Rise of a Roman Empire

by Damaskus Seraph

First published

Humans, Slaves to most races on Equis, Their frail bodies and lack of magic or flight made them easy pickings for other races. But when an army from an unknown land appears. Will they be able to change the tide of history?

The IVth Legion, a proud legion guarding the border between germania and the roman province of Gaul. Living in their large stone fort holding a large garrison in case of attack on this dangerous border. But one day, all is quiet. No wind rustling leaves, no animals grazing and hunting, Even the birds stop singing. Eventually though a bright light appears over the fort. Confusing the garrison before expanding rapidly, blinding everybody and within a second the fort and all its soldiers within disappear...

Meanwhile in Equestria. Humans are nothing more than second class citizens. Beasts of burden to Ponies and Griffins. Being not as naturally gifted with flight or magic or strength as the other races meant they were easy to conquer in early history. But Ever since War of the Two Sisters, They have been slaves. But as a light appears on the griffin equestria border, a small fort appears and brings with it an army that will change the world... The humans shall rise in revolution.

(Alternate Universe where Romans didnt practive slavery so i dont have to find a reason for romans to be opposed to slavery when in actual history they were big on slavery.)

(Ponies are NOT anthro.)

(Based on concept of my original story 'Rise of the Human revolution'.)

(Story Formerly Named "Rise of the human Revolution: Legionnaires")

Chapter 1: Arrival

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Sunrise, Equestria-Griffin Border..

POV- 3rd Person

In the great empty fields that span the great border between Equestria and the Griffin Kingdoms lies a large fort, That appears to be well made and engineered, yet no roads lead to it. And the local forests are uncut. Any passerbys would question how the fort was built without using the local wood. Only that that this fort is not of Equis. Inside the fort lies not Griffin soldiers, or pony guards, But human Legionnaires, Clad in Red tunics and Chainmail armor. The fort being made of Stone and wood, Sitting on a hill beside a cliff that drops off into ocean, and with a large forest to its west and south. With a river to the northwest coming out of the forest, and the ocean to its north and east. The fort seems in a strangely perfect position. Seemingly built to protect one side of the border were it built by griffins or ponies. Yet it is not, For Inside lies thousands of humans, most clad in mail, some in plate, some in simple tunics, some half dressed but all of them unconscious. Swords, shields, javelins, bows, arrows, and spears strewn about haphazardly as the Humans all seem to have fallen unconscious so suddenly.

A Few minutes of eerie quiet after the fort suddenly appear in the land, the first legionnaires wake up. Slowly and sluggishly they get up and observe that everybody else around them is on the ground. Many get up quicker expecting this to be an attack only to realize everyone is just asleep and go about waking their comrades up.

POV- 1st Person- General Varian

I groan as I slowly wake up from unconsciousness to the feeling of a hand shaking my shoulder. My mind is still foggy from sleep and I attempt to brush the hand away, only for it to resume its efforts to waken me. Begrudgingly and slightly annoyed I lift my head and open my eyes only to see I appear to have fallen asleep at my desk. Unusual for myself yet things happen. Noticing the Centurion beside me has been the one to shake my shoulder my hearing returns to hear what has been saying.

"-has been found unconscious and I was one of the first to-"

"Wait stop for a moment.." I state rubbing my temples as I stand up and stretch, having fallen asleep in my armor left me with a crick in my back. "Repeat what you were saying from the top, something about somebody going unconscious?"

"Yes sir, uh everybody has apparently fallen unconscious for an unknown amount of time. I have been one of the first to awaken and I came here after waking a few legionnaires to assist the others to tell you of this and awaken you if it proved necessary which it did sir."

"Everybody? What caused this?" I state out loud not expecting the centurion to know this.

"I know not Sir-" The Centurion was interrupted by another Centurion, Wearing the auxiliary commander armor, bursts into the room out of breath.

"Sir we have a problem!" The out of breath Auxiliary commander yells out. "We are not on the Rhine! We are near an ocean!"

"Im sorry, but i must have heard you wrong, did you say an ocean?!" I say out loud, thinking this man must be crazy or have eaten one of those mushroom that make you see things i've heard about.

"Aye, an ocean. Not just a large River, an actual ocean! I have some men sent out to scout the local area and from what I saw myself from the walls we are not where we are supposed to be."

I grab my helmet and attach it to my side as I make sure my sword is accompanying me before heading outside my room. Immediately seeing a plethora of men strewn about, most waking up and helping others, but many are still on the ground. Some Legionnaires go around gathering equipment that is strewn about much like the men, and others are running around attempting to catch rogue horses that got loose.

As I look around I know I cannot let this chaos continue. I clear my throat before yelling out. "Attention! All Centurions report in front of my quarters immediately! Wake up any unconscious ones and send them here!"

Suddenly every Soldier in the area stop and turn to me still brings a small smile to my face. They quickly rush back to doing what they were doing before, as well as passing on the command. as I see centurions rushing over quickly. I go back into my room with the other two still inside and bring them outside with the rest of the gathering commanders. After a minute or two the few remaining Centurions have finally arrives.

"Alright as some of you may have heard we are not at the Rhine River, and are on a cliff next to an ocean. Now we dont know where we are or how we all got here. Much less so why we were all unconscious. We need information and we need to get the fortress back in order. Those of you who lead the cavalry I want every able bodied horse and rider to scout out the surrounding area and map it as well as you can. If you find any settlements be weary, tell your cavalry to mark it on their maps and return here. Do not let them be seen by locals, we dont know if we are still in Gaul, Britannia, or Germania. for all we know we could be in India. Now go!" I point to the gates, causing the cavalry auxiliary Centurions to nod and rush off to deliver orders.

"Now the rest of you, Get your men under control, wake up EVERYBODY, and get stocks of food, weapons, arrows, everything. I want a detailed list of everything that might be useful down, every soldier, every sword, The tents and even logs of firewood. Who knows how long we will be here without supplies. Make sure to get every Legionnaire and Auxiliary soldier back to their respective groups first. once we have everything accounted for we can focus on other things. Now go!" I watch the rest of the Centurions rush off and start barking orders over the sound of horses rushing out of the gate, glad that the cavalry were already off.

POV- 1st Person- Baroness Black Ink

17 Kilometers South of Roman Fort- Barony of Hoofdale, Town of Hoofton

"Ah yes My Fief given to me by my father. Being the youngest of three foals my older two sisters obviously got the biggest slices of the pie. My oldest Sister got the massive Tracts of land next to Canterlot mountain. With rich fields and Tens of Thousands thousands of ponies to rule over, not to mention the hundreds of Humans she now owns. My second eldest obviously got a command position in the Royal Guard itself, Leading in one of the prestigious golden platoons. And me? I Was lucky enough to get myself a barony. I Remember when my father told me he was giving me this fief for me to govern instead of simply casting me out like many Noble families do with all the youngest after their second. Oh how naive i was, How elated i was that I packed up all my belongings and traveled here Before that day ended. And what do i arrive to? A Podunk barony at the frontier of the Equestrian border with barely two villages and a small town to call my own to govern! Not even a proper town! No great castle like my sister is staying in, sipping wine and eating with the most esteemed of Canterlot elite, but a dirt hill with wooden buildings and walls! Like i am some Wanna be peasant lady who built a motte and bailey. There aren't even any Human servants in this castle, And only two guards at the entrance!" I Rant to the town mayor, who's town my pitiful excuse of a castle is located inside of to govern my tiny fief.

"Uhh miss wouldn't be best for you to think of this as a challenge? Your father testing you to see if you are worthy to inherit more prestigious lands? hehe.." The seemingly nervous Mayor states simply trying to calm his angry superior, hoping to end this quickly so he can go back to the festival in town.

I stop pacing around the room as he finishes his sentence. "Of course! he wants to test me to see that I am not just some third sibling to my sisters, that i am equal or greater to them! But obviously he couldn't just give me all the land like he wanted due to me being a third foal, no noble family would allow that! It all makes sense now! This is a way for me to prove I am the better sibling! of course! You are right mayor Parchment!" I rush up to the mayor and give him a firm hug, only to back away and wipe myself after realizing i just hug a simple common pony. "Never mention that to anypony!" i hiss out.

"Y-yes my lady! I-If you'll excuse me i need to um.. Manage the town while you settle in.." I watch as the mayor quickly excuses himself and rushes out of the 'castle'.

Turning a back to my 'throne room' which is simply and old stone throne that is crumbling and full of cracks. I Grumble to myself as I walk past it and into the back rooms to look at the kitchen, only to find a kitchen big enough for maybe two ponies. Everything covered in dust as if it hasn't been used in a decade which it might actually have not been used in that long. Rushing past the dirty dusty kitchen and into my bedroom, Only to find out that the entire room looked pitifially small. A SINGLE wardrobe in the room and a bed half the size of the one in my fathers estate! Lifting up the blankets creates a large cloud of dust causing me to cough uncontrollably until I open a window to let air in. Wishing i had brought my own human slaves to clean the castle. Instead ill have to buy or Rent some from any local sellers.

"This place is dustier than the attic in my fathers room! Im going to need to Buy some Humans to clean it out. Speaking of buying I must find the treasury. Cant buy humans or improve this poor excuse for a castle without some bits." I say to myself as I trot out of my home at the top of the dirt hill and walk to the nearest Pair of Guards outside the wooden paliside guarding the small drawbridge.

"You Guard! Bring me to the treasury and fetch the mayor, and tax collector." I order the guard. only for him to chuckle. "Whats so funny?"

They continue to chuckle much to my growing annoyance. "We aren't guards were just the local militia who drew the short straw and had to be here for your arrival."

I stood there in shock. Barely comprehending this information the lowly pony just told me. I didn't even have any GUARDS! Just simple idiotic militia ponies to defend me! What and insult this! I begin to get furious before calming myself down. Thinking to myself that if i can succeed with only militia it will show my father i am even greater than if i had my own guards. Wiping my frown and smiling slightly causing the two Ponies to look at each other in confusion as to my sudden mood change.

"Well this challenge got just a little bit harder. Take me to the treasury, then we go to the market.."

30 Minutes Later...

17 Miles North. Roman Fort.

POV- 3rd Person

The chaos of the first few minutes of everybody waking up was slowly subsiding. With the commanders help the camp quickly organized back into orderly function. With most legionnaires finished gathering their strewn about equipment and simply sitting around, cleaning their oval shields, sharpening their spatha swords, cleaning their mail armor, talking to their comrades, or simply walking outside the fort to look at the new landscape. With most conversations being about the sudden shift in scenery and how this could have happened.

Meanwhile a cavalry captain rides slowly through the forest south of the camp. Leading a band of cavalry, following the coast in order to not get lost. The Equites Captain watches a man next to him sketch any nearby landmakrs on his makeshift map. Slowing the horse he is riding on to draw some more detailed points.

"I do not understand how you mapmakers can draw such accurate maps so easily. All i see are trees, grass, and an ocean." A Random soldier states.

"Its not just the landmarks. Landmarks are useless if you dont know the distance, which is why I keep track of my horse's speed. For a relative distance measurement. While not accurate enough for any good map, for a rough sketch it will do just fine." The mapmaker states, without even looking up from the paper.

"Huh I wouldn't have thought of it that way."

A Few minutes pass with only minor conversation and the noise of the forest. Some soldiers swear they can see the wildlife staring at them as if telling them with their eyes not to go the direction they are heading. They quickly ignore these feelings, thinking that they are just wildlife. Eventually though one man spots a clearing up ahead and signals the rest to slow down in order to not be seen.

"Alright everybody dismount, You keep our horses here. The rest of us walk to the tree line and hope we see a city or village." The Captain states as he climbs off his horse along with most of his men and the mapmaker. And slowly walk to the tree line. Covering his eyes from the sun in order to see better. Only to see a vast array of farm land next to a small village on the river further inland. And what appears to be a road leading away from the village further south.

"Perfect a village. Let us report back to the General about this. No use in letting our presence be known now." The captain states while walking back to their horses.

Meanwhile on a cloud above the scouting party lies a pair of Pegasi, who have been following the Roman scouts for the past few minutes. Seeing the Humans in strange armor riding on top of some very tall pony ride off, they quickly fly back to the village intent on warning them about the human rebels in armor nearby...

Chapter 2: Legion on the March

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North hoofton Village

3 Minutes after Roman Scouts spotted

POV- 3rd Person

The VIllage of Northern Hoofton, a normally calm and quiet farming village, is now in a flurry of activity. With the hundred odd ponies rushing from their homes to the town center at the sound of the emergency bell. With a duo of pegasi ringing the bell and calling out to the villagers.

"EVERYPONY COME HERE THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!" A Blue coated young filly yells out over the sound of the bell towards the growing crowd of ponies and human slaves, who watch with mild curiosity, this being an excuse to take a break from their work.

"What is it this time Cloud Dasher? Did you think you see a timberwolf again? or was it the thousand foot tall dragon that somehow nopony saw?" The village elder walks up. Clearly annoyed at the young fillies having rung the bell for the third time this week. "You know that bell is for emergencies only!"

"But this is an emergency granpa!" The second filly, a light yellow colored pegassus with red mane yells down. "We saw some humans in the forest!"

