot of it, the shards? Like uh, for outfits, that sounds good." Spike was trying to converse even if he really didn't get the point; it wasn't often Aurora spoke this much to him. Sure they got along well enough that Tempest felt happy, and on the couple of occasions he'd been told to work with Aurora to do something they'd never fought or anything. He wanted to do well to build rapport wherever possible.

Aurora smiled, albeit rather subtly. "It is."

She did something with the phone for a second before turning a screen to face him, and he curiously leant in. He felt his cheeks burn as he looked upon a semi-realistic image of a rather lithe and rather provocative stallion, that in typical Nippone fashion was extremely pretty in a way most stallions weren't. He was extremely feminine to the point that Spike was certain the only thing that made the stallion a stallion was his genitals.

His outfit was somehow more erotic than if he was naked, made of gossamer silks and faleath belts as if he was meant to be a thief of some kind, and... well, it made Spike feel warm as semi-realistic was true; the outfit had the stallion wearing a large silk ball-bra that was supporting the absolutely unrealistic size of his testicles, and they as well as his overly puffy ponut were very much in the face of the viewer, his large dick barely hidden by a partially transparent length of tight silk that pressed it against his belly. The girly stallion's expression was both annoyed and aroused behind his ninja-like hooded mask.

That was not something he saw everyday.

"Cool, huh? That outfit cost me like, two-hundred-and-fifty-kay shards," Aurora commented, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Had to grind for about a week to get it."

"I, uh, yeah." Spike nodded, a little dumbfounded. He really didn't get the point of playing a game to unlock erotic pictures, but if Aurora enjoyed it he supposed...

Both their ears perked as there was a ping from down the way, and both of them sharply turned their heads and looked back towards the lifts. Spike imagined that Aurora also felt that sense of excitement within her chest whenever Tempest was going to appear. She had that effect on people. Well, maybe for some it was fear, she did have a very imposing aura, so it was all the more special that she liked his company and was so gentle with him.

Cantering down the hall and into the lobby, Tempest stepped into view wearing her tight looking business attire again, with a smart looking saddlebag over her back and her own special box in magical tow.

"Hello, you two. I trust you're getting along?" she said with a smirk.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Spike side-glanced at Aurora as she didn't refer to Tempest with any level of respect in greeting, something that she commonly seemed to get away with that irked him. Aurora simply shot him a knowing raise of the eyebrows as he looked on with slight puzzlement at her. He didn't comment as Tempest came over.

"Come along. The limo's arriving to pick us up shortly, and they're rarely late."

A limousine? That sounded... expensive.

He supposed Tempest did say it was a special party, and their outfits were tailor-made by a couturière, which he knew was just Prench for a dressmaker. Even Rarity didn't have such a title, and the title alone probably lent to being even more expensive.

Tempest was spending a lot on him, and Aurora too he saw as she floated up her own box from behind the counter as she gathered her things, throwing on a baggy looking wine-red faleath jacket over her simple blouse. He glanced at Tempest as she kept her vision quite evenly on Aurora, trying to stifle his worries. He really hoped he would be befitting of a good submissive at this party and make Tempest proud.

Tempest tapped a hoof impatiently as Aurora didn't hurry herself, but led on when she eventually came around from the reception desk, locking the door behind her into the reception room as she left it.

"Finally," Tempest deadpanned with a flick of her ears, though she didn't look all that angry. "Come."

Spike followed beside Tempest, exiting out of the crystal turnstile doors into the Plaza courtyard, it was situated between all four buildings making up Tempest's complete domain of printing. It was really quite impressive, and with the crystal lighting around the courtyard and the glow of the city at night, it made it flourish. Easily keeping pace he went along until they came to the pavement just before the road, and Tempest stopped.

"Ah, you're lucky, Aurora; it's only just arriving." Tempest commented.

Spike contained his regard as he saw the limo coming, pleasantly surprised in how quietly and smartly it pulled up to the curb as its headlights glared. It, like a majority of other devices of technology, was powered by gems full of pulsing energy. He didn't know the specifics of how the engine worked, just that some type of gem-spell-matrix-thing powered it and its propulsion system and needed to be charged with magic every few weeks, but it was aweing.

The limo was sleek and polished, its onyx metal chassis made from an alloy ─which meant two or more types of metal combined to be stronger, he'd learned that from a book Twilight had been studying on metallurgy once─ and carried on a strange glowing plate that was vibrating with energy, the system created by magic from pegasi that allowed it to fly along just above the ground. It was angular and aerodynamic, if a bit sinister looking with the superficial pieces on the front, back, and roof that swept back almost like fins on a shark.

Without a word he toed over and opened the door at the back for Tempest before either of the mares had taken a step. Tempest grinned with a slight chuckle, thanking him and getting inside. Aurora smirked and gently rolled her eyes at the courteous action, getting in after her after a moment of shuffling her sizable marely backside through the door, and he quickly followed with a blush at the amusing sight of her bottom wiggling in the tight skirt, closing the door behind him.

It was very moody inside the passenger section, and he was welcomed by the sharp scent of cleaning oils and the heavy smell of upholstery balms within the cabin. There were fluorescent lighting strips either side of the limo in the upper corners, with a single light at its centre. All three lights were quite dim which probably meant they were just made from quartz, as that was a gem that didn't glow very much when given energy. It didn't help that the windows were heavily tinted, barely any light filtered inside from the strong crystal light outside. It made things feel a bit atmospheric, as when he sat down he noticed that moving his hands around looked as if he was almost within a smoky mist or something with how the ambience played on his vision.

He sat next to Aurora on the back seat, opposite Tempest, who got comfortable before the driver's window at the front of the limo. The faleath seats were wide enough that a pony could lay down quite easily and comfortably, even a pony like Aurora with her incredibly generous lower body. Spike placed his box down next to where they had both put theirs, noticing now that they were all colour coded to their bodies with small ribbon strips so as to not get mixed up, which he smiled at the thought. Almost instantly Aurora's horn ignited as she took her sleek phone out of her jacket and likely went back to her weird erotic picture game.

Tempest cleared her throat, looking at Spike.

He glanced up, meeting her intense gaze. "Ma'am?"

"We're in private now, Spike." Tempest smiled, her horn flaring too as she accessed a neat compartmental box on the side of the vehicle that blended with the limo's wall, opening it and revealing a bottle of champagne and some glasses. That was interesting.

"Sorry, Mistress." Spike gave a nod, knowing she wasn't angry. He didn't think a limo was particularly private, he had to use his intuition to guess if it was correct to call her by either moniker as and when. He guessed it made sense that the very fancy limo taking them to a very fancy special party where they'd be wearing very fancy custom outfits would be a place to be able to call her Mistress.

"This party will have certain rules you must abide by, and I have no doubt you will do your best to ensure you follow them to the letter," she began, speaking only slightly in her business tone, it was far more relaxed than usual. "When we leave the limo you are only to speak when spoken to. You may however ask me a question if it is necessary, you know your etiquette on that so be selective, and of course, you may ask to use the bathroom if you need it. If another Dominant addresses you, you will refer to them as Sir or Miss, and it will be up to your discretion to use a different title for them should they politely ask. It's often a respect granted, but it is first a respect earned. You will be spoken to by many other Dominants, and I don't think I need to tell you to be polite and courteous to them and not to talk back. The same basic rules that generally apply to you with me will apply with them as well in that regard."

She took a sip of the champagne she'd poured into a glass, her horn sparking as she smoothly floated one forward to Aurora, who nodded once and ensnared it within her own brilliantly fiery magic. Their glowing horns were the only good sources of light in the dim haze of the limo. She offered a glass to Spike, and he gingerly accepted it as she continued. He didn't really drink alcohol but he took a sip anyway and tried not to cough as he stifled his reaction at the almost heady smell. It wasn't the best tasting thing, almost acidic to his taste-buds, but it was only polite to drink it if it was offered, really.

"However, they cannot force you to do anything you are uncomfortable with. They will immediately catch on that you are without a collar, unlike Aurora─" she gave a nod towards Aurora then, and Spike saw she'd already removed her scarf to not hide Tempest's own mark of ownership, the tight ornamental choker snug around her throat. "─and will likely wish to talk to you one-to-one if they find you as interesting as I do. The host of this party's general rule is that uncollared subs that are often in-training and even normal guests are something of an opportunity. Don't fret however, I wouldn't bring you along if I didn't think you capable of handling that little detail. Dominants may possibly invite you to sit with them and their subs if they have any, and it's your choice whether you take them up on that offer or not, but I would prefer you exercise caution; it's highly common for sexual activities to occur at these parties, between Dominants, submissives, or the two of differing groups. It may be that you're invited over and then such activities take place, to which I know you might be inclined to allow yourself to be assailed-"

Tempest smirked gently, giving him a knowing look which caused him to redden.

"-Out of your rather lenient attitude towards receiving positive attention, your general nature to want to please others, and your wish to not offend," she paused for a sip of her champagne, eyeing him, which he took as a sign to also take a sip of his own, even if it didn't taste all that pleasant. "Just as you accepted the champagne but don't really like it because you want to please me..." Tempest paused again as he looked away for a second with a blush, and resumed speaking after a brief chuckle when he looked back. "Don't drink it if you don't actually like it, you adorable little ditz," her smile lessened as she resumed with a more semi-formal tone again. "In such occurrences, I believe it would be best to leave their presence before anyone can ask to touch you, as permission must always be asked first, though it would not be unfair to say that without me present it would... make me agitated, and removing yourself from the situation before it escalated would make me happier-"

"For fucks sake! She doesn't want you fucking other Doms or their subs unless she's involved," Aurora cut in with a cute snort, looking up from her phone. "Celestia's divine teats, you've always got to be so long-winded."

Spike felt a very sharp rise of light-headedness as he blanched at Aurora. He would never dream of talking to Tempest that way, he couldn't bring himself to do that as he respected her too much, and as she was both his boss and his Mistress. He was surprised Tempest didn't do anything more than glare daggers at Aurora, and at least Aurora had the decency to look a little meeker as her ears flattened, quickly hiding behind her phone.

"...Aurora isn't entirely wrong." Tempest stated after a moment, her eyes fixing onto Spike's own.

"I-I don't have a problem with that, Mistress." Spike replied.

"That's reassuring, then. I'll continue," Tempest dipped her head. Spike saw a slight amount of tension ease from her, and she took a longer sip of her drink. "Sometimes games are played, bets are made, and subs are swapped between groups in order to socialise that sub if they need it. Most of the time fellow Dominants seek to mingle and chat while their subs talk amongst themselves, and sometimes there are separate performances by third parties or indeed other subs. It depends entirely on the party. Regardless, there is nothing done that a submissive is not comfortable with, please keep that in mind," she smiled briefly. "Personally I will be looking to meet with a few of my peers, so for the first half-an-hour or so I ask that you stay at my side, at least so you can observe and get a feel for the landscape."

"Of course, Mistress."

"Good," Tempest smiled gently. "You may find other subs have free reign of the party and that they have no restrictions, and may even have permission to talk freely depending on the protocol laid down at the opening ceremony. However, the protocol I've set down for you when you're with me alone will apply here regardless, and as a point of training this time around, for other subs that are not Aurora you are also not to speak to them unless spoken to. You are not to remove your mask at any time whatsoever unless it is an emergency, and if you willingly take part in a game or event and don't wish to continue, or if for any reason you feel overwhelmed or somepony is trying to coerce you, force themselves on you, or hurt you; your safeword is 'raisin cookies'."

"But you... hate raisin cookies, Mistress." Spike said, a little bemused.

"Exactly," she dryly muttered, speaking up. "I will hear you and act accordingly," a smile as she finished her drink, quickly humming into the glass and perking up as she looked at Spike properly. "Hm, before I forget, silly me. You're going to need a pseudonym, you can't very well go by your normal name. As you might have guessed this whole get-together is somewhat anonymous in nature, at least by play, it's not as if some don't recognise others or get to know them but the tradition calls for it. You'll hear me referred to as Spitfire, and Aurora as Cinder."

"Spitfire, Mistress?"

"Yes, I imagine the first thought that comes to mind is the current Captain of the Wonderbolts, no?" Tempest smirked, waving a hoof. "There aren't many mares with that name around, and I felt it was better than going with 'Storm' or something to that effect. What do you think would fit you?"

"Uh..." Spike fidgeted slightly being put on the spot, but an idea did come. "Well, maybe... Ruby would be fine, Mistress?"

"Because you like them so much. It's perfectly acceptable," Tempest chuckled warmly, relaxing into the seat again. "You should also be aware you can use my pseudonym as your safe-word as well, as sometimes panic can occur and a submissive might forget what their Dominant has said their safe-word is."

He nodded. Okay, new rules and protocol enforcement, safe-words, false names, that all worked. They'd briefly skirted on the topic of safe-words before settling primarily on different types of touch signal for safety, aware of all the risks. He remembered the rules she'd already laid down and a great majority of what she'd taught so far, he was almost constantly at a medium protocol even when they were in private so he could certainly remember a few new rules and names without issue. He could do this, he used to be the number one assistant to a princess that made about six different checklists to sort the castle library in an exact order, and he could remember how everypony took their drinks in two different office buildings; this would be a cakewalk.

"Now, is there anything I have said that you don't understand or wish for any clarification on? Any worries you might wish to air?" Tempest asked with a raised eyebrow, gently taking his unwanted glass of champagne from him, which he nodded thankfully at.

"N-no, Mistress," Spike shook his head, but stopped, quickly nodding. "Actually... um, you said the protocol might be set high, doesn't it... get a little confusing? If every Master and Mistress has their own personal protocol between their subs."

"A good question," Tempest dipped her head, meeting his curious eyes. "All Dominants tend to have a similar baseline for high protocol, at least the ones that run in this circle, hence why we are guests of this host as we adhere to the same principles of the lifestyle in what we personally see as the best and healthiest way. So, whether a more relaxed affair at medium protocol, or a bit stricter at high, you will find Dominants will not get perturbed if you don't follow their idea of protocol unless you disobey the rules laid down at the opening."

"Why don't you know the protocol or overall etiquette before the party begins, Mistress?" Spike wondered.

"Because the host likes to have his fellows adapt accordingly," Tempest laughed gently. "It keeps us on the tips of our hooves, and it does make things interesting."

"O.K... that's all I wanted to ask, Mistress." Spike bowed his head a little.

"Do you still want to come along to the party?"

"Yes!" Spike's head shot up, quickly adding. "Mistress."

"Hm. Good." Tempest smiled contentedly.

"Glad that's sorted," Aurora commented, not looking up from her phone, side-eyeing Spike with a look. "The rules do change sometimes but they're pretty baseline once they're set, and she-" Aurora motioned her head towards Tempest. "-hasn't changed her own rules in about forever."

"And you." Tempest sharply uttered, her magic pointing her empty glass at Aurora, who looked up from her phone with surprise. "When we arrive you are to adhere to the mute rule," her eyes flicked towards Spike before keeping on. "You will only respond to me or others with nods or shakes of the head, and you may only speak with Spike if he asks you a question, otherwise; complete silence," Tempest smirked and sat back, Spike much appreciating the explanation for his sake; she'd never hit him with a mute rule. She added with a note of finality. "You will also stay with me for the first half-hour, or however long Spike stays by me after that, no interaction with others until then."

"W-what? That's all bullshit, Mistress!" Aurora scowled, frowning at Tempest.

"Oh no no, calling me by title now won't soften the blow," Tempest's smirk gently widened into a grin as she waved the glass chidingly. "I'm also throwing you into the first few games that occur, that's your punishment for being such a damn brat."

Aurora glared at Tempest, a red tinge to her cheeks as she flushed and squirmed with annoyance, her eyes flicking to Spike as he shrunk a little watching the confrontation. He wondered if she may have felt slightly embarrassed that he was seeing her be told off so brazenly. He felt she definitely deserved it for disrespecting Tempest. To his surprise Aurora didn't question it further, simply nodding at Tempest with a gasp of indignation and anger before sharply downing what remained in her glass and returning to her phone.

"Now, Spike," Tempest turned her vision to him again, starting to drink the drink she'd taken from him. "We're not long away from our destination as this limo is fairly speedy. We will enter a security compound, and then enter a garage. When we exit the limo we will be met with a chaperone, and they will take us to a changing area," she gave a nod to the box Spike had been gifted. "Get dressed in your outfit, and join me as quickly as possible. However, if you have trouble getting changed into it then Aurora will assist, she's used to the fittings."

"Babysitting, yay." Aurora muttered wryly, not moving from behind her phone.

"Brat." Spike found himself whispering under his breath.

He reddened again and folded gently as Tempest barked out a loud singular laugh, whilst Aurora glowered at him but remained silent. Tempest smirked and raised her eyebrows briefly at Aurora, who promptly engrossed herself into her phone as an escape.

"Ah, new ground trodden." Tempest smiled serenely at Spike, then glanced out of the tinted windows at the streets of Canterlot with a smile still resting on her face as she sipped the champagne.

King's Court

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The limo hummed along silently for a time, and Spike marvelled at how it ghosted across the road without much sound beyond the occasional bump from the road that distorted the magic under the vibrating plate, and even that was hardly felt at all. Before Canterlot he hadn't had a great deal of exposure to such technology given Ponyville's quant nature and general rural bearings. Cars and the like didn't ever come through and if they did they were tractors, giant bulky things possessing large wheels made with far more engineered strength and power by earthen designers than the refined nature of gemtech that saturated the city.

Not to say a higher level of technology was absent in Ponyville, it just wasn't as common. It was a small town that made its way the way it always had. Even now the town's main form of selling products and produce was still in the form of market stalls in the town square and owners hawking their goods by yelling out into the street, rather than automated kiosks outside of shops that were abundant on the city's streets for quick purchases to save time going inside for smaller trips. Ponyville had its own charm, and Twilight becoming a Princess had certainly made things a little more interesting; a few newer technologies had been introduced into the county Ponyville was situated in having been afforded a larger budget from the Crown following an influx of ponies moving into the area.

As nice as that all had been he'd wanted to move on from the little sleepy town. He loved it and he loved his friends, but even some of them had been pulled to Canterlot too, and like them he wanted to do something else other than stay in Ponyville forever. It was also nice that he could pop in and see them sometimes. Rarity managed her boutiques, now mainly working from her Canterlot outlet, and Pinkie had opened up her massive bakery downtown when the Cakes had started a family and lessened their open hours in Sugarcube Corner. He saw Pinkie more often than Rarity as Pinkie's bakery wasn't far from where he lived, often visiting for a treat after work or in the mornings before work, which may have tied into the specific diet that Tempest had him on, as Pinkie knew all the best ingredients to... promote virility.

That aside, he really had to wonder how the other girls were getting on. Rainbow Dash worked with the Wonderbolts that had become an official detachment of the Royal Guard's Air Force rather than their own show unit, so she'd been extremely busy working and training for that. He couldn't imagine what she was being trained for, though she'd sounded really excited about it. Fluttershy visited the city sometimes, mostly to see him and the girls, however she did also have a consulting arrangement with the largest veterinarian in Canterlot with Twilight's help so that she could assist more animals. She was something of a specialist to them when they had issues they usually couldn't solve. Applejack had expanded the Apple Clan's reach in much the same manner through Twilight's insistence and agreed after her family had given the green light, so she was selling Sweet Apple Acres hard-made produce and even cider through business agreements with various peoples stores in the city whom she trusted.

As for Twilight though, she quite normally visited him via teleportation when she had some spare time ─albeit no longer simply appearing inside his flat since the time she'd caught him wandering naked from just having had a shower, she'd stammered and blushed more than he had─ and it was nice to see her along with Rarity and Pinkie, yet he hadn't seen the other girls in a while. He hoped they'd all catch up again soon, as they did the last time in a nice group get together in Ponyville's countryside or a bash that Pinkie would throw.

He wanted updates on everypony's lives, as they all weren't exactly into the technological side of things. everypony generally preferred meeting in person rather than sending a message over the phone. He loved technology and the advances it brought but didn't much understand it beyond small things like his gem-player, and that was a first generation flagship that was quickly replaced. He wasn't sure about the idea of a gem-phone as he didn't want to get as engrossed into it as Aurora was her own, and his concerns were shared by most of the girls too. If he was absolutely addicted to his gem-player, he'd probably become very addicted to other types of tech, which was also a predisposition in his draconic nature that he didn't want to help flourish.

He wandered from his thoughts as a bright light from outside the limo flashed, another sleek gem-powered vehicle trailing by them as it went the opposite way. He looked out at the city.

Spike saw they were most certainly in the uptown areas with how much more lavish things had suddenly gotten. All manner of fancy retail stores dotted this particular street even with the shops closed so late at night, the lights within still glowing or dazzling their rich details through the shopfronts and limo's tinted windows both. The numerous planted trees they were going past were well-maintained and trimmed too, this was a high-class area where they saw everyday care for the sake of appearance.

