An Anthology of Interest

by AaronLancs

First published

MLP: FiM / MLP:EG and fandom as seen through my prism.

A random series of unrelated tales spanning Friendship is Magic to Equestria Girls and the fandom in general.

As seen through my somewhat unconventional prism.

Episode titling is somewhat idiosyncratic and follows Gillian M. Berrow's chapter book naming principles.

Sweetie Drops and The Support Society

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Somewhere in one of Ponyville Town Hall's many conference / meeting rooms, there was a meeting. Sure there have been meetings like this very one, but there have been others. Others featuring the selection of luminaries in this very meeting.

As Sweetie Drops finished putting the banner up. The last member of this meeting entered the room. She scanned her list of attendees who signed in to check all was in good order and then opened up the meeting.

"Welcome to the Ponyville Residents Support Society," said the mare, also known as Bon Bon. "We have a number of names who were at the last meeting and would like to welcome them back. So without any further of ado, who would like to open the meeting up?"

"Hello," said a cream coloured, blue maned mare. "My name is Vinyl Scratch and I like milk."

"So, said Bon Bon. "Why do you like milk?"

"I don't know," said Vinyl. "But Octavia says it needs to be seen to. Milk is said to help with bone growth and maintenance, so what would her problem be?"

"Well," said another member. "It would go well with my favourite beverage."

"Not helping," Bon Bon intervened. "What would your thing be madam?"

"Even though the ideal may be to have my beverage is to have it as it is," muttered Twilight Sparkle. "Coffee can be reasonably good with milk anyways."

"You don't have to carry the urns at least," complained the next speaker. "One every fifteen minutes, at last count."

"Spike!" said Twilight pointedly. "Please tell me why I have to spend my bits on Apple Pies for you, you have your own allowance. "

"Huh," harrumphed Spike. "No more letter sendings for you."

Bon Bon decided to move things along before it turned into an impromptu marriage guidance session.

"So," she said. "Who's next?"

"The lowly and sorrowful Trixie," said the blue Unicorn. "Ask for advice for peanut butter cookies obsession."

The assembled ponies didn't know what to say because, 1) Trixie was asking for help and 2) peanut butter cookies were one of the principal cookie derivatives that were used for the Filly Guide cookie drive. So for once Trixie has done something good.

"Right, who wants to proffer the next thing?" Bon Bon moving meeting along asked.

"The encouraging and helpful Trixie," said the annoyance to the assembled throng. "I would like to bring along a friend of mine."

"Thanks, not," said an irritated Starlight Glimmer. "I have a thing for popcorn."

"She sure does," intervened Spike. "One visit to the Crystal Empire, she wolfed down at least eight or nine bucketfuls of the stuff."

"Just because you were taking so long in recounting the tale of saving the Crystal Empire by putting the Crystal Heart in place."

"Enough bickering like foals," said the convenor. "Anyone got something decent to add?"

"You know how much I like bits," said Filthy Rich. "Apparently Spoiled says it extends to eating chocolate bits, too."

"Do you know why this occurs?" Enquired Bon Bon.

"I think it has to do with the magnificent orange taste they have. Plus that counts as my vitamin C intake for the day."

"What about my liking for ice cream?" Said Rarity, the town's resident fashionista.

"We all know about that one" several members murmured in agreement.

"Let's try to maintain a sense of reality," Bon Bon spoke gently to the group. "Please does anypony have any proper things to speak about?"

[European Moment Mode On]

"Well," said Rainbow Dash. "Given my recent appointment as head of the Loyalty department at the School of Friendship. I would like to cut down on the fizzy apple cider."

"Maybe use water or another drink in its place."


[European Moment Mode Off]

"So, to wrap up, we have a new member here today. Would you like to give your name and what is your thing?"

"Well, said the pony in question. Trying to maintain a calm presence. " I am Pinkie Pie and I am a chocoholic, I know it is bad isn't it?"