This earns some attention from the ever growing crowd of villagers. Most talking about some slaves may have escaped.

"Well we will send a party out to catch those escaped humans later today, that is nothing to ring the bell about! You know that-"

"But they had Armor and weapons!" The Yellow one blurted out, causing gasps and louder murmurs through the crowd. Even some human bystanders seem suprised, having grouped up at the edges of the crowd.

"A-Are you sure you saw weapons or armor? Could it not have just been some sticks or a trick of the light?" Grandpa states, slowly flying up closer to his grandfillies.

"No I am sure! They wore the same kind of armor the militia ponies in the town wear, the ones with the metal loops! and one looked like a royal guard with flat sheets of metal armor. Only it was silvery not gold. And Red thing on its head!"

Panic starts to set into the crowd before being silenced by a hoof raise by the elder. "Where did you see them and what were they doing?"

The Blue one steps forward. "They came from the north part of the forest, past the fields. We saw them when we were resting on a cloud after a race, they just slowly walked to the tree line and looked at the village, before going back. We came as fast as we could!"

The crowd again starts to pass rumors, some saying that a human rebellion is about to come here, some start to panic and look at the small groups of humans suspiciously before telling them to go back to work, Which of course, The humans begrudgingly agree to.

"I must send a message to Hoofton! YOU!" The elder points to the nearest adult Pegasus. "Quickly fly to Hoofton and warn the militia. Have them send a group over!" The Pegasus nods and takes to the sky towards Hoofton.

"Everybody else! Get your business done with and hide in your homes. Any of you who signed up for the militia meet here with your equipment while we wait for the ponies from the town!"

The large crowd immediately bursts into a frenzy, the earth ponies running about to get their already harvested crops and slaves into the barns before they get any funny ideas. Local shops closing and within the hour the whole village is deserted accept for a few stragglers or the small group of militia ponies at the town center.

Hoofton, 10 Minutes Later

POV- 3rd Person

The pegassus from the north village flew non stop at full speed towards hoofton. flying over miles of farmland. Seeing the town approach he quickly loses altitude and lands roughly at the wooden gates, Causing the militia ponies guarding the gate to wake up from their daydreams and rush over to help.

"Hey whats wrong?" One of them ask.

"H-Humans *Pant* with weapons and armor *Pant* North hoofton village!" The militia ponies quickly get the message and onerushes throught the town while the other takes the exhausted pony inside the guard post.

Meanwhile at the mayors office Black ink and Mayor Parchment are discussing taxes.

"What do you mean there are no taxes on farms? or on trade? What taxes do you have!" Ink yells out seemingly in disbelief that this town barely has any money in the treasury and hardly any taxes. Which would make it near impossible to buy anything to fix her new home.

"W-Well we haven't had a lord administering this area directly in q-quite a while. So we just stuck with their old taxes. Just a simple tax on bought property to fix the walls or bridges when they break every now and then.." Parchment states nervously wishing he could hide behind his desk from this surprisingly intimidating mare.

"Only that! Well thats the first thing we are going to change! We need-" Baroness Ink is interrupted by a exhausted militia pony bursting into the room wheezing and out of breath.

"M-Mayor we have-" He falls to the ground panting for air. "-A-a major problem from-"

"How dare you interrupt us with no warning! Whats your name you lowly-" Ink is interrupted by Mayor Parchment.

"Whats the issue Bronze Shield?" The mayor states slightly worried. hoping its just a wolf attack or bandits.

"N-North Hoofton village has reported spotting a group of armed and armored humans in the forest to their north!" Bronze yells out having caught his breath and speaking more clearly.

"WHAT!" The mayor yells out in disbelief. "Are you sure?!"

"The messenger seemed to have come at breakneck pace. He barely managed to tell us before passing out."

"This is not good. Who knows what these humans are up to. And if they have weapons and armor then they must have a way to make them or somepony is supplying them. Baroness Ink what should we do?"

The baroness is quiet, standing still. Thinking to herself about how this is her opportunity to prove she can do great things easily. A Human revolt being crushed by her will put her on news headlines across equestria and she'll be a hero. She starts to grin which creeps out the other two ponies in the room.

"Mayor how many ponies have signed up for the town militia?" Inky states happily much to the confusion of Parchment.

"Uhh about 7,000 ponies last time i checked.."

"Call them all up, We have some humans to crush!" Ink yells out happily, knowing those war games her sister made her play would come in handy eventually.

Roman Fort

10 Minutes after Scouting party is spotted

With the fort now in good order, His sub commanders scouting and taking stock of the supplies and what troops they have, and a few groups sent to fish from the beach and natural harbor with nets used on the lake fish. General Varian finally has some time to sit down and think about the situation. Realizing that the village the fort was stationed near was not taken with them, meaning many of the wives of the soldiers, and his own family are not here. Along with that he doesn't know how far away they are from where they were. Even still how they got there.

His thoughts are interrupted by a cavalry captain entering his room. "Sir Sorry to inturrupt but my men have found a settlement not too far south of here. A farming village from the looks. Our cartographer made this map of the area around the beach to the south up till the village." The captain states after a quick salute.

"Did you see who lived in the village? did the buildings look roman?" Varian asks, grabbing the crudely drawn map and unfolding it on his desk, quickly looking over the few markers and rough measuring distances on it to get a view of the map.

"Unfortunately no we weren't able to get close, for the forest did not get very close to the village and we wished to remain unseen in case the locals were unfriendly to Romans.

"Hmm very good work. We might have to send some men to check out the village, maybe ask the locals for a map of the area or directions to the nearest roman border if they are friendly and know where it is." Varian thinks to himself for a moment while looking over a list of the current forces he has at his disposal. "Have the 3rd legion prepare themselves to march off to this village. Cant be too careful and 5,500 legionnaires seems like plenty of soldiers to handle a small village. But in case have 200 cavalry go along with them. And tell the cavalry to map the area along the way, better maps equal better information. And information is better than any sword." Varian rants slowly looking towards the list of legions stationed in the base. Writing down the order on a piece of paper.

"Aye sir i will tell the 3rd Legions officer immediately." The captain states, watiing for Varian to finish the order.

"And tell them to try not to provoke the natives unless attacked. We dont want to be seen as invaders or accidentally have them call upon a much larger force if they dont know who we are." Varian states as he hands the note to the captain, who salutes and walks out of the generals room.

20 Minutes Later

3rd Legion

After the cavalry captain delivered the orders to the 3rd legion's Centurion, the legion sprung up to get ready. Gathering their backpacks, equipment, rations, weapons and armor as they gear up. Equipping their chainmail and gathering their oval shields. The legionnaires quickly file together in the street forming a column with 5 rows in it.Soon the centurion stands at the front next to the eagle standard bearer and orders the legion to begin marching outside. Walking past the large open gates and down the hill towards the beach, Using the crude map and the 200 cavalry to find their way. Deciding to follow the shore and walk alongside the treeless gap next to the beach while the cavalry scouts ahead around the woods, intending on meeting up once the legion exits the forest into the farmland of the village.

The column moves slowly, marching in sync, eyes forward and shields held at the ready. Prepared for any attack to be sprung at them. Many eyes cautiously watching over the forest attempting to spot a glimmer of metal which may detail an ambush, many having been apart of one or two during their time stationed on the Rhine.

"Men keep your eyes peeled. We are in unknown territory so watch eachothers backs!" The centurion yells over the symphony of marching feet, To which the legion gives a short 'Yes sir' in response.

While many legionnaires were watching the beach or the forest for an ambush or scouts, none attempted to look upwards at a small cloud that just happens to be following the legion at the exact same pace they are marching at. And none notice the two Pegasi peeking over the edge.

Meanwhile on the cloud

Swift breeze was in complete shock at what she is seeing. Having been sent out to scout ahead and perhaps find the human base camp in the woods to tell the baroness, she and her friend Hearty Stew did not expect to find a well drilled, perfectly in sync human force, at least four to five thousand strong marching towards the town. With modest gear and what looks to be large ponies pulling carts behind the army. Seeing this they quickly jot down what they see on a paper they brought. Writing as many notes as they can about the humans, Their armor which appeared to be chain-mail, and their weapons. Mostly writing about how efficiently they are moving and how well trained they appeared to be. Comparing them to the royal guards when they would parade In when the princess once visited the village years ago.

"Swift they look like they've been training for years!"

"Quiet down hearty, they might hear you. They already seem paranoid of an ambush and we cant have them looking up. Seems they think this area isn't populated by pegasi much." Swift states, looking at her friend before continuing to write.

"Still, how many ponies did the baroness manage to get? 7000? That is a-lot more then they got. Still they look trained." Hearty stew states, staring down at the humans listening to their steady rhythm of their march. "plus, their just some humans who somehow got some armor. I bet well mop them up quicker than Bucket can clean his tavern"

"Still we cant underestimate them. Remember that human Lifter got in a brawl with. His back hoof never recovered. Good thing the militia came in and stabbed em otherwise I think lifter might of died." Swift finishes writing and sits back up and looks to hearty. "Enough talk. Take this to the Baroness and mayor, Ill stay here and fly back if I see anything else. Tell them their coming up from the beach."

"Got it, stay out of sight." Hearty states before taking a bit of cloud as camouflage and flying away.

Meanwhile on the ground a bored legionnaire stared up at the sky and saw a small cloud break off from the rest and fly away quickly. Befuddled he rubs his eyes only to see the cloud gone and shrugs it as just his imagination....

Chapter 3: Confrontation

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Meanwhile with The Ponies

POV: 3rd person, Following Baroness Black Ink

Black ink looks over the gathering militia ponies in front of the town walls. Over seven thousand strong, a unusually high number for a town this size but the baroness doesn't complain, and most equipped with padded armor, and a few wealthier stallions or mares having chain mail and metal helmets. Most armed with spears, wood axes, and even a few pitchforks and the wealthier ones having a sword as a backup. While 5000 of the militia are earth ponies, about 1500 are pegassi, armed with light armor, or no armor at all, and most wielding light crossbows or javelins. The Remaining 500 are unicorns, mostly armed with no weapons and light armor, their main weapons being magic missiles and grabbing stones from their saddlebags to throw at high speeds. As well as to cast shields over their allies for the few who have learned to do so.

Overall the Baroness is moderately satisfied with her 'army'. Wishing they were professionals instead of militia but the numbers more than make up for their poor training, or lack thereof. Donning her favorite purple robe and sitting in a chariot pulled by two pegasi.

"Alright ponies! We are going to be fighting some escaped humans spotted in north hoofton village! They appear to have armor and some weapons, which will not matter due to our numbers advantage, magic casters, and fliers! We will crush their little rebellion before they can gather steam and be heroes of equestria! Now Mares and Stallions! To north hoofton!" As the baroness finishes her short speech, the deafening cheers of the gathered ponies echo through the town. Many ponies off to the side wishing their families and friends good luck as they start walking down the dirt roads north of hoofton.

The marching army walking down the paths in rough lines and many ponies chatting amoungst themselves to pass the times as they walk past fields of farmland with countless humans working the fields. A few stopping to watch the ponies walk but quickly go back to work when the farm ponies get nearby to see what all the ruckus is about. Waving to passing friends and cheering them to beat whomever they were fighting. The marching column of ponies passes by farm after farm.

Black ink bored already at the march, and slightly annoyed at the constant conversations and yells from the peasants around her quickly uses a 'royal canterlot voice' spell to project her voice. "ENOUGH TALKING!" she yells out causing all the ponies in her makeshift army to silence, especially the ones near her, for they have almost gone deaf. "Thats better! Now continue marching!"

The Now much quieter army marches on. Crossing the halfhazardly constructed bridge to north hoofton village, having to cross a maximum of ten ponies at a time to avoid the bridge collapsing. While black ink groans at the slow pace, wishing her quote unquote 'army' was all pegassi or unicorns instead of mostly earth peasants, she decides to write about this to her sister.

Meanwhile With the Roman Cavalry

The pockets of roman cavalry spread out across the woodland area to scout for any landmarks or any dangers. Going ahead of the main army to quickly fall back if they find any trouble. The cavalry gets to the forest edge faster than anticipated and waits at the treeline while the rest of the cavalry regroup to their position. The Roman cavarlymen dismounting their horses to drink, talk or have a snack. Not really paying attention to the town a few miles away. Until one group of cavalry finally regroups with the rest of the cavalry force. Slowly galloping round trees to the satisfaction of the captain.

"Anything to report? Everyone else has said nothing important." The captain states boredly while he takes a drink from his water sack.

"Yes sir, we spotted what appears to be a large force crossing the river on a small bridge. From the looks of it its at least 5 thousand strong if not more. One of our scouts may have been spotted while they were at the tree line last time. Otherwise this may just be a coincidence and there is a war going on between this party and another unknown one" The captain states, Giving the captain a crude map to go along with the rest to be made into a larger one later.

"Hmm interesting." The captain thinks for a moment before turning around and walking back to his horse. Thinking about the situation. "You two." The captain points to the messengers, who are currently leaning against a tree next to thier horses. "Go to the Legion and tell them we found a army nearby and that we are going to interact with them. Tell them to be prepared if we have to rush to them if we need to retreat."

