The Changeling of Illusions

by AvariceArtifice

First published

Another human turned changeling HiE fic. Hopefully, this guy won't screw his new life up. M rating for sexual content.

A human was turned into a changeling and wound up in Equestria a week before the summer sun celebration. Now he needs to figure out how to live among the ponies, and avoid being discovered. M rating for sexual content.

Undergoing yet another rewrite, this time from the ground up. Apologies for the inconvenience, I realized a few key things; First, I've since improved as a writer since my last rewriting efforts, and feel like the entire start of this thing needs an overhaul. Second, I may need to change the title once I've completed my rewrite due to... well, to put it lightly, I don't think I've ever had a need to use, or a real purpose for, the illusion magic aspect given to the MC. Because on their own, a changeling with the mindset to exploit their powers is already a formidable force to be reckoned with, let alone one keen on learning more about magic and how to manipulate it. That, and some things could just be removed due to irrelevance to the actual story. Cutting out some of the fluff, changing the writing, etc. I am determined to make this as best as I can, and sometimes that means changing it quite a bit.

Chapter 1: The Start of a Thing

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He rolls over, mentally cursing the sun for ruining his sleep. He tried to pull his blanket over his head, but there is a distinct lack of a blanket. He notices that something else was wrong. First, he can't feel his fingers, and he feels two new limbs. "Wait what!?" He thinks as his eyes shoot open immediately, the bright light of the sun and the sounds of nearby animals assaulting his senses. He squints, blinking and attempting to adjust his vision to the jarring sunlight while he covers his ringing ears. Once eyes and ears are adjusted, he looked at his hands, or at least where they would've been. "Black hooves with holes? Holy shit I'm a changeling! Wait... shit, I'm in that damn... incomplete? Evil? Husk? Whatever this loveless, parasitic form is. Oh no, what if they attack me!?" He starts panicking, screaming and thrashing about like a newborn infant that can't fully control their limbs yet. Probably not the best idea since he doesn't want to be found. Once he gets that out of his system, he notices the nearby duck pond. He tries to run over to it, falling without style, and spitting the dirt out of his mouth. "Note to self, dirt tastes horrible. Okay... Gotta move like a dog, move right foreleg at the same time as left hind leg." He stumbles again, moving his legs experimentally. "Come on... a fucking toddler can do this, why can't I?"

Once he eventually figures out how to walk, he stumbles over to the lake and stares back at his reflection. He sees a changeling drone looking back at him with chartreuse eyes, and a chartreuse fin leading into a dark gold color. His wings are a translucent pale green, his carapace is a dull gold, and his chitin is the typical black color. "Well, at least I know who I turned into. My character Aurelic. But I can't show my face like this. And impersonation is out of the question. I know, I'll just change up into a unicorn with similar features! But first, pizza muscle testing time."

The newly dubbed Aurelic tests his new body, moving his newly acquired wings in an attempt to fly. He promptly falls flat on his face, tasting the dirt once more. "Ugh, so I can't fly properly yet. What about my horn?" Aurelic thought, trying to lift a nearby stone with magic. He furrows his brow? in concentration, squinting at it like an old enemy. Nothing happens. "Okay, you don't just think it, you need to 'feel' it. I have an idea of how to do that... if pop culture is anything to go by in magic pony land. Here goes nothing." He mentally reaches out, like a child holding their arms out in the dark while looking for a lightswitch. He finds a new internal force, pushing it towards his forehead. The stone becomes wrapped in a green aura, moving where he thought it should go. "So, I guess I just have to imagine holding it, and it goes where I want it to. Who knew that levitation was that simple? Now, how does my voice sound?"

"Testing, testing." Aurelic says aloud to himself.

"So it just sounds like my old voice. Eh, I guess it could've been worse, like not being able to talk at all, having a cringey ass nasally voice, or having that weird reverb." He thought to himself. "Well, what about transforming? How the hell do I use that?" Aurelic thinks about it for a moment, reaching out to his magic the same way as before. Slowly, green fire starts crawling up his body, leaving a newly half-baked similar looking unicorn body in its path. His new coat is stark white in color, while his mane and tail are chartreuse with golden highlights. His eyes are still the same color, just only with the irises like pony eyes instead of full color bug eyes. His flank is still blank. "Come on brain, think of a name, and make a mark that matches... it's not rocket science. Ooh, I think I've got it! I feel like I should be a blacksmith here. What would work with that..."

After a while of brainstorming, he settles on a new persona. A mark resembles a hammer with a gear shaped head on it takes its place proudly on his plot. "Happy birthday Turner Forge. This is gonna be a fucking train wreck and a half."

"Now... location location location... Trees. Unhelpful. Not spruce looking and no dark, creepy canopy or self-moving clouds. And I'm not dead yet... Where the fuck am I?" Forge examines his surroundings further. "Maybe I'm in the Whitetail woods? Shit, I can't get to Ponyville from here as easily as I could've from the Everfree. Well, navigation wise. I guess it's good I don't need to worry about any real predators out here. And even then, I have a mental log of all kinds of weird shit to turn into. Fuck me. Fuck this. I need to find a pathway, that'll hopefully lead me out of the woods." Forge starts to walk north, or south, since he didn't know what time of day it was. He eventually finds a path, choosing to go left. Keeping an eye on the sun's position, it looks like it's descending, so it must be the afternoon. With that in mind, he continues forward. "Might as well pass the time by thinking of a life or something. After all, what's an OC without a backstory? No tragedy though, that shit's overused. I need something... plausible..." Forge chuckles at the thought. He seems to be getting better at walking, eventually walking 'normally'.


After a while, Forge stands at the edge of the forest. "Okay, so I know where I am, now I need to know when. I should ask about the summer sun celebration first, and if it already happened, inquire about chocolate rain. Actually, I should check if the library is still there instead, as that would place me before the season four finale at the least. Maybe just look around and try to figure out my place in time during." Forge ponders as he walks towards Ponyville. "So far, no giant crystal castle in sight. That's helpful. I should still check the library though. You can never be too careful. Mental sidenote, avoid Pinkie Pie. If I draw too much attention to myself, she might end up making me spill the beans on my past unintentionally. Or worse, too much exposure could give me diabetes. I need to be careful about what I say, don't wanna reveal the fact I know a lot about future events. Or change them too much. That won't end well." Forge was so deep in thought, he didn't notice that he was already in town. He accidentally bumps into someone, er, somepony. Dazed a little, he stands back up.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you alright?" Forge asks, freezing when he realizes who he bumped into. Fluttershy.

"SHIT!" Forge started panicking internally, locking up physically and mentally. Fluttershy just looked at the ground, hoofing it slightly.

"That's okay, I'm sorry." Fluttershy barely whispers. Forge could smell... something.

"The fuck is this? Why does it smell like... what does this even smell like? Ugh, think later... at least I could hear what she said, guess my hearing is slightly more sensitive than it used to be." Forge thinks to himself. "Well, again, I'm sorry for bumping into you. What's your name?" He asks.

"Fluttershy..." She says.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Turner Forge." He says.

"Nice to meet you too..." Fluttershy replies, slightly surprised that he could hear her without asking for her to repeat herself.

"Well, do you know where the library is? I need to check on something really quick." Forge asks, hoping that she could help him.

"It's that way." Fluttershy says, pointing towards the library's direction. Her nervousness seemed to lessen a little bit. At least, that's what he thinks.

"Thank you, Fluttershy. Have a nice day!" Forge thanks her, walking in the direction Fluttershy had shown him.

"Whew, dodged a bullet there. Now to see if I can find out what season I'm in. Aside from either Spring or Summer." Forge ponders as he continues toward the library.


Thankfully, Forge got to the library without being found by Pinkie. "Let's just hope it stays that way for now." He thinks as he walks up to the door, knocking on it three times. Nobody answers. Just then, Forge noticed a random pony walking by. "Excuse me, do you know who works here?" He asks the mare.

"The librarian does, silly." She says dismissively. Another new smell.

"Well, at least it's probably not Plurple Durple. She'd probably have had Spike answer by now like the not a slave he is." Forge ponders. "Oh, thanks anyway. Have a nice day." He says.

"You're welcome. Dipstick." The random pony says, smiling. For some reason, he can tell it's not genuine.

"Okay, I guess I should see if I can get a job. Maybe I should go to town hall." Forge thinks to himself, as he starts walking towards said town hall.


Arriving at town hall, Forge knocks on the door.

"Come in. It's a public building." A very uninterested voice says. Forge opens the door, and notices that there's some mild scent permeating from the secretary. It almost makes him gag. The mare is looking up from her paperwork, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you know how I can get a job in town? I just got here and need employment." Forge asks as politely as he can.

"Over there." The mare says, pointing to a board with various slips of paper hanging on it. She returns to filling out her paperwork.

"Thank you" Forge says, walking over to the board. "Let's see here... This one looks easy enough." He thinks as he removes the paper from the board. "Hayburger waiter, pays ten bits an hour. Good enough, any money is better than no money. I'm also excellent with memory games, so this shouldn't be too hard." Without another thought, Forge leaves town hall, levitating the paper and heading for the address written on it.

Once Forge went out the door, the worst. Possible. Thing. Happens. The pink one spots him, gasps, and becomes a blur. "Damnit! I've been spotted! I mean, I knew it would happen eventually, but not THIS soon. Where the fuck is a cardboard box when you need one?" He worries, considering he dreads what the pink bringer of doom fun has in store for him. Forge continues warily walking to the Hayburger, hoping his interview goes well. "If it doesn't, I could always apply for the post office or something, Derpy/Ditsy is alright and all, but that one guy with super cloudy glasses sucks. I wonder if they hire vision impaired ponies on purpose. Of course, probably some fucking stupid politician's handiwork made when they were bored."


Forge walks through the front door of the Hayburger. He walks up to the counter, the smell of hay, and a large mix of weird new smells in the air.

"Excuse me miss, I'm here for the open waiter job." He says as he sets the paper he's levitating on the counter.

"The manager is in the room over there, you should go speak with her." The cashier says, pointing to a door to the right side of where the counter ends.

"Thank you." Forge says, picking up the paper with his magic and walking to the door. "Hopefully, this goes well. Interviews are just advanced lying after all, nothing unlike what I'm already doing anyway. Please don't need a Social Security Number or anything."


Forge leaves the Hayburger, noticing that it was late in the afternoon. "The interview went great! Now I have a job starting tomorrow!" He happily thinks to himself. Thankfully, getting a paying job in Equestria is much simpler than on Earth. And you get paid cash weekly! Only problem is that he doesn't have anywhere to put it. "Eh, one week should be enough time to get saddlebags or something. Maybe I should stop by Rarity's later, see if I can fix that problem once I have money." Forge thinks as he walks around aimlessly. "I still need to take care of my living situation, maybe to the castle of the two sisters? Just for a little while, I'll have to not be there by the time the summer sun celebration happens. Then once I have money, I need to rent a house, and save up to buy it." Forge's train of thought is abruptly interrupted by a growling stomach. "But first, I need to figure out a food situation. I have no idea if changelings can eat things other than love, so I'll need to be cautious about what I eat."

Forge was on his way to the Everfree forest, until he saw a large group of ponies walking to Sugarcube Corner. "Well, I think I know what's going on there, at least there'll be free food. Even if it is just sweets." He thinks as he walks toward the bakery where the pink one resides. "Let the disaster fun commence." Forge spots a few familiar background characters as he walks, and some that he didn't recognize. A few ponies look at him and start whispering to each other. "Definitely talking about me. Better not dwell on it." He turns to a mare. "Hey, what's going on?" Forge asks, feigning curiosity.

"I think Pinkie Pie is throwing a party for a new pony in town. Wait a minute... I haven't seen you around here before, are you new here?" she asks him in response.

"Yeah, my name's Turner Forge. Who are you?" Forge asks her, already regretting starting a full blown conversation. "Damn pleasantries."

"I'm Sparkler, nice to meet you." She says, her curiosity sated.

"Nice to meet you too, Sparkler. I guess I should head inside for the party." Forge says, walking through the front door of the bakery. "When in an awkward situation. Walk the fuck away."

"Oh no! You weren't supposed to be here yet! Now I can't surprise you." A somewhat disappointed Pinkie Pie sighs.

"Sorry, I just saw a lot of ponies walking over here. Curiosity got the better of me." Forge apologizes, adding a bullshit excuse for good measure.

"It's okay. What's your name new pony?" Pinkie asks, her enthusiasm returning ten fold.

"It's Turner Forge, who are you?" Forge asks, knowing full well who she is already.

"I'm Pinkie Pie! The super duper party pony of Ponyville!" She says, contagious happiness practically radiating off of her.

"Thank you." Forge says, spotting the food and promptly walking over to it. Taking careful note of the lemon drops, he picks up a double chocolate chip muffin. Cupcakes are for cannibals. "I don't think this Pinkie would do that, but better safe than sorry. Who knows what kind of fucky-wucky AU I could've landed in." Forge thinks as he takes a bite of the muffin. "This. Is. FUCKING. DELICIOUS!" He thinks, now unceremoniously shoving the muffin in his face hole. A few of the ponies at the party give him strange looks and back away from him slowly. Needless to say, Forge doesn't give a shit. He wolfs down two more muffins, noting a flavor other than chocolate that he couldn't place. "How do these things taste so good!?" He wonders, when Pinkie suddenly pops up next to him.

"I'm glad you like them! I didn't know what you liked, so I made everything!" Pinkie exclaims happily.

"You didn't have to go through all of that trouble for me Pinkie. But thank you anyway!" Forge says, about to continue stuffing his face with the sugary goodness that lay before him.

"Don't be silly, I love baking!" Pinkie exclaims.

That's when it dawns on him. "Wait... She LOVES baking! That must be why these are so good! And why they're so filling. Guess putting love into your cooking is able to feed changelings. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

"Do you like it?" Pinkie asks.

"Abso-freakin'-lutely!" Forge exclaims in-between bites.

"I was hoping you would! You should play one of the games, they're a great way to make new friends! Let's try pin the tail on the pony!" Pinkie says, dragging Forge over to 'pin the tail on the pony' and hoofing him the yellow tail. Forge was about to protest, but Pinkie already has him blindfolded and is spinning him around. He just cooperates and walks forward, pinning the tail where he thought the flank was. Pinkie lifts the blindfold, and he sees where he put it. On its forehead. "Uh, I think you're supposed to put the tail on the other end." She says, giggling.

"What if I was trying to give it a toupee? Who says it has to be a tail?" Forge says, admiring the Trump pony he created by accident.

"You're funny, I never thought of it that way before!" Pinkie says, now looking like she's contemplating something. Forge quickly walks over to the punch bowl before she can grab him again. He picks up a glass and tries to drink some of the punch, only for it to run down his neck. He hears Rainbow Dash laughing from the other side of the room.

"Damnit Rainbow horse!" Forge mentally curses the rainbow maned pegasus that is undoubtedly responsible for the prank. He locates the drivel holes, and drinks through them instead. Forge isn't going to give her the satisfaction of winning. Unfortunately, this causes her to walk up to him.

"Heh, guess you found one of the drivel glasses. But, why are you still using it?" Rainbow asks, confused.

"Well, I don't want to waste perfectly good punch." He says, leaving out the fact that it's mostly just his stubbornness.

"Oh... Okay then. I'm Rainbow Dash, what's your name?" Rainbow asks, still a little confused.

"I'm Turner Forge, nice to meet you Rainbow Dash." He says.

"Nice to meet you too. Say, why don't you go take a look at your presents." Rainbow says with a smirk.

"Wait... I HAVE PRESENTS?!" Forge thinks, oblivious to Rainbow's smirk. He walks over to the presents, about to pick up a cylinder, until Pinkie zips in front of him.

"WAIT, you can't open your presents before we have cake!" Pinkie says, zipping into the kitchen and wheeling out a large cake. Forge approaches the two layered masterpiece. "Ididn'tknowwhatflavoryoulikedsoImadebothlayersNeighopolitan!" Pinkie says in an extremely fast manner, similar to a coked out drug addict child on a sugar rush.

"Neighopolotan. Really? The puns are too fucking much. Even by my standards. Okay, so if the punch was in the drivel glasses, these candles are probably the re-lighting variety." Forge deduces, blowing out the candles. He's right. "So, if I remember correctly, these kinds of candles spark. When the spark hits the smoke, they relight. Now I just need to get rid of the smoke..." Once Forge blows out the candles again, he tries to move the smoke with his magic. Tries being the key word. The candles shoot up, hitting the ceiling before falling on the ground. "I guess that works too. Looks like I still have a lot to learn magic wise." Forge thinks as a few more ponies give him strange looks. He gives a sheepish grin, slowly picking the candles back up and floating them over to the garbage. Then, there was pink.

"Woah! You didn't have to do THAT to the candles! Wait, what's that smell?" Pinkie says, sniffing at the air intently, nostrils flaring in an exaggerated manner.

"FIRE!" Some random background pony shouts, pointing to the now burning garbage can.

"SHIT! THE CANDLES RE-LIT IN THE CAN!" Forge thinks, visibly panicking. "WHY DIDN'T I PUT THEM IN A BOWL OF WATER OR SOMETHING?!" Thankfully, Pinkie grabs a bucket of water from behind a table and puts out the garbage fire. "Crisis averted."

"Good thing I have buckets of water stashed all around Ponyville! Just in case of fire emergencies." Pinkie says, bouncing away with the now empty bucket in her mouth. The garbage is filled with water now, and the candles are the first things to float up. This causes a pang of guilt in Forge.

"Great... five minutes into the party and I've already almost burned the place down." Forge looks down at his hooves. He looks back up a little while after.

"I'm sorry, everybody. I didn't mean to throw the candles into the ceiling, or set the garbage on fire. I guess I need to pay more attention to things." Forge apologizes, hoping to calm the situation down. A few ponies are calmer now, but most of them are still unsure. Some are clearly confused by the use of 'everybody'.

"It's alright, everypony makes mistakes sometimes. Let's have some cake!" Pinkie says, forgiving him easily.

"That was a little too easy... Then again, it's Pinkie Pie." Forge thinks as he gets a slice of his cake. He takes a small bite. "HOLY SHIT! THIS IS EVEN BETTER THAN THE MUFFINS!" He proceeds to wolf down the slice of heavenly goodness. Once he finishes his cake, he walks over to the presents again. He looks over at Pinkie, she nods. "I wonder how this 'hoof grabbing' thing works. No time like the present." Forge thinks, placing his hoof on the cylinder shaped present. The present sticks to his hoof, somehow.

"Okay, these are probably canned snakes... Oooh, time for a little revenge." Forge thinks as he turns to Rainbow Dash, who is already making a little bit of a face. He walks up to her. "Judging by that look on your face, this is one's from you?" Forge asks Rainbow. She looks a little shocked at his deduction.

"Uh, no?" She says in an attempt to cover her tracks. Forge smiles.

"Really? Then I suppose I'll just open it then..." Forge says as he points the can over towards her, opening it rapidly with a devilish grin.

Lo and behold, fake spring loaded snakes shoot out at the pegasus responsible for setting the prank up. Her mane is frizzed a bit from it, a look of pure disbelief gracing her face.

"You... but... How!?" Rainbow asks, flustered and a little impressed at the reversal of her prank.

Forge smirks. "I'm not a complete idiot, I know when someone's trying to prank me." He says in a playful tone.

Forge gets to opening the rest of his gifts. The rest of the gifts are: A brass watch, a hammer with a wooden 'handle', a plain dark blue coffee mug, and plain white saddle bags with a note taped on that says 'Come to Carousel Boutique for customization, Rarity.' "Huh, that's awfully convenient." Forge thinks, putting the watch on his right forehoof. "It's 6:47? Okay then." He places the rest of his gifts (including the canned snakes gag, not about to let that go to waste) inside the saddle bags, and sets them on his back. Then he walks over to Pinkie.

"Thank you for the party Pinkie Pie, I had a good time. Even with that little hiccup." Forge says.

"You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it!" She says, bouncing up and down mid sentence. With that, Forge walks toward the exit.

"Well, looks like I'm going to find that old castle. Everfree forest, here I come."


Forge is heading for the Everfree forest, though none of the ponies in town know that yet. "I need to get to the Everfree before nightfall, don't wanna end up turned to stone, or straight up dead. Poison joke could be a problem if I don't pay attention to the path." He thinks as he walks into the foreboding forest.

Forge strolls along the path, looking for the ledge area he remembered the Mane six falling from. He looks around, finding no indication as to where he was supposed to leave the path. Eventually, he sees the top of a structure in the distance and walked directly off the path towards it. "Ledge ledge ledge, where is it? Oh well, I'll find it soon enough"

He finds the ledge he was looking for, leaping down a series of ledges to the bottom. "Ledge, check. Next stop, manticore territory! This can't possibly be fatal in the slightest!" Forge spots the nearby feline, asleep. "I wonder if a changeling can turn invisible. No time like the present!" Forge closes his eyes, reaching into his magic again. For some reason, there's no green fire when he turns invisible. "Success! I will become the best at hide and seek now!" He quickly discovers that it becomes difficult to walk when you can't see your own legs.


Eventually, after learning how to walk for the third time in his life, Aurelic resumes his path. "Now I just need to slip past him..." He walked by slowly, keeping absolutely quiet with every deliberate, calculated step. "I'm doing it, I'm actually doing it! Like a snake in the grass!" Unfortunately, his excitement causes him to let out a chirp. The manticore looks up, searching for the source of the noise. When he can't find it, he lays his head back down and continues sleeping. "I chirped? I fucking CHIRPED?!" Forge thinks in disbelief. "Note to self, keep THAT in check."

Aurelic keeps walking, until he finds the darker area within the forest. He walks forward slowly, until the ground becomes wet and sticky. "Ugh, focus Aurelic. I have a castle to get to!"

He passes through fairly quickly, happening upon the river he was looking for. "Okay, so without Steven flailing around I can just cross." He thinks as he starts trotting through the river. Because of his invisibility, he could see where his hooves make contact with the ground through the water, with nothing visibly moving it. "That's weird. I can see and feel the water passing through my invisible leg holes, it feels funny." As soon as Aurelic finished crossing, he notices a very baffled Steven Magnet staring at the river. "Yeah, I'll talk to him later. If I remember." He keeps walking, looking back briefly at the still confused serpent.

Aurelic reaches the old rope suspension bridge, which is surprisingly intact. "I guess Nightmare Moon broke the bridge before the Mane Six got here. I hope it's stable, since I can't fly yet." He thinks as he tests the first few planks. The planks hold firm. "Good, though I still need to be cautious." Aurelic thinks as he walks slowly, and lightly across the bridge. Once he makes it across, he's right at the castle he was looking for. The sun is beginning to set, giving the castle a beautiful orange glow. "Hell yeah! I am homeless no more!" Aurelic thinks happily as he approaches the large doors of the ruin. Upon entering, he notices two thrones sitting at the end of the room, and the elements on a middle podium. Tattered banners and spiderwebs adorn the massive walls. There's a hole where a stained glass window once was. Half of the roof is scattered on the floor. "Eh, it's still somewhat intact, just need to find one of the princess' old bedrooms. Whichever one's in better condition."

Aurelic navigates the long corridors of the castle, taking note of the damages. "I can use these differences to memorize routes and navigate easier! I never thought I'd be grateful that Nightmare Moon destroyed this place the way she did." By the time he finds one of the bedrooms, pale moonlight shimmers through the windows of the large room. Aurelic takes note of the moon themed decor lining the walls and furniture. "Must be Luna's room. Eh, I'll look around the palace tomorrow. I'm fucking TIRED." Aurelic walks up to the dark blue canopy bed, remaking the mess until it looks proper again. He settles into the soft plush mattress, resting his head on the soft pillow and drifting off. But not before one final thought crosses his mind. "When Luna regains her power and is able to dream walk again, I'll be completely screwed. Maybe I need to be honest about what I really am before then. I hope she doesn't go through my memories though, especially if she finds out I slept in her old bed. Or worse, if she sees all of the porn, all of the clop, all of the fics... And just how many of the mares I'd stick my dick in... Or even worse, any of my embarrassing memories." Aurelic ponders as he drifts off into dreamland completely, becoming visible once more.

Chapter 2: All settled in

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In Canterlot castle, Celestia sits on her throne. Her emotions weary as she tries to mentally prepare for Nightmare Moon's imminent return. The guards standing at the base of her lone throne stare forward, unmoving. Celestia has a brief thought of confiding in them, and quickly decides against it. As she continues to think, she feels an odd feeling. She senses that something is wrong, although she can't place it. In her mind, she knows it's a different feeling than Luna, the Nightmare's return.

She delves into her mind, going to her plane of thought where future and past events are visible. Within this plane, she looks over the many displayed things. The screens showing the future begin to warp, specifically past her sending Twilight to Ponyville in the next week. "The presence of another? The future's changing? Wait, is that? He's doing... with... WHY AM I SEEING THIS OF ALL THINGS!?" Celestia shudders, turning away from that screen as fast as possible.

Once she exits the plane, Celestia ponders for a moment, deciding to meet this newcomer when he eventually will meet her in the near future. As long as she keeps an eye on him here, and he doesn't misbehave, that should be enough. Though she may inquire on his purpose when the opportunity presents itself, as he wasn't here before, and his own knowledge is somewhat worrying. Especially since she doesn't know his true motives, or how he would know these things. After all, the future isn't set in stone.


Aurelic turns in the bed, mentally debating whether or not he should get up yet. At that precise moment, he remembers he has a job now.

"Oh shit!" He exclaims, stumbling out of the bed and quickly donning his disguise as he rushes out of the castle.

Along the way, he turns invisible and muted to stay hidden from Steven and the Manticore once more, heading for Ponyville and changing back to his disguise once he gets close enough to town. He cautiously makes sure nobody, er, nopony, sees him exit the forest. "Who knows what the residents would think of me if they saw me exit the forest every morning. I might end up with the Zecora treatment if I'm not careful. Or worse."

Forge continues along his way toward the hayburger. "Maybe I should see if I can get that free customization for those bags from Rarity once I'm off work, that should accomplish at least something today." Forge thinks to himself, entering the doors to his workplace.


Forge exits the hayburger after work hours end, heading back to the tree line and slipping inside. He follows the path, starting to memorize his route. Soon after, he arrives to the castle, grabs his bags, and leaves. When he turns invisible, he notices his bags are not. And then his stomach growls. "Ugh, I need more energy to keep up my magic like this. Wait, I can get love from plantlife if I recall... The hive area was barren of plants until the changelings reformed. So, if I can feed on the love or energy of some kind from the plants, which might take quite a few since plants aren't exactly sentient, I can eat reliably out here. Or just buy from Sugarcube Corner regularly, those also have love in them, somehow." Forge opens his mouth, attempting to feed on the nearby plant matter. Slowly, minute amounts of the pink mist he needs drift up to his mouth. Once he feels satisfied, he tries to turn his bags invisible as well. Sure enough, he accomplishes that. Although there was no green fire on the bags when they were turned invisible either. "Interesting... I'll have to experiment with that later." Forge thinks, navigating his way back to town and searching for the Carousel Boutique.

After around five minutes of searching, Forge spots the boutique in question. He walks up to it, and knocks on the doors.

"Just a minute!" Can be faintly heard behind the doors, as the odd mechanical noise inside stops.

"Must be the sewing machine she uses." Forge concluded as he heard hoofsteps getting closer to the doors. Rarity opens them, smiling.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is neat, chic, and magnifique. How may I help you today?" Rarity asked, looking Forge up and down.

"I'm here for the bag customs, I saved the note." Forge goes to reach into the bag for the note, but Rarity just pulls him into the shop and places him on the large round stand.

"I remember that, no need to show me the note." Rarity says as she starts taking measurements on Forge.

Oddly enough, it wasn't nearly as intrusive as Forge expected. Magic makes for quite the useful tool.

"Um, why do you need my measurements? I thought this was just for the bags." Forge says.

"Well, I was also taking your measurements in case you ever wanted something else from me later on, like a suit." Rarity explains as she finishes measuring Forge.

"Okay, so should I just take off the bags, or do I keep wearing them?" Forge asks.

"I'll need you to take them off, it will only take a few minutes darling." Rarity says.

Forge takes off his empty bags and gives them to Rarity via hoof. She looks at him oddly for a moment before levitating the bags away to go work on them. Meanwhile, Forge sits down while he waits. Rarity comes back to look at his mark a few times, before finally coming back with the finished bags.

"Sorry for the wait, your mark is a little difficult to sew. Luckily for you, I can sew anything if I try." Rarity says, levitating Forge's new bags up to him.

Forge looks over the bags. Where as before they were plain white, now they have a clip area with his mark on it, and a gear pattern spread around the bags themselves. The straps have a yellow line going through their length.

"Thank you, Rarity. This is so remarkable! How can I repay you?" Forge asks as he put the bags on, by hoof again.

"It's a gift, remember darling? Pinkie's welcome party for you, mister..." Rarity tilts her head slightly.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Turner Forge, or just Forge for short." Forge says.

"Well, those bags fit you quite nicely. I hope you come back soon, I'm already getting ideas for new outfits for you to try on." Rarity says, already walking over to her sketchbook.

"See you later Rarity, have a nice evening." Forge says, heading out of the boutique with his newly decorated saddlebags.

He makes way for the route back to his temporary home. Once he arrives, he resumes practicing his telekinesis, flight, and the other odd thing he doesn't quite know what is yet.


The next few days are more of the same, although there's one stop Forge has decided to make today. Time Turner's own clock shop with laboratory.

"Allon-sy." Forge mutters to himself, as he knocks on the door.

Before long, a somewhat disheveled looking Time Turner opens the door. Clearly, he was working on something through the night and hasn't had much rest.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in whatever you're selling, good day." Time Turner says as he starts to close the door.

Forge puts his hoof in the way though.

"Actually I came to thank you for the welcome gift." Forge says.

Time Turner opens the door slightly, an impatient scent about him.

"You're welcome for the watch, now if you'll excuse me I have to finish my work, I'm on the verge of a breakthrough." Time Turner said as he starts to close the door again.

"One thing, does the word Tardis mean anything to you?" Forge asks, hoping his hunch is correct.

"No. Good day." Time Turner says, shutting the door.

"Damn, I was hoping to go on an adventure through time and space. Oh well, just means I was wrong." Forge says to himself as he heads home.


Aurelic has made some progress on his telekinesis, having the hang of not flinging objects around explosively. His attempts at flying have improved as well, now he can achieve a slight hover, perfect for crossing the stream undetected. As for finding the library in the castle, no luck yet. He HAS found the kitchen though, as well as the smithing area.

"Now, time to head to town hall and scope it out. Good thing it's my day off." Aurelic says to himself in the castle.

He heads into town, walking into town hall. One day before Twilight arrives, one day to plan the best following route. He wasn't going to miss seeing the elements of harmony in action with his own eyes after all. It's also totally not an excuse to see Nightmare Moon for a longer period of time, no sir. Forge leaves the town hall after he finishes looking around.

"Should I say anything during the return of Nightmare Moon? Definitely, maybe once Twilight chokes up I can intervene, maybe distract her a little, or tell her how her plan is unfeasible maybe? Shake her up? Maybe I could flirt? Really get her thinking illogically? Hmm... that could be interesting to see her reaction to it. I just pray I don't get caught tomorrow night. Speaking of getting caught... I need to think about how to bullshit my knowledge of the future. Preferably early on. As soon as I'm questioned, I'll just say I had visions. Yeah, cause television. It's a half-truth, but not a complete lie either. Yep, that's what I'll do."

Forge is already halfway "home" by the time his train of thought ends.

Chapter 3: The Nightmare Finally Begins

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Forge waits outside the Ponyville Library, along with quite a few others in Ponyville while Pinkie ushers them inside for the surprise welcome party meant for Twilight.

"To think just a week ago I had a similar treatment, ah, garbage fire and all. Just wait until Twilight drinks the hotsauce. I wonder if anyone, or anypony else has had a similar experience during their special Pinkie Pie welcome party. I'll ask later. Wait, why should I stop using 'body' and 'one' in place of 'pony' anyway? Better to cement those in, because using 'creature' is just plain retarded." Forge thinks to himself as he steps into the library. "I wonder if this counts as breaking and entering."

Once Pinkie turns out the light, everyone in the library waits in silence. Soon, they all can hear the hoofsteps of Twilight and Fluttershy, and the conversation abruptly turning into an excuse for Twilight to ditch Fluttershy. Fluttershy opens the door, carrying the dragon and setting him down, all without bumping anyone who's hidden. Then Twilight rushes in and shoves Fluttershy out of the house, promptly finishing the conversation with a goodnight before slamming the door in Fluttershy's face.

"Rude much." Spike says with clear disapproval in his voice.

"Sorry Spike, but I have to convince the princess that Nightmare Moon is coming and we're running out of time."

"That's what she said." Forge quietly thinks to himself, trying his best to redirect his attention from the cacophony of sheer excitement and anticipation everyone else in the room is practically radiating. "Wait, how come nobody else caught that she said that? We're ALL here hiding in the dark!"

"I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now where's the light?" As soon as Twilight says those words, Pinkie turns the lights on.

"Surprise!" Forge yells along with the others in the room, and one blows on a party whistle while the party canon shoots confetti.

Forge simply walks over to the table while he sees his chance, turning the hotsauce bottle so the label isn't immediately visible. As Pinkie talks at Twilight in her usual meth induced hyperactive manner, Twilight pours the hotsauce into a cup and starts drinking through a straw. How she doesn't notice the hotsauce's taste immediately is anyone's guess.

"And now you have lots and lots of friends!" Pinkie finishes.

Twilight turns around, face red and sweating. Applejack asks if she's alright, until Twilight evolves into Rapidash briefly before going up to her room. Forge laughs a good distance away from the crime scene, and continues after Pinkie eats the hotsauce cupcake she makes. Rainbow Dash flies over to Forge, looking at him quite suspiciously.

"What's so funny?" Rainbow asks in a mistrusting tone.

"Did you see her face right then? That, was priceless." Forge says, and resumes laughing his ass off. Rainbow smirks knowingly.

"So you pulled a prank on the newbie this time, how did you get her to drink that? I need to know." Rainbow says.

"All I did was turn the label on the hotsauce around, and I can't believe that worked!" Forge says in the middle of laughing. Rainbow laughs too, until Pinkie shoves herself between the two.

"Ooh, what are we laughing about?" Pinkie asks, excited as ever.

"Forge turned the label on the hotsauce around, and Twilight drank it! How did she fall for that?" Rainbow explains, laughing at the absurdity of how the prank worked. Pinkie starts laughing too, occasionally snorting.

"How WOULD she fall for that, couldn't she taste the hotsauce as soon as she started drinking it?" Pinkie says while laughing with Forge and Rainbow. Curiously, Forge wasn't feeling too hungry at that moment. He made a mental note to check on that later.


Later that night, ponies flock to the town hall for the summer sun celebration. Forge stands in his previously chosen spot, waiting for his chance to see this chain of events firsthand, er, hoof. Fluttershy's birds start singing, and the spotlights move down to Mayor Mare. During this, Forge stares up at the balcony, tuning out her speech before the curtains part. Once parted with no princess behind them, Forge feels a massive wave of worry and panic, only increased when Rarity says the princess is gone, and escalated even further at the nebulous gas forming into Nightmare Moon.

"Oh my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little, sun loving faces." Nightmare Moon says, addressing the entire town hall.

"What did you do with our princess?" Rainbow asks accusingly, before Applejack grabs her by the tail to prevent Rainbow from making a stupid mistake.

"How was it being alone on the moon for a millennium!? Was that a long enough time out!?" Forge yells, promptly looking around afterwards like the ponies around him.

Nightmare Moon looks around with narrowed eyes. "WHO DARES TO SPEAKETH SUCH INSULTING THINGS!?" Lightning strikes to punctuate her anger. She then calms herself, clearing her throat and resuming her speech.

"Am I not royal enough for you, don't you know who I am?" Nightmare finishes with a bit of venom in her tone.

Pinkie starts to guess names, until Applejack silences her with an apple in the muzzle. Forge breathes a sigh of relief.

"Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" Nightmare says while addressing various ponies, miffed that she was mostly forgotten.

"I did, and I know who you are. You're the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon." Twilight says confidently, eliciting a gasp and more fear in the rest of the town hall.

"Well well well, somepony else who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here." Nightmare says harshly to Twilight.

Twilight seems to have lost her courage, unable to respond with the answer. That is, until Forge pipes up again, having moved to another spot in the town hall.

"To use a half baked plan for eternal nighttime that will kill all the crops and starve everypony to death until you're the ruler of a barren wasteland? I thought you'd be smarter than that since you've had a thousand years to plan!" Forge yells, hoping to anger Nightmare and shatter her cool and collected manner again. It works too well. Nightmare Moon spots Forge this time, yanking him up close with her magic, eyes white with anger as she yells olden obscenities in his face using her royal Canterlot voice, rendering Forge temporarily deaf and blurring his vision. Despite this, he keeps a stupid grin.

"If you wanted to get intimate, you could've just asked." Forge says like a smartass.

He's unceremoniously tossed toward the ground, caught in Rarity's magic as Nightmare is distracted by the guards, and escapes in a nebulous trail. Forge is set down, shaking his head and running out of the town hall along with Twilight and the others.


Forge follows the rest of the element bearers into Twilight's new library tree-house, just as he hears Applejack stop Rainbow Dash from accusing Twilight of being a spy. Rainbow Dash grabs Forge and throws him right next to Twilight.

"Then how do they both know what's happening? They both moved here in a week of each-other. Isn't THAT suspicious?" Rainbow says, now staring both Twilight and Forge down.

"I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the elements of harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I don't know where they are, where to find them, I don't even know what they do!" Twilight explains.

"The elements of harmony, a reference guide." Pinkie says while reading the title of the shelved book in question.

Twilight rushes over, shoving Pinkie out of the way. "How did you find that!?" Twilight exclaims.