"No," said Bon Bon. "It is a part of who and what you are. Also given your role of in Ponyville, it is a given, Don't worry.

There were several murmurs of agreement.

"So thank you all for coming," Bon Bon wrapped up. "Please come to our next meeting and please try to make it a bit more civilised next time, Thank you."

Sunset Shimmer and The Six Choices

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Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Equestria Girls were in Sugarcube Corner one day.

She was looking at the dessert menu pondering what to get. Her friends offered some suggestions.

"So what do you girls think I should have?" Sunset asked her companions.

"None!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "You should try to have a more healthier option. Give this 20% cooler Granola Bar I like a go. It is what makes me awesome."


"No way!" Pinkie Pie squealed. "Get the Seven Layer Caramel Chocolate Berry Cherry Brownie Fudge Cake a go. I designed it."

"Way too sweet for my liking."

"Ya should be tryin' one of ma family's products we supply to here." Applejack responded. "How about an Apple Acres Apple Pie?"

"No thanks."

"What about a quaint filling cupcake?" Fluttershy said softly.

"Too bland for me."

Rarity proffered. "What about a Vanilla Slice with a nice icing topping? It goes well with a perfect cup of tea darling."

"Even more plain than Fluttershy."

Twilight Sparkle added. "Don't ask me, I'm not fussed what they offer. I like the majority of the menu anyway."


After some time of thinking, she approached Mrs. Cup Cake at the counter.

"So what do you want?" Mrs. Cake gently asked.

"As well as my usual Mocha Choca Coffee?"


After a bit more thinking.

"I'm feeling quite nostalgic today."

"I know what you need," Mrs. Cake said with a knowing nod.

So the rest of the Equestria Girls were surprised when she came back with a bowl of Golden Porridge Oats with her coffee.

"That is highly original." Applejack commented.

"Thanks, I was feeling nostalgic today."

Sunset Shimmer and The Engineering Problem

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Sunset Shimmer was in the Canterlot High Library wondering what her next journal entry shall be.

Shall it be long and give the great writers a run for their money?

Would it be a quick hello akin to the classic one sheet pages we all do?

The bell rang for the next lesson and put it on the back burner, for now. She had some form of engineering to do. Well, she knew she had to put one thing into another and then into another thing to create a chain of some form, so she had some classwork to do.


Back in the same location in CHS Library, she knew just what to say to the Princess on the other side of the portal.

Hi Twilight,

No weirdness stuff of late to comment on but at least in Ponyville you don't have to deal with combustion engines and the mathematics that go with them. Give me the workings of a cart over a car any day. My head hurts.

Plus do you have one simple guide to the stuff? Many thank yous for what you have got or can give.


Later on, the book vibrated like her cellular telephone. She checked out the latest reply.

Hey Sunset,

Just to inform you. This book isn't really meant to be your own personal complaints column. :-)

If you want with regards to combustion engineering me to come through with about thirty books on the subject. Send me a request and I'll help you.


Sunset's head just dropped onto the table and said. "Why can't engineering be easy?"

A gentle voice called from the next table along. "Eeyup."

"Wait," said Sunset. "I thought you knew all things about engineering?"

As Big MacIntosh came over he offered his help on the subject. "Well I don't have any problems with the subject per se. But all that I needed to do was learn the basics and the complicated stuff will follow along quite easy."

"So how did you learn it?"


At Apple Acres, Big Mac lead Sunset to his flat bed truck. The very same one the she and her friends washed to get that years students to Camp Everfree.

"Right," Big Mac pointed to a simplified diagram on a board. "Here is a piston, it moves up and down causin' a spark of some kind and that is all I have to know at least. Plus if it needs replacing, I follow an Hays Workshop Manual to know what to do."

"What about all of the crazy math stuff?"

"Probably, that is trying to get other students excited in the fields of space engineering or stuff like that. All I need to know is that it will work and that I have a book to reference."

