How the mighty have fallen

by styx

First published

Some say the most terrifying person is the one that has nothing left to lose. That can only be said of those who survive the fall from grace.

Chrysalis was defeated, dethroned, and humiliated. She is now shunned by pony and changeling alike. When you have nothing left what can you do? Trudge through the rest of life... or just lie down and say you had a good run.


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“Your highness come quickly Chrysalis is at the front gate!” Celestia had been in the middle of day court when a guard had burst in and screamed this. As she channeled energy into her horn a thought came into her mind. 'I understand the urgency but some discretion would have been nice.' Now she would have to deal with a widespread panic attack and her days were tedious enough as is. A moment before she vanished she could already hear the nobles yelling. Yes... today was going to be a long one.

As she appeared in front of the castle a most peculiar sight greeted her. Chrysalis was surrounded with a blank expression on her face. The same could not be said about the guards, all of their weapons were drawn. Panic was written clear as day across their features while they were poised to strike given the slightest provocation.

Calmly and gracefully Celestia approached Chrysalis. What could she be doing here? Her castle was in ruin and her army was nonexistent, she wasn't even their ruler anymore. Keeping her practiced, oh so infamous, princess mask on she addressed the former monarch. “What pray tell brings the former Queen of the Changlings to my castle? Decide to skip the subterfuge and go strait to the hostile takeover this time?”

Chrysalis showed no change in expression, honestly if Celestia didn't know any better she would think the queen a statue. “I have come to turn myself in, do with me what you will.” Now under such circumstances a lesser ruler would have shown shock, as the guards did, however The Princess of the Sun was able to hide her shock perfectly.

“So be it, escort her to level zero of the dungeons. When you arrive talk to the lieutenant stationed there and outfit her with a collar. Any of the cells will do.” The guards had recovered from the initial shock of this encounter and motioned for Chrysalis to start moving. As she walked her gaze never wavered from directly ahead. Some might have mistaken this for fear, the princess not being one of them. From her observations it was almost like the changeling barely acknowledged the existence of the outside world, as if she were in a trance.

In a flash the monarch of the day was back in her court, at her throne. The situation was under control but there was still a tangible tension in the air. Projecting her voice so to carry it throughout the room she spoke. “Thank you all for remaining calm at a time of uncertainty. We have apprehended the former changling queen and taken her to the dungeons where she will await mine and Lunas judgement. Court will be suspended for the time being. Thank you.”

While the nobles were filtering out questions were flowing through the Alicorns mind at an astonishing rate. What could have brought Chrysalis here? Why did she just turn herself in? How did she get all the way here without leaving a trail of love drained victims? Why didn't she attack on sight? Did she somehow get more troops in such a short amount of time? Why did she look to be in a daze? Could she be plotting something? Is this just the first stage of another takeover attempt?

“Sister!” Luna boomed with the full force of the royal canterlot voice. Celestia could feel herself pushed back into her throne while her eardrums were ringing. Luna was talking in front of her with a slight look of panic on her face. How long had she been there? Holding up a hoof Celestia fixed her eardrums with a bit of healing magic.

“Luna what did you expect shouting in my face like that?” She said with a small scowl.

The night princess flushed with slight embarrassment before continuing at a more controlled rate. “Yes my apologies, I asked how we came to capture the changling queen. To my knowledge our search had yet to yield any results.”

“That is what has been bothering me the most. She simply strolled up to the gate alone in a non hostile manner. When I arrived to assess the situation she just said 'do with me what you will.' I had her escorted to level zero and outfitted with a magic siphoning collar.”

Luna sat with a hoof to her muzzle to ponder. “So let us summarize, she has lost her army, the faith of all her subjects, and was forced to flee from her destroyed castle.” Suddenly a crestfallen look adorned the night princesses features. “Tia... I believe she has given up. She is a queen without her kingdom. Not only dethroned but shunned by her former subjects for her inability to bring them to where they are now.”

Celestia could only shake her head at the seemingly obvious situation. “She has lost the will to go on, to live. She no longer cares what becomes of her because she has nothing left to lose.” The two sisters sat in silence for a few moments. Each one going over the situation again and again in their heads. They came to the same conclusion. That Chrysalis most likely did not pose any threat. The diarchs looked to one another and Luna spoke first.