Tempest poked him with her magic, his head turning to her. "This is Regency Boulevard, we're not far now."

He nodded, Aurora sitting up a little as she heard her and idly glancing out of the window herself. It wasn't all that long before they pulled into a much more homey looking set of streets with larger houses, a great deal more haughty than he'd seen downtown. The kind of housing that would be in celebrity magazines and articles to do with the nobility continued going past the limo and became more ritzy the further they went.

There was a short turn off and they travelled down a private paved road that was dotted with abundant lines of trees, hard to make out in the darkness, and as Tempest had said they slowed upon nearing a heavy-walled compound with lit spires that had equally heavy wrought-iron gates. Spike couldn't see much else but there was a partial view of a booth so he assumed there was a security guard, and was proved right when they were allowed to continue and he briefly saw a burly stallion inside the booth as they passed.

The walled compound now entered, mown lawns in sprawling gardens with a few bush sculptures catching the moonlight graced their vision, but the main attraction was the absolutely massive mansion that had only been slightly viewable from the walls having previously blocked the view, now fully revealed in all its foreboding and gothic glory as the night caught all the contoured angles. It was all granite, dark crystal, and ebony lumber, with wide stained-glass windows, crenellations, turrets, and tall spires. The entire structure was like something out of the marediaeval era or the Fifth Age of the Alicorn Aeon with how Lunarian its architecture was, trying its very best to be a hybrid between a castle and modern home. All it needed were some gargoyles to really complete the look.

"Very sepulchral isn't it?" Tempest laughed, noting Spike's look of awe.

They slowed again as they came up to the mansion, and Spike saw the rather large garage door they were idling towards open up, everything becoming much darker as they silently entered and the door closed behind them. Now the only good source of light was Aurora's horn as she played with her phone, it was as if they were travelling through a tunnel.

There was a short lurch as the limo came to a full stop, barely felt but still noticeable, and he tried to squash down the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He suppressed the urge to jump as the door suddenly opened as really he should have expected that, and looked out into an enclosed space that felt as dark and moody in its lighting as the limousine's interior did with the specifically placed illumination. Tempest gestured to the door and he nodded quicker this time, a little nervous as he moved and shuffled out.

Leaving, he found himself suppressing his urge to jump again rather quickly. As he stood up out into the openness of the parking garage and looked down, he had come face-to-face with the chaperone that had opened the door for them, seeing they were a changeling. He very quickly forced himself to smile politely and took a step away from the door so that Tempest and Aurora could get out of the limo, whilst doing his best not to stare.

It was very difficult.

What had overtaken his slight fear ─brought on by past events like Cadence's wedding which he felt a little justified in his worry─ was a fast-building interest and indeed a mildly erotic curiosity ─which he was far happier with as he knew that the hive that had attacked the wedding were led by a single Queen─ as the changeling chaperone was nothing like the other one's he'd seen back then.

It might have been quite a while ago but he vividly recalled the cracked chitin plates and damaged appearances, yet the only similarity here was that this one had the same blueish compound eyes, a notable shade of cyan. Beyond that, she had a short and layered dark mane of murky green hair with her tail being much the same, whilst her elytra was a slightly more vivid jade and her horn, ears, body and chitin plates were smooth, free of any blemishes, cracks, or holes. She was clad in the most tantalising skimpy arrangement of tight white faleath strips, and Spike could clearly discern that she was also very much female unlike the drones of that previous hive.

If it wasn't the absolutely wonderous scent she was emitting that he couldn't tell what it was beyond that it was amazing, it was most certainly the lovely curvature and very large teats that he could see even from where he stood, and his eyes were rather good at seeing in the gloom. They were so big that he could see their rounded shape from her side. He was trying desperately not to stare, as her outfit was making them all the more obvious by gently squeezing them outward on purpose.

He looked back instead, seeing Tempest leave the limo last whilst floating out the boxes containing their outfits. He gave her a thankful nod as she brought his one over to him, with Aurora silently taking hers and looking peeved.

Ah. Of course, she was meant to be mute...

Spike stopped himself from victoriously smirking a little, feeling that it might teach her to show their Mistress some actual respect. That thought was, wait... He'd never actually considered that one. How could he have not since before now, especially with all the times he'd seen Aurora privately visit Tempest in her office? The fact that Aurora and he had never really spoken much? That they'd only sorted a few files and boxes of paperwork together under Tempest's order? Their Mistress, they both belonged to her. He shouldn't feel contentment at her punishment, he should look to assist her so she could improve.

The thought made him smile.

Aurora noticed his smiling in her direction and frowned quizzically at him, but did return at least a slight tug upward of the lips. She inclined her head, her fiery blonde tresses falling over her face with a somewhat annoyed look and a nod, and he realised the chaperone was waiting for him to follow. His face burned as Tempest evenly chuckled and smacked him on his springy butt to get him moving, the cheek rippling from the hit. He hurried along as the chaperone led them through the dark surround. His soft feet were silent as he toed on but everypony else's hooves tacked on the poured paving. The gem lighting occasionally reflected off the chaperone's pure-white strap-like outfit and illuminating wonderfully as it hugged all of her supple curves, contrasting with her sleek black chitin where the plates covered parts of her smooth body. He found his eyes travelling to her back end, that was free of any faleath and-OhsweetCelestia!

No wonder her scent was so powerful! In the darkness of the garage he could still see very brazenly that her short tail was pinned up, and her marehood was currently spread wide by an odd device of silver metal that hooked into her outfit. The light caught and shone off her elytra and the metal object just as much as the faleath, and he really couldn't help but be transfixed by everything she was prominently displaying. Her puffy puckered ponut was incredibly large and inviting, her teats heavily jiggled as they walked, and her splayed pussy ─interestingly the lewd inner flesh was the colour of lime─ was just as ridiculously engorged as was her clitoris. Her clitoris was flexing quite rapidly which meant she was actually rather enjoying the odd display she was putting on for them.

"You're lovely as always, Chit," Tempest complimented as they trotted along. "I can see you've been getting plenty of affection."

"Thank you, Miss! There was a private function I was involved in the other week, I was dancing for the Master's guests and was subject to much of their emotion!" Chit happily returned, not looking back as she led them, but winking in response to Tempest's comment. "I am happy to see you could make it, the opening ceremony is not so long now so I was not sure you would be coming this time."

"Oh I will always be along when your Master throws a party," Tempest grinned wolfishly as her eyes fixed on the changeling's jutting button as it sprung out with need again. "If only to see you move your body and gain an excess."

Spike guessed he wasn't the only one enjoying the view.

Naturally, he had quite a burgeoning erection, but again a thought came that it was just strange how he'd never really considered until now that Tempest also quite liked mares. It was something which should have been blindingly obvious given that she'd had Aurora under her before she'd had him. He felt he might be a little too self-absorbed in that he'd not noticed a whole lot of things, though he was at least pleased his eyes were seeing a great deal more now, thoughts at the back of the mind were being pushed forward. It did of course mean that his mind went to Tempest and Aurora getting up to their own fun far more than what briefly occurred in the office, or imagining Tempest complimenting Chit in another manner entirely, and that really wasn't helping his situation downstairs.

Chit led them through a door up ahead and into a uniform hallway with polished hardwood floors, the walls painted in dark colours with minimal decoration. It looked like it had a few different ways to go. Taking a left and then gesturing them forwards when they came to the next room ahead, their changeling chaperone politely opened the door for them.

"Thank you, Chit. We'll be right out," Tempest gave her a nod, walking in with Aurora close behind. Spike quickly followed suit and toed in, being careful in taking his box through the doorway. "Go on, you two, get those on. I want to see the both of you together."

They were in a pretty roomy changing area with wall mirrors, different wooden floors, at least slightly brighter gem lighting, and several cordoned off partitions with thick velvet curtains on silver railings greeting them along the far wall. Spike thought that might have been a little overkill, but it wasn't his swanky mansion. He paced over as Tempest and Aurora did the same, and got to work getting in and changing. He placed the precious box down on the bench inside the booth, also fitted with a wall mirror, and carefully began to convince his tight clothing that it needed to come off, unbuttoning the tail-clasp and shimmying in his usual dance he had to do in order to tug his skinny jeans down over his ample hips and undeniable rear. After a brief struggle of asking nicely in his head, they did eventually deign to let him pull them off a bit, being tight enough that his pink panties got caught along the way.

A little more convincing and he succeeded in pulling them down to his thighs, although they took the panties with them and his erection bounced free. He didn't mind seeing as he was alone, yet it still made his face redden a little seeing his large dick bare and uncovered when both Tempest and Aurora were less than a few hooves away. After taking them off completely and kicking them aside he moved onto his snug green hoodie next, and tugged up the form-fitting garment with a great deal more ease, although it also began to take the tight black tee he had on underneath with it too. He pulled that off from over his face and took in a breath at how much less constricted he felt now, only his special key given by Tempest on its simple cord left around his neck.

It had likely been as much from their snug size as the general light sweat he'd had going, not from heat but as he was just a little bit nervous. Being naked to the air was a rather pleasant feeling he quite liked. Turning to the bench he paused for a moment, catching himself in the large mirror mounted on the side of the booth's wall, seeing with a mixed amount of emotion just how much... cushioning he'd gained. Yes, sure, it was all in the good places, his tummy was still lovely and flat with a hint of abs showing through, however his large arse and wide hips, and possibly even his tail were way bigger than the last time he'd checked, that or the mirror was playing tricks on him. He was thankful at least that not much more had gone to his chest, they didn't look too cuppable so maybe he had a limit, that would be good as he didn't need even more people calling attention to his 'boy bumps', it was bad enough when Tempest teased him.

It was no wonder getting his clothes off was becoming such a chore. He was going to need to pay Rarity a visit again soon and get new clothes made, she was the only pony that he had ever known that actually knew how to accommodate his extremely generous proportions. Minobous clothing always had far too much room in the chest and never enough room in the crotch area ─for two very obvious reasons─ not to mention they didn't generally make clothing in his smaller size, and it was always three or four sizes too big. It didn't help that the last time he'd bought some and taken it to Rarity's for refitting she'd complained about the roughshod style, how 'it was an absolute disaster for his colour palette', and that she wouldn't have such things in her store.

He wasn't even going to entertain going to Tempest's couturière, if not for the fact that it would likely upset Rarity then certainly for the exorbitant price tag that would be attached to such work. Additionally, Rarity also made his clothing almost for free which he wasn't of a mind to turn down, and he simply paid her a flat rate of modelling some of her other pieces as payment. The clothing he currently had on was hers, which was likely the reason it hadn't split apart yet from the sheer amount of everything it had to accommodate.

Opening his box, his eyes rested on the ornate ballroom mask in the shape of a dragon's skull sitting on top of his special garments, being careful to take it out and avoid poking himself with the styled horn. He gingerly placed it down on the bench with soft-moving hands, taking out the alluring one-piece fit and trying to figure out how he should get into it. He soon guessed correctly that it was closed with a tight clasp at the neck, and the outfit was meant to be stepped into, so he put the rather snug faleath thong on first, which wasn't as much of a chore as the material didn't catch very much on his smooth scales like it would have bare skin or a furred coat. After a little jiggling he managed to secure his mighty dick in the underwear, noting that it rode up quite high between his massive moon-halves. The thong settled high over his hips and somehow managed to stay there without slipping lower like most of his underwear. It was very snug under the mound of his tail where nerves clustered and turned the area into quite an erogenous zone, whilst also pushing quite intensely against his gently protruding button just below the sensitive apex.

He wondered if it was designed that way, each turn bringing the lightest twinge of sensation that travelled low through his inguine and set his thoughts to ruin. He was already incredibly hard having seen that beautiful changeling chaperone, Chit, and now he was being partly maintained in his current state by the prodding faleath against both his member and tight backdoor that kept his thoughts on lewdness. It really didn't help that he'd not been able to achieve his release earlier with Tempest.

Next came the sensual outfit itself, the one-piece of faleath, freshly made and never worn. It might be a little hard to slip into given that it was new. Undoing the pop-button clasp at the neck he saw how it closed now without zips, having only one other discrete pop-button at the chest below the little love-heart window to give it the flowing singular appearance, so undoing that he carefully stepped into it. Tugging it up, he found he was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn't catch against his scales at all either, just as with the thong, and it simply flowed over the body as if it were silk.

He hadn't really thought magic was in play until he shrugged his arms through the shoulders and popped the clasps across, as the entire one-piece then squeezed at him gently. It was noticeable enough that it was quite tight when he turned or moved, but not enough that it felt too constricting or that he couldn't breathe, which was good because it was rather taut across many places, including his bumps. It was certainly compressing whenever he moved or turned in any way, as if it was purposely trying to focus his body and make parts of his curvature be presented more prominently. He felt that it was definitely on purpose that the one-piece was fleetingly on the cusp of making him feel too restricted, and that it didn't want him to forget that he was wearing it.

Looking in the mirror he saw the differences between his outfit and Tempest's one, in that whereas the faleath across her chest had a small hole for her chest fluff and little window of silk surrounding the love-heart, his heart window was situated to sit between his boy bumps, whilst the cuts of silk pane were like crescents that curved around the top of the chest and at the sides. It made him slightly burn with embarrassment as it really accentuated his chest with how flush it was. Whilst not showing off too much, it was certainly trying to give the appearance of more.

The fit was purely designed to display him like a gorgeous item, which he'd suspected an outfit like this might make him draw attention, however with the addition of magic it was wholly enhanced. His normal clothing was snug around him and it was simply due to Rarity's subtle insistence that it conform cleverly rather than constrict, in such that his curves gently flowed with the clothing when it met his body and kept everything flush whilst hinting at everything else under the surface. Yet this one-piece was aggressive by comparison with how it grabbed into one area and accentuated another, he felt like it wanted to exacerbate.

His sleekly toned midsection was bare beneath the upper chest, before the faleath ran across in a shaped strip below his tautly defined belly, meeting from one hip to the other from where it had ran down from the sides under the arms, cutting out in an oval much as Tempest's outfit did. At the sides of the waist his fit was cut slightly higher at the hips to really show off the ampleness of his pelvis, his hips and thighs readily pushing out of the circular area as the faleath pressed in. He saw in the mirror that his back was cut out, with a smoky silken window that led down into a symmetrical strip from hip to hip again, running across the fullness of his tail and bottom like it was resting on a shelf, and where from both sides it trailed south and ended taut around his large thighs at the groin level. From the inner thighs at the front and back it allowed the entirety of his massive bottom, fleshy tail, and mighty package to push forth and breathe free in their own cut out sections.

Completing it were the silk accents that flowed down from his shoulders and flicked from the hips, and the framing coattails that ran from the back surrounding strip that rested on and around his colossal posterior almost made him feel like the entire lewd and provocative piece was actually almost regal.

The faleath thigh high open-toe boots and silken lacy gloves were a far simpler affair to put on, but no less wonderful in how they added to everything. He was about to put the fancy mask on until a slight drawing of the curtain pulled his attention and only partially made him freeze.

"Spike, how are you getting on?" Tempest started to speak, poking her head in as she tugged the curtain aside with her magic just enough, stopping when she laid eyes on him, and they widened slightly with an impish pout fixing across her features. "Oh, how lovely."

He swallowed as Tempest then pulled the curtain to the other end of the rack to completely reveal him, and he did his best not to fold inward at Tempest and Aurora as they appraised him fully with extremely interested gazes whilst he stood straight. He equally ran his wanton eyes over both of them in their incredibly sexy matching outfits as the custom designs made their gorgeously curvy bodies pop with unbridled sexual energy.

"That boy creates pure artistry and gives it away for such a low price," Tempest muttered to herself, before her eyes flicked to Spike's face, and he felt compelled to meet them. "Have no shame, Spike, you are positively radiant."

She turned to Aurora. "You may speak to tell Spike what you think."

"It... works well enough on a biped, Mistress," Aurora made a noise and gave a quick nod, her face quite blank, until her pupils focused on his groin and her features spread into a wicked smile. "Bit excited, isn't he?"

He was indeed excited, as much as he was fearful, and his excitement was manifesting in his considerable member being as full and erect as possible. However cleverly contained that it was in the faleath thong, it was still brazenly obvious as the material added an additional layer that made it look bigger. Coupled with darker shades where the light hit at certain angles, it was as glaring as the Crystal Heart when imbued with love magic.

"Spike can simply appreciate beauty," Tempest smirked, casting another coy glance at him as she turned to the side to show herself off in her own seductive outfit, her head craning to Aurora before magic surged and gently booped her as she went to talk again, and Aurora quickly closed her mouth. "Now, on go the masks and we'll be on our way."

Spike gave a nod, going back into the booth and grabbing his fancy headpiece from where he'd placed it on the bench, turning it about and noting the subtle strap within it that would hook under his chin. Undoing that, he swept his soft head-spines back and positioned it on his face until it was comfortable, the edges of his vision partially surrounded by the finery of dark crystal and shining gold. The second he clasped it together he sensed the tingle of magic again as it locked, feeling that no matter how he tilted his head, he just knew it wouldn't come off. Just like the outfit, the headpiece constricted him, his peripherals being surrounded by a pretty fractal window. It was making him far more aware of his general vulnerability with the partial loss of his visual sense.

"Excellent." Tempest said, her smile softening as she and Aurora then put on their own headpieces.

Tempest was truly an imposing visage wearing her own. Her horn flared once more, the glow visible from within the mask covering it and making it look as if her horn were whole, and Spike saw that the cutie mark on Aurora's haunch ─an elegant looking golden flame─ suddenly melted away into her coat as if she were a blank flank. "There, one more touch of anonymity to complete the masquerade. You and I are already fine on that front, hm?"

True enough, dragons didn't have marks, and Tempest... well, she'd never had one to begin with. She'd quite honestly never been too bothered about it as long as he'd known her, as to her they almost set a limit to what a pony felt they could do. Without a mark she felt she could do anything she wanted, free of something that told her she could never rise above a single talent. He'd wanted a mark when he was younger, seeing the girls have their own special niches, and age had changed that. As he'd gotten older he'd come around to the way Tempest saw things on that matter by himself, though the way she believed certainly kept him from feeling any different.

Spike followed in her wake as she led on to the door with Aurora before him, and it was impossibly hard not to notice her immense marely body now so bare with her sexy one-piece snugly donned, especially with his arousal. It was identical to Tempest's and cut out in the same places, with a window for her chest fluff ─not that Aurora had much at all─ and the same openings for her curves to breathe.

A small divergence to her fit as his own had possessed, was that her bodacious backside and most certainly her teats were supported by additional curved faleath strips, like his own that ran across his belly and tail. Her ones seemed much less for show and actually aided in supporting the size of her assets beyond a lacy bra for her teats. She had the silken coattails attached to the strips, that framed her privates in their tight faleath thong ─which it seemed to Spike that her marebits were also positively massive with how that thong was straining as he was able to see every little indent of her gorgeous ponut, and that wasn't even the half of it on the contour of her large vulva─ though the strips that for him ran across his body, ran under for her. It kept her ample buttocks poised up, whilst the ones below were doing a wholly admirable job of supporting enormous teats that were daunting with their size.

Well, alright, they didn't have Fluttershy beat, though they were certainly trying to get on for the same weight class. She might need another few cup sizes to reach that level, and of course neither of them had anything on Princess Celestia.

The lacy bra Aurora was wearing had to be magically reinforced, he knew Rarity custom made Fluttershy's with such enchantments, and no normal outlet could stock anything near to the size of band and cup that she boasted. The garment was at least looking comfortable even with Aurora's protruding areola and hefty nipples bulging against the material. He wondered just how big it would all look released from bondage, his dick would probably disappear within them quite well.

Aurora huffed in annoyance as she glanced back over her shoulder with an annoyed flick of her tail, the hypnotising sashay of her backside continuing as she neatly travelled behind Tempest. She couldn't speak, and he just grinned a little, though stopped ogling her too much. She'd checked him out after all, and turnabout was always fair play.

Chit politely smiled at all of them as they left the room and moved out into the hallway, her compound eyes passing over the group to rest on Spike with an interested smile.

"Miss Spitfire's personal design suits you, nouvelle."

Spike paused, his ears folding a little in confusion. "Pardon?"

Tempest gently chuckled. "You're uncollared, you're new, and you are in-training. In these circles fellow subs will simply call one another kindred sometimes, but for newbies nouveau is the term."


"Nouvelle is the feminine."

"Oh. I never took Prench, Mistress," Spike blushed, looking at the lovely changeling chaperone. "Well, thank you, Chit."

Chit bowed. "Your chosen name for these gatherings is?"

"Uh... Ruby."

"Ruby. A pleasure," Chit nodded, turning her attention to Tempest. "Miss? Shall we?"

"We shall. Lead on." Tempest smiled.

"Miss, Cinder has not spoken a word. Is she mute for the evening?" Chit said as she went, and Spike could almost see the smirk tugging at her lips even though he couldn't see her face properly.

