The Royal Jewels.

by Fonypan

First published

The long lost royal jewels have been found at last. How much time has passed since Celestia and Luna have seen their jewels? At least a millennium.

The long lost royal jewels have been found at last.

How much time has passed since Celestia and Luna have seen their jewels?

At least a millennium.

But somepony has found them, and is determined to see them returned to their rightful owners.

Additional tags: unicorn Twilight, futa, fun with portals, princest, large genitals, large genitals stuffed into a relatively small unicorn, lots of fluids

Treasures long forgotten.

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Deep in a dark and dank dungeon long forgotten to the ravages of time, a lavender unicorn, her horn alight with a spell, tread carefully, for these ancient halls contained nefarious traps. After dodging and ducking her way through swinging blades and flying poisoned darts, she came upon what she had been searching for.

The long lost royal treasury of the royal pony sisters, buried deep beneath the castle of the two sisters. Before the studious mare, towering all the way to the high vaulted ceiling, a grand stone door, engraved with depictions of Celestia and Luna. The Princesses of the sun and the moon,

But here they wore another title. The sisters of fertility. With their mighty scepters wielded proudly. Long forgotten titles of the sister’s past lives. Long ago when they were younger, much more careless than they are today.

The princesses had thought all records of this part of their history had been forgotten. Erased. But Twilight had found a clue in her research. A hint. A flicker of truth hidden in a small scroll she found in a restricted section of the Canterlot archives.

She found a genealogical chart. Only the one. It had traced several thousand ponies directly to Celestia and Luna, ponies who, once Twilight had done some more digging, nearly all had successful bloodlines to this day. And after months of research, she was confused as to how the sisters were mothers and fathers countless times.

But now just beyond the doors Twilight stood before, where her answers to the grand lineage of more than seventy percent of modern Equestria.

Twilight tried to push the doors open with her magic, but she felt a gentle feedback. There was a charm locking the doors closed. She sat, pondering the charm she detected, she reached out again with her magenta aura, feeling and learning the nature of the ancient charm.

She binked. “It can’t be...”

She looked over the door again, around the trim, etched with beautiful detail, were the steps to a dance. A silly dance. A dance she had learned herself when she was just a filly.

Twilight stood up, taking a deep breath. She looked behind herself to make sure there was nopony else in the dungeon. It was silly, of course she was alone. But the thought of being seen still embarrassed her deeply.

The lavender unicorn then began the dance, while singing the magic words, not given anywhere on the door or in any of the historical texts that had lead her to this discovery.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves, do a little shake!” AS she finished her foalhood dance, she ended up with her head down, and her hind end raised to the door. Looking over her shoulder, she heard a chime. The magic on the door had accepted the password, and the doors begin to slowly open on their own.

She spun back around and clapped her hooves in excitement. “I can’t believe I did it… I wonder if Cadence knew about our dance...”

Once the doors were fully opened, our studious adventurer took cautious steps into the chamber within. Truly these were the most valuable treasures the sisters had possessed and locked away where they would be forever safe.

It looked like an ordinary basement. Stacks of crates, each filled to the brim with knickknacks and folk art. What else would be the treasures guarded by the multi-millennium old guardians of Equestria? Twilight was beside herself as she rummaged through box after box, careful to not harm any of the precious foal’s toys or stacks of foal's drawings, photographs of ponies, some the same ponies at radically different ages, and scrap books overflowing with memories.

Eventually, after a day (she estimated) reorganizing the entire room, she found what she had been seeking. A sturdy simple wooden chest, no fancy carvings or depictions, just a plain wooden box with a lock on the front. She tried to pick the lock with her handy dandy magic, but the lock refused to respond. She thought for a moment, before she went over to a box full of keys she organized, keys to locks long lost to time. Possibly to houses the sisters once lived in, or their friends who have passed once resided in.

Twilight spent the next day (or so she estimated, no sunlight down here after all) trying every key in the box. Finally exhausted of thousands of keys, except for one, she smiled to herself.

“This has to be it.”

She tried to pick up the key with her magic, but her magic simply fizzled out. She grumbled to herself in slight irritation. No magic, made sense since the chest was magic proofed too.

She reached down, plucked the dusty key up with her teeth, gagged at the taste of metal on her tongue. How did earth ponies and pegasi do this regularly? She then put the key into the lock, turned her head, and with a click, the chest lid cracked open. Using her nose, she pushed the lid up all the way until the hinges stopped, a little wider than ninety degrees.

She gasped, for before her were the most precious treasures of forgotten history. A matching set of Alicorn jewels. Two sets of massive testicles and sheathes, one white, one dark blue. Resting within the box on a soft silky pillow. The base of the organs glowed with powerful portal spells, the cause of their misplacement.

Twilight reached into the box with her hooves, first gently petting the massive fertile orbs, each the size of a small watermelon. Then her hooves traced the soft silky saggy scrotums, feeling the warmth and beating of the princesses’s hearts keeping the assets lively this whole time they had been neglected. She licked her lips, just gazing upon the royal jewels had begun having an effect on her marehood. She could feel herself growing warm and damp under her tail.

She carefully lifted Celestia’s organs first, hugged them gently, she then sniffed at the opening of the sheath, where the mighty pink scepter lie dormant. The powerful male pheromones nearly overwhelming her conscious thoughts. Shaking her head, she carefully set the heavy meaty balls into the saddle bag on her left hip.

