Apex Predator

by Nobodyslament

First published

Deep in Canterlot is a vault, and within it slumbers the Mercenary King. A man who could single-handedly rout an army. he has slept so long that most histories have forgotten he was ever there. But he just woke up, and the world might not be ready.

Before the modern nations of Equess formed, there was constant war. In these early days of civilization mercenaries were a constant force. It seems unsurprising that there was on who was considered a force to be feared above all others. No, the odd part was that the main force consisted of two lone creatures.

Through a long campaign of violence and bloodshed, they managed to very nearly succeed. Only the Elements of Harmony themselves able to contain one of them, putting him in a deep sleep. With one fallen, they other disappeared, never to be seen again. The rest of the group collapsed, most going to Equestria of their own free will. When asked why they simply shrugged, saying a single line no matter who was asked. "You killed him, you're better."


Well, I'll take a feature when this goes up, thanks to all who helped it get there.

The Great Escape

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The dungeons deep under the castle of Canterlot were hardly considered a vacation spot. There are many empty cells, a couple of belligerent drunks, and a few actually dangerous beings in the cells directly under the castle. Despite its lack of attraction, it was technically open to the public. This feature was normally only used to visit the inmates, and there had even been a piece done in the Canterlot papers about how kind it was to allow anypony to enter the dungeon even to offer simple company to the inmates. There wasn't a piece done about the single locked door in the depths of the dungeon.

Two smooth pieces of marble hooked together almost seamlessly, with a dark emblem painted upon it. A horned skull that resembled a dragon, with a red banner behind it. Surrounding it were runes and glyphs so old there were only a few creatures in the world to know what they all meant. A lone guard posted beside it had a single job. If anything on the door changed, get the princess. For as long as any of the guards could remember it was a boring and dull post. The pay was high, and it was a good way to get noticed for promotion, but the pure will you needed to have to do the job well enough for a recommendation dissuaded many. After all, it was one of the few jobs that meant you served directly under Celestia.

The buck currently on duty was unaware that this was the last shift of his position. In fact, he was more preoccupied with a small fly buzzing on the wall. He watched it buzz around the ceiling, flickering his horn to keep a small shield up around the door. One of the major rules was keeping all living things off the wall itself, including bugs. He watched the erratic flight pattern of the bug as it repeatedly bumped into his shield. He held a bored expression until the emblem on the door changed. He moved to the skull before his eyes began to widen. His shield fell as his horn began to glow brightly. In a flash of light, he was gone. Leaving an empty corridor. The glowing eyes of the skull overpowering the nearby torches. They went out, and a creak began to echo through the corridor.


Princess Celestia enjoyed the little things. A hot cup of tea, a calm evening, the beauty of her sister's moon. All things that were plentiful, as well as being things that her schedule normally didn't allow her to enjoy. Today was a rare exception to the rule, where she had time to enjoy two simple pleasures. One was tea, brewed by her own horn to her exacting specifications. The second was a relaxing couple of hours with Twilight Sparkle. She took a calm sip from her cup as she happily grinned to herself. "So how has Ponyville been? Is Starlight doing well?"

Twilight nodded her own tea cooling on the table. "Yes, she talked me into supporting her decision to found her own school in Manehatten, so she's been packing and getting everything ready."

Celestia nodded. "Yes, of course. I believe there's a pegasus who had recently come by about looking to fund a new school in that area. Would you like me to have Raven send you the details?"

Twilight nodded excitedly. "Oh, yes! Starlight was having some issues with zoning and funding. Another pair of hooves trying to piece it together would probably help." Twilight's tea had cooled enough for her taste, and she took a small sip. "In unrelated news. Sunset said she might drop by for a visit, she wanted to help Starlight."

Celestia's grin expanded a bit. "Oh how wonderful, I know after all that happened she-"

Her thoughts were interrupted as the door to the private tearoom burst open, a harried guard galloping in wide-eyed and terrified. "Princess, the door! The door in the dungeons! It's-it's glowing!"

Celestia's teacup fell, cracking on the ground as tea marred the white marble floor. Twilight looked between the guard and Celestia, but before she could speak the senior princess moved to the guard. "How long ago, and what precisely glowed?"

The guard gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he worked his mouth. "About ten minutes ago, and it was the eyes themselves."

The eye's of the Solar Princess shrunk to pinpricks. "The eyes you say? If that's the case..."

She raised a hoof to her chin before all three of the ponies in the tea room heard a shout, followed by singing. "His eyes the closed, and last breath spoke, he had seen all to be seen. A life, once full, now an empty vase, read the blossoms on his early grave. Walk away me boy, walk away me boy, and by morning we'll be free." A single shout came from the other side of the door, followed by a thump. "Wipe the golden tear, from your mother dear, and raise what's left of the flag for me." The door was kicked open as both the guard and Princess Twilight stared at the creature in front of them. It was encased in dull metal, with olive drab fatigues under it. On its shoulder was the sigil from the door, marked in stark red and white. But that wasn't what captured their attention. No, it was its head. Malformed and metal, the helmet sitting upon the creature's shoulders was alien. No snout protruding, and no ears to be seen. In fact, the only feature that really stood out was a glowing visor in a T shape slashed across where eyes would be. It emitted a soft blue light, casting a shadow directly under the visor. The creature spread its arms wide. "Ah, The mighty Princess Sunbutt! It's been too long!"