The two messengers salute and rush to get on heir horses and cautiously ride towards the beach to find the legion. While the Captain climbs upon his horse. "Attention!" all chat suddenly quiets. "Everybody mount up, a party of our cavalry have spotted an army crossing a bridge. We are to go and interact with them to see if they are friendly and know any directions to a roman border. Be on guard! And do not provoke them, they have over five thousand men from what the scouts estimated. Mount up!"

Suddenly the meandering cavalry group bursts into a flurry of activity. Quickly stashing any foodstuffs they brought with hem and mounting their steeds while simultaneously equipping their weapons in case they are attacked or need to attack. Within five minutes every cavalryman is on top of their steed and prepared to move out. The captain riding to the front of the rough line of men. Having 400 of the 500 men stay in the tree line, bringing only 100 of his men to seem less threatening. Hoping he wont have to call upon the rest of the cavalry.

The ride there was slow, having to jump over many fences, though they appear to be shorter than expected, and crossing the fields of unharvested crops and vegetables. Taking ten minutes to get to the side of the village, Seeing nobody in the streets the captain and cavalry assume everybody is hiding inside. Though seeing many window shutters being closed as they ride by confirmed that the village was indeed inhabited.

Finding a dirt road the cavalry quickly line up and ride down the road. Seeing the large group of men in the distance at the bridge. Though more than half appears to be on the opposite side of the semi calm river. The captain watching slowly as he hides his anxiety, while going forward down the path. Though when they get within reasonable view distance the army appears to have seen them and is quickly forming a lines of spear-men, though the closer the men get the more odd the 'men' appear to be. The captain stopping the cavalry with a raised hand about two hundred yards away on a small hill using the same hand to cover his eyes from the sun and see the army better.

"Captain. Is it me or do those look like small horses with spears?"

"No i see them too. And looks like they see us." The captain states, only to gasp along with the rest of his men as a few hundred of the horses fly up into the air.

"Are those... Pegasi?" The cavalryman states in disbelief. "I'm.. not the only one seeing this... Right?"

"I'm sure we all see it. And looks like two of them are attached to a chariot and are.. Coming this way!" The captain yells out. "Everybody be on your guard. We don't know what to expect."

The chariot pulled by the pegasi is followed by two hundred-ish other pegasi and quickly hover above the cavalry less than fifty yards in front of them. The chariot landing as well but slightly closer.

"You two, follow me, Let us go meet whomever this is...."

Chapter 4: Skirmish

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The air grows tense as the cavalry Captain slowly rides up to the the chariot. Cautiously looking up in the sky and around the plains to make sure there are no extra flying horses to ambush them. And as the chariot gets closer he can see a dark colored horse, Curiously staring back at the captain while twirling a glass of wine in mid air. Which to the captain does a double take to make sure he isn't imagining this. Staring at this makes Him seem to question his current understanding of the world. But he quickly banishes those thoughts and makes his face neutral.

"Love to see those flying horses in the arena.." Mutters one cavalryman to the captains right. only for The captain to quickly look at him with a stare to shut him up.

Blank ink on the other hand is very intrigued and slightly disgusted at these humans. For one they appear to have equipped decently crafted armor that is most certainly not bits and pieces of stolen armor. That must have been forged for their form. Secondly they appear to be riding large ponies, Which disgusted her to no end. This was against nature itself, Ponies weren't subservient to humans. Yet these large ponies are almost double her size, nearing Celestia's height from what she's seen in books. All of them including those on the hill seem to have color ranges of brown and beige.

Her face turning into a small grin as she sees only two humans on large ponies ride up next to their leader. A Human with a slightly more ornate helmet yet appears to be more well worn. Signifying he has been in at least one fight or two. As they approach, Her Pegasus guards quickly form a makeshift spear wall before she raises her hoof and stares at them in order to get them to stand down.

"Stand down my little ponies. Let them come. Let us see what they wish to say to us. Also, have the pegasi ready to charge, yet tell them to do it slowly. Also get some crossbowponies behind us...." Black Ink states, having her grin widen just a little bit to make it unnerving.

The captain slows down about a dozen meters away from the chariot. He can clearly see a small horse with some sort of horn or spike on her head. Having raised with horses his whole life he can tell the 'leader' in the carriage was a mare. Yet the rest were slightly harder to tell due to their armor. Looking at their equipment most seem to have some sort of padded armor, although a few have chain-mail, limited as it is on them. Looking back to the center pony, he quickly dismounts his horse and walks a few feet in front of it.

"Hello there human." Black ink states, startling the captain a bit, but he quickly gains his composer back before anybody/pony notices.

"Hello there.. Im sorry i am not sure what to call you." The captain states, keeping his hands behind his back respectfully.

"Call me Black ink Human. Curious to know what you are all doing out here.. So free and in armor?" Blank ink states, a hint of malice behind the word 'human.

'Interesting.. she seems polite yet obviously not liking us if her emphasis on the word 'human' means anything..' he thinks to himself. "I am Captain-"

"Yes yes introductions over now tell me what your doing here and not in chains." Ink rose interrupts, getting slightly annoyed that this human has yet to show her any proper respect.

"Me and my companions were lost and were hoping to get directions. But i can see we are not wanted here." he states, Slightly annoyed at her interruption and harsh tone. "We will be out of your hai- er, Mane, shortly." He states turning around to mount his horse, Only to have a crossbow bolt Wiz by his head and miss it by a inch. The cavalrymen Quickly draw their swords and grab their shields from their backs.

"Oh you all are not going anywhere.. FIRE!" Black ink yells, causing the ponies that have been slowly creating a crescent in front of the cavalry to quickly unleash a barrage of crossbow-bolts. The Captain quickly jumps on his horse and along with his bodyguards raise their shields behind them to cover their retreat back to the scouting party. Most of the bolts having missed wildly and the few that do come close are easily blocked by the shields.

The rest of the cavalry, seeing their captain come under fire, yell out a battle-cry and charge towards the line of reloading crossbowponies. Black ink having expected them to run and not put up a fight, quickly yells at her chariot pullers to get her to safety as the mass of mounted humans charge towards them. Quickly crossing the gap between the hill and the line of crossbows. The captain rejoining his force and charging along with them. The pegasi seeing this stop slowly walking to flanks of the now charging cavalry quickly fly towards their fellow militia ponies to aid them. Only for them to watch in horror as the mass charge slams into the unprepared line of ponies still reloading crossbows. Ponies are trampled over by the larger horses while their riders stab down at them with their spears and slashed with their swords. The Captain seeing the Pegasi closing in blows his horn to sound a retreat, Causing the cavalry to quickly turn around and gallop at full speed towards the beach and tree line. The bloodied crossbowpoinies retreat back to their lines while the pegasi auxiliaries fly at full speed towards the retreating humans. Yelling war cries to avenge their fallen friends who have fallen to such lowly beings.

Holding their shields behind them to protect their backs and horses, the pegasi occasionally fire a bolt or two at the humans, only to miss due to the speed and maneuverability of the human steeds. The pegasi opting to fly faster and cut them to bits with their swords as they slowly close the distance.

The captain looks back, seeing the cloud of pegasi getting closer yet notices how much closer to the ground many of them are. Thinking quickly, he grabs his horn and blows it. Stopping his steed and turning around and charging towards the disorganized mass of pegasi along with this men. The pegasi don't even fly higher until its too late. The captain swings his sword at a Pegasus flying to his right, and lops his head clean off. The blood spraying into a Pegasus behind him, blinding him and forcing him to crash into the ground and get trampled by a charging horse.

The sudden and unexpected counter-charge left the pegasi within reach of the cavalry spears and swords to a slaughter as they were unable to slow down or change directions at the speed they were going. Hundreds of ponies were impaled upon spears as their comrades sailed over their dead and dying bodies, attempting to slow down while the cavalry regroups and changes directions again. Galloping full speed again towards the tree line closest to them.

As the pegasi force was sailing over their dying friends who flew too close to the ground, they immediately attempt to stop and assist their friends, But their speed makes them overshoot by a hundred meters and as they begin flying back towards their friends the pegasi flight commander spots the humans attempting to go towards the tree line, and knowing if they did they wouldn't be able to follow, He quickly blows his whistle and flies full speed to the humans.

The captain looks towards the approaching tree line and looks behind him to the racing ponies flying towards them. Now fueled by anger and a lust for revenge the ponies fly faster then the Humans could think was possible. The humans quickly try to make their horses go faster, hoping to get into the dense forest and be safe from the threat of the flying horses. And as the trees slowly get closer the captain looks behind him one more time to see the pony leader a single meter behind him, spear clutched in his hooves and ready to thrust it into the captain. The captain quickly positions his shield to block the incoming threat, Only to realize last minute that the pony wasn't going for him, But his horse.

Stabbing his horse in the flanks forces the horse to yell out in pain and collapse onto the ground, throwing the captain down to tumble into the dirt. His cavalry seeing this quickly turn to avoid the sudden hazard, Blazing past him as they enter the forest a mere twenty meters ahead of him. The ponies quickly break off the chase before they slam into the hard sides of hundred year old trees and begin to regroup.

The human captain attempts to get back up, he cant move his left shoulder and it hurts continuously as well as his right leg. His sword is nowhere nearby and his spear must've splintered into a hundred pieces during the fall. His left wrist bent at an unnatural angle when his shield was torn from his grasp on landing. His head bleeding, the helmet having flown off violently and leaving a harsh gash across his head. Rolling onto his back and looking up, He sees the swirling mass of pegasi around him, like vultures to a dead body in the desert. His hearing returns to him, to which he hears his horse wailing in the background, Just as the pony who speared his horse comes into view, a sadistic grin on his face before he hits him in the temple with his spear butt.

"Nighty night human.." Was the last thing the captain heard before blacking out...

Chapter 5: Battle of North Hoofton Village

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Meanwhile with the Legion

The legion continues to march along the forest line, When the cavalry begins to filter through he woods, spooking the legionnaires into a battle-line until they realize its just the auxiliaries. The leading centurion, seeing the semi panic retreat of the cavalry quickly looks for their commanding officer.

"Auxiliary wheres your commanding officer?"

"He got captured or killed, His horse was hit when one of the flying Pegasus-"

"Wait did you say Pegasus?" The centurion states, face-palming.

"Yes there was an army of small horses, some pegassi chased us after the captain tried to talk to their leader. He was thrown off his horse and if hes not dead then seriously injured! They seem to not like humans from what i heard from their leader." The cavalryman states.

"Its true we all saw them! here look at these!" A second cavalry auxiliary walks up and hands the centurion a few crossbow-bolts. "They shot these and they stuck into my shield, their like arrows but smaller. Reminds me of that mini ballista we were experimenting with a while back."

"Are you sure they were small horses? and pegassi?" The centurion says in disbelief at what their saying.

"Pretty sure!"

"Then there's no time to waste, Legion MARCH!" The horn blows as the legionnaires reform into a column and march slightly faster towards the village.

The marching soldiers synchronized steps being heard through the quiet forest as the cavalry screens to the front and side of the column to conceal it from view. The tension from the legionnaires permeates the area as those close enough to a cavalryman have already heard the impossible claims that they have faced sentient small horses, even smaller than the ones some saw in north Britannia.

For ten minutes, With each step, the anticipation of a coming a battle grows until a cavalryman points out the forest edge ahead of them. The centurion blows his horn to signal the legion to slow to a walk instead of a jog as the cavalry re-enter the field they left minutes ago with new determination.


Black ink looks towards where the tree line and beach meet to see what her scouts have told her. A marching column of suprisngly well coordinated humans. All in some kind of armor with large red oval shields. And the large ponies ridden by humans in front of them, blocking her view of most of the humans as they march into the farmland.

"You two, rehook yourselves to the chariot and lift me up fifty fathoms." Black ink says calmly to her pegassus honor guards as they hook themselves up and fly up.

"Hmm looks like they came back with friends.." One pegassus comments

"Alot of friends."

"Quiet you two im trying to think." She squints and blocks the sun from her vision to get a better view. "alright land, and one of you fly by and see if they have any crossbowhumans." Black ink states as she sees the humans align themseleves in two rows of troops with the pony mounted humans on the sides.

"Yes Lady!" The left pegassus yells out, unhooking himself and taking off towards the humans.

"Hmm okay so they look trained, or organised. S uprising for humans. Large shields so they have a good defense. unsure of what weapons they use, could be spears swords or axes, next those poor large ponies mounted by the filthy humans. They will be a problem." Black ink talks to herself as she paces in her chariot waiting for the other pegasus to return. "Seems those ponies are in no control. Our pegassi could counter them assuming they charge ahead of any support the humans could give if they have ranged troops.. seems i have a numbers advantage albiet mostly earth ponies... hmm." Black ink steps off her chariot and walks to a nearby guard. "I need the earth ponies with melee weapons to form one long line ten ponies thick here, anypony with crossbows and unicorns who are using magic form a loose line in front of them and the pegassi to stay behind the main line!"

The guard nods and rushes to tell his subordinates the plan, Soon the pegassus comes back, slighly out of breath from the flight and looks behind his lord/lady to see the ponies organizing into lines. "Lady black ink, After flying over twice i can conlcude they do have some sort of bow wielding humnas, Roughly Seven hundred or more. I couldnt really count as they shot at me."

