Misguided Love

by LegionofPony

First published

Shining Armor finds out that the pony he loves and wanted to marry is indeed not who he thinks she is...

After the events of A Canterlot Wedding, Shining Armor learns that the pony he's come to truly love – and whom he asked to marry him – was not the real Cadence at all, but instead the Queen of the Changelings. The real Cadence indeed still views him as only a friend.

Shining then heads to the Badlands to find the Queen and set some things straight...as well as to tie up some loose ends. Upon finding her, however, things do not go according to the Queen's expectations...


Contains: Lots of feels, LOTS of exposition, some deaths (mentioned non-graphically) discussions about changeling anatomy, ovipositor fellatio, cunnilingus, anatomically correct equine genitalia (for Shining), unusual genitals [ovipositor (penis-like egg-laying tube) and glowing vulva for Chrysalis], penis/ovipositor contact/frottage, horn fellatio, magic ovipositor stimulation, lots of discussion of Changeling reproduction, pleasurable cervical penetration, external oviposition (egg laying) including unusual/glowing 'cum', vaginal sex with internal cumshots – and tons of cuddling.



Original story outline and all Illustrations, including cover art, are by Loveless Nova and novelized by me, LegionofPony.

Special thank you to Koekelbag for his proofreading and editing of this story, as well as giving me a few ideas throughout the editing process to improve the story.

Another commission for Loveless. Thank you for the second commission!

A False Wedding

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Twilight Sparkle stood in the dark, only her horn's magical aura illuminating the immediate area around her in her magic's purple glow. "Hello? Is anyone there?" she called out, only to hear a thud, scampering, and evil-sounding laughter.

"Where am I?" Twilight asked, seeing a fast movement and hearing more laughter, before an image of the Alicorn Princess Cadence, her long-ago foalsitter and brother's fiancee, appeared on the stone wall. Twilight had sensed something fishy about her today; her blatant disregard of her and appearing to not even know her at all despite foalsitting for her and being her best friend ever since her foalhood, not to mention that she was the sister of Shining Armor, the stallion she was to marry today. Now her suspicions were confirmed when, after turning her friends against her, and in front of Princess Celestia no less, Cadence had teleported her here via a ring of green fire.

"The caves beneath Canterlot, once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside. And now, your prison!" Cadence said, following it up with another malicious laugh.

Twilight panicked. "Help! Help!" she called out, running around aimlessly, hoping somepony could hear her.

Princess Cadence only laughed. "It's no use! No one can hear you, and no one will ever think to look for you either! Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist, which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans!" she said, laughing more.

Twilight Sparkle was confused. "Plans? What plans?" she asked, feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach at the way Cadence said it.

Cadence simply gave an evil grin. "The plans I have for your brother, of course."

"Don't you dare do anything to my brother, you... you monster!" Twilight snapped, anger glowing in her eyes.

Princess Cadence kept up her evil grin. "Only way to stop me is to catch me!" she said, laughing as her illusion switched from one rock to another, Twilight having blasted the first solid rock to pebbles with a powerful beam of magic a little too late. "Over here!" the voice taunted, her illusion switching again as Twilight blasted the other rock. "Nope, over here!" It said, laughing all the while.

This time, however, the shattering of this rock led to a pony being revealed to Twilight: a pink alicorn, the very same one who had just been taunting her.

"No! Wait! Ugh! Please! Don't hurt me! Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadence who brought you down here was an impostor!" Princess Cadence said as she was pounced, cowering before Twilight.

"Likely story!" Twilight spat out, glaring down at her.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves..." Cadence started, Twilight letting her stand up and doing the motions that went with the silly little song and dance she and Twilight always did in greeting; the one they'd done ever since they'd made it up when Twilight was just a foal, including giving Twilight a hoofbump as part of it. Something only the real Cadence would know about.

Twilight Sparkle joined in. "...and do a little shake..." she said as she saw Cadence shaking her rump at her in the final move of the dance, before beaming widely at what this meant.

"You remember me!" Twilight said, before going and giving her close friend a big hug.

"Of course I do! How could I forget the filly I loved to 'sit for the most?" Cadence said, hugging back.

Both of their ears perked up as they heard more of the evil-sounding laughing in the distance.

Twilight stood, puffing up her chest bravely, facing a mine-cart. "We have to get out of here. We have to stop her! Let’s go, Cadence! We have a wedding to save!" she exclaimed, only to be met with a confused look from Cadence.

"A wedding? What wedding?" Cadence asked, looking utterly confused.

"Your wedding with Shining Armor, my brother? We can’t let that impostor marry him! It’s your wedding, not hers!" Twilight said, looking at her confidently, yet dumbfounded at her reaction.

"Why would I be having a wedding with my...friend? Your brother never asked me to marry him before; we've never even been special someponies! We're just best friends and I've never even thought about him as more than that." Cadence asked incredulously, looking as baffled as Twilight was.

Twilight Sparkle was stunned silent for a moment. "W-What!?! S-so this means…that impostor must have mind-controlled him to make him love her! Why did she need to have a wedding with him though? I think she's just up to no good!"

"Then we must hurry! We have to save him! As the Princess Of Love, I can’t let my friend marry with a fake me!" Cadence said stoically, stomping a hoof in emphasis. "Come Twilight, to the mine-cart! Let's get out of here!"


Twilight and Cadence rode the mine-cart to its end, Cadence then carrying Twilight in flight before teleporting to another ledge, fooling the mind-controlled bridesmaids by distracting them with a bouquet of flowers, before finally charging into the ceremony and interrupting it just as Celestia was pronouncing Shining Armor and the impostor as stallion and mare.

"Ah don't understand, how can there be two of them?!" Applejack asked from the bridesmaids' side of the alter.

"She's a Changeling!" Cadence exclaimed, pointing a hoof at the impostor; "She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power feeding off your love for them!"

The fake Cadence then had a furious look at being found out, and her back arched as she convulsed, engulfed in a green magical aura, before soon revealing the true self of the fake. The Queen of the Changelings. Twilight and her friends, however, realized after her explanation that she and her hive were going to feed off the love of Canterlot's population, that they had to reach the Elements of Harmony to stop her.

They galloped away to recover the Elements from their vault, just as an earth-shattering crash came from outside, Shining Armor's protective shield around Canterlot shattering just as they headed out of the room.


"You'll never get away with this!" Cadence hissed, before getting a conceited smirk from Chrysalis, her hooves bound to the ground with green changeling resin and her horn coated with the same, making magic casting impossible.

"You were saying?" the Queen said to the powerless Cadence and Shining Armor with a smirk, watching as the captured Twilight and her friends were forced to walk towards her. Even Celestia herself was captured, hanging helplessly in a Changeling cocoon above them all.

"You do realize that the reception has been canceled, don't you?!" The Queen of the Changelings said, chuckling evilly as she did, before turning to some of her drones; "Go my minions! Feed!" she shouted aloud, her minions then flying off outside into the chaos of an invaded Canterlot, Changeling drones capturing and feeding off of the pilfered love of the citizens.

As the Queen was monologueing and distracted with her own victory, Twilight was able to help Cadence reach Shining Armor, cutting her binds with a spell and telling her to go to him. "Love will give you strength…" Cadence said, touching her horn with Shining Armor's and converting his love for the fake Cadence into magical energy. He snapped out of his trance, and now having enough magic and focus to re-cast the barrier, blasted away all of the invading Changelings from Canterlot, the Queen included, in a spectacular magical wave.

After saving the land, Shining Armor turned to look at Princess Cadence and hugged her, his love. "Oh Cadence! I’m so sorry for not seeing through her disguise, that she wasn’t the real you!" Shining said, tears in his eyes as he hugged the named mare.

Princess Cadence simply hugged him back, softly petting Shining's crest with a hoof, "It’s OK, Shining. I understand. Nopony here knew about Changeling-kind and their powers before now. It’s not your fault. It's nopony's fault except the Changeling Queen's!"

"...but I still felt bad for mistaking her with you, my future wife…" Shining Armor said with a sigh, "…alright…now that we're done saving the day, should we continue the wedding again?" he asked with a hopeful look in his eyes, trying to brush his hoof over Princess Cadence's cheek affectionately, as she always loved for him to do.

When Cadence blushed and avoided being caressed by him, Shining felt very confused and hurt, finding her looking at him with an unsure expression. "Shining…about that…I know you love me, and that you're having this wedding to prove that, but..." she paused to sigh, "Shining, I've never thought about you as more than a friend…"

Shining Armor was utterly stupefied and felt his heart breaking at that announcement. "W…what!?"

"I'm sorry Shining, and I know this is hard to hear on the cusp of you marrying that fake me, but I've never loved you romantically, just as a friend. It was the fake Cadence that you asked for her hoof in marriage, not me." Princess Cadence explained, giving him an unsure smile, knowing the absolute turmoil his emotions must be in.

"But...but Cadence, I really love you, and you said you loved me! Don’t you remember the time when we started dating three month ago, when you said you've always loved me since we were foals!? Or last week when we agreed on marriage!?" Shining asked, the heartbreak evident in his tone.

"Shining…I was imprisoned by the Changeling Queen for three months…"

"W…what? D…does that mean…"

"Yes, my friend. Shining, it seem like you've fallen in love with the fake me. It’s the fake Cadence that you were dating all this time. The Changeling Queen."

"Oh…now that I think about it, your personality did seem to change drastically three months ago. I think that's kinda the reason why I fell in love with you." Shining said, looking down with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I 'changed my personality'? Care to tell me how you started to fall in love with fake me? What kind of personality made you love her?" Princess Cadence asked, sounding interested, as the Princess of Love trying to do her job.

"Well, before I met what turned out to be the Queen, I only thought of you as friend, like you clearly think about me, and as a royal princess that a loyal Captain of the Guard like me must protect. You always spent your time with nobles, at high-class meeting, and other royal business. That always made me felt like your status was higher than me, not an equal, impossible to reach and become a lover with..." Shining explained, before looking Cadence right in the eyes, "...but around three months ago, your personality seemed to change. You were more friendly towards me, and very playful. Sometime you even pulled pranks on me! You spent less and less time with your boring royal business, and more time with me. You loved to just spend evenings with me like a very close friend, instead of a Princess with her guard, just coming with me to see a movie together, playing games in the arcade with me, or even visiting the pub for a drink and going to a karaoke restaurant with me and some of my guy friends. You...I mean, that fake you, is a mare that was a lot of fun to hang out with....not to say you aren't, of course. Hanging out with the fake you like that finally convinced me to ask her on a real date...then I fell in love with her... "

"So the fake me, the Queen of the Changelings, is 'more fun' than me, and that seems to suit your romantic tastes more," Princess Cadence said, before looking at Shining, then over the whole audience of the wedding, including Twilight and her friends, "...but how could you, nor anypony at all, see that huuuuge difference between that impostor's personality and mine? Also, don’t you think three months of dating is a bit too fast for you to consider marriage?"