Celestia grimaced at the creatures jovial tone, but the creature paid it no mind. Instead, turning to look at the second princess in the room. "And by the last snake in Ireland! Is that little Twilight I see before me?!" Both Celestia and Twilight opened their mouths, confused at how the creature knew that, not that he paid them any mind. He tapped his fist to the side of his helmet. "I do believe it is! Well then, guess I should be all gentleman-like for a few." He waved at her, his helmet tilting in greeting, but paused at a voice only he could hear. "What? No, we don't need that!"

All three ponies watched as the creature held a hand to the side of his helmet. Twilight leaned over to Celestia. "Princess, what is that?"

Princess Celestia bit her lip, trying to find words as the creature began whispering to lightly to be heard through his helmet. After a moment she sighed. "That is a creature with a more bloody and violent history than most mortal foes I have faced. Play along, we must ferret out his plans as quickly as possible."

Twilight nodded as the creature shouted again. "NO! I need you ready to go about thirty seconds ago! Focus all your energy on the arcane systems first, everything else is secondary. But..." The creature rubbed the back of his head, shuffling from foot to foot. "It is good to hear from you. Stay safe, alright chica?" There was another moment of silence before the creature nodded, turning back to the ponies. "Sorry about that, you know how friends can be sometimes Twilight." He cleared his throat, standing tall and proud. "As I was saying, I am the mercenary king." He tilted his head to the side. "Call me Micro." He moved past the ponies, heading to a nearby window and looking out it with his hands propped up on the sill. "And I am unbelievably tired. Whatever whammy you hit me with Celestia, it really should be more restful with how long it knocked me out."

Celestia trotted up beside him, looking out of the window at the gardens. "Yes, but necessary. You had been allied with the Minotaurs, you were winning the war for them on your own. I had hoped it would be a peaceful passing for you instead of..."

Micro chuckled. "Instead of waking up in your castle a few millennia and change later?" She didn't respond as Micro scanned the gardens. He pointed a finger at an empty square of grass on a hill outside. "Right there, if I had passed I think that would be a good place for my burial. Open sky, clean air, everything a man wants. Though as is I could probably only stand it for about two minutes."

Celestia looked at the hill and agreed. The way that the hill laid bare was beautiful, and the view was probably beautiful, not that she frequented that area of the gardens. She let out a sigh. "Micro, I'm sure you know I can't let you leave. You killed hundreds in the war, and unless I know exactly what you're doing you are far too dangerous to be left unattended."

There was a moment of silence as they continued to look over the garden. Micro let our his own sigh, reaching up to grab either side of his helmet. It hissed, being pulled free with a few small spurts of steam. With it removed a mask with glowing bulbs was free. He reached the back of his head with his right hand, unzipping it before dropping the hood over his armor. No words passed as Celestia got the first look at Micro's face she had ever been able to get. It was far younger looking than she thought. No wrinkles or lines marred his face, his short hair a dirty blonde. His eyes were a dark brown, and held the cocky glint of youth as he put the helmet on the windowsill and pulled the locks. With a pull, the window was opened, and as a gentle breeze came through the room Micro nodded. "Yeah, coulda guessed that. But you know I'll have to at least try to run, right?"

Celestia shook her head. "You don't have to. You could simply stay here. We would treat you fairly, and you could earn your freedom like a prisoner is supposed to."

Micro smiled, tapping his fist on his helmet. "Now Sunbutt, you know I never stick around one place too long." He put the hood back on. With a flip, the helmet found its home over his skull a small hiss escaping as it settled on his head. "Besides, my rides nearly here." At that line, chaos began to break out. Micro turned behind him and began sprinting at the door. With three flashes of horns, three shields appeared in front of the open passageway, causing the pilot to run in place at the front of the wall. As the guard went to tackle him down, the body disintegrated into odd-looking light and left the room empty. Celestia cursed as a voice called out from the window. "THEN THE ROSARY BEADS COUNT THEM ONE TWO THREE, FALL APART AS THEY HIT THE FLOOR!"

Celestia and Twilight both turned to the window sill and saw Micro soaring through the air, rushing the hill as the small pack at the base of his spine sent a small jet of flame forward. Twilight dived after him, taking to the air as he rolled into the dirt from his brief flight. The guard and Celestia stared as the two descended, a staredown starting at the base of the hill Micro had pointed to earlier. The guard turned to Celestia. "Princess, what should I do?'

Princess Celestia bit her lip, causing the guard to wince. "I honestly don't know."


Pov: Micro

My helmet was the only thing hiding my grin as I landed on the soft turf of the Canterlot gardens. I was free! Sure I barely remembered anything from my imprisonment, and it felt like less than a week, but I was free! I drank the air like it was cheap booze, letting the filters in my helmet key off while I tasted sweet fresh air. I glanced to the top of the hill, a timer counting down at the crest and smiled as soft wingbeats came from behind me. With an extravagant turn, I faced my mystery intruder, resting my hand on the hilt of the only true weapon I had on me. My trusty little data-knife. Twilight Sparkle stood before me in all her pony glory. Wings on her back and fire in her eyes.