She followed with a similar ritual-like awe as she lifted Luna’s equally heavy genitals. Giving them a hug and sniff before she carefully moved them to her right side saddle bag. She closed the box as she stood up, removed the key and set the key back into the box of keys, gently with reverence. Then she danced giddily to herself as she made her way out the door, the doors swinging shut on their own as the librarian left. Soon to dodge and avoid the various traps on her way back out.

Luna suddenly sat up in bed, she looked to her clock, it was midday, way past her bedtime. Then she felt what had awoken her. She looked down at her sheets, moving them aside to stare at her bare belly just above her moist marehood, between her large teats, the familiar sensations she hadn't felt in centuries. Her jewels were moving. She quickly threw her blankets off of her bed entirely and made a mad dash for the door. Startling the poor guards as her doors slammed open and tumbled off the hinges. The guards sighed, watching the mad princess run off to who knows where, they picked the doors up and used the repair spells they had been taught when given the honor of being the personal guards of the moon princess when she slept.

Neither could figure out exactly what they were being punished for, but they dared not to ask, less they be promoted to interpersonal guards. Those guys always returned to the barracks with limps and would hug each other as they cried themselves to sleep.

Luna slammed her way into the throne room, ignoring the startled and annoyed cries of the patrons that were waiting in lines to speak with Celestia as she knocked the doors off of their hinges.

“Sister! Do you feel it?”

A slightly rosy faced Celestia sat upon her sun themed throne, nervously shifting her hind quarters as her magic repaired the doors. “Yes Lulu. Please do not shout, you’re scaring them.” She gestured to the cowering nobles.

Luna bowed her head to the always skittish ponies. “We do apologise.” Turning back to her sister, she approached Celestia before sitting beside her sister on her own night themed throne. “Sister, we are worried. Who do you think could have found them?” She pointed vaguely at her lower torso while her hooves mimed groping a large pair of orbs.

Celestia’s magic quickly stopped her sister’s suggestive hoof gestures. “I do not know… but there are only two ponies currently alive I know for sure know the secret password I put on the door after your banishment.”

“A secret password?”

“Indeed.” Both monarch wince simultaneously. “Although I’m starting to regret listening to the mason who insisted on all the ‘safeguards’”

“Who ever has our… you know…” Celestia’s magic stopped her sister’s groping motions again. “Could at least be more gentle with their transport.”

"Agreed, Lulu." Celestia suppressed another wince at the rough treatment her sensitive organs were subjected to.

Twilight narrowly dodged another swinging ceiling ax and leaped into a dodgeroll to avoid the spinning saws of doom as she ran as fast as she could to outrun the massive boulders, before she leaped and tumbled to a stop just outside the dungeon as the boulder slammed into the doorway, blocking the entrance.

She laid on her back, atop the squishy jewels in her saddle bags, catching her breath, she looked up at all the ancient books lining the library in the abandoned castle, then watched as a grinding noise was heard as the bookcase moved back into place, hiding the boulder obstructed door and clicked shut with a finality. Even knowing where the seams were, she was impressed with how hard they were to spot without knowing where they were, she never would have found the secret door without the historical documents on the wild traps the princesses were apparently fond of.

A day later, after making a pit stop in ponyville to have a shower to wash off all the dungeon dust and catch some shuteye, Twilight stepped off of the train in the Canterlot’s grand central station. Her saddle bags kept secured to her body as the items held within were immeasurably valuable. Plus it would be a shame to come all this way with her gifts for the princesses and somehow lost them on the way.

Having finally arrived at the castle, Twilight would normally just walk right in, as she’s well known as the personal student of Princess Celestia by the guards and staff. But she felt like surprising her, so she filled out the required forms and waited in line with all the other patrons who wanted to have a moment of the princess’s time to speak about various matters. The subjects ponies brought to Celestia ranged from important political talk, businesses and shops, and even casual keeping up with the daily lives of her little ponies. She loved all her little ponies equally after all.

Soon, after only an hour or so, Twilight was next in line, waiting idly outside. The doors were closed, so the princess and the pony or ponies who have come to talk, could have a little privacy while they spoke. Soon the door opened and Twilight was lead into the throne room by Celestia’s assistant. Celestia was looking over the form of Twilight’s patronage, she quirked an eyebrow and looked up at Twilight, her eyes went wide.

“Twilight? You know you could have just walked in, right?”

Twilight hid her smirk, seeing Celestia’s flustered state that only ponies who know her personally would be able to detect. “I know, but I wanted to surprise you and your sister with a gift.”

Celestia blinked, slightly confused. “A gift? Surely you know such things are unnecessary?”

“Oh, I know, but I really wanted to give you these gifts, just to show you my appreciation.”

Celestia perked up a little “Well then, would you like to give them to me now?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I think it would be better if Luna was here too, and we had total privacy.”

Celestia could clearly tell Twilight was up to something. Remembering the sensations from yesterday and today, Celestia’s mind was a flurry of wonder and worry if Twilight had anything interesting planned that involved her ‘gifts’. “Well, Twilight, if you feel so strongly about it, you can sit beside me and wait while I finish up day court.”