"Well…we might have only dated for three months, but you and I have been best friends for over twenty years, Cadence. It made it feel like we knew each other for a very long time. The fact is, it was me who asked for the fake Cadence to marry me. I just wanted to play a prank with her one day like she did with me, despite knowing it was a bad idea, even with an obviously fake horn-ring made of tin foil, but that fake you seemed to think I was being serious with it..." Shining sighed again, rubbing his forehead with a hoof, "...she seemed very happy and was crying before saying 'Yes!' so many times. I felt too bad with how happy she was to tell her that it was just a prank, and when Princess Celestia was told about my proposal by the fake you, the wedding was quickly prepared. I bought a real wedding ring for the ceremony, and now here we are..."

"Mmmm, I see," Cadence said, " but how can you be sure that it isn’t because of a mind control spell that you like her?"

Shining Armor shook his head firmly. "No, I know our love was real. She didn’t use any mind control on me. What Twilight saw last night really was just her helping to calm my headache that I got from maintaining that huge barrier that covered the whole city of Canterlot for so long, and that daze I've been in all day is from a lack of sleep and magical exhaustion."

"So you aren’t under her spell, and you never loved me in a romantic way until three months ago, when I was replaced?"

"Y…yes Cadence, that's right. Why do you ask?"

"Shining Armor…I think you really did fall in love with this impostor…the Queen of the Changelings," Cadence said with a sigh, "Do you know what spell it was that I cast to gave you the strength to cast the barrier that repel all of the Changelings? It turns out that it was from the power of the love that you held, or possibly still hold, for the fake me. Because you thought she was me…and, well…" Cadence paused as she made a realization, feeling very uneasy now.

"You...just used your love for the Queen to defeat her and blast her away…"

Shining Armor looked at Princess Cadence with horror at the revelation, before deeply thinking for a while, coming to a decision. "Cadence, I…I have to go. I need to know if this love is real between us, even if it costs me my life." Shining said as he turned around and ran quickly from the room, before anypony could say anything to dissuade him.

Princess Cadence gave an uneasy smile as she watched her long-time friend leave, surely heading out to the Badlands, or along the way to them, to where the Changelings had likely landed. "Please go my friend, find her again. If she really is your true love, please keep your love for her and don’t let her go, no matter her species…" she whispered to herself, before then turning to face Twilight and her quintet of friends, as well as the rest of the remaining, and rather confused, guests, Celestia still hanging from the rafters in the cocoon. It would seem she had a royal wedding to officially cancel now, as well as cutting down the monarch from her hanging prison.

There was indeed much to be done to fix what the Queen had wrought on this land.

A Queen Dethroned

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It was late evening in the Badlands and the Queen of the Changelings was still alive. Though she didn’t have any fatal injuries, she still just lay unmoving in the middle of the crater her harsh landing had caused, doing nothing but looking into the dimming sky, deep in thought. Shining Armor’s love was still burning in her body and that was what kept her alive, slowly healing her physical body of what wounds she'd gotten from the force of the force field slamming into her as well as her hard collision into the rocky ground. Mentally and emotionally however, she was fatally wounded.

"I've failed to save my race, my siblings, from starvation, I've failed to make a successful invasion for their survival. I've failed as a queen." the Queen hissed, her tone steeped in despair, "Everything I try to do always ends with failure. The only thing I ever did right was hatching from my egg, and even that I doubt. I'm so tired…tired of failing. Tired of everything..."

The Queen didn’t have the strength nor willpower to even stand up. She didn’t have any willpower to live nor a reason to fight anymore. Surely all of her subjects had ultimately died because of her attempt to save them, undoubtedly not having the power to survive the impact of the force-field hitting them nor a crash into the ground like she had, their love supply so very limited and them so weak, the invasion draining them of the last of their love magic. She was simply too tired to feel the despair she should have at their possible loss; the loss of her entire race.

She lay still and did nothing until she heard somepony approach to her. She didn’t need to see who this pony was, the love that she had stolen from this pony already told her who he was. Shining Armor stood above her head now and looked down on her Changeling form, the black-chitin-coated, hole-ridden body of a Changeling Queen.

The Queen gave a humorless laugh as she saw the stallion she'd beguiled now standing over her, simply unable to care anymore. "So, you come here to finish me off personally, huh? You must hate me so much for what I've done, that you had to come this far just to make sure that I died by your own hoof?" she asked, closing her eyes and speaking without looking at Shining Armor.

Shining Armor shook his head. "No…I just have some questions to ask you. I don't want to kill you."

The Queen simply gave a tired sigh, at the same time grateful and disappointed he wouldn't kill her and end her failure of a life. "What questions? Why I invaded Canterlot? Why I pretended to be Cadence, or why I choose to use you for your love?"

After thinking for a while, Shining finally knew what to say. "No. I want to know who the real you is. Are you an evil queen who hungers for power, or a playful mare who loves to play pranks and hang out with pony friends? A hateful mare who strives for the ruination and enslavement of ponykind, or a hopeless leader desperately trying to feed her starving subjects?"

The Queen was silent for a while, considering his questions, before finally sighing again. "Not even I know, really. Ever since I was born, and when I became Queen of the Changelings after my mother's death, I've pretended to be so many ponies. I've worn so many masks, taken so many roles, cause so much fallacy and so many lies, that I didn’t know anymore who the real me was anymore. I don't even know what my true personality is." the Queen said, looking up at Shining Armor, still not having the will to move. "You don’t know what it feels like to be the queen of a dying race, Shining Armor. A queen can’t think about herself or her own wants or needs. Her kingdom and subjects must always come first."

Shining Armor simply stood there silently, letting the queen continue.

"But maybe...maybe that playful mare I was when we were together might be a pony that I want to be...or would be if I were not a queen nor Changeling…if I were a pony." the Queen said, before giving a soft huff, "But...why would you come this far just to ask me that silly question? Why would you waste your time with me when you just got your real Cadence back? Why don’t you just marry her and forget all about this foolish bug who thought she could save her starving race..."

Shining Armor softly shook his head. "No, I will never marry Cadence. Cadence is my friend, and only my friend...but I just realized who I truly fell in love with three months ago. Her impostor. You."

The queen was quiet for a while, before responding to him with a hollow chuckle. "Such a hopeless, misguided love you have for me Shining Armor, to fall in love with a fake pony, a false persona. Thanks to that love you gave me though, I was able to defeat Celestia…it is truly a powerful love you hold for me indeed." she said, realizing how intense his love was for her, indeed even still feeling it radiating off of him like an intense heat as he stood over her.

"Do you love me too, as you always said you did, Queen? Did you actually love me, or was it all an illusion to gain more and more power from me?" Shining asked, genuinely curious now.

The Queen was once more silent for a while before she opened her eyes to look at Shining Armor. "Can a love-eater like me even truly feel love?! I don’t know…but it doesn’t matter to me anymore, since I will die here in this crater! I have nothing to live for; I've failed my subjects, all of whom are probably dead now! I've failed as a queen...and a failure like me doesn't deserve to live anymore!" she said as she closed her eyes and prepared to die again, willing her heart to stop beating even if she couldn't actually do so voluntarily.

Shining Armor placed a hoof on her, making her flinch from the unexpected touch, "No…you can’t die yet." he said, shaking her softly.

The Queen pulled away with what strength she had, finally moving. "Leave me be! Let death be my punishment for my crimes against pony-kind, and my failures to Changeling-kind! I...I don’t want to live anymore! I'm so tired...I just want it to be all over..." the Queen said in an exhausted tone, before flopping limply to the ground a few inches further from Shining.

Shining Armor merely shook his head. "No, you don't deserve to die. Your crimes aren’t unforgivable, given their noble purposes. Get up…" Shining Armor said and, upon not getting a response, he dragged the Queen to lay on his back with his magic. The queen moaned from the pain of spending too long laying, as well as her strained muscles and tendons from slamming into the ground. She didn't resist nor try to struggle to get off of Shining Armor’s back however, simply laying as limply on him as she had on the ground.

"You can’t die yet. You still have a role to play in this world…your race still needs you." Shining said, reaching up a hoof to lift her sunken head so she could look around them; so that she can see so many Changelings around them. She was saddened upon finding, with a heavy heart, that some of her fellow Changelings were indeed dead in their own craters, not having the strength to survive the impact as she'd feared, and some were badly injured. But, to her happy surprise, the Queen found that the grand majority had lived, and that some even had enough strength to stand and watch their queen, and this pony with her on his back, pass by.

The Queen was now near tears; if some of her siblings and race still lived, she was still their queen, and all of the misery and hardship that brought with it was still upon her. "No…please…drop me! Leave me to die! I don’t want to be a queen anymore, I-I never did! This role is too hard and too painful for me to bear! I'm a failure of a queen!" she wailed, "I'd rather die!"

Shining Armor shook his head. "I can't do that. You don’t have to be a struggling queen anymore! Let me help you. Let us ponies help you! You don’t have to face this starvation crisis alone anymore, and you never did have to. Come with me, we can ask Princess Celestia for help like you should have instead of invading us. Let her help you and your kind. You don’t have to be a lone queen and carry this burden all by yourself."

The Queen was shocked by Shining's words, and what they implied. "I…I don’t have to be a queen anymore? C…can I be myself if I go with you? That's all I ever wanted..." the Queen said, her voice seeming more calm and sweet; not sounding like the voice of an evil dictator anymore, but instead a young, hopeful filly.

"Yes…you can be anypony you want to be. You don’t have to be anypony but yourself now…" Shining promised, daring to give the hoof of the mare on his back a nuzzle.

The Queen smiled for the first time in what felt like forever as she slid off of Shining's back and stood in front of him, shedding away her second disguise, showing her true self that was hiding underneath the fake facade of a fearsome Changeling Queen; the body of young Changeling mare. Her body shrunk somewhat, losing its terrifying height and stance, instead looking the height of most pony mares, though still looking like a Changeling. The change strongly reminded Shining of the difference between Princess Luna when she dressed up for Nightmare Night as Nightmare Moon, and her normal self; the first simply being a scary facade, while the second was her true self.

Overall, the Queen's natural form looked a lot more cute than scary to Shining. The most striking change, however, was that of her expression. Instead of a hard, stern scowl and piercing gaze, her expression was one of a calm, happy mare, with her even holding a small smile on her lips, her eyelids slightly drooping in relaxation. A look that very much suited her.

Shining Armor was completely stunned at the stark difference between the appearances of the old and new Queen, even if they were fairly subtle. "AAAaaaw! You are so adorable!" Shining said with a huge smile, not even noticing the hint of teasing it held until he'd said it.

The Queen grimaced. "S…Shut up! A q-queen's not supposed to be adorable! A strong, fearsome queen is what I had to be, to make our enemy fear us Changelings!" The Queen walked up to Shining, placing a hoof on his shoulder, "Nopony wants to follow a ruler that looks this small and weak like this. I had to take that false appearance to make my kind respect me; to make every Changeling believe in their queen and always have hope that a large, powerful-looking queen can save them. That is why I had to hide this real me under that fearsome form ever since my mother passed away and the title of 'Queen' was passed down to me."