"Excellent thank you." Black ink turns to the human army to see a single man on a pony riding towards them. The ponies behind her rush to get into formations and the pegassi hover above them. Unicorns point their horns and crossbows at him but dont shoot as black ink raises her hoof to stop them. "HOLD FIRE" she yells with a voice amplifier spell.

The unfortunate cavalryman who drew the short straw rides up slowly and stops about twenty meters away from the pony lines.

"Attention You have attacked soldiers of rome! Surrender now or face the wrath of Rome!"

A silence follows as the ponies look at eachother in mild confusion wondering what a 'rome' is.

"Come at us ya filthy ape!" A random pony yells out

"Cmon well take you all"

"Well put you in your place!"

Soon the entire army throws insults and occasionally rocks at the cavalryman, causing him to ride a few feet backwards to avoid being hit. "SO BE IT!" he yells and rides back at breakneck speed. To the war cries of the ponies.

"And so it begins.." Black ink states smiling to herself as she steps back in her chariot.

Back with the Romans

The legate arrives at the legions position having been held back by some news about flying lion birds north of the camp by some drunk soldiers. He quickly rides to the centurion of the first cohort and gets updated on the situation.

"So.. Small horses? and Pegassi?"

"Sound ridiculous i know but there they are over there and-"

"Sir a flying one has just flown over, most likely surveying our formation!" another centurion yells interrupting the first centurion

"Tell the auxiliary archers to shoot it down!" The Legate yells back

Arrows fly towards the pegassus who makes a hasty retreat. "Dam they have information on our formation. Those flying horses are going to be a problem. Hold a cohort back to protect the archers, without them those flying pegassi will be able to rain projectiles upon us." The legate rides behind the first line to survey the battlefield. "Hmm deploying skirmishers forward and keeping those pegassi behind them. Reminds me of the way Greeks fought if companions could fly..."

POV 3rd person omnipotent

The ponies slowly move forward towards the roman formation at the edge of the forest and beach. Having their land based skirmishers rush forward to fire weak magic missiles and crossbowbolts upon the roman first line. The bright magic bolts surprising many legionnaires but they quickly hide behind their shields, blocking most bolts accept for a few who took a magic missile to the chest, being quickly dragged behind the lines to be replaced with the man behind him.

"TESTUDO FORMATION!" The centurions commanding the first lines of cohorts yell out cuasing the legionnaires to group together and hold their shields up to block the rain of crossbow bolts and magic missiles. While the cavalry retreat behind the second line to prevent themselves from taking casualties.

"Hold the archers back in case the pegassi charge!" The legate yells out as he watches past the skirmishers to see the enemy formation which slowly marchers up to their skirmisher lines...

Across the field black ink watches from a cloud above the battlefield. A group of messenger pegassi to relay orders as she watches the battle from above. Watching the skirmishers begin their barrage against the roman forces, Only to see their barrage do little damage as the humans create a box of shields that protect most of them from the ranged missiles.

"Interesting.. Tell group one and two to go into the forest and flank around them while the rest charge forward and engage them to pin them down. Then have the pegassi go to the right towards the beach and attack their human mounted ponies and prevent them from going around our lines."

"And the skirmishers?" The messenger asks as he quickly jots down the orders.

"Keep up the barrage but pull back behind the front lines."

The pegassi nods and finishes writing and dives down towards the army. Delivering the orders to the impromptu leaders of the militia groups. Following orders the first two groups branch off from the main force to the forest while the rest of the army marches forward, past the skirmishers who begin to ark their shots to keep the humans pinned down in their formation.

The Legate, watching the much larger force march forward while a group splinters off to the right of them. "Tell the second line to go into the first, extend it to match the enemies line, but keep half the second line in reserve, they have a group attempting to flank us." He says to his messenger who nods and rushes off.

Now within a hundred meters the pony earth pony lines begin to charge gaining speed. their trampling hooves tearing up the farmland under them until it progresses to grassland. The centurions signalling for their men to exit the testudo and reform into battle lines.

"PILUM!" Yells a centurion as the ponies charge within thirty meters of the romans. The legionnaires grabbing their javelins and release the volley of deadly pilum javelins to deadly effect. Causing the first line of ponies to be shredded as javelins struck their bodies, killing many in an instant and maiming others, having them die by being trampled by their comrades. This causes the charge to be blunted slightly as the ponies lose speed to avoid falling while charging, Giving the legionnaires just enough time to brace behind their shields as a mass of ponies ram into them, knocking many off their feet and spearing those who were too slow to put up their shields.

"BRACE!" The legionnaires yell as do the ponies, the ponies pushing on the shields of the legion attempting to thrust their swords or spears into any gaps in the wall of shields, causing many legionnaires to yell in pain as stray weapons slice their unprotected arms or legs. "HOLD MEN!" Yells the legate as he rides past the front lines, watching a few men get stabbed and others return the threat with their spathas. "NOW REPLACE FRONT MAN!"

The horn blows and the front legionnaire in the front line side steps and falls back behind his fellow legionnaires, quickly being replaced by the man behind him, Causing the ponies in front of them to stagger, which causes many to be stabbed by the fresh legionnaires. The front lines being shredded as the ponies attempt to retreat back to get another charge in. Bodies of dead and dying ponies lie in front of the legionnaires, those still alive are quickly silenced by the cold steel of the men. The ponies reform fifty meters away switching out the ponies at the front to go in back, then charge again smashing like a wave against the wall of shields of the legion. Pushing many men off their feet at the sheer force of the charge.

While the main forces engage in brutal hand to hoof combat, the pegassi quickly go to the beach area and flank the legion. Only to be showered with arrow-fire as the legate has a cohort stand alongside the archers providing them cover with their shields from javelins and spears thrown by the flying enemies. The archer captain ordering another volley, taking out many from the sky. The cavalry retreating behind them, being ordered to go to the right flank to assist the cohorts preparing to receive the flanking ponies in the forest.

Blank ink watches from her cloud, a scowl growing on her face. The charge of her ponies seem to be blunted by their javelin fire and the coordination from these humans is something she would expect from royal guards, not humans. Looking to the pegassi and seeing even less success there, as the humans have mixed their few archers with men using their javelins as spears each time a overeager pegassi charges, only to be impaled.

"These humans are more troublesome than i expected.." Ink says to herself grabbing her tea from a servant on the side of the cloud. "Group one and two better break them or we might lose.. I cant let us lose, I already sent my sister a message of my imminent victory. I. Cant. Lose.."

As black ink sips her tea The flanking earth pony groups one and two finally turn towards the side of the enemy army, going from a walk to a light jog. hearing the yells of battle and death of their friends they decide to go towards the humans early, instead of going fully around them. "Our friends are dying! lets ATTACK!" an eager earth pony yells as he charges forwards through the trees, quickly followed by the rest of the earth ponies. Yelling out a war cry as they weave through the trees, The cohorts protecting the flanks throw their javelins, hitting mostly wood and dirt as they threw them too early. Bracing themselves the stretched out cohorts prepare to take the impact, while the cavalry rides around them.

The impact of the ponies causes the cohorts to take steps back, losing ground as their thin lines are slowly being torn up. Legionnaires being taken down by the second, And then the cavalry strikes the rear of the the pony groups. Ponies falling by the spears of the cavalry and the swords of the legionnaires.

"WEVE BEEN FLANKED!" a random pony yells out and beings retreating, slowly causing a rout of the flanking ponies. Being chased by the cavalry to keep them running before they give up chase and go to help the main lines of the battle, along with the legionnaires on the flank.

Back at the center of the battle, The legionnaires and ponies are locked in a stalemate. Ponies and humans falling to spears and swords. All the while humans are pelted by crossbow bolts and magic missiles. Centurions yelling orders over the scream of steel and battle, while every five minutes legionnaires switch from the front to the back. Causing fresh men to replace exhausted ones, But the ponies couldn't do this and throughout the slug of men and pony, More ponies are lost than humans. Exhausted ones falling while fresh ones take their place Determined to see the human menace quashed. The ponies start losing ground as they begin to lose their stamina, their attacked being repelled as the humans begin to learn the attack patterns of the ponies and angle their shields accordingly.

"Were getting slaughtered! We gotta retreat!" One pony sergeant yells out, only to hear horns from behind him, turning around, The last thing he saw was the spearpoint of a cavalry charge.

The ponies begin to retreat, slowly from the right of the humans where the cavalry charged to the left as they watch their friends run away. With the earth ponies retreating the humans give chase, Pegassi quickly fly into the cloud layer out of the range of arrows, and the unicorns follow their exhausted earth pony counterparts. The humans, Running on Adrenalin and the promise of imminent victory, charge after the retreating ponies. Breaking formations to chase them towards the village....

Chapter 6: Canterlot

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Thirty Minutes before Battle of North Hoofton..


In the Capital of Equestria, Canterlot, stands the famous and beautiful new Solar Castle, nearly finished in construction after the destruction of the the castle of the two sisters by nightmare moon not five years before. Now the home of the one of two sisters, Celestia, Princess of all of equestria. Who looks over her city from the tower constructed for her bedroom. In full view of the city from a balcony, she watches as her little ponies walk about their day. Many trains of wagons still flowing in and out of the city, bringing the last stone and wood needed to finish off the last portions of the castle. A symbol of a new better equestria. With hundreds of new buildings popping up in the new capital, the city is booming in population with hundreds of ponies moving in, closer to the beacon of hope and prosperity for the future that is the castle and celestias sun over it.

Yet that symbolism is lost on Celestia, For which the castle is a constant reminder of her sister, whom she has failed. Sighing she turns and walks back inside her lavishly furnished room. Wishing she didn't bring so many things from the old castle, As they just remind her of Luna. Wishing she could have done something else to save her sister from the lies those humans told her which caused her to turn into her evil persona, Nightmare Moon. The treachery of the humans to trick her sister into going against her, to cloud her judgment into nearly destroying all they had accomplished in uniting the ponies for the last few centuries. Celestia looks at the broken painting hung up on her wall, a split between luna and herself has nearly ripped the painting in half. Caused when a human spear was slashed against it during the battle of the old castle. "What did they tell you to convince you luna.. Why did you do it?"

Celestia puts down a book on the elements of harmony, a book she has read a million times over by now. Reading through it to maybe find some secret message that will tell her how to reverse the powerful spell which sent Luna to the moon. Yet to no avail. She looks around the room, half of her tables are cluttered with magical books from all over. She lowers her head and magically grabs her crown and jewelry. Setting them up on herself and looking into a nearby mirror as she puts on her signature motherly smile. A smile her ponies take comfort in and that soothes all when she gives a speech or shows up to a celebration. A smile she has had to put on for the past five years to not show her precious ponies the regretful mare beneath the mask.

"Another day another meeting at the House of nobles." Celestia walks to her balcony and spreads her wings, closing the balcony door behind her and taking off into the sky. The air rushing past her flowing mane gives Celestia some comfort. Wishing she could simply fly away from it all.

Banishing those thoughts from her mind, Her ponies need her, Her sister needs her whether she will accept her help or not. She carefully lands in the courtyard of the extension to her new castle. The house of nobles, A large building with one main circular room. A Semi circle of theater like seats facing a podium at the front. Where nobles walk up to propose new laws or debate subjects. The room currently mostly filled with representatives of every noble house in Equestria, From the noble blue-blood house to the house of sparkle to a dozen other small noble families. With the largest and powerful Houses closer to her throne and radiating outwards.

Celestia Walks inside and takes her ceremonial throne in the center of the seats. Her presence is not needed here. The nobles convinced her that she was too lenient on subjects such as the humans who dispute their generosity on protecting them and accepting them into equestria, betrayed them. Her solution was to divide equestria into different lands and have the noble families control their own portion, so that she can focus on equestria at large while they take care of local disputes. The house of nobles is to deal with internal affairs, with only advising her on subjects she brings up that deal with all of equestria. Yet ever since She banished her sister she slowly loaded more responsibility onto the Nobles, So that she could find a way to bring her sister back from the moon.

Wishing this meeting could be over so she can continue her quest to re-unite with her sister, Celestia makes herself comfortable as the final representatives arrive and take their seats. The chairpony of the House of nobles takes a stand at the podium.

"Thank you all for attending today. And we must thank The princess for attending as well your highness. As you all know i am Pumpkin Pen, Chairpony of the house, And i call this meeting to begin." Pumpkin lifts a gabble and knocks it on the podium three times.

"Our first issue to be brought up is to be brought up by myself." The crowd begins whispering to each other as she brings up a scroll. "Ahem. Not an hour has passed since my youngest sister, Black ink, Has sent me a message with some concerning news." Opening the scroll she looks over the audience before continuing. "A Band of Armed human rebels have been spotted north of Hoofton, near the griffin border. From what my sister has written they appear to be armed and armored, By who she does not know. Details about them shows she encountered a group of about five hundred riding large ponies-"

"Ponies! Those filthy humans have captured and are riding us?!"

"Impossible They are too weak to have captured some ponies!"

"This cannot be true! Your sister must have made a mistake!"