"At least for now," Tempest said, her horn sparking as her magic poked Aurora upon one side of her hefty buttocks, making the cheek gently wobble much to Aurora's annoyance. "Until she learns her lesson."

"Are you being bratty, Cinder?" Chit said back as they went through a connecting hallway to a stairway leading up. There were many rooms down here, probably mostly for storage and the like. "I would not want to be bratty to Miss Spitfire, she is so very lovely."

Aurora glared. Chit chuckled to herself at the look.

Quickly moving up, the stairs opened out into a comfortably furnished room that seemed like a hub of sorts, at least in that there were three different ways to go. The carpet they stepped onto was soft and velvety beneath his feet, and Spike imagined it must have been as gaudy as the curtains in the changing room. With the contrast between it and the carpet he had at home it was like walking on water. The whole mansion seemed extremely lordly and he couldn't help but wonder if their host was a noble of the Royal Court with the displays of ostentation.

Pictures were covered over with dark silk that didn't quite hide their ornate frames, side tables made of foreign imports like wingwood held trophies and ornaments in glass cases with their winner's name obscured. It was all a display of wealth that he suspected was to impress guests. He felt he probably should be awed to some degree. Given Tempest's lack of enthusiasm towards their surroundings he felt that perhaps he shouldn't be too taken with the décor, that or it was old news for her at this point.

That was certainly an impressive grandfather clock they passed though. Spike didn't lose track of their position as they passed through another few halls all nicely adorned with fluff and fancery, although he did feel this place was far too large for his liking though. He'd take his small little abode with its simple decoration any day. His attention to the furnishings was diverted as they turned the corner into a shorter hall with only one exit.

There was noise beyond the double doors up ahead, his finned ears angled before they'd made it too close, and he picked up the sound of laughter and general chatter that gradually grew in pitch until they were at the doors themselves. His heart fluttered in his chest as Chit's shaped horn glowed green and the doors were opening inward to reveal a lowly lit grand chamber that was quite possibly a ballroom, because of course a mansion would have a ballroom, except this one wasn't exactly out of a fairy tale unless that particular tale was gothic and moody in its theming.

All of the surrounding curtains and banners that covered the tall floor-to-ceiling windows facing outwards were charcoal grey, lined with jade-hued accents and quite regal in their presentation of the room. There were plush silvery rugs laid across the marble floor in numerous places, for comfort he supposed, and every now and then alongside the banners were wall scrolls with the most gorgeous ─if rather erotic─ artwork of differing species of both sexes, high-class pin-ups, in essence. At the room's centre-end was a single wide solitary banner hanging down above a large... Well, he'd not hesitate to call it a throne, not quite as massive or grand as the Sisters had in the Royal Palace, but certainly nice. The banner overlooked a respectable seating area upon a slightly raised dais that was made up of a few smaller high-backed thrones and a whole mess of soft black pillows, just large enough to kneel on. The throne and a few of those smaller were occupied, a few of the pillows too, though that wasn't what currently had his attention.

The silk banner above did, and it depicted the stylised bust of a pony from the midsection upwards, perhaps caught in the throes of passion. They were purposely angled to show the collar around the throat, and blindfolded with their ears folded back in submission. The form was somewhat androgynous to his eyes so he wasn't sure if it was meant to look male or female, especially with the shorter manestyle, and they were laid against a flowing backdrop of a sigil he wasn't sure the meaning of, but it was clearly their host's emblem. Spike liked it just as much as Tempest's dragoness emblem. It was pretty and alluring, and spoke of something sexual to his mind that certainly wasn't due to his state.

What lay between this far end of the room and their little entourage was what he might expect of a get-together in the ballroom of the Royal Palace, albeit a great deal more sexually charged too. There were separate seating circles of faleath couches and downy rugs in-between with people sitting atop them, Dominants resting on the seating with their submissives sitting neatly or lazily lounging on the soft-covered marble. There were at least eight groups that he could see. On one side lay a stage of sorts, and on the other a massive buffet table currently bare and likely awaiting for when food was ordered to be brought out, and as he would expect of something this grand there were attendants waiting by to serve, likely the host's own people.

All in attendance were masked, and all had their own style of dress.

The host's attendants for one, were wearing full form-fitting bodysuits made of some soft silvery material, with sturdy faleath padding and support in certain areas. Their masks were more typical of what he'd expect of a fancy opera, shaped and pointed eye covers of gold that flared out and covered much of the upper face, including the eyes too ─so they must somehow be see-through, Spike assumed─ with the addition of a smoky silk veil that flowed over the lower portion of their faces. They were all different species, so it seemed their host wasn't picky on that front, or maybe it was also a wealth thing in being able to have as many different people to serve as possible.

Either way the room set a certain tone, especially with the low lighting. It was making his heart thunder as they went in behind Chit, who was ecstatic as she merrily trotted along. Spike wondered if she was excited at the prospect of dancing as they passed through the room's centre with a few eyes from occupied sections resting on them, or simply the raw emotion from sexual interest that was no doubt going to her and her splayed vulva that dripped with her obvious arousal. The large stage on the opposite side to the buffet area could be why she was so upbeat, Spike certainly wouldn't mind seeing her move.

"Spitfire, welcome," a smooth voice called out.

Spike's eyes went to the occupied throne they were currently walking towards, the striking figure ─evidently their host for tonight─ sat back upon it much like Princess Celestia sat on her own throne. The host was clearly a stallion, seemingly an earthen as Spike saw no horn or wings, with the grey of his coat contrasted by the silvery-white of his tight faleath fit. His style of dressing covered a great deal more of his body with very little being exposed beyond his hooves, and it was almost like a suit in a way, if a suit was that form fitting to... show off certain aspects. The mask on his face was a regal affair of gold, jade, and silver, though it was actually the simplest type of masquerade mask here along with the attendants. It was mostly smooth with a geometrically textured surface, the various precious materials inlaid as filigree to make up its patterning. It fit to his head in a circular shape to cut off around the ears, nose, and the muzzle for him to talk freely, but looked completely opaque across the eyes with no way for him to see, just like his attendants. An odd finish was that it seemed magically enchanted to distort his true voice given the echoing timbre of his tone. Overall it wasn't quite what Spike had been expecting, given how fancy the mansion had been he'd been expecting something even flashier than what those serving him would wear.

"I'm glad that you could make it tonight," he said with a smile, that thanks to the mask was all that could be seen. "I see you've brought Cinder, and... an interesting new addition to your embrace."

Spike almost collapsed as most certainly all eyes in the room turned as the suited stallion called attention to him. He stood still as he was ogled and gazed at from numerous angles, and he did try to stand a little taller. His outfit was wonderful and he should do his best to model it, like he did for Rarity. He also needed to show that he was more than happy to be here for Tempest, which he was.

Tempest bowed her head, whilst Aurora did the same, so Spike glanced away from them and towards the stallion to mirror the action, his eyes darting between them and just about everything else as he tried to assess the general feeling of the room as best as possible.

Tempest addressed the stallion as she looked back up. "Master Nightfall, I'm happy to be received into your home. I trust that I'm not too late, I did call ahead to organise a delayed pickup."

"Not at all, Spitfire," Nightfall smiled, neat white teeth flashing in the low lighting of the ballroom. "We are still waiting on Heorte. The usual layout abides so sit where you will, here or over yonder, but for now I would like to see your nouveau."

It was a little eerie with the majority of his face being covered. Spike could see the hint of a dark mane and the tips of his ears from behind the ornate mask, but not being able to see a creature's eyes always either went to being oddly sexy, or rather unnerving. He wasn't sure which he'd settled on with Nightfall just yet. Tempest moved towards the dais so he followed behind her, and Spike focused on the other Dominants in their high-back thrones as they approached to try and quell a little of his racing mind, their seating neatly forming a semi-circle around the larger throne. There were three other ponies ─two unicorns and a pegasus─ a gryphon, and a diamond dog too. Like changelings, he hadn't seen diamond dogs in years.

Going by the anatomy, the dog was definitely a she.

Her leather fit ─which he was certain was actual leather rather than faux going by its jarring scent─ was all zips and belts and rather punky, similar to something Rarity had worn once upon a time after an accident with her mane. It was all quite taut around her immense breasts and muscular form. Her cleavage was impressive, and he fully believed she might pop out of it at any moment if she dared to flex. She reminded him of those groups he'd seen hanging around in similar outfits in downtown Canterlot, the ones that merged into styled groups with an obsession for a strange new sleek gem-vehicle on two wheels that roared like a manticore as they sped through the streets. Her headwear matched the idea, a fully encompassing and rounded sort of helm with a transparent crystal visor, and he could see her golden eyes peering out from within at him.

He could swear her eyes flashed in delight, and he quickly glanced away.

The golden gryphon was the closest to their trio in how he was clad, with silks and possible leather to emphasise his muscular body, and his groin was very presented with little but silks to encompass it. His outfit had a militaristic theme to it, a literal Gryphionian war-helm donned and a great coat resting around his shoulders. He had a single submissive, a slender snow-white gryphoness in sheer loose silks, resting on the pillow beside him.

The two unicorns were what he'd more expect of an actual gathering in the Royal Palace, with a few additions. They were practically twins, incredibly pale in mane and coat, slender yet curvy, and he would have believed very pretty. The stallion(?) and mare were both clad in a sort of regal silk-cut black dress that flowed into a layered skirt, wearing layered blindfolds over their eyes ─most certainly enchanted the way Nightfall's was in order to see─ and wearing long gloves and thigh-high boots as their own trio were. He couldn't tell if the surrounding submissives were mares or stallions with their similar manestyles and lithe appearances, but the three of them were just as pale and regally dressed.

The pegasus was about as gothic in a slightly different fashion, a mask shaped like a crow-skull adorning her face as a crimson red mane flowed back under a faleath hood, and her cream-coated form being somewhat hidden over by long-coat that bore gaps for her wings. The hood and long-coat seemed to be connected, and under it he saw a one-piece fit that was also made of tight faleath and silk cuts made to emphasise her curvaceous form. She was on par with Tempest for her shapeliness, with teats about as big. Her submissive was a coltishly good-looking lavender stallion with a deeper-violet mane adorned in a smart silk shirt and tight faleath trousers. Spike caught the pegasus Dominant's azure eyes examining him and he managed a smile instead of looking away.

Tempest approached a high-backed throne that bore her emblem above it, her place being next to Nightfall, though he wasn't sure if that indicated anything or if it was coincidental. The other thrones had unique emblems above their headrests too, which he assumed belonged to the other Dominants. What did one have to do to get a place within this circle, he wondered? Tempest took her place, Nightfall to her left and the diamond dog to her right, and she smiled at Spike as she got comfortable, her look telling him there was nothing to be worried about.

Nightfall spoke again, addressing him directly. "You, boy, come here and stand before me."

Spike obeyed as his pulse climbed again, toeing in front of him whilst Aurora settled next to Tempest and lowered her head silently. Did this Master Nightfall really have this much power over everypony or was this just part of the dynamic of him 'having' power as he was hosting the party? Regardless, Spike did feel pulled by a greater will, and it was somewhat fair with the stallion hosting in his own home.

He stood a few hooves before Nightfall and straightened up, keeping his arms to the sides as the other Dominants and their submissives whispered amongst themselves, and he suppressed his trembling as best he could. It was more borne of excitement than fear at his predicament, although that didn't mean the latter wasn't present, his ear-fins had folded down completely. They could probably all hear his heart going a million miles a minute as he tried to take slow deep breaths. He was still partially erect from earlier, and that probably wasn't helped by his level of stimulation from the outfit purposely designed for teasing him, along with the fact he was beset on all sides by attractive creatures with wildly differing scents.

The dog lady leant over and said something in Tempest's ear, Tempest chuckling as her eyes warmly met Spike's, she looked so lovely in her outfit. She nodded towards Nightfall and Spike understood, turning his attention to their host and meeting his gaze, or where his gaze probably should have been coming from given the full mask. With how the stallion dressed and spoke, Spike was leaning a little more towards the whole thing being oddly sexy which wasn't a bad thing in his mind, just something not exactly explored.

Button and Gaillardet were rather quite strong to him, and larger, and the thought of those two touching his body had made his heart leap, so being presented to this stallion in a position of power was having a similar effect at least in that he just felt smaller. It made him feel as if the way he was being pulled by a clearly strong male was actually rather nice. It was certainly pleasant with his co-workers, so this Dominant that Tempest seemed to trust wasn't too different. It was wading even further into unknown territory of course, and he wasn't sure how far out these waters went.

He supposed he'd see what the night brought?

"You're not like most dragons, are you, boy? Much too effeminate and marely to fit in with them. No, you're much more suited for Equestria, aren't you? Far prettier than what they could appreciate," Nightfall grinned in a distorted echo. He lifted a hoof and motioned for Spike to come closer, Spike casting a cautious glance to Tempest who gave a brief and calm nod, so he acquiesced. It didn't go unnoticed by their host. "Fear not, boy, I'm a fair hoof with my own. You've seen how happy dear Chit is, no?"

Chit had already taken her place on one of the pillows next to the large throne between everything else, and she was beaming at Spike with an encouraging nod that devoid of any worry. Nightfall brushed his other hoof across her head and she happily leant into it with a content smile etched across her muzzle. Spike took another step closer until there wasn't much distance between him and the stallion, and the scent of him filled Spike's senses, it was a strong sort of air. He couldn't make out what it was though, as with his face the scent was obscured and throwing off his usually-sharp senses. It was an enhancement on a natural oil-based scent, almost sharp in an agreeable way that said clean and professional.

"Kneel." Nightfall simply commanded.

Spike blushed and obeyed, his heart thundering in his ears.

"That's much better." Nightfall nodded, leaning forwards and resting a hoof under Spike's chin, lifting it gently as Spike stared at the eyeless mask hoping he was looking into the pupils behind it, his finned ears folding down in submission.

Nightfall took the opportunity to run his hoof over one of Spike's shoulders and across the top of his budding chest as he examined, trailing off from Spike's body as it reached an ample hip and passed just over the apex of his abs before his groin. Spike was keeping still and steady as Nightfall went, possibly gauging the reaction Spike was making, though he wasn't sure how to react in this situation as it was all extremely unfamiliar. It was likely that his body probably spoke for him as the brush of a powerful hoof near his lower region made his cock twitch slightly, and it was certainly noticed by Nightfall.

"Hm. Beautiful and exotic. You're very nicely proportioned in many areas, and it seems to me also rather well behaved. Both good things for a nouveau. I've not seen a dragon that wasn't covered up and out of my reach, and there's quite a lot more of you to see, isn't there?" Nightfall went quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Do you know, I believe I am rather jealous that Spitfire has herself such an enrapturing and unique prize."

"You can be jealous by all means," Tempest spoke up with a smirk, to a few chuckles from the other Dominants and submissives around them as she gazed intently at Spike. "Ruby here is an incredibly rare beauty, and I'm very fortunate to have gained him as my own."

Spike went positively erubescent at the compliment.

"Ruby. Hm, fitting." Nightfall nodded. "Go on, boy, for now take your place by your Mistress's side. It would seem our last guest has arrived."

Spike quickly toed over to Tempest and knelt down as he would have done in her office, keeping his head bowed as he got comfortable on the pillow beside her throne. His heart was still pounding and he felt like he had a light sweat going, and he saw Aurora grin at him out the corner of his vision as she glanced up from next to Tempest on her other side, likely being amused by his introduction to their host.

"Doing alright?" Tempest said quietly in his ear as she leant over.

Spike nodded, breathing in and out. "Yeah. That wasn't too intense, Mistress."

"Glad to hear it. Let me know if it gets too much."

He nodded, peering up to watch the last Dominant arrive into the ballroom.

Another unicorn, a mare as well, possibly a pale lilac in colour, seeing only her hooves. She was elegantly dressed like the Twins and their submissives, in a long black silk and lace dress that fit tightly to the upper body but flowed into ruffles as it led over her croup and backside to almost touch the floor. It was more as if she were attending a funeral, especially with the massively wide-brimmed hat she wore that had a smoky veil descending from it, surrounding her features to the point of complete obscurity. Only her horn was seen poking from under the hat, and he suspected magical enchantment in the silk veil.

A single cream-coated mare came in behind her, dressed in a lace-up gown into a short pleated skirt, her face partially hidden by a hood attached to the gown along with a separate blindfold. It seemed to Spike that a lot of Dominants shared their ideas of what styles worked best, including that of hiding the eyes, though he couldn't say it didn't work well. He couldn't make out much of the submissive's features either beyond the bunched up tail having a two-tone of pale blues, but he supposed not being able to discern details was the point.

"Heorte, welcome," Nightfall greeted her from across the room, his voice carrying through enchantment in the mask. "And Dream, too."

"Apologies for my tardiness, Master Nightfall, it's been a very busy night tonight. I would hope this qualifies as fashionably late, hmm?" Heorte gave a neat curtsy, as did Dream. She sounded rather posh to Spike as if she were from beyond Equestria, from out towards the Albion Isles. They approached the dais and came up to the semicircle of thrones, Heorte gently taking her place on the throne as Dream sat down on the pillow beside her, between the Twins and the gryphon on Nightfall's left side. Her head briefly turned towards Spike with apparent curiosity before turning back to greet the Twins and engaging in hushed whispers.

Nightfall idly tapped his hooves on the edge of his hoofrest in a tune to himself as Heorte settled, sitting a little taller in his throne. "With everypony present our night can commence. Now, if all guests would kindly pay attention?"

His voice grew slightly louder as he addressed the room, and everypony fell silent.

"I thank you all for being here, Dominants and their embraces. I welcome you all, to this, my home, and the seventh such gathering in recent memory. It has been a month or so since our last get together as we've all been rather burdened, and I hope you've all been keeping well. Like myself, I know many of you have rather hectic lives, so for tonight as before; be rested in that you can at least enjoy your time here and relax into the weekend without the stress of your daily pursuits looming over your shoulder."

A short pause. His authority kept everypony waiting for him to continue.

"There are a few new faces with us, and while I've no doubt your Dominants have been dutiful to inform you at least in some small part, I say to these nouveau that within a host's home the outside world is quite disconnected. In here we are not the people we usually live as. To some degree there is crossover, naturally a complete split isn't entirely warranted, but on these occasions we have the opportunity to be somepony else. For the ponies, cutie-marks are gone, and even for those who do not possess them your talents now lie elsewhere. Here, you serve your Dominant completely. Observe, learn, and grow. Obey, and be rewarded with love and care."

Spike smiled at the speech, it was nice.

"Now then, the protocol for tonight shall simply be kept at an appropriate medium. Medium is the baseline however, and if your Dominant tells you to adhere to higher restrictions, then so be it," Nightfall waved a hoof towards the stage. "Later we may enjoy our games, the usual and something new, and there will be entertainment, courtesy of many of our own and that of outside performers as we have enjoyed before. For now however as we settle, greet, and catch-up, a little music to soothe the mind."

With a brief flourish the stage blossomed with magic, and where it had been clear it was now occupied with a sizable band all garbed similarly to the attendants. An interesting touch of theatrics, Spike mused. The instruments as well as their bearers were all a mix, and they broke into a pleasantly relaxed melody that he felt leant towards orchestral with the greater amount of cellos in play.

Tempest rested a hoof on his shoulder. "From this point on, observe."

"Of course, Mistress." Spike bowed his head.

Initial Impressions

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Spike blushed as he definitely observed the antics between others.

Tempest had been chatting with the dog lady for a few minutes now whilst everypony else had moved to mingle. Almost immediately a pretty submissive from the Twins had been allowed over to see the crow-skull mistress's singular lavender stallion, tackling him with a kiss the second they got into range. Spike tried not to redden a little more when the lavender stallion immediately took control and pushed the Twin's submissive down, and saw the nice skirted dress they wore was lewdly tenting, giving him the answer as to the sex.

Looking elsewhere as the heat in his middle grew he focused on other seating areas to find he couldn't escape similar situations where submissives from other parties met with those they knew, and mostly became entangled. He did note there was seemingly no actual sex, oral or otherwise, at least not yet. Perhaps that wasn't allowed at this juncture. Glancing up at Tempest he saw she was still conversing with the dog lady, as if the spectacle was completely standard fare, and then turned his view to Aurora, jolting a little as he met her annoyed gaze from the other side of Tempest's throne.

She was clearly peeved that she wasn't being allowed to mingle the same as the others. Spike gave her a meek smile in some way of apology anyway, even though she'd brought her punishment upon herself in the first place. It was unfortunate, but she was stuck here until he was allowed to explore, if he wanted to, that was. Of course that was only after a half-hour of observation had passed, which he suspected was partly to build up his excitement and mostly as a general exercise of Tempest's will.