Shining Armor smiled and once more lifted the changed queen onto his back, before starting to walk with the smaller Changeling Queen on his back, with Equestria's border as his destination. Every surviving Changeling that had crashed around the queen started to walk - or limp, or fly, if injured - after him as well. "Come, Changelings. You don’t need to starve anymore. If you follow me and your queen, you will be fed and safe." Shining shouted out in a promise, before looking back at the queen on his back. "Can I know your real name? I want to know the real you."

The queen merely smiled, happy to tell him. "I was named Queen Chrysalis," she said, before smiling in realization, "but…no…not anymore. I am not a queen. My name...just call me...Chrysalis."


Shining Armor brought Chrysalis, and any surviving Changelings he found along the way, levitating those who couldn't carry themselves, to meet Princess Celestia in Canterlot. After Chrysalis had explained to the princesses about the starvation problem that had forced her and her Changelings to invade their city - like a thirsty pony who had found an oasis in the middle of desert, but it owned by somepony else - and that she and her kind never held any ill will against their subjects, Celestia and Luna unanimously agreed to take the Changelings into their empire and help them.

Celestia and Luna then sent their Guard to find any Changelings that had survived their crash landings all around Equestria. Some were already dead in a crater, and some survived but with fatal injuries, but many survived without too many wounds and could be saved, while a miraculous few had landed somewhere soft and were completely uninjured. Some were alone, and some were aided by their own kin, but there were also some Changelings that received kindness and got help from the local ponies, even before soldiers arrived and found them. There were ponies who had helped the injured Changelings, even if they looked scary to them and had invaded their capital, their hearts guiding them to the right path.

Because of that kindness, the Changelings now knew that most ponies had a good heart and were always willing to help, if only they asked for it. They all, though especially Chrysalis, now felt bad for what they did at Canterlot’s invasion; for trying to steal the love that they now knew was given freely and gladly, if only it was requested instead of stolen. This aid, however, came with conditions.

Princess Celestia had seen that 'Queen' Chrysalis wasn't fit to be a Queen of the Changelings, nor a queen at all. When officially asked to concede her title and her crown to become refugees with her ex-subjects in Equestria, Celestia and Luna found Chrysalis herself all too willing to give it up. With that conceding of her power and position to Celestia, she made every Changeling become one of Celestia’s subjects instead of hers. Becoming citizens of Equestria. Chrysalis was only too glad to accept this condition. Now she knew she could finally be free from the heavy responsibility of being a ruler of the Changelings, a title she'd never wanted but had been forced upon her by her birthright. She was a free mare.

The Changelings' crimes, however, had not gone without any punishment. All Changelings were made to work community service to redeem themselves, but this also gave them a chance to be in pony society much closer, and it was through this they learned how to work pony jobs, how to earn money, and to love those ponies whom they merely viewed as a source of food before. They worked now to help support the kingdom that had finally given them a home to live in, and plenty of love for them to feed on. Her Changelings, her siblings, Chrysalis realized, would never starve again.

Another condition was that all Changelings would always have to wear a blue cloth collar while disguised as a pony. It’s was not for marking them as prisoner, nor to control them; it didn't have a shock function or anything to harm them, but instead was worn willingly by the changelings as a symbol to show that they are a Changeling and are proud to be, as well as that they are under protection of Equestria’s law the same as anypony else.

The former Queen, Chrysalis, also got special 'punishment' as well.

A Talk with the Princess of Love

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"Apple cider as you requested, Princess." Chrysalis said, still in her true form, wearing a Prench maid outfit as she offered the glass of apple cider on the tray to Princess Cadence. This was the first day of Chrysalis' job as Princess Cadence’s maid for her community service, now living with the princess full time. She'd chosen her own sentence as a maid, also choosing Princess Cadence to make up for the cruelty she'd shown by imprisoning her in those mines with barely enough food and water to survive, and in filthy conditions, it seeming poetic that she would now give her as much food and drink as she ordered, and help clean her chambers and castle.

Princess Cadence smiled, accepting the glass from the tray with her magic, taking a sip of the cider, before putting it down on her bedside table and looking at Chrysalis with worry. "Thank you, Chrysalis."

Cadence knew that the evil queen persona, the Changeling who had imprisoned her and taken her place for nearly three months, was now long gone from this mare, leaving only a little Changeling mare that didn’t have any responsibilities of a queen at all. A much calmer, happier mare who had chosen to be her maid.

"Chrysalis, are you sure that you don’t mind being a maid to me? To see a former queen like you lower yourself down to being a servant to me—" Cadence started, only for Chrysalis to raise a hoof to stop her.

Chrysalis sighed while smiling, softly nodding. "It really is fine, Princess. I’m glad to serve you! I’m happy to be a maid, to serve somepony instead of pretending to be an evil queen and terribly ruling a starving race. This maid duty is so much easier than being a queen on so many levels!" Chrysalis then stopped to catch her breath before continuing with a more calm voice, a hint of regret evident; "Besides, this is the only apology I could think of as fitting for what I did to you back then…"

Princess Cadence softly stomped a hoof, snapping Chrysalis out of her thoughts. "Stop it Chrysalis, please. You've said 'sorry' to me enough now, and I already said I forgive you. I know that you did all you did because you had a reason; you had a starving family and you just wanted to help them. You just didn’t have anypony by your side to give you good advice, and because of that you made the wrong decision. It's all in the past now. Please forgive yourself already, as I have. As Equestria has."

Chrysalis simply sighed, still looking a bit upset. "S…sorry Princess, for making you feel uncomfortable, but how could you possibly forgive me so easily? I mean, I imprisoned you for three months, all alone and barely surviving! I deserve a worse punishment than this, yet you allowed me to choose to do this for you…"

"That’s because I am the Princess of Love, dear." Princess Cadence said as she suddenly grabbed Chrysalis with her front hooves and hugged her, Chrysalis feeling the love coming off of her strongly and absorbing some of it on reflex. "If somepony can learn to forgive a pony's misdeeds, and learn to forget their wrongs and to love them instead, like I have, sometimes that love can turn your worst enemy into a strong ally if you're doing it right."

Chrysalis sighed again, still unsure of such an easy sentence, but hugged Princess Cadence back then buried her face within the princess's chest, starting to cry. "I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…"

Princess Cadence continued to softly rock and make shushing sounds to calm down her tearful maid, continuing until the young Changeling calmed once again, before she grinned and asked her maid the question that she knew would take her by surprise. "So…how about your love with Shining Armor?" she asked, just as casually as somepony would ask another what the weather was like that day.

"L…love?" Chrysalis said without making eye contact with Princess Cadence, "err…about that. Ever since he took me and my surviving siblings back to Canterlot, we never talked about our romantic feelings again. Besides, he's always busy with helping my kin, so I don’t dare to disturb him while he's here and resting…"

Princess Cadence listened, before before shaking her head with disappointment. "You know, that’s really bad of you…" she said, clicking her tongue.

Chrysalis was somewhat surprised by the gentle chiding. "W...what?"

Princess Cadence smirked a bit. "Shining Armor is working so hard to ensure the safety of your race, yet you've done nothing to help him at all..."

"N…no, that's not true at all! I've asked him a number of times before to go along with him to help find surviving Changelings, and to help Changelings find homes and jobs, but he never lets me go with him." Chrysalis said, before looking down, feeling bad now at not pulling her own weight; feeling bad the same way she had when she was a failure of a queen, "Instead, he's always told me to stay here and serve you as your maid, saying I don’t have to do a queen's work anymore; to let him handle it all."

"...and serving me you are, and quite well so far I might add, but what about his needs?" Cadence asked, putting a hoof on Chrysalis' shoulder.

Chrysalis sighed, unable to meet Cadence's eyes. "I always serve him food and clean his room in the barracks every time he returns to Canterlot with the Changelings he finds…" she said, before picking up on a certain look from Cadence, seeing her eyebrow crooked and a small grin on her lips.

"So, just that and nothing more? That is no different from a normal maid's work at all!" Cadence teased, lightly nudging Chrysalis, "...and here I thought you had something better than that to reward him with! He stood up for you and saved your people from starvation after all. As his marefriend, you should reward him something more special than simply cleaning his room and serving him food!"

Chrysalis blinked, before it finally dawned on her what Cadence was implying. "B-but…what should I do Princess? I…I've never had a lover before, let alone a pony lover, and don't know anything about it. Should I buy him a gift? What does he like?"

Princess Cadence shook her head slowly, "No, no my dear, a simple object won't do. No, I think you already have a special gift within yourself…" she said as she grinned and walked close to Chrysalis, before she used her magic to grab and lift the edge of Chrysalis' maid skirt, revealing her white panties underneath, and earning a heavy blush from Chrysalis.

Finally, it all dawned on her. "W-wait, y-you mean…m-me…him…in bed together?!" Chrysalis asked, already feeling nervous at the prospect.

Princess Cadence nodded, maintaining her soft grin. "Yes Chrysalis. Shining Armor is tired and stressed a lot lately from his extra duties of finding and protecting Changelings. Maybe you should help him relax and get some stress relief...or release something, at the very least..." Cadence said with a sexy chuckle, "I'm sure you can think of something he could release..."

"B…but do you think he's even interested in me like that?" Chrysalis asked, getting a confused look from Cadence.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean… when I dated him, I was disguised as you and he never saw my real form. I don’t know if he'd want to have sex with an...evil-looking body like mine. I mean, maybe what he wants and dreams of is having sex with a sexy pony mare like you instead."

"Oh…hush you!" Princess Cadence said with a giggle, feeling a light blush on her pink cheeks, "You give me too much credit. Believe me though, Chrysalis, it will be all be OK with Shining. You're just fine the way you are now. Besides, I’m sure no stallion could resist such an adorable butt like yours!"

Chrysalis still wasn't convinced. "I…I don’t know…maybe it would be best if I at least disguise myself as a pony before—"

Princess Cadence placed a hoof on Chrysalis again, shaking her head 'no'. "No Chrysalis, you shouldn't. Your first time with him should be between him and your true self, not a disguise. You should not be ashamed of your real body. I know he isn't," Cadence said, before nudging Chrysalis to leave her bedroom, "Now, go on. It about time for Shining Armor to come back now. Let Shining Armor experience the real you, Chrysalis. Have fuuuuun!"

As Chrysalis stood outside of Cadence's door now, panic set in as she watched it slowly closing. "B…but I’m scared, Princess! Can't you go with me!?" she begged, only to hear a quiet laugh from inside the chamber.

"You can ask for a threesome with me and him later Chrysalis, but you're on you're own your first time with him. Good luuuuuck!!" Cadence said teasingly, before closing the door completely.

All About Chrysalis, Queen of the Love Bugs

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Be forewarned, this chapter contains a TON of exposition.