“So what shall we do?” While she did believe the changeling was not a threat it was always best to err on the side of caution.

“I do not have any ideas yet... I think we should talk to her before deciding.”

“Then we shall go at once.” Luna lit her horn and teleported herself and Celestia just outside of level zero. The hallway looked as if it just ended here. The wall in front of the sisters was smooth and flawless except for one feature, the faint outline of an old rune from their younger years. A powerful seal that required a special key to unlock. Said key was applying magic to the correct portions of the rune in proper order. The lieutenant standing outside of the door saluted the diarchs on approach.

“Your majesties the prisoner is in the back most cell with two guards stationed outside.”

Celestia nodded in his direction after applying the sequence to the door. “Thank you lieutenant carry on.” He went back to a resting position as the sisters trotted to the back of the room. It only held five cells but each was near impregnable. Doubly so if an occupant was outfitted with one of the siphoning collars. On approach the other two guards saluted and opened the cell door. The small room was bare except the hole in the back corner and Chrysalis.

She was laying in the center of the room, head on her hooves, just staring at the opposite wall. “Open the door in fifteen minutes time, not a second sooner,” ordered Luna. A moment later it was just the three of them.

Celestia spoke in her usual calm motherly manner. “Chrysalis we would like you to answer some questions for us.” The changling slowly cast her gaze towards the two sisters

“What would you like to know.” Same as before her voice seemed hollow, devoid of anything.

“How did you make it to the castle undetected? The badlands are quite a distance away.”

“I flew for a time then decided to just walk, the city doesn't require identification to enter.”

Lunas gaze narrowed slightly. “What she meant was, how did you feed on the way here?”

“I drew in the ambient emotions around me. Didn't have to devour love.”

That had piqued their interest. “We thought that changlings only source of nourishment was love.”

“For the majority of changlings yes, that is true. Although I am a queen. We have many abilities that the drones do not. For instance, passive absorption of all emotions, not just love. That is how I haven't starved. Now though, this collar should kill me in a few days by way of magic fatigue. Actually...” She paused to glance at the door. “With those two guards out there supplying all of this hate and malice it should stretch that out to a week. This cell seems to block some of it out.”

The two sisters exchanged looks before Celestia continued. “And what do you believe a fair punishment for the crimes you committed would be?”

Chrysalis seemed to passively ponder the question for a second or two. “I believe execution would be the right course of action. I have attempted two takeovers. The first I was able to replace a princess and overpower you Celestia; the second I managed to replace most higher ups in your government including the two of you. Considering these it would lead one to believe I am a dangerous individual, best put to rest before coming up with another plan.”

Strange Developments

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“A bit for your thoughts sister.” Celestia didn't even glance at Luna when she heard this. Having been in a near catatonic state after hearing what Chrysalis had to say. The night princess nearly had to drag her back to her chambers after their meeting. Laying in front of a fire for the past hour there had been no changes. It didn't matter what Luna tried her sister seemed lost in her own mind. Luna let out a dejected sigh and cuddled closer to Celestia. Her heart had slowed to a sluggish pace which made her body a tad bit cooler than usual. Often times the sisters would share a moment similar to this, albeit it would usually bring on a much more cheerful mood.

They had always been a source of comfort for one another, much more so after Lunas return. Both were overjoyed to have someone there who knew and excepted them, even with all of their faults. Now though... Luna couldn't help but feel as if she was failing her sister all over again. She was lying beside her in a sorry state and nothing she could do was helping. The fact tore into her, nearly made her desperate in the process.

“Tia, I know what Chrysalis said was shocking. It borders on insane actually. To so calmly say that your own life should be taken is not something you see often. That is so much more true in these times.” She glanced over at her sister, looking for any sign of recognition across her features. There was nothing.

“Sister you have made the world a much more peaceful place in my absence. Something like this before the nightmare would not have been too out of place but now it is something unprecedented. Tia we have both been alive for a long time, we have done much we would like to forget. One thing that has held true in all of our past experiences is that you never failed to try and help. No matter the crime, no matter the enemy, you have always held on to the belief that deep down every creature has good in them. You just have to take the time to look.”