Pumpkin Slams the gabble down onto the podium. "Order in the house!" Soon the nobles cease yelling. "Now if you would let me finish before you work yourselves up. My sister points out that she has captured one of the humans and its large pony during a small skirmish. The pony seems to have no intelligence, being sliced in the flank by a sword as they were escaping the pony flailed and yelled, even when ponies came to it for medical aid it simply flailed about, Hurting a few ponies. The pony and human were taken to Hoofton to be interrogated." Pumpkin pauses to take a drink of water before continuing. "Now in her second letter she sent right before i stepped up to the podium, sent by artificial dragon fire of course, She states there was an entire army of humans right behind the scouts. She claimed it was six thousand strong, and all marching in unison and in formations. Armored with large shields and helmets. All of which seem custom made for humans and not scavenged." She stops to watch the reactions of the Nobles.

"Somepony must be supplying them! They cannot possibly make armor on their own!"

"Marching in unison! Impossible! Humans are too simple minded for that!"

"There have not been any recent reports of escaped humans! Much less to this scale! They must be a remnant of nightmare moons human forces! Hiding until now!" Various nobles nod in agreement at the statement.

"Perhaps." Pumpkin Pen states. "But my sister has currently engaged with the human forces with the militia of Hoofton, over seven thousand strong. A thousand more than the humans which will surely crush this army soo-" She is cut off as another scroll appears in dragon-fire in front of her. Catching it in magic she breaks the wax seal and reads it. "Oh dear.."

"What is it? Is it from your sister?" Celestia asks, fully invested now in this human army debacle.

"Unfortunately yes.. It Umm.. It appears she has suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of the humans." She barely finishes the sentence before the house erupts into chaos. The entire room shocked at the mention that the Hoofton militia were defeated. Celestia herself freezes in place as she fears for the safety of Hoofton and equestria as a whole.

"SILENCE!" Celestia yells, using her royal Canterlot voice. "Pumpkin, Please continue.." Celestia says, emotionless, startling some of those nearby who remembers her dislike of humans since the nightmare moon rebellion.

"Y-Yes Princess. Well um From what she has hastily written her plan was foiled by over eager peasants charging before they were given the order to. And she has estimated over two thousand losses more or less. But she cannot say the same for the humans. Since she saw whenever one was injured they side stepped and were replaced by the human behind them. Estimated their losses extremely low compared to hers..." She nervously drinks some water as the stunned audience remains silent.

"This is a very serious matter, that cannot be ignored." Celestia stands, her face showing determination. "I Will lead the royal guard myself to defeat this menace before they can endanger equestria." Celestia watches as the nobles around her erupt into shouts of concern for her and claims that the guard will leave Canterlot defenseless. Which in reality, they simply wanted her to let them take care of everything.

"Princess! You cant! The royal guard are to be used in case Canterlot is in danger! This is just some run down town We can simply organize the lords of the surrounding area to mobilize and use numbers against them. Surely they cannot stand against an army thrice their size!" A Member of the house of blue blood says calmly.

"Hmm you may be right. I am simply letting my emotions get the better of me." Celestia sighs and sits back down. "Tell the lords and ladies of the fiefs surrounding the Hoofton fief to mobilize their militias and guards and cut off the head of this menace before it can spread. News most likely will filter to the countryside by merchants and peasants. We must act quickly to repel these rumors with a victory." The house agrees and messages are sent to the lords and ladies of the three fiefs surrounding area. Telling them to gather their troops and crush this uprising...

Chapter 7: Revelations

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North Hoofton Village

3 Seconds after battle

The chaotic retreat of the pony militia army signaled to the ponies in the village that it was time to run. The hundred odd ponies living in the village abandoned everything as the cries of armed ponies are cut down as they flee by the perusing humans riding the large ponies. With any who attempt to defend themselves either being trampled by their comrades or cut down by the humans. And lagging behind the retreating militia ponies and perusing cavalrymen charges to roman infantry. Chasing the quicker ponies on foot.

By the time half the panicked ponies have crossed the small bridge, others choosing to swim and leave their equipment behind, the cavalry has retreated back to the safety of the infantry lines, who close in on the ponies. Black ink and most of the pegassi have flown off towards the town to warn them and prepare defenses, while Ink compiles a hasty letter to her sister. As the Romans form a semi cricle around the half of ponies trapped on their side of the river, the ponies form a spear wall to protect themselves as they rush over the bridge, While human archers pepper the bridge itself with arrows.

"Sir we have encircled a third of the remaining enemy army on this side of the river, shall we finish them?" A Centurion asks the legate as he rides up to the bridge.

"Tell them to throw the remaining pilum, but not to charge. We cant afford any more casualties even though ours are relatively light."

"Understood sir! Men! Pilum at the ready!"

Those legionnaires who still had a javelin remaining sheathed their sword and prepared their throwing arm as the front row men formed a shield wall.


The legionnaires picked targets in the mass of equines fleeing, the ponies in the front rows of the spear wall seeing the javelins being prepared and many break formation in attempt to retreat faster, causing further chaos in the crossing.


The mass of javelins rain upon the ponies, killing hundreds in seconds, many jump off the side of the bridge to avoid the barrage of missiles only to be forced to remove their weapons and armor to avoid sinking. Those ponies who remained standing grabbed whomever seemed still alive and dragged them across the bridge, now that many have no need to cross anymore. Meanwhile the Romans hit their swords against their shields and shout at the ponies, Yelling in victory watching them run.

"Let them run men, Everyone gather what you can from those bodies, and take anyone of them still able to walk prisoner. Have one cohort remain here to guard the bridge. The rest of you will follow me to the village!" The legate yells out, watching the legionnaires cheer in victory and begin grabbing weapons and trinkets from the pony bodies as memorabilia. As well as grabbing mildly wounded ponies and dragging them off as they resist and yell profanities.

The 3rd cohort remains behind to guard the bridge while the remaining soldiers begin to return to the village they passed by to carry their wounded inside for the time being and rest, the village having no pony occupants remaining. The legionnaires slowly go through each house to be sure, By the time half the village has been silently cleared out, a commotion occurs drawing the legate and a few legionnaires to the north of the village, in a barn.

"Legionnaire whats going on?" The legate asks as he rides up.

"Sir we seem to have found some men here." The legionnaire states as he points to two other legionnaires helping some naked and bone thin humans out of a barn. The humans tearing up at the sight of them and a young girl hugs the leg of the legionnaire as she bursts into tears.

The legate remains shocked for a moment before looking back to an Cavalryman. "I need you to find some food for these poeple, and tell the others to check the barns and farmhouses for more humans." The cavalryman nods and rides off as the legate dismounts and walks to the nearest woman, who is currently trembling and holding her son in tears.

"What happened to you all?" He says, as the woman wipes her eyes and looks towards him.

"Y-You beat them.. W-we cant believe it you c-can beat them!"

"Yes we can but please answer the question, We arent from here, tell us why you are all starved, why do these small horse-"

"Ponies.. They call themselves ponies.."

"Yes.. Why do These 'ponies' have you here?"

A man walks up to the woman and lets her cry on his shoulder as he speaks. "We are slaves.. All humans are slaves to ponies.. Ever since Luna was banished.. how do you not-"

"Shh, Save your strength. Well get you some food and you can explain this later when we have the time. Just sit down and well take care of you." The legate turns and mounts his horse and rides off to check up with the rest of the legion, Seeing a cavalryman hook up a slightly small wagon to his horse with some rope. "Auxiliary, Get those poeple onto the wagon, they wont have the strength to return to the fort on foot."

As the cavalryman trots his horse close to the freed slaves and helps them on, another legionnaire walks up to the legate. "Sir weve found at least fifty more people in the barns and farmhouses around, All malnourished. Most of them men, only about ten women and three children."

"Good work soldier, Tell the cavalry to find as many wagons as they can find and hook them up to their horses to carry the people, as well as any supplies we can afford to take with us. We are obviously not in the empire anymore."

"Yes sir right away."

"And tell a few cavalry men to scout the area past the bridge, we will be back after we return to the fortress."

Meanwhile at Hoofton

Life in hoofton was going as usual, besides many ponies missing after being called up to defend the northern village, the town was quiet and calm, more so than usual. Blacksmiths watching over their humans as they forge new tools for the townsfolk and ponies going about the marketplace. Mothers watching over their foals as they play guards or hide and seek. Soon though word spreads through the town that the army is returning. With the towns inhabitants crowding towards the gate, opening it to welcome their victorious militia home and have them share stories of their glorious victory.

First the pegasi arrived, Flying frantically into the city and, exhuasted, lands anywhere they can. Many bloodied and a few with arrows in their flanks. A Dead tramuatised look in their eyes tells those around them that this was not a victory. Murmurs and thoughts are spread about as the few doctors begin treating those who they can with the assistant of anypony around. Questioning the pegassi about what had happened.

"T-They were too strong. Too organised."

"I thought it was impossible for humans to shoot a bow so accurately, yet theres an arrow in my flank as proof."

"We couldn't touch them, Their shields blocked all our blows."

Soon worry spreads rapidly throughout the town. Mothers and fathers quickly begin to usher their foals away back to their homes. Only for the earth pony and unicorn portion of the army to rush in. Bloody and bruised, Many carrying friends and family, Many more died during the journey back. The worry turns to panic.

"Their going to kill us all!"


"Celestia will help us right?!"

With these shouts of panic and worry, the wounded are flooded towards the small clinic in the town. Hundreds taken back to their houses to be comforted by their relatives about the horror they had seen, their friends cut down beside them as the humans, invincible as they seemed, simply slaughtered them. And then there were those families who had nobody to comfort, for their husbands and colts who had volunteered had died during the battle.

Within the hour, the streets are deserted. Those who could still fight gathered on the walls of the city, prepared to defend their town to the last if they must. While everypony else hid in their homes. Humans get off work easy, only hearing vague rumors of what occurred, Yet these rumors begin filling them with hope. Meanwhile in the keep at the side of the town, sits black ink. Scroll in magic as she reads the report from her sister after she revealed her defeat to the Nobles.

"This is good. Those humans cant survive against these odds. The lord of manehatten has double what i could must alone. Though i hope he gets here before the humans besiege hoofton. Any word on how close they are?" Black ink asks the militia commander.

"Our pegassi scouts say they are still at the village. Most likely looting it and freeing slaves. At least they wont be here soon. Keep scouts watching them and have them report back if anything."

Black ink lays the latest map of the city she could find and rolls it out onto the table in the main room of her 'castle'. With the Militia Commander next to her and the mayor as well. "Ok we will have to defend the walls in case they come after us. We will most likely be able to hold out. While wooden, those walls seem sturdy enough to hold against any weapons they seem to have had. While we can send for help and supplies through the port unless they somehow manage to captuer some boats. Then we will have to block the port which will turn into us waiting until help arrives, we run out of food, or they break in."

"I hope it does not come to the last two. We only have enough food stored for a week at most. We never expected this to happen!" The mayor says, shaking on the spot.

"Well while we can we need to get as much food into the city as possible. We can probably turn the streets into choke points where our spear walls will be more effective. Not only that but we could get some ponies onto the roofs to throw rocks, shoot crossbows and throw javelins down at them. If we go down we might as well make it hard for them." Militia Commander Silver Shield states, pointing to many choke points on the street that meet at the gatehouse area.

"If they do somehow besiege us we could try to evacuate through the harbor." The mayor says, pointing to the port.

"Not likely, we would need dozens of ships going round the clock for a week to get everyone out. They would notice and perhaps attempt to sink a ship or quicken their siege." Silver points out to the mayor.

"Its not like they have siege equipment? Their just humans." Both the mayor and Black ink say at the same time.

"No but i'm not willing to under-estimate these humans again. They surprised us all at the battle against superior odds and i do not intend to lose to humans again by thinking they cant figure out how to make a ladder. Or heck steal one from the village. If we are going to hold out against them we need to be prepared for anythin-"

"Sir the humans are marching away!" A scout Pegasus bursts into the room, startling the mayor.

"What?!" Both Silver and ink yell out.

"They appear to be heading back north to the forest! The humans they left guarding the bridge left as well with them. They are most certainly going back to where they came from!"

"They must be going back to their camp to store their loot! Send more scouts to follow them! For once we will be able to surprise them!"

Meanwhile With the Romans

Legate Marcus leads his men back towards the camp. Looking backwards to the trashed and empty village they looted for everything they could find. In the back of the legion, a dozen cavalrymen have wagons halfhazardly attached to their horses, pulling the fifty five humans on wagons, as well as food and tools the had 'liberated' from the buildings. Two wagons are dedicated to the prisoners they took from the battle. Both surrounded by cavalrymen and all bound by rope. Twenty in total, One with a horn, who had to be knocked out due to his strange magic ability, Two pegassi, one having been shot in the wing and the other stayed with her friend who she refused to leave behind. And the rest are regular ponies.

Looking up at the sky Marcus can clearly see the sun is still in the middle of the sky. "Hmm.. odd.." Marcus mutters to himself.

"Whats odd sir?" The Centurion to his right asks.

"The sun.. It hasn't moved all day. Its still in the middle of the sky."

"Your right.. But.. Its been hours since we all woke up here, it was noon then, surely the sun should have moved but.. it hasn't- Wait its moving!"