Time dragged on almost cruelly as he watched numerous scenes play out, he was quite erect from the lewdity on display and found himself rather embarrassed, quite glad that his kneeling meant it wasn't too visible. The wonderous outfit he wore exacerbated what was naturally large, and that extended to the contents of his underwear. The fitted thong was tauter than it was before yet still accommodated him perfectly, and he knew the enchanted faleath was overly presenting his endowment, making him very self conscious.

He looked elsewhere as another of the Twin's pale androgynous submissives, a pegasus, had already flown over to the silvery gryphoness laying at the throne of the imposing war-like gryphon Dominant. The gryphoness had swiftly engaged, hiking up pegasus' skirt to reveal that she was a mare with some hefty teats, of which were promptly fondled. The giggling and laughter from the both told Spike that this was probably a common occurrence for them, the gryphon Dominant certainly didn't seem to mind the show.

There wasn't anywhere he could look without seeing something overbearingly erotic. Instead, he simply decided to look at the floor and listen to conversations, if indeed he could hear anything over the giggles and blushes many were making between it all. Spike felt a poke in his side almost immediately, glancing at the dissipating teal magic and up to see Tempest playfully regarding him with a knowing eye.

Right, observation, so, no looking away then...

"Sorry, Mistress."

Tempest grinned wolfishly. "If it happens again I'll make you stand up and whip your weapon out."

"Y-yes, Mistress," he stammered.

Spike was pretty sure he didn't want that level of attention, mostly. Tempest didn't want him engaging with others in a sexual manner by himself, but if they started coming over for a personal chat after he was made to show off... he had no disillusions that she'd quite enjoy if some of the males ─the prettier ones especially─ also wanted to play a little whilst she oversaw it.

And he wasn't sure he'd be able to say no, like Tempest had predicted. Not even out of a wish to make others happy, just in that he was curious after all. It was probably best not to set off that particular landmine just yet, at least, not this early into things. Maybe.

Compelled, his eyes wandered again, glancing over two groups further out that had merged and who were thankfully a little less wanton in their actions. They were still very close and affectionate, however it seemed there wasn't anything explicit happening beyond kisses. He found himself intrigued as one of the group's Dominants and its submissives were kirin, and he'd never seen many of them around as their homeland lay to the far east of Equestria. The whole merger consisted primarily of ponies, but he saw a gryphon or two in there as well as a zebra, another rarity of a species around Canterlot especially.

He felt he could be happy to simply watch that congregation for a majority of his time, and some fair amount had passed so he might get there, though that wasn't apparently on the menu as he felt himself tapped again. A small surge of worry shot up that he'd done something else wrong, though he looked back to see Tempest smiling and indicating elsewhere.

Turning his head forward again, he saw Chit standing off to one side.

Oh! He'd been tunnel-visioning. Spike couldn't speak first, so he simply gave her a genial smile instead. Chit returned it, her pretty cyan compound eyes scanning over him with a slight coy pout then adorning her features before she looked at Tempest.

"Miss Spitfire, would you mind if I was to sit with Ruby? I would so love to spend some time with him if you would allow it," Chit asked politely. "And if he wants."

Tempest's expression became almost conspiratorial. "I don't mind at all, and I'm sure he doesn't either, be gentle won't you?"

Spike felt a rise of emotion as Chit then snapped her attention onto him with a predatory look he was more accustomed to seeing on Tempest. She was correct, he really didn't mind one bit. Chit stepped towards him gracefully with a gentle flutter of her gossamer wings. Her gait was positioned in such a way that her hefty teats were visible with every swing of her hips, her form entirely hypnotic. Chit was almost dancing, came the prevailing thought in Spike's mind as she deftly spun on the spot, Spike's face burning as her spread vulva came into view rather suddenly. Fascinated eyes gladly took in the mouth-watering sight along with the wonderful bounce of her heavy teats before she then sat down into his lap just as fast as she'd turned.

His chest fluttered as her comfortable weight was perfectly positioned, so that her sex rested upon his tenting erection, almost teasing in. Chit was so wet that within a moment his faleath thong was slick with her feminine arousal, it was a very pleasant scent to his nose along with her unique one. Apparently, female changelings smelled very different to ponies. Her wings settled as she snuggled back into his chest, just small enough that she could look up, and he could look down into her eyes.

"Hello, Ruby. You are so very lovely, I just had to get closer to you." Chit murmured, wiggling her plump bottom. Spike was just a little lost for words as the pleasurable movement of her vulva against his rigid length made him involuntarily throb. He could feel what was undoubtedly the presence of her puffy ponut squishing below his navel, her short tail now unpinned was positioned to the side. "Aha, you are happy to see me."

"You're... very forward." Spike managed with a flush.

Chit's response was to giggle and rest her head inward against his shoulder. "Yes. Would you hold me, Ruby?"

There was only a slight hesitancy from the surprise he felt. Slowly raising his arms and sliding them under her forelegs, he was quite awed at just how soft she was to the touch. Spike would have believed changelings were rather firm and unyielding, yet the pliability of her backside and the delicateness of her skin said very differently. In a way he actually supposed changelings were similar to dragons in regards to their bodies, chitin too, as the shiny defensive plates and Chit's skin were as velvety as his scales were. A slight variation of their texture perhaps, yet it was all perfectly malleable and yielding. It was an odd thing to not have a coat of fur, at least for a pony, and somehow still be silky smooth like there was a very fine coat present. The smoky chitin plates were both at once firm and supple, like some kind of resin, though he suspected that they were probably nearly as tough as his scales.

Spike carefully rested his hands just below her chest at her flanks, her sizable teats barely an inch lower at the cusp of her barrel. His heart ticked up as he looked over her shoulder, eyes falling upon them in their sparse white faleath fit, the flesh barely secure and gently bulging around the material, the subtle light-green of her areola peeking out from either side and her thick nipples straining their wish to be free. Flicking his eyes back up as he heard her hum in amusement, he met her gaze with a teasing smirk formed on her muzzle.

"I do not mind if you would like to touch me," she whispered softly, her breath tickling his neck as she nuzzled under his chin. "I would encourage it, and enjoy it."

He wasn't used to being given such a free reign, he was much more used to serving. Being given such attention from a mare that wasn't Tempest was also rather novel, bizarre, and interesting. It was also very nice to be desired as he didn't much feel that it happened all that often. Sure, he got groped at work sometimes, and Button Up and Gaillerdet had a habit of insinuating things alongside their groping, and he did get touched by mares and stallions too, but did that really mean... hmm. Maybe it did happen more often than he considered.

Spike figured he was a bit too strange for most others as he certainly never used to get this from anypony at all, he wasn't really in the mindset of being, what, alluring? Was he really that attractive to people? The workplace was just often tense for his coworkers, being affectionate and hooves-on was simply a way to relax and ease that tension, him being a sort of office stress-reliever. Was that what a true sort of desire was? He didn't quite feel it the same as how Tempest often desired him.

It would be very odd to suddenly believe himself to be desirable to that degree, if indeed a tad narcissistic. The idea of having that kind of ego rubbed him wrong, it would be similar to the type of vain pony that Shadowmane was and it didn't suit him in the slightest. At most, he might let it settle as a sort of afterthought.

"Chit..." Spike began, wondering how it might sound before he asked. "Am I... sexy to you?"

Chit's muzzle coyly edged up. "Incredibly so."

He blinked. "Why?"

"What do you mean?" Chit blinked in return, just as puzzled. "Look at you, nouvelle."

"I do. I'm not anything special."

"If you think that, you are very silly," she giggled, her lips gently pressing against his cheek for a brief moment. "Miss Spitfire would not adore just anyone. My Master also likes you, I can see, and he does not like what is not interesting. You are glorious to watch move to any degree."

Spike swallowed the sudden lump in his throat, he wasn't sure if having the attention of their host was a good thing or not. That aside, he was honestly certain that being singled out by Tempest had been more luck than anything else. Aurora was certainly special in her own way, he knew a little about her from his conversations with both her and Tempest and he could see why she had been chosen, once being distant and anti-social before having been softened up a bit. He couldn't imagine what she must have been like before given her attitude now, yet she was definitely unique in how she was with Tempest.

On the subject of himself, he could agree that a dragon was vastly different from the ponies that Tempest was commonly surrounded by, so in that regard he could see himself as unique enough to warrant some initial interest. Tempest did like him, and he liked her, there was a very mutual attraction and that was lovely, their dynamic worked well. Though, to say that he was special or unique in terms of attractiveness though, being exotic and alluring to catch the eye of powerful mares like Tempest...

Again, it felt oddly haughty and vain.

However, a compliment was a compliment.

"Thank you, Chit." Spike replied in her ear, brow gently pinched in careful acceptance.

Moving his thoughts away from the subject of himself, he directed his attention to the obvious beauty of the mare in his lap. There was no argument to be had on that front, Chit was as sexually pleasing as the most renowned of supermodels. A lightness in his chest, he carefully let his hands begin to massage the muscle of her flanks as they flared into her hips, gently running them down her croup towards her lovely rump. She gave a content hum as he teased the svelte flesh, almost growling her agreement as his hands squeezed at the musculature of her buttocks.

She was wonderfully curvaceous, almost more so than she'd looked earlier. He also felt that she was heavier than he had initially thought as she'd properly settled into his lap. She wasn't quite at Aurora's impressive level of ampleness, but that mattered little when his hands were so nicely full that he had to work to reach all of her equally. He highly appreciated a mare with foal-bearing hips, and Chit boasted quite the pelvis, so adding onto that general body shape was positively wonderful.

As he teased her body his cock strained again reflexively, brought on by a gentle bump pushing against him briefly, in haphazard sequence as her lower lips sought to clench at him despite the apparatus keeping her splayed. Spike couldn't help but smile as she giggled into neck, realising it was her clitoris flexing from the sensations he was giving her in the attempt to wink. Chit repositioned to find a more comfortable way to sit, though she could also have just been trying to tease him. Given that she was slowly rocking her hips and he could feel the partial parting and recontact of that thick ponut pushing against his lower abdomen, he'd certainly think that was the case.

Emboldened by her opinion of him, his soft digits ventured around from her bottom and caressed their way to her front, across her sleek navel and brushing over the apex of her weighty teats. She nosed at his chin and he glanced down, only for her to push her pillowy velvet lips to his and just as quickly invade his mouth with her long snaking tongue. Only caught off-guard for a brief moment before returning the kiss, he closed his eyes in enjoyment as he moved both hands down and somewhat under her large mammaries. Carefully, he kneaded and massaged the burgeoning orbs, Chit's minor elicitations tickling through their liplock.

Spike broke the kiss after a queer thought occurred, looking down at her wonderous teats and finding himself again pondering why they were much bigger than he'd first believed them to be. At the same time he came to realise that Chit once more felt a little heavier and her backend was larger in his lap, the warmth of her vulva and ponut on his scales covering more of an area than they had previously.

"Chit, are you... getting bigger?"

Chit knowingly grinned in response. "You are feeding me your love, Ruby."

Oh, right.

Tempest had said when they'd arrived that she would be happy to see Chit gain an excess, and of course changelings fed on emotions... Well, lust was certainly a form of love, he would agree, the most potent one they could be given. That gave him the curious wonder of just how curvy Chit could become if they kept this up. Despite his appearance Spike was still a dragon, lifting heavy things came as naturally to him as it did to earthen, if not more so. Whilst certainly heavier, Chit was not unpleasant to hold in his lap, and it seemed that like him she did not gain weight in what would be considered bad places. Changeling and dragon magic were both strange and extremely beneficial.

Chit's thighs up to her gaskins had become thicker around, her croup, rump, and buttocks were all far larger, and her teats too by a greater amount. Her legs, chest, and barrel had all gained a light level of padding to compensate for her backside, making her appear fractionally more robust without lending to obesity at all. These areas had all become more defined, giving her the look of a very well-endowed athlete that had focused on greater calorie intake for building bodily endurance.

Whilst Chit didn't rank upwards of Tempest's appearance on strength, and certainly not that of Applejack's, she certainly reminded him of Rainbow Dash's limber build that had been given some extra on the side. If Rainbow Dash was this bottom heavy. There was a lull as he stopped himself from laughing. Dash would utterly despise being so curvy for the sheer loss of speed and performance that was currently afforded to her, especially if her teats were this big.

Spike kissed Chit's neck whilst continuing his fondling of her size-expanded teats, managing to slip his hands under the taut faleath strips and catching the fat nipples contained within between his index and thumb. He carefully rolled them with a gentle pressure applied to coax more noise from Chit, and succeeded in making her quiver as she softly crooned into another kiss. His dick jumped and pushed into the open precipice of her slit, her continuous winking having made his lap a mess of her arousal. The only thing guarding her vulva from penetration was her purpose-built metal device and his faleath thong.

"Hmm, I wonder how deeply you know your way around a mare?" Chit whispered after pulling back from their embrace, making his head spin with the implication. "I am sadly not allowed to experience you in that way, and I have to admit that you are the first male in a long time that is not my Master to make me feel like that."

Spike had a sudden flush of alarm. "I-I don't want to step on any hooves, least of all Master Nightfall's."

"Oh no, do not worry, my Master let me see you. It is simply that when it comes to having other males he has to have had them first, and I think he would like to have you if Miss Spitfire allows and you consent." Chit giggled, kissing him on the cheek as he burned at the salacious idea. "You are so very lovely, I just wanted to inform you of it and play a little, that I am allowed to do. You know I have never seen a boy dragon that looks as if he is a girl, it amazes me that it is possible. I know some stallions can be very marely sometimes, but to see it in dragons... it is breathtaking."

"P-princess Twilight thinks it might be due to me being raised around mares all my life, and dragons take on traits of their surroundings," Spike quickly took the out he saw, shrugging as he calmed himself. He was grateful she moved on from the notion of being taken by Nightfall. "At least it's a leading theory, there's not much research into the topic."

"Well I am so very glad you are a boy, and have this," she said as her horn flared into a pale green hue, feeling his member being caringly gripped and squeezed. "It would be such a shame if you did not."

Chit fondled for a few seconds and teased some gasps from him, her magic smoothing under his foreskin and gliding across his glans, easy to do with him leaking pre. Stifling a moan as her corona held his compact purse of a scrotum and massaged, he was startled when she stroked over his small button of a backdoor as well. She released him from bondage after a short while of playing around, making his mighty cock throb almost painfully with need as she teased his intimate areas.

"Not yet, Ruby." Chit whispered, then turning her attention towards Tempest and talking at a normal volume. "Miss Spitfire, your nouvelle is so well behaved and polite. I am going to be very happy to call him kindred when he is ready."

Tempest idly lounged with a grin, having been observing the entire time. "Thank you, I don't think he has much longer to go in the grand scheme of things. If it's in the cards as well, then you'll find he really does deeply know his way around a mare."

The insinuation was quite apparent.

Chit got up to her hooves, and Spike couldn't keep his eyes from fixing upon the far thicker nub of flesh that flexed from her spread vulva as it attempted a wink. She smelled divine and he really wanted to bury his tongue inside of her, she likely tasted different to ponies too. A flick of her short tail and a glimpse of her engorged ponut, and she merrily trotted away with her differing gait back over towards Master Nightfall. Spike saw her take her place at Nightfall's side, and immediately engaged in a low conversation that he couldn't hear from where he was.

Was that bad or not? There was little time to ponder it as Tempest was commanding his attention again with a tap on his shoulder. She pointed her hoof when he glanced at her, and his head turned, eyes immediately snapping to the dog lady that was intently observing him through the crystal visor of her rounded helm as she leant over the armrest of her throne and looked down at him. Spike quickly looked up at Tempest for support.

Tempest offered him a smile. "She won't break you. Spike, this is Mistress Bougainvillaea. In case you hadn't guessed, she's a bush dog."

Spike had not guessed, actually. There were different types of... dog? Canine?

"Go on, you know how to say hello." Tempest whispered in his ear.

He took in a calming breath and got to his feet, willing his tail not to betray the miniscule level of agitation he felt, and swiftly stepped over until he stood before Bougainvillaea so he could set himself on the pillow in front of her throne. In all fairness, he was just as excited as he was fearful, he just didn't want to disappoint.

Bougainvillaea repositioned slightly and sat forward as he knelt down, her leather outfit creaking as she lifted the visor up with a gloved... paw? Hands? With the way the clawed digits moved he'd not hesitate to think they were almost like hands as with dragons and minosan. Golden eyes pierced into Spike with a gaze that told him he was either going to be entertainment, or be dinner. He couldn't really make out much of Bougainvillaea's face beyond the eyes and short snout, but her fur was sandy in hue, varying in shade slightly in different places across her body where it could be seen.

Much closer now, the scent of her outfit became readily apparent, and it really was proper leather. It lacked a certain chemical aspect that added a sharpness to the material for it to be faleath. Instead, the outfit carried an essence that had been present on a majority of ancient tomes from Twilight's library, mixed with oil balm for careful maintenance, alongside an almost singed tang on the air that came from the thrumming power of those two-wheeled vehicles she certainly drove. It was unnerving as the leather especially didn't smell bad, in fact, it smelled quite nicer than faleath, and he really felt it shouldn't do. At the very least it was all challenged by the aroma of desert roses, which seemed to be what he could perceive as coming from her naturally, and it rather suited her leather-bound look.

Worrying clothing materials aside though, he really liked her style. It was all quite tight around a very shapely and muscular form, and almost looked sprayed on with how it moulded to her body. He didn't let his eyes rest on her most obviously burgeoning aspect, though the jacket did appear as though it might burst open at any moment. A lot of the zips and belts he could see were probably superficial too, as he was fairly certain the buckles and plating on the boots didn't serve any practical purpose beyond heavy styling.

Bougainvillaea then stunned him by grasping the zip of her leather jacket and edging it down. He couldn't even blink before the metal link almost shot down by itself and her heaving breasts tumbled free. If he'd been crouching right before her, he probably would have been concussed by the force of them hitting his face. Reddening as his eyes fell upon the giant globes that probably rivalled his bottom in size, they were barely hidden by the much tighter jacket as they wobbled to rest, and he tried to maintain his composure as his dick flexed within his thong though she was certainly aware of it going by her line of sight. She was wearing something underneath but it hardly mattered, the loose white tank top was rather sheer and her broad areola were visible across each mighty breast even with the jacket covering them. They were a nice shade of dusky pink.

"How ya goin', Ruby?" Bougainvillaea grinned inside the helm, quite pleased with herself.

"I... uh..."

Bougainvillaea laughed, lightly reaching and tapping Tempest. "Nah, definitely broke 'im."

Spike recovered quickly, looking up at her face. "I-I'm fine, Miss. I hope you're well."

"Yeah mate, goin' alright," she nodded, leaning back on her throne again. "How's all this treatin' ya?"

The question was a very extensive one, he thought. "There's a lot I don't understand, and a lot I'm still learning, but I'm happy with my place in it, Miss."

"Good on ya, mate, as long as you're learnin' an' havin' fun that's the main thing, ain't it?" she said as she got comfortable again. "Even Dommies are still learnin' things, yeah? Ain't like we're experts, unless we've been in the game for years."

Tempest spoke up with a smile. "Even then, no one is perfect."

Bougainvillaea nodded, suddenly snapping her digits and startling Spike. He was only confused for a moment, before one of Nightfall's many bodysuit-clad and faceless attendants ─a tawny gryphoness from what he could see that wasn't covered by the golden headdress or the silvery material of her clothing─ came over with a metal tray in her hands that held drinks. Bougainvillaea snatched a glass of something pale and fizzy that he could smell was alcoholic, and as the gryphoness went to walk away, gave the hen's bottom a gentle slap with the other paw.

Spike laughed as the gryphoness only wiggled her hips in response as she left, tail trailing behind her.

"Spitfire, get Cinder over here, would ya?"

His finned ears raised at hearing Aurora's pseudonym, turning his head towards her as she too perked up from her observations at the mention of her chosen name. Aurora quickly rose without needing Tempest to prompt it ─she was apparently behaving for now─ and stepped around Tempest's throne, and Spike shuffled himself to one side as she moved beside him and stood before Bougainvillaea.

Being mute, Aurora bowed her head in way of greeting.

"Oh?" Bougainvillaea immediately noticed. "Cinder, you've been punished."

Aurora could only nod, a slight pink in her cheeks.

Bougainvillaea glanced at Tempest briefly. "Y'mind if I...?"

Tempest idly waved a hoof.

"Ripper. Cinder, turn an' look at Master Ferngully over the way."

There was only a brief hesitation before Aurora complied, stepping around to face out towards the group that Spike had been paying attention to. He assumed Master Ferngully must have been the kirin, given where she was looking. As soon as Aurora had fully faced away, Bougainvillaea reached out with a great swoop and smacked Aurora upon her immense backside, both weighty cheeks and her faleath fit rippling as the impact caused everything to dance quite nicely. Spike jumped at the sudden move being so close, and though the sound of the impact was somewhat lost in the general din of light music and conversation further out, it did turn heads from those closest. The Dominants from the dais and their submissives found much amusement in it, many submissives around them simply giggling to themselves as they rested in their places. Even the Twins who looked so composed and statuesque were smiling into their hooves.

