Summer Time Beach Time

by Dante24

First published

Spike and friends head to Baltimare for some good sexy fun.

Spike and his friends head to Baltimare for the grand opening of Prince Blueblood's luxury hotel on his birthday. After receiving a "very special birthday present" from Twilight, the gang heads to the beach where they find out that there's an annual event called: "The Beach Olympics". Rainbow Dash signs everypony up believing they would win the whole thing, but there's one problem. Spike is in the middle of his rut cycle and he's in a place where there's a bunch of mares in swimsuits.

Can Spike keep his urges in check or will he explode?

Princess Luna
Prince Blueblood
Princess Cadence
Starlight Shimmer
Shining Armor
Big Macintosh

Chapter 1

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Two days have passed and Spike was finally released from the hospital. Upon leaving, he looked over at Amethyst and her father getting into their carriage and leaving for home. Spike just turned his head away from them; not wanting to give the dragoness a second thought. The further away he could get away from her, the better. Thanks to his dragon healing factor, most of his injuries have been completely healed, but that didn't stop Celestia from strapping the poor dragon to a wheelchair. She refused to take any chances that he could reinjure himself. Not wanting to get into another losing argument with her, Spike just let her do what she wanted.

Spike laid in his room playing his game when Twilight walked in. Smiling softly, the Princess of Friendship made her way towards his bed and got in with him. Spike immediately started blushing as he remembered how Twilight gave him his first kiss two nights ago. “Is that a new game?” she asked.

“Y-yeah.” Spike answered. “It’s called Vehicle Carnage.”

“Weird name for a game.” Twilight stated. “What’s it about?”

“According to the game, some crazed lunatic took over the world and created a vehicular combat tournament in which the winner gets any wish they want.” Spike explained.

“Why are you driving through the city?”

“Like I said, a crazed lunatic.”


“Spike!” Twilight gasped. “You just blew up a restaurant!”

“The enemy was in there.”

“You just killed an entire group of ponies!”

“Collateral damage.” Spike said as if it were no big deal. Twilight looked on as she saw the violence and destruction Spike was causing trying to blow up his enemies. Buildings were on fire, ponies were dying left and right, and explosions every 5 to 10 seconds. Spike was now in a high speed chase going after his last opponent. Firing weapons and ramming into it, Spike now had it cornered next to a library. Twilight’s eyes shrank as she saw Spike taking aim. He was about to fire when she grabbed the controller away from him.

“Twilight what are you doing?!” he asked.

“I’m not gonna let you blow up a library!”

“You do realized that it’s a game right?”

“I don’t care!” she stated.


Spike turned his head back to the TV and saw that his car was blown up. “Twi, you made me lose!”

“Well you shouldn’t be playing this game anyway.” she said. “Any game that allows you to blow a library can’t be good. Now let’s go.” Twilight grabbed a crutch and gave to Spike.

“Go where?”

“To Rarity.” Twilight answered. “She put together a new swimsuit for me and I wanna check it out.”

“But why do I have to go with you?” Spike asked; slightly blushing as a vision of Twilight in a swimsuit entered his mind.

“Because I don’t want you blowing up anymore libraries, now lets go.”


The trip to Rarity’s took while; Twilight not wanting to rush Spike seeing as how he was using one crutch to walk with. As the pair walked inside, they saw Rarity putting the finishing touches on a new swimsuit that was probably going to be hers. “Oh welcome darlings!” Rarity said all excited. “Twilight I have your swimsuit right here and ready to go.”

“Thanks Rarity.” Twilight said as she received a bag with her swimsuit tucked inside. Twilight quickly noticed another swimsuit next to Rarity’s. “Who’s that for?”

“Oh, that’s Pinkie’s.” Rarity explained. “If she ever comes to get it.”

“She’s still not talking to you?”

Rarity lowered her head. “No darling, i’m afraid not.”

“So what happened between you two?” Spike asked.

“Oh nothing Spike, just a small disagreement. That’s all.” No way in Tartarus were they gonna tell Spike that the reason Pinkie wasn’t speaking to Rarity was be cause Rarity broke her party cannon over Amethyst’s back. The girls decided that it was best that Spike didn’t know what happened that night at the gala.

“So Twilight, you gonna try it on?” Rarity suggested; catching Spike’s attention.

“No.” Twilight answered. “I’m gonna wait until we get to Baltimare.”

Two days ago, Prince Blueblood invited Spike and the girls to the grand opening of his luxury hotel, Attilan. This prince had been building it for months despite the fact that it’s located in a city he’s hated for a while. “So when do we leave?” asked Spike.

“Tomorrow.” Twilight answered. “We’re going by train so we should be getting there by the next morning.”

“Well, I already have my things pack.” Rarity squealed. “Ooh, I can’t wait.”

“Oh that reminds me, we still need to pack our things Spike.” Twilight said.

Spike shrugged his shoulders. “Mine’s already packed so no worries here.”

Twilight grabbed Spike’s arm and started to head for the door. “Thanks for the swimsuit Rarity. See you tomorrow.”

“Of course darling.” Rarity said as her friends left her boutique.


On the way back home, Spike’s stomach started grumbling. Looking over at Twilight, he suggested that they head over towards Sugar Cube Corner for lunch. Twilight made a face that said it wasn’t a good idea; seeing as how Pinkie was still fuming mad at Rarity for breaking her party cannon. Looking back at Spike, she could tell that he was getting hungry and to an extent, so was she. Twilight agreed to head over, but it wasn’t going to be long. The last thing she wanted was to further upset Pinkie.

The trip to Sugar Cube Corner didn’t take long as Twilight and Spike approached the building. Walking inside, they saw rows and rows of freshly baked cookies, muffins, pretzels, pies, and cakes.

“Whoa, what’s going on here?” asked Spike.

“I-it’s P-Pinkie.” came a voice. Looking over, they saw Dizzy Dazzle on the floor struggling to crawl. His body was bruised and parts of his clothes were torn. “S-she b-been like this s-since the gala.”

“You don’t look so good.” said Spike.

“Y-ya think?” he said. “Do you know what it’s like have sex with Pinkie when she’s pissed off? I’ll tell you, NOT PLESENT! IT’S WORSE THAN BLACK WEEK! I think she cracked my pelvis. I might need a doctor.”

“DIZZY!” yelled a voice from the kitchen.

“Oh no, it’s her.” he said with pure fear. “Please you gotta help me. I don’t think I can survive a ninth round.”

“Twilight, maybe you should take min to the doctor.” Spike suggested.

“What you gonna do?” she asked.

“I’ll see if I can try and calm down Pinkie.” he answered. Twilight was unsure if leaving Spike with an angry Pinkie Pie was a good idea, but seeing as how Dizzy was practically at death’s door, she decided to go along with his plan. Using her magic, she carefully levitated Dizzy into the air; being carful as to not cause him anymore pain.

“Okay Spike, i’ll be back soon.” Twilight said.

“S-Spike, whatever you did to calm her down last time, please do it again.” Dizzy begged. “Do whatever it takes, I don’t care if you bang her six ways from hay day, just please......CALM HER DOWN!

Dizzy started groaning in pain as Twilight left with him. That last comment caused Spike to blush a bit. “Did he just give me permission to have sex with Pinkie?” he thought. “Nah, he probably didn’t mean it.”

“I MEAN IT!” came a yell from outside.

Spike pretended he didn’t hear it as he walked into the kitchen. There he saw Pinkie wearing a pair of yellow short shorts that showed off her amazingly large, perfectly round booty with her name written on the back and a tight black tank top that had her F cup breasts almost spilling out. Spike slowly walked up to Pinkie who had her back towards him; his eyes clearly staring at her butt. Spike mentally slapped himself out his trance just as Pinkie noticed that somepony was behind her. “WHERE THE TARTARUS HAVE YOU B......” she stopped mid sentence as she turned around and saw Spike. “SPIKE!”

Pinkie wanted to give Spike one of her bone crushing hug but decided against it; wanting to play it safe just in case he wasn’t fully recovered yet, so she settled for a normal hug instead. “What brings you here?” she asked.

“Well, I was kinda hoping to get something to snack on.” he answered.

“Coming right up.” she said. Pinkie turned around revealing that plump butt of her to Spike. The dragon’s eyes locked on to her as she went to work preparing a snack for him. “So Spike, what would you like........*gasp*” As Pinkie turned around, she saw Spike with glowing eyes and a perverted look on his face.

“Spike!” she said in shock.

Spike slowly rose up his left hand, turned it into a fist and punched himself in the face; knocking himself out of his trance. “Spike?” Pinkie said concerned.

“I-it’s okay Pinkie.” Spike reassured. “I just lost control for a bit.”

“Maybe I should go change into something less revealing.” Pinkie suggested.

“No no, you do have to do all that Pinkie. I can control it.” Spike said. “It just....caught me off guard, that’s all.”

“A-are you sure?”

“Yeah, see?”

Pinkie looked into Spike’s eyes and saw that they were indeed back to normal, but for how long? It’s been a couple of weeks now since Spike entered his rut cycle and it’s clearly starting to take it’s tole on him. The question long? How long until Spike finally loses it and gives into his dark desires and attacks; like he did that night at their slumber party? No! Spike wouldn’t do that. He could NEVER do that. He’ll do whatever it takes to avoid something like that. Even if it meant physically abusing himself like he just did. Pinkie walked up to the dragon and pulled him into an embrace. She knew there was one way to help him, but that was out of the question. Spike was only 17 years old. Even if his birthday was only two days way it was still........ “Wait.” Pinkie thought. “Two days away? SPIKE’S BIRTHDAY IS ONLY TWO DAYS AWAY AND I HAVEN’T GOTTEN HIM ANYTHING!?”

Pinkie began to panic within her own mind not realizing that she was crushing Spike. “P-P-PINKIE!” he yelled; catching her attention.

Pinkie snapped back to reality and released Spike from her hold. “Oops, sorry Spike.” she said. “Say, where’s Dizzy? I’m pretty sure I called him a few moments ago.”

“Oh, Twilight took him to the doctor.” Spike explained.

Pinkie gasped. “What happened?”

“He said he had a cracked pelvis.” Spike said. “From you.”

Pinkie growled. “I didn’t even ride him that hard. He’s so weak.”

“He said you were pissed off.” Spike said. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with Rarity would it?”

Pinkie growled louder. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Come on Pinkie maybe I can help.”

“NO YOU CAN’T, NOW PLEASE JUST DROP IT!” she snapped. Instantly realizing that she just took her anger out on Spike, Pinkie quickly turned to her friend with tears about to form. “Oh Spike, i’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I know you’re just trying to help but i really don’t wanna talk about Rarity right now.”

Wow. That was all Spike could think of. Whatever disagreement Pinkie and Rarity had must have been really serious. He’d hadn’t seen her this upset since Dizzy tried to use her to make him feel bad. Pinkie, on the other hand, didn’t want to reveal to Spike why she was upset at Rarity because that would mean explaining to him that she and the girls confronted Amethyst at the gala after she broke his heart for the second and last time. Spike looked at Pinkie and decided that he didn’t want to see this side of her. This was not Pinkie. Pinkie was always happy, laughing, bouncing all over the place and only sometimes annoying. He wanted that Pinkie back.

“Pinkie?” he said catching her attention. “What are you gonna do with all these pastries?”

Pinkie looked around and saw all that she had baked in her rage. “Oh.” she said; feeling a bit embarrassed. “Guess I got carried away, huh?”

“I’ll say.” Spike said. “There’s more than enough here to feed all of Ponyville.”

Pinkie gasped. “That’s it Spike! We’ll have a bake sale!”

“Wait what?”


“Thanks for helping me Twilight.” groaned Dizzy.

“Don’t mention it.” she said as she levitated him. “You’re just lucky it wasn’t broken.” As the two began approaching Sugar Cube Corner, they quickly noticed a horde of ponies gathered around the building. “What’s going on?” asked Twilight.

As they approached closer, they saw some ponies leaving with bags, some with boxes, of pastries. There was sign on the side of the door that read:

50% Off All Pastries

“Twilight, Dizzy, you’re back!” called a voice. Both Twilight and Dizzy turned to see Spike waving them over.

“Spike, what’s going on?” Twilight asked.

“Pinkie decided to sell all the pastries she baked at half price.” Spike explained. “Didn’t expect all these ponies to show as fast as they did.”

“SPIKE I NEED YOUR HELP!” screamed Pinkie.

“Mind lending a hand?” he asked.


The sun had set and Twilight and Spike soon made it home. Pinkie’s bake sale took a lot out of them. Spike had managed to make to his room and flop on the bed. To say he was exhausted was an understatement. Burying his face in his pillow, he groaned. “Just let me sleep.” he mumbled before closing his eyes.

Over in Twilight’s room, the princess was gathering up her clothes for the trip. Packing everything up in according to size, shape, colors, you name it. As she pulled out her swimsuit she got from Rarity, Starlight walked in. “Hey, is that your swimsuit?” she asked.

“Sure is.” Twilight answered. “Got it from Rarity earlier today.”

“How is Rarity? She and Pinkie talking?”

“No. Pinkie’s still pretty mad at her. So much so that she filled Sugar Cube Corner with pastries she’d baked.”

The two mares shared a quick laugh. “So, you done packing?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah, just finished.” Starlight answered. “I’ve never been to Baltimare before.”

“Me either, but I hear it’s just as beautiful as Vanhoover.” said Twilight.

“You need any help packing?”

“Not really, i’m just gonna get a few more things together then head to bed.”

“I think I’ll turn in too. We’ve got a big day tommorow. Night Twi.”

“Good night Starlight.” After Starlight left the room, Twilight grabbed a few more of her clothes and packed them. With that done, she was finally finished. She changed out of her clothes and into a light purple night gown, but instead of getting in bed she left her room and walked down the hall toward Spike’s. Walking in, she saw the dragon face down snoring. Twilight giggled as she closed the door and walked over to Spike’s bed. She climbed, pulled the covers over both of them then snuggled next to the sleeping dragon; giving him a small peck on the cheek as she did so.

“Goodnight Spike.” she whispered.

Chapter 2

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There was a long awkward silence amongst the group as they waited for the train. Nopony wanted to say anything; out of fear that it might set Pinkie off. The pink pony had her back towards everypony with her arms crossed; showing that she had no desire to want to talk to or look at Rarity. She would have declined the offer to travel to Baltimare simply because Rarity was going, but then she’d miss out on Spike’s big 18th, and she knew that on a big day like that, Spike would want to celebrate it with all his closest friends. Speaking of Spike, the soon-to-be birthday dragon walked out of the station with a bottle of soda in hand. He looked down the tracks and saw no sign of the train. “Ugh, how much longer?” he groaned.

“Shouldn’t be that much longer, sugarcube.” answered Applejack.

“You’ve been saying that for the passed hour.” Spike said; taking a drink.

“You’re so impatient Spike.” chuckled Rainbow Dash.

“Look who’s talking!” both Spike and Applejack said; earning light laughter from everypony else.


Another hour had passed before the train to Baltimare finally arrived. After boarding, the group went to each of their respective rooms and settled in. Seeing as how there were only six rooms available, it was decided to pair up for the trip; Pinkie Pie and Dizzy, Starlight and Sunburst, Fluttershy and Big Mac, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pearl, and Twilight and Spike respectively. Before long, the train began to leave the Ponyville station and set off on it’s journey to Baltimare.

Spike sat in his room while Twilight left with Starlight. He looked out the window and watch the scenery. Nothing but wide open fields and a few farms passed by. Just as he was about to truly relax, there was knock at his door. Sighing heavily, he rose from his seat to answer it and was soon greeted by Dizzy.

“Think you could help me with something?” Dizzy asked.

“Sure, what is it?” answered Spike; curious of what was about to be asked of him.

“Well you see,” Dizzy started. “Rarity gave me the swimsuit she made for Pinkie and I was wondering if you could give it to her.”

“Why me?” Spike was a bit confused.

“Well, Pinkie’s still mad at Rarity and if I gave this to her she’d probably toss it out the window,” Dizzy explained. “But if you gave it to her she’ll definitely keep it.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “You’re scared she wants angry sex again, right?” he asked bluntly.

“Oh sweet Celestia, i’m terrified!” he admitted . “Just stall her until I find a place to hide.”

“You know she’ll eventually find you, I mean, we’re on a train, there’s not many places you can hide.”

“I know, but at least i’ll have sometime to write out my last will and testament.” With that said, Dizzy handed Spike the bag holding Pinkie’s swimsuit then ran off. Spike stuck his head out into the hallway and saw that Dizzy was already gone. Sighing once again, Spike began to make his way over to Pinkie’s room; wondering how he’d gotten himself into this.

Making it to Pinkie’s room he knocked on the door. “Pinkie, it’s me.” Spike announced.

“Come in.” she said. Spike walked in her room to see her place her suitcase on the side of the bed. “Hey Spike, what’s up?”

“Um, I was asked to bring you this.” Spike handed Pinkie the bag containing her swimsuit.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It’s your swimsuit,” Spike answered. “Rarity made one for everypony.”

Anger started to appear on Pinkie’s face as she began to crumble the bag. “Pinkie wait!” Spike yelled; trying to think of a way to get her to not throw away something Rarity worked so hard on. “I know you’re still mad at Rarity for whatever reason, but can’t you just wear it when we get to the beach? For me?”

Pinkie’s anger melted away at Spike’s requested. “Alright Spike, i’ll wear it, but only because you’re the birthday dragon.” she said as she turned to place the bag on the bed.

“By the way Spike,” she wondered. “Have you seen Dizzy anywhere?”

Spike froze. “N-no, not really.”

“Hmm, where is he?”

“Oh, i’m sure he’s around.....somewhere.”


That night, everypony went to their rooms to turn in. Spike felt himself falling to sleep when an arm wrapped itself around him. He turned over and saw Twilight, once again, cuddling up to him. This has been happening ever since she gave him his first kiss/makeout session a couple days ago. Since then, she’s been sleeping next to him every night. Spike wondered, maybe she’s doing this is because she wants some kind of emotional support, after all, she did just break up with Stargazer not that long ago, so it’s possible that he’s just the rebound. That thought should have upset him, but in a way he felt as though he was doing the same thing. He wasn’t truly over Amethyst, no matter how must he played it off. That dragoness still plagued his mind from time to time.

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

Oh no, it happening again. Every now and then, Twilight would start crying in her sleep, and wouldn't stop until Spike calmed her down. This happened after they had their first make out session. Spike was awoken to the sound of Twilight softly crying . He had no idea what was wrong until he heard her utter the name “Stargazer”. She clearly still has feelings for him; despite the fact he’d betrayed her by trying to have him killed. Spike slowly turned to face her and gently started to rub his hand up and down her back. Twilight stopped crying and smiled; pulling Spike closer to her. He listened to her soft breathing for a while before closing his eyes and falling back to sleep.


The next morning, Spike awoke to Twilight smiling down at him. “Morning Spike,” she said in a soft tone. “Happy Birthday.”

Twilight lean in and gave Spike two small kisses; one on his forehead and another on his cheek. As she moved to sit back up, she unknowingly gave the birthday dragon a good view at her cleavage from her night gown. After seeing that she wasn’t wearing a bra, Spike quickly sealed his eyes shut out of fear that he might lose control. “What are you doing Spike?” Twilight laughed. “Come on, let's get dressed, we’ll be at the station soon.” Spike watched as Twilight got up from the bed; his eyes following her large breasts and round butt as she made her way to the bathroom.

“Somepony give me strength.” Spike thought as he heard the shower starting. Spike got out of bed and a grabbed a change of clothes from his suitcase. While changing, he could help but notice that behind that bathroom door was Twilight taking a shower. Just thinking about the warm water running over her naked form was enough to rile him up again. “N-not again.” he said.

Spike could feel his urges start to boil; his eyes beginning to glow blue as he started picturing a naked Twilight in the shower. “Come on, Spike,” he thought. “Fight it.” He grabbed his head and used what mental strength he had left to push those thoughts out of his mind. If he wasn’t going through a rut cycle this would be fine, but the fact that dragons are worst than mares on their cycle is something completely different. After Spike fought to get those thoughts out of his head, he began to calm down, that is until.........

“Spike?” called Twilight. “Could you get me a drying towel please?”

Why!?” Spike thought. “Does somepony in the universe hate me or something?” Before his urges could start up again, Spike grabbed his crutch, hurried to the door and left the room; leaving Twilight calling his name. Spike stood in the hallway for a while until he once again came to his senses. Spike started walking down the hallway until he saw Pinkie Pie walking out her room; pulling down her shirt over her breast, buttoning up her shorts, and fixing up her mane. Her face lit up once she noticed Spike. Running over to him, she embraced the dragon in her signature bone crushing hug; smashing his face right between her breasts and forgetting that he’s still recovering from his injuries. “OH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPIKE!”

“T-thanks.....P-P-Pinkie.” he struggled to say. This would probably set Spike’s urges off if it wasn’t for the pain he was currently feeling.

Pinkie gasped then released her hold on him. “Oh, i’m so sorry, Spike.”

“I-it’s o-okay, Pinkie.” he breathed heavily.

“D-did any of the others wish you happy birthday yet?” she asked.

“No, just you and TwiliAAAAHHHH!” Before Spike could finish his sentence, Pinkie grabbed and dragged him off to meet up with the other mares. As they left, the door to Pinkie’s room slowly open and a shaking hand that was nothing but skin and bones reached out. “H-help m-me.”


Pinkie banged on the door of Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s room. “Hey, you girls in there?!”

“Hold ya horses.” said Applejack. The earth pony opened the door and greeted both Spike and Pinkie. “What’s up, Pinkie?”

“Where’s Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie asked.

“Gettin’ dress, why?”

Pinkie pulled Spike close to her with a big smile on her face. “Guess what day it is.”

There was no point in guessing, Applejack already knew it was Spike’s birthday. “Happy birthday there, Spike.” she said. “C’mere.” Applejack pulled Spike into a sisterly embrace; his head resting against her luscious D cups. While he received a couple small pecks on the cheek, a familiar voice spoke up.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” All heads turned to see Rainbow Dash giving Spike and Applejack a suspicious look. “Now that you’re of age you think you can try to steal my girl, eh Spike, well I won’t let you.”

Spike’s face turned red while Applejack rolled her eyes and Pinkie laughed as Rainbow walked up to Spike and cupped his face. “But seeing as how it’s your birthday, I guess I could share her, if only for today.” Rainbow finished her statement by giving Spike a small peck on the forehead. “Happy birthday, squirt.”

“Hey, what’s going?” came a soft voice.

“Fluttershy, Big Mac!” Pinkie announced. “Guess what day it is.”

Big Mac had no idea what Pinkie was talking about, but upon looking inside the room and Seeing Applejack holding Spike, Fluttershy easily put 2 and 2 together.

“Happy birthday, Spike!” she said happily. Fluttershy walked in the room and pulled Spike into a loving, motherly embrace; burying his face between her F cup breasts. Nopony noticed, but Spike took his right claw, jammed it onto his left arm, and proceeded to scratch himself, hard; stopping himself from giving into his rising urges. "The struggle is real." he thought as Fluttershy released him from her embrace and started giving him small kisses on his cheek.

“Careful Fluttershy,” Rainbow warned. “Spike’s of age now, he might just try to steal you away from Big Mac.” Fluttershy gasped while Big Mac rolled his eyes at Rainbow’s teasing.

“Spike wouldn’t do that.” said Fluttershy.

“Well, he was all over my Applejack earlier.” Rainbow continued to tease.

“That’s enough, Rainbow,” Applejack said. “Quit yer teasin’.”

Rainbow laughed.

“So, Rarity isn’t here?” asked Fluttershy. Upon hearing that name, Pinkie’s happy smile faded away from her face and was replaced with anger.

“No, she isn’t,” she answered. “And if she’s on her way here, then i’m out.”

Pinkie stormed out of the room leaving everypony in silence. Rainbow Dash soon left after; catching up with Pinkie down the hall. “Pinkie, hold up!”

“What?!” she said sternly.

“Look, I know you’re mad at Rarity, but......”

“I’m not mad, i’m pissed!”

“I know, I know, but can’t you set you anger at Rarity aside for now?” Pinkie shot Rainbow Dash a death glare at that request. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t be upset for what she did, but it’s Spike’s birthday, do you really want to fight with Rarity on his special day?” Pinkie lowered her head. Rainbow was right, it wouldn’t seem right to have two of Spike’s friends fighting on his birthday.

“Alright, fine,” Pinkie sighed. “I’ll do it, but only for Spike.”


Rarity had just finished putting on the last of her clothes, when she heard a knock at her door. She answered it and was greeted by Twilight. “Hey, is Spike with you?” she asked.

“Why no, darling,” Rarity answered. “ Why do you ask?”

“We’ll be getting to the station soon, and his bags aren’t packed yet.” Twilight explained.

“Don’t worry, darling, he’s probably with the others somewhere.” Rarity reassured. While Twilight and Rarity talked, a dark figure crawling on the floor was making it’s way towards them. Both mares noticed something moving out the corner of their eyes. They turned to see what it was and was faced with a zombie-like stallion who was nothing but skin and bones crawling towards them. “H-help me.” it cried.

Both Twilight and Rarity screamed bloody murder; catching the attention of Pearl Haze who came running out the shower wearing nothing but a towel. “What’s going on?!” he yelled. Twilight and Rarity ran behind him and pointed at the stallion crawling in the room. “HOLY SHIT!” Pearl yelled as he powered up his fist. In one swift move, Pearl punched the stallion as hard as he could; knocking him out into the hallway. Starlight and Sunburst soon came running on the scene. “We heard somepony scream, what happened?!” she asked.

“’s a monster!” yelled Rarity as she pointed. Both eyes turned toward the stallion who moaned in pain. Starlight hid behind Sunburst who stepped forward for a closer look. Upon looking at the zombie-like creature, he recognized the face. “It’s Dizzy.”

“DIZZY?!” yelled everypony.

“It IS Dizzy.” said Twilight as she looked closer at him.

“Whatever happened to him?” asked Rarity.

Dizzy started to mumble something but nopony could figure out what he was saying. “What is it Diz?” asked Pearl. “What happened to you?”

Dizzy summoned up what little strength he had left and spoke. “P-P-Pinkie....a-angry s-s-sex....p-p-please....h-help m-me.”

At that point Pinkie, Rainbow, and everypony else came running onto the scene. “We heard screaming!” said Rainbow. “What happened?!”

All eyes were soon turned towards Pinkie. “W-why are you all staring at me like that?”

Chapter 3

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Blueblood, Shining Armor and Cadence were by the train station waiting Spike and the others to make it there. “Shouldn’t be long now.” said Shining as he looked at his watch.

“There it is!” Cadence announced as she saw the train in the distance. A few moments later, the train pulled up to the station and came to a complete stop. Cadence was the first to greet everypony as they came off. “You made it!” Cadence ran passed everypony and wrapped her arms around Spike. “Oh, happy birthday, you!” she said as she began kissing him nonstop.

Blueblood crossed his arms and turned away; growling lightly as he did so. It wasn’t aimed at Spike and Cadence, it was aimed at the fact that he had to build his hotel in the one city he clearly didn’t want to be in. It wasn’t his call though, his investors all voted unanimously on Baltimare while he voted on Vanhoover. He felt as if his investors wanted him to completely lose his mind here. But no matter how he felt, he wasn’t going to let his bad mood get in the was of Spike’s birthday. “Okay, everypony!” Blueblood announced. “We’re about to move out.”

“Spike rides with me!” Cadence announced, and before anypony could argue, she was already gone with Spike and his bags.

“Cadence, wait!” Twilight protested.


There were two large vans parked outside the station; a blue and white one. Everypony split into two groups, Blueblood, Sunburst, Rainbow Dash, AppleJack, Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike would take the white van and Shining Armor, Cadence, Starlight, Fluttershy, Big Mac, Rarity, Pearl, and Dizzy would take the blue. Cadence was in the passenger seat of the blue van pouting that Twilight took Spike from her. “Come on, Cadence, don’t be like that.” Shining chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to cuddle Spike.”

“It’s not fair.” she said; crossing her arms.

After getting all of their things loaded in, the group headed out. As the two vans drove through the city, the ponies took in it’s natural beauty, but Blueblood knew better. On the outside, yes, it was a beautiful city, but on the inside, this city will drive you insane. Both vans came to a stop at a red light; giving everypony a chance to see all the fast food restaurants that were around them. The vans started to move once the light turned green, and that’s when a random mare made her move. She ran into the middle of the street forcing Blueblood to slam on the breaks; coming to an abrupt stop. The mare jumped on the hood of the van and pretend that she was hit.

“WHAT IN TARNATION!” yelled Applejack.

“HOLY SHIT!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“SWEET CELESTIA!” yelled Pinkie.

Blueblood growled as he unfasten his seat belt and got out the van. Walking around to the front, the prince grabbed the mare by her mane and yanked her off the hood; throwing her to the ground. The prince gave her a death glare which caused her to quickly get up and run for her life. Blueblood got back into the van and proceeded to drive out of the area. “W-was that even necessary?” asked Applejack.

“This city is full of ponies like that,” Blueblood explained. “Insurance scammers.”

They didn’t even get a yard out when Blueblood noticed another mare preparing to jump out in front of them. “Shit!” said Blueblood as they got into position for her to make her move. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. The mare wound up tripping over the high heels she was wearing and fell flat on her face as the two vans passed her by.

“LOOK OUT!” yelled Sunburst.

Blueblood turned to his left and saw another pony, a stallion this time, running up to him at full Speed. He swerved to the right pushing Spike and the others to one side of the van in order to avoid him; which thankfully he did. The stallion quickly noticed the blue van coming at him and tried his luck with that. Shining Armor, acting quickly, swerved to the left avoiding the stallion. “HOLD ON EVERYPONY!” he yelled as he tried to regain control while Rarity, Fluttershy, and Cadence screamed in pure terror. Both vans took the next exit onto the highway.

“This is why I hate this city.” Blueblood growled.

“Ugh, is everypony alright” Twilight groaned.

“Y-yeah, barely.” said Rainbow.

Looking over to her left, Twilight saw Spike on top of Pinkie; she gasped. Spike slowly rose up and quickly noticed that hands were on something really soft. Looking down, he saw that he was laying on top of Pinkie and that his hands were right on her breasts; squeezing them tenderly. “Oh crap.” he thought.

“Spike, don’t lose control.” Pinkie said as she moved to sit up.

Spike gritted his teeth as he felt his urges start to take over. Twilight wrapped her arm around him and held him tight just as his eyes turned blue. While Spike was still in control, he raised up his left fist and punched himself in the face; bringing himself back to normal. “Spike?” said Twilight.

“I-it’s okay, Twi, i’m back.” he reassured; breathing heavily. “I...i’m sorry Pinkie...I didn’t mean...”

“It’s okay, Spike, it was an accident.” she reassured, not wanting to reveal that she liked his soft groping. Pinkie wanted to give Spike a hug, but decided against it; afraid that it would set him off again.


Morning turned into early afternoon when both vans found themselves on the outskirts of the city. “And there it is.” Blueblood announced. Everypony gasp as they saw what could only be described as....a massive palace; standing over 300 ft tall and 500 ft wide. Parking in front, they were greeted by both Celestia and Luna who there waiting for them. Wasting no time, Celestia ran passed everypony and pulled Spike into a powerful embrace; smashing his face in between her massive G cups. Spike’s urges would have gone through the roof if not for the fact that Celestia was close to not only suffocating him to death, but also breaking every bone in his body.

“SISTER, STOP IT!” yelled Luna.

Pulling Spike back, Celestia saw that his eyes were rolled back, his mouth open with his tongue sticking out, and he was making some kind of groaning noise; Spike blacked out. The struggle is definitely real.

Chapter 4

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30 minutes had passed before Spike finally woke up with his head in somepony’s lap. “You feeling okay?” asked a female voice. Spike’s vision soon came into focus and he saw Cadence looking down at him with a smile; gently stroking his head.

“W-what happened.” he asked.

“Um....there was an incident.” Cadence answered; a bit embarrassed.

Spike soon started to remember his face being smashed in between Celestia’s breasts before everything went black. With a slight blush on his face, Spike turned to see that he was in the hotel lobby; along with an entire group of ponies who were gathered next to a podium that Blueblood was standing on. The prince was making some kind of speech while two mares held up a red ribbon. Another mare walked up to him with a giant pair of golden scissors. He made one last speech then cut the ribbon; the ponies cheering as he did so. With Cadence’s help, Spike slowly started to sit up; feeling a sharp pain in his side as he did so. “Did she really have to squeeze me that hard?” he thought.

“Are you sure you’re feeling alright, Spike?” asked Cadence.

“Yeah, i’m sure.” he answered. “Nothing’s broken." Cadence slowly wrapped her arms around his neck; rubbing her cheek against his.

“That wasn’t what I was asking.” she replied. “I meant your cycle. You haven’t had any accidents have you?”

Spike froze. “ did you.....”

Cadence giggled. “Silly, we may not know a lot about dragons, but we know enough to tell when a dragon’s in heat. So tell me, did anything happen?”

Spike turned his head. “I....well...t-there’s been a few times i’ve almost lost it, but i’ve managed to keep it under control, even though it gets harder to do so sometimes.”

“Spike, you’re a strong dragon,” Cadence reassured. “I know you’ll never give in to those dark desires of yours.” Cadence continued to cuddle Spike until Rainbow Dash walked up to them.

“First Applejack, then Fluttershy, and now Cadence?” she teased. “Dude, you’re pure evil.”

Rainbow laughed while Spike’s face turned red and Cadence groaned in annoyance.


Everypony was brought to the 400th floor where their rooms were. Blueblood made it a point to make sure everypony were on the same floor when he reserved their rooms; in case something comes up that he’ll want them to be apart of they’ll all be in one place. All of their rooms were very large with a massive king size bed, a 65 inch flat screen tv complete with a surround sound system, a master bathroom, two recliner chairs and a large glass table, and last but not least, a balcony with a great view of Baltimare. Spike had just finished settling in and threw himself onto the bed. “Holy crap!” he thought as he laid there. Spike was impressed at how soft the mattress was. It was nothing like his bed back home; he felt that at any point he would fall through. Reaching over to the small lamp table, Spike grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. He spent a while flipping through channels before stopping on a random sports station. “5000 channels and nothing to watch, really?” he thought.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Spike sat up at the sound of somepony knocking. He got up from the bed and walked over to answer the door and saw Celestia standing there with a sad/concerned look on her face. “Spike, you’re not hurt are you?” she asked.

Spike smiled; realizing that she was upset for the little incident that happened earlier. “I’m fine.” he answered.

“Oh thank goodness.” Celestia sighed in relief. She slowly wrapped her arm around Spike holding him gently. “I’m sorry Spike, I got a little too excited back there.”

“I-it’s o-okay, n-no permanent d-damage.” Spike struggled to say as he enjoyed the soft/warm feeling of Celestia’s breasts against his face. Spike was about to lose control when Celestia pulled away; leaving him feeling empty inside. “So, how are you liking your room?” she asked.

“It’s great, especially the view of the city.” he answered.

Celestia giggled. “Well at least you’re having fun. Oh, speaking of which, I was asked to bring you to the lobby later.”

“What for?” Spike wondered.

“It’s a surprise.” Celestia winked. “Let’s go.” Spike went to grab his key card before leaving out the room with Celestia. The pair walked down the hallway with Celestia’s arms wrapped around Spike’s. Soft giggling came from Celestia as the two were having a conversation all the way to the lobby. Looking around, Spike saw no sign of Blueblood anywhere. Celestia lightly pulled on Spike’s arm; bringing him to two large double doors. Pulling on the handle, Spike and Celestia entered a large ballroom where everypony was waiting for him.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SPIKE!” they all yelled. The ballroom was filled with balloons and streamers; all obviously setup by Pinkie. Right behind everypony was a large round table with a giant white cake covered with small sapphire stones along with many of his favorite foods. Spike’s stomach immediately started growling as only one thing plague his mind......FOOD! The birthday dragon quickly walked over to the table, pushing everypony out of his way and began to chow down on whatever was there; earning a laugh from everypony. “Something’s never change.” Celestia said as she reminisced about the time Spike was young. He had a ravishing appetite when he was small; no matter how much he ate he still wanted more. She remembered how Cadence and Blueblood would always refused to eat their vegetables and give them to Spike. “Their Dragon Garbage Disposal” is what the two called him.

Celestia’s trip down memory lane was interrupted when loud music started playing and a large group of ponies began walking in. “Blueblood, I thought you said this was supposed to be a private party.” said Shining Armor.

“It was, I have no idea where these ponies came from.” Blueblood explained.

“Well it’s too late to kick them out now, most of them are already on the dance floor.” Cadence added.

Spike continued stuffing his face; only stopping when he pulled away from the table. “Come on, Spike, the food will still be here, let’s dance.” said Twilight. She dragged Spike onto the dance floor along with the others; much to his protest.

Upon seeing Spike and the girls dancing; Blueblood and Cadence took this time to sneak away and get Spike’s birthday present ready. About 20 minutes had passed and Spike was worn out from all the dancing; if you can call it that. It was mostly ponies bumping into each other rather than moving around in tune with the music. As Spike went to sit down on a nearby bench in the corner and rest, he noticed Pinkie taking a seat next to him. “You look tired, Spike.” she said.

“Whatever happened to normal dancing?” he asked. “They’re just bumping into each other.”

Pinkie giggled then wrapped her arms around Spike; giving him a small peck on the cheek. “This IS normal dancing, silly.” Spike and Pinkie continued watching everypony dance when Pinkie began to notice Spike glancing at her breasts while digging a claw into his arm in order to avoid giving in to his urges. “Spike.” she whispered in a sad tone. Seeing Spike in this state was heartbreaking for her. She wanted to do something, anything to help him, but that would mean one thing, she’d had to sleep with him and she was unsure if she could do that. Mostly because it would mean taking his virginity. As Pinkie thought about what do to help Spike, Cadence and Blueblood returned to the ballroom with a large box for Spike. Cadence scanned the room and found Spike sitting with Pinkie in the corner. The two of them walked over to Spike carrying the large box; avoiding running into any pony. Spike and Pinkie quickly noticed the two coming towards them with the box.

“Hey, what’s that?” Spike asked.

“This is your birthday present, Spike, from me and Blueblood.” Cadence answered. Spike got up from the bench and began opening his present. What was revealed to him nearly made his heart stop. It was a major stack of freshly printed comic books. Cadence and Pinkie smiled at Spike’s reaction while Blueblood turned his head away; trying to hide his.

“T-t-this is........” Spike stammered.

“It’s the entire 4th, 5th, and 6th series of the Power Ponies.” Cadence explained. “You’re the first and only one in all of Equestria who has them.” Before any more words could be said, Cadence found herself being hugged by Spike.

“Hey hey hey, it wasn’t just my idea, Blueblood did most of the work.” she said.

Blueblood soon found himself on the receiving end of Spike’s affection. “Best! Present! Ever!” he said as he hugged Blueblood. The prince, who was clearly embarrassed, simply patted Spike on the head and acted as if he didn’t care. “Um, yeah, sure whatever.”

“There you are!” came a female voice. All heads turned to see Princess Luna coming up to them “We’re about to cut the cake, Spike, come on.” Luna grabbed Spike’s arm and proceeded to bring him towards his birthday cake; Cadence, Blueblood, and Pinkie right behind them. upon reaching the table, Spike saw Starlight lighting up the last candle and placing on the cake. Everypony gathered round and sang Spike a special birthday song before he blew out the candles; everypony cheering afterwards. Twilight wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck and planted a big peck on his cheek while Celestia cut the first slice of cake for him. Not long after the first slice of cake was devoured, Big Mac walked up with a large barrel of apple cider. Spike’s mouth immediately watered with anticipation. The one thing that’s been eluding him since he was little was now right before him. Finishing up his cake, Spike grabbed a cup of cider and stared at it; savoring this moment before finally taking a sip of the one drink he’d always been wanting.

Celestia felt uneasy watching Spike drink the cider, but she knew that he was of age now, and didn’t have the right to tell him he couldn’t have it like before. Luckily for her, it seem like Spike would never want to have cider again; seeing as how he spat it out just as quickly as he drank it.

“What’s wrong there, Spike?” asked Applejack.

“Do you guys drink this stuff ironically?!” he asked. “Awww, and the aftertaste!”

Everypony laughed at Spike’s reaction when suddenly they heard the sound of multiple mugs dropping to the floor. “What was that?” asked Luna.

“Um, where’s Pinkie?” asked Starlight. Everypony looked around and saw no signs of the pink pony.

“Oh, no.” said Rainbow Dash.


It was late in the night, about 9:55 to be exact, and Spike was in his room reading his Power Ponies comics. He couldn’t believe that he had the 4th, 5th, and 6th series of his favorite comic. They weren’t scheduled to be released for the next few years; how did Blueblood and Cadence managed to get their hands on them?

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Spike was kicked out of his thoughts by somepony knocking on the door. “Who is it?” he asked.

“It’s me, Spike.” came a female voice. Spike book marked his comic then got out of bed to answer the door; what he saw shocked him. There was Twilight, standing there wearing a dark purple nightgown that stopped just passed her waist and her large DD breasts threatening to burst out of their prison. Spike swore his heart skipped a beat as his blood started to boil. “C-can I come in?” she asked.

Spike nodded and allowed Twilight into his room. The Princess of Friendship sat down on the edge of of Spike’s bed and looked over at all his comics. “Wow, you’ve been busy.” she said with a laugh.

“Uh, y-yeah.” he stammered. From her long legs, to her curvy hips, all the way to her large, round luscious breasts, Spike’s eyes traveled up and down Twilight’s body repeatedly. His breathing hasten, and his eyes flashed. He was starting to lose control. Spike managed to shake himself out of his trance long enough to turn on the TV in order to distract himself from Twilight’s hot body. Sensing something's wrong, Twilight got off the bed and wrapped her arms around Spike; hugging him from behind. Spike’s body stiffened upon feeling Twilight’s breasts against his back. “Are you okay, Spike?” she asked. Twilight quickly noticed a flashing light bouncing off the TV screen. She let go of Spike and turned him around to see his eyes flashing; he was starting to lose control. Twilight smiled then embraced him. “It’s okay, Spike, you don’t have to fight it.” she said softly. “Just let it go.”

“B-b-but, w-why?” he stammered.

“After everything you’ve been through, you deserve this.” Twilight said softly.

“B-but w-what if I........" Twilight cut Spike off by planting a soft kiss on his lips.

“Spike, no more talking.” she whispered in a sultry tone. “Now claim your birthday present.

Spike couldn’t hold in any longer. He allowed his urges to take over causing his eyes to glow bright blue. Spike lunged at Twilight; smashing his lips against hers and causing her to stumble backwards onto the bed with him on top of her. Twilight quickly wrapper her arms around him; kissing him back. Their kiss soon turn even more passionate when Twilight invited Spike’s tongue into her mouth; her soft muffled moans filled the room. After a while, Spike slowly broke the kiss giving the two of them time to breathe before moving to the left side of Twilight’s neck causing her to gasped as she felt his warm breath up against her skin. While kissing her up and down her neck, Spike grabbed both straps of her gown and started to pulled them over her shoulders and down her arms; being careful as to not rip them. Once they were as far down as they could go, Spike slowly rose up and pulled down Twilight gown until her breasts were free from their imprisonment. Spike growled in hunger as he stared at the beautiful mounds right in front of him; so much so that he almost started to drool. Twilight giggled. “Go ahead, Spike, they're all yours.” Spike wasted no time as he attacked Twilight left breast; sucking and licking it while squeezing her right. “OH SPIKE!” she moaned as he gently bit down on her left nipple. Twilight squirmed under Spike; softly biting her bottom lip and raising her hips upwards to grind against him. Spike released her nipple from his mouth with a loud “pop”, looked at Twilight, and saw that she was in absolute bliss. Spike was soon taken by surprise when Twilight grabbed him and turned the both of them over so that she was on top. Twilight placed her hands underneath his shirt onto his chest and started to grind against his now rock hard member like she did back at that hospital when they had their first make out session, only this time they were going to go all the way. “T-t-take it o-off.” Twilight moaned, as Spike did as he was told and removed his shirt.

“N-now you take yours off.” Spike said in a low growl. Twilight shuttered at the tone of his voice then grabbed her nightgown and pulled it over her head; her wings now stretching out. The only thing she was wearing right now, was her lace light pink panties. Spike grabbed Twilight’s arms and pulled her down on top of him; her breasts now smashed against his chest. Twilight immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and ground her hips into his as hard as she could; sighing and panting into his ear. Spike hands found their way onto Twilight perfectly round butt; squeezing both cheeks for a while until he grabbed her panties and started to pull them off. Twilight stopped her grinding and helped Spike get her panties off. Now she was butt naked laying on top of him. “It’s your turn now.” she said in a soft sexy voice. Sitting up, Twilight grabbed Spike’s boxers and began to pull them off; revealing his rock hard member. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THAT’S A BIG DICK!” she thought as she watched it throbbing in front of her. “Will it even fit?” Being a dragon, Spike was naturally bigger than a normal stallion so it makes since that Twilight would be naturally intimidated by his sheer size. She’s never taken anything that big before. She was soon taken out of her thoughts when she heard a soft growling noise from Spike. Looking into his glowing eyes, she could tell that he was ready to move on. Twilight, slowly and seductively, started to crawl on top of him; dragging her breasts over his dragonhood, and then his stomach before resting them on his chest and positioning herself to take him inside her.”You ready Spike?” she asked seductively. “After tonight, you’ll no longer be a virgin.”

Spike answered by letting out another soft growl. Twilight slowly lowered herself; feeling the tip of Spike’s shaft against her pussy. With a deep breath, she lowered a bit more; taking Spike inside at a very slow pace. She let out a small painful shriek as she took him inch by inch; only stopping when it became too much. Spike placed a hand against Twilight’s cheek and she leaned into in; unaware that Spike was fighting the urge to grab her by the waist and thrust upward. Twilight sat up and slowly started to sink downwards, her face straining as she do so. Her breathing became heavy as if she had just finished running a marathon. Her body shook and her teeth clenched as she finally managed to take the large dragon meat inside her. Twilight collapsed on top of Spike as tried to adjust to the intruder that was inside of her. Spike wrapped his arms around her; rubbing his hand up and down her back and over her wings in an attempt to calm her down. “G-goodness.” she breathed. Spike, on the other hand, couldn’t believe how warm and tight her pussy was. That fact that her walls were massaging him the way they were was sending him into overdrive, but again, he had to fight against those urges. He refused to cause Twilight anymore pain than she was already feeling. After a while of laying there, Twilight slowly rose her hips up to where only the tip was still inside and then brought them down; taking Spike’s shaft back inside her and the both of them to groan in pleasure.

Twilight rose her hips up again, and as she thrust downward, Spike rose her his hips upward; meeting hers. In doing so, Spike felt her walls clench around his shaft like a vice, followed by a warm dampness that spilled over him. At the same time, Twilight let out a series of moans as her body trembled at the sensation. “I......I came.” she whispered. Holding Twilight tight, Spike roll over to where he was on top. Immediately, Spike started thrusting in and out of her at a very slow pace; causing Twilight to close her eyes and pant as her body started moving along with him. Spike picked up the pace a bit causing Twilight breasts to jiggle under him. He let out a soft growl as he felt Twilight’s inner walls squeeze him again. “S-Spike, Spike!” Twilight moaned as he started squeezing one of her breasts. Twilight gripped the sheets and squirmed under Spike as she felt another orgasm creeping up on her.

“S-Spike, i’m c-cumming again.” she moaned. “I’m gonna cum!”

Twilight’s second orgasm hit her hard; causing her grit her teeth as her body shook with sheer intensity. Despite this, Spike continued thrusting in and out of her, this time faster, feeling his own release fast approaching and causing Twilight to scream as she was pushed beyond her limit. “SPIKE, STOP PLEASE!” she screamed as yet another orgasm hit on top of the one she was having; causing her to let out a silent scream. Twilight’s plea caused Spike to snap out of his trance and look down at her. Seeing that she was gasping for air while her body shook caused Spike to instantly lose his erection and slip out of her as he feared the worst. “T-Twilight, I.....i’m sorry.....I didn’t mean to.......” Twilight placed a finger over his lips.

“It’s....okay Spike....i’m j-just....n-not used to.....h-having sex with....a d-dragon.” she panted. Seeing despair on his face, Twilight wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck and pulled him down in a loving embrace. “It was still pretty intense though.” she giggle as she gave Spike a small peck on the cheek.

“S-so what do you wanna do now?” Spike asked.

“Well.....i’m pretty worn out right now, let’s get some sleep.” Twilight suggested, then whispered in a sultry tone. “ We’ll continue this in the morning.”

Spike blushed ash Twilight used her magic to levitate them both into the air, pull back the covers, and then set them down gently as the covers were soon pulled over them. The two rolled over on their sides in each others arms. Sleep soon took them over.



Their time in the dream world didn’t last long as a loud sound caused them both to shoot upwards. “W-what was that?!” Twilight asked; latching onto Spike’s arm.

Spike noticed an orange light shining through the certain closed window. He got out of bed, put his boxers back on, and went to the window, only to shocked by what he saw. “Holy shit!” he yelled. “The city’s on fire!”

“What?!” Twilight yelled.

“Turn it to the news, quick!”

Twilight grabbed the remote and flip through the channels until she saw the news.

“We interrupt our schedule program for this breaking new report. A crazed pink mare has gone on a rampage throughout the city of Baltimare! Witnesses say that the crazed mare kept yelling the words: Fish Sticks, Fish Sticks as she burned down a fast food restaurant! Berry Clover is on the scene, Berry?”

“As you can see, i’m right outside the fast food restaurant that was just burned down by the crazed mare. Thankfully, nopony was hurt, but the restaurant owner is clearly in shock over what happened. I’ll see is I can get him to tell what happened.

Berry walked over to the restaurant owner who was sitting on a bench; his body shaking uncontrollably as the face he made gave off the impression that he’d just seen the face of death.

“Sir, can you tell us what happened?”

“IT WAS AWFUL, AWFUL! SHE WAS CRAZY! BODIES FLYING EVERYWHERE! CRAZIEST PONY I’D EVER SEEN! FISH STICKS! FISH STICKS!” The restaurant owner soon got up and started running; screaming bloody murder.

“Back to you, Riff.”

“Thank you, Berry. The identity of the crazed mare is still unknown, we’ll keep you updated on any new development.”

Twilight and Spike sat there in dead silence with their mouths open in complete shock at what they saw.

“Dammit Pinkie!” Twilight thought.

“Who gave Pinkie cider anyway?” thought Spike.


On top of a building, Prince Blueblood looked down on all the carnage that was happening in front of him with a dark smile on his face. “Yes.” he said evilly. “Kill more.”

Chapter 5

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The next morning, Spike’s room was filled with giggles from Twilight. When the two woke up, it was decided to have a little early morning fun. “Spike, no.” Twilight giggled. “Oh, you’re so bad.”

Spike and Twilight were under the covers with Spike squeezing and sucking on her tits. “Spike.” she moaned as she pulled the dragon on top of her. Spike opened his eyes to reveal that they were glowing. With a soft growl, Spike positioned himself to enter Twilight once again, but before he could even put it in her, he was knocked back to reality by the sound of somepony knocking on the door.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

“Spike, you up?” came a familiar voice.

Spike groaned. “Oh, come on.”

“Maybe next time, Spike.” Twilight giggled.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

“Spike?” the voice called again.

“Coming!” he yelled. Both Spike and Twilight got out of bed and quickly got dressed. Twilight turned to face Spike and wrapped her arms around him.

“See ya soon.” she whispered before planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Twilight teleported away leaving Spike alone. The dragon walked over to the door and answered it; revealing Luna on the other side.

“I thought I heard somepony else in here.” she said.

“Uh, nope. Just me.” Spike said with a nervous laugh. “So.....what’s up?”

“I just wanted to let you know that it was decided that we’re all heading out to the beach soon.” Luna explained. “That, and I wanted to check up on you. You are in heat after all, and since this is the beach we’re talking about, you’re bound to have an accident.”

“You don’t have to worry, I got it under control.” Spike reassured.

“Are you sure?” Luna wondered.

“Yes, i’m sure.” Spike reassured again. “You don’t have to worry. I can handle it.” Luna smiled then gave Spike a small peck on the forehead.

“Okay, Spike, if you say so.” she said. “Just remember to call me, Celestia or anypony else if it gets too much for you.”

“Don’t worry, I will.” Spike chuckled. After that, Luna left the room, leaving Spike to sigh heavily. “There’s no way I could tell her what happened last night.”


Sometime later, after Spike took his shower, he left his room and started to make his way towards Twilight’s. After what they did last night, he wanted to know what that meant for the two of them. Was it a one time thing, or are they now together? Did she really want to do it with him, or was it just done out of pity? Does she really want to be with him, or was she still thinking about.......“him”? The one who broke her heart. All these thoughts plagued Spike’s mind as he made it to Twilight’s door. Taking a deep breath, he knocked.

