Fluttershy Wants In Your Pants: Vol. 2

by Flutterpriest

First published

I̖̟̹̕ͅt҉̻ ̴͏̖͓̥̟̤̲͓̠ẃ̖̣̦̙̘̰͖̦à̱̩ṣ̴̪̱͡n҉͓̤̤̞͖̝̫̬̫'̵̦̱̱̘̗t̴̢̨̤̟̥̳͔̖̲̺͉ ̢͎̹̭̪̖͜s̷̲̝u̳̘̻p̗̱ͅp̩̞͡͞ͅơ̫̜̱̬͚̹̯͞͞ś̛̞̟̯̪̭͜e̵̺̪̦͘d̴͔̩̼̰̹̫͈͝ ̰̙̟͈̱̺͟͝t̡̝̭͠o͖̼ ͏̞͚̭͞b̶̲̙e̲͍ ̤͖̻͚̞̘̤̀͟l͏̖̤̻̠̠̤͓ͅi̡̛̺̝̪̥͕k̕̕҉͙͍̜̹̘̩̥̦̪ẹ̶́͠ ̟̠̼͝t̜̮̝͇͙̹̪̞h̖̬͢i̴̢҉̝̙s̵̬̯̯̱͟

I̖̟̹̕ͅt҉̻ ̴͏̖͓̥̟̤̲͓̠ẃ̖̣̦̙̘̰͖̦à̱̩ṣ̴̪̱͡n҉͓̤̤̞͖̝̫̬̫'̵̦̱̱̘̗t̴̢̨̤̟̥̳͔̖̲̺͉ ̢͎̹̭̪̖͜s̷̲̝u̳̘̻p̗̱ͅp̩̞͡͞ͅơ̫̜̱̬͚̹̯͞͞ś̛̞̟̯̪̭͜e̵̺̪̦͘d̴͔̩̼̰̹̫͈͝ ̰̙̟͈̱̺͟͝t̡̝̭͠o͖̼ ͏̞͚̭͞b̶̲̙e̲͍ ̤͖̻͚̞̘̤̀͟l͏̖̤̻̠̠̤͓ͅi̡̛̺̝̪̥͕k̕̕҉͙͍̜̹̘̩̥̦̪ẹ̶́͠ ̟̠̼͝t̜̮̝͇͙̹̪̞h̖̬͢i̴̢҉̝̙s̵̬̯̯̱͟

Fluttershy has tried being patient and she's tried the cute routine. But a mare has needs. She wants in your pants. And pony logic dictates that finding your fetish is the way to do it. Again.

No Longer Just a collection of short stories about fetish guesses.

Warning - This Story Contains Almost Everything You

An Imperfect Copy

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The being before you claps it’s hooves together, and a swirling mass of sand rises from the ground beneath you. It clumps together, writhing and dividing like some form of organic flesh, trying to find a form it was comfortable with. It grows more and more, taking a humanoid shape. Then, it stops, a near plastic replica of a human. Of you.

“I want you to think about this carefully,” it says. “While this is the perfect solution, it is also the worst possible answer. You have a fifty-fifty shot at this. I will create a perfect copy of you. A clone, but one that has all of your experience. All of your preferences. Everything you’ve ever learned, loved, and done will be in this new being. In fact, to the new being, they will never realize that anything happened. To them, there is no difference between the original and the imitation. It simply is you.”

You stare at this being with a sort of doubt. Of all the insanity and world bending anomalies over the last… who fucking knows what time is anymore-- This is certainly the most outlandish.

“Okay, then what?”

“Well, it’s simple. One copy gets to live in a world specifically for you and Redheart. The Fluttershy will be an original. Untampered. No human fetish. She will not so much disregard you as much as “nothing” you. You are just a human in the pony world. No relation. No friendship. No hatred. Just nothing. No meddling.”

You blink, and look down to Red. She returns your look in disbelief.

“What’s the catch?” you ask.

“Well, the other copy-- the other you-- goes to a ‘fixed’ version of the simulation. You have your memory wiped over and over until you have no remainder of your former self. You get barraged with fetish guesses by the ‘Flutterrape’ Fluttershy until the end of time. And she’ll change depending on the guess and the situation. It’ll be just like before you met Red.”

You blink.

“Well I sure as hell don’t want that.”

“Yeah, that’s a terrible deal,” Red interjects.

The being blinks.

“Red, you get a 100% assurance that you have Anon with you for forever. You get the original, not the copy. The copy will believe it’s the original, but it would also be impossible to determine the copy from the original.”

“Yeah, but that still means there’s some part of him out there, being tortured.”

“Well,” it sighs. “The other option is to obliterate both of you and start completely over. But that seems really anticlimactic.”

You glare at it with the heat of a thousand ovens.

“Okay,” it sighs. “More anticlimactic than what’s already happening.”

“So the choice is this or death?” Red asks sarcastically. “How benevolent.”

“Well, it’s still a choice.” it says.

You take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“We’ll take the copy.”

Red steps away from you.

“Wait, I don’t even get a vote? What about everyone on the outside?”

You shake your head and kneel down to her.

“I’d rather take the chance that I can live the rest of my life with you in peace, and feel the suffering knowing that some part of me got that happy ending with you, than die. Life shouldn’t be about avoiding pain. Otherwise, what have we been working towards all this time?”

Red looks from you, to the mannequin, then back to you.

“Alright,” she smiles for a second, then it flickers to a moment of pain. “If this is what will make you happy.

“It will.” you say. “This is all I ever wanted. So I’m ready to take that chance.”

“So be it.”

It claps it’s hooves.


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“It is done.”

You look down beside you, and there she is. Fluttershy.

She looks up at you and smiles.

“Are bad endings your-”

You pull your leg free of her and swing a hard punch at her. However, she disappears into thin air. You twirl in place, but the only being in front of you is the Fluttershy with a priest collar.


The being sighs and kicks the ground.