Shining Armor came back to his bedroom in the Canterlot Castle barracks after returning from Dodge City that night with his Pegasus Royal Guard team and several new Changeling refugees, dismissing them and coming back for his own rest. As he opened the door and turned on the light, he was shocked upon seeing Chrysalis in her Prench maid outfit laying in a sexy pose on his bed. She was blushing heavily as she lifted the hem with her muzzle, exposing her panties and the outline of her pussy through the thin silk. "Chrysalis!?" he asked in a high-pitched, surprised tone.

"W…welcome back, Shini—I mean…M-Master. How was your trip?" Chrysalis asked, her voice lightly muffled from the cloth in her mouth, genuinely interested in hearing of more possible rescues of her fellow Changelings.

"'Master'? I mean...it went well. We found eight surviving Changelings in Dodge City. Some came back here with us, while some asked to stay with their pony friends in that town, and live and work with them there...but....why are you here, a-and exposing yourself like that?!" Shining asked, still blushing.

Chrysalis simply moved a bit, spreading her legs a bit more and exposing her panties further. "I just want to please you, Master. I want to thank you for helping my Changelings…but I have nothing to offer you but myself. All of me."

Shining Armor blushed, averting his eyes. "D-don’t try to sell your body to me like that, Chrysalis, it’s...it doesn't feel right. You don’t have to do that; it’s my duty as a soldier to protect everyone. I don't need any...payment for it."

Chrysalis' sensual expression flagged, turning to one of concern instead as she let her skirt fall and cover her again. "...but...you saved us. You saved me, your enemy, that fooled you, as well as all of my fellow Changelings. You don’t have to risk yourself, nor travel all over Equestria to find and save us at all even still, but you still choose to do it. Please, let me do something for you in return."

"It’s fine, Chrysalis. Just please continue to serve my meals and clean my room; that's enough 'payment' for me." Shining said, still feeling more than a bit uncomfortable in the unwanted sexual situation he found himself in.

Chrysalis huffed, a light blush on her face. "But I don’t think that's enough! I want to do more for you, Master. Please, let my body pleasure you, Master."

Shining Armor only felt more and more uncomfortable as Chrysalis spoke like this; like a common mare of the streets. He simply looked at her in silence for a while, before he took a deep breath and sighed. "Say my name, Chrysalis…please. Not 'Master'. It feels...wrong, like I'm above you or something."

"But Master…" Chrysalis said, before becoming nervous as Shining merely stared disapprovingly at her, "I-I mean S-Shining…?"

Shining Armor approached the bed – and suddenly pinned Chrysalis to the mattress. He look upon her face to face, bringing himself very close to her, his muzzle only inches from hers while their chests met. "Chrysalis…" Shining said, looking deep into her deep emerald eyes, "You say that you want to pleasure me…tell me, is it because you want to…or because you think that you have to to repay me for merely doing what I view as the right thing, and what I'm paid for as my job?"

Chrysalis was silent for a while, but Shining could see her eyes shifting, clearly thinking quite a bit before she spoke. "Shining, I...I have to do it. I feel that I have to reward you for all you've done for me and mine, but deep down inside…I want to as well. Shining, I want to do this, to have sex with a stallion who loves me...and who I love too."

Shining smiled, seeing nothing but honesty and love in her eyes. "Thank you, Chryssie, that’s what I want to hear from my little love bug," Shining said, rubbing noses with her with a big smile on his face, "...but if we're going to have sex, I want to have sex with the mare I love. Not an ex-queen who wants to sell her body in exchange for the freely-given help she and her ex-subjects receive, not a maid who got orders to pleasure her master. I don't want to fuck any of those personalities. I want to make love to you, Chrysalis, my loving marefriend, and I want to do it as your loving stallion. You as my loving mare…so no more of this 'Master' thing, OK? Please."

Chrysalis tried to respond, but suddenly felt Shining's lips on her own, kissing softly for a while, before his tongue slid into her open maw. She accepted the deep kiss willingly, using her very long Changeling tongue to gently coil around Shining's and earning a moan from him with that move, Chrysalis also tasting some sweet, delicious love, as well as her stallion's flavor, throughout.

After Shining Armor broke the kiss, Chrysalis figured it was time to properly pleasure her stallion and hero. "Now, please lay down on your back on the bed and let me service you." she said as she tried to sit up, but was surprised when she was gently pushed to lay on her back by Shining Armor instead.

"No no no. A true knight must serve his lady first. Now, let's see what we have here..." Shining said, before looking at Chrysalis’s panties and finding them soaking wet with her mare fluids. Chrysalis found that he didn't seem to mind though, as he kissed and licked her pussy right through the fabric.

Chrysalis shivered from the touch, never before having a anycreature do this for her. "Oh S-Shining! M…maybe it might be best…i-if I disguise as a pony first?" she asked, starting to summon the green flame to transform herself into a pony mare, but a hoof resting on her pelvis stopped her.

"No, Chrysalis. I said I wanted to have sex with the real you and I really meant it. Please stay true to yourself, and me." Shining said, before going back down to her marehood.

Chrysalis touched Shining's head, getting him to stop and softly shaking her head. "Shining, y-you don’t understand. My...my pussy is very...different from a pony's!" Chrysalis warned, blushing as she watched Shining already lifting her skirt and sliding her panties off, uncovering her sex, but didn't stop him. She didn't want to stop him.

Shining quickly found that Chrysalis' vulva was indeed different than a pony mare's, its flesh glowing slightly and a florescent green, but structurally it was almost identical, complete with a pert ponut beneath it and a curve at the top where her clit undoubtedly hid away. "There's not much difference to a pony mare down here so far as I see. It’s true that your pussy has bioluminescent green flesh instead bright pink like a pony mare's, but yours still looks quite sexy to me." Shining Armor said, giving a chuckle and starting to again lick her pussy to taste her juice, "...and you're certainly sweet tasting…"

Never before having been pleasured, save by her own hoof and magic, too stressed and busy being a queen to ever consider her own carnal needs, Chrysalis shivered at the sensations of a tongue on her lower lips. "OhhhShining…" Chrysalis cooed out, but even still she had a nagging voice in the back of her head; the voice saying that when it happened, this would not end well.

Chrysalis felt her pleasure rising, embarrassed as she tried to hold back her moans. Some quiet ones still left her mouth despite her best efforts, so she took hold the edge of her skirt and bit it to suppress her moans, feeling pleasure rolling through her as Shining licked her lower lips.

"Let’s start this by make you cum first, shall we?" Shining asked with a smile before continue to lick Chrysalis' pussy, slipping just between her green lips, before pulling out and licking from just short of her plothole all the way to her cleft, repeating until Chrysalis' clitoris started to poke out from its hood above her vaginal opening in a wink. Shining tried to capture it with his lips, but it always kept winking back into hiding every time he tried, like it had a mind of its own and didn’t want to get caught by him. Shining persisted, however, and kept licking her hood, trying to make her hiding nub come out from its shell so he could properly pleasure his mare.

Chrysalis shuddered heavily each time he grazed her pleasure nub, but all the same resisted, trying to keep herself from winking to prevent 'it' from coming out. "A-ahhh!!!" Chrysalis moaned out, making the edge of her skirt drop from her mouth when Shining started licking the hood of her clitoris harder, with her finding that the thin flesh was unable to protect her sensitive nub from the pleasurable sensations of his assault at all, the sensations finally taking their effect on her. "T-this is a r-really b-bad idea d-doing this in my Changeling form! P-please just let me be a…p-pony! Ohhh!"

Shining could sense that the mare in front of him was holding herself back from something, tensed up so much and seemingly trying her hardest to not enjoy the pleasure he was trying to give her. "No Chrysalis, I want you as you are right now; your true self, not an illusion. I also want to please you, to make you feel as good as you deserve to, so please relax and enjoy yourself instead of fighting me."

Shining tried to lick her hood one more, but finally saw that her clitoris started to come out again. Seeing this, Shining took advantage of the opportunity, using a lip to prevent her hood from hiding the green nub again, then slathering it with a series of quick licks.

Chrysalis panicked again as she felt him licking directly on her clit, unable to hide it away anymore as he held her hood open. "B-but 'it’s' going to come out! Mmmm! AHhhh! Y-You're going to h-hate me when you s-see it!" she groaned as her clit finally got assaulted directly, Shining's warm tongue feeling incredible on such a sensitive part.

Shining Armor was unfazed by her pleas, only pausing to speak. "Let it out, whatever it is, please don't hold anything back from me. I want to enjoy this first time having sex with my marefriend, but I don’t think that will happen if you don’t open to me fully, body and heart." he said, thinking she was merely being shy about her body with him, before licking her clit one more time. It started to get bigger it would seem, but still tried to hide itself under the hood again, seemingly like Chrysalis was intentionally trying to keep it from him.

"N-no…please stop...you will freak out when it comes out! You will not like this part of the real me! I'm really different from ponies, or even Changeling drones!"

Shining Armor finally did as asked and stopped licking, simply rubbing her lower belly soothingly instead, and giving her a calm smile. "I promise, Chrysalis, I promise and swear I will accept everything about you, no matter how different you are from us ponies. So please, don’t hold back anything that you're holding back, anything preventing you from enjoying our private moment. Just let it go…please."

Chrysalis looked into Shining's eyes, seeing the sincerity in them, and that gave her the courage to show herself completely to him; every part laid bare. She closed her eyes though, not wanting to see the look of horror that would undoubtedly be upon his face when she finally let that part of herself come out. "Shining…I love you…OK, here goes..." Chrysalis said, lifting her skirt with her front hooves to hide her face from Shining, and finally let loose of her grip on the muscles holding 'it' in.

Shining Armor looked down at Chrysalis' crotch and saw as her clit came out of her hood completely, smiling as he saw her clit wink...but his smile slowly faded and changed into a look of confusion when her clitoris continued to grow, getting bigger and longer. It continued to increase in size until it was fully erect moments later, now looking like a pony’s cock but without medial ring, making it completely smooth from base to tip. Its end also didn't have a flare like a stallion's would, but instead had a strange, bulbous shape at the tip instead. It was also about ten inches long and roughly the same two-inch circumference along its whole length save the top, making it about the same length as, but slightly slimmer than, an average stallion's cock.

Shining Armor was, predictably, quite uneasy at this point, even sweating some. "…O…oh…so Changeling queens have a...penis? Like stallions?" Shining asked, his tone a little higher-pitched than planned as he stared at the ex-queen's appendage.

Chrysalis was blushing at this point, embarrassed and completely unsure what to do. His reaction wasn't blatant disgust as she was expecting, but more of a mix of surprise and...curiosity? Did she sense a little bit of lust coming off of him too? "A..actually…i-it’s my ovipositor…" Chrysalis said, debating on whether or not to hide it with a pillow, "I use it to lay eggs when it's time for me to...my race to...make young."

As she spoke, Chrysalis was still hiding her face behind her skirt even as she let her pelvic muscles completely relax, it feeling good to let her ovipositor out for a change. Her ovipositor twitched like a stallion's penis, a soft ripple going along its length. Not only that, but the tip of it was now slightly opened, revealing what looked like three petals made of flesh that usually composed her rounded tip to open like a bloomed flower, the glowing green inner flesh tapering thicker into a large, puckered hole in the middle of them. The whole thing was as green and luminescent as her pussy, starting to leak a thin, transparent, green-tinted, and viscous fluid not unlike a stallion's pre-cum or mare's vaginal fluids.