No answer.

He knocked again.

Still no answer.

“Maybe she’s in the shower.” he thought. As Spike started to turn away, he saw Dizzy stumbling out of his room.

“You okay, Dizzy?” he asked.

“P-Pinkie.....f-finally......sober.” he managed to say before dropping to his knees. Spike walked into the room and saw that Pinkie was chained to the bed; struggling to get free.

“Spike!” she called. “W-what going on?! Why am I chained up?!”

“You don’t remember?” he asked.

“Remember what?” she wondered.

“N-never mind, where’s the key?” he asked. As Spike went to retrieve the key, he was amazed that Pinkie wasn’t hung over. In fact, out of the few times he’d seen Pinkie after she was drunk, she’d shown no signs of a hangover whatsoever; as if she was immune to them or something. Spike unlocked the chains freeing Pinkie. The pink mare quickly sat up making her F cup breasts jiggle in the process.

“Be right back.” she said as she got out of bed and quickly ran to the bathroom. At that point, Dizzy came crawling back in; clearly exhausted from the night before.

“So how did you guys managed to get her?” Spike asked.

“Dude, it was a battle unlike any other.” Dizzy answered.


It was now 11:45am and everypony met up in the lobby; duffle bags and beach umbrellas in hand. The beach itself was only a ten minute walk away from the hotel. It was at least three miles long complete with a sidewalk market and a small amusement park on top of a pier. As the group began their walk, they quickly noticed that they were being followed by a group of ponies with cameras. “Damn paparazzi.” Celestia thought. “Can’t I go anywhere without them showing up?”

“Damn Pinkie Pie.” Blueblood thought. “She had one job, just one. Burn this city to the ground, and she didn’t even do that.”

Sensing the negative energy coming from both Celestia and Blueblood, everypony took a couple of steps away from them. Spike soon found himself walking next to Twilight. The alicorn wrapped her arms around his; blushing as the memories of last night came back to her. To tell the truth, she was hoping to do it with him again. Spike, on the other hand, found himself staring right at Twilight jiggling breasts, only to be knocked back to reality when he heard her giggle.

“Like what you see?” she said.

Spike quickly turned his head away from her; embarrassed at what he’d done. “Spike, it’s okay, compared to what we did last night, you staring at them is small potatoes.” Spike’s face turned beet red and his eyes flashed a bit.

After a while, the group finally made it to the beach; with the girls going off to change. The boys found a nice spot to set up; not too far and not too close to either the water or the sidewalk market. Laying down the beach towels, and setting up the umbrellas, the guys had everything set up. All that was left to do now, was wait for the girls to return from the locker room.


In the locker room, the mares were in the middle of changing into their swimsuits. “HOLY SHIT!” yelled Rainbow Dash; catching everypony’s attention. “PINKIE, FLUTTERSHY, YOU GIRLS ARE HUGE!”

Fluttershy turned away in embarrassment; trying to hide her breasts with her shirt while Pinkie put her hand on her hips with a cocky attitude. “Jealous, Rainbow?” she said.

“Y’all seen them before, Rainbow, why act surprised now?” asked Applejack.

“Because they seem to get bigger each time.” Rainbow explained. “They can’t be real.”

“Oh, they’re real, baby, don’t hate.” Pinkie said with a cocky attitude. Rainbow grumbled as she turned to her locker; Applejack patting her on the back. Pinkie turned back to her locker and placed her shirt and bra inside. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed the bikini that Rarity had made for her. The same bikini that Spike asked her to wear. As Pinkie started to put it on, Rarity quickly noticed her design being worn.

“Pinkie, is that......?” she started to ask.

“Don’t misunderstand, i’m only wearing this for Spike, GOT IT!” Pinkie said with venom; forcing Rarity to back off a little and catching Celestia and Twilight’s attention.

“Did something happen between them?” Celestia asked.

“It’s a long story.” Twilight answered with a nervous laughter.

Rarity was about to walk away when Fluttershy grabbed her arm and brought her close to Pinkie. “Girls, please.” she said, just loud enough for the three of them to hear. “I know you’re not speaking to each other, but can you at least try to get along? Do it for Spike.”

Both mares looked at each other then turned away; nodding as they did so. “Help with this top.” Pinkie asked Rarity.

“S-sure.” she replied.


Spike and the guys sat underneath the umbrellas in their beach attires, which mostly consisted of normal swim shorts, as more and more ponies showed up. Thankfully, they picked a good spot before anypony else could get it. “Geez, what’s taking them so long?” Spike asked, trying to distract himself from all the mares in swimsuits.

“You know how mares are, they take forever and a year to get ready.” Blueblood answered.

“Ain’t that the truth.” Shining Armor replied.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac agreed.

“Oh, really!” came a familiar female voice. Big Mac, Blueblood, and Shining Armor looked up to see an annoyed Cadence wearing a sky blue string bikini that barely held her breasts. Sunburst, Dizzy, and Pearl removed themselves from the area; not wanting to feel the wrath of Cadence. “Care to repeat that?” she said; waiting for one of them to slip up.

“You on your own dude.” Blueblood said to Shining as he got up and took off running. Shining Armor looked over to Big Mac for some kind of support, only to see that he too was long gone. Before Shining could open his mouth to say anything, he was encased in a pink cube and launched into the ocean. “Jerk.” she mumbled. Her anger soon melted away once she saw Spike averting his eyes from her. She giggled and went to his side. “Hey, Spike, come help me set up the net.” she asked. Grabbing his arm, Cadence pulled Spike up to help her set up.

After a few minutes, Spike and Cadence had two poles planted in the sand holding up a net. “You guys got it set up already?” came a familiar voice. Spike and Cadence turned to see Twilight with her mane pulled up in a ponytail, wearing a dark purple and pink striped string bikini that showed off her sexy body figure, especially her breasts and round butt; if her tail wasn’t in the way. Spike swallowed hard and was at a loss of words right now. He could feel his urges start to surface as he watched Twilight’s breasts jiggle and bounce as she walked towards him. “So how do I look?” she asked him with lidded eyes; bending over as to give him a peek at her cleavage.

“” he stammered. Just then, Spike noticed the other girls walking up to them. First was Fluttershy, with a green backless one piece barely hiding her large round breasts. By the way they were moving, they looked as though they could pop out at any moment. Which is what most stallions were hoping for as they watched her. Next to her was Pinkie, wearing the swimsuit Rarity made for her which was a light blue string bikini with Pinkie’s cutie marks printed on both cups of her bikini top. Rainbow Dash and Applejack didn’t wear anything all that spectacular. Applejack had on a brown bikini top and pair of tight jean shorts. Rainbow wore a pair of black skin tight shorts and a white bikini top. Rarity’s swimsuit was the same as Fluttershy’s except instead of having straps going over the shoulders, the straps crossed over one another forming an "X" just above her cleavage then wrapped around her neck. Last was Starlight, with a yellow skin tight bikini. All the stallions in the surrounding area had their eyes on the mares; staring them up and down. The only thing they were aggravated with, was the fact that the girls tails covered up their jiggling butts.

“Great, everypony’s here.” Cadence stated.

“Not everypony.” Starlight replied. “Celestia was having a little....."trouble”.....with her bikini.”

“Those boobs of hers are definitely fake.” Rainbow growled.

“Sorry to break it to you, Celestia’s are real.” Cadence giggled.

“WHAT?! No way!” Rainbow said in disbelief. All the girls looked at each other, then looked back at Rainbow, who caught on quickly. “OH COME ON, REALLY?!” she yelled.

Everypony nodded. Rainbow growled then stormed off. “Where in tarnation are you going?” asked Applejack.

“I need a moment!” she answered.

Applejack sighed then followed after her marefriend. As Applejack left, Twilight’s attention turned towards Spike who was shaking uncontrollably. His teeth were gritted and his eyes her flashing like crazy. “Spike!” Twilight gasped; catching everypony’s attention.

“I....I....S-Spike.....SPIKE W-WANT!” he said his gaze turned toward Fluttershy. Spike’s mouth watered and his eyes glowed as he stared at her luscious mounds.

“S-Spike?” Fluttershy said, knowing what he wanted. Spike lunged himself at the pegasus ready to grab onto her breast, but thankfully he didn’t get that far. The dragon soon found himself encased within the same pink barrier that was around Shining Armor.

“I’m so sorry for this, Spike.” said Cadence. The princess then threw Spike into the cold ocean in hopes of cooling of off.

“He’s getting worse.” Cadence said.

“How could Spike be getting worse? Don’t tell me sleeping with caused it.” Twilight said with a worried tone; not realizing the others could hear her. The next thing she knew, Pinkie was dangerously close to her face; shocked at what she heard.



Spike landed into the ocean with a loud splash. The cold water caused him to instantly revert back to normal. He emerged from the water with a loud gasp as his body shook. “C-c-cold.” he shivered. “S-s-so c-c-cold.” Spike was soon levitated into the air and was put onto a raft.

“I Gotcha.” came a voice.

Turning around, Spike saw Shining Armor. “Judging by how you were flying, I take it that Cadence threw you.” he said. “So what did you to piss her off?”

No way Spike was gonna tell why he was thrown. He had to come up with some kind of excuse as to why he was now out there with him. “Uh....we were just playing around and it kinda got outta hand.” he lied with nervous laughter.

“Well, that’s normally how it goes with Cadence.” Shining replied. “She tends to go too far when playing around. Anyway, why don’t we head back to the beach?”

Spike nodded.


Twilight found herself being interrogated by Pinkie and the others. “Twilight, please tell me you didn’t.” said Cadence.

The princess of friendship simply lowered her head. “I did.”

Those two words shocked everypony to their core. Twilight Sparkle slept with Spike. Cadence was borderline hyperventilating while Pinkie was about to explode. Rarity giggled uncontrollably as she always does when something scandalous happens. Fluttershy buried her face in her hands as dirty thoughts plagued her mind, and Starlight just looked as if somepony just wrecked her favorite thing in the world.

“Well don’t just sit there Twilight, give us details.” Rarity said.

“WHAT, NO!” yelled Cadence. “Twilight, please tell me it wasn’t when he........”

“No, no, it happened last night.” Twilight interrupted. Cadence sighed in relief that it didn’t happened when Spike’s rut cycle started. He was only 17 at the time and was still considered to be underage. If Twilight had slept when him then, it would have caused huge problems.

“So, did he mark you?” Cadence asked.

“Mark me?” Twilight as confused, as was the rest of the girls.

“Well, you see, when a dragon mates with with a female for the first time, he’d normally bites her on her shoulder; claiming her as his own.” Cadence explained. “You know, like with.........“she who shall not be named”.

Upon realizing what Cadence was talking about, Pinkie grabbed Twilight and checked both her shoulders for any kind of markings. “P-Pinkie, cut it out, Spike didn’t mark me.” Twilight explained, then lowered her head in embarrassment for what she was about to say next. “W-we didn’t get that far. was.....t-too intense.” Rarity almost went into overdrive after hearing those words. She really, REALLY wanted to know all the details now; as did everypony else. However, their little conversation was soon cut short when Celestia and Luna walked onto the scene. Luna’s swimsuit was a dark blue one piece backless reminiscent of the night sky and her cutie mark. Celestia’s swimsuit was an orange string bikini, with the top part looking like two suns and barely holding her massive breasts. Her bikini bottom barely held itself around her large hips and ass.

“There you are.” said Celestia. “Where’s Spike and the others?”

“Oh, um....Spike and Shining went for a quick swim.” Cadence answered with a bit of nervous laughter.

“Aww, but I wanted to go swimming with him.” Celestia pouted.

“Well, that’s what happens when you choose a swimsuit that’s too small for you.” Luna jumped in.

“S-shut up, it’s not my fault my body’s this way.” Celestia defended.


“Okay, i’m about to make it back to the beach with a bunch of half naked mares. No matter what, don’t give in. I can do this, I can do this.” Spike said to himself as both he and Shining were making their way back. He had to mentally prepare his mind for what was about to transpire once he set foot onto that beach. About three minutes later, both Spike and Shining made landfall. “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.” he continued to chant to himself.

“SPIKE!” called a voice.

Looking up, Spike saw Celestia lightly jogging towards him; her massive breasts threatening to break free from their prison as they bounced. Spike’s breathing turned shallow as his heart rate increased. “I can’t do this, I can’t do this.” he thought as Celestia pulled him into a powerful hug, smashing his head between her large pillows and earning angry growls from nearby stallions.

“Why?” Spike thought.

Chapter 6

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Applejack had caught up to Rainbow Dash and the two began walking down the sidewalk market; looking at all the place had to offer. “Y’all doin okay, babe?” Applejack asked.

“A little.” Rainbow answered. The two mares continued to walk hand in hand until the came across a table where ponies were signing in for something.

“Hey, you two, over there!” called a stallion. “Care to sign up for the Beach Games?!”

“That what?” asked Rainbow as both she and Applejack approached him.

“The Beach Games.” he explained. “It’s an annual event here in Baltimare. Ponies compete in a series of matches for the title of Masters of the Beach.”

“And what happens when you become a Master of the Beach?” Rainbow asked.

“Why, everything.” he answered. “Everything on this beach is yours for the taking, for one entire year.”

“Everything?!” Rainbow asked excitedly.

“Everything.” the stallion answered. “Assuming you beat the current champions. So, what do you say, care to sign up?”

Rainbow smiled cockily while Applejack wore a concerned look.


Spike found himself back in the cold water, but this time Celestia was with him. Her arms were around him; hugging him from behind while smashing her breasts against his back. Spike surely would have lost it if it weren’t for the cold water he was in. The two traveled deeper into the water just to where they could float. Celestia couldn’t believe that Spike was now an adult. No longer was he that cute little drake that followed her around everywhere she went on his little bike, and on top of that, he was in now in the middle of his first ever rut cycle. If she wasn’t careful, she could possibly set him off. She knew it was a bad idea to bring him along on this trip, but she didn’t want to just leave him behind while she and the girls came here to have fun; especially after what happened in recent events.

She also knew that by bringing him here, Spike would be a walking, talking time bomb. Sure, he’ll do whatever it takes to suppress his urges, but in doing so, he’s guaranteeing that he’ll explode and go after the first mare he sees. Celestia didn’t want that. She didn’t want to see Spike explode like that. But what can she do? How can she help him and end his suffering? Then he hit her, she knew what could help him, but could she do it? Could she bring herself to have sex with Spike, her own son? “What in Tartarus am I thinking?!” she thought to herself. “I...I can’t do that! B-but, if something’s not done, then Spike will........” Celestia contemplated on what to do. Either allow Spike to continue suppressing his urges, thus causing the inevitable to happen, or cross the line no mother should ever cross. Technically speaking, Celestia wasn’t really Spike’s birth mother, but still, she raised him as though he was her own. His first word to her was “mommy”. A couple week after the Summer Sun Celebration when both she and Spike shared a bath, Celestia had stated that she wished that both she and Spike had a deeper connection than what they already had, and even though Spike reminded her that what they had was more than enough, deep down she wanted more. “C-can I really do it?” she thought. “Can I really make love to him?” While Celestia continued to contemplate on what to do, a wave of cold water washed against the two of them; knocking Celestia out of her thoughts. Both she and Spike shrieked at the feeling of the cold water splashing against them. They turned to look at each other, then laughed at what happened.


“Ready to go?” Celestia asked. Spike nodded and the two started to make their way back to the beach.


The group gathered around the net Spike and Cadence set up. Guys on one side and girls on the other. “You boys ready to lose?” asked Pinkie.

“You wish.” said Dizzy.

“Here we go!” yelled Cadence and he hit the beach ball over the net. Blueblood quickly got under it and hit the ball into the air so the Shining Armor could then knock it over the net.

“Fluttershy, it’s coming at ya!” yelled Pinkie.

“Got it!” Fluttershy yelled as she jumped up to hit the ball back; her large breasts bouncing as she did so. They’re little game soon garnered them some much unwanted attention from nearby stallions who couldn’t take their eyes off the mares. Despite that, the group played on with the guys eventually winning.


About an hour later, Spike and some of the others decided to rest on their blankets while the rest went to check out the sidewalk market. Spike sat in between Twilight and Fluttershy while Celestia and Luna laid back to take a little nap. “Are you feeling okay, Spike?” asked Fluttershy.

“Y-yeah s-sure.” he answered looking down. Fluttershy could see that Spike wasn’t doing okay, in fact, quite the opposite. He didn’t show it, but Spike was actually straining to keep in urges in check. He was close to losing it again, all because he was just simply sitting next to Twilight and Fluttershy. Fluttershy’s face saddened as she watched Spike’s struggling right before her. She wanted to hug him and let him know that everything would be alright, but she knew that would be a bad idea. Right now, anything could set him off. She felt so.....useless. She wanted to help him, but didn’t know what to do. That’s when she saw Twilight move her hand on top of his.

Twilight scooted closer to Spike and rested her head on his shoulder; consequently giving him full view of her cleavage. Spike froze up and swallowed hard and he started to feel himself losing control. Fluttershy gasped as he witnessed Spike’s eyes flashing. “T-Twilight?” she said.

Twilight gave Spike’s hand a soft squeeze before moving it to her breasts and giving him a soft peck on the cheek. Spike growled softly as he felt the softness of her chest; his eyes now glowing. Fluttershy’s eyes widen as she watch Spike grope Twilight in front of her. “T-Twilight, what are you doing?” she asked in shock.

“I....i’m t-trying to help S-Spike.” she managed to say. Twilight suddenly gasped as she felt Spike soft kiss the side of her neck; his soft growling causing her to shutter.

At this point, Fluttershy was beet red. Watching her two friends getting intimate with each other was kind of a turn on for her. Makes sense, do to the fact that she and the other girls fool around with one another during their little sleepovers. In one swift move, Spike pushed Twilight onto her back and proceeded to try and remove her bikini top. Thinking this was going a bit too far, Twilight prepared to teleport the two of them to a secluded area, when suddenly Rainbow Dash fell from the sky. “HEY GUYS, GUESS WHAT?!” Rainbow’s scream not only awoke Celestia and Luna, but she managed to knock Spike back to reality. Looking at the position he was in, Spike quickly moved off Twilight; face as red as Fluttershy.

“Rainbow, w-what is it?” asked a groggy Celestia.

“I signed us all up for the Beach Games!” she said excitedly.

Everypony sat there in silence for while; processing what was told to them. “That what?” asked Twilight.


Pinkie, Dizzy, and Blueblood walked along the market until they came across a small restaurant with outdoor seating. In front of the building was a sign that listed all the food was served there. One thing on the list caught Pinkie’s eye and filled her with anger; leaving Dizzy and Blueblood confused. Pinkie immediately took a seat at one of the tables and ringed the bell; calling for a waiter. “Good afternoon ma’am, what would you like to order?” the waiter asked.

Pinkie looked up at him with both anger and determination in her eyes. “The Fallout Hayburger!” All ponies in the surrounding area stopped what they were doing and stared at Pinkie Pie.

“Uh, m-ma’am, d-did I hear you right?” the waiter stammered.

“Oh, I think you heard me just fine.’ Pinkie answered. “I want the Fallout Hayburger!”

“Y-yes ma’am.” said the waiter as he jotted down her order and left for the kitchen. Dizzy and Blueblood sat down at the table while hearing ponies whispering amongst themselves at Pinkie’s order.

“Why are all these ponies staring at us?” asked Dizzy. “And what’s a Fallout Hayburger?”

“I’m surprised you’d never heard of it.” Blueblood answered. “It’s the single hottest most painful hayburger in Equestria. Many ponies can’t even make it through one bite before either giving up or passing out from the pain.”

“Come on, it can’t that bad.” Dizzy replied; earning shocked looks from nearby ponies.

“You have no idea.” Blueblood said. “I suggest you ask the chef what’s in the hayburger, then come back and tell me it’s not so bad.”

Getting up, Dizzy began to make his way inside the restaurant. Once inside, he confronted the waiter that took Pinkie’s order. “Ah, you’re with the mare who ordered the Fallout Hayburger, is everything alright?” the waiter asked.

“I just wanted to know what’s in the hayburger, that’s all.” Dizzy answered.

“Then you’ve come to the right place.” came a scruffy voice. Dizzy turned to see a brownish orange stallion with a dark brown mane and a body type similar to Big Mac. “Follow me.” The stallion who was obviously the head chef, led Dizzy into his kitchen where began to show him how the Fallout Hayburger was made.

“The lead ingredient in the Fallout Hayburger, is the Fallout sauce; which is made up is several different kinds of chili." the chef explained as he heated up a pot. “First off, after the pot heated up, we pour our chili infused oil then add in Bird’s eye chili.” After putting the chili in the pot, the chef then grabbed a bowl of another kind of chilli.

“Now we add in something called, scotch bonnet chili and then dorset naga chili.” he continued while grabbing another bowl of powdered chili.

“What’s that?” Dizzy asked.

“This is our chili spice mix.” he answered. “It’s a mixture of cayenne pepper and other special ingredients which I won’t tell you about; it's a secret.” After waiting for everything in the pot to cook down, the chef added in the spice mix. After cooking it through, he pour everything into another pot in order to make the sauce. “Now once the sauce is made, we add this, our chili extract.” He pour a small amount onto a spoon then put it into the sauce. “This extract is so strong, if you get onto your skin, you’ll get 3rd degree chemical burns.” Dizzy’s eyes widen after hearing that. As he watched the chili being made, he started to take back what he said about it not being as bad. “And there you have it, Fallout Sauce, super hot super painful.”

With the sauce made, the chef when to the grill and started frying up three haypatties and then put two deep fried mini pizzas in the oven. After a while, everything was cooked and all that was left to do now, was assemble the burger. “Now, we one deep fried pizza and on top of it we add lettuce, tomatoes, a haypatty, slice cheese, jalapenos, our standard hot sauce, then fallout sauce. Then we do it again, another haypatty, slice cheese, jalapenos, standard hot sauce, then fallout sauce. Then we do it again, haypatty, slice cheese, jalapenos, standard hot sauce, then fallout sauce. We put the second mini pizza on top and to finish it off, a triple portion of garlic hayfries.” Dizzy was left speechless. He couldn’t believer that Pinkie had ordered this. Why would she, why would anypony in their right mind eat something like this?

The chef rang the bell calling for the waiter to come get the food. Grabbing the plate, the waiter led Dizzy outside back to his table; a shocked look on his face as he sat down. “Still think it’s not that bad? asked Blueblood.

Dizzy simply shook his head. Before handing Pinkie her food, the waiter first gave her a piece of paper, a pen, and a pair of gloves. “You’ll be needing these.” he said as he placed the gloves in front of her. After signing her name, Pinkie put on the gloves as the waiter place the food in front of her. Pinkie glared at the hayburger with absolute anger and disgust.

“You!” she said with venom. “You killed my father!”

Blueblood gave Pinkie a “seriously?” look before speaking. “N-no it didn’t.” he said. “He took one bite then ran off screaming.”

“You disgraced my family.” she growled.

Blueblood faced palmed while Dizzy raised an eyebrow. “Okay ma’am, you have one hour, ready.......GO!” said the waiter. Wasting no time, Pinkie grabbed the fork and knife and dug in; cutting off a huge chunk of the burger and putting it into her mouth. Immediately, Pinkie’s mouth began burning to an unimaginable degree, but despite that she pressed on.

A few minutes into the challenge, and Pinkie was already passed her breaking point. Her body was shaking uncontrollably and a she was sweating as though she had just ran a five hour marathon. As Dizzy watched his marefriend struggle to complete the challenge, he could over hear some ponies talking about how only one mare successfully beat it. Who that mare was, Dizzy couldn’t hear it over the fact that Pinkie was now pounding the table with her fist, struggling to swallow a piece of the hayburger. “P-Pinkie, maybe you should stop.” Dizzy suggested.

“N-no.” she struggled to say, then went for the hayfries to give herself a bit of a break from the burger. With most of the fries gone, Pinkie soon turned her attention back to the hayburger. Taking another bite, Pinkie began to lose feeling in her mouth. The intense burning was starting to become too much for her to bare, but still, she pushed on. Time passed and Pinkie didn’t have that much left on her plate. She didn’t noticed, but she had a huge crowd of ponies around her table; cheering her on. Pinkie couldn’t hear them, her hearing and vision were pretty much blurry at this point. With only a few seconds left, Pinkie could barely hold up the fork and knife due to how bad she was shaking. Tossing them aside, Pinkie grabbed the plate and poured what was left into her mouth before dropping it; a new wave of heat overtaking her mouth as she did so. With three seconds left in the challenge, Pinkie finally managed to swallow; the crowd of ponies cheering loudly. The waiter walked up to her and raised her arm high in the air. “Congratulations, ma’am, you’re the second pony in all of Equestria to complete the challenge.” he announced. “How do you feel?”

“I....I did it.....I a-avenged my f-father.” she managed to say. “Now....h-he in peace.”

“Pinkie, your father’s not dead.” Blueblood replied.

Believing that his marefriend was gonna pass out, Dizzy quickly went over to her and wrapped his arm around her. “You okay, babe?” he asked.

Pinkie slowly looked him in the eyes. “T-take me.” she said.

“Take you where?” he asked. “Back to the hotel?”

“N-no.” she said. “Take me.” Dizzy’s eyes widen as he now knew what she meant. He looked toward Blueblood for help only to see that he was gone. Dizzy soon found himself unable to get away from Pinkie due to the fact that she was now holding his arms tight. The pink earth pony then lifted her coltfriend over her shoulders and proceeded to walk off. “Ma’am, what about your prize for beating the challenge?” asked the waiter.

“I’ll come back for it in about 45 minutes.” Pinkie answered.

“SWEET CELESTIA, SOMEPONY HELP ME!” Dizzy yelled. After both he and Pinkie disappeared from sight, Blueblood came out of hiding and breathed a sigh of relief. At that point, it was somepony announced that somepony else was about to take the Fallout Hayburger Challenge as well. The prince, along with a group of other ponies, walked over to the table to see Shining Armor and Cadance, with Shining putting on a pair of gloves as the waitress placed the plate of food in front of him.

"You!" he said with venom. "You killed my father!"

"Seriously?!" yelled Blueblood.

Chapter 7

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“So remind me again what you signed us up for?” asked Starlight.

“The Beach Games.” Rainbow answered. “A series of events that will determine who deserves the title of Masters of the Beach.”

“Uh huh, and what happens after you become Masters of the Beach?” asked Sunburst.

“Everything is yours for the taking!” Rainbow answered. “You basically own this place for an entire year, and all we have to do is beat the current champions.”

“And who are the current champions, darling?” asked Rarity.

“I don’t know, some stallion name Sentinel and his crew and from what the stallion at the sign up booth told me, they’ve been champions for five years straight. Not a problem for us, right.” Rainbow answered.

Starlight sighed. “I’m almost afraid to ask but, when is it?”

“The day after tomorrow.” Rainbow said bluntly.

Everypony gave Rainbow and blank stare which confused her.


Both Twilight and Spike, with Twilight wrapped around Spike’s arm, found themselves walking down the sidewalk market. Spike couldn’t enjoy the feeling of his arm in between Twilight’s breasts because his stomach was growling too much. The poor dragon hasn’t really eaten anything since this morning. The pair came upon a restaurant with a group of ponies surrounding an ambulance while a stallion on a stretcher was being placed in back. Soon the ambulance drove away with most of the ponies leaving soon after.

“W-what happened?” Spike asked.

“Some stallion tried taking one of restaurant’s challenges. As you can see, it didn’t go well.” explained a mare who overheard Spike’s question.

“Yeah, there was a mare before him who actually completed the challenge.” said a random stallion. “I wonder where she went?”

“What kind of challenge was it?” asked Twilight.

“The fallout Hayburger.” the stallion answered before walking off.

Twilight’s face soon turned to anger upon hearing that name. Spike quickly grabbed her arm and started to walk off; knowing what that hayburger meant to her and her brother. The pair soon found themselves as a nearby haydog stand where they ordered some food and went to sit a picnic table that was just across from from them. With food in his stomach, Spike started to focus on other things, like the mustard and ketchup falling onto Twilight breasts as she ate. Spike could feel his urges start to build up, but fortunately for him, a flash of light shined in his face putting a halt to that.

Twilight and Spike soon found themselves surrounded by paparazzi taking pictures of them; mostly Twilight. Aggravated, Twilight finished the rest of her lunch then got up; grabbing Spike by the arm and proceeded to leave the area. “Come on, Spike, let’s go somewhere quieter.” she said.

“Sounds fun, but I don’t think they’ll let us.” Spike said pointed back at the paparazzi.

“Then we’ll lose them.” she said as she powered up her horn. A bright purple light surrounded the two of them and they both disappeared within a blink of an eye forcing the paparazzi to scatter; looking for them. Twilight and Spike reappeared behind an old abandoned shack; not too far from where they were. Peaking from behind the shack, Twilight witnessed the paparazzi desperately searching for them. “Damn parasites.” she thought before turning to Spike. “Let’s stay here for while until we’re sure their gone.”

“Sounds like plan.” he replied.

Using her magic, Twilight conjured up a small bench for them to sit on. Not long after they sat, Spike heard something that sound like heavy breathing. He thought nothing of it until he heard it again followed by a light moan. “Twi, is that you?” he asked.

“Me what?” she answered. Soon Twilight started to hear the heavy breathing and light moaning; she instantly started blushing as she looked at Spike. “I-it sounds like it’s coming from inside the shack.” The pair turned around and peered through the cracks of the shack and their eyes instantly widen at what they saw. There was Pinkie on top of Dizzy riding him hard, and by the looks of things she was just about to make it to the finish line. The blush on Twilight’s face turned darker as she watched Pinkie and Dizzy going at it. Spike’s eyes were focused on Pinkie’s large plump butt jiggling as she bounced on top of her coltfriend.

“I.....i’m so close.....i’m gonna cum.” Pinkie moaned.

Thinking they’ve seen enough, Twilight turned to grab Spike, only to see his now glowing eyes. Spike growled softly as he slowly moved towards Twilight. “S-Spike, n-no.” she said just loud enough for the two of them to hear. She found herself being pushed onto her back while Spike crawled on top her; lifting her right leg over his shoulder and burying his face in her neck while slowly grinding against her. Twilight let out a soft moan as she felt Spike’s hard erection against her. “Spike.” she whispered as same feeling from last night began to overtake her. Wrapping his arms around her, Spike pulled Twilight into a sitting position and proceeded to attempt to remove her bikini top; with no such luck. Getting frustrated, Spike was about to simply rip the top off, but Twilight grabbed his arms in an attempt to stop him. “W-wait Spike.....let me do it.” she suggested.

Spike growled softly as he let Twilight go from his grasp. The Princess of Friendship reached around her back and undid the knot that held her top together. “I hope nopony catches us.” she thought and she removed her top; revealing her breasts causing Spike growl hungrily, push her onto her back, and start attacking them. Spike furiously squeezed, groped, and sucked on both breasts without a care in the world, while Twilight squirmed under him. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Spike released Twilight’s right breast from his mouth with an audible “pop” and moved down to her waist where he grabbed her bikini bottom and started to pulled it off.

Inside the shack, Pinkie smashed her breasts against Dizzy’s face as she ground her hips into him; desperate for a release. Dizzy’s eyes were rolled back in his head, his mouth open and his tongue hanging out as he slipped in and out of consciousness. “She said 45 minutes, it’s been well pass that now. I.....I think this is truly it. I’m gonna die.” Dizzy thought as he felt Pinkie’s walls squeeze him tightly. Pinkie herself panted heavily as sweat covered her entire body, her soft moans filled the room, and she could feel herself coming so close to the edge.

“Oh baby, it feels so good.” she moaned. “I’m gonna cum.”

“Somepony save me.” Dizzy thought as he lost consciousness again.

Outside, Twilight had both hands covering her mouth so as to not scream as Spike pumped in and out of her. Spike growled as he felt Twilight raise her hips to meet his thrusts; adding to the pleasure. Spike’s left hand started to grope Twilight’s right breast as he watched the other one bounce freely. He soon added a bit more speed into his thrusts, causing Twilight to squeeze her eyes shut as tears started to form; trying her best to not to scream. Suddenly, Twilight’s horn started glowing with small sparks of lightening shooting out. By the way her inner walls were squeezing him, Twilight was starting to get close to her release. In one move, Spike picked her up and straddled her in his lap as he sat up. In an instant, Twilight started bouncing on top of him; her large breasts bouncing in a hypnotizing way and her wings stretching out as far as they could go. She smashed her lips against his so that her screams were muffled. Peeking into the shed, Twilight could see Pinkie’s large round booty jiggling as her hips bouncing up and down at a furious rate. “S-Spike, i’m cumming!” she said in a loud whisper; not taking her eyes off Pinkie.

Back inside the shed, Pinkie couldn’t take anymore as her body shook uncontrollably. “I’m cumming, i’m cumming, I’M CUMMING!” she scream, loud enough for both Spike and twilight to hear. Pinkie’s hard orgasm caused her sweaty body to collapse on top of Dizzy as her juices poured out of her. “I.....I love you.” she panted as she cuddled him. Dizzy however could only see white as he was sure he’d just died.

Back with Twilight and Spike, Pinkie’s orgasm caused Twilight to bounce harder and faster; burying her face in Spike’s neck. Spike held her close with his left arm; pressing her breasts against his chest, while his right hand traveled downward to her perfectly round butt to grope it. Twilight was so close to the edge and by the way Spike was now moving his hips, so was he. She wanted to tell to pull out but then remembered that dragons couldn’t get ponies matter how much magic you use. It was just too impossible. This both saddened and relieved Twilight at the same time. Relieved, because she didn’t have to worry about whether or not she had a condom with her, not like she did with.....”him.” Sadden, because if Spike would get with somepony who’s not a dragon, then he’ll never have little ones of his own. Twilight’s thoughts were quickly thrown out the window as she felt a familiar pressure building inside her that she could no longer hold. Both Twilight and Spike sealed their eyes shut and gritted their teeth as their bodies crashed into each other. “I’m cumming, Spike, i’m cumming!”Twilight said as her body froze. Her inner walls squeeze Spike’s member like a vice as her orgasm raced through her; causing Spike, for the first time, to hit his orgasm and release inside of her. The feeling of having a male release inside her was so strong, Twilight’s horn shot out a small beam into air and into the clouds. Traumatized by that action, the clouds started to releasing all the water they held within them. Thus, a rain shower began. Twilight suddenly felt a tremendous pain on her right shoulder that caused her to once again squeeze her eyes shut and let out a silent scream which also caused her to have a small orgasm on top of the one she was already having. The pain suddenly went away as soon as it left, and Twilight leaned back to look Spike in the face. Her eyes widen as she saw blood in his mouth. Looking on her shoulder, she saw that the pain she felt was Spike bitting her. The teeth marks disappeared and a small yin yang symbol of two purple dragons appeared.

Twilight then remember what Cadence had asked her when the news came out that she had slept with Spike.

“Did he mark you?”

That’s what happened. Spike just marked Twilight to be his mate......forever.

Spike’s eyes started to revert back to normal as he groaned. Looking at Twilight, he saw that she had a river of tears flowing down her face.

“T-Twilight, oh no, d-did I hurt you?” he asked in fear. Twilight wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close.

“I.....I love you.” she said with emotion. However, her moment was soon disrupted when she opened her eyes to see Pinkie staring at her through the wall with her mouth wide open.


Spike and Twilight entered the shack to get out of the rain. Thankfully nopony saw them as they came around the corner seeing as how Twilight was only wearing her bikini bottom and was topless. After taking a few steps further in, Spike came across Dizzy’s unresponsive naked body. “GAH!” he yelled.

“Spike, what is it?” asked Twilight.

“I-it’s Dizzy, I think he’s dead.” Spike answered.

“He’s not dead, silly.” came a voice. Spike looked over and saw Pinkie wearing only her bikini bottom with her bikini top in hand. “I won’t allow that.”

Spike’s eyes widen as he saw Pinkie’s breasts jiggle as she walked towards him with lidded eyes. “I saw you.” she said seductively.

“W-w-what do you mean?” Spike asked nervously.

“Spike, she saw us having sex.” Twilight answered with a deep blush. Pinkie couldn’t stop giggling as she approached Twilight.

“So tell me, Twilight, how was it?” she asked with lidded eyes. Twilight buried her face in her hands in complete embarrassment. Giggling even more, Pinkie wrapped her arms around Twilight holding her; consequently smashing both their breasts together and causing Spike to feel his urges build up once again. “Come on, you can tell me.”

Twilight raised her head to look at Pinkie, then gasp when she saw Spike walking towards them. Both mares saw Spike’s eyes glowing like crazy; softy growling as he made his way closer to him.

“Y-you guys just did it. How can he still........” Pinkie said, but was cut off when Spike grabbed her arms. She was going to scream, but didn’t cause of the situation they were in. Here you have two half naked mares with a crazed dragon in an abandon shack. If she screamed, somepony would hear her, run to save them, and Spike would most likely be accused of doing something horrible.

“Spike, want.” he growled.

“You can’t.” said Twilight as she tried to pry him away from her friend. “Spike, please, focus on me.”

Spike turned his gaze to Twilight then let Pinkie go. In one swift move, he grabbed Twilight and hoisted her up against the wall. He freed his rock hard member from his shorts and pulled Twilight bikini bottom to the side giving him free access to her pussy. Spike lifted her left leg over his shoulder, and in one move, entered her for the second time today. Pinkie stood there speechless as she watched Spike thrust into Twilight. The dragon went slow and steady; burying his face in between her breasts and knowing that she was still recovering from earlier. As Twilight’s soft moans and sighs began to fill the room, Pinkie started to walk towards them as if she was in a trance. Once she was close enough, Spike, without looking or missing a beat, reached out and grab Pinkie’s breasts; groping them as he saw fit. “P-Pinkie, w-what are.....*moan*.....y-you doing?” Twilight moaned.

“S-sorry Twilight......w-watching you two......I-I can’t help it.” she answered. Spike moved his hand from Pinkie’s breasts down to her hips and then her butt; where he started to grope. He then slipped his hand inside her bikini bottom to feel all around; eventually moving his hand to her pussy where he placed two fingers inside. Pinkie gasped as Spike started pumping his fingers in and out of her; causing her to wrap her arms around him. Both mares moaned as Spike felt both their walls tightening up. “Spike, i’m cumming again.” Twilight moaned.

“M-me too, i’m gonna cum.” Pinkie added. After a few seconds, Spike had both girls orgasming at the same time while he himself released a wave of his seed inside Twilight. A warm wet liquid covered his hand as Pinkie’s inner walls squeeze his fingers. Spike removed his face from between Twilight’s breasts and looked up at her. The two of them stared each other in the eyes before leaning in for a passionate kiss. Spike soon removed his hand and member from the girls and all three of them fell to the floor. Spike moved to lay on his back; staring at the ceiling as both Twilight and Pinkie crawled on top of him. They rested their heads over his chest and waited for their strengths to come back. Dizzy, still passed out, had no idea what had just happened.


About an hour passed and the rain started to clear up. Most of the shop owners had closed up their stores until the storm passed. “Where the heck did that rain come from anyway?” asked Starlight.

“Yer, guess is as good as mine.” answered Applejack.

“I heard somepony say they saw a beam of magic shoot up into the clouds.” Rarity chimed in.

“Now who in Equestria would do that?” asked Applejack.

“Who knows.” answered Sunburst. “Anyway, we might as well head back to the hotel. No point in playing in wet sand.”

“AAAAAAWWWWWWWW!” all the girls pouted. Understandably so, it’s not often they get a chance to go the beach, and besides, the sand was all muddy right now and nopony would set foot on it. Grabbing their things, the group started to head back to the hotel. It didn’t take them long to realize that most of the group members were missing. “Say, where are the others?” asked Pearl.

“I don’t know.” answered Fluttershy. “Twilight and Spike left to get something to eat, and I know Pinkie, Blueblood, and Dizzy left somewhere together, but that’s it.” Everypony started looking around, but saw no sign of the others. It wasn’t until a few moments later when Celestia pointed at Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie walking towards them. Pinkie was carrying an unconscious Dizzy over her shoulder while holding a large golden trophy with a hayburger on top of it.

“There you are.” Celestia said. “Where have you been? And what happened to Dizzy?”

All three looked at each other and laughed nervously; unsure on how to answer.

Chapter 8

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Daytime soon became evening as Spike laid in his room; events of today replaying in his head over and over. He had woken up in a shack with Twilight and Pinkie cuddling next to him. It was then he’d realized that he possibly lost himself to his urges again and banged Twilight, but why was Pinkie there? Spike was worried that he might have forced himself onto her. He wanted to talk to Twilight about what had happened, but unfortunately, she wasn’t here. She had gotten a text message that Shining Armor had been sent to the hospital. Apparently, he’s tried taking on the Fallout Hayburger, and failed miserably. And there was no way in Tartarus he could bring himself to talk to Pinkie right now; in case he did force himself onto her. He knew that eventually he and Pinkie would bump into each other eventually, and that there was no way to avoid it. Sooner or later he’d have to confront her on what happened, and that part scared him the most, because he didn’t want to lose her friendship. Out of everypony in his life, Pinkie is the one that makes him smile the most. Spike was soon pulled from his thoughts as his phone went off. Checking it, he saw that he’d received a text message from Blueblood.

Hey kid, don’t forget to check out the arcade.

Spike gasped. This place has an arcade!? An actual arcade!? He quickly got up from the bed and dashed out the room. Not wanting to wait for an elevator, Spike took the stairs; jumping down each platform until he reached the lobby. Spike went over to the east side first and walked up and down, looking for the arcade. He began to wonder what kinds of games would be in there. How big was it and were there prizes? He couldn't wait to set foot in there.

With no luck on the east side, Spike headed back to the lobby in order to go to west side. Once there, he saw Fluttershy waving him over. “Hey, Spike!” she called.

“Fluttershy, what you doing here?” Spike asked as he approached her.

Fluttershy giggled. “Big Mac got a text from Blueblood telling him about an arcade. I’ve never seen him run so fast.”

“Where is Big Mac?” Spike asked. Fluttershy answered by pointing across from them. Spike gasped and his eyes widen once he saw the arcade. It was a massive room, probably bigger than the ballroom, with every kind of game you’d find in a arcade. From shooters, to racing, to skee ball, this place has everything. Not wasting anytime, Spike ran in and immediately went to the first game that caught his attention. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle as she watched both Spike and Big Mac have the time of their lives.


Blueblood, Cadence, Twilight, and Shining Armor were on their way back from the hospital. Twilight sat in back next to her brother with her arms crossed. She was clearly pissed at him for daring to take on the Fallout Burger. Shining Armor wasn’t hurt, but his ego sure was; having taken one bite out of the burger, Shining Armor’s mouth exploded with pain greater than he’d ever imagine. An ambulance was called and the challenge was called off; nopony had ever seen a grown stallion cry like that.

As they drove through the city, Blueblood’s anger started to boil as other cars either cut him off or almost ran the van off the road. Cadence grabbed his arm in an attempt to calm him down. For while it worked, until a driver believing the prince cut him off, drove up on the side of him and threw a cup of hot coffee through the window; hitting Blueblood in the face. The prince yelled in pain as the driver sped off. “MOTHER FUCKER!” he yelled, then smashed the gas petal. The van began moving full speed in an attempt to catch up to the driver.

“BLUEBLOOD STOP!” Cadence screamed, but he did hear her. He was too focused on catching up to the asshole who attacked him. Going over 150mph, Blueblood finally caught up to the driver and rammed his car; causing him to lose control, run off the road, and into a fuel dispenser at a gas station where everything exploded on impact. Shining, Twilight, and Cadence all watched in horror as the place went up in flames, ponies running for their lives, and the driver of the car emerging from the wreckage on fire; screaming in pain. Blueblood stopped the van and got out. “FUCK YOU!” he yelled while giving him the finger with one hand and grabbing his crotch with the other. “FUCK YOU!”

Blueblood got back into the van and drove off. The ride was dead silent as Cadence, Shining, and Twilight sat there in shock. They’d just witness Blueblood murder a stallion......possibly many other ponies as well.

“Y-you killed him.” Cadence said in shock.

“I’m hungry, what about you guys?” Blueblood asked; ignoring what Cadence said.

“You killed him!” Cadence yelled. “You killed an innocent stallion!”

“Come on, Cadence, nopony dies in this story.” Blueblood groaned.


Fluttershy, along with many other ponies nearby, watched on as both Spike and Big Mac played a classic two player side scroller beat'em up. They were aiming for the high score of 500,000,000; a feet even the most hardcore of gamers couldn’t reach. The crowd cheered on as Spike and Big Mac reached the final boss.

“This is it Big Mac, you ready?”asked Spike.

“EEYEP!” Big Mac said with determination.

Both Spike and Big Mac started to attack the boss; using every combo and strategy they could to not only defeat him, but rack up the points as well. With the crowd cheering them on, Spike and Big Mac fought on. Everypony was on edge as the game score rose up; almost hitting the 500,000,000 mark. Sweat started to fall down Big Mac’s face while Spike gritted his teeth as they furiously smashed buttons and moved the joystick around; almost breaking the machine.

“499,000,000 points, they’re almost there!” yelled a stallion in the crowd. The arcade erupted with cheers as Spike and Big Mac got the boss’s health bar down to 10%. They were so close, so close to reaching their goal.


The room was dead silent as everypony was now staring at a blank screen.

“WHAT!” yelled a random stallion in the crowd. “WHAT THE TARTARUS HAPPENED!?”

Spike and Big Mac stood there with blank expressions on their faces. Their goal was right there in front of them and then within the blink of an eye, it was taken away. The crowd groaned in frustration as Spike slowly started to walk away; depression settling in. Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Big Mac in an attempt to make him feel better, but sadly, not even the feeling of her large chest smashed against him could make him happy. Just what caused the machine to give out like that; right before they reached their goal? As Big Mac wondered, he saw a beige colored, light green mane stallion walking from behind the machine; holding the plug.

“The only one allowed to reach the high score, is me.” he said, then turned his gaze at Big Mac; giving him a cocky smile. “I will not allow some unworthy stallion like you to have it.” The stallion turned his back towards Big Mac; not seeing that Big Mac grabbed the arcade machine and lifted it over his head.

“Big Mac, no!” Fluttershy yelled; catching the stallion’s attention. As he turned back around, his cocky smile quickly turned to fear and regret as he was now standing in front of a very strong, very angry red stallion holding up a machine with the intent to kill.

Outside the arcade, Spike began his slow, depressing walk back to his room. He heard the sounds of a machine being destroyed and somepony screaming out for mercy which made him stop in his tracks. At the same time, Blueblood and the others had returned to the hotel, just in time to see everypony running in fear as Big Mac pounced on top of the beige stallion with Fluttershy desperately trying to pull him away.

“Do we even wanna know?” asked Shining.

“No.” said both Cadence and Twilight as they went to help Fluttershy.


It was almost 8pm when Pearl heard Rarity’s loud squealing coming from the bathroom. Apparently, the girls had found out about an open air hot spring that was located in back of the hotel. They all had rushed to their rooms to get ready, save for Pinkie Pie who really didn’t want to be near Rarity right now. The white unicorn walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a robe and holding a towel. “You sure you don’t wanna come with us?” she asked Pearl.

“Yeah, i’m sure.” Pearl answered. “Hot springs aren’t really my thing. You go and have fun.”

“What are you gonna do?” she wondered.

“Me, Dizzy, and Shining Armor are gonna order a pizza and watch bloody zombie movies.” he said. The second he said that he saw that Rarity was already gone. He laughed at the fact that she absolutely hates zombie movies. All he has to say are those three words and “poof” she’s she gone. A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Pearl got up and answered it revealing Dizzy and Shining Armor on the other side holding multiple boxes of pizza, some sodas, and a few DVDs.

“Let’s get this party started.” Shining said as both he and Dizzy walked in.


Spike laid his head on Celestia’s lap as the two of them watched some random comedy sitcom on tv. Spike wasn’t really interested in it, but Celestia wanted to spend time with him so he figured why not. The show itself wasn’t that bad, in Spike’s opinion, it was average. Every now and then, he’d heard Celestia’s giggles whenever one of the characters say or do something that was funny. Celestia gently rubbed her hand over Spike’s head as they watched the show, slightly giggling as one of the characters said something funny right before it went to commercials.

“Say, Spike?” she spoke up. “Once the show is over, you wanna go to the hot springs?”

“This place has a hot spring?” he asked, turning on his back to look up at her. In doing so, Spike’s eyes came in contact with Celestia’s massive round breasts that were threatening to break free from the light pink gown she was wearing. Spike’s eyes widen as he started to feel his urges build up. He tried to turn away, but felt his eyes glued to them. As Celestia looked down to face him, her warm smile faded away as she noticed Spike’s eyes starting to change color and flash. She gasped lightly before whispering his name as sadness started to form on her face. She watched as Spike clenched his eyes shut, gritted his teeth, and shook his head; bringing himself back to normal. Her thoughts from yesterday about if she could bring herself to take Spike’s virginity came back to her. On one hand, she’d be helping Spike by insuring that his urges doesn’t explode and he'll go after the first mare he saw, but on the other hand, if word got out that she’d slept with him, what would everypony think? While it’s true that she and Spike aren’t related by blood, most ponies, most likely won’t see it that way. They’ll see it as an act of taboo that should have never been crossed.

“That was close.” Spike thought as his senses came back to him. As Spike, moved to sit up, Celestia grabbed his hand; causing him to turn to face her. Spike slightly gasped once he saw the princess with tears threatening to form. She turned to face him just in time to see his eyes flashing once again. Spike’s gaze had moved toward her massive cleavage causing his urges to build up once again. Spike was getting worse. His suffering would continue unless he’d had an outlet. At this point, Celestia didn’t care what anypony would say, Spike needs help and if that means crossing the line, then so be it.

“Spike.” she said softly while picking up his hand and placed it onto her breast. Spike growled softly as his eyes were now fully glowing; his urges taking full control. “It’s okay, Spike.” she said, giving him a soft smile while moving to lay on her back. Spike growled hungrily as he started to grope her.


Twilight, Starlight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack walked out of the changing room with only towels wrapped around their bodies. Rarity squealed once she saw the large pool of warm water surrounded by large rocks; a tall wooded fence separating the male’s side from the female’s. Not wasting anytime, the five girls slowly entered the pool; the warm water instantly relaxing their bodies.

“This is simply divine.” said Rarity. “Blueblood really out did himself.........don’t tell him I said that.” The girls shard a quick laugh before looking up to the night sky.

“Say, where’s Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow. “I thought she’d want to be here.”

“Oh, um.....Fluttershy’s with Big Mac.” Twilight explained. “She said she wanted to calm him down.”

“Did somethin’ happen?” asked Applejack. Before Twilight got a chance to answer, two more mares walked in and got everypony’s attention.

“Cadence, Luna!” said Twilight.

“Oh, you girls are already here.” said Cadence as both she and Luna entered the pool.

“Celestia’s not with you?” asked Twilight.

“She wanted to spend time with Spike, so the two of them are in his room watching some stupid sitcom.” Luna explained. “I see Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are not with you.”

“Fluttershy’s with Big Mac and Pinkie......well......she decided to turn in for the night.” Twilight explained.

“Is she still upset at you, Rarity?” Cadence asked.

Rarity nodded; looking down to the water.

“I’ve been sensing some hostility between the two of you for a while now, care to tell me what happened?” Luna asked.

All the mares looked at each other; unsure if they should tell Luna what happened the night of the Summer Sun Celebration. After a few seconds of silence, Rarity finally spoke up. “I.....I broke her party cannon over.....”her” back.”

Luna’s eyes widen. “W-why would you attack Pinkie Pie like that, I thought you were friends?”

“What?! No, no, I didn’t attack Pinkie, I.....attacked........“her”. Rarity explained. Luna looked around and noticed angry looks on all the girls faces. They looked like they were about to kill the first thing that came their way.

“Um, Luna?” Cadence spoke up. “It’s been decided not to speak her name anymore.”

“Whose name?” she asked. Cadence leaned in closer to her aunt and whispered that name into her ear. Luna was about to blurt it out, but Cadence slapped a hand over her mouth before she could.

“Maybe we should change that subject.” Cadence suggested.

Silence filled the room as the mares sat there; memories of that night at the Summer Sun Celebration replayed in their heads. The biggest regret they had was that they didn’t finish the job and end “her” like they wanted. At the last second, Twilight showed “her” mercy and allowed her to live. Twilight was soon pulled out of her thoughts when Cadence placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s all in the past Twi, we won’t be seeing “her” again.”

Twilight anger slowly faded away just as Cadence removed her hand from her shoulder. Upon doing so, Cadence noticed an oddly shaped mark. At first she thought it was just a small scar Twilight had received from one of her many adventures to save Equestria, but further observation showed that it wasn’t a scar, it was mark. A dragon mark. “T-Twilight?” Cadence said nervously. “W-what is that?”

