Showing His Place 2

by TheVClaw

First published

Two months following Sombra's introduction into Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's sex life, the sadistic Ex-King has a surprise for the cuckolded Prince. Since he's fine with his wife playing with Sombra, maybe his sister should join in as well~

It's been over two months since Shining Armor and Princess Cadance arranged a rather... taboo understanding with their rehabilitated former enemy, King Sombra. Even though the former Tyrant no longer wishes to reclaim his throne, or even think to return to his wretched past, his lust for power made him a perfect suitor for the married couple's debaucherous desires behind closed doors. But despite how sadistic and demeaning Sombra may be around Princess Cadance, Shining couldn't have felt more content with the position he allowed himself to be in.

Unfortunately, one particular weekend might prove to be a bit more daunting for the submissive cuckold of a Prince. For you see, it seemed that Sombra and Cadance arranged for another mare to join in on their fun. And just like the first Princess Sombra had claimed as his own, his second is somepony just as close to Shining as his own wife...

His sister, Princess Twilight Sparkle~

[NOTE: This story is the winning sequel from my December Commission Poll on my Official Patreon page, and is a NSFW prompt that involves M/F/F sex, cuckolding, power-play, shared oral, voyeurism and exhibitionism, humiliation, degradation, incestuous pegging, and lots of marital taboos. Reader Discretion is Advised.]

Chapter One: A New Mare Enters

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“So, ummm… what do you think?”

Shining Armor kept an optimistic, but still fairly weak-looking smile while he walked down the crystal hallway alongside the older stallion. Behind the two ponies, a couple of the Crystal Empire’s Royal Guards were keeping a respectful distance to keep from eavesdropping. However, it was obvious that both of the Guards were keeping their attentions solely on the charcoal-grey stallion trotting alongside their Prince. Of course, given who the pony was -- or more accurately, who the stallion used to be -- even Shining couldn’t blame his Guards for still acting apprehensive about who was walking around the Crystal Castle again.

Fortunately for the stallion himself, he didn’t seem to mind the peering eyes locked onto him from behind. Instead, he maintained his focus on the newspaper he was holding with one hoof. Despite how impressive the prosthetic horn looked atop his forehead, the bright red cone of carbon fiber didn’t grant him any of the magic abilities he lost following his failed reclamation of the Crystal Empire. Because of that, the pony was left walking on three legs while trying to maintain the same walking speed as Shining Armor; due to his frustration, the sneer on his muzzle was strong enough to show the tips of his protruding fangs.

Alas, the stallion’s brows were still raised fairly high as he tried to reply to Shining’s question politely. “Honestly, I… I really wouldn’t have expected the Crystal Press to write about me in such a positive light.”

After giving his input, the pony handed the paper back to Shining so it could be taken in the Prince’s magic. While the pink-hued aura illuminated and hovered the newspaper before both of them, even the Guards behind them could see the boldly-fonted title the paper had:

Sombra -- Once A Tyrant, Now Equestria’s Latest Reformed Icon for Friendship’

Between the title and the article itself was a large photograph of the stallion, pictured outside an event where he’s cutting a ribbon beside Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Upon seeing that photograph, Shining sighed contently before looking back towards the Ex-King. “Well, given how well your probation has been going,” he said while keeping his tone of voice cheerful, “I think it’s great that some of the Crystal Ponies are starting to take notice. I mean, that was one of the biggest reasons Celestia had you stay here as opposed to a correctional facility.”

Sombra didn’t turn his head to glance back at the Crystal Guards, but he could still sense their muzzles wrinkling uncomfortably to the Prince’s claim. But alas, the former Tyrant was still aware that despite his wretched past and former rule on the Crystal Empire, Shining’s statement wasn’t entirely false. Whomever wrote that positive article about him may have been in the very small minority, but it seemed that his probation was showing some notable progress to the Crystal Empire’s citizens outside. But regardless of how little his attempts to better himself may have felt, Sombra was able to huff through his nostrils before speaking less brashly towards the Empire’s current Co-Leader. “I suppose that is true. I mean, if it wasn’t for your generosity upon finding my frozen body, there’s a good chance I’d have my head on a pike as opposed to walking alongside you right now.”

Despite that morbid imagery (as well as both of the Guards shrugging in agreement behind them), Shining couldn’t help chuckling with an understanding nod. “Well, I… I guess I can’t try to dispute that, can I? I mean… the decision to have you stay here was a controversial one, I’m not going to lie…”

Shining had to take a second to sigh upon remembering those first couple weeks after the former Tyrant’s return and unfreezing. The amount of stress he and Cadance went through to ensure the city wouldn’t revolt was beyond intense to say the least. But at the same time, neither he or his wife could deny how significant his presence had been since he agreed to undergo reformation within the castle walls. Not to mention, it was hard for the Prince to keep from blushing as he tried not to think about how significant Sombra turned out to be. Fortunately, Shining was able to take a deep breath before continuing to speak towards him.

“... But still! Like… Considering how well you’ve been implementing my sister’s friendship lessons, I think it’s pretty clear you’re showing a ton a progress.”

“Oh, you don’t have to exaggerate,” retorted Sombra with a roll of his eyes, as well as a slight smirk back towards the Prince. “It’s not like I can really implement my friendship knowledge without breaking house arrest.”

Shining may have nodded once more to that truthful detail, but he was quick to respond while holding up that newspaper. “Well, the answers you gave in that published interview say otherwise. I mean…” Shining huffed with an impressed smirk as he looked back at that still-hovering paper, and glossed over some of the quoted lines Sombra said for the article. “... given some of the things you said about me and Cadance, I kinda want to have this framed and hung in our bedroom.”

Sombra chuckled with a warmer expression his face, and looked back at Shining with a genuinely sincere smile. Despite how wary the two Guards may have looked while trying not to listen in, Sombra didn’t show any dishonesty in his tone as he said to the Prince, “I know that my quotes were a little… unexpected, I suppose. But that doesn’t mean I was exaggerating or falsifying any of my claims in the slightest. As soon as that journalist asked me how I felt about your leadership alongside your wife, I couldn’t think of a better answer to give: As far as I’m concerned, I have nothing but the deepest respect for both of you.”

As they walked, Shining had to take a moment to smile gratefully back at Sombra. Despite how intimidating the older stallion may have looked, the Prince could tell that he said that with the purest form of truth. Even the Guards had to glance back at each other in slight surprise, not expecting their former ruler to say such a thing so sincerely.

“I mean,” continued Sombra as he looked away from Shining and shook his head with a bemused huff, “do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to try and lead the Crystal Empire through a democratic monarchy? By myself? With all of the parliament meetings, bill reforms, discussions with chiefs of staff, and everything else that came with being appointed as King, I was starting to grow grey hairs before my first year because of all the stress!”

Sombra paused as he brushed his pitch-black mane with his hoof, and sighed softly. “Honestly, I should’ve realized early on that I was getting into politics for the wrong reasons. I was hungry for power, but was looking in the wrong places to sate that craving. Even before I dabbled with Dark Magic, I was contemplating moving to a Dictatorship just out of laziness! At least then, I was able to say what I wanted done and have ponies listen to me!”

Once again, Shining nodded his head while keeping his muzzle tightly shut. While he may have already known very well about Sombra’s lust for power, he never thought that his descent into evil was from fairly simple influences. But alas, he kept himself silent on the matter while Sombra finished speaking. “But, as I was saying… I wasn’t cut out to rule this empire, Shining Armor. I’m just as aware of that as any of the history books. The tediousness of Democracy didn’t bode well with me, but you and your wife absolutely excelled in it! And with an Alicorn daughter, nonetheless! And for that reason, I want you know that I do have a lot of respect for you as a leader.”

By the time Sombra finished that heartfelt rave regarding the Prince and his wife, Shining looked absolutely touched by the sentiment. Meanwhile, Sombra tried to keep a more casual smile on his muzzle while looking between Shining and the two Guards behind them. The Crystal Ponies immediately looked elsewhere the instant Sombra looked back at them, but didn’t seem upset at all by what the Ex-King had to say. Because of that, Sombra just smiled with a bemused huff by the time he looked back at the Prince.

“W… Wow, I…” Shining had to take a moment as the two reached the end of the hallway, where a private elevator already had its doors opened to take the stallions to their suites. But before they could stop to get on, Shining carried a thankful smile as he said to his former enemy, “Sombra… I can honestly say that’s one of the nicest things you’ve ever said to me.”

“Well…” After a brief pause, Sombra smiled wider back at him and replied, “I guess you can thank your sister for teaching me how to treat a friend.”

Shining nodded courteously, and then made a quick turn back towards his Guards to salute them off. The two Crystal Ponies saluted back before they made their leaves in dismissal, leaving Shining and Sombra on their own. Despite how unusual it may have been for the Prince to be left unattended with a former villain, neither of them showed any discourse as they stepped into the elevator and closed the door. The vintage metal structure turned on with the mechanical whirls of gears from above, and the cables that were holding it in place began to turn as the stallions were lifted up to their floor.

Several seconds passed in silence as the two stood in the enclosed space, with Shining still smiling with a faint blush from Sombra’s earlier words. However, Sombra’s expression seemed more stoic and calculated than before, almost as if he literally wiped the smile from his face the instant those Guards left. Since there were no surveillance spells or recording devices within the elevator, there wasn’t much to keep the former Tyrant from speaking in a more domineering tone after a sharp exhale.

So, Shining Armor,” he said while he polished one of his hooves by rubbing it against his tufted chest. “I take it that you put all the preparations in place?”

Shining’s smile went away as he pursed his lips shut, and closed his eyes to take a shakier breath than Sombra had. After breathing out meekly, the Prince’s cheeks started to glow a deeper shade of red while he spoke. “Ummm… Y-Yes! I… I dismissed the Guards assigned outside our bedroom for the night, and ordered the castle staff to avoid our wing until noon tomorrow. I also got Sunburst to foalsit for Flurry Heart tonight, and placed a sound decoy spell on your quar--I mean… Your old quarters so the Guards won’t get suspicious…”

Sombra smirked more confidently while he stood beside Shining, who was looking increasingly timid the higher the elevator went. While the Royal quarters weren’t that high up, the elevator’s vintage build meant they still had a few minutes to talk before arriving at their floor. Because of that, Sombra couldn’t help glancing back at Shining with a widening, and especially devilish-looking grin. “I must say, I’m rather impressed with your diligence. Not many husbands would go to these kinds of lengths for somepony like me~”

Shining tried his hardest not to hang his head in embarrassment following that statement, even though he knew it likely would’ve done little to improve how he was viewed by the Ex-King. Sombra’s statements regarding the Prince’s leadership may have been true, but Shining knew that the stallion’s respect for him was solely for his title and rule. He also knew that as soon as the two arrived back at their bedroom, he wouldn’t necessarily be a ‘Prince’ by any legible measure.

“Wouldn’t you agree?~” asked Sombra for further clarification, even though his widening smirk and narrowing red eyes made it obvious he was just trying to tease the pony.

Fortunately, Shining didn’t seem upset by that question as he breathed out deeply, and tried to speak through the blush he could feel growing heavier across his cheeks. “I… I suppose there aren’t many husbands like me, heh heh. Ummm… a-although, I…”

As Shining’s hooves fidgeted a bit against the metal floor of the elevator, he needed a second to quell his nerves before he added with a sheepish smile, “... I’m fairly sure that… not many stallions could provide for a Princess like you do~”

Sombra’s smile turned wickedly wide, and he cackled under his breath as he replied, “Ohhhhhhh... I couldn’t agree more~”

Upon seeing that wide and dominant grin, Shining’s head instinctively lowered a little more while he smiled nervously. Even if somepony were to notice the two in that moment without any context, they likely would’ve assumed there was a strong power-shift that occurred as soon as they were alone. However, given what the taboo truth of the matter really was, it was definitely for the best that Shining Armor’s subjects were blissfully left in the dark.