"It was under Eeee~." Pinkie says as she hops back to the rest of the group.

"That explains how Twilight knew, but not YOU Forge." Rainbow continues to accuse.

"I also read about it, just like Twilight did. Now will you please stop accusing me of spying for somebody who was trapped on the fucking moon for a thousand years that I have no way of contacting?" Forge says, deflecting Rainbow's accusations with logic.

The ponies in the room are taken aback by the use of foul language.

"I, uh, well..." Rainbow tries to refute, failing and going quiet.

Twilight starts reading the book once the argument stops. "There are six elements of harmony, but only five are known. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth, is a complete mystery."

Forge looks out the window at the spying Nightmare puff cloud, and bleps at it while Twilight reads to the other five.

"It is said the last known location of the five elements, was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters." Twilight continues.

Nightmare's cloud seems to pull back a little, as if in shock, and flies off.

"It is located in." As Twilight tries to finish, the other five all say simultaneously "The Everfree Forest!" Dread evident in their voices.

They all head out of the library towards the Everfree Forest, Rainbow walking beside Forge for a moment.

"Hey Forge, sorry for accusing you of being a spy back there." Rainbow apologizes, looking slightly embarrassed.

"It's alright, you had every reason to be suspicious back there Rainbow. Next time though, don't throw me. Okay? Or at least not too hard." Forge says playfully.

Rainbow snickers. "I'll keep that in mind." She says in an equally playful tone, and flying back over to the front of the group.

Shortly after, they arrive to the entrance of the Everfree.

"Whee! Let's go!" Pinkie says happily.

"Not so fast." Twilight says, stopping Pinkie from going. "Look, I appreciate the offer. But I'd really rather do this on my own." Twilight finishes.

"No can do sugarcube. We sure ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple." Applejack says, leading Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy into the forest.

"Especially if there's candy apples in there." Pinkie says, receiving a look from Twilight. "What? Those things are good!" Pinkie says before following the rest into the forest.

"Well, no turning back now, we've got a demigoddess to defeat. Say, how do you think she survived up there for that long anyway?" Forge says as he walks beside Twilight into the forest.

"She was sealed IN the moon, not ON the moon. So it was probably an elaborate sealing spell only the elements of harmony have enough magic to perform." Twilight replies.

"Oh, that could actually explain a LOT. No need to eat or drink when magically imprisoned inside a solid object." Forge says.

"So, none of you have been in here before?" Twilight asks nervously.

"Oh heavens no. Just look at it, it's dreadful!" Rarity says, horrified.

"And it ain't natural. Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria." Applejack says.

"I've been here. Plenty of times actually, mentally mapped a route to the castle." Forge says, eliciting gasps from the rest of the group.

"Why would you come here on PURPOSE darling?" Rarity asks in shock.

"And you know where the castle is!? Why didn't you say anything before!?" Twilight asks.

"You hadn't asked. And besides, where else would I sleep when I'm homeless?" Forge says.

Just as he finishes talking, the ground underneath the group collapses, the Nightmare cloud flying off as Rainbow and Fluttershy hover above the spot.

"Fluttershy, quick!" Rainbow yells as she dives for the falling ponies and not pony.

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" Fluttershy exclaims softly, following after Rainbow.

Rainbow lifts Pinkie, and Fluttershy lifts Rarity. Meanwhile, Applejack is sliding down to Twilight, as Forge begins hopping down a series of ledges. When he arrives back down, Rainbow and Fluttershy set Twilight on the ground safely. Applejack is following the series of ledges Forge had hopped down.

"Up next on the list, manticore. It's been hell avoiding it for the last week, but now's the time where I'll have to see it awake." Forge thinks as the group continues moving.

"Good thing I saw you goin' down those ledges, I had no idea how I was gettin' down from there." Applejack says to Forge.

"Don't thank me for that, you would've been able to find them without me." Forge replies, only now tuning in Rainbow's conversation.

"And then once Pinkie and Rarity were safe, Fluttershy and I looped a loop around then WHAM, caught you right in the nick of time." Rainbow finishes.

"Yes Rainbow, I was there. And I'm very grateful, but we gotta- A manticore!" Twilight says when she spots the angry looking manticore.

"Well shit." Forge blurts when the manticore finishes roaring.

"We've gotta get past it." Twilight says firmly.

Rarity kicks the manticore daintily in the face. "Take that you ruffian!" She says confidently, until the manticore roars in her face, ruining her mane. "My hair!" Rarity exclaims, before remembering that there's a manticore in front of her and booking it.

"Wait." Fluttershy practically mumbles.

Applejack jumps onto the manticore's back. "Yeehaw! Get along little doggy!" She says while trying to hold onto the angry manticore.

"Wait." Fluttershy barely says again.

Applejack is flung off of the manticore. "All yours partner." She says as she flies past Rainbow.

"I'm on it." Rainbow says, saluting before charging towards the manticore.

"Wait." Fluttershy tries to say again, to no avail.

All the while, Forge just stands there, calmly looking on with a smirk.

Rainbow circles the manticore like a tornado, until she's hit out of it by the blunt part of manticore's tail. She lands in front of the group. The mares and manticore get ready to charge at one another, only for Fluttershy to get in front of them.

"Wait!" Fluttershy yells desperately, stopping the mares and manticore. Forge just casually walks over.

Fluttershy walks up to the manticore, which is ready to strike. The rest of the group minus Forge wince.

"Shh, it's okay." Fluttershy says calmly, nuzzling the manticore's hurting paw. The manticore reveals the purple Nightmare thorn.

"Aww, you poor, poor little baby." Fluttershy says.

"Little?" Rainbow says in disbelief.

"Now this might hurt for just a second." Fluttershy says.

Fluttershy pulls the thorn from the manticore's paw. When she does, it picks her up and it roars.

"Fluttershy!" Everypony but Forge says in unison, though he can feel the mass worry from them hit him as subtly as a brick to the skull.

Forge picks up and stares at the thorn briefly, narrowing his eyes and whispering to it. "So you were a thorn in someone else's side for once, or paw. Honestly, I thought pricking was my thing." He tosses her aside. Meanwhile, the manticore purrs and licks Fluttershy affectionately.

"Aww you're just a little old baby kitty, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are." Fluttershy says as the group slips past the manticore. Forge continues past while Twilight and Fluttershy catch up.

"Ugh, my eyes need rest from all this icky muck." Rarity complains as the group enters a dark area within the forest. "Well I didn't mean that literally."

"That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it!" Twilight says.

"We're far from there, trust me." Forge replies.

As the group argues, Forge stares blankly at a spooky looking tree in front of him. He carries on while the others in the group freak out, just until Pinkie starts singing. At that point, Forge has deafened himself. He opts to act like he knows what Pinkie was singing, which he kind of does anyway. Once the number ends, and they were all on the ground laughing, Forge un-deafens himself. As they continued forward laughing, they come to the river, where Pinkie stops and causes a conga of bumping.

"How are we gonna cross that?" Pinkie asks nobody in particular.

As they hear crying, the group looked through a bush, and Forge spots exactly who he was expecting. A bawling Steven Magnet.

"Excuse me sir, why are you crying?" Twilight asks the distraught sea serpent.

"Well I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me, and took half of my beloved mustache clean off. And now, I look simply horrid!" Steven says before flopping in the river and crying again.

Forge steps back from the splash zone, while the others get soaked in the cold river water. If there was one thing he hated, it was being drenched in cold ass water. Warm bathing water was much more preferable.

"Oh gimme a break." Rainbow mutters under her breath.

"That's what all the fuss is about?" Applejack asks rhetorically.

"Why of course it is! How CAN you be so insensitive?" Rarity says incredulously. "Oh just look at him, such lovely luminescent scales." She continues.

"I know." Steven replies.

"And your expertly quaffed mane." Rarity says.

"Oh I know, I know." Steven says.

"Your fabulous manicure." Rarity says.

"It's so true." Steven says.

"All ruined without your beautiful mustache." Rarity concludes.

"It's true, I'm hideous!" Steven replies.

"I simply cannot let a crime against such fabulousity go uncorrected!" Rarity exclaims.

She bites one of Steven's scales, and rips it off.

"Ow! What did you do that for?" Steven asks, hurt.

Rarity holds the scale up, and before Twilight can fully interject, she slices her own tail off. Steven faints from seeing this. Rarity levitates her cut tail over to Steven's face, tying it to the short end of his mustache, fixing it.

"My mustache! How wonderful!" Steven says.

"You look smashing." Rarity says. Meanwhile, Forge has to shove the image of a particular meme out of his mind.

"Oh Rarity, your beautiful tail." Twilight says, concerned.

"Oh." Rarity turns around. "It's fine my dear, short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back." She says while looking at her tail.

"So, with the mustache." Rainbow not so subtly reminds Twilight.

"We can cross now, let's go- ah!" Twilight says, as she's taken off guard by Steven forming a path for them to hop across.

"Allow me." He says, waiting for the seven to cross the river.

After a small walk, they reach the bridge and can see the castle in the distance.

"There it is! The ruin that holds the elements of harmony, we made it!" Twilight exclaims happily.

"Twilight, wait for us!" Applejack yells as she and the others chase after Twilight, who is sprinting towards the castle.

"We're almost there!" She says excitedly.

Just after, she nearly falls where the unfastened bridge is. Rainbow tugs Twilight back by her tail.

"What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" Rainbow asks jokingly, met with a glare from Twilight.

"Now what?" Pinkie says.

"Duh." Rainbow retorts, fluttering her wings for effect.

"Oh yeah." Pinkie says, realizing her silliness.

Rainbow swoops down, grabbing the end of the rope bridge to re-tie it on the other side.

"I could've sworn that bridge was fine when I left this morning. Guess the old thing finally gave out." Forge remarks.

"Wait, you crossed an unstable bridge like that, just regularly!? You're lucky you didn't fall through it, or worse!" Twilight scolds, berating the intentional crossing of a structurally unstable bridge over a large gap.

"That, or it was sabotaged. Haven't you noticed everything impeding our path just happens seemingly by chance? And this often? What plants out here have purple thorns? What was the purple smoke that sheared Steven's 'stache? And now the bridge just collapses without anyone around to see it despite being regularly crossed for a whole week? No, someone's doing this, and I think you know who it is too Twinkle Sprinkle." Forge elaborates, turning his attention back across the foggy chasm. "Come to think of it, there usually isn't this much fog here either."

"That... makes sense. But, this is taking too long..." Twilight remarks back. "Rainbow, what's taking so long?" She ask yells across the gap, before spotting the shadowbolts. "Oh no. Rainbow!" Twilight continues.

The fog around the area is condensed by Nightmare in an effort to stop Rainbow from hearing her new friends.

"Don't listen to them!" Twilight sighs when the fog stops her from saying anything else.

"Don't worry, she's got this. I can feel it." Forge says reassuringly. In actuality, he DOES feel it.

Shortly after, Rainbow returns while parting the fog.

"Told you so." Forge said playfully, Twilight rolls her eyes grumpily in response.

"See, I'd never leave my friends hangin'." Rainbow says, flying past the group on the bridge.

The group enters the ruin together, all focusing on the element podium in the center of the room.

"Woah, isn't this what you've been waitin' for Twilight?" Applejack asks.

"The elements of harmony, we found them!" Twilight says.

Rainbow and Fluttershy pick up one of the stones each, setting them down and getting the rest.

"Careful." Twilight says.

"One, two, three, four, there's only five." Pinkie says.

"Where's the sixth?" Rainbow asks.

"The book said, when the five elements are present a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed." Twilight explains.

"What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" Applejack asks incredulously.

"I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back, I don't know what will happen." Twilight says, igniting her horn.

"Come on now y'all, she needs to concentrate." Applejack says, leading the other mares out. Applejack peeks back in, and looks at Forge. "You too, come on."

Forge sighs, walking out of the building with the rest of them.

"I wasn't going to disturb her, being still and unnoticed is one of my specialties." Forge complains, having wanted to stay and watch.

"Ah!" Twilight yelps in surprise.

"Twilight!" Everyone but Forge says, as they all rush to the door only to be met with an empty room.

"Follow me, I know where they went." Forge says, leading the frantic mares deeper into the castle towards the towers.

"So, you've been livin' here for a week?" Applejack asks.

"Yeah, gave me plenty of time to memorize the layout. I saw which tower they reappeared in through a window, I can get us there shortly." Forge replies.

"That's awful Forge, why didn't you tell any of us you were homeless?" Fluttershy asks, concerned.

"I didn't even think to, I just assumed this would be the easiest, least bothersome solution." Forge explains.

"Oh heavens no darling, that's not true at all." Rarity interjects.

"Rarity's right, you know what they say about assumin'." Applejack says.

"We can talk about this later, right now we need to focus on preventing eternal night and starvation. Honestly, you'd think someone who's practically a deity would have the sense to know that plants need photosynthesis. From the sun. Guessing she failed science class, am I right?" Forge deflects, continuing to the tower he was looking for, receiving giggles in response. They ascend the staircase as Twilight is talking.

"Because the spirits of the elements of harmony, are right here!" Twilight says confidently.

"What?" Nightmare says, confused as he shattered pieces of the elements start to glow and float.

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt represents the spirit of, Honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of, Kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents the spirit of, Laughter! Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of, Generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of, Loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!" Twilight explains confidently.

"And I'm just here." Forge interjects, an intentionally dumb smile on his face.

"You still don't have the sixth element, the spark didn't work! And it can't possibly be... that one, is it?" Nightmare yells, worry reeking from her.

"Not him, no. But it did, a different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you. to see you. How much I cared about you." Twilight says, looking to her new friends, although not Forge. "The spark ignited inside me, when I realized that you all, are my friends!" Twilight continues, turning back to face Nightmare.

At that moment, the sixth element of magic appears and descends towards Twilight, glowing brightly.

"You see Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element. The element of, Magic!" Twilight finishes, causing the element to glow even brighter.

In the flash, each of the shattered elements forms into a necklace on their wielders, and the element of magic forms a tiara on Twilight. The magic coursing between the six mares concentrates into the harmonizing rainbow laser of friendship, shooting towards and spiraling around a panicking Nightmare Moon.

"Taste the rainbow motherfucker!" Forge yells out, fulfilling a desire he's had for quite a long time.

Once the magical blast subsides, the group starts complimenting each-other's elements, and Rarity's newly regrown tail.

"Gee Twilight, I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooey. But I reckon, we really do represent the elements of friendship." Applejack says to Twilight.

"Indeed you do." Celestia says, as she makes quite the entrance.

The ponies in the room bow to her, including Forge, but not Twilight.

"Princess Celestia!" She says happily, rushing over to her mentor.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student." Celestia acknowledges as she horse hugs Twilight. "I knew you could do it." She finishes.

"But, you told me it was all an old pony tale." Twilight says, confused.

"I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. That you could not unleash it until you had let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna." Celestia says, looking over to Luna and the shattered armor around her.

Luna opens her eyes in shock, and Forge can sense the cacophony of mixed emotions emanating from Luna as Celestia approaches.

"It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this." Celestia says, leaning down in front of Luna. "Time to put our differences behind us, we were meant to rule together little sister." Celestia says, eliciting surprise from the others in the room. "Will you accept my friendship?" Celestia asks, now standing again.

Everyone waits in anticipation, and Pinkie falls over.

"I'm so sorry!" Luna says, running up to Celestia. "I missed you so much big sister." She finishes.

"I missed you too." Celestia says in joyous relief.

Pinkie Pie cries cartoonishly, though the emotion behind it is genuine. She abruptly stops, the complete shift in mood startling Forge.

"Hey, you know what this calls for?" Pinkie asks happy as ever. "A PARTY!" She exclaims.

As they all head to the stairs, Forge levitates the shattered armor fragments, following them down. He stows it away in one of the secret compartments he discovered previously as they head out to Ponyville.


Everypony in Ponyville enjoys the party Pinkie threw together, though Forge leans against a tree while sitting a little bit away from the celebration. Once Celestia announces that Twilight will be staying in Ponyville, he smiles.

Kept it all on course, despite being the anomaly myself. But, maybe that isn't always going to be the case... For their safety, I need to move again, somewhere I won't be able to change the timeline by mistake. Forge thinks to himself, not noticing Celestia walking over to him.

"You seem troubled. What's on your mind?" Celestia asks Forge, startling him.

"Sorry princess, I uh... I'm not sure I really can. I might have to let everyone down in a little bit." Forge says wearily, looking at the ground. "I can't stay here."

Celestia puts a hoof on his shoulder. "Why can't you stay? I don't see any issue with you being here." Celestia says comfortingly.

"But, I honestly think I would be a problem here. If, if I'm right, you already know why I think this. I'm an anomaly here, and what if I screw up what's supposed to happen?" Forge retorts, scared of his own chance at failure.

"Well, maybe that could happen. But you don't know for sure that's the case. Maybe you're guiding us to a brighter future? You certainly stopped Nightmare Moon from taking over." Celestia says in response.

The mane six all walk up to them, Luna in tow. It looks like Fluttershy has something on her mind too, until Twilight steps forward.

"Princess, there's something we wanted to ask about. I was told by Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash that Turner Forge here is homeless, and has been sleeping in the castle ruin for the past week." Twilight explains.

Celestia looks back to Forge, as does everypony else.

"Why didn't you say anything about that?" Celestia asks.

"Now's a good a time as any to explain yourself." Applejack adds, referring to Forge's deflection in the castle just a while ago.

Forge sighs. "I didn't say anything because I didn't think I needed to, it wasn't important. I wasn't important in the entire adventure to save the world from eternal night and the following starvation, at all." Forge explains.

"You were plenty of help though, I only saw those ledges to hop down from because of you, AND you guided us to the tower Nightmare and Twilight were in." Applejack rebuttals.

"AND you entered the Everfree Forest along with us, the only ponies brave enough to enter it. You risked your life out there like we did." Rainbow adds.

"You would've found both of those regardless, I just sped it up by a few seconds in all honesty. Plus, I couldn't do anything to aid you six in using the elements either." Forge denies.

"Just because you don't have an element doesn't make you unimportant." Fluttershy offers.

"Here goes nothing..." "But that's not the reason I wasn't important. In fact, the reason I'm not is because I've been having visions of the near future that don't involve me in the slightest. The six of you are integral, my own interference risks changing things for the worse if I stay!" Forge says, covering his mouth afterwards. They eye him suspiciously.

"You mean you KNEW what was goin' on the whole time, and lied to us!?" Applejack asks, bewildered and slightly miffed.

"Okay, I let that slip by accident, but yes. I'm sorry for not saying anything about that. The best course of action I see from here is removing myself from the equation. I'll have to move to another town." Forge concludes. "Please buy it please buy it please buy it!"

"But, why?" Pinkie asks, adorably being sad.

"I... Just have to." Forge says.

"Nonsense, is there any way you can stay in Ponyville with us?" Rarity asks.

"I don't know. But do you know what's at stake if I stay? The world could be doomed if I let my emotions get the better of me, and end up changing how things are supposed to happen." Forge says.

"I will offer you a choice, then. Either I can get you a home here in Ponyville, or you can stay with Luna and I at the castle until you decide where you want to go." Celestia says.

The others nod in unison.

"I... I can't accept either offer your highness. I want to afford a home on my own, and I also can't just mooch off of you either." Forge says.

"What is your talent?" Celestia asks, eyebrow raised.

"Uh, mostly metalworking. Why?" Forge asks.

"I can keep you at the castle as a royal smith, your work will allow you to live on the premises and give you employment benefits. That way you will be working for your home. Does that sound like a reasonable compromise?" Celestia asks, waiting for Forge's response.

Forge mulls it over. "I guess that can work... Okay Princess, I accept your offer." Forge says, standing up and extending his hoof, promptly hoofshaking with Celestia.

"Then it's settled." Celestia says in affirmation.

Pinkie hugs Forge, prompting the others to as well.

"Promise you'll visit? Please? Prettyprettyprettyplease?" Pinkie asks.

"I will visit when I feel like I can, I promise." Forge says, eliciting a squee from Pinkie.

"You'd better Forge, I want to go pull some pranks with you sometime. Your whole vision thing could be useful for that." Rainbow says.

"And make sure to come around for cider season, you won't wanna miss that!" Applejack says.

"Do visit the boutique every so often, I have few willing male models to try outfits and designs on." Rarity says.

"And make sure you come by the library, I want to know how your visions work." Twilight says.

"Okay, okay. I said I will already." Forge says, a little embarrassed.

Forge heads towards the Everfree once more.

"Where are you going?" Pinkie asks.

"To go get my few things from the old castle, and after I'm gonna collect my paycheck and resign from the local hayburger." Forge says, heading into the tree line.


Soon, Forge returns with his saddlebags full of his belongings. When he does, Celestia pats the other spot next to her, while Luna gives him an odd look. Forge hesitantly sits there.

"Are you sure this is alright?" He asks in disbelief.

Celestia nods. "I'm sure, am I really that intimidating?" She asks.

"It's not intimidation really, just unexpected and odd considering you're royalty and all." Forge replies.

"No need to be so nervous, then. Besides, we'd be waiting a while if I had to call another chariot." Celestia says, as they lift off, heading for Canterlot castle.

"Excuse me, Princess Luna." Forge says, as Luna looks over at him.

"Yes, subject?" She asks hesitantly.

"I'm sorry for angering you at town hall before, it was wrong of me to say those things. Even if you WERE Nightmare Moon at the time." Forge apologizes.

"Apology accepted." Luna replies, looking ahead again. He could tell it wasn't quite genuine.

Celestia looks at Forge curiously. "What exactly did you say to her, if I may ask?" Celestia asks.

"I kind of rubbed in the whole thousand year imprisonment thing and compared it to a time out, and then I called her plan for eternal night half baked, and then said something REALLY inappropriate when she pulled me close with magic..." Forge says sheepishly. Luna looks away with a slight blush, embarrassed. "I was trying to shatter Nightmare's cool and calm appearance, which in hindsight was a stupid and pointless thing to do." Forge finishes.

"Well, as long as you acknowledge your mistake in doing that, and don't do it again everything will be fine. But anger me or my sister intentionally again, and you won't like what happens." Celestia warns.

"I understand your highness." Forge says, looking away in shame.

Chapter 4: Welp, that didn't last very long

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The carriage touches down in the castle's courtyard, coming to a halt near the entrance. Forge waits for Celestia and Luna to exit the carriage before getting out himself. "Time to show that I at least have a semblance of chivalry." He thinks as he follows the princesses into the castle entrance. Forge finds himself admiring Luna's flank, shaking his head. Celestia looks back with a raised brow. Meanwhile Luna is oblivious to this as she looks around in wonder, having not seen this new castle before. Forge takes to observing his surroundings as well, since he's actually IN the ACTUAL Canterlot castle, and to take his mind away from Luna's moon. That glorious, glorious moon.

Celestia halts the group, turning and whispering to a guard, who nods and walks up to Forge. "Come with me, I will take you to the blacksmith." The guard says. Forge follows, waving back to Celestia on his way.

The castle's corridors are really something to marvel at. The ceiling is high up, having extremely excess height and a good amount of width to prevent bottle-necking. Tapestries adorn the walls, with a matching carpet extending to the end of the hallway, perpendicular segments stretching in either direction dotting the halls at every intersection. Forge takes mental note of the path the guard leads him down.

Eventually, the guard stops in front of an open doorway leading into a large room. The floor is entirely made of smooth concrete, with exposed stone gray brick walls. Furnaces and kilns line the right wall, all with chimneys to expel the smoke and to keep the room from becoming overheated. Next to the furnaces lie large troughs of coal, with some additional tools such as pokers and shovels. Anvils, grindstones, stone tables, and wooden crates are placed around in the room forming numerous workstations. Each anvil has a hammer set on top of it, with a small kit for engraving and stamping on each table. Forge gawks at the room in awe, as the guard goes to resume his post elsewhere.

Forge notices some ponies, and a griffon in the workshop, mostly paying him no mind. That is, except for a fairly large (not fat) built earth pony stallion with a pale, dark red coat reminiscent of sun faded bricks, charcoal grey mane and tail, and amber eyes. His mark consists of a central flame with what appears to be a welded piece of metal above it. The stallion extends a hoof.

"Hello there, I assume you're the new guy?" The stallion asks with a hearty grin.

Forge shakes his hoof in return. "Yep, I'm Turner Forge. Who are you?" He asks.

"Solid Weld, welcome to the royal blacksmith." Solid says, gesturing to the room. "Would you like a tour of our facilities?" Solid asks.

"No thank you, I can see where everything is already. Thank you for the offer though." Forge says, looking around. "Uh, on second thought, where's my station?" He asks, a sheepish look on his face.

Solid chuckles. "Follow me then." He says, showing Forge to his workstation.

"Alrighty, time to put my vague knowledge from Forged in Fire to good use."


It's sunset, the warm orange glow filtering through the stained glass windows in the throne room. Celestia sits patiently on her throne, entering her vision plane and checking up on everything. She notices something peculiar in the visions. An insectoid creature of some sort? But... something about him is familiar. It's those eyes. Despite the difference of shape, she can see the same look in the bug pony's eyes as the one Forge has. Another screen confirms her suspicions, as he changes his form. Celestia ponders on how to go about this situation. She decides it would be better to get the confrontation out of the way sooner rather than later. She gets up from her throne, heading to go retrieve Luna.


Forge enters his assigned quarters, thanking the guard for showing him there. He shuts the door, flopping onto the bed and reverting. As much as he'd like to keep the pony form on all the time, it cost him energy to do so. He sighs, relaxing in the soft bed. Just then, there's a knock on the door. Aurelic stiffens, donning his disguise once more.

"Just a second!" He says as he makes his way over to the door.

When Forge opens the door, his jaw drops. "Hello Turner, may we enter?" Celestia asks with a smile, Luna standing by her side.

"Of course your highnesses." Forge says, opening the door the rest of the way and standing to the side.

Celestia and Luna both enter, with Celestia closing the door behind them. "There's something I need to ask you Forge." Celestia asks in a calm tone.

"Okay, go for it." Forge says, sitting down on the floor.

"What are you?" Celestia asks, her face and emotions stoic. This sets off Aurelic's 'mom is angry' senses.

"Uh... what do you mean?" Forge asks, unable to keep a hint of worry from gracing his face.

"You know what I mean Forge." Celestia says.

Luna gives Celestia a confused look. "What is being kept from us sister?"

"I know that's not your true form. Just be honest, and you won't be in any trouble. If you continue to lie to my sister and I, I will personally shove you out of the castle." Celestia says, her demeanor unchanging.

Aurelic reverts back to normal. "Okay, okay, you found me out. But, I only changed forms to keep ponies from being afraid of me, and so I could be accepted in society easier..." Aurelic says, his ears splayed back as he stares at his holed hooves.

Luna goes slack jawed, looking between Aurelic and Celestia. Celestia approaches Aurelic, putting a hoof on his withers. Aurelic looks up, guilt present on his face.

"I'm sorry for lying about what I really am, your majesties..." Aurelic says meekly, dread permeating his thoughts.

Celestia just gives him a calm smile. "Don't worry Forge, you're fine just the way you are now. I will admit it will take some time getting used to though."

"What, art thou?" Luna asks.

"I am a changeling, a race of equine like insects that feed off of positive emotions, ambient or directly. We can shapeshift as well, usually taking the place of a loved one to feed. I've never done it myself, nor do I have any desire to. Passive feeding has kept me fed well enough, though it limits the amount of time I can hold my pony form, and use magic in general. Turner Forge is the identity I crafted to help fit in, but my actual name is Aurelic. I don't have any kind of connection to the other changelings, since I'm not part of the hive. A rogue, if you will." Aurelic explains.

Celestia and Luna sit, processing this new information. "So, why are you here?" Celestia asks.

"That's an easy one. To put it frankly, I'm just here because it's the easiest option I have. I mean, the rest of the changelings have no positive emotion to give. I just want to live a relatively normal life here." Aurelic answers. "And before I forget, I want this to stay between us, alright? I don't want ponies treating me like a freak because I'm a changeling."

Celestia thinks for a moment. "I suppose that would be fine for now. But I hope you'll reveal yourself once you're comfortable with it." She says.

"Hah, says the one who forced me to reveal myself just a minute ago." Aurelic thinks. "Is there anything else?" Aurelic asks.

"I'm through, but I can't speak for Luna." Celestia says.

"We do not have any more questions sister." Luna confirms, standing back up.

"Then we should be on our way. Farewell Aurelic." Celestia says matter-of-factly, turning to leave.

"Wait, I still have some questions!" Aurelic yells nervously.

"Yes?" Celestia turns her head back.

"Could you please just stick with calling me Turner Forge for now? I don't really want to risk a slip-up..." Aurelic trails off.

"I suppose that makes sense, very well then. Farewell Forge." Celestia states, exiting the room alongside Luna.

"My god I need that moon pie. Someday Aurelic... someday..." Aurelic can't help but think as he flops back onto the bed. "I wonder how soon Luna begins dream walking again... You'd better not screw me over brain." He thinks, eyelids heavy as he yawns. It doesn't take long for sleep to find him.

Chapter 5: Dreams, and a bitch of a party

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It's been a few fairly uneventful days for Aurelic since his arrival at the castle. Solid has been showing him the ropes on how to properly use the equipment in the armory, despite Aurelic insisting that he knows how the equipment works. "Heh, I'll show you what I can REALLY do soon. Prepare for some foreign weapons, cause I'm going all out with my 'alien' designs baby!" Aurelic thinks gleefully to himself as he snuggles his bed sheets. Although not nearly as luxurious as the sheets in the old castle, they were still quite comfortable. Aurelic lets sleep overtake him for the night.


Aurelic floats around in his human form, floating above a muted, mismatched version of his hometown. The sky is overcast, shining a dull grey over the fairly normal-ish town. A nearby mountain range looming over the smaller commercial buildings in the area, with a guard tower for some reason. The streets are completely devoid of any living beings, and vehicles for that matter. The silence is almost deafening. Aurelic lands in front of what appears to be a mix between a grocery store and a mall, walking in via the automatic sliding glass doors. The interior of the building is dimly lit, still carrying the gray undertones found outside. The domed glass ceiling rising high above the three floors within the strange building. Aisles filled with non-refrigerated goods sitting uniform, yet out in the open on the ground floor towards the back and the right. To the left at the front lie produce stands, surrounded by glass door freezer shelves filled with boxes of frozen meals. Escalators leading to the second floor sit in the center of the room. The second floor can be seen from the first, due to large gaps surrounded by glass barriers lining the edges. The third floor is more difficult to see, though it's similar to the second floor. The escalators are off, but Aurelic just floats upward, observing the various shops on the second floor, all closed and empty. He lands to inspect the shops more closely, his footsteps echoing throughout the barren complex, breaking the eerie silence. He sits down on a nearby bench, idly observing his surroundings. At this point, he's partially aware that he is dreaming, though he can't seem to fully realize it. His idle observation is interrupted when a distinct clinking noise echoes through the mall, sounding nothing like the soles of his own shoes. He turns abruptly, almost completely forgetting he's in a dream. That is, until he sees someone immediately recognizable.

"Greetings, strange creature. We hath never seen a being so... peculiar before. What art thou?" The unmistakable form of Princess Luna inquires, her form looking like a transition from her pale immediate reformation form and her true starry-maned form.

"Oh, hello Princess. You uh, might not recognize me right now. Let me just..." In a flash of light, Aurelic switches to his changeling form. "There. Better?" He asks, hoping she'll buy it.

"Oh, we were not aware we were visiting thou, Aurelic." Luna explains, something clearly on her mind.

"It's fine. I mean, sometimes I dream I'm something else, like this." In another flash of light, a hulking, bat winged metal monstrosity covered in crimson armor pocked with green splotches. "See? I'm not always myself in my dreams." He explains in a much lower, intimidating mechanical voice dripping with venom.

Luna is noticeably taken aback by the dread this mechanized mass exudes. "That... While we have seen dream transformation many times, we have never encountered such drastic changes into horrifying beings before." She says with a hint of trepidation present in her voice.

Aurelic reverts back to his changeling form. "Sorry, I guess it WAS a bit much..." Aurelic apologizes, sitting back down on the bench and patting a spot next to him, a gesture Luna kindly accepts.

"What is this place? And why is it so... dreary? And empty?" Luna inquires, gesturing to the large, empty space.

Aurelic puts a holed hoof to his chin in thought. "To be honest, I don't really know why. My dreams have just always been like this. The sky is usually overcast, a starless nighttime, or a sort of dull dusk. But they're not always this empty." He elaborates, staring at the domed glass ceiling.

Luna places a wing on his back. Though he can't feel it, the meaning isn't lost on him. "We may have an idea why thou dreams this way. Perhaps, thou art feeling lonely?" Luna asks with a knowing smile.

"Maybe... I guess it's just because I'm acclimating to my new home here." Aurelic admits with a light chuckle.

"So thou art aware thou is dreaming, yes?" Luna inquires with an adorable head tilt.

"Yeah. I just, never really have that much control over my dreams. Environmentally at least, I can still move freely though them. Would you like a tour?" Aurelic asks Luna, a hint of glee in his eyes. He's never been able to truly share what his dream world is like with anyone before.

Luna holds out a hoof, which Aurelic promptly takes as she gets up from the bench. "It is good that chivalry is still present these days." Luna remarks with a smile, eliciting a blush from Aurelic.

The two walk side by side through the second floor of the strange mart-mall, descending the escalators and exiting the building, wandering into the calm and quiet streets occupying Aurelics mind. They take flight, or at least Luna does, while Aurelic floats. The rest of the dream consists of Aurelic explaining the significance of some places within the dreamscape.


As Forge is busy sharpening a sword on the grindstone, a guard enters the room with something under his wing. The guard approaches Forge dutifully. "I have a letter addressed to one Turner Forge." The guard says, holding the bright pink envelope out to Forge, who promptly stopped the grindstone to take the envelope in his magic.

"Thank you, sir." Forge says, receiving a curt nod from the guard. There's no mistaking who the letter is from, as if the coloration didn't already give it away. Forge opens Pinkie's letter, getting blasted in the face with confetti. "Gah!" Despite knowing it would probably happen, it still startled him. "You'd think the guards would check the letters for potential bombing devices inside!" Aurelic grumpily thinks, pulling the letter out to read it.

Hi there Forgey! You're invited to Gilda's Welcome to Ponyville party!

Make sure you bring a gift!

Your friend, Pinkie Pie

P.S. I know Gilda will seem a little mean, but please try to make her feel welcome.

"Well, guess that's happening today. And I know JUST what to bring." Forge thinks, a sinister grin plastered on his face. "Hey Solid, could you do me a solid and let me take the rest of today off? I'll make up the work on Saturday." Forge asks hopefully.

Solid nods. "Alright, but I'll hold you to your word. Now go have fun at whatever party I'm positive you were invited to." He says with an affirmative nod, before continuing work on repairs.

"Thank you! You won't regret it!" Forge half yells giddily, running out to his room.

Forge arrives at his room shortly, opening his desk's drawer and pulling out a novelty peanut brittle can. He snickers, placing it into his saddlebags. Forge dons his bags and adjusts his watch, heading out of his room. A few guards wheel out wheelbarrows filled with scrolls down the hallway. Seems they're still cleaning up from yesterday's scroll avalanche incident.

"I don't recall there being NEARLY that many scrolls... Must have been a real pain in the ass. Poor sunnybuns." He thinks idly as he exits the castle, on his way to have his gift wrapped. "This is gonna be so fucking rad."


Forge arrives at the entrance to Sugarcube Corner, exhausted and weak. "Note to self, rapid succession teleportation is REALLY draining." As he walks in, he receives an almost robotic ' welcome ' from Pinkie Pie. Until she notices the state he's in.

"Are you okay Forgey?" Pinkie asks, genuine concern permeating from her.

"God damnit me!" Forge thinks as he nods. "Yeah, I just need some water and I'll be fine. Don't worry." He half lies, removing the wrapped canned snakes gift from his bags, setting it on the table next to the other presents. He grabs a glass of punch, drinking it with a straw this time. He starts to feel a little better, though that's more or less from being in Pinkie's presence. His ear twitches, and he can't help but listen in on Applejack and Rarity's conversation.

"A griffon. So rare." Rarity states as she and Applejack walk in Forge's general direction.

"Actually, there's a whole land full of griffons. Griffonstone if I recall... Heck, I have a griffon co-worker. Her name's Gina, and that's about all she's ever said to me." Forge explains to the two.

"Well, I suppose we'll have to come visit you in Canterlot sometime. I've always wanted to go, you know." Rarity replies, beaming.

"Well, at least ya have an excuse to go now." Applejack remarks, getting an excited nod from Rarity.

"So how's it up in Canterlot anyway?" Applejack asks Forge, with that slight head tilt.

"I swear they're just MADE to be adorable. Oh, wait... yeah, they were." "Well, it's been pretty nice. I've got my own room in the castle, do the kind of work I love, and I even get paid to boot." Forge says with a grin.

Applejack looks deep in thought for a moment. "Don't ya think that's a little funny? Why would the Princess give a total stranger their dream job, let 'em stay in the castle, AND pay them? It's a might suspicious if ya ask me." Applejack states.

"... Holy shit, she's RIGHT. Thank you medium apple horse." Forge contemplates, rubbing a hoof on his chin with narrowed eyes, his gaze fixed on a floorboard.

Forge's train of thought is suddenly interrupted by a loud buzzing noise. He quickly turns to see the commotion. Gilda, looking a little fried after Pinkie got her with a hoof buzzer. "Heh, it smells like chicken right now. Whadda ya know." He muses.

Rainbow motions Forge over to the rest of the group, minus Pinkie and Gilda. "Listen up guys, you're gonna LOVE Gilda. We used to tear through the skies way back when. She's actually pretty cool once you get to know her." Rainbow says as she waits for Gilda.