Twilight looked over at Cadence and saw that she was looking right at her shoulder. The Princess of Friendship froze as she knew she was about to be in hot water.....well.....even hotter water. She tried to place her hand over the mark in an attempt to cover it up, but Cadence wouldn’t allow it. There was no way Twilight was getting out of this. Cadence stared daggers at Twilight as she turned away. Grabbing her face, Cadence forced her to look back. Twilight knew there was no way to get out of this. “Twilight, what is this?” Cadence asked sternly.

“’s....” she started; her face turning beet red. “S-Spike.....Spike marked me.”

Cadence sat there with a blank look, as if somepony just slapped her in the face with a wet fish. Twilight was sure she had just broken Cadence seeing as how she wasn’t reacting when she waved her hand in her face. Twilight decided to take this time to move away from Cadence, but was stopped when the Princess of Love grabbed her arm and squeezed it; as if she was about to rip it off. Twilight turned back towards Cadence to be welcomed with a deranged look on her face; a look that said “i’m gonna kill you”. Twilight swore she saw a couple veins pop out of Cadence’s head. “What....did you say?” she asked while gritting her teeth; slightly twisting Twilight’s arm.

“What’s going on with you two?” asked Starlight.

“Nothing.” both mares said quickly.

“Why are you grabbing Twilight’s arm like that?” asked Luna, who noticed the two acting strangely. Upon getting closer, she noticed the mark on Twilight’s shoulder. “Did you get a tattoo, Twilight?”

At this point, Twilight began sweating, and it wasn’t from the hot water.


Sounds of a bed squeaking and a mare panting and groaning filled the room as Spike thrust himself in and out of Celestia; forming a perfect rhythm. Spike let out a soft growl as his eyes wandered downward to Celestia’s massive breasts jiggling with each movement. “Mmmmm~ you like mama’s breasts, don’t you?” she moaned. Spike responded by releasing another soft growl while grabbing both breasts and squeezing them; his fingers disappearing into the flesh. Celestia hissed at the feeling of her massive pillows being squished. Spike then pushed them together and proceeded to suck on both her nipples at the same time; causing her to gasp loudly.

Celestia couldn’t believe this was happening right now. There she was, laying in bed, allowing Spike, her son, to have his way with her, and on top of that, it felt unimaginably good. In the past, the princess has had many lovers, mostly for either her own urges or when she was in heat, and neither one of them could fully pleasure her. She’d found herself growing more and more frustrated with each stallion she’d laid with. Each one was the same, they’d stick it in, pound against her for a few moments, and then they were done. It was mostly for their pleasure then hers. How often can you say that you’d slept with the most voluptuous pony in Equestria?

Spike released Celestia’s nipples with a loud pop, then moved her neck where he started to lick it slowly; causing the princess to shutter. “Spike". she whispered as he moved to capture her soft lips. Celestia began kissing him back while wrapping her arms around him; pulling him close. Rolling over so that she was on top, Celestia continued kissing Spike as she slowly raised her hips keeping his tip inside of her and then slamming down hard on top of him; breaking the kiss and lifting her head to moan out loud. Spike’s hands traveled to her large jiggling butt and grabbed it as her hips started bouncing up and down at a faster pace. Panting heavily, Celestia took Spike deep into her; making the dragon hit parts of her no stallion ever could; bringing her that much closer to a release she’d never had in a long long time.

Spike growled as he moved to sit upward; bouncing Celestia in his lap. “Ah, yes! Right there, baby, right there!” she moaned once Spike started thrusting upward; hitting a special spot inside of her and causing her wings to spread to their fullest extent. “Mama’s cumming!”

With one hand groping her butt and another now groping her breasts, Spike moved his head to Celestia right shoulder and started to slowly run his tongue over it; preparing to mark her. Spike pushed Celestia onto her back, grabbed her left leg and put it over his shoulder as he thrust harder, deeper, and faster inside her. Celestia could feel it now, the orgasm she’s been wanting for all these years was finally coming to her. Sealing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth, Celestia bucked her hips upward meeting Spike; causing the dragon to growl. Her inner walls squeezed him tighter than Twilight's did; bringing him closer to his release. Celestia gripped the bed sheet to the point where she almost ripped them; tears streaming down her face as she could no longer hold back. Spike quickly removed Celestia’s leg from his shoulder and moved back to a sitting position with Celestia once again grinding as hard as she could against him. Wrapping her arm around him, Celestia froze up as her first orgasm in many many years hit her extremely hard; her juices pouring out of her and onto Spike’s lap. Spike’s thrusting soon came to an end as he felt her inner walls squeezing the life out of his little buddy which caused him to release wave after wave of his seed inside of her.

At that point, Spike moved to Celestia’s right shoulder and bit down on it hard; causing Celestia to let out a silent scream as she felt tremendous pain. The pain soon disappeared and a small yin yang symbol of two purple dragons appeared. With no strength left, both Celestia collapsed and was about to enter the dream realm, but Spike wasn’t done. He wanted more. He pushed Celestia onto her back, spread her legs open, and pushed his rock hard dragonhood back into her. Ignoring her protest, Spike pounded into her; filling the room with her screams as she quickly reached her second orgasm of the night.


“YOU DID WHAT!” Luna yelled; caused Twilight to hide behind Cadence. Luna then turned her eyes towards the other mares. “Did you know?!”

They all nodded.

“We found out earlier today.” Rarity explained.

Luna turned back towards Twilight. “Did he force himself on you, or did you force yourself on him?”

Twilight’s eyes widen at Luna’s accusation. “W-what no, none of that. It....just....sort of....happened.” A deep blush formed on her face as she remember the first night she and Spike shared. Luna was against this, but knew she couldn’t say anything. Spike is of age now, he is an adult, who he wishes to mate with was his choice.

Luna sighed. “So what happened after he marked you?”

“W-well.....he kinda.....didn’t know.” Twilight explained.

“What do you mean, he didn’t know?” Luna asked.

“W-well, after the second time, he seemed to not realize that he marked me.” Twilight answered.

“Wait second time?” Cadence chimed in. “Just how many times did you two do it?”

Twilight lowered her head in embarrassment. “T-three.” she said softly.

“THREE TIMES!” Cadence and Luna yelled in shock. At this point, Twilight’s face was beyond beet red. She had no problems telling them about her sex life when she was with “him”, but for some reason, she was extremely embarrassed when it came to talking about Spike. Rarity, in almost a blink of an eye, moved right next to Twilight; squealing uncontrollably.

“Well don’t just sit there darling, give us details.” she squealed.

“I.....he.....he’s......” she stammered. Summoning up all of her courage, sealed her eyes shut and spoke up. “ He’s wonderful. I love it when his hands are all over my body; squeezing every part of me, and the way he ruts me? HOLY CELESTIA IT’S AMAZING!”

Ever though her eyes were shut, she could feel a devilish smile creeping on her friends faces, especially Rarity. unable to take anymore humiliation, Twilight rose from the water and started to leave. “Where ever are you going, Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“’s getting late, i’m gonna turn in.” she answered before leaving.

“Maybe we pushed her a bit too hard.” Starlight suggested.

“Well, I don’t see how, she’s never had a problem telling us about her sexual experiences before.” Rarity said.

“I don’t know, Rarity, she did seem a bit embarrassed talking about it.” Rainbow suggested.

“I’ll go talk to her.” said Cadence. The princess of love got out of the water and followed Twilight into the changing room. Once there, she saw Twilight just finishing drying off and putting on her black and white striped panties.

“Twilight, are you okay?” she asked; catching her attention.

“No.” said bluntly. “I don’t why I feel so embarrass all of a sudden.”

“Maybe because it’s Spike, and fact that you’ve known him all his life.” she answered.

“Maybe, I don’t know.” Twilight said as she went to put on her bra. She was finding it a bit difficult to snap the two ends together. “C-come on.” she groaned.

“Here, let me help.” Cadence offered as she moved behind Twilight. Grabbing the bra strap, Cadence attempted to pull the two pieces together but with no such luck. She looked over Twilight’s shoulder and stared at her breasts. “Looks like you’ve gotten a bit bigger Twi.”

“W-what?” she said in shock.

“Guess it’s time for a bigger bra.” Cadence somewhat teased.


Twilight walked down the hallway wearing her white robe; her bra wrapped within her towel. “Have I really gotten bigger?” she thought as she looked down at her jiggling breasts. “Maybe it’s because Spike always plays with them during sex. They’re the first things he goes to after all.” that thought caused her to giggle as she approached Spike’s bedroom door. She wondered if he was still awake and was about to knock, but decided against it; just in case he was asleep.

As she started to make her way toward her room, she heard a soft growling noise coming from behind Spike’s door. “Spike?” she said.

She was answered with another soft growling. “Are you okay?” The doorknob rustled as Spike tried to open it. Once he did, Twilight was shocked to discover that his eyes were glowing and he had a hungry look on his face. Not giving Twilight and chance to react, Spike grabbed her and pulled into his room. Not long after, soft female moans of pleasure filled the room.


The next morning, Twilight awoke with her head on top of Spike’s chest. Five times. She and Spike had sex five times last night. She had lost track of how many orgasms she went through throughout the session, but one thing was clear to her. “Best. Sex. Ever.” she moaned as she cuddled closer to him. As her vision soon came into focus, Twilight noticed somepony else staring right at her. Somepony she was not expecting to see.


Twilight face quickly turned beet read from pure shock and embarrassment. Celestia’s face turned red also, but not for the same reason Twilight’s did.

Chapter 9

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The gang returned to the beach with Twilight and Celestia sitting next to each other in silence while Cadence took Spike into the water for some sibling bonding. The two princesses glanced at each other then quickly looked away; the events of early this morning replaying in their minds.

**************Flashback Begins**************

“What in the name of Tartarus do you think you’re doing?!” Celestia asked; anger rising.

“I...I....I......” Twilight stammered.

“Get off of him this instant!” the princess demanded. Twilight tried to move but couldn’t, for two reasons. One, Spike held her in a tight grip, and two, even if he wasn’t holding her, she was still a bit sore from last night’s activity. Celestia sat up and grabbed Spike’s arms in an attempt to pry him away from Twilight; ignoring the fact that she was still naked.

Twilight instantly took notice. “P-Princess, w-why are you naked?”

Celestia froze once she heard Twilight question. She quickly let go of Spike’s arms, grabbed the sheets, and pulled them over her; turning her head away from Twilight who sat up herself. Looking at the situation they were in, it didn’t take long for Twilight to put two and two together. “P-Princess, d-did you......” she started.

Celestia slowly nodded causing Twilight to gasp. The two of them sat there awkwardly in silence; only Spike’s soft snoring filled the room.

**************Flashback Ends**************

“P-Princess?” Twilight spoke up. “H-how many times d-did you and know?”

Celestia swallowed hard as she felt her face burn up from blushing so much. “S-six or seven times? I don’t know......I.....I.....passed out during.”

“Too intense?” Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded before turning back towards her former student. “W-what about.....y-you?” Deep down, Celestia didn’t want to know the answer to that question, but curiosity got the better of her. Twilight swallowed hard as she pondered how to answer. Sure she could lie and say that last night was the first tome she slept with Spike, but this is Celestia were talking about here. She could tell when somepony is lying to her or not. No choice. Twilight has to tell her the truth.

“E-eight times.” she said softly. Twilight expected an explosion of some kind, but it never came. She slowly looked over and saw that Celestia’s face was dark red. She wasn’t angry, far from it, this conversation was just too embarrassing, too awkward to think about. It’s bad enough that she crossed the line that never should have been crossed, but to have to hear that her son also slept with her former student? The images in her head could’t be controlled. As Twilight watched her former teacher, she noticed a small mark on Celestia’s shoulder. Moving in closer, she saw that the mark was the same as hers. Twilight gasped, catching Celestia’s attention.

“W-what is it Twilight?” she asked.

“S-Spike marked you!” she answered.

Celestia raised an eye brow. “What?”

“Well.......” Twilight soon found herself about to explain to Celestia what that mark on her shoulder meant.


Cadence and Spike splashed around in the cold water along with Pinkie and Dizzy. Thanks to
the cold water, the mares didn’t have to worry about Spike losing to his urges once he bumped into them.......which happened alot.

“So, who’s up for a game of chicken?” Dizzy asked.

“I AM, I AM!” Pinkie yelled excitedly. “Me and Spike vs. you and Cadence!”

“Wait what?!” both Cadence and Dizzy said. Before anything else could be said, Pinkie grabbed Spike and swam away to plan out their strategy.

Once they were far enough, Pinkie turned to Spike. “Okay, Spike, here’s what we’re gonna do.” she started, but Spike stopped her; a look of shame and regret formed on his face.

“P-Pinkie, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.” he said.

“What is it?” she asked concerningly.

“It’’s about what happened yesterday.” he started. “I.......i’m sorry.”

Pinkie had no idea what he was talking about, but her heart sank a bit once she saw tears forming in his eyes. “I.......I didn’t mean to, really, I didn’t.”

“Didn’t mean to do what?” she asked. Now she was getting worried.

“Y-you know.......forced myself on you.” he said looking away. Pinkie tilted her head to the side in confusion. She had no idea what Spike was talking about. Then suddenly it hit her. She remembered yesterday that she caused Spike to give into his urges and take Twilight right in front of her. Of course, seeing both her friends go at it turned Pinkie on and she decided to join in. All Spike did was just put his fingers in her. He didn’t force himself onto her, she willingly allowed Spike to touch her in that way. Pinkie giggled at the absurdness of Spike’s claim; catching his attention.

“Silly, you didn’t force yourself on me.” she said.

“I.......I didn’t?” he asked.

Pinkie wiped the tears in his eyes away before pulling him into a hug; smashing his face between her large breasts. “No.” she giggled. “Don’t you remember?”

“Not....really.” he explained. “All I remember is you walking around without a top on, then everything going black. When I came to, you and Twilight were laying next to me. I.....I think it’s getting worse.”

“Oh, Spike.” Pinkie said softly as she lightly squeezed him. “It’ll be okay, you’ll get through this. I promise.” Their little moment didn;t last long as Dizzy called out to them. Both Spike and Pinkie looked at each then shared a quick laugh before swimming back to Dizzy and Cadence.


In a large tent located on the other side of the beach, a red unicorn stallion with a silver man and tail laid on his back while a blue unicorn mare with a white mane and tail bounce on top of him at a fast pace; her large, round DD cup breasts bouncing like crazy as her moans grew louder.

“I....i’m gonna cum!” she announced.

The red stallion grabbed her hips and bucked upwards into her; sending her body into overdrive. Unable to hold back, her body froze up as her orgasm hit her hard. She soon collapsed on top of the stallion who soon wore a smug smile on his face.

Sometime later both ponies exited the tent at the same time with the blue mare giving the stallion one final peck on the cheek before she left. “Had fun, Sentinel?” asked a grayish earth pony stallion with a brown green mane and tail.

“Sure did.” Sentinel answered as he stretched. “Ninth one since this morning.”

“You know, you could at least save some for me.” the grayish stallion suggested.

“Hey, I can’t help it if mares throws themselves at me on a daily basis.” Sentinel laughed.

“Come on, we’re a team, we’ve been “Masters of the Beach” for five years now. You think we all be swimming in mares by now.” he said.

“Maybe they find me more attractive than you, Gravel.” Sentinel joked as he placed an arm around his friend. “So where’s everypony else?”

“Well, let’s see.......Aqua and Nami said they wanted to go surfing, Shocker is most likely stuffing his face, Ebony is working out, Swift is flying around somewhere, and Moonstone is at the hospital.” Gravel explained.

“The hospital?! What happened?!” Sentinel asked; alarmed.

“He’s visiting his grandfather, apparently some crazed pony caught a case of road rage and caused him to crash into a gas station.” Gravel explained.

Sentinel’s anger started to flare up. “How’s the old-timer doing?”

“Moonstone text me earlier, he said no major damage and that the old-timer should be up and about within a week or so.” Gravel explained. “He’ll be here later on to tell us the details.”

“That’s good.” said Sentinel as he started to crack his knuckles. “When I find the pony who did this.....”

“Save you’re anger for tomorrow, dude.” Gravel interrupted. “We have to defend our title, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah, although it doesn’t matter who we go up against, we’ll crush them.” Sentinel said with confidence.

“Gravel smirked and started to walk off. “Whatever you say.”

“Where are you going?” Sentinel asked.

“Get some food, maybe find a mare to bang before you get to her.” Gravel answered.

“A mare? Hold on, i’m coming too.” Sentinel said with excitement. A loud groan came from Gravel as his friend followed him to the sidewalk market.


After the 15th round of chicken, Spike, Pinkie, Dizzy, and Cadence decided to call it quits; leaving Pinkie and Spike the un-defeated champions. “Aw yeah, we the champs!” Pinkie yelled as she smashed Spike’s head in between her boobs.

“Okay, okay, you won.” said Dizzy. “Let’s head back and get some lunch.”

Dizzy watched on as Pinky suffocated Spike with her famous bone crushing hugs. “Better you than me.” he thought.

“Maybe you should go on ahead, this could take a while.” Cadence suggested. Without a second thought, Dizzy swam away, mostly for being afraid that Pinkie might turn her attention towards him, and that wouldn’t end well.

Spike summoned what little strength he had left and pulled himself away from Pinkie; gasping for air. “Air, sweet sweet air.” he gasped.

“SPIKE!” Cadence yelled in shock; catching his attention.

“What?! What is it!” Spike soon felt his hand on something unbelievably soft. Slowly turning his head, he saw that his hand was right on top of Pinkie’s left breast. Fear started creeping up inside him as his gaze went up to her face. Pinkie stared at him with lidded eyes. “Feels good doesn’t it.” she said seductively. Spike quickly jerked his had away just as Cadence wrapped her arms around him.

“Be strong, Spike, don’t give in.” she said as she held him tight. Both Cadence and Spike braced themselves for Spike to lose it, but nothing happened.

“Yep, I noticed it too.” Pinkie giggled. “Maybe it’s because the water’s too cold.” Pinkie moved closer to Spike and grabbed his hands. “Only, one way to find out.” Pinkie placed Spike’s hands onto her breasts and forced him to grope her; stunning Cadence. Spike was frozen stiff as he felt the softness of Pinkie’s large pillows. “Mmmm.” Pinkie moaned as she closed her eyes and gently bit her bottom lip. “Feels good.”

“Okay, Pinkie we get it.” Cadence said as she pulled Spike’s hands away. Spike was kinda disappointed that Cadence ended it so soon. It felt nice that he wasn’t losing control like he’d normally would. It took him back to before his cycle started, when both he and Pinkie were in her room after she and Dizzy “broke up” and he comforted her. As Pinkie laid on top of him when she cried, Spike secretly wanted to rub his hands all over her voluptuous body; especially her booty. However, he refused to take advantage of her like that. She was heartbroken and vulnerable, just wouldn’t be right.

“Spike? SPIKE!” yelled Cadence; snapping him out of this thoughts.

“Huh, what?” he asked.

“I said we’re heading back.” she said. “Let’s go.”

Pinkie moved closer to Spike with those same lidded eyes as before. “You were thinking dirty weren’t you?” she teased; causing Spike to freeze up. Unable to stop her giggling, Pinkie swam away. Spike knew that the only reason Pinkie was teasing him was because the cold water didn’t allow it. It would be a different story once he got back on land. In fact, he was kinda hoping his urges would take over once he got back; if only to get back at Pinkie for the teasing.


Celestia had a blank look on her face after Twilight finished telling her about the mark Spike gave her. It was surreal to think that right now, in this moment in time, Celestia was no longer Spike’s adoptive mother, instead, she was now Spike’s mate; his lover if you will. So many thoughts ran through her head right now. “Oh my goodness, what would Luna think?” she thought. “Or to be more accurate, what would she do?” Celestia started to sweat, and it wasn’t from the heat. Just thinking about what Luna’s reaction might be once she finds out caused her to slightly panic. If Luna found out that she crossed the forbidden line no parent should ever cross, she’d most likely grab the moon out of the sky and beat her with it.

Celestia was so deep in thought that she failed to notice Twilight calling her. It wasn’t until a dark shadow loomed over her that she pulled from her thoughts. Slowly looking up, Celestia saw her sister staring down at her; gritting her teeth in anger.

“Is....that....what I think it is?” she asked.

“What are you......” Celestia started to asked, but then quickly discovered that her sister was looking right at her shoulder.

“You didn’t!” Luna growled as a dark blue aura began to surround her body. Celestia quickly placed her hand on her shoulder in a failed attempt to cover her mark.

“L-Luna, I can e-explain.” she said with fear building up. She glanced over at Twilight for some kind of support, but the Princess of Friendship was just as scared as she was.


“Hey, what’s going on here?” came a voice. Spike had unknowingly saved Celestia’s life once he spoke up. Luna hid her anger as she faced her dragon nephew; her dark blue aura disappearing as soon as it appeared. Pinkie Pie and Cadence walked up behind him with Pinkie dropping a towel over his head.

“Where’s Dizzy?” asked Twilight.

“Oh, he went to get something to eat.” Pinkie explained before her stomach started growling; causing her to giggle. “Looks like I should do the same thing.”

“Maybe we all should.” Twilight suggested as she stood up.

“Good idea.” Celestia added. As Celestia stood up, Luna quickly grabbed her arm forbidding her from leaving.

“Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, why don’t the three of you go on ahead.” Luna suggested; slightly twisting her sister’s arm. “I need to have a serious talk with Cadence and my sister.” Grabbing Cadence by the arm, Luna stormed off with the two alicorns; Celestia looking back, whispering for them to save her.

“I wonder what that was all about?” Spike asked.

“Oh, never mind that, let’s get something to eat, i’m hungry.” Pinkie said; rubbing her stomach.


Gravel sat at a bench slowly eating his nachos while Sentinel sat across from him ogling random mares who were standing in line at one of the shops. “Whoa, look at the ass on that one.” he said.

“Dude, focus.” Gravel said; snapping his fingers.

“What?” Sentinel whined.

“I said, we’re gonna be facing a team of 17 ponies tomorrow.” he explained.

Sentinel simply shrugged it off. “So. Remember last year, when we beat that team of 50 ponies?”

“And barely left with the title?” Gravel answered. “Look, what i’m saying is, if we plan on keeping our title, then have to be prepared.”

“Well, what do we know about them?” Sentinel asked.

“Not much, from what the judges told me earlier, they’re from a small town called Ponyville. Besides that, nothing.” Gravel explained.

“So they’re towns ponies huh?” Sentinel chuckled. “They’re probably not all that athletic.Talk about an easy win.”

“Ever heard of “never underestimate your opponent”? Gravel warned. “Your cocky attitude will be the end of you.”

Sentinel brushed off that comment as his gaze turned to a bunch sexily figured mares. “Hello, gorgeous.” Gravel groaned as he went back to eating his food.


Not far from them, Twilight and Pinkie sat down at a nearby bench while Spike and Dizzy stood in line to order. Twilight revealed to Pinkie that Spike had marked both her and Celestia. The pinkie earth pony was only seconds away from exploding after hearing the news, but in a rare case of strength, she held herself back. It was okay though, later on tonight she’ll just take it out all her pent up excitement on Dizzy. Poor bastard.

“But you know, i’m kinda worried.” Twilight said. “I don’t think i’m helping Spike at all.”

“How come?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, remember yesterday......after t-the three of know.” Twilight started to blush. “Spike looked as if he didn’t realize what he’d done.”

The smile on Pinkie’s face slowly disappeared. “Y-yeah, I realized that too. Earlier, Spike apologized to me for what happened yesterday. He thought he’d forced himself on me.”

There was a small bit of silence between the mares before Pinkie spoke up again. “Oh yeah, I remember now. While we were in the water, there were moments where Spike could have lost control, but didn’t.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“I mean, water was so cold that that’s all Spike could focus on.” she explained. “I even teased him a bit by forcing him to grab my boobies and nothing happened, well, aside from Spike blushing like a tomato.” Pinkie giggled as images of an embarrassed Spike came back to her. “So whenever Spike starts to loose it, all we have to do is dump ice cold water on top of him.”

Twilight was excited to hear the news that they now have a way of stopping Spike if he were to lose it and give into his urges. She was about to say something when both Spike and Dizzy returned with a tray of food from the stands. “Mmmm, looks good.” said Pinkie. As everypony started grabbing what they ordered, Pinkie noticed a mare at the stands waving at them. She soon held up a tray with four big cups in it. “Dizzy, it looks like you forgot our drinks.” she said pointing at the mare.

“Oops.” he said.

“I’ll get them.” Twilight suggested.

“Hold on, Twi, i’ll come too.” Pinkie said as she stood up. As both mares started making their way towards the stands, they soon caught the attention of Sentinel who watched them from afar.

“Holy shit, dude!” he said.

“What?! What is it?!” Gravel asked.

“Over there, it’s Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Sentinel pointed. “Oh, what I wouldn’t give to pound that.”

“Good luck with that.” Gravel said, rolling his eyes. “Doesn’t she have a coltfriend.”

“Dude, didn’t you hear? They broke up not that long ago and he went to prison for some reason. She’s alone and vulnerable; a perfect chance for me to swoop in and get all up in that.” Sentinel focused his gaze on Twilight’s jiggling breasts and ass as she walked. “I’m going in.”

“Sentinel wait!” Gravel called, but Sentinel was already gone.

After receiving their drinks, Twilight and Pinkie turned to leave only to be confronted by a certain red stallion. “Hey there.” he said with a smirk. “You must be Princess Twilight Sparkle, right?”

“Um, yes.” she answered.

“I’m Sentinel, you may not know this but I hold a very prestigious title here.” he said, smugly. “If you want, I could show you around. It’s not everyday a princess comes here.”

“Yeah, I can tell.” Twilight said as she noticed ponies staring at her. “Thanks, but no thanks, I think I can manage.” Twilight and Pinkie started to walk off, but Sentinel got in front of them.

“Why don’t you let me help with that.” he suggested.

“No thanks, I got it.” At this point, Twilight was starting to get a bit annoyed.

“Well, if you’re not doing anything, maybe later we can........” he started.

“Sorry, but i’m taken.” she said bluntly. Pinkie did her best to not bust out laughing while Sentinel just stood there in shock as the two mares walked passed him. He was rejected. For the first time in his life, a mare actually rejected him. In the past, it didn’t matter whether or not they were in a relationship or not, mares would easily be smitten with him. At this moment, his pride and ego were bruised. He slowly turned around to see Twilight taking a seat next to Spike.

“Him?!” he thought. “She’d rather be a dirty lizard than a stallion?!”

At that point, Gravel walked up to him. “I didn’t go well?” he half joked.

Sentinel stared daggers at his friend. “She rejected me. She rejected me for a dirty lizard. No mare rejects Sentinel Star!”

“Well, she just did.” Gravel responded.

“Shut up.” Sentinel said as he started to walk off. “Mark my words, before the summer games are over I WILL have Princess Twilight Sparkle, in my tent, moaning my name as I plow her. MARK! MY! WORDS!”

“Dude, seriously, you need to stop thinking with your dick.” Gravel thought as the two walked off.

Chapter 10

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“Wait, so you two actually met Sentinel?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Sure did.” Pinkie answered. “He sooo wanted Twilight. He was all “I hold a very prestigious title here” and Twilight straight up rejected him.”

“So he's a cocky one, huh, then this contest shroud relatively easy.” Rainbow said, rubbing her hands together.

The mares all laughed, except for Twilight. She had this uncomfortable feeling in her chest area ever since this morning. Last night, she had found a bit difficult to put on her bra and even more difficult earlier this morning with her bikini top. She knew it was time to go shopping for a bigger size. “Dammit Spike.” she thought as a small smile crept onto her face.

“Twilight, dear, is something the matter?” Rarity asked; snapping Twilight out of her thoughts.

“Huh, what?” she said.

“I asked if something was the matter.” Rarity said, with concern.

Twilight laughed a bit. “No nothing’s wrong, it’s just that......well......I think I need a new bikini top.” A slight blush formed on Twilight’s face as she peered down at her large chest.

“Whatever is wrong with it?” Rarity gasped. “I didn’t make it too small did I?”

“No, no, you didn’t.” Twilight reassured; her blush deepening. “It’s just......I think.....I’ve......gotten a bit bigger......if you know what I mean.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh Twilight, come on, i’m sure there’s a place where you can get a new bikini top somewhere.”

“Wait, we can’t just leave, what about the others?” she asked.

“Oh, they won’t miss us......especially Pinkie.” Rarity grabbed Twilight’s arm and the two started to walk off.


After about 45 minutes of walking down the market, Twilight and Rarity soon found themselves about to approach a small store that sold swimsuits. “I knew there was one here.” Rarity said. “Let’s go in.”

Before they could enter the place, they heard somepony calling out to them. “HEY, WAIT UP!” Looking in the direction the voice was coming from, Twilight and Rarity saw that it was Spike calling them.

“Spike, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“Oh nothing.” he answered with a nervous laugh; rubbing the back of his head. “It’s just that, I saw you girls walking and I just wanted to know where you were going that’s all.”

Both mares could tell that Spike was hiding something. “Alright Spike, what’s up?” Twilight asked. “And don’t try to hide anything.” Both she and Rarity smirked as they awaited Spike’s answer.

“ see.” he started; unable to fine the right words. “I don’t do know how to explain this but.......I feel this weird need to want to be next to you and Celest......uh, I mean mom for some reason.” Twilight and Rarity looked at each other then turned back to Spike. “I know it seems weird but......”

“It’s not weird Spike.” Twilight reassured; before giggling. "I'll explain it to you later."

“Alright, I guess." he answered; unsure of what she was talking about. "So where were you going?”

“Well I kinda need a new bikini top.” she admitted with a slight blush.

“What’s wrong with the one you have on?” he wandered.

“ well......”

“There was a small accident and one of the straps broke.” Rarity jumped in. “I’d fix it myself, but unfortunately I left everything back in ponyville.”

“Oh.” he said.

“Can you give us a moment, Spike?” Rarity asked as she grabbed Twilight. “If Spike comes with us, it could possibly trigger him.”

“I know that, but I have an idea though.” Twilight said as her hands glowed; conjuring up a white bandana. Turning back to Spike, she revealed it to him. “If you’re coming with us Spike, then you’re gonna have to wear this.

Twilight turned Spike around then wrapped the bandana around his head; covering his eyes. “Can’t have you having an accident, can we?”

Understanding what she meant, Spike simply nodded. With that, the three of them entered the shop.


Gravel met up with the rest of the crew by a rock area just off the beach. Moonstone, a brown earth pony stallion with yellow mane and tail. Aquamarine, or Aqua for short, a blue earth pony mare with baby blue mane and tail. Tsunami Wave, or Nami for short, a baby blue earth pony mare with three different shades of blue on her mane and tail. Swift, a yellow pegasus stallion with a blue mane and tail, and finally Ebony, a dark gray earth pony stallion with a black mane and tail whose physique could rival Big Mac’s. The six of them were discussing what to focus on at the games tomorrow.

“So we’re going up against a group of ponies from a town call Ponyville, huh?” asked Aqua. “This should be easy.”

“You’re starting to sound like Sentinel.” Gravel said.

“Speaking of which, Sentinel looked pissed when I saw earlier. Any idea on what happened?” asked Shocker.

“He got rejected.” Gravel answered. Loud laughter came from both Aqua and Nami. To hear that their leader, Sentinel, finally got rejected was just too good.

“W-who was it?” Nami asked, trying to catch her breath.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Gravel answered. Both mares exploded with even more laughter, this time Shocker and Ebony chimed in as well. Sure, Sentinel could get any mare he wanted, but the thought of him trying to get with one of the princesses of the Equestria and being rejected by her was beyond hilarious. Their laughter went on for several minutes before finally coming to a stop.

“You guys all done?” Gravel asked.

“Yeah.....yeah, we are.” Aqua answered. “ many of them are there?”

“17.” he answered.

“So, it’s a 17 pony team this time, huh?” said Ebony. “They must not know what we did to the 50 pony team last year.”

“We barely won that one remember?” Gravel reminded.

“But thanks to Aqua, we won.” Ebony replied. “We still own this beach.”

“And if we want to remain that, then Aqua may have to use her feminine wiles on all the stallions.” Gravel explained. “Aqua, you know I don’t like it when you degrade yourself but......”

“Don’t worry about it.” she chuckled. “Besides, how do you think we’ve remained “Masters of the Beach” for five years? Not my fault most stallions think with their dicks.”

“You mean like Sentinel?” said Swift. Swift’s comment caused another wave of laughter from the group. Sentinel, who wasn’t far from them, listened in on their conversation. He wasn’t amused.

“I don’t think with my dick.” he mumbled. At that point, a light pink mare in a rainbow colored bikini walked passed him; giving him a “come hither” look. “Hello, sexy.” he said as he followed after her.


Spike was sitting down blindfolded on a chair for what felt like hours while Twilight and Rarity searched throughout the store. He couldn’t help but feel slightly humiliated as he heard the soft giggles from mares who walked passed him. He wanted to take the bandana off, but he also knew that if he did then his urges could be set off by whatever was in front of him. He was in a bikini shop after all, so the possibility of seeing half naked mares was all too high.

“How about this one?” Rarity suggested; holding up a white bikini top with dark pink polka dots all over it.

“That looks more for Pinkie than me.” Twilight said with a giggle. The two mares shared a quick laugh before Twilight found a plain yellow top with a matching bottom; similar to the dress Rarity made for her on her birthday years ago. Her eyes lit up while Rarity simply raised an eyebrow at Twilight’s choice. It was just; nothing special about it whatsoever, but maybe that’s was why Twilight liked it so much. Upon further examination, Twilight saw that it was big enough to support her bust line and that she didn’t have to worry about it being too uncomfortable. That is until she and Spike go at it again and he fondles her like no tomorrow. Just thinking about Spike’s hands groping her caused Twilight to blush and giggle a bit. Part of her wanted to sneak him into the changing room for a quickie, but knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. Not because she feared getting caught, but because Spike can’t do quickies. In his state, the two of them will most likely go at for hours on end before he either gets tired or somepony catches them.

“W-what am I thinking?” she thought as her face turned red. “I’m becoming just as bad Spike.”

“Twilight? Twilight!” Rarity called; snapping her fingers in Twilight’s face.

“Huh, what?” she said; coming out of her trance.

“You’re face is red, darling, what in Equestria are you thinking about? Rarity asked.

“Nothing.” Twilight answered quickly then hurried off to pay for her swimsuit. Rarity couldn’t help but giggle at Twilight’s nervousness as she stood in line. With nothing else to do, the fashionista decided to take a seat next to Spike.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked.

“Huh, who’s there?” Spike answered; obviously joking. The two of them sat there for a while until Spike spoke up. “How long do I have to wear this?”

“Not long, Spikey.” she answered. “Twilight’s making her purchase right now. Though why she chose a plain yellow one is far beyond me.”

“Well, that’s Twilight for ya. She likes things plain and simple.” Spike chuckled.

Speaking of Twilight, she’d just finished purchasing her new bikini then was led to one of the changing rooms in the back. Inside, she began removing what she had on; feeling the pressure on her breasts fade away as her top came off. Now fully naked, Twilight started putting her new yellow bikini; which was more comfortable than the previous. However, while putting on the bottom half, Twilight started hearing whispering from the portable next to hers. It sounded like a mare and a stallion. She paid no attention to it until she started hearing soft panting coming from the mare. Curiosity got the better of her, and by standing on the bench next to her, she peered over the edge and saw a cream white mare up against the wall while her orange coltfriend started thrusting against her at a fast pace. He lifted up her right leg which allowed him to plunge even deeper into her. The mare squeezed her eyes shut and bit her bottom lip as a fresh wave of pleasure washed over her.

“K-keep it down will ya.” the stallion panted

“I’m s-s-sorry........ooooooh........I can’t help it........oh Celestia, y-you’re so deep.” she moaned.

Twilight, with eyes widen, could feeling herself becoming moist between her legs as she watched the couple. Try as she might, she couldn’t take her eyes off them. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

“I....i’m gonna cum.” the mare moaned.

“Y-yeah, m-me t-too.” the stallion panted.

“I-inside me........pleeeeeeeese.” The mare’s orgasm hit her right then and there with the stallion not far behind. The couple’s heavy breathing filled the area as Twilight quickly got down and sat on the bench. At this point, she was really turned on and couldn’t help but touch herself for a bit; images of the couple replaying over and over in her head. The couple was soon replaced with herself and Spike, with Spike holding her up against the wall while plowing into her. Twilight managed to shake those thoughts out of her head and stand up. Still feeling horny, Twilight managed to quickly put on her bikini top, walk out of the changing area, and head to the front of the store where Spike and Rarity were waiting. Rarity could clearly see that something was up with Twilight.

“R-Rarity, I need to talk with Spike for a while.” she said.

“Why, what's wrong?” she asked. Twilight didn’t answered, instead she grabbed Spike and teleported away; leaving Rarity confused. A few seconds later, the couple from before walked past Rarity. By they way they looked, the fashionista easily put two and two together. With a red face, she rushed out the store.


Luna panted hard after screaming at Celestia. Cadence had never seen her aunt so pissed off before; neither had Celestia. “Luna, calm down.” she said.

“Calm down?” Luna said before losing it. “I’M COMPLETELY CALM! I’M NOT THE ONE BANGING MY OWN SON!”

“Luna, I told you already, Spike was suffering.” she explained. “I thought that if I did it, then maybe it wouldn’t be as bad for him. Whenever he holds back, his urges just builds up inside of him. What if it gets to the point where it’s too much for him and he explodes?”

“Celestia, did you even consider what the other ponies would think?” asked Cadence.

“I did, and I don’t care.” Celestia answered with determination. “Spike needs help, and if this is the only way to help him, then so be it.”

“But he marked you as his mate.” Cadence replied. “That means the two of you are bound together.”

“Better that than have Spike get with any random mare that'll break his heart all over again.” Celestia argued.

Luna placed her hand over her forehead. “First Twilight, and now you. Who's next, Pinkie Pie?!”


The sun had started to go down and everypony were packing up their things. Most of them were talking about how excited they were that the beach games were tomorrow. They even speculated that Sentinel and his crew were done for; that their reign at the top was finally coming to an end. As the group got together, Pinkie Pie noticed that Twilight and Spike weren’t back yet. Rarity had told them that they’d left to find Twilight a new bikini top but that was over three hours ago. Right when Pinkie and Starlight were about to go looking for them, both Twilight and Spike had returned; with Twilight’s mane all messed up as if a tornado ran through it and both her and Spike’s faces were all lit up.

“What in Equestria happened to you two?” asked Starlight.

“Nothing!” they both said in unison.

“Alright ponies, lets’s head back.” Blueblood said before Starlight could press the issue further. Grabbing their things the group, started to head back to the hotel. While walking, Rarity managed to get closer to Twilight, who was latched onto Spike’s arm.

“So, had fun?” she whispered slyly.

Twilight’s face turned red. “I.....I.....”

“It was that couple, wasn’t it?” Rarity asked. "You saw them and it turned you on."

Twilight nodded while her friend squealed in delight. “Oh, how scandalous.” Twilight now had to hear Rarity’s teasing all the way back to the hotel while Spike’s attention was on something else......Celestia, Pinkie, and Fluttershy's jiggling butts in front of him. He could feel his urges started to build up again, but with the help of the will power he managed to summon, he fought them off. This didn't stop Celestia from glancing behind catching Spike staring at her. She couldn't help but feel flattered as released a small giggle as a slight blush appeared on her face. She decided to tease him a little by adding a little sway in her hips as she walked. Spike swallowed hard as he realized this was gonna be a long walk back to the hotel.

"Sompony give me strength." he thought.

Chapter 11

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Around 7:20pm, as Spike laid in bed; the events of today replaying in his head. The only thing he remembers is being teleported somewhere, having the bandana ripped from his face, and seeing a naked Twilight standing right before him. After that everything went black. When he came too, she was putting on her new yellow bikini while he was laying there naked.


“I wonder who that is?” he thought.

Spike sat up at the sound of somepony banging at his door. He got up, and went over and answered it. Once he did, a blur ran past him and hid under the bed. “W-what the?” Spike went over to his and looked under it. The blur was revealed to be Dizzy.

“Dude, what’s going on?” he asked.

“It’s Pinkie! She and Rarity got into an argument and now she trying to take it out on me!” he explained. “She’s gonna fuck me to death!”

“Isn’t that every stallion’s dream, though? To be banged to death by a hot sexy mare?” Spike joked.

“WE SAY THAT, BUT WE DON’T MEAN IT!” Dizzy yelled; unamused by Spike’s teasing. “I love Pinkie, but I also love having a dick. You gotta help me!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll see if I can talk to her.” Spike sighed.

“No, not just talk to her, calm her down!” Dizzy said.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” Spike asked.

“How do you think, I need you to take my place tonight!” he answered. “Bang Pinkie in my place!”

“Wait WHAT?!” Spike yelled as Dizzy came from under the bed. “I can’t do that, Pinkie’s your marefriend.”

“Dude please, i’m begging you here, be a dude-bro for me.” Dizzy pleaded. “If Pinkie gets her hands on me, I don’t think i’ll survive.”



“Oh sweet Celestia, she found me.” Dizzy said while moving to hide under the bed. “Dude please, do this one thing for me.”

“But I.....I......” Spike stammered.

“Forget about your damn dragon honor, or dragon code, or whatever the Tartarus it’s called and do this one thing for me!” Dizzy said in frustration. “You have a healing factor, I don't. You’ll heal from this, I'll die from it!”

Spike could see the desperation in his eyes and Pinkie banging on the door wasn’t helping at all. With a deep breath, Spike stood up and went to the door. He opened it up and there was Pinkie; staring him down. “Hey Pinkie.” he said.

“Where’s Dizzy, I need him.” she stated.

Spike looked at his bed, then looked back at Pinkie. “Dammit.” he thought. “Dizzy’s not here. I mean he was, but he left.”

“He’s probably hiding, but i’ll find him.” Pinkie said as she went to leave, but Spike grabbed her arm.

“H-hold Pinkie, t-there’s something I want to talk to you about. Got a minute?” Spike said as he walked out the door. Dizzy could rest easy now knowing the Spike was going to take his place for tonight.


“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Pinkie asked as both she and Spike entered her room.

“’s about......Rarity.” he answered; shutting the door behind him. Even though her back was facing him, Spike could tell that Pinkie was pissed. Spike knew there was some animosity between the two mares, but had no idea what it was or what caused it. All he knew, was that there was a "disagreement" between them, or at least, that’s what they always tell him. Well enough is enough, he was going to find out what happened between his friends and maybe figure out how to make things right between them.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Pinkie said sternly.

“Well I do.” Spike replied. “Ever since we got here, your attitude towards Rarity had become abundantly clear that whatever happened between you two, wasn’t just some small disagreement. It was much more than that.”

“Drop it, Spike.” Pinkie warned.

“No.” he said. “You think I like watching my two closest friends fight?”

“Spike, please, just drop it.” Pinkie said; her voice raising a bit. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Pinkie.” he said; grabbing her and spinning her around to face him. “Tell me what happened.” Looking at Pinkie’s face, Spike could see pain, heartache, and betrayal. The same expressions she wore when Dizzy broke her heart. Tears flowing down her face nonstop as she gritted her teeth in anger.

“I. Said. NO!” she yelled. Pinkie used all of her strength to push Spike away and into the door; the handle jabbing him in the back. Spike yelped in pain then fell to the floor; gritting his teeth as pain flowed throughout his body. Pinkie, realizing what she’d done, gasped loudly. “Oh sweet Celestia, Spike, i’m so sorry!” She went to his side and helped him up, bringing him to the bed. “I’m sorry, Spike, I didn’t mean it. I really didn’t mean it!” Holding Spike close, Pinkie couldn’t believe what she’d done. She took her anger out on Spike and hurt him. Filled with regret, all she could do was hold him and cry her eyes out. Spike wrapped his arms around her and slowly rocked her back and forth; reassuring her that it was nothing and that he was okay.

After a few minutes of crying, Pinkie managed to calm down. “Pinkie, please, talk to me.” Spike said.

Pinkie knew that if she’d told him what happened between her and Rarity, then she’d have to reveal what she and the others did at the Summer Sun Celebration. Spike wasn’t going to let this topic go, so she figured she might as well tell him, no matter how much she didn’t want to. “S-she b-broke it.” she said softly

“Broke what?” he asked.

“M-my party cannon.” Pinkie answered. “Rarity, broke my party cannon.”

Spike gasped in shock while Pinkie clung to him. “W-what? How?!”

“W-we were fighting...... “her”. she explained.

“Who’s her?” Spike asked. He could Pinkie’s grip getting tighter.

“Amethyst.” she said in a low voice.

“What?” he asked.

“Amethyst!” she said louder. “After you left, we attacked that bitch for what she did to you! She deserved every single scar and bruise she’d gotten, but Rarity didn’t have to grab my cannon and brake it over her back! She could have just fired it into her face!”

“Pinkie.” he tried to speak,

“It was my cannon, Spike, MY! CANNON! It was the most important thing to me, and she just broke it as if it was nothing!” Burying her face in Spike’s neck, Pinkie started sobbing again leaving Spike to wonder why nopony told him about Amethyst; so realizing that the reason for her coming to apologize to him was because they fought her.


“So why did you call us all here?” Rainbow asked as everypony was getting settled into Cadence’s room.

“I wanted to talk to you all about Spike.” Cadence explained. “Twilight already knows this, but earlier, Pinkie and myself may have found a solution to our “Spike problem”. It’s cold water.”

“Cold water?” asked Celestia.

“While we were playing, there have been multiple chances for Spike’s urged to take over, but because of the cold water, nothing happened. Pinkie even went so far as to purposefully tease Spike, and nothing happen.” Cadence explained.

“So what you’re saying is that, all we have to do is dump cold water on him and he’ll snap back to normal.” Rarity asked.

“Yes.” Cadence answered.

“It won’t last.” Celestia chimed in. “If a dragon’s estrus cycle is anything like a pony’s, then it can’t be stopped, only suppressed.”

“That maybe so, but at least it’ll stop Spike from claiming any other mares.” said Luna. “Two is enough.” She turned her gaze to both, Twilight and her sister with Celestia rolling her eyes and turning her head away.

“Anyway girls, just make sure that if something happens and you think Spike is about to lose it, get him to an area with cold water.” said Cadence.

“Got it.” everypony said.

“Good. Now with that out of the way, I have here a list of the games we’re gonna be playing tomorrow. Best have a plan set up.” Cadence said as all the mare gathered around. The group soon began plan out who was gonna be assigned to what as they went down the list.


20 minutes passed before Pinkie finally stopped crying; only her loud sniffles filled the room. “You feeling better?” Spike asked.

“Y-yeah, a bit.” she sniffed; wiping her eyes.

“Pinkie?” Spike spoke up. “Did you guys really attack Amethyst?”

Pinkie was uncharacteristically quiet before she nodded; telling Spike all that he needed to know.

“That explains why she came to visit me at the hospital.” he said; catching Pinkie’s attention.

“She WHAT!” she screamed. “Who let her near you?! What did she want?!”

“Whoa, Pinkie calm down.” Spike said surprised at her sudden burst of energy. “She tried to apologize fro what she did and.........”

“You didn’t accept, did you?” Pinkie asked; almost interrogating him.

“No, I didn’t.” Spike answered. “I told her to go away.” There was a brief silence between the two of them before Spike spoke up again. “Why didn’t you guys tell me you confronted Amethyst?”

“B-because we knew you would’ve disapproved of what we’d done.” she answered. “We knew that you would’ve told us that it wasn’t worth it, but it was worth it. You’re worth it. I only wish we’d finished the job.”

“Pinkie.” Spike said softly.

“She deserved it, and them some.” Pinkie argued. “And if I could, I'd go to the Dragon Kingdom and give it to her again and again until she either couldn’t move or drop dead.” Spike softly smiled at that last statement. It warmed his heart to know how much his friends truly cared about him. Pinkie unwrapped her arms from Spike and turned towards the door.

“What's wrong?” Spike asked.

“Its DIzzy.” Pinkie said as she stood up. “I gotta find him.”

“Hold on, Pinkie.” Spike said as he grabbed her arm. “Why are you looking for him anyway?” Spike was unsure why he asked that question. He knew why she wanted him. The whole reason he’s here with her is because of the poor stallion. Pinkie turned her head away from Spike as her face turned red.

“After getting into it with Rarity, I need.....a stress reliever.” she said.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” Spike said. “You’re gonna kill him.”

“No i’m not. Dizzy's stronger than he looks.” she said as she looked back at Spike.

“Pinkie, have you not seen what he looks like after the fact.” Spike said standing up. “It’s like he gets closer to death each time. It’s as if he’s reliving Black Week over and over again.”

“Well, what do you want me to do with all this stress and frustration?” Pinkie argued.

“I........” Spike quickly stopped himself from suggesting that he’d be the one to do it; quickly realizing that he wouldn't be able to stop himself if they went that far. Spike started to wonder how they even got to this point. First they were talking about what happened between Pinkie and Rarity, then it switched to Amethyst, and now the subject changed to whether he should let her go and have Dizzy or bang his friend’s mare. Yeah, Spike was given permission to do so, but he could help but feel that it was wrong.

“Spike?” Pinkie said; catching his attention. “If you don’t have an answer, then i’m going.”

As Pinkie turned to leave, Spike grabbed her arm again. “Pinkie, wait.” Spike pulled Pinkie back towards him, however in doing so, Pinkie lost her footing and fell forward against him. The two of them fell backwards onto the bed with Pinkie now laying on top of the dragon. Slowly raising up, Pinkie unknowingly gave Spike a perfect view of her F cup cleavage. He could clearly see that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and that caused his urges to begin to flare up.

“Sorry Spike, I........*gasp*........SPIKE!” Pinkie noticed that Spike’s eyes were starting to glow as he watched her large chest. Gritting his teeth, Spike tried to stay in control, but was quickly losing the fight.

“Oh no, Spike, hold on I know what can help!” Pinkie tried to get up, but Spike grabbed her and pulled her back on top of him with a soft growl. Her eyes widen as she felt Spike’s hands slip into her short shorts and grope her thick butt. The feeling of it’s softness caused Spike to let out a small growl and force Pinkie to grind against him. “Spike, no.” she said softly. “Snap out of it.” Spike responded by releasing another growl and removing his hands. Pinkie sighed; thinking that she got through to him, but that wasn’t the case. In one swift move, Spike flipped the two of them over so that he was on top of her. Grinding into her hard, Spike grabbed both her breasts and squeezed them hard; threatening to rip her tank top as he moved in to lick her neck. “Please.” she whispered as she felt his hot breath on her neck. Suddenly, Spike grunted as he gritted his teeth. Moving off Pinkie, Spike grabbed his head and thrashed around on the bed before falling onto the floor. “Spike!” Pinkie said in shock.

“P-P-Pinkie.” Spike said in a deep growl. It was clear to her that Spike was trying to regain control of himself and he did whatever he could to maintain control; which meant self harm. Spike started to scratch and punch himself to keep from forcing himself onto Pinkie; much to her horror.

“Spike stop!” she yelled. He didn’t stop. Spike got up and slammed his head against the wall; which proved to be ineffective. Pinkie’s heart broke as she saw the great lengths Spike put himself through in order to not hurt her. She wanted to leave to get help, but didn’t want to leave Spike alone. She hated this, she hated seeing Spike suffer like this. Unable to take it anymore, she went over to him and hugged him from behind. “Spike! It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“P-P-Pinkie.” he struggled to say. “S-S-Spike.......w-want!”

“Spike.” she said softly; knowing he couldn’t hold on anymore. “Come on, let’s get you to the bathroom.” Grabbing his arm, Pinkie helped him up and brought him to the bathroom where she quickly opened the shower curtin. Her plan was to splash Spike with cold water in order to snap him back to normal. As Pinkie bent over to grab the faucet handle, Spike got another look at her thick booty. Unable to take any more, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him. Pinkie shrieked as she felt Spike’s hands roaming over her breasts while grinding against her. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip; stifling a moan. A loud gasp escaped her mouth as one of Spike’s hands traveled inside her shorts and started rubbing her pussy. Spike moved to sit on the edge of the tub with Pinkie in his lap and continued to pleasure her by sticking two fingers inside of her and slowly but surely, move them in and out.

Pinkie couldn’t help but moan out loud as she squirmed in Spike’s lap. Pinkie grabbed and squeezed her own breasts as she moved her hips to meet Spike’s thrusting fingers. Spike released a soft growl as he ran his tongue across Pinkie’s right shoulder. “Oooooh, it feels so good.” Pinkie thought as she felt Spike’s hot breath on her neck. “H-he’s gonna make me cum.”