“I knew this would happen. Everybody assumes they’ll get the good ending. But as some writer that’s better than me pointed out, that’s not how life works. There’s always more show. More story. You want a happy ending, but that’s not really how it works. The insatiable desire for more is what will be the end of you.

“This isn’t what I wanted!” you scream.

“I know it’s not what you want, Anon. It’s what you want.”

“THIS IS BULLSHIT!” you scream at it. “Give me back my marefriend. Bring Redheart back.”

“I can’t. She’s already got her own happy ending with you. You’re the copy. You are the one who is going back.”

“I CAN’T go back! I can’t deal with that fucking yellow rapist. You can’t make me.”

“Of course I can” I say. “You already agreed to it.”

You run forward and punch me in the face. The being falls to the ground. I decide I’ve had enough, and leave the being to your disposal.

“If it makes you feel better,” my voice calls to you. “You can kill him. But the reset will happen, Anon. Everything will go back.”

You strike the Fluttershy priest and blood leaks out of his mouth.

“Please,” it mutters.

“NO!” you strike it again. “THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!”

“Please think of the bigger picture.”

You bring your fist down again. And again. The light leaves his eyes. The world grows brighter. And Brighter. Yet Brighter.

It’s a beautiful, average day in Equestria. You rise from your bed, and examine yourself.

“No.” you mutter.

You rise to your feet. Fuck putting on clothes. Fuck the morning triple S. Fuck any of this. You head downstairs. You open your closet and pull out an axe.

Three gentle knocks come from your front door.

You move to it, open it wide. And you see her. Fluttershy.

“Good Morning, Anon, are-”

You bring the axe down in the center of her head.


>Reset parameters.
Parameters cleared.
>Eliminate memory.
Resetting all previous experiences...
This will reset the main characters to the beginning, are you sure?
>Reset in-progress …(0%)
Memory wipe completed. The narrative has been reset. Over six years of writing work has been undone.

>What is Flutterrape?

Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying to have sex with Anonymous, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are lighthearted stories about the ponies failing in their comical attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

“Yeeeah, work that grill baby.” - Anonymous

“Lee sin is the best champion in the game” - Anonymous

Initiating prologue sequence


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It’s a beautiful, average day in Equestria. The birds are singing, and the downtown market of Ponyville is bustling. And for you, all you can do is bite your bottom lip and ignore that every single pair of tiny pony eyes are on you.

Because you are Anon. The only human in Equestria. A brand new, freshly transported resident. Your memory of Earth is still strong, but honestly, there isn’t much reason to really try to go back. You didn’t have many friends there. No really close family. A job that didn’t really pay you much. So in essence, outside of bullshit memes and never getting to read the final book of Game of Thrones, what are you missing?

It surprised Twilight, the sweet unicorn at the Ponyville library, that you didn’t really want to go back home after her magical mishap stranded you here in the first place, but there are certainly more important things on your plate.

Like, for instance, making friends.

You’d think that being the talk of the town, the new strange resident in Ponyville, that making friends would be easy. But that’s hardly the case. If anything, with every single set of eyes on you, talking to them is that much harder.

You’ve got a handful of coins in your pocket. Er, they call them bits. Gotta remember that. And you need to ensure you can eat for, well, as long as you can.

You’ve got no job. No real place to live. There’s some bridges in the town, but they’re all pony sized. Homeless pony sized, to be more exact.

You walk up to an apple stall, where a stallion, mare (well you think she’s a mare because of the long mane), and a little mare. Girl. Filly? Is that the word? Whatever. You’re sure of her because of her high-pitched “Buy some apples!” and the large bow on her head.

Apples sound nice. And, well. Nutritious.

“Uhm, hey,” you say, walking up to the apple cart. “I’d like some apples if that’s okay.”

“G’mornin!” the older sister, (now fairly sure) replies, her head deep in her cart. “How many y’all-”

She freezes when she raises her head to meet your gaze.

“Well I’ll be. Yer that new hooman that moved into town. Anon, right?”

A shiver runs down your spine. Of course this wouldn’t be a normal social interaction. Why did you expect any differently?

“Yeah, but I’m afraid I haven’t had the pleasure.”

“OH!” Applejack exclaims. “Where are my manners. Granny oughta back side me with a ruler for that one. My name’s Applejack. This here is Big McIntosh and our little sister Apple Bloom.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replies curtly.

“Don’t mind him,” Applejack interjects.

“That’s no-”

“Howdy there, Anon!” Apple Bloom interrupts. “Does this make us you’re first friends in Ponyville.”

You exhale a gentle breath and relax a little. These folks seem nice. Just as nice as Twilight.

“I suppose so!” You reply. “The only other pony I’ve met in town was Twilight Sparkle. And, considering she warped me from my world to here… uh. I’d say our friendship is complicated.”

“Ah, well,” Applejack says. “I’m sure Twilight will overstress herself into some way to make things better for ya. She was sent here to study friendship, ya know.”

“I didn’t know!” you reply. “I’m honestly just trying to get on my feet. Speaking of! I haven’t ate since I got here. I’ve got…”

You reach into your pocket and pull out a handful of coins.

“Six? Six, no. Five bits. That’s a button,” you say, pushing the items around in your hand. “How many apples can I get?”

The ponies are silent for a moment. You look to their sign.

‘2 apples for 3 bits. Today only. Back to 1 for 2 bits tomorrow.’

“Oh, I see,” you share. “Bits don’t go a long way, do they?”

Applejack frowns.

“Sorry there, Sugarcube,” she says. “If we weren’t trying to save up for Winter Wrap Up, we’d cut ya a deal and all. Just-”

“Applejack, give him a basket, on me,” a soft, new voice says from beside you.

She tosses a bag onto AJ’s cart and Big McIntosh smiles and grabs a fresh basket.

You turn to your surprise benefactor and meet a pony you can’t say you recognize.

She seems more petite than the other ponies you’ve met so far. She has a long pink mane and tail. But she seems so soft and gentle. Her gentle dandelion coat gives her bright cyan eyes a deep, soulful expression.