Instead, Pinkie announces Gilda's presence, asking the ponies to welcome her. Forge remains silent, though he's not making an angry or spiteful face at all. Gilda immediately goes for the spicy vanilla lemon drops, dropping one into her beak. Almost instantly, she breathes out a gout of flame, which Pinkie takes advantage of by roasting a marshmallow on a stick she suddenly had. And of course, she fell for the drivel glass punch, having been desperate enough not to notice for a good few seconds.

"Heh, lightweight. I wonder what would happen if she had an atomic fireball. Do those even exist here? Gotta ask Pinkie about it later... Actually, scratch that." Forge ponders, now watching Gilda open his prank present first. Of course, they burst out, causing her feathers to puff out from the static electricity that may or may not have been added by Forge. He laughs along with the ponies in the room, reveling in Gilda's irritation. "That one was for you Fluttershy."

The party continues, as Forge chats with some of the ponies he doesn't know as well due to their background status. And it turned out to be boring as hell. There's only so long one can stand conversations about gardening. However, one of the mares in the room is looking at him, a little suspiciously. Forge was about to walk over to her, when Pinkie rolled out the two tiered sponge cake. "Heh, I got three tiered neighopolitan. Take that you overgrown featherduster."

Forge observes Gilda commit Spike abuse. It seems to be a common trend with Spike in general. As was done to him a little while back, Gilda was subjected to the ever frustrating relighting candles. "Hopefully this time there won't be a dumpster fire. Holy shit, I caused a LITERAL dumpster fire last time. Track record of almost burning down a building on accident, five times now. And Spike's drilling through the cake. This is why you deserve the abuse Spike."

Gilda continues to make an ass of herself throughout the party, the other ponies catching on that she might actually be a bitch. "Three, two, one." Gilda slips on some discarded Spike tainted cake, crashing into the kitchen marvelously. It was like watching a train wreck in progress, only you were excited about it instead of just morbidly curious. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, as Gilda rears up, flaring her wings and letting out an almost primal roar.

Forge just smiles evilly at her true colors being displayed for all in the room. "Fuck it, making one minor change won't matter." Almost as if he had a death wish, he levitates a discarded piece of cake behind Gilda as she's leaving, smacking her right in the back of the head with it while he watches from a safe distance. She storms back in, fury radiating like the damn sun engulfing his senses. "And I immediately regret my actions." Forge thinks, the pure, unadulterated rage affecting him more than he thought it would.

"WHO THREW THAT!?" Gilda all but screams. When the ponies look at each-other in confusion, she huffs, storming back out.

"JESUS that was a close call. Hey brain, NEVER piss off someone who's already livid as hell. I almost shat myself, if I could shit!" Forge berates, himself? Regardless, he turns back to the mare who had been staring him down earlier, and approaches her. "Hi there, I couldn't help but notice you looking at me earlier. Is there something you wanted?" He asks, soon enough sensing something... off, about the pony. Normally, ponies give off a tangible feeling of emotion, but this mare isn't producing any. In fact, it almost feels like a slight emotional vacuum.

"Oh? No, nothing. Sorry about that, sometimes I stare off into space, and sometimes that's at other ponies." The mare explains.

"Oh, well sorry to bother you then." Forge apologizes, turning back and walking off to the ponies he's actually familiar with.

"Well, I'd better get going back to Canterlot. It was nice seeing you again, even if Gilda kind of made things difficult." Forge says, not quite saying what he ACTUALLY thought of Gilda.

"It's all fine, don't worry about it. But, the party isn't over yet. I mean sure, the guest of honor left, but that doesn't mean we can't still have some fun!" Pinkie says, optimistic as ever.

"I guess it can wait... Eh, what the he- eck. Yes, heck. I actually wanted to know what all of you've been up to down here." Forge says with a warm smile. Despite his better judgement, he ends up staying, partying the day away with his friends that he still can't believe he has.


The mare had slipped out of the party, heading into an alley a few buildings down and reverting to her changeling drone form. She pulls out a small device from within a hole in her leg, igniting it with her magic. "My queen, it seems we have an unidentified changeling running around. And apparently he lives in Canterlot at the castle. What would you have me do about this?"

"If he's not from the hive, where could he be from? I'll have more scouts looking for any possible rival hives we may have missed. In the meantime, keep a close eye on him when he's not in the castle. Find out as much as you can about him. That is all." The connection cuts, the device going dormant once more.

"What are you..." She rhetorically asks, watching him exit the building late into the night. She follows him as he teleports, remaining out of sight and undetected thanks to her lack of emotions.

Chapter 6: A Wonderful Evening

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Solid Weld approaches Forge, a pegasus mare following next to him. Her name is Hearth Aspis, Solid's wife and a shield crafter. The other two smiths approach him as well. Frigid Pauldron, a unicorn that has a cold disposition, and is an expert armor smith. And finally, Gina the griffon, the silent bladesmith. Forge looks to his coworkers, puzzled.

"Hi guys, what's up?" Forge asks, a little unsure of the situation.

Solid clears his throat before speaking. "Well, we figured that since you haven't really talked with the rest of us that much, that we would go out for a night on the town. As a group." He elaborates as Aspis sets a wing over Solid's back.

"Yeah, since we're working together for the foreseeable future, might as well be friends, right?" Aspis says, a warm smile gracing her features.

Gina simply nods.

"It's been a while since we last went as a group to anything really, I'm looking forward to it." Pauldron says, in a surprisingly happier than usual tone. Then again, Forge never really spoke to him that much, and Pauldron was busy when he did try.

"Oh, okay then. Also, the correct answers were the sky, the ceiling, and a direction." Forge says with a smirk as he hops off of his stool, following the group as they head for the exit, Gina and Pauldron rolling their eyes while Solid and Aspis give a little laugh.

Silently, an unnoticed fly buzzes from behind them, keeping a safe distance from the group while listening to their banter.


The quintet of royal blacksmiths venture through the streets of Canterlot, the sunset bathing them in a warm, pleasant orange glow.

"So, where are we going?" Forge asks as he walks beside Solid and Aspis.

"Well, we were going to head over to see a Wonderbolts airshow. Have you ever seen one before?" Solid asks Forge.

"No, but I've wanted to for a while. This is gonna be so awesome!" Forge exclaims, hopping giddily and channeling his inner Rainbow Dash.

The rest of the group laugh at Forge's excitement, making their way towards the local stadium. Once at the stadium, the merry group find their respective seats, all of which are next to each-other. As Forge settles in, his ears twitch towards another random pony nearby. Then he feels the same vacuum he felt before, though this pony wasn't the same as the one he'd seen before. It sticks out like a sore thumb in the near-filled stadium of ponies. He begins to notice a few more vacuums scattered throughout the crowds, and all of the vacuum ponies look directly at Forge. Once the signal that the show is about to begin blares, the strange ponies all turn their attention away from Forge. He shudders in his seat, unnerved from the experience. Gina pokes Forge's withers, pointing over to the center of the stadium where the wonderbolts are proudly posing right before the show starts. The airshow begins with a bang, literally, as the pyrotechnics set off. Forge watches in awe for the next two hours, completely forgetting about the weird ponies for the duration of the spectacular air show. "Damn Rainbow, no wonder you look up to these flyers! I swear one day I'll learn how to fly properly."


Forge and company currently sit in Donut Joe's combination donut and coffee shop. Oddly enough, Forge has mixed vibes from the place, like a local shop mixed with Dunkin' Donuts. The group laughs and banters while they eat.

"And then I said; Oatmeal? Are you CRAZY!?" Aspis exclaims with a goofy look on her face, causing the group to burst out into another fit of lung hurting laughter.

Forge is crying from joy at this point, managing to feel quite full that night. More so than at his welcome to Ponyville party. His ears begin to twitch again, bringing him back from his stupor. He notices that vacuum again. "Why the hell is this happening? What would even... Oh. Oh shit." A look of realization forms on his face as he looks at the source. Sure enough, it's another background pony he never even noticed before. "Must be another changeling. And that means back at the airshow... all of those ponies... Holy shit they've been infiltrating since the beginning, maybe even before!" Forge is brought out of his thoughts when Aspis taps him on the withers.

"You okay Turner? You look like you've seen a ghost." Aspis asks with an odd look, the rest sharing her concern.

"I'm fine, sorry about zoning out there for a moment. It happens sometimes." Forge lies as casually as he can.

"Hopefully not when you're working, that would be a serious safety hazard." Solid reasons. "You sure you're okay there pal?"

Forge nods. "Yeah, I'll be fine. So, wanna hear about the disaster that was my welcome to Ponyville party?" He asks in an attempt to redirect the conversation. He doesn't manage to.

"We can't have you so unfocused while working. We'll need to solve your problem before you can go back to working, got it?" Solid states in a firm tone, showing that he won't be changing his mind on this. "What gets you distracted?"

Forge facehooves. "It doesn't happen when I'm concentrating on my work okay? Just happens during times when I'm not focused on doing anything." He explains, a little ticked at himself for not explaining that earlier.

"Oh. Well that's good, otherwise who knows WHAT kind of accident you'd have on the job." Pauldron remarks disdainfully, horrified of the mere thought of all that blood.

"So, about that party? Sounds like it might be interesting." Aspis asks, curious about what possibly could have happened at a welcome party.

Forge recounts the events of his welcome party to the group, all the way up to the literal dumpster fire he caused. Eventually, the group decides to head back to their homes for the night. Forge stays behind to finish up his last donut and the end of his mocha. That is, until he feels the mare getting closer to him. She reaches to tap him, but Forge turns to look at her and her outstretched hoof.

"Hi, did you need anything?" Forge asks, already steeling himself for anything.

The mare sits beside him. "I just want to chat for a bit, and you seemed lonely."

He wasn't expecting that. "Oh, well..." Forge looks up and down the mare now, appreciating the fine details. She's disguised as Lemon Hearts. "I wouldn't mind having your company." She giggles at that. "God damn that's adorable." Forge thinks, unaware of her wandering hoof, until it rests on his thigh and traces in circles. "Oh fuck, down boy, down!" Forge mentally panics, unable to stop himself from getting hard.

Not Lemon Hearts leans in, whispering into his ear. "I know what you are." She says, taking a quick lick of Forge's ear.

Forge's face tenses, his cheeks lighting up like a Christmas tree. He leans to whisper in her ear back. "Then let's talk in private. Don't want to scare the shop owner now, do we?"

Not Lemon Hearts stands back up. "Follow me~" She says in a sultry tone, hips swaying with each step and tail swishing, just barely covering her. It was almost hypnotic, the way her flanks seemed to just slightly jiggle, hinting at some firmness beneath a bit of plush. Forge gets up, leaving his payment before following her out of the shop.

"Damn that's a fine ass. FOCUS! This could be a trap! But she seems nice enough. Fool! That's how they get you! Next thing you know, they've captured you and are holding you captive! But... would that be such a bad thing? There are worse ways to go out..." Forge continues mentally debating with himself for the next few minutes while staring at not Lemon's plot.


"Alright, so if you sense any more of them nearby, bail. If she offers you food or drink, get the fuck outta dodge. Keep your guard up, you've got this me!" Forge is brought out of his entranced state when the door closes. Not Lemon Hearts drops her disguise, still looking at Forge with those half-lidded eyes.

"Come on, I showed you mine. Now..." She gets closer, almost muzzle to muzzle with Forge. "Show me yours~"

"Damn, the innuendo's strong with this one." Forge sighs, dropping his own disguise. Aurelic stands before the female changeling. She gawks at his appearance briefly, before getting even closer to inspect him.

"Hmm, you're definitely not one of ours... So tell me, where is your queen, mister...?"

"Oh, my name's Aurelic. And I sort of... don't have a queen. Never did." He admits, nervously putting a hoof behind his head.

The female changeling squints her eyes, looking for any sense of deception coming from Aurelic. She finds none, which seems to surprise her even more. "How is that possible? Every changeling has to come from a queen. Just like every chicken egg has to have been laid by a hen." She says, baffled that he's telling the truth despite such a ridiculous story.

"Pardon me, but I don't think I got your name. And I know it's not Lemon Hearts." Aurelic says, not too comfortable with being near her now.

"Oh, yeah. I'm Suture. Tell me Aurelic, why do you reek of, sweet, tantalizing, lust energy?" Suture asks, her breathing becoming heavier, her tail raising involuntarily.

"Um... well, I don't e-exactly... know..." Aurelic stammers, his cock standing prominently for Suture to see, his golf balls hanging just behind the twitching mass of changeling meat.

Suture smirks. "Could it be? You've never had a mate before, have you?" She asks with a sly grin, turning around and moving her tail out of the way, exposing herself completely to him, giving a little wiggle to further entice him.

Aurelic approaches her slowly, in complete disbelief that this is actually about to happen. "But, aren't you afraid of getting pregnant?" He asks, immediately regretting it.

Suture just giggles. "Nope, the queen's the only one who can lay eggs. She'd have to oviposit me first. Don't you worry your cute little head about it~" "That's it, take the bait you ignorant fool. Breed me so I'll have the first love capable changeling of our hive!" She thinks giddily to herself.

Aurelic leans downward, putting a hoof to Suture's lower lips. She hitches her breath at the touch. Aurelic opens her, looking inside curiously. "Huh, so that's what a changeling vagina looks like." Aurelic takes a quick, testing lick.

"Oh my, a stallion that takes care of his mares? Such a gentlecolt~" Suture remarks in as sultry a voice as she can muster.

Aurelic goes the next mile, shoving his muzzle into Suture's snatch, firmly licking her insides with his long, forked tongue. He savors her taste, and the cute moans she lets out. Suture's left hind leg twitches from the sensations. Aurelic stops once he's satisfied with his work, pulling his muzzle out and receiving a whine from Suture.

"Why'd you stop?" Suture asks, making the cutest little puppy dog eyes she can. That is, until she feels Aurelic's hooves on her flank.

"Who said I was done?" Aurelic asks, taking the opportunity to let his perverted nature out on full display. He kneads Suture's flanks for a moment, mounting her.

Aurelic presses his tip against Suture's slit, poking and prodding her teasingly. Suture moves her hips back, forcing Aurelic's tip into her. Aurelic decides to press himself the rest of the way in, slowly submerging his rod into Suture's depths, savoring every second of it. The two of them moan in harmony, right up to when Aurelic stops pushing inside of Suture, the tip of his prick pressing against her cervix. Despite this, he still has a good inch outside of her. Aurelic begins pumping, a little slowly at first, going faster bit by bit as time goes on. With a grin, Aurelic leans forward to nibble on Suture's ear, eliciting another gasp from her.

"Nnnng, keep it up!" Suture moans out.

Aurelic didn't need the encouragement, as he's already going faster and faster. "Real balls, recede! New balls with fake jizz, take form!" Soon enough, he starts to cum inside of Suture, pushing into her all the way, hilting balls deep and penetrating her cervix. Suture clamps her hind legs around Aurelic's waist, a silent scream plastered on her face as her wings buzz violently, keeping her upright. Aurelic shoots his pent up load directly into Suture's quaking womb, her walls milking his cock for all it's worth. He rests on top of Suture, panting in sync with her. Suture squeezes her hind legs together, trying to keep as much of Aurelic's spunk inside of her as possible.

"Holy BUCK that was a lot!" Suture exclaims, drunk on all the lust.

Aurelic snickers. "I take it you're full?" He asks stupidly, sliding off of her back, opting to lie next to her.

Suture pulls him into a kiss, coiling her tongue around his and lewdly moaning. She breaks the kiss with a pop. "More than enough. I'll be full for the next three days with all of this! I wouldn't mind seeing you again, for another delicious meal.~" She winks, lying on the floor next to him.

"I need a moment to recover, but I think you can milk me a bit more.~" Aurelic says, cuddling up to Suture.

Suture looks at him in mild shock, before bringing him into another kiss. "Usually stallions only ever have a one night stand with me, and then they move on. You really are an odd one Aurey." She giggles, reciprocating his cuddling.

They proceeded to have more kinky bug sex that night, completely losing track of time. They fucked until they wore themselves out, unable to hold off sleep anymore.

Chapter 7: Dusty Old Books

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Forge strolls out of his bedroom, walking calmly down the halls of the castle while staff panic, with the guards being an exception. "I swear those guards must be zoned the fuck out or something. NOBODY should be able to remain stone-faced like that while being fully aware of their surroundings." When Forge exits the castle to go find the library, the rest of Canterlot isn't faring much better. When he looks up, he sees the thick blanket of black smoke.

"Oh... Meh, it'll be taken care of before sunset." Forge dismisses, only occasionally having to move out of a panicking pony's path. A few look at him in shock. It's... a zesty sort of smell for a changeling, although the additional overwhelming amount of fear is quite bitter. Forge meanders along, silently wondering about the old, definitely abandoned library. "And did nobody ever think to get a new librarian for that building? I mean, I know there are two in town, but come on. Hmm, come to think of it... If everything in there was left completely alone for years until Twilight returned... What would I even be able to find? Maybe what she was last researching before the Elements? Nah, she would've put all of that away before starting on something else. Unless she left her previous research notes in there or something."

Forge's train of thought is suddenly interrupted when he walks directly into a floating book. Another face impacts the book shortly after, as both ponies fall to the ground.

"Sorry! I kinda zoned out, you okay?" Forge starts to apologize, now looking up to see who he walked into. "Cream coat, red and purple mane... oh no. OH SHIT NO NOT NOW!" Forge looks at Moondancer with wide eyes, akin to a deer in the headlights.

"Watch where you're going." Moondancer practically spits, standing back up and adjusting her glasses.

Forge sits there, paralyzed. Moondancer gives him an odd look before going back on her way. "Crisis averted... I hope. It's WAY too early for that shit to go down." Forge thinks as he continues towards the old Twilibrary.


Forge jiggles the doorknob to the building, to discover it's actually locked. He shrugs it off, twisting as hard as he can with his magic, breaking the doorknob's locking mechanism. The door gives way easily, a few pieces of the doorknob jingling inside of it. The library is exactly the way Twilight seemed to have left it. A layer of dust covering every exposed surface. He recognizes the discarded, impaled teddy bear originally meant to be a present for Moondancer. "Dumb gift to give to a bookish adult mare. Then again, I hardly know her, so it might have been okay. Eh, whatever. Might as well see if I can get it fixed up or something."

Forge puts the plush into his bags, along with some of the loose stuffing. Forge notes the scattered books, checking each title. "Atomic Elements and their Uses, Mares in the Moonlight, Legends Myths & Prophecies; A Reference Guide, Constellations and the Horoscope; Connecting with your Inner Self, Magical Enchantment and Infusions, General Magic for Beginners, Moonmares and Sunstallions, The Omen of the Dark Horse. Who the hell writes this shit?"

Forge bags the books on enchanting, myths, atomic elements, and Mares in the Moonlight because it sounds like either romance or porn, maybe both. That done, he begins snooping around the rest of the building, looking at the various states the rooms were left in and looking for secrets. "After all, how else am I gonna find out what kinky shit she may or may not do in her spare time." Forge muses, taking a glance under the bed. Behind the dust bunnies, which look like actual rabbits, sat a gigantic, thick tome. The top right corner pages having suffered from water damage, and the pungent odor of lust assaults Forge's nostrils. "Yep, she fucks books. What the hell book horse."

Forge decides to stop snooping like a fucking creep, going back to the main library to glance over the rest of the books for anything remotely interesting. Once he grabs the book on dangerous flora and fauna, he exits the library to head back to the castle. When he gets outside, he notices the black smoke is dissipating. He smiles to himself. "Good job Fluttershy."


Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom

Queen Chrysalis sits on her throne, idly tapping a holed forehoof on the foreleg-rest. "How's our spying on that rogue going? Anything significant yet?" She asks into her own, slightly larger device.

"Nothing much my queen. All we know is that he isn't related to us, and according to Suture he's got a high libido. About the only thing of note is that he stays at the castle as a royal blacksmith."

Chrysalis sighs. "Keep spying, we're bound to find SOMETHING out. He has to have some kind of ulterior motive or dark secret somewhere."

"Yes my queen." The connection ceases, leaving Chrysalis with her thoughts.


Aurelic skims through Mares in the Moonlight, disappointed that he can't seem to find anything pornographic in it. He tosses the book aside, moving on to see what ponies know about the atomic elements so far. That's when Princess Sunnybuns pops in. Aurelic looks up from the book, gesturing for Celestia to enter.

"Hello Forge. I wanted to ask you something, if you wouldn't mind." Celestia asks, closing the door behind her.

"Of course Celestia, what is it?" Aurelic replies with a head tilt.

Celestia sits on the carpet, then teleports a piece of paper from somewhere, levitating it over to Aurelic. "I was wondering if you'd be alright with a weekly check in? I hope this little schedule works for you."

Aurelic looks over the schedule carefully. "Yep, I should be able to do that. And I see right now's one of those times?"

Celestia nods. "So, how have you been adjusting so far?"

"Well, so far it's been going well. I enjoy my work, and I read about things that interest me in my off time. And I went to a party in Ponyville a while ago, it was nice. Although... Now that I think of it, I have something I wanted to ask you." Aurelic explains, looking unsure of himself.

Celestia raises an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Aurelic steels himself. "Why help me like this? I mean, you could've just left me to my old living situation and not bothered at all. Yet you took me in, offered me employment, and a place to sleep. I can only imagine there must be other homeless ponies who would do anything to get what I have. I'm not complaining, mind you, it just seems a bit strange is all." Aurelic finishes, his emotions so mixed even he isn't sure what he's feeling.

"Turner Forge, are you suggesting that I have ulterior motives for aiding you in your time of need?" Celestia asks in a stern tone, completely stonefaced.

Aurelic senses her sheer willpower, and a twinge of mirth? Then Celestia's face contorts into a smile, then she laughs.

"Relax, I'm just playing. But your face was priceless." She giggles.

Aurelic laughs nervously. "Aheheh... Well, that still didn't answer my question."

Celestia gathers her composure. "Right. The reason I took you in was because of your anomalous appearance in my visions. And a few new ones came up, some with you around the castle like this. Put simply, I do what I must to keep things in check. Could you imagine some of Equestria's future threats appearing too soon?" She reasons, completely serious.

"That makes sense... Alright, thank you for answering my question. Was there anything else you needed?" Aurelic says, now completely calm.

"No, that is all. Farewell Forge." Celestia dismisses, promptly leaving.

Aurelic breathes a sigh of relief, going back to his books. "Trollestia is definitely canon."

Chapter 8: Yippie ki yay

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Aurelic is awoken suddenly when the train starts being knocked around by the buffalo. Reacting quickly, he turns into Forge just as the blanket flies off of his body. He glides through the air, smacking into the walls and other ponies during the attack. He'd forgotten just how violent the attack on the train to Appleoosa was. And that he shouldn't be wearing his saddlebags during the attack, considering its contents. "PAIN!" That was all he could think about as he was constantly crashing into various random ponies he'd been in the train car with. When they'd stopped being jostled around, Forge noticed that he landed muzzle first into some pegasus mare's chest fluff. He senses an extreme rise in anger, said mare bucking him in the chest, hard.

"It's not MY fault that happened! Blame the buffalo for knocking the train around!" Forge yells in response. Now he hurts even more.

The mare simply harrumphs, walking back to her seat. The rest of the onlookers not really sure what to think about what just happened. Suddenly, the roof begins thumping. Not long after, the mane six minus Rainbow scurry through the train car, heading for the back of the train.

"Oh, hey there Forge! Did you see the buffalo outside the window? Gotta go see what's going on! Bye!" Pinkie manages to yell out as she follows the rest of her friends to the next car.

Forge just sits back in his spot, waiting for the eventual arrival to Appleoosa. "Fucking stupid train attack. Fucking asshole buffalo..."

Soon enough, the disgruntled four return. Applejack looks to Forge as they pass by, motioning for him to follow. Forge stands, making his way to their train car. Twilight is hyperventilating from the sheer panic brought on by Spike's kidnapping, pupils shrunken as she mildly shakes.

"They! Took! Spike!" Twilight manages to sputter out as she struggles to breathe.

Forge looks at Twilight with concern, as do the others. Applejack places a hoof to Twilight's wither.

"And we'll get him back. If those buffalo try anything, they'll be twisted up worse than a pretzel in a rock tumbler."

"Um, where's Pinkie?" Fluttershy asks, noticing the lack of a pink on pink pony in their vicinity.

"She went after Rainbow. They'll be fine. I think..." Forge chimes in, eliciting mild shock.

"I'd ask how you know, but I think I know what you're gonna say." Applejack says, a small amount of distrust creeping its way into her tone.

"Gut feeling? Knowing Pinkie, she probably went after Rainbow if she's not here. I wasn't exactly expecting this crap today." Forge lies, fully poker-faced.

"Wait, you didn't have one of those... visions?" Rarity asks.

"No, I think those are for the big things. Like, apocalyptic things. This isn't exactly that kind of situation." Forge continues to lie.

"How are you so... okay with everything?" Fluttershy asks, while still trembling a bit.

"Oh believe me I'm panicking internally right now. If I wasn't trying to keep calm, I'd probably be huddled in a corner right now in the fetal position rocking back and forth while quietly whispering to myself." Forge states, prompting complete silence in the train car. "What?"

"For some reason, I think he's telling the truth about that." Applejack breaks the silence.

"And besides, my saddlebags do have a few things I brought with me. I'm a blacksmith, so what do you think I could have in here?" Forge rattles his bags a bit, metallic sounds clattering inside. "I always keep at least a few small things for self-defense should I need it. So I'll gladly help Applejack make good on her promise."


Once the train arrives at Appleoosa, Forge quickly separates from the understaffed mane six, heading out into the town to explore without having to deal with the literally pushy Braeburn. "Holy FUCK I'm hungry. Time to see how drunk ponies can get on salt. Hopefully enough for a quick meal... And not the sexy kind, jeez. That's borderline rape. No, general positive emotion. I hope they get happy drunk at least." Forge enters the Salt Flock saloon, pulling out a ten gallon hat that he packed with him. Apparently Pinkie was quite happy to let him borrow it for the trip when the arrangements were made.

One look at the waitresses, and he knew immediately how Pinkie got that outfit for her musical number that everyone hated. And considering the noises coming from the upstairs rooms, and the fact that a waitress and a patron just left one of them, things were looking worse by the second. "Did... did Pinkie really get that outfit HERE of all places! I mean, holy SHIT! She's too pure for this place!" Forge sits at a nearby table, thinking as he observes his surroundings further. "Guess I won't have to worry about drunk rape then. Apparently pony prostitution exists. Is that even legal here? I gotta look this shit up sometime."

An earthie waitress moves to his table, holding a clipboard in her mouth. She sets it on the table. "What'll you be having sugar? We have salt from the mines, whiskey, beer, rum, and if you think you can handle it, me.~" She emphasizes the last word with a sultry tone and face.

"I'm soooooo gonna regret this. Later." Forge smiles, taking a quick look at her flank. Her mark seems to be for crochet. "Guess that's why she works here. Poor mare ended up with a mark that can't work as a full career." "I think I'll start with the most... delectable item~"

The waitress giggles, turning around and looking behind at Forge. "Come on then, a room just opened up~"

Forge follows, filled to the brim with anticipation. "Time to put my changeling abilities to good use."

The waitress closes and locks the door once they're in the room. Hips swaying, she makes her way over to the bed, laying across it in the classic Paint Me pose. "Don't keep me waiting, sugar~"

Forge smirks, briskly walking to the side of the bed, hopping up on it. Incidentally, his sudden leap causes the mare to fall onto her back, the pose lost. Without any warning, he kisses her, his tongue going in deep. Once the initial shock wears off, the mare returns the kiss with fervor, the lust in her beginning to fill him quite substantially. Her forelegs wrap over his back, prompting him to press his tip to her entrance. The spike in pleasure he feels from her ignites a drive in him, the disguised changeling immediately going for a quick, firm slam into the mare. Giving her a moment to adjust to his sudden entry, he quickly begins to hump her relentlessly. Every thrust inside eliciting a cute squeak from her as their lips remain locked. Overall, his slightly rougher motions serve to draw more excitement and lust from the mare than their initial kiss.

Eventually, Forge breaks the kiss, staring deep into the mare's eyes. He could almost swear her pupils have a slight heart shape to them. It's not much longer before the mare orgasms, noticeably quicker than Suture had. Thinking fast, Forge pulls himself out of the mare, forcing his body to blow a load of fake semen all over her teats and belly. Unlike the end of his night with Suture, he somehow felt invigorated, rather than tired.

"Wh- well I'll be, you've got a lot of stamina for a stallion." The mare says, her breathing labored.

"Ah, I guess I do, miss..." Forge trails off.

"Oh my, I never introduced myself... Inseam." Inseam responds. "Usually customers don't ask. You're an odd one."

"Well met, Inseam. My name's Turner Forge, Forge for short." He says, amused that they'd just made introductions right after fucking.

"Mmhmm... By the way, that'll be seventy bits." Inseam informs him.

Without questioning it, Forge levitates seven ten bit coins from his bags, setting them on the nightstand.


Forge exits the saloon with a full stomach, and notices the four friendly friends of pony town all geared up and ready to head out. He catches up to them right as they finish their conversation, and the missing two members show up out of the fucking blue. He sort of just walks towards their direction, barely beginning to hear their argument.

"The land is theirs. You planted the trees not knowing that, honest mistake. Now you just gotta move em, that's all." One prismatic pegasus states pretty matter-of-factly.

Braeburn begins to talk, only for Applejack to interrupt. "They busted their rumps here, and now they're supposed to bust their rumps again just cause some buffalo won't stampede someplace else!?"

Before the argument continues, Forge forces himself between the two stubborn ponies, ready to add his own stubbornness to the mix. "Applejack, Rainbow, stop raising your voices. This isn't your decision to make, and it's not your fight. Suck it up, and pull your heads out of your asses. Your stubborn stupid arguing is literally giving me a fucking migraine."

The group stares at Forge, mouths agape. This doesn't last very long. "What did you just say!?" The VERY pissed Rainbow and Applejack yell in unison.

"You heard me the first time. Shut it, and let the buffalo and settler ponies talk without interrupting them with your pointless bickering." Forge stands firm, taking one of the largest risks he has so far throughout his stay in Equestria. His heart is thundering in his chest, emotions riding high in the heat of the moment. He's also feeling a little nauseous.

Twilight steps in. "Both the settler ponies and the buffalo have good reasons to use this land, there must be something we can do..."

"Hey! I have an idea!" Pinkie jumps in quite literally, plummeting to the ground like a heavy stone.


Pinkie's number comes to a close, the entirety of the audience remaining silent, except for Spike. The chieftain and sheriff nod to each-other silently. "It seems that Sheriff Silverstar and I have come to, an agreement." The chieftain states, the sheriff replying with a curt "We have."

The anticipation of their answer grips the audience, save for Forge. "That was the worst performance we've ever seen." The chieftain remarks, all of the positivity vanishing. To Forge, it was as if a flock of birds flew in and whisked away dozens of spirits all at once, the nausea setting in again. The leaders threaten each-other, the dour mood spreading further. Until Forge can't hold himself back, the negativity affecting him enough to throw off his better judgement.


Dead. Silence. Forge pants heavily, breath heaving after releasing all of that negative emotion. "...I think I'm gonna be sick." Forge gallops off towards town.


Having vomited up some kind of strange red goo into a garbage can, Aurelic re-disguises himself. "Ugh, so much anger..."

Forge makes his way from behind the saloon, noticing something strange. The settlers weren't boarding up their homes and businesses. "Ooooh fuck ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck. Did I change something? Please tell me I didn't fuck it up! Celestia's gonna kill me!"

Just as he'd began to panic, Rainbow spots him, signalling to the others that she found him. She lands right next to him. "What happened to you Forge, you just up and left after chewing out the sheriff and chieftain."

Forge sighs. "Well, I guess the nerves got to me. Had to run back here to find a place to... heave." He motions from his stomach up to his mouth.

"Oh... gross." Rainbow looks behind her, the rest of the group approaching quickly.

"Anyway... what happened after I left?" Forge asks.

"Whoo nelly, you're harder to track down than an out of season zapapple tree. You okay there Forge?" Applejack says between breaths.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. But I need to know what happened after I left, where's everybody else?" Forge asks, internally screaming behind his facade of calmness.

"After you ran off, the chieftain and sheriff had another talk. Little Strongheart and Braeburn managed to convince them to come to an actual decision. They decided to clear a path through the orchard, for the buffalo to stampede through. And in exchange, the buffalo are to given some apple based pastries and stuff as payment for the land. The trees are being moved right now, actually." Twilight explains.

Forge calms down, relieved that things were kept on course this time. "But that might not happen every time... I need to be more careful." "So, I guess that's that then huh? Good thing they worked out an agreement instead of fighting like that."

"Yeah, I mean, could you imagine how many perfectly good pies would've been wasted? Pies are for eating, not throwing! Unless it's a cream pie for a prank. Mmmm... cream pies..." Pinkie licks her lips.

Forge's ears splay back. "Oh my fucking god... I'd swear she's doing that on purpose. Then again, she had one of... those outfits..." He clears his throat. "Well if it's all the same to you, I'll be heading back home. I've got some work to catch up on. You know how it is." He begins to walk away.

"How are you going to get back? Our return tickets are for tomorrow." Twilight pipes up.

Forge sighs. "Well then, looks like I don't have a choice. How's about we go into the Salt Flock for some salt? First round's on me."

Chapter 9: Apples to Oranges

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Forge pulls his newest creation out of the water bucket, the blade having cooled off. The design is unlike anything seen before in Equestrian society. The grip is horizontal, hidden under a dome of metal just large enough for muzzles of large size to fit in. The blade's edges are horizontal when held, the edges flowing into a cross-guard made from two additional curved, smaller blades. The shaping of the blade cross-guard is curved outward, the tips pointed diagonally forward from the grip in a crescent moon like shape. Forge presents this new design to Solid Weld, who looks it over with a sharp eye.

"Hmm... This is... interesting, to say the least... I can see the guard is also meant to catch the blades of opposing swords, yes?" Solid asks, gently tracing the crescent with a hoof.

Forge nods excitedly. "Yep! And the dome makes sure that the caught blade won't be able to cut your muzzle either! Plus, the horizontal grip inside allows for you to wield it easier than a vertical grip would, and makes it more maneuverable than having the blade jut out to one side with no muzzle protection. I mean, it's almost like traditional sword designs weren't originally meant for ponies or something."

Solid continues his inspection, holding the sword by the grip and taking a few test swings. He sets it down afterwards. "This is a pretty well designed sword for ponies for sure. Congratulations Forge, I think you've just managed to create a significant change in the way our swords should be designed. Not many can say they've done that you know." Solid turns to Gina, bringing the new sword over to her. "Do you think you can modify your hilt designs to match this?"

Gina looks it over, picking it up and making her own inspections. "Blade could use some work, but the grip's alright. I can see the ideas behind it, shouldn't be hard to remake in a higher quality. I'll have a whole rack full for you by tomorrow night." She affirms, immediately setting to work.

"Excellent. We can have some of the guard training with these new weapons soon enough. " Solid walks back over to Forge, putting a hoof to his withers. "You did good kid. Keep churning out new weapon designs like this and you might lead the Royal Blacksmiths soon." Solid smiles, patting Forge a few times.

Forge beams, setting to work on making more of his creations.


Chrysalis paces around in the throne room, bored out of her mind. She flops onto the throne with an exasperated sigh. "Suture, how are your eggs coming along? You should have laid a clutch by now."

"Umm, your majesty. I think we might have a bit of an issue... Apparently, I haven't been fertilized." Suture relays back.


"I don't know what to tell you! The bastard must've shifted so he wouldn't ejaculate actual semen beforehoof! I even lied to him about not being able to lay without assistance and everything!" Suture relays, panic and worry clear in her voice.

Chrysalis puts a holed hoof to her muzzle, eyes closed. "Ugh, so much for that plan. We'll need to find another way to obtain new changelings with the same lust capabilities he has. In the meantime, ensure he doesn't reveal our plan too early. For the hive!"

"For the hive!" Thousands of echoed voices across the hive echo out in unison.


Aurelic sits in his room, having a rare audience with both Celestia and Luna.

"So do you think it would be alright if I revealed myself to them after I finish helping with the harvest?" Aurelic nervously asks, his wings twitching in anticipation of the answer.

Celestia simply nods. "I'm sure they'll understand if you explain yourself to them. I feel obligated to warn you about Twilight's..." She clears her throat. "Enthusiasm for learning."

Aurelic sighs in relief, unaware he was even holding his breath. "Good, no more lying..." "Aaaand here's the guilt. You know what? No. I'm not human anymore. I've been given a clean slate and new body. Where I initially came from doesn't matter."

"Is... everything alright Aurelic? Thou seem... troubled." Luna inquires.

Aurelic snaps out of his thoughts. "I'm fine. Come harvest, which shouldn't be too long from now, I can stop hiding who I am from them. I'm sure you'll get a letter all about it from Twilight on Tuesday."

Celestia gets up to take her leave. However, Luna remains seated. Celestia raises a brow. "Are you not going back to sleep yet then, sister?" Celestia inquires.

Luna looks up at her. "Do not worry, dear sister. We are just going to ask a few more questions before we leave."

Celestia nods. "Just don't stay up too long, you need your rest before you start raising the moon again."

With that, Celestia leaves. Luna looks back at Aurelic, very seriously. His ears flatten on instinct.

"Aurelic, we may not be back to full strength yet, but we know when somepony is keeping something from us. We've noticed your dreams have things other ponies' dreams all seem to lack. And your typical form sometimes is something we have only seen once before. Art thou from the other side of Starswirl's mirror portal?" Luna asks, firmness clear in her tone.

Aurelic tenses. "Ugh, I was hoping you wouldn't find out for a while longer... I'm not from the other side of the mirror at all, but I am from a world similar to it." He sighs. "But none of that's important. My past is irrelevant to who I am now. But yes, I used to be human. As such, my dreams contain an amalgam of locations from my old home world, and some new additions from my experiences here in Equestria so far."