Pinkie could feel it building up inside of her; a powerful release was just beyond the horizon. However, in a moment of clarity, she realized that this couldn’t go on. Slowly but surly she somehow managed to inch the two of them closer towards the faucet handle. Feeling that she was trying to get away from him, Spike plunged his fingers deeper into her; causing her to moan out loud and lean backwards. The two of them fell into the tub with Pinkie trying desperately to grab onto something. Her heavy panting and loud moaning filled the bathroom as she managed to sit upright. Spike didn’t let up on his assault. He grabbed Pinkie’s top with his free hand and pulled it over her head; her F cup breasts jiggling free as he did so. Pinkie, now topless, inched closer and closer to the faucet and placed her hand on it, but not before realizing that she coming close to the end. “Spike, Spike! I’m cumming!” she yelled. Spike growled as he felt her inner walls squeeze his fingers. “I’m cumming, i’m cumming, i’m cumming, I’M CUMMING!” Pinkie quickly turned the handle as a powerful orgasm hit her hard. Cold water from the shower head hit the two of them; causing Spike to yell out in shock as he reverted back to normal. Pinkie’s body shook violently as her juices poured out of her. Once Spike fully regained his senses, he looked down to see Pinkie twitching in his lap with his hand inside her shorts.

“GAH!” Spike yelled as he removed his hand. “Pinkie?! Pinkie! W-what happened?!”

“Best. Orgasm. Ever.” she muttered before she passed out.


In the early morning, Pinkie slowly awoke to the sun beams shining in her room; the memories of last night suddenly replaying in her mind. Sitting up, she looked around the room for any sign of Spike and found none. “Spike?” she called out, but received no answer. Getting out of bed, Pinkie made her way to the bathroom, only to discover it was locked. “Spike, you in there?”

“DON’T COME IN!” he yelled.

“Spike, what’s wrong?” she asked. “Is it about what happened last night?”

“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” he yelled.

“Spike, you know I can just pick the lock so you might as well open the door and talk to me.” she said. There was a brief period of silence between the two of them before Pinkie heard the door being unlocked. Once it opened, she saw Spike soaking wet wearing only his shorts while holding his head down; the look of shame written all over his face. “Spike, what’s the matter?”

Spike looked up to face her but quickly turned his head away once he saw that she was topless.

“Spike, talk to me.” she pleaded, not caring that her breasts were exposed. There was another period of silence between the two of them before Spike spoke up again.

“I......I did it again, didn’t I?” he asked.

“Did what?” Pinkie raised an eyebrow.

“I lost control and forced myself on you, didn’t I?” he said. Pinkie noticed that his body was trembling, and it wasn’t from the cold water.

“I......w-well......kind of.” she admitted. Spike’s body started trembling even more. His fears were now confirmed. He lost control and forced himself on Pinkie. He’d hurt one of his closest friends. Spike went to shut himself in the bathroom, but Pinkie stopped the door from being closed. There was a brief struggle with the door before Spike slipped on the wet floor and fell backwards. With nothing to push up against, Pinkie fell forward and landed right on top of Spike. It was deja vu for her seeing as how this was how it started last night. “Spike!” she said in shock; out of fear that Spike was hurt. Looking down, Pinkie saw that Spike’s head was right between her breasts and that to her surprise, he didn’t lose control.

“Are you okay?” she asked as she removed his head from her large bosom.

“Y-yeah.” he said with a blush as he look away from her. “T-this was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come here.”

“Spike.” she said softly.

“I’m a ticking time bomb.” he said. “It gets harder and harder for me to control myself every time I start to loose it.”

“Well whenever you do, we’ll just dump cold water on you.” Pinkie said jokingly; trying to lighten up the situation. This caused Spike to turn his head and stare her in the eyes. A look of seriousness and fear displayed on his face.

“And what if that doesn’t work next time?!” he said. “What if I lose it completely and go after some random mare?! It’s bad enough that I can’t remember what happens after I black out, the last thing I need is to worry about whether or not I may or may not have ra......” Pinkie silenced Spike with a small peck on the forehead. Moving to a sitting position, she pulled Spike up into a an embrace; smashing her breasts against him once again.

“We’ll figure something out, okay.” she reassured him. “You don’t have to go through this alone.”

Pinkie’s reassuring worlds caused Spike to calm down a bit. After a few minutes of sitting there, both Spike and Pinkie got up and left the bathroom. The cold water he doused himself with combine with the cold air from the air conditioner, caused Spike to shiver. He felt as though he was in the middle of a blizzard; he was shivering that much. “S-so c-c-cold.” he struggled to say; earning a giggle from Pinkie.

“Let’s get dress and meet up with the others.” she suggested.


Sometime later, Spike and Pinkie left her room and walked down the hallway; Pinkie latched onto Spike’s arm smiling. "Thanks, Spike." she said. "For getting me to tell you about what happened. I feel as if a giant rainbow pie has been lifted off my shoulders."

"Does this mean you're gonna start talking to Rarity again?" he asked.

"I.......I don't know." she said as sadness started to take over. "I don't think i'm ready yet."

Spike sighed. "Okay, no need to rush it."

Pinkie giggled then squeezed his arm a bit tighter. "Thanks Spike." she said. "And on a side note, what happened last night, I enjoyed it. Maybe we can do it again sometime." It was obvious that Pinkie was teasing him again, so Spike played along.

"Sure, but only if you be a good girl and stop taking your frustrations out on Dizzy." he said. The two of the looked at each other and shared a laugh. Soon after, they saw Twilight leaving her room; holding a bag that contained her swimsuit and other things. “There you are, Spike.” she said. “I’ve been looking all over for you last night.”

“You have?” he asked.

“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about the beach games today.” she explained. “We already came up with a game plan. Come on, i’ll show you.” Twilight reached into her bag and pulled out the list that held all the game events and what order they were going to be played in; explaining to both Spike and Pinkie how they were gonna take the approach.

Chapter 12

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The group had gathered behind the stage; waiting to be announced. Each of them were given a blue shirt to represent their team color. As they waited for the advertisements to be over, Fluttershy noticed that two members of their group were missing. “Um, Luna?” she spoke up. “I don’t see Spike or Celestia.”

Overhearing Fluttershy’s words caused Twilight to quickly look away in embarrassment. She knew where they had snuck off too, and so did Luna. “I’ll go find them.” Luna growled as she left.

“Where’s Luna going?” asked Cadence.

“She went to find Celestia and Spike.” Fluttershy answered.

Cadence had no idea that Spike and Celestia weren’t with them, but soon remembered that before coming to the beach, Celestia alluded at wanting to spend some time with Spike before the games started. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks; causing her face to redden.

“What's wrong with you?” asked Blueblood; catching her off guard.

“Nothing.” she answered quickly; causing him to raise an eyebrow.


Spike had a confused look on his face as she both he and Celestia came from behind an old abandon shack. The Princess of Equestria had both arms locked around Spike’s arm with the biggest, cutest, smile on her face. Spike on the other hand, was soaking wet. First impressions was that Celestia dumped cold water on top of him. The last thing he remembered was that both he and Celestia were walking past the shack, Celestia called him, he turned to look at her, and then darkness.

“M-mom?” Spike said.

“Yes, dear?” she answered.

“D-did......did I.......” Spike started, but placed a finger over his lips.

“It’s okay, sweetie, no pony got hurt.” she reassured. Giggling uncontrollably, both Celestia and Spike continued their walk back to the others, but not before running into an annoyed Luna; standing in front of them with her arms crossed.

“Where have you two been?” she asked. “Wait, never mind, I don’t wanna know. Let’s just get back to the others already.” As the three of them walked, Luna continuously glanced over at her sister. She rolled her eyes and let out a small groan as she saw Celestia’s smile and heard her constant giggles. Celestia, seeing her sister’s aggravation, giggled a bit louder before speaking in a tone that only they could hear. “4 times.” she said.

“What?” asked Luna.

“You’re wondering how many times Spike and I did it, right? Well, we made love 4 times.” Celestia teased before gripping Spike’s arm a bit harder and giggling uncontrollably; causing Luna to groan once again.



Sentinel and his crew walked out on stage to mixed reactions from the crowd. Some cheered for them while others booed. They didn’t pay any attention to the ones who booed seeing as how they wanted to see the “poor saps” they’d be facing.


Sentinel and his crew were beyond shocked when they saw they saw not only Twilight Sparkle, but the other members of the royal family as well walk on stage, and they weren't the only ones who were. There were loud gasps from the crowd as well.


Over with Sentinel and his crew, Nami got in his face; borderline freaking out. “Why didn’t you say Princess Twilight was from Ponyville?!”

“How the Tartarus was I supposed to know?!” Sentinel responded.

“Guys calm down.” said a purple unicorn stallion with a golden mane and tail. “If we stick to Gravel’s plan, we got this.”

“Moonstone, it’s the ROYAL FUCKING FAMILY!” Nami yelled. “We got nothing!”

“Calm down, Nami.” said Aqua. “Once we I find the weakest link of their group, i’ll have him putty in my hands.”

“Aqua’s right.” said Sentinel. “It doesn’t matter of we’re going up against the royal family. We still got this.”




On their way to the first event, Sentinel and his crew confronted Moonstone. “So, hows the old timer?” Sentinel asked.

“Doctor said he should be up and about by tomorrow.” he answered. “Still no information on the stallion who did this to him, but when I find out who, i’ll kill him.”

“And i’ll be there right beside you.” Sentinel said; placing a hand on Moonstone’s shoulder. “Nopomy hurts a member of my crew and lives to tell about it.”

Aqua rolled her eyes at the scene before her. “Ugh, if you guys are done with the bromance, let’s get going.”


Everypony was gathered at the sight of the first event. In front of them was a mud pool with a balance beam standing over it. A couple of referees walked up to the scene to check and see if everything was set up right.


As the referees were getting into place, both teams conversed to determine who would be best suited to compete. After about two minutes, two members from each team stepped forward. On the red team it was Swift and Sentinel, while on the blue team it was Big Mac and Spike. Swift and Big Mac each grabbed a pugil stick, a weapon that was heavily padded on both ends, then got on top of the balance beam. “I hope you’re ready.” said Swift. “This is MY sport; let's see if you can handle it.”

Big Mac said nothing.

“What, nothing to say?” Swift continued. “I’m not surprised. I mean you’re looking at the 5 time champ over here. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t be talking much either.”

“IS EVERYPONY READY!” Hotspot announced.

“Sorry I have to do this to ya, bro.” Swift said as he readied his pugil. “Nothing personal.”

“SET!” Hotspot announced just as Big Mac readied his pugil. “GO!


It all happened so fast. Nopony caught on until after it was over. With one hard, quick swing, Big Mac hit swift in the face so hard, that his body flew of the beam and did a 6480 degree spin before landing face first in the mud. His body was non-responsive. Twirling the pugil onto his shoulder, Big Mac turned around and promptly walked away; his teammates and the crowd cheering on. Sentinel and his crew were shell shocked at what just transpired.

“Round 1 over! Point goes to the Blue Team!” announced the ref.

“Hey, Swift, get up!” Sentinel called, but Swift didn’t respond. Medical ponies came in with a stretcher, grabbed Swift’s body and took him away.

Sentinel gritted his teeth while balling his fists in anger. Not because his friend may or may not be dead, but because he lost in the most humiliating way possible. Grabbing his pugil, Sentinel made his way to the balance beam. Once on top, he looked over at Spike who was standing next to Twilight. An evil smirk soon appeared on Sentinel’s face. “If I can humiliate that lizard, then Princess Twilight will want nothing to do with him. If there’s one thing mares can’t stand, it’s losers. She’ll be all mine.” he thought

Spike made his way on top of the balance beam with Twilight and everypony else wishing him good luck. Taking a stance, he prepared to take on Sentinel.

“ROUND 2, READY.......SET.......GO!” announced Hotspot.

Sentinel started off with a hard swing to the right which Spike managed to dodge. Spike tried for a counter by aiming for Sentinel’s midsection, but he blocked by using the middle of the pugil stick. Sentinel countered by going on the offensive. Using both ends of the pugil stick, Sentinel battered Spike across his head; trying to knock him off. Spike barely had any time to block the oncoming attacks; let alone recover from any of them. With one strong strike to the midsection, Spike stumbled backwards; losing his balance a bit.

“You got him, Sentinel!” yelled Gravel.

“You’re done.” Sentinel said as he charged at Spike.

“SPIKE!” yelled Twilight and the girls.

As Sentinel went for one final swing, Spike managed to leap up and over the unicorn; landing behind him. Because of the momentum Sentinel put into his swing, his body turned all the way around until he was facing Spike. Acting quickly, Spike went on the offensive by delivering the same assault Sentinel gave him moments ago. Sentinel managed to block all incoming attacks and proceed to counter by swinging at Spike legs to which the dragon managed to jump over it. Spike blocked a swing to his head then when for one himself to which Sentinel blocked. The two of them didn't let up, even for a second. It seemed that neither one was gonna tire out, until Sentinel surprised Spike by using the pugil to uppercut him; sending him stumbling backwards. Then with one final swing to the head, Spike was knocked over into the mud pool.

“NO, SPIKE!” yelled Twilight.

“Round 2 over. Point goes to Red Team!” announced the ref.

Sentinel raised his pugil in triumph as his teammates cheered along with the crowd. Spike slowly crawled his way out of the mud pool and was soon confronted by everypony else. “S-sorry everypony.” he said.

“Don’t worry about it kid, you were great.” said Shining Armor.

“That was awesome, Spike!” said Rainbow Dash.

As Spike was receiving praises from his friends, Sentinel just stood there awestruck at what was in front of him. This wasn’t supposed to happen. The mares, especially Twilight, were supposed to be disgusted with him. Then he swoops in and bangs the ever loving shit out of them. He growled when none of what he wanted to happen, happened.


“Good luck, Big Mac.” Fluttershy said before giving him a peck on the cheek. He nodded and began to make his way back to the balance beam. He was now going to face off against Sentinel for the match. The two stallions stared each other down; both determined to take the win. Sentinel was a bit disappointed that he wasn’t going up against Spike again. He figured that if he humiliated him enough times then Twilight would see exactly how worthless he was and would want somepony better.

Somepony like him.

Yeah, he could see it now.

He pictured Twilight yelling and berating Spike for being so worthless while latching onto his arm. Spike was begging Twilight to stay with him, but she wasn’t having it. Both he and the princess soon left Spike alone; the broken hearted dragon could do nothing as Twilight left with her new lover. Sentinel then imagined both he and Twilight in bed at a love hotel; the two of them rumbling under the sheets with him on top of her, thrusting in and out at a fast pace. Twilight screaming and moaning his name over and over while her large busty DD cup breasts bounced with each movement. Every few seconds she would either tell him to go faster or harder, or tell him just how better he was than a dragon; which would be a huge stroke to his ego. Sentinel grinned stupidly at how everything would play out by the end of the games. He was so sure that by the end of it all, Twilight would be his. Sentinel was so deep in thought, that he failed to realize that the match had already started. The next thing he knew, he was hit in head with an object and soon found himself being launched into the air and coming down hard in the mud.

“Final Round, over! Winner of the match, The Blue Team!” said the ref.

As Big Mac walked off the balance beam, he was first confronted by Fluttershy who launched herself into his arms while everypony else surrounded him. On the other side, Sentinel’s team stood there in disbelief that their leader simply just stood there with a goofy smile on his face and did absolutely nothing before being getting his ass handed to him. “W-what the Tartarus what that?!” yelled Aqua.

“Sentinel, you dumbass.” said Gravel.



After the balance beam was removed, three of the referees walked on scene with a large rope. It was obvious that the next game was “Tug of War”, and seeing as how Swift was still knocked out from his match with Big Mac, it was going to be a 6 v 6 match instead of 7 v 7. It was decided that the ponies representing the Blue Team would be: Rainbow Dash, AppleJack, Starlight, Sunburst, Big Mac, and Blueblood.

“Good luck you guys!” Rarity said as they got into position.

Each team grabbed one end of the rope, and waited for the signal from the ref. They each gripped the rope tightly realizing that if they’d lose then they’d be pulled into the mud pool.

“Try to pay attention this time Sentinel.” said Gravel.

“I-it wasn’t my fault, the sun was in my eyes.” he said trying to come up with an excuse.

“Whatever, let’s just win this.” Gravel groaned in annoyance.

The referees got into position and Hotspot readied his megaphone. “IS EVERYPONY READY? SET! GO!”

Both teams pulled on the rope as hard as they could with Sentinel’s team managing to pull the others closer to the mud pool. “Come guys, PULL!” said Rainbow.

“What do you think we’re doing?!” said Blueblood. The group summoned up their strength and managed to pull Sentinel’s team closer to the mud pool. Not wanting to lose, they summoned up their inner strength and pulled Rainbow and the others back towards the pool. Both sides went back and forth, struggling to get the upper hand; using whatever strength they could muster up. The crowd cheered both sides on as the battle for dominance waged on.

“Ebony, are you even trying?!” yelled Aqua. “You’re the strongest one here!”

“Of course I am!” he answered. “It’s that red stallion over there! I can feel his strength through the ropes! It matches my own! Yes, I can feel it! A new rival has appeared!” Gripping the rope even tighter, Ebony pulled on it; bringing Rainbow and the others that much closer towards the mud pool. Big Mac answered by pulling back; almost causing Ebony to lose his footing.

“Yes! Yes! After all these years, A NEW RIVAL!” he yelled with excitement. With a loud yell, Ebony pulled on the rope bringing everypony towards him.

“NO NO NO!” yelled Rainbow as her feet came inched towards the mud.

“We almost got’em guys, PULL!” yelled Sentinel.

The struggle continued for another three minutes until the inevitable came to pass. Even with Big Mac’s strength, it wasn’t enough, and Rainbow and her team were all pulled into the mud pool.

“Game, set, Match! Winner, The Red Team!” announced the judge.

Sentinel and his crew celebrated their first win of the games while the crowd cheered with mixed reactions.

“Well that sucked.” said Blueblood as he and the others rose from the mud.

“It’s just our first lost, no big deal.” said Sunburst. Covered in mud, the group went back to the rest of their team while Ebony looked on.

“Till we meet again on the battlefield, new rival.” he thought.

Chapter 13

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After the first two matches, the teams were told that the third match would be in an hour. This was so the clean up crew could come in and get rid of the mud pool. While Spike and the others headed to the showers to clean off the mud, Pinkie and Dizzy went off on their own. The pair walked hand in hand along the beach; watching young ponies play with their parents and others taking a swim.

“Hey Pinkie, are you feeling okay?” Dizzy asked

“Sure, why do you ask?” she wondered.

“It’s just that.....last night with you and Rarity.......” he started.

“It’s okay.” she interrupted. “I talked about it with Spike. I’ll.....i’ll try to talk with her and settle things out.”

“That’s good. I can’t stand to see you so upset.” Dizzy sighed in relief. The two of them stopped walking with Pinkie looking Dizzy in the eyes. Her facial expression was one of sadness and remorse.

“Dizzy, i’m sorry.” she said. “Whenever I got upset at Rarity you’re the one I took it out on.”

Pinkie’s mane and tail deflated a little while tears started to form in her eyes. Dizzy gave her a warm smile and wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry.....I.....i’ll never.........” Dizzy silenced her by planting his lips against hers. Pinkie closed her eyes and melted into the kiss; wrapping her arms around his neck and releasing a soft moaning sound. The two pulled away from each other smiling before going back in for another kiss. After breaking away again, Pinkie buried her face into Dizzy’s neck. Dizzy held Pinkie close; enjoying the feeling of her luscious F cups against him. Pinkie soon pulled back from the hug and looked Dizzy in the face once again. “D-Dizzy, there’s something you need to know.” she said. “It’s about Spike.” Dizzy figured she was going to tell him that both she and Spike had sex last night; which was no surprise to him since he begged Spike to do so, but the look on her face said that she was going to tell him something else.


Just off the beach about a few feet away from the Sidewalk Market, was a no roof building with many cubic shower areas. It was a public shower so you didn’t have to get naked. Spike was washing off all of the mud he’d gotten when when he lost to Sentinel during first game. He was disappointed that he lost. He really wanted to get the win for the team. Even though they still won because of Big Mac, he still felt bad that he lost. Spike stood there letting the warm water run over him when he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck.

“GAH!” he yelped in surprise.

“Calm down Spike, it’s me.” came a female voice.

Spike instantly knew who it was. “T-Twilight! W-what are you doing in here?!”

“Shh, you don’t anypony to hear us do you?” she said teasing him. “I came to see how you’re doing and possibly cheer you up. You were pretty down about losing to Sentinel earlier.”

“So that was Sentinel?” he asked.

“Oh, that’s right, you’ve never met him.” Twilight realized. “Yeah, he’s a real piece of work. I think he wants me, but it’s not gonna happen, cause i’m already taken.” Turning Spike around to face her, Twilight wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck and brought him in for a kiss. Spike’s urges started to flare up and he began to lose control. Admittedly, Spike was kind of hoping to spend some time with Twilight again, but the downside was that he wouldn't remember doing any of it once everything goes black. It wasn’t just Twilight he wanted to be with. Parts of him was telling him to be near Celestia also. Spike wanted to be near the two of them for some reason. He understood why he wanted to be near Twilight, she was his first after all, but why Celestia? Maybe it’s because of all the doting she’s been giving lately. She has been known for being clingy towards him in the past, but never this much.

Spike broke away from Twilight’s kiss; breathing hard while trying to maintain control. Twilight herself let out a cute giggle once she saw Spike’s gaze travel downward to her round DD size breasts sitting comfortably within her yellow bikini top. “You wanna see them?” she asked seductively. Reaching behind her back, she undid the knot that held her top together; letting it fall to the ground. Spike’s eyes started glowing immediately as he placed his claws on Twilight’s shoulders and brought her underneath the warm running water. Bending down, Spike slowly ran his tongue over her right nipple; causing her to gasp before going over to the other one. She giggled as she felt Spike grab her lift nipple with his teeth and slowly tugged on it while his claws slowly roamed down her back and onto her round butt. After squeezing the cheeks for a while, Spike started to pull down her bikini bottom; which she held no protest against. Now standing fully naked, Spike pulled back from her breasts, lifted her left leg, and pushed her up against the wall with the shower head pouring on top of them. Twilight took this time to grab Spike’s shorts and pull them down just far enough to where his massive dragonhood poked free. Upon looking at the thick digit, Twilight bit her bottom lip as she waited for it to enter her once again. She shuttered as she felt it rub up against her pussy; slowly prodding it making her think it was going in when it wasn’t.

“S-stop teasing me Spike, pleeeeeeeeese.” she moaned.

Spike let out a soft growl before he finally pushed himself inside her. Twilight gasped as Spike slowly and deliberately pulled out then pushed back in; over and over until he started a good rhythm. He soon picked up the pace causing Twilight’s breasts to bounce hypnotically. With her arms wrapped around Spike, Twilight looked upwards while keeping her eyes closed; trying her hardest not to moan out loud. Spike growled again as he felt her inner walls closing in on his member; trying their hardest to milk him for everything he’s got. Twilight dug her nails into him as she could quickly feel her orgasm rising.

“S-Spike, Spike, i’m close.” she whispered.

Panting heavily, she looked down at Spike and smashed her lips against him. Her muffled moans of pleasure caused the dragon to move even faster; pushing Twilight over the edge. The Princess of Friendship had received another powerful orgasm from her dragon lover. Her body shook almost violently as her inner walls squeezed Spike to no end; causing him to release a huge load inside of her. Knowing that he would probably want to go for a second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth round, Twilight separated herself from him and quickly turned on the cold water from the shower. Both Spike and Twilight shrieked as the cold water hit them, with Spike reverting back to normal. Just like always, he had no idea what just happened. All he saw, was a naked Twilight clinging to him and the two of them were exhausted. Barely able to stand, Twilight used her magic to conjure up a small bench for them to sit on. She sat Spike down onto the bench before moving to straddle in his lap; making sure the cold water continued to pour on top of them.

“T-Twilight?” Spike spoke up. “What happened?”

Twilight was dishearten at Spike question. She knew that once he lost himself to his urges, he wouldn't remember anything that happened beforehand, but it was heartbreaking to know that Spike doesn’t really know what sex feels like. When he loses himself, it just basic animal instincts. It’s one thing when she feels unbelievable pleasure when they do it, but it’s another when Spike doesn’t even remember it; let alone feel anything when they make love. She started to feel as if she wasn’t truly pleasuring him. Twilight buried her head into Spike’s neck and held him close; exhaling heavily when he held her back.

“When this is over Spike, I promise you’ll know how it feels to make love.” she thought as the two of them sat there.


“And that’s what’s going on.” Pinkie had just finished explaining to Dizzy about the fact that Spike, for the first time in his life, is experiencing his estrus cycle. She told him that when he loses it, he can’t control himself and he’ll pretty much bang the closet mare next to him, and after he was done, he’d mark them as his mate. She even went so far as to tell him that she and Spike somewhat had sex, even though all he did was stick his fingers in her until she came.

“S-so, Twilight and Princess Celestia are........” Dizzy started.

“They’re his mates.” Pinkie interrupted. “The only way to stop him is by splashing cold water on him, but there’s no telling how long that will work.” Seeing distress in Pinkie’s eye, Dizzy went to her and held her. “I try to keep a brave face around him, but the truth is, i’m scared for him. I’m scared that when he loses it again, there won’t be anything we can do about it. I........I wanna help him, but I don’t............I don’t know how.”

“Pinkie, if he was this bad, then why bring him along to the beach?” Dizzy asked. "With all the mares here in swimsuits, you're basically asking for trouble to happen."

Pinkie broke from his embrace. “Are you kidding me?! After everything he went through, leaving him behind would be the absolute WORST thing to do!” Dizzy could clearly see anger in his marefriend’s eyes. “I failed him once, I don’t want to again.”

“S-sorry Pinkie.” he said; not wanting to anger her more than he might have done already. “Look, i’m sure we’ll figure something out. Spike’s a tough dragon, I mean, if he can fight off a bunch of horny mares in the middle of “Black Week” with a broom while basically being confined to a wheelchair, then this should be a piece of cake.”

That last statement earned a small giggle from Pinkie and reassured her that everything will work out. It has to, for Spike’s sake.


With an hour passed, both teams met up at the place where the third match would be held. In front of them were two large circles, one red and the other blue. About 200ft away from the circles were two archery targets.


With the rules now set in place, all the teams had to do now was choose two players. On the Red team it was Gravel and Sentinel, while on the Blue team it was going be Rarity, and Spike. With the players chosen, both teams stepped forward; ready to compete. Since Sentinel’s crew are defending champions, they went first; starting with Gravel. Stepping up to the red circle with a bow, Gravel grabbed one arrow, took aim and fired. The arrow flew through the air and hit red ring. He fired two more; hitting the red ring again. Now on his fourth arrow, Gravel took aim and fired. Unfortunately, he missed his target and hit the blue ring instead. “Shit.” he mumbled. Gravel grabbed his final arrow and fired hitting red once again.

“Red Team, 245 points!” announced the ref.

Now it was Rarity’s turn. Stepping up, she fired the first shot and hit red. Her second shot wasn’t all that lucky since it hit the blue ring. Going for her third arrow, Rarity fired and hit blue once again. Her fourth shot was the worst one. She fired and hit black; earning 15 points. “Dammit, calm down Rarity.” she thought. Rarity grabbed her final arrow, took aim, and with a deep breath, fired her last shot; hitting red.

“Blue Team, 205 points.” announced the ref.

Rarity lowered her head and growled at her performance. Turning back to her friends, she was met with praise from all of them which made her feel a bit better.

Now it was Sentinel’s turn. Before stepping up, he noticed that Spike was the next one after him. He smiled cockily; seeing this as another opportunity to humiliate him in front of Twilight. Sentinel stepped up to the circle, grabbed three arrows and fired them all at once in an attempt to show off. All three arrows flew threw the air and each hit the bullseye; earning him 300 points right off the bat. The crowd were amazed at what what he’d done; even the refs. Twilight wasn’t impressed at all. She could easily tell that he was doing this to "impress" her and she wasn’t having any of that. Sentinel grabbed his last two arrows and fired them both at the same time; hitting red with each of them.

“That’s 400 points bringing the Red Team to 645 points!” announced the ref.

Before going back to his team, Sentinel looked over at Twilight with a cocky smile and winked at her. The Princess of Friendship rolled her eyes and turned towards Spike who was about to take his turn. “Good luck, Spike!” she said; causing Sentinel to growled in jealousy.

“Hmph, no matter.” he thought. “He’d have to get the bullseye five times in order to beat our score. We’ve got this in the bag.”

Little did Sentinel know, dragons have keen eyes. To Spike, the target is basically a few centimeters from his face. It’s next to impossible for him to miss, which he proved when it fired two arrows within seconds of each other. The first one hit the bullseye dead on and the second one split the first one in half. Spike fired his third arrow; splitting his second in half and did the same thing to the third arrow when he fired his fourth. At this point, Sentinel, his crew, the judges and the crowd of ponies all watched in shock as Spike prepared his fifth and final arrow. He fired; hitting the bullseye and splitting his fourth arrow in half.

“T-that's 500 p-points, bringing The Blue Team to 705 points!” announced the red. “Winner of the match, The Blue Team!”

Twilight was the first one to run over and hug Spike once he returned to the group; followed by Celestia and the rest of the mares. Sentinel was dumbfounded by how easily Spike got the win for his team. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” he said.

“There’s still seven more matches.” said Moonstone. “We can still come back from this.”

“That’s not why i’m angry.” Sentinel replied; gritting his teeth.



As the sun was going down and everypony was on their way home, Spike found himself walking in between Celestian and Twilight. Again, he felt this strong desire to want to be next to the two of them for some reason. As they walked, Spike grabbed both their hands and held them close; causing the two princesses to giggle. Upon seeing this, Blueblood raised an eyebrow. “What’s up with those three?” he asked Shining Armor.

“What do you mean?” Shining asked.

“They’ve been acting weird for sometime now.” the prince explained. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it.”

“I just figured that they wanted to stay close to Spike, considering all that’s happened to the poor guy.” Shining explained.

“Hmm, I guess you’re right.” Blueblood admitted. “Maybe just it’s my imagination.”

Blueblood wasn’t the only one who noticed this. Dizzy and Pinkie watched as the princesses moved closer to Spike. “Pinkie, are you sure Spike has no idea that he marked them?” Dizzy asked.

Pinkie nodded. “Twilight doesn’t know how to tell him. She doesn’t want to cause him any more distress than he already feels when not knowing what happens when he loses it.”

“That’s understandable, I mean, how do you tell somepony that they slept with their own mother then marked her to be theirs forever?” he said. “Wait a minute.......Pinkie did he........”

“No, he didn’t.” she interrupted.

Dizzy sighed in relief. Had he’d known about Spike’s cycle, he’d never would have begged him to take his place. Come to think about it, that was probably why Spike was so hesitant on doing it in the first place. Not because of his honor as a dragon, but because he has no control over himself when his urges takes over. Like Pinkie told him earlier, it’s all animal instincts. Extreme guilt soon washed over him as he realized that he basically put Pinkie in harm's way. Looking at his mare, Dizzy wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close as they walked. Pinkie did the same thing in kind.


Sentinel and his crew stood outside the infirmary tent as Swift walked out. “You doing okay?” asked Nami.

“Yeah, my head is pounding me though.” he answered. “So, did we win?”

“Not the first match.” Nami explained. “Sentinel won the second round, but then lost the final.”

“What happened?” he asked.

“He just stood there with a stupid look on his face and got knocked out the same way you did.” she answered.

“He was probably thinking about banging some mare he saw.” Swift joked. While everypony laughed at his expense, Sentinel ignored them as he thought about earlier when Spike showed him up. The way he fired those arrows and hit the bullseye like it was nothing angered him. So much for his plan to humiliate him in front of Twilight. “No, there’s still time.” he thought. “Seven more games, that means seven more chances to prove to the princess just how worthless he really is. She will be mine.” While Sentinel was thinking of ways to humiliate Spike, Ebony was constantly cracking his knuckles; his thoughts were on Big Mac.

“A new rival. I can’t wait.” he thought.

Both stallions stood there chuckling evilly at their thoughts as Gravel watched them with a raised eyebrow. “What the Tartarus is wrong with them?” he thought.

Chapter 14

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A crazed white stallion, surprisingly NOT Blueblood, stood in front of a van; banging on it and daring the driver to come out and face him. The driver of the van, who was actually Blueblood, sat there in the driver’s seat watching the crazed stallion. He wanted to go out there and beat his brains out, but there was one problem, Cadence. The Princess of Love restrained Blueblood from possibly committing homicide by sitting in his lap; preventing him from moving.


How did all of this happen? Well, when everypony got back from the beach, Pinkie wanted to throw a “We Got the Lead at the Games” party and volunteered Blueblood to get huge orders of pizzas. Reluctantly, the prince went along with it and prepared to leave. At that point, Cadence decided to go with him; out of fear that something might happen and Blueblood might nuke the city. As the two drove through the city, they came across an orange car that cut in front of them. Blueblood growled, but Cadence stopped him from doing anything stupid by grabbing his arm. Inhaling then exhaling heavily, Blueblood managed to push his anger aside and started to drive like normal. That is until the orange car purposely brake checked him; causing the prince to bump into him. The white stallion, who was an earth pony, got out of the car, and this is where are.

“Get off.” the prince said.

“No.” Cadence replied. “I’ve already called the police and they’re on their way.”


The stallion was now banging on the window; trying to break it. Soon after, he moved to the front of the van and started banging on the hood; demanding for Blueblood to get out and face him.

“COME ON, YOU COWARD ASS BITCH! GET OUT OF THE VAN RIGHT NOW!” The stallion moved back over to the driver’s side, took a few steps backwards, then ran full speed smashing his head into the window. It didn’t break, but the van shook. The stallion took another few steps back and rammed his head into the window again; causing it to bleed.

“COME ON, BITCH! GET OUT OF THE VAN! GET OUT! GET OUT!” He continued banging on the window with his fist until they started to bleed. The stallion started to wonder why the window wasn’t breaking, even though he was using all of his strength. He was hitting it hard enough, but there wasn’t even a single crack on it. That’s because Cadence was using her magic to insure that the window remained intact.

With blood on his hands and face, the white stallion continued trying to break the window; with no luck in sight. “GET OUT OF THE VAN! GET AAAAAAAWWWWWWOOOOOOOO!” He was now screaming in a high pitch voice as if he was an opera singer. “GET AAAAAAWWWWWWOOOOOO!” At this point, the police finally showed up just in time to see the crazed stallion.

The stallion gave the van one last headbutt which caused the cops to taze the ever loving crap out of him. As he was being cuffed, Cadence slowly opened the door and got out; Blueblood soon following. “ I really hate this city.” he said.


Everypony had gathered inside the ballroom for Pinkie’s party. How she was able to get a DJ, and prepare a large table with all kinds of food in under 45 minutes was beyond anypony, but this was Pinkie Pie here, so its to be expected. Spike sat next to the table of food as everypony else went to dance on the dance floor, if you can call what they were doing dancing. Just like on his birthday, the ponies were just simply bumping and grinding onto one another. Call Spike old fashion, but he didn’t think this was actual dancing. Besides, it’d be disastrous if he went on the dance floor by the way they were moving. He played it safe and stayed away for now; which nopony blamed him for doing.

“Is this seat taken?” asked Celestia as she approached Spike. Sitting down next to him, Celestia wrapped her arm around him; bringing him closer to her. “Spike, what do you say we try out the hot springs later. We didn’t get the chance to last time.”

“Um, sure.” Spike answered.

Spike remembered when Celestia first asked him to go with her to the hot springs. The two of them were in her room watching some sitcom when suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Celestia’s breasts that were threatening to break free from her light pink gown. Soon after that, everything went black, and when he came too, both Celestia and Twilight were there; fully dressed and ready to head to the beach. Spike still doesn’t know what happened that night or why Twilight was there. He wanted to ask them, but something told him that they either wouldn’t answer or just bounce around the question. Spike was soon thrown from his thoughts when Blueblood and Cadence came in with a giant stack of pizzas.

“Pizza’s here!” Cadence announced.

Everypony gathered around the food table and each grabbed a couple slices of pizza. At that point, Big Mac and Applejack came in with a large barrel of cider. Seeing the barrel, Pinkie started to make her way towards it when she was suddenly and promptly tackled by Rainbow, Luna, Starlight, and Twilight. “NO CIDER FOR YOU!” they all yelled.


Later that evening, the party ended and all the mares left the ballroom; taking Spike with them and leaving the guys to clean up.

“And of course, we’re left with the clean up duty while the girls go off and relax.” Shining grumbled.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said in a defeated sigh.

“Say, did you guys notice something weird about Spike?” asked Sunburst.

“Not really, why?” Shining asked.

“Well, when he was next to Pinkie and Fluttershy, I swore I saw his eyes flashing.” he explained. "But it was only for a second."

“It was probably the lights shining in your face.” Shining suggested.

“Maybe, but he did seem distant moments later.” he said. “I think I should talk to Starlight about it.”

“First Blueblood, and now you.” Shining said. “I don’t see anything wrong with Spike.”

“What do you mean Blueblood?” Sunburst asked.

“He thought something was up between Spike, Twiliy and Celestia because they were holding hands on the way back here.” Shining explained. "But I told that they were probably just doting on him after all he's been through." As Shining went back to work, Sunburst looked over at Big Mac who quickly turned away from them. He swore that he saw the big red stallion blushing for some reason; as if he knew something they didn’t.


Spike was amazed once he entered the hot springs. The large pool of warm water surrounded by large rock was enough to excite anypony. Wasting no time, he jumped into the pool; the warm water instantly relaxing his muscles. He splashed around for a while before moving to float on his back; staring up at the night sky. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let himself sink into the water; unaware that somepony just walked in. While underwater, Spike sank all the way to the bottom floor when he opened his eyes and saw a pair of legs stepping into the pool. He swam to the surface and saw none other than Celestia; wrapped in a towel that barely covered her breasts with her mane pulled back. Spike’s eyes nearly popped out of his head once he saw her.

“Hello Spike.” she said softly. “I’m not interrupting am I?”

Spike slowly shook his head “no" as he stared blankly at her. Celestia closed her eyes and she sat down in the water; holding her towel up over her breasts. She giggled once she saw Spike quickly turn around to avoid further eye contact. “W-w-what are you doing here?’ he asked.

“Enjoying the hot springs.” she answered playfully. Spike stood there with his back towards her; stiff as a rock. Celestia, seeing this as an opportunity to play around with him, slowly moved behind the unsuspecting dragon and started tickling him. Spike screamed with laughter; begging Celestia to stop, but she continued with the assault. Celestia laughed along with Spike as he splashed around in the water, however, she had to stop after it became evident that he couldn’t breathe. Wrapping her arms around him, Celestia held Spike close to her, to which Spike broke free from her embrace and and splashed water on her. “Hey!” she said.

“You started it.” Spike said laughing.

“Well i’m gonna finish it.” she replied before splashing Spike back. The pair started splashing each other while screaming and laughing as they did so. Spike had the advantage because Celestia was using one hand to keep her towel in place while Spike had the usage of both of his and his tail. “Hey, no fair using your tail.” Celestia laughed. “Don’t make me tickle you again.”

“Not if I tickle you first.” he replied. It was no secret to Spike that Celestia was extremely ticklish. In fact, the only ones who knew this besides Spike were Luna, Cadence and Blueblood. It was something she was embarrassed to admit to, and would often go to great lengths to make sure nopony found out; aside from her family.

Spike rushed in running his fingers all over her weak spots; causing her to laugh out loud. “S-Spike.......NO.......NO......I G-GIVE.......I GIVE!” Celestia squirmed around; splashing water everywhere. She tried to push Spike away, but that didn’t work, she tried to move away from him, but his tail wrapped it’s self around her waist; preventing an escape. “SPIKE .......PLEASE!” she screamed. Soon Spike stopped; allowing her to catch her breath. Celestia panted and coughed while letting out a few for laughs as she calmed down. As she looked at Spike, her smile quickly turned to shock. Spike’s eyes were glowing while gritting his teeth. The princess had no idea how she could have triggered his urges until she realized that her breasts were now exposed. He towel must have fallen off when Spike was tickling her. “Spike.” she whispered as Spike grabbed his head in an attempt to fight it off. Grabbing his arms, Celestia smiled at him and closed in for a kiss. “Oh Spike.” she whispered.

Spike grabbed Celestia’s shoulders and moved his head to nuzzle between her soft breasts. Celestia let out a small gasp as she felt Spike’s tongue slide across her right nipple. She placed both hands behind his head and pulled him in closer as she felt tingles throughout her body. Spike’s hands moved from her shoulders to her back; rubbing against her stretched out wings. From there they traveled downward to her hips before landing onto her plump, firm butt. Spike grabbed the two large globes and squeezed them to his heart's content. Celestia compressed a moan by softly biting down on her bottom lip. “Spike.” she whispered. “P-put it in me.”

Spike released her nipple from his mouth and let out a soft growl, but before things could go any further, a huge waterfall of ice cold water was suddenly dumped on the two of them; causing both Spike and Celestia to shriek out. Spike instantly reverted back to normal while Celestia quickly grabbed her towel to quickly cover herself before he noticed. “WHO’D DARE..........!” she yelled.

“I dare, sister!” came a familiar voice. Looking up, Spike and Celestia saw Luna floating above them; closing a magical portal where the cold water came from. She looked more annoyed than angry. “I should have known something was up when you didn’t show up to the girls hot spring.”

“L-Luna, how long have you been there?!” Celestia asked.

“Long enough.” she answered before landing just above the water; giving off the illusion that she was standing on it. “This is the boy’s hot spring, the girl’s is on the other side.” Luna grabbed her sister by the ear and proceeded to pull her away from Spike.

“OW, Luna, stop it!” Celestia protested.

“Let’s go.” said Luna and she continued pulling on her sister's ear. Celestia's protest continued on as both she and Luna left the pool. Spike just stood there with a confused look on his face.

“W-what just happened?” he thought.


Sunburst had just entered his room when he saw Twilight and Starlight sitting on the bed having some kind of conversation. “Oh, hey Sunburst.” Starlight said as she noticed him coming in. Twilight could tell that Sunburst had something on mind that he wanted to talk to Starlight about.

“I guess I should get going.” she said.

“Wait, Twilight, there’s something I want to ask you, both of you.” Sunburst said as he approached them.

“What is it?” asked Starlight.

“It’s about Spike, I think there’s something wrong with him.” he said; causing the girls to freeze up. “Earlier at the party when he was with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, I saw his eyes flashing. Do you girls know anything about that? He’s not sick is he?”

The two mares looked at each other briefly before looking back at Sunburst. Twilight took a deep breath before speaking up. “No, no he’s not sick. It’s something else.”

“What is it?” Sunburst asked.

“ see.......Spike is in the middle of his cycle.” she admitted.

“Cycle? You mean he’s.........” Sunburst started.

“Yeah. Spike entered estrus.” Starlight confirmed.

“H-has.....has he.......” Sunburst started again.

“Not with me, but he has with Twilight and Celestia......and apparently Pinkie to an extent.” Starlight said.

“W-wait WHAT?!” he yelled. “H-he slept with Celestia?! B-B-But isn;t she his mother?!”

While Twilight looked away from Sunburst in embarrassment, Starlight continued.“Just like with mares, it doesn’t matter if they’re related or not, just as long as they’re of the opposite gender. At least, that's what we figured. We still don’t know much about dragon biology and we’re doing everything we can to prevent Spike from going crazy and attacking the first female he sees. We’ve discovered that cold water calms him down, but..........”

“But what?” he asked.

“We don’t know how long it’ll work.” said Twilight. “It’s only a matter of time until nothing stops him. At first, I thought having sex with him multiple times would calm him down, but that didn’t work, and when do it, he doesn’t even remember it.”

Sunburst noticed sad looks from the mares. It was clear that they wanted to help Spike, but had no idea on how to do it. Nopony knew how to handle a dragon in heat. They aren’t like mares. To completely stop a mare in heat, the stallion has to release inside of her. Sure, there’s the extremely high chance that she’ll get pregnant, but at least she’ll be stopped. But Spike is a dragon, a male dragon at that, and from what Twilight said, multiple times having sex with him doesn’t work. There’s cold water, but who knows how long until he becomes immune to it.

The three of them stayed there in silence for a while until Sunburst spoke up. “I think I know somepony who could help.”

“Really, who?!” Twilight half yelled.

“My old teacher, Harmony Bell, I remember her saying something about studying dragon biology at the academy.” he explained. “If you want, I could try to get in contact with her tomorrow.”

Twilight excitedly jumped up from the bed; causing her breasts to jiggle as she did so. “Really?! Oh thank you, Sunburst, thank you thank you thank you!” Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunburst and gave him Pinkie-like hug; causing him to blush and Starlight to laugh at his reaction. Twilight was unbelievably happy that she was one step closer to having some answers on how to deal with Spike.


Gravel, Nami, and Aqua were sitting in a diner discussing on who Aqua should attempt to seduce so that they’ll have the upper hand. “What about that red stallion that Ebony obsessed with?” asked Nami. “He seems like an easy target.”

“I doubt that.” said Gravel. “He doesn’t seem like the big strong dumb type, and on top of that, he has a marefriend.”

“Oh, you mean that yellow pegasus?” she asked. “That hasn’t stopped other stallions before.”

“True, but he seems like the “absolute faithful” type.” Gravel explained.

“Okay, so what about Prince Blueblood?” Nami suggested. Both Gravel and Aqua stopped eating and stared at her with an “are you serious” look. “W-what?”

“It’s Blueblood.” said Aqua. “Nine times out of ten, he’s probably just like Sentinel, maybe even worse.”

“So basically, your charm won’t work on him.” Nami said before taking a sip of her drink.

“Oh, it’ll work.” she said. “It’ll work so good that he’ll have me in bed before I get the first syllable of my first sentence out.”

“Okay, so else is there?” asked Nami.

“The lizard.” came a voice. A voice they all knew. Sitting in the booth behind them was Sentinel; taking a huge bite out of a large hayburger. “Aqua, I need you to seduce the lizard.”

“Let me guess, so you can get to Princess Twilight, right?” she said as she raised an eyebrow.

“No.” he scoffed. “Okay yes, but that’s only part of it. My gut is telling me that there’s something up with him. Something that’s making him vulnerable.”

“And we’re basing this all on your gut?” asked Gravel.

“Has it steered you all wrong before?” he asked.

“YES!” they all yelled.

At this point, Sentinel turned to face the crew. “Come on, guys, I need you to trust me on this. You get him to cheat on her with you, their whole team crumbles, we win and keep our titles as “Masters of the Beach”, and I sweep in and get me some of that sweet, sweet alicorn pussy. It’s win/win.”

Gravel sighed heavily while placing his hand over his forehead. “And how do we know this plan of yours won’t backfire and blow up in our faces?”

“Come on, Gravel, what’s the worse that could happen?” Sentinel asked. At that point, a brown earth pony stallion with a dark brown mane and tail walked up to the them. The group stared confusingly at him was he looked back at all of them with no emotion on his face.

“Um, do we know you?” asked Nami.

“I’m Murphy.” he answered with no emotion. “Murphy Law, and no you don’t know me, but you will. Soon enough, you will.” With that, the stallion turned away and walked off; leaving Sentinel and the others wondering what that was all about.

“Weird.” Sentinel said before turning back to his friends. “So what do you guys say, we’re doing this or what?”

Gravel, Nami, and Aqua looked at each other, then looked backed at Sentinel. “Alright, i’ll go after the dragon.” Aqua said, reluctantly. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel that something of a bit off about him too.”

“Alright!” Sentinel yelled while fist pumping. “I knew I could count on you guys, and as payment, tomorrow you guys can have first dibs at whatever mare comes my way.” Sentinel soon got up and started to make his way out of the dinner; leaving his crew to wonder of they made the smart choice in following his plan.

“Well, at least there's one good thing coming from this.” said Gravel.

“What’s that?” asked Aqua.

“At least, i’ll be able to get laid without Sentinel coming in and interfering like he always does.” he explained. Both Aqua and Nami rolled their eyes before grabbing a fist full of hayfries and playfully chucking them at him.

Chapter 15

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The next event was a 3 v 3 surfing relay. Two members from each team would swim out into the ocean, tag the referees who were stationed out there, and then surf back to the beach while hanging on to their batons. The teams would be disqualified of they either dropped the baton or wiped out on the way back. Aqua, Nami, and Sentinel were already set to go and were waiting on their opponents to make their choices as to who they’d be facing. To theirs and everypony else’s shock, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were chosen to participate. The three princesses grabbed their surfboards and traveled to the starting line. Aqua and Nami couldn’t help but feel intimidated at the fact that they were going up against three of the rulers of Equestria. Sentinel, on the other hand, was thinking of something else. “If I could beat the princesses, then that will surely impress Twilight.”

Sentinel was too busy snickering to realize that the race had already started. Cadence and Aqua were the first to head out; using their boards to swim out as fast as they could. “Come on, Aqua, you can do this.” she thought to herself. The heavy waves pushing against them didn’t make this race any easier, but the two of them eventually made to the refs who were sitting on jet skis. Both Cadence and Aqua made the tag and quickly turned around to head back to the beach. The two refs, who were unicorns, used their magic to cause a wave which both Cadence and Aqua quickly caught. The two of them stood up on their boards and began surfing; Cadence talking the lead. Aqua managed to catch up and the two of them were neck and neck. Every few seconds they would glance at each other; daring the other to make a move. As the wave got bigger, they went faster, and that’s when Aqua made her move. She managed to speed up ahead of Cadence and got in front of her. When Cadence swerved to the right, Aqua did too, and when she swerved to the left, Aqua made sure the she didn’t pass her up.

There was no opening for Cadence; no matter how much she tried to make one. The two mares made it back to the beach with Aqua reaching it first. She tossed her baton to Nami who quickly moved out. Cadence made landfall right when Nami started swimming out. She tossed her baton to Luna who then took off. Luna had to hurry seeing as how Nami was ahead of her, even though she wasn’t the greatest swimmer. Looking up ahead, she could see Nami getting further and further away from her. She pushed away the idea of using her wings to give her a little bit of a push because she didn’t want to run the risk of being called a cheater.

Nami tagged the referee then turned around to head back to the beach; passing up Luna as she got ready for the upcoming wave. By the time Luna made to the ref, the spell was cast and the wave started to form. “Oh no.” Luna said as she hurried to catch it. Nami moved to stand up on her board and began to ride the wave back to shore. As soon as the opportunity rose, Luna began to ride the wave as well; all most losing her balance as she stood up. The distance between her and Nami was too great. The earth pony had made it back to shore and handed her baton to Sentinel who immediately began swimming out; not letting the oncoming waves deter him. Taking a deep breath, he dived underneath the wave with his board and swam under it; reemerging seconds later. His crew and fangirls cheered him on loudly as it was sure that they were gonna win. Luna finally made it to land where he handed the baton over to her sister. “S-Sorry.....I couldn’t........” she panted.

“Don’t worry about it.” Celestia interrupted as she took off.

Sentinel was feel pretty good about himself as started to approach the refs. There was no way they could catch up to them. The gap was just too much. His attitude soon changed as he looked behind him and saw something coming at him at full speed; like a torpedo. “W-what the Tartarus!?” he yelled once he saw that it was Celestia who was closing in on him. “H-how can she be THAT fast?!” Sentinel picked up the pace in order to get to the refs before her, but that was no good. Celestia was going so fast that she managed to run right over the red unicorn; submerging him under water for a few seconds. When Sentinel reemerged, he saw Celestia tagging the refs and started to make her way back. “N-NO WAY!” he yelled. Sentinel hurried towards the refs just as Celestia passed him up. After getting the tag, he quickly gave chase. Both ponies stood up on their boards as the waves hit. Sentinel did whatever he could to catch up, but Celestia was faster. “Shit, there has to be a way pass her up. Come on Sentinel, think.......think.” he thought. “Wait.....that’s it!” A mischievous smirk crept on his face as he bent his knees to go faster. Eventually, he managed to catch up to the princess who had no idea what he was planning. She was so fixated on reaching the beach she didn’t realize that Sentinel was right behind her. The red unicorn reached out and grabbed the string on Celestia’s bikini top, and with one pull, he undid the knot and the princess’s top came flying off; her round G cups bouncing free from their imprisonment. Once Celestia noticed what had happen, she screamed out loud and tried to cover herself; losing her balance and flipping over, but not before being exposed to everypony within eyesight. “Holy shit, those are some huge tits!” Sentinel thought as he passed her up.

Sentinel made it to the beach where he was surrounded by his crew and fangirls.

“P-P-PRINCESS CELESTIA WIPED OUT!” Hotspot managed to announce after witnessing the princess topless. “T-THAT MEANS SHE’S DISQUALIFIED! WINNER OF THE MATCH, THE RED TEAM!”

While Sentinel and his crew celebrated, Luna and the others went over to Celestia who slowly walked up on shore trying her best to hide her chest. Blueblood draped a large towel over her while Twilight and Pinkie’s hands were on Spike’s face; covering his eyes. “Sister, are you alright?” Luna asked concerningly. Celestia slowly rose her head to face her sister; a river of tears flowing from her eyes.

“D-did t-they see?” she said in a whispered tone. “D-did they see me?”

