NOW KISS!: A Tale of Trixie and the Shipping of Starburst

by Amethyst_Dawn

First published

Trixie knows that Starlight is somewhat oblivious to a few things, but this?!

Trixie notices that she really, really, really, really really wants to see her friends kiss. There's nothing wrong with that, right?


... right?

Special thanks to Tranquil Serenity for editing input.

Chapter 1

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Starlight laughed as she strolled leisurely down the peaceful streets of ponyville, and the sun shone its glorious rays warmly upon her. Was it merely the nice weather that caused her joy, or perhaps the refreshing air of the outside world she took for granted until Twilight asked her to stay indoors and help her reorganize the entirety of the castle’s library? That was anypony’s guess, really.

Who knows, it might even have been that bean burrito she ate making the rumblies in her stomach. You know the kind, more obnoxiously ticklish than actually funny but you laugh anyways.

Well, it didn't seem like anypony could guess what Starlight was acting so perky about. Frankly, I don't think anypony really noticed or cared. But Trixie noticed, and she knew what the laughter was for. Trixie had been watching from her regular hiding spot among the local shrubbery as a completely normal and not at all creepy manner of keeping an eye on the only other unicorn equal to her magnificence. She observed with the utmost of innocent curiosity while her dear friend giggled at another joke told by that stallion… Sunburst, was it? The laughter was a thing Trixie thought peculiar, since the jest wasn’t even that funny. Trixie knew, Trixie heard the whole thing. Trixie didn’t even giggle.

Laughing at cheesy jokes wasn’t the only oddity in her friend's behavior that day, though: Trixie noticed that Starlight had been acting very hyper the entire morning when she heard Sunburst was arriving in Ponyville that afternoon via the train, and this particular time she was a lot more excited than she usually was when such notices arrived. She even went so ludicrously far as to give her mane an extra thirty seconds of brushing that morning, and that was behaviour which Trixie absolutely needed immediate clarification on.

Trixie continued to observe carefully as the pair walked throughout the town, making sure she remained out of sight. At this point, Trixie’s need for answers was so strong that she didn't really care if remaining out of sight meant inconveniencing the locals, or even herself. Though it turns out a tub of wet sponges being hauled by a very tired Big Macintosh was a surprisingly comfortable hiding place, and that was a note Trixie vowed to make for next time.

As a bonus, Trixie's impromptu cover provided her with a rather entertaining angle when Sunburst tripped over a loose stone, and stumbled directly into Starlight. Trixie giggled mischievously as the pair landed in a heap in the middle of the street, no doubt quite embarrassed, and watched closely while they scrambled to their hooves in a flurry of chortles and apologies. Trixie also couldn't help but notice that they seemed to be blushing, especially Sunburst.

“Geez, Sunburst.” Starlight snorted merrily, brushing dust from her coat. “You should really watch where you step before you hurt somepony, you’re not usually so clumsy!”

“Well, I guess you could say I just can't help but fall for you!” Sunburst quipped awkwardly, trying his best to grin smoothly. Trixie’s jaw hit the floor of the wagon, her mouth wide as her eyes. Did he just… did the nerd just flirt with Starlight?!

Regardless of the utterly horrendous attempt at a one-liner-- such an inferior flirt that Trixie knew even she could top if she wanted to --Starlight burst into laughter and placed a hoof on the wizard's shoulder to balance herself as her head leaned forward. Trixie was most confused by the entire spectacle as Sunburst looked both relieved and disappointed, but his smile at Starlight’s joy was interestingly sincere. Sunburst lifted a hoof to pat the hysterical unicorn’s back, and chuckled as he shook his head.

“Yeah, yeah, my jokes are terrible.” He rolled his eyes with a smile. “Don’t go overboard with the laughing track, Star.”

Starlight wiped a tear from her eye, and looked back up to him in disbelief through her chortles. “Terrible? Dude, your jokes are awesome,” She assured, giving him a wink. “Keep ‘em coming, Sunny. They’re cute.”

Trixie watched in shock as Starlight turned around, walking away and leaving an obviously flustered Sunburst blushing behind her. Throughout the entire scene, Trixie seemed to have only one question pressing on her mind like a vice… why in the name of Celestia’s Prench pudding cups didn’t they kiss?