Luna tilts her head inquisitively. "Doth thou have a family back in your home world? Would thou not want to return to them?"

"I have a family, yes. But I'm sure they're doing fine without me. They would have had to go on without me there anyway, since after I moved out I only ever really planned to visit them on holidays and birthdays. They're strong, I believe they'll get over my disappearance and carry on." Aurelic explains, affirming it with a nod. "Besides, even if there was a way I could go home, I don't think I'd ever want to. My short time here has been more fulfilling than the majority of my life back home."

Luna looks at the floor for a moment. "Very well then. We shall take our leave." She stands up as Aurelic does the same.

"I do have something I'm working on anyway, have a good rest Princess Luna." Aurelic says as Luna leaves. He turns to his work table, examining his sketching, research, and made components. "Soon, I'll finish building it..."


Forge makes his way towards Ponyville's main square, carrying a big empty burlap sack. He plops his ass down next to the fountain, watching the water carefully. Sure enough, there are tiny little ripples disturbing the usually calm surface. He looks to the horizon as the ripples grow stronger, the dust cloud approaching in the distance.

"STAMPEDE!" Rainbow yells out, effectively taking the place of a weather alert with her loud, urgent tone.

The bunnies have arrived. "Pet rabbits back on Earth are effectively the same as all rabbits here in Equestria, so this should be no problem." Forge thinks to himself, watching the bunnies begin their rampage throughout the town. "Operation Bunny Bag is a go." Forge walks around, systematically picking up bunnies telekinetically by the scruff, and turning them onto their backs before placing them in the burlap sack. Fluttershy takes notice of this, while a fuming Twilight stomps off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"Forge? What are you doing here? And why are you putting the bunnies in a bag like that?" Fluttershy asks, head tilted like a curious puppy with the ears to match.

"Too... Cute! FOCUS! Bunnies in the bag." "Well, I think you remember my immediate future visions, right?" Forge asks.

Fluttershy nods.

"Well, this is one of those times. I figured while I'm here, I might as well help with the bunny crisis. So yeah." Forge explains, continuing to place the bunnies in the bag.

"Oh... Well, I appreciate the help. I don't know how long it would've taken to round them all up otherwise. But, how did you know how to pick them up and calm them so fast?" Fluttershy continues to ask.

"Used to have a pet rabbit a while back. She definitely had a personality to her. Anyway, you should probably still look for the stragglers I almost definitely missed around here. You still know animals way better than I do, and where they'll be hiding." Forge finishes, making his way around the town to gather every bunny he sees. After about an hour, every bunny that got loose was relocated back around Fluttershy's cottage, and properly counted. That's when Rainbow Dash shows up.

"Hey Fluttershy, Twilight's finally convinced Applejack to let us help." Rainbow looks over to Forge. "Oh, hi Forge. Feeling up to helping around a farm today? AJ could really use the help." She hints not so subtly.

"Yeah, I'll help. That's actually why I came here today in the first place." Forge says, punctuating it with a nod.

Rainbow looks around worriedly. "Wait, is there gonna be a huge disaster at the farm!? Oh no! I gotta warn-" She's cut off by Forge tapping her on the wither.

"No, no huge disaster at the farm. If anything, the disasters have already happened. Though, those needed to happen for Applejack to finally accept she needs help. Anyway, I don't mind helping sort out the aftermath of all of this. Fluttershy and I will meet you there soon." Forge explains.

Rainbow nods, flying off. Meanwhile, Forge and Fluttershy begin the walk to the farm, discussing bunnies and other animals along the way.


Forge uses his magic to gather about one tree of apples at a time, glancing over to Twilight's massive group of multiple trees worth of apples. "And that's why she's the element of magic. Meanwhile, my magic's depleting pretty fast, even with the ambient friendship all around me right now."

Applejack wheels out the apple juice. "How about y'all take a little break? I've got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya." She says as she wheels the cart over to a nearby table, setting up all seven bottles. "Girls, and Forge, I can't thank you enough for this help. I was actin' a... bit stubborn..."

"A bit?" Twilight japes.

"Okay, a might stubborn. And I'm awful sorry. Now, I know the town gave me the prize pony award, but the real reward? Is having you six as my friends." Applejack apologizes.

"Good thing you realized how stubborn you were being, otherwise who knows what other disasters might've happened." Forge jokes, eliciting some giggling across the table. "But in all seriousness, there's something I need to tell all of you. It's been practically eating away at me for my entire stay in Ponyville, and Canterlot."

"Really? Why'd you wait so long to tell us then?" Twilight asks quizzically.

"Oooh, another secret? What is it?" Pinkie asks enthusiastically, bouncing in place with anticipation.

Meanwhile, Applejack just narrows her eyes at Forge.

"This is... a big one. Just, you have to promise me you won't freak out, okay?" Forge pleads. "Oh god I'm really about to do this." His pulse is racing so fast he's not sure if it's even healthy. Nerves are definitely there, taking all of his willpower to push through.

"How bad is it? I mean, no offense pal but... you're not exactly scary. Kind of the opposite, actually." Rainbow thinks out loud.

"And you helped me with the bunnies earlier today, so I know you're not a bad pony." Fluttershy affirms.

"Okay, here goes nothing." Aurelic drops his disguise, revealing his black, holed chitin, dull gold carapace, gold to green fin and tail, pale green glittered wings, glinting white fangs, and bright chartreuse insectoid eyes. Everyone present stares in complete shock. "R-remember what I said? No freaking out? It's still me, I just... look different is all..." Aurelic lies down, in an attempt to make himself look less threatening.

"What... are you?" Twilight asks, fear clear in her voice.

Fluttershy is practically as small as she can be, shaking with her wings covering her eyes while Rainbow stands between her and the changeling. Applejack just continues to judge Aurelic. Rarity has taken a few more steps back than the others, with Spike standing by her side, ready to defend her if he needs to.

"I'm a changeling. A shapeshifting insectoid equine species that feeds on positive emotions for sustenance. Even when it's cooked into things when they're 'made with love'. Unlike pretty much all of the rest, I only ever feed on ambient emotions in the air, never directly. My actual name is Aurelic, Turner Forge is just my created unicorn disguise. I can assure you, since day one it's always been me. The party, the castle, confronting Nightmare. I just hid my real form because I feared being rejected without having any chance for you to get to know me. I mean... you know how you reacted to Zecora at first. And she's just a zebra, nothing near as drastic a difference as a changeling is." Aurelic explains.

At this point, Fluttershy has an eye peeking from beneath a wing, trembling far less. Rainbow still keeps her guard up, and Applejack continues to stare him down. Skepticism hangs in the air like a thick blanket.

"I swear to all of you, I wouldn't hurt anyone. The princesses already know about this, they can vouch for me if you need that." Aurelic desperately tries to assure them.

Applejack just walks up to him, unfazed. "I knew there was somethin' you were hidin'. And I also know honesty when I hear it." She turns to address the others. "He's tellin' the truth. If he'd wanted to hurt anypony, don't you think he would've done it by now?" This calms everyone present, including Aurelic. She turns back to Aurelic. "Forge, I mean Aurelic. Thank you for finally openin' up about this. That must've taken some real guts to do." She offers a hoof.

Aurelic stands up, giving her a hoofshake. "Thank you, Applejack. I... know it might take getting used to, but I hope we can still be friends despite this. We cool?" He looks around.

"If AJ says you're alright, then yeah, we're cool." Rainbow says, the rest following suit with a nod.

"Why are your wings so sparkly? Did you spill glitter all over them?" Pinkie asks with her typical enthusiasm.

"No, they turn that way when a changeling makes genuine friends. I've got the royal blacksmiths back in Canterlot, and I think maybe you six. Though, I don't want to assume it's all hunky-dory, considering the smiths don't even know about this yet. I'll tell everyone soon, but not right now. I'm still feeling nervous as all heck right now, and I'd probably get sick if I tried revealing myself to the whole world right now." Aurelic says, sipping his juice.

"Now, I have even more questions. When we're done helping Applejack, would you please stop by the library?" Twilight asks, actually grinning at Aurelic now.

"As long as you don't put anything up my butt, sure." Aurelic jests.

"I- why would- what?" Twilight stammers in embarrassment, while everyone else laughs hysterically.

"Relax, I was just kidding. Mostly." Aurelic smiles. "I... actually feel happy. Genuine happiness. Haven't felt that in a long time. It's... nice."

Chapter 10: Gems are a Dog's Best Friend

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Aurelic sits alone in the abandoned Canterlot Twibrary, down in the basement level at the workbench. The dusty, dimly lit room isn't doing him any favors, despite his attempt to air it out by opening a window. An assortment of books and notes litters the workspace, as do various pieces of assorted metals. "I need some kind of conduit for the spells. And small pieces of metal alone won't cut it. I need something more capable... Wait, that's it!" Aurelic picks up two books, flipping them to the pages he needs. He sets them side by side, along with some additional notes. "Unicorn magic works because their horns focus their magic to a single point, and the energy still needs to be conductive, with the capability to let off heat..." He begins to draw a diagram, making notations on it. "This small piece of moonmetal, courtesy of Nightmare's armor, is chill to the touch. If I can use some of that as a heat sink... And metal isn't an option for the conductor since it would melt... I need a gem of some kind!" He sets the finished diagram down, hiding the materials in a locking box, and then hiding that in a secret compartment in the furniture. "Thanks for the sex toy hiding spots Two-eyed one horned not yet flying purple pussy beater." Aurelic thinks as he exits the Twibrary, heading back for the castle for a deserved rest.

A small wasp buzzes in through the open window, landing and shifting back into her usual appearance. Wasp looks at the mess of a room, glancing over the research. Then she spots the diagram on the table, looking at it with wide eyes. She immediately activates her device. "My Queen, this is something you need to see. He's making some kind of weapon, but it uses magical energy! It's like nothing we've ever seen!"

"This isn't good. Weaponizing magic with an external thing hasn't been done since... ever! Anypony could have access to unicorn magic, regardless of race if this gets out!"

"Shall I destroy this research?" Wasp asks, raising a hoof.

"No, doing that will only make him aware we know what he's planning on doing. Take a photo. Lipid's team should be able to easily copy the plans so we might make sense of them. And besides, those kinds of weapons won't even work in the hive thanks to my throne's special little enchantment. No, this would only be a problem during our invasion in the coming months. Leave everything as it is, and continue spying on him until further instruction." Chrysalis ceases the connection.

Wasp turns back into her namesake, leaving the building the way she came in.


Forge carries his mostly empty saddle bags as he heads towards the Ponyville gem caves. He spots a vacant minecart, levitating it behind him as he heads inside. Once he's deep enough, he drops his disguise, looking around the barren walls. His excellent night vision renders his need for light to see minimal, the glow from his active horn providing sufficient light.

"Crap, I don't have Rarity's spell for gem locating... I'll be looking for them blindly. Unless..." Aurelic quickly dons his disguise, exiting the cave quickly and heading back into town. He browses the market stalls, not really finding what he was looking for. That's when it hits him.

"Of course! Filthy Rich's shop! Don't remember the name... Fuck. Guess I need to snoop until I see him inside one maybe." Forge thinks as he snoops around carefully, right up until he sees a pet shop. With a newspaper rack near the door. "Fuck finding Filthy's shop, this is perfect for my needs."

Forge enters the shop, a bell ringing as the door opens and shuts. He quickly grabs a newspaper from the rack, looking through the small shop for the other supplies. "Tennis balls... check. And... dog whistle! Good, that's perfect. Ooh, bag of treats as well? Yep, gonna need those for sure." He makes his way to the checkout counter, setting his items down for the stallion manning the counter to see.

"Hmm, so you want a small net bag of tennis balls, a dog whistle, a copy of Equestria Daily, and a jumbo bag of treats? Okay, that'll be thirty-two bits." The cashier affirms.

"Alrighty then, here ya go." Forge puts the bits on the counter.

"So, you get a new puppy? What breed?" The cashier asks with some enthusiasm.

"Oh, no. These aren't for a puppy or anything." Forge says.

"Well, what are they for, if you don't mind me asking?" The stallion asks, now with an itching curiosity.

"Oh, I'm heading into the gem cave. These are... more like... insurance?" "Do ponies even have insurance? I don't remember any insurance jokes in the show..." Forge ponders.

"Oh, I see. I think I heard around the grapevine about some incident with dogs some ponies had a while back. I got it."

Forge takes another glance at the cashier. "There's something... familiar about him..." "Yeah. Anyway, have a nice day mister...?"

The stallion nods. "Puppy-Dog Tails."

"Oh my fucking god this is perfect. Snips, Snails, AND Puppy-Dog Tails all live in Ponyville." "Well, have a good day Puppy-Dog Tails."

"You too!" The small exchange seems to brighten his mood.

Forge bags his items, heading back to the cave. Once inside, he goes back to what he was doing. Hauling a minecart with magic while walking in the dark undisguised. It's not long before a small patrol of three diamond dogs finds him in the caves.

"What the, what is... what are you?" One of the dogs asks.

"Dim-witted dogs. Usually I like dogs, but not these abominations." "I'm a changeling. Or a bug pony if you prefer."

The dogs huddle together, whispering among themselves. One breaks the huddle, turning to Aurelic. "Okay bug pony, we will enslave you now."

"Pfft, like hell you are" Aurelic snarks, waiting for one of them to make a move.

One of the dogs rushes forwards, Aurelic quickly blows on his whistle, causing the dogs to flinch and cover their ears briefly.

"I don't think you fully understand what I am, or what I can do. I'm not some helpless pony that relies on wit. I can, and will assert myself if I have to." Aurelic warns, baring his fangs and licking them as a warning, complimented with a low growl.

Another one of the diamond dogs rushes at Aurelic, only to be met with a swift rolled up newspaper to the snout. This startles the dog, as well as the others.

"Back off." Aurelic warns.

The dogs run off, their weird tails between their legs.

Aurelic sets to searching for the gems. They tended to be fairly close to the surface, mostly. Shapeshifting an extra armature from his back, he forms thin, metallic spikes on it, until it resembles a rake of sorts. Slowly but surely, he taps it on the cave walls, feeling and listening for unusual resonance. This odd way of locating the gem pockets seems to work well enough, the rake arm digging the dirt away as he levitates the gems into the minecart.

But, even the best laid plans can fall through, as Aurelic is made aware of when a larger group of dogs, including the armored guards, shows up.

Aurelic sighs. "Welp, time for plan B."

Aurelic pulls the tennis balls out of his bag, flinging them in a scattershot-like manner around the cave. The dogs that had been moving towards Aurelic are now running around, knocking into each-other to try and catch the ricocheting tennis balls. Except for one of the dogs from before, presumably the alpha. In the chaos, the alpha notices something. The bug pony is gone, and some tall, weird looking creature is there now. The odd being rushes at the pack alpha, sprinting pretty fast for being on two legs. Before the alpha has a chance to register what's about to happen, the being uses its weird flexing claws to grab him by the scruff and pin him to the ground. The alpha's instincts kick in as he struggles to break free of this biped's grip, to no avail.

"Yield." The biped says in a commanding, stern tone.

"I... yield..." The alpha dog sighs, accepting defeat.

The biped smirks, placing a dog treat on the now beta's nose. "Good boy. Now, I'll be leaving."

The biped reverts back into Aurelic, who promptly heads for the cave's exit, grabbing the minecart. To further keep the dogs from following him, he opens and tosses the bag of treats out, letting them scatter along the ground.

Chapter 11: Observations and Reflection

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Aurelic sits at his Twibrary workbench, using a book to cast different enchantments on the gems he procured a few days before. He places and tests the gems inside of the ornate tube, one by one. A few seem to spark, though they don't do much more than that. As he removes and continues to modify enchantments, a gem bursts like an M80 from the stress of a particular combination of enchantments. The shards bounce off of the welding mask he'd... borrowed, for his little project.

"Ugh, fucking damnit! Why can't I get this right!?" He yells with exasperation, tossing an enchantment book to the ground in a miniature rage. "Breathe, Aurelic. Don't let this get to you. I mean, it's not like I'm trying to bring something that would normally be impossible to exist into a world simply because 'magic' exists. Hell, magic isn't able to stimulate hair growth. HAIR GROWTH. What the hell is up with that anyway? Teleportation, telekinesis, shielding, bursts of attacks, even transmutation! But hair growth? Nope, because plot. This is some stupid bullshit soft magic system that does whatever the hell it wants, not a thought out hard magic system at all... Or, maybe it's just so complex that it looks like bullshit? Not to mention, new spells and such can still be discovered or finished... Bah, more testing needs to be done. Maybe I should get bookhorse in on this?" He paces in thought, pausing briefly. "Maybe just indirectly, who knows what she'd do if she knew what I was trying to accomplish... I may also just be using insufficiently weak gems too, maybe I need something from the Crystal Empire? It'll be a while before it returns though, at least a year... Maybe something in the Dragon Lands? Any natural gems or crystals there would probably be able to resist the heat better, despite the moon metal heat sink... Dragon lands would be sooner, since I would have to follow the gigantic group of them when it's time. Incidentally, I'll need to design a dragon character to become for that... Later. I need sleep."

Aurelic puts everything away, securing it all safely before heading home for the night.


Celestia wanders through her celestial plane, the screens still showing static for the most part. She contemplates on this, though some things in the almost immediate future are becoming clearer by the day. She decides to view the past instead for now, turning around and looking over everything of importance that's happened so far. Namely, in regards to the anomalous changeling that appeared out of the blue one day. "So, he's finally been accepted by Twilight and her friends for who he is. That's good. Soon, maybe he could be accepted by the rest of Equestria. And maybe once everypony's accepted him, he can learn to accept himself." She sighs, exiting the plane to take her leave for the night. "Aurelic, you may not think you're anything special, but you may be more instrumental in Equestria's future than you realize..."


Forge arrives at the generic Ponyville schoolhouse after a long day of work, taking note of the actual size of the stage. "Not as big as it looked in the show. This can only end poorly." He's taken out of his thoughts when Applejack waves from her seat right next to him.

"Thank ya for comin' out to the talent show." She says with a smile.

"Genuine positive emotions. Did I really become this jaded with the world back when I was human?" Forge briefly ponders. "Well, you know what they say. The more, the merrier." Forge replies, turning his attention back to the stage. Strangely, he doesn't sense any other changelings in the audience. "Must be a Canterlot only issue then..."

"Somethin' on your mind?" Applejack asks.

"Pretty much all the time, but right now it's nothing important." Forge says as he stares indirectly at the curtains.

"Well uh, between you and me, I'm a bit scared of what Apple Bloom and her friends are doin' for the show. But, at least they're tryin', right?" Applejack confides nervously.

"Well, I guess the most important thing is effort. After all, nothing is impossible to those who try." Forge says, quoting an old motivational poster he used to have.

"Darn tootin'. How'd you get that nugget of wisdom?" Applejack asks.

"I've heard a lot of little motivational quotes like that my whole life." Forge answers with a smile, before looking back to the stage again. "Although, sometimes I wish I'd followed them when I needed to..."

Then, the first act begins, the S&S magic act. "Of course Snails ate the fucking carrots." Forge thinks to himself with a smile. Surprisingly, there aren't a lot of acts before the final act by the Cutie Mark Crusaders comes on. "It's like watching a train wreck. You know it's terrible, but you can't look away from the mesmerizing chaos..."

And it all comes crashing down at the very end, perfectly timed. Not even a cricket chirp for a few seconds before the audience is able to fully process what just happened, before erupting into laughter. "Yep, that's definitely the mocking kind of laughter... Tough crowd." Forge thinks as the trio run off the stage. "At least Cheerilee will cheer them up... oh my fucking god that's perfect. I'll have to use that sometime if a specific circumstance where it fits ever comes up. And Snips and Snails get best magic act by default. Although, I think it still would've won even with another magic act in the show. Poor Twist though, she was the only one that tried to do a comedy act. Even if it was a bit... dull. She didn't even do the airline food joke, that makes no sense here..." He mentally deadpans at his own failure in logic.

Meanwhile, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all left the audience already, which is starting to disperse anyway. Forge shrugs, getting up and heading to the backstage area. He walks over to where Twilight is as the trio departs with their siblings, and in Scootaloo's case, mentor hero figure.

"Hey, Twilight. May I talk to you for a moment?" Forge asks hopefully.

"Uh, sure? What about?" Twilight asks with a quizzical head tilt.

"Well, I know you've been studying magic for like, pretty much your whole life. I was wondering if you knew about a gem or crystal type capable of holding multiple fairly strong enchantments at once?" Forge inquires.

"I'm not too familiar with enchantments on items yet... just the basics. Maybe you should find and ask a geologist for that sort of thing?" Twilight responds.

"Oh... okay then. And another thing, last thing actually. Would you mind showing me where the poison joke is? I want to collect some of it for a small project of mine." Forge asks again.

Twilight looks hesitant. "Erm... what kind of project exactly? I don't really want to go anywhere near that stuff since the last time it made my horn all..."

"Flaccid?" Forge remarks with a chuckle.

Twilight blushes from embarrassment. "Yeah, something like that. Maybe sometime later, okay?"

"Okay, just let me know when." Forge says, somewhat disappointed he won't get either thing he wanted to.

"Although, I do still want to study your... kind, sometime. Are you free to stop by the library for some research tonight?" Twilight asks, in her own hopeful, slightly manic scientific way.

"Eh, I don't see why not. But I don't fully understand everything about changelings either, so it'll be a learning experience for both of us." Forge says as he follows Twilight off of school property.


Forge steps down into the basement makeshift lab area within the treebrary, shifting back to Aurelic as Twilight locks the door behind them.

"There, now you'll have time to re-disguise yourself if anypony visits." Twilight says with a satisfied nod.

"Cool. So uh, what now?" Aurelic asks as he looks around the room.

"Just take a seat over there, I'll get the equipment." Twilight instructs as she wheels out the big machine she had Pinkie hooked up to.

The suction cups and helmet feel completely harmless, even after Twilight turns the machine on. She immediately starts scribbling notes down frantically, glancing between her notes and the machine at a rapid pace. Aurelic remains completely quiet as Twilight works, aware that doing so could throw readings off. "Sort of like using a blood pressure cuff or something." He thinks as he sits still.

"Okay, I need you to switch into Forge now." Twilight instructs.

Aurelic does so wordlessly, the machine readouts fluctuating for a brief moment during the change. Twilight continues taking her notes, before levitating two small cups over to Forge.

"Spit in this, then change back and spit in the other one." She directs.

Forge spits into the cup, changes back, and spits into the other one. Twilight labels which sample corresponds to which form, before setting the cups to the side. Then, she turns the machine off.

"All done! I can't wait to analyze all of this data!" Twilight finishes with a squee, giddy as a kid in a candy store with fifty dollars to spend.

Aurelic smiles with a chuckle. "Glad you've got what you want. I remember how much I loved studying science. But then I took up a career in welding and metalwork, before moving on to smithing for a living. Amazing how things can change for species without cutie marks, eh?"

Twilight mulls over Aurelic's words. "So, how old are you exactly? The way you talk about things from your past makes it seem like it's been a long time."

"I'm actually twenty, soon to be twenty-one late summer. Why?" Aurelic asks.

Twilight gives him an odd look. "Huh, younger than I thought. I'm almost nineteen, my birthday's in spring. You need to word things a bit more clearly, Aurelic. You made it sound like you were middle-aged the way you talk about things."

He laughs with a head shake. "Eh, maybe I've just got that kind of mindset. So, testing's done?"

"For now, but I'll send for you when I make enough headway in the research. Or if I get stuck, since I hear fresh perspectives can help sometimes." Twilight says, walking over to the basement door. "You might want to change back."

Aurelic salutes, turning into Forge and following Twilight up to the front door. "See you soon Twilight."

"You too Forge." Twilight says, shutting the door.

Forge heads for the train station with a bit of a spring in his step. "Who knew socializing felt so nice? Then again, humans suck, ponies don't."

A particular wasp follows Forge from the treebrary to the train station. She makes her way to a nearby building for cover, turning on her device. "My Queen, it may seem that our little anomaly has been befriending more ponies as of late."

"I wonder what he's planning... changelings never just form friendships for the sake of it... continue watching him." Chrysalis orders, ceasing the connection.

"As you wish, my queen..." Wasp thinks to herself, pondering the emotions Forge seems to have as he moves to the train station. "He is strange indeed, but... he's... happy? Probably about his plans working, changelings can't normally be happy..."


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Forge opens a scroll from Ponyville that popped up right in front of him. "Spike mail. I'll ask how it sent to me later." He opens it, going over the message. "So this is when Applejack decides not to come home after failing at the rodeo... greeeaaaat." He prepares to teleport his way to Ponyville. Strangely enough, it hasn't been as taxing as it used to be. "Must be Friendshipā„¢ giving me a boost. I've also been less and less hungry as of late... Cool."

Forge arrives at the train station, where the group of five is waiting to depart to find Applejack. "Teleporting to skip a train ride, to go on a train ride..."

"That was fast." Twilight remarks as Forge pays for a ticket.

"Got the idea from you actually. But that's not important, we need to find the element of not quite honesty right now." Forge says as they board the train. "By the way, how did you have Spike send that scroll to me? I thought it was a Celestia only thing."

Twilight sits down, as do the rest. "Well... remember the testing? I sort of got a lock on your magical signature. So I knew how to get Spike to send to you instead of Princess Celestia. I had to send him back to the library while I'm away." Twilight explains.

"So, what kind of experimenting did you two do, huuuh?" Rainbow asks with an eyebrow wiggle.

Twilight looks away, embarrassed at what Rainbow was implying.

"Nothing like that, pervert." Forge smirks.

Rainbow narrows her eyes. "What did you think I was talking about, pervert?"

"How the turntables. Well played." "Don't get me wrong, I certainly wouldn't... mind, that. But I sort of have my eyes set elsewhere for right now. Nobody in Ponyville or on the train, or wherever Applejack is." Forge replies.

"Who is it?" Rainbow presses.

"Anypony we know?" Rarity chimes in.

"... No comment." Forge says, regretting even talking about it.

Pinkie squees. "Come on, tell us! Or tell me. I Pinkie Promiseā„¢ I won't tell!"

"Girls, you're making him uncomfortable..." Fluttershy says in an attempt to help Forge.

Forge seems to sink further into the train seat. "I... maybe, but you can't tell anyone else about it. Got it? I'll even tell Applejack later, but none of you breathe a word about this to anyone." The group nods. Forge sighs. "Okay. I kind of have this thing for... Luna..."

They all look puzzled by that. "Not what I was expecting... Care to say why?" Rarity asks.

Forge steels himself. "Well, I know you've seen her right after you friendship lasered her, but you haven't seen what she's like now. Her mane is pretty much the night sky now, twinkling little stars and all. She's also a bit taller, coat's gone shades darker, and... Well, frankly she's gorgeous. She and Celestia were the first to know about the uh... bug, thing. And so I was kind of her first contact aside from Celestia, and her test subject while she regained her dream walking ability. And... she's got a nice flank..."

"So, you like her moon huh?" Rainbow smirks.

Forge deadpans. "Remember what I said about not talking about it?"

"Actually, you said not to tell anypony else, not that we couldn't talk about it." Twilight informs, just realizing she wasn't helping.

"But from what I gather, you also like Twilight, right?" Rarity asks.

"Well, I mean, yeah... But at the same time, it's... complicated. I'm just gonna say there are others that I find attractive, not just physically, but personality wise too. You know who might be my current goal, but things could change over time. And now, I'm going to nap until the train gets back to Canterlot..." Forge facehooves. "Damnit, I could've just met up with you at the rodeo site instead of going on the train back to where I literally just came from."

"But then we wouldn't have learned that you have the hots for Luna and Twilight." Rainbow smugs smugly.

"Can it." Forge says, promptly leaning to the side and trying to nap.


Forge sits at a table, where the others have given up on trying to find someone who recognizes Applejack at the rodeo. That is, until a particular pony points them in the right direction.

They get on another train, heading out to Dodge Junction. "Fitting name, since she's dodging her problems..." During the train ride, Forge finally learns that gem detection spell Rarity taught to Twilight before. "Another tool for the belt, so to speak..." Once the train finally gets to Dodge Junction, Pinkie leaps out in a hurry, banging rapidly on the stall. "Three, two, one." Applejack exits the stall, unaware that she just saw Pinkie for a moment before trying to slink away. Her slinking fails, as the rest of the group converges on her, besides the bowel troubled Pinkie.

"Uh, hey everypony... What's up?" Applejack asks.

"The direction in opposition to the gravitational pull of the planet we're walking on." Forge says as monotone as possible, for effect.

Applejack just rolls her eyes.

"Why didn't you come back to Ponyville!?" Rainbow half-yells in disbelief.

"Yes, why here?" Rarity gestures to the practically a wasteland that is Dodge Junction.

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asks, concern plain as day on her face.

"You have any snacks?" Pinkie asks, because of course she's focused on snacks right now.

"Tell us what happened Applejack!" Twilight presses.

"Applejack, are these some of your Ponyville friends?" Asks a new voice.

"Cherry Jubilee..." Forge remembers.

"Yes ma'am." Twilight confirms.

"And you are...?" Rarity inquires, confounded.

"Why, I'm Cherry Jubilee, boss of Cherrio Ranch. Hasn't Applejack told ya? I saw her compete at the Equestria Rodeo..."

Forge tunes out the conversation, instead looking at what he could of the town from where he was. "No other changelings around, good. No real danger here, aside from maybe heat stroke. This place reminds me a lot of the desert regions of California and Arizona. I wonder where cherry farms are back in the states, maybe this place is close-by to their equivalents? Maybe there's some big chunks of quartz in the ground out here, maybe those could help with my main pet project..." He casts the gem finding spell, quickly finding and unearthing some of the aforementioned quartz chunks.

"I told her I was snacky!" Pinkie yells in exasperation.

Rarity looks at Forge quizzically. "Why do you have all that quartz darling?"

"Experiments I'm doing. Like, little side projects. Apparently quartz is used for watches due to putting high pressure on it producing an electrical charge. It's also pretty abundant in desert regions like this. Could be useful for my stuff." Forge elaborates.

"Is that why you wanted to know the spell?" Rarity asks.

"Kind of, it's partially why. But I've got more uses planned soon, for other locations I plan on visiting sometime. You never know, right?" Forge finishes.

"Come on, if we're going to get the truth from Applejack, we need to spend more time around her." Twilight states.

"How are we going to do that?" Fluttershy asks.

"By working for Cherry Jubilee. Applejack can't escape us then, her integrity won't let her just quit when we join." Twilight explains. "Now, we've got some cherries to pick, or whatever we'll be doing."


"Come on in girls!" Cherry calls out.

"I have a dick and balls!" Forge corrects as the group walks in.

"Not for much longer if you keep that up mister." Cherry chortles.

"What are you all doin' here?" Applejack half asks, half sneers.

"We're your cherry sorters." Twilight informs. "Shall we get started?"

"Fine." Applejack huffs.

"Red cherries go in one bin, and yellow cherries go in the other. Have fun!" Cherry Jubilee says with gusto as she leaves.

"No, I thought the red cherries went in the yellow colored bin..." Forge remarks sarcastically, moving the yellow bin to the end of the conveyor belt.

"What are you doing?" Fluttershy asks.

"Working smarter, not harder. Just focus on pushing the red cherries into the red bin only, the yellows will all collect in this bin when they reach the end of the conveyor belt. Badabing badaboom, nothing will hit the ground if it's missed." Forge says, tapping his forehead.

Twilight starts grilling Applejack about Canterlot, while Forge does his best to catch any reds that might have gone unsorted. As more ponies leave the conveyor, and applejack starts moving faster, things start getting difficult. Eventually, it starts becoming too chaotic, so Forge does the only thing he can think of. Move the red bin at the end of the belt next to the yellow bin, and divide the cherries as they come using his magic. But it's not enough, as Applejack goes into a full on sprint. And then, splat. A tidal wave of cherries crashes onto Applejack, and the stone wheel. Completely covered in liquefied cherry, Applejack storms out of the room, fuming.

The group cleans up the cherry mess, except for Applejack, who'd caused the mess in the first place.

"It's time to bring out the big guns." Rainbow says, a bit happier than she should be.

"Cruel and unusual punishment by prolonged Pinkie Pie exposure. I'm already remembering the cherry-changa part. Come to think of it... That's another thing Pinkie's got in common with Deadpool. Hell, he referenced HER in Deadpool 2..." Forge ponders as he cleans.


Forge walk across the hallway with the group as they head to Applejack's room. "It's abandoned. Of course. Promise broken, demonic screeching mode engaged."

Pinkie leads the charge, literally steaming with rage as they close the distance on Applejack. Applejack flees, ditching the train station for a carriage. Twilight spots the small cart, setting up Rainbow and Fluttershy to run. Now they're in hot pursuit. That is, until Forge realizes what's about to happen. As soon as the retarded bunny comes into view, he uses his magic to temporarily repel the cart from the ground. Rainbow and Fluttershy glide the cart back to the ground, keeping the pace going. Rainbow bashes the cart into the side of the carriage.

"PULL OVER!" She yells over the galloping hoofsteps.

"Cut that out!" Applejack yells, only to be thrown into the air briefly from the next collision. "I'll pay you double to outrun them!"

"We'll pay you triple to slow down!" Twilight counters.

"I'll pay you quadruple to leave them in the dust!" Applejack re-counters.

It's no good, as Pinkie hops onto Applejack's cart to demand her apology. Forge notices Pinkie hopping backwards towards Rarity. "Not this time." Forge thinks as he catches Pinkie in his magic, setting her back in the cart safely.

Applejack has the carriage speed up even more, heading right in the path of an oncoming train. She barely makes it past, while Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Forge all fly the cart over the train. Forge quickly uncouples Rainbow once they land, allowing her to stop Applejack from escaping. The tackle sends the medals in Applejack's bag flying out everywhere.

Applejack winces. "Fine, now ya know."

"Know what?" Twilight asks.

"Well, just look!" Applejack points to the numerous, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place medals.

"I am, you won an amazing number of ribbons. Just like miss Jubilee said!" Twilight says, holding a foreleg to the sky.

"Don't ya get it? There's every color of ribbon down there. Every color, but... blue." Applejack slumps. "I came in fourth, third, even second, but I didn't win one first prize. And I certainly didn't win any prize money..."

"But, the telegram said you were gonna send money." Rainbow says, baffled.

"That's why I came here, to earn some money. After that big ol' sendoff Ponyville gave me, I just didn't have the nerve to come home empty hoofed. I couldn't come home a failure..." Applejack admits, head hanging low.

"Applejack, you're not a failure!" Twilight says enthusiastically.

"And we're your friends! We don't care if you came in fiftieth place!" Rainbow says with a wink. "You're still number one in our books."

"So quit with the long face, no amount of prize money's worth this much trouble. Heck, Pinkie nearly got herself and Rarity injured. Do you know what falling on the ground while moving at that high a velocity would do? Nothing good, that's for sure." Forge affirms.

"So... you're not upset or, disappointed?" Applejack asks hopefully. The whole group shakes their heads. "But, what about the mayor? I don't think I can face her and tell her I didn't get that money to fix the broken roof..."

"Applejack, we can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof. But if you don't come back, we'll never be able to fix the hole in our hearts." Fluttershy reassures.

Forge cringes, hard. "So. Fucking. Cheesy! BLEGH!"

"Aw darn it, now you've got me acting all sappy!" Rainbow yells in frustration.

"Eh, I'm sure you'll only have to spend a day in the mayor's sex dungeon." Forge quips. The others all either glare at him, or are mildly shocked he'd even suggest that. He chuckles. "I was just kidding, jeez. I'm not THAT much of a degenerate."

"Heh, says the flank chaser!" Rainbow retorts.

Everyone breaks into laughter after that. "Another adventure completed. Heh, I'm getting better at this kind of thing."

Chapter 13: Everfree Escapades

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After a few hours, Aurelic finishes dividing and shaping the quartz into usable pieces, placing the enchantments and testing them inside the tube. The first few don't work, and one even cracks, leaking out the enchantments. But one final, glorious little sample is placed into the tube. Then, Aurelic tests it. Suddenly, a brilliant lavender beam expands from the center of the tube, appearing to stop a good thirty-two inches out. Aurelic's eyes widen in disbelief.

"It... it works... YEAHAHAAAA!" He proceeds to prance around the newly brought into existence lightsaber briefly, looking at it closer. "Purple... Or more lavender? Like... the element of magic? Huh, go figure." He thinks aloud, picking up the cracked crystal and tossing it in the air, bringing the blade to meet the defective crystal. What little bits managed to not be completely enveloped by the blade are left with a singed, clean cut. "Excellent, the heat barrier works like it needs to. Object passes through the one way heat barrier, and on the inside, the plasma completely disintegrates everything within its field. Keeps the heat in so everything in close range doesn't spontaneously combust. Like harnessing a fraction of the sun's power. And even better, without the material for the heat sink, nobody else can replicate it!" He turns the blade off, stashing the saber inside of a hind leg via shapeshifting. "When Sombra returns, he'll be in for a surprise. Light beats shadow, after all..." Aurelic muses, turning back into Forge and heading out of the old twibrary.


Forge wanders through the Everfree, searching for the poison joke he needs for another side project of his. Joke bombs, a non-lethal way of incapacitating an enemy. I need the pollen, and a way to speed up the reaction. I wonder if Zecora would be interested in helping me with that... Forge thinks as he walks.

A low growling sound snaps him out of thought. It doesn't take long for the timberwolves to reveal themselves. Forge shifts the lightsaber hilt from his leg, igniting the blade. The first wolf lunges forward, only to be met with a wildly swinging plasma beam, the diced remains falling to the ground. "Small, burned bits can't reform like a normal impact that only scatters the pieces... Getting some Transformers Prime Terrorcon vibes here."