The legion slowly grinds to a standstill as everybody looks up in amazement and shock as the sun slowly gains speed and crosses down the horizon, only to be replaced by the moon. A Mare like face imprinted on it, Seemingly looking upon the legion.

"That is not normal.." The centurion states.

"Well, are we all just going to stand here and look at the moon? You can do that all you would like when we get back to the fort. Continue marching!" Legate Marcus yells out, causing the legionnaires to reform and march in unison once again.

"Do we have one story to tell the General, don't we Sir?"

"Yes, yes we do. Make sure to help me bring one of the pony prisoners to the general. I will need some proof..."

Chapter 8: History Lesson

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The Legion continues to march onwards, With the fortress in sight, the cavalry rides ahead to put their horses to rest and to get the general out for the legate. While the horses with the wagons stay behind the legionnaires. With the gates opening for the cavalry and the men on the walls waving to the approaching legion, Seeing the new additions of wagons and loot, many cheer their victory over whomever they fought. The noise of the men on the walls drawing the other men out from their barracks to cheer their comrades and welcome them back. As the legionnaires walk into the fortress, the blood and dented shields show the men who stayed they had won a victorious battle. But when the wagons roll in the cheers turn to confused whispers as the soldiers catch glimpses of the ponies and the freed slaves.

"Is that a blue horse?"

"By jupiter that one has a horn."

"That one has wings!"

"We are not on the rhine thats for use."

"An explination on our situation will be given by the general the next day! Now go back to your barracks! Its already night you should be asleep!" The legate yells out, quieting the murmurs and causing the troops to dispurse back to their posts or beds. "Everybody else, Get your rations and clean your armor. Get the wounded to the doctors and go to bed. Youve all earned it. Though you men guarding the wagons follow me, We must show the general what we have found."

The men nod and disperse or follow the legate as ordered. The legate himself heading to the center of the camp, Giving his horse to a fellow cavalryman to be taken back to the stables and walking the rest of the way to the generals office. Knocking on his door.

"Door is open. Enter."

The legate walks in and salutes to the general. "Sir we went to the village as ordered and.." Marcus Pauses.

"And what Legate Marcus? What did you find?" The general asks, looking up at the legate.

"Well you might want to see for yourself. We have prisoners after the battle-"

"Battle? How many men did you lose? Who did you fight?" Varian asks, standing up and walking over to the door.

"I will have your report on your desk after this, but sir, this is important." Marcus opens the door showing Varian the prisoners currently on the wagons, guarded by some legionnaires.

The general freezes in place. Staring at the the ponies then looking back at Marcus. "Is this a joke? Ill have you know that i will have you lashed if this is a joke."

"Sir this is no joke, these ponies-"


"Thats what they call themselves."

"They talk as well?" Varian asks astonished, taking a step closer to the ponies. Seeing most have wounds accept for one, Who looks at him with hate in her eyes.

"Yes sir and they are the ones who attacked us."

"How many were there and how many did you lose versus them?"

"About eight thousand-"

"Seven thousand.. Seven thousand couldnt beat you.." An injured earth pony mumbles. Looking around at where he is.

"They do speak.. Hm well take them to the prison to be interrogated. And get one of the stable masters to check their wounds. They might be better at it then the doctors." Varian states, watching the men roll the wagon past him towards the prison. "And them?" Varian points to the Slaves huddling together with blankets taken from the village.

"They are apparently slaves to the ponies. From what they told me humans are considered traitors here. Yet they appear as capable as us if not starved." Marcas states, shaking one of the men on the cart to wake up. "Come i need you to explain everything to the general."

"Aye.. give me a minute.." he states, carefully getting up and draping the blanket around his waist. Walking with legate Marcus and Varian inside his office. Varian pulls a seat to let the man sit down as he sits behind his desk. Grabbing a quill, ink, and a paper.

"This may take a while to explain. Ill need to start along time ago for you to get the full image. it all started hundreds of years ago. Humans created their own civilizations alongside the other species. Ponies, griffins, Minotuars-"

"Minotuars?" Marcus asks, taking off his helmet and putting it on the table.

"Let him finish Legate."

"Yes, minotuars, And others. We were less naturally gifted then them. Having less strength then minotaurs, no flight like pegassi and griffins and no magic. We were easy pickings for conquest early on, Though we never made it easy. Some City states took years to take down from what ive heard. Ever since then humans have been either slaves or second class citizens. Equestria being the place where we were treated better than most. Relatively speaking. We were still persecuted and not well liked. That all changed when Luna decided to help us."

"And who is luna? You mentioned her before." Marcus asks.

"Luna is the alicorn of the moon. The kindest of the Celestial Sisters, and the only one who saw the plight of us humans. She tried to help us. Change laws to stop our persecution by ponies. Yet her attempts were always delayed by her sister or the so called nobles.." He states with slight malice. "Even outright blocked. Eventually luna decided her sister was too obsessed with protecting her ponies at the expense of others, She confronted her. But was threatened by the nobles and her sister did nothing to stop them. They stripped her of her princesshood and cast her out."

He takes a moment to take a drink of water as well as to let Varian catch up writing. "And then she did it. She Incited a rebellion against her sister. Taking her like minded bat ponies and any humans she could find to create a lunar kingdom. But her efforts were threatened when the royal guard and army were sent after her. She couldn't let the humans she liberated across the countryside to simply go back without a fight. So they attacked. A Single battle in the civil war, that's all it took. We nearly won the war right there. That is until Celestia used dark magics to banish her sister. She disguised it as using an artifact called the 'elements of harmony' to 'evict the evil that has infested her sister', But its all lies to protect her image to her ponies." He takes another gulp of water. Watching as Varian writes quickly the details and Marcus intently listens in.

"Then after that. Humans were enemy number one in equestria. All rights, what little we did have, were stripped away and we were enslaved. Much like in the griffin kingdom. Yet last time i heard the Minotaur were a bit more lenient but they live an ocean away. As for my story, I was a farmer in an cornfield when luna declared her freedom for humans. So me and my family joined her, and then i joined her army. But when it was all over with i was shipped off to this town to be sold off. My family is luna knows where. All revolts i've heard of the past five years were either small scale and put down by local militias or simple fizzled out after humans starved out in the woods and hunted by militias and bounty hunters. But you guys.. You have a fort and are trained. Where did you come from? Your certainly not still hiding out from the war, especially with.. these numbers and equipment.."

General Varian and Legate Marcus look to each other. Varian finishing his notes as he rests his quill and clears his throat. "Well we are not sure how we got here, But from where we are from. There aren't any other intelligent species. Only humans. We hail from the Roman Empire, Thus our training and Equipment. How our entire fortress was put here is beyond us. But from what you said, this world has magic. So that is one possibility. Or simply Jupiter is bored."

"Yes, i saw those with horns fire these brightly colored bolts from them. Some men called them 'Magic Arrows'. From what you said of these 'alicorns' they sound powerful."

"They are. Luna used to move the moon, But now Celestia moves both the sun and moon now."

The two look at him as if he grew a second head. "Did you say, Celestia, Can move the SUN and MOON?!" Marcus asks, thinking its a joke.

"Yes, how else would it move? Though don't think they are all powerful gods. Luna herself told me that they are simply powerful immortals."

"Nothings Immortal, If it bleeds you can kill it. Persians learned that the hard way with Greece." Varian states. Writing this down. "This 'Celestia' Reminds me of that Egyptian god. Helipole or something."

"Heliopolis." Marcus corrects.

"Greece? Egypt? Are those other countries from wherever you came from?"

"Indeed. Rome conquered both. Well technically annexed Egypt."

"Enough history. You must be hungry, Let us get you a meal with the others." Varian states, getting up and leading the man to the cooks...

POV: ???

"Hmm.. Seems they are doing well so far. Beat the ponies faster than i thought. Perhaps i chose the right humans for the job. Though those ponies were only militia. The real test of these humans will be if they can defeat the Manehatten forces. If only i could help them more. I hope these humans will win. Took all my remaining magic to cast that spell to bring them.." Using her magic to view the humans through a magic telescope in her signature midnight blue aura, she watches as the Roman fort turns off its fires for the night, And sets up guard patrols on the walls.

"Maybe I can still help them.. Let my night light their way.."

Deactivating her telescope spell. She begins to pace around the white hole filled surface of her home for five years. Drawing out her plans. "If this works, It will bring a new age. I hope they get the message. That book on their language only teaches me so much." She says to herself. Writing in the dust to plan out her message...

Chapter 9: Interrogation

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POV: Captured Cavalry Captain

Captain Cassius slowly awakes. His limbs sore, Yet they dont apear to be that hurt. Sitting upwards, He looks slowly at his surroundings. Noticing he is lying on the floor in a prison cell. He recalls what he last remembers. The skirmish, The small horses, And falling off his horse and breaking his limbs.


He looks at his arms, and notices that, despite scratches and major bruises, they appear to be fine. Dispite the fact he recalls them breaking multiple times over during his fall. But not only are his limbs fixed, his armor and weapons are gone, Wearing only his red tunic that he wore underneath his armor. Checking himself he realizes even his hidden knife was taken. Grumbling to himself, he gets up and examines the lock to his cell. Then looking around for a key or any object sufficient enough to attempt to pick it with, yet finding no such thing, He sits back down. At that exact moment, he begins to hear hoofsteps coming closer. Reverberating on the stone floor.

"-hy did we heal him again?" An unknown voice says

"Cant sell him as a slave if hes broken, Besides no good interrogating him if he will just blabber about being in pain. Not only that but I just hate seeing things in such pain, human or not. He may be a human but we must still be the better pony than them." A feminine voice says back to the first.

A Few seconds later the owners of said voices appear in front of the cell. Two ponies, a black mare and a blue Unicorn in ornate Plated armor, Who looks at him with malice. "Ahh your awake! Perfect saves us the trouble of waking you up, My name is Gilded Lance, Captain of Lady Pumpkin Pen's Personal guard. And you are going to tell us everything you know, and where your little rebel friends are hiding. So we can crush this little rebellion before it can spread." He states and grins and awaits his answer.

"I will not say anything until you tell me where i am and why you attacked us!" Cassius shouts back at them.

"I was hoping you would say that. Now we can do my favorite thing. Good traditional interrogation!" Lance states proudly, causing Black ink to look at the captain with a hint of pity before she steps way.

"I will take this as my cue to leave.. You um do what you do best Lance." Black ink states, walking way before taking one last look back at Cassius as she rounds the corner.

"You will never get anything out of me." He defiantly says as he sits back down on his 'bed'.

"Oh we will see about that you monkey." Lance states before going into a low laughter.

Meanwhile at the Roman Fort.

The surviving ponies taken from the battle remain in a stone prison. Each separated into cells with two per cell. The proportions meant for humans though sufficient for the ponies. Most slept through the night after their wounds were treated with sufficiently by the master of horse. And as morning breaks a small breakfast is given to them made of vegetables and hay.

"This is so humilitaing." a unicorn states as she picks up a carrot and munches on it.

"Which part Ruby? The fact that we were captured by humans, beaten by them in battle even though we outnumbered them, or the fact we were treated by basically a vet?" A pegassi states as she lays down on the bed carefully as to not hurt her wing more.

"All of the above Sky.." Ruby states after she swallows her carrots and looks towards the Guard standing at the entrance to their prison. Looking over his equipment. "Hmm.. Definatly not the same stuff.."

"What are you rambling about now ruby? And why dont you just use your magics to pick the lock?" Weary Wheat the earth pony across from her asks.

"Well 1 My horn is cracked, I cant use magic properly until it heals and two, What confuses me is Their equipment, Its not the same as the ones the humans five years ago revolted with.."

"And you know this how?" Sky Striker says while turning to look at ruby.

"I Fought in the battle of the two sisters, Was a skirmisher for the royal guard since i couldnt afford to get any weapons other than my own horn and a shield. The humans there wore stuff close to the royal guard armor, but with longer spears and smaller round shields. Was more like a spear wall but these humans dont even use spears, They had javelins and swords."

"Yeah that is odd.." Sky mutters as he sits up. "But what are you getting at?"

"Im saying that these humans couldn't be freed slaves, their too well trained for that, but they are also not a remnant of the Lunar Army, Their equipment doesn't match and i doubt they could just replace everything they had out here in the woods."

Their talks are cut short when the door to the prison opens up and in steps in a few legionnaires, Who walk towards the cells and look over them all. Muttering to themselves, they open the cell with Sky and Ruby inside and close the door behind them with two guards inside and two outside. The two legionnaires inside look over the two ponies, Ruby who stands defiantly in front of them and Sky who scoots away from them on his bed.

"Names?" One states while holding a paper against his shield to write on while the other has his sword drawn just in case.

"Ruby and Sky streaker.." Ruby states, looking at the sword the Legionnaire holds and wonders if she can pull it away but remembers her cracked horn.

"We are here to ask you some questions. We recommend you cooperate." The first one states coldly.

"Im not saying anything!" Ruby exclaims back.

"We will see about that..."

General Varian

Fort Center

The legionnaires of the fort assemble around the center of the fortress. Waiting for their general to make his speech. Varian stands upon the platform and looks around to make sure most of the army is there. Before looking down at his notes at the podium in front of him and prepares himself for the reveal to his soldiers.