Well, maybe more confusion than fire, but I knew her story. Fighting the evils of this world with her wits and her friends. Granted her kill count was nowhere near as high as mine, but she was a good girl to the core. I only had a passing relationship with good, that being that I was close enough to it as to not to be considered evil. I tilted my head at her as she watched me silently. After a few seconds, I groaned. "Look, the whole scary staredown thing is so far from my speed it's not even funny. What'cha want?"

Twilight's curiosity fell, replaced with the fire I wanted. "Princess Celestia was very clear. You're not allowed to leave the castle." Her eyes narrowed as her horn charged, and I laughed.

She didn't falter as I did so, even politely waiting as I held out a finger when I doubled over. I didn't bother standing up. "Oh, that's a good one princess, but Celestia and you can't stop me, besides, I haven't been home in forever, I need to stop by." I rested a hand on a pouch at my chest, tapping my fingers. "Make sure the squatters aren't taking my stuff, clean out my fridge, that kinda thing."

Twilight's eyes remained narrow, and her stance evened out, spreading her weight evenly in case of a sudden strike. "Just because you're tough doesn't mean you could stop me if I had to restrain you."

I nodded. "That's a very true statement princess, I might not be able to stop you," A crack sounded above us, and I pointed a thumb behind me. "But she can."

Her mouth opened but was unable to speak before a rush of wind began to drown out all noise. My helmet canceled it out and a muted crash sounded from behind me. I spread my arms wide as clanks and whirrs came from the construct behind me. "Please, Princess, allow me to introduce my best friend. Just as I am Micro, this is Macro."

A calm lady-like voice sounded behind me. "Tactical systems online, shield systems online. Titan M4C-R0 online. A pleasure to see you again pilot."

I turned around, looking to see my beautiful baby. A Vanguard-class titan, with the Marauder markings, scratched off, replaced with the beautiful Apex Predator skull. I spread my arms wide. "Macro, baby! I've missed you. Everything quiet on the western front?"

Her optics tilted slightly, lowering the 40mm tracker cannon in her hands. "All has been quiet for the past century. There has been a lone pony poking around our perimeter, but she was scared off by a malfunctioning turret three days, two hours, and seventeen minutes ago."

I turned to Twilight, smiling wide. "See Twi? I don't think you want to mess with me and Macro here, but if you really want to I won't say no."

The young Princesses eyes flickered between me and my titan, before her horn's glow redoubled. "I can't let you leave, you have committed crimes against Equestria and have to answer for them."

I sighed, I may be heartless, but there was some part of me that could remember Twilight, and I didn't want to be the one to pull the trigger on her. I let my helmet fall into my chest. "Oh little Twily, I bet brother dearest is so proud." She raised an eyebrow as used my left hand to reach to my knife. "A gift for you then." I drew the knife, flipping it over. "I know how much of a scholar you are, so I will tell you my own private philosophy. I've held it since I joined the Apex Predators a lifetime ago, or longer now, I suppose. It has been heard in years past by every foe that fought me one on one." I held the knife out to her, shaking the handle slightly. Her magic gripped the handle, pulling the blade free from my grasp. I squatted low, my right hand still on my chest pouch. "It goes like this. You kill me, you're better. I kill you, I'm better. Which leaves the obvious question unanswered." I quirked my head. "Are you better than me, Twilight Sparkle?"

The silence stretched as Twilight's eyes fell on my mask, tripping into the rookie mistake I laid out for her. I pulled the pin on the arc grenade in my chest pouch, rolling it towards her. The soft noise of metal on grass drowned out by a ping from Macro. I shook my head, clicking my tongue a few times. "Nope, not yet Twily, maybe next time." She opened her mouth as a mass of lightning exploded underneath her, cutting off the glow from her horn as my knife fell back into my hand.

I stood up, shaking my head. "It's a shame, I really wanted to give you this more peacefully." With a shrug, I began digging into a hip pouch. "You know, I've heard a lot of your stories. Sombra, Nightmare Moon, Changelings. Amazing how much trouble one young mare can solve." I found what I was looking for, pulling out the small card with my logo on it. I dropped it on Twilight's forehead. "If you ever need my help girly, then you just rip that card. You've earned my respect, use it when you need it." The second set of wings sounding in the distance warned me it was time to go. I turned around, running up to Macro. "RO, CATCH ME!"

I jumped forward, my thruster kicking in as Ro's arm shot out, wrapping me in massive fingers before pulling me into her cockpit. Her voice came through my helmets speakers. "Arcane transport system online, we must reach high ground to initiate Titanfall."

I flicked a few switches, keying my neural link and turning all the various cameras on. "Yeah yeah, we're on a damn mountain Ro, get me a drop point!" The radar came online before a red ping came from it. There was a tense second of nothing before a yellow circle appeared. I let out a whoop of joy. "Ro, you are one beautiful bitch. Let's get the hell out of here!" With the neural link activated her movements became mine. I felt the servos and engines as if they were my own organs, and the ground under my feet squashing as it was compacted from my 40-ton nightmare running.