Celestia had taken in every word, her confidence was bolstered and she draped a wing over her sister. She heard a soft sob from Luna, her sister seemed relieved above all else. “That is very true, thank you for reminding me Luna. While we didn't have much of a choice in fighting her, I still feel responsible for putting her in such a sorry state. It has been a very long time since I had to solve a problem of this nature. As you said we are far past such... barbaric times. We need to find a way to drag her out of this emotional pit she is in while giving her a reason to continue on. Time is of the essence, we have a goal so what remains is a plan to achieve it.”

Neither of the princesses had gotten sleep that night. They were exchanging ideas until the sun needed to be raised. After engaging in their daily ritual with the heavenly bodies Celestia and Luna headed out of the sun princesses chambers. “Lulu, have we come to an agreement as to what needs done?”

Yawning into her hoof Luna shook her head slightly in an attempt to wake up. “Yes Tia we will divide and conquer on this. I will see you within the hour.” With that the sisters parted ways, Luna was headed to court while Celestia made her way to the dungeons once again.

After going through the motions to open the access door to level zero Celestia walked through and addressed the two guards stationed outside of Chrysalises cell. “Thank you two for the diligent watch. Your services will no longer be required here. Report to your supervisors for your next assignment.” The two exchanged a quick and confused glace before marching off. Even if they didn't know what was going on it's not like they would ever ignore a direct order from the princess. Unlocking the cell she found that its hold had not moved since last night. Or perhaps she just returned to the same exact spot, not a lot of room in the cell after all.

“Chrysalis, your punishment has been decided. If you would kindly follow me.” Celestia turned and started trotting towards the exit. A moment later she heard hoof falls behind her and couldn't help but smirk. As the two passed the guard outside of the door Chrysalis was surprised to see her escort stop. She wore a small smile and had an air of giddiness about her. So much for the benevolent ruler these ponies worship. Seems like the execution of an enemy puts some pep in the princesses step.

While preoccupied in her head she almost failed to notice the lack of a certain magic draining collar. Feeling with a hoof to be sure she wasn't imagining things, there was indeed no collar. Chrysalis looked to Celestia in confusion. The sun princess just smiled and continued on. There was something wrong with this situation, it put the changling of edge. While before she was near certain that this was her escort to an execution, now she hadn't the slightest clue what was going on.

Chrysalis always had an urge to control her surroundings. This made her quite the strategist, although in the few situations where she lacked power she tended to display anxiety and panic. Being no fool Chrysalis knew this and avoided such situations at all costs. While these emotions surged within her Chrysalis still lacked the motivation to do anything about it.

Without the collar she still had some magic, enough to get away in fact, yet there was something keeping her here. Even during that first encounter with Celestia she had felt no malice or even disdain from the alicorn. During that clash she had only felt sadness, whom it was directed at she had no idea. After all she could read emotion not thoughts. Now as Celestia lead Chrysalis into the unknown a few things were becoming glaringly obvious: they had left the dungeons, they were still inside, and they were heading up.

Each one served to confuse the changling even more. When they reached a landing and started to ascend again Chrysalis couldn't manage to withhold her curiosity. “What are you playing at Celestia? First it was the collar and now we're heading up to a tower. Not to mention you practically ooze positive emotion.”

Celestia couldn't help but let out a slight giggle, glancing back she found Chrysalis was not nearly as amused. “I'm not sure what you mean. There is no game, though I could go for some eye spy right about now.”

“Do you find it this amusing to drag someone to their death?!” Chrysalis screamed, she had stopped and was seething with anger. Celestia turned around with a sad little smile on her face. Chrysalis noticed that the air had the scent of... regret? “I apologize, that joke was in poor taste. It also seems that you do not enjoy the mystique. I should have told you what was going on from the start but I wanted it to be a surprise. Should have told you from the start that I am showing you to your new room.” She turned and continued down the hall, it wasn't far now.

The shock of that statement had frozen the changling in place. When she snapped of it she had to scramble to catch up. Falling in place behind the princess of the sun she was left with more questions than answers. The primary one being, 'what does she mean new room?' It only took another few minutes of walking before they had stopped in front of an ornate set of double doors. Turning to her newest guest Celestia spoke with an almost tranquil demeanor. “This will be your room for the remainder of your time here. Your 'punishment' is to be watched by myself. I will attempt to help you get rid of this dour mood. You are free to roam the castle and its grounds but please do not leave without my sister or I. Meals together are mandatory, all other interactions with me are optional. Any questions?”