“I think I’ll do just that. It has been a while since I watched you work.” Twilight then casually hopped up onto the dais the throne sits on and she sat down next to the thrones.

Celestia was now all too aware of what was in Twilight’s saddle bags as she felt the jostling first hoof of her organs concealed within and Twilight’s body heat radiating through her saddlebags. With a calming breath Celestia resumed her court, calling for her assistant to bring in the next pony. Hours seemed to crawl by as Celestia’s mind strayed further and further into depraved memories that involved her time as the mother of Equestria. Some of those memories morphing to replace countless mares she’s bedded in the distant past with images of Twilight impaled on her shaft.

Celestia suddenly shook her head to dispel the filthy thoughts, the stallion before her paused mid spiel. “Uh, no? But without the extra funds the orphans are surely going to suffer as the funding runs dry this year...”

Celestia froze up. She hadn't caught a word the stallion had said since he entered the room. “No no, not that, of course I’ll help...” She glanced at her assistant, the mare subtly nodded. “...raise the funding to the orphanage.” Her assistant nodded again. She breathed a sigh of relief when the stallion resumed his speech, thankfully her assistant was taking notes for her to go over later.

Evening had arrived, the last patron had left, Celestia slumped back on her throne, letting out a relieved sigh as her sun was approaching the horizon. Her assistant packed up her notes and trot out of the room to do paperwork. ”So Twilight… care to show me what you have in the bag?”

Twilight put on her most innocent smile. “Not until Luna is here, although it would probably be best that before I show you what I have were we to go someplace more private… like your bedroom, perhaps?”

Celestia nodded as she stood up, stretched out like a cat, making Twilight wince at the sound of so many joints popping like bubble wrap. “I suppose if the gift you brought really is as special as you’ve implied it to be I guess we should make haste.”

With that, she dismissed her guards of their shift as she trotted out of the throne room and down the hall. Twilight’s legs quickly scrambled to catch up and trot alongside the sun goddess causing the precious cargo to be jostled about, making Celestia walk wobbly for a moment from the distracting sensations. Twilight caught on and tried to steady her gait, thus allowing Celestia to walk with her majestic stride. Celestia smirked inwardly as she watched from the corner of her eye, Twilight happily trot beside her as she did for so many years during her tutelage. Twilight was initially confused as to why they were heading in the wrong direction, then she mentally facehooved as she realized Celestia wasn’t leading her to her own bedroom, but to her sister’s.

Having arrived at the door of Luna’s bedroom, Twilight suddenly got cold hooves. She has never been in Luna’s room. Luna forbid anypony from entering, beside her sister and her interpersonal guards course. Without making a sound, Celestia held up a hoof made a shushing gesture before she quietly opened the double doors and crept up to the sleeping princess’s bed. She looked back at the frozen Twilight and motioned her forward, using her magic to close and lock Luna’s door once the timid unicorn was through the threshold. Celestia then took care in removing her sister’s bed covers, revealing the majestic mare of the night, curled up with a teddy bear and sucking on her hoof.

Twilight had to stuff a hoof in her own mouth to suppress a daww and giggles. Twilight then had to suppress squealing when Celestia’s magic suddenly enveloped her, removed her saddle bags, and then floated her over to the sleeping form of Luna, being careful not to wake her sister, she replaced Luna’s teddy bear with a nervously shaking Twilight. The lavender unicorn tensed up as she tried to hold as still as possible. Her eyes wide as she tried to look out the corner of her eye at a mirthful Celestia as the alicorn crept out of Twilight’s field of view and began removing her regalia, placing them on a dresser in the far corner of the room where they would be least likely to befall collateral damage from the proceeding events.

Twilight lie as still as possible in Luna’s snuggling grasp. She could only hear Luna’s breaths wash over her ears and faint noises as Celestia moved around the room out of her view. Celestia was beside herself with joy as she sat on the floor next to the bed, and carefully floated Twilight’s saddle bags over to herself.

Pleasures long forgotten.

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With slow gentle movements she carefully opened the two flaps on the bags and simultaneously removed the precious treasures she hadn’t seen in literal centuries. She tossed the now empty bag aside as she observed her and her sister’s male organs for the first time in a long time. Hefting their weight and getting a true sense of their proportions, she was surprised how much larger they were then she remembered. She brought both sets of balls up to her nose and gave them both a deep sniff. She grimaced and leaned away from them. Their balls needed a bath… They had a thousand years of sweat built up on their surface after all.

Leaving Twilight to her cuddly fate, she stood and head to Luna’s bathroom. She considered using the sink before she turned to the bathtub, the sink was too small to submerge her and her sisters genitals in, and started the hot water filling the basin and added a small amount of soap. She sat beside the tub, slowly lowering her own set, testing the temperature of the water, assuring it wouldn’t startle Luna before lowering her sister’s genitals into the warm water. Using her magic to levitate a rag, she began slowly washing the large pair of organs. She was almost startled when she saw her shaft began to emerge from her sheath. First to appear was the pink flare of her cock, then the first few inches as the limp hose of pink flesh slowly dropped from the sheath.

Moving the soapy rag to Luna’s organs, she was pleased to see Luna had a similar reaction to her testicles being scrubbed. Celestia then held up the two shafts, comparing them. Happy to see her own shaft was still massive by healthy stallion standards, she couldn’t help but feel jealous when she noted her sister’s cock was girthier around the base, but at least her own endowment was longer from base to flare. Celestia then took the now clean, semi erect, cock heads into her mouth, struggling to fit both at once and gave both heads a slurp, sampling the precum that dribbled from the urethras.