Her question was soon answered as she saw a large group of paparazzi taking as many pictures of her as they could. there was no doubt that they got some of her while she was topless before wiping out. Celestia was more that just embarrassed, she was straight up humiliated. Squeezing her eyes shut and clenching her teeth, she spread her wings and took off in the air; a huge gust of wind nearly blowing everypony away. “Sister wait!” Luna yelled as he took off after her sister.

“How could her top just come of like that?” asked Fluttershy.

“I don’t know.” answered Blueblood. “But something tells me that he had something to do with it.” All eyes turned towards Sentinel celebrating with his crew. Twilight and Pinkie could hear soft growling coming from Spike. It was a different type of growling; not like the one he uses when losing himself to his urges. This one was one of anger.

“Spike?” Twilight said; catching his attention. “Is something wrong?”

“He did it.” he growled. “I saw it all. He pulled her top off.” Spike growled again and started to make his way towards Sentinel, but was stopped by Twilight.

“Spike wait.” she said as he pulled on his tail. “What are you talking about?”

“When he got close to her, he pulled on her bikini top and caused it to come off.” he growled.

Twilight was about to asked how he managed to see all that, but then remembered that dragons have keen eyes. Anything that’s far away to ponies is right up close to them. Looking at Sentinel celebrating with everypony caused Twilight’s blood to boil, but she couldn’t let Spike just go over there and confront him. Everypony would see it as them being sore losers. “Spike, I have a better idea.” she said. “Instead of giving him the beating he deserves, we beat him in the games. Let’s humiliate him the same way he humiliated Celestia.”

Spike growled giving Twilight is approval of her plan. “But right now, I think you should head back to the hotel.” she suggested.

“Why?” he asked; his anger fading away.

“Check on Celestia and see if she;s okay.” she answered. “I know Luna’s with her, but something tells me that you’ll have more luck.”

“But what about.......” he started, but Twilight shushed him by placing a finger on his lips.

“We can take from here. You go to Celestia.” she said. Spike nodded and started to run back to the hotel.

“Hey, where’s Spike going?” asked Rainbow.

“Everypony, we need to talk.” Twilight announced.


It was Mid afternoon when Spike made it back to the hotel. He travel up to the floor where everypony’s rooms were and saw Luna standing outside Celestia’s door. It was glowing with some sort of magic that was preventing her from simply teleporting inside. “Sister, please, open up.” she begged. Luna was answered by hearing her sister’s loud sobbing.

“How’s she doing?” Spike asked catching Luna’s attention.

“Spike!” she said surprised. “She won’t answer the door no matter how much I beg her to. This one of her many fears, being humiliated in front of her subjects.”

“Maybe you should let me talk to her.” he suggested. “You should head back.”

Luna didn’t want to leave Spike alone with Celestia; out of fear of what might happen between the two of them, but at the same time, she knew that if Celestia heard Spike’s voice then there’s a high chance that she’ll open up the door, but there's also a chance that something might happen between the two. Against her better judgment, she decided to let Spike have a chance at talking to her sister. Spike watched as Luna entered the elevator and disappeared behind the closing door. He turn towards the door and knocked. “GO AWAY! PLEEEASE!”

Spike took a couple steps backwards. He’d never heard Celestia scream like that before, but considering what just happened to her it was understandable. Spike walked up to the door once again. “M-mom, it’s me.” he said. “Please open the door.” There was brief period of silence before the door stopped glowing and opened up. Spike took a deep breath before slowly walking in. Once inside, he saw Celestia laying in bed hiding under the covers. He closed the door behind him and walked over to her side; her loud sniffles filling the room. Spike climbed in bed and attempted to pull the cover off of her, but she wasn’t having that. “Come on, let me your face.” he said softly. Celestia loosened her grip and allowed Spike to pull the covers over her head. She looked up at him with a river of tears streaming down her face. She small, so helpless, so.........cute. Spike blushed.

“Spike?” she said in a soft tone. “You didn’t see, did you?”

“No.” he answered. “Twilight and Pinkie covered my eyes before I got the chance.”

Celestia exhaled in relief, though part of her was kind of hoping he’d managed to catch a peak. “I......I can’t show my face there again.” she said. “I.......I don’t know how this could’ve happen. I made sure I was careful enough so that it wouldn’t happen.”

Spike wondered if he should tell her that Sentinel was the one who pulled on her bikini string and exposed her to everypony. His anger started to rise just thinking about what that unicorn did. Nopony does that to “his” mate. Wait.......what........mate? Where did THAT come from? Why did he just call Celestia his mate? Weird.

Spike’s train of thought was derailed when Celestia started to sit up; the covers barely hanging onto her breasts. Spike’s face redden a bit as he quickly turned away from her. He could slowly start to feel himself lose it. Celestia scooted closer to him; resting her head on his shoulder and causing him to tense up. All she wanted right now was to forget about the incident. She wanted, no, needed something else to focus on; to take her mind off it. One thing did come to mine, but she knew that she would feel guilty afterwards. She’d be using him as a means to her own ends; like she did before when the two of them took a little walk right before the games started. And again when they went to the hotsprings. The two of them sat in silence for a while before Spike spoke up. “Mom? Do you need anything?”

Celestia could feel her heart skip a beat. It was almost as if he knew what she was thinking. “I.....I just want to forget everything.”

“I t-think Twilight might know a spell for that.” he said; his urges starting to flare up. “I’ll go get her and..........” As Spike started to move, Celestia wrapped her arms around him; her massive breasts now smashed against him.

“No......please, stay with me.” she requested. “You don’t need to get can help.”

“How?” Spike asked as he turned back towards her. Before Spike knew it, Celestia slammed her lips against his; instantly sending his urges into overdrive. Spike released a muffled growl as he kissed Celestia back; grabbing the covers and pulling them off of her. Celestia moved to lie on her back and pulled Spike on top of her. She deepened the kiss by moving her tongue inside his mouth to which he began sucking on.

“I’m sorry, Spike, but I really, really need this.” she thought as their make-out session intensified.


“I’LL FUCKING KILL HIM!” yelled Blueblood.

Twilight had just finished telling everypony what Spike told her; sending Blueblood into a blood filled rage. It took the likes of Big Mac, Shining Armor, Dizzy, and Pearl to hold him down. “Hold on Blueblood!” said Twilight. “If you attack him now, it’ll look like we’re being salty for losing.”

“So what the Tartarus do you expect me to do?!” he yelled.

“Sentinel comes of as the kind of stallion who has a massive ego.” Twilight explained. “So what better way to get him back than by completely beating him and his team in the games.”

“Twilight’s right.” Sunburst chimed in. “We can start with the next event. It’s a calvary race.”

Blueblood was released from his restrains just as Luna returned. The princess landed to see that most of her group had angry looks on their faces.

Over with Sentinel and his crew, the group continued celebrating at their most recent win with Sentinel resting in his beach chair as three of his fangirls rubbed their bodies over him. Everypony was having a good time, except for Gravel who stood facing the water with his hand over his face. He appeared to be stressed out. “Hey, Gravel, come dude, join the celebration!” Sentinel called out.

“After what you did, you expect me to celebrate?!” Gravel said; turning back at his friend.

“Dude, you were the one who said earlier today that we have to win no matter what.” Sentinel said defensive.

“You debikinied the princess!” Gravel yelled. “If it were any other mare, that’d be okay, but the RULER OF EQUESTRIA?! ARE YOU INSANE???!!!

“Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?” Sentinel asked. Gravel was about to say something, but then he saw a brown stallion standing next to Sentinel. The same brown stallion they met at the dinner last night. He didn’t say or do anything. He just stood there next to Sentinel with no emotion on his face for a while before finally leaving. Gravel stood there confused as to why that stallion showed up, but then pushed all that aside when noticed Sentinel raising up out of his seat with his fangirls.

“We better get ready for the next event.” he stated.

“I don’t believe it.” Gravel thought. “He’s acting as if what he did bears no consequence. He should thank his lucky stars that everypony thinks it was an accident.” Before Gravel started to follow after Sentinel, he noticed that the sky was starting to get darker for some reason. Looking up, he noticed all the clouds moving in one direction. The brown stallion returned and pointed Gravel to a powerful dark blue energy emanating from somepony standing on the beach. Upon further investigation, he saw that the energy was coming from Princess Luna was staring straight at them. “HOLY SHIT, SHE KNOWS!!!!”



Blueblood took position on the left, Shining Armor to the right and Big Mac stood behind them. Fluttershy was chosen to be the pony on top. She was being held up by standing on Big Mac’s hands and leaning forward resting her hands on Shining and Blueblood’s shoulders. To the left of them were Moonstone on the right, Gravel on the left and Ebony in back with Aqua as the pony on top. Both teams stood at the starting line while the referees got in place.

Sentinel, Nami, and Swift gave their friends some last minute encouragement before Sentinel realized that Spike wasn’t there; leaving him a bit disappointed that he wasn’t around to witness another loss. He figured Spike was probably somewhere sulking, which brought and smug smile to his face. He looked over at Twilight who paid him no mind and went on giving her friends some last minute encouragement.

With the refs in position, the two teams got ready for the race to begin.

“EVERYPONY READY!” announced Hotspot. “SET........GO!”

Both teams took off from the starting point with a wobbly beginning. Fluttershy and Aqua nearly fell over before the stallion found a nice pace that stabilize the group. With the crowd cheering them on, both teams started to pick up their speed with the red team gaining the lead. Blueblood, Shining, and Big Mac pushed forward to catch up, but at the same time, had to be careful not to drop Fluttershy. Eventually, they became neck and neck with the red team. All that was needed now was for the right moment to present itself. As the two teams started to approach the finish line, fatigue started to hit Moonstone as began to slow down a bit; allowing their opponents to gain the lead.

“Moonstone, what are you doing?!” yelled Ebony.

“I.......can’t.......go on.” he panted.

“No!” he yelled. “I will not lose to my rival!” Ebony knocked both Moonstone and Gravel to the ground and proceeded to flip Aqua onto his shoulder; without letting her touch the ground.

“What the Tartarus are you doing?!” yelled Gravel.

“The rules state that we can’t let Aqua hit the ground right?!” he said. “I won’t let that happen! I WON’T LOSE TO MY RIVAL!” With that, Ebony proceeded to take off running for the finish line; leaving his friends and his opponents behind.

“W-what the.......can he do that?!” asked Shining Armor. He, Blueblood, Big Mac, and Fluttershy all looked over at the ref who shrugged his shoulders and gave them a thumbs up. Looking back at Big Mac, Blueblood nodded; give him the okay to finish this race. The prince and Shining Armor helped Big Mac flip Fluttershy onto his shoulders then stepped aside to allow him to take off after Ebony. Within seconds, Big Mac caught up to the black earth pony; the two of them running at full speed.

“Damn he’s fast.” Ebony thought. “I’d expect nothing less from my rival.” The two stallions ran full speed; neither one able to pass the other while the mares.........the poor mares held on for dear life. Their bodies flapping in the wind as they used what strength they could to insure they didn’t go flying off; the faces they were making were as if there were in a G force wind tunnel. The two stallions ran neck and neck; both focusing on their goal to cross the finish line. They kept going and going and going until the goal was met. At the exact same time, they both crossed the finish line. The race was declared a tie and the two stallion collapsed; exhausted after a long, hard fought race. Fluttershy and Aqua stumbled around a bit after being treated like rag dolls. “I-is it over.” Fluttershy asked.

“E-eeyep.” Big Mac panted.



That was the loud sound of thunder. Everypony looked up at the sky to see extremely dark clouds coming towards them. With no choice the games for today had to be postpone until this unexpected storm passes.


The sound of the bed creaking and Celestia’s soft moaning filled the room as Spike continued to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. The princess wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer; panting heavily as her breasts smashed against him. Speaking of which, Spike managed to move a hand to one of the massive orbs and gave it a hard squeeze; deforming it and causing Celestia to moan out a bit louder. “Y-yes.”

Spike started kissing her up and down her neck while picking up the pace a bit; slowly moving to her cheek and then finally capturing her soft lips. He flipped the two of them over; pushing Celestia up to a sitting position and grabbing both her breasts. The princess instantly placed both hands onto Spike’s chest and started moving her hips back and forth in a nice rhythm. Closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip, Celestia tried her best to orgasm right then and there. Spike didn’t help the matter as he went to work constantly deforming those luscious orbs in his hands; releasing a soft growl as he did so. Celestia grabbed Spike’s hands and removed them from her chest; pinning them down on the bed as she leaned forward to smother him. She immediately started bouncing her hips on top of him; taking him deeper within her and causing her large rump to jiggle with each movement. “S-Spike.......Spike.......please.” she whispered. “Cum with me. Cum with mommy.”

Spike growled as he felt Celestia’s inner walls squeeze the life out his “little buddy” indicating that she close to her much wanted release. Not wanting to be out done, Spike started raising his hips in order to meet her thrusts; causing the princess to scream out. "I......I'M CUMMING!" Celestia’s orgasm caused her to freeze up as tears poured down her face. Her inner walls convulsing around Spike’s dick causing the dragon to spurt a huge load inside her. Celestia collapsed on top of Spike; pulling his head from in between her breasts. With his hands free from her grasp, Spike placed them over her back and ran them over her wings. As Celestia laid with Spike in her arms, she gasped loudly as the feeling of Spike’s length taking on new life inside of her. He eyes started glowing once again as he let out another soft growl. It was clear that he wanted another round. However, Celestia was all worn out from this activity and casted a simple sleep spell on her dragon lover; causing him to instantly pass out and enter the dream world. Keeping his length inside her, she held him close to her body, used her magic to pull the covers over them, and soon followed him into the dream world, but not before whispering to him one last thing. “Thank you. Thank you for being with me. I love you."

Chapter 16

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Everypony on the beach quickly gathered their things and proceeded to head for home before the weather hit. Moonstone and the crew met up in the parking lot where a van pulled up. Stepping out was an orange elderly unicorn stallion with a yellow mane and tail around the age of 50 or so. “You kids need a lift?” he asked.

“Gramps!” said Moonstone.

“How ya doing old timer?” Gravel asked as he received a fist bump.

“Never better.” the elderly stallion answered. “I may have to take it easy for a while, but other than that, I’m still my young self.”

That statement earned him a laugh from Nami and Aqua. “Hey, what’s so funny?” he asked. “I’ll have you know I was quite the mare’s stallion back in my day. They couldn’t keep their hands off me.”

“Whatever you say.” said Nami as she and Aqua continued laughing.

“So, any news on the stallion who attacked you?” asked Gravel.

“None." he said. “But i’ll never forget his face as lo..........” He stopped mid sentence as he noticed a group of ponies on the other side of the parking lot. to be specific. A look of unimaginable fear crept on his face; alerting Moonstone and the others.

“Gramps, what is it?” Moonstone asked.

“I-it’s him.” he said. “The stallion who attacked me, he’s right over there. The white stallion with a yellow mane.”


“Okay, I just called my old teacher, and she said to expect a call from her this evening.” Sunburst explained. “She needs to get all her notes in order.”

“We’ll have the meeting in our room.” Starlight suggested. Before the conversation could continue, Cadence screamed bloody murder catching everypony’s attention. They all look in the direction she was looking in just in time to see a car flying towards them. Acting fast, Blueblood encased the vehicle in a bubble and placed it down. “BLUEBLOOD!” Cadence screamed just as somepony appeared out of nowhere and knocked the prince to the middle of the parking lot. Blueblood got up just in time to see Moonstone launch himself at him. With a glowing right fist, Blueblood quickly rose to his feet and and punched Moonstone into the ground.

“I don’t know what you were trying to accomplish, but that’s one mistake you won’t live to regret.” Blueblood said coldly as he charged up his right hand.

“BLUEBLOOD WAIT!” yelled Cadence.

“Why should I?” the prince yelled back. “He threw a FUCKING car at us!”

“You tried to kill my grandpa!” Moonstone yelled.

Blueblood looked at him with a confused look before turning the direction he was pointing. It was then the prince saw the old stallion from the other day. The stallion who cut him off on the highway. The stallion whom he forced to crash into a gas station and lit on fire. “That old bastard who cut me off is you grandfather?”

“WHAT DID YOU CALL HIM?!” Moonstone yelled as he tried to attack from the ground. Blueblood grabbed the unicorn by the mane and pulled him up to his eye level.

“Okay you, listen and listen closely.” he said in a cold tone. “I’ve been in a really, really bad mood after what that friend of yours did to my aunt and it would be a shame to take all this anger out on a pony who had nothing to do with that incident. But if you really want to fight me, then it’s your funeral. Pick the time and place and maybe, just maybe, i’ll go easy on you. Oh, one more thing, tell your bitch ass friend, I know what he did, and i’m coming for him.”

After that little speech, Blueblood then threw Moonstone, with all of his might, back to his grandfather and his friends; hitting the van and knocking over on it’s side. Blueblood stared coldly at them before turning away. Swift and Ebony quickly ran to their friend while Nami and Aqua held each other; afraid for their lives. “Dude, what were you thinking?!” yelled Gravel. “Attacking the Prince of Equestria?! Are you nuts?! That’s a death sentence!”

“He........h-he put my grandpa in the h-hospital.” Moonstone explain.

“You’re lucky he didn’t put YOU in the hospital.” Gravel scolded.


Blueblood and the others made it to the hotel just as the heavy rain started to fall. “Made it.” said Pearl. “Wow, it’s really coming down.”

“Blueblood, what was that all about earlier?” asked Starlight.

“That stallion’s grandfather cut me off on the road and the two of us had a little disagreement.” he answered.

“A LITTLE DISAGREEMENT?!” screamed Cadence. “You threw him into the van and flipped it over! How was that a “little disagreement”?!”

“Because if it wasn't, it'd be a lot worse.” Blueblood said as he turned to leave; Cadence facepalming as he did so.

“Maybe we should change out of our swimsuits.” Fluttershy suggested. “We could meet up in Starlight’s room later.”

“Why are you all meeting in Starlight’s room?” Pearl asked; causing all the mares to freeze. “Another one of your “secret mare meetings”?”

The mares all laughed nervously before continuing on. Reaching their floor, each of the mares went their room, except for Luna. The princess of the night walked towards her sister’s room and found that the door was no longer glowing. Slowing opening it, she walked in to find Celestia fast asleep with Spike in her arms with a cute smile on her face. Luna walked over to her sister and gently ran her hand over her head; taking a quick peek at her dreams. And of course, it was the same dream she always has. Celestia sitting at a table eating the world’s biggest chocolate cake; having the time of her life. Luna giggled then left her sister to her dream. Luna’s smile quickly disappeared after she walked out the door; thoughts of how her sister was debikinied earlier today. Her anger rose ever further once she discovered that it wasn’t an accident, but a deliberate attempt at sabotaging their chances of winning. Luna thought about all the torturous things she would do to that stallion who hurt her sister once she got her hands on him, but was brought back to reality once she saw Twilight approach her. “So how’s Celestia doing?” she asked.

“She and Spike are asleep right now.” Luna explained. “I don’t want to wake her so let’s tell her everything later.”

Twilight agreed and nodded before heading off to her room to change. Luna did the same thing while thinking about the stallion who humiliated her sister.


All the mares and Sunburst gathered together while Big Mac and the stallions went over to the arcade. The mares didn’t really do much while waiting for the call from Sunburst’s old teacher. Rarity spoke with Luna about some ideas she has for the Grand Galloping Gala next year, Twilight, Cadence, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were playing a card game, Rainbow and Applejack cuddled up in the bed and watched whatever was on tv, and Sunburst and Starlight stood outside on the balcony and watched the rain fall. About twenty minutes passed before the phone started ringing. Sunburst and Starlight came back into the room with everypony watching them. Sunburst made it to the phone and answered it. “Hello........yes, everypony’s here.........okay, i’ll put you on speaker.” Sunburst pressed the speaker button before placing the phone on the hook.

“Okay you’re up.” he said.

“Oh, I am, great. Can everypony hear me?”

“YES!” everypony announced.

“Oh, goodness me, it sounds like there’s a lot of you. Oh my, where to begin?”

“How about from the beginning.” said Luna.

“Yes, of course. Well, as you already know, a dragon’s estrus cycle, or rut as some like to call it, can last throughout the entirety of summer; unlike ponies who can only last a week. And when a dragon, or well, a male dragon mates, he bites down upon his lover upon orgasm; marking them as his forever. Well first off, after marking his mate, the dragon will have a strong desire to want to be next to them at all times. He’ll pretty much follow them wherever they go. It’s kinda cute in a way. And when it comes to marking a future mate, I found out that this can be reversed.”

Everypony in the room sat there in shock upon hearing this bit of information. “Once a male dragon is no longer in heat, all he has to do is bit the lover upon orgasm and the mark will disappear. It's very rare that happens because knowing how greedy dragons, especially male dragons can be and the fact that they are the only ones who can give and take away the mate mark, he’ll most likely keep her all to himself; against her will. Unlike mares, both male and female dragon are in full control of their actions during this time. Some can even suppress their urges throughout the entirety of their cycle. Which brings me to this. If a dragon is experiencing a rut for the first time, they won’t be able to control themselves and are just as bad as mares in heat. However, if the male dragon mates with female long enough, their bodies will eventually get use to the activity and they’ll gain full control. ”

“I have a question.” Pinkie spoke up. “What if the dragon tries his best to suppress his urges because he doesn’t want to hurt his friends?”

*gasp* Oh, no no no no, he should never do that! It’d be like opening a bottle of soda after shaking it too much. It’d be a disaster. And never, never, NEVER expose a dragon in heat to cold water. Sure, it would stop his urges in it’s tracks, but it does so at an incredibly fast pace that instead of the bottle of soda analogy, it’d be like a super volcano. And using magic on him, like a sleeping spell, would be way worse.”

The room was filled with silence at the realization that they shouldn’t have douse Spike with cold water. “Oh.......shit.” said Cadence.

“Any other questions?”

“I have one.” said Twilight. “Just how many times would Spi.....I mean, the male dragon have to have sex to gain full control of himself?”

“That much I don’t know, but what I do know is that if it’s with a female he’s already mated with, then the process would take a while. However, if he were to mate with several different females, then the process would go even faster, but the downside is that he’ll most likely mark them and keep them as his.”

“One more question.” Luna spoke up. “Just how do you know so much about dragon anatomy?”

“ at that, my stove is on fire, good to hear from you Sunburst, gotta go!”


Everypony sat in silence once again; pondering on what to do with this information they’ve been given. “Spike would have to have sex with a bunch of different mares in order to have full control of himself?” Twilight said.

“Well, he already banged you and Celestia so that’s covered.” said Rainbow.

“I don’t think two will be enough.” Twilight said with uncertainty.

“So where are you gonna mares who’ll willingly sleep with Spike?” Rainbow asked.

“Ah’ll do it.” Applejack spoke up; catching everypony off guard; especially Rainbow. “Rainbow before y’all say anything, let me ask. Are y’all really comfortable with Spike bangin’ some random mare?”

Rainbow lowered her head before answering. “ but.......”

“Me neither. Especially if that mare turns out to be just like.......y'all know who.” Applejack said while placing a hand over Rainbow’s. “Ah rather it be one of us.”

“I agree with Applejack.” said Luna; a small blush appearing on her face. “I-it should be us.”

“Um wait, I understand that you want to help Spike in all but.......don’t most of you have coltfriends?” Sunburst spoke up. “Don’t they even know about Spike’s condition?”

The mares all looked at each other before Fluttershy spoke up. “Big Mac knows. I told him the day Rainbow signed us up for the beach games.”

“I told Dizzy yesterday.” said Pinkie.

“So Shining Armor, Blueblood, and Pearl are the only ones who don’t know?” Sunburst asked.

“Leave Shining and Blueblood to me.” said Cadence. “Not sure how they’ll take the news of Spike sleeping with Celestia. Blueblood would probably die of shock.”

Cadence chuckled at her attempt to make a joke while Rarity looked away. “I.......I don’t know about Pearl. For a while now, I get the feeling that he doesn’t like Spike very much.”

“Why would you say that?” asked Starlight.

“Well, whenever the subject of Spike comes up, he makes this weird face like he doesn’t want to hear about him.” she explained.


Before their conversation could continue, a huge sound of thunder caused all the mares to shriek; Starlight grabbing hold to Sunburst and Fluttershy grabbed hold to Twilight. Luna looked out the window and saw the rain coming down extremely hard. She figured that it might continue all the way through tomorrow; making returning to the beach impossible. While everypony else were calming down, another thought came into Luna’s mind; this one concerning Spike’s situation. If Spike sleeps with enough mares enough times, then there's a high chance that he could regain control of himself; meaning they wouldn't have to worry about triggering him, but could she do it? Could she bring herself to sleep with her own nephew like her sister did? She wondered if Celestia had these thoughts before making that ultimate decision. Did she wonder what other ponies would think if the news got out of what she did? She had to have. She had to have known that ponies would think badly of the situation, but still........she went along and did it. Most probably because she wanted to help Spike at all cost and damn the consequences that would follow. That seemed to be Celestia’s response when Luna chewed her out after finding out she and Spike slept together. Luna started to wonder if she could have the same resolve her sister did. Truth be told, Luna was kind of jealous of her sister’s relationship with Spike. Not to say that she and Spike weren’t close, because they were, Spike just wasn’t as close to her as he was with Celestia. Which makes sense seeing as how Celestia was the one who found Spike as an egg, and was the first face he saw when he hatched. Celestia was his mother, and she was his aunt.

It was clear from the thoughts Luna was having that she wanted to same type of relationship Spike and her sister had, but then thoughts of what other ponies would think started to creep in. Luna was at war with herself in deciding on what to do when she got the feeling that somepony was by the door.

“Luna, what is it?” asked Twilight.

“Somepony is at the door.” she answered. “I think we have an eavesdropper.”

Twilight carefully got out of bed and went to the door; being careful as to not make a sound; the mares doing their best as to not alert whoever it was behind the door. They probably figured it was the stallions wondering what they were up to. Grabbing the handle, Twilight slowly turned it and in one swift move, opened the door at lightning speed. Her eyes widen just as her heart started pounding like crazy once it was revealed who was on the other side.


Chapter 17

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The next day, Spike and Twilight were walking through the hallway; with Spike wearing an annoyed look on his face. “For the last time Twilight, I didn’t hear anything yesterday.” he explained. “After I heard the thunder, I came to see if you were alright.”

“And you’re sure you didn’t hear any of what we were talking about?” she asked.

“Yes, i’m sure.” he groaned. The pair entered his room to which Spike went over to the window and saw the rain coming down harder than it did yesterday. It looked as if the entire city would flood. “It’s still coming.”

“Yeah.” Twilight said as she walked behind him. “I guess it goes without saying that the beach games are canceled until further notice.”

“So, what was the next even anyways?” Spike asked as he unknowingly grabbed Twilight’s hand.

“I think it was a paint ball event.” she answered. “We were all going to be put on a small island that was just off the shore and had to hunt down the other team.”

“Sounds like fun.” Spike said with a sarcastic tone. Twilight giggled as she wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck; holding from behind. Spike stiffened as he felt Twilight’s breasts against him and her lips touching his cheek. “T-T-Twi?” Spike managed to say as he felt his urges build up. Twilight knew she had to be careful when holding Spike, seeing as how the cold water option and sleeping magic was now off the table. If she set him off now, then the only way to stop him would be physical assault, and she didn’t want that. Twilight was cut from her thoughts when Spike turned around in her arms and looked at her; eyes glowing and a hungry smile on his face.

He pushed Twilight onto the bed and leaped on top of her; nibbling at her neck. Twilight squealed with giggles as Spike attacked a certain part of her neck. In one move, Spike grabbed Twilight’s shirt and pulled it off her; growling as he watched her bountiful breasts jiggle within their containment prison. Twilight didn’t fight him off as he quickly undressed the two of them, and before long her loud moans of pleasure filled the room as they rumbled under the covers.


“WWWHHHAAATTT TTTHHHEEE FFFUUUCCCKKK?!” Blueblood yelled in his royal Canterlot voice. “WWWWHHHHYYYY???!!!”

“It was to help him!” Celestia said defensively.

“Couldn’t you have just sent him to an estrus house?!” he asked.

Celestia stood up in anger at her nephew’s suggestion. “I’m NOT sending my son to a whore house! Those mares could be carrying GODS know what!”

“What if all of Equestria finds out?!” Blueblood yelled as he stood up also. “Did you ever think about that?!”

“Of course I did!” she yelled. “That’s all I thought about! And you know what, I rather it be me than somepony else out who’ll just break his heart again!”

“And how do you think he’ll react when he finds out!?” Blueblood yelled. “Who wants to hear that they’ve banged their mother?!”

Celestia didn’t have an answer for that one. Truth be told, she had no idea how Spike would react. To his knowledge, the only mare he’s been with was Twilight. On top of that, he had no idea that he marked the two of them to be his mates. Celestia now started to wonder how would Spike take the news that she slept with him, not only that, but the fact that she used him for her own pleasure. The same pleasure that no stallion over the centuries could ever give her. What if he wound up hating her for what she’d done. No. She didn’t want to even think about that. Spike can’t hate her. He was the baby of the family; her baby. They were too close for that to happen.

Shining Armor sat there with a blank look on his face after hearing that his sister and the princess were now Spike’s mates; completely ignoring the fact that it could be reversed. The one thing that was on his mind was wondering if Cadence was thinking about taking part in sleeping with Spike until he gained control of himself. Part of him straight up refused to allow her to do that. Cadence was HIS wife, and HE should be only one she should be sleeping with, but then there’s the other part of him. The part that was scared for Spike’s well being. If things continued on the way they were going, then there’s no telling what would happen. Shining haven't felt this way ever since that fateful night at the Grand Galloping Gala when both he and Cadence found Spike laying in a pool of his own blood. The thought of his wife sleeping with somepony else infuriated him to no end, but the fact that Spike was that somepony else caused him to understand why she would be considering sleeping with him.

“Hey Shining, you’re awfully quiet.” Cadence said; snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Huh......oh yeah......I was just.....thinking.....about what you told us.” he said. “I don’t like the idea of you sleeping with somepony else, but if it’s to help Spike......then I guess I could be okay with that.”

“S-Shining.” Cadence said; shocked at words that came out of his mouth. She figured he’d be against it straight off the bat, which is why she never gave the idea of giving herself to Spike a second thought. So Shining saying that it was okay caught her and the others off guard.

“Are you serious?!” yelled Blueblood.

“You heard what she said.” Shining argued. “It’s the only way to help Spike. I don’t like it anymore than you do, but it’s the only option we’ve got.”

“I gave you an option!” Blueblood yelled.

“And like I said, I’m not taking Spike to a whore house!” Celestia jumped back in.

“I can’t even believe we’re having this conversation.” Blueblood said; placing his hand over his face. “You’re all talking about sleeping with another member of this family like it’s a natural thing.”

“I understand your plight, Blueblood, but the longer we wait to do something, the more mares we put at risk.” Luna spoke up.

“Sounds like your mind is already made up.” he groaned.

“It is. It’s the only way to help Spike.” she explained. “And the mark he gives us can still be removed.”

“What if he doesn’t want to remove it?” Blueblood asked. “Greed is in a dragon’s nature, so it's highly probable that he’ll want you not as his mates, but all as his property.”

“We’ll figure something out when that day comes, but until then, our first priority is making sure Spike doesn’t go after a random mare.” said Celestia.


Fluttershy and Big Mac sat in their room with the yellow pegasus burying her face in the red stallion’s chest; not because of the weather, which is what normally happens, but because Fluttershy was unsure on what to do about Spike. Last night, when she returned to her room, she told Big Mac everything that was talked about in their meeting. Big Mac knew Fluttershy wanted to help Spike, but at the same time she didn’t want to betray him. He figured that she would want to take part in helping the poor dragon seeing as how she didn’t take part in the big Canterlot fight against the dragoness who broke his heart. That was the one thing that was eating away at her. The fact that she didn’t fight for Spike’s honor. Big Mac knew that Fluttershy would never willingly betray him, and that Spike would do whatever it took to not take her from him, but he also knew that Spike was now a ticking time bomb, and when he explodes, he’ll have no control over his actions.

“I.......I don’t know what to do.” she sniffled.

Big Mac pulled Fluttershy away and looked her in the eyes; smiling and nodding. “A-Are you sure?” she asked.

“Eeyup.” he answered. Fluttershy was going to say something, but another loud sound of thunder caused her to shriek out and bury herself into Big Mac’s chest once again. The red stallion lightly chuckled as he gently rocked his marefriend back and forth while listening to her loud sniffles.


Pinkie was uncharacteristically quiet as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her mane was deflated a bit as she hung her head. She had just finished telling Dizzy everything about their meeting with Sunburst's teacher and was unsure on what to do. “So what are you going to do?” he asked. “I you even want to?”

“I want to help Spike.” she answered. “But I don’t want to cheat on you to do it.”

“Technically, it’s only cheating if the other party doesn’t find out.” he said; trying and failing to make her laugh.

“This isn’t a joking matter, Dizzy. I’m scared.......i'm scared that if I don’t help Spike, something bad is gonna happen!” she half yelled. Dizzy moved to sit by her side and placed an arm around her.

“Pinkie........I think you should do it.” he said.

“W-what?” she asked; looking at him.

“I’ll admit, I don’t like the idea of you becoming somepony else’s mate, but Spike is a good dragon, and i’d hate to see him become a monster who’d go after random mares.” he explained. “If this is the only way to help him, then you should. Besides, it’s like you said, it’d only be temporary.”

Pinkie, overcome with emotion, wrapped her arms around Dizzy’s neck and held him close; the two of them falling over with Pinkie on top of him. “T-thank you.” she said. “Thank you for understanding.”

Dizzy smiled as he wrapped his arm around his marefriend; holding her close and enjoying the feeling of her breasts smashed against him. Pinkie smashed her lips against his and moaned into the kiss. Dizzy broke from the kiss while rubbing his hands all over Pinkie’s body. “Just remember, that all of mine.” he said; earning a laugh from her as he immediately started groping her.


Rainbow Dash sat on the edge of the bed staring at the rainfall. So much was on her mind right now. The thought of Spike possibly going crazy and attacking the first mare he saw scared her. As was stated in their meeting, the only way for Spike to gain control of himself is if he slept with different mares, but could she do it? Could she bring herself to sleep with someone who she considers a brother? Rainbow hadn’t been attracted to males let alone had sex with one. Doing so would help Spike, but she also felt that if she did then it would be a betrayal to who she is. Then again, it was Spike who helped her cope with the fact that she was attracted to mares in the first place. So in a way, she owed him everything. But if she did sleep with him, then she’d be marked as his forever. Sure it could be reversed, but who’s to say that Spike will be willing to reverse it. He is a dragon after all, so his inner greed most likely won’t allow him to give them up so easily. While all this was playing in Rainbow’s head, Applejack walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.

“I thought y’all were gonna join me.” she said; catching Rainbow’s attention.

“Huh, oh sorry, babe.” Rainbow said.

“What’s wrong, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“I’ve been thinking about the whole Spike situation.” she explained. “Are you sure we should sleep with him? I mean, there’s Twilight and Celestia, and i’m pretty sure Pinkie, Fluttershy, and the others will probably jump in as well.”

“Rainbow?” Applejack said with concern.

“Look, it’s not that I don’t want to help Spike, it’s just........” Rainbow started, but before she could continue, Applejack sat next to her and placed her hand over hers. “It’s Spike. Doing it with him would be like doing it with my brother. It’s weird.”

Applejack chuckled. “Yep, ah get what yer sayin’, but if we don’t, Spike’ll end up hurtin’ innocent mares. Just think of it as that strap-on we used that one time.”

“There’s a reason we only used it once, babe.” Rainbow said; raising an eyebrow. Both mares shared a quick laugh before Rainbow scooted closer to Applejack and rested her head on her shoulder. “Spike really needs our help, doesn’t he?”

“Eeyep.” Applejack said; mimicking her brother.

“He really is hopeless without us.” Rainbow joked as she placed her hand on Applejack’s lap; slowly running her hand up and down her thigh. Applejack chuckled before moving to lay on her back; her large D cup breasts jiggling within her towel as she did so. Rainbow Dash smirked as she moved on top of her marefriend.

“Ah, wanted ta do this in the shower, but ah guess the bed will have ta do.” Applejack said with a giggle. No more words were said between the two of them. All that could be heard throughout the room was Applejack’s soft moaning and Rainbow’s chuckling.


“For the last time, I told you I wasn’t going to.” Rarity groaned. She had just finished telling Pearl about Spike and the situation he was in. It went about as well as you imagine. He completely lost it; believing the Rarity was going to give herself to Spike, despite the fact that she told him she wasn’t going to.

“Why does it have to be you?!” he yelled.

“It’s not me!” she yelled back. “The others most likely will, but I won’t!” Pearl had calmed down long enough for Rarity to continue. “Everypony else are already talking it over with each other, and earlier this morning it was decided that anypony who didn’t want to go through with it, the others wouldn’t hold it against them.”

“S-so you’re not......” Pearl started.

“No.” Rarity groaned.

Pearl let out a large sigh of relief which caused Rarity to raised an eyebrow. “Okay Pearl, I need to know.” she said. “What is it about Spike you don’t like.”

“Huh, what?” he asked; caught off guard with that question. Looking at her, he saw her starring him down; awaiting an answer.

“You’ve had this animosity towards him for a while now, and it’s high time you tell me why that is.” she said. “Did something happen between you two?”

“N-no, nothing happened.” he answered as he turned away from her. Rarity didn’t believe him and knew something was up. Every time Spike’s name is uttered, he makes this weird face as if he was looking at a container with expired food sitting in it. There was only one way to get a straight answer out of him. Rarity walked up behind pearl, grabbed him by the neck, and threw him, face first, onto the bed; sitting on top of his back.

“You gonna tell me the truth, or do I have to smother you?” she said.

Pearl struggled to move, but couldn’t, that’s because Rarity had used her magic to chain him to the bed while she sat on him; preventing him from moving. “Okay, okay, i’ll talk.” he said. “It’s not that I hate the guy or anything, I just don’t feel that comfortable around him, or rather, when he’s around you.”

“What?” Rarity asked with a hint of anger in her tone.

“It’s just........look, you were his first crush.” he answered. “Nopony forgets their first crush.”

“You sound paranoid, you know that?” she said. “Spike may have felt that way before, but now he doesn’t.” Rarity removed her restraints and got off Pearl before continuing. “Besides, if Spike wanted to do something to tear up apart, which he wouldn’t, he would have done something a long time ago.”

“Yeah, but, him being in his cycle, don’t you think that might be a perfect for him to try something?” Pearl asked as he moved to sit up.

“You make it seem like he planned for this to happen!” Rarity said in shock. “Spike had no idea about his cycle happening, and if he did, he’d take extreme measures to make sure he wouldn’t hurt anypony! That’s what he does, Pearl, he puts his friends over himself!”

Pearl could see tears starting to form in Rarity’s eyes, but he continued on. “Look, I know you and the others want to help him and all, but why should they sleep him with when they could just as easily take him to an estrus house?” Pearl soon realized that he probably shouldn’t have said that seeing as how Rarity’s anger grew to a new level.

“He’s not going to a whore house.” she said while gritting her teeth.

“This is going to be a long conversation.” he thought.


“So, have you decided what you’re gonna do?” Sunburst asked.

“I.....I want to help him, but........I don’t think I can.” she said answered while lowering her head. “It wouldn’t be fair to you if I did it.”

Sunburst smiled. It warmed his heart to know that with all that’s going on with Spike, she was still thinking of him. “I don’t think anypony will hold it against you if you don’t, besides, I think Spike will have more than enough mares to worry about.” he said.

“You think so?” Starlight asked looking over at him.

“Sure, I mean aside from Twilight and Celestia, there’s no doubt that Luna will want to help out along with Pinkie and Fluttershy so that’s five mares now.” he explained. “Whether or not the others will join in, will see.”

“If they sleep with him, Spike will most likely claim them as his.” said Starlight. “And it’s like you teacher said, who knows if he’ll give them up once his cycle is over.”

“Yeah, that’s true but, I think that’s a chance the others are most likely willing to take.” he said. “If it means Spike not losing his mind they’ll it’ll be worth it.”

Sunburst turned to look outside with a serious look on his face; catching Starlight’s attention. “What is it?” she asked.

“I can’t help but wonder that there’s more information we’re missing.” he explained. “Like there’s something important we need to know. Probably just my imagination.”

“Why don’t you call her when you get the chance; make sure she didn’t leave anything out.” Starlight suggested.

“Yeah, I just might do that.” he said.


Twilight laid asleep in bed with a satisfied smile on her face. Her little rumble with Spike took it’s toll on her. As she laid asleep, Spike had gotten dressed and prepared to leave, but not before pulling the covers over his mate. Out in the hallway, he only managed to walk a few feet before he leaned against the wall and slid to the floor; a look of unbelievable shock, horror, disgust was written on his face.

“It can’t be true, could it?” he thought. “Will I really go off like that?”

It was clear from his expression that he heard the entire conversation yesterday, which means, he now knows everything. He knows that if he sleeps with somepony, he’ll mark them as his forever. He also knows that if he keeps bottling up his urges, he’ll explode, and it won’t be pretty. But the one thing that made him want to throw up right on the spot, was the fact that he slept with Celestia, his own mother. Sure they weren’t related by blood, but still, she’s his mother. She raised him for pony’s sake, and now she was his lover, his mate. “W-What have I done?” he thought as he grabbed his head; fearing that he may have taken her by force. Spike was so disgusted with himself that he could bare to look at anypony, let alone himself.

“Spike?” came a familiar female voice. Spike knew this voice. It was the voice of the very pony he didn’t want to see right now. He thought about getting up and running away, but the pony kneeled down next to him; preventing that. “Spike, what’s wrong?” Spike slowly looked up and saw Celestia with a worried look on her face.

With tears streaming down his face, Spike lunged at her and cried his heart out in regret; constantly repeating that he was sorry over and over again.

Chapter 18

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Pinkie and Dizzy wandered around the hotel exploring parts of it they didn't get a chance to see. They only places they've been to were the ballroom, the game room, and the outdoor hot springs. There had to be more than just those three places. As the two continue to wander, they saw Blueblood walking into the hallway along with three stallions wearing work jumpsuits; Blueblood holding up a clipboard and signing it. After handing the board to the stallions, they said their goodbyes and were on their way. "HEY BLUE!" Pinkie yelled; catching the prince's attention.

"Huh, oh it's you." he said.

"What was that all about?" Pinkie asked.

"Just signing some paperwork stating that the pool passed it's inspection." he explained.

"Pool?" Pinkie said in shock. "This place has a pool?!" Pinkie turned her attention to the double doors that was behind them and ran in. What she saw amazed her. Behind the door was a giant olympic size arena with a massive pool; complete with a couple diving boards and a slide. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT THIS EARLIER?!" she screamed in excitement.

"I had to wait for this area to pass inspection before I opened it up to everypony." he explained while heading towards the other side of the arena. Pinkie and Dizzy followed Blueblood as he approached a janitor's closet.

"Um, what's in there?" asked Dizzy.

"The valve to fill the pool." the prince answered. Walking all the way to the end, Blueblood reached the valve. He began turning the wheel which wasn't that hard to do; causing the water to flow in the pool. The three ponies walked outside to witness this.

"So how long will it take to fill up?" asked Dizzy.

"About nine hours." Blueblood answered bluntly.

"WHAT?!" yelled Pinkie. "NINE HOURS?!"

"Do you not see how massive this pool is?" asked Blueblood. "Of course it's gonna take that long."

"Aw, and I was hoping to throw a pool party too." Pinkie pouted. "Can't you make it go faster?" Blueblood was about to answer, but was stopped from doing so when he saw Pinkie a little too close to his face pouting. "Pleeeeeeeeese." she begged; continuing with a cute pout. Blueblood sighed heavily as he looked away; not wanting to show that her cuteness was getting to him.

"Okay, fine." he growled. Pinkie smiled as the prince walked to the edge of the pool. Gathering magic within his right hand, Blueblood snapped his fingers and portal opened up right above the pool. Hundreds of gallons of water poured out of the portal; filling the pool in seconds. With another snap of his fingers, he closed the portal then went back to shut off the valve before the pool overflowed. Pinkie and Dizzy were amazed at how much water was before them.

"Thank You, Blueblood!" Pinkie yelled as he closed the janitor closet.

"Yeah, yeah." he said. "Look, I have an important meeting to get to, swim to your heart's content and try not to damage the place till I get back."

"Pinkie's famous puppy dog pout. Gets them everytime." Dizzy thought as Blueblood began to leave the arena. Looking over at Pinkie, he saw that she was already in her swimsuit and texting everypony to come to the swimming arena. "Were you wearing your swimsuit underneath your clothes?" Dizzy asked.

"So what if I was?" Pinkie answered; sticking her tounge out afterwards.


"Breathe, baby, just breathe." said Celestia as she rocked Spike back and forth in her arms. The poor dragon continued to apologize for what he believed he'd done. In actuality, everything between him and Celestia was consensual. She willingly gave herself to him; despite what others might think.

"I didn't mean to! I REALLY didn't mean to!" he cried as he clung to her; desperate for her forgiveness.

"Spike, it's okay, you did nothing wrong." she said softly.

"YES I DID!" Spike yelled. "I.......I lost control! I went after you! I.......I rap-!"

"You did no such thing." she interrupted. "Spike, I was the one who initiated the act. I thought.......I thought that if I gave myself to you, it would help you, but all that did was make it worse." Spike lifted her head to look at her as she continued. "I saw you suffering; trying to maintain control as to not hurt me. I hated seeing you that way. You've been through too much already, so I allowed you to have your way with me." Celestia lowered her head; trying to hide the fact that she was blushing as she remembered the first time she and Spike were intimate with each other. "I didn't care what the public would think, all I wanted, was to help you somehow, and at the time, mating with you was the only way."

"S-So I didn't........" Spike started.

"No, you didn't." she said. Spike felt as if a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. He could rest easy knowing that he didn't commit the most unforgivable crime to Celestia. He wouldn't have been able to live with himself if that happened. "So I take it that you've overheard our conversation yesterday?" Celestia continued. Spike nodded and the two of them sat there in silence for a few seconds before Celestia spoke up again. "Let's continue this talk in my room." With her horn glowing, Celestia and Spike teleported from the hallway into her hotel room right on the bed. The pair sat once again in silence; not knowing what to say to one another. With Spike now knowing that they've had sex, Celestia couldn't help but feel a bit awkward around him. She knew that eventually he was going to find out; that she was going to have this talk with him, but still, it was an awkward situation they were in.

"So.......h-how many times?" Spike started; catching Celestia's attention.

"How many times what?" she asked.

"How many times did know?" he asked. Spike couldn't believe that he was asking that question. Who in their right mind would want to know how many times they've slept with their mother? Okay, adoptive mother, but still. Celestia's face turned a darker shade of red at Spike question. Continuing to look away from him, she answered. "I.......I don't know, I lost count."

There was another brief moment of awkward silence between them before Spike spoke up again. "C-Can it really be reversed?" he asked. "The mark I gave you, I mean."

"Yes." she answered. "According to what Sunburst's teacher said, once your cycle is over, all you have to do is sleep with whoever you gave the mark to and bite them one more time. The mark will disappear and they'll be free."

Spike started to feel sick to his stomach with the knowledge that he slept with Celestia on more than one occasion. "Do the others know?" he asked.

"Yes, Luna was against what we'd done, but now she understands." Celestia explained. "And Blueblood wants to take you to an Estrus House."

"Maybe that'd be for the best." Spike suggested; causing Celestia to look angrily at him.

"You are NOT going to a whore house!" she said. "I don't want those mare's all over you! Who knows what they could be carrying!"

"But what if I lose it again and attack somepony?" Spike asked with fear in his tone; his mind going back to the incident with Pinkie. Celestia responded by grabbing his face and looking deep into his eyes.

"That won't happen." she said sternly. "There's a way you can control your urges. If enough mares sleep with you the your body will eventually grow more accustomed to being with somepony. That's why, we're all going to do it with you." Spike could feel his heart beating a million miles a second. His friends and family are all going to mate with him at the same time until he gains control of himself? The thought of that caused his urges to flail up a bit, but not so much that he lose himself to it, but then another thought came to his mind. Big Mac, Dizzy, and the other stallions. They were in a relationship with the girls. No way could he bring himself to break them apart. In fact, Spike doesn't even recall telling them about his cycle. He doubt they even know what was going on or what was even being planned.

"No." he said. "No, no, no, they can't, I can't. I can't tear them apart from the special someponies. It isn't right."

"Spike, it's okay." Celestia ressured. "After you and Twilight left, it was decided that they would talk to the stallions about everything and what to do. Those who wish not to participate, will not have it held against them."

"But what if I mark them?" he asked.

"That will pretty much happen, but it can be reversed once your cycle is over." she explained as she moved her hands from his face and onto his shoulders.

"But, I.......I can't." he said. "I can't do that to Big Mac, or Dizzy, or the others. It wouldn't be right for me to just come in and take what's theirs."

"Oh, Spike." Celestia said with a smile. She was happy to know that even like this, Spike was still thinking about others than himself. Most dragons likely would have jump at the opportunity to go after their friends' mates because of their greed, but Spike isn't like most dragons. He was considerate to everypony's feelings and didn't want to hurt them; putting their needs over his own. It warmed her heart to know that she raised Spike to be a kind and caring individual and not a violent brute with no regard to anypony's well being. Celestia pulled Spike in for a hug; knowing that he has no choice in the matter. If they don't do something about his urges, then the results would be beyond disastrous. Deep down, Spike knows this. He knows that he can't keep suppressing himself much longer. Each time it gets harder and harder to maintain control; as evident when he was with Pinkie that night. He'd went so far as to cause self harm to himself and in the end, even that didn't work. Cold water was now out of the question, because that could cause more harm than good, and there was no way Celestia would allow him to go to and Estrus House; what with the high possibility that he would give those mares the same mark he'd given both her and Twilight. There really was no way out of this, Spike would have to mate with his friends and family in order for him to regain control of himself; whether he wants to or not.

At that point, a giant white flash shown through the room followed by a sonic boom of thunder. Celestia shrieked; squeezing Spike even closer to her. She wasn't known for being scared of thunder, but something THAT loud coming out of nowhere would scare anypony. The two of them moved to sit on the edge of the bed and looked outside the window and saw that the rain was coming down even harder than it was before. Spike wanted to get up and close the blinds, but Celestia moved to rest her head on his shoulder as she tried to calm down from the scare that sonic boom gave her. Spike could feel Celestia trembling and moved an arm around her. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Y-yeah, it just startled me, that's all." she answered while snuggling closer to him. The two of them continued to look outside the window at the rain; wondering when or if it was going to stop. Spike was sure that most if not all the streets in the city were now closed off due to flooding. Celestia started to feel the same way. She was sure that the entire beach was now under water due to the weather and that heading back there would be out of the question; not that she wanted to after what happened yesterday. She still couldn't figure out how in all of Equestria could her bikini top just pop off like that. She took extra precaution to make sure something like that wouldn't happen. Now, not only did everypony see her exposed breasts, but the paparazzi did as well. She was sure that they'd taken multiple pictures of her and sold them off to the nearest tabloids. By now, most, if not all of Equestria has probably seen them.

Spike's inner dragon blood was telling him that something was wrong with Celestia. He turned his head to look at her and saw that she had small streams of tears running down her face. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"N-nothing." Celestia answered as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She was lying. Spike knew she was lying. He also knew what it was that was bothering her. The incident at the beach when Sentinel sabotaged their chances of winning the relay race by pulling on her bikini top; exposing her breasts to the world. Just thinking about what that unicorn did to her caused Spike's anger to grow. Celestia could hear him growling and tried to get his attention, but he was too focused on what he was going to do to Sentinel once he saw him again. The Beach Olympics was far from over so there's no doubt they'll run into each other again. Celestia gasped once she saw that Spike's eyes were pitch black while gritting his teeth in a threatening way. To be honest, it scared her. She'd never seen him like this before. Was it because of his cycle? It had to be, what other explanation could there be? Celestia called Spike's name, but got no response. He was too busy thinking about Sentinel and how he was going to beat him up and down the city once he gets his claws on him.

"SPIKE!" Celestia yelled; this time knocking him out of his thoughts. In the blink of an eye, Spike's eyes reverted back to normal as he faced her. Celestia sighed in relief as she place a hand on the side of Spike's head.

"S-Sorry, I kinda spaced out for a second." he said. Celestia responded by placing her forehead against his; being mindful of her horn. Spike reacted by wrapping his other arm around her and bringing her close; her large breasts now smashing against him. Spike started to think about having Celestia as his mate. Sure, he could reverse it once his cycle was over, but something was telling him "No, don't do it" and "Keep her all to yourself".

Celestia pulled back from Spike with a large blush on her face. The cute look she was making told Spike that she was thinking of mating with him again. Spike's face started to turn as red as hers and he turned his head away out of a bit of embarrassment. Celestia giggled and planted a soft peck on his cheek. Spike could feel his urges start to flail up as he thought about what Celestia clearly wanted. Gritting his teeth, he began to push his urges aside, but Celestia stopped him by turning his head back towards her. "I love you." she said softly. At that point, Spike couldn't hold it back any longer. His eyes started glowing and he released a soft growl. Within seconds, Celestia was on her back with Spike on top of her; rolling around in the bed.


