Taking the Sun II: Day in the Sun

by WishyWish

First published

With the addition of her beloved student to Celestia's outlet of mistresses, The Sun believes she's got it made. But the surface has yet to be scratched, and a fortnight of planning is about to drive her beyond the limits of her wildest fantasies.

There's a new spring in the step of the crown princess of Equestria. No weight of responsibility is powerful enough to crush the spirit of a sovereign with an outlet, and the recent addition of her beloved student to the roll call of Celestia's mistresses is enough to make her feel that she's got it made. The surface has yet to be scratched however, and there's a certain sister out there who knows Celestia better than she knows herself.

For a fortnight, Twilight Sparkle has been sequestered in deep research at the behest of the Princess of the Night. On the day before Celestia's birthday a cadre of sensual plans is about to come to fruition. Plans that will drive The Sun to the limits of her most impossible fantasies...and beyond.

(Note: This story is a paid commission, and may or may not represent the views or interests of the author. Story contains sexual petplay, BDSM, incest, voyeurism, public displays, and futanari, among other things. If this sort of interaction is not your cup of tea, consider moving on.)

Commissioned by: DbzOrDie

Prologue - Tangy Magic

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Lavender. With a hint of cinnamon.

The extra lash of tanginess caused Twilight Sparkle’s nose to wiggle with affront as it slunk by. It wasn’t a foul odor by any means; merely an unexpected consequence of the magical energies swirling about Princess Luna’s private chambers. Twilight had been there all day and half the night, and in that time she had experienced a breeze that bore tastes and scents in so many combinations, she was surprised she could still identify them. Bathed in the pale light of Luna’s grace that poured in from the princess’s own observatory skylights, Twilight could just about make out the subtle outline of her own reflection in the glass. Myriad auras of pure energy, hued in violet and raspberry, chanced upon the outline of a young lady in daffodil pajamas who looked to be three hours late for bed.

Twilight yawned deeply. The glass’s interpretation of her condition was quite accurate.

Seated with her legs crossed on the floor of Luna’s common room, Twilight pushed out her modest chest against its prison of cotton and stretched for the rafters. Before her lay a number of tomes containing ancient lore sufficient to come off as gibberish to the majority of Canterlot’s population - the spell she had been working on since she had forgotten to change clothes that morning required cross-references from many sources. The glow from each book had long since burned into her retinas, and she wondered precisely how much abuse the knowledge therein could stand before the pages it was scrawled upon began to singe.

A heavy knock at the entrance to Luna’s apartments brought Twilight out of her ensorcelled daze. She might have kept her silence, but whomever had come to call had entered the correct pattern into the wood with their knuckles. Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose and spoke up.

“It’s open!” She called without getting up. “It’s also your room!”

Twilight was quite certain she would have recognized the sweeping presence of the mistress of these chambers, even if she had not seen Luna approach in the reflection of the observatory windows. Luna’s dark crown held court over her flowing midnight locks, while her curvaceous frame was held in secret by the satin flow of her robes of state. She discarded her clacking heels when her feet met the luscious carpet, allowing her soles to lavish in comfort as she threaded her way through couches and loveseats that had been pushed aside to make room. When Luna gracefully stepped into the magic circle her furniture served as a perimeter for, she reached down and ran her fingers through the wayward frizz of Twilight’s hair with great familiarity.

“Perhaps,” Luna finally replied. “But we agreed upon the pattern of the knocks. Had I entered the incorrect sequence, I trust our countermeasures would have been deployed, even upon me?”

Twilight couldn’t help but to lean into the petting. She rubbed her cheek against Luna’s smooth hip and smiled coyly. “You’d have found an exact copy of your room if you had knocked wrong.” She indicated her work with a wave of her arm. “Only in a temporary pocket dimension, without me, and without any of this. Even your handmaidens wouldn’t know the difference. But really, don’t you think that’s a bit much? You’re a princess. Can’t you just tell the servants to go away for awhile?”

“I could,” Luna agreed, “However, from ladies-in-waiting, to food service, to the operators of my observatory curtains, there are many on the palace staff who would have reason to come here in the span of several days. Apart from them is also my sister, who is unbound by such directives. I choose to take no chances.” She took her hand away and made a semicircle crossing to the opposite side of the books, glancing at them with interest. “And how proceeds our...endeavor?”

Twilight did not attempt to hide the slump in her shoulders. “Another hour. But I can’t do the last part on my own. Something of this scale requires more power, and I’m drained.”

Luna lowered herself to the carpet and sat opposite her sister’s pupil, arranging her robes before replying. “Indeed, as you already informed me once. As expected, matters of state requiring my attention were light this evening, thus,” Luna grinned, “let us complete our opus together. It is appropriate that we do so, after all.”

Twilight only nodded. With a wave of her hand, every book obediently flipped to whatever section she required next. She sensed the flare of a new aura, Luna’s this time, and mused aloud as she scanned the fresh pages.

“You know, I’ve never actually cooked up a spell like this before. It looks good on paper and in theory, but there’s no guarantee it will go off without a hitch.”

Luna closed her eyes. She concentrated until she could feel the familiar spark of magical energy draw together in her core and begin to coalesce into her extremities. She added her aural glow to the many shifting, transparent hues floating about the room and opened her eyes, quirking a brow at her companion.

“That is the seventeenth time you have mentioned the potential for failure in half as many days,” Luna observed. “Trust in yourself, Twilight Sparkle. I believe your mentor would say the same, yes?”

Twilight’s thoughts turned to Princess Celestia, the overworked sovereign who had ruled Equestria on her own for a thousand years without complaint, and taught Twilight nearly everything she knew. Celestia had but one catharsis to escape from responsibilities heavy enough to crush even the stoutest among her subjects. When the idea for the spell Twilight had spent half a day casting was first broached two weeks ago, she agreed and put her all into it because she wanted to give back to her mentor. ‘What if’ scenarios could not be allowed to darken the way.

“Besides,” Luna spoke up, “we have considered a number of countermeasures in the event of catastrophe, have we not?”

Wearing an expression of only partial jest, Twilight lifted one hand and began to count on her fingers. “Bribery, mind-wiping, political favors, time travel--”

Both sorceresses froze at the mention of travel through time. Each pair of eyes scanned the room cautiously, Luna going so far as to levitate a few bookshelves and pieces of furniture to check for potential future versions of themselves. When both participants were satisfied, they shared an uneasy chuckle and returned to their toil.

“Do not forget assassination, of course,” Luna finally added.

Twilight made a droll face in response to Luna’s sheepish grin.

“What? I jest of course!”

Twilight didn’t seem convinced, but Luna waved off her companion’s rueful expression until the moment of levity passed. Luna felt a tug at the edges of her senses, and allowed the ebb and flow of the magic power in the room to incorporate her own, dragging it off to wherever it was needed. When she spoke again, her voice oozed with an uncharacteristic softness.

“My sister trusts wholeheartedly in your abilities, Twilight Sparkle. How can I do less? You will succeed, and on the morrow, my sister and your mentor will have the greatest birthday celebration in all her days.” Luna winked, “Trust me, that is saying something. She has had many birthdays.”

Twilight, eyes closed and hands hovering above her books, gently smiled. She could feel every tickle of crackling energy as it slipped through her body. Her efforts would soon bear fruit, and it would be succulent fruit indeed.

1 - Dilly Dallying in the Morning

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Princess Luna was not accustomed to sleeping during the night. The occasional nap during the height of the evening was as much her prerogative as any diurnal creature who did the same in the afternoon, but she considered slipping too far past the veil and into the world of dreams as tantamount to abandoning her post, if the moon was still out. She only slept at night when it was absolutely necessary, to conserve her energy for a prior engagement.

Today was just such an engagement.

Thus, when Luna found herself lounging naked upon a gilded throne, being pampered and serviced by two dozen instances of her elder sister in a sturdy leash and collar, she came to realize that nothing was actually amiss. As the many Celestia’s giggled, fed Luna grapes, or settled between her pale thighs to please her, Luna reveled in the moment by occasionally grabbing one by the hair to pull it into a deep kiss. She could feel her tension mounting in the solid world, and it could only mean that what she was experiencing was not quite a dream. As luck would have it, there was nobody in Equestria with greater skill at recognizing a dream or bringing herself out of one at any time than Princess Luna. She might have woken herself up immediately, but instead drew another of the many copies of her sister in for another kiss; feeding her tongue into dream-Celestia’s mouth and forcing her to suckle from it. Luna lingered there, one hand on the head of the sister between her legs, pushing her further into her work as the Moon reveled in the moment.

As the dream imagery began to congeal into soupy paint strokes and dissipate, Luna settled her senses on the one Celestia who remained, and ran her fingers through that one’s pastel locks as she kept to her work between Luna’s legs. Inevitably the rest of the scene bled away, until the faint vestiges of Luna’s real bedroom began to flicker to incandescent life all around.

“Mnn…” Luna murmured, her syrupy voice rising from sleep. “My pet. Good morning.”

Princess Celestia knew better than to interrupt a half-finished act of pleasuring her mistress. With her tongue buried deeply in her younger sister’s blossoming pussy, she responded with little more than a grunt, and moved to flick over Luna’s sleep-engorged button. Half-buried under Luna’s dark sheets, Celestia’s white nightgown and hourglass shape seemed to be in submissive to the very fabric that surrounded her.

Luna rolled with another wave of pleasure and shimmied into a sitting position, absently stuffing satin pillows against her ornate headboard for support. Celestia followed her movements perfectly, stroking Luna’s thighs as she helped herself to more breakfast. The Moon Princess grunted sharply, her hands coming in hard over Celestia’s ears as she arched her back to gaze at the ceiling. The easy release of early morning coursed through Luna, and she melted down the side of the headboard until she found herself looking up into her big sister’s eyes.

For a moment, neither sister spoke. With her breasts still heaving under her silken slip, Luna reached out to lazily twirl her fingers through Celestia’s hair like a fork through spaghetti. The shared smile between them spoke all the words they needed, and it persisted until Luna’s fingers completed their task. Wound up in pastel locks, Luna yanked firmly on them and drew Celestia close, licking her sister’s lips before offering a whisper.

“...only one, Pet?”

Celestia swelled with excitement, her grin broadening. “Forgive me, Mistress,” the sovereign offered. “In my haste to claim my birthday present, I neglected to place your enjoyment above my own.” Celestia then vanished from view, and Luna let out a delicious sigh as her sister went back to work. Luna planted her feet on the mattress, bringing her knees up to either side of Celestia and slipping off more of the blankets.

“Mm,” Luna mused, “you believe this to be your birthday present, Pet?”

The question required elaboration beyond ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and Celestia dared pause her toil to properly reply. “You know my wish is to serve my mistress.”

“I do. But for a mere, single morning, on such a day?”

Celestia blushed and shrank between her sister’s legs. “N-not entirely. I thought perhaps...for a whole day...with both of my mistresses…were it possible...”

Luna yanked on the long tress that still attached her to her pet. “You thought incorrectly. And you waste the use of your lips, my slutty sister.”

Celestia looked crestfallen, and allowed herself to be pulled back to her work without complaint. “Yes Mistress...forgive my impudence…”

It was all Luna could do to contain her smile until her sister could no longer observe it. As it blossomed across her cheeks, the moon princess continued her little game.

“You believe you are worthy of the gift of your mistresses, in tandem, for so much time?”

“Mmhm,” Celestia’s tongue paused, and she backpeddled, “uh...nuh-uh…”

“Better answer,” Luna approved as she toyed with the hair wrapped around her finger. “Your mistresses know what you enjoy. Thus you shall leave your special day to us.”

Celestia paused for but a moment with appreciation, grunted her assent, and stabbed her sister deeply with her writhing, slick organ anew. Luna chewed on her lip and lounged against her pillow, lazily enjoying the sensations rumbling below like fine wine. Celestia was well-trained, and she knew to draw out her sister’s second pleasuring of the morning. Luna let out a sigh, disentangled her fingers from her sister’s hair, and as though it were routine, yanked on the thick cord attached to a bell near her bed to summon a servant.

Princess Celestia’s entire body instantly went rigid. Her eyes snapped open and she ceased her work, looking up at her sister in shock.

“Did you just…?”

“I did,” Luna grinned. With a playfulness she could not hide, she watched the volcanic red on her sister’s cheeks deepen.

Celestia was as bewildered as a moth caught between three equidistant campfires. “You...but...but we’re…”

Casually, Princess Luna cupped her sister’s chin and held it firm, impaling the Sun with her eyes. “Do you trust me, sister-pet?”

Celestia knew that since the day the sisters became whole again, she could offer but one answer.