Aaaaahhhhhh…~” Sombra pulled his head back while taking a long and satisfied breath, and sighed contently before he asked the Prince, “So, Shining… Did your wife take those pills I recommended?~”

Shining’s lips briefly pursed shut, and he had to exhale through his nostrils before nodding his head. “Y-Yeah, I… I saw her take them this morning. And… And, ummm…”

The Prince’s blush was now a full-blown red across most of his face. Another pause was needed so he could look up to see Sombra’s waiting smirk, and gulp before finishing his response. “She… Sh-She told me she was ovulating earlier today…”

Sombra’s smile widened enough to show most of his glistening fangs, and he narrowed his blood-red eyes on the Prince as he said, “Well then… Let’s hope she’ll be ready for me~”

Despite how pathetically meager Shining’s expression may have looked, or how strongly his legs quivered in response to that chilling statement, he had a weak and trembling smile of his own as he nodded in affirmation towards Sombra. “Y-Yeah. I… I really hope so too…”

With that being said, Shining looked back at the elevator doors as he tried to collect his breath. Meanwhile, Sombra’s smile was downright sadistic as he stared at the stallion in wait, like a cat waiting for an unlucky mouse to protrude from its hiding spot. And with the elevator finally reaching its destination, both of them knew that their weekly “Couples Night” was due to begin soon.

“Oh! I almost forgot…” Sombra turned to grab something from the small satchel he had hanging from his side. Even though the bag itself was made of a transparent plastic due to his probation, that didn’t mean Shining’s wife couldn’t slip something inside with a concealment spell. Because of that, the Prince’s eyes widened in surprise the moment he looked back at Sombra, and saw that familiar item hanging from his hoof teasingly. “I hope you don’t mind,” said the Ex King in a condescendingly gleeful tone of voice, “but Cadance and I thought it’d be fun to start the fun a little earlier this time~”

Shining Armor’s heart shot up to his throat as soon as he saw that bright pink collar, as well as the matching leash that hung down from it. He had to look around in paranoia before blurting, “W-Wait, what?! You… Y-You mean right now?!”

Yes,” Sombra stated with a firm nod of his head, and his grin as unrelenting as ever. “Since you seem soooo excited about seeing your wife being defiled by me again, I figured I should give you a little extra torment first~”

Shining’s ears dropped down to the sides of his head, and an audible gulp could be heard in response to Sombra’s boisterous answer. Unfortunately, the Prince’s nervousness only intensified when Sombra leaned his head in, and eyed Shining like the submissive piece of prey he was. “And believe me, you dirty little cuckold… your wife and I have something much… MUCH bigger waiting in the bedroom~”

As he saw the sincerity in Sombra’s venomous smile, Shining knew without a doubt that the former Tyrant wasn’t bluffing. He tried to skew his hind-legs to help relieve some tension, but there was nothing he could do to sate the burning in his loins. Not to mention, the Prince’s hidden chastity cage didn’t help his locked erection by any means. Even though he was grateful his wife knew a spell to hide it outside their castle wing, part of him really wished he could be able to cum once in a while; of course, given what he regularly allowed Sombra to do with his wife for the past two months, the Prince didn’t need much convincing to know he likely didn’t deserve an orgasm just yet.

“Now then,” Sombra said before handing the collar over to the blushed Prince. “You’re going to put this on. Right. Now. And then, I’m going to walk you to the bedroom to show you what we have planned~”

Shining wanted to protest, but he knew better than to show hesitation when Sombra was in this kind of mood. He meagerly took the collar with his magic, but he huffed nervously before asking, “B… But what if--”

Sombra quickly put his muzzle out to press against the Prince’s mouth, and interrupted him to speak sternly. “You just told me the Guards and staff have been ordered away from the hallway. That means if anypony did see you, it would be on them and not you. And like I stated before, I do respect you as a leader, Shining. I might intend to hurt you, but I would never do so in a way that would endanger you or Cadance's reputations. So when I tell you to put on the collar, you put on the fucking collar.”

Shining wasn’t sure if it was Sombra’s oddly reassuring promise, or the menacing threat that followed it; but whichever it was, it was more than enough to make the unicorn nod his head and put the pink collar around his neck. As soon as he heard the metallic click beneath his mane, Shining closed his eyes while shivering in apprehension. Even if the hallway was likely to be empty, the Prince knew he’d be Royally screwed (no pun intended) if somepony broke protocol. Not only was the collar magically linked to only be opened by Cadance's magic, but there was also a golden tag hanging from the front that had the word ‘CUCK’ inscribed in bold letters.

Even though he had that tag made himself in private, he was beyond worried about wearing it outside the bedroom.

“Don’t worry,” assured Sombra as he took hold of the matching leash, which was already clipped to the back of Shining’s collar to complete the degrading look. “Twilight Sparkle’s friendship lessons emphasize trust more than anything else. If anypony does see you, I’ll take the blame entirely.”

Shining closed his eyes and breathed out a little more calmly, happy that Sombra wasn’t a complete sadist in regards to his humiliation. Despite how strongly his stallionhood was straining within that locked cage between his legs, the Prince wasn’t sure if he was more scared or aroused about leaving the elevator. Nevertheless, Shining still opened the elevator himself to reveal the hallway, which lead straight to the bedroom fifty feet away. He poked his head out for a second to look around, and sighed in relief when he saw it was completely barren of any of his subjects.

“See?” asked Sombra with a warm smile that lasted for exactly one second. “I told you it’s fine~” He then narrowed his eyes on Shining and belted, “NOW MOVE.”

Shining yelped from that menacing voice, and shot out of the hallway with a jolt like a petrified housecat. Fittingly enough, the Prince’s fur along his back was sticking straight-up as he walked fidgetly down the massive hallway. Meanwhile, the Ex-King smiled devilishly while exiting the elevator as well, and walked far enough behind Shining to make his leash hang between them without touching the floor. Aside from the occasional feeble whimper from the cuckold, the only sound that could be heard were the stallions’ hooves clacking against the crystal floors.

Mmmmmmm…~” Sombra hummed with a sadistic grin was he walked the current leader of the Crystal Empire like his personal pet. He tried not to chuckle too audibly as he said, “Oh, Shining… you have no idea how badly I wish I had a camera right now~”

The leashed stallion looked back at Sombra worriedly, but didn’t pause his movements as they walked closer to the bedroom doors. Despite how pathetically sympathetic Shining’s pout may have looked, one glance down between his legs was enough proof for Sombra that he wasn’t against this treatment by any means. The Prince’s cock may have been tightly constrained in that tiny cage for weeks now, but it could still be seen twitching randomly in response to his embarrassment. And just above that little chastity cage, Shining’s balls were notably swollen from their pent-up sensitivity, and actually carrying a faint bluish hue against his white fur.

“So tell me, Shining,” purred Sombra as he narrowed his eyes on him, not seeming to care that they were technically in an open space as he spoke bluntly. “How many times have you been able to orgasm since I moved back in, hmmm?~”

Shining sighed sharply before looking back ahead, hopeful to hide his slight frustration regarding that topic. Even though he knew Sombra knew that answer very well, the stallion took a breath before answering softly, “N… None, my King…”

“That’s right…” Sombra’s shit-eating grin widened as he walked up closer towards Shining, which made the leash drag between them and start to trail behind their hooves. Shining gasped the instant he felt the former Tyrant’s hot breath hitting his neck, and froze in place when he felt him lean in to say, “and unless I feel pity on you, which I don’t, I don’t plan on having that change any time soon~”

Shining quivered with a strong groan that was withheld behind his clenched muzzle. He could feel just how badly his cock tended up against his cage, with no signs of it depleting for a while. Even though the ongoing pressure and teasing made his hooves risk curling in discomfort, a shaky breath finally escaped his nostrils before he nodded his head. “I… I-I understand, my King…”

“Mmmmmmm…~” Sombra then gave a mockingly hard nuzzle against the side of Shining’s collared neck, almost as if he was trying to mark him like an Alpha predator. And much like the beta he was, Shining didn’t try to object that action while blushing profusely. He also didn’t seem to mind when Sombra took the lead, and walked the leashed Prince down the rest of the hallway to reach the doors. But instead of opening them himself, Sombra turned back to the cuckold with a waiting smirk on his muzzle.

“You’re either going to absolutely despise me for what I have waiting for you… Or... You might just come to love it~”

Shining Armor had no idea what that statement would’ve entailed, and he could only take a deep breath to brace himself for it. After letting out a slow and lingering wheeze, Shining meagerly stepped forward while Sombra kept his eyes solely on him. Since the Ex-King was clearly wanting to see his reaction, Shining tried not to wince as he turned the knob, and opened the door himself.

And much to Sombra’s wicked satisfaction, the collared and leashed Prince nearly had a heart-attack the instant he saw the inside of his bedroom. Across the length of the pristine crystal space, Princess Cadance was laying in wait with an especially sultry smile while sprawled across the King-sized bed. Ever since Sombra moved back into the bedroom, the old linens were completely replaced with a dark-black, bugbear-skin throw that went across the entire length of the rounded mattress. Of course, Shining’s jaw wasn’t dropped in shock because of the bedding Cadance was resting on…

It was because his little sister was laying right beside her.

“T-T-TWILY?!?” Shining shouted in absolute terror. He may have had a white coat, but his face still paled immensely when he saw that lustrous smile on Twilight Sparkle’s face. Even though he really didn’t want to think about it (especially at a moment like this), the stallion would’ve been a little relieved if it turned out it was Chrysalis taking the form of his sister. But alas, Shining didn’t need to use a Changeling-detection spell to know that the purple alicorn was indeed Twilight. His eyes remained wide-open while he stood completely motionless, and still leashed by Sombra while he desperately tried not to cry.

Meanwhile, Sombra leaned in close to the Prince’s ear to say in a sickly-sweet whisper, “Surpriiiiiiisssssseeeee~”

Shining’s left eye twitched vehemently, which made both Princess on the bed giggle in response. He had no idea how long Twilight was in on this twisted scheme, but her eyes carried the same deceptively cheeky pleasure that his wife’s had. The younger mare looked her brother up and down, clearly judging his appearance as evidenced by her mocking smirk. After her snickering settled down a bit, Twilight took a breath and said casually, “Hey there, B.B.B.F.F~”

Her eyes narrowed on him slyly following that term, and made the Prince quiver in discomfort. Unfortunately, the look of objection strongly plastered on his face wasn’t dampered when Cadance spoke up. “Yeah, ummm… I know this might seem a little unexpected,” she said as she tried to sound sympathetic, even though she could barely contain her laughter or her sadistic grin. “But I can assure you, I only told your sister about this. And she Pinkie Promised not to tell anypony outside this room. Isn’t that right, Twily?~”

Shining whimpered through his trembling muzzle at hearing Cadance using that nickname for his sister, almost like she was intentionally trying to tarnish it. Fortunately, Twilight gave a firm nod of her head in response to her sister-in-law’s assurance, and repeated the familiar hoof-motions for Shining to see himself. “Absolutely! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye~”

“Awwwwww, isn’t that sweet?~” asked Sombra as he nuzzled himself tightly against the side of Shining’s blank and unresponsive face. “And you know what the best part is? Inviting your little sister to join us was entirely Cadance's idea~ She figured it would be just the thing to make you a bigger cuckold~”

Cadance and Twilight laughed once more while eyeing the Prince teasingly. Shining wanted to speak, but his mouth could barely open much while he was left gawking in complete shock. So many conflicting emotions were rushing through his head to leave him emotionally numb, and the intense pain of such a betrayal was making him feel physically ill. After taking a few seconds to better process just what was going to happen, Shining shook his head weakly while trying to speak up. “You… Y-You actually…”

Cadance merely nodded her head with a deceptively warm smile. Meanwhile, Twilight decided to speak so she wouldn’t make her brother cry. “To be completely fair, I… may have pried Cadance for some juicy stories regarding you two a while back. I told her a lot about my own endeavours, which I won’t tell you about for obvious reasons…”

Despite how strongly he wanted to point out how her being here at that moment was ten times worse than hearing of her sex life, Shining nodded his head faintly before she continued.