Outside in the parking lot, two earth pony stallions sat inside a black van while their friend, a unicorn stallion, climbed the side of the hotel. "Pyro, this is fucking insane!" the unicorn stallion yelled into the mic. "The storm is getting worse by the second! Come back, now!"

"No way!" Pyro answered. When I heard that Princess Celestia had a bikini accident and her tits were exposed, I looked everywhere for those pictures, but somepony managed to get their hands on every single one of them! I WILL NOT BE DENIED THEM TITS!

"Dude!, it's not worth it!" yelled the earth pony stallion.

Pyro didn't answer and the two stallions looked at each other. "Does he even know what room she's staying in, Sunspot?" the unicorn asked.

"Techrat, it's Pyro, when it comes to mares he'll find them." Sunspot said while placing his hand over his forehead. If it was clear before, these were the same stallions who tried to spy on Twilight and the girls during their slumber party. Now, here they are in Baltimare trying to catch a peek at Princess Celestia of all ponies; at least one of them is trying. After their little near death experience at the hands of Twilight and her friends, Sunspot and Techrat figured that if they wanted to see naked mares, they'd by a magazine or something. Pyro on the other hand, learned nothing. He continued on with his ways; always ending in failure. The orange stallion continued to climb the side of the building; heavy winds and hard pouring rain be damned. Nothing was going to stop him from from reaching his goal. Inside the backpack he had strapped on, were were some tools he needed on his quest along with a video camera he was going to use to record his findings. He was going to make sure that he made copies of his findings; one for himself for......"personal usage", and the other to be sold on the black market. He grinned to himself; thinking about what he was going to find once he made it to her room. The slipperiness of the wet building combined with the heavy winds almost caused Pyro to lose his grip, but his resolve was strong; stronger than anything. Before the end of this day, he was going to reach his goal. He continued to climb until he reached the balcony of Celestia's room. Climbing over, he laid down for a bit; catching his breath. "T-That was tough." he thought. "But I can't stop now." Getting back up, he reached into his bag and pulled out a screwdriver. He managed to jimmy the lock open and slowly pull the balcony window open. Peeking his head inside; he gasped at what he saw.

There was Princess Celestia, on top of somepony, riding him like a pro; her loud moans filling the room. Unfortunately, because of the lighting, Pyro couldn't see her luscious G cup tits bouncing as she moved, but he did see her famous large plot. The way it jiggled as she moved was hypnotizing; he couldn't take his eyes off it. He had to mentally slap himself out of his trance in order to get the camera ready. He went over to his bag and began frantically searching through it; grabbing his camera and struggling to get the lens cap off.

Dude, come back down before somepony sees you!" yelled Techrat over the com.

"No way, Princess Celestia is inside right now banging some lucky bastard." Pyro explained. "If I hurry, I could get all the juicy bits."

"And what if something happens while you're getting the "juicy bits", huh?" asked Sunspot.

Pyro groaned. "Nothing's gonna happen, over and out." As he shut of his com, Pyro finally managed to get the lens cap off just in time to see a brown earth pony stallion staring at him with no emotion on his face.

"Who the tartarus are you?" Pyro asked.

"Oh, me, i'm Murphy. Murphy Law." he answered with no emotion.

"What are doing here?" Pyro asked; wondering if this stallion was trying to still his spot.

"Oh, i'm here cause of that." Murphy answered while pointing up to the sky. Just as Pyro turned around to see what he was pointing at, a giant lightning bolt struck the unicorn; destroying his camera and catching the attention of his two friends who watched in horror. Charred and bruised, Pyro stumbled over the rail and fell all the way to the parking lot; crashing on top of a random car which later exploded. Techrat and Sunspot were frozen stiff as what they'd just witnessed. Looking at each other then looking back, it was silently decided to get out of the area ASAP. Techrat started the van up and peeled out of parking; nearly hitting a couple cars along the way.


Spike and Celestia were too deep in pleasure to even notice that somepony was just up on the balcony, or the fact that the window was open, or the explosion that just happened. Spike moved his claws from Celestia's hips to her large rump and squeezed them to his heart's content. This caused Celestia to lead forward and bounce her hips up and down at a fast pace; her breasts now resting on his face. Spike took this time to grab one of her nipples with his mouth and began sucking. This became too much for the princess, and she came right then and there; her inner walls turning into a vice around Spike's dragonhood.

This wasn't enough for him, he wanted more. Spike grabbed Celestia and flipped the two of them over; not giving her any time to recover as he re-entered her. Not that she was complaining. Spike's dominance over her seemed to push her into overdrive. She was already approaching her second orgasm. "M-make me cum baby, make mama cum." she moaned. Spike growled as he grabbed her breasts and squeezed them as he pounded into her with more vigor. The bed under them began to creak and move as Celestia grabbed the sheets and sealed her eyes shut. Her entire body suddenly froze up as her second orgasm washed over her; her back rising off the bed and gritting her teeth as Spike continued to plow into her. Her inner walls squeezes around Spike's member; milking him for all he's worth. The feeling of her tightness caused Spike to explode inside of her; sending an unbelievable warmth throughout her body.

Celestia soon collapsed on the bed panting heavily as Spike continued playing with those massive orbs of hers; her body trembling slightly at the feeling of his touch. She soon let out a loud gasp as she felt Spike's member take on new life. The dragon looked at her with hunger and lust as he started thrusting once again. He released her breasts and stared at them as they jiggled due to his movements while Celestia let out a sound that sounded like she was moaning and crying at the same time. No other stallion has ever made her feel the way she was feeling right now. No other stallion could last as long as Spike was lasting right now. He just came inside of her and it only took a few seconds for him to completely recover. Tearing his eyes away from her chest, Spike looked Celestia in the eyes and saw that she was in absolute heaven. Moving in closer, he planted his lips onto hers to which she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and held him there. Breaking away from the kiss, Spike buried his face in Celestia's neck as he managed to go even deeper inside of her. Celestia's dug her nails in his back as she screamed his name over and over; begging him to keep going. "DON'T STOP!" she screamed. "DON'T LET ME GO!"

Spike answered by releasing another growl as he moved to look her in the eyes once again. With an evil grin, Spike moved in such a way that jerked Celestia's body and threatened to break the bed. "I CAN'T.......I CAN'T HOLD IT!" she screamed. "I'M CUMMING AGAIN! I'M GONNA CUM!" With tears streaming down her face, Celestia yelled as her back lifted itself off the bed once again as received another powerful orgasm. Her entire body shook violently as she squirted her nectar all over Spike's lap. As Celestia landed back on the bed, she began sobbing softly; her body twitching as the aftermath of her orgams washed over her. "P-Please, n-no more." she begged. "I.......I can't take it."

To Celestia's shock, Spike slowly pulled out of her. She looked at him as he laid on top of her; cuddling her as melted into the embrace. "S-Spike.......s-sorry." he growled. Celestia's eyes widen. Normally, Spike would have no idea what going when he got like this, and now he just apologized for being too rough. Is Spike starting to gain control of himself? Celestia wondered as this as fatigue started to take over. She knew that if this was true, than she alone won't be enough to sate this dragon. A loud gasp escaped her as Spike turned her over so that her back was facing him. Wrapping her around her, Spike held her close to himself; resting his head over her as if to protect her from the world. His soft growling made her feel calm as she slowly closed her eyes and entered the dream realm.

Chapter 19

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Twilight awoke to the sound of something that clearly wasn't thunder. Wrapping the bed sheet around her naked body, she walked to the balcony window to see what that sound was. Using her magic to shield herself from the heavy winds and rain, looked over the rail. There she saw that a car clearly exploded. She gasped as she saw the damaged around the area. Thinking somepony might be hurt, she hurried back into the room, gathered her clothes, and dashed out the door.

In the lobby, she ran into Rarity and the others who were all talking about the explosion they all heard. "Girls, do you know what happened?" Twilight asked as she approached them. "What caused it?"

"Well, apparently, some stallion tried climbing the building and fell onto one of the cars in the parking lot." Rarity explained. "Why he was out there in this weather, I have no idea."

"Goodness." Twilight gasped.

"Don't worry y'all little head, sugacube." said Applejack. "He survived. Don't know how, but he survived. They're takin' him to the hospital right now."

"What in Equestria was he thinking?" Twilight asked before feeling the vibration on her phone. The other girls checked their phones as well, and saw that each of them received a message from Pinkie; even Rarity. The fashionista believed that Pinkie was still mad at her, but here she was, receiving a text from her.

"WHOA, this place has a pool?!" Rainbow yelled excitedly. "We gotta check it out!" Rainbow was about to run off, but was stopped by Applejack.

"Hold on there, babe." she said. "Do y'all even know where it is?"

"I'll ask Pinkie." Twilight said as she started to text her.


20 minutes later, the mares all made it to the pool arena; amazed at the sheer size of it. Pinkie emerged from the pool and walked over to her friends; her large breasts jiggling as the water dripped from her body as she walked. Her mane, which was a straighten out due to the water, suddenly inflated back into its original style. "Hey, you made it!" she said excitedly.

"Pinkie, how did you find out about this place?" asked Twilight.

"Me and Dizzy ran into Blueblood and he told us about it." she explained.

"So, where IS Dizzy, anyway?" asked Starlight.

"He went to get his swimsuit." she explained. "He should've done like me and wore his underneath his clothes."

"What are you, in grade school?" said Rainbow. Pinkie responded by sticking her tounge out in a cute way at Rainbow. Looking amongst her friends, she noticed that somepony was missing.

"Say, where's Fluttershy?" she asked. "I'm sure I sent her a text."

"There's still a thunderstorm going on, Pinkie, she probably locked herself up in her room with Big Mac." Starlight explained.

"Poor thing." Pinkie said with empathy. "Well, at least Big Mac is with her."

"WOW, look at this place!" came a voice. All the girls turned to see Cadence and Luna walking into the arena; amazed at what was in front of them. "Blueblood really outdid himself with this."

"Oh, you're all here too." said Luna.

"Yeah, Pinkie told us about this place." Twilight explained. "How did you find out?"

"Blueblood told us before he left." Luna answered. "Something about a meeting he had to go to."

"Yeah, yeah, so are you girls gonna get changed so we can swim or what?" Pinkie asked. It was clear that the party pony was getting a bit restless and really wanted to swim around with her friends. She pointed them in the direction of the female changing room before going to jump back into the water.


Blueblood sat in an office room along with four investors. The four were quite happy with how much bits they've earned since the hotel opened, but something told him that they wanted more, and we was right. "I've got it." said a male investor. "Why don't we add in a small amusement park? That's sure to get even more ponies to come here."

"Um, no." Blueblood said sternly. "There's already an amusement park not that far from here. It's on the pier right next to the beach."

"The prince is right." said a female investor. "No since in building something that's already here."

"Well, what do you suggest?" he asked.

"Well, let's look at what we've got." she answered. "There's the arcade, which is aimed mostly at children, the ballroom, which if for parties, the outdoor hot springs for couples, and the pool area where all families can play. We need something that's strictly for adults to a casino!" That caught the attention of everypony in the room. "Think about it, it's something that this city doesn't have and it'll attract more and more ponies here. Where else would you find one."

"Las Pegasus." Blueblood answered. "They're everywhere in that city."

"But if you compare the prices at Las Pegasus to ours, it's clear that there's a huge difference." she explained. "And that difference will work to our advantage." Blueblood took at all the investors and saw their eyes light up at the thought of adding a casino to his hotel. Yeah, it would bring in more ponies, but the cost to build one is what really was on his mind; not to mention, where were they gonna put it?

"So, what do you think?" she asked.

"Let's hold off on that idea until we get estimates first." he suggested.


The mares were in the middle of changing into their swimsuits when Twilight spoke up on an important matter. "So.......has everypony made their decision?"

Everypony knew what she was talking about. Each one was a bit embarrassed to speak out on what they chose to do, but had to say it anyway. "A-Ah'm gonna do it." said Applejack.

"M-me too." Rainbow answered while grabbing her marefriend's hand. "I.....It'll be weird, b-but it's for Spike, so........yeah."

"I'm also gonna do it." said Cadence; shocking Twilight. "I can't call myself "big sister" if I don't help Spike out in some kind of way, could I?"

"I.....I'll do it, too." Luna spoke up; her face as red as an apple as she put on her bikini top. Rarity and Starlight glanced at one another; as if they knew what the other was thinking at that point. Both wanted to help Spike, no doubt about it, but at the same time, they felt that it would be a betrayal of their relationships if they did. Even though their coltfriends knew what would eventually happen if things continued of this way. As Rarity and Starlight were about to give their answer, Pinkie Pie burst through the door with an annoyed look on her face. "What's taking you girls so long!" she yelled. "Dizzy and the others just showed up and we're all waiting!"

"Pinkie, were just talking about what we're gonna do about Spike." Twilight explained.

"Oh." she said; her expression changing. "Well, if you wanna know, i've decided to do it with him. I mean........we've already done it before........t-technically." Pinkie began blushing as she remembered how Spike pleasured her with his fingers not that long ago.

There was a brief moment of silence between the mares before Cadence spoke up. "Maybe we should continue this later." she suggested. "Let's go have fun."


As Blueblood and the investors walked out of the office, they all heard loud screaming and things being broken coming from the front lobby. As they ran to see what was going on, they came in contact with a crazed white stallion demanding to see a certain pony. Blueblood instantly knew who this was. It was the same stallion who demanded for Blueblood to get out of the van and fight him because he thought the prince had cut him off. Blueblood would have gotten out too, if Cadence hadn't stopped him by sitting in his lap. "I got this." he said as he walked to the center of the lobby and confronted the stallion. "I take it you've been looking for me."

"YEAH!" yelled the stallion. "NOT SO TOUGH NOW WITHOUT THE COPS OR THAT PINK WHORE, HUH?!" The stallion walked up to the prince until he stood inches from his face. "DO SOMETHING NOW, BITCH!"

A mischievous smile crept on the prince's face as he balled his right fist. In one powerful move, Blueblood punched the stallion so hard, it caused shockwaves throughout the lobby. The stallion's body flew through the glass doors and onto the street in the heavy weather. As he slowly started to stand back up, Blueblood was already standing in front of him; ready to attack again. The stallion went to throw a punch, but Blueblood caught it and twisted his arm the wrong way breaking it. The stallion screamed in pain as Blueblood delivered another powerful punch; sending him into the ground. Grabbing the now bloody stallion by the mane, Blueblood pulled him up and stared deep into his soul. "Don't come back." he said in a low voice before dropping him. As Blueblood turned to get out of the rain, the stallion struggled to rise to his feet. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a knife and attempted to charged at the prince. Blueblood, sighing heavily while rolling his eyes, knew he was coming at him. He turned around and quickly disarmed the stallion by grabbing him and flipping him over his shoulder; throwing him into a pole. The prince then ran at full speed and delivered a powerful kick; sending the stallion high up into the air. Blueblood then powered up his right hand and fired a magical beam at the stallion; blowing him up on impact. With another heavy sigh, the prince proceeded to walk back into the hotel as the stallion's charred body landed on the pavement with a heavy thud.

"Y-you k-killed him." said the female investor; shocked at what she just witnessed.

"I wish." Blueblood answered her with a bored and disappointed tone. "I.....wish."


In the pool arena, Dizzy swam behind Pinkie and wrapped his arms around her. Pinkie closed her eyes and melted into the embrace; grabbing Dizzy's right hand and bringing to fondle one of her breasts. "So, did you talk to her yet?" he asked.

"Pinkie's mood instantly changed after he asked that question. "No, not yet."

"You know eventually you'll have to, right?" he said.

"Baby, please, don't ruin this." she said; not wanting to think about Rarity at this time.

"But I can tell that it's eating you up inside." he said as he held her tighter. "You want to talk to her. Why else would you send her a text inviting her here?" Dizzy did have a point, though she didn't want to admit it. Right now, Pinkie was at war with herself. Part of her wanted to have that serious conversation with Rarity, while the other part didn't want to even look at her. In fact, she didn't even realize she'd invited Rarity over until after the text was already sent. Pinkie stopped forcing Dizzy to squeeze her breast and simply held his hand. "Pinkie, the longer you wait, the harder it's gonna be." He was right. She knew he was right, but still........she struggled with the part of her that didn't want to talk to Rarity. "You want me to go with you?" he asked.

Pinkie shook her head no. Dizzy gave her a reassuring peck on the cheek. "It'll be fine, babe, you'll see. I'm sure the two of you will work things out." While Dizzy was comforting Pinkie, on the other side of the pool Twilight was with Applejack sitting on the edge with only their legs submerged in the water.

"Are y'all sure Spike heard nothin' ?" Applejack asked.

"He told me himself that he didn't." Twilight answered. "Eventually, we will have to tell him."

"Wonder how he'll take it." Applejack said.

"I don't know, and that's what scares me." said Twilight. "I don't know how he'll react when he finds out. I mean, he clearly knows about sleeping with me, but what about Celestia? How will he react when he finds out that he slept with his own mother?"

"Technically, they're not blood related." Applejack said; trying to lighten up the conversation.

"But still!" Twilight half yelled. "She raised him, she was there for him since day one, she's all he knows! If I tell Spike everything, he might believe that he forced himself on her against her will!"

"If he does start to believe that, then we'll have to do our best to assure him that he didn't." Applejack said while putting an arm around Twilight. Twilight was about to say something, but was cut off when Rainbow Dash, from out of nowhere, landed in the water; splashing the two of them.

"Rainbow?!" they both shrieked; feeling the cold water on their bodies. The cyan pegasus emerged from the water laughing at her victims. Both Twilight and applejack gave her an annoyed looked as she swam away. Back to the other side of the pool, Pinkie and Dizzy were enjoying each others company while they watched Shining Armor and Sunburst compete in a little 50 meter race. The couple then started to notice Rarity and Pearl having what looked like an argument with the fashionista storming off into the locker room.

"Wonder what that was all about?" asked Dizzy.

"You noticed it too?" Pinkie asked; turning around in his arms to look at him.

"Maybe now's the time for you to go talk to her." he suggested. "She's alone in the locker room so nopony will hear what you two are saying." Pinkie lowered her head only for Dizzy to put his hand underneath her chin and lift her head back up. "The sooner you talk to her, the sooner you can put this behind you."

"Okay." she said with a deep sigh. Breaking away from Dizzy, Pinkie swam towards a nearby ladder and proceed to climb out of the pool unknowingly showing off her large luscious butt to Dizzy; water slowly cascading down her body as she left. "Sweet Celestia, give me strength." he thought as watched Pinkie walk away.

Pinkie walked around the pool over to the locker room door. She stopped and took a deep breath before walking in. Her heart started beating over a million miles a minute and she got this nervous feeling in her stomach. She somehow managed to push all of that aside as she turned the corner and bumped into Rarity. The two mares stood there in an awkward silence barely looking each other in the eye. "I........I was just leaving." Rarity spoke up. As she moved,Pinkie placed a hand on her shoulder and stopped her.

"W-wait, we need to talk." she said. Rarity swore she felt her heart stop. She knows what Pinkie wants to talk about and truth be told, she wasn't ready for it. There was another brief moment of silence between the two before Rarity spoke up again. "P-Pinkie........"

"It was my cannon, Rarity." she interrupted. "You broke my cannon."

"Pinkie......I didn't mean to, it just happened." Rarity said with remorse.

"But, why my cannon?" Pinkie asked.

"I.......I." Rarity started. "I wanted "her" to suffer; to feel the same pain Spike felt, only worse. All l could think about was grabbing the nearest, heaviest thing I could get my hands on and beat "her" with it."

"So it HAD to be my cannon?!" Pinkie half yelled.

"Pinkie, I wasn't thinking. I was just angry." Rarity said with tears starting to form. "All I wanted was for "her" to pay for what she did." Pinkie understood where Rarity was coming from. That dragoness deserved everything she'd gotten that night, and then some, but at the same time, it didn't have to come at the cost of her party cannon.

"Rarity, my cannon was meant so much to me." Pinkie said. "It was apart of me, and when you broke it like it was nothing, it felt as if I was you."

"Pinkie, I want to fix this between us, but I don't know how." At this point, Rarity just let the tears flow. "All I can say is that i'm sorry, I know that's not much, I know it won't change what I did, but I AM sorry." Both mares stood there; hurting on an emotional level. Pinkie due to the loss of her party cannon, and Rarity due to the fact that she might have just lost a friend. Pinkie, already figured that Rarity was thinking that their friendship was already over and that she was just waiting for her to say it. However, Pinkie wasn't going to say it. Yes, she was upset at the loss of her party cannon, but to end a long term friendship over it, no. The two of them have been through so much together; saving Equestria from the likes of Discord, Sombra, the Changelings, Meghan McCarthy, and Tirek; just to name a few. Right now, they're tasked with another mission, making sure Spike doesn't go crazy and mate with any and everything that has a vagina. The party cannon could be replaced, but a friendship like the one these two have, cannot. Rarity soon completely broke down as Pinkie pulled her into a hug. Despite how she was feeling, she really hated seeing her friends cry. All Rarity could do was constantly say she was sorry over and over as Pinkie held her.

About 15 minutes had passed before Rarity finally stopped crying. The two mares were now sitting on a bench next to the lockers. The only thing that was heard amongst the two was Rarity's loud sniffles. She continued on apologizing well after her tears had dried up; promising that somehow, someway she'll make it up to Pinkie. The two mares once again sat in silence as Rarity wiped the tears from her eyes. "Can I ask you something?" Pinkie spoke up; catching Rarity's attention. "Earlier, I saw you and Pearl having an argument, what was up with that?"

Rarity lowered her head; not really wanting to talk about it. Mostly because she'll have to reveal to Pinkie that she won't be sleeping with Spike. Even though it was decided that it wouldn't be held against anypony who wouldn't go through with it, the fashionista couldn't help worry about Pinkie's reaction. "I.......It was about.......Spike." she reluctantly answered.

"Was it about your decision to sleep with him?" she asked.

Rarity nodded. "I.......I can't do it. I want to help Spikey Wikey, I really do but.......I can't do that to Pearl."

"Did you tell him that you weren't?" Pinkie asked."

"Of course I did, but this was about something else." she said.

"What is it?" Pinkie wondered. Rarity looked over at Pinkie with a worried look. She was unsure how Pinkie would react once she found out what the argument was about.


The mares cheered as Dizzy and Shining Armor finished racing; the prince of the Crystal Empire currently undefeated. "Who else wants some?!" he yelled in triumphantly. "I'll take on whoever you got!"

His statement caused Applejack to stand up with a smirk on her face. "Applejack, where you going?" Twilight asked.

"Ah need ta make a phone call." she answered. "Ah know just the stallion who'll make y'all brother eat them words." Just as the farm pony began to make her way towards the locker room, an extremely loud scream filled the arena.



Pinkie crashed through the wall with a look of pure rage on her face. "PEARL!" she screamed. Pinkie quickly scanned the area and found her target. With a loud roar, she ran out onto the pool, somehow running on top of the water, and grabbed Pearl by the neck; leaping out of the pool and pinning him against the wall on the other side of the arena.


"PINKIE, NO!" screamed Rarity as she came through the wreckage. "DON'T KILL HIM!"

"YOOOOOOU!" she growled. "You're NOT taking Spike to a whore house!" Pearl slowly lifted his head and saw many female death glares. He hadn't felt this scared since the time Big Macintosh confronted both and Dizzy on the night of the meteor shower. Before anything else could happen, Blueblood walked into the arena and witnessed everything that was in front of him. He soon turned his head to the right and saw the massive hole in the wall then turned his gaze towards Pinkie.

"What the Tartarus did I tell you about wrecking the place?" he said as he started to make his way towards her. "And why do you like you're about to murder this stallion?"

"He wants to take Spike to a whore house." Pinkie growled; causing the other mares to growl as well.

Blueblood looked at Pinkie, then looked at Pearl who was wordlessly begging the prince to save him from death. With a loud sigh, Blueblood spoke up. "Glad to hear he wasn't the only one to have that idea." Those words cause ever mare's eyes to turned towards the prince. Blueblood could care less about their death glares, and they know it too. They also knew that if they tried to gang up on him, it wouldn't end well for either of them. Even if you preach about how a stallion should never hit a mare, the prince could give less of a crap about that. He runs on the notion that if you lay a hand on him, aggravate him, or even put him in a position where his life in threaten, then gender goes right out the window and you better hope you have good health coverage.

"He's not going!" Pinkie growled.

"Yeah, okay, now can you let him go?" he said. "He clearly can't breathe." With another growl, Pinkie let that stallion go; his body dropping to the floor as he gasped for air. "Thanks. Now, about that hole in the wall."


Sentinel sat on the edge of the of bed in a hotel room when a light pink unicorn mare with a line green mane and tail walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. By the way her mane hung low, she clearly just came out of the shower. The hotel they were in wasn't any normal hotel, it was a love hotel. It was a place where ponies come to have sex for the night. Sentinel looked up at the mare with a lustful smile as she undid the knot on her robe and allowed to fall off; revealing her body to him. "So shall we get started?" she asked in a lustful tone.

"Of course." he answered in the same tone. "But could you do something for me first?"

"Anything, baby." she said as she moved to sit on his lap.

"Transform yourself to look like Princess Twilight Sparkle." he said. The mare gave him a sultry smile as she stood up. After taking a three steps back, her horn started glowing and bright light cover her body. Within a few seconds, the magical light disappeared and there she was; looking exactly like Twilight Sparkle. From her manestyle, to her breasts size, right on down to her perfectly round plot. She even went the extra mile and changed her voice to sound just like her as well.

"Like what you see?" she asked in a sultry tone.

"Oh, yeah." Sentinel answered; feeling himself get even harder than he ever has. The mare walked herself over to the red unicorn stallion and pushed him onto his back. From there, she moved to sit on top of him and began to remove his robe while grinding against his hard member. She released soft moan as she felt herself start to get moist between her legs. With his robe now off, Sentinel was now as naked as she was. He grabbed her and flip the two of them over so that he was now on top of her; her large DD breast bouncing as he did so. "I'll consider this practice before I get to the real thing." he thought as started fondling her. "Before the end of the games, the REAL Twilight Sparkle will be in this bed with me."

Chapter 20

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"Spike, do you read me? What's your location?"

"100 yards from the shore. No sign of the enemy as of yet." he answered his com.

"Alright, stay where you are, I'll have Luna meet up with you."

"Copy that, over and out." he said. The thunderstorm had finally ended and it would seem that the games would continue, however that wasn't the case. Due to how much water that was still around, everypony had to wait at least one more day until it was dry enough to continue. Spike and the others found themselves on a island just off the coast of the city. This was where the next contest in the beach games was being held. It was a paintball game. The objective, take out all of your opponents. Since all seven members of Sentinel's team were playing, Spike, Blueblood, Luna, Big Macintosh, Twilight, Rainbow, and Shining Armor were chosen to compete; the others remained on the mainland beach while the game was going on. Everypony was given a special vest that was infused with a magical property that makes so that id you got hit with a paintball, you would feel no pain. So it was best to not take it off. Shining Armor took position at a high point where he could see almost everything, and at the same time kept himself concealed from the other team. He was the one who told Spike to wait for Luna while keeping an eye on him. Being captain of the royal guard made Shining the perfect choice for team leader on this contest. That means they had a slight advantage over Sentinel's crew. "Twiley, what's your location?" he asked over his com.

"Engaging the enemy." she answered.

Shining Armor quickly looked through his scope to locate his sister. After a few seconds of scanning, he found her ducked behind a large boulder as Nami and Ebony opened fire on her. He did a quick scan to see if any of his teammates were close by. Luckily, somepony was there. Big Mac was moving closer behind Nami and Ebony; being careful as to not alert them.

Nami and Ebony stopped firing in order to reload, which gave Big Mac the opportunity he needed to close in on them. Moving from on tree to the next, Big Mac finally got close enough and took aim.


"What the........!" yelled Nami.


Nami was hit three times before Ebony ran to take cover. The mare growled in frustration as she started to walk off; being the first to be eliminated from the game. "IS THAT YOU MY RIVAL?!" Ebony yelled. "I DIDN'T EVEN HEAR YOU COMING! LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" At that point, Twilight came from behind the boulder and opened fire. Ebony quickly dodged out the way before the paintballs him. Launching a counter attack, he fired back at Twilight who ducked back behind the boulder. This gave Big Mac another opening as he came from behind the tree and fired on Ebony while moving to another spot. The dark grey earth pony counter by firing back while also moving to another hiding spot. Twilight jumped in by aiming at Ebony's feet; an attempt at trying to at least trip him up a bit. Ebony quickly turned in her direction and fired; knocking her paintball gun out of her hands and forcing her back behind the boulder.

"Twilley, you alright?" Shining asked over the com.

"Yeah, but I lost my paintball gun." she answered. "If I move, i'll get hit for sure."

"Just leave it to Big Mac then, you'll get an opening soon enough." he reassured. Twilight agreed and waited for Big Mac to do something that would catch Ebony's attention.

From behind the tree, Big Mac could see that Twilight's paint gun was only a few feet away from her, but he could also see that if she tried to move, Ebony would clearly eliminate her from the contest. Big Mac had to somehow lure Ebony out into the open and give Twilight a chance at retrieving her gun. He began scanning the area for something he could use to get Ebony's attention. Looking up, he noticed a large beehive hanging from the tree the Ebony was hiding behind. If he could knock it down, then that would most likely force a distraction long enough for Twilight to arm herself. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MY RIVAL?!" Ebony called out just as Big Mac took aim. "DON'T TELL ME YOU'VE GIVEN UP ALREADY!"

"Nope." Big Mac said before firing at the hive knocking it down. The hive fell right next to Ebony and the bees swarmed. Ebony screamed and ran out into the open; just as Big Mac hoped. Coming from his hiding spot, Big Mac opened fire at Ebony, not to hit him, but to distract him long for Twilight to run out from behind the boulder and grab her paintball gun. Ebony took aim at Big Mac who jumped out of the way as he opened fire; nearly hitting him in the process. "That was very sneaking of you, my rival, but if think that's gonna stop me, then............"


Ebony was so focused on running from the bees and Big Mac's attack, that he'd completely forgotten about Twilight. During all that comotion, she had retrieved her paintball gun, then snuck up behind Ebony where she opened fire. "No, no, NO!" he growled. "You may have won this round, my rival, but I will NOT lose the next." As Ebony walked off, Big Mac came from behind the tree; revealing to Twilight that Ebony actually hit him in the leg before she managed to eliminate him from the game.

"Sorry, Big Mac." Twilight said as she lowered. Big Mac simply smiled and nodded; letting her know that it was okay. As he started to walk off, Twilight called her brother over the com. "Shining, you there?"

"Yeah, what's up?" he asked.

"I got Ebony, but Big Mac was hit." she explained.

"Shit." he said. "Well at least two of their team members are out, head north to meet up with Rainbow Dash."

"Got it, over and out." she said. "Two down, five more to go."


Blueblood had his sights on both Sentinel and Moonstone; mostly Sentinel. He tried not to let his anger get the best of him and blow his cover as he remember how that unicorn embarrassed Celestia by de-bikining her in front of everypony. He still planned to get him back for that; this was part one of his revenge. Like a wild animal in the jungle, Blueblood quietly stalks his prey; waiting for the chance to pounce.

"Sentinel, I think somepony's watching us." said Moonstone.

"Well, considering we're in a war zone." he said condescendingly.

"What the Tartarus is your problem?" Moonstone asked.

"Had i'd known that Princess Twilight was planning on participating in this event, I wouldn't have decided to compete." he explained.

"Seriously?" Moonstone raised and eyebrow at Sentinel's explanation. "You're worried about her?"

"Well yeah, I mean, what if I end up eliminating her from the contest? If I did that, then there goes my chances of pounding that." he said. "My only chance of staying in her good graces is to avoid her and hope that Aqua can seduce that lizard. That way I can swoop in and claim her broken heart for myself." A goofy smile formed on Sentinel's face as he imagined Twilight all over him.

"So you hope to break them apart so you can have you way with Twilight, huh?" asked a voice.

"Are you dense?" Sentinel replied. "Of course I want to break them apart. Why should that lizard get to have one of the sexiest mares alive when I own the entire beach. Mares can't help but throw themselves at me. Doesn't matter if they have a coltfriend or are married, I'M the one they really want in the end."

"Hmm, I see." said the voice. "Pretty stupid plan if you ask me."

"And why is tha........." Sentinel angrily turned around only to see Blueblood standing next to him. As his anger quickly replaced itself with fear, Sentinel peeked over the prince's shoulder and saw Moonstone laying on the ground as his body shook as if he was having a seizure while gargling up different paint colors. With a crazed smile, Blueblood held up his paintball gun; readying for his next attack. "Run."


Rainbow Dash ran through the woods with Swift hot on her tail. Both pegasi fired at one another hoping to hit their target. "Shining, you there!?" she yelled through her com.

"What's up?" he answered.

"This stallion is on my ass, could use a little help here!" she suggested.

"On it!" he said. "Just lure him out to an open area."

"Easier said than done." Rainbow thought as she made a quick dash behind a nearby tree; paintballs neary hitting her as she did so. Swift took cover as well as he reloaded. After getting utterly humiliated last time, this was his chance to get some redemption. Granted it wasn't Big Mac this time, thank Celestia, but still, he had to at least get one elimination in this game. Peeking from behind cover, Swift managed to catch a peek at Rainbow Dash coming from behind the tree and making a break for it. "Dammit!" Swift said as he quickly gave chase.

"Rainbow, take the next left." Shining said over the com. "There's a small clearing a few feet away from you with a downed tree. Duck behind it once you get there."

"Got it!" she said as she quickly turned left; narrowly avoiding getting hit by Swift's paintballs. Shining Armor did his best to keep Rainbow in his sights despite the amount of trees that was in his way. In order to keep Swift at bay, Rainbow began firing random shots behind her. She managed to cause Swift to duck out of the way in order to not get hit. This gave her ample time to reach her destination. Rainbow scanned the area and found the downed tree that Shining told her about. She ran over and ducked behind it just as Swift finally ran on scene. "Damn, where'd she go?" he said; unaware that he'd fallen into a trap. As he walked further in, Shining Armor took aim and fired; hitting Swift in the back of his neck. "GAH!" Swift yelled as he grabbed his neck. Looking at his hand, he saw that it was paint. "What the.......!" He didn't get time to react seeing as how Rainbow Dash lept out from behind the downed tree and began opening fire on the pegasus. "Oh, come on!" he yelled. "You guys have a sniper?! Who uses a sniper in a paintball match?!"


Spike and Luna had just entered a shootout against Gravel and Aqua. Both sides, ducking behind whatever they could as to not get shot, while at the same time, taking aim and firing back. "We're getting nowhere with this." Gravel growled. "We have to split them up somehow."

"That branch above them should do it." Aqua said as she pointed. "You get the princess and i'll get the dragon."

Gravel raised an eyebrow. "You're seriously going along with Sentinel's plan, huh?"

"We do it every year, you know." she said. "Besides, once I get my hands on him, their entire team will fall apart."

"Alright, i'll shoot down the branch, then we make our move." Gravel said before looking over and taking aim. "You get the dragon and i'll handle the princess; and by handle I mean run like Tartarus." Gravel shot at the tree branch causing it to crack. Luna, noticing a loud cracking sound, looked up and a large tree branch threatening to break free and crash on top of both her and Spike. "Spike, look out!" she yelled as the branch broke off. Luna launched herself at Spike; pushing him out of the way before jumping off to the side as the tree branch fell. Spike rolled a few feet away before coming to a stop. Looking up. he saw Aqua coming out of the shadows and prepared to open fire. "Oh no." he said as he looked around for his paintball gun he'd dropped just as Luna pushed him away from the falling branch. Aqua began firing at Spike; purposely missing him as he was force to get up and move out of the way as fast as he could. Luna got up just in time to see Aqua firing at Spike. Grabbing her paintball gun, she prepared to fire, but was stopped when Gravel fired off a shot; hitting Luna's gun and almost knocking it out of her hand. Luna quickly turned her attention towards Gravel and opened fire; causing him to retreat back into his hiding place as Aqua went after Spike. Luna tried to chase after them, but everytime she made an attempt to, Gravel would put a halt to it.

"Okay, Gravel, you can do this." he thought. "It's just Princess Luna, I mean, it's not like she's gonna take what Sentinel did to her sister out on me, right?" Coming out from behind his hiding spot, Gravel took aim only to discover that Luna was nowhere to be seen. "Where'd she go?" he asked.

"I'm right here." Luna answered; standing behind him with the point of her gun against the back of his head. "Don't think about trying to get me the same way you got my sister."

"I.......I had nothing to do with that." Gravel tried to explain. "I was just as surprised as you when Sentinel pulled that stunt." Gravel stood like a statue; not moving an inch out of fear of what Luna might do if he did.

"Well, because of that "friend" of yours, my sister has locked herself in her room." she explained. "She refuses to step outside because of the humiliation that was inflicted upon her." Gravel said nothing as he could feel the anger coming from Luna. "If I were you, i'd find a new friend before disaster falls upon you."

"Wish I could, princess, but unfortunately, I CAN'T!" Gravel yelled, before managing to knock away her paintball gun and moving away from her to put some distance between them.

"Impudent wretch!" Luna yelled as she regain her balance. She took aim at Gravel just as he turned around and aimed at her. Both ponies opened fire on one another effectively hitting their target. Luna hitting Gravel on both shoulders and hips, and Gravel hitting Luna on her right shoulder and chest. Gravel sighed in defeated while Luna groaned in frustration. Turning her back towards him, Luna began to contact Shining Armor over the com. "Shining Armor, are you there?"

"Sure, what's up?" he answered.

"I'm sorry, but it would appear that I am eliminated from the contest." she said. "But worry not, I took him down with me."

"Okay, that just leaves two left." he replied. "Where's Spike, I lost sight of him."

"We got seperated when the branch fell." she explained. "One of our opponents is after him."

"Okay, i'll Rainbow and Twilley to back him up the second I locate him." he said.

"You might wanna hurry with that." Luna replied as she turned back to the fallen branch. "I found Spike's gun. It's crushed underneath the branch."



Sentinel's body went flying through the air before he landed right upon the beach. Lifting his head, he saw three members of his team and Big Mac standing next to the judges table along with Hotspot. "Dude, where did you come from?!" asked Swift. "And what was that explosion?!"

"Guess you got eliminated too, huh?" Nami added.

"N-NO! I DIDN'T!" Sentinel yelled. "HE.......HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!"

"Who is?" asked Hotspot.


Blueblood landed on the beach with Moonstone over his shoulder. The prince then dropped Moonstone like he was a bag of rocks before proceeding to make his way towards Sentinel. "I'm gonna make you suffer." he said with a raspy voice.

"Y-YOU GUYS GOTTA HELP ME!" Sentinel yelled.

"They can't." Hotspot explained. "As long as the game is still ongoing, they can't interfere with this match." Hotspot looked over at Blueblood and saw that he had a dark blue aura starting to form around his body. Feeling that this was about to get ugly, he quickly came up with a suggestion. "H-Hold on, your majesty, how about the two of you settle this out with a good old fashioned duel."

"You can't be serious." Sentinel said as he rose from the ground.

"You wanna end up like your friend over there." Hotspot said as he pointed to Moonstone laying on the ground; his body twitching every now and again as paint continued to spill out of his mouth. Sentinel quickly shook his head "no". "Then we're doing this. Both of you, meet in the middle, then turn around and walk ten paces before firing." Both stallions did just that; meeting in the middle and staring each other down.

"Alright, Sentinel, you can do this." he thought to himself. "Just look him in the eyes, aim no higher, summon all the courage you require, then count." Sentinel turned around; his back now facing Blueblood as he started walking while counting his paces. "1,2,3......"


Blueblood shot Sentinel in the back of his head sending him face first in the sand. "WHAT THE TARTARUS, WAS THAT?!" yelled Swift. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE HIM A CHANCE!"

"Have you no honor?" asked Ebony.

"You assume I give a shit." Blueblood replied; looking at the two stallions with no emotions.


Twilight and Rainbow had met up with one another and were now on the search for Spike, all the while, Aqua, the last member of her team still active, knew that in order for the plan to work, she had to get him alone somewhere. Somewhere nopony would find them. Firing off a couple shots, she forced Spike out of his hiding spot. She witnessed him running towards a bear cave. Thankfully no animals, aside from birds, had lived on this island for a while. That cave was the perfect place for her to seduce Spike onto her side like she did so many others.

As Spike entered the cave, he was hoping that there was an opening on the other side of it, but sadly there was not. "Crap, dead end." he said. Turning back around he saw Aqua, blocking the entrance with lidded eyes and a smirk on her face. Dropping her paintball gun, she slowly started to make her way towards the now confused dragon.

"Relax, I just wanna talk." she said. "I've been noticing you for quite a while now."

"Y-you have?" he asked as she got closer.

"Of course I have." she answered answered in a sultry tone. "I mean the way you handled yourself against Sentinel on the balance beam, most ponies would have been knocked out after a few seconds against him. You really made him work for that win." Aqua was now right next to Spike; running her finger up and down his chest while giving him a lustful look. Spike subconsciously started to back away from her, but she followed. He's seen that look she was giving him before, or at least, he thinks he thinks he's seen it. He remembered Twilight having that same look on her face before everything went black. Pushing her body onto his, Aqua managed to get Spike up against the cave wall. "So tell me, are you and Princess Twilight dating?" she asked he the same tone.

"I.....I.....I....." Spike stammered. The feeling her body on his was causing hus urges to flail up again. This was bad. Spike had to stop her advancements, otherwise, this wouldn't end well. Before Spike, had the chance to push her away, Aqua removed her vest, wrapped both arms around his neck, and pulled him in closer; her lips dangerously close to his. "You know, i've never been with a dragon before." she said seductively. "I'm curious to know what it's like." Grabbing his right hand, Aqua brought it up to her chest and forced him to squeeze it. "Hehehe. You're all mine." she thought. Spike gritted his teeth as his eyes started to glow. He released a soft growl before sealing his eyes shut and placing his hands on Aqua's shoulders; pushing her away.

"G-Get b-b-back." he struggled to say.

"Huh? Why'd you push me away?" she asked confused then made a sly look. "You don't have to worry, it's just you and me here. Nopony's gonna disturb us, and Twilight doesn't have to know." Aqua walked back to Spike and pushed herself on him once again. Spike's body began to tremble as he fought a losing battle to maintain control of himself. "You know you want this." she egged him on. Lifting up his head, Spike opened his brightly glowing eyes which caught Aqua off guard. Before she had a chance to react, Spike grabbed her, then pinned her up against the cave wall; lifting up her right leg and grinding against her while licking her neck. Aqua responded by released a light moan while removing her shirt; grinding against him. Spike pulled his head back and growled as he saw her round C cups within a light blue bra jiggling before him. "You want more?" she asked. Spike answered by releasing yet another soft growl. "Then you'll have to do me a favor, okay." Before things could go any further, Spike managed to push himself off Aqua in a last ditch effort to regain control of himself. Grabbing his head and thrashing around, Spike roared as loud as he could which scared Aqua a bit. "H-hey, what's wrong with you?!"

"G-G-Get.......b-back!" he struggled to say. Spike dropped to his knees and began punching the ground as he continued to fight off his urges. He had to get away from Aqua or else wind up doing unspeakable things to her that he didn't want on his conscience. Spike slowly stood back up and ran for the entrance at full speed; leaving Aqua behind. "H-HEY!" she yelled. She quickly ran after him; leaving behind her shirt. Spike ran from out the cave running past both Twilight and Rainbow; catching the two mares off guard. They both called for him, but he ignored them. To their shock, Twilight and Rainbow witnessed Spike ram his head into the first thick tree he saw. "SPIKE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Twilight yelled in terror. She ran over to him in order to stop him from hurting himself. Spike looked at her with glowing eyes and a hungry lustful smile. "S-S-Spike w-want!" he said. "S-Spike.........." Spike didn't get to finish his sentence as he once again gritted his teeth and slammed his head into the tree.

"SPIKE NO!" Twilight yelled as he did it once again, this time, knocking himself out. Rainbow ran over to Spike's side and caught him before he hit the ground. While the two mares watched over their friend, Aqua emerged from the cave and witnessed them there. "Damn, and I was so close too." she thought as she started to head back. Before doing so, she was hit in the back of the neck with something hard. She winced in pain while grabbing her neck. Looking at her hand, she saw that it was paint. She opened her mouth to say something, but was was hit a couple more times from out of nowhere before retreating back inside the cave. Without her protective vest on, she was feeling immense pain from the paintballs. She was sure that she would have bruises by the end of the day.

"Rainbow, Twilley, target's down." said Shining Armor through the com. "How's Spike?"

"Shining, we have to get him off this island." said Twilight. "Something triggered his urges. He knocked himself out."

"Not something, Twilley, somepony." he replied. "I'll explain later, right now head to the beach."


20 minutes had passed and both teams were now gathered together on the beach of the island; Twilight glaring at Aqua after receiving news from her brother that he saw her exiting the cave without her top on. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she must have had something to do with Spike's urges flailing up. Speaking of Spike, upon reaching the beach with his unconscious body, Luna grabbed him and brought him to the mainland to receive medical treatment for his head injury.


As two separate boats came a shore, Sentinel and his crew boarded with Sentinel going over to a bruised Aqua. "What the Tartarus happened?! You're all bruised up and he's knocked out! How hard did you bang that guy!"

"We didn't." she groaned in pain. "He started acting weird then ran out of the cave."

"Judging by your bruises, you're not gonna be seducing anypony anytime soon." he said. "Looks like i'll have to come with with a plan b to get her into my bed."

"Seriously Sentinel, you need to stop thinking with your dick." she groaned.

Chapter 21

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Spike slowly awoke in the infirmary tent with Cadence watching over him. "Spike, you're up." she said. "Are you feeling okay?"

"W-What happened?" he groggily asked.

"Don't you remember?" she asked.

"N-Not really, I know I was in a cave on the island, but everything else is a blurr." he explained. Cadence moved in to rub her cheek against his; happy to know that he was at least okay. The large bruise that was on his forehead had completely healed; as if it was never there to begin with. Ah, the perks of being a dragon. Cadence pulled back from Spike; unintentionally giving him full view of her DD breasts almost spilling out of her bikini top. Spike quickly diverted his eyes away from her; not wanting to give into his desires. "S-so, did we win?" he asked.

"Yeah, we did." she answered. "There's gonna be a small break before the next match begins, so we all have time to just kick back and have fun." Soon after she said that, Spike stomach started to growl; indicating that he was hungry. "Or get something to eat." she giggled. "Come on, let's go."


At the food court, Sentinel sat at one of the tables with his head resting in his hand. He was thinking of a new way to get Twilight in his arms, but each plan he came up with would most likely fall apart before he even executed it. One of which was to use magic to disguise himself as Spike and get her that way, but Twilight is highly skilled in magic. She would most likely see right through his cheap trick and that could spell disaster for him. "Dammit, there has to be a way for me to get up in that." he said under his breath. Looking to his left he noticed an old magazine with Twilight's picture on it inside a small waste basket near his table. Something inside him said to read it, so he went over and grabbed it. Flipping through the pages he came to the part where Twilight was given an interview. The Princess of Friendship was asked many questions, but one caught Sentinel's attention. "Twilight is afraid of snakes?" he said. Not even a millisecond went by before a wicked smile crept across his face. "That's it, that's how i'll get her." he said. Looking up, he saw Twilight heading towards the public showers. "Perfect."


"So where's Twilight?" Spike asked as he and Cadence approached the food court.

"She's heading towards the public showers." she explained. "She wants to take a quick wash off and change into her bikini before meeting up with us."

"SPIKE, CADENCE! OVER HERE!" yelled Pinkie. She and the other mares were at a large table waving them over. Luna and the stallions weren't with them. The stallions were off trying to figure out what the next even is, while Luna most likely traveled back to the hotel to convince her sister to leave her room. As Spike and Cadence joined everypony else, a waiter came by with a large tray of food for all of them. "Whoa!" Spike said with excitement. "There's more than enough for everypony!"

"Well, what'er y'all waitin' for, let's dig in." said Applejack.


Sentinel made it to the public showers just in time to witness Twilight going into one of the stalls. Behind the showers was a tall grass area; perfect for finding either small rodents, or in this case, snakes. Sentinel ran around back and quickly started searching for one. It didn't take him long to find a small grass snake. "This'll do nicely." he thought. Picking it up, the red stallion quickly made his way back around to the entrance of the showers; making sure nopony saw the snake in hand. His plan was simple, slip the snake underneath the stall door, Twilight sees it then screams for help, then he comes in and saves her. She would be so filled with emotion she wouldn't be able to help but throw herself at him. Snickering to himself he approached her stall door and proceeded to put his plan into action.

Inside the stall, Twilight had just put on her bikini bottom before stepping underneath the warm running water. She closed her eyes while running her hands through her mane before moving to her shoulders and then her breasts. After the quick wash off, Twilight turned to grab her bikini top, but immediately stopped once she saw it the grass snake slither it's way into the stall. Her eyes widen in fear as her breathing became quick and shallow. Backing up underneath the shower head, her back pressed up against the wall. Gritting her teeth, tears began to fall down her face. She wanted to scream out for help, but was too paralyzed to do so. All she managed to do was release faint whispers calling for help that nopony could hear; even if the shower wasn't running. "Help! Somepony please, help!" As the snake slithered closer, Twilight's fear grew more and more. "Spike......SPIKE!" she quietly sobbed. "SPIKE, PLEASE HELP ME!"


Everypony was in the middle of eating when suddenly Spike started feeling a combination of fear and rage. "Hey, Spike, what's up?" asked Starlight. Spike ignored her words and quickly shot up; nearly knocking over the table.

"Spike, what is it?!" asked Rarity. She and the other mares gasped loudly once they saw Spike's eyes glowing, however, this was different. The white hue of his eyes were black while his pupils were a shade of blood red. The way he gritted his and growled terrified everypony. It was as if he was going to kill any of them at a moments notice. Turning his attention towards the public showers, Spike released a growl and took off at amazing speeds. "W-Wha......where's he going?" Rainbow asked while Fluttershy was clutching her arm.


Sentinel stood at the entrance and waited for Twilight's scream of terror; which never came. "Oh, come on, she had to have noticed it by now." he groaned. At that point, Sentinel began to feel the ground shake. He looked up and noticed a giant puff of sand and smoke coming right at him at full speed. "W-What the Tartarus is that?!" he yelled. It wasn't long before Spike appeared out of the smoke, and before Sentinel had a chance to respond, Spike wound up knocking him out of the way and sending him flying off about 200 yards without realizing he was there. "TWILIGHT!" he roared. Spike went to the closest stall that was still running and opened it. There he saw a topless Twilight against the wall standing on her toes as the grass snake slithered it's way around her. Spike moved in and grabbed the snake; throwing it into the air into the air where it was caught by a random eagle. Spike's eyes returned back to normal just when Twilight wrapped herself around him. Spike held her close as she cried hysterically. "Twilight, it's okay, i'm here now." he said softly. The two of them fell to their knees and Twilight clung to him; refusing to let him go as she cried her eyes out.

After a few moments passed, Twilight started to show signs of calming down. "You feeling okay?" Spike asked softly. Twilight answered with a nod. "Where's that snake come from?" he wondered. Twilight answered by shrugging her shoulders. "Come on, let's go." he suggested. The two of the stood up which turned out to be a big mistake as Twilight quickly remembered that she was topless. She quickly wrapped her arms around Spike; hugging him.

"S-Spike, don't look." she said softly. Spike was a bit confused as to what she was talking about, until he saw her bikini top on the floor underneath the shower head; which was still running by the way. Closing his eyes and turning his head, Spike took Twilight's arms from around his body and gently pushed her away. "M-Maybe you should put that on." he suggested. With a small smile, Twilight went to turn off the shower, grabbed her bikini top, and put it on. All while Spike kept his back towards her; not wanting to risk an accident.

"Spike?" she called to him. "Thank you, for saving me." Twilight walked over to his side, and planted a soft peck on the cheek. Locking onto his arm, the two of them walked out of the public shower to soon be greeted by Cadence and the others who all wore worried looks on their faces.

"Spike, are you okay?" asked Cadence.

"What happened to y'all back there?" asked Applejack. "Ah've never seen y'all look so......terrifyin'."

"I.....uh......" Spike started. "I don't know. I can't explain it but, I had this weird feeling that Twilight was in trouble and I had to get to her."

"Twilight, in trouble?!" yelled Pinkie as she went over to Twilight's side. "Are you okay, what happened?!"

"I-It was nothing, Pinkie, just that.......a snake somehow got into the stall I was in." she explained. "Spike saved me." Pinkie released a very loud gasp before pulling Twilight and a caring embrace. She, along with everypony else, knew how much she was terrified of snakes. "It's okay, Pinkie, i'm doing much better."