Spike could see Aurora was shocked and mortified, her expression reddening in anger as she cried out from the embarrassment of being seen by so many others. He could sympathise quite a bit as he certainly wouldn't want to be punished in front of everypony like this. He reached out and placed a hand on her flank to comfort her, and she looked at him, with a strangely bewildered stare as if what he was doing was unnecessary. That struck him as mightily confusing. Aurora's face scrunched up then as Bougainvillaea levelled another heavy slap on the opposite cheek and she loosed a quiet gasp of pain, gently biting her bottom lip with tears threatening the edges of her vision. Bougainvillaea laughed as she gave the slowly reddening areas a gentle pat before resting back in her throne.

Perhaps it was a bit too excessive, and Spike glanced at Tempest as she sat back thinking she might have thought the same, though instead she was serenely smiling at Aurora. When she caught Spike's concerned expression, she smiled at him too.

"Don't worry, Ruby, Cinder's handled much more than this." Tempest assured.

Well... if Tempest said so?

Spike knew she'd never do anything to cause harm to them both. He understood Aurora was obviously fiery tempered, and knew that she was quick to remove herself from situations she disliked around the office before she ended up fighting with others. Yet, she was still standing there dutifully, her bodacious rear trembling slightly as she breathed to keep her composure, so he supposed it was at least partly consensual. They had safewords for a reason, after all.

"Hm. Think she's been done in enough for now, Tee?" Bougainvillaea said to Tempest, who frowned under her mask at Bougainvillaea for the apparent nickname. "You were sayin' how these two ain't really been together in these sorts of sitches, right? Maybe they should do some bondin', yeah?"

Tempest almost immediately moved past the close use of her real name as she sat up a little straighter. "I did consider it, yes. Though I do think these things should be done between submissives at their own pace."

"No harm in givin' 'em a bit of a push, I say." Bougainvillaea grinned.

Tempest's eyes flicked between Spike and Aurora for a second or two, Spike feeling a little tremour pass through his inguine as he caught onto what was being proposed. No matter the level, intimacy was intimacy, and he hadn't actually touched Aurora before this moment, not in that way. He would pass things to her, and she'd taken them via her magic. Until coming here to the party, he and Aurora hadn't ever even been mostly naked like this in front of one another either beyond the general sense. When they had worked together on things for Tempest there was brief conversation sometimes and a sort of working rapport, but she always gave him intense looks of scrutiny that made him feel judged. He liked her well enough regardless of it, though he had always assumed that his activities and her activities with Tempest were going to pretty much remain indefinitely separate.

He supposed that might be about to change. It was good but it worried him a bit.

"Cinder," Tempest began. Aurora's attention snapping to their Mistress immediately as she looked over her shoulder. "Why don't you get comfortable next to Ruby, just comfortable. I know you're still feeling out of sorts with the general shift, however, it's more than possible to build rapport."

Spike wasn't sure what that meant at all, was Aurora... unhappy that he was with Tempest too? Aurora didn't comply at first, and Tempest frowned at her. It was enough that Aurora turned forward and fixed him with a look from within the dark crystal surround of her mask that he couldn't help but wither under, and almost as fast she snapped around back to Tempest. Unable to speak, she only gestured in an annoyed manner.

"Yes, I know, yet there's only so much I can impart without affecting the dynamic between the two of you," Tempest sighed. "This is a bridge you will need to cross, I won't force it."

They shared a dynamic? What?

Aurora stood still and pouted before breathing out and nodding, and she stepped around on her hooves until she was positioned towards Bougainvillaea, then sitting down on the pillow beneath her. Her massive bottom squished out on the silk whilst her tail positioned behind her, the reddish parts where she'd been slapped already beginning to fade a little, though they were still noticeable given her pale coat and current lack of cutie markings. He glanced at her and their eyes met as she turned his way. Spike didn't flinch too heavily this time as her glare wasn't as intense, it didn't mean of course that his worry wasn't present. He wanted to interact and clearly that must have been her goal, however it was hard when he was sure Aurora probably wanted to punch him. She was still scrutinising him for some reason he couldn't really discern, and he wanted to ask directly, but... it wouldn't be polite to quarrel, not in front of Tempest.

Instead, he gently lowered his head and focused his attention towards Bougainvillaea.

"Don't look at me, mate," Bougainvillaea scoffed. "There's a fuckin' beaut of a mare next to ya that's obviously wantin-"

"Attention, please."

The words were loud and clear, sounding across the ballroom. Bougainvillaea swiftly quieted and her focus switched to Nightfall, as did everypony else's. Spike turned his head to look at their host upon his throne, his ears cocking upward. The band's instruments ceased as bows lowered from cellos and talons rested on strings, whilst conversations hushed and silence fell.

"Wonderful." Nightfall smiled, his faceless geometrically patterned mask glinting as he sat up from resting. "I hope you've all settled rather comfortably, perhaps enjoyed a drink? I've no doubt that the nouveau are wondering what comes next," he paused as there came a few chuckles and laughs from those in the know. "Well, I'm not one for keeping too much suspense. I've taken the liberty of reaching out to upcoming talent as most know I'm wont to do, and I have found what might just be a mainstay for our future get togethers. Personally I prefer something more traditional, but I'm not averse to the contemporary. Let's see what everypony else makes of them, shall we?"

Spike's vision was pulled towards the stage, shuffling himself around as the members with their many instruments disappeared in another theatrical flash, and the lighting of the ballroom subtly lowered as from the rising dusky smoke, several hooves stepped forward. The crystal light around the stage took on a moody appearance as the smoke began to disperse, and a low synthesised beat began to fade in and tick up as a troupe of dancers started to perform. They were a mix of ponies, earthen, unicorn, and pegasi alike, all donning tight silky purple bodysuits that were almost akin to a Wonderbolt's uniform, if a tad more risqué and partly translucent to show off their fit bodies underneath.

It went slowly at first, their movements sweeping calmly with the soft wave of sound that was modulated to rise and fall. The beat in the background was amping up as the main synth did, and they danced in an established choreograph until it reached a peak. There was a split-second of pause as they froze whilst the music tapered off and the lights flashed, until Spike grinned as the much heavier back-beat came into play in an instant, and their synchronised dance grew almost wild as the tune turned into something he'd expect would be right at home in a nightclub along with the accompanying light show that followed─albeit with more erotic undertones given the fervent sensual dancing that occasionally flashed the audience.

This thrumming synthwave was the sort of thing he really liked listening to on his long shifts to put a kick in his step. His flared hips were gently bumping with the music, his tail likewise tapping at the spade.

He felt himself nudged, and he tore his gaze away from the impressive and sexually charged display to see Aurora looking at him with a hint of a relaxed smile, even if it seemed a bit strained. A smile at him was uncharacteristic for her, it threw him off with a gentle flutter through his chest though he gave her one back quite happily, it was a nice change to being glared at. What he didn't further anticipate was her shuffling a little closer to him, which made his nerves jitter with their proximity. Spike did his best to focus on the show, though there was an element of confusion as he wasn't sure what Aurora's intentions were. Extending an olive branch? Or was this simply because Tempest ordered her to get closer? In any case, it wasn't something to snub.

Moving gently, he let his thick tail reposition so it rested just around Aurora at her haunches, slipping it under her tail so that it wasn't pinned. He was quite mindful not to let it push up too far against her marely bits that were precariously contained in her wonderfully tight faleath fit, he wasn't wanting to give her the wrong idea. Some part of his mind wondered if it would actually be the right idea, though that thought was quickly squashed. He gave her a gentle squeeze with the appendage on her other side to imply that her getting closer was appreciated, and returned his attention to the dance troupe.

Spike side-glanced her every now and then, slightly curious as to what Aurora would do, but she seemed content to be as close as she was. He didn't feel like he was overstepping any boundaries either, as she hadn't glared at him for where his tail was resting and her tail had actually moved and wrapped around his. He couldn't help but keep stealing glances, she really was very pretty. Spike had always found that it was actually rather difficult to find an unattractive mare, almost seeming as if they only had slightly differing levels of just how beautiful they could look.

Unlike Tempest with her almost alicornic features, Aurora had a partially more rounded muzzle and jaw just as the girls might have, though her nose was almost pointed like he'd seen on a few Canterlot nobles. It seemed to him that it was inherently the upper class that possessed sharper features, which for Aurora was an interesting contrast to the rest of her body which was all luscious curvature. Then again, the Princesses both had divine curves and they were as noble as it got.

As he and Aurora had never really spoken on such subjects, he wasn't sure about her background to that degree. He supposed it was entirely possible. Going by conversations with Tempest, Aurora had lived here in Canterlot before either she or Spike had come to stay. He shouldn't let his imagination get away from him, though, it wasn't as if sharper features automatically lent to nobility.

Spike blinked as he was poked by a hoof, Aurora giving him a questioning glower, and he realised he'd been staring at her like an idiot. Lately he was far too often getting lost in his own head.

"S-sorry, just thinking." Spike whispered, turning back to watching the show.

The performance was wrapping up, the beat winding down into longer pulses of synth that almost flowed into a drone, tapering off with the dancers' slower movements that became less erotic. Spike joined in with the heavy applause that followed as they all took a final bow in time to the music ending, hands and paws clapping and hooves gently stomping. He'd really liked that, feeling he might need to keep an ear out if that track ever hit the shops, it could certainly join the collection on his gem-player.

As the applause quietened down, Nightfall spoke up.

"I would say that was received very well," he smiled, giving a nod to the stage. "My praises to the choreography especially. Now then..."

Quickly breathing from their exertion, the dancers positively glowed at the welcome reception before they disappeared in another flash and cloud of hazy smoke, and the stage then suddenly became... interesting. Spike blinked as he saw a long bundle of rather luscious-looking silks lower in place that he wanted to say had been done purposely so they could be sat in. The trailing material vanished into the ceiling into what he thought might be a body of water, it shimmered like one and was rather lovely, making light reflect through the crystal around his peripherals. There was a low level of amused laughter through the room at the sudden appearance of the hanging silks as the smoke on the stage fully dispersed, a slow tempo of piano and violin gently playing in the background.

"...Most will recognise this, of course, new faces will not. For those brave enough amongst them, the nouveau should introduce themselves properly, as a bit of fun." Nightfall grinned charmingly. "Sit down, and we'll play a small game."

Spike looked back at Tempest with a hint of worry through the continued merriment from Nightfall's statement, and she waved a hoof to placate him. Thankfully he wasn't getting thrown into the deep end, at least not yet. Though as Aurora followed suit and turned with him to see why he'd done so, Tempest's expression became intent.

"Ruby, come here, next to me."

His eyes flicking to Aurora for a moment, Spike got up and repositioned. Tempest shifted her gaze from him as he settled onto his first pillow beside her throne between her and Bougainvillaea, and back to Aurora, who was starting to squirm as Tempest continued to focus on her.

"And Cinder," she addressed with a smirk. "Wait right there."

With a brief flash of her horn, Tempest cleared her throat in a polite manner, the sound having been heightened in volume much the way Nightfall's voice was. Spike shrunk inward and was rather glad his ornate mask made him slightly more hidden as all eyes turned towards the dais and Tempest herself, whilst Nightfall gave an amused hum.

"Spitfire? You have something to add?"

Tempest's smirk became playful. "Just that I believe the nouveau could use an example of what to expect from this particular game. Cinder has volunteered to show them."

Aurora flushed at being put on the spot. She didn't speak a word of course, however her embarrassment was palpable, fidgeting as many eyes switched from Tempest and onto her instead. Her tail twitched in agitation as there came a wolf whistle and a few pleased cheers from further out in the other seating areas.

"Go on, Cinder. Go play." Tempest purred, chuckling to herself when her horn stopped glowing.

Spike watched as Aurora twitched in annoyance, looking as if she was on the verge of exploding at their Mistress, her eyes wide, but she shuddered with a breathy nod and faced about. Slowly standing up, she began to walk towards the stage as the cheers increased over the low music, and Spike couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

It was all the more odd that Tempest was grinning so much.

"M-mistress?" Spike spoke up, Tempest looking down at his concerned voice. "I don't, uh... She's not..."

Tempest knew why he was worried. "Don't fret, she's more than happy to do it. If I told you to go up on stage, would you do it too?"

"Yes, Mistress." Spike nodded immediately.

She tilted her head slightly. "Oh? You'd be happy with that?"

"N-not fully, but..." he kept her gaze. "I would obey you, Mistress."

Tempest chuckled, a caring smile on her muzzle. "You're both quite similar in that regard, though you do certainly take it a step further. I've already told you, I will not push you to do things you aren't comfortable with, though. That's not what a good Dominant is meant to do with their submissives." She leant down a little further to his finned ear, whispering. "I might still be feeling out just where your limits lie with these situations, but Aurora, on the other hoof, I know is very comfortable in her discomfort."

Spike wasn't sure what to make of that as he looked towards the stage again, Aurora swiftly trotting up its side stairs as her bottom trembled with every step taken towards the trailing lengths awaiting her at the stage's centre, a noticeable tensity in her movement. There came a small amount of applause, and Spike politely joined it as he saw Tempest tapping a hoof too, still unsure about what was going to happen.

There were another few cheers from somewhere in the outer seating as Aurora walked up to the 'seat' and managed to sit in it, the soft music continuing. It was like a tree swing, in a way, Spike mused. Her lovely bodacious backside was further squished beyond her faleath fit in the silken material as each strip ran taut around her hefty haunches and thighs as she got comfortable, the silks indenting into her substantial bottom as she moved her tail. The lengths soon quivered, as from the ceiling the shimmering pool that they ran up into flickered, and they almost lashed like a rein as they sprung to life.

Then Aurora was ensnared. Like a living, coiling snake, the various strips immediately wrapped themselves around her. Her haunches and croup were seized first, followed by both her fore and hindlegs around the cannons, and in a second she gave a squeak as she was flipped upside down, her large teats quickly shifting. Spike joined the fleeting dash of laughter that came from everypony else, but his amusement waned into gentle surprise. His face warmed as one of the enchanted silk sections had wrapped around Aurora's tail and hoisted it up from hiding her tightly covered vulva and ponut, her substantial teats in their lacy bra weightily resting down against her lower barrel. The smoky silk coat-tails of her fit framed the area as they slowly came to rest around her backside, it was almost purposeful in the design.

She squeaked again as her tail was pulled a little tighter than Spike knew most ponies could handle. He knew that Applejack continuously stopped Dash from flying off and doing stupid things by grabbing her tail, and Dash had complained about how much of a pain in the dock that it was. Aurora shuddered from being subjected to it, before one or two of the snaking lengths rested under her head to prop her up and keep her a little more comfortable.

"This is called the 'Love Seat'." Nightfall announced, his voice carrying. "Using it, we can do many different things, and now we shall play a fun little game wherein one must tell the truth, or face... punishment."

The way that Nightfall said 'punishment' made Spike think it wasn't going to be very serious considering he'd mentioned something about introductions, and seeing as many of the enchanted lengths were poised and gently weaving around her, with one of those living strips getting awfully close to wrapping around Aurora's teats... He had an idea of just how the punishment might be dished out.

"As Cinder has so kindly volunteered to show you all, we'll start with something simple." Nightfall promised. "We'll start very innocently. Cinder, why don't you tell us all... your favourite colour?"

A general trill of chuckles followed the inane question, and an expected silence fell as everypony awaited the reply, though there came an undercurrent of confusion and whispers as Aurora remained silent amidst the gentle music. Nightfall seemed to immediately catch on to the situation.

"Don't you want to answer, Cinder?" Nightfall smiled. "Or might it be... that you can't?"

Over the low chatter that followed, Tempest's voice piped up again, empowered. "I'll release you from being mute, Cinder. For the duration of this game. I could have done so already but seeing you struggle is very fun."

After a brief hum, Nightfall continued. "So then, Cinder, your answer?"

"...Red, Sir."

Hanging there, Aurora quivered as the flowing silks keeping her suspended from the floor moved a little more rapidly into a new configuration, but didn't do anything unexpected. If anything, it seemed that they had, well... Spike supposed she was being rewarded? It was rather nice that two of the lengths had slid over her covered vulva and ponut, gently circling around her flared croup in a continuous motion and causing her to twitch every so often. Another silk strip joined the two and wrapped around the thick nub of her dock without yanking on it, and she jerked, almost as if she'd been zapped by a cloud full of lightning. Going by her trembling, Spike could only assume she was torn between the embarrassment of being watched and the general pleasure of being touched in such an erotic manner.

"See? A very simple game. Answer truthfully and good things happen." Nightfall grinned as he relaxed back, making a slight show of tapping a hoof to his chin in thought. "Hmm... what to ask properly, I wonder? Perhaps I should ask Spitfire to pose a question?"

Spike had to smile a little as he saw Aurora squirm in the enchanted silks, he could see her annoyance at Nightfall's purposeful dallying as clear as day. Maybe it wasn't terrible to find amusement in it, if Tempest said that Aurora wasn't upset by what was happening despite her... well, no, she definitely looked unhappy, more distressed than anything. Spike really didn't understand, but Tempest did say that it was alright.

Nightfall gently waved a hoof with false epiphany after a couple more seconds of dragging out Aurora's situation. "I've certainly thought of something fun to ask. Spitfire has shared with me many anecdotes regarding you, Cinder. Your initial training, how impenitent you can be, and your interests. Things that simply pop up in general conversation over the occasional drink. However, I was privy to learn that you have a certain interest in something that Spitfire has in her possession. You're not forbidden to play with that item, yet you haven't when many an opportunity has presented itself." His charismatic smile widened just a little further. "Would you care to inform us of this item?"

Aurora twisted in the enchanted bundle of silk as she stayed silent to Nightfall's question, which slowly tightened around her lovely body in response to her refusing to answer, causing her to gasp as she was constricted as the seconds ticked by. She grunted in annoyance as she glared at their host upon his throne, looking away and snorting with a defiant whinny before taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes, apparently accepting that she was going to be punished.

Whilst Spike wasn't sure why Aurora didn't want to answer the pretty innocent question, he did admire that she'd face the heat for not doing so. Tempest did have a few toys that she sometimes used with him, the most interesting of which had probably been the vibrating magic sphere that she'd let him tease her ponut with whilst he'd had sex with her, making her inner walls clench around his member at random intervals. He couldn't really think of any of her items that she wouldn't let Aurora use either... Maybe he'd have to mull over that after this event if it was that embarrassing. Asking Tempest directly also might upset Aurora, so it was probably a good idea to figure it out by himself by process of elimination on what Tempest owned and played with that Aurora wanted to play with as well.

Paying attention to Aurora, the silken straps loosed momentarily to reposition her as Nightfall laughed, with Chit beside him raptly watching for what came next.

"Now, now, Cinder; you know that not answering is punishable," he tutted, giving a slight sigh as if dismayed. "What are we going to do with you?" Nightfall posed as Aurora grunted at him from her place on the stage, before grinning and fanning out his forelegs. "Clearly, you need a good lesson of when you need to respond to your betters, and seeing as it's you, Cinder, I think we can use a much better instrument of discipline."

As he finished the sentence, an object Spike had only seen in one of Rarity's fetish magazines appeared in a flourish of magic. It was flat with holes in it and almost looked like a shortened oar, but beyond its handle it seemed to be made of rubber, at least going by the shine it held against the lighting. Tempest had used a peculiar implement on him before that ponies often employed called a 'riding crop', and he could only assume that by the way the object quickly moved to hover above Aurora's backside likely meant it was going to fulfil the same niche.

It was bemusing that the Twins and their submissives, and the funereal Mistress Heorte and her submissive Dream all tapped their hooves in applause a little more excitedly than everypony else, as others further out in the crowd cheered on the spectacle. Spike glanced at Tempest's peers and saw that they were very composed otherwise, at least, this was probably the most animated he'd seen the Twins so far. Whilst the other Dominants present certainly seemed amused at Nightfall's grandstanding and flourish, they weren't as flashy in their participation. Well, except for Bougainvillaea, she was laughing up a storm and was infectious with her jubilation, making Tempest smirk into a hoof in several instances. Being between the two was a bit of a distraction. Spike had his lovely Mistress on one side giving him intermittent glances that made his heart throb, and an equally powerful and pretty lady with barely contained massive breasts that could easily suffocate him on the other.

A hearty slapping sound and a sharp cry pulled him away from the possible concern that he'd managed to hold an erection now for several hours without barely softening up at all, and back to Aurora who was currently spasming in pain from the rubber implement that had just thwacked her across one of the huge cheeks of her bottom. Spike saw tears in her eyes as she jostled in the magical silks whilst they kept her in place at the better angle she'd been moved into, and tugged on her tail and fat dock after a second swift smack followed the first right onto the other cheek. Her lovely rump wobbled tremendously from the impact whilst she yelled out again, the pale coat of her backside reddening quite a bit from the poor treatment. Spike winced as she trembled in the secure suspension, and sympathised greatly. Aurora's muzzle was scrunched up as if holding back her pain, her eyes clenched shut behind her mask.