In Trixie’s mind, it was certainly very clear that they should have, if only for a split second. She didn’t think they should have stopped to play tonsil hockey in the middle of the street or anything as uncouth as all that, but she had the strangest urge to see them give at least a quick peck. She wanted to be disgusted with herself to even be thinking such vulgar things, but… screw it! Trixie wanted to see her best friend kiss a pony whom to Trixie is a complete stranger, but was supposedly a childhood friend to Starlight, and nothing was going to stop Trixie from accomplishing this newfound purpose in life!

Now, there was only one way for Trixie to approach this. A plan so devious, so impossibly foolproof, that it could only work perfectly…

“... you want me… to… t-to do WHAT?!” Starlight screeched, staring wide-eyed and red-faced at Trixie like she had grown another horn. Trixie tilted her head innocently with a confused glance, giving a heart attack of adorableness to hundreds of bipedal creatures in another world.

“Kiss him, that’s all,” Trixie stated as if she was asked to recite her own name. Trixie wasn’t sure what the big deal was, since she saw what good chemistry the two friends had during those few minutes she was allowed to observe in town earlier that same day. Surely asking Starlight to kiss her coltfriend wasn't any imposition. Starlight’s expression was unreadable through how thick her blush had grown, but her eyes were trying to decide between either shooting ice at or unleashing the fury of hell upon poor Trixie. Obviously she was unhappy with Trixie, but Trixie had no idea why.

“You seem upset, are you upset?”

Starlight inhaled slowly, never blinking. “Trixie…”


“Listen to me. Very. Closely,” Starlight growled, a shadow of unbridled frustration falling over her eyes.

“Of course, the Great and Powerful Trixie shall gladly lend an ear to your troubles!” Trixie cried out, striking a grandeur and awe-inspiring pose as she remained utterly oblivious to the mortal peril she was currently in. As if silently planning on murder, Starlight calmly lit her horn, picking up Trixie-- much to her protest --and forcefully sticking her on the carpet, sitting her down quietly.

“I like Sunburst, a lot, but there’s no way in Equestria that I’m kissing him,” Starlight asserted. Her tone dark, and deadly. “Not now, not ever, not without him at least asking me out first.”

Trixie cocked her head. “But… Trixie has seen with her own eyes, the nerd’s been flirting with you all day.”

Starlight’s expression softened gradually, eventually settling on confused irritation as her mouth opened slightly. “I… Trixie, you’re kidding, right?” She deadpanned. “I think I would’ve noticed if he was flirting with me, that’s kind of hard to miss.”

Trixie blinked, and her own face dropped into a blank stare. “Starlight, dearest of friends to Trixie, you obviously have lost touch with how stallions flirt. Fortunately for you--” she struck another pose, “--the Wise and Knowledgeable Trixie is more than willing to lend her wisdom, unearthing tips and tricks from deep within her vast reserves of--”

She was cut off by a loud knock on Starlight’s bedroom door, the noise causing her to leap into her dearest friend's forehooves. Obviously, she wasn't scared by such a meager noise. Even implying that she would be startled by such a trivial thing is foolishness and hearsay. Trixie was clearly just using herself as an equine shield to protect Starlight in case the intruder was dangerous.

And sure enough, as Trixie predicted, the door flew open and spilled the ten thousand demons from the depths of Tartarus into the room. Starlight fell back in shock as the Great and Powerful Trixie fended off the hordes of hell using her obscene amounts of magic and wit, cursing under her breath and slaying them all with a single--what do you mean ‘That's not what happened’? That's the way Trixie remembers it!

Fine, fine. The Terrified and Cowardly Trixie was scared out of her wits by Princess Purple knocking on the door.

“Come in, Twilight.” Starlight deadpanned, dropping Trixie onto the crystalline floor in the most unceremonious manner. The door opened with a quiet click, and little miss I’m-so-special came trotting in, stretching her stupid little wings out directly in front of Trixie as if to gloat about her silly little accomplishments.