"Come on, everypony, our food is getting cold." said Cadence. As everypony traveled back to the food court, Twilight walked next to Spike; grabbing his hand. Spike could tell that she was still a little shaken up about that little event earlier; due to how much her hand was still shaking. Spike gave it a squeeze as his way of telling her that everything was going to be alright. Twilight smiled and decided that later tonight, she would properly thank a special way.


Later that day, both teams and the crowd gathered in the middle of the beach; along with the judges. The second match for the day was a dodgeball game. Blueblood, Applejack, Rainbow, Dizzy, and Pearl represented their team, while Swift, Gravel, Ebony, Nami, and Sentinel represented theirs. Aqua, still bruised up from earlier, decided to sit this one out. Moonstone was still in the infirmary after what Blueblood did to him. Both sides were moving around as a fast pace; doing their best to avoid getting hit. Blueblood grabbed a ball and threw at Sentinel who managed to dodge out of way for Ebony to grab it and throw it back; almost hitting Applejack. Rainbow managed to leap over two oncoming balls; one of them landed next to Dizzy who quickly picked it up and managed to hit Swift in the side. With Swift eliminated, it was now 5 on 4 with Sentinel's team now aiming for the weak link.........Pearl.

Pearl wasn't much of an athlete so his movements were slower than the others. He only barely managed to not get hit every now and then. Nami took aim at Pearl who ducked as the ball flew over his head. It was soon picked up by Rainbow who threw back and managed to hit her; eliminating her from the match. Rainbow was so focused on taking out Nami that she failed to notice Gravel throwing a ball right at her. Gravel managed to hit Rainbow on the side of her head; earning him a death glare from her. "I think I just ended up on another pony's shitlist." he thought. Gravel took a glance to his left only to be slammed in the face by a ball thrown by Applejack. The stallion was knocked on his back after the impact. "Y-Yep, i'm definitely on somepony's shitlist." he thought.

With that out of the way, it was now 4 on 2, or rather 3 on 2. Ebony saw an opening and quickly took it, throwing a ball at Pearl and knocking him out of the match. Blueblood, Applejack, and Dizzy were all that stood between Sentinel and Ebony's victory. The match continued with both fiercely throwing balls at each other while dodging. Their friends and the crowd eagerly cheering them on as they went back and forth. Over time, Applejack and Ebony were eliminated from the match; leaving Blueblood and Dizzy to face off against Sentinel. Sentinel dodged left and right; avoiding getting hit to the best of his abilities. Every now and then he'd managed to grab a ball and throw it back, but he wouldn't hit anypony. Pretty soon fatigue started to hit him, he knew he couldn't keep this up forever. He had to make at least one more move. Grabbing a ball, he used it to knock the other oncoming balls away as he pushed forward. Seeing an opening, he threw it with all his might at Dizzy; hitting him hard and knocking him out of the game, but at the same time leaving himself open for a counter attack from Blueblood. The prince hit Sentinel upside the head; eliminating him and winning the game. Blueblood's team surrounded him; celebrating their second win of the day.



Later on, the sun started to go down, and everypony began to head home. Spike stood on the beach for a little while longer; staring at the pier with the small amusement park on top of it. "I'm surprised we haven't gone there yet." he thought. "We should at least check it out tomorrow."

"SPIKE!" Twilight called. "SPIKE, COME ON!"

Turning around, Spike ran towards the others. Together, they all started to head back to the hotel; Sentinel watching them from a distance. He growled in anger as his plan to get Twilight failed once again. "Trying to humiliate him failed, having Aqua seduce him failed, even scaring Twilight into my arms failed." he growled. "It's not fair, I'M the Master of the Beach here. She should be with me, not some worthless lizard. Time to play hard ball."


That evening, Spike laid in his room watching whatever was on the tv, when somepony began knocking at his door. "Coming." he said as he got up. Walking over, he answered the door and was greeted by Twilight, who was wearing a black tank top and a dark purple mini skirt. Spike smiled and let her in; knowing that she didn't want to be alone after the event that went down earlier with the snake. The pair climbed into bed with Twilight wrapping her arms around him and resting her head over his chest. Spike began running his claw through her mane, picking at the loose ends, straightening them out, playing with her hair as he saw fit. Twilight cuddled against him further; freely pressing her body up against his as she started to hear his heartbeat. The strong beating of Spike's heart put her mind at ease. "You feeling okay, Twilight?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah." she answered as she slowly started to move her leg over him. Pretty soon she began to move her whole body over him. Spike's eyes traveled downward to Twilight's cleavage where he saw that she wasn't wearing a bra. A dark blush appeared on both their faces as Spike started to feel his urges rise once again. Twilight moved to lay her full body weight on top of him; smashing her breasts against his chest and burying her face in his neck. Her hot breath sent shivers up and down Spike's spine; causing he eyes to start glowing. He released a soft growl before placing his hands on Twilight's back; rubbing them up and down before moving to grope her butt. This caused Twilight to sit up and pull her tank top over her head; her large breasts jiggling free as she tossed it to the side. Spike's mouth watered as he saw those luscious mounds in front of him; right for the taking. Placing a hand on his chest, Twilight bit her bottom lip as she began to slowly grind on him; rubbing against his now stiffen member.

Taking control of the situation, Spike flipped the over with Twilight releasing a loud giggle. He grabbed her skirt and panties and pulled them off so that she was fully naked infront of him. Twilight responded by spreading her legs open and inviting Spike to do whatever he wanted with her. Removing every piece of clothing he had on, Spike pounced on top of Twilight; the two of them rolling around in the bed with Twilight's loud moans of pleasure filling the room.


"Look I really need your help on this." Sentinel said into the phone.

"Okay, okay, damn, you must be desperate if you're calling me for help." said the pony over the phone. "So who's been giving you trouble?"

"Some worthless lizard." he answered. "I was "this close" to getting near the princess when suddenly he showed and ruined everything."

"I see, so what do you want me to do with him?" the pony asked.

"There's an old abandoned shed underneath the pier, just hide him there until I claim what's rightfully mine." Sentinel said.

"Alright, just let me get my crew together and I'll meet you in a day or two." said the pony.

"Thanks, Shocker, I owe you one." Sentinel said in an appreciative tone.

"If I'm helping you bang a princess, you bet your ass you're gonna owe me." the pony said. "We'll speak soon, little brother."

Sentinel hung up the phone and went to look out the window; anger appearing on his face as he growled. "Dammit, i'll bet that worthless bastard is probably banging her right now."


"SPIKE, PLEASE!" Twilight shouted. Spike had her on her hands and knees as he pounded her from behind. He growled in lust as he witnessed how much her round butt jiggled with each movement. It didn't take long for Twilight's inner walls to squeeze around Spike's member as she had her fourth orgasm that night. The Princess of Friendship collapsed on the bed; panting hard as her body twitched. Wanting more, Spike flipped her on her back and re-entered her. She screamed in lust as she wasn't over her orgasm yet. Spike began thrusting at a fast pace; drooling as he watched Twilight breasts bounce like crazy. Twilight Wrapped her arms and legs around Spike; bringing him closer to her. With her breasts smashed against his chest, Spike growled in happiness. "T-That's......w-what y-you w-wanted.......*moan*......isn't it?" Twilight managed to say. "Y-You w-wanted to f-f-feel.......oh Celestia.......m-my tits.......r-right?"

Twilight's dirty talk was somehow turning Spike on more than he already was. "F-FUCK, I'M CUMMING!" Twilight screamed as she lifted her hips off the bed as another powerful orgasm washed over her. Spike didn't let this deter him as he took Twilight left leg and placed it over his shoulder. Turning her to the side, he recommince his thrusting. Twilight's eyes were rolled up in back of her head as her tongue stuck out as she made very original grunting noises. Spike moved his right claw to her breasts and grabbed one of the orbs; squeezing and enjoying the soft feeling. After about an hour, Spike started to feel his peak building up. He began going faster and faster sending Twilight into overdrive and threatening to destroy the bed. Twilight grabbed onto whatever she could as she felt what she believed was going to be her final orgasm of the night building up. "Celestia, help me!" she thought as she gritted her teeth hard once she came. Spike roared as his orgasm hit; filling Twilight with his spunk. "I don't think i'll be able to move." she thought and Spike moved her onto her back. He placed both claws onto her breasts and began fondling them to his heart's content. Twilight was worried that she might need to get not only a bigger bikini top, but a bigger bra seeing as how much Spike loves playing them.

Suddenly, Twilight gasped loudly as she felt Spike's member take on a whole new life. "M-More?" she said fearful. "I.....I can't."

"Spike want!" he said.

"P-Please Spike, l-let me rest." she begged. Spike didn't listen as he dove in to start sucking on her large orbs. Twilight's entire body went numb as Spike started thrusting once again. It was clear that she wasn't going to be getting any sleep tonight.

Chapter 22

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To Celebrate their latest win, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Blueblood went out on the town. Finding themselves at a local bar, the trio sat at a booth and raised a toast to their victory. "Three more matches, and we win." Shining Armor announced. "It doesn't matter what the next one is, we'll dominate."

"Look at you, Mr. Confident." Blueblood teased. Glancing over at Cadence, the prince saw that she had a somewhat worried look on her face. She was in deep thought about something. In fact, she's been this way ever since they came back from the beach. "Cadence?" he called. "Hey Cadence.......Equestria to Cadenza!"

"Huh, what?" she said; snapping out of her thoughts.

"Okay, what's going on?" he said. "You've been like this ever since we left the beach."

"Oh, i'm just.......thinking.......about Spike." she answered.

"Did something happen?" Blueblood asked.

Cadence nodded. "Y-yeah, something did happen. We were all eating together when out of nowhere, Spike got this angry look on his face. I can't explain it, but he looked terrifying; as if he was going to kill all of us right then and there." Blueblood and Shining looked at each other before turning back at Cadence. This was the first time they've heard of this. "Out of nowhere, his eyes turned black as he was filled with rage." she continued. "Then suddenly he ran off, and when we caught up with him, he was back to normal standing with Twilight. He said that he sensed she was in trouble."

"Twilight was in trouble?!" Shining said shocked to hear this. "What happened?"

"While she was in the public shower, a snake somehow slithered it's way in." she explained. "And you know how much she's afraid of those things."

"You said Spike sensed Twilight was in trouble, you think this could be because of his cycle?" Blueblood asked.

"I don't know." she answered. "It could be, I mean, there's still so much we don't know." Before this conversation could continue, a group of earth pony stallions and a mare entered the bar making all kinds of noise; catching their attention. The group of ponies immediately began causing a ruckus; jumping on tables, throwing things at one another, and just causing trouble for everypony else. One of the stallions, completely ignoring Shining Armor and Blueblood, walked up to Cadence with a flirtatious look. "Hey there beautiful, what do you say the two of us go some place quiet." he said. Cadence looked at him with an "are you for real" look before turning her head and ignoring him all together. "Oh come on, baby, don't be like that."

"She clearly want nothing to do with you." Shining said in a irritated tone.

"Who the Tartarus are you?!" the stallion asked angrily.

"I'm her husband." he answered sternly.

"WHAT, YOU?!" the stallion laughed. "How'd a wimp like you get a babe like this?!" The trio was starting to get annoyed with this stallion. Blueblood looked around and saw that many ponies were grabbing their things and leaving due to how chaotic things were getting. Deciding to do the same thing, the trio stood up and proceeded to leave their booth, only for the stallion to move right in front of them. "Hey,hey, hey, no need to be in a rush." he said. "The night's still so young." Shining Armor answered by putting his arm around Cadence; silently telling the stallion to back off. The stallion growled in annoyance while subtly signaling for his friends to come over. Blueblood noticed that the three of them were about to be surrounded and a smirk appeared on his face. Ever since he attacked both Moonstone and Sentinel earlier today, the prince has been feeling a bit.........unsatisfied. There was still anger towards Sentinel for what he did to Celestia and since he wasn't here, Blueblood may have just found some poor ponies to take the rest of his anger out least until he saw Sentinel again. Cadence glanced over at the entrance and saw two muscle bound stallions guarding it; making it known that they weren't leaving, unless she decided to give their boss a good time. "Come on, babe, won't you reconsider?" he said; ignoring Shining. At that point, Blueblood just simple walked passed the stallion and began heading towards the entrance.

"Look, this is obvious between the three of you, no sense in me getting involved." he said. Shining was about about to say something, but Cadence stopped him; knowing that Blueblood was putting on an act. What the prince was ACTUALLY doing, was getting into position for when shit starts to hit the fans. The stallion agreed with him and subtly told the two muscle bound stallions to move away from the door. "Bye bye, little filly." one of the said. Blueblood stopped right at the door and smiled. This caught the attention of not only the muscle bound stallions, but the rest of their crew. "Is there a problem?" one of them said.

Blueblood responded by raising his hand and locking the door.

"Manners.......*click*.......maketh.....*click*.......ponies........*click*". That statement confused all of them as the Blueblood slowly began to make his way to the bar counter and picked up a bottle. "Do you all know what means?" he asked. "Then let me teach you a lesson." In one move, the prince smashed the bottle over the head of one of the muscle bound stallions; catching everypony off guard as he was knocked out cold. Blueblood then moved to stand in front of the stallion that was hitting on Cadence. "So.......are we gonna stand around all day, or are we gonna fight." It was then the second muscle bound stallion quickly moved in and swung a giant fist to attack Blueblood, but the prince ducked out of the way just in time for the leader of the group to get hit at full force; several of his teeth flying out. With his fist glowing, Blueblood released a powerful uppercut to the muscle bound stallion; sending him through the roof. Turning his attention towards the other ponies who were coming at him, Blueblood charged at them; grabbing one of them and smashing his head against another stallion before punching another into a wall.

Turning to his left, he saw a stallion coming at him with a knife and quickly disarmed him; slashing his face for good measure. One stallion went to grab Blueblood from behind, but the prince threw him over his shoulder. With the knife in hand, Blueblood ran up to three stallions; stabbing one in the neck and the other threw his forehead. He grabbed the third one by the head and twisted it in such a way the broke his neck. Last but not least, was the mare the were all with. She grabbed a glass bottle and broke on the edge of the table with the intention of using the jagged edge to gut the prince. Running at full Speed, she went for the deadly blow, but was stopped with Blueblood sidestepped out of the way and grabbed her head. She struggled as the prince brought her to the bar counter where he proceeded to smash her head on the edge of the counter over and over and over with a deranged look on his face. By the time he finally finished his assault, part of the bar counter had broken off and the mare was dropped to the floor like a piece of rubble; her body was non-responsive. The prince stood there breathing heavily as Cadence approached him. "Had fun?" she asked.

"Fun isn't something one considers when beating ponies half to death." Blueblood said as he turned around to watch the bodies laying on the floor. "But this........this was unsatisfactory." Blueblood started to make his way out of the bar; leaving Cadence and Shining Armor behind; possibly to pay for the damages.


"Have you gotten in contact with your teacher yet?" Starlight asked.

"No, but I did leave a message." Sunburst answered. "I should be hearing from her soon. After what you all told me about Spike, i'd have to guess it has something to do with his cycle."

"That's just what we were thinkin'." said Applejack. Sunburst and Starlight sat at a table in the ballroom with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. It was decided, by Pinkie Pie, that they should have a massive party to celebrate their latest win. Pinkie and Dizzy left to find Twilight, Spike, and the royal sisters. She was sure that Celestia would want to hear about how they won; hoping that at the very least, it would get her mind off being embarrassed like she was. "All we can do now is wait for her phone call." Sunburst said. "So, can we address the elephant in the room?"

"What elephant?" asked Rainbow.

"Ah, think he means us decidin' to sleep with Spike." answered. Applejack. A slight blush crept over everypony's face as they thought about it.

"W-What do you wanna know?" Rainbow asked.

"Have you decided when your gonna do it?" he asked.

"N-Not really." said Applejack. "P-Pinkie was sayin' somethin' about it while we were leavin' the beach, but ah was still a bit shakin' up about Spike to hear what she said."

"Knowing Pinkie, she probably already has it planned out." Starlight said with a light chuckle.


"Princess Luna!" Pinkie called out. Both her and Dizzy saw Luna coming out of her sister's room as they turned the corner. "How's Celestia?"

"She's doing a bit better, but still refuses to leave her room." Luna explained. "I believe she plans on staying in there until our trip is over."

"What!?" Pinkie said in shock. "She can't do that, we have a party going on!"

"A party?" Luna asked. "What's the occasion?"

"It's to celebrate winning two matches today." Pinkie explained. "We're that much closer to becoming 'Masters of the Beach' ." Luna was happy to hear that they've won the second match of the day, but was more worried about her sister. Celestia couldn't just stay in her room the entire time; though she understood why she would want to. Anypony would want to shut themselves off from the world of their bikini top suddenly popped off them; only hers didn't. Sentinel pulled an underhanded move by intentionally pulling on the string that caused her bikini top to come undone in front of everypony. Luna wanted to tell her sister what happened, but knew that if she did, Celestia would pretty much drop the entire sun on top of Sentinel. There was only one way to truly beat a stallion like Sentinel, and it wasn't through violence. It was pretty simple, the best way to beating a stallion like that, was to completely destroy his ego to the point that it would never recover, and the best way to do that, was to win the last three matches of the games.

Before their conversation could go on any longer, Dizzy noticed somepony from out the corner of his eye. He turned his head and was shocked at what he saw. There was Twilight, leaning against the wall wearing her dark purple panties and her tank top that was lifted right over her large breasts. Her mane was a mess and she had trouble standing. "T-Twilight?!" he said; causing Luna and Pinkie to look over. Pinkie shrieked and quickly ran over to her friend's side; along with Luna.

"T-Twilight, what happened?!" Pinkie yelled.

"S-Spike.......t-too intense." she managed to say before falling into Pinkie's arms. Pinkie sat on the floor with Twilight; pulling down her tank top to cover her breasts. "I.......I h-had no choice."

"What did you do?" asked Luna.

"S-Sleep.......sleeping spell." she said.

"You used a sleeping spell on Spike?!" Pinkie said in shock. "Twilight don't you remember what Sunburst's teacher said about that?!"

"I.......I d-didn't h-have a.......c-choice." she said. "H-He w-wouldn't stop."

"Spike did hold himself back earlier today and this what happened." Luna explained. "Imagine what'll happen after you used a sleeping spell on him." Twilight shuttered at the thought of Spike going even more crazy in bed.

"That's it." Pinkie said with a determined look on her face. "It's time to put operation "Bang Spike" into motion."

"Operation Bang Spike?" Dizzy said in confusion. "You actually named it?"

"This is a serious situation, Dizzy!" she half yelled. "Go get the girls and tell them to meet me in our room for an emergency meeting!"


"Cadence, take the wheel!" Blueblood yelled as he unfastened his seatbelt. The prince rolled down the window and proceeded to climb through it and onto the roof of the van as it was speeding down the highway at 160mph. Apparently, word got out of what Blueblood had done at the bar, and reinforcements arrived to seek revenge. Blueblood stood on the roof of the van and stared down 20 motorcycles; each with a pony holding a wooden bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. "How cute." the prince said as he prepared for an attack. With both fist glowing, Blueblood jumped from the moving van and punched one of the nearby cyclist off his bike going 160mph before grabbing said bike and throwing it at another causing both bikes and the poor stallion to explode on impact; all while the prince himself was still in mid air.

When he finally landed on the street, Blueblood didn't trip up like most would. Instead, both feet glowed right before he landed; causing him to not lose his footing. Blueblood ran headon towards an oncoming cyclist; launching himself in the air and delivering a powerful kick to the stallion's face. The stallion flew off his bike and landed head first onto the pavement before getting ran over by several of his fellow members. Blueblood then grabbed the bike, turned himself around, and sat on it; taking it as his one as he floored forward to catch up to Cadence and Shining Armor. Angry that three of her friends were taken out, the cyclist mare, with a barbed wire bat in hand, sped up and managed to get alongside Blueblood. The prince smirked as he noticed her pulling up to him. With one strong swing, she neary managed to hit him, however on the second swing, Blueblood caught the bat and jerked it out of her hand. Tossing it behind him, Blueblood hit one of the cyclist in the face with the barbed wire; causing him to lose control while screaming out in pain. The stallion flipped his bike over; taking a good chunk of the others with him.

The mare looked behind her in horror as she was sure that most of her friends were killed. Turning back at Blueblood, she came face to face with the prince's foot. Blueblood kicked the mare off her bike; caused her entire body to wrap around a pole. Deciding that it was time to end this, Blueblood leaped from the bike and onto the roof of the van where he turned his attention to the rest of his victims. Gathering magical energy, the prince stuck out his right hand and fired a powerful blast as the cyclists; causing a massive explosion the engulf all of them and blew a good chunk of the highway. "Game......set......match." he said as he turned his back toward them. Blueblood opened up the passenger door and entered the van as it was still going at 160mph.

"Had fun?" Cadence asked.

Blueblood gave her a bored look. "Still not satisfied."

"NOT SATISFIED?!" yelled Shining Armor. "How can you NOT be satisfied after that?! You killed them!"

"One: Until I get my hands on "HIM", i'll never be satisfied." Blueblood said in a bored tone. "And two: like I told Cadence a few days ago, nopony dies in this story."


All the mares met in Pinkie's room and were shocked to see Twilight in the state that was in. Thankfully, with some rest she'll recover, but the fact that Spike did this to her definitely meant that he was getting worse. "With Spike under the sleeping spell, that means he's gonna be uncontrollable once he wakes up." said Rainbow as she grabbed Applejack's hand.

"That's why we have to initiate "Operation Bang Spike" as soon as he gets set off." said Pinkie.

"That's what you're calling it?" Starlight raised an eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter what I call it, what matters is keeping Spike in control of himself." she said.

"Pinkie's right." Luna chimed in. "The next time Spike loses himself, he might not come back to his senses. From now on, we must refrain from using any kind of magic on him, and above all else, keep him from cold water. At least until we........get him under control." A dark blush appeared on Luna's face as she thought about what it would be like having sex with Spike; as did the other mares.

"What about the games?" asked Rarity. "I'm sure the next event will be near water."

"We'll just have to occupy Spike with something else." Luna suggested.

"What about the pier?" Twilight spoke up; regaining some of her strength back. "Spike was looking at it before we left. Maybe he wants to go there."

"I.......I could take him there." Fluttershy suggested. "I.....I kinda wanted to go there myself."

"Great." said Pinkie. "Fluttershy, you take Spike to the pier and we'll focus on the games."

"So....uh....when are we gonna.....y-ya it with him?" Applejack asked with massive blush on her face. There was a brief silence between them before Pinkie spoke up.

"Tomorrow night." she said. "After the matches, we meet here with Spike.......and get him under control." Silence once again filled the room as multiple thoughts of Spike ran through everypony's mind.


Blueblood, Cadence, and Shining Armor finally made it back to the hotel, only to find the leader of the group biker ponies standing there waiting for them. "You're persistent, i'll give you that." Blueblood said in a bored tone.

"You hurt my friends." he growled. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Many have tried and failed." the prince replied with the same bored tone. The stallion pulled out a knife and charged at the prince, however, before anything else could happen, the stallion was frozen within a pink box by Cadence who then looked at her husband and told him to call the police.

"Seriously?" said Blueblood.

"There's been enough violence for one night." she said. The prince rolled his eyes before turning to enter the hotel. About 20 minutes later, Cadence and Shining Armor made to their room floor when they ran into Pearl standing right outside of Dizzy and Pinkie's room door. The stallion had one ear against it in an attempt to listen in on what the mares were stalking about.

"Pearl, what are you doing?" Shining called out. Pearl jumped at Shining calling out to and he quickly shushed the stallion before going back to listen in.

"What's going on?" Cadence asked.

"They're having a meeting about Spike." he answered. "Apparently, Twilight put a sleeping spell on him for whatever reason."

"WHAT!" Cadence yelled then teleported herself inside the room. What followed was the Princess of Love screaming at Twilight for doing something so reckless; not giving her a chance to explain that she had no choice. Shining grabbed Pearl and pulled him away from the door; much to his protest.

"Trust me, when Cadence gets like this, you don't wanna be around her." he said as he dragged Pearl off.

Chapter 23

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Spike slowly awoke with loud groan; the sun shining through the curtains onto his face. His head was spinning and he couldn't remember anything that happened last night. On top of that, he was naked. Why was he naked? Spike sat up in bed and flipped on the tv. A random news article played as he got out of bed to get some clothes.

"This just in, a large group of ponies from the Crystal Empire led by an elderly mare were gathered just outside the border between Equestria and the Draconia, The Dragon Kingdom. Why they are there and what they are planning, we have no idea, but we'll keep you posted on any details should they arrive."

Spike ignored what was said on the tv as he felt the urge to be next to Celestia right now. Something inside him was telling him that she needs him. Spike finished putting on the rest of his clothes and stepped outside into the hallway. He began making his way toward Celestia's room when he ran into Cadence and Fluttershy. "Oh Spike, you're up." said Cadence. "Good timing, we were just on our way to the pier; come join us." The pier? That's just where Spike had wanted to go, although, he was kind of hoping that it would be Twilight and Celestia taking him there. Nothing against Cadence and Fluttershy, it's just that, his inner desires was telling him that it should be Twilight and Celestia.

"Um, where are the others?" he asked.

"Oh, they went on ahead." answered Fluttershy. "Blueblood was very adamant on everypony making it to the beach as soon as possible. I think he may know what the next event is."

"So where were you heading?" Cadence asked.

"Oh, I was on my way to see mom." Spike answered. "I wanted to see how she was doing."

"I actually tried to take to her earlier." Cadence explained. "She refused to open her door."

"She will for me." Spike said as he walked passed the two of them. Reaching Celestia's room, Spike knocked on the door and was told by her to go away. Spike called out to her and immediately the door glowled and opened up. Spike walked in to see Celestia buried under the covers in a dark room; only a small beam of sunlight shining through the cracks of the curtains. As Spike started to approach her bedside, his mind replayed the events of what Sentinel did to her. His anger started to grow and he released a soft growl which caught Celestia's attention. The Ruler of Equestria slowly rose up; allowing the covers to fall and relieving her nightgown. Her eyes were red and puffy; indicating that she had just finished crying. Spike's anger started to rise seeing Celestia in this state. "I'll tear him apart." he growled.

"Tear who apart, honey?" she asked.

"Sentinel." he growled. After that name escaped his mouth, Spike immediately froze up; knowing that he probably should have kept his mouth shut. Looking at Celestia, Spike could see that she wanted to know what it was he was talking about. He could try to sweep it under the rug, but that wouldn't work. Spike couldn't lie to Celestia and say that it was nothing; she'd instantly know that he was lying. There was no way out of it; time to come clean. "What happened, Spike?" she asked.





A bright white light filled the sky for a few seconds before disappearing. While everypony was recovering from temporarily blindness, Luna noticed something resembling a giant fireball flying through the sky and coming toward them at a fast pace. "What in Equestria is that?!" yelled Hotspot.

"EVERYPONY, GET BACK!" Luna yelled. Everypony looked up at the say and saw the giant fireball heading towards them. They all scattered as fast as they could; knocking over and trampling over any and everypony in their way.

"SWIFT, GET OUTTA THERE!" yelled Aqua. Swift was knocked over by Sentinel while trying to get away. Right as he stood up to run, the giant fireball crashed right on top of him; causing a massive explosion. When the fire and dust cleared, there was a massive crater on the beach, and the pony who caused it. A mare with glowing red eyes, and a fiery mane and tail slowly extended her wings and flew out of the crater. "Where is he?" she asked in an eerie voice. Everypony cowered in fear at the sheer presence of this mare; all except Luna who approached her.

"Celestia, what's going on?!" she asked.

"He did it." she said. "He humiliated me. Exposed me in front of everypony."

Luna sighed heavily; believing that either Fluttershy, Cadence, or Spike told her what had happened. This is what she wanted to avoid; her sister possibly blowing up everypony on the beach just to get back at Sentinel. "Sister, look, I know you want revenge, but not this way." she said. "The best way to get back at Sentinel is to destroy his ego by winning the beach games." Celestia growled at her sister. She didn't care about winning the beach games, she wanted blood; his blood, or at the very least, have him buried underneath a prison like she did with two other four other poor souls who will not be named. Luna gave her sister a stern look. She was not about to let her go on a mass rampage; though she did deserve too. No, this was going to be done the right way. They were going to take the title away from Sentinel and completely destroy his ego; letting him know not to mess with any of them. "Sister, this is the right way to do this." she said sternly. "It what Spike wants." Hearing Spike's name caused Celestia to calm down; her eyes, mane, and tail changing back to normal. "Good, now let's see if we can get you a new swimsuit; one that won't get sabotaged." Celestia responded by transforming her nightgown into a tank top and shorts; telling her sister that she wants to go shopping for one with Spike.


"SPIKE!" yelled Fluttershy. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!"

Spike emerged from Celestia's room covered in smoke. After telling her what Sentinel did, her anger went through the roof, or in this case, through her hotel room. Spike coughed up some smoke before giving Fluttershy and Cadence a goofy smile. "So......about that trip to the pier."


Sometime had passed and both teams were placed on separate boats. They were taken far from shore with multiple pegasi carrying cameras. Their task was to broadcast everything that was going to happen back to the ponies on the beach. After making it to their destination, Sentinel stepped forward with glowing hands and conjured up a battleship with multiple large sails. When it came to weaponry, it carried twenty-two cannons on deck. Six cannons were located on the stern, and two cannons on the quarterdeck, right next to the helm. Sentinel smiled with a cocky attitude as his team, minus Swift, headed towards the ship. Upon boarding it, Sentinel quickly declared that he was the captain and "ordered" his crew to get into position while he took the helm.

After Moonstone dropped the sails, Sentinel snapped his fingers causing a magical wind to blow against them; making the ship move. "Let's see what they got." he said. Suddenly, heavy waves started to pound the ship at a strong pace; forcing everypony to grab onto something so that they wouldn't fly off. "Up there, look!" Aqua called out. Everypony looked up at the sky and saw Celestia's glowing body. Underneath her, the water rose as if she intended to just dump it on them, but that wasn't the case. Actually, what she was doing was conjuring up her ship. Slowly rising out of the water was a massive navy combat ship; complete over a hundred different missile cannons. The ship itself was 10 times longer and 10 times larger than their ship.

"T-That can't be legal, can it?" asked Nami.

"Technically, it IS a battleship so......." Moonstone started.

"LET THE BATTLE BEGAN!" Hotspot announced.

Gravel quickly made his way to the helm just as Blueblood took command of Celestia's ship. She was annoyed that Blueblood was the captain, but it was decided beforehand that he was going to take charge of this event. She and everypony else went to their stations as the prince looked from the captain's deck with a pair of binoculars. "Ready the cannons." he said. The ship's cannons all moved to take aim at Sentinel's ship.

"Sentinel, what's your plan?!" Gravel said as he made it to the helm only to see Ebony standing there wearing a captain's hat. "Where's Sentinel?!"

"He made me captain." Ebony said while pointing over his shoulder. Gravel ran over to the rail and saw Sentinel in a lifeboat rowing away as if his life depended on it.

Gravel growled. "Sentinel, you son of a............"



Missiles were fired upon Sentinel's ship with extreme prejudice. "READY THE GUNS!" Ebony yelled. Everypony scattered to the cannons only for most of them to be completely destroyed by the impacting missiles.

"FIRE!" Ebony yelled.


They fired back; the cannon balls not even making a dent in the navy ship. Suddenly, there was an explosion from one side of the ship. Apparently, one of the missiles ignited the gunpowder resulting in the explosion. Despite their ship now being on fire, the crew continued to fight their obviously losing battle. On board the navy ship, Rainbow and Applejack stood on the edge wielding RPGs. They took aim and fired; blowing up the bow of the ship. Water began to immediately flood the ship's hold; forcing Aqua and Nami to abandon the area. Moonstone decided to stay behind and continue firing cannon balls ; keeping up the good fight. On the top deck it was chaos. The sail masts had all collapsed, fire and debris covered most of the area, and Gravel was having trouble aiming while being fired upon. "Gravel, where's Sentinel!" Aqua yelled.

"That bastard abandoned us!" he yelled back while firing. "He's probably halfway back to the beach by now!"

"HE WHAT!?" she screamed. "THEN WHO'S IN CHARGE?!"

"Ebony!" he yelled back before firing. Both mares ran through the fire, debris, and explosions before finally making it to the helm. There they saw Ebony standing with his hands behind his back staring off at the navy ship.

"Ebony, do something!" Nami screamed.

"There's nothing we can do." he said. "Their ship is superior to ours in every way. If this truly is really our time to perish, then let us all die with honor." Both mares just stood there; not believing that those words just came out of his mouth. Nami, unable to take this stress, ran back onto the deck; grabbing a stick and tearing off a piece of one of the sails. She managed to make a white flag and began waving it around. "WE SURRENDER, WE SURRENDER!"


A missile hit the ship and caused an explosion right up under Nami; sending her flying through the air before landing hard on her back. "NAMI!" Aqua screamed as she ran to her friend. Pulling the debris out of her way, Aqua found Nami battered and bruised. She kneeled down and pulled her friend into her arms just as another explosion went off. "I.......I don't wanna die." Nami said softly with tears streaming down her face. Behind them, Moonstone emerged from the fire; his body covered in black dust. "We have to abandon ship!" he said. "I managed to conjure up a lifeboat for us, we need to go now!" Moonstone picked up Nami and brought her and Aqua to the lifeboat as Gravel continued to fire back. Ebony, lifting a cannon over his shoulder, fired upon the navy ship, with no effect.


"GO ON AHEAD, I'LL COVER YOU!" Ebony answered.


"GO, NOW!" he yelled. "THAT'S AN ORDER FROM YOUR CAPTAIN!" Ebony set three cannons side by side before firing all of them at once; know that nothing was to come from it. His plan was to divert the enemy's attention away from his friends as they escaped. This means staying on board and possibly going down with the ship. Moonstone grabbed Gravel and brought him to the lifeboat; much to his protest. Once on the lifeboat, Gravel and Moonstone started to row away from the doomed ship. After seeing his friends get far away from the ship, Ebony stopped firing the cannons and proceeded to head for the helm. Once there, he stared out at the navy ship as everything around him was being destroyed. "Looks like you win this one my rival." he said. "Let's meet again, in the next life."

Over on the navy ship, everypony stood on deck and watched as the ship burned and exploded while sinking into the watery depths. Pinkie reached into her cleavage, pulled out a trumpet, and began playing Taps as Ebony stood proudly giving a salute before the ship exploded one final time as it disappeared into the watery depths. On the beach, everypony watched in complete and utter shock as the witnessed Sentinel's team go through what could only be described as.......a massacre. They never stood a chance.

Blueblood walked onto the deck with a heavy smile on his face. "Sentinel. You magnificent bastard, I read your BOOK!"


Spike, Cadence, and Fluttershy made it to the pier. There weren't as many rides on it as Spike thought there be; just a large ferris wheel, a merry-go-round, a roller coaster, and a large slide. It mostly had carnival booths, concession stands, and a few tables where ponies could eat. In truth, Spike was a bit underwhelmed. "So, what do you want to try out first, Spike?" Fluttershy asked.

"Let's try the roller coaster." he said. As they walked towards their destination, Spike noticed that both mares were wearing long t-shirts over their swimsuits. He figured that there was no point for them to show off their swimsuits seeing as how they weren't on the beach. Spike also noticed young colts and fillies running around throw water balloons at each other. It caused him to remember the time he and Blueblood attacked the royal guards in the same way. Of course, he was around five years old at the time, so they thought nothing of it. Blueblood, however, was the one who got in trouble over the incident. He chuckled to himself thinking about all the lectures Celestia gave him about messing with the guards. It wasn't long before the trio strapped themselves in the roller coaster; as did many others. "Okay, everypony, keep you and hands and leg inside at all times and make sure your belts are safely secure." said the operator. "Is everypony ready? Here we go!"


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WASN'T ON THE SHIP?!" Blueblood yelled.

"I mean it WASN'T on the damn ship!" Celestia said. "Cowardly bastard hightailed it outta there before the first shot was fired."

Both teams returned to the beach and waited for the next match of the day to be announced. It was then they found out that Sentinel abandoned ship for the match started. Naturally, Blueblood was pissed. His chance to get at the red unicorn was taken away from him. Not that far from them, Gravel and the others stared out into the water where their ship went down; thought of Ebony filled their minds as they remembered his "sacrifice" for the team. "He.......he's all right, is he?" asked Nami.

"What are you talking about, of course he is." Moonstone replied. "Something like that won't keep him down."

"Where's Sentinel?" Aqua asked with venom. "That bastard has a major ass kicking coming."

"There's only one place he'll be." Gravel said before walking off in a certain direction; the others following him. The trip to Sentinel didn't take long as they soon approached a large tent with obvious female moans coming from it. Gravel was about to storm in, but was stopped by Aqua. The blue mare growled while cracking her knuckles as she took first position. Opening the tent, she saw a light pink pegasus mare with a dark pink mane and tail bouncing up and down on top of Sentinel. Panting heavily as her full round C-cup breasts bounced, the mare was coming close to the end. "Oh baby, i'm cumming.......i'm cumming!" she moaned. Aqua grabbed the mare by the mane and pulled her head back to face her.

"No bitch, you're going." she growled. In one move, Aqua threw the mare out of the tent by her mane before turning her gaze to a pissed off Sentinel.

"What the Tartarus, Aqua?!" he yelled.

"Time to take your punishment, Senny." she said. Soon the tent was filled with screams of pain and pleas of mercy that fell on deaf ears. Sentinel tried to crawl out, but was immediately pulled back in. Gravel and the others just stood there and watched as Sentinel begged them for help.


"Well that was disappointing." Spike said as he and Fluttershy stood against the rail on the edge of the pier. Fluttershy giggled at Spike's reaction to the ride they were just on. The roller coaster wasn't all that spectacular. Just a few twists and turns before stopping at the starting point. After the ride, Cadence decided to get some snacks for everypony while Spike and Fluttershy went to the edge of the pier behind a row of concession stands. "I wonder how everypony did in the match?" asked Fluttershy.

"Hopefully they won." Spike replied. "Let's go meet up with Cadence and head over to find what happened. The pier really isn't what I thought it'd be."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. As the two of them looked out into the horizon, Fluttershy started to thinking about the meeting she and the others had last night. Tonight was the night that all of them were going to give themselves to Spike. Fluttershy was starting to have second thoughts on doing so. She began thinking about Big Mac and she would be basically cheating on him if she went along with it. Although he knew and understood why this needed to happen, she could help but a bit guilty about so. She loved Spike, but not in the same way she loved Big Mac. He was the stallion she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, and of she slept with Spike, there'd be a very high chance that he'd mark her as his. It could be reversed, but what if Spike decided to keep her for himself anyway. He IS dragon afterall, and greed was in his nature. If he did that, then she would be forced to be with him for the rest of her life. "No, Spike would did that." she thought. "He may get greedy sometimes, but he would never force somepony to do things against their well." Fluttershy tried to reassure herself that things would be okay, but the thoughts kept coming. She figured maybe some reassurance from Big Mac would put her mind as ease.

Fluttershy was knocked from her thoughts when she heard Spike calling out to her. "Hey, Flutters, you in there? Geez, you daydream more than Twilight." The two of them shared a quick laugh before starting to make their way to Cadence. It was then Spike stepped on a small toy that was left behind by one of colts or fillies who were running around. He yelped in pain and fell forward against Fluttershy. She stumbled back until she was up against the back of one of the stands. She let out a loud gasp once she felt both of Spike's claws on her large breasts. Her eyes widen as she looked up to see Spike gritting his teeth as he released a soft snarl. "S-Spike, n-no." she whispered. He opened his eyes; revealing them to be glowing brighter than before. He wasted no time in going after Fluttershy. Burying his face in her neck, he ran his tongue up and down while grabbing and lifting up her right so he could grind his newly formed erection against her. "P-Please, stop." she whispered as she started to feel herself become moist down there.

Spike lifted up her long t-shirt revealing her bikini underneath. He grabbed her bikini top in an attempt to rip it off to which Fluttershy grabbed his wrists in order to stop him. "Spike, please don't do this." she pleaded. "Come back to me." Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Spike released a soft growl before lifting up her bikini top revealing her luscious F-cups. He smashed his face in between them; licking all around before sucking on one of her nipples. Fluttershy sealed her eyes shut as tears started to flow. Spike was too far gone to stop now.


It was then that out of nowhere, a giant water balloon filled with cold water hit Spike; splashing both him and Fluttershy. Spike's eyes went back to normal and his erection vanished. Placing a hand on his head, Spike groaned as he felt dizzy for a few seconds. "W-What happened?" he asked.

Fluttershy, happy to see that Spike was back to normal, wrapped her arms around him; ignoring the face that her breasts her exposed. Spike looked over to his left and saw three colts running around the corner; obviously fearful that they might get in trouble for hitting somepony. Thankfully, they didn't see anything that they weren't supposed to see at their age. It wasn't long before Cadence walked around the corner with a bag of food she got from the concession stand and saw Fluttershy hugging Spike with her bikini top lifted up. "W-What the Tartarus happened?!" she asked.


Later that day, Cadence, Fluttershy, and Spike reunited with the others just in time to learn what the next match will be. It was a volleyball match. A beaten and bruised up Sentinel and his crew were going to face off against Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Cadence, and Fluttershy. While everypony was getting ready for the match to start, Celestia pulled Spike away to talk to him for a moment. "Spike, Luna and I were on our way to get me a new swimsuit, why don't you come with us." she suggested.

"Huh, why, I just get here." he asked. She didn't answer him. Instead, she just grabbed his arm; dragging him away much to his protest.

"Hey, where's Celestia going with Spike?" Pinkie asked. "I thought they were going to watch to watch the match."

"I don't think that would've been a good idea." said Dizzy.

"Why not?" she asked.

"I'll give you eight large jiggly guesses." he said; referring to their breasts.

"*Ahem* Don't you mean ten." said an annoyed Rainbow.

Dizzy looked her up and down before responding. "I know what I said."

"Fuck you." Rainbow held up a middle finger while Applejack tried her best to hold back a laugh.


Over with Sentinel and his crew, the group were stretching out; getting ready for the match when a yellow unicorn stallion with a yellow mane and tail walked up to them. "Whoa, Sentinel, you look terrible." he said; catching everypony's attention.

"SHOCKER!" screamed Nami as she jumped into his arms. "How long have you been here?"

"Not long, just showed after Sentinel called me." he answered; not revealing why he's here.

"You gonna watch us?" asked Nami.

"Sure, why not." he said. "I'd love nothing more than to see you guys get your plots whipped."

"Haha, funny." Nami said sarcastically.

"Well, before you guys start your match, I need to have a little chat with my brother." he said. "This won't take long." As the brothers walked off to talk privately, Gravel gave them a suspicious look before being called over by Aqua to help her with her stretching.

The two brothers walked to a secluded area where they could have their talk. "So what happened to you? You look like a bull elephant trampled all over your face." Shocker said; remarking at his brother's bruised face.

"Don't worry about it, nothing I can't recover from." Sentinel replied. "So is everypony ready?"

"You're really serious about this aren't you? Don't worry, as soon as you show me what he looks like, we'll get'em." he said.

"Good, because that's him right there." Sentinel pointed over to Spike walking with both Celestia and Luna towards the sidewalk market.

"That scrawny little thing?" Shocker said while raising an eyebrow. "That's who's standing in your way?"

"Why should HE get to bang the sexiest mare in all of Equestria?" Sentinel said with venom. "I doubt he could even pleasure her the right way. She needs a REAL stallion, not some lizard she can't even procreate with."

"A bit harsh to say, but alright fine. I'll give the description to my crew and they'll get on it." Shocker said as he pulled out his cellphone. While doing so, both stallions saw a brown stallion staring at them with an expressionless face. "Is there something I can help you with?" Shocker asked.

"No, nothing." the stallion stallion said with no emotion. "Nothing at all. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to get me a giant bowl of popcorn." The brown stallion turned around and walked off; leaving Shocker with a confused look on his face.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Don't worry about him, just get the job done." Sentinel answered as he started to head back to the others. "Oh, and whatever you do, don't kill him. I want to see the look on his face once Princess Twilight tells him that she prefers me than him."

Chapter 24

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The volleyball match was well underway with Twilight's team clearly in the lead; Sentinel giving her looks showing that he was interested in her as he purposely allowed her to gain points for her team. This aggravated not only her, but HIS teammates as well. They were down three points all because their "fearless leader" can't stop thinking with his dick for two seconds. Nami served the ball over the net to which Pinkie bounced it over. Gravel quickly got under it and bounced it over towards Twilight who who hit it high in the air; setting up for a spike.

"I got it!" Moonstone announced as he ran forward. Sentinel was going to make a move to stop him, but Aqua quickly responded by tripping him up. The red unicorn fell to the ground just as Moonstone spiked the ball; earning them a point.

"What was that for?!" Sentinel yelled.

"You're costing us the game, jackass!" she yelled. "Either play right or i'll rip off you dick and feed it to you!" Sentinel growled; knowing that she would do it to after the beating he received from her earlier. Sentinel reluctantly got in position and prepared to play seriously; even though he believed that it would crush his chances with Twilight.

The ball was served and hit over the net. Pinkie got under it and leaped up to hit back over; much to every stallions happiness as her boobs and plot jiggled all around. Moonstone bounce the ball upward over to Nami who slapped it over the net. Cadence bounced it towards Rainbow who hit upwards; setting up for a spike. Twilight ran under it, leaped into the air, and smashed it downward only for Aqua to dive under it and hit it back up to which Gravel hit it back over. Fluttershy tried to get to it in time, but wasn't fast enough. Sentinel's team earn another point. Sentinel grumbled as he could feel his chances with Twilight slipping away; even though he had none whosoever. Cadence picked up the ball and served it over the net. Nami hit over towards Moonstone who knocked it over the net. Rainbow quickly bounced it back and Nami ran to bounce it in the air; setting up for a spike. Reluctantly, Sentinel ran over, leaped in the air and hammered it to the ground; earning them another point. It was a tied game now and with only two minutes left, it's anypony's game now.

"We can do this girls, come on!" Cadence said as she served the ball. Nami leaped up and hit it back over to which Rainbow countered by hitting it back. Moonstone got under it and bounced to Aqua who hit over the net to Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus leaped up, her breasts and plot jiggling like Pinkie's making the stallions in the crowd very happy, and hit the ball back over. Gravel bounced the ball upwards; setting for a spike. Moonstone answered the call by hammering the ball. Cadence dove on the sand and made the save; hitting the ball upward so the Twilight could capitalize. The Princess of Friendship went for a spike of her own which was quickly blocked by Nami. She dove for the save; hitting the ball up into the air for Sentinel to hit over. Rainbow leapt into the air and hit the ball back over where Moonstone hit back. Pinkie got under it and hit it over to Cadence who hit the ball over at Aqua. Aqua bounced the ball over to Nami who hit it high into the air; setting up for another spike. Sentinel did a quick scan at the opposing team and found the weak link........Fluttershy. With a cocky smirk, the red unicorn jumped in the air and hammered the ball near her. Fluttershy, feeling tired from running around, dove for the ball and missed it just as the clock ran out.



Luna stood just outside one of the dressing rooms with a dark blush on her face as she heard soft heavy panting coming from her sister. Celestia somehow managed to set Spike off and now the two were going at it. Inside, Celestia sat on Spike's lap; bouncing up and down hard at a fast pace while holding Spike's head in between her massive G-cups. This was to keep him from growling and alerting the other ponies in the shop. Spike grabbed onto Celestia plot; squeezing and groping it as he lifted his hips to meet her thrusts. Celestia bit down on her bottom lip to keep from moaning out as she felt Spike go deeper inside of her.

Sweat began to stream down her face as the thrusting intensified. Lifting her head and gritting her teeth, Celestia felt a powerful orgasm building up. She squeezed her eyes shut as she ground her hips into Spike's ever harder. "I.....I'm cumming." she whispered. It was then Spike stood up from the bench and brought Celestia to the floor. The princess countered by quickly flipping the two of them over so that she was on top and began bouncing her hips up and down while pressing her full weight on him. Spike's claws gripped her plot harder as he felt her inner walls squeezing the life out of him. With one final thrust, Celestia quickly moved the two of them up into a sitting position and stood there as her sweet juices poured out of her and onto Spike's lap as she squeezed his head against her breasts hard. Celestia released small squeaks and grunts as her orgasm washed over her. After what seemed like forever, she slowly started to recover; pulling Spike's head away from her massive pillows. After doing so, she released a terrifying gasp. Spike's eyes were rolled in back of his head; his mouth opened and his tongue sticking out. Celestia had smothered him.

"Spike!" she squeaked; causing her sister to walk in on them and see Spike in his current state.

"Sister, what did you do?!" she said.


Two stallions, a green pegasus with a dark green main and tail and an orange earth pony with a black mane and tail, walked through the market looking for their target. "Hey Vulture, are you sure they went this way?" asked the orange earth pony.

"I'm positive." he said as he pulled out his cell phone. "Hey boss, it's me, we're closing in on the target."

"Great, just make sure nopony sees you."

"Got it." he answered before cutting it off. Lifting his head up, Vulture noticed Spike staggering out of the swimsuit shop with Celestia and Luna holding him up. "Kraven, this way." he said as he grabbed his friend. The two of them ran into a small alley and watched the trio from a far.

"So, that's him?" asked Kraven.

"Yeah, let's follow them for now." Vulture suggested. "Eventually they'll let their guard down, and that's when we get'em."

Over with Celestia, Luna, and Spike, the poor dragon was having a bit of trouble standing up; having to rely on the two sisters for support. Celestia was receiving looks from nearby stallions as she wore her new swimsuit, which was a plain yellow one piece that really showed off her large jiggly plot and had her breast almost spilling out. The trio went to a nearby bench and sat down; Celestia holding Spike close much to the jealousy of the stallions. "W-What happened?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it, baby, just rest." she said before giving him a small peck on the cheek. She then moved Spike's head to rest against her breasts; not worrying from setting him off seeing as how he was recovering from being smothered. Spike relaxed as he felt himself sink into the softness of her pillows as Celestia just held him close; soon falling asleep moments later. "Aw, he fell asleep." she stated.

"Well, i'm not surprised, you did just have sex with him before smothering him." Luna replied. A blush appeared on Celestia's face as she looked away.

"I.....I didn't plan for that to happen." she said.

"Sure you didn't." Luna replied; not believing her sister. "Well in any case, you should know that it's been decided that we'll make an attempt to get Spike under control tonight."

"Under Control?" she asked. "You mean, all of you........"

"Not all of us." Luna interrupted. "Starlight and Rarity will not be participating."

"When was this decided?" she asked.

"We had a meeting last night." Luna explained. "It's the only way to insure that he doesn't go crazy."

"If you do this, then you'll all become his mates." Celestia stated.

"Only until the end of the summer when his cycle ends." Luna replied. "Then all he has to do is simply reverse it." Celestia looked down at Spike as he slept; a small bit of sadness appeared on her face. Despite all she's done to raise him, there's still so much she doesn't know. For instance, Spike's cycle. It was by pure luck that Cadence knew what little she did on the matter and the fact that Sunburst had a teacher who studied dragon anatomy. These were things she felt that SHE should have known since she was the one who raised him. Celestia cuddled him closer; being careful as to not smother him again as she slowly rocked him.

There moment didn't last that long as a couple silver marble landed right in front of them. By the time the royal sisters noticed them, it was too late and the balls exploded; sending off a bright flash that blinded them and everypony nearby for a few seconds. Soon the light disappeared and their sight came back. "W-What was that?!" asked Luna as she and her sister looked around.

"LUNA!" Celestia yelled; catching her sister's attention. "SPIKE'S GONE!"



Both sides huddled up to choose who will represent them. Shining Armor, Blueblood, and Big Mac were chosen and all three stepped up. Sentinel, Moonstone, and Gravel, the only remaining stallions on their team, stepped up as well.

"I call dibs on Sentinel." Blueblood said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Well, i'll take on Moonstone so that leaves Gravel for you Big Mac." said Shining. Big mac simply nodded as all three of them stared down their opponents with Gravel wondering how the Tartarus he managed to get Big Mac.



Hotspot was interrupted by what sounded like a large explosion. All eyes turned to look out at the water to see something coming at them at the speed of a torpedo. Once it was close enough, it leaped out of the water and landed in front of everypony with a loud *THUM*.

"E-Ebony?" said Aqua. Yes indeed it was Ebony; standing there with a proud triumph look on his face with a dead giant squid wrapped around his body. "Um, what's with the squid?" she asked.

"It was a furious battle!" he answered. "I'll tell you about later, right now I have a more pressing issue at hand." He walked over to Gravel; placing a hand on his shoulder and looking over at Hotspot. "I'll be taking his place. I have a score to settle with my rival." Big Mac stood there and stared at Ebony with a raised eyebrow. Ebony was so serious about this rival thing that he came back from his "watery grave" in order to face off against Big Mac.