“Y-yes of course, but--”

Luna removed her hand and replaced it on top of Celestia’s head. She began to press firmly down. “Down, Pet. Trust in your mistress and perform your duty.”

Celestia’s head did not move. “L-Luna this...the servants, if they saw me like this...the intrigue alone…”

Luna’s smile vanished. She uttered her next words with such sincerity that her sister was struck speechless.

“Nothing of what you suspect at this moment will come to pass this day, my sister.” Luna pushed again. “Down. You will accept the word of your Mistress as enough for you.”

Confusion radiated from Celestia’s body like the rays of her orb in the sky. Her muscles slackened and her head dipped just as a rapping sounded at the bedroom door.

“Lady Luna?” A muffled voice called. “Your Highness? Is everything okay? You rang but there was nobody in your parlor…”

“The door is open, Dilly Dally,” Luna replied calmly. “Enter.”

The door creaked open and the handmaiden known as Dilly Dally stepped mousily into the room. She was a petite young lady with the body of a late-bloomer; her unruly mop of short auburn hair stark contrast to the orderly maid’s garb Luna had never seen her without. From her vantage, Dilly Dally had a clear view past the drawn velvet draped of Luna’s canopied bed...and the steamy scene within.

Luna could feel her sister’s hesitation. She reached down to stroke Celestia’s head soothingly, and turned her attention back to the servant.

“I require my bed linens cleaned,” Luna stated, nodding to the blankets that were now covering only Celestia’s rump. Dutifully Dilly Dally scurried over to the bed and began to gather the sheets, in the process completely exposing Celestia’s rumpled nightgown, which had ridden up all the way to her waist. Celestia was not wearing panties, and the bite of the cooler spring air of the room danced over her naked behind. Dilly Dally turned to cast the bundle down the laundry chute, and then came again to primrose attention, hands clasped below her waist.

“Was that all, Ma’am?” Dally inquired. “Can I do anything else for you?”

Luna merely nodded at her sister and yanked lightly on Celestia’s hair again. “Pet. Present.”

Celestia’s tongue was buried too deeply in her sister to reply. She hesitated again, but eventually thrust her apple-round backside towards the maid.

“What do you see?” Luna asked Dally.

Dilly Dally brightened, as was her habit when presented with a simple task she could complete and gain favor points for easily. “Your pet’s pussy of course, Your Highness.” She replied easily, even going so far as to touch three fingers to her lips and giggle out her next words. “Very slutty, too. Just look at how she’s dripping!”

“Indeed,” Luna replied. “And how does it feel to serve my pet during the day?”

Dally thought about it. Heedless of present company, she replied honestly. “Oh, I like my job Ma’am. And I really do enjoy serving my princesses, but...this one gets a little trying at times.” Dally’s eyes feasted on Celestia’s exposed secrets. “She can be a bit demanding.”

“Would you like to let her know that? Or perhaps show her how you feel?” Luna reached out, took Dally’s hand, and placed it on Celestia’s soft rump. “Would it not be...only fair?”

Luna removed her hand and lay back, patiently waiting. Celestia didn’t move, but jumped when she felt a hand come down hard on her backside that could not have been Luna’s.

“You leave your pajamas in heaps on the floor,” Dally said as her hand came down again on Celestia’s backside. “And sometimes even crumbs from your meals. You’re a slut, and you’re not very respectful to your maids.”

“Mmhm,” Luna hummed. “And?”

Dilly Dally was emboldened. “You should get dirty things ready for us so that we don’t have to do the work when we come to get them. And stoke the fire so we don’t have to get so close.” Dally’s hand drew back further, and the force of her next blow reverberated from the walls of Luna’s bedchamber. Celestia winced under the stinging pain that shot through her, and shamefully buried her face farther between her sister’s legs.

Luna placed a hand on her sister’s head but said nothing. Dilly Dally, the normally chaste young maid, was giving full vent to her feelings, and soon she had climbed up on the bed behind Celestia with her hands exploring under the Princess’s stomach. Dally yanked, and Celestia raised herself properly on all fours.

“You’re a sloppy bitch,” Dally shockingly uttered. “And you don’t have enough respect for your betters.”

Luna’s hand slipped down the side of Celestia’s head until she could force it up. “What do you say, Pet?”

Celestia’s confusion was still evident, but her sister’s smile was reassuring. Luna mouthed the phrase ‘It’s okay’ and repeated her question. “What do you say, Pet?”

The faintest smile played upon Celestia’s lips. “I-I’m sorry, Ma’am.”

“You really have a lovely body,” Dally said as her hands slid up to push Celestia’s nightgown further up and cup the princess’s dangling breasts. “I’d like to see you naked more often. And you’d be really cute on your knees whenever I come to your room.”

Celestia sighed as her maid rolled taut nipples between her fingers. The Sun replied without prompting this time. “I’m s-sorry I don’t prepare properly for your v-visits, Ma’am...I-I’ll clean up a-and wait on my knees...properly naked...n-next time…”

Dally brought one hand around to fondle Celestia’s hair. “Your flowing hair is always so lovely...I want to style it whenever I feel like it…” Dilly Dally removed her hands from Celestia and began instead to braid a tail in the princess’s locks; a narrow train that looped behind Celestia’s left ear as it floated among the rest of her wavy mane. Luna pushed Celestia’s head back down, encouraging her to continue pleasuring as she accepted the mark from her maid.

Dilly Dally worked until it came time to secure the long, thin braid. She fished through her apron and withdrew a lacy white handkerchief - standard issue for palace maids - and began to tie off the braid with it.

Luna smiled approvingly. “A subtle mark, to show your deference to the palace staff. You should be grateful, Pet.”

Celestia raised her head as Dally playfully reached the braid around to tickle the princess’s nose with it. Celestia responded to the gesture by tenderly kissing Dilly Dally’s hand. “Th-thank you Ma’am...you’re so kind…”

Dilly Dally grinned merrily. “You’re so much prettier like this! Touching you is awfully fun!”

Luna cut in, “Dilly Dally, you have duties to attend to. You are dismissed for now.”

“Oh, yes Your Highness!” Dally replied vigorously. She climbed off the bed, straightened her uniform, and casually slapped Celestia’s behind again. “And you, be good!”

“Y-yes Ma’am, I will!” Celestia whimpered. When Dilly Dally finally shut the door behind her, Celestia raised again to all fours and stared at her sister as she tried in vain to blow the braid out of her face. “What was that?”

“Your birthday present,” Luna replied easily, reaching out to hook the braid back behind Celestia’s ear. “Or one of them, at any rate.”

Celestia’s brow knitted. “You could have warned me.”

Luna booped her sister’s nose. “That, dear sister, would have ruined the element of surprise.”

Celestia wiggled the nose-poke off and was not deterred. “Sister, I know that you are used to...different times, but you cannot simple dominate the minds of our subjects whenever it suits you. It is not--”

Luna’s expression became suddenly stern, and she thrust a finger in Celestia’s face with such force as to silence her. “Hear my words sister, for I have done nothing of the sort. Everything you will experience today, despite being absent from the minds of our populace tomorrow, is borne of their true feelings towards their beloved sovereign. The magic frees their inhibitions, but it does not bind them. Had Dilly Dally truly no such desire to dominate nor explore your body, she would not have seen what was truly happening here, nor taken any of my cues. Had that been the case, I would simply have dismissed her. Regardless, she will remember this encounter tomorrow as occurring in a far more benign way.”

Celestia glanced at the door. “...are you saying that a member of our staff...desires to...with me?”

Luna put her hands behind her head and relaxed against the headboard. “Does it truly shock you, to know that some members of a populace who adores you so might have...secret designs on you?”

Celestia sat up on her haunches. “I...it never occurred--”

“Never occurred to you that perhaps the secret release you share with me need not be quite so secret?” Luna interrupted. “Never occurred to you that for your birthday, your sister could fulfill your greatest voyeuristic fetishes, while at the same time embarking with you on a clandestine quest to identify those with whom you can share your true self again later?”

“What of the children?”

Luna huffed dismissively. “They will not be invited to approach. From a distance they will see only what they already know of you, and will be none the more spoiled for the experience.”

Celestia turned back to her sister, her rumpled down draped now in unkempt gatherings about her frame. “I…”

“Tell me your pussy does not weep,” Luna grinned. “Tell me the tiny twin bulges I can clearly see lurking beneath your gown are but a mirage. Tell me that you did not enjoy conferring the respect of a queen upon that junior maid just now.” Luna looked wry, “Confirm any one of those statements, and I will end this immediately.”

Celestia glanced down at the ghost of her erect nipples under their white sheet. She said nothing.

“Today,” Luna explained, “is a day where the abnormal is normal. Where the fetish is commonplace. It is a day where you can be yourself,” Luna pointed down, “however, my pet, you still have a chore to finish before you may frolic in it.”

Celestia tried to ask if the entire city was so ensorcelled, but no words came out. She managed to mouth them however, and in return her sister only nodded. Celestia thought again to protest; to claim immorality on behalf of her subjects. But the sheer magnitude of the gesture tugged at her heartstrings, and it occurred to her that perhaps the citizens of Canterlot might even be enriched by the experience. In a single moment of explosive decision, Princess Celestia threw herself again to the mattress, wormed her arms around Luna’s thighs, and began to give herself to her sister’s sex with renewed excitement guiding every stroke.

Luna was caught a bit off guard by her sister’s vigor. She let out an uncontrolled whine in spite of herself and spread her legs wide, her hands pressed to her sister’s skull.

“Ngh, yes...th-that’s it, p-pet...sh-show me your desire rather than merely speaking of it…” Luna whimpered. “R-right...right there, y-yes...ahh...nghh!!”

Celestia bore into the night princess’s channel, devouring her juices and favoring her with slick strokes in all her favorite places. At length Luna cried out, and her walls went into squeezing spasms around the Sun’s tongue until Celestia could no longer penetrate. Suddenly planting her hands sharply on the mattress, Celestia pushed herself up, breathing deeply and tousling her hair as though just emerging from a swim.

Luna lay weakened on the bed, her breasts pumping fervently as her lungs worked. Celestia too paused to fill herself with air, but her recovery was swifter. She slid off the bed and rose to her feet, smiling down at her glowing mistress.

“I still have one or two duties to perform on this day Sister, and I should prepare for them. But, Luna…” Celestia blushed, “...thank you.”

Luna did not argue when her pet fled for her own rooms. Reveling in another moment or two of sweet release, she chuckled lightly at the ceiling.

“Duties indeed,” Luna said to nobody. “Though they will not play out the way you expect them to, Sister. Not the way you expect at all.”

Luna rose to hastily dress and prepare for what promised to be a most interesting day indeed.

2 - Address Undressed

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Celestia adjusted the clasp at her throat.

The Princess of the Sun considered the words of the junior maid who had so recently disciplined her, just as she recalled her strikes. Among Dilly Dally’s desires had been to appreciate her sovereign’s nakedness, and yet, Celestia had a stubborn habit for seeing to her own dress and accessories. It hadn’t always been that way, but the crown princess couldn’t recall just when she had adopted the practice. All she knew was that at some point in history, she had begun to put a gradually larger focus upon cutting a ‘proper’ image.

She didn’t have to ask herself why. Though she had tried, Celestia could find no others that were suitable to share her secret desires with during the years when her sister was still locked away on the moon. Without Luna, the crown princess was left to hide inside herself, until she had constructed a barrier so thick around her reign that even a handmaiden to assist her in the bath or with her dressing gown was out of the question.

Now, Luna had returned to set her sister free, and Celestia’s nervous heart was pumping with excitement.

“Not yet, Sister,” Celestia whispered to herself in the sitting room of her private chambers. “Even on this day, I must acknowledge the people first.”

Celestia inspected herself in the ovoid mirror before her. A white dress to symbolise, of all things, purity, draped over her shoulders and slipped down her frame, terminating modestly around the ankle. It was simple and without flare to better relate her to the common man, its bodice cut just above the valley of her breasts to preserve her womanly image. Upon her feet were soft slippers of supple burgundy leather, their color matching the crushed velvet cloak that swirled about her frame. The cloak was anchored at the neck by a golden brooch of office that shined with the same luster as her simple crown, and the loose belt of interlocking golden rings that sat lopsided upon her hips. The cut of her dress was far too low to support a bra, and Celestia appreciated the irony of an otherwise chaste garment with such suggestive undertones. The ensemble was powerful in its simplicity, and it sent a clear message to foreign dignitaries that she was a woman, and she was sovereign. The person so clad was not to be trifled with.

Princess Celestia felt oddly out of place in the usually familiar outfit.