Ro was spot on, the edge of the gardens having a large drop off on the other side of a wall. I began messing with a switchboard, trying to ready a VTOL launch, only for a shower of sparks to spray in my helmet. As they subsided Ro's voice came through my earpiece. "Pilot, most systems are offline from long-term low power mode. I'm afraid that besides the basics the only capabilities currently online are my primary weapon and shields."

I cursed, firing a round at the castle walls. The appreciable hole couldn't hope to fit a titan, but as I tensed my arms Ro's arms followed. With a leap forward we crashed through the wall. The open sky was below us, and for a moment I simply enjoyed the view. At least until several error messages began appearing. Ro's voice chimed up again. "Mike, I am prepping an arcane drop, coordinates set at Apex HQ, are you sure this is wise when we are so close to our final mission objective?"

I sighed as purple lights began to flash, each warning being dismissed one by one. "Nah, war's over Ro, no use burning the capital to the ground if we ain't getting paid." The warnings faded, and the purple lights went up to eleven, blinding me. It faded with a crash.

Ro spoke up before I could wash the purple out of my vision. "Welcome home pilot. It's been waiting for you." The cockpit opened before I could look through the screen to see what became of my house, dull light seeping through my vision as I began stepping out. My old home had not aged well as I had hoped. The sleek wooden walls that had once made my beautiful open area that me and 'Ro shared had rotted and splintered from age, with the two human-sized doors nearly falling off the hinges. I grimaced as I kicked through the withered husk of the armory door. My vision instantly became obscured by dust as the door disintegrated. "Jesus, I know I was gone for a while, but I didn't expect this much shit." I looked over the dilapidated room. The racks were full of my old tools, all worn and broken from the long stretch of time they had lain abandoned. I raised an eyebrow at the treasure trove of equipment rendered useless by the ravages of time. With a scoff, I picked up my old G7 and tried to work the action. It jammed less than an inch from it's resting position. With a grunt, I placed it back in its slot. "Ro, does anything work in here!?"

I made my way out as Ro's soothing voice echoed through the room. "Yes, you're room has remained as you left it. One of the unicorns we employed placed a spell on it, however, his haste to leave meant could not stay to do the same for the rest of our HQ."

I grunted, heading across the open area and heading to my old bedroom. I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised when it didn't collapse as soon as I put some weight on it. I opened it up to find my old bedroom in perfect order. The two fabricators sitting in the corner, and my old bed still sitting half-made in the corner. I ripped off my helmet with a happy smile. "Hell yeah." I began unhooking myself from my pilot rig, thrusters, and holsters clanking as they fell to the wooden floor. As I began stripping out of my bodysuit I called out to Ro. "Hey, wake me in a few hours!! I'm gonna sleep in my bed for the first time in centuries."

I heard what sounded like an exasperated sigh run through a tin can wire. "Pilot, I would appreciate if first, you could do a perimeter check of all the areas I cannot reach of the base. Despite our best efforts, I am still larger than the side rooms and entrances allow. I have been unable to properly secure them."

I rolled my eyes, finishing my strip before heading to my chest of drawers at the foot of my bed. With a flourish, I recovered my Pajama's and began throwing them on. "Look, if they lasted this long I'm sure they'll survive for another few hours." I paused as I glanced to the hologram projectors that attached to my wrists, currently laying in a heap at the top of my clothes. I scooped them up and placed them on over my bare skin, you only need to be caught with your pants down once. I heard a clank from outside but ignored it as I flopped into my bed. After so long from home, nothing felt sweeter.

Relaxation With A Side Of Interrogation

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I was awoken to several loud grunts followed by a few even louder clanks and groans heralding Ro moving about. My mouth let out an annoyed grunt before I was fully awake. "RO! WHAT'S GOING ON!?"

There was a cacophony of shouts from an unknown source before Ro spoke up. "We have an intruder. She appeared near the roof of the meeting room, I have her restrained. However, I advise coming to deal with the intruder now. She has the capability to leave as soon as I release her."

With a grunt, I pulled myself up from my blankets. While muttering curses, I began digging around in my side-table. After a moment of searching, I brought out my only surviving weapon with the armory in such a tarnished state. A wingman revolver, pristine in condition with a full cylinder sitting in its chassis. The heavy weight of the weapon felt safe in my hand, though without the full suit on I had to rely on reflex and the sights for aiming. Couldn't just spray and pray as easily. It probably wasn't important, but it paid to know exactly where your limits are.

I came out of my bedroom with a groggy stumble. It wasn't like I woke up and was ready to face the day. In fact, I was only in a pair of shorts and a stained white shirt. A shower would be necessary asap. Unless arrows were flying and spells were flashing my wakeup always took a good twenty minutes. With bleary eyes and a heavy head I looked over the room. There was Ro, standing in the center of the room. She was holding a pony in her offhand, her thumb resting on its horn. I raised an eyebrow. "Ro, why are you holding the pony like a cheap plush toy?"

Ro shifted, her rifle hand resting on the grip behind her back. "It keeps her from casting spells. I find that it is more humane than the butchery we were forced to use in the past."