The wolves growl, waiting for their fallen comrade to reform. They remain in a standoff there for a good five minutes, until they realize their friend isn't coming back. Forge takes a step toward the wolf in front of him, blade threateningly close to it. The wolves run off, tails between their legs as they flee. Forge switches the saber off, putting it back in his leg.

Eventually, he finds a patch of poison joke, carefully collecting a flower with soil, putting it in a large jar retrieved from his bags. He takes a few more petals from other flowers, putting them in a separate jar, and finally collects some pollen for a final, smaller jar. Using magic to gather these without physical contact is definitely a far safer method of collection.

Forge winces at the sound of a cockatrice cry. He quickly shuts his eyes, shifting the necessary bits of a bat for echolocation. His mind perceives his surroundings as if it was a near-sighted black and white experience. He readies his saber again, the hum of the blade allowing it to be seen via the distortion it causes. That's when the cockatrice makes itself known, staring at Forge in an attempt to turn him to stone. Forge doesn't tolerate any of it, bringing his blade down on the Grogar-spawn mercilessly. Once he's sure it's dealt with, he opens his eyes, turning back to a normal form of Forge.

"What's with all these monsters today?" Forge wonders aloud, only to be met with silence. Satisfied with his findings, he backtracks his way through the forest, collecting the timberwolf remains in another jar on his way out.


As Forge walks through Canterlot, he notices Featherweight flitting around. "Aw fuck. Gabby Gums time. I'd better hide out in the sculpture garden, he can't find me doing anything embarrassing there." Forge thinks as he teleports to the twibrary, stashes his things, and teleports out to the sculpture garden. He walks around nonchalantly, taking his time to admire the statues and read the plaques. And then, he finds Discord. Forge looks at his stoned form, realizing just how huge Discord in in comparison to a pony. He shakes his head, deciding to move on in his little self-tour of the gardens. Eventually, he sits at a bench, relaxing and admiring the serene quiet of the area. "This is nice. All quiet, peaceful, and relaxing... Enjoy the little things, just like Columbus says."

Forge's ear twitches in the direction of a faint munching sound. He decides to use his illusion magic to become invisible and mute, walking in the direction of the noise. When he pokes his head through the hedge in his path, he sees just how much of a slob Celestia can be when eating her cake. And it's... bizarrely sexual. Judging by the smell Aurelic's changeling senses pick up.

"Celestia, you are one kinky horse..." Aurelic muses. And then, a camera flash startles Celestia, as Featherweight makes his escape. "Damn, Agent 47 would be proud. Then again, castle guards are incompetent as all hell." Aurelic slinks out, heading back up to his room while still using his illusion magic to hide.


A few days have passed, and the gossip columns continue. Aurelic peruses the stalls of newspapers, remaining completely hidden as he checks for anything about himself. "Nothing, good. As long as I keep disguising myself as Forge when I work, and vanishing in my time off, I can keep avoiding all of this. If ponies found out what I really was too soon... shit would hit the fan almost immediately. Despite my connections with the royal sisters and elements of harmony, it'll still be a fucking slog and a half thanks to pony speceism. I'm going to need to wait just a little bit longer for that, though I'm not sure if it would be better or worse to wait until after the wedding invasion. On one hoof, I could roam freely without fear of discovery. On the other, changelings in Canterlot could take advantage of my situation and screw me over that way... But then after the wedding invasion all changelings would be seen as untrustworthy... Ugh, this is bullshit. Unless... Maybe waiting until after would be a better course of action. It kinda worked out for Thorax." Aurelic decides, looking over the papers one last time. He notices a pony carting more papers out to be stocked. Specifically, stocking the apology and retirement of Gabby Gums. "Oh... Well okay then. To Zecora's hut!"


After what seems like forever, Forge finds Zecora's hut, knocking at her front door.

Zecora answers the door. "Oh, a new visitor in the Everfree? Come on inside, and speak your inquiry."

Forge walks in. "Hey Zecora, I was wondering if you knew about something that would speed up the effects of a brew?"

Zecora walks back over to her current brew, stirring the cauldron. "Why would you want something so specific, I hope your intent is to make something prolific?"

"If you mean the plant definition, yeah. You see, I want to be able to make the effects near instant, since otherwise it wouldn't be nearly as useful." Forge says carefully.

Zecora narrows her eyes. "What exactly is this concoction for? Is it meant for purposes of war?"

"No, just a novelty type thing. Er... poison joke poppers. I mean, the cure's widely known about by now, so it's not that bad for a prank item, right?" Forge says, anxiety already starting to get to him.

Zecora thinks for a moment. "If what you say is true, then I'll see what I can do. Zapapple trees tend to grow at great speeds, perhaps the answer you seek lies in their seeds?"

Relieved, Forge heads for the door. "Thank you Zecora, guess I need to wait for Zapapple season and ask Applejack about getting me some seeds. I think that's coming up soon... Anyway, see you around!"

Chapter 14: Of Apples and Tickets

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In the form of a phoenix, with his saddlebags in tow, Aurelic zips around in the part of the Everfree near Sweet Apple Acres, looking for any stage of the first patch of zapapple trees. "Granny Smith couldn't have gone that far out to find them." Phoenix Aurelic surmises as he speeds through the forest. Soon, the sky grows darker, and lightning strikes. Aurelic flies to the site of the strike, right to the zapapple trees. Unfortunately for him, they've only gone into the stage where the grey apples form. "Fucking... you know what? I can wait here. All god damn night if I have to." Aurelic perches on top of a tree, reverting to his usual self and putting his bags back on. He retrieves his lightsaber from a bag, and putting it back into the usual cavity he shifts into his body for it. "Anything tries to get me, I'll fucking end em all! And once I get the seeds, I can analyze their magic, and chemical makeup to see what the active ingredient is. And as a bonus, I'll also get to try zapapples!" Aurelic muses, waiting. And waiting. And waiting... And waiting some more. Eventually, he begins to use his illusions to entertain himself, from simple small geometric shapes morphing and moving in front of him, to memories of old videos and movies from before his arrival in magic rainbow happy tramp-stamp talking horse land.

Eventually, a manticore wanders through, not paying any mind to Aurelic, to his relief. "Good thing I'm not a pony... That would look like fresh meat to a manticore. But bugs? Guess they're not on the menu for this one..."

Hours pass, until finally, the clouds roll in one last time. Aurelic quickly hops off of the tree, waiting for the zapapples to ripen. Brilliant rainbow beams shoot from each apple to the next, forming the coloration, and shaping the apples into a square-ish shape. As Aurelic begins magically picking the zapapples and stuffs them into his bags, company arrives. A full pack of timberwolves growl at him, emerging from the shadows one by one. Aurelic stares them down right back, despite being surrounded. A thought occurs to him. Quickly, he turns into a larger looking timberwolf. The growls become clearer, forming rudimentary words.

"Our food. You leave, or we kill." What Aurelic assumes is the pack leader growls.

"Only taking some. I no come back after. Leave alone, or I kill you." Aurelic responds, ready to shift back and use his saber again if he needs to.

"No! You put food back now!" The wolf snarls.

Aurelic shifts into his old human form, grasping and activating his saber. "Last warning. The last timberwolf to meet this blade didn't come back."

The wolves all lunge forward, as Aurelic's instincts kick into gear. All the saber fighting in his recently ended childhood, all the move copying from the movies and shows, all coalesces into a spectacular, lightning fast battle. The lavender-hued blade swiping in a blur throughout the area, adrenaline pumping through Aurelic's veins. Chunks of seared timber sailing every which way, the cries of yelping timberwolves mixed with the sound of saber burning through wood, the smell of burned bark and sap permeating the area. Some wolves flee, with a few wounded following behind. The battle ended just as quickly as it started, the carnage being the only indication anything had happened. Aurelic scrunches his nose. That... that shouldn't have felt as exhilarating as it did... They were just protecting a food source after all... You know what? No, fuck them. Timberwolves go after ponies with intent to kill and eat. And, they're dark beasts created by Grogar for fuck's sake! Good riddance. Aurelic thinks, switching back to normal and heading home with his newly acquired rare fruit find.


Forge walks alongside Applejack, Twilight, and Spike after helping Applejack harvest even more apples. Currently catching the apples Spike is discarding thoughtlessly. "Fucking hell Spike, Applejack can't win the bet if you keep throwing apples out." Forge thinks, bumping into the halted Twilight on accident. That's when he notices Spike chomping a giant looking apple. "Oh fuck, is it time for that already?" Forge thinks, right as Spike burps out a scroll. "Welp, train wreck time here we come."

Spike reads out the letter, and then burps out the tickets for Twilight and her plus one. Forge sits there patiently, waiting for Applejack to finish giving her spiel on what she could do if given a chance to go to the gala. But before Twilight can say anything in response, Rainbow comes crashing down from the tree where they'd just so happened to stop. Forge zones out at that point, grabbing and eating a few green apples. "Yep, just the right amount of sour. Mmmmmmm. Just cause it doesn't fill me up doesn't mean I can't still eat anything." Eventually, Forge follows Twilight out of the farm.

"Um, Forge, I just said I can't make important decisions on an empty stomach. If you want the ticket, you'll have to wait like Applejack and Rainbow Dash." Twilight explains, hoping to get rid of Forge before he can ask for the ticket.

"Who says I want the extra ticket? I really couldn't care less who you give it to, I was just leaving the farm like you. By the way, I was wondering if I could get your scientific help later. I've got some zapapple seeds, and I want to find out what makes them grow the trees near instantly." Forge explains.

"Oh, well sure! I'll help you after the ticket situation's all sorted out. Deal?" Twilight stops walking to extend a hoof.

"Deal. Just send a scroll when you're ready, I'll be around town for today, so it shouldn't take too long for me to get to the library." Forge confirms, waving as he parts ways with Twilight.

As it turns out, that was useless, as he passes by a bickering Pinkie and Rarity on his way to Sugarcube Corner. He just rolls his eyes, walking in and orders some black and white cookies.

"Um, what's a black and white cookie?" The currently attending Mrs. Cake asks.

Forge double-takes. "Are... are you joking right now?"

Mrs. cake simply shakes her head. "No, I'm afraid not. Where are they usually sold?"

"Manehattan, if I remember right. Maybe you'll see them next time you're out there for a delivery or something?" Forge half-lies. "I assume Manehattan's the equivalent of New York, and that's usually where the big, fluffier black and white cookies are made."

Mrs. Cake nods. "Okay, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for them. Anything else you'd want?"

"How about some lemon meringue pie then? I tend to like lemon flavored pastries. Heck, I get lemon jelly donuts from Donut Joe's all the time." Forge says.

"Okay, let me go cut some pie for you then. I'll be right back." Mrs. Cake says, heading into the kitchen area.

"Strange, they must not have it in the front right now..." Forge thinks, looking at the display case. Sure enough, there's no lemon meringue pie label anywhere in it. "Must not have enough room for it in the case."

Mrs. Cake comes back out, with the slice of pie. "Alrighty, one slice of lemon meringue pie. That'll be four bits."

Forge sets the bits on the counter. "Thank you, this looks delicious." Forge brings the pie to a table, sitting down to enjoy it. "And it even has that made with love scent to it!" Forge thinks as he drives the fork into the pie to eat it, watching the chaos outside from the window. "After all, what good is a show without snacks?"

Twilight finally takes a stance, doing the equivalent of telling everyone to fuck off. "That's what I like to see, actual assertion! Good job book brain." Forge thinks as he finishes his pie, and exits Sugarcube Corner. He finds a suitable looking bench to relax on, until he notices the pegasi moving in some rainclouds. "Oh, fuck. Forgot about that. I hate the rain. It's all... cold and wet, and the wind chill gets even worse when you're wet. Not like warm showers, those are actually nice." Forge heads to the nearby gazebo in the park area, taking shelter there until the rain passes.


Once the rain passes, Forge makes his way back to the bench, using his magic to pull every water molecule on the bench off so he won't get his ass wet. All he has to do now is sit back, and relax. And wait for the inevitable stampede of ponies desperate for the gala ticket. Sadly, the real thing lacks the Benny-Hill theme. Forge decides to head over to the treebrary, where the rest of the elements are no doubt waiting for Twilight to return. Forge teleports inside and drops his disguise. Lo and behold, the other five are already there.

"Aurelic? What are you doing here? Are you here for the ticket too?" Pinkie asks.

"No, I'm here cause I want Twilight's help with a science thing. Just figured I'd read to pass the time until she's ready. Though with this ticket crap going on, I might have to wait until at least tomorrow." Aurelic explains, walking to a bookshelf to browse. Once he finds a book, he sits at the table to read.

After a few hours, and a few read books, Twilight pops into the library with a very crispy dragon. The two purple librarians don't even bother to look around well enough to notice the ponies sitting in the upper floor plain as day. Then, Aurelic turns the light on.

"I was reading." Aurelic comments while Twilight screams in a mix of frustration and anguish.

Then, Twilight invokes her inner Pinkie Pie. "I CAN'T DECIDE! I JUST CAN'T DECIDE! It'simportanttoallofyouandIcan'tstandtodisappointanyofyouandgivingmegiftsanddoingmefavorswon'tmakeanydifferencebecauseyou'reallmyfriendsandIwannamakeyouallhappyandIcan't! I just can't!" Twilight finishes, in a cowering position on the floor.

Applejack approaches Twilight. "Twilight, sugar, I... I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you. And if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad, I promise."

"Me too. I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful." Fluttershy says, the guilt weighing heavy on her.

"And me too, it's no fun upsetting your friends." Pinkie adds.

"Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did." Rarity admits.

Rainbow flies into the air excitedly. "Yesss! That means the ticket is mine! Haha! I get the ticket, I get the ticket~" She gloats, met with hard stares from Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity. "What? Aurelic said he didn't want it..." The stares continue. "Ya know... I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don't need that ticket either."

"We all got so gung-ho about goin' to the gala, that we couldn't see how un-gung-ho we were making you." Applejack says, all but directly saying what the moral is.

"We're sorry Twilight." All but Aurelic apologize.

"Spike, take down a note." Twilight orders her not slave. "Dear Princess Celestia, I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when there's not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends feels pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala."

"What!?" Everyone but Aurelic exclaims. Meanwhile, Aurelic just continues reading.

"If my friends can't all go, then I don't wanna go either." Twilight finishes.

"Twilight, ya don't have to do that..." Applejack says in an attempt to let Twilight still go.

"Nope. I've made up my mind. Spike, you can send the letter now." Twilight says assuredly.

"Now you won't get to go to the gala either..." Fluttershy says remorsefully.

"It's okay girls. I couldn't possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me." Twilight says, as her friends gather for a group hug. "I'd rather not go at all."

"So, why didn't you want the ticket anyway Aurey?" Pinkie asks.

"I mean, I already have one. Why would I need another?" Aurelic responds.

"WHAT!?" The entire room shouts in disbelief.

"Yeah, Celestia gave me mine this morning." Aurelic confirms.

"Why didn't you say anything before!?" Rainbow asks, miffed.

"You didn't ask." Aurelic says.

At that moment, Spike burps out another scroll.

"A letter from the princess? That was fast." Twilight remarks.

"Almost as if it was prepared beforehand..." Aurelic thinks with a smirk.

Spike opens the scroll. "My faithful student Twilight, why didn't you just say so in the first place?" Spike pulls out the six tickets. "Six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

"Now we can all go together!" Twilight exclaims in excitement.

Aurelic redisguises himself, following the group out of the library to Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight looks to Forge as they walk. "Don't you still have your plus one too?" She asks curiously.

"Eh, not important. If anything, it's less stress on the catering staff." Forge reasons.

"Why don't you take Luna with you? You know you want to~" Rainbow teases.

"She's still getting used to things after her thousand year time out. She'll make a public appearance when she's ready." Forge states.

"So, you're really not gonna take anypony as your plus one?" Applejack asks.

Forge shakes his head. "Nope. I don't exactly have anyone I want to bring with me who either can go, or isn't already going. Now, what kinds of cupcakes are we talking here Pinkie?"

Chapter 15: A Bit of Trolling

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Forge sits in the Carousel Boutique, having prepared and gone over the fashion show effects with Rarity. "Illusionary magic's pretty hard for non-specifically talented unicorns apparently. Luckily, I've got my own illusionary magic, so this should be fun."

Hoity Toity enters the boutique, and the show begins. Forge focuses on the stage, making sure the illusions do their job of maintaining consistent transitions between outfits while highlighting their features at the same time, fading out to show the actual pony and outfit before going back up to give the mares enough time to switch out from behind the illusions. The performance, and the outfits, all captivate Hoity Toity to the very end.

Once the show is over, Rarity walks up to Forge. "Thank you for your help, the show was absolutely spectacular! If there's anything I can do to repay you, let me know!"

"Well, I kind of wanted to order a suit for the Gala. But, not right now specifically. I've had time to mull it over, and I think I am going to ask that particular plus one. Maybe I could bring her in and have you make us outfits to complement one another? That is, if she accepts my invitation..." Forge says.

"Ohhh I see. Sure, that won't be a problem. But, why did you come by now of all times to ask about it if you're not even sure she'll say yes?" Rarity asks with a puzzled look.

"I didn't originally come here for that, remember? I came here to help with your second show, and thought I'd ask since I was here anyway." Forge explains.

Rarity nods. "Well, I wish you the best of luck then."

"You too, you're gonna need it." Forge says as Hoity approaches Rarity.

"What do you-" Rarity was about to ask, before being caught in a conversation with Haughty.

Forge waits to open the door to leave until after Hoity orders the dozen of each dress by next Tuesday. Once Rarity starts eye twitching, Forge winks at her before exiting the Boutique.


Aurelic practices using his newly upgraded saberstaff in the most secluded place he knows, the old castle of the two sisters. Currently, he's using his old human form, using magic to assemble pillars from scattered debris, only to slice through them. "Focus. As long as I know where one end is, I know where the other will be. Just like with the broomstick back home."

Wasp observes from afar, in the form of her namesake, while currently whispering into her device.

"This is bad! No wonder the science division can't replicate it, it's not even meant for ponies! And it cuts clean through stone. STONE! Yet he somehow hasn't cut through his own body! He's clearly had training of some kind with the weapon before, in that form. Perhaps he's more of an anomaly than we thought, possibly not even a changeling!" Wasp panic rants.

"He's used it on timberwolves before. Cut them into pieces too small to reform. And that was with a single side active. Even if we attack him as a group, he may prove too much to handle. We'll have to wait until we find a creature immune to it. I won't risk my subjects' lives unless absolutely necessary to our survival. Until he turns that weapon on us, leave him be." Chrysalis relays.

"... Understood, my Queen." Wasp whispers hesitantly.


Forge sits awkwardly in Sugarcube Corner, in the place with the most space from other ponies as possible. That is, until he notices more clear room by the table of food where Applejack is, wearing an eating bib and nervously looking at all the food in nervous indecision. "Even if it's a party for Celestia's visit, I'm still fucking socially awkward." He thinks as he walks over to the table.

"Hey Applejack, how are things?" Forge asks as casually as he can.

"I'm not too sure what's appetizers and what the entrees are. Would you mind helping me out? You eat at the castle all the time right?" She asks.

"I can try, I only really eat at the castle to uh, keep appearances, if you catch my current." Forge says. He looks over the food on the table in thought. "Okay, salad... Not sure about that one, maybe it's still an appetizer. Desserts... That's my best bet. Somehow infused with love. No idea how that works."

Celestia cuts the party short, leaving to attend an audience with the mayor. "Fucking bitch, schedule an appointment properly instead of cutting into a party like this." Forge mentally scoffs.

Soon enough, the tablecloth and food are all taken away, Applejack having nabbed the salad beforehand. Forge simply waits for Twilight to finish up.

"Okay, I'll help you with those seeds now. I'm curious about how they work too, it'll be a great research subject!" Twilight says enthusiastically.

"Glad you're excited too. I don't quite know how the chemistry stuff works quite yet, so I figured you'd be my best bet to figuring this out." Forge says as he follows Twilight to the treebrary. For science!


Much later in the day, Forge sits idly by on a park bench as Philomena runs all around town, with everybody that's looking for her being a complete dunce. When Philomena wears a moustache and reads a newspaper on the park bench, somehow, Twilight and Fluttershy were both fooled by that.

"Seriously... they can't be that fucking stupid. With all the time they've spent with Philomena, they shouldn't be fooled by such a poor disguise." Forge thinks with a shake of his head.

Then, there's the door gag straight out of Scooby Doo. "I'd question the physics behind that, but I don't want to fry my brain. What's left of it, anyway."

Forge gets up, strolling towards the fountain to witness the absolute trolling Celestia and Philomena pull. "Philomena has learned from the best of the trolls ever. With millennia under her belt, Celestia's had eons to get this good at horseplay."

Soon enough, Celestia hops into her carriage, Philomena in tow. Right as Forge is about to leave, she waves him over. Forge teleports over, before stepping in and taking the seat Celestia offered.

"So, where do you usually keep Philomena anyway? I haven't seen her around the castle at all in my entire stay so far." Forge asks, wondering why he hadn't asked sooner.

"Philomena has her own room, and free reign of the castle grounds. The cage is only a formality really. I'm surprised you haven't seen her flying around at all. Perhaps it's chance that you've never been in the same area as her before?" Celestia offers in an attempt to explain it.

"I guess. I also tend to hyperfocus on things sometimes, so maybe she's flown over me without my noticing it. I swear I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached." Forge admits, now thinking to keep a lookout for any phoenix shenanigans in the castle from now on.

"I'm sure you're not as unobservant as you think. You know, you remind me of somepony..." Celestia says.

Forge turns his attention back to Celestia. "How so?"

Celestia laughs softly. "When you've been around as long as I have, you tend to see the same eyes in different ponies. I vaguely remember somepony that would often accompany Starswirl around. Though, that was before my sister and I became the co-rulers of Equestria."

Forge acts like he's thinking about this for a moment. "Would that pony be named Stygian? I think he was referenced by Starswirl a few times in the scrolls and books of his that I've read. From what I gather, Stygian was more or less a chronicler of sorts."

Celestia's eye twitches for a moment. Thankfully, her guards driving the carriage didn't notice. Forge however, did.

"Okaaaayyyy, I think that was a bad move." Forge thinks, nearly shitting bricks.

Celestia starts to snort, before going into a laugh. "Oh, the look on your face. Am I really that intimidating?"

"Considering you're double my height and have powerful gravity magic, and are one of the current diarchs of Equestria, yes." Forge says with a nervous smile.

Celestia pauses. "Gravity magic?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, you raise the sun literally every day, and had been raising the moon for a full millennium, and they're both part of the solar system our planet's in, it's got to be gravity magic. Something so powerful that it takes ten unicorns to wield, whereas you and Luna can both do it on your own." Forge explains.

Celestia just pats him on the back, opting to ride the rest of the way in silence.

Chapter 16: Birthday Barrel Bash

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As Aurelic prepares to leave his room, he notices a VERY pink envelope with a particular balloon seal on the floor in front of the door. Cautiously, he points it away from himself to open it, with the envelope practically exploding the second a tear is made. He holds up the letter with his magic.

Dear Aurelic, hiya! I need your help testing some new recipes down at Sugarcube Corner. Can you make it by 6:00? Thank you!
-Pinkie Pie.

Aurelic furrows his brow. "Strange, I haven't been invited to test any recipes before... Eh, whatever. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Who'd turn down free food?"


Forge steps into a completely dark Sugarcube Corner, unsure why the lights were out. "Must've forgotten to pay the electric bill or something. Wait, they use gas lamps. Or... maybe a magic thing?"

Suddenly, the light is flicked on, as ponies all jump out from various hiding spots all around the shop yelling one word in unison.

"SURPRISE!" The room seemed to yell all at once from all sides.

Forge is extremely startled, jumping a good meter in the air, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling. Before he can collect himself, Pinkie suddenly appears right in front of his face.

"HiyaForgegladyoucouldmakeittoyourbirthdaypartytoday!" She blurts out extremely fast.

Forge shakes his head, adjusting himself from being startled. "Woah, it's my birthday today? I guess I've been so caught up in my work and projects I forgot..." He takes a closer look all around the room. Some of the crowd is definitely feeling less than happy, and it seems like those feelings have been lingering for multiple hours. "Hey Pinkie, why are so many ponies so down?"

"Oh... that..." Pinkie slightly deflates. "It's cider season, some of the town didn't get any. I was hoping the birthday party would help, but if you can tell it's not... I need to try harder." She says, a new look of determination on her face. Then, she suddenly remembers something. "Oh, and I invited your friends from Canterlot. They seem nice, even if one of them's a griffon..."

"No fu- uh, freaking way you got all of them down here." Forge denies.

The group in question approaches. "Hey there, so these kinds of parties are why you take those days off eh?" Solid Weld asks, smirking.

"I can see why you enjoy these so much. It's a lot of fun!" Hearth Aspis remarks.

Gina sort of half nods, but definitely isn't feeling all too welcome.

"I will admit, at first glance I thought it was childish. But now that I've been here for a bit, it's deceptively engaging." Frigid Pauldron says.

Forge blinks, and blinks. "Woah, all of you came? You guys didn't have to, but I'm glad you're here." He says, right as he's pulled into a group hug.

"Of course we did. Just cause we work together doesn't mean we can't be friendly outside the job." Solid says while giving Forge a light noogie. "Now let's show these Ponyville folks how us Canterlot folks party!"


After only an hour, Forge notices Pinkie, along with the rest of the mane six minus Applejack, exit the party. Forge follows, with his own group following close behind. Soon enough, they reach the outside of Sweet Apple Acres, where a particular contraption that looks like it's straight out of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang sits with two very lanky unicorns dressed in garb similar to that of a barber shop quartet.

"Flim and Flam, literally con artists named after the word flimflam." Forge thinks, glaring daggers at the two, who aren't even paying attention to what's going on right now. "Look at them just sitting up there, smugly... God I want to punch them so badly."

Meanwhile, the rest of the royal blacksmiths are gawking at the strange trackless train in front of them.

"Keep your mouths open and you'll get free flies in them. That thing's made shoddily, and isn't even that good of a cider maker as those bozos claim." Forge says to his coworkers, looking on as The Doctor Time Turner starts the hourglass timer.

The machine starts off strong, producing three barrels for every one the Apples make. It doesn't take very long for Twilight and company to assist the Apples in their cider production. Forge opts to join in as a third inspector, alongside Granny Smith and Rarity.

"The faster these apples are inspected, the more cider output we'll have. Gathering's plentiful enough to warrant this increase in inspection speed." Forge reasons as he scans every apple at a quick pace, quite literally, while keeping cover under the guise of his illusory magic. Every bad apple gets thrown into the bad pile at a high enough speed to cause whooshing sounds through the air.

Meanwhile, the barrel rate has increased significantly, even more than what would've been made without his involvement. Forge's coworkers watch Forge in disbelief, while the crowd watches the barrels in awe, to Flim and Flam's horror. Once all is said and done, the barrels are tallied up. All in all, Flim and Flam had just barely managed to win, by a single barrel.

Once the crowd gets a taste, they spit out the flimflam cider in disgust, looking at the twigs, dirt, and worms that had managed to slip in thanks to forgoing their quality control. Within moments, they're driven out of town, speeding off on their super shitty cider squeezy 6000 as cider cups are thrown angrily at them. Forge sets a full barrel of the poorly made cider in front of Solid, who kicks it so hard it flies into the distance, bonking one of the brothers on the head.

"I still can't believe nobody managed to pick up on the fact that a flimflam is a type of con." Forge says with a smirk.

"I did, but we've learned not to judge a book by its cover. Unfortunately, it was a picture book." Twilight replies.

"Solid Weld's pretty built, only other pony I know capable of bucking a barrel like that's my brother." Applejack notes with a hat tip.

"Well, I wasn't always a blacksmith you know. Before then, I'd been hauling carts of ore through the Canterlot Mines. We'd stopped since further mining would've upset the structural integrity of the mountainside the city's built on." Solid elaborates.

The remainder of the night is spent drinking and laughing as stories are passed around. Meanwhile, a particular little wasp observes the goings on.

Chapter 17: The Ultimate Show(down)

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Aurelic startles awake, falling off of his bed. Thankfully, without bumping his head. He dons his disguise, walking over to the window and pulling the curtains back. What he sees outside petrifies him to the core for a brief moment, as if a wave of cold rippled through his body. The sight itself consisting of three particular fillies fighting near a VERY particular statue.

"Fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK! That's TODAY!? RIGHT FUCKING NOW!? Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!" Forge's mind races, panic and anxiety taking a firm hold over him.

He quickly bolts out of his room, dashing like mad through the halls of Canterlot Castle.


Forge teleports frantically down to Ponyville, only to see the landscape start changing. Every white cloud suddenly turning a shade of pink, flitting all around the sky and generally being a nuisance to the weather managing pegasi.

"There's still time, there MUST BE!" Forge thinks, galloping while teleporting towards the library.

That is, it's what SHOULD be happening. Instead, each teleport seems to put him back at the same point. Realizing that it's not getting him anywhere, he opts for a simple gallop sans the teleportation. Unfortunately, he still seems to warp back to the same starting point when he gets a certain distance away. Forge decides to just sit down out of spite, as a particular laugh echoes from nowhere. Then, the one responsible for it appears.

"What do you want, Q?" Forge grumbles.

Discord furrows his brow at that. "Q... that's a name I haven't heard since forever into the future."

Now it's Forge's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Wait... Oh, I see how it is then... You still didn't answer my question."

"Well, seems that you're impatient. Let me give it to you straight." Discord says, reappearing by Forge's side in a suit that looks suspiciously like it came right from The Godfather. Discord speaks in a matching Boston accent. "You see, I can't have you ruining my game so early. I mean, I never interfered with yours. I even gave you a week of preparation time."

Both of Forge's brows raise at that point, eyes widening to match. "What. There's no way, I don't even remember-"

"That was the point. And may I say, you shifted the events of this world quite admirably. If they make greeting cards for helping with evil plans, I owe you one." Discord interrupts with a grin that elicits a feeling of discomfort in Forge. "Now then, run along, but know that you won't be going near that library. In fact, you won't be able to talk about it either anymore. Don't even try to circumvent the rules, I've already changed them for you. And the best part is, you don't even know what they are now! Toodaloo." Discord vanishes in a flash of white light, leaving Forge to his devices.

The second Forge opens his mouth, a barking noise exits. "Awww shitballs."


All Forge can do at this point is sit and watch things unfold around him and sulk. Every time he moves, every time he thinks the warping has stopped, he's planted right back on his butt, no matter which direction he walks. Even worse, every time he opens his mouth in an attempt to swear, a random animal noise comes out instead. Bored, he levitates a nearby chess board over to himself for a game. He seems to be losing to the board, and once he's lost, he subsequently loses his temper and flips the board wile bellowing a loud whale noise.

Suddenly, he has an idea. "If I can't move from this spot, then it'll have to move with me!"

Forge proceeds to tear up the chunk of ground he's sitting on, floating out back towards Canterlot. The journey takes weeks, which is actually around forty actual minutes since the sun and moon are moving through the sky like a couple of Walmart crackheads. He arrives at his destination, the hedge labyrinth of Canterlot Castle. Seems like there's a lot of places surrounding the outside of the actual building itself. The second Forge tries to enter the maze, he's pushed right back out, sliding through the air like he's on ice physics.

"Ah ah ah." Discord says, appearing in front of Forge. "No magic or wings in the maze, remember? And since you can't exactly move from that spot of ground... you'd get caught in a terrible state of being unable to move anymore. That wouldn't be any fun now, would it?"

Forge gives Discord the most dead of deadpan looks. "Now I get why your rule was miserable for everyone but yourself. There was a time I wouldn't have minded the chaos."

Discord rolls his eyes. "Whatever. You say tomato I say camaro." With that, Discord leaves. By turning into a bunch of leaves that blow in the wind.

"Fuck this piece of ground. I wonder... if it doesn't exist anymore, then it can't hold me back." Forge flips the ground he's on upside down.

Every time Forge falls, he maintains his velocity as he loops from the warping point. Next, he shapeshifts a large iron spike that covers him like a shell, subsequently increasing his velocity. Finally, he quickly rotates the ground back to the upright position, the next warp sending him and the spike crashing right through the chunk of ground, obliterating it. The spike continues driving him through the real ground, until he teleports back up to the surface. He quickly reverts to his normal disguise, unbound and teleporting as fast as he can to the library.

"Now THAT was thinking with portals."


Forge arrives at the library, only to see the destruction caused by Tom already present. The faint cries of a dragon constantly barfing up scrolls can be heard inside.

"Damnit, I missed out on too much. Might as well try to find a workaround on the animal noises thing. Now... if I were Discord, and made a pony make animal noises instead of speaking... I've got it." Forge transforms into a seal, clearing his throat and talking in a surprisingly distinguished voice.

"Well then, looks like I can finally speak again. But now I'm a seal... ugh." The Aurelic seal says, as a ball falls from the sky and balances itself on his nose.

Seal Aurelic proceeds to slide over to the library on a path of soapy ground, undulating his way across the floor, and looking up the one thing he hadn't considered. Stairs. Thinking about it for a moment, he repositions himself, and proceeds to somehow fall up the stairs.

"Thank you seal blubber, softened my fall." Seal Aurelic thinks as he undulates his way over to see the sick dragon spew out another scroll.

"Twilight, it's me! Aurelic! Yes, I'm a seal right now, don't question it or the ball on my nose. I can barely see past this thing without craning my neck up. Anyway, listen. We need to round up the others and help them remember who they are. I recommend Applejack first, since we'll need her to help wrangle up the rest of them." Seal Aurelic is now panting, having said all of that as fast as he could while still going slow enough to be understood.

The recently not grey anymore Twilight nods. "Good call. Where were you anyway?" She asks as they descend the stairs.

"Long story, I'll tell you later." Seal Aurelic says, Twilight hopping onto his back as he slides along the soapy paths at a surprisingly fast pace.


Once the last of the mane six has finally been caught, Twilight proceeds to cast the memory spell. Rainbow Dash turns back to normal, shaking her head. Then, she stares right at the proverbial elephant in the room, or literal seal in the open.

"Okay, sixth time. I'll elaborate on being a seal later." Seal Aurelic says.

"Did... that seal just talk?" Rainbow says, unblinking.

"It's Aurelic. He's uh... just a seal for right now. Hasn't said why yet, but once we defeat Discord, he'll talk about it." Twilight informs Rainbow.

"Ohhhhhkay then... Let's uh, go do that before this day gets any weirder." Rainbow says, only to see a group of buffalo dancing along in leotards.

"Riiiiiiiiiiight." Twilight says, in an equally weirded out state.


The mane six and Seal Aurelic all approach Discord, who is casually sitting on his throne drinking a glass of chocolate milk incorrectly.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Discord says, plucking a card from outside everyone else's field of view, then handing it to Seal Aurelic, balancing it atop the ball on his nose. "I found one. I must say, thank you again for facilitating my escape." Discord smiles.

This causes the rest of the present sane ponies to look at Seal Aurelic, as Pinkie snatches the card from him.

"Thank you for helping me with my evil plan, you truly are an excellent pawn. Signed Discord. Made by Dimentio's Evil Greeting Cards Inc. Huh, I've never heard of that card company before." Pinkie says, setting the card back on the ball still present on Seal Aurelic's nose.

"Aurelic. You have some SERIOUS explaining to do." Applejack says with an intense glare.

"I don't even know myself, honest!" Aurelic half whines, genuinely scared of what he'd unknowingly done.

"Allow me." Discord says with a bow. "You see, another version of me from an alternate universe saw what was to become of the universe we're in, specifically, Nightmare Moon's reign, and myself remaining encased in stone until she has me thrown into a volcano. So, I decided before I was going to be turned into stone, I'd need to set up a plan. So I found someone from another dimension who could help keep Nightmare Moon from winning during that crucial Summer Sun Celebration. Without him setting things on what he thought to be the proper course, he'd inevitably set the stage for my return. Of course, I couldn't just plop him here without any magic of his own, otherwise he'd die. So I infused a minute amount of my own chaos magic into his new body. Of course, it can only manifest so much, so without any real reality warping abilities, he'd just end up having unexplained illusion abilities."

Aurelic proceeds to use said illusory powers to tell the mane six to activate their elements while Discord is distracted, by making auditory illusions in their ears, to which they nod. Despite them agreeing with the plan, he can feel their wariness of him.

"Something he'd brushed off without ever thinking about it too deeply. I also needed to make sure he'd have enough time to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration, so I gave him a full week to settle in. He was the perfect, unwitting underling to enable my plans. So, a card was warranted." Discord finishes.

Discord turns his full attention back to the ponies and seal present, only to see the elements already glowing.

"You sly dog, you caught me monologuing!" Discord says in mock aghast.

"A word of advice. Close your mouth." Seal Aurelic says, staring Discord right in the eye as the stone begins to travel up his body amidst the rainbow friendship laser.

A shockwave of harmonic energy bursts from the elements soon after, undoing the chaos Discord had unleashed. Surprisingly enough, Aurelic is completely untouched, so he reverts from being a seal back into his Forge disguise.

Twilight approaches him cautiously, as do the others following her lead. "Aurelic, or Forge. We need to talk about this."

Chapter 18: Revealing Revalations

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Canterlot: 9:30 PM
End of Discord's Defeat Ceremony Afterparty

Aurelic is currently in his hiding spot, the large crowd that swarmed the group once the main ceremony was over having overwhelmed him. The hiding spot itself being the ceiling, as he stands upside-down, invisible, and head turned "upright". No need to mute himself, the noise of the crowd having served him well in that regard. Thankfully, ponies were filing out of the main palace hall now. After a bit of waiting, only Celestia and the mane six remain. Cue his teleport from the ceiling to the floor and subsequent re-disguising.

"I'm all for celebrations, but I am NOT good with large crowds like that." Forge says in exasperation.

"Gee, I hadn't noticed." Rainbow comments.

Celestia simply nods. "Not everypony is cut out for larger gatherings."