What took Spike completely by surprise and what stumped him utterly though, was when she released the tension, falling partly limp with half-lidded eyes, a slight hind leg kick, and a keening sound that sounded an awful lot like a deep moan of pleasure, which was completely opposite to the exclamation of what he believed was pain beforehand.

He blinked, quite confused, as he glanced back up at Tempest.

Tempest simply shrugged down at him. "Comfortable in discomfort."

Spike blinked again, looking back at the stage at Aurora and taking specific note of the light wetness that had built around her vulva, and was starting to run down her imposingly fat teats and lower barrel. She shuddered and cut off a gasp as her tail was pulled on further, and it seemed to him that she actually... rather enjoyed it. He realised he really didn't understand Aurora or her kinks very well at all, and he thought he'd been learning quite a lot about her.

"You know, I'd thought that perhaps when you'd called her a brat back in the limo, that you'd caught on to how she likes doing things," Tempest said, smirking gently with a certain level of mirth. "Apparently not, but do you understand a little better now?"

"N-not really?" Spike shook his head, ears folding down. "Sorry, Mistress."

Tempest hummed, gently moving a hoof through his head spines. "That's alright, I suppose it has been a while since we went over general details about the lifestyle. Balancing training and teaching with work hasn't been easy, has it? That's why I like these parties, they're nice to wind down with and have some fun, and it's a good learning experience for you." A pause as she glanced at the stage, another smack of Aurora's bottom echoing to several happy onlookers. "Like you, when it comes to wanting to serve she takes it a little further, but Aurora still mostly falls into being an archetypical Brat. Do you remember me explaining how most see the general archetypes?"

Spike frowned, mostly at himself. "I'm sorry, Mistress... I should know them all, but, I think I've been focusing more on my office work and other things."

"You'll learn it all eventually," Tempest forgave. "Tell me; what is a Brat?"

He did recall going over archetypes along with other basic terminology that was commonly used, but everything wasn't as clear as other aspects that he knew much better. Princesses were a type that wanted pampering and being adored, but the care aspect that was inherent also extended to nearly all other archetypes unless it was specifically removed, they just wanted to be treated like royalty at all times. Slaves gave over all control to their Dominant to be commanded as that Dominant saw fit, obviously with consent, and the slave could be made to do anything within all the limits set down, which could be as innocent as serving tea and conforming to a rigid schedule or being used as a sexual object and left alone for extended periods of time until the next sex act. Other archetypes readily came to mind, but Brats were a tad foggy though...

"Brats push boundaries, Mistress." Spike said, meeting her eyes. It was a half-answer.

Tempest tilted her head with consideration. "Sufficient enough. Brats push their Dominant to do more. They do push boundaries, but they actively seek to ensure their Dominant is kept on the tips of their hooves. A typical D/s relationship, at least in these circles, has many of us Dominants holding the reigns and dictating actions as we see fit. You, for example, within the hard limits given, are happy to let me tell you what you should do, and you follow my orders to the best of your ability. Your type is often referred to as a 'True Submissive'. Brats will often disobey because they want to have their Dominant be more active than that. Usually it's a bit more playful, though with Cinder she doesn't exactly come across as mischievous, more like she's simply refusing to listen." Tempest smirked again as another smack sounded along with a yelp. "I've no doubt you perhaps thought she was just being blatantly disrespectful towards me before we arrived?"

He opened his mouth to answer, but Tempest continued.

"In a sense, she was, but it wasn't malicious. Other Dominants don't commonly enjoy a submissive that won't listen, however I like it, the constant resistance works because Aurora does listen when she's made to." Tempest smiled, her head inclining toward the stage. "It's not just about keeping a Dominant attentive, it's rebelling for the sake of receiving attention and punishment. Did you not notice the way she blushed back in the limo when I disciplined her? I thought she was going to have an orgasm then and there."

As Tempest chuckled at the incident, Spike's brow pinched slightly, thinking of how Aurora had reacted when Bougainvillaea had smacked her. "So... she also likes pain, Mistress?"

"Not as such," Tempest corrected. "She just likes being spanked or having her tail pulled, and she has an exhibitionist streak so that's certainly doing her wonders."

Bougainvillaea barked a laugh loudly beside Spike, making him jump. She seemed to have a knack for that. "Yeah, doin' us all wonders. Beauty."

"She is." Tempest warmly agreed.

Spike felt a little flustered, looking at Tempest. "Mistress, you said that you like a submissive that actively defies you... Um, should I-"

"No," she quickly chided him with a marginally amused expression and a scoff, making him blush whilst Bougainvillaea barked another laugh as he folded inward at the immediate dismissal. Her voice was softer as she continued. "That's not what you're like, don't be silly. Tell me; if I wanted you to insult me in front of Bougainvillaea here, would you happily do it?"

He almost nodded as he tried for defiance on his features, his ears almost twitching. Yet, he had to stop himself because... could he actually do that and be happy about it?

Given pause by the question, Tempest didn't keep speaking as she let him think about it for a moment. Spike definitely could, but... he had just automatically stopped himself from even staring at Tempest in a difficult manner. That action aside, if he tried to push away the bubbling worry that the thought of insulting her created in his chest then he probably could do it. He couldn't really ignore that however, as could wasn't in question. He knew that it would probably make him feel bad after he did it, and the thought of insulting her in front of her peers especially... It almost made his head spin at the idea.

Spike shook his head slowly. "I wouldn't, Mistress."

Tempest moved to rest a gentle hoof under his chin, raising his head up and looking at him properly through their masks. Her eyes were warm and her soft gaze made his heart falter. "Of course you wouldn't, you hold me in too much regard to want to do so. I know you well enough to know that you like making other people's lives easier even when it's an inconvenience as you enjoy the feeling their contentment gives you." She stopped for a moment to continue gazing tenderly at him, it made his whole body feel as if it might melt. "Actively insulting me by refusing to address me by my title, by simply refusing orders, or any bratty sort of action wouldn't be how you actually are. You shouldn't feel like you need to act like Cinder does, because I want you to act like you, Ruby."

He understood, her words were sincere and lovely, but still... "D-do I not challenge you, Mistress?"

"You don't challenge me actively, you do so passively, and that's why I adore you." Tempest explained, her hoof moving up and stroking through his head spines again. "Both you and Cinder fulfil different roles, but are both engaging in different ways. If you were like Cinder, that balance wouldn't be met. Having her is enough to scratch that itch of having power over somepony that disobeys and needs to be put in their place by force," her hoof then booped him on the nose gently as she smiled at him. "Having you however makes me happy on a completely different level, and scratches the itch of having power over somepony that I never need to worry about keeping in check, and will always listen. You do so implicitly and I know I can rely on you to. I know that you won't push my buttons just to get a rise out of me and are content to let me direct you as I see fit. You are both invaluable specifically because you're not the same as one another."

Tempest chuckled as she rested back again with a content expression. "If I'm stuck then Cinder pushing and you pulling is what moves me, do you understand?"

"I... think so?" Spike murmured.

"Well, even if you don't fully understand, you should understand that I don't want you to be anything other than what you are," she mused. "And what you are is a very lovely, helpful, and polite person. Incredibly attractive, too."

He blushed. "T-thank you, Mistress."

Compliments from Tempest were easier to accept even if he didn't fully agree with them, her praise was always appreciated. As Spike turned his attention back to the stage he saw that Aurora was being lowered now. She was a bit of a mess, her bottom almost angry-looking in hue, and her nethers were soaked with her arousal around the faleath. The enchanted mass that held her soon shifted and released her legs and tail, slowly turning her back around with a considerate amount of care as she touched down on her hooves. Partially wobbly, she managed to stand tall once she'd properly settled, and applause that Spike quickly joined in with filled the ballroom.

"A riveting demonstration, Cinder." Nightfall said, smiling as he ran his hoof through Chit's mane whilst the clapping died down. "I hope all nouveau have the courage to follow in her example. Perhaps not the refusal to answer a question... unless you like the idea of punishment, of course."

Following the murmur of laughs after the comment, the soft music that had been playing in the background of the Love Seat's presentation heighted by a tick or two, as Nightfall turned to Chit sitting beside him with more attention. It seemed to Spike they were in a sort of intermission as the stage brightened, almost like one might see at the theatre after an act, as people were quietly conversing in polite tones with one another whilst others were getting up and moving elsewhere.

He watched as Aurora doddered back over to the dais with a number of keen eyes tracking her. The way she carried herself was with surety, her head held high and showing off Tempest's design and the collar at her throat. No doubt that she was going to make somepony jealous that she was owned, Spike could imagine that there were a number of Dominants he could see that would enjoy a submissive that liked to be punished. It was a strange thing to even consider as he regarded his situation, being here and thinking these thoughts in this room with these eccentric people.

Shrugging mentally at the notion, he smiled at Aurora as she came over and stood dutifully before Tempest. Aurora caught his eye and gave a subtle quirk of her lips after a moment of looking unsure, swiftly returning her attention back to their Mistress. She must have been quite embarrassed about the unanswered question, or that he'd personally witnessed her embarrassment.

Tempest motioned towards the pillow on the other side of her throne. "Sit."

"So, whaddaya think he's got in store next after this?" Bougainvillaea posed to Tempest as Aurora quietly took her place. He glanced up and burned seeing those heavily resting globes on her chest shift their immense weight as she lent over her armrest with a grin behind her helm. "I wonder if he's gonna bring out the obstacle course again?"

"Luna's Moon, no," Tempest scoffed. "That was a nightmare to clean up with all the lubricant, and I threw Cinder into that mess, it took almost a week for her to get the scent of it out of her mane." She rolled her eyes as Aurora nodded along, then glanced at Nightfall on his throne. "You wouldn't believe how much he talked my ear off about the setup. No, I think that one's been put out to pasture."

Bougainvillaea shrugged. "Bugger. Whaddaya reckon, then?"

"I see your probing," Tempest smirked at her. "Regardless of what you might think, I don't sit down with him every week and discuss what he wants to do at his naughty parties."

"Ah, like fun ya don't, keep ya secrets then."

Chuckling her off, Tempest shimmied in her throne and got comfortable as the background chatter and music kept on. Spike wondered if he was still supposed to observe as Tempest hadn't told him otherwise, so he decided to glance towards the outer seating areas again. The activities of most were fairly innocent, several people sitting in others laps and talking, a few idly playing. Only a few were really going at their fun with the same excited energy he'd witnessed when Nightfall had initially let them mingle.

Whilst his erection had calmed down, he felt it wake up as he observed that the one zebra mare he'd seen was happily sitting on a stallion's face amidst the collection of pillows and cushions one of the seating circles possessed. She was amicably chatting with somepony else opposite her whilst occasionally wiggling her insanely plump bottom, her barely-present clothing pulled to one side with the stallion's hooves wrapped around her thick haunches, and his sizable erection free to the air as he delved into her depths with his tongue. Every now and then she idly stroked its fat tip with a hoof, but she didn't do much else.

Spike had to wonder just how far things would go in general. He'd gotten very close to simply penetrating Chit, even though she'd just been teasing him the only thing that had been separating them was their delicate clothing. Tempest had informed him that things did get raunchy, though having just observed a zebra mare face-sitting a stallion with his dick out made him curious if it would go further.

"Excuse me, Miss Spitfire."

He looked back, seeing a fairly small unicorn... mare? It was one of the Twin's submissives, her presentable silky black dress and layered skirt all neat and primped, and her stylish shoulder-length mane kept perfect with a felt band. Spike had barely heard her approach even with the long boots she had on her hindlegs, she was quiet and graceful, as was her tone of voice. The submissive's blindfolded face was pointed towards Tempest, and she bowed respectfully.

"Hello, Genma." Tempest greeted.

Another delicate bow. "Miss Spitfire, may I sit with Cinder?"

Tempest calmly shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Genma, she's being punished."

Spike had actually expected that. Aurora looked peeved as she glanced at Genma with a lowly melancholic expression, her eyes going to the floor with frustration. He wondered if Tempest was going to let Aurora off the hook at some point tonight, it would be a shame for her to miss out on the enjoyable fun he'd been getting to participate in.

"I see, Miss," Genma nodded, Spike feeling himself flush as she turned her eyeless gaze on him instead. "Then might I instead sit with, hm, Ruby, was it?"

"While I wouldn't mind that..." Tempest began, her eyes lighting up. "I'm still not entirely sure how Ruby feels about boys, so that's up to him."


Spike quickly reassessed Genma as his ears perked, widening eyes going over her─him? He blinked, a little taken by storm. The voice hadn't given Genma away, it was almost sing-song in its pitch, reedy and gentle. Genma's form was also ─as with the Twin's other submissives─ slender and slightly willowy, at least with how the formal clothing presented all of them. The pony standing in front of him was apparently male, but altogether was not stallion-like in appearance. It was like he was looking at a fantasy character out of Aurora's bizarre Nippone mobile phone game, like the ninja stallion she'd shown him that was pretty in a way that most stallions weren't.

His heart rate ticked up from having calmed and his face warmed, again finding himself subject to the interest of another male. It was very perplexing as he didn't dislike the feeling, it gave him a pleasant tingle in his midsection that travelled through his inguine, down to the tip of his tail. He always felt that when he was positively aroused, but this was also different, it wasn't the same as when Button or Gaillardet moved in on him, and it definitely wasn't the same as when Nightfall had taken command over him. It touched upon the same notes, but was playing a different tune.

"I don't mind, i-if you sit, I mean." Spike quickly amended.

Genma nodded, smiling pleasantly. Moving over, he turned and sat upon the free pillow next to Bougainvillaea. She didn't have any submissives of her own but Spike could assume that the pillows were standard, and there if she wanted to invite somepony over. Spike's heartbeat pounded in his ears as Genma scooted closer to him, and Spike breathed in the soft scent on him of something unidentifiable but nicely floral. It was already a bit of a close fit as the space between Tempest's and Bougainvillaea's thrones was limited to roughly the two pillow lengths, and Spike's substantial bottom and thighs managed to take up almost the entirety of his own one.

"It must be said, I do think you are highly enrapturing," Genma said. his mellow voice almost at a murmur. "I wasn't aware male dragons were able to look as you do."

Spike didn't want to sound like a broken record by repeating what he told Chit, so he simply smiled instead. "Thank you, I think you're a really pretty stallion too."

Whilst Spike couldn't see quite a bit of Genma's face due to the layered blindfold in place, his jaw shape was almost perfectly marely, his nose almost pointed and his muzzle rounded rather than square, and Spike didn't know anypony that didn't have lovely eyes. It was a safe bet that Genma was quite attractive, and giving another a compliment cost nothing. As he did earlier with Aurora, he carefully repositioned his tail to rest just around Genma's haunches, giving the girly stallion a smile.

Uttering a subdued giggle that he raised a hoof over his mouth for, Genma unexpectedly leant in and gently pecked Spike right on the lips before a reaction could manifest, managing to avoid bumping his horn with the one on Spike's mask. Spike found himself out of sorts as he registered the action, the feedback of touch travelling through and turning into a spreading warmth across his face as his hammering heart flushed it. The thought that came to mind was that Genma's lips were very soft, almost like marshmallows, and were probably rather perfect for kissing. It was an intrusive thought that he had to file away into the relatively new box being built around male interest as Genma backed off, noticing how rigid Spike had become.

"Apologies, I mistook your hold as a wish to get closer to me." Genma bowed his head.

"It's fine... just, took me by surprise," Spike fidgeted as he recovered, quickly changing the subject. "Uh, I really like your outfit, it's almost like your Master and Mistress wanted you to be presented to the Princesses."

Genma hummed. "Yes, the intent was uniformity and elegance, alongside anonymity."

Spike's slowly heightened state climbed again as Genma appraised him. He wasn't sure why, but being dressed down by a beautiful stallion who could be looking at any part of him whilst he was scantily fit in tight faleath that didn't really hide him or his arousal, made him feel incredibly exposed. It was odd because he'd been exposed the entire time he'd stepped out of the limo, yet this somehow felt different.

"Miss Spitfire's design is about presentation and flair," Genma stated, looking up from Spike's body and assumedly at his face. "It's tailor-made to bombard the senses into awed silence, and to leave them wanting."

"It's a wonderful creation." Tempest agreed, leaning down from an armrest as she continued to pay attention. "You know, Genma, I would happily have one made for you if you modelled it alongside Ruby and Cinder."

Bougainvillaea's laughter boomed opposite. "I'd chip in."

Hiding his amusement into his hoof, Genma touched that hoof to his throat, against a rather lovely leather choker lined with dark satin, bearing a silver-filigree engraved golden pendant at its front, the marking on it likely being the Twins emblem. "I am owned, Miss."

Tempest grinned wolfishly. "Oh, I never said anything about becoming mine, Genma, just a little dressing up and fun. It's interesting to see that's where your mind went to, though."

Spike sensed the comments were both in jest given the smiles. He did have to wonder if Tempest had ever tried to convince Genma to become hers however, given that both he and Genma shared their feminine niche. Spike's cheeks tinged pink again as he'd only just calmed whilst he considered Genma in Tempest's created faleath fit, and given that Spike wasn't able to actually see the girly stallion's body, his imagination did a lot of the busywork and added some curvature. Of course, if Genma was made to wear a faleath thong the same as he was, then the resulting bulge would outclass him by a mile, even if Genma happened to be on the smaller side to most other stallions.

Perhaps it was another strange note to file away in the box of male interest that such an imagined thought excited him, as he felt his member twitch. He and Genma sitting together in skimpy faleath, modelling for Tempest, maybe even... hugging? Or...

He blinked as he felt himself kissed again, sparks flying through his mind as Genma's cushiony silky lips pressed against his own a little more deeply. Spike gasped as he pulled back with his ears fluttering, moving his tail with a madly reddening face, whilst Genma daintily retreated with a confused tilt of his head.

"I am... getting mixed signals," Genma remarked with a hint of concern. "The way you leaned in towards me, and your tail was possessively pulling, I believed that you wished to embrace."

"S-sorry, I..." Spike stammered, tasting apples for some reason as he looked up. "I... this is... new, and weird, and everything tonight is really new and weird, and my tail has a mind of its own sometimes, it can shift on subconscious thought, when I..."

He felt Tempest's hoof on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, Mistress." Spike assured her, breathing in and calming down.

"Should I leave you be?" Genma wondered.

Spike quickly shook his head. "N-no, it's fine, really," he closed his eyes and took in another breath, exhaling with a partial scoff. "I just..." he glanced at Genma's blindfold again. "I honestly... kind of enjoyed that, it was different."

"Kinda fuckin' obvious given the tent you're pitchin', eh?" Bougainvillaea grinned, watching over the two with great interest.

Tempest sighed beside Spike. "You are a terrible instigator."

"A great one, ya mean." Bougainvillaea shrugged back.

Spike giggled at the floor, as Bougainvillaea wasn't wrong. That kiss had brought his erection back to full mast, and he was almost feverish with need, he could feel slight slick warmth where he'd been leaking from arousal. All day he'd been teased, he'd been withheld in Tempest's office after building up to a second heavy orgasm, and he'd been surrounded by flesh and skimpiness and lewdity since entering the mansion. Whilst he wasn't sure about a lot of things, he knew when he wanted something by his innate draconic nature, and when he was simply horny. The pull towards Genma certainly had some aspect of general lust helping to stoke the fire, but there was an undercurrent arising from this new box in his mind, and quite simply he wanted to see what he felt as he had rather liked that kiss.

Carefully, Spike moved his tail back around Genma whilst more than a little shyly keeping his focus, letting him scoot closer once he realised it was okay. Spike fidgeted in place to make resting his tail more comfortable as Genma bumped his shoulder again, and he made sure to keep his facial distance whilst looking into Genma's blindfold. That worked, a baseline of interaction had been established, his face was partly pointed down and away from Genma. He knew how to proceed from here, it should be simple. So, why was his heart going a million miles a minute? Surely kissing a boy properly was the same as kissing a girl?

Genma smiled and his thoughts quivered, it was like when Aurora had genuinely smiled at him, alluring and welcoming. Spike couldn't quite get his head around initiating, yet it seemed Genma a little quicker on the uptake as he cautiously lent forward. Copying the action with a tinged face, Spike moved his head up, a level of tensity in the moment feeling almost like a violin string pulled too taut. All of it was forgotten when they connected, two pairs of soft pouty lips pushing together and tickling into gentle warmth, and Spike melted into it more than he expected he might.

His tail clutched Genma closer as Spike deepened into the kiss, which slowly became explorative as the girly stallion happily reciprocated. Spike felt a jolt of electricity as Genma's tongue boldly touched his own, and soon the two wet organs were wrestling. Genma's cute little moans as they flowed into the dance were making his dick throb, and he moved his hands from his lap to get more comfortable by lightly resting them around Genma's croup. Spike definitely felt some good measure of curvature there underneath the regal fittings, and part of him wanted to let his hands travel up under the layered skirt.