With a soft tap across her spacious great room, Celestia parted the heavy curtains and stepped out upon the balcony. Even before the din came to her ears, she knew what to expect. The city was in festival to celebrate her birthday, and the only thing that outnumbered the throng of citizens waiting eagerly below for her address was the sheer number of banners depicting her personal seal, that seemed to fly from every window as far as Celestia could see. Her eyes half-closed by the adjustment to her own orb in the sky, Celestia put on her brightest smile, cast a quick spell to amplify her voice, and stood upon the parapet, hands on the railing, to deliver her birthday speech.

“Citizens of Canterlot, and those loyal subjects who have traveled the length and breadth of Equestria to be here with me today,” Celestia began, “I would like to take this opportunity to offer my most sincere and personal appreciation for your efforts. Every year, further back even than I can remember, you have all been unceasing in your determination to honor me in ways that I do not deserve. On this day as all those in the past, I stand humbled before you.”

Celestia paused to allow the crowd to cheer. Amidst the din a familiar voice came to her from behind the curtains from whence she had emerged. Its melody stiffened her back, but she held to decorum and did not meet it.

“You do not stand humbled before them yet, Sister,” the voice cooed, “but you will.”

Celestia drew in a breath and continued.

“Let it be known, beloved citizens of Equestria, that this day has not, nor ever will be, just for me. As I walk among you through the streets of our fair capital city, I will be as you are, and this day will be for us all.”

That was Luna’s cue. Like the shadow cast by an albatross she emerged from the darkness, looming behind her prey and placing her hands upon her sister’s shoulders to draw in close.

“You will not be as they are,” Luna whispered. “You will be beneath them. A city of rulers, with but a single subject to answer to them. You.

Well experienced in the ways of royal decorum, Celestia kept her smile, speaking only out of the corner of her mouth as she waved to the roaring crowd.

“Luna, I must address the citizens...now is not the time…”

Luna slipped her arms under her sister’s and began, of all things, to knead Celestia’s unsupported breasts. “On the contrary, dear sister. It is the perfect time. Clearly you do not understand how real this all is yet. It is time you were made to.” One of Luna’s hands slipped into the bodice of Celestia’s dress, where the Moon began to pinch at a nipple. “It is not my time of day. Surely you could resist me if you truly wanted to.”

Standing awkwardly with an extra pair of arms under her own, Celestia attempted to continue her speech. “I...I will be as you are...th-this day will be for us all…”

“You already said that part,” Luna cooed, drawing her tongue up the nape of her sister’s neck.

“I...we...th-this shall be a day of--” Celestia abruptly bit her lip to avoid injecting her address with a lewd sigh. She could not avoid a gasp however, when Luna stretched the low-cut fabric at her chest and fed each of Celestia’s bouncy orbs through, exposing them to hundreds of pairs of feasting eyes. “L-Luna…”

“Look at them,” Luna whispered. “Hundreds, nay, perhaps a thousand or more commoners, many of whom have never spoken to you, and thus likely see you as an unreachable goddess. Every pair of eyes old enough to understand with a clear view of but one of your secrets. It will not be the last you share with them today. Look at how they cheer. They do not gasp. They are not shocked. They do not look away. What does that tell you about their inner desires?”

Celestia could not answer. “M-my fellow citiz--zzngh...ah…”

Luna pinched. Celestia jumped. The Moon traced Celestia’s ear with her tongue. “Cry out, Pet. Cry out with the amplification spell still upon you. Let them all hear how much you enjoy performing for them, and Mistress will reward you.”


Luna felt her spine tingle with excitement of her own as her sister’s gasps began to fill the air. “Good pet. As promised, your reward.” Luna summoned her magic, and Celestia gasped again as she felt the weight of her soft purple collar close about her ivory throat. With a snap of Luna’s fingers, the collar replaced Celestia’s golden brooch of office - the regal ornament and the crushed velvet cloak it secured falling away. Luna fingered the collar, tugging at its ring and jangling the tag that bore her mark.

“Your reward is twofold,” Luna explained, “each part intended to bring my dear sister’s long-ingrained voyeuristic desires to life. Now you are showing them your status as a pet. Soon you will show them more.

Celestia’s hands returned to the railing, this time for support. She arched her neck, giving the cheering crowd a good view of her other badge of office, denoting her as owned property. She felt the tingle of magic around her thighs, followed by the silken swishing of her panties as they began to slide down her legs.

“Down,” Luna ordered, elaborating on her command by pressing her palm between Celestia’s shoulder blades and giving a not-so-subtle push. Celestia bent forward until she was nearly doubled over the railing, her dress now off her shoulders and her royal breasts dangling towards the crowd. A simple tap at her rump was enough to engender the automatic response of lifting one leg, then the other, to set her undergarments free. “You fail at your duties, Sister. You are not addressing your public.”

“I-I am honored,” Celestia whimpered to the crowd, “To st-stand before you all this way...laid bare and transparent in the s-seat of government…”

Luna chuckled. “Well veiled, Sister.”

An image of Celestia’s own lavender panties, suspended in midair by magic, floated into the Sun’s view. There was a slight stain at the crotch, and Luna made certain Celestia could see it.

“You know,” Luna mused, “the spell was completed this morning. It is always possible that a citizen or two showed up late and thus remains unaffected. I wonder what will become of your pretty panties if we do this.”

Before Celestia could utter another word, a spark of magic sent her unmentionables on a slingshot trajectory off the balcony, where she watched helplessly as they fluttered down and vanished into the crowd.

“If an ensorcelled citizen finds them, they will be enjoyed for today,” Luna explained, “but that citizen will dispose of them subconsciously and by tomorrow will not recall their presence. A child will merely not see them at all. But what if an unenchanted Equestrian chances upon them? They do bear the embroidery of your great seal at the waist, after all.

Celestia’s next words were choked away by the pleasure of her sister’s mental image. She didn’t complain as she felt her dress being hiked up to the small of her back, but the artificial sensation probing at her netherlips gave her pause. “N-no necklace, Mistress…?”

Luna laughed again, her hands moving to take firm grip at Celestia’s hips. “The entire city heard that, Pet. How quickly you acclimate. But if you are referring to the enchanted trinket that brings about the penis I have bred you with time and again, I remind you that today is all about your pleasure, as you pleasure others with a fine performance.” On the cusp of her words Luna thrust forward suddenly, her strapped-on phallus burying itself easily into Celestia’s already damp channel. “Revel in your submission, sweet princess.”

Celestia didn’t even notice the pain from digging her fingernails into the hard railing. She fought to summon words for her public, but the magically-enhanced cry she emitted ripped instead at the very banners hung in tall towers and shop windows for her benefit. Luna gave her sister no quarter, pounding her relentlessly on the balcony at whatever pace the Moon happened to enjoy at any given moment. Celestia hung over the railing, her image of the people below congealing into a turbulent sea of well-wishers and cat-callers. With nowhere to go save down, Celestia could do nothing but bare her passionate expression to the public and accept her sister’s pistoning hips.

“Speak,” Luna ordered as she thrust away. “They are waiting for the remainder of your address.”

“I...m-my…” Celestia let the words bleed out of her in the only way they could. “I-It pleases m-me to be among you...b-beneath you...t-to sh-share my private moments with youuohh…”

“We love seeing your sexy boobs!” A voice from below called.

“Fuck that slut hard, Princess Luna!” Another voice shouted.

“Y-yes, th-thank you m-my friends,” Celestia moaned. “I-it pleases me to...ohh...sh-show you m-my...s-sexy b-booonnghh!!”

To a chorus of merry, lewd shouts from her subjects, Princess Celestia finally lost herself to the piercing sensations of the toy her sister had designed to fit her contours perfectly. It spread her without forgiveness; stimulating every part of her core as it pistoned in and out. Unfettered by stimulation, her sister roughly slammed Celestia against the railing, sending her sweet channel into uncontrolled spasms as her cry of climax rent the air, spreading to all corners of the city. Impaled upon her sister’s toy, she slumped against the railing and fought for both her footing and her words when Luna finally pulled out.

“Th-thank you for attending t-today’s celebration, c-citizens of Equestria...m-may this day find you in high spirits…”

Princess Luna stepped back towards the curtains. “They will, Sister. Of that I have no doubt.” Luna raised one hand and snapped her fingers, a magic spark rising from them. “Finish your duties in attire better suited to your station.”

Celestia felt a warm glow wash over her. In seconds her stately outfit evaporated around her, exposing every inch of the Sun’s ironically pale flesh to the kiss of the fresh outdoor air.

“You should really get out in the sun more,” Luna smiled.

Naked from head to toe save for the curious dichotomy of crown and collar, Princess Celestia concluded her speech, hopping in place once or twice to favor the crowd with an appreciative bounce.

3 - Woman of the People

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Princess Celestia stepped into her bedchamber to the fading cheers of her adoring public. The carpet tickled the soles of her bare feet, but it was the lightness in her heart that was truly responsible for the spring in her heels. She brushed her foot over a fuzzy patch of shag, purposefully tickling herself again until she hemorrhaged a giggle. There was something about being made to experience the sensation--any sensation at the behest of her mistress, that made her want to do it to herself on purpose.

Celestia paused before the mirror to observe the changes since she had gone out on the balcony. Her sister’s collar and tag were securely at her throat, and aside from the tiara nestled in the pastel sea atop her head, she was dressed only in the embrace of nature. She twirled once, her freed bustline bouncing a little bit with every movement.

“I recall a certain princess who has told me on more than one occasion that she never liked that outfit anyway.”

It was not necessary for Celestia to turn towards the voice in order to identify it. She continued to admire herself in the mirror, fascinated by the idea of wearing her collar in broad daylight. “It was...powerful and intimidating. Made for a princess. Not...not for me.”

Luna patted the couch she was sitting on. “You were born in too high a station, dear sister. Your desire to be less than you are runs deep. Heel.”

Celestia swept into the center of her sitting room and came down in a fluid motion upon her knees, on the floor before her sister. Luna had dispensed with the strap-on toy, but what stood in its place was enough to elicit a stare from her pet below. The Princess of the Night was clad in closed robes that bore a pure whiteness identifying them as Celestia’s, but this particular specimen had been altered to depict Luna’s moon eclipsing the sun at its every instance. The trim and sash of the gown had also been replaced with satin in hues of midnight blue that shimmered in time with Luna’s starry locks. Luna noticed her sister’s surprise, smirked, and reached down to scratch Celestia behind the ear like a dog.

“Do not attempt to insist to me that it does not excite you, when I take representations of your stateliness and make them my own.”

Celestia leaned into the scratching. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes...it does excite me,” Celestia admitted. “Very much so.”

“Good,” Luna replied. “I expect as much honesty and directness from you as you will experience from your public this day, Sister.”

Casually Luna reached for a sturdy leather leash that sat coiled on an end table, and began to unravel it. It matched the purple of Celestia’s collar exactly, and when Luna snapped it in place, it looked very much at home. “As you recently promised our citizens, you will be taking a walk among them today. It is proper that you greet them more personally.”

Celestia arched her neck to facilitate attaching the leash to her ring. “Dressed like this, Mistress?”

“Not entirely,” Luna replied. She lifted a handbell from the table and flicked her wrist, sending a loud ding through the chamber. Celestia watched as the main door was suddenly filled with the merry, diminutive countenance of Dilly Dally.

“Greetings, Your Highness!” Dally announced eagerly, and then nodding at Celestia said, “Hi there slut! Are you being a good girl?”

“Y-yes Ma’am.”

“I just loved how the princess fucked you silly on the balcony like that just now! You take to being put in your place really well.”

Celestia felt her cheeks glowing. “Yes Ma’am!”

Luna nodded approvingly at the banter between her servants. “Dilly Dally, retrieve the box in my sister’s hall closet and bring it here.”

Dally assented and hopped to the task. A moment later she returned, her widely-spread arms bearing a large, unwieldy box. Dally could barely see overtop the large bow that accented the box’s giftwrap, but Celestia noticed the maid was struggling only with size, not weight. Looking just as perplexed as the nude princess, Dilly Dally sat the box down on the floor next to the birthday girl.

“Oh my Your Highness, is this a birthday gift for your pet?”

“Indeed, yes.” Luna folded one leg over the other and sat back, stroking the arm of the couch as though enthroning herself upon it. Her other hand absently petted Celestia, who had come up tall on her knees to accommodate her Mistress’s relaxed posture.

Dally looked positively giddy. “May I open it for her? She’s just a pet after all, it might be too much for her to handle.”

Luna shook her head. “Pet, open your gift.”

Celestia took the command as permission to leave her mistress’s heel. She placed her hands on the bow and began to pull, only to be yanked back hard as Luna gave a firm tug on her leash.

“You are a pet,” Luna corrected. “Behave accordingly.”