“... Sooooo… After a couple glasses of wine, your wife may have informed me of your… unconventional fetish. And honestly, I’m completely on board with it! I mean, I’d rather Sombra vents his lust of power in the bedroom as opposed to the Crystal Empire~”

Sombra pulled his head away from Shining as he scoffed and retorted, “Oh, please! I might be a powerful stallion, but I know you’d take my ass down in a literal fight.”

Twilight’s brows raised a bit from hearing that honest opinion, but she also grew a touched smile with a tilt of her head. However, that reaction changed the instant Sombra narrowed his eyes on her, and added with a wickedly wide grin, “So instead of that… I’d rather have your brother watch me have fun with yours~”

A sharp gasp could be heard from Shining after Sombra made that reply, but all that Twilight did was smirk devilishly back at the Ex-King. “Hmhmhmhmhm… Well, hopefully I’ll see if you’re as good for me as you are for Cadance~”

Shining’s breaths turned fainter and more rapid while he stood within the unmitigated whirlwind of thoughts that inescapably plagued his mind. The realizations have already set in, and the Prince was fully aware of what Sombra was planning to do. Despite how badly his conscience was screaming for him to stop, his body stayed as rigidly in place as he would during Guard training. He wanted to say to himself how that was just the shock of the moment getting through to him, but he knew that wasn’t the case; that became especially clear to Shining after he heard Sombra say, “Ohhhhh, I can guarantee you I will~”

The moment Twilight gave Sombra an undeniably antsy smile below her lustrous bedroom-eyes, Shining Armor wasn’t sure which physical response was more alarming: The painful twinge he felt in his chest from his heart snapping like a twig…

Or the dire throb of arousal from his cock that almost broke his chastity cage.

Ooooohhhhh~” Twilight and Sombra may have been too enamored with each other to notice Shining’s familiar fidgets of shame, but his wife was caring enough about him to see how he looked. Her grin grew to Cheshire levels as she pointed at her husband and said, “Judging by how hard the little cuck’s cage is twitching, I have a feeling he wants this bad~”

Shining’s teeth clenched while wincing from Cadance's mocking statement, as well as his sister’s surprised giggling. He wanted to speak up and claim otherwise, but any words he may have wanted to say were interrupted with a hard yank on his leash. “Well, if that’s the case,” jeered Sombra as he walked towards the bed with the whimpering Prince in tow, “then we should probably give him a proper show, shouldn’t we?~”

Twilight nodded while lighting up her horn, and floated out a wooden stool and some rope for the former Tyrant to use. “Well, considering how he’s clearly too worthless to contribute,” she said with a surprisingly shameless tone behind her smile, “he might as well see how a real stallion treats his two favorite mares~”

Shining had absolutely no idea how his own sister could say those things so callously, but his legs buckled strongly from how hard his cage strained from hearing them. However, Twilight’s expression faltered for a split second as she looked back towards her sister-in-law to whisper, “That wasn’t too much, was it?”

All that Cadance gave was a reassuring shake of her head while smiling warmly. Meanwhile, Sombra took advantage of the stallion’s stunned state to seat him on the stool, which put Shining at perfect eye-level with the mattress that was once his own. He also tied the Prince’s forelegs tightly against his torso with surprising ease, ensuring that he couldn’t slip away or escape his fate; of course, considering how Shining’s horn was left untouched, it was obvious that the ropes were just for show.

Despite how pained Shining’s expression may have looked, he wasn’t going to try and stop the action for a second.

Therrrreeeee we go~” After giving the knots behind Shining’s back a good tug, Sombra went towards the bed where the Prince’s two most important mares were waiting. The Ex-King sat himself down at the edge of the bed, facing Shining so their contrasts stood out even more. While the dark grey stallion sat completely free alongside two antsy Princesses, the white stallion was left bound and completely trapped without any source of relief. Not to mention, while Sombra’s cock stood triumphantly with an impressively well-endowed stature above his waist, Shining’s looked absolutely miniscule while contained in the tight restraints of his plastic cage; of course, the one similarity both of them carried were the aroused drops of precum both stallionhoods had seeping from their tips.

“O-Oh, wow!~” beamed Twilight as she brought a hoof up to her mouth, and stared at Sombra’s cock with a look of amazement. As the young Princess’ blush deepened at the sight of that eleven inch python, Cadance giggled before giving an understanding shrug.

“I know, right?~” she purred as she leaned over to Sombra’s side, and got herself closer to that throbbing cock while licking her lips. No matter how many times she indulged in that daunting member while her husband watched, it never seemed to get old enough to keep Shining from writhing with an enamored groan. Of course, the Prince’s noises were completely ignored as his wife spoke to Twilight. “I know it might look like a lot, but I promise you that you’ll love feeling Every. Single. Inch that he slides inside of you~”

Twilight bit her bottom lip tightly as she shuddered in delight, clearly looking excited about indulging in such a debaucherous deed. Meanwhile, Shining squirmed strongly in his stool while glaring up at his King, and carried a wrinkled pout behind his blush. Sombra narrowed his eyes back at him, and just chuckled lightly while grinning ear-to-ear. “You must be reeeealllly pissed at me right now, aren’t you?~” he asked in a mockingly careless jeer.

Shining’s cage may have been leaking immensely, but he still gave a sharp nod of his head while keeping his muzzle shut. Fortunately, Sombra didn’t seem upset by that response at all. In fact, his smile widened even more as he asked sadistically, “Well then… are you going to stop me?~”

With that question, both of the Alicorns glanced back at the cuck while inching themselves closer beside the grinning Sombra. A long, arduous moment of silence passed while Shining sat with those eyes peering on him. His head lowered to try and hide his shameful expression, but that only emphasized the bondage and cage he allowed himself to be in. It was obvious that he didn’t want to be here, and that he’d give a lot to not have his sister involved in such a taboo and raunchy night. However, by the time he finally lifted up his head to peer up at Sombra’s waiting smile, the Prince took a deep breath before giving his answer:

“... n… n-no…”

The Prince’s voice was as feeble as it was choked-up, almost as if he was pleading guilty to a heinous crime he committed. And like a sadistic judge set to put forth the stallion’s sentence, Sombra just sighed in satisfaction and nodded his head. “That was exactly what I knew you’d say, you sick fuck~”

Twilight may have looked a little more sympathetic than Cadance, but both of them still snickered while staring at the Prince in pity. Shining’s wife hummed sweetly as she rubbed Sombra’s muscular chest with a hoof, admiring the physique the lesser stallion could only dream of amassing. She then peered back at Shining with a callous smirk and said, “Honestly… since you said that, you might as well tell us what to do first~”

Shining sucked a huge breath through his nostrils, his muzzle clenched in utter fear. Unfortunately, that terrifying prospect did nothing to quell his erection while peering between his wife and little sister. While his pupils shrank in dread, and the Princesses both looked back at him him antsily, Sombra just tilted his head in curious wait. After what felt like an eternity, Shining Armor closed his eyes with an immense wince before he spoke sheepishly. “Ummm… W… W-Will you…”

A strong aura of Twilight’s lavender magic gripped her brother’s head, and forced him to look back up and stare at both of them directly. Despite his cringed expression, Shining only paused for a second before his muzzle trembled again. He looked between both of the mares, and exhaled painfully before asking, “... Will you… p-please suck his cock?”

All three of them grinned happily at Shining’s request, and Twilight was the first to nod towards her brother. “For you? Absolutely~”

Much to Cadance's surprise, Twilight took the lead as she reached down with a hoof to grip the base of Sombra’s veiny shaft. While the former Tyrant gasped with a pleased hiss, the younger Princess hummed contently as she bent her head down to get the first taste. Her tongue lolled out lewdly as she dragged it up one side of Sombra’s twitching length, with the strong taste of musk eliciting a faint moan from her open mouth. Her eyelids fluttered in utter bliss as she indulged with the taste of the Ex-King’s superior cock, but her eyes managed to look right back at her jaw-dropped, mortified-looking brother who was forced to witness it up close.

Shining’s hind-legs writhed against the legs of his stool, but he could only groan through gritted teeth while he watched the spectacle unfold before his eyes. After all the years he spent loving and protecting Twilight as his sister, the sight of her taking anypony’s cock would’ve been deplorable to even consider. But the fact that it was Sombra’s cock, the same one that claimed his wife as well, left Shining feeling completely hopeless. Even though he and Cadance were the rightful leaders of Sombra’s former Empire, the Prince felt like he had completely surrendered to the Tyrant’s twisted whims.

And worst of all, Shining wanted to hate himself for how intensely hot that made him feel.

Mmmmmm…~” Twilight finished her first long, teasing lick with a shivering moan the instant her tongue finished dragging across Sombra’s leaking cockhead. Her tongue stayed out for a brief moment for Shining to see that glistening precum smeared across it, just before she closed her mouth to make a purposely audible swallow. She then sighed with a shamelessly satisfied grin back at Cadance, and gave her serious bedroom-eyes while that cock remained between them. Unfortunately for the Prince, the torment was only beginning as he saw his wife lean in to join in on the fun.

“Watch this~” the pink Alicorn purred before she opened her mouth wide, and sunk her muzzle over the entirety of Sombra’s glazed and crowned cockhead. As she indulged herself with that familiar and superior taste of the stallion groaning above her, she made sure to stare directly at her squirming husband while she sucked. Shining openly grimaced as he struggled to keep his half-lidded eyes open, but each breath he took was accompanied with weakly dire moans. While his sultrily twisted wife moaned through Sombra’s cock, and tried to sink more of his length inside of her muzzle, Shining’s sister decided to venture a little lower to make the voyeur squirm.

Shining always considered Twilight Sparkle to be a bookworm, so he never would’ve expected to see her move her muzzle down to begin tending to Sombra’s plump balls. But alas, the Princess of Friendship seemed to have a lot of hidden talents as she gave an antsy lick across the Ex-King’s loose and wrinkly sack. Sombra groaned especially hard as he felt both of the Princess’ mouths pleasuring him at the same time, but kept himself in place while Twilight sunk one of those hefty orbs between her suckling lips.

Mmmmmnnnnghhhhh~” Sombra was left writhing just as much as Shining was in his restraints, and reeled his head back with a lustful sigh while savoring those Royal tongues gracing his flesh. Aside from the Prince’s meager whimpers, the only noises that could be heard over Sombra’s deep growls of pleasure were the wet, enamored slurps of Cadance and Twilight’s mouths slathering over his stallionhood. But despite how tantalizing those Princess’ slutty lips and tongues felt, Sombra felt just as much pleasure seeing Shining left out of the action to fidget with his little cage straining needily. The Tyrant groaned with a deep and pleasured shudder while narrowing his eyes on the shamefully aroused Prince.