Chrysalis whimpered shyly, as it'd been a while since Shining had spoken, with him meanwhile staring thoughtfully at her appendage during his silence, before she gave a soft shiver and felt a tear rolling down her cheek. "P…Please don’t be scared or disgusted with me just because of this part of me! I can hide it if I need to...I...I know, I can change into a pony mare! I knew I shouldn't have showed you it!" Chrysalis blathered out in a panic, tears actively pouring down the sides of her cheeks now, her heart feeling like a rock that had sunk to the pit of her stomach.

"Disgusted? No, Chrysalis! I admit that I’m...kind of shocked seeing something like that on a female of any species, but don’t worry, my love, this isn't something I can’t accept about you. I mean, it's just a part of you, like your horn or your hooves, after all. Or your beautiful, sexy pussy," Shining said as he calmed down from the surprise of seeing Chrysalis' unexpected part, smiling up at her before then going back to studying the strange penis-like organ in front of him with interest, though less intensely. As he saw her squirming, as well as noticing she'd calmed down from his words, he stopped as he realized how uncomfortable his staring was clearly making her, meeting her tear-glistening eyes instead. "Chrysalis, I'm just fascinated with this is all. Does every Changeling have this...'ovipositor'?"

Chrysalis shook her head, still blushing hotly as she wiped the tears from her face with a hoof, cautiously optimistic that Shining may be OK with this organ after all, and eager to feed his seemingly positive interest. "No…only a Changeling queen has an ovipositor, since we are the only one in a hive who can produce and lay eggs. Male drones have penises, though."

"So, is it true that you need to lay a fertile egg inside of another creature's womb, like, say, a pony's, in order to gestate Changeling eggs?" Shining asked, basing this question off of a rumor he'd heard from one of his guards, the guard claiming that he'd seen a Changeling raping a mare in an alley, and forcing its eggs into her womb against her will, unable to get to it in time to stop it from impregnating her. A claim, Shining realized, that was likely false.

"Where did you hear that?! Some scary movie?! Some vicious rumor?!" Chrysalis hissed, before calming herself again; "No…we Changelings don’t reproduce like that. We're not parasites! No, a Queen of the Changelings will usually only lay her eggs in either a special cocoon, or a female Changeling drone's womb, not a pony's womb, as it cannot work with ponies. Changeling embryos will not implant themselves within the uterine wall of other creatures, and will instead be absorbed by the mare's body later. Changeling eggs are created by a queen by feeding love energy into an undeveloped egg, and it's compatible with only Changelings, so only female drones can get pregnant by this method."

"So...the queen sires all of the children to all females in the hive?" Shining asked, "There are no males?"

"Well, that kinda depends on situation." Chrysalis said, forgetting the sensual setting they were still in as she figured she needed to set some things straight for Shining, as well as all of ponykind; "There are two options that a queen has to create new Changelings. The first, and most successful, option is for her to lay a 'blank' egg directly into female Changeling drone’s womb. While female Changeling drones do have a full set of female genitals – a vulva, clitoris, vagina, and womb – and are able to carry a child of any compatible species to term, including pony hybrids, they lack an ovary to produce eggs by themselves. Eggs are something only a queen has, alongside an ovipositor with which to place the egg where it needs to be - within a Changeling drone's womb."

"So," Chryssie continued, "when a female Changeling drone falls in love with a male Changeling – or any virile male creature, including pony stallions or griffin toms – and wants to have a child with them, or if she just wants a child for herself, or wants to offer her womb for the Hive's sake during our breeding season, then she has to come and ask for an egg from her queen."

"So...that means you're the one making them pregnant...right?" Shining asked, growing more and more interested in this topic the more Chrysalis explained. It seemed that everything ponies thought they knew about Changeling reproduction was a lie, born of vicious propaganda or misunderstanding.

"Well, yes and no I guess. This implanted egg initially contains no DNA information whatsoever, and this 'blank egg' will be imprinted with that female Changeling drone's DNA once it is placed within her womb by the queen via her ovipositor, much like a pony's egg through meiosis, making it the Changeling drone's maternal child. Then, when the male and female breed, much like you ponies do, and the male fertilizes the egg with his sperm, that makes his the paternal DNA of the child.

Chrysalis paused for a moment, a smile growing on her face. "The couple will then have a hatchling of their own in three months' time and they will form a family, or the mare will be given custody of her child if the male simply agreed to be a sperm donor, or 'stud' as you ponies say, for her, or the Hive will take custody if the female was only offering her womb to expand our numbers and genetic diversity. Therefore, in your pony words, the male is the sire, the Changeling female is the dam, and the queen is merely...a catalyst of sorts to make it all possible." Chrysalis explained, looking solemn by the end.

"Ah, I see!" Shining said, before seeing her sad look, "What's the matter? Why are you sad about it?"

"Well, Shining...this method – despite being the most successful way for Changelings to breed and most socially important to Changelings, as well as being a wonderful and blissful experience for all three Changelings involved – is very rare these days. The lack of love and near-starvation for years makes it so no female Changelings can carry a child no matter how much they want to, with them barely having enough love to sustain themselves let alone a growing embryo or nymph, and no male can produce sperm for the same reason."

"So, Changeling reproduction is not so much unlike how we ponies breed. Well, save for the extra step with the queen producing and implanting the eggs, instead of the individual Changeling producing their own by going into estrus like ponies do, as well as the young needing love as well as food as sustenance." Shining observed, getting a nod from Chrysalis.

"Correct. Except, unlike ponies, we Changelings have an...emergency back-up plan of sorts if you will, given that only a queen can produce eggs and thus continue the species. The other, and least desirable, option is that the queen can reproduce asexually by laying an unfertilized egg in a special cocoon, which she also produces, that works similar to a Changeling drone's womb and lets the unborn Changeling grow within it, keeping it warm and fed with the love deposited by the queen as well. Something called 'parthenogenesis'. Queens will only use this method when she can’t find any female Changelings that are ready or able to carry a child, or if she has to increase the number of her subjects quickly, like if, say, the hive is near extinction, or she is starting her own new hive."

"Ah, so that's how Changeling queens make their own hives!" Shining said, so many new worlds being opened for him now.

"Well, yes, but this method only uses the 'default' genetic makeup of the queen and all the offspring share it, and the offspring from these are always female Changeling breeding drones. It's only good for starting a hive, not continuing one, and is utterly exhausting for the queen, costing her far more love and energy than simply producing and implanting eggs into drones. Then, in order to produce male Changelings, or other Hive roles than breeders, the first method of our reproduction has to be used after the second; the first generation of Changeling mares accept a queen's egg, then a male of another Changeling hive, or another species, donates his seed to add his Y-chromosome and genetics to the gene-pool, whether willingly, or to a Changeling disguised as a female of his species.”

"This is how queens branch off and start new hives, as well as why every hive has a different mane and tail coloration, and some different traits based on the species of the males who interbred with the drones or queen. My mother's breeder to create me, my sire, was a unicorn pony with a teal mane..." Chrysalis said, "...but that's all about that for now. As for how new queens are made...well, I'll tell you that later. That's a whole different story."

Shining listened intensely to Chrysalis, seemingly having the same interest in new things and learning that his sister Twilight has always shared with him. As he once more glanced at her ovipositor, everything seemed to make sense now, and the utmost importance of that organ became clear to him; that through that organ was the only way new Changelings could come to be.

"Changeling that are born from this parthenogenesis method, however, are very weak and have a low chance to survive even to their first molting compared to those who grew within a Changeling's womb. They also lack genetic diversity if the queen is forced to self-imprint on the eggs, as well as some, or even many, dying in the cocoon during their gestation from lack of love. So...that leaves it all up to the queen to continue her entire species, creating the egg cocoons and hoping for the best when she lays her eggs in them, giving them whatever little love can be spared from all of the energy and love that it takes to produce the eggs and cocoons. Hoping her children don't die before they're even born..." Chrysalis said solemnly, more tears streaming down her cheeks. "That's one reason I hate being born a queen; why I was, and still am to an extent, so stressed that I wanted to simply die; making all those cocoons and laying all of those eggs...it's a burden of being a Changeling queen that only death can free me from."

Shining Armor was quiet for a while, taking it all in, before coming to a realization. "Wow, that is quite a burden...I mean, Changelings needing a queen seems like a sort of...natural birth control program for Changelings, just like how pony mares only go into heat during part of the year, but much more severe. Isn't it a bit dangerous though? I mean, if something happens to the queen, doesn’t that mean it’s the end of that hive, since Changelings can’t reproduce without a queen?"

"Yes it is," Chrysalis said, still very solemn, looking near tears again; "A great many hives are gone because of just that reason; queens would die before producing another queen as her successor, their drones following when their natural times came since drones cannot produce eggs at all themselves, even if they try to transform into a Changeling queen. Now, I’m the only Changeling queen left that I know of. There is only one known Changeling hive left…mine, or rather, Princess Celestia's, since we are now her subjects."

Shining Armor looked at Chrysalis, who was looking down and trying to hold her tears in. She was a lonely queen, the last known living queen of her kind, and her responsibility was still a lot for her even after surrendering her royal title; the continuation of her entire species sitting entirely upon her shoulders alone. He knew that it was true that now she no longer had to rule the Changelings in a legal sense, but physically her job as the queen was still here; the future of her race still being upon her and her unique reproductive organ, the burden to increase the size of Changeling-kind again something that was impossible to take away.

"Oh…Chrysalis…" Shining said with a sigh as he realized something, hugging Chrysalis without really noticing that his stallionhood and her ovipositor rubbed against each other as they did, "I’m really sorry...I nearly made your whole race extinct because of the barrier I cast to repel you all…"

"It’s OK, Shining Armor," Chrysalis said, feeling his member rubbing against her own organ, blushing at the pleasant contact, but not wanting it to stop, "we were invading you...but my fellow Changelings and I are all alive still, except the few...unfortunate casualties. We're safe and fed now too, ending the starvation we were facing. You've saved us all now…all of us…"

Shining Armor finally noticed their intimate lower contact and broke the hug as well as their organs' touching, blushing a bit himself. That, however, also triggered something else he was curious about. "So…you must have had sex with so many female Changelings in your hive before, right? Judging from how many Changeling invaded—"

"N-no…all of them, and me, were from my mother's final brood, not mine. Ever since Mother passed away from illness several years ago, and the starvation crisis that that brought on under my...failed leadership, it forced Changelings to stop increasing our population because of how much love energy our breeding requires. So I've never laid eggs into any Changeling before, given how much love it costs me to form them, nor in cocoons for the same reason. I've never even formed an egg before..."

"But you'll still have to lay eggs sooner or later, right?" Shining asked, "To bring the Changeling population out of near-extinction?"