“Uh..” Before Chrysalis could process all of this new information her new chaperone broke her train of thought. “Great! Lets go get breakfast I'm starving.” The sun princess practically pranced away humming a merry little tune. Deciding it best to follow along for now the changling quickly trotted to catch up. When she did Celestia fell back slightly until they were walking side by side. Flashing a small smile at the overgrown bug she halted her humming for a moment. “I almost forgot to mention this part, mainly since you've already been doing a wonderful job of it, but I feel I should mention it anyway. Please do not forcibly drain my subjects of emotion. If the ambient feelings around the castle don't turn out to be enough just ask me and I will gladly give you enough to satisfy your diet.”

Chrysalis could feel her face heat up as her anger surfaced again. “That will not be necessary princess.” That last word was laced with venom, as if it left a bad taste in the former queens mouth. The ruler of the sun did not fail to notice this. “I guess your right, my subjects do hold quite a lot of fear for you. I just can't seem to find a reason why.” There it was again, that smug confident little grin on her muzzle. Like nothing could even hope to touch her.

“No reason? Really? I could name quite a few off of the top of my head if you wish.” It was a wonder how she still held the throne if she was truly this ignorant.

“I'm sure you could. What I meant was reason to fear you now. Since you have arrived there has been no trouble at all from you. When some look at you they may still see a dangerous criminal. I believe that they are wrong. When I look at you what I see is someone in need of help, in need of a friend. That is why I do not fear you.”

No matter how hard she racked her brain Chrysalis could not formulate an adequate response. It was true, she had not done anything since arriving here. What was supposed to be a death sentence turned into something worse. She was now faced with one, possibly two, princesses that pitied her and wanted to be friends. Even though she hated this with every fiber of her being... she would continue to not do a thing about it. This was a punishment for failing her changlings, her children. The universe truly does have a strange way of working; instead of her choice of punishment she was faced with her own personal hell.

Then suddenly door. The former queen had ran face first into the dinning room doors while lost in thought. Celestia was trying and failing to hold back a laughing fit. She clutched her side with a hoof, looking nearly ready to fall over. Chrysalis had to swallow her building anger and slowly back away from the offending slab of wood. After giving it and Celestia an accusatory glare she opened it and trotted inside.

Still letting out the occasional giggle the sun princess followed closely behind. Luna was already in the dinning room having been waiting for her sister and their new guest for around twenty minutes. While alicorns did not technically need to sleep both princesses had fallen into the habit of resting and were now somewhat accustomed to it. So accustomed that one could fall asleep while waiting.

Lunas head rested on her hooves while a slight bit of drool was coming out of her mouth. Celestia just smiled and calmly walked over to her sister. Upon reaching her she conjured up a pair of cymbals. At which Chrysalis could only stare. Her image of the regal and dignified Celestia had finally been shattered and reconstruction started with... this.

Celestia winked in her direction and crashed the cymbals together. Luna violently flinched away while making a loud 'eeek' sound. She ended up on the floor looking like she saw her own ghost. Huffing and puffing for a minute she caught her breath and jumped up to face Celestia, whom was doubled over in laughter. “By mothers holy teats Tia! You fucking know I hate it when you do that! How old are you again!? Oh that's right, TWELVE!”

The more Luna yelled the more Celestia laughed and the more she laughed the more Luna yelled. It was a viscous cycle with no end in sight. While those two had their sibling quarrel Chrysalis was left standing off to the side with a deadpan look on her face.

Only one thing came to mind looking at the display before her. By the gods, these two are in charge of an entire country... how the hell did I lose to them?

Sinking deeper

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Painfully, terribly... awkward. That was the only way Chrysalis could think to describe the current situation. At the moment the diarchs of Equestria were eating while she sat there in silence. They had asked if she wanted any of the food but she declined as changelings do not need regular food to survive. Although with the ambient emotion the two were giving off she was getting quite the feast of positivity.

“What is this?” Celestia suddenly asked in monotone. Looking at the princess Chrysalis noticed that she was addressing a very nervous looking waiter. While her tone had implied something was wrong the changeling could feel the mischievous aura around the princess.