Goddess, you’re such a pathetic excuse of a stallion,” he growled with a boastfully menacing grin pointed at Shining. Meanwhile, the bound pony could only squirm while looking up at him with a pained pout on his muzzle. The cuckold’s eyes may have been pinned on his two prized mares indulging on Sombra’s cock and balls, but his ears twitched at hearing the beratement continue. “Just look at you right now… You’re one of the most powerful stallions in Equestria, and you’re letting your wife AND sister suck your rival off like a couple of sluts~”

Shining’s groan came out pathetically high-pitched, and he pulled his head back to breathe deeply while his chastity cage twitched harder. Sombra narrowed his eyes on him with a knowingly wide smile, seeing that the Prince wasn’t against hearing such insulting banter. While Cadance eyed her cuckold husband with a hungry stare, her tongue swirled around Sombra’s cockhead to collect every spurt of her lover’s virile precum. Meanwhile, Twilight’s eyes were closed while savoring the rich and heady taste of Sombra’s balls while both were crammed inside of her hungry mouth.

“You’re a complete waste of a stallion, aren’t you?~” the King asked while leering at Shining intensely, making it clear he wanted a response. After a couple panted breaths, the Prince moaned weakly before nodding his head with a shameful expression. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be enough as Sombra’s eyes narrowed on him even more. “SAY IT~”

Shining moaned out even deeper, and quivered in his bondage before complying in a trembled and hurt voice. “I-I-I… I’m...I’m a worthless… e-excuse of a stallion…”

Even with how hard it was to say those words out-loud, an impressive spurt of precum shot out from the tip of Shining’s cage. Unfortunately, it barely shot out far enough to hit the edge of the stool he was sitting on.

“Do you think you’re superior to me, Shining?~” Sombra asked with a menacing sneer, knowing that the Prince would have to disagree. Even while he stared at those two horny Alicorns looking back at him with Sombra’s equipment in their mouths, Shining was quick to give a firm shake of his head.

“N… N-Noooo~” As he responded truthfully to the well-endowed stallion, Shining had to take a breath before continuing in a sheepish groan. “Y-Y… You’re superior to me, my King~ You… Y-You’re better than me~”

“How so?~”

Shining shivered hard from that chilling question, and he struggled to keep his eyes open while thinking of what to say. “Y… Your… Your cock is better than mine… A-And… And you satisfy my wife better than I can…”

Cadance pulled her mouth from Sombra’s cock with a wet pop, and moaned wickedly in pleasure while eyeing the cuckold with a grin. “Don’t you mean, his wife?~” she asked with a tilt of her head.

Shining let out a faint and shaky exhale while lowering his head in shame. But alas, his aroused moan couldn’t be quelled before he replied with a nod, “Y-Yes~ I… I mean y-your wife, m… my King…”

Cadance used her hoof to stroke the Tyrant’s thick shaft teasingly, and she was grinning just as evilly as Sombra was towards the cuckold. Meanwhile, Twilight opened her eyes while peering at her brother inquisitively, almost as if a lightbulb turned on above her head. Nevertheless, she still rolled her eyes back as she opened her muzzle wide, and lolled her tongue out to taste even more of Sombra’s musky ballsack.

Mmmm… It’s such a shame you married such a lousy provider, Princess~” cooed Sombra as he peered down at his ‘wife’ lovingly. In response to that sentiment, Cadance only nodded with an enamored moan before going back to sucking on that meaty cock in front of her legal husband. Twilight finally pulled those plump balls out of her mouth, but she continued to lick at his glistening sack while hearing him continue speaking to her brother. “Mmmmm… I can’t wait to get her pregnant, you useless little cuck~ In fact…

His leering grin glanced down towards Twilight, who paused her tentative licks to glance up and see how hungrily he was staring at her. Despite how intimidating he may have looked, the younger Alicorn shuddered with an antsy smile back at him. Meanwhile, Shining could only watch with a tremendously hot blush as he heard the Ex-King add devilishly, “...if I really wanted to, Shining… I could knock up your sister too~”

Aaaahhhh!!~” Shining lurched forward in his stool, and writhed intensely from such a horrible idea. His little cage practically vibrated between his clenched legs, and his shameful moan kept him from hiding how aroused that statement made him really feel. He tightly clenched his muzzle shut after moaning so blatantly, and struggled to keep from speaking up so impulsively. Unfortunately, that action just made Sombra chuckle in a low and waiting tone.

“Ummm… Sombra?” whispered Twilight discreetly while her muzzle was still between his open legs. The Ex-King looked down at her with a raised brow as she asked with slight worry, “You… you’re not really planning that, are you?”

Sombra groaned with an obvious roll of his eyes, not wanting her to kill the mood while their cuckold could hear them. He leaned down to whisper back, “Just play along for him. That’s what Cadance and I have been doing for weeks now~”

After a quick raise of her brows, Twilight looked down at Cadance while she was continuing to suck Sombra off. The pink Alicorn gave a sly wink up to her sister-in-law, making sure the squirming cuck didn’t notice it. Twilight made a near-silent “Ohhhhh” in response, and nodded her head while Shining wasn’t looking at her. She then exhaled sharply before her grin returned, and she went back up to Sombra’s face to speak more directly. “You know… I might actually have an idea of my own if you’re interested~”

Sombra’s brows rose in intrigue, and he asked with a curious sneer, “Is that so?~”

Twilight nodded her head with a confident smirk, which caught the attention of Cadance as well. While Shining kept breathing hoarsely in his stool while looking at the three, Sombra leaned in to say in response, “You know what? I’ll only listen to your request iffffff…

He then gave a mischievous grin towards Shining, letting him know he had something especially cruel thought up. Sombra went back to Twilight, and leaned in close to her ear to whisper something even Cadance couldn’t overhear. That prompted Shining’s wife to pull away from Sombra’s cock again, and smile devilishly while trying to guess what he had planned. Both she and Shining could see the younger Princess’ eyes widen quite a bit, before she grew a randy grin and giggled in delight. “Ooooohhhhhh…~”

As soon as she peered back at her brother with a maniacally lewd-looking grin, Shining gulped in worry. That response only seemed to intensify Twilight’s opinion on the option, before she went in to whisper what Sombra said into Cadance's ear. The older Princess seemed just as piqued by the unknown option, and even shuddered before she crawled back up to sit beside Sombra. “Mmmm… I think that’s a wonderful idea, honey~”

With the way she was peering so lovingly towards him as she said that, Shining exhaled shakily and tried to cross his fidgeting hind-legs. But alas, the Prince didn’t feel any relief from that change as his cock was left straining hard in his plastic prison. Unfortunately, that painful pressure only got worse the instant he saw his sister going down between Sombra’s legs once more. Cadance nuzzled the former King’s neck while staring teasingly towards her spouse, and Twilight grasped the base of his cock once more with her hoof. Without even saying anything back to her brother, Twilight moaned softly as she opened her mouth wide, and crammed that thick cockhead inside to continue where Shining’s wife left off.

Meanwhile, Cadance looked away from Shining as she locked her lips against Sombra’s, and held him in tight embrace for a passionate makeout session. The Ex-Tyrant took charge as he grabbed the back of the Princess’ mane tightly, and held her in place while plunging his tongue into her mouth. Cadance's eyes rolled back with a blissful look as she savored his dominant embrace, and only pulled her lips away briefly enough for Shining to see her tongue lolling out as well. Of course, even with how sloppily hot Cadance and Sombra’s kiss may have appeared, it was hard for Shining to keep focus while also seeing his sister sinking a good portion of his cock into her mouth.

Nnnngggg~” The Princess of Friendship had her eyes tightly clenched shut, and she put Shining in shock when he saw just how quickly the bulge of Sombra’s cockhead could be seen poking from her throat. After all those years spent thinking she was an innocent virgin, the Prince writhed in white-hot betrayal at seeing just how experienced the Alicorn really was. He could see how tightly her lips were pursed around the superior stallion’s thick shaft, as well as the strong dimples in her cheeks as she sucked on that massive length. As she started to bob her head up and down the top-half of Sombra’s cock, Shining could hear her faint and muffled groans of elation each time that bulge disappeared from her neck.

“O-ohhhhh, Goddess!~” moaned the bound stallion in a weak and pained tone. With the sight of that former enemy taking full advantage of his wife AND sister at the same time, Shining’s mind was thrown into an abyss of devastation he didn’t even know existed. His crossed legs continued to tense up and relax rapidly, but his chastity cage still intensified every single throb his useless member made within it. His mouth was hung open while breathing heavily between his pathetic moans, with his jaw dropped low enough to make him start drooling to the unforgivable sight before him.

All while the Prince was left completely on his own without any relief, Sombra shot him a sly wink while making out with his moaning wife. That response made Shining groan even harder, knowing that he couldn’t ignore what the Ex-King told him earlier. He absolutely hated that Sombra arranged such a terrible sight for him to witness helplessly. But at the same time, even with all that seething frustration and deception he felt in his heart, Shining was loving every second of it~

AAAAAHHHHH!!~ Oh… Oh Sweet Celestia!~” Shining tried to buck his hips as best as he could, but he could barely move an inch while tied up so well by his tormentor. Meanwhile, his worthless dicklet could only twitch and leak pathetically over his waist as he watched how eager his mares were to please Sombra instead. He never felt so useless or unwanted in his life, and that pain just made the burning in his loins grow hotter with each second spent in that shamefully painful bliss. Of course, for the Tyrant and his antsy Princesses, all they could really hear were the Prince’s pathetic noises while they shared that wretched moment together.

Mmmmmm…~” Cadance pulled her muzzle away so that their tongues could flick against each other for Shining to see, which made his face turn even redder with each squirm he made in his ropes. After licking her lips with a deeply-aroused grin, the Alicorn looked back at her husband and said between breaths, “Do… Do you know what you need to tell my real stallion, Shining?~”

Mmnnnghhhh!!~” After an especially pent-up shiver atop his stool, Shining breathed out sharply enough to make some drool spray along the bottom of the bed. “Th-Thank you!!~” he moaned impulsively while his head lurched forward, and he writhed like a fish out of water. “Th… Thank you, my King!~”

All while Shining was left a jittery mess, Sombra cackled maniacally as he sat across from him. Meanwhile, Twilight was moaning to herself as she pulled back to suckle on Sombra’s cockhead. Her hoof came back up to pump the former Tyrant’s shaft, and help bring him to completion like he requested. As the Ex-King hissed in satisfaction from the Princess’ skilled jerks of her hoof, he pinned his eyes on Shining and asked teasingly, “Thank me for What?~”

“Th! Thank! Nnnnghhh!!!~” Shining could barely control himself, and he felt like he was going to erupt with how badly his cage was becoming pressurized. He was honestly a little worried he would hurt himself from being this aroused while in chastity, but he soldiered on to moan needily, “Th… Thank you for taking both of them, my King!~ I… I don’t deserve either of them!!~ I… I deserved this!! I deserved this so bad!!”

With a deep breath, Sombra leaned his head back while sighing in sickly sweet satisfaction. Meanwhile, Cadance giggled with a condescending wide smirk while seeing the twisted mixture of pain and pleasure on her husband’s face. She continued to pet Sombra’s chest with her hoof, and nodded in affirmation as she said, “Yes you certainly do, you useless little cuckold~”

Shining’s head reeled back with a blissfully hurt moan, and almost fell off his stool from how out-of-focus he was getting. Fortunately, Sombra seemed to have much better composure while hissing through his gritted teeth. Twilight’s face looked to be deeply blushed as she stroked his massive cock as quickly as she could, and slathered her tongue all over that cockhead to help coax him to completion. Her tenacity proved to be more than effective, as the Tyrant suddenly moaned out, “Aaaaahhhh!! I’m! I’m gonna! I’’M GONN--MMMNNNGHHHH!!!~”

Like an untamed predator that claimed its latest kill, Sombra cried out with a long and deeply-lingering moan. And like the beta he knew he was, Shining instinctively looked back at the spectacle to see the moment his former enemy shot his first load into Twilight Sparkle’s mouth.