"Yes, of course," Chrysalis replied, getting a dreamy expression on her face, "Now that we all have a good, steady supply of love, I hope you don’t mind that if sometime in the future, I likely get invited by, or invite, some female drones to thrust my ovipositor into her...to fuck her until both of us reach orgasm and...and I lay an egg directly inside her womb! Then, I'll get to watch a male breeder drone mount her and fertilize it...starting a new life within her..." Chrysalis was grinding her hips against Shining again as she said that, the thought of laying eggs inside a Changeling's womb, or having them laid within their own wombs, as much of a major turn-on for her as it was for all Changelings.

"That's...a little bit too graphic…but it’s fine, really. To continue your kind, I promise I'm OK with you doing what you have to do. Besides...well...it sounds kinda hot to me too," Shining said, finding the thought of Chrysalis mounted on and breeding another Changeling quite attractive to him, turning him on more. Soon he became aware that, with his position, his cock was again laying itself against the smooth skin of his lover’s ovipositor, which she was softly grinding against him.

"S-so…you don’t mind that I have an ovipositor?" Chrysalis asked, still a bit nervous despite him not pulling away, feeling his penis against her own member.

"Well…I can get used to it," Shining said, laughing nervously, "It lets me have more things to play with on the mare I love, after all. So many options for our alone time: I can fuck you in your beautiful pussy, play with your ovipositor, or we can have anal or oral sex with each other too. You have it all!"

"Mmm, I kinda like the thought of that...making a big, strong stallion my mare..." Chrysalis said sensually, earning a heavy blush from Shining.

"B-but...uh...d-don’t expect me to let you fuck my ass anytime soon, OK?" Shining then stammered out with a nervous expression, "I...uh, I still need some time to open myself up to the idea of being mounted…"

"Just ignore that idea if you want to, Shining," Chrysalis said, sensing his discomfort and not wanting him to completely call their time together because of that, "Please, just enjoy only my pussy or mouth tonight if you don’t wanna play with my ovipositor yet, or every night. We don't need to do anything you don't want to..." She then indicated her pussy with a hoof, Shining seeing that it was now at the base of her ovipositor and soaking wet, suffusing the air with the scent of her arousal.

"Chryssie...don’t get me wrong, OK? Just because I said I’m not ready to take you up my ass yet...it doesn’t mean I’m completely against the idea of doing it eventually, OK?" Shining Armor asked, before deciding it was time to move on.

"But...aaah!" Chrysalis started to say, but flinched when Shining Armor grabbed her ovipositor with his front hooves.

As he started to softly rub his marefriend's cock-like ovipositor, Shining grinned, feeling his penis pressed into the mattress now as he lay on his belly, throbbing softly in reaction to the sensuality of his actions, as well as the soft, silken fabric surrounding his member. "I said I accept everything about you my love, and I really meant it." Shining said, finding he rather liked the feeling of her firm, smooth egg-tube between the soft frogs of his hooves, her profuse fluids oozing from its tip lubricating it and making his hooves slide effortlessly along her slimmer length.

"Oh Shining...it feels…" Chrysalis moaned with pleasure, pulses of sensation going from her unique organ all the way up her spine. She'd never let anyone touch her down there before, never even letting her ovipositor come out of her body save for a few times in her entire life; something that she was coming to regret as she learned what kind of sensations it could give her just by touching it.

Shining chuckled as he continued rubbing up and down his mate's member, finding that it actually felt quite similar to when he rubbed his own penis, its throbs being much the same. "You know, I've got to say, It’s feels strange to rub another's cock-like thing after only jerking my own stallionhood for so long, ever since I learned how to masturbate as a colt."

"I h-hope it’s not too disgusting or weird for you...I mean, you don't have to...oooh...do this if it mmmm-makes you uncomfortable." Chrysalis said as her hips were thrusting up into his hooves not unlike how a stallion's would, as though instinctively trying to reach a nonexistent Changeling's womb to lay an egg within.

"No…not at all! I don’t mind doing this at all! Especially not when I get to hear your adorable little moans..." Shining teased as he moved his mouth closer to Chrysalis’ ovipositor...before slowly licking it. He felt as it made Chrysalis shiver hard and moan loudly, her moan so lewd as he nibbled just within her tip's opening, gently biting the petal-like flesh when it opened and making her back arch and her hips thrust upwards again. This new experience made Shining quite curious, finding how similar Chrysalis' ovipositor was to a pony's stallionhood.

"You know...ever since I first learned how to rub myself off as a colt, I've had always had a secret desire to know what it felt like for my cock to be in another pony's mouth, or how it felt to rub and suck somepony else's," Shining said without thinking as he was mesmerized by his mate's penis-like organ, before blushing heavily at the implications; "I-I mean...don't get me wrong, I'm only into mares myself! I'm only curious about a stallion's penis, not at all romantically interested in stallions themselves, which is why I've never approached any stallions before to sate my curiosities..."

Shining punctuated his previous statement by giving a full-length lick from the base of Chryasilis' ovipositor, all the way to its opened tip, causing a gasp and shift of the hips from her, "...but with you, Chrysalis, it’s different. To me, you're undoubtedly a female despite having this organ. All of of my curiosities can finally be fulfilled because my special someling has both a pussy and ovipositor for me to pleasure. You're my biggest fetish come true..."

"Shining…ahh…s-so goooood….mmmph…" Chrysalis moaned out as Shining once more took to slathering her member in licks all the while rubbing it with his smooth hooves, with Chrysalis' as well as his own hips rocking steadily now, his into the soft mattress and hers into his hooves.

Chrysalis moaned with pleasure as Shining softly rubbed and licked her ovipositor, feeling tears of happiness rolling down her cheeks. She felt so happy that a Changeling like herself was lucky enough to meet her true love; to have met somepony who loved the real her and her unique sexual organ. A stallion who not only accepted both of her genitals, but loved the fact that she had both.

Shining soon stopped licking Chrysalis' length and instead looked at the throbbing ovipositor in front of him, then sighed softly to himself with a smile. "Mmmm…I can’t believe I’m going to do this..my past self is not going to believe I finally did..." Shining said to himself after some hesitance of only looking at Chrysalis' organ.

"What do you mea—AAAH!!!" Chrysalis asked, before flinching and crying out with a strange sound when her sensitive ovipositor was wrapped by soft, wet flesh and getting licked at the same time, her inner organs shifting, preparing themselves to release an egg upon penetrating a Changeling's pussy...thought that wasn't quite what she felt. As she looked down, she realized that Shining had taken a huge breath before opening his mouth wide and taking her ovipositor into his maw. She felt as he started suckling it like a foal would a nipple, intense surges of pleasure rolling through her as he especially targeted the inside of her most sensitive tip, gently licking along its inner flesh, unknowing that inside of there was where she was most sensitive.

On Shining's end, it felt strange for a straight stallion like him to suck something that so strongly resembled a cock. Shining Armor had never before imagined that he would ever actually act on his desires and do something like this in his whole life, but now, after years of hesitance and self-denial, he finally had the justification to sate his curiosities. To suck the cock-like organ of the mare he loves.

Chrysalis panted from the pleasure her stallion gave her, never before feeling something like this. She'd never before even touched her ovipositor except out of self-exploration as a nymph, and she wanted to somehow return this feeling of pleasure that Shining was so selflessly giving her. She knew that Shining Armor’s own cock was too far from her for her to reach and she don’t dare to use her magic on his sensitive rod when she couldn't see it, lest she possibly unintentionally harm him. So instead, she chose to suck another, much more convenient, rod of his instead, knowing that it was practically as sensitive as his penis anyhow. Soon enough, though with some hesitance, she wrapped her long, dragon-like tongue around his horn and took it into her rather warm mouth.

Shining moaned while Chrysalis’s ovipositor was still in his mouth, feeling as his sensitive horn was meanwhile being suckled by her, his horn lighting up with passive magic on reflex and making her cheeks glow a cobalt blue. He didn’t protest her actions at all however, rather loving the intense tingles it sent directly into his brain and down his spine instead, and continued to pleasure his mare. He licked between the folds of her unfolded flare, licking the glowing green flesh inside, and even daring to lick along the puckered hole at the very base, the petals of her ovipositor basically hugging around his muzzle, as though it were a Changeling's protruding cervix, as he did.

"S-Shiny..." Chrysalis said as her fluids drooled from her shaft and pussy alike, strong tingles rolling through her, and especially as Shining started to gently suckle her egg sphincter itself, "...it's...it's too good..."

After sucking along and within Chrysalis’ ovipositor for a good long while, Shining finally removed his muzzle from her ovipositor's petals' surprisingly tight grasp, tasting and swallowing her precum-like fluid that had gathered on his tongue. It tasted so different from his own male precum that he'd previously tasted in curiosity, so much more sweet instead of mildly bitter like his own, undoubtedly full of nutrients and literal liquid love for any egg she would lay, such a fluid coating the egg to protect and help keep it fed within the Changeling's womb.

Shining then, reluctantly, took his horn from his lover's mouth, and instead looked up to her. His cock felt like it would explode from all of this stimulation, the mattress it was pressed into before soaked with a small puddle of his own pre-cum. "Chryssie...I think we should move to the main event now. I wanna fuck your pussy. I...I really feel like I need to go inside of you now."

Chrysalis simply gave Shining an alluring smile, spreading her back legs more. "I…I don’t mind at all. Please, have fun with my pussy. I'm all yours tonight." she said, feeling as Shining then promptly rolled her over onto her back and mounted her, his head now on Chrysalis' as he looked upon her with warm smile, meeting her eyes of emerald with his of azure as his flare met her slit.

Chrysalis the Bedded Bug

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"So, I think this is important to ask: Chryssie, are you a virgin? Have you ever been penetrated before? Like, having sex with a male Changeling, or using a sex toy?" Shining asked as he'd now mounted Chrysalis on his bed dragon-style, not really knowing Changeling anatomy, namely if they had a hymen like pony mares. He'd also, with her permission, quickly removed her skirt, blouse, and panties so they wouldn't get in the way of what was to come, leaving her completely bare and natural before him now.

Chrysalis shook her head 'no'. "Well…I've had sex before, yes, but I only had sex with a pony when I needed quick love, so no, I'm not a total virgin, but...well…this is kinda my first time having sex without any disguises; my first time having sex as my true Changeling Queen form..." she said, before looking down at her throbbing ovipositor with worry, "…and with my ovipositor in full arousal like this. I've never had one as a pony mare, lest I scare off all of the poor stallions I needed love from..."

"Well don't worry..." Shining comforted, rubbing his nose against Chrysalis' affectionately, their chests grinding together, Shining finishing with a small lick, "...I find it super sexy." Feeling his arousal still at an all-time high, Shining nuzzled Chrysalis' cheek, his cock throbbing between their bellies and chests now.

"Don’t worry, my love. I will be gentle for your first time...and mine." Shining said, using his magic to grab his cock. He took the opportunity to shift his hips and grind his member along her sensitive, glowing-green slit, making her ovipositor throb from pleasure as her female part received some attention now. After some time of teasing them both with a taste of the pleasure to come, Shining moved his cock until he found her opening, and aimed its flare at Chrysalis' soaking pussy.