I shrugged. "Cool, cool. Drop her and throw an amped shield over her. I know it's not the most power efficient option but I don't want to talk to someone being held like a soda can. I think it's considered rude in this day and age."

Without a word, a flash of light appeared in front of me, a blue shield rising in front of me in a dome. Ro placed the pony in it, who seemed rather peeved at her less than polite greeting. She turned to me with a glint of anger in her eyes. "You're construct held me against my will!"

I grunted at her, not relishing the idea of dealing with Yelly-McYellerson. I gestured at her with my wingman. "Look, this thing can shoot through that shield and kill you before you say another word. So before either of us say something that you won't have the chance to regret lets lay some ground rules." I pointed the pistol up, pointing to my chest with my off hand. "I'm Micro, that 'construct' as you called her is Macro. Just so you realize how much you fucked up, she's the nice one." I looked around before my growling stomach alerted me to a more immediate issue. "Hey Ro, did any food survive all this time? I doubt it, but I'm holding out hope."

There was a pause as Ro stared at me. I had the feeling she was judging me, but I really couldn't care less. Eventually, she deigned to answer. "I have kept a stable stock of long-term food supplied that should last a few months for you. It is in the container towards the rear of the main room."

I glanced back at the container, nodding at the wooden crate I found. I looked to the unicorn, only to pause. She was yellow, with a red and yellow mane. One that reminded me vaguely of bacon. My memories niggled at me for a moment, before realization kicked in. "SUNSET SHIMMER! That's who you are!" I knelt down low, looking her in the eyes as she flinched back. "Yep, took me a sec, sorry about that. Now, what's the local exile doing on this side of her pretty little mirror." I was pleasantly surprised by Sunset's appearance, and not only because she tied my mental list for best pony. I had never watched the Equestria Girls series, but her being here implied a happy end for the girl. I began rubbing my chin, the thin beard that graced my chin adding a certain scritching noise. "Did you come here after repairing bonds? Simply to visit Twilight? So many questions I can't answer easily." I jumped up, snapping my fingers with a smile. "Drop the shield, Ro. Sunset here is good people." I turned to face my oldest partner, a smirk gracing my face. "Besides, she's got the soul of a predator, I want to see what she does."

There was a heavily distorted groan from my Titan, but the shield dropped at my request. I saw a flash of light come from either side of me, and I smiled as Sunset's face began looking to either side of me. Finally, her glare settled on my face. "Illusion magic won't scare me."

I smiled, idly tapping the hologram projector on my left side with the one on the right. "I'm afraid you're wrong on that count Sunset. I don't have even the smallest bit of magic running through these veins. I just have my beautiful posse." I spread my arms wide and saw a pair of decoys do the same. I saw each one had on their own shirt. One said I'm with stupid, with an arrow pointed at me. The other wore a shirt that said he's stupid, the arrow pointing at me again. I smiled at that. "Call them my entourage if you're of a fancier tint." I spun the wingman in my hand, letting the sound of whistling metal talk for me, if only for a moment. "But you're no Rarity, so I doubt high-class airs mean much to you."

She stared at me, though I was happy to see it was more in anger than in horror. Her stance lowered as her horn began to glow. "If you're threatening anypony," Her horn flared slight, the aura expanding as a small gout of flame jumped from the point. "There will be nothing left but ash when I'm done."

I laughed, loud and clear as my doubles did the same. There's was silent, but it still gave me some small joy to see other humans acting real. The amount of time my digital buddies came out to play was low, and even lower if it wasn't life or death. I wiped a tear from my eye, pointing at her with my unarmed hand. "See Ro, told ya! She's got our type of grit burned into her DNA!" I began rubbing my chin again, looking her over. "Maybe literally if a few of the theories I know are true. But that's a mystery for another day." I turned to my food crate, shoving my free hand into my pocket as my doubles faded into nothing. "So Sunset, would you like to stay for breakfast?" I could feel her bewildered stare from my back, but I paid it no mind, grabbing the corner of the crate and ripping it off with my hands. The cover fell easily, and I groaned at what lay beneath. "Ro, these are MRE's!"

Another distorted sigh came from behind me. "Yes they are, they provide adequate nutrition and keep for almost a hundred years. Storing anything else was both expensive and inefficient. I was hardly left with a schedule of when you would return."

I groaned as I stared at the magically sealed cardboard boxes in front of me before grabbing one and tilting my head back. "So, you staying for breakfast or what? Cause I really want to get rid of these now."

There was a pause before a slow exhale of breath followed. "Okay, I'll stay for breakfast."

I happily bobbed my head, picking up another box and placing it atop the other so as to keep my gun hand free. I wasn't stupid after all. "Groovy, then let's retire to my room and hope none of my former employees stole my table." I turned around and looked to Ro. "Ro, feel free to use the helmet speakers to join the conversation, wouldn't want to leave you out of the loop after all."

Ro shifted on her feet slightly, her 40mm coming to an easy rest in front of her with a loud clang. "Of course, I'm glad to see you are taking the most minimal precaution possible pilot. Shall I allow any intruders to know where you are as well?"

I smiled lightly as I shoved open my door with my foot. "Please tell them to remain in the drawing room, I'm quite sure such honored guests would hate to see me at anything less than my best."