"Well, the event hasn't started yet so if you want to make a substitute, go ahead." Hotspot said. "But first, you might wanna get rid of that dead squid. It's starting to stink up the place." Both sides went off in different directions and awaited for Hotspot to announce when the event will start; also for Ebony to get a much needed shower.


Twilight and the others had just made it back to their spot on the beach when Luna landed in front of them with a scared look on her face. "Everypony, we have a problem, Spike's missing!" she said.

"WHAT!?" yelled everypony.

"What happened?!" yelled Twilight.

"I don't know, we were sitting on a bench then suddenly there was a bright light, and when it faded away, he was gone." she explained.

"Where's Celestia?" asked Shining.

"She's currently looking for him, but she can't search the entire beach alone." she said.

"Say no more." said Blueblood. "Alright everypony, split up! Search every nook and cranny of this place!"

"RIGHT!" everypony yelled before running off in different directions.


Sentinel and Shocker were walking through the food court when Shocker's cell went off. He opened it to see that he received a text message from his crew; telling him that they have Spike and that they were transferring him to the location right now. "Well, the deed is done." he said. "Now the rest is up to you."

"Perfect." Sentinel said as he rubbed his hands together. "I'm one step closer to getting some sweet, sweet princess poontang." Sentinel began drooling at the mouth as he started imagining smashing his face in between Twilight's breasts. At that point, both brothers saw Twilight and Pinkie speed walking across the area as if they were looking for something. With a smirk, Sentinel went after them while Shocker decided to stay behind; believing that they've realized Spike was missing and didn't want it to get traced back to him. As Sentinel walked up behind them, he growled softly under his breath at the fact that their tails were hiding their luscious jiggling plots. He quickly got over that and made a move. "Hey there." he said; catching their attention.

"We don't have time." Twilight said as she turned back around.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's the hurry?" he asked.

"One of our friends is missing." Pinkie answered.

"That's not good." he said. "Say, let me help, I know this beach like the back of my hand."

"Fine." Twilight said with an aggravated sigh while rolling her eyes. Sentinel was the last pony she wanted to see right now, but knew that he most probably continue to follow them if she said no. She knew why he volunteered to help. He figures that if he helps them find Spike, then she would be so grateful that she'd jump into his arms right then and there. However, Sentinel's arms would not be the one she jumps into once they find Spike. In fact, a small part of her started to feel like Sentinel was behind Spike's disappearance. Afterall, she had no reason to trust him. He WAS the one who debikinied Celestia so that he could win, so who's to say that this wasn't one of his schemes to get her in bed with him. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more it started to make sense. The trio went through the entire sidewalk market; coming up on the pier. Going through the fair ground, they searched high and low, and found no signs of Spike.

"We've been at this for an hour and a half, and still no sign of your dragon friend." Sentinel said.

"What did you say?" Twilight asked as bells went off in her head.

"We haven't found your friend?" he said.

"No, you said "DRAGON" friend." she said. "How did you know that the friend we were looking for was a dragon?"

Sentinel began to sweat at the realization of his slip of the tongue. "Um.....s-she said it." he explained; pointing at Pinkie. "You know, when we ran into each other."

"No, I said our "friend" was missing. I never said "dragon" friend." Pinkie said in defense.

"You son of a bitch!" Twilight growled as she started to make her way towards him. Pinkie grabbed her in order to stop her from doing something that would cause harm to anypony nearby. "If anything happens to him, i'll kill you where you stand!"

Sentinel responded to Twilight's threat with a deep sigh; no point in keeping this farce of his up any longer. "Okay, okay, you got me. I know where he is." he said; raising both hands up. "But you know, it wouldn't have come to this had you simply just accepted my advancements."

"W-What?!" said Pinkie.

"Oh come on now, who do you think you're talking to?" he answered. "I'm Sentinel Might, I own this beach. All mares want a piece of this. One look at me, and they can't help but throw themselves at me. Doesn't matter if they're in a relationship or not, all mares want me, so of course, I oblige them. But you're different, Princess. You're the only mare to ever reject me. NO mare rejects me!"

"This one did." Twilight countered. "Now tell me where Spike is!"

"I'll give what you want, once I get what I want." he said with a smirk.

Twilight growled at him; knowing what he was getting at. "You're sick." she said; her anger rising.

"When I want something, I go through any means to get it." he said. "And besides, there's no way a dragon can pleasure you like a stallion could. You can't even procreate with him, what can he offer you?"

"Way more than you can." Twilight spat.

"Ouch, that hurt." he said sarcastically. "But not really. They all say that before I get them in bed, and you'll be no different."

"And how's that?!" asked Pinkie.

"Because, i'm the only one who knows where he is." he said with a smug attitude. "If you want him know what you'll have to do." Sentinel leaped over the rain and landed on the sand. As he started to walk away, he left some parting words for Twilight. "I'll be waiting for your answer, princess."

Twilight gritted her teeth and clenched her fist in anger; black lightning shooting from her body. "We have to tell the others." Pinkie suggested.


Sentinel met up with his crew who were eagerly waiting for him. "Dude, where have you been?" asked Moonstone. "Another few minutes and we would've been disqualified along with the others."

"I, uh, had a little errand to run." he answered.

"Let me guess, you went and banged one of your fanmares, right." said Gravel. "Speaking of which, when are you gonna hold up your end of the deal? Me and Aqua went along with that little "plan" of yours, so how about it."

Aqua stared daggers at Sentinel; believing that he was going to somehow weasel his way out of it. Not wanting another beating, the red unicorn let out a heavy sigh and looked over at one of his fanmares in the crowd. Knowing that it had to be a good one, he pointed to a light pink earth pony, with a sky blue mane and tail who had large, round DD cup breasts. Getting out of her seat, she sped walked over to Sentinel; her breasts nearly bouncing out of her pure white bikini top. "Hey, care to do me a favor?" he asked as he placed a finger underneath her chin. The light pink mare simple nodded with a massive blush on her face. "My friend over there, care to give him a good time? If you do so, then you can have me all weekend long." The mare nearly caught a massive nosebleed as she enthusiastically shook her head "yes", went over and grabbed Gravel by the arm; practically dragging him away. "You guys can use my tent! Don't mess anything up in there!" Sentinel yelled. Turning back towards Aqua, he saw her with her arms crossed.

"Better?" he asked; hoping she would be satisfied.

"Much better." she answered.

"ATTENTION EVERYPONY, IF THE BLUE TEAM ISN'T HERE WITHIN THE NEXT THREE MINUTES, THEY FORFEIT THE MATCH!" Hotspot announced. Ebony looked out into the horizon with anger starting to form on his face.

"You better make it, my rival." he growled.


"HE'S A DEAD HORSE!" Shining yelled he as was being held down by Dizzy and Big Mac.

"Where's Celestia and Luna?" Pinkie asked.

"They're still out looking." Fluttershy answered.

"Good." said Twilight. "If they found out, they'd attack him for sure. He's the only one who knows where Spike is."

"But he won't tell us unless know." said Starlight.

"I know." Twilight said as she turned to look over the arena everypony gathered around.

"Twilight, I know that look in your eye." said Cadence. "You're not really thinking about it are you?" At that point, Rainbow ran over and got in Twilight's face; grabbing her shoulders.

"Are you CRAZY?!" she yelled.

"What choice do I have?" she asked. "We've looked up and down this beach, and still found no sign of Spike, there's no telling where he could be. If this is the only way to get him back safe, i'll do it."

"You can't!" yelled Shining. "I'LL BEAT IT OUT OF HIM! BLUEBLOOD HELP ME!" Shining received no answered. Everypony looked towards the chair the prince was sitting in only to discover that he was gone. Looking up, they saw that Blueblood was casually, calmly walking towards the hotel.

"That can't be good." Cadence said. "I better follow him."

As Cadence ran after him, Shining continued to struggle to break free. "So what now?" asked Pearl. "If we don't make it back, will be disqualified."

"Who cares?!" said Rarity. "Spikey could be hurt somewhere, we need to find him!"

"But the only way to do that would be if Twilight gives herself to Sentinel." he said.

"Which she cannot do!" Rarity raised her voice.

"Actually, that's exactly what i'm gonna do." Twilight said; turning back to her now shocked friends.

"WHAT"! yelled Shining. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!"

Twilight slowly turned back towards the arena before answering. "I have a theory."


"ATTENTION EVERYPONY, THE BLUE TEAM HAS FAILED TO SHOW UP, THEREFORE THE RED TEAM WINS BY DEFAULT!" Hotspot announced; much to the delight of Sentinel's fanmares. One pony who was NOT happy about the outcome, was Ebony. This was the one thing he wanted. He even came back from his "watery grave" in hopes to finally face off against Big Mac, and this is the result he gets? A win by forfeit?

"No. I will not accept this." he growled while clenching his fist.

Sentinel took a bow in front of his fanmares who cheered him on; along with Moonstone. Aqua and Nami felt uneasy about their win. Why would their opponents just suddenly forfeit a match like that? Especially since they were in the lead. The more they thought about it, the more they came to realize that something else was at play, but didn't know what it was. While the two mares continued to ponder, Sentinel noticed Twilight walking towards him. Chuckling to himself, he proceeded to walk over toward her; ignoring her facial expression of pure disgust. "So, have you decided to take me up on my offer." he asked.

Twilight growled underneath her breath. "Y-Yeah. I'll do it." A victory fanfare played in Sentinel's head after hearing Twilight's answer. He went to the side of her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Come on, let's go somewhere a bit more.......private." he suggested. Sentinel walked off with Twilight while singing a victory song in his head. Just thinking about what she was going allow him to do to her made Twilight want to throw up, but in order to save Spike, she would have to endure it; assuming her theory was wrong which she hoped it wasn't.


"Blueblood what're you planning?!" Cadence asked as the prince parked right outside of an airfield. Ignoring Cadence's call to him, the prince entered the field and proceeded to make his way over to the first hanger he saw. "DAMMIT BLUEBLOOD, ANSWER ME!" With a snap of his fingers, the lights within the hanger came on; lighting up the place and revealing to Cadence what was inside.


With the sun setting down, Sentinel and Twilight entered the room of a love hotel. As Sentinel sat on the bed, he motioned for Twilight follow. The Princess of Friendship turn her head away in disgust before walking over. Sentinel grabbed Twilight's arm and pulled her to sit in his lap where he began rubbing his hand up and down her thigh."Oh shit, this is really happening! he thought. I'm about to nail a princess!"

"Look, let's just get this over with." Twilight said in disgust.

"No way, this is a once in a lifetime moment for me, i'm gonna take my time." he said.


After another hour of searching, Pinkie and the others reunited on the beach. "Still nothing?" she asked.

"We've looked up and down this place over and over; still no sign of him." said Starlight.

"We can't give up!" Pinkie yelled. "If we find him now, then Twilight won't have to go through with what she's about to do!" Before Pinkie could tell them that they just had to try harder, Sunburst's cell phone went off. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out; revealing that it was his old teacher finally returning his phone call. He answered it; making sure that the speaker was on so that everypony could hear what she had to say.

"Sunburst, I got your message, are you all right?" she asked. "After you said what happened to your dragon friend, I feared the worst."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well......when a male dragon is in the middle of his cycle and his mate is in some sort of danger, something triggers inside of him.......the need to protect at all cost." she explained. "The dragon will immediately know where his mate is, run to their side, and dispose of the threat."

"What do you mean....."dispose of the threat"?" Sunburst asked.

"It depends." she answered. "Say, for example, somepony tries to make a move on the dragon's mate, you know, seduce her into bed or something like that, then not only would the dragon know, but pain and heartache from knowing that their mate is in the arms of somepony else would be simply too much. They'd go berserk and go on a massive rampage against the violator; it'd be a bloodbath."

"H-how we stop him?" he asked.

"There's only two ways to stop him, either he kills the violator or his mate reveals that she's no longer in danger." she explained. "And that's assuming you can get near him. He might be so blind with rage that he'll see you as an enemy as well."

"Y'all think that's what Twilight's theory was?" Applejack whispered over at Pinkie.

"THERE YOU ARE!" came a voice. Everypony turned their heads to see Ebony standing right in front of them. "I will NOT accept this, you hear me, I will not accept a win by forfeit. You are going to face me in combat right now, my rival!"

"Is he serious?" asked starlight.

"I'm gonna have to call you back." Sunburst said before hanging up his phone.

Ebony ripped off the shirt he was wearing; revealing his muscled tone. After cracking his knuckles, he took a fighting stance. "So my rival, shall we commence?" Fluttershy latched onto Big Mac in an attempt to tell him that it's not worth it and that they had more important things to worry about, but Big Mac knew that Ebony wouldn't let them simply walk away. Placing a hand over Fluttershy's, the red stallion gave her a heartwarming smile.

"This won't take long." he said. "Go and find Spike." Reluctantly, Fluttershy let him go. Rainbow grabbed her hand and pulled her away along with everypony else. Soon it was just Big Mac and Ebony standing there in a fighting stance. Ebony chuckled uncontrollably now that he was finally going to face off against Big Mac in the way he wanted to. "You ready, my rival?" he asked.

Big Mac answered with a glare. The two stallions stood there for a few more seconds before charging at one another at high speed.


Fluttershy and the others managed to get only a few feet away with suddenly Cadence landed in front of them from out of nowhere. "EVERYPONY, WE NEED TO OUT OF HERE!" she yelled.

"Cadence, what's going on?" asked Shining Armor.

"It's Blueblood!" she answered. "He's finally lost it! We need to get as far away from here as fast as possible!"

"What's he planning to do?" asked Dizzy.


Twilight, now fully straddled in Sentinel's lap, found herself in a deep passionate kiss with him. Sentinel's hands roamed their way up her back and undid the knot on her bikini top; pulling it off of her and revealing her large DD breasts to him. Pushing her away, Sentinel quickly removed his shirt then pulled her back to him in order to feel their softness against his chest. Taking control, Sentinel grabbed Twilight and flipped her on her back; spreading her legs so the get in between them. Now on top of her, Sentinel smashed his lips against hers; grinding hard against her while groping her breasts. He wanted to make sure that she felt the hard bulge on his shorts. Twilight sealed her eyes shut and gripped the sheets as Sentinel moved against her.

Only one word came to her mind as this was going on. "Spike."


In an old abandoned shack underneath the pier, Spike was chained to the wall using magical golden chains while Shocker's friends were standing right outside keeping watch. As Spike slowly started to come too, he slowly opened his eyes revealing the white hue of his eyes to be black while his pupils were a shade of blood red; just like before. However, there was a big difference this time. Black lightning started to surround his body as he released a soft, dark growl.

Chapter 25

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"How long do we have to remain here?" Kraven said.

"Until Sentinel is done having his way with the princess." Vulture answered.

"So in about, 30 seconds?" Kraven replied.

The two stallions shared a long hard laugh at Sentinel's expense before Vulture felt a small prick on his arm. "Gah, what the?! Something stung me." he said.

"Well, we are underneath a pier surrounded by mud and water, so it's probably a mosquito." Kraven said. Seconds later, Vulture felt the same prick then Kraven soon after. This continued for a while until Vulture finally had a enough of it. He turned around to head inside of the shack in order to look for some repellent, but froze where he stood as he saw black lightning surrounding the place.

"W-What the Tartarus?!" he yelled; catching Kraven's attention.

"W-What's going on?!" Kraven yelled. The two stallions looked at each other before deciding to enter the shack. Inside, they saw Spike, with dark glowing eyes and black lightning surrounding his body, flailing around, trying to get free of his bindings. The way he gritting his teeth and growled sounded as if he was being possessed by a demon or something. The energy from his body was building up so much that it caused the chains binding him to crack. Thoughts of Twilight filled his mind which caused the power around him to build up to its boiling point; the shack beginning to shake and crumble. "W-We should leave." said Kraven as Spike released a terrifying growl. The two stallions hightailed it out of there just as Spike reached his peak.


A massive explosion of black lightning and power consumed the pier and the fairground on it. Most ponies were blown away either onto the beach, into the water, or were just simply caught up in it. Spike, now free from his bindings, shot up into the sky, and took off like a rocket into the city.


The sound of a bed creaking and female grunts filled the room as Sentinel continued to grind hard against Twilight. Grabbing both her breasts, Sentinel squeezed and groped them hard while taking in her scent. Twilight released an uncontrolled soft moan as she felt him stallion-handling her tits while his grinding got even harder. To make matters worse, he pressed them together, then took both her nipples into his mouth and began sucking hard. Twilight gritted her teeth and squirmed under him as a wave of unwanted pleasure washed over her.

After a while, he released her with a loud "pop" and looked at her flustered face; he chuckled. "You're close, aren't you?" Twilight respond by turning her head away from him. "Welp, time for the two of us to be fully satisfied." Twilight gasped as she realized what that meant. Sentinel reached downward towards her bikini bottom in an attempt to pull it off. Twilight countered by grabbing them; preventing him from doing so. He chuckled again as a small game of tug of war started. Twilight closed her eyes as a small tear streamed down her face up realizing that she was losing this battle. "S-Spike, please." she thought.

Right when Sentinel was about to win this little game, something unexpected happened.



A black, purple, and green blur burst through the room, grabbed Sentinel, then crashed through the window; leaving Twilight confused as to what just happened.


The blur landed hard in the middle of the street; slamming Sentinel on his back. The red unicorn slowly stood up with anger in his eyes, however, that anger quickly turned to fear the second he saw Spike slowly approach him with a dark aura and black lightning surrounding his body. Clenching his fist, Spike launched himself at the red unicorn who quickly put up a barrier; blocking the attack. The impact caused a massive shockwave that shattered windows and flipped parked cars over. It also caused Sentinel's barrier to shatter instantly and Spike's fist connected with his face. Sentinel's body flew through the air crashing through three buildings before landing at a truck stop. Spike crashed through one of the buildings and landed in front of Sentinel just as he was moving to stand up. "Y-You b-bastard!" he yelled. "I was so close!" Charging up his hands, Sentinel fired a powerful blast at Spike who knocked it away into the street; blowing up passing cars.

Many nearby ponies ran away as Spike charged at Sentinel, shot up into the air with him, then threw him right onto the highway where oncoming cars swerved out of the way. After Spike landed, heard the horn of a fast moving 18 wheeler coming up behind him. The dragon hit the truck with the back of his fist; instantly blowing it up before running off at full speed toward Sentinel. He grabbed a random car with two ponies inside and went to slam it on top of the red unicorn, but Sentinel rolled out of the way. Spike quickly charged up his body and released a huge wave of black lightning as he roared; blowing up anything that was in his way. Sentinel powered up his fist and charged at Spike, however, Spike responded by launching himself at the unicorn and in one move, clotheslined him; causing his entire body to flip. At that point, Spike grabbed him by the legs, flipping over his shoulder, and slammed him on the ground. Spike soon picked him up again, and proceeded to swing his body around like a ragdoll; slamming him into anything that was there before throwing him into that gas tanker. The explosion caused the overpass to collapse on top of many ponies running away. Their screams of pure terror filled the streets as Sentinel emerged from the wreckage. "H-He's seriously trying to kill me!" he said.

"Ya think?" came an eerie voice. Sentinel turned around to see Spike standing right behind him. Before he had a chance to react, Spike grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. "Let's have fun."



Big Mac was thrown into one of the booths in the sidewalk marker. As he emerged from the wreckage, he saw Ebony standing there with his arm crossed. "Is this really the best you've got, my rival?" he asked. "I thought you were stronger than this." For the past few minutes, Big Mac was completely getting thrashed around by Ebony; not really putting up a fight. That's because he was holding back. Big Mac wanted to see how this stallion fought before completely overpowering him. "Come on, take this seriously!" he said. "Show me what you've got!" Big Mac smiled as he took a stance. "Yeah, that's more like it! DON'T HOLD BACK." Ebony yelled as he charged at him. As he threw a punch, within the blink of an eye, Big Mac was standing right behind him. "W-What?!" Ebony said as Big Mac yelled. As he turned around, his face came in contact with a big red fist that sent him flying through the wreckage, onto the parking lot, and through a car before rolling to a complete stop.

Ebony groaned as he rose to his feet, but in doing so, he came face to face with Big Mac again. The red stallion delivered an uppercut that sent sent Ebony in the air, however, Big Mac grabbed Ebony's legs, swung him around, and threw him into a light pole; breaking it in half.

Ebony stood up chuckling before going into full blown laugher. "Yes....YES! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!"


Spike had grabbed Sentinel by the head and slammed him on the ground. He began running with him at a speed of 50mph; dragging his face against the street before throwing him into a oncoming vehicle where it ran him over. Sentinel's bruised and and now bloodied body rolled a couple of feet before coming to a stop on the prone position where out of nowhere, Spike came down from the sky and punched him in the back; causing a crater to form and Sentinel to spit out blood. Spike grabbed him by the mane and brought him up eye level. Black lightning surround his his fist as he pulled back to deliver a powerful punch, but was stopped when he was hit upside the head by an blunt object.

Turning around to see who threw it, Spike's face came in contact with the back end of a shovel. He growled in pain as he dropped Sentinel and stumbled back a bit. "YOU WON'T HURT HIM!" yelled a female voice. Spike looked up and saw multiple mares coming at him at once. They all tackled him to the ground while some of them grabbed Sentinel and brought him to safety. Spike managed to push off the mares and rise to his feet, but another came up from behind and hit him with a bat. Spike fell down to his knee as more and more mares continued to assault him.

"YOU WON'T HURT OUR SENTINEL, YOU BEAST!" one of the mares yelled.

Sentinel, now far away from Spike, wore a smile on his face as his fanmares continued to pile on top him. Spike tried to get up, but there were simply too many of them. At that point, a loud rumbling sound filled the sky; catching everypony's attention. Looking up, they all saw a massive jet coming straight for them. "EVERYPONY RUN!" yelled a mare. They all ran screaming; trampling over one another in an attempt to get away.


The jet nosed dived on the street, on top of many of Sentinel's fanmares; exploding on impact. Fire and pieces of the jet went everywhere; causing other cars and nearby buildings to explode as well. It was then, a large ax flew from the fire; hitting many of Sentinel's mares as it moved like it had a mind of its own before flying back into the flames and into the hand of Prince Blueblood who walked through it. Most of the fanmares looked on in total shock as the prince started to make his way towards them. "BRING ME, SENTINEL!" he yelled as he ran. Blue lightning from the ax surrounded his body as he ran towards the fanmares. He leaped high into the air then came down; smashing the ax on the street caused another massive explosion that blew more of them away.



The shockwave from Blueblood's attack could be felt throughout the city. It caused a mini earthquake that caused Cadence to slightly lose control of the van as she frantically tried to drive out of the city. "Cadence, you mine telling us the Tartarus is going on!" Shining yelled.

"It's Blueblood." she said. "He has Stormbreaker."

"W-What? That's impossible." he said. "Stormbreaker was lost thousands of years ago."

"Um, what's a stormbreaker?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"A legendary weapon of immense power." Cadence explained. "It's one of seven weapons that was created by an ancient race. Starswirl the Bearded found all seven of them and hid them at different corners of the world. He knew that if just one of them fell into the wrong hands, it'd be a disaster. The whole planet could be destroyed."

"And why does Blueblood have one?" asked Starlight.

"You know how much hates this city. Combine that with all that Sentinel's done and he has an excuse to wipe this place off the map!" she explained. "Not to mention, everypony in it."

"What about Twilight, we can't leave her!" yelled Pinkie.

"Spike won't let anything happen to her." Shining said. "If things get bad, he'll find her and bring her to safety."



Bodies and lightning flew everywhere as Blueblood swung Stormbreaker to the ground. From afar, Sentinel watched in shock as the prince bulldozed his way through his fanmares. While that was going on, Spike was still being bombarded by Sentinel's fanmares. One of them grabbed a heavy metal object and hit in the back; causing him to roar out in pain.

"You won't hurt our Sentinel you useless, wingless dragon!" one of them yelled as she struck him. Being called a wingless dragon and being assaulted like he was caused Spike to remember a certain night. A night where is heart was ripped out of his chest and fed to him. A night where he was abused and thrown away like trash. It was then that an image of "her" appeared in his head. The one who used him just to make her lover jealous and who showed no remorse for what she'd done. All of that pain and anger he felt towards her that was buried deep within soon started to rise up. Combine that with his anger towards Sentinel for all that's he's done, and like a volcano, Spike erupted. Black aura and lightning expelled from his body; blowing way all the mares that were assaulting him. Fueled by a even more rage, Spike set his sights on Sentinel, then launched himself in the air where he gathered as much power he could around his fist, then came down on top of five mares who tried to protect him; leaving a small crater. As Spike slowly lifted his head, he could see that nothing was standing between him and his target. With a loud growl, Spike launched himself at Sentinel and delivered a powerful punch that sent him flying.

With his superior dragon speed, Spike ran and caught up with him; delivering multiple punches to his face before grabbing his head and jumping up the side of a building dragging the red unicorn's face against it as he ran. Back on the ground, Blueblood swung Stormbreak around; knocking away any and every mare that came his way. The prince threw the lightning filled weapon in one direction while he ran in another; expelling blue lightning from his body as he punched multiple mares who came at him with blunt objects in hand. Grabbing one of them, Blueblood spun her around and threw her into other mares coming at him from the side. Seeing an opening, the prince started running through them; leaping into the air just as his Stormbreaker came back to him. In one move, he summoned multiple lightning strikes; hitting every last one of them as he landed. Blueblood looked around for signs of Sentinel and found Spike running up the side of a building with him.

As Spike was running with Sentinel, a random stallion crashed through the glass and hit the both of them; ripping Sentinel from his grasp. Seconds later, a red stallion crashed through the window, grabbed both stallions and hammered them back to the city streets.


Both stallions landed onto a truck which exploded on impact. Spike and the red stallion landed on the street where Spike saw that it was Big Mac; cracking his knuckles as he was ready for another go around. Moments later, Blueblood landed next to the two of them with Stormbreaker in hand. No words were spoken to between either of them, but they all had the same thought.........taking down their opponents. The three of them soon stood side by side and began walking towards the burning truck where Sentinel and Ebony emerged. Battered and bruised, Ebony stood tall and laughed it off while Sentinel made an attempt to escape. Ebony put a stop to that by grabbing his "fearless leader's" arm and forcing him to stand his ground.

"COME AT ME, MY RIVAL!" Ebony yelled as a warrior staring down his enemy. Spike, Blueblood, and Big Mac started running just as Ebony did. Using Stormbreaker to power up, Blueblood leaped high into the air; going over Ebony while Spike ran passed him and came down on top of Sentinel who quickly put up a barrier blocking the attack. The impact caused a major shockwave that created a small crater. Spike came in from the side and delivered a punch that not only shattered the barrier, but launched Sentinel into a nearby gas station. Many ponies who hid there were forced out. As they ran away, Blueblood fired a wave of lightning into the building; blowing it up and causing the innocent civilians to be caught up in it. Spike ran into the fire and came out the otherside with Sentinel in hand.

Big Mac's fist collided with Ebony's causing a mini shock wave. Ebony went to deliver a kick, but Big Mac caught it. In one move, Big Mac delivered a powerful uppercut that sent Ebony into the air. The red unicorn leapt up after him, and delivered another powerful punch that sent him flying through a nearby building and onto the street just two blocks away. After landing, Ebony got up only to find Big Mac standing behind him. The red unicorn grabbed him from behind and suplexed him onto a car. Ebony rolled off the car and landed on the sidewalk where he dug his hand into the cement and pulled up a huge chunk of the pavement. Quickly getting to his feet, Ebony turned around and swung the piece of concrete at Big Mac only for him to hit nothing but air. "W-What?!" he yelled. Looking down he saw a bit red fist coming at him. Ebony was knocked backwards where his back came in contact with Big Mac's chest. He was knocked against a car with his head going through a window before being pulled back to look Big Mac in the eyes. "Give up?" he asked in a calm voice.

"N-Never." Ebony grunted.

Big Mac responded by grabbing Ebony by the neck and slamming him into the ground before delivering a powerful kick to the face which sent him rolling a few feet away.


Spike charged at Sentinel who was laying on his stomach in the middle of the street. One he was close enough, the red unicorn quickly conjured up a sharp knife, rose to his feet, and swung; cutting Spike face. The dragon roared in pain as Sentinel got the upper hand. He moved in closer and managed to stab Spike in the shoulder; which only angered him even more. Spike grabbed Sentinel by the neck and headbutted him over and over until blood came from his nose before throwing back to the ground where Blueblood landed next to him. Spike pulled out the knife out of his shoulder and roared with even more anger. Blueblood was about to deliver a devastating blow to Sentinel, but Spike rushed in and grabbed the unicorn before he could do anything.

"Dammit Spike, save some for me!" he yelled.

"We'll be more than happy to oblige you." came a female voice. Blueblood soon found himself up against five of Sentinel's fanmares; each one holding a weapon of some kind.

"You mares don't give up, do you?" he asked. "Fine then."


Spike threw Sentinel up against the side of the building and held him there. Gritting his teeth, Spike pondered on what to do to him next. At that point, Sentinel started chuckling. "Y-You r-really think she's g-gonna be happy with you?" he said. "Y-You.....a dragon? Y-You do realize t-that d-dragons and ponies are non-compatible right? What mare would want to be with somepony who can NEVER give her foals? Do you really think she'll be happy with you?"

Spike responded by punching him hard in the face. "Y-You k-know.......i'm r-right." he said. "I-If you c-can't g-give her foals, then s-she'll find somepony w-who c-can. S-Somepony l-like me, or maybe, the l-last stallion she was with." Spike's anger increased as he balled his fist with black lightning surrounding it. He pulled back and unloaded on Sentinel. Punch after punch Spike continued. Sentinel's head eventually went through the brick wall to which Spike simply pulled him out and went at him again. Using both lightning filled claws, Spike grabbed Sentinel's head and delivered 10,000 volts to him. It was at that point that Spike was attacked from behind with a shovel by one of Sentinel's fanmares. As she continued her assault, two more mares grabbed the bloodied stallion and ranaway with him. Spike, angry that Sentinel got away, grabbed the mare by the head and smashed her against a nearby fire hydrant. When he was done, he roared loud and angrily; unleashing wave after wave of black aura and lightning that blew up any and everything nearby.


Blueblood had his hands full fighting off the second wave of fanmares. One of them ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. The prince thought she was going to make an attempt to wrestle him to the ground, but he saw her wearing shocked him. She was wearing a vest that had an explosive device sewed onto it. "WHAT THE FUCK!" he yelled as tried to get away from her.

" GREAT!" she yelled as she went for the small cord to pull. Blueblood pried himself free from her grasp, and with one strong swing from Stormbreaker, knocked her high in the air. Her ragdoll body flew into an office building which exploded on impact.

"Fanmare suicide bombers?" he chuckled. "Oh, what a fun night." Powering up Stormbreaker, Blueblood leapt into the air and came down with it just as the fanmares pulled their cords proclaiming the Sentinel is great. The power from Stormbreaker combined with their explosives triggered an atomic bomb like explosion that destroyed everything with a 20 block radius. Blueblood flew out of the fire and punched the first mare he saw before grabbing another one and twisted her neck. It was then that ever more mares joined in the fight. " many of these mares have you been fucking you STD contracting bitch!" he growled as he called Stormbreaker back to his hand and knocked five of them away.


Big Mac and Ebony hand their hands locked together as they pushed against one another. "What's the matter, my rival?" Ebony said angrily. "Why aren't you taking this seriously? Why do you continue to hold back?!" Big Mac said nothing and looked at him. "You think I didn't noticed?! You're just toying with me aren't you?!" Again Big Mac stared at him. "COME ON, SHOW ME YOUR TRUE STRENGTH! FIGHT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! FACE ME LIKE A REAL STALLION!"

A smile appeared on Big Mac's face as he gripped Ebony's hands harder. "As you wish." he said. Suddenly, the ground under them began shaking; as if an earthquake was happening. Big Mac's eyes soon turned pure white and white lightning began to surround his body. The shaking intensified with the white lightning shattering the windows of many nearby buildings. Big Mac gritted his teeth and began growling as a white aura started to appear. Ebony was too shocked for words as his "rival" was going through some kind of transformation right in front of him. Once Big Mac reached his peak, he exploded with a loud roar; knocking Ebony backwards and destroying everything within the surrounding area. A massive bright light covered everything before fading away. Ebony slowly rose to his feet and was horrified at what he saw. There was Big Mac with a bright white aura and white lightning surrounding his body. His mane was pure white and spikey and his eyes shined brighter than the sun. "W-W-What is this?!" Ebony yelled.

" mah FINAL FORM!" Big Mack yelled before launching at him. It was so fast; blink an eye and you'll miss it. A large white streak flew through the city; crashing through three tall buildings cutting them in half. This was Big Mac punching Ebony repeatedly in the face. The stallion managed to open his eyes only to see the face of death staring back at him. Big Mac did what he wanted, he didn't hold back. Grabbing Ebony again, the red stallion delivered another shockwave created punch; sending Ebony flying away in a different direction. Big Mac went after him constantly punching him over and over while moving at mach 10 speed throughout the city; destroying everything around them.

Big Mac delivered a massive uppercut to Ebony; sending him flying high into the air. He leapt up and flew passed him before putting his hands together and gathering as much energy between them as possible. As Ebony looked on, he came to the conclusion that maybe he would have been better off if Big Mac HAD held back. In other words, it was at this moment Ebony knew........he fucked up. Big Mac fired a massive blast of white energy which engulfed Ebony. The dark grey stallion yelled to the top of his lungs as he disappeared into the blast before it hit the city; wiping out a good chunk of it.

Once the dust settled, Ebony laid face down in the middle of a massive crater; beaten and bruised. He slowly tried to stand up, but couldn't; his injuries would allow for that. Looking up, he saw Big Mac standing there; reverted back to normal and looking down at him. "W-Were.....y-you always.....t-this strong?" he asked before passing out. Big Mac bent down, picked him up, and without a single word, walked off to bring him to a hospital.


Sentinel and two of his fanmares managed to get away from Spike, but that only lasted for a few moments seeing as how he landed in front of them hard; breaking the pavement underneath him. Spike growled as he started to make his way towards Sentinel. One of his fanmares charged at him only to be clotheslined hard. The second mare and Sentinel's last line of defense, took her chances against Spike, but she too was disposed of. Now, there was nopony in Spike's way. It was just him and the stallion who attacked both his mates. Charging up, Spike launched himself at the unicorn; picking up and slamming him face first into a car window. Spike pulled him out then punched him through and building that sent him landing on the next street over. Spike crashed through the building and landed on Sentinel's back.

The red unicorn yelled out in pain before being flipped over and pummeled over and over. Spike didn't stop his assault. He kept punching him over and over to the point that Sentinel's blood started to splatter on him. Grabbing him by the neck, Spike held him up and started to choke him. Sentinel's vision started to get blurry as he struggled to get free; to breathe. Spike's grip around his neck tighten. Second by second Sentinel could feel himself losing consciousness as he attempted to scratch and claw him way away from Spike.

"STOP IT!" screamed a female voice. Spike turned in the direction the voice came from; believing that it was another one of Sentinel's fanmares, but to his shock, it wasn't. Standing there a few feet away from him was Twilight. She had a terrified look on her face as she witnessed Spike's new form. A wave of guilt washed over her as she realized SHE was the cause of this. When she accepted Sentinel's offer, she knew that Spike would come looking for her, but she had no idea that her decision would cause THIS to happen. "Spike, please don't." she said softly. Spike sofly growled as his grip on Sentinel's neck loosen a bit. The dragon then threw the red unicorn over his shoulder and into a nearby van which exploded on impact. The black aura and lightning around Spike's body disappeared and his eyes reverted back to normal. "T-Twilight?" he said.

The Princess of Friendship ran into his arms as tears flowed down her face; happy to see that Spike was back. "Did he hurt you?" he asked.

"No, you saved me just in time." she said. The two held each other tightly for a while before walking away. They didn't get far though as Blueblood landed heavily in front of them with Stormbreaker in hand. The prince's clothes were torn up and parts of his tail was on fire, but he didn't care about that. There was only one pony he wanted.

"Where is he?!" he growled. Spike and Twilight pointed in the direction of the destroyed van and the charred up stallion limping away from it. Blueblood said nothing as he walked passed them and powered up his Stormbreaker. Twilight and Spike walked off with the sound of a loud boom and Sentinel screaming out in pain behind them.


Blueblood grabbed the beaten and bloodied Sentinel and launched him high up into the air. Leaping up after him, the prince used Stormbreaker to hammer him back into the ground. With lightning surrounding his body, Blueblood flew down at a very fast speed and punched him in the back; creating a small crater. Blueblood grabbed him by the mane and pulled him up. "You humiliated my aunt." he growled. "You ponynapped Spike. Your fanmares tried to blow me up. I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should."

"P-Please......d-don't kill me." he begged.

"Oh, i'm not gonna kill you." Blueblood mused. "I'm gonna break how I broke Discord."

All that could be heard ws Sentinel's screaming as the prince was now doing unspeakable things to him.


Spike and Twilight made it to the hotel that shockingly wasn't destroyed with most of the city. There they saw Celestia and Luna land. "SPIKE!" Celestia screamed. She ran, breasts bouncing, over to Spike and pulled him into the largest, most powerful hug she's ever given him. "Oh, thank the stars you're okay! I was so scared something happened!" Spike would've said something, but was too busy struggling to get free from Celestia's massive fun bags. Twilight managed to pull him free just as Luna walked up to them.

"Where were you? We looked everywhere." she said; hugging him close.

"I......I don't know." he answered. "All I remember is everything going dark and then next thing I know, i'm attacking Sentinel."

"Sentinel?" said Celestia. "Why were you attack him?"

"I think I can explain that." said Twilight. It was then she told the royal sisters everything. From how Sentinel was responsible for ponynapping Spike, to what he offered for his safe return. Naturally, this angered Celestia. This stallion not only humiliated her in front of her subjects, but ponynapped her son as well? He was going to suffer a fate worse than death once she got her hands on him. Unfortunately, she wouldn't get that chance. Spike had already pummeled him, and Blueblood was currently doing unknown things to him right at this moment. Celestia push her anger to the side for now, and went inside the hotel with Spike, Twilight, and Luna; the sounds of the sirens of police, fire departments, and ambulances filled the night sky.


High up on top of a building, a certain brown stallion sat in beach chair with an empty bowl of popcorn, and sipping the last of his drink. "Well.......that was entertaining." he said.

Chapter 26

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In a single night, the city of Baltimare was completely devastated by many catastrophic events. Some believe that it was some kind of terrorism, while others believe something else was at play. Whatever the reason, we should all be grateful that nopony was killed during last night's event.

While the news was reporting on the events of last night, heavy panting and moaning filled the room. Spike laid in between Twilight and Celestia while Luna was on top of him; bouncing in a nice rhythm. With eyes glowing brightly, Spike grabbed Luna's large bouncing breasts; causing her to moan out loud and increase her speed. Moving his claws from her breasts, Spike placed them on her hips and proceeded to buck upwards meeting her thrust. "Oh heavenly stars!" she yelled as a new wave of pleasure hit her. Luna fell forward; smashing her breasts against Spike's chest and burying her face in his neck; holding him close as her wings spread out to their fullest.

Luna couldn't believe that Spike was capable of giving her this much pleasure. Not even the stallions she's slept with during her estrus cycle gave her this much. Now she knows why Celestia purposely triggered him while shopping for a new swimsuit yesterday, it was taking all that she had to not orgasm right then and there. Spike released a soft growl as he moved his claws from her waist to her soft round plot. Though not as big or thick as Celestia, Pinkie, or Fluttershy, it was still large and soft enough for him to grab onto. Luna moaned again as she felt him groping her; soon biting down on the pillow as she felt herself getting close. Her inner walls were telling Spike the same thing as they starting closing in on his member; squeezing it tight. Spike moved his head and started licking Luna's shoulder in preparation for what was about to come. "I.......I can't." she panted. "I'm close."

Spike was close as well; growling as his speed increased. Luna gritted her teeth and sealed her eyes shut as she knew she couldn't hold out much longer. A few seconds later, and the two of them came hard with Spike biting down on Luna's shoulder; marking her as his. The princess of the night shook almost violently as she experienced the longest, hardest orgasm she's ever hand. "Ow." she whined as Spike removed his teeth from her flesh. Luna slowly turned her head to face her sister who was smiling at her in an "I told you so" way before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

"M-Mate.......happy?" Spike said catching Twilight and Celestia off guard. The two of them shot up, breasts jiggling, and stared wide eyed at Spike. It was finally happening, he was starting to regain control of himself.


"HE DID WHAT?!" screamed Nami.

She, Aqua, Gravel, and Moonstone were confronted by Shining Armor and the princesses, minus Twilight, and were told of what their "fearless leader" had done.

"It sounds like you had no idea what he was planning." said Shining.

"W-We didn't, honest." Moonstone defended. "If anypony DID know, then it would've been his brother, Shocker."

"And where is this.....Shocker?" Luna asked. All four ponies pointed to a certain stallion trying to sneak away. Once caught, he hightailed it out of there. He didn't get far as Celestia teleported right in front of him; giving him an angry look.

"Uh.....P-Princess? I-I've come to bargain?" he said; scared out of his life.

"No." she whispered before powering up for an attack. A bright light followed by a loud explosion filled the beach. Flying through the air like a ragdoll, was Shocker's charred up body. Far in the distance, Kraven and vulture watched in horror as their friend was completely destroyed by the princess. Not wanting to be next, they ran away without anypony noticing.


"Is he serious?" asked Cadence. "Most of the city was nuked and he wants to continue?"

"Seems so." said Aqua.


Both teams gathered at the judge's booth with Twilight and the others confused as to why they were continuing with the games after what happened last night.

"Is everypony here, good." said Hotspot. "Due to the complete devastation of our beloved city, we believe that it would be highly inappropriate to continue on. Therefore, we are hereby canceling the Beach Olympics." There was a loud groan from the ponies in the crowd. They were really looking forward to the tiebreaker between the two teams. It seemed like a cop out to end it right here, but it was understandable. The city of Baltimare was now non-existent; saved for a few buildings that were still standing. It was amazing that the beach had minimum damaged to it; with the exception of the massive crater that Celestia made when she landed on top of Swift. Speaking of which, where WAS Swift? Nopony has seen him since then. Maybe it's possible he was still buried underneath the sand. Gravel and Moonstone were going to have to check just in case he was.

"So what do we do now?" asked Dizzy. "Should we just leave a tie?"

"NOOOOO!" yelled a voice. Everypony turned to see a bandaged up red unicorn using a crutch to walk with with one good arm. The other looked like it was barely hanging onto his body by the way it hung. His right eye was swollen shut, a few teeth were missing, his neck was in a brace, and his horn was cracked with the end just barely hanging on; just like his arm. "I will not let it end this way!" he said.

"Sentinel! What the tartarus happened to you?!" yelled Moonstone.

"I.......want my.......match." he demanded.

"Dude, you're in no condition to be..........." Gravel started.

"SHUT UP!" Sentinel interrupted. "This is MY beach! I own ALL of this! I will NOT share MY title with somepony like HIM!" Sentinel managed to point at Spike; showing extreme hatred for him. Spike subtlety grabbed both Twilight and Celestia and pulled them behind him in a protective way; his eyes slowing changing to that of last night. At the point, multiple mares came out of hiding and gathered behind the red unicorn. They were in the hundreds; possibly thousands with most of them wearing explosive vests while the rest had steel objects in hand. Spike slowly started to walk towards Sentinel along with Blueblood who stuck out his hand and called forth Stormbreak.

"I knew I should have shown him that high school spinoff show." Blueblood said as he and Spike powered up.

"Spike, Blueblood, no!" said Luna.

"Sentinel, are you serious right now?!" yelled Aqua.

"I'm more than serious!" he answered. "GO my mares, defend my honor!" With a loud battlecry, Sentinel's fanmares ran charged towards Spike and Blueblood; causing Hotspot, the judges, and everypony else to run away in terror. With an evil smile on his face, Blueblood launched himself high into the air and came down right in the middle of the mob with a powerful explosion of power and lightning; blowing them all away. Spike roared as black aura and lightning surrounded his body as she charged at them; punching and throwing each mare that came his way as he attempted to get to Sentinel. Spike fired a wave of black lightning; blowing away a group of mares and making a small path for him to run through.

He soon stopped in his tracks and turned to look behind him where he saw one of the mares heading towards Twilight and the others. With a dark growl, and ran after her as she approached them. The mare was wearing an explosive vest with plans to do the unthinkable. "You will NOT dishonor my Sentinel!" she yelled as she grabbed the cord. "SENTINEL....IS GRE.........."


Spike ran up behind her, and in one punch, knocked her high into the air where she exploded. Spike's anger grew as he turned back and saw more fanmares coming at him. Before he could make a move, Big Mac jumped in front of him and knocked away three of them with one kick.

"D-Did that mare just try to blow us up?!" asked Dizzy.

"Yeah." Rainbow growled; cracking her knuckles. "Self defense has been established. Let's kick their asses!" Everypony, except Fluttershy, Pearl, Dizzy, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Sentinel's crew joined into the fight. Massive explosions went off left and right; one after the other, ponies flying everywhere, Celestia and Luna using their powers to take out more and more of Sentinel's fanmares. One of them came after Rainbow with a steel bat, but the cyan pegasus quickly grabbed it and proceed to beat her with it. Another mare run up from behind, but was quickly taken out by a powerful kick from Applejack. Pinkie, having taken two steel objects from two of the mares, started attacking any mare that came close to her. Right behind her was Rarity who grabbed a mare by her mane and threw her to the ground before kicking her in the face.

"SENTINEL IS GREAT!" screamed a mare as she pulled her cord.


Other mares followed suit and pulled their cords; causing multiple explosions everywhere. Spike grabbed his three mates and shielded them from the oncoming blast. Now burning with even more rage, Spike launched himself through the black smoke and punched the first mare he came across; sending her flying into the water. Grabbing another, he smashed her head against three more mares before releasing another black lightning blast. Speaking of lightning, Blueblood slammed Stormbreaker on the ground causing massive amounts of lightning to shoot up from the sand; hitting a good chunk of the fanmares. However, doing so caused their vests to go off and another wave of explosions hit. Combined with the power Stormbreaker, an atomic bomb-like explosion consumed most of the beach; catching many of the fleeing ponies who had nothing to do with this fight. Blueblood leapt through the fire and threw Stormbreak; hitting at many mares as he could before landing. The prince grabbed one and power bombed her on top of another before firing a magical beam at two more; blowing them away. He raised his hand in the air and caught Stormbreaker as it came back to him. Charging it up once again, he fired another wave of lightning; this time combining it with Spike's to completely devastated the last of the mares.

Sentinel stood there in complete and utter shock as his fanmares all fell before his eyes. Spike took this chance to get at him again. He launched himself at the unicorn and grabbed him by the neck; slamming him down and dragging him, face first, across the sand. With a mighty roar, Spike threw Sentinel with a powerful force, all the way to the ruined pier. Sentinel's ragdoll body went through the ferris wheel; breaking it in half before crashing into the water where Blueblood teleported himself to meet him. The prince delivered a massive uppercut to the unicorn sending him out of the water and high into the air where he met him. With Stormbreaker in hand, Blueblood swung and hit Sentinel back over to Spike who hammered him into the ground in front of Big Mac. The red stallion grabbed Sentinel, lifted him high above his head, then slammed him , head first, into the sand. Untold pain was coursing through Sentinel's body right now, and wasn't over yet. Spike landed next to the two of them, pulled Sentinel out of the sand, then threw him a couple of feet away from them. The dragon then leapt into the air and landed on top of him. Flipping Sentinel on his back, Spike looked at him with pure disgust. He could see that there was no point in continuing this and decided to leave the stallion alone, but unfortunately, Sentinel had to keep running his mouth. "S-She w-was mine." he struggled to speak. "She w-was s-so close t-too. I'll b-bet you've n-n-never made a m-mare cum b-before; l-let alone, P-Princess Twilight. J-just w-wait......w-when b-b-black week r-returns. I-I'll claim her then. A-And n-not j-just her, P-P-Princess C-Celestia and L-Luna, as well as t-the r-rest of your f-female f-friends. W-When they're all i-in h-heat, i-i'll have them b-begging me f-for m-m-more." As Sentinel chuckled, Spike, with renewed anger, proceeded to punch him over and over. He grabbed Sentinel by the mane with one hand then delivered a powerful punch with the other; blood flying onto the sand before slamming his head into his knee. A couple of Sentinel's fanmares looked up in horror as to what Spike was doing to him.

"STOP!" one of them screamed. "STOOOOOOP! HE'S ALREADY DEAD!"


The sounds of Sentinel's bones cracking could be heard as Spike twisted his arm the wrong way. Sentinel screamed bloody murder as he fell to the ground. Spike took this chance to stomp on his head repeatedly; only stopping when Twilight, Celestia, and Luna went to him and grabbed him. His body instantly went back to normal as his mates revealed to him that they were no longer in danger. Sentinel laid on the ground a broken, bloodied mess; coughing off a good amount of blood every few seconds. Blueblood walked over to him along with Rarity and Pinkie to see the broken stallion. " he dead?" asked a shocked Rarity.

"As was stated a few chapters ago, nopony dies in this story." Blueblood answered; earning a death glare from Pinkie. "What?"

"Three times." she growled. "That's three times you've done that. Get your own shtick!"


An hour went by after the massive fight. Sentinel and his fanmares were all carried away on stretchers; even the ones who blew themself up. The beach was completely destroyed; with massive craters and small fires burning. Sentinel, while being put in back of an ambulance, shouted that he'll return to claim what's rightfully his. As he was being driven off, Aqua turned her attention towards the large crater that Celestia created after finding out that Sentinel debikinied her. She made her way over to it and saw a hand sticking out. With a gasp, she jumped in and pulled out the pony that was trapped underneath.

It was Swift.

"I-I'm alive." he said.

"S-Swift!" she said.

"D-Did we win?" he asked before passing out. Aqua flagged down the paramedics, and they quickly brought the pegasus to an ambulance.

Over with the others, Rainbow and Pinkie were celebrating that they've become the new Masters of the Beach, only for Twilight to remind them that the fight Sentinel declared wasn't an official match, just a fight, so technically it's still a tie between the two teams. Naturally, Rainbow was upset and growled. "So what now? Do we simply just leave it a tie?"

"I'm fine with that." said Spike. "We can just come back next year and have a tie breaker."

"I'm cool with that." said Gravel; trembling after seeing Spike in his angered state.

"It's a deal then, next year we'll be our tie breaker match." said Nami. "Then we'll see who deserves to hold the title."


An extremely loud sonic boom filled the sky and caught everypony off guard. "What was that?" asked Pearl. Everypony looked up and saw something flying through the sky at the speed of a rocket. It was large, red, had wings, and in the shape of a dragon.

"S-Sister, is that......?!" yelled Luna.

"No, it can't be." she said in disbelief.

"Celestia, what is it?" asked Twilight. Before the princess could answer, two royal guards from Canterlot walked up on scene; along with a shocked Blueblood. His body was trembling uncontrollably as he slowly made his way towards AppleJack and Big Mac. Clearly he had received some disturbing news.

"Y-Your g-grandmother." he said; pointing at the two siblings. "Your grandmother!"

"W-What about, Granny?" Applejack asked in a worried tone. Blueblood answered by screaming and making an attempt to launch himself at the two of them only to stopped by the guards. The prince continued to yell as he completely lost him his mind.

"Blueblood, what's going on!" yelled Cadence.

"What's happen to my granny?!" Applejack yelled; almost on the verge of tears.


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In a wide open field, 300 crystal ponies stood staring at the border that separated Equestria from Dragonia, the kingdom of the dragons. As they stood there with weapons in hand, Granny Smith emerged from her tent in full combat gear and slowly started to make her way to the front of the line. While walking, she started to give a speech that she had prepared the night before.

"When in the course of certain events, it becomes necessary for one country to dissolve the bands that have connected them with another. A decent respect requires that they declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self evident, that everypony are created equal. That they are endowed with certain unalienable rights. To secure these rights, governments instituted among everypony. Deriving their just powers from the consent of their citizens. And whenever said government allows its citizens to become destructive to another country, it is the right of said country to alter and abolish it." she stated as everypony prepared their weapons. "We therefore, the representatives of Equestria, with the authority of our fellow Equestrians, solemnly publish and declare, that the country of Dragonia and it's citizens are and of right ought to be, enemies of Equestria! And that all political connections between them and Equestria is and ought to be totally DISSOLVED! In the support of the declaration, we mutually pledge to take away their livelihood, their future, and their.......SACRED HONOR!"

The crystal ponies all cheered after hearing Granny Smith's speech. The elderly pony walked up to the front line and stared down at the massive border. There, a group of dragons stood staring back at them; waiting for the chance to attack. "Ready the cannons!" said the general. Many slots started to open up as the cannons were loaded. Seconds later, they all started to fire.

"CHARGE!" Granny scream as the crystal ponies all charged to the border.

War has begun.