"Attention!" Varian yells out to quiet the men. "Now what i'm about to tell you might sound ridiculous, but what im about to say is completely true. Many of you have already seen this yet most of you have likely only heard it second hand. We are no longer on the Rhine. We are no longer in the empire. How do i know this you may ask? Well yesterday our scouts spotted a village south of us. I ordered a legion to perhaps make contact with anybody living there, unfortunately we were met with a hostile army. Of not men, But small colorful horses." Varian waits for the shock or laughter to end. "Laugh all you want, its true. We have currently a handful of captives with us from the battle, where our legionnaires fought bravely and beat a force much larger than themselves against an unknown enemy. Now many of you will be worrying for your families or friends, Do not worry we will find a way back home. As long as we stay organised and represent Rome properly we can accomplish anything! Dismissed." The crowd talks amongst themselves as Varian steps off the platform and heads towards the prison. Ignoring the questions asks by passing legionnaires and Auxiliaries. Simply telling them to report to their officers.

When he arrives to the prison, he quickly looks for the dungeon master, finding him writing some things down. "Dungeon master, what have you learned from our friends here."

"Ah General, while in the beginning our captive was very very uncooperative, a soldier decided to.. Encourage her, which then caused her to happily agree to give us a great deal of information. I am just finished writing down a copy for you."

"Excellent, Anything important?" Varian states, seeing the odd horn like spike lying on the table nearby.

"Yes, the one told she took part in a battle five years ago when the humans of this land rose up along with one of the royalty amongst them."

"Yes i remember the freed slave telling me of a battle like that, what of it."

"She says that there was a nearby town of 'hoofton' as she said it was called, that would call for re-enforcements from the city down south along the coast of 'Manehattan.' When we asked for estimates of troops she stated at least a few tens of thousands of levies, along with what she called 'knights.' Apparently they are warriors of 'noble' birth and very well trained. We should expect an attack or gathering of forces near hoofton. Depending on how far away this 'Manehattan' is and how quickly they can muster their forces."

"Hmm that is very important indeed. I will need to take this up to the war room, send some scouts around. Anything else?"

"None that important, The rest is just some summaries of the abilities of their species as well as some other species mentioned that may live nearby. Mostly just things for the soldiers to read on, accept for this on the 'unicorns' and 'alicorns'. I suggest you read that part thoroughly." The dungeon master states as he hands Varian the copy of the interrogation transcript.

"Interrogate the rest of them to see if they know anything else. If not keep them alive, we might need them...."

POV: Gilded Lance

Hoofton Dungeon

Gilded lance smiles as he strolls into the main room of the 'castle' area of hoofton. Golden armor gleaming in the sunlight until he walks into the shade of the main building. Transcript of his enlightening interrogation with the human in tow. He quickly walks up to the throne where Black ink is seated.

"M'lady, You will be glad to hear I successfully interrogated the human and got a great wealth of information. Though it troubles me to know that he spoke the truth about this."

"And what is it that he said that troubles you? Was it the location? how many there were? where they came from?" Black ink asks, leaning forward in her seat.

"All of those, Apparently he was an 'Auxiliary Cavalry Captain' of an Empire created by humans. Known as 'Rome'. Him and his colleagues were garrisoned in a fortress on a river when they suddenly all fell unconscious and awakened north of here, Fort and all still there. There is at least thirty thousand of them. Worse is that they are all trained soldiers, some with a decade of experience fighting."

"That explains their organization equivalent to that of royal guards."

"Please i wouldn't put them that high, perhaps of trained militias, They are humans after all."

"What became of The 'captain' we captured?"

"Oh he is fine, It took some.. Special techniques to get this out of him." Gilded begins chuckling. "Oh their fingers are so fragile."

Black ink grimaces and shakes her head. Blowing those thoughts of pity away. "And any word on the lord of Manehattan?"

"Afraid not yet ma'm. Messenger must still be on the way if not already there. Do not worry though, I have the remaining militia begin re-enforcing the walls and stocking the granaries in case of a siege. I doubt that will be necessary but one must always be prepared."

"Good.. I hope the forces from Manehattan come soon.."

To be continued...

Chapter 10: Manehatten

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Manehatten Castle

[iPOV: ]Lord Coin Counter of Manehatten

Lord Coin counter was not having a good morning. Waking up early in the morning to an emergency letter from the nobles council was bad enough. The letter itself telling him to raise an army to face a threat up north was even worse. And the threat being well armed humans who defeated a previous militia garrison despite being outnumbered was the worst ;art of it all. Rubbing his temples as he finished reading the message he had received via dragonfire. Knowing the rise in prices due to the farmers being away from their farms and the threat of an army will cause ponies to worry and panic at worst.

"I'm a damn business pony not a royal guard captain.." Coin mutters as he rolls up the scroll and puts it in his saddlebags. "But i cant just let them march here and ruin everything I've built here...". Getting up, he walks to the small window that overlooks the city. Watching the strong stone walls surrounding Manehatten fills him with pride, having spent the better portion of his life raisin this small fishing town to one of the most prosperous cities in equestria, rivaled only by those on the western coast.

Walking to the door and exiting his 'business' room, he goes towards a room he hasnt set a hoof in in years, the armory. Gathering a servant to have a message sent to his favorite blacksmith to be sent to there, He gathers an old dusty key from a secret compartment in his desk and opens it up before him. Looking upon his old suit of armor on its rack, Caked in a layer of dust from years of neglect. A few sections of mail having rusted over yet most appears fully functional besides a few scratches and dust. Walking up to it, coin circles it a few times to make sure nothing replaceable is rusted over like the mail.

"Steady hoof, tell the blacksmith i will need the chain-mail parts replaced as soon as possible..." Coin says to his servant behind him. Looking towards his broken spear, a banner with his crest on it coated in dried and rotted blood from long ago, lies below the spear tip. "And a new spear."

"Yes sir ill tell him right away." Coin hears steady hoof say as his hoofsteps can be heard echoing away.

"Haven't used this armor since the war, Never thought id use it again..." Coin takes a look back at the chest that had been the reason he avoided this room for five years. Walking over he charges up his levitation spell and slowly opens it. Revealing a cloud of dust. Causing him to cough and use his magic to blow it away. Then taking a look back inside, spotting the worn and beaten armor of dark blue, Yet the armor does not appear to be for ponies, Rather for a human.

"Why did you do it.. I know why you did.. But did you have to..." Coin silences himself as he hears hoof-steps approach him and quickly closes the chest and locks it. turning around to see the blacksmith and steady hoof enter the room.

"Good you two are here, I will need this armor repaired and a new weapon. There's a threat to the north that i have been ordered to.. pacify. I hope you can be done soon."

"Aye laddy ill have this armor better than when it was made. Getcha a new spear too, that one doesn't look usable anymore. Maybe a sword?"

"No no i already have a sword. Its in that chest right there along with some.. Personal items."

"You sure its still good? Could be rusty after all this time, Yer lucky the plate on this armor hasn't rusted away. If this room had a open window the metal would've been worthless."

"I'm sure. Its not just any sword." Coin says, ending any chance of further conversation by walking out of the room.

"Whats his problem?" The blacksmith asks.

"This armor carries some unpleasant memories for him. He fought against nightmare moon, He wasnt the same after that day..." Steady states.

"Aye i don't think anybody was after that.."

Coin Exits his Keep and heads out towards the town, Needing to deliver the news himself to the mayor and local guard garrison. Gathering two personal guards to escort him there. Looking at the unicorn and pegassus as the gatehouse raises the gate high enough for them to exit. Coin looks towards the city like a father does to a successful son. With pride he smiles and trots forward. Looking towards the ponies around the streets, waving to him and going about their day. Some free humans even look to him as well, Manehatten being one of the few places in equestria allowing free humans, Although most are still considered lower class citizens by new arrivals or nobles. Looking to some humans in chains by a blacksmith started up by a pony who came here. Most Manehatten citizens treat their humans kindly, some considered family. though fewer and fewer free humans walk the streets than he remembers.

"Shame some ponies think they can treat humans like that." Coin mutters lowly.

"Always the immigrants sir, Never natural manehatteners." The Pegassus guard replies.

"Seems there's more of them every day. Soon humans here will be treated like everywhere else." coin mutters again.

"Why do you care so much about them sir? I've heard some rumors you had some history with one." The unicorn guard asks him. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Its.. Personal, A story i don't like to tell. Maybe some day."

"If you say so sir."

Coin increases his speed past the slave auction, Avoiding the market completely and heading into the mayors mansion. Knocking on the door and hearing hoof steps approach.

"Ah Lord Coin, Good to have you over, Is there something you need?" Mayor onyx bolt asks while stepping aside to let the lord coin in.

"Yes, I need you to get the recruiters for the levy. And assemble my knights."

Mayor onyx drops his glass of tea from his magic grasp and stares at Lord coin for a few seconds. "Oh dear.. What terrible thing has happened for you to need to do that! Has nightmare moon returned?" Onyx asks in fear.

"No, a threat of Humans up north near hoofton. The local militia failed to stop them so the council in Canterlot asked me to assist and wipe this threat out before it can gain steam."

"Well.. I guess i will get the list of available ponies to be levied. I will send messages to the recruiters and your knights right away." Onyx turns to do his job as coin turns to leave, satisfied with the result.

Coin slowly walks back to his keep, deciding to get some rest for tomorrow. After all there will be a lot of planning for the as-semblance of the army....

Chapter 11: Preparations

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Roman Fortress

POV: General Varian

War Room

Varian looks around the table, all of his highest ranking centurions and commanders sit and stand nearby. A shoddily put together map of the general area lies on the table before them. With what little details the scouts could add to the map, the general grabs some pieces that each represent a legion. All the while a group of men quickly copy the map onto smaller Papers for everybody in the room.

"So we will send five legions towards the town known as 'hoofton' along with more archers and a cavalry escort. The cavalry is to scout past the town further south while the legionnaires begin the siege if they do not surrender outright. Now We only have about a few months left of supplies, about half a year if we stretch it with rationing. Hopefully we manage to loot the surrounding countryside for enough food to last the siege." The camp commander says, moving small figures used to represent the legions around the map.

“Hm the soldiers won’t like that. We all know how the ranks get when food becomes scarce.” Varian comments.

"Sir may i add something?" The Fortress commander asks

"You may" Varian states, looking up at the man.

"Sir Due to our unique situation, i say we use our cavalry more sparingly. It seems as though we will have an impossible time to get more, as the equines here are sentient and far too small to ride, even if they would let us. Not to mention that some have the ability of flight and some have some sort of magic. Our cavalry is one of our only advantages we have over them besides training and equipment, Though i would suspect the latter to be less prominent if any proper army were to show itself."

"Hmm you have a point. Though anthing can happen here. We should be careful with our horses, Though should we risk sending out scouts to search for wild horses to see if we could tame them if there are any?"

The Cavalry commander steps up. "I believe it is. Horses are the best way for us to scout and transport supplies, we lose our horses and cannot replace it with anything else, we will not be able to transort supplies. Likely the locals wouldn't be able to carry as many things nor be as willing to do it."

“Hopefully there are some alternatives to horses in these lands. Send a cavalry division to scout north and west of us, we have enough information on the south and a ocean is east.” Varian looks to the camp commander. “How long will our water supplies last?”

“Indefinitely, there’s a freshwater river south of the fortress. The engineers have been thinking of ways to divert it closer or build a primitive aqueduct to bring water in without bucket groups.”

“Perfect. Seems we have everything prepared. This meeting is adjourned, let us hope Jupiter gives us strength for the coming siege.”

Varian picks up the maps and hands rough copies to the commanders, each nodding and heading off to do their collective tasks. Varian himself donning his armor and checking his weapon as he walks out to see the men already marching out of the gatehouse. With any stragglers rushing to meet up with their legions before they get noticed.

Climbing into his personal horse he makes sure he has what he needs and rides out to the front of the column. Passing by each legion and handing out crude maps to each of he lead centurions until he reaches the front with the first legion, marching onward to hoofton.

30 minutes later

Scouting division

Objective: Find horses, or pack animals of any kind

“I still doubt we’re going to find any wild horses out here. Horses live in plains not forests.” A random cavalryman states.

“I know, my father bred horses, but we have to try. We run out of horses we turn into infantry without the armor or shields.” The captain states as him and his division spread out over a wide area to search for anything resembling a horse.

“Hey you hear that?” A second cavalryman states before the whole group stops to listen, readying their javelins and Spears. Some looking to the sky for any flying menaces.

“Sounds like growling from wolves.. but.. larger..” the same cavalryman states. “Look! There!” He yells pointing a spear towards a dense section of forest and bushes, showing the group of glowing orange eyes staring at them.

“Everybody Keep your horses calm and-“ he is interrupted by the sound of snarling and a pack of massive horse sized wolves made of wood burst out of the bushes towards them. Causing the horses to spook and attempt to flee as the cavalrymen throw javelins at the beasts.

“SWEET MOTHER- I SHOULD'VE STAYED IN NUMIDIA!” A man screams out as he turns his horse and gets it to gallop away along with the rest of the cavalry. Each man attempting to weave their horses through the trees.