“Beg pardon your majesty?” The waiter said while trying to keep his teeth from chattering. Celestia answered in the same manner as before. “I asked what this is.” The waiter tried to gather his jumbled thoughts and form a response. “It is a salad?”

“Just a salad. Are you certain?”

“Yes your majesty.” he answered in a cautious tone.

“Well you didn't sound very certain.”

“I am very sure that is the salad you ordered your majesty.”

“You don't notice anything strange about it?”

The beads of sweat dripping down his face were becoming more akin to a waterfall at this point. “I uhm... did not notice anything your grace.”

“Interesting. Tell me, do you believe I am overweight?”

“Of course I don't think you're fat! Insinuating so would be beyond disrespectful!”

“I said overweight, you said fat. So is that why you brought me a salad without dressing? Because you think I'm fat?”

“I would, do not think such an, an, abhorrent... I will correct this strait away princess.” He bowed low and then dashed off to the kitchen. The moment the door closed Celestia dropped the sour look and began laughing like a maniac again. Luna on the other hoof had quite the disapproving look on her face. “Don't you think that was a little much Tia? The stallion looked ready to soil himself.”

Celestia wiped a stray tear from her eye. “Oh come now Lulu, it was all in good fun. You know for a fact how gullible most of our subjects are. It is so hard to resist the perfect opportunity when it comes around. That and I really did want some dressing, salads are so bland without it.”

“I would take that stallions advice, you could stand to lose a little around the midsection.” Both princesses froze and turned to Chrysalis who had an innocent smile on her face. She feigned surprise and put a hoof to her muzzle. “Oh I'm sorry was that too blunt?”

Celestia looked down to her belly and gently poked it with her hoof. Luna was too busy delving into a giggle fit to notice her sister. Chrysalis just sat in her seat with a smug grin on her face. The waiter came scurrying back with a rack full of various dressings in tow. While the scene before him was confusing he completed his assigned task and swiftly trotted back to the kitchen to avoid another mishap with the princess.

Luna had since regained control over herself and with a smile on across her muzzle snapped her sister out of he self pity. “So how does it feel to have a taste of your own medicine Tia? Your looking quite self conscious over there. Perhaps you will think twice before making the servants victims of your 'humor' again.”

Chrysalis couldn't help but smile. “To think The Princess of the Sun had a weight button, priceless.”

“Oh yes, she is surprisingly sensitive about it. Maybe Tia wouldn't be if she didn't know that she ate far to much cake on a regular basis.”

“Well to be fair Luna, ponies now a days tend to prefer their mares with some curves. You could stand to gain a little weight, just look how thin you are!”

“I maintain my figure by training vigorously with my guards every day. They, unlike your day guards, are prepared for any situation. If only an incident were to happen at night instead of the middle of the day. Then we would see who has the superior fighting force.”

“I will be honest sister, you do have the superior force, though in this time that is not as important as image. Most ponies look at the night guard and are afraid. Those who look upon the day guard are impressed and feel protected.”

Luna wasn't able to hold back a dejected sigh. “I am aware of this sister, though what if something serious were to happen and we were in need of a serious fighting force? That is why I do what I do with the night guard. Even if they do not uphold the image of valiant protectors they undoubtedly hold the image of noble warriors. In a time of need they will protect this kingdom and show every single citizen why they are to be respected.”

As silence once again took over the room Chrysalis couldn't help but think. 'How noble, protecting a kingdom that fears you. All for the sake of respect you can't guarantee they will give.' It reminded her of her own subjects. While part of the hive mind, some of the drones would share every single thought... they were not always positive or pleasant. Contrary to what most ponies seemed to believe, the drones were not, actual drones. Each and every one had an individual personality, the hive mind was simply a means to communicate. She was the Queen and ruler, though the subjects were allowed to have their own opinions. After all, a country without free will isn't really a country, merely the projected will of a single individual.

“Chrysalis? Are you still with us?” Celestia asked in her overbearing mothers tone. Apparently the changeling had spaced out. “Yes, and if I may ask, how long until you are done with your meals? I would like to retire to my room for the day.”

“Well I am finished and so is Luna, if you wish you can return to your room until later that is fine. Although, I would like to accompany you, seeing as our rooms are next to one another.” The deadpan look Chrysalis gave Celestia should have been enough of an answer. Instead of consenting to let her go alone the diarch of the sun just continued to smile until the former queen relented. “Fine I will walk with you, just keep the incessant dribble to yourself.”