“Starlight, Sunburst’s at the door, he wants to know if you'd like to join him for lunch,” Twilight announced with a smile. Trixie felt her grin grow to enormous proportions as she waggled her eyebrow at Starlight, who quickly put a hoof to her own face.

“Trixie, it's a friendly luncheon. That doesn't count, I don't care what you say.”

Trixie rolled her eyes, and started pushing her friend's haunches out the bedroom door. “Whatever you say, Starlight. Go have your casual lunch, with your totally-not-coltfiend, and definitely don't lock lips with him when he says goodnight.”

“TRIXIE!” Starlight yelped, scrunching her ever-reddening face up as her ears started to leak steam. “It’s not like th--"

Starlight was cut off by her own bedroom door slamming in her face, turning around and racing towards the castle’s entrance in a huff.

Twilight walked up beside Trixie, expression emotionless and contemplative as she stares at the closed door.


“Yes, Princess.”

Twilight held out a small pouch. “Don’t follow them, don’t stay hidden, don't enhance the atmosphere by using this money to hire Octavia, and don't even think about giving Starlight the proper… nudge when the opportunity arises,” She stated blankly, before leveling a stern glare at Trixie. “And we never had this conversation. Am I clear?”

Trixie smiled wickedly, and retrieved the pouch with her magic as she pushed the door open. “What conversation, Princess?”


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It was close to Midnight as the panicked shout echoed through the castle of Friendship and into the palace library, where the sudden sound of it caused the pony for whom it was meant to jump from her chair, dropping her book. She ran to the door, forcing it open with her magic just in time for a blue blur to rush in, and disappear behind a large futon. Twilight's face dropped into one of concern as she closed the door, barely noticing a steadily growing light leaking in from the window.

"Trixie?" She asked nervously, walking towards the couch. "What happened?" The unicorn was huddled in the fetal position, holding a lock of her mane in her teeth as her eyes stared into the distance with a look of pure terror

"It's... S-S-Starlight!" She whispered. "I'm scared, Twilight. Very very scared."

"Starlight?" Twilight stepped back, looking towards the window as the light grew even brighter. "What's wrong with her? What's happening?"

Trixie jutted a hoof towards the window as a faint beat started to sound in the distance.. "The light! Beware of the light!"

Twilight was now thoroughly perplexed. "The sunrise? I thought I just stayed up all night again..." The color drained from her face as she raced to the window. "Is Starlight raising the sun?!"

"No," Trixie shuddered. "Worse, it's a lot worse!"

"I don't get it, did something go wrong?" She shook her head, and rubbed her ear with a hoof. "And where's that singing coming from?"

"Everything went perfectly, Twilight..." Trixie muttered. "I think that's the problem..."

Twilight turned back to the window, now utterly confused, insatiably curious and a little scared. She watched as what she originally thought was the sun reached the top of the hill on the other side of Ponyville, before descending down the other side. A chorus of mare's voices now unmistakable as the bright light inched ever closer to the Castle of Friendship.

"What..." Twilight held her hoof up to her eyes, protecting them from the light as she summoned a pair of sunglasses. "What is that?"

Trixie's voice rose in volume as she found herself needing to shout in order to be heard over the chorus. "That is apparently what happens when Starlight kisses a colt!" Twilight put on the shaded lenses, and focused on the source of the blinding magic. Her eyes went wide at what she saw in the center... Starlight Glimmer herself.

Starlight was glowing a vibrant yellow, as if she was a crystal pony that swallowed a thousand fireflies. She pranced in perfect tune with the music as her hooves struck the ground in sync with the beats, her dopey grin threatening to swallow her face as she skipped and swayed. Her eyes glowed with a bright pink hue, and her horn let out a constant stream of similarly colored magic that took the form of several hearts as it trailed behind her like the smoke of a locomotive. Each of the hearts grew a mouth once they were big enough, revealing the source of the constant singing as up to four at a time floated into the air before popping like bubbles.

Twilight slowly closed the blinds as she stepped back, her expression once again unreadable.


"Y-yes, Princess?"

"We did this?"

"... yes, Princess."





"Hold me?"

"Of course, Twilight. We did this together, we die together."