He didn't quite get that far as he paused his ministrations, pulling away from Genma to the sound of amused chuckling. Glancing up and blinking, he saw both Tempest and Bougainvillaea were giving one another knowing glances. Even Aurora was peeking with great interest from around Tempest's throne, her eyes glued on the scene.

"Well that was fuckin' nice." Bougainvillaea imparted.

"Enjoying yourself?" Tempest gave him an impish smirk. "Please, don't stop on our account."

Blushing heavily, Spike giggled and backed off from Genma, but only some, Genma doing the same and glancing at the floor like he'd been caught with his hoof in the cookie jar. Spike had apparently established that he did indeed not mind boys with that little lip lock session, at least so far, it hadn't felt wrong or bad. Different, certainly, but in an incredibly pleasant way. He did have to wonder now that the frog was jumping out of the box, what if he went back to work after the weekend and was kissed by one of his stronger, far more masculine coworkers?

He was somewhat on equal footing with Genma, both of them were in the same boat even if Genma was slightly more forward with initiation, though people like Button or Gaillardet... he felt positively weak thinking about them doing the same, they were far more aggressive in how they handled him, and he'd be at their passionate mercy.

A low thrum sounded out, almost like a tuning fork being tapped off a weighted bell, over the smooth music playing which became ever so fractionally quieter. Attention went to the stage again and many heads shifted towards Nightfall with a palpable excitement. It was as if the energy in the room had just received a gentle boost of power. Spike glanced up at Tempest who was grinning behind her mask, and she turned that grin down to face him.

"Introductions are in order," Tempest purred. "This is where the fun begins."

Rising To The Occasion

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Driven on by both heavily mounting curiosity and a strong rising urge of desire culminating from his denial over the course of the day, Spike felt like he might want to take part in the current activities very soon.

He still definitely felt anchored to Tempest ─that wasn't shifting even though an hour of observation had passed now, time having crept up almost unknowingly─ yet there did come an inkling in his mind of exploring just a little further beyond his boundaries, and that such an action could be taken by joining in with the innocent game of the Love Seat.

Well, mostly innocent, in any case.

The Love Seat had been taken to by other nouveau with an almost overjoyed eagerness in some cases, and tentative worry in others, though in either case the experience of those that had gone into it had come out the same; amazingly pleasured. Spike watched a rather lovely and lithe gryphoness falter down the steps of the stage on her paws to great applause from the room, her modest breasts in her skimpy outfit pulled free and jiggling as she walked almost drunkenly back over to her group, her wings twitching through her euphoric expression. Her toned inner thighs were a wet mess, the enchanted silks that had encompassed her had writhed with every honestly answered question and she'd came at least three times, her trills having emanated through the grand ballroom and only spurring the crowd into greater enthusiasm.

She had a fetish for wing-preening with her tongue, she liked the idea of public sex, and almost got off to a good hard workout, as just a few of the things she'd espoused. She'd been very forward and ready to share such information. Spike did suppose that not every nouveau here would be as heavily shy as he was and might actually be massively perverted. It made quite a bit of sense given the party.

His own shyness was abating with the more time that elapsed, though it was also that he felt that it would greatly please Tempest for him to properly relax into the setting. There was also an undercurrent that he wanted to act differently to how he did when he worked in the office, where he was very... cooped up, in a sense, almost reserved in comparison to now. He hadn't really realised just how much he kept himself contained, as even when he was feeling aroused from his coworkers attention he would relieve himself out of sight only a little or only do something remotely sexual when he was summoned to Tempest's office for such things.

Here... he could experiment with what he liked without much fear of repercussion.

He could probably do it at work too, but it would be confined to Tempest's office and would be rather limited with the time there was and the space given. They could certainly try out fun outfits and toys, all that sort of deal, however it would be much harder to hide their actions when somepony like Shadowmane would simply burst in unannounced. It would be an absolute PR nightmare if it ever got out. Things in the Plaza were done very carefully for such reasons, and when he was used as an office stress reliever and played with, there came some level of understanding that it wasn't strictly sexual. Well, yes, it was, but flirtingly so, and of course; before he'd been put on the rails tonight of thinking that he was actually considerably alluring to other people it had been something of a combination of believing that work stress and a willing participant that wasn't going to rush to HR simply pushed people to be just a bit more hooves-on. After all, not everypony would touch him and to his knowledge he was the only one that had it happen to him or accepted that it might, it also only tended to occur on certain floors or sections of the Plaza.

It made Spike think back to earlier in the day and how Button had scandalously approached him, almost sliding out of his sizable sheath as he'd groped Spike and insinuated some very lewd ideas that made Spike think Button wanted to push him down and... introduce him to the experience of stallions and their appendages, in a very hooves-on manner. It was probably the most forward anyone in the Plaza had been other than Tempest, beyond the general groping of course. It made him believe that if there were those who were going to be so brazen about their desires in such a public space, that surely if they were in private then they must be doubly so for the personal space that was afforded to them.

And if that was the case, then maybe it wouldn't be all that bad for him to let loose as well, if only just a smidgen. With the chime that had sounded with the continuance of the Love Seat, everypony else was too.

Spike glanced around at the numerous displays of lewdity happening within the ballroom, feeling himself tingle at seeing one mare in one of the seated areas giving an incredibly slow-paced and sensual blowjob to a rather well-endowed stallion that was laid back with a content smile on his masked face. A second mare behind them was gently positioned between the hind legs of the first and lovingly delving her tongue between the vulva and teats presented. The three were looked on with amused or entertained smiles from their group as the whole of them idly caressed one another and talked. It was simply one such outright expression of the given freedom this party was allowing everypony and they were completely at ease with the entire atmosphere surrounding them.

He could certainly find it within himself to engage in that level of fun.

Steeling his nerves, his window to act appeared as nopony else immediately took to the stage and the music lulled into a softer tone. There had been four others previous to the gryphoness so perhaps there were no other nouveau but him. Spike looked up at Tempest who caught the movement in her peripherals and turned her head. A hand gently raised as he began to motion at the Love Seat dangling freely at the centre of the stage before he could think too hard and back down, and it seemed Tempest caught on.

"Go ahead and present yourself," Tempest grinned, resting her head on a hoof with a clear sense of amusement. "Let them all see how magnificent you are."

Spike felt his middle flutter as she phrased it almost like a command. It was more than enough of a push to drive him into slowly standing up from his kneeling position. He delicately rose to his full height whilst his thick tail madly swished behind him, both agitation and anticipation quickly swelling in his chest. Tempest had commanded him, he told himself as several pairs of eyes flicked around to fix very interested gazes upon him, and his head turned gently as he glanced to his side at the sound of a chuckle to see Bougainvillaea flash him a toothy smile from inside her rounded helm.

"Walk away from me, mate, an' lemme' see that lovely arse bounce, yeah?"

Stifling a giggle, he looked at the stage with only a minor amount of apprehension. It was the point of no return now, a few people were staring and wondering what his next move was. If he sat down he just knew it would hurt Tempest's reputation in some manner. Whilst he was certain that he wasn't the first to back down from a game like this, it simply wouldn't do to chicken out and just sit in place all evening. Celestia's flaming clit, after all, if in his adolescent years he could face down a villain like Sombra and help to save the Crystal Empire, then he could do this too.

One dainty foot went in front of the other as his heart rate picked up, a flush of alarm quickly travelling through him whilst he stepped down from the dais as the nearest group in their seated circle blew kisses and whistled for him. He'd felt as if some of them had been watching him every now and again, so that was confirmation. Given the tremour of electricity that passed through the ballroom as he kept making his way towards the stage through all of the groups, and the beaming looks of delight that almost immediately settled on his body, he'd guess that he'd caught many eyes and quite a number of people had apparently been waiting on him to step up to the challenge.

He appreciated that nopony utilised magic to touch him as he came to the stage's stairs, as whilst he wouldn't have minded and was used to it ─and perhaps even might have fully encouraged it in this secluded setting─ such restraint clearly showed a respect for the rules that were laid down as standard. Each step up was almost weighted with how many eyes were locked onto him now, and through the fractal surround of the mask it was all the more oppressive to his heightened senses as it was helpful not seeing them all. The sheer exhibition of it made him shiver as he was fully hard again ─from semi-soft to absolutely rigid in seconds with his excitement─ and it was completely impossible to miss how he was being displayed from his tight faleath fit squeezing him in all the right places, as he knew it wanted to make a show of everything he had to offer, his obscene bulge very much included.

The stage's illumination was warm against his smooth scales and his heart drummed madly in his chest as he approached the Love Seat, the encouraging shouts and whistles picking up the closer he got to it. Soon standing before the suspended silks he took in a breath and turned around towards the crowd, his vision immediately travelling to the dais where Tempest was seated in her grand throne. Their eyes met briefly and he found he couldn't quite smile as she did then, he was partly frozen from just about the entire room's rapt attention, his ears folded. For a scant moment he didn't even register that he sat down, the comfortable silks indenting into his massive bottom and thighs as his tail moved over the back of the 'seat' so he wasn't sitting on its thick girth.

Time slowed over the next second as he breathed in, and then he was gone.

Within a flash he yelped rather girlishly in surprise as the lengths of soft velvety fabric tightly ensnared and flipped him about immediately, becoming almost as strong as diamond-weave cabling as he instinctively tugged to break free, and found that despite his innate draconic strength that they really weren't budging too easily. He was quite certain that if he tried hard enough then he could tear free of them, but then... why would he want to do that? Surely that would defeat the purpose. He gasped a little as the silken strips started to caress and almost vibrate as they slowly wrapped tighter around his chest and his bumps, one carefully sneaking under his outfit and almost immediately running over his sensitive nipples.

Spike felt his cock flex within his constricting faleath panties at the sheer tingling sensation of it, his nipples were rather fat and stuck out brazenly when he was aroused, and became incredibly easy to tease about, as Tempest was gladly wont to do with them. Because they both enjoyed it so much it wasn't something she actually did very often, the exact same as when it came to playing with his backdoor; it was a somewhat special thing not to be overdone and spoiled the naughty pleasure of.

He would certainly believe this to be the occasion for it, if ever there was one, and he could feel the jolts of electricity spreading down into his core as the almost cherry-like nubs were tweaked around, trying his best not to squirm with his considerable enjoyment of it. He wasn't sure if it was just him or if everypony experienced such a thing, but there seemed to be a bizarre connection between his nipples and his lower body; whenever the soft mounds of his chest were tweaked in any manner, softly or harshly, it would travel along his nerves through to his bottom and the fun little cluster of nerve-endings nestled there within the mighty moon-halves, almost as if somepony was brushing magic across the tight protruding button.

To say he adored it would be an understatement. Spike then found himself momentarily disoriented as he was flipped right-side-up again, and he involuntarily bucked his hips towards the eager crowd as one the the silken lengths wrapped under the receptive base of his girthy tail, setting off sparks in his mind as the erogenous zone was brushed against. He understood why he'd been righted, as even though he was still maintaining his formidable erection, spending too long upside down would pool all the blood away from his member and he'd end up going soft, to which he highly suspected wasn't the goal. All the other males that had gone up in the Love Seat had the same thing done with them as well.

The delicately vibrating material draped across him finalised its level of tautness inasmuch that he had the barest freedom to shift around from all the places it had covered. Much like his faleath fit or his obscuring mask it was restricting enough to leave his sense of movement diminished, heightening all other senses in return.

The Love Seat had positioned him just so, and he was bound in the air with his arms partially raised up at his sides by the wrists, and his shapely legs partly spread at the thighs whilst his tail was somewhat free to lash about. He could move, yet no matter how he might he was completely suspended in mid-air with no possible way to get free.

It seemed that everypony present was quite liking it, as the minor jolts of feeling passing through him were making his hips tremble and cock strain against his panties. His massive dick might be contained at present but that didn't mean it wasn't looking as if it wouldn't simply burst free of its tight prison, and he was sure that was exactly what everypony was after. One of the few male nouveau that had come up before Spike was a coltishly good-looking stallion in what had simply been some sheer silks, and such an outfit had barely covered his modesty. Before long the stallion's cock had pushed free of its sheath and poked over the hem of his underwear, and the delight of answering questions correctly had netted the stallion a powerful orgasm that had spurted out across the stage towards the nearest seated group with almost thunderous applause.

Whilst it had been a rather erotic sight, Spike wasn't too sure he wanted to be so... explosive.

Not that he'd be opposed to the idea, it was more that he just really wanted to release his incredibly potent load inside of Tempest in some manner. He just knew she'd like to have her fill as she did earlier today, and it was highly likely that he'd had even more to give after the sort of treatment he'd been subjected to tonight.

His attention went to the dais again as an amused chuckle sounded out.

"Well, well, a mighty dragon caught in thrall," Nightfall hummed to the amusement of the room, the soft music in the background cushioning his words. "A very mighty dragon in all the right places, at the very least."

Spike could hear his heart beating in his ears as the seconds ticked by, Nightfall seemed to be thinking on what to ask and letting Spike be something of a show for the onlookers as the silk touching his body made him twitch. The amount of smooth sticky heat in his sleek underwear wasn't helping matters and only exacerbated his stimulation.

Nightfall grinned as he spread his hooves. "I think that to start, Ruby, I shall ask you something that requires a simple yes or no," he relaxed his hooves down as he continued. "Do you enjoy all the attention you receive as you go about your day?"

Spike blinked, a little confused by the question. "Uh..."

"From what Spitfire tells me, you are the centre of attention at your workplace."

Ah, that made sense then. If Tempest had spoken with Nightfall about Aurora, then it was just as likely that she'd spoken with Nightfall regarding him as well. That made Spike curious as to how much about him that Nightfall knew. He had no doubt he was about to find out.

That aside, Spike had to nod. Whilst he didn't outright ask to be groped and prodded about by his coworkers, it wasn't like it didn't arouse him or that he didn't enjoy it on some level.

"Yes, Sir."

In response, the velvet embrace hanging down from the magical pool above quivered around him and crawled further around his curvy body, eliciting gasps from him as they went over the more reactive areas. The strip under his fit across his chest somehow even managed to squeeze around each prominent nipple separately, sending tingles of pleasure down through his midsection and causing him to gasp and fidget about within the mass that ensnared him, much to everypony's enjoyment. After a few more seconds of being fondled by the magical silks, they slowly eased up whilst the whistles and joy of the crowd also trailed off. He was making quite a show apparently, though he really couldn't help but dance to the tune being played when he was currently its chorus.

"Good," Nightfall nodded, lounging back. "Spitfire has said you're very obedient. I doubt you want to be punished either unlike some we know, so what fun things can we learn about you, boy..." There was a momentary pause as he very briefly glanced over to Tempest with a grin returning to his faceless mask, his attention then moving back to Spike. "While working, have you ever engaged in any sexual activities with any of your coworkers?"

Spike blushed heavily as the question left Nightfall's mouth and the crowd delved into hushed conversation. Of course, Nightfall hadn't directly insinuated anything but it was likely that he was curious as to Spike and Tempest's relationship outside of the party. He'd asked a few other nouveau similar questions so it wasn't out of the ordinary, though he did feel it was ubiquitous enough that it actually made Spike out to be something of a slut that slept around with the people he worked with. Whilst the fondling that was unleashed upon him was certainly sexually charged, he wasn't too sure it counted as sexual activity in the strictest sense... even then, he'd had plenty of sexual interaction with Tempest, so...

"...Y-yes, Sir." Spike whispered, though it was still broadcast loudly across the ballroom.

His body went through a full flush of embarrassment as several members of the audience whistled at that little tidbit of information whilst the snaking velvet attacked with a renewed interest in his honesty and quickness to answer. He squeaked out an audible moan as the material wrapped around both his meaty thighs wriggled at the same time and moved upward, passing themselves along the inner edges of his hefty bottom at the same time that the constricting strip around the base of his tail tugged. Spike couldn't contain his gasps of surprise as they all worked in tandem to ravish his backdoor in various ways by simply teasing the surface area around the precious site.

His dick throbbed almost painfully as he felt himself leak more wet warmth into his underwear, flexing his hips and moaning as his glans and highly sensitive frenulum slicked against the faleath. He couldn't cum just yet, he didn't want to... Sheer force of will kept him from tipping over the edge as his boy bumps were mercilessly played with and shot even more ecstasy through him. It continued for so long that he almost felt numbed by all of the sensation, however it was more mentally-oriented as he forcefully retreated as best he was able.

In his mind, he only wanted to have his orgasm when Tempest allowed him to. It was just enough that he resisted blowing his load within his tight fit as the torturous pleasure let up from rewarding him.

"Spitfire, I have to say your nouveau is rather stalwart." Nightfall mused.

Tempest only chuckled in response. "It's one of his many positives."

Spike felt himself damp with a light sheen of sweat from his blissful entanglement, gently panting as the vibrations around his everything slowed to a tremour and the maddening heat in his core simmered. The stage lights were also warming him as well, his heart thundered in his ears, and the sound of music was almost distorted as his addled mind came back to reality after what felt like hours.

He focused on the dais and saw Tempest smiling proudly at him, her gaze heavily predatory. It was a look he knew well that said she wanted to push him down and ride him for all he was worth, and by Luna's puffy ponut he really wanted that to happen. Chit was beaming at him from her place at Nightfall's side, and he could see that Bougainvillaea was grinning upon her throne too, and was more than a little shocked as she raised her paws and opened her leather jacket just enough to flash him her monstrous breasts for the barest second, visible through her sheer top. She had the most amazingly thick nipples. Not a one of the crowd saw it, and if the Dominants around her possibly might have then they didn't show it. His vision quickly went to Genma as he was still sitting beside her, and even with the blindfold in place he could tell the girly stallion was watching. Finally, his gaze rested upon Aurora, her eyes fixed onto him too, and he wasn't too sure but he'd have guessed her expression wasn't a disapproving one. It almost looked rather interested, and sexually so. Spike could only guess at how horny he must be to think that was the case.

Of course, everypony else he could also see staring at him were doing so with clear sexual interest, and it was still rather strange to think about that so many people wanted to possibly do lewd things to him. His dick flexed at the thought and he immediately corrected as a deep well of pleasure shot up from his inguine and the length of his shaft towards a breaking point, clenching his chunky thighs together as hard as he could. Thankfully he was strong enough to force the silks to adhere to his movements, and there came the building almost-painful ache of a self-induced cramp that quickly overtook and smothered the rising heat before he could climax and make an absolute mess of himself.

He'd done it... he was not going to cum, not yet.

Having clearly noticed this, Tempest leant over and whispered something in Nightfall's ear, unknown to the room as it wasn't enhanced this time. Tempest seemed very impish as she looked as if she was suggesting something diabolical, and whatever it was, Nightfall clearly seemed very taken with the idea as they both leant back into their thrones afterwards.

"It doesn't look as if you can bear much more, Ruby." Nightfall purred, waving a hoof as if it were an amused gesture.

But something odd happened, as Spike felt his inner warmth... sink down. He was still very much hard and the sensations across his body hadn't lessened, they were still enjoyable and making him jolt with every movement, there was a middling fire kept steady within him, and yet something wasn't quite the same.

Nightfall continued on. "No matter. A third question, one that I think we'd all like more than a yes or no for an answer on, why not tell us; what is your deepest desire, fetish wise?"

That got the room a little more animated, not that it wasn't already, though whispers passed along that were certainly quiet discussion on the matter. The silky lengths constricting him grew minimally tighter as he didn't answer immediately as he had before, he was too busy turning cherry-red at the forwardness of the question. The gryphoness that had come up previously was all too happy to share her fetishes, however she hadn't been asked what her deepest fetish was. Truthfully, Spike wasn't actually too sure what his innermost desire was when it came down to it, there were simply many things he enjoyed, and just other things that he hadn't been able to undertake that he wouldn't mind trying.

Perhaps that was what Nightfall meant when he said desire. There were many ideas he wanted to experiment with, and with Tempest especially, but he did suppose that there might have been one particular activity that stood out above the rest... It just made him more than a little conscious to speak about it.

"I..." Spike began, his face burning as the words formed on his tongue. "I want to..."

His audience was almost silent waiting for the answer.

"I want to worship my M-mistress's... ponut..."

It didn't matter that he said the last part quieter, his voice was being enhanced outward and everypony present heard it. Spike did his best to collapse inward but it wasn't much use against the enchanted binding keeping him in place, unless he wanted to defeat the purpose of being up here. His finned ears couldn't fold down any further either, however there was an almost bizarre level of both embarrassment and gratification from it, he had to admit, and maybe it went in hand with the allowance of being groped at work as it evoked something similar.