Sunset said after some thought, "Hmm, so I don't have to freak out too much."


Sunset was considering the latest entry and wrote.


You told me you have around thirty books on the subject. I just have to know what is covered in one book and not to worry about things too much.

After doing a look at how it was designed, it was aimed at getting those who wanted a bit more food for thought for their lesson.


Vice Principal Luna and The Chronometrical Solution

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Vice Principal Luna made her way to the engineering faculty when everyone went home and worked on her project.

The janitor saw her, astounded, and went to ask.

"I thought all tutors and members of staff went home at night?" He barked.

"Why," said Luna. "I have a little project of mine to complete then I will go back to my home residence."

As the janitor walked away, he heard a sawing, drilling sound.

Then there were cogs being put in place of the device she was working on. She had to make sure that the calibrations were supremely exact and precise.

Working in two stained glass planes, she knew Principal Celestia would be both impressed and annoyed.


As Saturday was one of only two days off she got in the week she had only a finite amount of time to enact her plan.

At around midday she arrived at Camp Everfree, Timber Spruce waited for her.

"Finally," he said exasperated. "You know Celestia will be coming with the latest class to benefit from the investment in Everfree on Monday."

"I know," she replied showing him the device. "Would she be proud of my initiative?'



The class that included Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were the ones who were the latest inductees of Canterlot High to have their names added to the scroll of luminaries that have attended the famous retreat.

As Gloriosa Daisy led the group into the usual who does what and where. She got onto the subject of the camp gift.

"Well," she started. "As you may notice, the dock on which we are by was last year's gift. So can you Luna and Celestia lead in the significance of what the gift is all about."

"Well," Celestia started and led the group to the sundial that was both hers and Luna's gift. "What has happened to our gift of the sundial to the camp?"

"Celestia," Luna replied. "I thought it would be fun to have it go digital so at night people can still tell the time."

"So you replaced our gift with one of your own?"

"Well I worked on it with Timber's permission and if you look on the surface of the dial, you will notice my moon symbol during the day and your sun at night will be illuminated when the solar energy kicks in."

"Wow, you are more creative than I give you credit for."

A few hours later after the sun went down, Celestia went over to the new sundial. She was utterly taken back by how much the sun motif shines through the glass surface and the LED lights around the edge to tell the time.

She went over to the Moonstone tent and gave her sister a right meaningful hug.

"Thank you sister," Celestia said. "I didn't know you had done this for me."

"Well, I did it for partially me, and also after last year's debacle. Decided to improve upon ours to make it better for years to come."

"I knew you had it in you to surprise me."

Princess Twilight Sparkle and The Caffeine Conundrum

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In Ponyville's Castle of Friendship, the home of many a great debate and ceremony. There was a very important discussion underway between three important ponies.

In the lounge Princess Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer were discussing a matter of importance.

"What is wrong with a mocha or a frappé?" Said Sunset who was paying a visit as Canterlot High were on a break and so had time to spare.

"WHAT IS WRONG?" Yelled Twilight. "EVERYTHING!"

"Calm down Twilight," commented Starlight. "You're going to burst a vein."

"Well," Twilight said. "Coffee is coffee is coffee is coffee."

Sunset mused, "Well I guess with my time in the human world my taste palette has somewhat been expanded upon and coffee comes in many different varieties and flavours, beyond the usual instant or ground varieties. Plus the additions of chocolates, caramels, syrups, etcetera really bring out the flavour and add a bit of nuance to the drink."

Twilight cocked an eyebrow, "Well Sunset, give me your best recipe."

"Okay then. You take three espresso shots of ground coffee. Add a shot of chocolate powder, drizzle in some standard syrup and mix together. Mix up some oaty milk into the concoction and top with cream and chocolate shavings and a marshmallow. VoilĂ . What do you think?"

"Find me a place I can try this."