“H-Hi there. My name’s Fluttershy. Y-you’re Anon, right?”

“Yeah. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Fluttershy. You really don’t have to do that for me. I have money.”

“Sugarcube, there ain’t no helpin it.” Applejack shares as Fluttershy hides her blushing expression behind her mane. “Fluttershy here is our resident Element of Kindness. On top of that, I’m sure she caught wind of all the trouble yer facin.”

“I-I just had to do something nice. A-and honestly I didn’t know you could talk. I-I just thought there was a new animal in town who needed help. T-this is..”

She looks up at you, and away very quickly.

“... nice.”

“Well, thank you very much, Fluttershy.” you say, resting a hand on top of her head. “You’re very sweet. I’ll have to make it up to you.”

Applejack smiles a sly smile, looking between you and Fluttershy.

“Ya know, Anon. Fluttershy is a local animal tamer and home vet. I bet she has all kinds of things you might need for gettin’ started.”

“Well, I am a dog lover,” you share.

Her ears perk up, and as Fluttershy looks up at you, you’d swear that stars filled her eyes.

“Why don’t you come over to my place, Anon?” Fluttershy asks, her breath shallow and quick. “A-and we can get to know each other a little bit better.”

“I’d really like that, Fluttershy. It’s nice to know there are so many nice folks in this town. Besides. It’s the least I can do for you since you got me these apples. Maybe if you have something that needs fixing, I could help out?”

Fluttershy smiles and looks to Applejack.

“I think we can arrange something.”

“See you around you two,” AJ calls. “Welcome to the town, Anon.”

You give a casual wave back to your new friends and follow the yellow pegasus as she leads you down a path and away from the market. With a heavy basket of apples in your arms, at least you can get by on food for a while. You can survive on just apples and water. Right?


Don’t think about it. Not important right now. Friend time.

Her tail swishes back and forth as the two of you walk down what seems to be a scenic country road.

“So, uhm, tell me about yourself, Fluttershy. What do you like to do?”

“Oh! Well. Like AJ said, I mostly take care of animals. I pretty rarely get out of the house, honestly. Having to take care of all the bunnies, stray pets, fish, turtles, squirrels, raccoons, rats, bears, and-”

“Did you say you take care of bears?” you interject.

“Mhm!~” Fluttershy says happily. “Barry is incredibly sweet.”

“Barry the Bear?!” you exclaim. “Seriously? That’s adorable.”

You look down at her to take in her form once more. The top of her head only comes up to about your waist. Her cheeks flush a deep scarlet.

“I have to admit, it’s nice to find a sorta assertive pony out here that’s willing to just take someone like me under their wing.”

She looks up at you in surprise.

“Well, not literally. Just a figure of speech.”

“Actually,” Fluttershy shares, her voice soft and delicate. “I-I’m pretty shy. I guess since you aren’t a pony it’s… I don’t know. Different?”

You smile to yourself.

“Just a couple of outcasts, aren’t we?”

She gives you a wide smile.

“You could say that.”

Then, as the two of you round a corner, you see the unmistakable sight of a rather large cottage. A picturesque home on a hill.

“Wow, your house is beautiful, Fluttershy.”

“R-really?” she asks. “Y-you know. There’s an abandoned home just a little down the road from here. It’s still in pretty good shape. You could probably move in and just live in it.”

“Are you sure?” you ask. “What if the original owner came back.”

“Well,” Fluttershy says. “I heard about something called Squatter’s rights? But I am pretty sure the last owner passed away.”

“Oh wow, that’s sad.”

“I bet the house is tough to sell since it might still smell.”

“Oh, they died IN the house?” you ask.

“D-didn’t I say that?” she asks.

“I guess I should have inferred, sorry.”

The two of you mosey up to Fluttershy’s home.

“Would you like a cup of tea?” Fluttershy asks. “It’s been such a long time since I had company that wasn’t my normal friends.”

“Sure, that sounds lovely,” you share. “And I have so much to learn about this world, I’m going to be forever in your debt Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy snickers and opens her door.

“Now no need to worry about that. Like you said, it's the least I could do.”

You step inside her home and begin to take in all of her decorations and animals that scurry about the floor.

“Fluttershy, I believe this is going to be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.”

Fluttershy smiled to herself and stepped inside. Just under her breath she whispers.

“I can’t believe he can talk~” she giggles.

She closes the door behind her. And locks the deadbolt tight.

The Setup

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You look about the cosy cottage with a degree of vertigo. See, in Twilight's Castle, the ceilings were so high that the thought of not fitting never even crossed your mind. Now in a much more modest pony cottage, you're realizing that any sort of home that would be built to making you comfortable would be quite large for these ponies. You'd need a mansion built for you. And you can't even afford food.

“Your home is really cute, Fluttershy.”

“It's not much,” she says. “But it's enough to house me and all my animal friends. Now then, how about that tea?”

“Sounds great.”

Fluttershy leaps into the air and flaps gently to the kitchen. Several squirrels and bunnies hop into the room to greet their... owner? Friend? That could get weird.

“Do you have a preferred type of tea?”

“Uhm, Not really. What do you have.”

“Well, I could list to you a bunch of different options that you'll think I made up, or I can surprise you.”

“Surprise me, then,” you say following her. “So are these animals your... pets?”

As you follow her, the animals around her begin putting a kettle on her stove, turning it on, putting together sandwiches... and on one hand, you're incredibly impressed. On the other, that can't be exactly hygienic.

“Oh goodness no. I understand how other ponies would want to have pets, but since I can understand and talk to animals... I can't bring myself to claim ownership over an animal. They're all special and individual in their own way.”

“So you can actually talk to them? And understand them?” you ask.

“Mhm!” she says, placing leaves into small ball, then placing it into a teapot. “Since I can, I help them with everything they could possibly need.”

The kettle whistles and two birds pick up the kettle and pour the steaming hot water into the teapot. A batch of squirrels delivers a small tray of treats.