Celestia faltered. She could feel the eager eyes of the young maid on her, and though she knew what her mistress wanted her to do, she had never before done it outside of Luna’s eyes only. With but a moment’s hesitation, Celestia sunk to all fours, pointed her rump at the maid, and began to fiddle with her bow using only her teeth.

Luna noticed Dilly Dally’s attention, which was on Celestia’s backside. “Know that on this day, all are invited to appreciate my pet’s body, save that I say otherwise. And certainly, you do not require my sister’s permission to explore her form as you please.”

Dilly Dally began to stroke Celestia’s rump and thighs - even going as far as to test the princess’s opening with a few sharp pumps from her fingers, which elicited a series of small gasps. “She has a lovely body, and look how aroused she already is. I know a whole bunch of palace staff who would love to play with her!”

Luna waved the comment off. “There will be time for that later. Pet, show us the next gift your owner has favored you with.”

Celestia was fiddling with a sea of decorative red tissue paper in a way that was reminiscent of bobbing for apples. She came up with an oblong object in her mouth, which she dropped into Luna’s waiting palm like an offering. Well aware of what it was already, Luna merely held it out for both her pet and her servant to see.

The object reminded Celestia of the many vibrating toys Luna, and later Twilight, often used upon her. They were stored in a box under her bed without a magical lock - Celestia was expected not to disturb them without permission from either of her mistresses. The new object resembled them in the sense that it was constructed of a pink gel-like material that was slightly translucent, such that in the light Celestia could see silhouettes of tiny clockwork gears within. But this object was pinched nearly flat in the middle and bent upon itself, creating a ‘u’ shape with independent gear systems at either end. Both ends had a spiral shape to them - one with larger, blunted nubs, while the other sported smaller, precision feelers.

Celestia was no virgin, and she deduced almost instantly what the device was intended to do with its unique shape. Sheer amazement caused her to break her station and speak. “I...I’ve never seen one like that before. D-do both ends…?”

“Why, yes,” Luna grinned, “yes they do. And the reason you have not observed one before is that they are difficult to construct.” Luna turned the device over in her hand as she explained. “Imagine how much of a shore it is to create a diminutive skeleton of gears in one of these devices that is also enduring enough to stand up to its intended use. Can you imagine what goes into generating two such systems, independent of one another, in the same such object?”

Celestia marveled, her eyes following the movement of the toy. “What did you have to go through to get this…?”

“Wow,” Dilly Dally interrupted. “It has two vibrating ends? Even one end on one of those things is really expensive, if you can find somebody who will go through the trouble to build one at all! And you can’t even use the crankless ones unless you have magic!”

Celestia glanced at Dally. “How do you--”

Dilly Dally giggled and freely interrupted her sovereign. “Oh Pet, don’t be silly. What’s good enough for princesses is good enough for the rest of us. I am a girl, after all!” She suddenly smacked Celestia’s rump, eliciting a jump. “Can I stuff your slut with it, Your Highness? Can I??”

“There’s more to it than that, my eager servant.” Luna pointed, and two sets of eyes followed the gesture back to the unnecessarily large gift box. Therein, disturbed by Celestia’s rooting and lying among the tissue paper, was a length of rope, pre-tied in several places to suggest some specific use.

Dally brightened even further. “Oh! A harness! May I secure her too, Your Highness?”

Celestia didn’t bother asking how Dilly Dally had knowledge of rope bondage or how to go about applying it. The Sun had made far too many inaccurate assumptions about a maid who only acted chaste because it was her job to. Celestia wondered just how many other citizens she had misjudged, simple for their adherence to propriety in her presence.

Luna nodded her assent to the maid’s request. With little thought for Celestia’s comfort, Dally jerked her to her feet and bent her over a nearby chair. Lifting the princess’s leg slightly, Dally touched the cool tips of the new toy to Celestia’s porcelain flesh and lined them up. Celestia was used to insertion well enough that she knew to relax her muscles, but she let out a grunt as she felt each of her entrances being stretched at the same time.

“Hahh…” Celestia panted, arching her back. “B...both at once…”

Luna sat and quietly appreciated the scene before her. She levitated a glass of wine she had poured earlier over and treated herself to the sourness of the nectar within while Dilly Dally worked. A maid, bedecked in the frilly uniform of her office, bending and straightening a naked princess as she pleased in order to bind her. Dilly Dally took her time of it; indulging in her desire to grope Celestia’s thighs, hips, waist, and breasts as she went. Celestia was turned to face her sister as Dally secured the rope between her legs and began to bring the Sun’s arms back for binding. The naked, blushing elder sister gave her junior a wordless, knowing smile and patiently waited for the maid to finish with her.

Celestia stood in the center of her own sitting room at her full, willowy height. Her elegant crown still mingled with the floating forest of color atop her head, but it presided over a woman whose status was far below that of even the handmaidens who attended her. With her arms bound tightly behind her back, Celestia could do nothing to hide the obvious arousal evidenced by the tight nipples capping her breasts. On the contrary, she went so far as to push out her chest, presenting her excitement to her sister with a mousey smile.

The ropes that bound the Princess of the Sun wound twice around either thigh like the coils of a serpent, isolating each leg as they wormed between them to hold her birthday present in place. From there they coiled around her hips and up her back, wrapping up her crossed wrists and running in two bands above and below her bosom. At her neck remained the collar that marked Celestia as her sister’s, its attached leash dangling between the Sun’s ample breasts.


Luna rose from her seat and nonchalantly took up her sister’s leash, nodding to the patiently waiting maid who seemed quite pleased with herself. “You have done well, Dilly Dally. Be certain to speak with the rest of the staff concerning the softness of my pet’s body, and encourage them to turn out for a proper viewing.”

With a merry click of her heels, Dilly Dally moved to the door. In passing Celestia, she paused to draw the princess into a soft kiss, which she held for half a minute before drawing her lips to Celestia’s ear, her voice at a whisper. “You’re a lot lovelier than just your body too, Pet. Mmm…”

Luna allowed the exchange with a wry grin, waited for the maid to finally take her leave, and yanked firmly on Celestia’s leash, directing her to fall in. “We’re going for our walk now, Pet. Be good, and you will be rewarded through your new toy.”

Celestia scurried to keep her sister’s pace. “Yes Mistress, thank you, Mistress.”

* * * * *

It had never quite occurred to Princess Celestia just how little time she spent without posh slippers, until she encountered the curious sensation of her bare heels on smooth cobblestones. Unused to anything but plush carpeting or bathroom tile touching the soles of her feet, she took a certain quiet joy from the feel of being exposed in the real, organic world all around her. A gentle breeze that wafted between the common buildings at street level swirled about her; kissing every inch of her body as it explored her form, ran a little shiver up her unprotected spine, and moved on. Celestia had but a moment to enjoy it, until her sister tugged her down a crowded Canterlot street.

Luna never gave her sister more than a cursory moment to interact with each well-wisher. The treatment made Celestia feel that much more subservient - every gesture, word of thanks, or pleasant bow of her head was the property of Princess Luna, and the Sun had to take care to execute them in the time she was allotted. Luna periodically activated the vibrators inside her sister, either to keep her on her toes or simply ensure a proper sexual response to any random groping Celestia might receive.

The pair paused briefly when rounding a corner, where they encountered an elderly couple out for a walk.

“Oh my,” an old lady creaked. “How nice that it’s your birthday, Your Highness. Our nation prays you have a thousand more to complement the thousand before.”

Celestia thanked the couple without depravity, watched them depart, and turned to her sister.

“They...did not notice?”

Luna nodded and continued to pull her sister along. “As I explained before, the spell frees inhibition, but it does not plant seeds.”

Celestia tried to look back once. “Is it because of their age?”

“Only the young are excluded by age. Were I to surmise, I would say those two are a loving couple, forsaking even thoughts of all others. Thus, their minds parsed a benign scene.”

Celestia had but a moment to ponder this before a sharp slap to her backside jarred her back to reality. A young man with a palace guard recruit’s haircut and a sultry ladyfriend on his arm passed slowly by.

“I always thought you had a really fine ass, bitch,” the guard commented, “About time we all got to see it!”

The guard’s companion, a young lady dressed like a harlot, cupped Celestia’s chin just to bring her eyes to attention.

“She’d make a great dancer at the club I work at, don’tcha think?”

Celestia offered a short bow, “O-oh yes, I’m sure I would. And thank you for noticing Ma’am, Sir!”

The couple continued on their way, laughing raucously. Luna smirked.

“Enjoy this too much, Pet, and you shall set a new precedent for yourself that I’ll not soon forget.”

The Moon led the Sun along until the pair threaded across a number of side streets that opened into a modest courtyard. Framed with statues of Canterlot dignitaries long forgotten to the annals of time, it was an area that only the princesses could recall as ever having held any true significance in a smaller Canterlot of days gone by. Greater sites had since been constructed, and only a few citizens could ever be found milling about this grassy circle and small copse of trees, encircled by the courtyard’s round stone perimeter.

Celestia glanced aimlessly about the area. She was about to ask why she had been led here, but both her eyes and her thoughts stopped dead when a certain sight befell them. There, casually dangling one leg from a low stone wall she sat upon, was the unmistakable form and loose raspberry locks of Celestia’s student-turned-mistress, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight was clad in a snowy white sundress that Celestia recognized from her own wardrobe, complete with a daffodil yellow, wide-rimmed bonnet and matching sandals. The bust line of the dress was a bit large on her, which caused either one or the other of the spaghetti straps to hang low on Twilight’s shoulder depending upon which way she leaned. Twilight hugged the knee of the leg she had up on the stone wall to her chest while the other dangled, giving Celestia a clear view of her student’s supple thighs beneath. The Sun barely even noticed the magical activation of her toy again, and she was soon staring at Twilight with obvious lust.

Twilight met Celestia’s gaze, but much to the Sun’s chagrin, her student’s jaw dropped. By the time Luna had dragged Celestia close, Twilight’s lips were already flapping.

“Y-your High--I mean Princess Celestia?? What in Equestria are you doing out in public like that??”

Celestia’s eyes widened, warning bells popping out of sleep mode and clanging in her head. With the buzzing of the toy dulling her edge, Celestia could think of no response but to look around for a shrub to dive behind. The hold on her leash was tight, and thus the naked princess could do nothing but bounce and jiggle, eventually darting behind her sister like a shy child. Celestia stooped so only her eyes were peering from over her sister’s shoulder and hissed a frantic whisper in Luna’s ear.

“H-how does she know? Why is the spell not working on her??”

“Most curious,” Luna commented calmly. “Perhaps she has no true desire for you, and is seeing her own mirage of normalcy?”

Celestia wilted. “She...she doesn’t? But...but I thought, all those times…”

Twilight tried in vain to keep up her shocked expression, but her scholar’s need to clarify got the better of her. “Actually, if that were true, I wouldn’t be shocked because my brain wouldn’t be registering the fact that you’re walking around naked with a collar and a rope harness on, being led on a leash by your sister.”

Celestia blinked. “Then...you can...but how?”

Twilight hopped off the wall, looking smug. “Who do you think cast the spell in the first place?”

Celestia’s silence prompted her sister to corroborate. “It is true. The idea was mine, but I could not have deployed it on such a massive scale without soliciting the assistance of your most talented progeny, Sister. The research and preparation alone took nearly a fortnight.”

Twilight patted her thigh. “Come, Pet. Say hello!”

Relief washed over Celestia with such force that she came out from behind her sister and shot down to her knees, nuzzling her own dress that was draped over Twilight’s thigh with her cheek.

“I was so worried, Mistress…”

Twilight reached down to ruffle Celestia’s hair. “Aww, you were so cute when you thought I didn’t care.” She looked to Luna. “How’s our little pet taking to her special day? I know you wanted some private time with her. Sisters and all that.”

Luna merely nodded at the naked, bound, adoring sun princess. “See for yourself. I trust you enjoyed her address this morning as well?”

“Absolutely delicious,” Twilight smiled. “But you’re having all the fun so far.” She glanced down at Celestia. “And you should therefore be doing a better job of greeting your mistress.”

The toy inside Celestia, which had been buzzing along at a lazy, controllable pace, suddenly fell silent. As Luna magically handed off control of the device to Twilight, it reactivated with twice the force. Celestia attempted to resist the change by gritting her teeth against it, but she was already aroused, and soon its squirming about in both her holes elicited a stammered moan. Twilight calmly sat again on the wall and reached down to fondle one of Celestia’s breasts.

“None of that,” Twilight decreed. “Show me how it makes you feel with everybody out here watching you.” To punctuate her command, Twilight nabbed one of her mentor’s nipples and gave it a rough pinch.


“Better,” Twilight approved. She moved her hand to take Celestia under the chin, forcing the princess to look up and make eye contact. “No more trying to fight it. When your toy or your mistresses make you want to cry out, do it. Loudly, every time, so you can be heard.”