He wasn't capable of not glancing over at Tempest, and apparently a few heads had also turned that way to gauge her reaction through the excited whispers that came following his admission. Through his fractal surround he noticed that she didn't seem especially angry or anything, she just looked amused. Then again, he'd never made a secret of his sheer interest in playing with her delectable ponut to her, so maybe she'd expected an answer like this to pop up. Bougainvillaea was laughing beside her and talking in her ear whilst Aurora and Genma were exchanging smirks. There wasn't any shock or disgust from the room. There hadn't been any when any of the other nouveau had spoken about their fetishes or interests, and he wasn't sure why he'd really expected any difference with himself.

Either he wasn't on the same level of perversion as everypony else, or he was and he just didn't realise it. Maybe he was coming to realise it? It was certainly stunning him somewhat to share such information, however it wasn't as if he was getting singled out for it. A mare that had gone before the gryphoness had also expressed a very vivid interest in having her own Mistress sit on her face, with a rather blatant fondness for focusing upon her ponut over her vulva...

No one had called it out, and he certainly wouldn't either, so just why did he expect the opposite for himself, he wondered. He was being watched by at least a hundred people, both the partygoers and the servants, and they were all rather into this whole ordeal of people coming up on stage and spilling their interests. It was almost like the attendants were part of the fun in their own way, their faceless golden masks glancing towards the stage when they weren't serving those in attendance, he saw subtle smiles and gentle laughs between them as they worked between themselves. When he'd been sitting by Tempest it hadn't just been Bougainvillaea that had been touching them either, a few had been serving various Dominants within the seating circles as if the servants had been a part of the grouping.

It really was the case that there wasn't any shame to be had here, and if there was then from what he'd been witness to thus far it was related to greatly more removed activities that the present collective didn't engage in. Not that he'd expected otherwise of her, but Tempest had been wholly truthful when she'd said that everypony in attendance adhered to similar beliefs of what they thought was the healthiest way to enjoy the lifestyle, and it extended to everypony's ability to appreciate what others were sharing on the stage.

Others of which included himself.

Whilst he'd been lost in his mind, the silks had become more animated around him for his compliance, and his focus was turned away from his captivated audience to the strips as they became extremely interested in the entirety of his lower body. Spike jolted and gasped as the living velvet pushed under the skimpy design of his clothing and went directly for both his bottom and his member.

Struggling only made the eager material more lively as the two present between his mighty derriere began to touch upon his virgin opening, silken fabric going against bare scales as the third that restricted his fleshy tail made a point of moving it up more so that a fourth could stretch his outfit away from his body. The tingling burn that ran throughout his core was so great that he made the sorts of sounds he generally only made when Tempest had him in her grasp, and his attempts to stifle it were in vain as the binding that held his arms wasn't letting him cover his mouth at all.

His eyes widened in mute surprise and he could only look down with shock as the lengths that had been massaging his dick through the faleath panties ─whilst having travelled under them to get that much more intimate with his flesh─ deemed it rather necessary to free his drakehood from its containment.

Spike's imposing cock bounced free to an absurd amount of cheers.

Then the lengths followed up the move by sliding around the girth of his cock until it was completely engulfed, and they began to undulate whilst stroking up and down the length from thick base to fat tip. He couldn't not writhe and buck at the feeling, and he was easily nearing his climax again as the sleek material was definitely enchanted to feel like soft flesh, a warm bead of fluid dripping down his shaft. Whilst it wasn't the same as a mare's innermost texture, it was remarkably similar and good in its own way, even warm and inviting in much the same manner and made damp by his pre-cum.

He cried out as he was thrown through wave after wave of pleasure and... looked down with ragged breaths as his stocked balls ached with no orgasm granted as the silks wrapped around them too. He panted in both minor annoyance and relief, nonplussed as to why, until he then quickly realised what Nightfall must have casted over him; a denial spell. Spike felt a little torn between his feelings, as on one hand he really wanted his release, and being stuck up here with so many onlookers to watch it was an intriguing prospect to experience. On the other hand of course, he really wanted to save up everything he could muster and flood Tempest's depths with it, as sharing such intimacy with her was always incredibly amazing.

The heated rise within his inguine snuck up almost immediately again as his protruding virginal button was deftly assaulted, and he gladly speared his cock into the waiting confines of the positioned wet velvet around his dick with another grunt of desperation. The only thing that came was a heavy mix of pleasure and pain, his ability to ejaculate being arduously thwarted whilst at the same time he was simultaneously submerged in a general fugue of faux-orgasmic bliss.

"What ever is the matter, Ruby?" Nightfall crooned as he spoke up, he had been patiently waiting and enjoying the spectacle. "You seem to be trying for something, and yet..."

Spike moaned almost pitifully and fell back into the hold of the Love Seat as the silks ran roughshod over him, constantly kept on the precipice and denied his ultimate pleasure, much to the enjoyment of the adoring masses. He was rather focused on the snaking damp material wrapped about his member as it made a point of focusing itself on his large glans to milk something from him, however through the overbearing domination that forced him to squirm he could clearly make out the low thrum of excitement at his predicament, the cheers and gentle applause as he swayed about.

Finally, the passionate torture subsided, and Spike all but collapsed into his bondage, glancing up as his head span and seeing his shimmering reflection in the magical pool above. The admittedly pretty drake looking back at him appeared to be quite tuckered out.

He didn't know if he could take very much more, and it was a saving grace that he felt himself being gradually lowered as the music ticked up a smidgen, the stage getting closer as the hanging lengths keeping him in place carefully eased him down. He sagged for a brief moment as his body was given back over to his control, slowly and shakily managing to stand after catching his breath. His impressive dick still free and very much erect, he toed away from the Love Seat almost in a trance and to the stairs of the stage. He had a feeling he wouldn't be allowed to cover himself until he was back on his pillow.

It took him a second to hear the now-heavy applause, and it almost made him freeze in place as he looked around the ballroom with wide-eyes, thankfully kept on by his vision passing over Tempest's beaming grin. His Mistress adored what he'd managed to do, and that lit up a deep well of joy in his chest, a modest smile gracing his snout as he stepped on over back to his place at Tempest's side, holding his head as high as he could, the same as Aurora had done. He didn't have a collar as she did, but he was certain everypony knew he belonged to Tempest. He snaked his way through the various seating circles with many of the partygoers flirting with him, though it was mostly praise beyond the usual of adoration for his ample body, welcoming him into the 'club' as he'd essentially more or less passed an initiation of sorts in their eyes.

After politely declining one group's Dominant to join him in his circle for some fun, and a rather lovely kirin he wasn't sure as to the sex of also offering to deepthroat his amazingly erect cock, he successfully broke through to the dais and stepped up onto it, moving until he was dutifully standing before Tempest.

Tempest could only grin, her hungry gaze going from his drakehood up to his eyes. "Ruby, well done to you."

"Thank you, Mistress," he smiled with complete honesty and a gentle half-curtsy.

He blushed as Tempest slowly leant forward and happily engulfed his meaty cockhead in her mouth, the frolicing of her tongue travelling under his foreskin and under the ridge of his shaped glans forcing his toes to curl at the pleasure as she cleaned him of his leaked pre, before she let him go with a gentle pop and motioned to his pillow with an idle hoof.

"...Now you may sit."

Nodding with a deep blush at the onlookers' jubilation to the situation, he really felt just a little exposed as he went over and turned to kneel down, his fat bottom squishing out on his shapely calves as the spade of his tail flicked with a mite of concern. The way a submissive knelt in a non-pony's case was on the knees with their legs together and whatever digits they possessed in their lap, and with everything he had going on it essentially made his coin purse of a sack form to his lap and forced his massive dick slightly upward between where his hands and wrists rested, the flesh sticking out like a sore thumb.

What really didn't help matters was that both Bougainvillaea and Genma seemed very interested in his partial state of nudity, and he was fairly certain something was going to happen very shortly unless Tempest allowed him to put his cock away. Case in point, Genma shuffled closer and nudged the flare of Spike's hip with his own haunch.

"You were very wonderful," Genma smiled politely, and giggled into a hoof. "You still are, of course, um..."

Genma's blindfolded face was gently moving, enough that Spike could tell that wherever his line of sight was going, it happened to be between Spike's eyes and his current massive problem. The trappy stallion wasn't able to act upon anything however, and neither was Spike, seeing Genma's skirt was tenting, as the bell's light chiming sounded again and all attention was commanded back to Nightfall sitting up upon his throne.

"If I'm not mistaken, I believe we've run out of nouveau to introduce," Nightfall gave a flashy smile. "I must congratulate all of you for stepping up and playing, I'm sure it was a revealing experience for many and a good marker of what one can expect moving forwards," he said with a gentle flourish. "Now then... after a brief interlude we shall continue onto our next game."

Spike had a date with destiny.

In this case, destiny was the name of the now-filled buffet table.

Tempest had given him a task, and so he was lightly tip-toeing over to the massively food-laden expanse, thankfully being allowed to tuck his massive member back into his panties before going. Servants kindly parted as he automatically went to move around them anyway, and he couldn't keep his eyes off of their fit builds in the sleek and shiny bodysuits, nor the alluring faceless masquerade masks. A towering and amazonian minobous carrying a few trays gracefully walked past that his vision was practically glued to, the smooth material containing her truly immense bust looking as if it was going to burst open at any second despite the faleath padding underneath that supported their clearly heavy weight. Her washboard abdominal muscles were fully visible through the silky looking clothing that almost appeared to be painted onto her, whilst her flared hips, backside, and muscular legs strained tautly against it. She paused her light pace and looked down upon him staring with an amused purse of her lovely plush lips.

"Would you like me to serve you, sir?" The minobus smiled politely behind her gold visage.

Spike baulked a little with a nervous laugh. "O-oh, no! Thank you, though..."

She nodded and carried on with a chuckle, her tufted tail stroking under the coattails of his outfit and brushing his ample bottom as she went. "I'll be around if you change your mind, cutie."

Alright, no biggie, just another person being rather carnal. He was honestly certain that he wasn't ever going to get used to that. He managed to make it to the buffet table without attracting any more attention ─at least not direct attention, eyes still gazed upon him from a few angles with moderate interest─ and was slightly awed at how big the selection was now that he was close up. He'd seen all manner of snacks and miniature dishes though the variety was quite something else.

Oh! There was even haddock, and salmon! But, he couldn't forget his given task. At the very least, fish tied into it. Tempest had ordered him to bring her back some food, though it had extended to Bougainvillaea commandeering him as well, so he had to bring her back slightly more carnivorous tidbits. Cod was one such request, but bacon was another. Admittedly, Spike quite enjoyed bacon, and chicken too, not that he ever got to have it very often, yet given that gryphons and minosan were present it made sense that there would be quite a spread of different types available. The differing scents of varyingly cooked and prepared meats was amazing and mouth-watering.

He couldn't begin to fathom the cost of it, though, importing everything and the tariffs and taxes involved boggled the mind just a little. He didn't imagine that Nightfall wasn't capable of affording it, but it did make him wonder as to how he succeeded in propping up such a level of expense.

That aside, he noted that the attendants had trays and plates set aside for those that wanted to do their own serving, and grabbed one of the larger metal trays, setting it into the crook of his large flexible tail with ease as he started to fill up four plates with a good mix of foodstuffs. He knew what Tempest liked and picked her out a nice selection of savoury and sweet nibbles, the sugary the better as she didn't have her prized pep from the office, and filled a plate with mostly meat for Bougainvillaea as per her request, though added a few sweet treats just in case. One of the plates he stacked with snacks was for Aurora, as she had been silent the entire time but had glanced at him as he'd gone off, so he suspected she might be peckish. The last plate was his own, though he wasn't massively hungry and oddly enough the buffet table didn't include gems ─it was interesting that he really was the only dragon present─ so he added one or two of his favourite meats along with some normal food he'd grown accustomed to from pony palettes, and that also worked as he could share it with Genma, seeing as the Twin's pale submissive was still seated next to him.

Turning back, he almost bumped into another that was coming up behind him, his laden tail reflexively counteracting and adapting as he immediately gave a slight curtsy, as he'd come face to face with the deathly sombre-looking Mistress Heorte in her dark flowing silk and lace ruffled dress. Her submissive Dream was there just behind her in her shorter pleated dress, her hooded and blindfolded face pointed down as she didn't speak a word in silent submission and deference to her Mistress. At first he thought they must also be coming for something to eat, though he quickly realised... that wasn't what Mistress Heorte was here for. She was positioned before him waiting patiently, her incredibly funereal veil covering her head from her wide-brimmed hat concealed everything he might see of her face, not even his heightened draconic vision could see through the magic.

"H-hello, Miss." Spike said politely.

The veil shifted as she tilted her head in response. "Greetings to you, Ruby. I simply thought it prudent to meet you properly. You took to the stage with quite a performance."

Spike smiled weakly. "It was certainly an experience."

"It was, yes. My compliments to the beauty you've successfully cultivated, I thoroughly enjoyed watching every second," Heorte chuckled softly in her distantly Albish accent. "I wouldn't mind watching another little act like it, but... a tad more personal and hooves-on. If you would be amicable to that, of course, dear. My little Dream and I would love to entertain you for a time, if not an entire night."

He reddened at the forward advance whilst Dream nodded silently. "I-I'll think about it, Miss, thank you."

Heorte simply gave a single gentle nod, her veil flowing. "That's certainly much nicer than a simple no, I understand that Spitfire is fiercely protective of what is hers, hm?"

With that she quietly left, letting him go about returning back to Tempest. He was a little curious as to the intertwining inner-politics within this particular lifestyle grouping, as he hadn't really thought about it but there must be some level of friendly rivalry between the various Dominants. Tempest mentioned that some Dominants might seek to capture or sway him over as he was uncollared, and this must have been a bit more of a direct attempt, if not a hoof in the door. He wasn't going anywhere away from Tempest, though, and he did have to wonder if people might start coming up to Tempest more as Genma or Chit had.

It was something to think on as he returned and approached the thrones, handing over the plates from the tray as he brought it up from his tail's hold. Aurora was seemingly happily surprised as he gave her one, and he knelt back down with his own as Tempest and Bougainvillaea had been given theirs, offering Genma something from his plate.

They spoke for a time as they ate, Spike learning some fun things about Genma and Bougainvillaea both as she imparted herself into their conversation and went off into some fun anecdotes regarding her experiences with the lifestyle. Bougainvillaea was the sort of easy-going wanderer that found herself all over the place in search of something new and interesting to focus on, and had ended up accidentally meeting Nightfall and amusing him quite a bit with how much her knowledge of the lifestyle had completely been at odds with how she carried herself. The first party she'd been invited along to had been absolutely wild as Nightfall had allowed one of her suggestions of involving a native drink from her part of the world. After the sheer clean-up involved from how intense everything had become through the following drunken shenanigans, Bougainvillaea didn't get to make suggestions anymore that weren't heavily scrutinised.

Genma had gotten into the lifestyle only somewhat recently, similar to Spike, having been scouted out by the Twins ─Spike learning that as he'd thought, one was male and the other female─ after seeing Genma take part in a local musical get-together. Besides having some skill with a violin, the Twins both heavily appreciated his particular look as they had a type. Their attraction to androgyny-leaning-towards-girly, pale white coats, and just about as pale hair made them all seem like clones, though they'd only recently developed the current elegant early-Lunarian-period aesthetics they all shared in order to have even more uniformity beyond the norm.

Their attentions shifted through another chime of the bell, time having passed considerably quicker in his perception now that Spike was involved rather than simply watching. He felt a little intrigued as the stage morphed through a light smoky haze into what he could only have described as an arena of sorts as the music shifted to something a little more rousing. There was a clearly defined green-tinged ring of magic that shimmered its boundary around a slightly raised dais and two very small podiums that he thought looked to be formed out of a sort of darker resin, carefully set into the stage like the additions had grown out of it.

It looked incredibly changeling-esque. Perhaps that was the point as that sort of appearance made people think of fighting. Three guesses as to the stage's current purpose, he thought.

"Oh, fuckin' oath, Double Shot!" Bougainvillaea laughed out, drawing a few looks as Spike and Genma both baulked from her volume.

Nightfall's amused chuckle came afterwards, his voice resonating whilst attention went to him with the music lowering just slightly. "Yes indeed, Double Shot. A game wherein there are two phases. The first, as many might be able to surmise, is that of a sparring contest where it takes a measure of skill as well as strength. The second phase..." he paused, a charming smile flashing as the geometric faceless mask glinted. "Bougainvillaea, you seem rather eager, do you wish to say-"

"The second phase gets ya fucked!" Bougainvillaea happily shouted with a wild grin. She didn't even need her voice to be enhanced... she just sort of carried it seemed. "It's proper punishment for losin' the first phase! If you lose again, you're free game!"

"Mostly correct," Nightfall nodded, resting his hooves together. "The sparring consists of several rounds between two combatants chosen at random from those that volunteer to play, and the first to have three knockouts is the victor, until all battles have been fought. In the second phase, each loser of the previous bouts will find themselves in much the same sparring, except with... greater stakes, in such a capacity that is accepted by their Dominant beforehoof and will be clearly marked. So..." he grinned deviously. "Prepare yourselves."

Nightfall gestured to another magical shimmer that popped into existence on the newly formed stage, melting away to reveal what was going to be their weaponry. Spike had to stifle a giggle seeing the stylised looking longswords, they would be scary if not for fact he could see they were formed of a lime-green gel-like substance. The changeling aspect was very evident and he suspected Chit might have had a heavy hoof in designing the game.

Spike had his suspicions that the second phase would likely end up being sexual in some capacity, however... This looked to be something very fun to participate in! He was no slouch when it came to being tough either, his scales were near impermeable to a lot of sharp objects despite their sleek and supple nature, so these gel swords would be nothing as they would to a pony. The general hushed conversation between everypony was clearly delving into who was going up to fight, and Spike turned his head towards Tempest with a smile.

"Oh, you look eager," Tempest mused as she glanced down and met his eye. "This is a game that's meant to socialise subs, so you do realise that if you lose completely then you're subject to the victor's whims?"

He'd expected it to some degree. "In what capacity, Mistress?"

"Well, you'll be able to take a token before going up, the attendants will come and hoof them out shortly, and those will indicate what level of fun you'll be forced into should you lose," she explained, leaning down and booping him. "You'd only be grabbing a blue or green one. Blue's are touch-only, greens are touch and oral, and pinks are the full deal, penetration and all."

Spike nodded. "I see... You know, I think I could win, Mistress."

Tempest smirked at that as Aurora laughed. "Ah, getting a little cocky, are we? There's a trick to the sparring that you don't know about, and I won't tell you about it either, that'd ruin the fun. You'll go up at your own peril, I'm afraid, Cinder always participates when this comes around and she's rather adept."

He turned his attention back to the stage as people started to collect their tokens, glancing and meeting Aurora's eyes, her gaze on him definitely competitive. She might not be able to talk, but that didn't mean Spike couldn't discern her body language that told him he was going down. To his surprise, Genma was getting up, and he smiled at the pretty stallion.

"I can see my embrace joining in the occasion, so I will follow suit and see what their choice is." Genma said, glancing to where the Twins were seated. "I just hope we're not going to take the pink tokens."

"I hope most of ya take pink tokens." Bougainvillaea imparted with a fiendish smile. "Love to see all of ya gettin' played with," she then directed her attention to Spike. "Oh, an' you better win, cos' I'm bettin' on ya to kick some arse."

Tempest smirked and shook her head. "Who's your betting opponent?"

"Well ya usually root for Cinder, don'tcha?" Bougainvillaea shrugged, "Might as well keep the trend goin'."

"With both of my submissives going up I don't think that's exactly fair," Tempest gently frowned, then turning her attention towards Nightfall at the centre of the dais and leaning over towards him. "Nightfall! What do you say to twenty bits on Cinder and Ruby beating Chit?"

Nightfall only grinned in response as he rested a hoof onto Chit's shoulder, Chit's eyes practically glowing in amusement. "Do you believe either of them stand a chance against her?"

"Pride cometh before the fall, no?" Tempest shrugged. "It's an easy wager if you're so confident."

"Hmph, I shall meet your bet if it's raised to one-hundred. Make it at least fractionally worth my while." Nightfall said, his fiendish grin staying in place. It was only a little worrying with the faceless mask in place. "You might end up losing a hundred bits, but I'll say your win can be if Cinder or Ruby can beat dear Chit. If they both take her down, well... double the shot and double the bits if they both prove victorious, hm?"

Spike felt slightly put on the spot as Tempest turned her attention to him. "What say you, Ruby?"

Well, no pressure then! Spike was starting to regret having stood up, just a little. Tempest had mentioned betting though, so maybe he really should have expected it. But... he had already made Tempest proud once, and what if he could make her even prouder? He might lose, though having taken the challenge at all seemed like it was a feat in itself, as it sounded like Chit was a reigning champion of sorts.

Regardless, Spike nodded, he wanted to taste victory. "I say yes, Mistress."