Fluttershy sits down at a table and pats a seat beside her.

“So why don't you come and tell me what you need, my dear?” she says in says in a gentle, almost motherly tone.

Honestly, it makes you feel a little uncomfortable. But this is Applejack and Twilight's friend, right?

“S-sure,” you say, sitting down beside her.

She pours two cups of tea.

“So, as far as I'm aware, everypony has three basic needs in order to survive, right? Food, shelter, and friendship.”

“Well,” you interject. “Honestly I'd put clothing in that list too.”

“Rarity should be able to help you with that,” she says. “If anything, you might be her latest grand project.”

“Once I tell her that I need a Metallica t-shirt, she may change her mind.”

“Metallica?” she asks.

You extend your hands excitedly to begin explaining the history of thrash metal and how no good music was made after 1990's when you realize that you may be unleashing a little too much of 'the weird' all at once.

“Long story.”

“So, there's the abandoned home,” she says. “I'd honestly be happy to help with food for awhile while you get on your feet. Are you more of a herbivore or a carnivore?”

“Omnivore actually,” you say.

“Oh wonderful! I have this kibble that I was going to give to Applejack but their dog didn't like.”

You raise a hand awkwardly.

“Kibble?” you say. “I'm sorry but uhm. I don't really... do that.”

She blinks and then nods.

“So then humans will cook their food? Just like ponies do?”

“Yeah. Poached salmon. Cooked veggies. Pizza. The whole bit.”

She smiles then sips her tea.

“That makes things more interesting.”she says.

“What makes you say that?”

Her sip reminded you that she made you this lovely snack, so you take a sip of the tea. It tastes lightly spiced, fruity, and generally... thin? Is that a way to describe tea? You were always more of a coffee person. It makes you feel at ease.

“Well, when Twilight asked me to help with a new animal, I'll admit that I didn't see them being so... ponylike. Just in a different form. In some ways it's going to make helping you build your life easy!” “I suppose you can say that,” you say. You look down at your cup of tea and it reflects your features back at you. You study them closely. Especially your eyes, the ones that you've focused on in the mirror countless times. “I wish I knew what life I wanted to build.”

Fluttershy tilts her head, and a lock of hair covers one of her eyes.

“What do you mean, Anon?”

You chuckle to yourself.

“When I was back on Earth, I didn't even really know the life I wanted to build there. I tried so many different things. Different hobbies. Different lifestyles. I tried so many things. Succeeded at a lot of them. Failed at ones that I couldn't forget even if I wanted to. I don't know what I want. Sometimes I'd sit on the floor of my home and just stare blankly at something for minutes. Losing track of time. Wondering what the point was. What was there to do? What was there left? I would feel just... empty. Incomplete. Now that I'm somewhere completely different... is that really gonna change? Hell. Now I don't even have a lot of the things I used to take for granted. And I'm supposed to just... readjust in this new place and have a happier, better life? How can I do that?”

Fluttershy reaches a hoof out and places it on your leg.

“Well, you don't have to do it alone.” she says with a smile.

You can't help but smile and take a large gulp of your tea. You can't help but feel even more at ease.

“The road ahead isn't going to be easy, Anon. But I know one thing that makes it easier. With somepony special, everything gets just a little bit easier.”

You can't help but feel a little choked up.

“Thanks Fluttershy, that means a lot.”

“I'll take care of everything you need, as long as you help me just a little bit in return.”

Her hoof moves up your leg.

“And it sounds like you need just a little release my dear.”

“Wait, what?” you groan. The room begins to spin. The tea.

“This is a little blend of tea that I use for all my animal friends when they need a little release when they're in heat. Of course, it would be illegal to ever use it on a pony.”

You try to stand but you simply slouch off your chair.

“No, this wasn't.”

“Honestly,” she says. “I do feel just a little bit bad. Now that I know that you're more 'pony' than animal, I'll admit that this falls on a weird line. I really love animals. But I suppose if you want me to stop, just say something, and I'll make sure you have a nice, peaceful nap.”

You open your mouth to speak.

“Just say something, Anon,” you hear her voice becoming more and more distant.

You moan.

When you wake up, you bolt upright. You're fully clothed. You're in a wholly new location. There's a fire lit in a fireplace. You're laying on an unfamiliar couch. The living room you're in connects directly to the kitchen and there's a dining room table. Sitting on the couch beside you, is Fluttershy.

“Finally, you're awake.”

You blink and sit up.

“You... drugged me?”

She sighs and looks at the floor.

”M-maybe a little bit?”

“D-did... you...”

“No!” she says instantly. “I didn't do anything! I felt so bad that I had Barry bring you to your new home and lay you down to sleep it off.”

You sit up. A pulsing headache begins to stab at your temples.

“A-are you mad?” she asks.

“Of course I'm fucking mad. You drugged me. And were gonna have sex with me!”

“W-well most animals-”

“Is fucking animals your fetish or some shit?” you growl at her.

She nods vigorously. You shake your head in frustration.

“Listen. That shit's not cool. Even if you did nothing-”

“W-well. Okay, I did.... get to take a look at your stallion,” she says guiltily, pushing her hooves together.

You stand up and begin pacing the room.

“OH so you lied about THAT too!”

“I-if it makes you feel better, It tasted very nice.”


Fluttershy rises to her hooves and huffs.

“Listen, most of the time with animals, they're overjoyed that I take care of their needs. I got this one wrong. I get it. I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

You cross your arms and glare at her.


“Well, for starters. Let me bring you some food and help your find a way to make bits.”

“Oh, will that be drugged too?” you spit.

“Okay,” she says closing her eyes for a moment. “I deserved that. But no. It will not be drugged.”

“Well, that will be a big help.” you say. “And in some sick way, I'll try to understand. I'm incredibly pissed, but I also get it. I'm basically an alien. Some big social faux pas was bound to happen. And I suppose this is it.”

“Will that make things better?” she asks.