With Celestia as a captive audience, Twilight fingered the onyx and silver chain that ran gracefully around her supple neck to somewhere under her dress. she made a show of dipping her fingers between the valley of her breasts, and withdrew from there a certain familiar pendant in the shape of a disc, bearing Twilight’s mark over a holographic background.

“Now,” Twilight insisted, “greet me correctly.”

Celestia knew the special properties of Twilight’s enchanted accessory all too well. The dress had obscured it, but nuzzling closer revealed the bulge in the panties of Celestia’s student. It pushed back at the Sun, demanding to be set free. Celestia went for her prize eagerly, biting at the white cloth of her own dress to yank it out of the way in lieu of using her bound hands.

Luna was standing by with her sister’s leash, watching her beloved pet play. “My, such a needy frenzy she is in. I see her new toy is having just the right effect.” Luna knelt and openly placed her hand between Celestia’s legs. “Don’t give her too much, Twilight Sparkle. She has duties to perform yet this day and we don’t want her achieving too much satisfaction before they are complete.”

Celestia emitted a whine when she felt the toy’s pace relaxing. The slight loss of intensity left her wanting, and the moment Twilight helped her lift the dress out of the way, Celestia found herself pushing at her student’s cyan panties, tasting the cotton with her tongue.

Twilight ruffled Celestia’s hair again and shimmed the panties down with a spark of magic. “I told you she’d love this.”

The moment Twilight’s pulsing spire bounced free from its cotton prison, Celestia greeted it with deep, long strokes from her tongue, as though it were a delicacy beyond compare. Twilight shivered.

“I believe it was I who approached you about this day,” Luna corrected. Still in a crouch, she came up beside her sister to stroke her between the shoulder blades, as Celestia enveloped Twilight’s tip. “Our little slut has taken to her obedience so well, we ought to consider such activities more often.”

Twilight sighed as the warm wetness of her mentor’s cheeks slid down her length. “Mm, I don’t know that cooking up a spell this massive is going to work ‘more often’, though.”

“Ah, but that is the beauty of it,” Luna replied. She placed her hand on the back of Celestia’s head as the Sun was drawing back, and pushed her down to the hilt again. “After today, imagine the fun we will have encouraging our pet to bring other willing parties into our little game. A certain junior maid, for example, has taken a shining to our pet.” She held Celestia’s head tightly, mashing her sister’s nose into Twilight’s stomach and forcing her to ration her breaths. “You’ve already thought about inviting her to hold your leash while you pleasure her under our supervision, haven’t you Pet?”

“M-mhhmm…” Celestia muttered. Luna let her breathe, but as soon as she did so, Twilight took over and pushed her back down to where Celestia could get another deep whiff of her student’s scent.

“And I bet you love how we’re having a nice conversation about you like you’re not even here, while you behave,” Twilight added.


Celestia held onto her pacified moan longer this time. When set free again, her tongue jumped and danced for her younger mistress, conforming to each curve of Twilight’s shaft and tracing each pulsing vein from base to tip. She slipped up further, forming a tight seal with her lips around Twilight’s flare to take hard draws from it.

“Mm,” Twilight propped herself up on one arm and twirled some pastel locks around her finger. “O-our student learns f-fast...whew…”

Luna reached back to fiddle with the dual-ended toy inside her sister. “Now, now, let us not inflate her ego too much. She must remember her place, after all.” She slipped her finger between the middle of the toy and Celestia’s perineum, tugging on it such that humming protrusions receded. Celestia’s rump tightened, and Luna clicked her tongue. “Tsk. Pet, give.”

Celestia, her mouth fully involved with her former student, could only squeak out a muffled whine. She relented, allowing the buttplug and its twin knobby end to escape together. Luna nodded.

“Good, but slow. First we will address the good.” Luna pulled the toy back until it was nearly evacuated, and then roughly slapped it back in. The two gel-like appendages invaded Celestia again, spreading both her holes as they buzzed more joy into her. The Sun moaned as best she could, her body rocking along with the pumping of her lips and the pleasure waves below. Luna slipped the device back in place and pulled the securing rope over it. Then, she raked her sister with fingernails from the small of her back to the base of her neck, Luna’s hand finally coming to rest on the back of Celestia’s head.


“And now,” Luna said gravely, “we address the slow.”

This time, Luna did not spare her sister the proverbial whip. Without warning she shoved hard, forcing Celestia back down to Twilight’s hilt with no thought for the Sun’s comfort. Celestia choked as the penis in her mouth expanded to take over her airway, throbbing inside her and commanding all of her attention.

“Hold her,” Luna ordered, despite leaving Celestia with no means of escape anyway. “Show your appreciation for the beloved mistress in your mouth and hold her there.”

Celestia fought against her gags but managed to calm her thrashing, lest she lose face before her owners. She closed her eyes and soothed her mind with the delicious sounds of passing well-wishers, who were still offering myriad lewd birthday congratulations whenever they passed by. She knew their eyes were on her. And Luna’s eyes. And those of her own student. Soon, the crown princess was burying her nose again into Twilight’s soft tummy, nursing from the engorged organ in her mouth with proper respect.

“Nnn,” Twilight muttered, “she’s such an eager to please little cocksucker. She deserves a special day like this, to just be herself.”

“Eager to please, yet undisciplined,” Luna countered, loosening her grip just enough to allow Celestia some air while she milked. “She only thinks she has been taught her place. There is more to come this day, do not forget.”

Twilight arched her neck and bit her lip, allowing the rays of the sun to bathe her upturned face under her bonnet. Celestia’s bobbing had increased in intensity, and the warm wetness enveloping nerves Twilight could barely control anyway for their unfamiliarity was catapulting pleasure into the young mistress’s mind. She brought her hand down firmly on Celestia’s head, holding her in place and taking over the strokes by thrusting up with her hips.

“Ahh...I h-haven’t, d-don’t worry...nhh...but I th-think she needs a drink...ahh...don’t you…?”

“That and more,” Luna agreed. The moon princess shortened her sister’s leash and held it up like a show dog lead, while stroking Celestia’s back appraisingly. She nodded pleasantly at the next small group of passersby, and invited them to watch. “Your sovereign is indeed enjoying her day. Look how she grovels before her student, bound and filled with pleasure devices.”

“What an adorable slut!” A woman said.

“Boy I’d sure like to fuck her,” a man commented as he reached out to enjoy a grope. “Think I could have a turn sometime, Your Highness?”

Luna waved the spectators back a bit. “Perhaps in time. For now, enjoy the show your princess puts on for you all.” Luna reared her arm back and tanned her sister’s rump with a stinging slap. “Perform for your subjects, Pet!”

Celestia gave full vent to her moaning as she had been told to earlier, sending pleasant vibrations through Twilight’s shaft in the process. She swirled around the gift inside her, increasing her pace until wet slapping sounds emitted from the joining. Twilight’s grip had gone slack, with control of the pace going back to her pet.

“Ngh...ahh…” Twilight stammered, her limbs straightening and her body stiffening. The need to release was threatening to boil over, and Twilight Sparkle saw no reason to deny it. With the last bit of muscle strength she could control, Twilight wrenched dominance back from her mentor by grabbing Celestia’s head and ramming her hips firmly into it, choking the sun princess anew. There was a pause, and Twilight began to pump rope upon rope of warm, sticky seed down Celestia’s throat. To her credit, the Sun never gagged nor complained.

Luna raised a brow, “Save some for her markings, dear.”

“Uh...uh-huh…” Twilight rode the wave of sweet release as it undulated through her. The magic that created her organ also ensured the volume of seed would equal that of someone who had been storing it up for weeks, every time. When she was satisfied with filling her mentor from the inside, Twilight pulled out and kept Celestia’s face still, panting her cheeks and the bridge of her nose with gooey white semen. “Ngh...good pet...f-forgot how much stress I built up working on that spell…”

Twilight’s quivering grip slackened and Celestia drew close, allowing the last spurt to coat her forehead and stiffen a few wavy hairs in her luscious mane as she looked up at her mistress. “Yes Mistress...I only wish there could be more…”

“There will be,” Luna interjected. “But first, Pet, you have another duty to your public.” Luna stood, yanking Celestia to her feet, and took a moment to appreciate the drying seed markings on her pet’s perfect skin. The Moon then took control of the toy inside her sister, deactivated it, and yanked it out with a wet pop. She spared a moment to show it off to the public. “This tiny device helps to keep your princess behaving properly. Would you like to see her favorite way to keep it clean?”

The crowd clapped, and the toy levitated over until it was inches from Celestia at eye level, each protrusion pointing commandingly at her. Celestia leaned forward and gently kissed each nub, favoring them both with an affectionate lick as well. Finally she swallowed one, and then the other in turn, sucking her scent and juices from them to the approving murmurs of the crowd.

Luna allowed her sister to perform her lewd sideshow act for a full minute before levitating the toy away. She dried it off with Celestia’s own hair, before dropping it in a pouch at her waist.

“You’re a really lovely whore!” The assemblage praised. “Perform for us again soon!”

Celestia bowed her head to allow the dispersing subjects to pat her in lieu of shaking hands. “Yes, yes, thank you Ma’am, Sir...oh--!” There was a yank at her neck again, and she returned her attention to Luna.

“Come, Pet. You have other duties to perform, and a further lesson to learn.”

Celestia fell in. “Am I to wash up, Mistress?”

Twilight was on her feet now, making no effort to stop the last dribblings of her seed from noticeably staining Celestia’s dress from the inside out. Noticing Celestia’s glance down there, she smiled. “Next time we all spend time together, you can wear my mark on your dress just like this.”

“O-of course, Mistress!”

Twilight slipped her hands behind her head and under her hair to unclasp the necklace that would banish the special plaything between her legs. “And no,” she said firmly, “you will not wash up. You should be grateful I was willing to mark you with some of what you were given.”

Celestia bowed her head, genuinely embarrassed. “Yes Mistress. Forgive me. Thank you for your trouble.”

Twilight looked on approvingly. “Better.” Then she turned to Luna. “Anyway, I’ll catch up with you later, right?”

Luna nodded, and the pair shared a mischievous grin whose nature was lost on the crown princess. Twilight slapped Celestia’s rump once more, waved a cheery goodbye, and motored off.

Celestia watched her go with some dismay. “Does she not wish to join us? Where are we headed next?”

“I am surprised you do not remember, Sister. However, since you do not, you will be told when it is necessary for you to know. Now come along.”

Luna began walking back to the palace proper, showing her naked and bound sister off to the populace as she went. The gleeful spring in Celestia’s step was hard to keep down, but it provided a healthy bounce that her mistress approved of.

4 - Night's Day Court

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Princess Celestia’s suspicions remained in the dark, and her reason was soothed further by the sensation of cool polished palace floors and the tickle of plush carpeting under her bare feet again. She thought perhaps that she might be able to determine her sister’s intent if she simply put her mind to it - Luna herself had made it clear that divining her plan for the remainder of the day should not have been difficult. Instead Celestia banished all such thoughts and smiled cheerfully at each guard and attendant she passed, greeting them with excessive politeness. It was so easy to just let herself go - to allow her mind to dull and her sensibilities to sink into the role her sister and student had lovingly laid out for her.

The day Celestia had travelled excitedly through was the type of fantasy she assumed would be forever locked away in her imagination. Instead her mistresses had given it true form; turning it into a reality that had gone so far past Celestia’s wildest imagination that she was starting to become greedy about it. She was the crown princess, after all. Had she insisted Luna and Twilight end this before it had begun, they would have had little choice but to capitulate. But Celestia had allowed it to come to fruition, accepting the excuse that her subjects would not be the worse for wear. After a thousand years of being everybody’s prim and proper perfect princess, could one day of indulgence truly be of harm?

Luna didn’t chastise her sister for occasionally slowing their pace. She knew Celestia was only doing it so she could feel the tug of the leash that controlled her, and her little sister was happy to oblige. It was Celestia’s day, after all.

The palace halls widened, and Princess Celestia soon found the route so familiar that she could no longer gain blissful ignorance of their destination by blanking her mind. She let out a soft gasp.

“The...throne room?”

“As I said, Sister,” Luna replied, “I am surprised you could not deduce this on your own. Is it not by your own decree that you always still hold court on your birthday?” Luna sniffed. “The result of some altruistic platitudes about always being in the service of your people.”

Celestia hesitated before the grand double doors, which lay open and manned by guards at such rigid attention, she could not be certain if the spell was altering their perceptions or if they were simply that well disciplined. Beyond she could see the lavish receiving carpet that led to twin thrones, the room lined on either side with waiting guards in ceremonial dress that was so crisp, the afternoon light from the windows and skylights glinted off of their armor and cast spectrums of rainbow color in patches on the walls.