Pinkie seems to pop in from above, the rest of her body's placement ambiguous when unobserved. "But that's the best part! You get to meet so many new friends, talk to them about everything like what you had for breakfast the morning Discord broke free, I had some leftover cake from Gummy's Took-a-bath-only-biting-me-forty-five-times-instead-of-forty-six-times-party."

"That might work for you, Pinkie. But in case ya hadn't noticed, Forge's a bit of a..." Applejack trails off.

"Shut-in, egghead, scaredy cat." Rainbow remarks, giving Applejack a smirk so she knows she's just playing around.

"Introvert, like how I used to be before meeting all of you. And how Fluttershy is now." Twilight corrects, that bit of humor sailing right over her head.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, has only just come out from her own hiding place underneath one of the tables in the room.

"... Uh, yeah... Anyway, what should we do now? Discord's stoned again, but he's already broken out of it once. If I recall, there was a field trip to the trophy garden." Forge starts to say.

"Now that you mention it, Cheerilee did say somethin' about that when Apple Bloom was sent home early today..." Applejack adds.

"The same happened with Sweetie Belle, you don't think-" Rarity stops before finishing her sentence, gasping dramatically.

Forge holds up a hoof. "Regardless of who was involved, one thing is clear. Nobody should be touring the trophy garden anymore, that should keep anything from letting Discord get free again." He finishes.

"Agreed, if something as simple as a fight between schoolfoals is enough to release Discord from his stone prison, we can't just leave him in a trophy garden for anypony to get near. I propose that Discord's statue should be locked away in a secure containment cell in the castle." Twilight states.

Celestia looks at the ground in thought for a moment. "Very well, I shall have him moved within the hour." She looks at the group, smiling. "I'm glad Equestria has such dependable heroes protecting it, element or not. All of you have proven yourselves once again. For that, I thank you." She nods.

Once the collective aneurysm the mane six share is over, Twilight focuses her attention back to Forge. "We still have one last thing to discuss here. Something Discord mentioned when Forge was distracting him."

Forge's ears splay back involuntarily. "Already, huh? Well, we'd better get some privacy, then." He looks to Celestia.

Celestia promptly dismisses her guards for the time being, then casts the privacy barrier spells. "Go ahead."

With that, Forge reverts back into Aurelic, who plops his ass down on the ground with a thud.

"What exactly did Discord mean when he said you helped him?" Twilight asked.

Aurelic sighs. "To be honest, I didn't know what he was talking about at first either. Now though, you all deserve to know the truth." Aurelic says, standing back up, before balancing himself on his hind legs. Suddenly, he changes his form, back to what he looked like before. As a human. Thankfully, clothed.

While the others' mouths were agape in mostly surprise and confusion at what they were seeing, Celestia immediately recognizes the form, something she'd encountered a long, long time ago. Only, there were some noticeable differences from what she'd recalled.

"I wasn't always a changeling. I used to have this form, one of a human." Aurelic states. "I'd lived on a world similar to this one, except humans like myself are the only sentient beings there. My life had been pretty uneventful, until I was suddenly thrust into this world in the form of a changeling. That's the real reason I have no hive, nor have I ever. Knowing what I do now, Discord was likely the culprit behind my coming here. If I hadn't had those visions, and been sent here to see them through, Nightmare Moon would have won, and Discord would have remained imprisoned. Somehow, he managed to have a Discord from a parallel world rip me from mine, and sent me here to ensure those events leading up to his escape would occur. Luckily for us, he hadn't planned out anything after that, not thinking we'd ever have a chance against him. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had to create a new identity for myself. After all, what do you think would have happened if I'd told everyone I was an alien turned changeling immediately? Anyone within their right mind would think I was insane. I had to bide my time, and slowly reveal myself. Now, though, that's everything. All of my biggest secrets, and now you know the truth."

The ponies present have to take their time to process what just happened.

"Wait, you're an alien!?" Rainbow shouts in disbelief.

Fluttershy yelps, immediately bolting underneath a table again, her rear end still sticking out and quivering in fear.

Aurelic reverts. "Was, as in not anymore. Biologically, anyway."

Twilight, meanwhile, is entering a state of thinking and planning. It won't be long before she begins to go into her manic science mode.

"So, you used to wear clothes, or was that part of your body?" Rarity asks.

"Clothes are pretty much a standard in human society, since we're mostly hairless, and our privates would be exposed otherwise. It's actually considered public indecency to not wear clothing outside of your home, and you could actually be arrested for it." Aurelic clarifies.

Rarity ponders this for a moment. "Mandatory clothes laws, how peculiar..."

Twilight has entered the zone, disregarding Aurelic's personal space now as she tries to inspect him. He teleports a few meters away, and she immediately follows suit.

"Hold still, I need to see whether or not you have any residual human biology." Twilight says, a hint of frustration in her tone.

Meanwhile, a very flustered Aurelic is attempting to hide how her touching and prodding of him is making him feel. "Ever heard of personal space!?"

Twilight ignores his disdain, as they continue a game of teleport cat-and-mouse, much to the amusement of the others. Celestia steps in, prying Twilight off of Aurelic.

"That's enough, Twilight. You're making him uncomfortable." Celestia says firmly.

"But- But, I could learn so much more from him!" Twilight says in a surprisingly childish manner.

"No, we don't force ourselves on our friends." Celestia warns.

Meanwhile, Rainbow is snickering. "Oh, I don't think he minds."

At this, Aurelic covers his genitals, blushing profusely and looking away. That's when it clicks for Twilight, an equal sense of embarrassment overtaking her.

Applejack clears her throat, glaring Rainbow's way.

Rainbow stops laughing. "What? It was funny!"

"I think we're done here. Aurelic, you may go back to your quarters. Everypony else, you should go home. After what happened today, you all need the rest." Celestia says, diffusing the situation.

Wordlessly and without protest, Aurelic teleports back to his room, slumping onto his bed. Now with a half-chub to take care of too.

"Just my fucking luck, stupid sexy Twilight."

Chapter 19: Magical Machinations

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Aurelic stands in the abandoned castle of the two sisters, setting up more stone columns. Nearby, he's keeping a notepad and pencil with his discoveries, along with some magic books he asked Spike to borrow. At the time, he thought it best to ask the dragon before Twilight knew he was around.

"Alright, if I can use the barrier spell in tandem with this transmutation spell here... I could do more than do that little teacup transformation thing Trixie had, or has yet to, fixate on. Shaping this solid magical field... Let's see what I can do with this." Aurelic thinks to himself, unaware of the little wasp watching from afar. Aurelic ignites his horn, a small sphere of magic forming. Its form begins to warp with Aurelic's thoughts, five protrusions extending from the sphere. Some adjustments here and there, and voila, what looks like a right hand has formed. He tests it out some, making the circle gesture, making the rock on gesture, and even flipping the bird. He quickly jots this down, using the new hand construct.

"Up next, range test." Aurelic thinks, watching as the hand flies forward at a moderate speed. After getting about six feet away, it starts to lose its opacity, dimming in power until it fizzles out past ten feet. He makes note of this, conjuring another right hand, quicker this time. Then, he imagines a mirror image of the hand, soon forming a left hand.

Aurelic approaches a column, using his newly made hands to punch at it. Nothing seems to be happening, save a bit of pushing. Then, he has an idea. He tries to form arms from the wrists of the disembodied hands, then goes back to punching the column. He increases the speed of the punches, now with arms to add more force to his punches. The column starts to crack, chips flying off of it. After a solid minute of magic punching, the cracks in the column splinter the top half off, as it falls to the ground with a thud, fracturing.

"WOOOOOOOOO!" Aurelic cheers in triumph, as the tiny wasp watches in wonder, and maybe a lot of little bit of fear at this bizarre combination of spells.


Having gone back to his room for the night, Aurelic lies in his bed, staring at the ceiling. Eventually, he lets his eyes close as he drifts off to sleep. The transition is different this time, as the dream world assembles itself around Aurelic. Before long, it's fully manifested, as Aurelic lazily trots down a sidewalk by an asphalt road in a grey city with a grey sky. The weather is overcast once again, the light seeming to come from the clouds rather than a sun. It doesn't take long for a nearby door of a building to open, as Luna steps out, the only real spot of color in the area.

"Greetings, Aurelic. We have deigned to visit thee this night, as our exploring of subjects' dreams has proven... problematic, at this time." Luna relays, having looked at Aurelic while speaking, and only now noticing the landscape around her.

Aurelic tilts his head to the side. "Problematic? I thought you'd have regained the rest of your power by now."

"N-no, it is not that we cannot visit our subjects, rather... Their believing our presence is... not, good." She admits, head down and ears back. "Everypony we visit thinks that their dreams are nightmares, when we show up. Most wake up right away..."

Aurelic thinks, thankfully not out loud. "Well, I hear Nightmare Night is coming up. Why don't we go down to Ponyville? If it's anything like what I've been told, it would be a good chance to start meeting more ponies."

Luna looks back up, mild confusion on her face. "Thou are suggesting we go attend this holiday, to meet new ponies, and make some friends? Just as sister's pupil has?"

Aurelic shrugs. "You don't have to, but the option's there. The more friends the better, yeah? And you'll get to socialize more, with the modern ponies of today."

"And, thou are sure this will help ponies' opinions of us?" She asks, wide eyed.

"Who knows, you can't force ponies to change their opinions, but they may improve." Aurelic reasons.

Luna bounces a bit, giddy. "This sounds wonderful! How shall we prepare for this Nightmare Night?"

"Not much you can really do for preparing. Aside from a costume, but that might go against what we're trying to do. I probably won't be wearing a costume either, nothing I want to dress up as would make any sense in this world." Aurelic surmises.

Luna seems to remember something. "OH! Right, sister told us of your... situation. And, we are to assume that form which we first found thee in when dreaming was what thou really looked like before?"

"Yeah, sorry for lying about that. I didn't really want to cause confusion with that before I was ready to tell everyone about it." Aurelic admits. Now it's his turn to look down.

"And, the locations we've seen, are those from thy homeworld as well?" Luna asks.

"Not, exactly. The layout is all wrong, but generally speaking, yes." Aurelic says, looking up at the city. "Normally, it would be heavily populated, bustling crowds of all sorts of people, motor vehicles driving along the roads, and it's not as... grey."

Luna takes a step forward. "Are thou, okay? This, grey weather, and... empty place..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Trust me, this is normal. My dreams tend to be like this, as you've seen every time we've talked." Aurelic says.

"We... we have noticed, but... this is..." She trails off, the words escaping her.

"Well, not everything here's grey." Aurelic says, gesturing to Luna.

She gives him a complex look, something he's having trouble identifying. "Aurelic?"

"Yeah?" He quirks a brow.

"Are we... friends?" Luna asks.

Aurelic looks to the sky for a moment, before looking back to Luna. "I didn't want to presume, but if you want to be friends, I'd gladly have you."

Luna smiles, pulling Aurelic into a hug, as the dream begins to fade.


Aurelic wakes up, the morning sun peeking through the curtains. He looks down, noticing a bulge underneath the blanket.

"Stupid, sexy ponies."

Chapter 20: A Nightmarish Endeavor Part 1

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Aurelic's costume is that of a timberwolf, minus his face, instead using Forge's face within the maw of the timberwolf to keep up appearances.

Forge walks right on up to Twilight's door, knocking. He's promptly greeted by Twilight wearing a Starswirl costume, not that many would recognize it, or appreciate how accurate it is.

"Oh, hey Forge. I was just about to head out with Spike." Twilight says with a grin.

Spike pokes his head out the door, wearing a costume of a purple dragon. "Woah, dude! That timberwolf costume is so cool!" He compliments.

"Thanks, your is pretty cool too Spike." Forge says, observing the dragon costume. "A dragon in a dragon suit. Dragon-ception." He comments.

"Dragon... what?" Spike asks.

Forge shakes his head. "Nevermind, guess that particular thing isn't well known."

Twilight clears her throat, using a hoof to flip her fake beard.

Forge squints his eyes at her costume. "OH, that's totally Gandalf, right? Or is it Dumbledore?"

Twilight groans, pouting. "It's neither, I'm-"

"Starswirl, I know. But I had you for a second there." Forge chuckles.

"I didn't know you read Lady of the Rings and Marey Trotter." Twilight remarks.

"Oh my fucking god this is too much, WHY IS IT ALL HORSE PUNS!?" Forge screams internally, before shaking his head.

"Wait, you don't?" Twilight asks, head tilting.

"I have, somewhat. Only really read the first one of Trotter, and partially through the first of Lady." Forge says.

"In actuality, I've read neither. I watched all of Harry Potter's movies, but never had too much of an interest in the Lord of the Rings films. I tried to watch them, but... eh, I wasn't impressed. Only saying I read the first so far will help me gauge how far along it is here, in case it's not done yet." Forge thinks.

"Oh, you could always come by and borrow the rest if you want. All you'll need is a library card, then you can borrow any book you'd want! Aren't library cards great?" Twilight bounces in place, not unlike a certain pink on pink pony.

A group of foals with Granny Smith in tow approaches. Naturally, Twilight passes out a single piece of candy to each foal. Shortly after, Pipsqueak reveals himself.

"Right, British ponies come from Trottingham. Because more horse puns. I'm never going to get used to these." Forge thinks, stepping aside to let the group get their candy.

Soon enough, in pops Pinkie wearing a scoo- chicken costume. Pinkie, of course, pecks at the candy in her basket using her costume's beak. The fact that it can pierce and shred the wrapping of the candy so she can eat it raising some suspicion in Forge about what it's even made of. Is it just the usual flimsy plastic, or is it a stronger variety? Is there a different material in the tip? The world will never know...

Once Pinkie and the others leave, Forge follows along with Twilight and Spike.

"Twilight, there's something you need to know about this year's Nightmare Night." Forge says, walking at her side.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Twilight asks.

"There's someone else coming to visit Ponyville for the holiday. Namely..." Forge begins, looking around for any would-be listeners before leaning close to whisper. "Princess Luna."

Twilight seems startled at hearing this for a brief moment. "Wait, she's coming here? Why?"

"I convinced her to, I thought it might be good for her to get out of the castle now, since she seemed ready to try and make some friends of her own. Plus, it'll help her with adjusting to the way society is now, compared to how it was a thousand years ago." Forge elaborates.

Twilight nods. "That makes sense." Then, she halts. "Wait, so you thought it would be a good idea for her to visit on Nightmare Night? The holiday that's all about Nightmare Moon and how scary she is?"

Forge stops too, almost tripping in the process before turning around. "You'd think that, but it's actually the perfect time for this."

"How so?" A perplexed Twilight asks.

"For one, this holiday itself shouldn't really be particularly offensive if Celestia allows it to exist at all, right? Wouldn't she have considered Luna's return as an eventual problem if the holiday was going to anger Luna?" Forge asks.

Twilight thinks about this for a moment. "Well... okay. What else?"

"Two, this provides the opportunity for others to really distinguish between Luna and Nightmare. You and I may already know, since we were there when she was struck with the elements. However, the general populace of the town may not have that same distinction that we do, and could cause things to erupt into another Zecora incident. By dissolving any preconceived notion, we can overcome that hurdle as well." Forge explains.

Twilight nods. "You've really thought this through so well. You really do care about her a lot."

"Trying to justify an idiotic plan like this seems to be working. As long as I can get the end result from what should have happened, things should go a lot smoother in the future. Doctoring the truth to make myself look more competent than I really am is my specialty." Forge thinks. "Er- well, yeah. Truth be told, I'd have done it anyway, regardless of my feelings. There are plenty of additional factors in this, you know." Forge says.

Twilight rolls her eyes with a smirk. "Suuure, that's it."

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shoots down right behind the trio with a loud boom of thunder. Forge immediately puts a shield spell up over himself, Twilight, and Spike. Unfortunately, Spike had been thoroughly freaked out by the sudden noise, choking on a piece of candy. Twilight begins to tell off Rainbow as Forge uses magic to dislodge the candy from Spike's throat. Once it's out, Spike proceeds to re-eat the piece, chewing it better this time.

Rainbow simply goes off to scare another unsuspecting group, one cry from it sounding exactly like a frightened chicken.

"You okay Spike?" Twilight asks, concerned for her slave adopted brother.

Spike nods. "Yeah, fine now."

"Wait a minute, Rainbow was supposed to do that when Pinkie's group met back up with Twilight and Spike. But now that they were separate, she's still scared both, but not at the same time... Come on, little changes like that don't matter, it's not a major event like Luna's reintegration, or the..." Forge blankly stares at the sky. "The wedding... Canterlot's already been compromised with changelings practically everywhere in the city. God I hope Chrysalis waits to strike until the wedding, hopefully my lack of actions against the other changelings has kept her from viewing me as an immediate threat. Though... I haven't heard back from Suture since that night... Perhaps she was meant to evaluate how dangerous I was? Was that it? Maybe her lack of appearance really does mean I'm seen as insignificant. Good, let them think that."

"FORGE!" Twilight screams in his face, startling him out of his thoughts.

"HOLY SHI-OOT!" Forge catches himself. No need to swear needlessly on a night where there are foals literally everywhere in town.

"Finally, you were staring up at the sky, and completely unresponsive!" Twilight yells, a noticable smell of concern coming from her.

"Ecgh, stupid emotion scent." Forge thinks briefly. "Oh, sorry, I do that sometimes when I'm deep in thought. I honestly don't know how I've survived as long as I have." He says, making it seem like it's a joke, despite the reality of it.

"Don't joke like that, it's not funny." Twilight says.

"Yeah, you're one of the most... uh, obsee... obsa..." Spike struggles to find the word.

"Observant." Twilight assists.

"Yeah, that!" Spike half finishes.

"I definitely have my off days. But thanks for thinking that." Forge says.

Twilight rolls her eyes, pointing over at the stage where it looks like a clown dressed as a clown and a... "Hold the fuck up, a devil? Does that mean... is, is there pony Christianity? IS THERE A PONY POPE!? This has several implications I'm not willing to dive into, fuck that noise." Forge thinks as he walks over with Twilight and Spike.

"All of the little ponies who've been out collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora to hear the legend of... NIGHTMARE MOOOOOOON." Mayor mare says in a very, very ridiculous voice.

"Her spooky voice might work better is she wasn't dressed like that." Spike whispers.

"This is the one night of the year she can be herself in public Spike, let her have this." Forge smirks.

"That, was kind of mean Forge." Twilight says.

"What, me calling her a clown? I mean, if the boot fits." Forge grins wider.

Twilight gets more flustered, a victim of the totally masterfully created trap Forge laid out, who smiles even wider. "Flustered ponies are too damn cute."


Forge walks along with Twilight and Spike, only really half-paying attention to Zecora's recount of the Nightmare Night legends. "Honestly, this really does make Nightmare Moon seem like a monster. Is Celestia really okay with that aspect? Demonizing of her own sister like this? With such a horrific statue? Twilight really raised a good point back there..."

Just as soon as Pinkie and the foals dump their candy in front of the statue, the clouds in the sky begin to swirl menacingly, a dark chariot pulled by bat-like ponies coming down from seemingly the moon itself.

"It's Nightmare Moon! RUUUUUUN!" Pinkie screams, encouraging everyone except Twilight and Forge to run off in terror.

The sensation of said terror striking Forge to his core, causing his chest to shiver despite his lack of fear.

The dark chariot floats in place mid-air for a brief period, before following the group back to town, Twilight and Forge not far behind. Once back in town, the cloaked Luna descends from the chariot, landing on the ground with a thud, a flick of her head removing her hood.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Forge dreads.

Chapter 21: A Nightmarish Endeavor Part 2

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Princess Luna begins to step forward, her cloak transforming into multiple bats that fly off.

"I almost forgot, apparently she can turn non-living things into living things... I have to learn that particular spell sometime." Forge thinks as Luna begins to speak.


"Did you hear that everypony? Nightmare Moon said she's gonna feast on us all!" Pinkie screams, running away from Luna along with a cacophony of screaming foals.

Forge facehoofs, hoof clunking against the wooden head of his costume. "Damned gas-lighting. You disappoint me Pinkie."

Luna is taken aback by this turn of events. "What!? No children, no! You no longer have reason to fear us! Screams of delight is what your princess desires, not screams of TERROR!" She affirms with a hoof stomp.

A nearby pony dressed as a rat whimpers like an injured puppy. "Are ponies somehow horse-shaped cat dog mixes or something?" Forge mentally questions briefly.

Luna quickly turns her attention to the mayor, stomping her hoof once more in minor agitation before approaching her. "Thy princess of the night, hath arrived!" She says, jutting her hoof out to the mayor, who simply cowers in fear.

This repeats wherever Luna points her hoof. "Do they think she can like, shoot lightning from her hooves or something?" Forge thinks, genuinely miffed at these ponies now.

"What is the matter with you!?" Luna questions, before turning around. "Very well then, be that way. We won't even bother with the traditional royal farewell." She huffs.

"I'm gonna go talk to her." Twilight says, only to be grabbed by Spike.

"You can't talk to her, she's Nightmare Moon!" Spike tries to warn her.

"Spike, were you paying any attention when I said Luna would be visiting? Nightmare Moon was purged by the elements of harmony, leaving Luna's original self intact. I also told you I suggested to her that she comes out here tonight to help with adjusting. What might seem like a standoffish attitude was just how she and Celestia were expected to conduct themselves a thousand years ago. Celestia probably changed that shortly after Nightmare was banished." Forge explains.

"But, but- She's got that wavy star mane like Nightmare, and she had a normal looking mane when she was in the chariot that day!" Spike says.

"That was because she was left severely weakened after being hit by those powerful elements. That kind of magic is extremely dangerous if used improperly, there's always a risk to it." Forge reasons, sighing.

Forge quickly sets off in Luna's direction, Twilight not far behind.


Twilight and Forge approach Luna at the Nightmare Moon statue. Something about it nagging in the back of Forge's mind. He glances to it, then to Luna, then back to the statue. "This... I hate this. Celestia, what the fuck were you thinking? I can only assume you didn't want to permanently cancel this joke of a holiday just so the ponies wouldn't be sad about it." He takes a deep breath, a small amount of hate bile building up in his throat. "There has to be a better reason for this. Is she really heartless enough to be so inconsiderate towards her sister like this? I... I have to confront her about this tomorrow."

Twilight approaches Luna. "Princess Luna? Hi, my name is-"

"Starswirl, the bearded." Luna cuts her off. "Commendable costume, thou even got the bells right."

"Thank you, finally! Somepony who gets my costume!" Twilight smiles, only to see a still saddened Luna staring right back.

Forge walks closer as well. "Hey Luna, I'm-"

"A timberwolf, though the mouth is open a bit wide. We suppose it's because thy head needs to fit through it." Luna cuts him off.

"Not even close to what I was about to say. I was GOING to say that I'm sorry this town's full of assholes. This is literally what happened with Zecora all over again. You'd think they would have learned by now, but I guess one time isn't enough to get through their thick skulls." Forge finishes, his stomach churning with anger, only managing to suppress it by shapeshifting his stomach's connection to his esophagus closed.

"That was really not nice Forge." Twilight says in an elevated tone.

"And ousting someone based on false, preconceived notions isn't?" Forge retorts.

"You... do have a point there." Twilight admits, her ears flattened to the back of her head. "But, wasn't it you who asked her to come out tonight of all nights?"

Forge stares at nothing for a moment. "That's fair, and it was going to be a higher risk of this happening again. But if we can solve this again, maybe it'll finally get through to those numbskulls."

Twilight gives Forge an angry look, followed by a swift pain in his gut from the additional anger directed his way.

"This isn't going well at all. Fucking hell, I just have to suppress those feelings and let it out later. Sorry stomach, my brain can't handle your feedback right now." Just like that, Forge deactivated the feeling in his stomach, severing the connection to his nervous system, and thusly, his brain.

"Sorry Twilight, I got a bit carried away with that." Forge apologizes.

"Just, don't say stuff like that anymore, okay? You have to keep that stuff to yourself better." Twilight says, the immediate anger dissipating, though her mood is more soured now.


Forge rubs at his ears. "Why exactly are you yelling like this? You weren't just a minute ago, or back at the castle."


"Okay, that may have been how it was, but things have changed since then. I'm honestly surprised Celestia hadn't informed you about this. Using your normal volume when speaking to others is the new common courtesy, as shouting at someone that isn't far away enough is considered rude." Forge explains.

"O-oh, were we being rude? That was not our intention..." Luna frowns.

"Well, considering you didn't know about that before, I think it should be fine if it doesn't happen again, right?" Twilight offers.

Forge nods. "Exactly, solving these misunderstandings is the whole reason we're doing this."

"We see, so... Is it a good idea for us to go back into town yet?" Luna asks.

"I don't see why not. What do you think Twilight?" Forge asks.

"Sure, and I think I know who we should visit first." Twilight agrees.


Unsurprisingly, the ponies all cower in fear at the sight of Princess Luna. Forge simply bites his lower lip and tongue simultaneously, preventing himself from scowling.

"Why am I getting this mad? I never got this invested into the episode... Then again, this isn't an episode anymore, and seeing all of this, actually questioning all of this in real time... Ugh... Forge internalizes. Then, something occurs to him. "Hold on, we're seeing Applejack first? Did... did I completely undercut what was supposed to be Fluttershy's role in Luna's acclimation?"

Applejack sets Pip down right when the trio approach. Without fail, Applejack cowers too. This doesn't sit well with Forge at all.

Right as soon as Twilight is about to speak, Forge steps ahead of her. "Applejack, what in the everloving... heck, are you doing cowering like that? You were LITERALLY PART OF WHY LUNA WAS SAVED. You mean to tell me your confidence back then before you knew it was actually possible to defeat Nightmare is entirely gone, even AFTER she was already defeated by you and the other elements?" He scolds.

"Forge!" Twilight yells, a spark of reddish energy bursting from her horn. "What's gotten into you!? All night you've been NOTHING but angry at everypony! You've been exceptionally rude, and really condescending! Is that really how you help your friends!?"

Forge locks up, looking at Twilight, then to Applejack, then to a worried Luna. He sighs, stepping back. "Clearly, this wasn't a good idea for me to get involved... I'm just causing more problems. It, would be best for me to leave. I thought I could handle it, but now I know I was wrong." He says, teleporting off before anyone else has the chance to say anything.


Aurelic arrives back at the old castle of the two sisters, shapeshifting away his costume and disguise. He quickly makes an unfeeling tube leading from his stomach to a good few inches outside of his mouth, as his body hurls up a glowing red, gooey substance. The stench of the concentrated anger assaulting his nose, which he quickly disables. The viscous anger continues to pool, until his stomach is completely free of it all. He reverts back once more, save for his nose.

"This is just like back at Appleoosa, but... there's way more here. And, back with Twilight, that red spark... Unicorns discharge their anger through their horn in the form of red magic... Making Twilight lose her cool like that, I really fucked up." Aurelic thinks.

Aurelic stares at the pile for a while, eventually deciding to grab it with the usual levitation spell. He carries it out to the gorge where Rainbow had to repair the bridge, dumping it off into the unknown.

"Since changelings consume emotions, perhaps they dispel their anger by way of vomiting, like a bad meal your body won't agree with. Unicorns got lucky in that department." Aurelic reasons as he heads back into the castle. He opts to lie on the ground, staring at the night sky above. "Maybe relaxing will help me clear my head. I only hope that Twilight and Luna will be fine without me. They would have been anyway..." Aurelic thinks, his eyes beginning to water. "Damn this night..."


Forge teleports into his bedroom, having recently woken up from his night spent in the castle. Right as he approaches his door, he hears a knock.

"Come in." He practically drones out, still half-asleep.

Luna opens the door. "Oh, thank goodness thou art alright, we had begun to worry after your sudden departure last night."

"Yeah, I'm fine. How'd things go?" Forge asks, seemingly out of obligation rather than pleasantry.

"Oh, things went well! We have discovered a new prospect! Fun! We have never felt such exhilaration! It was truly wonderful!" Luna finishes with a small clap.

"Good, glad to hear you had a fun night." Forge says.

Luna nods excitedly. "Oh it was most wonderful, thou should join us again next year!"

"I... I'll need some time to think about it." Forge says, stepping out of the room into the corridor. "For now, I have some work to do. Throwing weapons like the shuriken and kunai I've introduced here need to be produced in much greater numbers than the more traditional stuff, so I have to get a head start on that. See you around." Forge finishes, heading off to his job.

"We... understand. Thou have your duties, as we have ours..." Luna trails off.

Chapter 22: Stance or Stand

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Celestia has finally finished her daytime court, stretching as she steps down from her throne. While the material is the softest, cushiest thing possible, with further enchantments on top of that, her flanks always still seemed to be a little sore from sitting there for hours upon hours of dealing with the Canterlot elite and their frivolous, and sometimes downright brain-dead proposals and requests. Right as she reaches the base of the stairway, Forge teleports right into the room, disregarding the effect such a thing would have on the guards, who immediately close in on him. Sighing, Celestia waives them off with a hoof. It was going to be one of those days.


Forge waits for the guards to exit the room, as Celestia puts up the barrier of silence. He then reverts back into his true form as a changeling.

Celestia clears her throat. "Greetings, Aurelic. To what-"

"You know damn well what." Aurelic cuts her off. "Nightmare. Night. Allowing a holiday like that, one that would ABSOLUTELY become a problem once Luna returned. With seemingly NO effort in preparing her for it? Do you have ANY idea what I saw last night, how egregious it was!? Better yet, I'll show you!" Aurelic begins projecting the things he saw that night. The horrible visage of the statue, the way the ponies in town reacted, including Pinkie with her gas-lighting and Applejack's own cowering.

Celestia is taken aback by this, looking at it in shock. "Oh, my goodness! I- I had no idea things were this bad! I was always led to believe Nightmare Night was a fun, harmless holiday that didn't take Nightmare Moon so seriously as to demonize her in this way! When I received Twilight's letter, she told me that everything went well that night."

"I'll show you what happened within the vision I had prior to this, and from what Luna said, things did seem to work out similarly in the end." Aurelic says, the perspective of the illusion changing quite drastically, as they appear to happen where someone couldn't feasibly stand without being noticed. "So it did resolve, somewhat. The lack of distinction between Luna and Nightmare seemed to be the core reason the problems arose. I... I got so mad I had to remove myself from the situation entirely, probably the only thing I could have done to ensure Luna found acceptance in Ponyville. The last thing she needed was an emotionally unstable individual at her side ruining the entire thing for her."

"Twilight did say you'd left abruptly, and that she'd snapped at you when you were clearly angry because of Luna's treatment. She acknowledged you'd both said some harsh things when the two of you lost your tempers." Celestia says, walking up to Aurelic, placing a hoof on his withers. "But, I do see where you're coming from as well. I had thought the holiday was harmless fun, but maybe some aspects of it need to be revised."

Aurelic sighs. "I understand. Luna's own judgement that it should be allowed to exist as a holiday would make any attempt by you to remove it go against her wishes, despite the reason being how offensive it would be to her. I just hope that she'll be okay. Nightmare was still part of her, so she might still feel some guilt, even if she laughs along at a caricature."

"I... I worry about that too. If she seems like she needs it, I'll try to talk with her about it. We are still sisters, after all." Celestia assures, dispelling the barrier of silence. "Have a good evening, Forge."

Aurelic dons his Forge form, nodding. "Likewise, Princess." He says, teleporting elsewhere.


Aurelic practices using his punching spell on more pillars he's created in the old castle of the two sisters, the pillars breaking noticeably faster than before. Additionally, the conjured arms appear to be slightly more opaque, with the addition of a torso connecting them together. The torso's markings seem to consist of some lines leading between square, circle, and triangle shapes.

"Looking at it more closely, it doesn't seem to resemble a stand I've ever seen. Then again, I usually recognize stands by their heads or faces if it's a humanoid one, which this spell seems to be creating... I still can't believe I managed to combine spells together to form a completely new one, resembling a stand no-less. As far as I know, that particular virus would not exist in this world. And I'm also pretty sure anyone else looking at it could see it, meaning it isn't bound by the visible to other stand users only rule. I also don't see it being capable of doing anything other than punching, so perhaps this is more of a literal manifestation of the fighting spirit kind of spell. I wonder if Twilight could do some more research on it, scientific peers are usually needed in a study like this..." Aurelic ponders.

Meanwhile, a particular disguised bug has been watching Aurelic stare at the weird shape for some time. "You can already shapeshift into that weird bipedal form, why use a spell to make magic appendages when you can just have them on your body? This doesn't make any sense." Wasp thinks to herself.

Aurelic and his weird construct go back to attacking the stone pillars, each rapid hit echoing in the barren castle.


Twilight sits at a desk, nose firmly planted in a book, though something else seems to be on her mind. "I wonder if I should check on him yet... Has it been long enough that he's cooled off? Maybe, it's been almost a full day."

A sudden bang causes Twilight to jolt, and Spike to scream in surprise. As soon as Twilight turns to look at the source of the noise, she sees a paper slowly falling to the ground. Before it hits the floor, she levitates it over to herself.

Dear Twilight, I wanted you to see this, and maybe test it out yourself. It's a new spell I created, or more accurately, a compound spell with unique enough results that I don't think it's ever been used before. If you could try using it, we can compare notes to see if it's unique from caster to caster or not. I would ideally like to have a third participant, but I don't really know another prolific magic user that could make good use of the spell. I'll come by tomorrow for your answer. Feel free to start when you get the chance, as any time you use with the spell would hasten our progress, even if it's not by much.

Aure Turner Forge

Below is a list of the spells used, and what stages to apply them at. Twilight is extremely excited at the prospect of a new spell, bouncing around the room giddily for a brief moment, before setting the note on her desk, horn igniting as she begins casting the spell.

Spike wanders over to the note, looking at it. Unfortunately, it seems to be scrambling the letters into incomprehensible lines. His disdain promptly ceases when he sees something truly bizarre floating next to Twilight.


Forge teleports himself directly from his room to in front of Twilight's door. Having had enough practice with the route, he's mastered long range teleporting there. He knocks on the door, hearing some hoofsteps before it opens.

Twilight greets Forge at the door. "Forge! You're not gonna believe this, but-"

In an instant, he puts a hoof up to her muzzle to silence her before entering the library, shutting the door behind him. "Not yet, I'll take us to a more remote location, so we don't have any eavesdroppers. If some random pony tried this stuff out, we might end up having a huge problem with potential injuries and damages."

"Can I come too? I wanna see what your spell is like too!" Spike asks excitedly.

Forge nods. "Sure, you can watch, just don't get too close, okay?"

Right then, Forge teleports them all into the first room of the old castle of the two sisters, many more stone pillars having been set up since the previous night in preparation for this.

"Woah, you must really like this place dude. It's still so... creepy..." Spike says with a shiver.

"Anything in the Everfree Forest would be creepy Spike. Considering I lived here for a week before moving to the castle, and it's still a relatively secluded place nobody would ever dare to go, it works as a perfect testing site." Forge says, reverting back into Aurelic.

"What are these columns doing here? I don't remember them being here before." Twilight asks.

"Built them to demonstrate the way the spell works for me. Observe." Aurelic says, the torso with arms manifesting from his back, moving above him just slightly before punching a pillar in a flurry of fists.

The pillar begins to crack, more cracks splintering from the original until it shatters, the stony debris flying forward, safely away from Twilight and Spike.

Twilight gawks at what she's just witnessed. "I- wha- bu- HUH!? It's that strong!?"

"Yep. I've shown you mine, let's see yours." Aurelic says, catching the accidental double-entendre as soon as he finishes his sentence.

Twilight ignites her horn, a mass forming from it that shapes itself into an extremely transparant, full pony, the face looking chiseled yet feminine at the same time. In place of the mane and tail, seem to be a ton of quill feathers. Quill tips adorn around its hooves, flank, and neck as if they were jewelry, her cutie mark emblazoned on its quill tips. Twilight manipulates it into picking up a piece of rubble in one hoof, and a second in the other, piling the rubble together. "I figured out that I can use it as a sort of double, able to do a task while I'm busy doing something else. That was what I thought you'd made the spell for. I thought it was weird when you mentioned damage and injury earlier, but seeing yours... It, kind of looks like part of your old... hooman body."

"Human, there's a hyu in there. Maybe I'd been focusing on the strength of it so much I diverted all of its energy to the arms and torso. Let me try..." Aurelic says, the opacity of his construct lowering as more of it is revealed.

Now it was Aurelic's turn to look shocked. Floating slightly off the ground is a semi-buff human male, its waist down being an upside down, wispy flame similar to the typical portrayal of a genie or djinn, emanating from a belt covered in what look like computer chips, with a USB symbol on its belt buckle. Its face resembles a more chiseled version of his old human face, wearing a pair of aviators over its eyes.

"No. Fucking. Way." Aurelic thinks just as his mind begins blanking.

Twilight and Spike both marvel at the ghostly human floating before them.

"This one looks so awesome! How did you make it look like this?" Spike asks with enthusiasm.

"I uh, I'd be lying if I said I expected it to look like that. I didn't even know what it would look like in its full form." Aurelic says, still gazing at his unintentional creation. "Let's see... Ghostly tail looking thing, computer chips and a USB symbol, it's wearing Aviators... This, it matches so perfectly with... Ghosts in the Code? It's only one though, so a slight change to Ghost in the Code should work... It's the only name that fits."

Twilight looks between the two constructs, noting the vast differences in appearance. "You were right that it might not be the same between casters. They look so different, it's hard to tell they come from the same spell." She remarks.

"Yeah, what gets me is that mine resembles a human, but yours is a pony. The fact that I was a human before coming here definitely influenced its appearance." Aurelic says, looking between the two even more. "Want to try punching a pillar with yours? I made mine able to do that by focusing solely on the arms and upper torso. Perhaps if you focus on your forelegs and frontal torso you could get the same effect."

Twilight nods, looking at one of the pillars. The forelegs of her construct gain some slight opacity, as the hind legs lose some more opacity, but that's about it. She tries to have it hit the stone pillar, but it's as if a normal unicorn were hitting it, doing practically nothing to it at all.