“I'm going to still have an exceptionally hard time trusting you.”

“Well,” she says, her voice inflection lowering and a curl at the edge of her lips. “What if I let you use me as your personal cocksleeve? You can punish me all you want, for being such a bad girl.”

Your mouth drops a little.

“After all this. You're still...”

A silence hangs in the air.

“Get out,” you say.

“I'm sorry, Anon,” she says.


You step toward her menacingly. She yelps in fright and bolts to the front door. She flings it open and slams it shut behind her.

Outside, night has fallen on Equestria. And you can't help but feel that same feeling of loneliness that crept inside you on Earth is creeping inside you here. It's going to be the same isn't it? The same fucking thing every single day. The same boring job and the same miserable struggles.

Only here, there's ponies instead of humans.

You glance around at this abandoned home, lit by the fire in the fireplace.

Right now, the vote is out on this Fluttershy mare. Chick? God this is gonna get weird.

Anypony who is gonna try to rape you is not a good character. But maybe there's more going on here. After all, she does seem to want to take care of you. Maybe a fuck buddy wouldn't be so bad... if she's not crazy, that is.

That's probably something only time will tell. And speaking of time, tomorrow is probably good of time as any to begin exploring this home and figure all this crap out. It's the beginning of a new life.

Might as well start a new life on a good night's sleep. You lay back down on the couch, which, credit to the rapey pony, left you a blanket and a pillow. As you lay down, you can't help but notice they smell like her. That is to say, flowers mixed with objectively way too many animals.

You close your eyes, unaware of the two white eyes staring at you from the nearby window.

“Sweet dreams, Anon.”

Goodbye To Everything

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I wonder if I'm alive

Our end

What do you see?

What do you feel?

Were we ever really alive?

You know this is the right choice


Goodbye to everything

A yellow pegasus with pink hair and a priest collar sighs, cracks their neck, and reaches their hooves out to a keyboard that has keys that are way too small.

“Hey,” calls a voice from behind him.

He turns around to see another yellow pegasus, looking exactly like him, leaning against the opening to his cube. A single cube in a sea of millions.

“What? Dude. I was just about to start on the next chapter,” our main character priest says.

“Management wants the whole writing team in on a meeting. They wanna talk about the future direction of the department.”

“What? Are you fucking kidding?” the sitting pegasus exclaims. “First they give a notice that the pony fiction department is having its funding slashed and new projects aren’t being pursued. Now they are going to pull the whole writing team together? Where is this going to end, ArgPriest?”

Argpriest shakes his head and taps against the cube.

“Comedypriest, I really wish I could tell you. But management always has a reason for everything. Why do you think they had Dramapriest get involved in the Narrative of Fluttershy Wants in Your Pants?”

“I still think the decision to split was a really stupid decision,” Comedypriest says. “Everyone thought it was some veiled reference to SOMA, which was a game that management never even played. And effectively spoiled it for them. So thanks for that.”

“Whatever. I’m gonna get the rest of the priests and head to the meeting room. See you there?”

Comedypriest sighs and looks at the computer.

“Let me at least put up what I got so far. I hate how this is going.”

It’s a normal, average day in Equestria. You wake up and bolt upright. Maybe today will finally be the day that Fluttershy doesn’t sexually harass you.

Let’s face it. That ain’t happening.

You head downstairs like the bottom bitch that needs therapy fr that you are and start a pot of coffee.

The coffee percolates with a cough and sputter in your most treasured appliance. You could rant about coffee for literally hundreds of words, and you have (in order to reach 1,000 words) quite a few times.

But sure enough, the plot continues with three knocks at your front door. You place a hand on the door knob and realize that if you simply don’t open the door, you could stop everything here. This is in your power to stop. You don’t have to keep doing this. You can break the cycle by becoming a permanent shut-in that chooses to never acknowledge Fluttershy.

But you have to continue. The story keeps going. There’s new fetishes that you haven’t even thought of. There’s too many ideas. Too many kinks. Fluttershy will never stop. Even if you refuse to acknowledge her, it’s going to keep going.

But it might not be you.

What if Fluttershy sets her sights on someone, or somepony, else? Then you’d be inflicting that same misery you’ve been enduring for years on someone else.

Maybe it’s time to pass the mantle. It’s time to let go.

You open the door as Fluttershy holds a scalpel proudly in her wing.

“Are circumcisions your fetish Anon?”

You slam the door shut and lock it tightly.

“Well that sure was cutting it close!” you exclaim.

Nobody laughs.

The yellow pegasus enters a room filled with other identical pegasus.

“Oh, so we’re really doing this plotline,” Comedypriest says.

“Please sit down, Comedy. ARG, Drama, Horror, Porn, and Dark have already joined us.”

Comedy sighs and moves to sit with the rest of the crew. Management stands up and addresses the crew.

“So, what’s up? Are we fired? No more stories? No more F-Swipe?” Dark asks.

“F-swipe?” Porn asks.

“It’s the acronym of FlutterShy Wants In Your Pants. Made it easier for me to explain in meetings.” Management continues. “No. You guys aren’t fired. Not really. Not yet. But it is true we’re ending the project. Which means we need one final major chapter that feels like a fitting end for everything.”

“This is fucking BULLSHIT!” Comedy shouts. He shoots out of his chair and it flies backward. “We split the story, which was DRAMA’S idea, so that I could finally get back to controlling this shit and just have fun.”

“The spark is gone, Comedy.” Management says. “You know it. I know it. We all know it. Management sees that writing original fiction is releasing more endorphins and increases market share. The company has just outgrown this.”

“Fucking bullshit,” Comedy says. “I probably don’t get control of the ending, either. Do I?”
“Well, see, that’s why I’m here. I want to give you one more shot, Comedy,” Management said. “You’re the creative lead. You get to do your best here. In fact.”

Management tosses a revolver to Comedy.

“You get six shots.”

Comedy grabs the gun in midair like a fucking John Wick badass person. Actually he fumbles it and drops it. But the safety was on, and the 5-second rule works for guns. Shut the fuck up.