He could actually see the Ex-King’s shaft throbbing strongly, as well as those saliva-glistened balls riding upward to help deliver that thick volley to where it belonged. Shining could also see how tensed his sister’s body became the instant Sombra began to unload, and how tightly her eyes clenched shut when that first spurt of his hot cum erupted inside of her muzzle. The fur across her back stood on end as she quivered from the taste, which Shining could tell was likely strong from first-hoof experience. Nevertheless, the Princess kept her pillowy lips wrapped snug around that cockhead while it continued to pulsate repeatedly, which made Shining tremble at seeing her cheeks quickly beginning to swell outward.

Sombra groaned in dominant pleasure as his orgasm lasted for about fifteen seconds, which was more than enough time to fill Twilight’s mouth to the brim with his hot and virile spunk. By the time he finally finished, Shining’s eyes were pinned on his little sister as she kept her mouth locked on top of that twitching cock for a moment. Her face then contorted a little as she made a thick and audible gulp, which was followed by the sight of another thick bulge traveling down her gullet. Shining winced in pain from that sight, but couldn’t keep from moaning deeply from it as well.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t all the Princess did; nor was that first swallow the entirety of the mouthful of cum Sombra gifted her. As soon as she could close her lips without spillage, the Alicorn slowly pulled away from that monstrous cock while her cheeks were still puffed-out. She then opened her eyes to give her brother a half-lidded stare of unbridled arousal, which was followed by her leaning down to get closer to his face. Shining was breathing weakly as he watched his sister leer in closer, until her muzzle was less than a foot from his own. She then gave a brief smirk of enjoyment before leaning her head back a little, and opening her mouth wide to show off the pool of cum inside.

The last thing Shining ever wanted to see was his little sister doing something so perverted, but it made his body squirm in shameful arousal while throbbing inside of his cage. Twilight left her mouth open for only a moment or so, making sure her brother saw just how close Sombra’s milky-white splooge was from spilling over her bottom lip. Her tongue wriggled teasingly as it peeked from the surface to show how coated it was in his cum as well. Fortunately, the Princess didn’t spill a drop as she slowly re-closed her mouth, and looked back at Shining with a waiting grin.

And then after a deep breath through her nostrils, Shining’s sister made a strong and audible gulp to down the entirety of the King’s load. She opened her mouth back up after the deed was done, just so her brother could get a good look at her now empty and cleaned maw.

By the time Twilight finally pulled back towards Sombra on the bed, Shining was left twitching while carrying a blushed and defeated expression. Even with his chastity cage continuing to strain from his undying cock, the Prince looked completely done as judged by his blank and slack-jawed stare on the three. As if to add insult to injury, Sombra pulled her in with his free hoof so he could kiss her passionately on the muzzle as well. Despite the fact that he was undoubtedly getting a strong taste of his own cum, Sombra seemed more than pleased by the time the two finished kissing with a wep pop from between their lips. “Aaaaahhhh~ Now that’s what I call a Friendship Lesson~”

“Indeed~” purred Cadance as she eyed Twilight lustfully, and carried an impressed smirk on her muzzle. The other Princess gave a more bashful blush while giggling meekly in response. However, Cadance wasn’t one to ignore details as she tapped Sombra’s shoulder and said, “Hey, ummm… didn’t you say you’d listen to her idea if she did that?~”

“Oh! I almost forgot…” Sombra smiled thankfully back to his “wife” before nuzzling her snout in front of the still shell-shocked Shining. While the stallion was left tied to his stool in a limbo of heartbroken arousal, Sombra motioned for Twilight to come in close as he said, “Well, a deal is a deal, Princess. If you have an idea for what to do next, I’ll be honored to hear it~”

Even though she nodded thankfully, Twilight gave a quick glance back to Shining to ask, “So… are you okay for us to continue if he likes it?~”

Shining looked like his mind was a complete blank after witnessing so much debauchery in one day. But against all nods, the Prince’s head gave a very weak nod that made Cadance grin wide.

“Alright then!” Twilight nodded with a smile, and then lit up her horn to place a thick dome of her magic around her and the other two. While Shining was left outside the force-field spell, which he could recognize as one meant for sound-proofing, he could see his sister saying something towards Sombra and Cadance inside. He couldn’t make out what she was saying, but she seemed to have the most peculiarly devilish smile as she spoke tentatively. Meanwhile, the other two listened with amused smirks before growing wide-eyed in an instant. Whatever it was that Twilight said within that privacy spell must have been big, since Shining never saw Sombra grow such a shocked and amused expression on his face. The poor Prince wasn’t sure if he should be excited about whatever his sister was suggesting, or unbearably terrified.

But before he could ask, Shining saw the spell dissipate as his wife was left breathing deeply with a hoof over her chest. She seemed shocked to say the least, but still trying to smile while eyeing her sister-in-law. “T-Twilight! I… I can’t believe you actually thought of something like that~”

Meanwhile, Sombra looked extremely impressed while he smiled proudly at the younger mare. “Oh, man… and I thought I was the twisted one~”

Shining’s ears lowered in dread, but his cage was still standing for attention to hear what Twilight suggested. Unfortunately, Sombra focused more on Cadance as he looked back at her with a wide and sadistic grin. “I’m not gonna lie, I really want to do that now~”

Cadance's brow was raised in contemplation for the briefest moment, and she actually had to look away for a second to think it over. Shining wasn’t sure what to think, and could only sit in silence while stewing in the terror he thrusted himself into. By the time Twilight sat upright with a curious and waiting smile, Cadance slowly grinned as she made one last look back to her bound spouse. She didn’t say a word to him about it, and just took a breath before bringing her attention towards Sombra. “You know what?~”

She leaned in close to the King’s smirking face, and narrowed her eyes on him before saying in the deepest voice of lust Shining ever heard, “... I do too~”

After that, Shining could only cringe in dread the instant all three of those sadistic ponies glanced back at him with looks of sultry anticipation.

“Oh, B.B.B.F.F…” Twilight took a second to take a deep breath, and shiver while her smile remained as wide as it was merciless. “... you really shouldn’t have let me join in~”

Chapter Two: An Unholy Matrimony

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Shining was placed in a blindfold very shortly after Sombra and Cadance agreed to Twilight’s still-unknown request. After that, he heard a multitude of noises and items rustling around him while he remained tied-up in his stool. He had absolutely no idea what was happening, or what was bound to occur next. But all while the others went to work to get their event set up, the Prince’s chastity cage was glistening in his precum while his untouched cock pulsated tightly inside of it.

“Shining are you doing alright?” asked his sister, as she gave a friendlier-sounding tone that was a rarity that night. As soon as she placed her hoof on his shoulder to comfort him, the Prince took a breath and nodded his head. His cheeks were heavily blushed beneath his blindfold, but he looked calm enough to make Twilight smile contently. “That’s good to hear, B.B.B.F.F~ Because we’re just about ready to begin the proceedings…”

That last word made Shining’s ears perk up in slight confusion. Even though he knew he was supposed to be left in the dark, he could only think of a few instances where the term “proceedings” was appropriate. It could’ve just been Twily using bigger words to sound smarter than him, but he knew she wasn’t the type to misuse her vocabulary. But then again, “proceedings” was usually meant to for something formal, or even in preparation for a big event; and despite the fact that being cucked by two Princesses was a fairly big thing, he couldn’t think of much else they could do to humiliate him even further.


Shining’s eyes widened sharply enough to make his brows raise above his blindfold. He had no way to accurately tell if his guess was true or not, but the horrifying idea made his heart race in a toxic mixture of terror and exhilaration. His chastity cage twitched hard between his fidgeting legs, even though he had no idea if his random thought was what his tormentors had planned. But despite his ignorance, the Prince had to bite his lips shut while groaning hard to try and get that wicked idea out of his head.

“Oh, goodness~” chirped his wife’s voice, which he could hear from a few feet away. “I feel like he’s getting a little impatient for this, huh?~”

Shining then heard Sombra add from his other side, “Well, hopefully he won’t be too upset when he finds out what it is~”

Even while blindfolded, Shining could sense how wide Sombra’s smile got when he said that. His head hung down a little as he whimpered from a mix of worry and arousal. Meanwhile, he heard some hoofsteps from behind him before Twilight said, “Honestly? Given what he approved of so far, I’m not exactly sure how badly he’d disapprove of this~”

With that last emphasized word, Shining felt the cold tingling sensation of Twilight’s magic press against the back of his mane. She undid his blindfold, and let it slip down from his head so he could see just what was placed before him. The stallion already knew that he was lifted to another part of the room earlier, so he wasn’t surprised to see he was no longer next to the bed. Unfortunately, as soon as his eyes adjusted to the light, the sight he was welcomed with was an unbelievably wretched one for him to see:

Shining was seated in his stool before a raised platform, which was meant to lead towards the walk-in closet. Instead now, a large curtain covered the door while Sombra and Cadance were standing in front of it. The Tyrant was wearing one of Shining Armor’s tailored black suits to make him look absolutely regal, but the formal attire did nothing to conceal his massive shit-eating grin. Of course, Sombra’s appearance was basically unnoticed by Shining as he stared in absolute shock towards his wife…

Or more accurately, as judged by the fact that Princess Cadance was smiling with a blush and wearing her old wedding dress… his soon to be Ex-Wife.

Shining’s mouth was hung so low, it was surprising his jaw didn’t touch the floor. His left eye twitched intensely, while both of his pupils shrunk in absolute dread. Judging by how much his upper-lip was starting to tremble, it wouldn’t have been surprising if he started crying before the ceremony even began. However, due to the fact that his cock throbbed extremely hard inside of his plastic restraint, it seemed that the thought that surfaced in his head earlier had somehow came to fruition.

Sombra cackled lowly under his breath while leering at the stunned Prince with a toothy grin. “Oh, look what we have here~” he jeered while tilting his head in amusement at Shining’s reaction to such a bombshell. “It’s nice to know that our wedding can commence with a proper witness~”

Cadance giggled with a small nod of her head, but her eyes narrowed on her current husband while studying how he looked. Despite how much he loved being cucked, it was clear that the Princess was showing the slightest look of concern as to whether or not this was a step too far. Even if his horn was still untouched and able to be used on his own, she didn’t want to do anything while Shining was too stunned to respond consensually. However, one glance down to his strained-looking cage made it obvious that he wasn’t going to object to such a decrepit ceremony; or at least, he’d probably get over it soon after it was over~

So with that, the Princess’ smile turned more natural and sultry as she glanced back at Sombra. The Ex-King smiled back at her with a devilish glimmer in his eyes, staring at her like a prize that he finally won after so long. Shining looked like he wanted to say something, but all that could come out of his open muzzle were strained breaths and a small trickle of drool. Meanwhile, his sister walked past him with an equally mischievous smile as Sombra’s, while also wearing her Royal Crown and ceremonial gown.

“She tried to warn you,” Sombra said to Shining while he looked towards her with a hungry-looking smirk. “You had the chance to end it with me shooting my load in your sister’s slutty mouth, but you just had to see more~”

Twilight looked back at her brother with a grin of her own, and huffed before adding, “Not to mention, you knew I had to implement my status as Royalty somehow, right?~” Since Shining was still too flabbergasted to respond with more than a couple blinks, she looked towards the couple-to-be and said, “And what better way to make the Prince an official cuckold, then to have me give his wife away in an official, ordained ceremony~”

Shining trembled in absolute dread, knowing from his sister’s genuine tone that she wasn’t bullshitting that claim. Given her status as Princess, Twilight actually had the ability to marry -- and in turn, also divorce -- couples through completely legal means. Even if nopony outside this room knew of this event, Shining would always know the truth from here on out. If he were to let this continue, Cadance could actually stop being his wife; instead, she would be marrying the vile, sadistic beast who already fucked her countless times over the past couple months. From that day on, Shining would not only be a pathetic cuckold, but a divorced one as well…

But despite how horrifying that thought sounded in his head, not a word was able to escape his still-open mouth.