She was delighted to once again taste the sweet almost honey like taste of her own production, while made even more aroused at the taste of Luna’s richer almost smokey flavor. Then removing both cock heads from her mouth, she rinsed both sets of organs off one last time before draining the tub and trotting back into Luna’s bedroom, where she was amused to find a wide eyed Twilight struggling to remove herself from Luna’s cuddly embrace as the moon diarch’s hips gently thrust against star spangled thighs.

A blushing Twilight looked up in awe and worry as Celestia approached with the genitals in her magic, and sat before Twilight, staring at the unicorn right in the eyes as she held Luna’s impressive tool up to her alabaster lips, then slowly tilted her head back as she sank the massive meat into her mouth, and down her throat, slowly all at once, where Twilight could clearly see the veiny outline of Luna’s cock deforming Celestia’s throat to make room.

Luna humped harder against Twilight’s ass when Celestia slowly withdrew Luna’s cock from her throat. Twilight’s eyes locked on the shape of the flare as it moved under Celestia’s taught skin. Celestia then gave the tip a gentle kiss as she moved it aside and lift her own cock head to her muzzle, giving herself a kiss, before repeating the motion using her own impressive cock. Twilight could feel her lower lips moisten and begin to twitch with arousal as she watched the incredibly depraved act.

Celestia only smirked as she began to smell Twilight’s scent began to coalesce with her and her sister’s scents of arousal in the air. The white alicorn then slowly removed her own cock from her mouth, but not without swallowing noisily around the head, making her own hips twitch in sympathy for her teased cock. She then stood up and turned around, flagging her tail to the side, allowing her student to see what many stallions would kill to get only a glimpse of. Great white hips with large round, sun-adorned cheeks came together in a dark crevice with fat pouty pink engorged-red-with-arousal mare lips. And nestled above her winking horsepussy, a perfectly pink ring of taught muscle shaped not unlike a doughnut.

Twilight’s eyes glued themselves to the Princess’s winking labia as a fat engorged clitorous throbbed in and out between thick meaty lips that were quickly becoming coated in the princess’s honey. She blinked in slight startlement when Celestia’s large pink cock head moved into view, almost completely covering the winking pussy from view. Then impossibly, after teasing her tip against her lips to get some lubrication, Celestia began to slowly thrust her own cock into her own pussy, wet squelches sounding as the hard pole is forced into the tight writhing insides.

Celestia almost fainted from the double pleasures. Her front half falling to the floor, while her hind legs locked, holding her ass high to let Twilight watch as she slowly sank her huge cock to the hilt inside herself. Letting her magic let go of her male anatomy, she shook her hips, letting Twilight watch in awe as the massive pendulous balls swung side to side as they hung from the base of her buried cock. Celestia grabbed her cock again and gave herself a few firm thrusts. Twilight's eyes wide as dinner plates as she could barely see the bulge the organ made in Celestia’s belly, just between her heavy milky teats. Having thoroughly lubed up her penis, Celestia slowly withdrew it from her vagina, before letting Twilight watch her foalhole gape and clench a few times before she moved the head of her cock up and smear her nectar around her massive pink ponut. Her balls completely obstructing Twilight’s view of her marehood, but Twilight didn’t complain as she watched the sun princess slowly sink her truly massive cock into her own asshole.

There was a subtle popping noise when the massive flared head breached the tight ring of muscles. Then Celestia let out a long moan, the first noise she’s made since entering Luna’s room, as she slowly sank her big pink cock all the way to the hilt in her own ponut. She wiggled her ass again for Twilight, showing her massive balls swing side to side and gently plap against her sopping wet pussy lips. Twilight’s eyes following the fertile orbs like a hypnotist's watch. Twilight’s view changed as the tip of Luna’s big blue cock head was presented to her. Celestia looking over her shoulder at her student expectantly. Twilight tentatively reached her tongue out and she licked the flared head of Luna’s scepter, enticing a moan from the sleeping goddess’ chest. Twilight gave a few more laps and sucking kisses on the flare, enjoying the strong male flavors.

Celestia gave Twilight an approving look as she brought the saliva covered cock head over to her rear, using her magic to lift her massive balls out of the way, she brought Luna’s cock head to her own pussy lips, letting her winking clit flick against the flared head before she slowly sank the massive blue cock into herself. Twilight’s eyes watching the performance, one of her hooves straying between her thighs to begin rubbing, enticing moisture to drip to the bed and more of her pheromones to permeate the room alongside the princesses’s strong scents.

Luna awoke with a snort and slowly blinked her bleary eyes, her vision slowly returned and the first thing she saw upon waking? Her sister shaking her ass in her face as two pairs of massive testicles dangle from her holes, swinging side to side and plapping against one another like massive door knockers. Luna then registered the fidgeting unicorn who was currently schlicking herself in the night princess’s hooves. Luna’s hooves slowly release their grip on the unicorn and her muzzle moves between the busy student’s ears.

“Twilight… I hope you know a powerful contraceptive spell… Seems tonight is going to be interesting...”