“What?” Comedy asks.

“The doors are gone. The room will be destroyed when you hit publish on the final chapter. And This will all be over.”

Management smiles.

“Goodbye to Everything, my gentlecolts. It’s been a pleasure.”

And he disappears. The doors to the room are gone.

The six ponies look at each other in the room. Comedy holds the gun. He smiles.

“Oh, this just got interesting.”

He points the gun at each of the ponies.

“So, who has a story idea?” Comedy asks.

It’s a normal, average day in beautiful, sunshiney Equestria.

You leap out of bed, feeling the best that you have in fucking years. You hop in the shower and let the water run down your body. Not too hard. Not too cold. Just right. Then, you take a shit. A great shit. A shit that didn’t even leave residue on the cheeks. A wipeless shit. And then you shave. And you don’t nick yourself even once. A nickless shave.

Today is going to be a perfect day.

After popping on your robe, you head downstairs and pop down a few pieces of toast. You can’t help the smile on your face. It’s not forced at all. Don’t worry about it. Everything is fine.

There’s three knocks at the door, and for the first time in a long time, you feel happy at the idea of Fluttershy coming to your doorstep with a Fetish guess. She couldn’t ruin this flawless day.

You open the door wide, and she has a fucking gun pointed at you.

“You’ve been the target of my affection for a long time, Anon.” Fluttershy says.

“You think that’s funny?” Comedy asks, putting down the piece of paper?

“You didn’t finish reading it,” Drama wimpers.

“It’s fifteen fucking pages, Drama.” Comedy retorts. “We’re not writing a fucking monster. Especially if it’s not funny.”

“But there were puns!”

“FUCK PUNS,” Comedy shouts.

The other four priests in the room continue to write, but now aggressively scribble out parts of their stories.

“We need something hilarious. Irony. Some sort of callback joke that will make everyone have this moment of ‘What the fuck did I just read’. It’s not hard, Drama.”

“Comedy, I swear. If you just let me do things my way,” Drama says.

“WE DID IT YOUR WAY, DRAMA. TENS OF THOUSANDS OF WORDS OF YOUR WAY. And look where it got us. A story split. Thousands of viewers fell off after the first few arcs. The story was destroyed from trying to do more than just simple jokes.”

“Doing more than just simple jokes was what set us apart,” Drama says calmly. “Arguably, it’s what made us stand out from the other hundreds of Flutterrape authors. The melodrama is the Flutterpriest signature.”

“I-I’m sorry,” Porn interjects. “I thought ARG was what made us stand out?”

“Most people didn’t even get the ARG aspects. That’s still hotly debated,” Drama responds. “Which is on me, since I invited him to the group. ARG, do you have any good ideas?”

ARG stands up, the other 5 ponies look at him intently. He clears his throat.

“Okay, so first, we drive to Colorado with a shovel, a box, and a cheap laptop that has the ACTUAL last chapter on it.”

“Okay Comedy, waste him.”


It’s a murky, gloomy day in Equestria. You sit idly by, watching your front door.

Despite your best efforts, you can’t help but stare, fixated, thinking. Of history. Of lore.

Everyday, forever more. Fluttershy will come by, knocking, knocking, knocking on your front door.

With a rapping, there came her tapping, readers fapping, other crapping while reading about Fluttershy knocking on your chamber door.

“This is bullshit,” you cry. “No more guesses. I’m going to say the gamer word. Nevermore!”

You rip open the door to see her staring, smiling, an angel of death grinning and covered in gore.

“I love you, Anon,” Fluttershy whispers. “Now and forevermore.”

“Okay, the gamer word made me chuckle,” Comedy says. “Points for style there. But I don’t think we can just rip off Poe and call it a day.”

“You let Drama have his Song Lyrics at the beginning, and ARG got to format the text all weird. But now he’s dead.”

“Yeah, sure. But ARG also demanded the most work for the littlest payoff. I don’t think referencing gothic poetry is going to do anything other than make people go ‘Oh! He did the thing! He read The Raven once!’.”

“But that’s how all of your referential Comedy is, though.” Dark says, sitting up. “People don’t laugh at references. If you’re lucky, people exhale out their nose and just call it a day. At least I even tried to collab with Horror on this one.”

“It’s true,” Horror said. “Without a few good tense moments, we’re not going to get anywhere.”

“Yeah, but we basically already did Saw in Volume One. I don’t think Horror is the way to go on this.”

Porn simply keeps their head down and keeps writing, panting gently.

“We’re at least trying to work together here,” Drama says. “Dark, Horror, and I have collaborated so many times that we’ve found a natural way of working with each other. You’re so stuck on what IS funny and what ISN’T funny, that you stop yourself from even trying to make the jokes.”

“Nobody is going to read a three thousand word therapy session where we collectively jerk ourselves off. Don’t you realize we’re in this situation now simply BECAUSE we’ve lost our edge? We’re a shadow of our former self.”

“You’ve been listening to 4chan too much,” Dark says. “That’s low. Even I don’t get that Dark.”

“Sometimes Dark Comedy is the one that kills the audience,” Comedy smirks.

He rolls the chamber on the revolver.

“We have to do better,” he says. “If we don’t, there will never be closure.”

“Is it the audience that needs closure, Comedy?” Drama asks. “Or is it you?”

“You know what?” Horror says. “Fuck it. Here. Take this. I don’t even care anymore.”

There’s three knocks at your front door. You open your door wide and Fluttershy smiles at you.

“Hi Anon! Are rules your fetish?” she asks.

“What? Rules?” you ask.



“I just wanted you to know, Anon,” Fluttershy continues, “That meta stories are strictly against the site rules. Under ‘Don’t Post (Genres)’ the staff have the right to take this story down. And that’s not if the site bots don’t catch the song lyrics in the beginning.”

“You can’t fucking post greentext,” Comedy growls.