“Don’t worry, though,” assured Twilight as her smile was accompanied with a slyer-sounding voice that carried a sickly-sweet tone. As her horn lit up, Shining gasped as he was lifted from his stool once more. As he was floated towards the three, and between the couple at their hooves, Twilight laid the stool down so it was right in front of her. She also used her magic to undo the front of her skirt, which made Shining’s eyes widen even more upon seeing what she was wearing beneath it. “Since this is supposed to be a happy occasion, it wouldn’t be right to keep you from feeling some pleasure as well~”

Despite his sister’s “sentiment,” Shining Armor couldn’t necessarily say he felt too pleased to see a massive, thick rod of pink silicone strapped around Twilight’s waist and hanging between her legs. Even though he could see that the dildo was glistening in a thick sheen of lubricant, the stallion could only imagine how painful that would feel as it stood at least a foot long in length. But alas, despite any hesitations he may have felt about this moment of maniacal matrimony, the Prince was floated down with his chest resting atop the seat. The stallion’s hind-legs were perched on the ground so he was bent over the stool, and laying directly beneath the soon-to-be wedded couple.

Sombra’s smile was as evil-looking as it was domineering, making him look like he could easily reclaim the Crystal Empire right then and there without any resistance from the presented Prince. Somewhat fortunately though, it seemed that his goals were only limited to his wife, as he stared back at her with a passionately lustful gleam in his red eyes. Cadance blushed a little as she smiled back at him warmly. However, she also proved to be much more sympathetic as she looked away from him for a moment, and bent down to whisper to her spouse. “Shining… You know that I love you with all my heart, correct?”

Despite all she may have done with their former enemy, Shining didn’t hesitate to nod back to her insistently. Ever since they first began this twisted relationship, there was no doubt in either of their minds that they always loved each other first and foremost. If there were ever any apprehensions or issues regarding Shining’s cuckolding, they knew that it would’ve been addressed immediately; and likewise, Sombra understood and respected the boundaries of the couple’s feelings for one another as well. Because of that, the Ex-King didn’t look upset as he heard the cuck say, “Of… O-Of course, I do. And… you know that I’ll always love you too…”

Cadance smiled more kindly down at her mate, and then asked in further clarification, “and you know that this will only be known by us, right? There’s no paperwork being involved, so nothing will changed between us outside these walls.”

Twilight nodded her head as well, making it clear that she wasn’t wanting this to go past the realm of fantasy. But for the sake of pleasure, she kept her muzzle shut while her brother nodded once again up at Cadance. “A-Absolutely. This… This is just a private moment be… b-between consenting adults…”

Even though Sombra knew of that as well, he still openly huffed while rolling his eyes in annoyance. Fortunately, that wasn’t noticed by either Cadance or Shining as she bent down, and kissed him at the tip of his unrestrained horn. “So, Shining… I really need to know right now… Are you against this in any way?~”

Cadance had a blushed and expectant smile on her face while looking down at her spouse, letting Shining know that she was hopeful for the right answer. Even though the idea of continuing put a massive twinge in his heart, the Prince couldn’t exactly say it was much different from how he felt from Sombra first fucking her in front of him. In fact, his heart only raced faster as the thought of this event played out in his head. It was going to hurt more than anything, and it was possible that he may never recover from seeing something so deceitful and unwanted before his very eyes…

But at the same time, he didn’t feel any hesitation as he took a deep breath, and shook his head with a nervous smile. “N… N-Not at all…”

Princess Cadance smiled wide to that response, and bent in to give Shining a much-needed final kiss on the lips. The sensation gave the Prince a brief glimmer of warmth in his chest as he returned the the innocent peck against her’s, even though he knew it was likely the last he’d experience in a long, long time. As soon as she pulled away to stand upright before Sombra, Shining closed his eyes and breathed out in a quivering wheeze. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle smiled devilishly as she got in position behind her presented brother, and used her magic to yank up his tail.

“Alright then!~” she chirped with a deceptively innocent smile beneath her narrowed eyes. She looked down at Shining and said, “Now before we begin, there’s a rather big issue we need to address. Do you know what that is?~”

Shining Armor may have still been smiling the tiniest bit, but he still looked utterly defeated as he nodded his head weakly. He looked back to see how sadistically pleased his sister’s smile looked, and she tilted her head in a similar manner to Sombra. “Well, considering what needs to be done, I think it’s only fair that you address it towards your wife~”

Shining winced as his smile disappeared, quickly becoming replaced with a fretful trembling across his pursed lips. Sombra may have been relentless and cruel, but what his sister was making him do was downright merciless. Even the Tyrant himself looked at her with raised brows, as well as an impressed smirk on his muzzle. But regardless of the matter, Cadance took a breath as she looked down at Shining expectedly in wait.

Shining needed a moment before he glanced up at her, and saw that innocent smile he adored so badly. The very thought of saying the words in his head made him sick to his stomach, but his hind-legs were writhing strongly against the ground due to his consistently straining chastity cage. He could’ve said a million things to lie to himself on the matter, but he knew how badly his hunger for humiliation was prompting him to do such a horrifying thing. Even though he was only saying it in front of three ponies in private, the very idea made him feel physically ill when his muzzle finally opened up…

“C… Cadance, will… W-Will you, ummm…”

He could barely look up at his wife during that pause, since Cadance's smile wasn’t faltering for a moment in lustrous wait. Of course, Sombra’s wasn’t much better as he stood with a fanged grin at his other side. But alas, despite how horrible he felt, the Prince soldiered on after one last breath as he clenched his eyes tightly shut. “Ca… CadanceW-Will you divorce me?”

Shining knew that as far as legality was concerned, his question meant next to nothing outside the bedroom. But despite that fact, the Prince’s heart felt like it snapped in half the instant he heard Cadance say in a pleased-sounding purr, “Oh, Shining Armor… Of course I’ll divorce you, you worthless little cuck~”

While Shining winced painfully as he hung over that stool, his mood wasn’t helped by hearing Sombra laughing maniacally in response. “Oh… Oh, wow!~” The Ex-King continued to laugh as he placed a hoof over his eyes, and shook his head before glancing at Twilight in amazement. “I have to say, Princess! I think you’re a sicker pony than me~”

“Well, you can never say I’m not a mare willing to please~” While Sombra nodded respectfully to that remark, Twilight took a breath before smiling pridefully before the horny Princess and her kneeled cuckold. “And with that being said… Prince Consort Shining Armor, let me announce by Official Decree, that as of this moment, you and Princess Mi Amore Cadanza are officially divorced as a married couple~”

A deep and painful groan escaped Shining’s trembled muzzle as he hunched even lower over his stool, and quivered in great distaste at hearing such a horrid thing. Unfortunately, due to his angle directly in front of her, all that Twilight could see was how badly his cock-cage was twitching as it hung pathetically over the back edge of the stool. She could also see just how much his exposed tailhole was puckering beneath his raised tail, almost as if the cuckold was unintentionally begging for some extra pain alongside his shameful pleasure.

And with the Princess’ strapon hanging between her legs in wait, Twilight wasn’t one to leave a wedding paused for much further. “Excellent!~ Since you and Cadance are officially separated, that means I can now officiate the marriage between her and a real stallion~”

Sombra gave a toxically wide smile as he nodded back at the younger Princess in approval, and then towards his soon-to-be wife grinning back at him. “You’re damn right~” he said in a cockily confident growl.

Shining’s ears lowered submissively at hearing the superior stallion’s overzealous tone, but his muzzle remained closed due to the truth of the matter. As of now, the Prince had no say in what Cadance did with him. He was no longer her husband, and he was now left to witness the ceremony as a divorced cuck. And to make matters worse, he could practically feel the lustful grin growing from his sister that was burning from the back of his head, which reminded of him of how screwed he was going to be in a literal sense too.

None of this should’ve made the stallion feel horny, but Shining couldn’t recall many times where he felt this deeply aroused in his entire life~

Without warning, Twilight Sparkle mounted her brother, and elicited a surprised yelp from Shining’s end. Of course, that first noise was nothing compared to the strained, and unbelievably shaky cry that escaped the cuck’s mouth upon feeling the thick head of her dildo prodding hard against his tailhole. Even though he could feel how heavily coated it was in that gelatin-like lubricant, the Prince was absolutely certain it was going to feel like a baseball bat regardless of preparation. Unfortunately, that pain might only barely cover up how pained his heart still felt from that “break-up” he had to experience in order for this twisted ceremony to continue.

“Mmmmnnnnghhhh… Th-Theeeerrrrreeee we go, Shining~” Twilight bit her bottom lip while smirking anxiously down at the squirming Prince she was about to penetrate. As soon as she pressed the head of her toy harder against Shining’s hole, the pained groan he let out made her hiss in approval while shivering from her own pleasurable touch. The divorced cuckold may be getting the harsher end of the strapon, but the Princess made sure to wear a double-ended version of the garment as the smaller version of the rod pressed deeper inside of her dripping pussy. Her legs trembled for a second as she endured the welcoming feeling of fullness, and a small trickle of her arousal could be seen dripping down her legs. After breathing out with an elated shudder, the Princess of Friendship began the proceedings while pressing that hard silicone harder against her brother’s entrance.

Aaaaahhhhh, h-here we go... F… F-Fillies and Gentlecolts, we… we’re gathered here today to wi...w-witness the wonderful union betwee… between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, a-and… and the stallion she should have been with: th... the former King Sombra~”

Despite the Alicorn’s obvious difficulty keeping her composure while her own toy rubbed against her sensitive flesh more intensely, neither Cadance or Sombra seemed to mind while gazing at each other with lustrous grins. Meanwhile, the cuckolded Prince bent-over between them was left writhing in pain as he cried out from his sister’s massive strapon. With each centimeter that thick toy made to open up his virgin hole, Shining felt like he was going to rip in half from how badly his backside was burning in pain. But regardless of the agony he was feeling -- both physically and emotionally -- that caused his hind-legs to writhe helplessly, his eyes struggled to stay open while peering up at Sombra and his now Ex-wife.

After an especially profound shiver from the Alicorn mounting her brother, a hasty sigh was all Twilight needed before she continued the ceremony with a pent-up blush. “N-Now then… Considering the circumstances, I… I wouldn’t mind at all if you two decided to con… c-consummate the event while I did this~”

Sombra’s grin widened immensely while eyeing his bride-to-be like a piece of meat, which caused Shining to whimper at the sight between his pained groans. Of course, Cadance didn’t look offended in the slightest while giggling with a randy blush, which gave her a bridal-looking glow while wearing her wedding dress. While the former husband was left whining through gritted teeth and kneeled by her hooves, Cadance didn’t show any reluctance to the Princess’ suggestion as she turned herself around. In fact, she bent herself over rather quickly to show off her supple, plump backside that was covered by the many layers of her beautiful gown. “Oh, believe me,” she said with a deeply-aroused growl while eyeing her new groom. “I can’t think of anything better to make this moment perfect~”

Nnnnnghhhh!!~” Shining couldn’t help but think back to when he first watched his spouse walk down the aisle in that meticulously-made dress, and how tremendously happy he felt to have someone as wonderful as her in his life. But now, that feeling of warmth and closure in his heart was horribly tarnished the instant he watched Sombra’s hooves grasp both of his ex’s cheeks dominantly to make her squeal in delight. The groom then pulled up Cadance's skirt so it was bunched-up over her back, and left the Alicorn’s pristine marehood completely exposed between her spread-open legs. Even though Shining Armor figured that would be the case, he could see that her dripping cunt was already winking readily in anticipation for Sombra’s massive cock.