I began humming an old song as I set the crates down, noting a faint glow from behind me. I didn't bother addressing it, instead hitting on the old lantern hung by my door. I hadn't bothered taking a close look at my room, but I was beginning to think Ro left out a detail or two about whatever enchantment was used on my room. It looked pristine, and even the best enchantments I knew of crapped out after a century. Something was up. I shrugged it off, heading to the corner where I used to stash a chair and table that could fold up. I tossed the wingman onto my bed, and began the annoying process of setting up. It clicked and clacked throughout my setup, and I raised an eyebrow at Sunset. "You gonna help with this, or just planning on watching the magicless idiot set up a table for our lackluster meal?"

There were a few hesitant steps behind me, but the chair began unfolding as I sat on the foot of my bed, hauling the freshly standing table to my makeshift seat. I gestured to the crates, and Sunset raised an eyebrow before her horn began to glow. A moment later the same glow enveloped the two crates of food, levitating them towards us. I nodded my thanks as I began opening it up, finding a strange mix of bars and crystals housed within. I scowled at it. Sunset didn't seem to be particularly conversational, so I decided to take the first step. "Sunset, did you know that eating with another being has specific connotations in my culture?"

Sunset raised an eyebrow, opening the small sack within her crate before withdrawing several bars of food as well as a canteen. She grabbed a cheap gem in the back and applied pressure to it with her magic. Within a second it began glowing. She held her food bar above it in her magic, letting the gem warm it. "No, though I would assume it's some ancient warrior tradition from the little I know about you"

I nodded, miming her movements as I grabbed a random bar and held it over the crystal. "I suppose it is. Long ago in my native lands, if two people ate together it was almost a promise." I moved the bar to my lips, taking a tentative bite. It tasted of cardboard with cheese, but I had eaten worse. I held it over the crystal again. "In ancient times it was a vow that for the next little while, normally a day or so, there would be no violence between the parties or even a vow of protection. Of course, time went on, and the meaning shifted to mean becoming closer to someone through a meal, but the message is about the same."

Sunset looked at her bar, and then at me. "So you're basically saying you won't attack me for a day if you eat in front of me? Isn't that a bit too hopeful for a warrior-god?"

I chuckled, taking another bite of the bar. Since it was now warm the taste was a bit more palatable though still not good. I finished my bite and flashed her a smile. "Well, it's not actually a concrete promise, and I doubt anyone would consider it a faux-pas if you refused to dine with me and we met on the killing floor later that day." I shrugged. "I don't really know all the specifics, but I didn't know I was a warrior-god until a few seconds ago." I smiled at her as she looked at me with an appraising eye. "I always preferred to say I was a mercenary-king myself. Sounds cooler, and it has a bonus of making me sound less like a megalomaniac with evil plans, and more like the dashing rouge I am."

Sunset winced, before rapidly taking a bite of her food. I filed the sudden gluttony away for future use before Sunset swallowed, speaking as soon as her breath returned. "Well, maybe your reputation expanded while you've been sleeping. I never was much of a history buff."

I nodded at her, smiling easily around the small pony. "Aye, I can second that. Why worry about the past when the future is sitting right there?" I looked at the food bar before dropping it. "I learn the lessons I need and focus on the next job, any more studying than what I need is time that could be better spent."

My helmet began to glow blue on the floor, and Ro spoke through it. "Pilot, I hate to disagree, but the amount of times you spoke in the past implies at least a passing interest in several schools of study. Including history."

I groaned, flicking the crystal that was still hot to the touch at my helmet. "Don't ruin my talks Ro. I only study the interesting stuff, I couldn't stand reading for hours on end. Too much to see and do in this beautiful world."

"Be that as it may pilot, I am simply sharing that you stated you do not see the use in worrying about the past, but have frequently used the past as a marker for the future. Of course, your general knowledge of the future means that we were in ancient history as far as you were concerned."

I nodded and readied a response, but Sunset beat me to the punch. "What does she mean you were in ancient history?"

I smiled as I finished of the first meal bar, grabbing the waterskin in the box and pouring some into a small tin of coffee grinds, holding the whole ordeal above my crystal, which had rebounded back in front of me. "Well now sweety, that's some privileged history. I mean, I doubt you tell anyone who walks by your house about the time you turned into a demon. Why should I share such similar horrifying revelations about my past with you?"

Sunset looked at me, a flicker of annoyance crossing her eyes before she spoke. "Maybe because it might help get the princess off your back?"

I shrugged, instantly ignoring the idea as soon as she gave it to me. "Nah, Celestia can hunt me all she wants, it'll just make things more fun. But I do have a deal where I'll give you a hint."

I stood up, moving to my suit as Sunset mulled it over. As I began donning my suit I heard her mumble softly. "What's the deal?"

I smiled as I reattached my projectors to my suit. "Ah, knew you were a smart girl. I'll give you my pitch, then you think about it for a few minutes. I'll say right now the offer is eternal, whenever you want to take it it will be open. Hear me out, and after you think it over I'll give you a hint, even if you say no."