Celestia just smiled a little wider and got up from her seat. “Well then we should get going, Luna will you be doing night court?”

“Yes, the citizens will have a princess to talk with tonight. You need not worry Tia, the kingdom will not fall apart if you take a single day off. Just get some rest.”

“I know that, I simply wanted to ask if you were holding it. You know, some ponies would be troubled if they could not visit you in their dreams.”

“That is true, most of the ponies that have the capacity to visit tend to come almost every night. If their princess wasn't there I am sure they would despair, especially a DJ that operates in the Canterlot Nightclubs. She visits for advice almost every night.”

“Good for her she has such a diligent ruler to listen to her troubles. For now I will see you when you wake Lulu, have a peaceful rest and I will see you tomorrow.” Luna gave her sister a hug while Chrysalis was already leaving, unfortunately for her Celestia took no time at all to catch up. While most would have trouble finder their way in the castle Chrysalis was quite at home; she found her way with no trouble at all. After all it was much less complex than a changeling hive.

The two continued on in silence for a time until Celestia tried to break the ice. “I know that you haven't spent much time at all in the castle so far, but I wanted to know how you were liking the environment. Personally I tried to act like usual and I believe Luna did the same. We did not want you to feel out of place so we just treated you as another good friend. Would you like to change anything about the way we acted? Possibly we were too casual and made you feel uncomfortable?” Celestias tone was heavily laced with worry, although she tried to play it off as her usual overbearing nature.

“You two can act whichever way you please. It will not change what you are, Celestia: the mother of all ponies, Luna: the ultimate warrior of your race. No matter what act or facade you put on there will be no true change in your nature. There is no use in acting in front of a changeling, we can sense what you feel at all times no matter how deep you bury it.”

Celestia just looked down the hallway as they continued to walk. “Then I guess you know that everything we said to you was genuine.” The changeling queen could not deny the truth in that statement. Instead she walked on, like she had never heard it in the first place. Trying to ignore the obvious turned out to be impossible as she found herself thinking of the emotions the princesses had went through during their lunch. Celestia had nothing but admiration for Luna as she praised her for holding night court after such a trying day. Luna could only sit in astonishment as Celestia seemed to have turned someone who was once a villain into a peaceful creature in just a single day.

All of that was true. Chrysalis had felt it herself. The sisters, while drastically different, held one another in such high regard. They thought of one another as equals or even better than themselves. It was a hard concept for Chrysalis to grasp, seeing as she was the only queen for hundreds of miles. Every single one of her subjects looked up to her for guidance while she ruled, it seemed odd for a ruler to have an equal, let alone a better.

When she regained focus her room was in view, yet Celestia was still with her, even though they had already passed her doors. “You know I won't get lost on the thirty second journey from your room to mine. I am no child.” Both of them had stopped in front of the double doors to Chrysalises room. “I did not mean to insinuate that, I only wanted to see if you wanted to speak any more before you retired. I can see now that you have no desire to do such a thing so I will leave you be. I look forward to breakfast tomorrow morning.”

As the solar diarch left Chrysalis let out a sigh of relief and entered her bedroom. It seemed to match the rest of the palace quite well. White, purple, and gold were the main colors. It looked to be an ordinary guest room with no special amenities or precautions. Honestly it was foolish for the rulers to place so much trust in an unknown entity. Luckily for them the former changeling queen lacked any motivation or drive to exploit these weaknesses. She just walked into the room flopped down onto the bed and tried to sleep. While she was starting to nod off a something heavy weighed on her mind. How long would she be able to stand this? Being treated as a friend by an old enemy that seemingly held no animosity towards her, even though they had every right to do so. The fact that she could not understand their reasoning was maddening to the former queen. Her dreams reflected that turmoil, and since she wasn't a pony there was nothing that Luna could do to help her.

While Chrysalis tossed an turned, plagued by the uncertainties of her life, Celestia was resting on a throw pillow by her fireplace. While less confused than her guest she was equally as troubled. 'What could we do to make this better,' she wondered. The only reference to help solve this problem was Discords reformation. Even so, that wasn't much of a reference as Discord is an extremely... unique individual. It was hard to compare him with anyone else.