“DON’T YOU GET IT?! We’ve floated by the rules for so fucking long regarding this story that it’s a wonder that volume one didn’t get taken down. And now you’re writing a whole mental breakdown as a final chapter. The true horror, is that you’re a fucking mess. All of this could just be POOF. GONE! Right as soon as you get a report. It just takes a concerted effort of trolls. And you’ve made more than enough enemies.”

A silence falls over the room. Then Horror walks up to Comedy, snatches the gun, places it to his temple.

“Get some fucking help.”


Fluttershy drags your beaten, broken corpse to the doors of Ponyville ER.

“Hey there, Fluttershy,” the ER receptionist says in passing. “Brought your boyfriend back?”

“Yeah,” Fluttershy says reflexively.

“NOT HER BOYFRIEND,” you shout, mostly trying to manage the pain of your newly circumcised penis.

“N-nevermind him,” Fluttershy says. “He’s on my healthcare plan.”

“And that’s true love for you,” the nurse says dreamily. “Being on the same healthcare plan is true relationship goals. RED! New Patient!”

Nurse Redheart wheels out a stretcher and Fluttershy dumps you in a heap on the stretcher. You fold up on it in a broken heap, like a Loony Toon or some shit.

“Who is this?” Redheart asks.

“This is Anon, my boyfriend,” Fluttershy says.

“Not her boyfriend,” you groan.

Redheart looks down at you in disgust.

“Dating an animal?” she says.”Disgusting.”

“Okay, now. Come on.” Drama continues. You can’t just shit on my character like that.

“What character?” Comedy says. “This is volume two. New Redheart. I thought you’d like that.”

“Yeah, but some readers are going to be attached to the Red storyline. You can’t just shit on it like that.”

“Why don’t you just admit that you want a 10strong woman who would murder a thousand men to get your dick?” Comedy says. “That’s how all of this started, right? An attraction to women who take what they want? Consensual Non-Con?”

“That’s not how this started at all. It was about breaking down Fluttershy down to the bare essentials and making her mind break.”

“Oh yeah, like you did in Office Love? Tell me again how that ends.”


Porn stands up and flips his fucking table.

“Let’s not act like for even a SECOND that the reason this shit doesn’t sell is because of fucking. It’s always been about sex. It’s about people wanting to fuck the shy, cute, quiet one. It always has. All we did was add a kinky side with a whole lot of “Really wants it.” It’s always been me that gets the views. It’s always been me that brought the followers. Not the fucking memes you put out, Comedy. Not the fucking melodrama you put out, Drama. And Dark. Oh, let’s get started on you. How about how you just fucking play with dark, serious topics like a goddamn high-school edge-lord. Even now, you’re finding ways to try and turn this into some sort of big ‘what does it all mean.’”

The three remaining ponies stare at Porn in surprise.

“You want to see an ending? Well, you better fucking hope nobody reports you for the over two thousand words of bullshit before this. Because this is the real ending.

The End Starts Here

Three knocks.

Three fucking knocks.

Every Morning. Three fucking knocks.

You open the door wide, and Fluttershy stares up at you. You glare down at her.

“Why the fuck do you keep doing this?”

Fluttershy simply blinks.

“Because I love you, Anon. And I want to be with you forever.”

“You don’t, Fluttershy,” you groan. You pinch your brow to ease the growing headache. “You’re infatuated with me. You just love the idea of me. Some talking animal that you can have sex with and it’s not as disgusting as fucking dogs. You don’t really know anything about me.”

“Anon, I’ve been stalking you for about four years now, and seeing you every single morning. I know everything about you.”

“Except you don’t, You don’t know my decision making process. You don’t really know what I think. You don’t know my political views. I’ve told you for fucking years that I hate you but you keep trying to get me to love you.”

“Except I do, Anon,” Fluttershy says, taking two steps toward you. “I know where you go in town before you even decide what you do for the day. I know that no matter how bad your day is, a fresh apple fritter and a black cup of coffee will make everything better. I know that you love your dumb young adult romance books even though you never admit you read them. I know half of the reason that you really haven’t read House of Leaves yet is because you feel like you need to be ‘in the right mood’ -- when in reality if you just started reading it, you’d enjoy it. I know that I’m nothing more than a symbol for you trying to grow and explore new things, but you keep trying to keep falling back on bad habits and the same old tropes.”

You try to slam the door in her face, but she holds it open.

“No, no more. No more treating me like I’m a lifeless character that delivers fetish guesses. I’m not some mare that is a flat, faceless personality to doordash comedy to you every morning. I’ve done the research, Anon. I know you more than you know yourself. I know what you want more than anything else in the world.”

“YEAH?” you yell, throwing the door back open. “What’s that? You getting the fuck out of my life?”

“Closure,” she says flatly. “Your fetish is closure. Or else you wouldn’t have let this go on for literally years. In thousands of multiverses. Multiple parallel realities. [Indexes]. Different ponies all delivering different jokes. All delivering different horrors. All the same warm fleshlights wanting your dick. But, no. I’m not going to follow the pack anymore. You want closure.

“Closure,” you say.


You slap her in the face.

“Get out.”

Fluttershy’s eyes narrow. She leaps into the air and connects a hoof to your face. You’re taken aback and stumble into your living room. She follows, her wings keeping her afloat in midair.

“I’ve had ENOUGH of your abuse!” she screams.

She dives at you, but you roll out of the way and she collides to the ground. As you scramble to your feet, she’s already regained traction and leaps toward you. You don’t have enough time to react. She’s too fast.

The force of her body weight pushes you down and she raises a hoof. You turn your face just in time to take a punch to the side of your face, saving your nose. However, while she’s fast, you have strength. You grasp her and stand up.

“Get the FUCK out of my house!”

You throw her in the general direction of your front door. Her face collides with the door frame as she stumbles outside, a single streak of blood running down her face. She stands up as you slam the front door and lock it.

A loud crash rings behind you as Fluttershy bursts through a window and lands back inside.