Chrysalis gave a throaty moan when Shining pressed his hips forward and she felt as his flare slowly opened her tight passage to gain access to her sensitive, virgin canal. The feeling was so intense, so much more pleasurable than the times she had to have sex with a disguise covering her true form. This feeling was more real, literally her having sex now, not just some form she had control of.

"Ohhh Shining...this...feels so good…s-so much better than the times I had sex with a disguise on! Mmmmmm….Ah!" Chrysalis moaned out loudly, no will to suppress herself anymore as she felt Shining slowly sliding deeper and deeper into her tract. Her front hooves grabbed around Shining's midsection as she was technically being deflowered. She squeezed hard around him in an embrace, her body swimming in pure bliss of taking her first stallion into her actual marehood, not that of a false pony form. Truly giving herself, body and soul, to a living, loving stallion.

"Oh my lovely little Queen, you're so warm…so wet!" Shining said as he steadily pushed himself deeper into her canal, with it squeezing and kneading constantly, her vaginal contractions seeming to already be milking him tightly for his seed; "...and so tight! Truly a creature made for breeding!" At first, Shining thought he should do what a pony mare would need, to allow her pussy a chance to get used to his cock first before actually thrusting, but with her wetness he was already able to move his hips now with no resistance whatsoever. He started to pull and push harder and faster to gain more and more pleasure from his marefriend's love hole as well as give her more, instinct guiding him to rut her faster and deeper, and with her giving no opposition. In fact, quite the opposite.

The more and faster Shining moved his hips, the deeper he went, the louder the assorted squeaks, moans and yelps from Chrysalis got, and the more rapid her kneading contractions got. Unknown to the previously-virgin Shining, her kneading felt just like a mare in perpetual orgasm, her body designed for breeding and trying to milk her stallion of his seed to fertilize an egg within her womb...that was simply not there. Her ovipositor, which was still quite erect and had its tip unfolded, flexed open and closed, constantly oozing her nutritional fluid from its relaxing opening, as though she were preparing to lay an egg. In reality, that's exactly what her body was preparing for; to lay an egg and continue the Changeling race...even if that's not exactly what would happen this day.

Shining, meanwhile, nearly lost his fight not to cum multiple times, and almost gave Chrysalis' clenching walls exactly what they were milking from him, but he held steadfast through the wonderful, warm tightness sucking him into her each time he tried to pull out. As those walls were constantly rolling around his entire shaft while he was inside of her, Shining simply continued on his instinctive path of breeding his mare, his hips pistoning in and out of her, his seed-heavy balls slapping against her soaked ass with each thrust.

After a number of minutes of the moderate pace, Chrysalis could keep her pleasure quiet no longer. "A-aaah! This...this feels way too good! I…a-at this r-rate, I’m going to cum before you! Mmmm~" Chrysalis said as her pussy leaked more and more nectar, her further lubrication making Shining able to fuck her faster and deeper, moving through her so easily as to touch his tip with her cervix deep inside. Meanwhile, Chrysalis' abdomen was getting drenched with the nutritional fluids leaking from the tip of her ovipositor, her petal-like flesh continuing to open and close from time to time, as though in practice of loosing its first egg.

"Ohhhh you're c-close...are...you? Then...l-let’s make you cum first!" Shining stammered out with a grin, before lighting his horn as he continued to fuck her rapidly, the inexperience of his first time since easing off and his thrusts smoothing from their once jagged tempo. Chrysalis moaned approvingly when her sensitive ovipositor was wrapped by the light, tingling warmth of his magic as he started to stroke it at the same pace as he fucked her pussy. Chrysalis quickly found that it felt like she was breeding someling while being bred at the same time, her hips jerking forward with each backwards stroke, her tip rapidly flexing now as she felt her insides shifting, her body now prepared to form an egg. She knew that all she needed to do was feed love into her ovary and such would occur, but also knew instinctively, however, that there was no Changeling to be made a mother here; that it would be a waste of love and an egg to develop one now. Therefore, she simply didn't form an egg.

Regardless of not forming an egg despite the sensations of breeding and being bred, Chrysalis kept shivering and crying out from the overload of sensations from both genitals now, the passionate stroking and filling that she received, knowing she'd most certainly be releasing something soon as the dual pressures built within her in tandem. Finally, after only a minute of the intense over-stimulation, Chrysalis finally could take no more.

"S-SHINING! AHHH!" Chrysalis yelled out with high-pitched tone as she hit her peak, unable to control herself anymore, her pussy squeezing so hard on Shining’s warm rod, soaking it with her marecum whilst meanwhile pulling his member deep, trying to keep it at her cervix for when he came. Her ovipositor was also throbbing hard, the petal-like flesh on the tip blooming completely and shooting thick, bioluminescent green fluid out of her now-dilated sphincter inside, staining her face and their chests with her unique ejaculatory fluids.

Shining Armor slowed his thrusts before stopping deep inside of Chrysalis as her passage still twinged in her post-orgasm, still squeezing and massaging his length, if slower and softer now, as it realized she hadn't yet earned his load. She meanwhile felt somewhat disappointed, yet was more grateful, that he'd stopped, not knowing how much more stimulation she could take during her first orgasm.

As he noticed the glowing, extremely sticky semen-like fluid now on his and Chrysalis' bellies and chests, as well as the bed, Shining simply smiled and met her eyes, seeing that she looked absolutely exhausted now. "Do you need some rest?" Shining asked, feeling as her once rock-solid ovipositor between them had softened some, those pulses of fluid she loosed apparently satiating that part of her some too.

"Y…yeah…a m-minute might be good..." Chrysalis panted, her mind still swimming from her dual orgasms, "S…sorry for cumming before you."

"It’s fine, really. Pony mares will generally climax after a stallion, if at all, so it's actually really a badge of honor for the stallion when she orgasms first; shows him that he's able to please his mare well. Besides that, I’m glad that I could make you feel so good as to make you cum this quickly." Shining said, kissing her cheek. As she rested, Shining adjusted their position with the aid of his magic to make it so he now lay on his back and Chrysalis sat on his lap and facing him, his cock still deep within her marehood. He wrapped his hooves around her lower back and hugged her, nuzzling her fluids-coated belly while looking at his marefriend’s semi-erect ovipositor and her cum-like fluid with interest.

"I thought you were going to release an egg when you orgasmed…" Shining said with a bit of disappointment, looking at the tip of Chrysalis’ ovipositor to find that had now closed again, making her rod simply look like stallion’s cock without middle ring once more; clearly showing that nothing more was going to come out for now, "...but all you released is this...green goo stuff."

"W-well, by instinct we Queens will only form and release an egg when our ovipositor penetrates and is inside of a Changeling’s vagina. The tip of our ovipositor will lock inside their cervix so that the egg and this fluid will be sent into their womb directly when we experience orgasm, as when one reaches orgasm, the other will follow on reflex to help the other move the egg along to where it needs to be." Chrysalis explained, blushing while she imagined the described action; a deeply satisfying and arousing image for a Changeling like her.

"So what is this green fluid that you released? It looks like...is it...semen?" Shining asked, slightly repulsed by the thought of her releasing something so distinctly 'male', yet interested in the concept of a Changeling queen also having semen like a pony stallion. Yet, it certainly didn't have the uniquely masculine scent of a male's seed, simply smelling feminine and somewhat like Chrysalis' vaginal fluids...

Chrysalis shook her head, seemingly finding that concept strange if her expression was anything to judge by. "N-no, no semen. That is a queen's nutritional fluid for eggs. Queens can't make semen or sperm, as we can't actually fertilize our own eggs, whether they're inside another Changeling or not. We use parthenogenesis otherwise. No, we can only produce eggs, and cocoons and nutritional fluid for them. The sperm part is up to our male drones, or other species' males."

"Ah, so what is this then?"

"My ovipositor's...'semen' as you put it, is a fluid that not only helps the delivery of our egg into the Changeling breeder by being slick during oviposition, but also quickly becomes sticky enough to coat the egg and help keep it within her. It's also saturated with liquefied love, as well as other vital vitamins and minerals, to keep the egg and drone healthy, and is what also feeds the eggs within the cocoons. Like I said earlier, queens will release only this fluid, and generally not an egg along with it, when we reach an orgasm while our ovipositor is not buried inside a Changeling's vagina with a female Changeling's pheromones within her, as it would be absorbed in any other species and would be pointless to lay there."

"Ah, I see. Changeling breeding is...pretty complicated."

"Yeah, it kinda is. Even if I'd had an egg ready, the formed egg would have been blocked from getting out along with this fluid on instinct, via a second sphincter at the base of my ovary, anyhow." Chrysalis said as she looked at Shining Armor after explaining, and found that he seemed very interested in her nutrient fluid...until the curiosity got the better of him. He moved his hoof to gather some fluid that had spurted from the tip of her ovipositor and gave it a taste. As she watching him licking his hoof clean, then felt his tongue lick along the softer scales of chitin along her chest, that sight made her lust ignite again, the feeling of his warm tongue cleaning her of the mess she'd made making her ovipositor go fully erect once again, almost as though willing her to give her stallion more of what he seemed to very much enjoy.

"Mmm…" Shining said, licking his lips, "Despite this fluid looking kinda strange at first...and the fact that it glows...it actually tastes very sweet...like honey almost. Such a unique way to safely send an egg to a mother-to-be Changeling, too."

"Yes, that's the liquefied love you're tasting. Love is very sweet to us Changelings too, which is one reason we crave it so. And you're certainly feeding my sweet tooth right now." Chrysalis replied with a smile, realizing that Shining Armor may indeed be one of the first ponies to ever actually taste love.

"This is good...I can see why Changelings love it so much." Shining said, before sighing, "I was kind-of hoping to see a Changeling egg too though…I guess that impossible now that you’ve finished…" Shining said, looking up to his mare, "...right?"

The sultry look he got back from her suggested that maybe it wasn't after all.

Sharing Something Special

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What Shining Armor said about wanting to see her lay an egg made Chrysalis' face burn hot. "Y-you want to see my egg? W-well, i-if you really want to, I…I can go against my instinct and lay an egg for the first time. We queens can't release an egg outside of a Changeling's womb...unless we override our instincts and manually form an egg in our ovary for release during our orgasm." Chrysalis said, feeling as her erect ovipositor kept opening and closing a bit on occasion; as though excited to release an egg for the first time, even if it wouldn't result in hatchlings.

Shining Armor looked a bit sad at that response, but nodded. "Well, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, Chrysalis. I don’t want you to waste a precious egg for my selfish curiosities after all…"

Chrysalis just smiled comfortingly in response, placing a hoof on his shoulder and giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. "Don’t worry, Shining. As long as a queen has enough love within herself, she can produce as many egg as she wants, with no limit besides as many as she chooses to create. Also, an egg isn’t a living being until it's fertilized, so don’t think that me releasing an infertile egg would kill a Changeling nymph. It's no worse than you masturbating and ejaculating your sperm outside of a mare."