"EVERYONE WHEN WE GET TO THE FIELDS GET YOUR JAVELINS READY!" yells the captain as he grabs a javelin from his horses javelin strap. Looking behind him, seeing that the wolves are slowly gaining upon them, snapping their fangs at the closes horses to them.

"READY! TURN LEFT AND THROW!" Following the orders, each cavalryman turns sharply to the left, throwing a javelin straight at the group of ten wooden wolves. Some impaling the wolves, yet most miss by inches. Those that were struck appear to visually flinch from pain but continue on with javelins sticking out of their sides, faces, and backs.

"That didn't work!" A panicking man yells out as he attempts to peel off from the group towards the fortress.

"NO YOU IDIOT STAY TOGETHER!" The captain yells, just as the wolves see the man and split off to chase him. Causing the Half of the cavalry to circle back and head after the wolves.

The wolves slowly begin to gain on the secluded cavalryman and his horse. The man throwing whatever he can to slow them down, including his sword and helmet. All to little or no effect as they simply bounce off or get suck in the wooden beast. At that point a much larger wooden wolf jumps out from the brush to the right of the man, tackling his horse and the man to the ground. letting the wolves tear at the poor horse as it attempts to escape before its neck is snapped by the alpha wolf. The man, fueled by adrenaline, gets up and attempts to run away, but gets quickly tackled and pinned by the alpha wolf as the horse is eaten by the others.

"HELP!" He yells as the wolf snarls and bares its fangs. Thrusting its head downwards to bite his neck and end him. Only to get a spear, thrust right into its eye socket. The captain of the division rides past, his spear breaking as half of it is lodged into the wolf's skull. Its eyes no longer glowing as it falls over onto the scared-to-death man, its wooden limbs simply falling, no longer being supported by whatever magics held it together. Dead

"Istano are you alright?" The captain yells down as he draws his spatha and looks towards the rest of the wolves, Who all instantly look up at their dead alpha, Seeing the human who slayed him.

"Y-yes b-but i don't think ill fine with them looking at us.." The cavalry all line up behind the captain, ready to charge with their spears seeing where to target now.

The wolves, surprisingly to the men, simply stop eating the horse and seem to lay down, their ears lowering in a submissive way.

"What the..?" Istano states, befuddled as the captain stares at the wolves thinking.

"Are.. Are they surrendering or something?" Another man states.

"I think they recognize the captain as an alpha now.. I've seen heard about this in germania. Though, these wolves seem somewhat intelligent. Look at the way they are eyeing our spears, watch." He lowers his spear, causing the wolves to take a step back before raising it like the rest, making them appear less tense. "See, they recognize the spear as a danger. Maybe they understand us, I mean the colorful horses did."

"Hmm.. Uh. take a step back." The captain states, thinking it wont work. Yet to the surprise of everybody, They take a single step backwards. "Well ill be.."

"It just listened to him.. You guys saw that too right?" Another man asks his compatriots in shock.

"Somebody get a message to General Varian, I think i have an idea on how to solve our ability to get more horses.."

Chapter 12: Siege Begins

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POV: General Varian

North Hoofton village

Varian watches as the legions finish repairing the bridge the ponies seem to have retreated across the day before. their bodies still lying around, most thrown to the side to let the legionnaires tread on the path uninterrupted. The engineers and carpenters making sure the bridge would hold the weight of men crossing over it in full armor. While they work the legionnaires rest for however long this will take. While the cavalry makes sure nobody sneaks up behind them.

"Engineers, Is the bridge safe to cross?"

"Well the bridge appears old but we managed to use some timber from the village structures and a nearby tree to re-enforce the structure so that it should be safe to cross now. Though I would exercise caution with crossing it, since this bridge would not have been meant for many of the equines to have been crossing at the same time." The engineer states, as he walks up to the general.

"Hmm Very well. Tell the third legion to begin construction of a second bridge, while the cavalry goes ahead on the bridge to screen and scout While the rest of us cross the bridge. No need to ford the river."

"Aye sir, Ill tell the third legion to get their axes out." The engineer states as he walks off to the centurion of the third legion, while the cavalry captain, being close by, starts assembling his men to cross.

The cavalry begin to slowly cross the bridge, Taking thirty men on horses at a time to cross, who all spread out in case of an ambush that would never come. Meanwhile the third legion start spreading out towards the forest edge to cut down enough lumber to create a simple bridge. Gathering their axes and shovels from their equipment and leaving the rest with the army to let them travel lighter.

"Once the cavalry are finished crossing have the second legion cross after them, then the first. The second should stay near the bridge until the rest of us have crossed along with the auxiliaries and engineers. Then we shall head out towards 'Hoofton'."

Fifteen minutes later

Cavalry Auxiliaries across the bridge

The cavalry gallop across the farmland towards the coastal town. Having spotted it minutes into their march along the roads. The cavalry spread out, taking in every detail of the landscape. Seeing many flying ponies in the sky spot them and retreat back to the town. The cavalry press on, halting only when they surround the town at a reasonable distance to not get shot at. Many men see panicked ponies atop the walls and the gates close the second they were spotted.

"Seems they don't appreciate our visit." The Centurion states to his compatriots. Causing a few chuckles. "Alright spread out men, Make sure there's no ambushes, and set a group of men to the south just in case any re-enforcements arrive."

"Sir are you sure we are out of range?"

"We should be, i have yet to see a bow that can fire this fa-" The captain is cut off when his horse is struck by a magic bolt, killing it instantly and forcing the captain to get off and hastily get on the back of the nearest horse.

"EVERYONE BACK A HUNDRED PACES!" He yells as the horseman he joined turns his horse around and gallops farther back along with the rest of the cavalry group.

Hoofton walls

"Haha i told you i could hit him!" A random unicorn skirmisher exclaims.

"No you hit the big pony! not the human!" The pegassus next to her states.

"I still hit something.."

General Varian

Varian rides in the front of the column. looking over to the city walls that just appear over the horizon. And looking back to the legionnaires finishing crossing the bridge and the new bridge being constructed next to it.

"Alright, when we get to the city, i want a fortified encampment made by the fifth and first legion while the second and fourth legion commence the siege. Send a message to the artillery regiment that it will be safe to come here. The bridge should be finished by then." Varian orders to his messengers, all listening in carefully as they ride next to him.

"You" He points to the messenger on his left. "Go get the artillery regiment and you" He points to the man on his right. "Go with the third legion, and come back to me if anything of note occurs."

The two messengers nod and head out on their horses, going to relay their orders.

"Alright, lets put this town to siege."

Hoofton walls

One minute later

The Walls of hoofton are crowded with militia and the few pegassus guards sent from manehatten to assist the city in case anything happened. And all of them are looking out towards the road, watching a massive column of red clad humans, marching in near synchronization, all fully armed and well armored, march towards the town. The ponies are worried that they may not be able to hold the city. That fear is confirmed for most of them as the column continues coming closer. A group marching further east to start some sort of construction as even more humans continue marching closer. Soon, more humans surround the town than were seen at the battle up north, More than double, Triple even.

"Theres so many.." One of the militia earth ponies state, her spear shaking in her grasp.

"Theres got to be at least two thousand humans there! how have they managed to hide that many for this long!" The pegassus guard sent from manehatten states, flabbergasted at seeing the well drilled humans simply march up.

"Were all doomed!" Another earth pony yells out, Before getting slapped by Gilded lance, Who stands atop the wall in his golden armor.

"Get a hold of yourself. Their just humans, No matter how many there are there's no way they can breach the walls quick enough for the re-enforcement from manehatten to arrive. We just have to hold out and make sure they don't try to do anything. Just keep an eye on them and report back!" He states, harshly. Looking over the pathetic excuse hoofton has for soldiers.

"B-But sir! Look at them! they look well trained and well armed from here!"

"What did i say! I said they are just humans. Humans who no matter how they look will never match the ferocity of a well trained pony army. Let them play soldier out there. When the manehattens arrive you'll see just how humans are supposed to be." Gilded lance yells back. Marching off towards the keep of the town.

Roman Fort

Twenty minutes later

The master of horse, head of the stables in the fortress and with the task of taking care of the massive amount of horses used for cavalry and logistics, was expecting many things in this new land. Talking small horses, Flying small horses, hell even giant flying talking horses. But this takes the cake.

"You. Want to ride, That!" The master of horse states, pointing to the timberwolf sitting down outside the fort. "And use it, as a replacement for horses?!"

"Yes." The cavalry captain states, seemingly gone mad.

"You realize, That that-" He again points to the timberwolf. "-Is a giant wooden wolf, that not only by your account ATTACKED YOU and ate one of your horses, Is untrained, wild, And eats meat!"

"Yes when you put it that way it sounds worse than it is-"

"SOUNDS WORSE! YOU'VE GONE MAD!" The master of horse interrupts as he massages his temples.

"Look it sounds like a terrible idea but on the way here we discovered a great deal of things about these timberwolves."


"Yes, one of my men decided to name them that since they appear to be made of timber and are wolf like."

"Fitting name but that doesn't change the fact that-"

"They don't need to eat meat." The cavalry captain says, getting off his horse.

"I beg your pardon? They are wolves, they obviously need to eat meat!"

"Actually on the way here, we saw them begin to eat a decomposing log. One of my men has thought that maybe they work like plants and just gain sustenance from fertilizer like materials. And meat is one of them."

The growing group of legionnaires around the gate behind the master of horse all begin to talk amongst themselves. Some supporting the idea while others say the cavalry are crazy.

"Ok let us assume they don't need to eat meat, which would be easy to integrate into our logistics, how will you ride them? They don't look very comfortable and not only that they are untrained. And they might not be able to support the wight of a soldi-" The Master of horse is cut off as a cavalryman runs past, riding the wooden wolf seemingly having a good time, startling a few of the horses nearby. "I-i.. i need a drink.." He states, giving up and walking back to the fort to find his stash of aged wine.

Chapter 13: Wolves and Engineers

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Roman Artillery engineers

North Hoofton Village

The leader of the engineer corp rides on his horse as his group's horses drag ballista's and its ammunition to the city. Some empty carts and engineers heading off to the forest to cut down some trees to bring wood for siege equipment to the main army. But he must deliver the ballistas and mangronels first. So that perhaps they can knock down the gate before they have a need for the siege towers. He looks around, seeing the legion left behind to build a bridge put the finishing touches on the simple yet sturdy looking bridge. It being ready for his corp to cross over with their artillery.

"The bridge is ready sir! Should be ten times as stable as that other bridge the locals had." A Legionnaire states, wiping his brow as he sweats.

"Thank you soldier, Help the Carpenters chop down some trees and bring them to the siege camp. Just in case we need siege towers." The Head engineer states. Having his horse continue trotting along over the bridge.

The group continue towards the forward siege camp, Which by the time they arrive, is beginning to be constructed. The outer ditch already dug out and the legionnaires have started construction of the walls already. The engineers ride inside, as the head engineer gets off his horse and heads towards the generals tent. Walking inside to see the general drawaing battle plans with his legates.

"Siege equipment has arrived sir, And i have half my men across the river gathering wood in case of the need for siege towers."

"Good good, Have the men set up the equipment to begin bombardment of the walls and gatehouse. You remembered to bring the movable sheilds correct?"

"Yes sir, all the equpment is in the wagons. I wont make that mistake again sir."

"Good, Have your men help with the construction of the camp."

Roman Fortress

News spread fast throughout the fort, with every legionnaire, auxiliary, and others rushing outside and atop the walls to view the spectical that is the fourth cavalry legion riding around on giant living wooden wolves. With about half the cavalrymen riding them around, jumping over horses and each other as they appear to be having a good ol time. Meanwhile a certain master of horse is buys.

"Horse master you've got to see this!" A Stable hand yells out as he peeks into the master of horse's room. Spotting him downing a bottle of wine. "Uh sir are you ok?"

"Yes, Go tell the fourth cav that their crazy." He proceeds to take another swig of the bottle as the stable hand slowly leaves.

Meanwhile with the cavalry

"So the plan is to go back into the forest, find more of these and 'tame' them?" The centurion of the sixth legion states towards the fourth cavalry captain.

"Indeed, if my hunch is correct, killing the alpha will cement whomever killed it as the new alpha or something like that. And thus once we begin feeding them they will see this as mutually benificial."

"You give the animals too much credit."

"Were in a land of talking small horses, who knows these wolves might be as smart as them, we just might not be able to understand them."

"You have a point there captain.. Still i think this is a dangerous plan. Wolves are naturally predators. Though if what you told me about them having a 'compost' diet then their technically not carnivores."

"Trust me Centurion, I know wolves, I am a gaul after all." The captain states as he smiles, riding away on his wolf. "Though tell the leather-workers to make some saddles for these thing. The wooden backs will be killing us by the time we get back!" He yells out as his group of horse and wolf riders rush off into the woods, a few of the cavalrymen falling off the saddleless wolves but the wolves seem to stop and wait for them to get back on before rushing off to join the others.

"Well their either geniuses or dead, either way its not our problem for hte next hour. Somebody take one of the wolves they left to the leatherworkers to get measurements out. If they are gonna be used for cavalry then might as well get them saddles."