I turned to face Sunset as I zipped up the hood that I wore under my helmet. When the cameras synced up to my eyes I caught the tail end of her nod. I smirked, she was in hook line and sinker. I threw on my helmet, looking at my abandoned coffee, but I had a thought niggling at my mind. A thought Ro formalized as my helmet sealed. "Pilot, Sunset's horn has lit up five times since she has left the shield."

I nodded, making sure Ro knew I understood before standing in front of the open exit. "Alright, so as you probably already know, I run my own little company. If you're willing, I want you on board. You can remain a loyal Equestrian citizen, and make bits helping refound my little tour group." I held up my hands, hiding the small glow from my hologram projector. "now don't say nothing, I want you to think on it for a minute. Take note of all what I just said means." And with that, I slowly stepped back, the hologram staying in place as I left, leaving Sunset none the wiser as I made my way over to Ro.

I began climbing up her titanic body, hauling myself to the top before reaching down to the circular hatch at the top. With some small effort, it clicked ever so slightly open. That done, I left a hologram sitting on the Ro's roof, before glancing down. "Hey Ro, think you can toss me to the rafters?"

She looked at me for a moment, before her optics nodded, her voice chiming in my helmet. "Of course pilot. Are we expecting company?"

I grabbed her hand when she offered it, letting her toss me straight up and onto one of the high rafters of my chasm. The impact sent a small shake through the wood, and a small portion of the wall fell free. A sliver of solid black peeking from the new hole. I leaned back and switched my helmet view to her optics. "With Sunset's horn glowing that much? I'd be surprised if they don't show up sooner rather than later." I rested my hands behind my head as I saw the world through Macro's eyes. As I took note of the various diagnostic messages that would be fixed by simply heading to an area with more ambient magic I asked a question. "Ro, whenever I need to speak next you mind if I steal you, speakers. Make sure they can't hear where I actually am and all that?"

Ro moved her sight to my room, and then the world tilted slightly. I smiled widely at that, it seemed my own habits were still worming their way into her life. "That is acceptable Mike. I will use your natural voice so I can still easily communicate if the need arises. How long until the guests begin to arrive?" There was a crack from somewhere to my right, followed by a handful of screams and loud clanking metal. After a moment I heard Ro's voice from outside my helmet. "Never mind pilot, it appears we have eight new guests in our home. Orders?"

From my helmets view, I saw our guests. Two Royal Guards in full armor and kit, swords gleaming in the soft lights Ro naturally emits. However, they were unimportant next to my other guests. The Elements of Harmony. All eight were softly grasped in Ro's gentle grasp. I dangled one of my legs from the rafter and chuckled, hearing it in stereo as the chuckles came from Ro's speakers. "Drop 'em Ro, there isn't exactly a need to be inhospitable is there?"

Ro sat them down and turned to face the rapid clips and clops of Sunset trying to tackle my hologram, and flying through it with appreciable speed. Ro noticed this, and pulled her cannon free from her back. "Pilot, we are outnumbered nine to two, odds heavily in our favor. I recommend peaceful negotiations."

I nodded a bit, yawning. "Yeah, I'm still too tired to want a fight right now. Scan each one real quick, I want to know them all inside and out."

Ro nodded her optics, and I saw a small rectangle slide over her shoulder. A small thump sounded, followed by a loud ping. Each pony was briefly illuminated in red, causing one to duck behind another. I paused as Ro's optics went over her. "Hold up Ro, stop there." Macro froze, her optics tagging each pony. I focused on the one hiding, taking note of her snout shape, as well as the color of her mane. It was eerie, how similar it was, but that was impossible. I had been active what? Lifetimes ago. I clicked my jaw a couple of times, trying to think it through. "Ro, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

My titan focused in on the same pony I was thinking of. I tugged the name out from whatever far past memory I could. Fluttershy. If a naming convention could hold that long she would be close enough. The ponies all stared as Ro began matching every piece of Fluttershy's anatomy. There was a moment of silence before Ro nodded. "Pilot, odds are still low she is a direct descendant, but if she is she inherited as much as possible. It's a minute chance though." With a flick of my eyes, Ro's vision went to the corner, allowing me to look through my own eyes.

I nodded and looked to my room as hoofbeats charged through it. Sunset ran through my hologram, stumbling at the ease of her exit. I made a few quiet jumps over the rafters, making it above my room. "Well, I guess we'll find out another time then. Anyway, WELCOME! Forgive the shabby decor, but I've been gone from my humble home for far too long." I walked calmly into my bedroom, smiling as I packed up the few things I needed, loading all my clothes into the small fabricator I kept in the corner. The ponies were all looking above Ro, including two guards who were trying to reclaim Sunset without making it to obvious. Bless them. With the fabricator packed up, I closed it tight, strapping it to my back and sliding under my bed. "So I'm sure you're here for some grand crusade of justice or what have you, but I've got a pressing engagement and need to be leaving soon. I know you folk would love to stay here and ask me all manner of questions, but sadly time is short."