Shining blushed a bit at the analogy, but nodded. "A-alright, if it's not that big of a deal...how are we going to do it?" Shining asked as he separated himself from Chrysalis, letting her rest on the bed a bit while he stood beside her and quickly Chrysalis set herself up into a new position that she wanted to use. Shining Armor's face turned a bright red as he watched as she turned around and presented her soaking marehood to him, placing the front half of her front body and hooves on the bed. Chrysalis' ovipositor was throbbing a bit, like how a pony mare’s clit winks. It was a signal among Changelings that their queen is now ready to breed and give eggs to those wanting. Turned out it worked on ponies too, as that made Shining Armor very aroused.

"I…I want my egg to land on the soft bed when I lay it, so it won't smash on the hard floor and make a mess. I hope you don’t mind fucking me from behind this time." Chrysalis said, positioning her ovipositor so that its tip lay low near the surface of the bed-sheets.

Shining Armor said nothing and simply nodded, letting his instinct guide his body to mount his mare; to claim her, to rut her, to cum inside her and impregnate her. He silently walked and stood behind his marefriend before, with a hop, the front half of his body lay on Chrysalis’ back as he mounted her. He wrapped his front legs tightly around her barrel and pressed his hardened cock into her love hole in one thrust, his stallionhood once more embraced by her warm, wet inner walls once again, her pussy still so wet from her previous orgasm that he slid in easily.

"Ooooooh Shining!!!" Chrysalis squeaked out, moaning loudly at the sudden filling sensation and pleasure. She knew it would be impossible for him to impregnate her as she was, as a queen cannot plant an egg within her own womb, but knew it would sure be fun for him to try!

Chrysalis kept moaning her lover's name again and again as Shining started rutting her; no more hesitation, no more gentle thrusts, him instead fucking her hard like she were a mare in heat, far deeper and faster than their first time. Each thrust made countless pleasurable sparks roll through her body as she constantly kneaded his rod on reflex, receiving so much pleasure, along with feeling a very high amount of pure love and lust pouring into her directly from the source; love and lust that was given freely to her and only for her, no longer having to pillage it from him by pretending to be a pony; pretending to be something she wasn't. He loved and lusted after her, the real, changeling Chrysalis, and no feeling could compare.

"Mmmmm…Chrysalis…a-aaah…I don’t know how long I will last…" Shining said, keeping his pace rapid even as he felt the tip of his cock starting to flare out bit by bit inside his lover’s endlessly-kneading vagina, making it harder and harder for him to move within her.

In the sheer pleasure being given to her, Chrysalis nearly forget her lover's request to lay an egg, but she remembered it now as he rested for a moment, catching his breath and trailing kisses along her neck while he waited for his orgasm to recede again. She fought against her instinct and forced her ovary to release one egg, feeding love into it as she felt it grow into its proper size within. She then moved it down directly from her ovary to the base of her ovipositor, which was connected to her ovary much like a mare's womb was to her vagina. She felt it sitting heavily at the base of her ovipositor now, waiting to come out along with nutrient fluid that she would release once she reached orgasm.

Chrysalis felt her pleasure growing stronger with each thrust as Shining started humping again, her ovipositor throbbing in time to each kneading clench her marehood made on her lover's flaring spire as she grew closer to her own climax. "Yes! I'm ready! M-my egg is in place now! C-Cum in me, make me cum!" Chrysalis moaned out, the thickness and throbbing of Shining's flare telling her he was within seconds of cumming.

"Ahhh…your pussy's s-so good...I’m...I'm going to cum! I'm gonna cum in you, knock you up!" Shining growled in his rut as he hugged his marefriend tighter, then moved his head to be side by side with his marefriend’s head. He knew he likely wouldn't actually make her pregnant, but liked to think he would though, especially as he felt what must be her cervix part for him, his flare piercing directly into her womb.

Chrysalis felt as Shining entered her inmost core and, unlike with pony mares who may experience pain, she instead felt a flare of blazing pleasure roll throughout her, making her whole body tingle and her inner muscles clamp down on him in response, kneading much more rapidly and roughly. Encouraging him to cum directly into her womb. "Ohh! It’s going to come out! Ahhh! My first egg is going to come out!" Chrysalis cried out as she could now feel her egg slowly moving lower in her pelvis, moving into her ovipositor as she forced her body to push it past the second retaining sphincter there against her instincts, it feeling deeply 'wrong' to do this. For Shining, however, Chrysalis would do anything.

Shining could also feel the egg shifting too because of how close her egg tube was to her vagina, with the egg pushing into her ovipositor making her pussy way tighter. Chrysalis meanwhile felt like she was being fucked by two stallion at once, substantially increasing her own pleasure as well. As it slowly shifted lower and lower, the egg increased the pleasure of both parties until Shining Armor’s flare had grown to its maximum size, his thrusts out of his control now as he pounded his mate into the mattress in his climax.

"C-CUMMING!" Shining Armor howled as he hit his orgasm and thrust his cock into her completely, his thick flare locked just within Chrysalis’s uterus. Load after load of his virile cum was pumped directly into her womb, showering and filling the empty space with his own brand of liquid love until it was completely filled. As his thick, virile fluid had nowhere to go now, Chrysalis' womb completely stuffed with stallion sauce, it started to pour out along her vagina past his swollen flare, then down from her pussy and down her leg to the bed.

"M-my egg! C-coming! It’s coming now!" Chrysalis shouted, her hips ramming backwards and forwards as her dual instincts combated each other; her desire to lay her egg deep within her non-existent Changeling mate's womb, while also trying to keep her stallion's pulsing cock deep within her.

"I’M CUMMING TOO!" Chrysalis shouted as she reached her own orgasm not so long after her lover started to fill her up with his warm, thick semen, fooling her body into thinking he was fertilizing an egg within her even if such wasn't actually happening, kneading and milking him of everything he had. Her vagina squeezed hard along Shining’s pulsating rod from base to tip, meanwhile soaking his throbbing balls in her marecum.

Thirty seconds later, Shining Armor’s orgasm had long ended, but Chrysalis' still continued longer, with her panting and moaning from the intense surges of pleasure, each prolonged by her egg passing through her with the orgasmic contractions of her ovipositor. She could feel each inch it passed as it made it way from the base to the tip. The egg's passage was facilitated by her powerful inner muscles' contractions that gave constant, tingling pleasure to her until the petal-like flesh on the tip of her ovipositor finally opened itself fully when the egg reached it, looking like bloomed flower. Her glowing green egg completed its passage by gently dropping onto the soft bed, showered with glowing green nutrients fluid, before the tip of her ovipositor finally closed itself, ending Chrysalis' longest orgasm yet.

Shining Armor felt his mare getting weak from laying the egg just for him, fearing that she might fall down on the egg underneath her, so he grabbed his mare and guided her to fall down to the side along with himself so she wouldn't. They then lay down together beside the glowing egg, both still exhausted, panting softly together. Chrysalis' constant orgasm had made her pussy drain Shining of everything he had, her muscles even still softly kneading Shining's buried member even as her womb was completely full now, leaving him feeling just as satisfied and empty-feeling as she was feeling full. Both lay there simply panting in their afterglows, Shining making Chrysalis his little spoon in a cuddle, both enjoying their afterglows.

As Shining Armor finally recovered from his afterglow, his member having slid out and now safely in his sheath, he opened his eyes and saw the egg beside him, gazing upon what he'd so wished to see. "Wow…your egg, it's so beautiful…" Shining said, admiring the fluids-covered object and noticing it was indeed lighter green and glowing, much the same colors as her pussy and ovipositor, but had a much deeper speck of green in the very middle; undoubtedly the nucleus of the egg where the female drone's DNA would be stored, then combined with the male's to fertilize it, "...it's like a beautiful, glowing, egg-shaped emerald."

Chrysalis cringed at the sight of her egg, looking away from it and back at Shining. "Y-you don’t have to lie to make me feel better. I know it disgusts you."

"Hmm? What make you think that I find it disgusting? It's beautiful!" Shining said, a bit confused.

"Doesn’t it look weird to you though?! Ponies don’t lay egg like that. Pony mares don't implant eggs into another mare...and seeing that glowing green egg covered with glowing green fluid...doesn’t that make it feel like it's something that came out of horror movie?!" Chrysalis asked in a mild panic, this being her first time laying an egg, as well as the first time she'd seen a Changeling egg at all. Since her mother had never laid an egg outside of a Changeling drone before, and since she'd never bred in front of her daughter either, what Chrysalis saw at the moment was completely new to her...and it scared her; not necessarily the egg itself, but how Shining may react to it.

Shining simply shrugged, now gently touching the egg, finding that its texture was soft yet pliable, much like squishy gelatin covered in a thick, gooey sauce. His hoof got some of the now-sticky fluid on it and he licked it off, enjoying the sweet flavor of her literal love. "It's not scary to me at all. I mean, birds lay egg outside of their bodies too, and lizards and fish and insects...it's not at all unusual. When you were laying it...I didn’t felt disturbed at all either, hearing and feeling how pleasurable it was to you." Shining said, comforting his distraught marefriend, "I mean, a Changeling putting an egg inside of a female doesn't sound much different from stallions planting their sperm into mares either. Besides, I really do mean it when I said that your egg is beautiful to me. It really does look like a beautiful glowing green gem. A jewel of life you made just for me."

Chrysalis looked away, her cheek flushing hot again. "Has anypony ever told you that you are strange pony, Shining? Interested in something that a normal pony would be disturbed by?"

"Well, it’s a perk of being a brother to an egghead like Twily I guess." Shining said, nuzzling against Chrysalis, "Her love of researching new things kinda rubbed off on me a bit, it seems."

As Shining stretched out and yawned, Chrysalis knew that that must have been quite a bit of effort for Shining, ravishing her as he had not just once but twice, with her still feeling his warm seed resting within her womb; "I'm sure you're tired, as am I. Maybe we should call it a night?" she asked, getting a nod from Shining.

"Yeah, it’s been a long day for me, but still the best day in a long time. I rescued eight more Changelings, made love with you for the first time, and got to see you laying a Changeling egg! Chrysalis, would you like to sleep with me tonight, my love?" Shining said, looking to his lover.

"I thought you never ask!" Chrysalis said as she levitated her now-cleaned egg and set it on the table beside Shining's bed, before then turning to hug her lover tightly, as though he would disappear if she let him go, feeling the intense love radiating off of him as she snuggled her muzzle into his chest; his love for her and her alone. "Sleep well, my knight in shining armor. I love you."

Shining Armor wrapped his hooves around her, enjoying the embrace, feeling completely satisfied, "I love you too, my little love bug. Good dreams, my very own queen."

Before long both of them slept together in each other embrace, covered in the fluids of their love, the love between them burning strong as a magically-formed love heart formed above them as they slept; glowing as brightly as the Changeling egg laying beside them on the bedside table.