"Okay, it's not working... Maybe it's because I have a higher tolerance for violence. Human culture has a lot more violence driven conflict than ponies do." Aurelic surmises.

"Well, I wasn't really planning on fighting with it anyway... But, why would you?" Twilight asks.

"It's a precaution. One can never be too prepared in case of something dangerous. I have a feeling Nightmare and Discord aren't going to be our only problems." Aurelic explains.

"Really? Like what?" Twilight asks.

"Not too sure, have you heard of other pony legends similar to those of Nightmare Moon's or Discord's?" Aurelic asks.

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin in thought. Soon enough, her face begins to show more and more fear as she realizes just how many there are. "Surely n-not all of them, right?"

"No, not all of them. However, you of all ponies should know every legend is rooted in some kind of truth." Aurelic says, looking at the pillars. "And I'm not waiting until the next one shows up to start preparing."

Chapter 23: A Hearth's Warming Special

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Aurelic sits in the ruins of the old castle, contemplating as he works. The past month had been relatively uneventful, the lack of a major Equestrian holiday in November being one of those reasons. Aside from a few more spell study sessions with Twilight, and one trip to the doctor after Spike sprained his claw from trying to punch one of the stone pillars, and the snow eventually beginning to fall, the days seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

Aurelic finishes enchanting the second of two matching little devices, both circular with a differently colored jewel button in the center of each. "Perfect, another bit of preparation work done." He thinks, pridefully looking at the orange and blue jeweled buttons. "Exactly what I need if things in the Crystal Empire go south. I think that's everything now... At least, for a while." He thinks, looking over a small collection of small trinkets. Among them are vials of liquids, one silvery, a whole lot of pink vials, and a few red. Aurelic looks over to his makeshift chemistry station, some of the pink substance dripping into another vial, and a second station where the liquid of the vial is turned into little pink pills of sorts, also stored in vials.

Once he has a vial of pills shifted to the inside of his left foreleg, Aurelic picks up a bundle of wrapped gifts, changing into Forge. "Now, time for some Hearth's Warming Eve. I wonder if the other smiths are at the grounds yet." He thinks with a smile as he teleports.

As soon as Forge is gone, Wasp flies down to inspect the vials. Changing back to her normal form, she picks up a pink vial, inspecting it. In the complete silence, the sound of a pill clinking into a vial was startlingly loud, causing Wasp to whip around to assume a battle stance, something her training drilled into her. Unfortunately for her, the glass of the vial was quite smooth, and with her focus no longer on the vial, it slips easily, shattering on the ground with a resounding crash. A single whiff of the concentrated pink substance inside sends her mind reeling. The sensory overload brought on by the substance causes her to drop to the ground unceremoniously. Spasming uncontrollably, her entire body feeling unbearably hot and itchy, feminine fluids leaking copiously from her. Yet somehow, it all feels amazing, the pleasure, the need, the satiation, the lust for more, and the increasing amount of the scent wafting to her snout furthering her feelings. Her mind unable to process everything happening to her all at once, she passes out, twitching on the ground.


Forge was half-asleep after the play was over. "No wonder the show went the route they did, and that was supposed to be the best Hearth'swarming plays? Despite their VAs, those ponies act just as wooden as the stage they were standing on. And you'd think the special effects would be better than that considering actual magic exists." He laments, mentally complaining about the time he'd never get back.

On their way back to the castle, Forge kept mostly silent on the way back to the castle, giving the occasional short response as the Mane Six kept talking on and on about the play.

"And then I was like 'WHAPOW!' and broke those storm clouds like it was nothing!" Rainbow boasts, making punching motions with her forehooves to emphasize her point.

"I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to actually break those cloud props Rainbow." Twilight says, rolling her eyes at Rainbow's antics.

"Th-that part was... Pretty scary." Fluttershy admits, hiding behind her mane a bit.

"Well, they should have told me that then. How was I supposed to know not to break the storm clouds?" Rainbow huffs.

As Forge continues walking, he stops listening to the conversation, following the group as they walked as if he were on autopilot. He ruminates on what his next steps should be.

"It's near the end of December now, and the next major event in the form of the Royal Wedding/Changeling Invasion isn't until at least the beginning of summer, most likely June. I'll know for sure nearer to the date, but I have a long while before then. The question is, what do I do about it? Should I attempt to stop it early, or let it play out? Would that love wave thing blast me away too since I'm also a changeling? Most importantly of all, should I reveal my true form to the entire public before, or after? If I do it before, they might be more willing to accept me. After... There's two ways. One, I do it after the wedding and before the reformation. Two, I wait until after the reformation. Thorax revealed himself before the reformation and he was fine..."

An orange hoof waving in front of Forge's face snaps him out of his trance. "What?" He asks meekly, feeling embarrassed.

"We're here. You all right sugarcube?" Applejack asks.

"Yeah, just had some things on my mind is all." Forge replies, following the group past the gate.

Pinkie starts up. "What kind of things? Like what's the best kind of Hearth's Warming treat? I personally like the gingerbread houses! There's a lot of variety in those and they're sooooooooooooooooo good it just makes you-"

"No, nothing like that Pinkie, just... Thoughts." Forge interrupts.

"Does it have to do with your visions?" Twilight inquires, quirking a brow.

"More like, how to act on them. It's not always clear what I should do, if anything sometimes." Forge explains. "How many more years am I going to have to lie to them about the visions? I watched the show, and I remember what's supposed to happen normally. I'd feel safer if I knew what was going to happen before it does like now, but what if I also want to make a major decision that changes the course off the beaten path? None of the bad futures from Starlight's time travel can come to pass because we're already past the point where Rainbow did her first sonic rainboom, and I know all of the villains we'd be facing regardless... but then what?" Forge mulls as they enter the main hall.


Forge sat at a table with both of his friend groups, laughing along with them as they exchanged various stories with one-another.

"I've never had a Christmas, or equivalent holiday with friends before. Sure, nuclear family is nice and all, but even then I'd never had friends over. Let alone at a party like this." Forge thought, his merriment dwindling at a nagging thought. "Family..."

"HEY! This is supposed to be Hearth's Warming Eve! You're not allowed to be sad today!" Pinkie practically yells in Forge's face, startling the disguised pony out of his wits.

"Somethin' really is botherin' you. Do you wanna talk about it?" Applejack asks.

"Yes darling, please do. It's difficult not knowing if you can or can't do anything to help." Rarity agrees.

Forge looks between all eleven pairs of eyes at the table, the Mane Six and Spike, as well as the four Royal Smiths. He sighs. "Well, this is my first Chr- Hearth's Warming, without my family... It's, complicated. For me, anyway. I don't think anything can be done about it, considering..." Forge glances towards the Mane Six, hoping they get the hint.

Hearth Aspis and Solid Weld loom to each-other, then back at Forge. "We, never really did ask about your family, did we?" Solid ponders aloud.

"You talk about it like you can't see them again..." Hearth says, giving Forge a sympathetic look.

"Let's not get into it any further right now, I don't want to spoil our holiday." Forge says, trying to divert the topic.

"So... Read any good books lately?" Twilight asks, diverting the topic.

"Oh! Did I tell you about the time I chased Rainbow Dash all over Ponyville?" Pinkie interjected.

The rest of the night carried on with more merriment, and eventually, gift exchanges.


Once evryone went back home, Forge teleported back to his bedroom in the castle, grabbing a dark blue box with white ribbon, and a gold box with white ribbon. He silently trots through the castle, leaving the gift boxes in front of each of the princesses' respective doors. That task done, Forge only has one last thing to do for the night.


Forge teleports back into the old castle, dropping his disguise. He checks on the now full vial of pills, and the empty vial of concentrated dopamine. He puts an empty vial in place of the full pill vial, and goes to retrieve a new vial of concentrate, only to spot the unconscious Wasp next to a shattered vial. Sealing his olfactory senses immediately, he teleports briefly to the dungeons in Canterlot Castle, borrowing an inhibitor ring, and some chain length. The materials gathered, he teleports back into the old castle.

First, Aurelic goes to float the inhibitor ring onto Wasp's horn, finding it only nullified his magic. Groaning, he uses his hooves to place the ring over Wasp's horn. Next, he binds her in the chains. Tight enough to keep her bound, even weaving through her leg holes in some areas, but not so tight that it would cause her undue pain.

Aurelic cleans up the spilled dopamine and vial, putting both into a bag before exiting the castle, tossing the bag into the nearby ravine where he'd dumped the majority of anger bile. He walks over to a vial of the stuff he'd saved, bringing it over to his pill-maker. Shortly after cleaning it up for the new substance, he sets it up to make anger pills. Once a single pill drops into the waiting vial, he seals the dropper, removes the pill, brings it over to Wasp, and cracks it in front of her nose. As soon as the smell from the anger pill hits Wasp's nostrils, she startles awake, coughing and gagging. Aurelic puts the half pills back into their vial, corking it shut.


Chapter 24: Dilemma

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Wasp's ears were ringing, head pounding from the sheer volume she'd just been subjected to. The force of the shout had shoved her backwards, scraping the chain and her chitin across the stone floor. When her vision refocuses, she sees the angry changeling moving his mouth, but can't hear him over the continuous noise her ears are subjecting her to. She observed Aurelic's face shift from rage to angry disappointment, probably because she couldn't hear anything he was saying. His horn ignited, then she could hear again, a dull tone still lingering.

"I'll ask again. Who the fuck are you, and why the hell are you here?" Aurelic says in a stern, restrained tone.

Wasp just glares at him, struggling against her chains.

Aurelic steps closer, pointing right at her horn before flicking it. "Inhibitor ring, prevents you using any magic, even your shapeshifting. Those chains are woven through your legs too, so you won't be going anywhere."

Wasp hisses at Aurelic, baring her fangs and scowling.

"Your situation won't change until you cooperate." Aurelic says coldly, leaning down closer to her face. "So I'd suggest you answer me."

"Then what? You'll just drain my love when I'm not useful anymore!" Wasp accuses, hissing again.

Aurelic cringes at the thought. "No, actually. That's barbaric as fuck, Christ." He steps back.

Wasp's stomach grumbles, and she hisses again.

"You hiss too much." Aurelic says, levitating over a vial of the pink pills, taking three out. "Here, this should help."

As Aurelic puts the pills to Wasp's muzzle, she clamps it shut, refusing to accept them.

Aurelic withdraws, putting the pills back. "Fine, go ahead and starve."

"You're just trying to drug me again!" Wasp yells.

"You overdosed on the fumes from a concentrated vial. The concentrate is for easier storage, then I dilute it to safe levels for the pills. If I hadn't cleaned up the spilled substance, you'd still be comatose right now." Aurelic explains.

Wasp continues to glare daggers his way.

Aurelic proceeds to take the pills in front of her. "Like I said, go ahead and starve. At least, for now. I won't let you die on my watch."

Wasp crinkles her nose in disgust. "So you're going to have your way with me? Is that what you're playing at?"

It was Aurelic's turn to be disgusted. "No! I'm not like that at all! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Wasp huffs, looking away.

Aurelic shakes his head. "Well, happy Hearth's Warming." He says, teleporting away.

Wasp lies there in her chains, unable to do anything but look around. "Damn inhibitor ring! And damn you Aurelic!"


Aurelic flops onto his bed, unsure if he's making the right call. "Was leaving her there too cruel? I don't know what else to do, for now. She won't cooperate, and I can't make her talk. Ugh, fuck you random changeling bitch. I'll deal with you in the morning. For now, I need sleep." He thinks, slipping into bed.


Aurelic shows up to the castle bright and early, finding a sleeping Wasp, still bound, and in the same spot she was in the night before. He knows his task, making sure she doesn't die from starvation. Uncorking a vial, Aurelic levitates out three pills, right into the open mouth of Wasp. Not wanting to chance her spitting them out, he levitates them further down, carefully past her tongue, through her esophagus, and into her stomach directly. As soon as she's fed, Aurelic flashes a light briefly in front of her closed eyes, startling her awake.

"Morning sunshine, how are you feeling?" Aurelic asks, stepping back from Wasp.

Wasp hisses angrily, scowling hard. "I feel... not as hungry. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?"

"Fed you, and not in the sexual way either. Gave you some of the dopamine pills. I said I wouldn't let you starve."

"You gave me pills when I was asleep!?" Wasp yells.

"I... yeah, that sounds bad. But it was for your health. I'm not a savage like you seem to believe." Aurelic says, walking over to the vials.

"Your drugs, why do you make them? Why did you force them on me?" Wasp asks.

"I, never thought of it like that. I guess it is a drug, like the pharmaceutical kind. Anyway, I actually didn't know how we ate emotions, until I figured it out. Other beings eat food for sustenance, and it provides energy for their body to use. So how would something nebulous like emotions factor in? Then I remembered, emotions are a biological process, and the main chemical love and other positive emotions have in common is dopamine. I think serotonin is another factor, though I haven't started testing that yet. The way us changelings consume dopamine involves a spell that turns the chemical of dopamine into a gaseous form that we consume when we feed directly. And since most beings produce dopamine in the brain, I made some normal neurons in my hoof for easy production, and made my own dopamine concentrate. I use it to quell the anger vomit I tend to get a lot these days. But for changelings without friendship bonds, it can serve as a source of food. There's nothing else in those pills aside from some sugar water I add to dilute the amount of dopamine in each pill. As I learned from you, the smell of the concentrate serves as a powerful aphrodisiac for changelings. I always disabled my olfactory senses when making my concentrate for safety reasons, and i never planned on testing unethically on others. Yet, you did it for me. Now that I've answered your question, you answer mine. Who are you?" Aurelic finishes, looking directly into Wasp's eyes.

"My name, is Wasp." She says reluctantly, looking away from Aurelic afterwards.

"Well then, no wonder we don't get along. I have a burning hatred for wasps, they're the absolute worst. Then again, it's only a name for you. And I don't hate you, believe me, I have to have a good reason to hate. You're not on my good side either though, seeing as you were spying on me." Aurelic says with a glare.

Wasp's eyes widen. "H-how!?"

Aurelic rolls his eyes. "Please, you were alone in this castle, snooping around in my stuff, it's not that hard to figure out. Your refusal to talk before was the biggest giveaway, it's something you'd be trained to do."

"So now what? What are you going to do to me?" Wasp sneers.

"Nothing. Like I said. To be honest, I have no idea how to proceed. Letting you go would just put us back at square one. I'm not going to kill you either. The least abhorrent option is to just leave you bound for now, until I know what I should do." Aurelic nods matter-of-factly.

Wasp's temper flares. "You're just going to keep me bound!? I KNEW it! You ARE going to use-"


Aurelic cut her off with the shout akin to the Royal Canterlot Voiceā„¢, then takes a moment to take some of his pink pills.

"You're just dead-set on that aren't you? Is it like, a kink of yours or something? Because holy SHIT you won't SHUT UP about it!" Aurelic yells, giving Wasp his own scowl this time.

Wasp remains silent, ears splayed back as she stared at the ground.

"I'll be back to check on you regularly. I'd say don't go anywhere, but uh... Okay bye now." Aurelic quickly says, teleporting in a flash of light.

Wasp sighs, preparing herself for boredom. She starts by re-counting the cracks in the floor.


Disguising himself, Forge opens his bedroom door. To his mild surprise, he spotted two gifts right in front of the door. Scooping each one up, he takes them back into his room, closing the door. He decides to open the gift from Celestia first, saving Luna's for the extremely close finale. Forge tears through the stark white, gold patterned paper, opening the box to find... another, slightly smaller box. Forge narrows his eyes, opening the second box to find... a third box. Then, he opens the third, fourth, fifth boxes. He gets to box number six, staring at it. He opens the sixth box, picking up the note.

I hope you enjoyed the gift wrapping, it just keeps on giving! All jokes aside, I hope you like the gift too, I enchanted it myself!

Happy Hearth's Warming!

Sincerely, Princess Celestia

Forge pulls a monocle out of the box. Curious, he holds it up to his eye, not noticing anything different, until he looks where his enchanted items are, seeing glowing auras around each of them.

"Sweet! I can see whether or not things are enchanted now! You may be a troll, but damn you know how to give good gifts Sunbutt." Forge thinks, tucking away the monocle.

Moving on, he began unwrapping Luna's gift, lime paper with white patterns. Thankfully, it was one box. Forge picked the note up first.

Dearest Aurelic, we I hope this gift conveys even a fraction of our my gratitude to you for helping me to get more accustomed to modern life. After 1000 years, it seems like a foreign world to us me.

Have a happy Hearth's Warming!

Eternally grateful, Princess Luna

Forge pulled a lunar ensign out of the box. "An ensign? I wonder what I'd need to use this for... So many possibilities, thank you Moonpie. I'm sure this will be extremely useful."

With that, Forge tucks the ensign away, preparing to go out for Hearth's Warming Day.

Chapter 25: A Solution

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Wasp is startled awake as Aurelic taps her on the withers.

"Ah, you're finally awake. Good, I've decided what to do with you now." Aurelic said, happily.

Wasp didn't like this. "And what is that?"

"Well, you see, I happen to have gained new... access, to books on magic. And, wouldn't you know it? Memory erasure is in the restricted section! Mind you, I won't be getting rid of everything, just your time in chains here. While my pills would be a boon for changeling kind, they'd also give you no incentive to change yourselves for the better, and some would still feed directly, by preference. So, I can't have that happening, not when something else is meant to occur. So I'll be moving my pill making station, and all solutions used in it, to a more remote location you can't find them. Then, I'll erase all of your memories since going unconscious after dropping the dopamine concentrate. The others will believe you have been passed out for the last two days from that incident, and you won't remember a thing. Status quo for you, but I get to keep my knowledge." Aurelic explains, smiling widely.

"No! NO! You can't do that! It HAS to be illegal!" Wasp yells in desperation.

Aurelic cocked his head back and laughed. "Legalities went out the window when you started spying on me. Now, this won't hurt a bit... Obliviate!"

With a flash of white light, Wasp felt herself becoming very, very drowsy. Despite her best efforts to remain conscious, her vision and thoughts fade to black.


Forge reads through more books in the restricted section. "No wonder these aren't available to the public. Of course, the time travel spell creates bootstrap paradoxes, so nothing changes as a result of them."

Forge looks over the books on necromancy, inspecting the chains and padlocks over them with his new monocle. "Yep, those are enchanted. But hey, at least I have some info on mind magic now. If I can combine some of that with my minor chaos illusion magic, I could add smell, taste, and touch to the effects. Causing even more realistic illusions just short of manipulating the real world. I can go all Mysterio on motherfuckers!

Forge puts the books away, noticing a cloth covered object on the far wall. Curious, he meanders over to it. Without touching it, he inspects the shape visible underneath the cloth. "It's the mirror Starswirl made. I'd better not touch it, it's a long time away before it will even be active again. I'll have my chance then..."

Forge prances out of the restricted section, the standing guard locking the door after Forge's exit.


Wasp stirs from her slumber, waking up in the empty old castle. She felt groggy, vision slightly hazed until she shakes it off.

"Wasp! Report! You went dark for two days, what happened!?" Chrysalis' voice buzzed through the device.

"I... I don't know, I dropped a vial full of pink liquid, felt... really good, too good. Then I blacked out. It... looks like it was cleaned up. I don't see it anywhere in here anymore." Wasp relays, her eyes scanning the room.

"That must have been powerful, to knock you unconscious for two days. Your replacement should be there by tomorrow, we sent one out the moment you went dark. You're relieved of spying duties, come home." Chrysalis says.

Wasp knew what that meant. Failures of the hive only had one purpose, incubation. The fittest changelings were allowed to breed, and the mothers would transfer their eggs to a broodmare for incubation while they continued working. It was an efficient system, ensuring no member of the hive was truly useless. For Wasp, it meant she'd never get to see the outside ever again. "I-I can still work my queen! Please! I'm one of your best spies! Please don't take that away from me!"

"YOU WILL DO AS YOU'RE TOLD, GET BACK HERE! NOW!" Chrysalis roared, the volume causing Wasp's ears to ring once more.

Wasp knew there was no point in running. She'd be hunted down, and dragged home, no doubt facing more punishment than her defiance surely wrought already. "Yes, my queen. I will return..."

Wasp changed to the form of a hawk, taking flight out of the tree canopy, on her way to her fate.


The months of January and February seemed to pass without much incident, as Forge read more from both the standard and restricted libraries, adding more useful spells to his repertoire. He noted that it was odd that Hearts and Hooves day isn't linked to Valentine's day, since it seems to be in early March around St. Patrick's day, weirdly. This morning, on the last day of February, Forge looked out his bedroom window to see something odd. The snow was being melted away by various unicorns, the water evaporating soon after.

"So that's how Winter Wrap Up in Canterlot is eh? Quick and efficient. Sucks to be you, Ponyville. Why do they insist on the multi-day traditional ways when magic is this useful? Work smarter, not harder. Clearly, they're not. Should I go help them? Twilight gets them to do it on time this year anyway... Maybe, if they ask me. I hate unpaid labor." Forge thinks selfishly, about to go back to bed.

Suddenly, a scroll poofs in front of him from a cloud of golden magic. Forge groans, opening the scroll. A small note falls out of it, onto his bed.

Forwarded by Princess Celestia to Turner Forge.

"Of course. Can't even THINK without jinxing things." Forge grumps, looking at the main scroll.

Dear Turner Forge, would you mind coming down to Ponyville? Winter Wrap Up here takes some real work to do, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to lend a helping hoof.

-Twilight Sparkle

Written by Spike

"Gotta get your recognition where you can I guess. Uuuuuuugh, work. If I want to keep steady trust, I guess I have to go. Damnit." Forge thought grumpily, teleporting down to Ponyville.


Forge teleports directly in front of Twilight's front door, immediately making his way towards the town hall. Thankfully, he'd made it by the time the vests were being distributed. There were three options: The blue vested weather team, the green vested plant team, and the tan vested animal team. He honestly thought the animal team would be more to his liking, or maybe weather. A farmer he was not.

"Excuse me, miss Mare?" Forge began, approaching the mayor.

Mayor mare turns to greet him. "Oh hello Forge, it's been a while. What brings you to Ponyville today?"

Forge pulled out his scroll. "Twilight asked me to help with Winter Wrap Up, what positions are available?"

"You'd have to go and ask the team leaders about that. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy." Mayor Mare says, heading inside town hall.

"Well okay then." Forge says to nobody in particular. "Guess I'd better track down Fluttershy."


It didn't take long for Forge to find Fluttershy, due to Twilight's screaming and crashing into things.

"Twilight, you okay?" Forge asks a VERY smelly, stung all-over Twilight.

"I don't want to talk about it." Twilight groans, trudging off with Spike in tow.

Forge waits until Twilight's out of earshot. "She looks like a train wreck, what happened?"

"Oh, um, well... She woke up some snakes from their den, and she got scared. So she backed up into a nest of bats, ran out even more scared, ran into a tree, had a beehive fall on her head, and then she ran blindly into a skunk den." Fluttershy explained, shrinking down a bit with every thing that happened to Twilight.

Forge sighs. "Well, how about I help instead? I promise I won't scare any of the animals."

"Um... I do need the help... Okay" Fluttershy says meekly, giving Forge a bell.

Forge takes the bell, walking over t the dens. "This is gonna be a long... wait, no. Twilight's going to organize things later. I'd give it maybe an hour before we stop." Forge thought as he woke a den of rabbits.


All's well that ends well. Forge helps finish up the bells for the all-at-once wake-up-call. As soon as he and Fluttershy are done, the bells are rung, waking the animals from their slumber. Forge simply went to wait with Fluttershy for the rest of the teams to finish up.

After the pleasantries are over with, Forge decides to head back to his bedroom with a teleport, Upon arriving there, he's confronted by a displeased Celestia.

"Aurelic. Explain to me why my guards say you've been using my sister's ensign to enter the restricted section of the library." Celestia said sternly, like a disappointed mother.

A chill went up Forge's spine. "Uh, because I used your sister's ensign to enter the restricted section of the library?"

Celestia raises a brow. "Care to explain why?"

Forge reverts back to Aurelic. "I was looking at the spells in there because I was curious. Knowing the bad spells helps you better defend against them, right?"

Celestia thinks in silence for a moment, her gaze remaining fixed on Aurelic. "And you haven't used any of those restricted spells, have you?"

Aurelic shakes his head. "No, why would I ever need to?"

Celestia held her gaze for a few moments. "Alright, just remember to not use those spells."

"I won't use them." Aurelic says, still looking down.

"Good. Have a good day Aurelic." Celestia finishes, teleporting away.

"I just lied to Celestia. Well, I've withheld the full truth, but now I've outright lied. Maybe this will blow over... I hope so, I don't know what she'd do if she knew what I did. No matter how tame it is to me, it might be a legitimate crime for all I know... Ugh, fuck me."

Chapter 26: Time For Socializing

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Aurelic wakes to some strange noises in the castle, odd noises he can't quite pin down, like he's never heard before. Donning his Forge disguise, he leaves his room towards the library. That's when he notices the open gate to the Starswirl the Bearded section, and strewn scrolls, books, and papers scattered all over the ground. Before he can enter, he sees a very banged-up looking Twilight, along with Pinkie, and an unwell Spike.

"Oh, hey Forge. You aren't gonna believe what just happened to me today, and last week." Twilight starts, about to start recounting her escapades through time.

"Actually, I do know. You went through a bootstrap paradox. By going back in time using that spell, it caused your past self to go through the exact actions necessary to facilitate your traveling to the past in the first place, creating a closed loop in time. Time corrected itself, because time wants to happen the way it does. The only being capable of truly altering it I know of is Discord, by bringing me here to give him new freedom, as temporary as it was." Forge explains, leaving out that the spell can alter time when altered by one who knew what they were doing.

Pinkie looks dizzy-eyed for a moment, before shaking it off. "I have no idea what you just said, but O-K."

Twilight looks just as dumbfounded. "You, how? You had visions of it, AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!? I could've saved SO much time not worrying!"

"I'd bet even if I tried to tell you, your stubbornness would have kept you on this path anyway, so it was pointless to try. And if it had worked, I would have ended up creating a real paradox, where you never went back in time the way you were to warn yourself. The original future you would be erased after that." Forge continues.

"I, uh... Huh, so by keeping the bootstrap paradox in place, time continues normally afterwards. That's so weird." Twilight says, rubbing her forehead with a hoof.

"Not everyone can understand time-travel and its different paradoxes immediately. You'll understand without racking your brain over it once you're used to the concepts." Forge says, entering the library past Twilight.

"Wait, where are you going?" Twilight asks, turning to look at Forge.

"To do a bit of reading. I'm almost halfway through with everything in this section." Forge says, heading over to a shelf.

Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike simply head off, presumably back to Ponyville.

"Her time traveling means Cerberus left Tartarus unguarded. Tirek's out and about now, though he won't be a problem until after Twilight gets her wings. I have an end-goal now, and to get it, I need to let Tirek do his thing. Plus, witnessing that massive anime fight's gonna be so cool!" Forge thinks giddily as he picks up where he left off.


As Forge trots through Canterlot, he notices Rarity walking and talking with Fancy Pants and his crew.

"Gala must be close... but Twilight's birthday is even closer... I should get her a gift, but what... Not a book, I don't know what she doesn't have, and a duplicate book isn't exactly a good gift. Something to do with books, but isn't a book... and it has to be soon..." Forge ponders, until Rarity waves over at him.

"Foooorge! Could you be a dear and come here for a moment?" Rarity asks with a wide grin.

"Using me to impress them huh? Rarity, you manipulative little cunt." Forge thinks with an eyeroll, walking over to the group of socialites.

"And this is my dear friend Turner Forge. He's a royal blacksmith working under Princess Celestia herself!" Rarity half-lies, eliciting oohs and ahs from the other ponies.

"I do say, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance mister Forge." Fancy Pants greets with an extended hoof.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine sir Pants. Might I add that you look rather dashing today, a shame I was ill-prepared for such a meeting." Forge fakes in the most genuine way possible.

After all, Fancy Pants is just about the only noble pony he actually likes.

"Fret not, I know a gentlecolt when I see one. Say, how do you know miss Rarity?" Fancy asks.

"Well, I just so happened to enter her fine establishment, leaving with a custom-embroidered set of bags. Naturally, I couldn't stop myself from buying more of her ensembles, they radiate a sense of fashion I haven't seen from any other retailer thus far." Forge lies, Rarity nodding in approval.

"I see what you mean, she's always dressed so stylishly." Fancy comments, turning back to his group, whom are now murmuring about visiting Rarity's boutique sometime.

"Well, I'd better be off then. I have some errands to run. Ta ta." Forge says, walking off.

"Jesus, I don't think I could keep that up for much longer without slipping into sarcasm. But hey, Rarity's going to face her lies soon enough." Forge thinks as he wanders over to a quill shop. "Maybe I could find something here. I've got the spare income for a place like this. Something on the expensive side, but not too expensive..."


His shopping done, Forge settled on a nicer looking quill and inkwell organizer, assembly required. Of course, he'd assemble it fully before wrapping it. Thanks to Rarity's appearance in Canterlot, he has a rough estimate of the days until Twilight's birthday. Naturally, he'd likely see her in the castle on occasion, particularly at one of the very special suites usually designated for delegates of other nations on their visits. One small look inside and he would have a near perfect time frame. However, Pinkie has other plans, as Forge discovered via a little pink envelope that had clearly been slipped underneath his door when he was out. Unsurprisingly, it was Twilight's birthday invitation, scheduled a week from now.

"Well then, looks like I won't need to peek in Rarity's room for the time. This invitation says it all. Funny how that works, I bought a gift for Twilight even before I got the invitation." Forge thinks happily as he cleans up the confetti from the explosive mess Pinkie's invitations tend to leave in their wake.

Locking his bedroom door, Forge reverts to Aurelic, opening the boxed quill and inkwell organizer. Setting the instructions next to the open box, he begins the process of assembling it.


Aurelic sits in his room, his gift for Twilight already wrapped three days ago. As of right now, he's staring at the vial of pink pills containing his love supplements.

"Something isn't right here... When Thorax got his glittering wings, he wasn't hungry at all. Yet, here I am, needing to take these pills from time to time... Why am I not satisfied? Why do I have to take these things? And most importantly... Why am I still black with holes? What am I doing wrong? Aurelic ponders, his eyes still fixed on those pills.

"I have to figure this out, something clearly isn't adding up." He confirms, deciding on his next course of action.

In the meantime, he goes back to his tinkering.


Forge is beside himself with giddy disbelief. Here he is, helping throw Twilight up in the air and catching her when she lands. Not only was this something he's never done before, but it's also with the characters he used to believe were just fiction. Yet, here he is, celebrating Twilight's birthday with them.

Up next, Twilight passes slices of cake out as she cuts them. Forge noted the cake itself was quite simple, chocolate with strawberry icing. Most likely a request by Twilight. Suddenly, cake flies into Fluttershy's and Applejack's faces, and then HIS face. All brought on by a cackling Rainbow Dash. The cake doesn't last much longer, being completely obliterated in the following food fight.

Before he knows it, Forge ends up being dragged into a conga line, sandwiched right between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. While he does notice when Rarity makes her escape, he chooses not to mention it, for obvious reasons. If he knew one thing, it was not to interfere in the friendship lessons. Or at least, for now.

"Okay everypony! It's time for the Friendship Frenzy Pinata Bash!" Pinkie exclaims, dashing out of sight in the blink of an eye, quickly returning with multiple pinatas, and hanging them all in the span of a few seconds.

"W-wait, why are there so many? Isn't it usually one pinata?" Forge asks, looking at the pinata hung just in front of every present pony.

"Why have one pinata, when you can have ALL OF THEM? That way everypony gets more candy, AND can bash open their own pinatas! That's why it's called the Friendship Frenzy Pinata Bash! Because you and all of your friends race to see who can open their pinatas first! Pretty cool idea, riiiiiiight?" Pinkie nudges Forge's shoulder, before immediately zooming off, returning to put a bat in everypony's mouth, then blindfold them all.

Forge shrugs, and is immediately startled when Pinkie blows a whistle. "GO!"

Forge starts swinging away at his pinata, without using his magic, it's a race after all.


After a while of Rarity sneaking off, she comes back holding damning evidence. A croquet mallet.

"Uh, what's with the croquet mallet?" Rainbow asks.

"Whht crrqhh mllllt?" Rarity asks, her mouth filled with croquet mallet.

"Duh, the one in your mouth?" Rainbow continues, talking about said croquet mallet.

It dawns on Rarity that she did, in fact, have a croquet mallet in her mouth. She quickly drops it.

"Ahahahah, oh, that croquet mallet. I, well I- you know, the truth is- the truth is..." Rarity fails to word, the croquet mallet lying right in front of her on the floor.

"Rarity, were you at that other party in the garden?" Twilight asks, stepping closer to Rarity, and the ground-bound croquet mallet by proxy.

Rarity seems to have acquired marbles in her mouth, in place of the croquet mallet.

"Rarity, I'm surprised at you." Twilight says, Rarity soon joining the croquet mallet on the floor.

The croquet mallet lies there, having been tossed away by the pony who had deigned to grab it, unable to fulfill its purpose of hitting a croquet ball from this new position. It is unaware of the struggles of the pony who had tossed it aside, the mallet only concerned with its own lack of usefulness at the present. As the ponies begin to leave, a different one picks up the croquet mallet, relieving it of its former state of being useless. The one who grabbed the croquet mallet seems to be a bit taller than the previous pony, bearing a somewhat brighter white coat. Not that the croquet mallet could perceive any of this, for it was just a croquet mallet. Eventually, the croquet mallet was placed back in its proper resting spot. Were it alive and able to think, it would be grateful for this. Alas, it was simply, a wooden croquet mallet. With some red acrylic paint applied to it.

Forge, having put away the croquet mallet, now watches on in glee as the high society "party" is crashed by the other five Ponyville residents. "Karma's only a bitch when you are."

Everything comes to a head when Twilight reveals that her unintentionally unfinished dress had been made by Rarity.

"You know these ponies?" Fancy Pants asks Rarity with a raised brow.

Rarity is suffering an internal mental breakdown, an imaginary croquet mallet bashing around the inside of her skull. Figuratively speaking. She makes her decision, walking up to the Canterlot Elite with a determined expression.

"Yes. Yes I do know them. They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends. And they are without a doubt, the most important I know." Rarity affirms, smiling back at the group.

"Important ponies? These ruffians?" Jet Set mocks.

"Don't make me laugh." Upper Crust chimes in.

Forge steps forward. "Excuse me, are any of you aware who they are? They're the bearers of the Elements of Harmony! Highly important magical artifacts that they've used to save the world from eternal night and eternal chaos! Without the efforts of these six ponies right here, you'd all be suffering the wrath of Nightmare Moon, AND Discord! These ruffians are by FAR more accomplished than the lot of you put together! If you can't appreciate them for who they are or what they've done for all of you, then you're not worth their time or effort." He caps his statement with an affirmative, light hoof stomp.

Fancy Pants steps forward. "Well, they certainly sound highly accomplished indeed."

Jet Set, and Upper Crust both look shocked at this, while the rest of the Canterlot Elite simply acknowledge Fancy's statement.

"And, I also quite like that dress. I dare say every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one."

"Ooh, I'd like to place my order right now." Upper Crust says, in stark contrast with her previous attitude, pressing her face up to Rarity's from the right.

"I think you should get two." Jet Set says to his wife, while pressing his face into Rarity's from the left.

Rarity steps forward, causing both snobs to collide their heads together.

"Yes, yes, now then. How about you introduce me to your friends." Fancy Pants switches the topic.

"With pleasure!" Rarity beams.

Forge mentally crosses this particular little event off, enjoying the rest of the evening, eventually returning to Twilight's birthday party with the rest of the group.

Chapter 27: Night Terrors

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Forge knocks on the door to Luna's room, steeling himself for what comes next. The anticipation and uncertainty doing a number on his nerves, his composure hanging by a thread. Suddenly, a small wave of navy blue magic pulses outward, engulfing Forge completely, before dissipating.

"You may enter, Forge." Luna says from within, the door unlocking.

Forge enters, closing the door behind him, which Luna proceeds to lock. "To what do we- I, owe this visit?" Luna asks, still working on her vernacular.

Forge takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. "I was wondering, if maybe, you'd want to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with me, as my plus one?"

Luna freezes up for a moment, a veritable wave of emotions bombarding Forge's senses. Joy, sorrow... regret...

"I'm... flattered, really. Unfortunately, I still have my nightly duties to attend to, and the Gala begins after the sun sets. I cannot attend."

"I... see. I uh, won't continue to bother you about it then. Goodnight." Forge says, his tone keeping eerily steady.

Without another word, Forge teleports to his room, and drops his disguise. "I'll have to tell Rarity I'm not going then, so she won't need to make that suit. I should've known better than to presume on Luna and I's friendship."

Aurelic climbs into his bed, reconsidering some of his original notions. "Maybe Luna's isn't the only friendship I've been presumptuous of. The royal smiths are my work friends, sure, but I almost never hang out with them outside of work. And just because I was there when the Mane Six officially became the Elements of Harmony, doesn't mean I'm necessarily a real friend of theirs... If anything, I've mostly been inserting myself into what's supposed to be their good times. And when I'm not doing that, I'm just working on projects that never seem to end. Can I really consider anyone I've met as a proper friend? Hell, I'm practically mooching off of Celestia's kindness, staying here in the castle like this. I didn't earn this, it was given to me. And then there's my anger issues, which I have to pop a bunch of dopamine pills to counteract, like bad acid reflux or something... Am I even worthy of any of this? My entire existence here was just to prevent a future where Nightmare wins, and Discord dies. He got free like usual, and the major beats leading to his second defeat were almost exactly the same. Now that that's over... what's my purpose? Why am I here?" These thoughts plague Aurelic's mind as he tries to sleep, his heart weighing heavily on him.