I grabbed the large satchel under my bed and opened it, flipping a few switches. A large 60 appeared on a small led screen in the canvas. With calm hands, I placed it on the small support beam in my room. "So in one hour, this cave system is going to collapse. Add to that I was hoping to grab Ro's little dragon-slayer before I left and I have a rather full schedule. So each of you gets one question." I paused, and looked over the ponies for a moment, before sighing. "Okay, Flutters down there gets two. Damn family resemblance."

They all stared up at Ro, before the blue pegasus rose up. She tried to fly to where my hologram was presumably grandstanding, but a quick catch from Ro stopped her. The pegasus was lowered in front of Ros optics, and she spoke with a hint of amusement at the pony. "Pardon, my pilot requested a peaceful talk. Please refrain from breaking down cooperation." With a clack, a small box rose from her shoulder, and I could tell the salvo of rockets was ready to fire.

The pegasus glared at her for a moment, and as soon as she spoke I remembered her name. Rainbow Dash. "Well maybe if your pilot just stopped being a massive JERK!"

A purple glow surrounded the pegasus, and in a flash, she was gone. Ro looked to Twilight, whose horn was glowing again. A second flash appeared above her optics. Ro stared as the ponies looked around in confusion. It clicked in my head a second later. "C'mon girls, teleporting someone is rude. Shouldn't be doing that without warning." I began to head out of my room, sending the hologram from my room on a leisurely walk to Ro.

The ponies all turned to it as I began climbing up my wall and I smiled as the hologram hammed it up. It slowly made the motion of clapping as each step fell, only to stumble as a burst of rifle fire echoed through my cavern. I jumped from the wall, running to Ro as she turned to face it, the ponies all recoiling at the noise. Their ears were folded down, recoiling from the force of the sound as much as its sudden rapport. I switched to my own speakers again, sending my voice over my private channel. "Ro, situation?"

She knelt to one massive knee, the cavern shaking as her weight crashed into the wood. "One of the malfunctioning turrets has found an explorer. It is not responding to cease-fire orders, I believe the IFF chip has broken over time."

I groaned, sliding into the ground before leaping forward, jumping into the cabin easily. "Okay, so do we have a stim delivery system ready for me?"

Ro's cabin stayed open as I reached under the seat, grabbing the small emergency kit hidden there. Her hand raised up to be in front of me. "Negative pilot. However, there is an emergency stim shot in your box. However, since you lack the proper augmentations it will be... painful."

I found the shot, pulling it out easily. I held it lightly in my left hand, holstering my pistol and pulling a small box from my pouch. "Yeah, but I think I'll live. How long has our intruder got?"

Ro shook her hand. "Not long, you will require a toss pilot."

I grimaced as I slammed the box onto my chest, feeling a pulse that felt like lightning fly through my body. I heard shuffles as the ponies began to move, but another burst of fire made them stop. I stepped forward grabbing the syringe in my hand and nodding. "Alright Ro, let's get shit done."

Cold metal fingers coiled around me. My vision seemed to focus, the world becoming a stream of numbers as Ro hijacked my own helmets computer to quicken her math. A moment of black and green, numbers flowing past me without any reason I knew. In an instant, the world snapped back, and Ro's hand was outstretched, a thumb acting as a primitive sight. Her optics turned to me. "Godspeed pilot."

With that, her arm flew forward, and the cave transformed into a blur. The rifle fire rapidly got closer before briefly stopping. A sudden burst of pain sprang up in my left arm, sending me into a tailspin. The ground was less than forgiving, sprawling me across the ground and throwing me up again. My body was shouting at me that I needed to brace, and I ignored it. Instead, the needle in my hand stabbed its way into my left leg. The world seemed to slow, and I found the adjustments needed to land easily made. I slid to a stop as soon as I hit the ground dirt and wood both flying around me like a shroud.

Ro's voice seemed to flow like molasses into my ears. "Pilot. The intruder is behind a thin section of wood to your left. The turret will reacquire your signal in five seconds." She was only half done by the time I was sprinting to the small barricade. I turned to the turret, where the barrel of its gun was crawling from where I was back onto me. I smirked, feeling invincible. I slid on my knees, jets bursting at my back as I became speed itself. There was a figure, brown in color with a red splash on the ground under her. I dived forward, giving it a rugby tackle. "Hello love, let's blow this joint." The box on my chest got hot as soon as I said that, sending the power stored withing through my body. I heard the sentry lock back onto me, and the solid clack of a target lock, before the world seemed to shift. Every surface became a sickly shade of green, and then it began to move. An unearthly wind blew as the scenery shifted.

The wind cut through my suit and armor, chilling me to the bone as I began to fly, the world rushing beneath me as I became airborne, with a crash the world came rocketing back to reality. I was back in the cockpit of Ro and wasted no time collapsing into my chair. "Ro... you were right." My legs burned in pain as my body felt like it had been turned inside out. The hatch began closing as I heard a thunk, and something landed in my lap.

I saw a flash of blue as the neural link fully activated, and I heard Ro speak in a gentle voice. "Of course pilot. Permission to withdraw?" I didn't answer, simply closing my eyes and resting my head on the back of my chair. I heard a crash and felt hands not my own grip something metal as I fell. Shouts came from around me, but I ignored them as Ro shouted above. "The cave will now collapse, please reach safety." With that sleep overtook me, and I knew no more.