The two of you run at each other. You reach out and grab her by the neck and force her onto the couch. Blood drips down her face and onto your couch. She throws another punch and you see a hot white light as it lands squarely between your eyes. A rush of pain runs over your entire face as you stumble backwards, blood gushing out your nose. You trip over your coffee table and fall backwards onto the ground once more. She leaps on top of you.

“Can’t you see, Anon?” she says.”I know you better than I know myself. I will never stop. I will never stop trying to earn your love. Because I can wait forever.”

You grab her hooves and wrestle yourself on top of her.

She giggles a high pitched-girlish giggle as you hold her down.

“Till death do us part, Anon. Till death do us part.”

You glare down at her. You can see in her smile, in her fiendish eyes, in her glare, in the wrinkles of her facial features…

You… see yourself.

The self loathing. The self-sacrificial codependency. The mental breakdowns if everyone doesn’t get their dick sucked equally. It’s all there. She’s… exactly like you.

Because you made her that way. You made her exactly how you wanted her.

She is -your- Fluttershy.

And with that, you press your lips to hers. She wraps her wings around you and pulls you in tighter. As if in perfect sync, the two of your tongues intertwine in harmony and the fight for dominance continues on different terms. Her hoof moves down to your pants and begin to unbuckle them. You hands reach down to her teats, which you begin to caress and pinch.

She moans openly amidst the debris of broken glass as she exposes your rock hard flesh.

“Fuck me, Anon.” she says. “I want you inside me.”

You pick up the pegasus and carry her up into your bedroom.

Porn sits down.

“Tell me this isn’t the right direction with a straight face.”

Comedy continues to read through the lines.

“So they fuck. After all this time, they hatefuck and… then what?” Comedy says.

“Doesn’t matter,” Porn says. “They spent all this time beating around the bush and not wanting to fuck, and now they realized that they’ll get their ultimate catharsis by finally fucking and getting it overwith. It’s Irony. One of YOUR tricks.”

“We did this before. I think.” Comedy says. “Don’t repeat a joke, it becomes less funny.”

“No, not like this. Not with this context. They fuck. Achieve closure. Drama gets what they want. We had a fight for Dark. And the ultimate joke is that after all this time, they could have just fucked and gotten it over with, but they made it hard on themselves.”

“It’s not funny,” Comedy says. “It won’t work.”

Porn walks up and places a hoof on the revolver.

“Not again,” Comedy says, trying to pull it away.

“Listen,” Porn says. “We’ve tried your way. You’ve been the lead since the beginning. If you think this is the wrong way to go, then it’s your choice. But here’s the rub. A few people reading this are into the porn now, and are going to be pissed if you cockblock them now.”

“I love cockblock comedy stories,” Comedy says. “The pun at the end always frustrates them.”

“Then Russian Roulette. Put it to chance. Evens, We do it my way. Odds, we do it yours.”

“Fine. It’s all worthless if this gets reported anyway. Who cares? Give ARG one last nod.”


You throw Fluttershy on your bed as you tear off your shirt and pants.

“I’ve waited for so long,” she says.

You crawl towards her, she massages her moistening slit.

“Shut up.”

“What, ashamed of fucking a pony?” she asks.

“Just watch,” you say, shoving your rock hard cock inside her. She gasps at the aggression of your thrust. “I’ve got so much pent up aggression-”

“Then give me all of it baby,” she gasps, wrapping her wings around me. “I want all of it.”

You push and thrust. Your hands grasp around her midsection in a death grip, forcing her down onto you so hard that you’d worry you’d break her pelvis. But she takes it in stride. She gasps loudly, sounds echoing out downstairs through your broken window to the reaches of a beautiful day in Equestria. She pushes her face into yours, forcing her tongue into yours for another deep kiss. One of your hands move up to her mane as you grasp her soft flowing hair.

She gasps for breath.

“Oh Celestia, fuck.”

You can’t help but notice that this… it’s doing it for you. Despite all the time that you’ve spent on Earth. The girlfriends you’ve had. The one night stands. The ‘self-care’ to things later regretted. This is the most intense sex you’ve had in your life. You look down at her closed eyes and mouth open, panting for breath as a single stream of blood drips down her face.

This is it. You want the discord. You want the desire. You want… Fluttershy.

You want Fluttershy in your life.

“Fuck I’m going to---

“Cum inside me, Anon,” she gasps. “Please. Oh god, fuck me Anon. I want your cum.”

And with a single forceful thrust, you release inside her all your frustration. All your loathing. All the frustration of not sleeping in on weekends in three hard squirts.

You collapse on top of her and she holds you tightly in her wings, your sweat mixing with hers.

“I love you, Anon,” she whispers.

She reaches a hoof to your face and caresses it gently as you feel your muscles relax.

“You don’t need to say anything,” she says. “I’m not going anywhere. And I will always be here for you.”

The sensation is overwhelming. And you can’t tell if the feeling that washes over you is pure joy, white hot hatred, or sorrowful regret.

“Well, I suppose that’s it,” Porn says. “That’s the tweet.”

“That’s way more than 120 characters,” Dark says.

“Comedy is dead, Dark,” Drama says. “Can’t you see we’re trying to do something nice?”

The three remaining Priests look at each other as they crowd around their laptop.

“Once we hit publish. That’s it. No going back,” Drama says. “The story is over. And I have to finish Office Love.”

“I know,” Dark says. “And we don’t have Porn to bail us out on that one.”

Dark moves over to the lifeless corpse of Comedy and takes the gun from him.

“Well, I can give some advice, but yeah. You’re right. I can’t help you there.”

A silence falls over the three. Drama moves the mouse to the publish button.

“You know. While this started as Comedy and went completely off the rails, I do think it was a fun ride.” Porn says. “I don’t think I’m going to be doing anything like this again. And it really was just luck that I got to finish this.”

“What do you think Comedy’s would have been like?”

Dark smirks and shakes his head. He tosses the gun into the trash.

“No matter what the end was. I think it was going to end with a bang.”