“I had thought...you would have cancelled it today…”

Luna tugged, and soon the two princesses were crossing the threshold. The Moon laughed dismissively. “Why would I do that? It is your day court after all, not mine. You may be my property, but it would not do to deny the people that ‘service’ you always claim to be in for them, now would it?”

Celestia was no less bound and nude, but she suddenly felt that much more exposed in the chamber she was used to ruling from. “N-no...of course not, Mistress…”

Luna led her sister to the foot of the dais that supported the thrones, bade her to stop, and came up behind the Sun, whispering in her ear.

“You are not used to looking up at them, are you. Think how much more intimidating they must be for you, without so much as clothing to protect your secrets. You will hold court, but you are no less my pet, and no more capable of handling yourself without your mistress’s guidance as any other debased little brothel slut. thus, I will be here with you, every step of the way.”

Celestia shivered and momentarily closed her eyes. “Mnn, yes Mistress...thank you for helping me, Mistress…”

With the expressions and the intentions of the guards still unreadable, Celestia accepted a gesture to be still and wait for her sister to climb the dais first. Luna stood above the room, resplendent in the modified robes of state that had once been her sister’s - tailored to depict the eclipse of the sun and trimmed in midnight blue to match her night. Even the feel of the garment was not the same with the way Luna carried herself in it; the white portions of the robe seemingly cowed into moving with her. Luna paused to survey the room, pleased in some small way with her ‘triumph,’ and then in a flourish undid her sash to cast the entire robe away.

Beneath the trappings of state, Luna’s garb was enough to make her mousey sister gasp yet again. Luna’s already ample cleavage had been enhanced by the application of a royal purple corset, bound tightly by black laces as it traced the outline of her bust down to her waist. Nearly all of the remaining outfit was black as well, consisting of a lacy garter-belt that held up form-fitting fishnet stockings, each capped at her feet by a heeled boot with buckles halfway up the calf that Celestia had previously mistaken for slippers.

With the robes gone, only a single article of clothing on the night princess’s body aside from her corset was not black. Celestia’s eyes trailed down her sister’s body, freezing when they fell upon the simple, gleaming white pair of panties that bore the emblem of the sun. Celestia was not so vain a ruler to demand her mark be embroidered upon all her underwear, but it was a sign of personal pride for the royal tailor that she had acquiesced to. Now, her secret undergarments were not only exposed to the entire throne room, but imprisoned under layers of sensual, midnight black. There had been no need to alter them like the robes had been - they sent enough of a messages simply being where they were.

Luna enthroned herself on Celestia’s slightly higher seat. She didn’t even need to gesture, as the act of sitting was enough for Celestia to lower herself to her knees before the dais. Luna chuckled and waggled a finger at her elder.

“Rise, Pet. Approach your princess and your mistress. I allow you to be up here with me.”

Celestia felt a boost of energy take her. Without the use or balance of her arms she scrambled clumsily to her feet, scampered up the stairs, and paused before taking a step towards Luna’s lower throne, which lay empty save for the discarded robe. Celestia made as if to sit, but an unseen force, guided by Luna’s magic, whacked her behind so hard she jumped back to her feet and let out an embarrassing squeal that echoed in the large hall.

“That is a place where royalty sits,” Luna admonished as she nabbed Celestia’s cheek in the grip of her magic and forced her to turn. “You are a pet, beneath the station of the lowliest servant or pauper. Furthermore, you are beholden to me, and as I said, you require my direction in all things.” Luna patted her lap, “Now sit in your proper place, little whore.”

Celestia eyed her sister’s lap, scanned the room, and swallowed. “I...there…?”

Luna flared with annoyance. Her magic fired up again, smacking her pet anew. “Sit, Pet. Now.”

Celestia rushed to obey, the instinct not to trifle with her mistress taking over. The moment she had swung her leg over her sister’s hips, Luna placed her hands on the Sun’s waist and guided her down. Luna’s hands snaked up quickly, reaching around to stroke at the bare princess tummy that was now facing the room.

“Spread your legs,” Luna ordered.

Celestia obeyed. Her slick sex gave away all her feelings, and she jumped when Luna began drawing two fingers over her puffy, wet opening.

“You cannot even take care of the call of your body,” Luna purred. “You need help with that too, don’t you.”

The statement was not a inquiry, and Celestia swallowed before acquiescing to it. “Y-yes...yes mistress, please…”

“Even in your own throne room, at court, you want to be mine?”

Celestia shut her eyes and let the words flow.

“...yes, Mistress…”

Luna’s other hand ran along Celestia’s opposite side, fondling the ropes that bound her until it cupped one breast and began to pinch the tight nipple there. As Celestia gasped, Luna blew on her sister’s hair, pushing Dilly Dally’s braid and the maid’s handkerchief that bound it out over Celestia’s shoulder for all to see.

“Good pet. Mistress approves, and as a reward, you will answer my question.” Luna let the words sink in, enjoying the squirming in her lap as they did. “What do you really want, right now? What would make this situation just perfect?”

Celestia was allowed a moment to collect her thoughts. It was an effort, given the rebellion going on inside her that was demanding she evaporate into a delicious, gooey mist. She hung on that analogy until it occurred to her that there was no reason for any of it to be a battle. The wanton lust banging at the gates of her reason, on this of all days, had no need to be held in check. She arched her back, pushing out her chest for whomever might enter as the sounds of the entrance guards conversing with the first court visitors of the day came to her ears.

With a wordless smile, Celestia gave herself over to her carnal want. With no suppressor ring on her finger, she was able to search the palace with a simple scrying spell and locate her target in mere seconds without having to move from her sister’s lap. When she found it, she summoned a swell of power, popped her ears from the pressure it brought on, and pulled the target object through a teleportation aura to exactly where she wanted it.

Luna felt an unexpected tingling sensation that gave her pause. She glanced down, and in a shimmer of her sister’s sunny magic, a necklace that was nearly identical to the enchanted one Twilight had worn earlier materialized around her neck. Constructed of the same polished onyx and jet with silver settings, the only difference in Luna’s personal version of the accessory was that the holographic pattern on the pendant bore her mark. The power embedded in the device activated the moment it was secure, throwing the night princess off and causing her to grunt as holographic clouds began to race across the pendant’s image. Celestia scooted forward and tugged on the familiar panties Luna wore with her magic, slipping them halfway down Luna’s thighs to make room for the male organ that was already materializing. The submissive sun princess couldn’t help just one mischievous smile, as she watched Luna’s shaft come to life already at full, throbbing attention.

“I knew you were enjoying this too,” Celestia giggled.

“I do not recall insinuating otherwise at any point,” Luna muttered.

Celestia blushed and turned her eyes forward again. “I know, but...it’s nice to see it out in the open.”

Luna instinctively touched her new foreskin to the cleft of Celestia’s rump and began to lightly hump at her. “This is what you desire? To tease your sister?”

Celestia shook her head and twisted her body sufficiently to brush a few fingertips of one bound hand over Luna’s tapered head. “Your pleasure is mine, Mistress. I would be a poor pet if I didn’t put my mistress first, so...I...wish only to be taken and made yours...before the court…”

Luna smiled, warmth taking the cunning out of the gesture. She nabbed Celestia’s hips and straightened her, before reaching up to stroke the Sun’s bobbing hair. “You are an imperfect, fallible pet. But you are learning, and Mistress is pleased with you. You cast a spell without my permission, but your heart was in the right place. You still require correction however, and as a proper slut, that shall come to you in the form of a good, public rutting.”

Luna lifted, and Celestia helped by raising her body up. With a firm grip on her pet’s hips, Princess Luna guided her sister’s wet opening to her waiting tip. Luna teased the Sun for a moment with her probing head, gathering up lubrication from Celestia’s slit before slowly pulling her down. Celestia gasped and tried to hurry the process, but Luna held her back so she could appreciate the gradual disappearance of her spire into her elder sister’s depths. Celestia shut her eyes tightly and whimpered, envisioning the same process as she indulged in the sensation of her sister’s invading sex, spreading her channel out inch-by-delicious inch to accommodate.


“Shh,” Luna cooed, “It is far too late to turn back now. They can all see you. Let it happen.”

It was not necessary to convince Celestia any further, but the words alone brought about another luscious rumble from deep inside her. She gripped the invader lovingly, welcoming her sister inside until Luna’s tip firmly kissed Celestia’s cervix, laying claim to her deepest place. Both princesses shared a communal moan, broken up only by the words of a guard.

“Court will begin now, Celestia.” The man made a point of addressing the sovereign by her given name, and informing her of acts that would occur outside of her control. Celestia nodded weakly.

“Sh-show...show them i-in...please…”

Celestia’s senses had dulled to the point that she could glean little of her appearance of her visitors until they got close. Suffice to say, both men were dressed in the matter of well-off vendors, somewhere at the upper echelons of the social ladder bordering on aristocracy. The twin vermillion baldrics they wore bore the label of a local business, suggesting they were likely partner entrepreneurs.

One man offered a sweeping bow. “Your Highness! How nice to see you guiding your pet through her paces with such an appropriately rough hand today.”

Luna did not reply, save to lightly swat her sister’s backside, prompting Celestia to answer instead.

“Y-yes! Thank for n-noticing how my mistress treats me, S-sir!”

The other man smiled and nodded approvingly. “And so attentive she is to her betters, too. Surely her training is coming along well.”

Celestia’s bobbing intensified. “Ngh...h-how...how may I serve you both today…?”

“If you weren’t busy with your owner, I could certainly think up some good ways!” The first man said with no hesitation. Rather than being offended by the comment, Celestia smiled encouragingly and waited to be told the answer to her question.

The second man removed his wide-brimmed hat and held it to his chest as he thoughtfully stroked his handlebar mustache. He spoke as though the conversation were quite casual. “Well you see slut, after your lewd display to the public this morning, my associate and I began to think about the best way to generate revenue through exploiting you.”

“Indeed,” the partner agreed, “but there seems to be some disagreement over the best way to go about it.”

“Y-you...you don’t, ahh...s-say…”

“And we thought, who better to help us with this exploitation than the depraved bitch who’s clearly begging for it to happen anyway?”

Rhythmic squishing noises came to Celestia’s ears. “O-of course, ngh, yes...q-quite logical...Sir…”

“Right then,” the hatless man spoke. “I suggested we sell tickets to your next public display. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy watching our princess fuck the living daylights out of her pet before a crowd like that?”

“Bah,” the other man cut in. “What good would a ticket do when everyone in the city was watching this morning anyway, and could just as easily watch next time?”

“Because we own a shop with a tall tower right nearby!” The first man insisted. “We wouldn’t be selling tickets to see this pretty bitch get nailed at all, we’d be selling them for the best seats in the house! Granted no tower in town is as tall as the spires of the palace, but ours is still the tallest that’s anywhere near that balcony!”

The other man waved his hands gregariously. “I still feel my idea will be more lucrative in the long run. Listen here now, just listen here. I say we take pictures of the princess’s pet in action and use them to make souvenirs! Postcards, wall-hangings, custom leashes and collars for dogs...why we could even put her on mugs! Wake up every morning to sip your favorite brew from the lovely flower of our favorite whore!”

Luna washed her panting breaths over Celestia’s ear, and leaned in to whisper under the din of the bickering pair. “Remember that this spell took weeks to craft, Pet. All of which they speak shall be gone from their minds tomorrow, including any ‘evidence’ they may choose to record.”

Celestia’s own panting deepened. She struggled against her bonds, wishing that she could fondle her own breasts right then and there. Luna took the cue and brought both her hands up to do it for her sister. Celestia leaned back and let loose another moan loud enough to draw the attention of both men.

“Oh? Did you have something to say, Slut?”

“Looks to me as though she’s getting even more wet just thinking about pictures of her spreading to all corners of Equestria.”

“Or it could be that she’s excited about having so many eyes that much closer to her the next time she performs!”

Celestia ground her hips into her sister, rolling them against her in waves. “Y-you just...ohh...c-came up with the answer yourselves...j-just now…”

The men looked confused. Celestia elaborated without being prompted, freed by the spell over them to make any claims she desired.

“I-it...pleases me to p-put on a good show f-for you all...nghahh...i-it would be good to include th-those subjects who cannot be here today...and to have my mistress’s pet on display in their homes...y-you should pool your ideas and exploit me twofold...ahnn…”

Mutual lightbulbs appeared before the heads of both partners. “Of course!” One cried, “that’s simply brilliant!”

The other nodded his head at the dais. “Thank you for your ingenuity, Princess Luna. Tell us, will your pet be performing on the balcony again today?”

Luna was sweating, but in contrast to her pet was quite calm. “Not today, my subjects.”