Celestia and Twilight froze in place as if suddenly struck by a very powerful ice spell. Celestia slowly turned her head, looking over her double impaled rear at the slightly annoyed look on her sister’s face. Celestia’s mouth gaped like a fish before words finally reached her tongue.

“Look Lulu, Twilight has brought us gifts.” She shook her ass, making their balls swing again for emphasis.

“I see, so it was Twilight who found our jewels after all? How marvelous.” She pulled the attempting to escape Twilight into a hug, then flipped her around so they were facing face to face. “I believe you deserve a reward as a token of our thanks.”

Twilight took several deep breaths to stop her hyperventilation. “N-no problem… and a reward is unnecessary.”

“Nonsense. You shall be rewarded immediately for your kind gift.” And without another word, beside a surprised squawk from the librarian, Luna pulled Twilight into a forceful kiss, quicky dominating the smaller pony with her lips and tongue.

Celestia let out a sigh of relief as she began to move the pair of cocks in and out of her body, moving them so one would hilt within her as the other was just tip deep in one of her tight, warm holes. Luna moaned into Twilight’s mouth as she rocked her hips against Twilight’s belly at the feeling of her cock parting the tight gripping insides of her sister’s hot dripping pussy with each thrust her sister made. Twilight’s hoof was slowly returning to her nethers to resume her manual stimulation, when she felt Luna’s much larger hoof push her limb aside and begin to stroke her puffy purple pussy lips. The frog of the blue hoof covering Twilight’s entire sex easily, stimulating the whole mound of squishy soft flesh all at once.

Celestia meanwhile was beginning to pant and moan like a mare in heat as she felt her climax approaching, she felt her own cock head flare wide inside her ass while her canal rhythmically clenched and unclenched on Luna’s thicker cock. Luna let herself get lost in the pleasures of her sister’s vagina while her hoof fiddled with the mare she was making out with. Twilight was simply swept away by the waves of arousal rolling off of her being as she was fondled and loved by the navy blue princess. Luna’s hoof quickly becoming a blur as she rapidly rubbed Twilight’s sex to pleasured peaks.

Celestia was the first to break, clenching down on both shafts as she began cumming into her own asshole, filling her gut with massive gushes of baby gravy. Twilight, hearing her mentor’s cries of pleasure soon gave in herself as her own winking marehood began to squirt wet gushes of her juices against Luna’s working hoof. Luna was the last to give, pinning Twilight’s body to her body as she drove her hips against the unicorn, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back on her pillow as she felt her cock flare, locking itself against her sister’s cervix, before her urethra began throbbing, sending huge bouts of cum directly into her sister’s womb, completely claiming her sister’s being as she filled the largest mare in the room with virile semen, causing her tight white belly to slowly bulge outwards with her massive torrent of cum.

The three mares writhed at once for several minutes as Celestia was slowly filled to the brim, and Luna’s bed became stained with the fluids dripping out of the both mares’ cumming pussies. Celestia struggled to waddle over to the bed, flopping onto the soft surface beside her sister and with her student in the middle while her cock continued to flood her colon with cum. She shared a smile with her sister as she felt Luna give her last spurt of cum before the blue cock began to deflate, slowly retracting itself into its sheath that was pressed between the pair of sun cutie mark adorned ass cheeks.

Luna smiled at her sister over the panting unicorn. “So sister… I believe it is Twilight’s turn.”

Celestia giggled, nodding enthusiastically. “Indeed it is...” Her magic slowly pulled the pair of penises from her abused holes, the heads popping out simultaneously, letting their deposits of cum leak from her rear. The trails of essence dripping down her flanks to mingle in the bedsheets. She used her magic to quickly clean her own cock then she smirked before letting both semi soft lengths rest against Twilight. The unicorn shivering at the feeling of the twin shafts resting against her body, she wiggled and rolled onto her back and hugged the pair cocks. She then grabbed Luna’s, the shorter of the two, and line the base up with her marehood, and laying the shaft along her belly between her teats. The tip of the blue cock dripping cum onto the center of her rib cage.

“Wow… there’s no way I’m going to be able to take either of these…” She sighed in disappointment before giving both soft flares a kiss.

“Don’t be so sure, Twilight, I’m sure my sister still knows of an elasticity spell...” Celestia spoke in a smokey sensual voice directly into the unicorn’s ear before nibbling on said ear.

Luna lean in to nibble on the other ear. “Indeed I do… now Twilight, please cast that contraceptive spell on yourself, we wouldn’t want to accidentally start a coup against the nobles.”

Twilight nodded, focusing her magic on her womb, one of the rare moments when she’s really made aware of the amazing organ hidden inside of her. Her lower belly glowed for a moment, the shape of her womb and her oviducts made visible as if by an x-ray. She shuddered, feeling weird the moment she felt her womb become temporarily infertile. She then ran her hoof over her belly, between her teats, smiling at her spell working.

“Okay, I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be...” The lavender unicorn let out a shaky breath as Luna’s magic enveloped her entire body, she felt a strange warmth as the magic modified her body, primarily around her belly, at a cellular level. Truly advanced magic only available to the alicorns themselves. Celestia then used her magic to guide her once again erect cock down to the dripping purple pussy lips.