Aaaahhhh!!~” Cadance leaned her head back as she moaned from her lover’s touch, and looked back at him with an expectant smile. “Di… Did he tell you I was ovulating?~”

“Yes, he certainly did~” purred Sombra before leaning his head down, and closing his eyes to get a strong whiff of the Princess’ unbridled arousal. Shining was perched too low over that stool to get any hint of his ex’s scent, and could only wince as he felt a couple drips of her sex hit the top of his mane. Of course, even if he could get the chance to smell how ready she was for Sombra’s breeding, he doubted he could focus too much while his sister kept shoving that massive toy into his hole. Just as he felt the crowned head of that silicone rod slip past his ring with a hard pop, the Prince had to bite his hoof to counteract how hard he cried out from the pain.

Mmmmmmmnnnngggg~” Sombra sighed with a blissful grin after getting a good hit of his bride-to-be’s citrusy scent, and grinned wide upon reopening his eyes to marvel at Cadance's convulsing pussy. Her thick lips were coated in a glistening sheen of her arousal, and continued to drip down the inside of her legs and on top of her ex’s bowed head. Even with how stretched-out he left her on multiple occasions with Shining’s approval, Cadance still looked just as pristine and pure as she did when he first claimed her as his own. Even Twilight, whose eyes were fluttered and half-lidded from her end of the toy hitting her buttons so well, looked rather impressed at his sister-in-law’s gorgeous marehood.

Sombra made one last glance gown at the stallion’s submissive and pathetic-looking stance between them, and said with a massively cocky smile, “Oh, Shining… It’s a shame you’ll never taste her again…” He then narrowed his eyes on his bride wickedly before diving in between Cadance's cheeks, and dragging his thick reptilian tongue up the length of her sopping-wet slit. Cadance nearly buckled to the floor the instant she felt that thirsty muscle dragging itself across her over-sensitive flesh, and moaned out deeply in undeniable pleasure. Shining could barely think straight as his sister continued to shove the head of that toy past his burning hole, but he could still see his ex’s juices dripping off from the sides of Sombra’s tongue as he gave that cunt a fur-raisingly intense lick.

“AAAAHHHH!! Oh… Oh, SOMBRA!!~” Cadance couldn’t contain herself in the slightest, and was eternally grateful Twilight triple-checked the sound-proofing spells around the room while moaning in utter rapture. Meanwhile, Sombra groaned from the Princess’ wonderfully sweet taste as he lapped up as much of that sticky nectar as he could from Cadance's cunny-pot. With Shining being forced to watch below, Sombra’s lips pressed hard against the Alicorn’s before he dug his tongue between her delicate folds, intent on getting her riled up and claimed before their vows could be completed. With each hungry flick he made with his tongue inside of her deepest depths, Cadance convulsed strongly enough against his muzzle to leave Twilight too pent up to hold back herself.

Aaaahhh!!~” An especially strong buck of Twilight’s hips caused a couple inches of her toy to skewer her brother’s hole, which made Shining yelp in searing pain below her. The Alicorn could’ve made a quick “Sorry” to rectify that accidental slip, but she was too enamored with the sight of Sombra eating Cadance out to really care. Not to mention, Twilight’s clit pulsated hard the instant that toy rubbed against it with that impulsive buck. So because of that, Shining’s strained groans beneath her were left unattended while Twilight asked the moaning Princess, “Ho… H-How is he, Caddie?~”

AAAAHHHH!! It… It’s soooooo good!!~” she cried out in a needy shriek, which just barely overshadowed Sombra’s ravenous growls and slurps as he kept devouring her dripping pussy. “You… You r-reeeaaallllly need to feel him after this!!~” Shining could see the bottom of Sombra’s chin getting soaked in his ex’s arousal, and soon began to drip off to hit the top of his head. His face may have shown a pained grimace, but the Prince’s blush of shameful arousal didn’t dimmer by any means. In fact, Shining’s mouth began to drool in envy while he was pinned under his sister’s weight, and left moaning with nopony willing to help.

Mmmnnnnghhhh…~” Several strings of Cadance's juices connected between Sombra’s lips and her own when he finally pulled away with a satisfied sigh. He then went back in to lick the outside of his bride’s pussy a couple more times. While Cadance was left writhing in glee to those teasing laps, and Twilight openly moaned enviously from atop her brother, Sombra licked his lips before he said in a lustrous growl, “Maybe during the ‘reception,’ I’ll get Shining’s sister to squeal like a little slut too~”

“Oh, p-please do!!~” cried out Twilight as her arousal caused another hard buck of her hips, which made the first couple inches of her toy ram inside of Shining fully. Even though that intrusion caused a heavy shriek from the Prince himself, there was at least a little solace that the rest of that thick shaft was smooth enough to slide into him with better ease. Nevertheless, it was clear that Shining was more focused on the sight in front of him, as he watched his ex-wife bend over more openly for her new groom. Meanwhile, Twilight shuddered antsily before saying with a shaky breath, “Aaaahhhh~ Le… L-Let’s get you two married!~”

“Yes, let’s~” Sombra said before he hopped up enthusiastically, and mounted Cadance with his throbbing cock already fully unsheathed. From his angle, Shining got a prime view of the action between them as the Ex-King’s crowned cockhead pressed hard against her waiting slit. Cadance cried out once more in dire need of that hot piece of cockmeat, showing more enthusiasm for Sombra’s member than she ever had for Shining’s. Twilight, who also got a great view of that prodding, could barely contain herself as she heard the Tyrant say, “Mnnnghhh… I… I think I know exactly how to make this perfect~”

Sombra then pulled his cockhead away from Cadance's pussy, much to Shining’s surprise and guilty disappointment. However, the Prince’s pained groan was finally noticed by the superior stallion as he looked down at him with narrowed eyes, and an evilly wide grin. “Oh, Shining?~ Could you be a dear and help guide me to your Ex Wife?~

Even though his heart was thundering as painfully as his stretched-out hole, his untouched cage was throbbing hard enough to make him nod his head needily. As he bit his lip in trepidation, he felt his sister's magic loosen the ropes around his torso just enough to pull one of his forelegs free. The beta then reached out with a hoof to meagerly grasp Sombra’s thick, pulsating shaft. Twilight shuddered with an impressed smirk upon seeing such a generous gesture, and used that moment to push a couple more inches inside of her brother’s tailhole. The additional pain and pressure caused the stallion to wince and wrinkle his muzzle, but he was fortunate enough not to grip Sombra’s cock too tightly while pulling it towards his former spouse.

“Aaaahhhhh… Oh, Shining~” cooed Cadance as she looked down at him with a smile that bordered between appreciation and pity. “You… You know that his cock is more deserving than yours, right?~”

Shining Armor closed his eyes for a second to try and cover his pained cringe, and nodded his head with a brief exhale. “I… I-I do, Cadance,” he muttered before looking back at her untouched pussy, and taking another breath to guide Sombra’s cock towards it. “Th… That’s why…. Th-That’s why I let you divorce me…”

That last line hurt Shining to say out loud. A lot. But at the same time, he could feel how hard Sombra’s shaft throbbed in his grasp before he helped press that plump cockhead against his ex’s waiting cunt. He then took a second before groaning in aroused agony, and pushed that superior cock hard between Cadance's dripping lips. He could see her pristine folds spreading open around Sombra’s cockhead, and could hear just how infatuated her moans grew with each movement of that hot flesh against her own. Meanwhile, Sombra just watched from above with a domineering grin as the cuckold helped him push his own cock into the waiting mare, and finally slip the head inside with an audible schlick.

MmmmMMNNNGHHH!!~” Cadance shivered in elation as soon as she felt that welcomed fullness once more, and sighed before looking down at Shining with a thankful smile. “Th… Thank you so much, Shining~”

Even though his lips were tightly pursed while nodding back at her, his weak smile was apparent as he said meekly, “It… It’s not a problem, M… M-Mi Amore Cadenza…”

Cadance gave an impressed smirk, happy that Shining was willing enough to show he understood his place by calling her by her proper name. Of course, her expression suddenly changed to that of deep rapture the instant Sombra smacked Shining’s hoof away, and rammed into her cunt with a hard buck of his hips. The poor Prince was forced to watch up-close as that thick shaft speared his ex with an intensity only Sombra could provide, which left Cadance to shriek out with a lumbering moan. Meanwhile, Twilight groaned in envious pleasure before giving a similarly hard thrust against her brother’s backside.

The intense push made Shining yelp out once more as he endured that additional pressure and burning from Twilight’s toy, but he’d be lying if he said it was just as painful as that first bout of penetration. In fact, the Prince’s spine tingled a little as soon as he felt Twilight’s strapon brush against what he could guess was his prostate. Of course, given how distraught he felt regarding everything that was happening before him, perhaps he was just latching onto the briefest feeling of pleasure he could experience from his own end. But regardless of the matter, Shining could only groan through gritted teeth while watching Cadance taking that rigid stallionhood like a champ.

Aaahhh!~” moaned Twilight as she regained her composure, and tried to continue the proceedings while sliding more of her silicone length into her writhing brother. “Mnnnghhh~ Le… L-Let’s get to the vows already!~”

Nnnnghhh!! Y-Yes, please!” cried out Cadance as she kneeled down even lower for her soon-to-be groom. Her clit could be seen throbbing intensely as Sombra pushed more of his massive length deep inside of her, stretching her pussy out wide to her ex-husband’s tormenting pleasure. As she continued to moan and drip in unrelenting arousal, her breaths became more rapid while buckling under Sombra’s weight. Nevertheless, the Alicorn’s pleasure couldn’t be quelled as she cried out pleadingly, “O-Oh, please marry us, Twilight! I… I can’t stand another minute without a real husband inside of me!!~”

Shining may have felt hurt by Cadance's words, but he started to moan under his weak breaths as more of that toy slid inside of his clenched hole. Twilight’s hips bucked even harder against his backside, and it wasn’t long before she began to pull back to really start rutting the Prince senselessly. While both Princess were left horny and dripping from opposing ends of penetration, Twilight seemed just as eager as her sister-in-law to complete the ceremony. “Aaahhh!!~ O-Okay, I… I’ll start! Som… Sombra, I… I want you to repeat after me…”

Sombra, upon noticing Twilight’s waiting stance and heavy blush, grinned cockily before delivering a massive thrust into the wailing Princess he was inside. Cadance let out a hungry moan as soon as she felt most of his length skewer her with the ferocity of an untamed bull, and then quivered as she felt his shaft begin to slide out. Meanwhile, Sombra nodded towards the other Alicorn as soon as he got into the same stance as her, silently motioning for her to give the same motions as him during the vow recital.

Twilight may have been convulsing hard from her own toy, but nodded back at him as soon as she realized what he wanted. As soon as she gave a hard thrust into Shining to make him cry out in pained pleasure, Sombra did the exact same with the Prince’s former wife. Cadance and Shining sounded near identical from those thick shafts filling them at the same, which made Sombra chuckle to himself with a mischievous idea brewing in his mind. Even if he enjoyed fucking Cadance so often in front of her former mate, that didn’t mean he wasn’t above doing the same to Shining to further humiliate him in the future…

But before that idea could manifest any further for future planning, Sombra looked back at Twilight as they synced up their thrusts at a slow and studious rhythm. Meanwhile, the formerly married couple were left moaning in tandem as they took each thrust without even touching one another. By the time Twilight began to speak between panted breaths, Shining’s precum could be seen drooling from the tip of his chastity cage to aimlessly dribble onto the floor.