With heads for business that would not be easily deterred, neither man remained crestfallen for long. The one with the hat went through a pack strapped to his back and soon game up with a colorful box that was unmistakably a camera.

“Would you mind then, Your Highness, if we snapped a few shots of your pet now? We could spread them around town a bit and see what kind of interest they generate!”

Luna gripped her sister’s hips again and rammed them down, stretching Celestia’s insides as she slammed hard into her. “What do you say to them taking pictures, Pet?”

Celestia’s mind whited out - for an instant, she was nothing but a stiff toy for her mistress’s pleasure. Passion that had been welling up collected in her brain, directing her words.

“Y-yes! Please! S-spread them all o-over, so everyone can see what a g-good pet I am!” Th-thank youuuoohh!”

The vendors obliged, and Celestia closed her eyes to bask in the flashing fireworks display behind her eyelids that flared every time the camera captured her. The images may be gone the next day, but for now Celestia could revel in reducing her own reputation to fit the role her loving sister had crafted for her. She gyrated her body, rolling her hips again and throwing her head back to tousle her hair and make a good show. The cries came to her naturally, and as climax erupted within, it was as though she believed she could imprint her shrill squeals on the very walls for posterity. Luna pushed her forward slightly, and had it not been for her sister’s hands roughly kneading her breasts, Celestia’s lack of arm control might have sent her spilling off the entire dais.

“Let us have them record your breeding as well, bitch,” Luna rumbled. With that, she drilled her sister with abandon upon Celestia’s own throne, photographs snapping away, until the need for Luna to empty herself became too much to bear. With a great cry, the Princess of the Night ranmmed her sister to the core, holding herself in the ideal breeding position as she flooded Celestia’s womb with another unchecked gift of thick semen.

Luna’s muscles slackened, and she had to pull Celestia against her to keep the Sun from falling. In no position to talk, Celestia cooed against her sister’s breast like a child while Luna filled the heads of the two entrepreneurs with all manner of encouragement to copy and circulate the photos, before finally sending the pair on their way. As the men departed, Luna spied a short line of other subjects with matters of their own to bring to court at the gates. She cast a glance at her sister.

Celestia was a hot, panting mess with the dreamy look of a freshly deflowered young lady a hundredth her age. It was glaringly obvious that she was in no condition to receive another subject. Luna huffed and twirled her sister’s maid-braid around her finger, the Sun looking on with abject adoration on her face as Luna made a decision.

“It seems that I will have take further matters into my own hands.”

Luna removed her enchanted necklace, and the pair mutually felt the sensation of her throbbing shaft vanishing from within Celestia’s channel. With a wave of her magic, Luna returned her sister’s panties to their prison beneath her own black lace, leaving only her pet’s secrets exposed. She then repositioned Celestia to a cozier snuggling position, where the Sun could use Luna’s breast as a pillow without having to contort herself. Allowing her sister a brief respite, Luna handled the next two court matters - both petty disputes with participants who could not ‘see’ what was really going on.

As the second group dispersed, Luna caught snippets of lewd conversation concerning her sister’s performance on the balcony from those few subjects still waiting to be seen. Clearly they harbored designs on Celestia, and Luna knew the time was therefore right. She held up one hand and signalled the gate guards for a ten-minute recess.

When the main doors were closed, Luna turned her attention to the remaining guards. Each man, resplendent in his parade armor, stood erect and silent, despite the bulges Luna could clearly see in a few pairs of uniform trousers. She found herself developing a new appreciation for the discipline of solar guards, for not a single man among them had so much as grunted since court began, despite the obvious fact that a few had lewd thoughts on their minds. Luna had chosen not to chastise them during court for the few times they had broken decorum to glance at the throne. Celestia’s fantasies were quite voyeuristic, after all.

With their captain off to tend the gates, not a single guard present in the throne room held an officer’s rank, with one or two handling themselves as though they were less than a year out of basic training. It was customary to place a tiny smattering of recruits in with the palace guard for a shift here and there, to give them a measure of on the job experience.

Luna grinned. The deployment could not have been timed better.

“You there,” Luna addressed the nearest guard, “face me.”

The guard did as double-take to ensure she was talking about him, and then turned to face the dais uncertainly. It was irregular for grunt-level guards to be spoken to directly during court, and Luna’s gruff manner was quite unfamiliar to this man, who had barely so much as met the night princess before.

“Your Highness?”

Luna knew the magic would encourage the man’s honestly, but given it would not utterly compel him, she softened her approach. She indicated the sun princess. “I require your...opinion. If this were laying upon you, what would you do with it?”

The man tilted his head. “Your pet? She’s quite lovely, Your Highness. If I had some time alone with her, I’d probably bend her over the balcony railing again and knock her up myself. She’d look even better with a swollen tummy.”

Luna noted the ease with which the guard replied. Despite his prior uncertainty, he was presenting the lewd commentary as though it were commonplace. Luna nodded and pointed to the base of the dais. “Approach and remain there.”

The young guard obeyed. Luna systematically tested every guard with a similarly ambiguous question. Those who gave mundane, chaste answers were dismissed to other assignments or put on birthday-celebration patrol duty. Those who clearly harbored a willingness to defile their princess were made to stand with the first man. When only the two princesses and the milling guards remained, Luna inspected the group and made a face.

“Only three?” She observed rhetorically. “Devotion to a spouse or lover I can understand, but it seems my sister’s defenders take the virtual of a pure heart to an entirely different level.” She shrugged. “Ah, no matter. The fewer there are, the fewer my pet with have to remember to approach when this is all over. Perhaps we will do this at night sometime, and test my own guards the same way.”

Luna rolled her eyes to Celestia, who was hovering just above peaceful sleep. Luna’s expression darkened, and she reached around to rake Celestia’s back with her nails. “The time for rest is at an end, Pet. Mistress requires you.”

Celestia lazily arched her back into the scratch like a cat. She wriggled about in her bonds like a fish on a dry deck, but managed to push herself up. Luna paused to enjoy the clenching of Celestia’s trim tummy, that pushed out her breasts all the more as she writhed. The Moon reached out to idly fondle one of them as she spoke.

“Take your station at my side.”

Celestia slipped off her sister’s lap and moved towards the lower throne, but a hard smack on her rump that echoed throughout the chamber stung her backside.

“Know your place!” Luna barked, repeating the blow such that Celestia’s fair skin reddened, and the Sun winced. “Is that place for you?”

Celestia bowed her head. “...no, Mistress.”

“Explain. Loudly so that you can be heard by the guards.”

Celestia turned to the guards and made eye contact. “I am my mistress’s property, below the station of all her subjects, and this seat is not a proper place for me.”

Luna was mollified by her sister’s eloquently crafted response. She steepled her fingers. “Try again. This time look for your proper place, Pet.”

Celestia considered for only a moment, and finally lowered herself to her knees beside her own throne.

“Correct,” Luna stated simply. She then addressed the young guards. “Your rank suggests that none of you have been with us for long. It is likely my sister has not shown you any proper recognition for your service.” She nodded at Celestia. “Take her and make her do so. I will complete the task she is not equal to.”

This time the guards showed no uncertainty. As Luna nodded towards the gate to signal the next court visitors, one guard grabbed Celestia’s arm and yanked her from the dais, causing her to stumble down the steps. A second guard broke her fall by safely catching her, only to spin her around and present her to the others to feast their eyes upon. Luna noticed the three bulges surrounding her sister, grinned, and whispered a contraception spell just before the approaching courtiers pulled her away to engage in pleasant conversation, most of which was centered around her pet’s recent public performances.

Celestia couldn’t help her bewilderment. Being cast about like a toy by her sister during their ‘play’ was one thing, but being manhandled by a trio of her own guards was positively foreign. In all her years, she had never truly considered being at the mercy of heavy, masculine hands on her slighter frame. She was the Princess of the Sun, immortal and powerful to the point that being accosted by anyone at all was simply inconceivable. Even as they groped her she could have laid the three guards out with a mere gesture, but there was one deeply rooted truth to the situation that the Sun could not deny.

Princess Celestia could have stopped them. But she didn’t want to.

The Sun quickly found herself on her knees, at eye level with three prominent bulges. To their credit, the virile and eager guards all waited; sending instead a silent directive to their former sovereign as to what they expected from her next. Celestia attempted to reach for the nearest fly, but a moment of struggling reminded her that her arms were still securely bound, and she would not escape this situation with mere manual pleasure. She had never before thought to be grateful for the quality of the zippers in royal guard trousers until she began working one with her teeth. It slipped down without a snag and she rooted about within, filling her pert nostrils with the young guard’s scent until his stiff erection sprang forth to bap her between the eyes in greeting. She welcomed it into the fresh air of the throne room for the first time by nuzzling it affectionately with her cheek, and then providing it with a firm lick from base to tip, flicking thrice over the guard’s sensitive foreskin. Celestia was rewarded with another twitch and bap, this time upon her forehead.

Pet Celestia paid her respects to each junior guard in this way, until three curved spires had her surrounded in all directions. Without hands to keep them occupied, she was required to hop to a spirited pace, enveloping each throbbing tip and milking each shaft for but a moment before moving to the next one. The effect was unintended teasing, and the guards exacted penance for it by prodding her cheeks and hair, matting her in places with bulbs of their pre-seed. One eventually took initiative over the others and placed his hands on Celestia’s head, holding her still as he inserted himself to the hilt. He held himself there but a moment, pulling out only long enough to make it clear that Celestia was to take a breath before he pacified her again.

“Ngh…” The guard muttered, “Not a bad fuck. She’d be a great one for that whorehouse over on fifth street.”

Another guard, who was painting Celestia’s cheek again, replied. “How would you know? You ain’t even fucked her yet!”

“I haven’t had a blowjob in a while. I’m enjoying it!”

“Yeah you do that.” The guard paused to remove his tip from the scene, and Celestia waited patiently while still milking the one in her mouth. “Hey Sully, you want this whore’s pussy or her ass?”

The third guard lowered to his knees and began to openly grope Celestia’s left breast. “You had the pussy last time we brought one to share. This one’s so low that she’s free, but that don’t change that it’s still my turn.” The guard flicked his fingers over a taut nipple and drew close to Celestia’s ear. “How about it, Babe? You wanna feel my cock in you, right? Your boobs don’t lie. Your mistress ain’t really ‘forcing’ you, is she? You wanna fuck us so bad, you’d be crawling in our bunks at the barracks waking us up if we were there right now, yeah?”

“Mm…mmhmm…” Celestia assented, eyes forward and focused on her meal as it slipped in and out.

The kneeling guard slapped Celestia’s rump roughly. “Pull offa that thing and tell me how much you want me to fuck you without a condom.”

Celestia obeyed, but she continued to nuzzle the penis that had been in her mouth to show her willingness to welcome it back again. “P-please take me, Sir...fill me with your unprotected seed, I want it so much…” The standing guard silenced her again by reinserting himself, bringing the Sun again down to his hilt.

“That’s a good bitch.”

Celestia didn’t know which of them had said that, but it hardly mattered. There was a rustling of clothes, and soon they were all on her, exploring every inch with their hands and bulbous cockheads. The one in her mouth came down to his knees, lowering her head even as she felt her body being lifted so another man could slide under her. From his new position, the guard that had made her speak was biting her neck, leaving hickeys that would last several days as both his hands began to explore her maidenly bosom. Celestia couldn’t account for the third man, but that changed as soon as she felt the tip of a penis glistening over both her holes at the same time.

It was all Celestia could do to keep from crying out as they pierced her. She arched her back for her invaders, pushing out her rump and moaning only softly against the penis in her mouth, offering him the pleasant vibrations from the sound. The guards continued to speak of her mediocre prowess - how she had potential, but could benefit from time as a proper streetwalker. In her mind she envisioned being bought and sold by commoners until she felt two sets of hands direction her penetration - one upon her hips and the other on her thighs. She rolled into the man below her, as the one at her backside matched the depth of his penetration.


Celestia caught snippets of conversation from court. The issues were minor, and she felt her blush deepen when she recognized most of the casual conversation had to do with taking pictures of her or borrowing her for social events. Luna even agreed to allow representatives from different cities to parade her sister all over the country, knowing that every promise would be forgotten on the morrow.

Princess Celestia’s heart skipped a beat - if there had been heart-shaped pupils in her eyes to denote a love potion, nobody would have thought her actions any different. She undulated her hips, gripping her beloved invaders through both holes and slapping her rump in time with their thrusts until the wet noises were loud enough to be heard out in the hall. Grunts that matched the pulsing within her told the Sun that her lovers were close. She bathed them in her wet affection as she tightened the seal of her lips to encourage the one who owned her words. He took over the thrusting again, holding her still and obliging her to caress every wild stroke that he gifted her with. He was the first to offer Celestia her reward, which he sent down her throat in long, salty bursts after jamming himself in far enough to tickle her uvula. The Sun did not gag, as was her training at the hands of her mistresses.