“Just relax Twilight, this won’t hurt a bit.” The sun princess slowly worked her huge flare against the tight pink slit hidden within the winking marehood. Her wide cock head like a small barstool compared to the size of Twilight’s rump she was trying to penetrate. The unicorn felt a strange sensation as her hip bones began to stretch like rubber to accommodate the monolithic pink cock trying to gain entry. Celestia and Luna’s hooves hugged the unicorn, giving the mare a sense of true safety as the massive mare breaker slowly made its way past Twilight’s snug entrance. Resting against Twilight’s chest, the leaking tip of Luna’s blue cock twitched in anticipation as Luna and herself watched Celestia’s cock slowly penetrate the smaller marehood. Twilight’s eyes snapped from her own pussy to the drooling blue cock slit on her chest. She grabbed the cock with her hooves and slowly brought the stiff pole up to her lips, gently suckling and kissing the tip and urethra, unable to get the entire flare into her mouth at once. She suddenly tensed all over as she had her first orgasm on Celestia’s cock from the head finally popping in through the tight ring of twitching muscle. Celestia shuddered at the feeling of the tight orifice clenching on her cock head rhythmically trying to pull it in deeper, and hot sticky juices gushing all over her shaft.

Several seconds passed as Twilight shuddered and squeaked in aftershocks of one of the strongest orgasms in her short life. She slowly resumed licking Luna’s cock slit as she regained control of her body. She nodded her head to Celestia to resume her deep dive into Twilight’s body. Celestia’s eyes rolled back and her tongue hang from her mouth as she felt more of her cock sink into Twilight’s pussy. Now that the hard part was over, the rest of her shaft easily followed suit.

Celestia leaned over and locked lips with her sister as she slowly thrust her cock into her student. Luna moaned into Celestia’s mouth as said student lavashed her cock head with licks and kisses. Twilight became obsessed with Luna’s flavor as more and more dripped from her cock. She began suckling on the opening like a drinking straw in hope of coaxing out tangy precum. Her hooves fondled and rubbed all over Luna’s massive balls as they rest on Twilight’s belly, her small perky teats pressing into the underside of the sloshing orbs as her belly was forced to expand to accommodate Celestia’s size.

Twilight came again, even stronger, as she felt Celestia’s flare thump against her cervix. The entrance to her womb flexing as her entire birth canal clenched and milked at Celestia’s shaft for the princess’s essence. She struggled to lift her head to look down her body, nearly two thirds of cock were still dry as Celestia still had more cock to stuff into the unicorn. Twilight lifted Luna’s balls to the side and stared in awe as her lower body was molded into the shape of Celestia’s cock. She panted and resumed sucking on Luna’s cock again, letting Celestia try to shove more cock into her.

Celestia was panting at the intense tightness around her shaft. Holding back her urge to cum, she began gently thrusting herself into the tight pussy. Making Twilight moan and gasp on Luna’s cock as she slowly worked her tip against the barrier to Twilight’s womb. With a sudden jolt, Twilight’s womb gave way and Celestia drove her cock into the foal factory. The stretchy charm on Twilight’s body allowing her cock to continue to push deeper, stretching her womb and canal to accommodate Celestia’s massive cock.

Twilight looked down her body again cumming just from looking at herself, her belly was stretched around Celestia’s shape as if she were just a big water balloon wrapped around the massive meat. Twilight came a third time on Celestia’s cock, her mouth accidentally nibbled on Luna’s cock head, which caused Luna to grunt and thrust her hips against Twilight’s side at the rough treatment of her sensitive flare.

Soon Twilight returned to her senses. Celestia nuzzled the stuffed mare’s mane. “Are you okay? Think you can continue?”

Twilight rapidly nodded her head. “Yes please. Oh please please please yes...”

Celestia let out a faint giggle at the needy unicorn impaled on her giant cock. She gave Twilight a gentle kiss on the lips, then began to withdraw herself from the unicorn. Soon her retreat was stopped by the snug lips of her student’s reddened entrance gripping tightly to the pink head of her shaft. Twilight’s clit was rapidly winking, rubbing itself against the side of the shaft that felt a thousand times its size.

Then Celestia began to shove the massive cock all the way back into Twilight. The librarian’s body gave no further protests as she easily stretched to the shape of the cock. Celestia slowly worked her cock at a steady pace, slowly gaining speed and power as she hilted her cock into her lover over and over. Her massive balls began to clap against Twilight’s ass, leaving red marks across her purple flanks.

Luna moaned out loud, watching her sister claim the mare between them as said mare happily suckled and drooled on her blue cock as she was stuffed full of pink cock. Luna couldn’t help herself and leaned in to join Twilight in licking her own cock, she savored her own rich taste and pulled Twilight into a kiss to share a thick glob of her precum as they made out.

Celestia laid her head back as she lost herself to the pleasure as her magic thrust her cock in and out of her willing mate. Her male instincts screaming at her to breed this mare. To make new heirs to the throne. Her hooves wrapped themselves around the mare, holding her in a tight embrace as she rubbed her white hips against purple thighs, her flushed pink pussy smeared Luna’s leaking cum into the purple mare’s coat as she ground herself against the mare she was breeding.

Celestia gave a pleasured squeal as she began to cum, her cock jerking and twitching inside Twilight as she drove herself to release with a few powerful final thrusts before hilting her cock inside the purple mare. Twilight came the second she felt the thick hot batter flood her womb, her mouth clamping on Luna’s cock as her eyes watched her belly start to grow before her eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttered closed as the pleasure overwhelmed her senses.