So Twilight, Sunset and Starlight went off to find a coffee shop that did that creation and found a branch of The Coffee Bean, Manehattan's creative coffee shop in Ponyville.

Sunset and Starlight waited outside with their coffee creations, as Twilight ordered the nearest thing that Sunset described.

"So," enquired Starlight. "Do you think Twilight will like your creation?"

"I know she will," replied Sunset. "From what she says about her favourite drinks. Combining coffee and hot chocolate into one drink is a masterstroke of inspiration. Plus, when she next visits my world's equivalent of Sugarcube Corner at some point. She'll have the right drink to order and fit in well. My world's Mrs. Cup Cake already is eagerly awaiting her return and has the knowledge of what to give her."

"Wow," said Starlight. "You have a right knack for knowing what people want, don't you?"

"I guess I have a certain intuition about certain things. But it is more like one great big suggestion list."

Twilight finally arrived at the table and lifted the drink to her lips.

"Hmm," commented Twilight after tasting the drink. "The coffee is there and it is a strong coffee at that which I like. The hot chocolate element of the drink adds a certain nuance to the party. Plus the syrup binds it together well. You have found my Saturday drink when I have the weekly meeting with the fellow Element bearers, thanks."

"See," responded Sunset. "Coffee is more than just the instant or ground variety. Also don't forget about the buzz you'll get."

And so with Sunset looking at the clock and knowing of the time differential between the two worlds. She left to head back to Canterlot High.

Twilight and Starlight were still at The Coffee Bean fifteen minutes later. Twilight having had two of the drinks was starting to feel more alert than Pinkie Pie ever would and got the most craziest idea in her head.

Twilight commented at the loudest natural voice she could use, "PINKIE! Want to have a Goof Off?"

Pinkie's head came out of a nearby flower pot to respond and then went back into said pot after commenting, "Sure do, Twilight, you're on!"

Starlight's head thunked the table and commented to herself. "Sunset, what have you started! Now, Twilight is more hopped up on caffeine than ever. Celestia help us."

Sunset Shimmer and The Newspaper Article

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Within the City there was a weird vibe going on. A sense of renewal was in the air.

On the one hand, at its most prestigious school Crystal Prep, the students were learning how to work in conjunction with each other.

On the other, at the other school Canterlot High, the bonds of friendship that were nearly severed became stronger than ever.

Plus the City's retreat, Camp Everfree was regaining the reputation it once had.

In her house, Sunset Shimmer lay on her bed staring at the ceiling. Numerous thoughts whizzing around the brain, she checked her clock, it said 04:15, too early to get up, she thought. So she went over to her desk to look at her "to do" list and looked at the first item. It said "Report for the Horseshoes Trail". The City's newspaper. She remembered that she agreed to do an article on how the City was bouncing back a lot more solid. So she cleared her mind and when to sleep.


She found herself in the office of the Horseshoes Trail's editor, Main Edition, who gave her an interesting brief.

"As I understand it Sunset," said Main. "You seem to be the eye in the storm of unity that is sweeping over this City. From being the monster student who wanted to take over your home territory with a zombie army, to, saving the most beloved holiday destination that we all rely on in this City."

"Yes sir," said Sunset. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to do an article on you, the renegade student to the City unifier. A concise story of you."

"Why, thank you. I'll see what I can do." Sunset proffered. "When do you want it for?"

"Well," Main said. "The next 'Focus On' article is three weeks away so you have two weeks at least, is that okay?"

"Yes, thank you very much."


As she found herself sat at her computer, she wondered what to write. She started to type and let a stream of conscious missive come out of herself and when she finished was pleased with it.

She messaged it directly to Main Edition, who then gave her praise and bumped it up to the next edition.


And so the article was published and the Equestria Girls were impressed with what she wrote they arranged for her to be the editor of the school paper, The Horse's Mouth, which Principal Celestia subsequently approved and so gave the paper an even better version of the Trail's article.