Celestia felt them seed her rump next. The guard at her backside dug his fingers into her yielding hips and rammed her hard, heedless of resistance. She winced, but such was her degradation that she relaxed her rump and let him all the way in, to fill her cavity with slippery semen and stake his claim.

When her mouth and rump were finally set free, the retreating guards helped themselves to the rest of the show. Like a common whore, Celestia rode the man beneath her, shamelessly crying out as he brought her to a rolling climax and then one more, her mind losing track of where one ended and another began. He wasn’t as girthy or as long as Luna’s magically-summoned counterpart, but Celestia reveled in opening herself to him anyway; showing that she was truly at the mercy of the lowliest among her own guard to bring her to blissful release. She heard one of them whisper a command, and with her eyes turned to the ceiling, she obeyed by declaring to them each time he made her boil over into orgasm. After rocking her no less than four times, the guard finally tightened his vice grip on her thighs and held her at the deepest point of penetration.

For the first time in all her memories, Celestia’s womb received the seed of a man who was neither royal, noble, nor even bore a name Celestia knew. He exploded his pent-up load inside her, creating a memory that would linger with his princess for ages to come.

Celestia fell gratefully into the arms of the lowly guard. He wrapped her in a hug, and she melted into him such that the bejeweled tiara upon her head made them look like a dirty couple engaged in roleplay. She remained there as the second and third guards each lifted her chin and inserted themselves into her for cleaning - a trained response that she was happy to provide. They took their time of it, catching their breath and enjoying the afterglow until Luna dismissed the day’s last courtier. At the Moon’s behest, the guards then hauled Celestia to her feet, sweaty and leaking, to bring her before her mistress.

Luna rose, beckoning her pet to step up the dais only far enough to pet her head. “Did you enjoy my property, gentlemen?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Been wantin’ to do that forever.”

“Can we fuck her again sometime, Your Highness?”

“Perhahps,” Luna grinned in reply, remembering the forgetfulness veil. “Perhaps.” She gazed down at her pet, who returned the look with an adoring gaze.

Celestia’s sensual reverie was broken by the sound of tapping footsteps that were too light for a guard. A familiar voice accompanied them, and Celestia turned to find Twilight Sparkle there at the main gates. Without her enchanted necklace, she was otherwise dressed as before in one of Celestia’s sun dresses, but her bonnet was suspiciously absent.

“Did I miss anything good?”

Luna invited the three guards to remain, and replied wryly as they went about cleaning themselves up. “I suspect you missed nothing Twilight Sparkle, considering your skill with scrying. Found some private place to enjoy the show, I suspect?”

Twilight grinned. “Nope! Or rather I found a place, but there was nothing private about it. The folks at the bistros all along the market district sure enjoyed a show with their lunch!”

Celestia let out a coo, and Twilight’s attention turned to her. She stepped lightly across the throne room and past Celestia up the dais, reaching down to ruffle the Sun’s hair. “Do you like that thought, Pet? That the whole market district got to enjoy watching you be driven crazy by three of your own guards? You should have heard how many of them wished they were doing you too. Even some of the ladies wanted you!”

Celestia smiled sheepishly and squirmed her approval. “I thought that you just didn’t want to come with us…”

“Twilight was on reconnaissance it seems,” Luna surmised.

Princess Celestia, who ought to have ended all this the moment it started, only grinned demurely. She watched Luna step over to her own throne this time and sit, leaving the highest perch vacant.

“Oh,” Twilight said suddenly. “I’ll take that.”

Celestia’s student reached in and simply plucked her mentor’s crown right off her head. She then threaded it through her own violet locks, adjusted it a few times, and relaxed on Celestia’s throne. “What do you think? Looks a lot prettier on me, wouldn’t you say?”

Celestia feasted her eyes on the dreamy image of her student usurping her. “Yes...yes Mistress. Much more beautiful and proper.”

Twilight lounged, lazily lifting her fingers to summon a magic glow. “And I got you something that will be pretty and appropriate on you, too!”

Celestia watched as an outfit appeared floating before her. It was maid’s garb, but the only thing it had in common with anything a palace maid would ever don is that it was black and white. The skirt was divided in the front straight up to the belly, and it was cut so low that it seemed intended to only support the breasts, not cover them. It came with a frilly comb for the hair and a pair of fishnet stockings, and was studded throughout by small metal rings to conveniently yank the wearer about.

The Sun swallowed. “M-Mistress, you’re too kind. It’s marvelous.”

Twilight flicked her wrist, and Celestia felt her rope harness vanish in just enough time to grab the dress as it was tossed at her. She took her time slipping into it, and much as Celestia suspected, found that the ensemble left each breast and her womanhood totally exposed. When it was in place, she twirled around freely, the skirt billowing and her leash whipping along with the jiggle in her chest.

“Princess Luna,” Twilight began, “I got pretty wet watching our pet be taken by the guards. Do you think my stained panties are her fault?”

“Indubitably,” Luna replied.

Twilight snapped her fingers. Before her materialized the panties she had been wearing all day, coated in her scent and stained in all the most arousing places. She gestured, and the panties floated over to Celestia, who knew to open her mouth as they wadded themselves up and slipped past her lips, gagging her soundly. “That’s better. Now we can celebrate!”

Twilight clapped her hands like a princess, and several kitchen staff wheeled in a glorious cake of pink and white, trimmed with pastel accents that matched Celestia’s hair. It was constructed of three tall tiers, and just barely outmatched Celestia in height from atop its cart. The servants quickly departed without doing anything else, leaving Celestia with a look of confusion. Twilight handled the question she knew her mentor was harboring.

“Why should a kitchen staffer do your job, Pet? It’s your birthday, isn’t it? Don’t you owe it to your mistresses to spend it in our service?”

Celestia bowed sweetly and murmured against her gag. With an enthusiasm to rival young Dilly Dally, she daintily moved to the cart and organized plates for the two princesses plus the three guards. The only servant in the roomful of her superiors, Celestia did not prepare a slice for herself; instead going about the manual task of carving the cake without using magic. The guards and princesses enjoyed separate conversations while their maid politely served them their after-sex treats, bowing with each service and accepting another few slaps on the rump as she went.

Twilight levitated her plate to eye level and examined it. “I think we should get our pet some proper maid training. Look at how jagged this is. A princess like me expects perfection.”

Luna spoke between bites. “When this is all over, we’ll bring Dilly Dally into the fold as our pet’s handler and trainer. I’m sure the young kitten will be pleased with that. What’s more, I get to introduce a new player to our little game all over again, as you were once introduced.”

Twilight had a wry smile on her face, but she couldn’t help but raise a brow at the sincere tone behind Luna’s words. “All that talk…” she mused, “...we’re not really going to share her, are we?”

Luna couldn’t help a playful grin. “Does the idea of some commoner playing with your beloved mentor bother you, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight blew on a wayward tress of her locks and huffed. “...maybe.”

Luna chuckled. “You wear your heart on your sleeve as much as my sister does. Do not fear. I have no more intention of sharing our pet with the populace as we discussed before this began. A princess learns to value sincerity over honesty however - in other words, if you act like you believe in your words, so will others. Had you going, did I not?” She didn’t wait for Twilight to reply. “You can’t tell me that just the thought of that one little maid doesn’t excite you on some level.”

Twilight only blushed in reply. She turned her head to find Maid-Celestia patiently waiting for her next orders. “Oh, I guess it’s time for your dessert to, huh Pet? Well, you get to earn yours.” Twilight flared her magic simply because it was easier, and blinked her sundress back to Celestia’s closet without so much as getting up. Lounging naked upon her mentor’s throne with a slice of cake, Twilight spread her legs and patted her lap.

“Heel, Pet. Come and get your treat.”

Celestia was huddled before her student and her own throne in a flash. Like a good pet she dared not alter the outfit that was chosen for her, thus she could do little but turn a shameful, helpless gaze up to her new ruler.

Twilight giggled. “I just wanted to see you make that face. It’s so adorable.” In another pulse of magic Celestia’s panty gag was gone, freeing her to eagerly press her lips to Twilight’s already aroused sex.

Twilight set her plate aside and cooed as she sat back. “Mmh, I could get used to this.”

“Mayhaps we can do it again sometime,” Luna said, pointing poignantly at nothing with her fork. “Provided such a spell can be recreated.”

Twilight considered the proposal. “Not anytime soon. It’s not good for a person’s mind to have their perceptions altered by magic so often. Plus the more times we do it, the more chance a loose end will get missed.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed. Our pet will have many new friends to service in the meantime. But you surprise me with your willingness to enchant them all on this scale, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled warmly. She stroked Celestia’s hair with great affection as the new maid did her duty, toying with Dilly Dally’s braid that had been left in the Sun’s hair. “Everyone will be fine...and I’d do anything to make our pet happy.”

Luna mimicked Twilight’s smile. “As would I. Happy birthday, my elder sister.”

“Mmhh,” Celestia grunted as she buried her tongue inside her beloved student. The day was one that may or may not ever come again, but the promise of its legacy and the many nights to come was enough to renew the Sun’s vigor. She traced the walls of her lover and flicked over Twilight’s button before plunging in for a second sweet treat.

Twilight squirmed. “Ngh...definitely won’t ever get tired of this…”

Luna grinned. “Scratch behind her ears. When she’s on her haunches like that she practically purrs.”

The princesses continued their banter until their plates were empty, Twilight occasionally touching Celestia’s head to slow her pace. The ‘current’ Princess of the Sun wanted a lingering warmth between her legs and saw no need to rush things. The situation might have remained that way all afternoon, had the gates not suddenly parted without warning from the guards. The attention of the entire room was drawn to the entrance, save for that of the immortal maid, who stayed true still to her task.

Bedecked in the finery of a traveling princess, none other than the sovereign of the Crystal Empire crossed the threshold of Canterlot Palace’s great hall. Her bouncing, colorful curls framed her porcelain face with a typically bright glow, and in one hand Cadance carried a gift bag done up in the marks and colors of the most regal Crown Princess Celestia.

“Celestia! Luna!” Cadance babbled cheerfully. “I hope you don’t mind me asking the guards not to announce me, but I wanted it to be a surprise and I’m so happy to see you both! The city is done up so beautifully today - it’s just so heartwarming to know how Equestria loves its crown princess so! Happy birthday, and--”

Whatever was in the gift box intended for Celestia thankfully made no shattering sound when it fell from Cadance’s grasp. Cadance halted as it rooted to the spot by the icy north of her lands, her thoughts and words screeching off the tracks as the breakman in her head yanked on them. A half-eaten cake and three royal guards standing about nonchalantly were set before a backdrop of Princess Luna in a corset, Cadance’s sister-in-law in her birthday suit with a crown atop her head, and the lady of the hour on her knees, wearing a collar and a maid uniform that left nothing to the imagination while performing an act that was most certainly not standard procedure for a day at court.

Twilight stared. Luna coughed lightly. Celestia enjoyed her dessert.

“Wha...you...this...what in...th-throne room…” Cadance babbled, as if about to shatter like the substance her homeland was named for.

“This, um,” Twilight attempted, “this isn’t...well okay it is, but…”

Luna seemed uncertain, but Twilight’s reaction told her that the response from Princess Cadance was not a ruse, as it had been when Twilight had done it in the round courtyard earlier. Subconsciously the Moon fished about for her cloak and draped it over herself. “Princess Cadance, I shall explain of course...Princess Cadance…?”

Cadance neither moved nor spoke, even when Luna lifted up a plate with her magic and waved it in front of the newcomer.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Luna ahemed. “Precisely how probable do you believe it is that Princess Cadance was in our fair city at the time the spell was cast?”

Twilight shook her head like a robot. “...not...very probable at all.”

Luna cleared her throat again. “Do you suppose she does the same thing with your brother? Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, after all.”

“I...have no idea.”

Celestia slowed, and her eyes filled with concern. Luna reached over to put her hand on her sister’s head to keep her from turning it. She stroked it soothingly. “This is not your concern, Pet. Trust in your Mistresses.” She then pushed her sister’s nose back into Twilight’s crotch. “My,” Luna grinned. “It is shaping up to be a remarkable day. Truly remarkable indeed. Judging by the fact that your sister-in-law has chosen not to flee, Twilight Sparkle...perhaps we will be sharing our beloved pet just a little bit, after all..”

The birthday banners above Canterlot palace swayed lazily in the late afternoon breeze. In all her days both prior and hence, Princess Luna’s statement was one with which her sister found that she could never disagree.