Aurelic explores his dreamscape. Unfortunately, this was one of the rare times he's stuck in the infinite building. A location in his dreamscape where it's completely unknown how it connects to the rest of the locations he usually ends up in. There are no windows to the outside. Fluorescent white lights occasionally flicker and dim, some even being completely out. The tiled floors are cold, have slight dirt and wear, and cause all footsteps to echo in the barren halls. The walls are blank and featureless, save for the semi-roughness from the off-white paint, doorways, and windows into the various rooms. Each room has a desk and desktop computer within, some with people, some empty. Some doors are open, some ajar, and some shut. Various personnel all dressed in pure white labcoats mill about, mumbling things that can never quite be made out. Then, there are the specialized rooms, looking to house various different things ranging from machinery, to a monster of some kind. Those rooms have dark, dingy metallic grating for their floors and inner walls, with pipes in odd places. None of the creatures are recognizable, even to Aurelic himself. Like his own, twisted version of an SCP complex, though the layout is nothing like the games. The same general rules apply to every floor, whether the stairs or elevators are taken. There are no floor numbers. This is why he calls it infinite. There is no ground floor. There is no roof. There is no escape. A place where no matter how many floors there are, it will always be claustrophobic.

Every time, it starts in a state of complacency. Everything is running smoothly, the personnel are calm. But the peace never lasts. He knows this, and can never relax during this time, always wondering what's going to go wrong first, trying to stay close to whichever elevator or stairwell is closest. Despite the facility-like state of the building, alarms never go off when things go wrong. The only warning anyone ever has, is when the screams start, and the blood spatters.

This, is that time. Aurelic quickly descends the nearby stairwell, narrowly avoiding the sight of a rampaging beast he didn't care to even look at. The stairwells have a similar decor to the specialized rooms, comprised of the same dingy metal with all manner of pipes leading up and down to who knows where. And on the next floor, the lights are significantly dimmer already, the previously sterile walls lined with swaths of browned blood stains. Occasionally, he sees a dead labcoat wearer sprawled on the ground. Now, the nightmare has truly begun. Aurelic must carefully navigate the floors to avoid the monsters. And more likely than not, if it can be seen, it's not long until it spots him either. The open rooms make optimal spots to hide in, usually behind the desks, until he hears the creature pass by. He never dares enter the specialized rooms, as those not only make for terrible hiding spots, but the creatures usually pass through them shortly after he gets in there. What's worse, nothing useful is actually ever in them to begin with. The constant tension and hounding never affords him the opportunity to read any functioning monitors. Unlike any game, there is no safe way to pause and read whatever bullshit his brain makes up about these terrors.

These dreams only ever end in two ways. In the beginning, he had to learn the rules of this particular dream the hard way, being "killed" and waking up in a cold sweat. Having since learned to navigate and survive, the other way it ends is simply when he wakes up. Everything just cuts off in an instant. No fanfare or victory to be had.

Only now, it's two-player. Luna enters the room Aurelic is currently crouching in. Her entrance is loud, bright, and everything Aurelic didn't want to happen. He grabs Luna immediately, holds one hoof over her mouth, and shushes with his own. Before she has a chance to say anything, the creature pokes its head into the room, black tentacles presumably attached somewhere on its body slither in along the floor. Aurelic adjusts his legs as the appendages slowly move around, having to step carefully over them. Luna copies his actions, avoiding the tentacles. Finding nothing, the creature goes back to meandering the halls.

"What the FUCK are you doing in here!?" Aurelic whispers, a fair hint of venom in his tone.

"We- I sensed you were having a terrible nightmare, but this is beyond even my level of understanding. Let me try something." Before Aurelic can protest, Luna ignites her horn.

Nothing happens. That is, except for Luna's face showing abject terror. "M-my magic, why is it not working!?"

The silence broken in the same room, the monster won't be fooled twice. It comes barreling in, breaking the doorframe as its broad, knobbed shoulders barge through. It grabs both Aurelic and Luna, letting out a blood-curdling shriek.

Abruptly, the scene is ripped away. The monster, the building, even... Luna... Aurelic floats there in the void of space, the actual Luna entering for real this time. Briefly, he sees a hint of something below. A parking lot. That's when something clicks back into place. The first time he'd ever encountered this place was from the outside, having rushed in with a small group of others he didn't immediately remember. He'd come to this place to do something, but whatever it was, he can't remember either. Now he knows there's a goal, however vague it may be.

"In all of my years, I have never seen such a horrifying, dread-laden nightmare. What makes it even worse, you somehow got me to be involved. Perhaps your mind going to the worst-case scenario?" Luna asks, a solemn look on her face.

"M-maybe... I honestly couldn't tell it wasn't really you, which terrifies me even more. It's not just my body that's changed whenever I dream. I'm not even sure I'll be able to tell what's real and what isn't anymore, with your dreamwalking." Aurelic admits.

"That is... worrisome. Fear not, for as long as I draw breath, I shall quell the nightmares of my subjects. You needn't worry any longer." Luna assures.

Aurelic looks down. "Sure, you might be able to stop the nightmares themselves, but... That's not going to stop them from happening. Not unless you can solve the problem at the root."

"Indeed, which is why I'm still here. Tell me, what is it that troubles you?" Luna asks, genuine concern on her features.

Aurelic looks back up to Luna, his voice catching in his throat for a moment. "I... can't say."

"Can't, or won't? You know you can trust me." Luna tries to reassure him.

However, it seems the dream itself has other plans, the starry void becoming blurrier fast.

Aurelic begins to panic. "That's just it. I-

The dream cuts out.

Chapter 28: A Chill Evening

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Forge knocks on the door of the Carousel Boutique, waiting patiently outside. It's not long before Rarity opens the door, the little bell above jingling.

"Hello Forge. Come in, come in." Rarity says as she opens the door wider.

Forge stands in place. "I'm not staying long, so no need for that. I'm cancelling the suit."

Rarity double-takes. "Cancel? Why? Did something happen?"

"I don't really plan on going to the gala anymore, those kinds of parties aren't something I enjoy, and Luna's too busy to attend. I don't have any real reason to go." Forge elaborates.

"Are you sure you don't want a custom suit? Even if you aren't going to the gala, there may be other events you would need a nice suit for." Rarity prompts.

Forge mulls over this. "I... suppose that makes sense." He steps into the boutique, looking around.

Rarity ushers him over to the stand, magically levitating the measuring tape over and measuring him. "Weren't you going to go before ever having the thought to ask Luna to go with you? What were you planning to do then, if I may ask?"

"I wasn't really planning on doing much of anything. Just, bumming around. I don't think anything super interesting is gonna happen there." Forge says, omitting the truth.

While he knows the night's going to be a train wreck, he's not sure he even wants to be there for it.

"You'll never know if you decide not to attend. You might even meet someone there." Rarity tries to persuade him.

Forge sighs. "Maybe... Everybody else I know is going, so I won't really have anyone I could hang out with for the night." He nods in affirmation. "Alright, I'm going again."

Rarity perks up at the news. "Splendid! That's great to hear, darling." She softly claps her hooves in celebration.

Forge squints. "You just wanted me to go so I could promote your clothing, didn't you?"

Rarity sputters in shock. "I- what? That's not- I would never!"

Forge starts laughing. "Relax, I was just messing with you."

Rarity starts to chortle a bit herself. "Goodness, you really had me for a moment." She retracts the measuring tape, her work done.

"In any case, I look forward to seeing what you come up with." Forge says, stepping down from the little platform.

"And I look forward to seeing you at the Gala." Rarity smiles, waving as Forge heads for the door.

"Until then!" Forge calls out, shutting the door.


Forge stands in front of his bedroom mirror, adjusting his suit. The suit itself is black, with a slightly reflective sheen, lined with gold trim that matches his golden stripes in his mane and tail. The inner part of the suit is a dark blue, almost velvet material. The cuff-links are small, gold colored cogs made to match his mark. He rights the matching top-hat, centering it atop his head. Briefly, he looks out his window, seeing the carriages beginning to arrive. Ponies dressed in all manner of fancy, frivolous clothing head towards the castle, heads held high.

Turning his attention back to the mirror, Forge tightens his dark blue bow-tie. "Showtime."

Unfortunately, Forge has to exit from one part of the castle to officially enter for the gala. Presenting his ticket, he's granted re-entry. On his way inside, he sees Princess Celestia standing dutifully atop the flight of stairs.

"Welcome- Oh, hello Forge. I have too make this quick, so I'm glad you decided to come." She nods.

Fearing any potential of holding up the approaching line, or seeming too chummy with Celestia in public, he nods.

"Glad I did." He says a little faster than usual, quickly proceeding past her.

Forge makes his way down to the ballroom, where the gala is being held. Being among the earliest of the guests, he noticed the band finishing up with their preparations. The only pony on the stage he recognizes is Octavia, only thanks to her reputation in the fandom. Brushing those thoughts off, he surveys the rest of the room, noting any potential exits in case of emergency. Or in this case, for imminent emergency.

As the ponies file in, he notices none of his coworkers are coming through. "Maybe they're running late? I... don't actually know what their schedules look like outside of work hours..."

Growing a little more disheartened each passing moment, he wonders if any of them are even coming at all. Eventually, he spots the mane six enter, and subsequently dash off in different directions, leaving Spike alone.

"As much hate as he gets... poor guy doesn't deserve to be ditched like that. Nobody does." Forge waves Spike over.

Spike's mood brightens as he speedwalks over to Forge. "Hey Forge, cool to see you're here too!" He beams, offering a fistbump.

Forge returns it. "Yep! I uh, guess the others are busy with their own, personal plans. And to be honest, I have absolutely no idea what to do at this kind of party." He leans down, whispering. "And the nobles around here are just, unbearably stuck-up. I have no idea how you and Twilight managed to live here for so long."

Spike waves it off. "Just ignore 'em, that's how I handle it anyway."

Forge nods. "Got it." He tries to think of another conversation topic, or anything else to do. "Wanna go hit up Applejack's cart soon? I'd imagine she's already set up by now."

Spike mulls it over. "Sure, I was just gonna ditch and go to Donut Joe's anyway. Now that we're hanging out, I'll stick around."

The two make their way outside, as Spike follows Forge. "Where did she set up again? Couldn't be too far." It doesn't take long for them to spot Applejack, who gives a friendly wave. Forge and Spike rush up to the cart, eyeing the goods.

"Howdy there, what can I do ya for tonight?" Applejack asks, gesturing to said apple-themed goods.

Forge considers his options. "I think I'll have a couple fritters. You want anything, Spike?"

Spike points to the caramel apples. "Can I get one of those caramel apples please?"

Applejack bags the fritters and hoofs them over to Forge, and gives Spike a caramel apple. Before she can get the words out, Forge levitates the bits to her.

"You know, the strangest thing happened earlier. One of them Wonderbolts bought a whole apple pie from me. Ah wonder what Rainbow would do if she knew that." She laughs gently.

"I bet Rainbow's already hanging out with them. She did save some of their lives before, I'm sure they'd remember that." Forge grins, unbagging and biting into one of the fritters carefully, swallowing before speaking again. "I hope your night goes well." He says, a twinge of guilt creeping in the back of his mind. Of course, he knew she wouldn't be drawing any more customers due to her food not being anything the snobs would go near. Despite this, he waves as he and Spike walk away.

"Thanks for getting the caramel apple for me. I could've paid for it, though. Want me to pay you back for it?" Spike asks as he takes bites out of the stick-bound, sugar-covered apple.

"Nah, it's not like I'm hurting for cash. I don't mind spending some on my friends." Forge assures him. In truth, he's built up a substantial bank account thanks to his generous payroll, and typically frugal spending habits. More of his cash has gone to Sugarcube Corner than he'd like to admit, but such is the price of good, love-infused food. The fritters he's eating also have some similarly positive infusions, though Pinkie's seemed to be the best in that regard.

"Thanks again. You're a pretty cool guy, Forge." Spike smiles.

"You're also pretty cool, Spike." Forge smiles back.

Once Spike finishes the apple, he chomps down on the stick, devouring it as well. "Oh! That reminds me. Want me to show you where Celestia's golden apple tree is? I was planning on showing Applejack, but a good tour guide doesn't let a tour go to waste."

Momentarily stunned, it takes Forge a moment to register what Spike had just said. "You know, in all my time here, I haven't actually seen it. Lead the way, little dude."

As he and Spike pass through the gardens, they notice a few hiding, frightened animals in some spots. Peeking around a corner, they see a disheveled Fluttershy setting up an improvised trap.

"Fluttershy?" Spike starts, accidentally startling the yellow pegasus.

"Oh, goodness. Hello Spike, hello Forge. Are you out here to see the animals too?" Fluttershy asks, her demeanor surprisingly calm.

Forge looks at the trap, then back to Fluttershy. "You uh, sure you're just here to see them?"

Fluttershy's eyes dart nervously over to the trap, which she sidesteps in front of in a vain attempt to hide what she's planning. "Yes! That's what I'm doing!" She grins, cracks in her facade plain as day on her face, even in the moonlight.

"... Riiiiiiiiight... Well, uh... have fun with that." Forge says, turning around and not looking back.

"Dude, that was so weird. Why would Fluttershy set up some kind of trap like that?" Spike thinks aloud, brows furrowed in thought.

"Not sure, and I don't think I want to know either." Forge says, already knowing full-well what her intentions are. If the sudden incidental lightning they just heard is anything to go by.

Silently agreeing to avoid the gardens, and the currently less-than-sane Fluttershy, Forge and Spike set course for the ballroom.

Forge and Spike pass by the outdoor catering stands again on their way back to the ballroom, seeing Rarity follow a storming-off Blueblood.

"Woah, what's with THAT guy?" Spike blurts.

"He's a Canterlot noble, what isn't wrong with him?" Forge remarks.

"Touche. I still kinda want to go to Donut Joe's. You in?" Spike asks, looking up to Forge hopefully.

Forge looks towards the castle, weighing his options. He could stay and witness the chaos unfold firsthand, or go with Spike to get some donuts and coffee. He shrugs. "Sure, I don't see why not."


Spike sets down his mug. "Aaaaaand that's why issue 9 has WAY too many variant covers. And why they didn't do that many variant covers ever again."

Forge finishes a sip of his own drink, setting it down as well. "You know, Spike. A thought occurred to me."

"Yeah?" Spike asks.

"Have you ever tried hanging out with anyone other than Twilight and her friends? Like, say... other colts in Ponyville? You could really benefit from having another friend group more willing to talk Power Ponies with." Forge raises a hoof slightly. "N-not that I'm not interested in this stuff. I'm fairly into comics myself."

Spike sips his hot chocolate in thought. "Hmm... Maybe. I'll have to talk with Twilight about it later."

Forge lets out a faint sigh. "Why do you need Tw-"

Forge, Spike, and Joe turn their heads as they spot the mane six entering, all in various states of disarray. As they sit at one of the tables, Spike and Forge get up, walking over to them.

"What happened? You girls look like you've had the worst night ever." Forge says, a slight twinkle in his eye.

"We did!" They say in unison, before breaking out into laughter.

Chapter 29: Love is in the Air?

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Forge stares off into space as he works, eyes slightly glazed over as his body goes on autopilot as he sands his next specially made pony sword. "Is it... even really okay to go after Luna? I mean, I know she eventually retires in the next nine years or so, or... how long is it exactly? It's obvious things are happening out of airing order."

He tosses that tangent aside for later. "Regardless... For now, she's one of the diarchs of this land. Not to mention, she comes from a distant past, without the time to adjust like Celestia. Aside from dreams, our interests rarely intersect, we barely know anything about who we really are... Maybe we're just, not compatible. Here I am, reaching for the stars. For something unattainable. As much as I crush on her... I don't think anything real could come of it. That's just the reality of the situation. I can't chase her forever. Plus, she's immortal. I wouldn't want to burden her with my passing when age claims me. Unless..."

Solid Weld approaches Forge as he's using the sanding belt on the next sword. "Forge, you got a minute?"

Forge slows the belt until it stops, levitating the sword back over to his workstation and setting it out of the way. "Sure, what's up?"

Solid guides Forge out to the hallway, clearing his throat before talking in a hushed tone. "I can tell something is bothering you. Do you need somepony to talk about it with?"

Forge sighs. "Was it that obvious?"

Solid nods. "I'm sure you can understand my concern. I wouldn't be a good boss if I didn't make sure my ponies were performing their best." He says, giving Forge a couple of pats on the back. Forge can feel Solid's inherent strength from those pats, that stallion really is built solidly.

"Understandable. It's... kind of a personal thing though. I'll sort through it on my own." Forge says nonchalantly, looking off to the side.

Solid squints at him, suspicion and concern wafting from him like an open bakery window immediately after the baked goods have been made. "You're unhappy, it's not hard to tell. Ponies whose cutie marks match their careers are usually happy with their jobs, so what's got you down?"

Forge clenches his teeth in frustration, trying his best to not let it show. "I said I can sort it out." He catches himself, and lets out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. Slowly, he looks to his boss. "Look, I get your concern. It's just, not something you can do anything about. Can I get back to work, please?"

After a moment of consideration, Solid nods. "Go ahead." He says curtly, his demeanor shifting to that of a stone wall.

Forge walks back over to his sword. Upon closer inspection, he's sanded too much of the blade away, and now it's off-balance. "Motherfucker."


Forge meanders his way down the halls of the castle, heading for the gardens. "Strange how Hearts and Hooves day is in April, as opposed to the February I'm familiar with. Must be one of those little cross-dimensional discrepancies." Soon enough, he arrives at the gardens, making his way over to one of the small benches, and promptly relaxing on it.

"Today would have been the day to ask Luna." His thoughts pause for a moment as he reconsiders. "No, I can't keep doing this. I can't. Luna's out of my league. Wayyyyyyyyy out of my league. To quote a wise person; 'If you want love, lower your expectations.' Even then, Equestria still has some imminent threats I can't prevent. Changelings have been embedded in Canterlot for a long time. Sombra is due to return shortly after. And then, there's Tirek. I could try to track him down, kill him off before he poses a threat. But then what? He's the catalyst for Princess Twilight's Middle Finger Crystal Castleā„¢. I can't form a loving relationship AND worry about these threats at the same time, that would put my potential significant other in danger. I'll have to hold off on love. Make Equestria safe first. Everyone's freedom and happiness are in jeopardy. Until those threats are stamped out, I can't risk it."

Forge is snapped out of his thoughts, as he faintly hears a couple of approaching ponies humming an all too familiar tune. He turns to see who they are, jaw dropping as soon as he sees none other than Princess Cadence and Shining Armor strolling through.

Forge begins to mentally panic. "Do I bow? Do I not bow? What do I do!? Fuck, I wasn't expecting to see them at all! A little odd that I hadn't seen them around the castle sooner... even though I'm rarely here... no, that checks out-"

"Hello? You in there bud?" Shining armor says, waving a foreleg in front of Forge's face, bringing him back to the present moment.

"O-oh, right. Sorry sir!" Forge blurts out, giving a hurried bow, rising after a brief moment. "I uh, I got lost in thought for a minute there... it happens."

Both Cadence and Shining look to each-other, before sharing a small laugh. The two look back to Forge, a smile on both of their muzzles. "We were just passing through, taking a romantic walk around the gardens. But... you look alone. Don't you have a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves day?" Cadence asks, looking behind Forge as if there'd be another pony behind him.

Forge shakes his head. "Nah, not this year. I'm just taking the time to clear my head today, figure some things out." He looks up to the sky. "Lovely day out, perfect weather for some R and R."

Cadence looks back over to Shining Armor, whispering something to him. Which, due to his proximity, Forge can hear thanks to his changeling hearing. "Why don't we help him find somepony today? Nopony should be alone on Hearts and Hooves day."

Shining looks down for a moment, tapping his chin with a hoof in consideration. He nods in agreement, Cadence leaning back on her haunches to clap giddily.

Forge raises a brow, deciding to play along. "Uh, what's going on?" He asks, tilting his head a bit.

"We're going to help you find a special somepony for today!" Cadence exclaims, doing a backflip, aided by her wings.

Forge raises a hoof. "Thank you, but I'll pass. I'm not really looking for love right now."

The couple is absolutely stunned, jaws slack and eyes wide.

"I... I..." Cadence barely squeaks out, in the throes of utter shock.

"How can you not want to celebrate Hearts and Hooves day with your special somepony? It's tradition!" Shining says, still in disbelief.

Forge shrugs. "A special somepony isn't really something I want to find just yet. I have to get my own problems straightened out before I worry about anyone else's." He says, looking back up to the sky. "Might be a while, but I'll get there someday."

Cadence, having collected herself enough, holds up a hoof of her own. "That's what a partner is for. You're supposed to help each-other, complete each-other. Two halves of a whole. You help your partner, and your partner helps you in kind. That's what makes love so wonderful! You'll be missing out on having a loving relationship of give and take if you only focus on yourself for so long."

Forge considers Cadence's words. She IS the princess of love after all, so she should know what she's talking about. "I... well, what if I don't feel ready for it yet? I'm not exactly comfortable with trying to find love right now. I appreciate the offer, really. I do. I just don't think I'm in the right kind of headspace for that yet. You two should spend your Hearts and Hooves day together."

Cadence opens her mouth for a moment, before shutting it. "I... suppose you have a point. Helping ponies find love is part of my calling as the Princess of Love, but I can't, and won't, force you to accept our help." She relents, stepping closer to Shining Armor's side, and giving him a little nudge with her snout to his own.

Shining returns the gesture, before looking to Forge again. "Well, if you change your mind, we'll be happy to help. See you around... Forge, right? Your equipment is... well, it's certainly interesting. Easier to use, even if it's different. Glad to have you on board with us."

Forge nods, a genuine smile on his face. "Thank you, sir. I'm glad it's working well!"

Cadence and Shining continue on their way, both happy to be in each-other's presence. Despite the friendship Forge is sustaining himself on, he can't help but drool a little at the smell of such pure, true love. He quickly shakes the thoughts from his mind, returning to his inner thoughts.

"I only have so long before the changeling invasion... I have to help prevent them from taking over, nothing in this universe is certain. But how do I stop an army?" Forge thinks, his unfocused vision drifting towards the hedge maze. "The best solution to a problem is often the simplest one... stop an army, with an army. But even with the new weapons, they'd still be hopelessly outnumbered..." He realizes where he's staring, and an idea begins to form. "Then we just have to outnumber them... I hope this works."

Chapter 30: A Natural Solution

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Aurelic stalks his way through the Everfree Forest, a few different enchanted gemstones in a small bag around his left foreleg. Tonight's prey; Timberwolves.

Aurelic makes his way through the tree canopy, eventually finding a smaller pack of the creatures. "Five wolves, perfect." He thinks happily to himself.


One of the smaller timberwolves sits down, as do three of the others, as the alpha among them paces around their fresh kill; A deer that had been unfortunate enough to wander the Everfree. The first wolf to sit stares on hungrily as the alpha continues to inspect the buck.

Suddenly, one of the other sitting wolves is yanked from below into the treetops, letting out a yelp before going silent. Shortly after, the bits of wood that were once its body start to rain down from above, lightly hitting the grassy floor.

The three remaining wolves immediately stand up, growling and taking a defensive stance with their alpha, their glowing green eyes looking around for any sign of their attacker. That is, until another of their number is suddenly yanked upwards as well, tangled in what appear to be black vines, before leaving their sight. They growl even louder, as another of their ranks is pulled into the cover of the trees.

Soon, the alpha meets the same fate, the last remaining wolf barking out in anger. Teeth gnashing as sap-like slobber foams at its mouth. Then, comes the sudden grip around its ankles and torso. Before it can react, the wolf is pulled up into the trees at a disorienting speed. In the one, brief moment when the wolf makes eye-contact with the aggressor, it sees the horrifying visage of a pony like insect face, grinning widely. The moment is brief, as the timberwolf feels something breach into its body, the magic it's comprised of drawing into the obstruction. It feels itself starting to go numb, until it can't feel anything anymore, its wood falling to the ground below.


"Aaaand that's the last one. Everfree magic: Acquired. Now..." Aurelic thinks, looking at the five glowing gemstones full of the magic the timberwolves once possessed. "Time to put it to good use..."

Aurelic slinks his way towards the mirror pool's cave, setting his procured gems on the floor of the cave. Over at the opposite wall, lay various piles of plant matter, grouped by the ecosystems they've been retrieved from. Picking up one of the gems, he walks over to his first pile of material. This pile is comprised entirely of material found within the Everfree Forest, including a flower of poison joke. He places the gem into the pile, readying a spell. Casting it, the magic from within the jewel begins to weave through the given materials, Aurelic guiding the shaping along with a bit of supporting magic within the spell.

A new creature descends from the air, gently landing on four hooves. The odd creation appears to be in the shape of a deer, eyes glowing a similar shade of green to the timberwolves inhabiting the Everfree. Atop the creature's head is a pair of antlers, made from twisted branches, along with the adorning flower of poison joke. Its legs are made from sturdier bark, intertwined with thick vines. The creature may look delicate and thin, but Aurelic has made sure it's anything but.

"The first dryad. Still soulless, but that will change once the copies are made..." Aurelic says aloud, the newly created dryad simply standing there, awaiting orders.

Aurelic moves on to the next pile, made from material gathered from the Whitetail Woods. Repeating the spell, the next dryad is formed. Its antlers are more streamlined, covered in leaves, and its legs are much thinner, comprised of branches held together by roots. Due to the lack of supernatural plant material, Aurelic has deigned to implement feathers found from one of the creatures within; the phoenix. This deer shaped dryad sports wings in its shape, with the phoenix feathers woven into those wings. Oddly enough, its eyes glow a soft orange, most likely also caused by those feathers.

The third pile consists of material taken from around a pond; Seaweed, bits of algae, lily pads, driftwood (From a pond, who the hell leaves their wood in a pond?), even water sausages, all still damp. Aurelic binds them together into another deer shaped dryad, sporting lily pads that flow down a bit past the hooves to act as flippers, with a long, dolphin-like tail flowing down from its rear. Its antlers are made from the water sausages, perfect for producing a gentle melody when wind blows through them. This dryad's eyes glow a beautiful deep blue.

The fourth pile is comprised of material found around Sweet Apple Acres. Discarded material, some scattered debris, bits of metal from old nails and screws, hay, horseshoes, as well as purchased produce. Aurelic winds it together, the cleaned bits of metal used throughout its form, the horseshoes at its hooves, with nails tipping its antlers, and even screws used to bind some of the bark together. The produce helps fill the inside, adding some extra weight to this one. He even weaves the hay into a straw hat for it. By far the tallest, largest dryad of the bunch. Its eyes glow a passionate pink.

The fifth and final pile is comprised of material found within the Canterlot Castle Gardens. Trimmings from the hedges, Bits of chiselled marble, various flowers, vines, bark, and even an apple from Celestia's Golden Apple Tree. When he binds this dryad together, the material used alone makes it appear more regal, roots sprouting from the seeds within the apple that spread throughout its form. The marble bits become more dust-like, giving it a glimmering sheen. The flowers adorn its grassy hair, the hedge leaves taking scale-like formations. Its eyes glow a brilliant gold.

Aurelic has them begin to clone themselves with the mirror pool, the cave soon filling with the five types of dryad, until Aurelic orders them to stop. Casting a spell, he finds which is the oldest of each of the five kinds, bringing the originals back out from the collection. Now comes the special part; Giving them souls. He produces five sigils engraved withing chunks of wood from each of their biomes.

Moving to the first dryad of the Everfree, he places the sigil to the gem in its chest. "Dryad of Everfree, I now hereby dub thee Animus Fern!" Upon casting the spell and invoking the words, Animus Fern is truly brought to life.

Animus looks around, before laying their eyes on Aurelic. "My name is... Animus Fern. Where, am I?" They ask in a confused, androgynous voice.

Aurelic nods to Animus. "I am Aurelic, and I've brought you into this world. Welcome to Equestria, Animus Fern. Currently, we're in the Everfree Forest, the forest I've assembled your form from. I have to bring your siblings to life as well, please stay right there until I give the go-ahead."

Animus nods, sitting delicately on the ground as instructed.

Aurelic moves to the next dryad, placing the sigil. "Dryad of Whitetail, I now hereby dub thee Ashen Canopy!" Aurelic says, bringing Ashen Canopy to life.

Aurelic repeats this process, the pond dryad given the name Melody Reeds, the orchard dryad given the name Hardy Harvest, and the royal garden dryad given the name Regal Blossom.

Once that's done, Aurelic stands before the five of them. "The five of you will lead the other dryads of your respective kind. For the moment, you must all live in the Everfree with Animus Fern, until the time I summon you." Aurelic projects illusions of ponies, changelings, Spike, and Zecora. "Avoid all contact, and keep out of sight from these beings, aside from myself until I say otherwise. The keyword is Antidisestablishmentarianism."

The five dryads salute. "Understood, master."

Aurelic nods. "You are dismissed for now."

With that, Aurelic teleports away, leaving the dryads to their own devices.


Aurelic plops into his bed, pulling the covers up, tucking himself nice and snug with magic. "I'll have to check on them periodically, but that army of dryads... They should be enough to protect the ponies, if anything goes wrong. And with this being an alternate universe originally, according to Discord... Nothing is set in stone. And I'll be damned if I let this world go to hell in a handbasket on my watch."

With that, he turns on his side, facing the wall ad he closes his eyes, letting the embrace of sleep overtake him.


Meanwhile, within the Everfree forest, a manticore finds its way to the dryad colony. Growling, it rears up to attack the intruders on its territory. Sensing the danger, Hardy Harvest charges forward, impaling the exposed belly of the beast with their metal nail-tipped antlers. The manticore howls out on pain, swiping down and hitting Hardy with its claws. A few chunks of wood fly off, only to return to their body shortly after.

Melody Reeds draws some of the moisture out of their own body, sending a watery orb right into the manticore's eyes. The creature blinded for a split second, Ashen Canopy takes the chance to swoop down, kicking the manticore in the face, knocking it onto its back. Animus Fern steps in next, eyes glowing bright as vines sprout from the ground, restraining the manticore. Once the creature is restrained, Regal Blossom steps forward, healing the beast of all injury.

Animus Fern steps forward once more, looking into the manticore's eyes. "This forest is our domain, your territory means nothing to us." The vines retract. "Leave us." Animus says sternly.

The manticore nods, before rinning off, scorpion tail tucked between its legs.

Chapter 31: GFDT

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Forge trots his way up to Twilight's door, rapping his hoof against it a little harder than he intended. He quickly pops a love pill to mitigate the agitation he's feeling.

Unexpectedly, Spike opens the door. "Hey Forge, Twilight's still holding it-

Forge slams the door in his magic without so much as glancing back, eyes locked with Twilight, who's smile has faded at Forge's attitude.

Twilight begins to speak up. "Um, Forge? What's-

"Who else knows." Forge says, the venom in his tone blatant.

"I- Uhm, just anypony who saw me carry this home?" Twilight answers, Forge facehoofing in response.

"God fucking damnit Twilight." Forge grumbles under his breath. "I was trying to keep their existence a secret!" Forge yells in exasperation, head pointed up at the ceiling. "Nobody was supposed to find them, I even told them to avoid ponies, dragons, zebras, and changelings so they wouldn't be found out! But here you are, holding an Everfree Dryad in your grasp!"

The soulless dryad continues to struggle within Twilight's magical grasp, despite not having been able to escape it for the last hour.

Twilight's ears droop. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know..." Then, a flash of realization. "Wait, why were you trying to keep them a secret? Did you want to make the discovery? Were you researching them first? I didn't mean to step on your hooves!"

Forge shakes his head. "No, that's not it. I created them."

Twilight's mouth drops open. "C-created!? How!? Why!? Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Because I was trying to keep them secret!" He lets out a frustrated sigh. "It's okay, I can still salvage this. Just let it go."

"What!? But it'll get away!" Twilight says, still intent on studying the creature.

"Twilight. I'll show you later. But right now, can you please let it go? I'll just make it look like a timberwolf, and it'll flee out to the Everfree like it wants to. Can you do this for me, please?" Forge asks, already putting an illusion over the dryad.


Forge flicks Twilight's active horn with a hoof, causing her magic to drop, setting the disguised dryad free. Forge opens the door, both he and the dryad darting out. Forge makes sure he keeps the illusion of the timberwolf over the dryad, pretending to chase it out of town with an illusory sword that's on fire. This draws the attention of the onlookers, who all start hiding and locking themselves in their homes. Panic sweeps through the ponies going about their day, as they too run for cover. A frantic Twilight tries to follow, having to stop and weave through the stampeding ponies. Her effort for naught, Forge successfully gets his dryad back into the forest, dropping the illusion of the timberwolf, and of the sword.

Twilight finally catches up, panting from all of the running. She groans in frustration once the dryad is gone completely. "Why did you have to do that? I only wanted to study it..."

"Twilight, I'll fill you in once we get back to the library. Just, please don't interfere with them again." Forge says, slowly walking back in the direction they came from.

Twilight groans again, trudging her way back as well.


Once Spike's been sent out for errands, and Twilight's had a drink, Forge clears his throat. "Twilight, I'm gonna have to ask that you trust me, okay?"

Twilight double-takes. "How!? How am I supposed to trust you with this? You created an entirely new species! The only other in recorded history to ever do that was Grogar!"

Forge nods. "I'm aware of that, which is... why I made them out of timberwolves and altered the magic to my liking. Believe it or not, tweaking an existing spell can be pretty useful. Just, also as experimental as baking cakes with different amounts of the same ingredients. And potentially more dangerous if done improperly, but that's beside the point." He waves it off. "My point is, they're perfectly harmless as they are right now."

"That doesn't tell me the why." Twilight reiterates, motioning her front hooves in a rolling motion as if to say 'Go on.'

Forge rolls his eyes. "As much as I don't like saying this, they're meant to serve as potential backup."

"Backup for..." Twilight continues.

Forge bears himself, preparing for the inevitable outburst. "In case the guard isn't sufficient enough. Because, I'm going to be honest, they're not very effective at all. If anything, the current guard is just decoration."

Twilight gasps, a hoof covering her mouth, before flipping to anger. "Don't you DARE talk about my big brother like that!"

Forge holds up a hoof as Twilight rises to a stand. "I've met him, actually. He's actually the most competent and capable out of all of them, because he's the only one who is. Which is the problem. Without the serious level of dedication your brother shows, most of the guard has little to no idea what they're doing. I may not be able to read minds, but I can smell their nervous uncertainty in the face of anything remotely challenging. If we were to be invaded, as it stands, even with my additions to the armory, it may not be enough for the guard. So, I took matters into my own... hooves, and made a small army of dryads to help protect Equestria in times of dire need."

"Does Celestia know about this yet?" Twilight asks, a brow raising slowly as Forge remains silent.

"Not yet, because I didn't think you'd find them so early." Forge says eventually.

Twilight squints. "You weren't planning to tell her until after you had to use them, were you."

"Hit the nail right on the head... look, I don't want anyone knowing about them. If any invaders can read minds, or otherwise gain information from someone who knows, then they lose the element of surprise. Which, is a significant loss. Once a potential invading force knows, then it's easier to plan for their involvement. Out of all ponies, I know you'd see the logic in that, right?" Forge asks, almost... pleadingly.

"And I'm also smart enough to know that you're hiding them from Celestia so she doesn't know you've tampered with timberwolf magic created by Grogar to create an army! Are you just trying to usurp the throne!?" Twilight counters, the panic clear in her voice, and on her face.

"No! You already know I'm not here to do that at all! Discord summoned me here so I'd unknowingly prevent his demise at Nightmare's hooves! All... all I want to do... is protect everyone. Bad things are coming, Twiggles McSparklebutt. And I'll do everything I can to make sure everypony is as safe as possible. The dryads are just part of that, I don't have any intention of ruling Equestria. I know nothing about economics or politics, or how to keep a nation thriving. All I know, is how to protect what's already built." Forge tries to appeal to her.

Twilight looks down, almost... remorsefully. "You... Sound like my BBBFF right now."

"And I respect him, but for the love of Celestia, could you please, please keep the dryads between us? I'll even let you study them once they've made their debut." Twilight cringes at Forge's words. He makes his way over, putting a hoof to her shoulder. "I know it's not reasonable for me to ask you to keep a secret from your mentor. I'm just asking that you trust me on this, to protect everything we hold dear. Friends, family, everyone."

Twilight sighs in frustration, wracking her brain. The decision really is a difficult one for her. As much as she likes Forge as a friend, can she really keep something as drastic as this from Celestia? And if she does tell her, would that put Forge's friendship on the line? From what she's seen so far... he definitely holds grudges. Would Celestia appreciate her turning on a friend though? But this is a matter of national security, right? ... It's time for her to pull a page from his book.

"I won't tell her." Twilight says, her expression and emotions measured and calm. She's purposefully omitted promising anything.

To Forge, something feels... off... "I can't... I can't smell what it is... Damn you bookhorse, you're masking your emotions on purpose." Forge thinks, suspicious of his inability to read her. "The only reason she'd be masking her emotions... would be if she's lying to me. You fucking... I get why, but fuck you anyway."

At that moment, Spike walks back through the door, the shopping done. "Hey Twilight, I'm back. You wouldn't believe the deal I got on the..." As he turns, he can feel the tension in the room. "You guys okay?"

"Yep, Forge was just on his way. Right?" Twilight says, trying to urge Forge to leave.

"You leave me no choice." Forge thinks, standing. "Sure, I've got some things at work to catch up on anyway. "He turns, walking towards the door. Once there, he stops, turning around. "Oh, one last thing, you two."

This gets both Twilight's and Spike's attention. Their fates have been sealed. Forge casts the erasure spell, knocking them temporarily unconscious, and erasing the last four hours from their memories. With that, Forge leaves. "I have to hide the dryads better, I can't risk Twilight finding them again, or reporting them to Celestia whatsoever..."