“N… N-Now repeat after me… I… K-King Sombra…”

The Tyrant was much less frazzled as the Princess officiating this twisted event, and kept a collected grin as he picked up the pace with his thrusts inside of Cadance. “I, King Sombra…”

“V-Vow to pleasure Princess Cadance… w-whenever I please as her new husband~” moaned Twilight as she increased her thrusts as well, which caused Shining to moan even deeper as he peered the spectacle from down below.

Meanwhile, Sombra’s voice turned deeper as he savored this welcome event. “Vow to pleasure Princess Cadance whenever I please as her new husband!~”

“An… And I shall nev… never use protection~”

“And I shall never use protection~” purred Sombra with a coy-looking grin down at Shining, who could barely focus while taking each motion of his sister’s strapon.

“And I… I’ll make sure… that your ex-husband will always watch to… to know what he’ll never experience again!~”

Shining moaned out especially hard from that last vow his sister made. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to hate Twilight for that, or absolutely love her. Of course, he knew what that answer was the instant she drove that toy deeper inside of him, and heard Sombra recite perfectly:

“And I’ll make sure that your ex-husband will always watch, so he’ll know exactly what he’ll never experience again!~”

That last line left Shining in an absolute whirlwind, and he began to fully embrace his sister’s poundings as that searing pain became more tolerable with each thrust. Meanwhile, Twilight was growing more enamored with fucking her brother as she timed her movements with Sombra’s. Despite how badly Cadance was moaning from each slide of that thick shaft inside of her, Twilight kept speaking as she turned her attention towards the bride. “C… C-Cadance, I… I need you to--”

“I, PRINCESS!!” she cried out to interrupt her sister-in-law, clearly too pent-up to repeat everything individually like her groom did. With the sounds of her ex’s slutty moans intensifying each thrust of Sombra’s cock into her dripping pussy, her voice came out in a deeply-enamored cry by the time Sombra began to legitimately fuck her. “I, Pr… Princess Mi Amore Cadenza… V-Vow to let King Sombra pleasure me as often as he wants as his new wife!!~ I… I’ll let him fuck me… anytime and any PLACE!!~ E… Even outside this room!!~”

NNNGHHH!!” Shining groaned through his teeth in response to that additional vow, not expecting Cadance to add such a measure. But at the same time, despite how many rules that’d break, he couldn’t deny the idea of her indulging with Sombra in such a decrepit way. The idea of such a strong… superior stallion taking her whenever he wanted set his heart ablaze in newfound pleasure. Even with his mouth hung-open to moan out meagerly, Shining couldn’t find it in him to make her take it back. In fact, he let his straining chastity cage guide his lustful intent as he let her continue openly.

“He… he can bend me over anytime! E… Even in public! And I’ll still let him fuck me!!~ And I… I shall NEVER use protection with him!! He… He can knock me up whenever he WANTS!!~ As many TIMES as he wants!!~ And I… I promise I’ll make Shining watch ev… every single time!! Be… Because he deserves to know what I… What I’ll NEVER let him experience with me again!!~”

Shining moaned out direly as he hung his head with his eyes clenched shut, feeling like he was going shoot his load from how pent-up he was feeling. With each driving thrust Twilight gave to his aching tailhole, his swollen balls were hopelessly dangling and smacking his cage while sporting a deep shade of navy blue. He continued to drip pre onto the floor, but that was nothing compared to the puddles of arousal that were growing around Cadance and Twilight’s legs. And while his own cock was left unattended and being hit by his blue-balls, Sombra’s plump pair kept smacking against Cadance's backside as she grew closer to climax from his primal ruts.

Aaaahhh!! I’ll… I’ll take that as your vows!~” moaned Twilight as she grew closer to orgasm herself, and went full-force while pounding that strapon in and out of the squirming cuckold. While Shining was left immobile from the intensifying pleasure he was succumbing to, his eyes were left strained open while peering at Sombra’s phenomenal thrusts into his former wife. Cadance was left screaming in unbridled lust, and dripping like crazy from how much Sombra was pounding her hungry cunt. Meanwhile, Twilight needed a couple quick breaths before she shouted, “Do… D-Do you two take each other as husband and wife?!~”

“I DO!~” growled Sombra as he picked up the pace even more, and delivered a couple thrusts per second to make Cadance's fur standing on end in titillation. Even from his angle and frayed state of mind, Shining could see just how badly his ex’s clit was throbbing needily from that Tyrant’s cock. He may have taken years to finally get the Alicorn pregnant himself, but he wouldn’t be surprised of Sombra could achieve that goal right here and now.

And honestly, the Prince couldn’t wish for anything better while hearing the Princess scream in rapture, “I DOOOO!!!~ Oh… Oh GODDESS I do!!~ I take him as my husband, I TAKE SOMBRA AS MY HUSBAND!!~”

Everyone in that room, including Shining himself, were growing hotter in elation and lust by the time the marriage was almost complete. But before she could make their unholy bond official, Twilight moaned hard between her thrusts to ask, “If… If anypony has any objections, le… let them speak now or--”

Shining knew he could’ve just stayed silent, but he couldn’t hold back as he moaned in a eager cry beneath the two, “SH-SHUT UP AND JUST DO IT, PLEASE!!!”

“FINE!!~” Twilight gave her brother a hard smack on the ass, which made the Prince yelp painfully before she said over the sounds of Cadance's moans and Sombras balls smacking against her, “B… By the power invested in me, P-Princess Twilight Sparkle… I… I hereby…”

Even if Shining wasn’t feeling a real cock inside of him, he could sense his sister’s impending orgasm as she paused briefly, and finished with an especially enamored squeal of completion. “... NNNNGHHHHH… Ohmigosh! I... I-I hereby pronounce King Sombra and Princess Cadance to be officially wedded as… as HUSBAND AND WIFE!!!~”

Twilight kept ramming into her brother relentlessly, but her strapon dribbled a hefty volume of her arousal from underneath as she came with a tremendously loud moan. As soon as she completed that twisted ceremony, the younger Alicorn came at the exact same time her sister-in-law did.

AAAAHHHHH!!!” Cadance was teetering at the brink for a while, but that official proclamation sealed the deal as she clenched hard around her new husband’s cock. Shining could only watch with a pathetically dire moan as she orgasmed like mad from Sombra’s thrusts, and gushed out a massive volley of her juices that dribbled down her buckling legs. Her arousal was notable enough for Shining to finally catch through his flaring nostrils, even though he knew he could never experience it himself from now on. But despite how mortifying that fact may have been for most stallions, the broken Prince was too aroused in shame to care while hearing Sombra roar out in pleasure himself.

Sombra delivered one last pounding thrust into his new wife, collided with her hips hard enough to make his balls press hard against her drooling cunt. His legs spasmed as he kept himself deep inside of Cadance, and shot a massive volley of his hot and potent cum straight into her deepest depths. While the Princess screamed in unrelenting pleasure from that thick load, Sombra’s roar almost reverberated against the walls from how quickly he filled her womb with his cum. Spurt after spurt of his Royal seed flooded the Alicorn’s cunny mercilessly, with each square inch he filled sending intense shivers up and down his spine. By the time nearly a minute of his hoof-curling, nerve fraying climax finally came to a close, Sombra could hear Shining moaning greatly to the sight of his former wife’s pussy dribbling out the overflow of her new husband’s cum, that trickled sloppily down her quivering legs.

“NNNNNGHHH!!” Shining’s head reeled back as he grimaced in merciless agony from how hard his cock was spasming inside of his cruel chastity cage. Despite how badly his swollen balls tried to churn and ride up against him, his cock wasn’t able to do anything more than dribble out a pathetic string of his precum to stop him from feeling any pleasure. He knew he shouldn’t have been aroused enough to enjoy any of what he just witnessed, but his hips bucked continuously as he felt the dire need to cum. Part of him wanted to cry out, or even beg for Cadance's new husband for such a shameful release. However, while the poor Prince was left fidgeting under his sister’s weight, and his balls hurt even worse than his stuffed and numb tailhole, his clenched eyes kept him from seeing Cadance lighting up her horn without warning.


In an instant, Shining Armor’s chastity cage was unlocked, and nearly dented the crystal floor from how hard it shot off his throbbing cock. The moment the Prince’s erection sprung out in its full average length, Shining threw his head back and cried in absolute rapture.


With all that he just endured, the stallion’s orgasm was instantaneous. Shining’s eyes were tightly shut as tears streamed down his face, and his mouth was hung open while unloading that monstrously thick load that shot all over the floor. Without even being touched, his stallionhood throbbed like mad as it spurted out a near constant stream of his thick and yellowed cum. After the months spent locked up, and the countless hours spent in teasing torment while Sombra did so many things to Cadance, every memory and insulting word flooded back to make the Prince’s climax last much longer than either of theirs. Even Twilight looked shocked while still mounted over him, and frozen as she heard her brother’s unrelenting and trembling cries of elation.

Shining’s fur was fully stuck-out, and his nerves felt like he was just hit with the world’s greatest electric chair. His balls churned out every single drop that accumulated over the months he spent locked up, and left a shockingly huge puddle on the floor between Cadance and Sombra’s hooves. Even though the newly-wedded couple were fully spent in bliss, neither of them could look away from the divorced cuck’s shameful release as they saw him squirming helplessly on the floor. By the time Shining finally finished with a deeply shapy cry, he passed out directly on top of his puddle of cum with an unsavory splash.

“AaaaahhhaaaAAAAHHAAAAAaaaaaaaa… Th… Thaaaaaannnnnkkk yoooouuuu…~”

After experiencing his first orgasm in months, Shining Armor was out like a light.

For a long moment of silence, neither of the other three ponies could say a word. Sombra was still breathing heavily after his own climax, but gawked with a smile that bordered between pity and amazement down at the cuckold. Cadance looked much more sympathetic, and smiled warmly down to the stallion she still loved deeply. As for Twilight, who was technically the first pony to reach orgasm from that wedding, her still-writhing hips weren’t enough to keep her from un-freezing in stunned silence at what she just witnessed. Of course, she was able to blink a couple times before glancing back up to the newlyweds, and huffing with a shrug of her shoulders. “Well, ummm… that worked out~ Heh heh…”

“Yeah, no doubt~” replied Sombra with a light huff of his own. He then looked back at Cadance with a raised brow, and asked with a slightly concerned tilt of his head, “So… should we be worried? I mean, that looked intense even for me.”

Cadance pondered that question as he looked down at Shining’s comatose state, and how badly his body continued to twitch and spasm in that puddle of his yellowed cum. Despite her faint feelings of disgust regarding how he looked, she eventually shrugged and stated, “Eh… I think he’ll be alright. I mean, he usually cries at weddings anyway~”

Sombra scoffed with a befuddled smirk, surprised that Cadance was still that cheeky despite what she just did to her daughter’s father. However, that response prompted Twilight to say, “Oh! Ummm… I know he’s passed out right now, but… If you two want, you may now kiss the bride~”

Even though Shining was knocked-out, Cadance saw no harm in leaning her head back, and giving Sombra a thankful kiss on the lips to complete the night’s festivities. However, she quickly pulled back to say insistently, “As soon as he wakes up, you fuck Twilight in front of him too. Deal?~”

Sombra smirked devilishly at his new wife, and nodded confidently. “Oh, honey… you say that like I wasn’t planning to already~”