Panting for breath after such an intense feeling, Twilight slowly lifted her head, looking at the massive swell her belly has become. Stuffed to overflowing with Celestia’s production. Celestia’s magic had fizzled out during her orgasm, yet her cock remained locked balls deep inside Twilight due to her massive flare acting like a plug, keeping her tip deep inside as she filled the mare, her cock still pumped her full of white hot goop.

After a minute or two, Celestia’s cock stopped pumping and deflated enough for Twilight to squeeze her kegels and push the meaty cork out of her hips, the tip getting stuck behind her tight lips. She struggled to sit up and pull the cock out with her hooves, but simply couldn’t reach over her massive full belly. Thankfully Luna hadn't had her orgasm yet, and the worked up alicorn nuzzled and kissed Twilight and her cock as she used her magic to remove Celestia’s tool from the purple pussy. Immediately a massive gush of Celestia’s cum flooded out of Twilight as her belly deflated. She clenched her abs, forcing as much of Celestia’s release out of her body as she could.

Luna grew just a little jealous as she watched gallons of her sister’s virile production cover her bed and drip onto the floor. “Such a mess… this will surely take the maids weeks to clean.”

Celestia came to a moment later and looked down at her handy work. “Do not worry, we can burn these sheets and go shopping once we’ve finished here...”

Luna nodded in agreement as her magic brought Celestia’s cum covered cock up to her muzzle. She gave the soft rod a sniff, breathing deep her sister’s potent musk, then she opened her mouth and deepthroat the sticky cock all at once. Celestia nearly came all at once from the sensation of her cock being swallowed around as Luna slurped the cock slowly back out of her mouth, lips tightly sealed. Luna then presented Celestia with her now cleaned cock before opening her mouth and showing the mixture of Celestia and Twilight’s fluids on her tongue.

Celestia watched with interest as her sister tilted her head back and swallowed her cum. Luna gave Celestia’s cock to Twilight for her to make out with as she grabbed her own hard as diamonds shaft, she moved it slowly so her balls dragged down Twilight’s body as she roughly ground the side of her shaft against the cum leaking unicorn pussy. Celestia let out a choked gasp as she felt Twilight started to make out with her limp breeding equipment. Twilight sucked hard on the urethra, drawing out any left over cum. Humming in delight as she swallowed a sample of Celestia’s baby batter, she then dragged the big white ballsack up over her body and buried her face between the two massive churning ovoids.

She licked and nipped at the soft fleshy bag that contained the alicorn proportioned testicals. She felt around with her lips and tongue, finding the spermatic cords and moaning in delight. The pair of tubes that connect the princess’s balls to the base of her cock were each as thick as a foal’s arm. Celestia moaned as her cock rapidly regained firmness from feeling her ballsack so thoroughly explored by her student.

Twilight let out a long deep moan into the fleshy scrotum as she felt Luna slowly sink her cock into her stretched and gaping pussy. Luna’s eyes rolled back as she felt the tight pussy was lubed with her sister’s cum. The perfect solution for her much girthier member to stuff itself into the small mare beside her. Celestia leaned over and began suckling on her cock flare while her student moaned and lipped into her balls while Luna began thrusting her telegraph pole of a cock in and out of the well stretched out womb and canal of the lavender unicorn.

Twilight was in heaven. Her body was wracked with pleasures she had never experienced before. Her face was smothered in the most precious set of jewels in history. She could suffocate and die under these balls right now and her life would be complete. But if she did that, she wouldn’t get to feel these pleasures again. With a reluctant draw of breath, she moved the sack off of her muzzle so she could at least breath while moaning and cumming her brains out from the titanic thrusts her lower half was suffering, from Luna’s excited thrusting and pumping of her cock into a willing pussy.

Celestia suckled and slurped on her throbbing flare as she watched Luna ravage the thinly stretched marehood of her student. Without the elasticity spell, Twilight would have been grievously injured from taking her own endowed member. But with the way Luna was hammering her balls against Twilight’s backside, without the enchantment, Twilight would have surely died of internal bleeding. Thankfully her student trusted her fully and allowed the enchantment to be bestowed upon her supple body and shapely hips.

The princess of the sun let out a shuddering breath as she removed her throbbing cock head from her mouth. She was on the verge of cumming again, but didn’t want to waste her seed on her own tongue. Twilight led out a disappointed groan as Celestia lifted her cock and balls off of the unicorn. She leaned in and began making out with the formerly timid Twilight as she rubbed her cock into her sister’s side and slowly dragged her flared drooling head down her sister’s body until she let her tip rest against Luna’s marehood. All the while Luna hadn’t stopped the crazed pace of her magic thrusting her big blue cock into the tight purple unicorn.

She gasped and her breathing and thrusting hitched as she felt her sister’s saliva covered flare began to force itself into her passageway, she lifted a hind leg into the air, giving her sister room as her long pink cock sunk into her body. Her clit winked like mad, rubbing her love nub against the shaft of the cock as it slowly sank into her body. Celestia thumped against her womb, an old friend knocking for permission to enter. Luna looked into her sister’s eyes as her sister made out with the unicorn Luna was currently hammering her shaft balls deep into.

Twilight let out a squeal as she felt the blue cock suddenly unleash a massive load of spunk all at once. Twilight fell into orgasm again as Celestia’s tongue danced around her mouth while Luna washed out her sister’s seed with her own massive production. Celestia shuddered, feeling her sister’s pussy clamp and milk her cock when she was barely had a third buried in blue pussy lips. She had to clench her teeth to keep herself from cumming inside her sister too early.

Minutes crawled by as Twilight was turned into a water balloon with legs and a head. Seeking to relieve her student of her sister’s burden, she removed her sister’s still cumming cock from the purple pussy. She brought the blue cock up to her muzzle and shared the tasty treat that was spewing out like a fire hose with Twilight. She made out with the unicorn with the cock head squished between their lips, sucking and swallowing the heavy cream the fat cock continued to pump out seed.

Eventually the blue cock ran out of juice and began to grow limp. Celestia’s cock meanwhile had finally hilted in her sister. The relentless attempts of her sister’s marehood at milking her cum had made it impossible to sink any deeper into Luna. Luna’s cock finally laid limp on Twilight’s belly as the student and the teacher made out. Both of their faces were completely caked in her white cream. She watched them with fascination, she leaned in and joined the make out session, delighted by her own flavor on their tongues. She squeaked into their mouths as she felt her sister began to pull her cock out of her body, then suddenly the long pink cock slammed back into her depths, her body accommodated the oversized tool. All three mares sucked each other’s faces then moved to join a moaning Luna as she began to suckle her own hardening length.

Three sets of lips sucked, chewed and licked at the drooling head of Luna’s cock as it rest on Twilight’s body. Her ballsack drooped over the unicorn like an obscene blanket. The fertile orbs resting either side of Twilight’s hips as her cock grew to full mast once again. Celestia grunted as she struggled to move her shaft inside her sister as the tight blue pussy clamped onto her shaft again. Disappointing the two mares, Celestia float her sister’s genitals around her backside, the saliva covered cock head pressed snuggly up to Luna’s asshole.

“W-wait sister! I do not think it will- ahhh!” Luna tried to beg as Celestia gently but firmly made Luna fuck herself.

The white alicorn smirked as she felt Luna’s cock press against her own through the thin wall of flesh that separated her ass from her cunt. Luna’s eyes rolled back as her sister began thrusting both cocks into her body. Her taught blue belly bulging out with each alternating thrusts of the blue and pink cocks. The fat balls slapped against each other with each thrust. She felt Celestia’s big warm balls brushing against her own with each pass. Her mind quickly went blank as she felt all these sensations at once.

Celestia hilt Luna’s cock into her ass as the blue pillar began pumping out gallons of spunk into her own ass. Celestia had held back, enjoying the feeling of the cock next to hers pumping out cum as she continued to thrust herself into her sister’s baby maker. Suddenly Twilight sat up, her magenta magic grabbed hold of both cocks as she looked back at Celestia. Her mentor nodded her consent as she let her golden magic fade. Twilight then began pumping Luna’s still cumming cock in and out of her ass as he began different thrusts with Celestia’s cock. She began pulling the pink cock all the way out of the blue pussy, take a big lick and suck of the sun goddess’ cock, then she shoved the cock back into it’s sister’s pussy. She repeated this about twenty times. Each time she removed the cock, she brought it to her lips and would suckle.

She began paying attention. When she felt Celesia was on the verge of cumming, she would hold the cock still, until the jerking and twitching calmed down. Then she would return it to its home in Luna and resume fucking the cumming princess with the pent up pole. When she heard Celestia try to speak up and beg, she heft the balls, feeling how built up they were with extra seed. After a few more minutes of torture, Celestia finally worked up enough strength to speak, but was cut off by suddenly feeling her sister’s pussy become a blur on her cock as Twilight jackhammered her into her sister as hard and fast as she could.

Celestia cried out in joy and relief as she was pushed past her edge by her student. Her cock was pressed as deep as it could be into her sister. Both pairs of balls rest against each other as they twitched and jerk with each powerful jet of cum they each fed to Luna’s backside. Twilight ran her hooves over the swelling form of Luna’s belly. She poked and rubbed, feeling the once firm and muscular abs become soft and squishy like a water bed.

Twilight nearly came again as she watch her handy work stuff Luna full. She was startled and her magic fizzled out when Celestia suddenly wrapped her hooves around her, dragged her into a hug, and pressed her between the two alicorns as they both watched Luna’s belly expand. Eventually the pair of cocks stop cumming. Resting contently inside Luna. Celestia smiled and with a thought, she pulled her sister’s cock out of her ass, quickly cast a sanitizing spell over the cock. Then made her student squeak as Luna’s cock was shoved balls deep into her full vagina again. Once Celestia was sure it had a thick coating of her and her sister’s cum, she moved the slowly deflating blue cock to her own rear end, and sank the partly soft shaft balls deep into her still leaking pussy.

Celestia then reached out with her magic, set the sun completely, and reached out to lift her sister’s moon into the sky to start the night. She thought about cleaning the bed, but felt lazy and just draped her sister’s blankets over the three of them, then with a kiss on Twilight’s and Luna’s forehead, she pulled them into a cuddle with her wings and joined them in a well earned sleep. They all had very interesting and enjoyable dreams that night.