While that was true, something stood out, he did not immediately take to the idea of having a friend that he could rely on. Then after he did finally take to the notion he was almost exclusively friends with his reformer, Fluttershy. It took much longer for him to even warm up to the others. Longer still for the others to warm up to him. The only thing she could think of was time and patience. Those were the keys to making this work. Chrysalis was in a somewhat fragile state, easily swayed and put off from certain things. From the information she had gathered the changeling was not used to having anyone on par with her. Formerly what she commanded was law and her will was the kingdoms as well. Having an aptitude for control would come with a job like that.

It would be best to take it slow and let Chrysalis acclimate to the changes made, whilst being pleasant and real. Truth would be most important here as she would be able to detect lies from a mile away. Her emotional radar was frighteningly accurate. Though that shouldn't be a problem, Celestia and Luna were known for their honesty, especially Luna, seeing as she was the elements former bearer.

Celestia let out a tired hum and laid her head down to rest. The days to come would be difficult and have serious long term consequences, but as she lay there in front of the blazing fireplace Celestia couldn't help but be confident. For she would never falter in her task and she would not fail.

A Friendly Wager

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“I don't know what to tell you sister besides 'you should have seen this coming.' Honestly did you think she wouldn't just lock herself in her room when we weren't having a meal?”

“I don't know Luna I thought she might find a need to socialize seeing as she is used to constant interaction with others. I certainly didn't think that she would only meet the minimum requirements set down. The guards stationed in that wing reported that the only time she left her chambers was for her mandatory meals with us. There isn't a single thing in that room to do! No books or anything! What does she do with all of that extra time?”

“Well she has been dreaming quite often, she may just spend all of her extra time sleeping.”

“You should know more about sleep than I do, especially that so much rest isn't good for someone.”

“We could always force her to stay with one of us for the day. Though I don't think boring her to death would help matters all that much. Perhaps we could have her come with us on a day out in the city. You and I always enjoy ourselves when go out.”

“Hmm, that does sound nice... what do you propose that we do?”

“We could meet up with some friends that I've made. They definitely know how to have fun. One of them works in a club in the financial district. We could meet there and then see where the night takes us.”

“Whose idea was it to put a club in the financial district?”

“It does much better than you would think. After a taxing day of crunching numbers the workers like to 'cut loose.' What better place for that than a nightclub.”

“Interesting, hopefully Chrysalis will be able to enjoy herself and possibly make a friend. How does 9 o'clock sound?”

“That sounds suitable. I will warn them that we will be showing up after breakfast. Speaking of which, it seems it is time for you to raise the sun sister.”

“Quite true, see you at breakfast Lulu.”

A moment later Celestia opened her eyes. The first rays of the sun were just behind the horizon, begging for the beginning of another day. Starting her daily ritual she crawled out of bed and let her mind wander. She thought about the sheer magnitude of things that Luna did on a daily basis, from revising current laws and systems to building completely new ones. Every change she made had a positive impact on the country as a whole. Then she held night court in the dream realm for anyone that wanted to talk with her while defending against nightmares as well. After all of that she still found time to socialize and make friends. It made Celestia smile, the fact that her sister had come so far after returning. She had truly changed for the better. It made her envious at times, seeing as the bulk of her job was listening to stuffy nobles complain. Though lending a hoof in social programs always did make the boredom worth it.

After raising the sun Celestia set off to fetch Chrysalis. She knocked on the door and called out. “Chrysalis it's time for breakfast.” Waiting for a few minutes there was no response. “Chrysalis are you alright? May I come in?” Still no response. This was beginning to become worrying. Up until now she had came right to the door after being called. Right when Celestia was about to go in Chrysalis opened the door with a sleepy expression on her face.

“Not all of us are all sunshine and rainbows when we wake up you know. It takes a little time to get going.” As the two started off towards the dinning room Celestia chuckled a bit. “My apologies, it just comes with waking to the sunrise every single day for over one thousand years. You get used to it. Also alicorns don't technically need sleep, Luna and I just like it.”

“How fortunate of you, I could stay awake as well but sleeping takes less energy. Considering my current diet it's for the best.”

“Is that why you've been resting so much lately?” Celestia asked in a careful tone. Chrysalis paused for a brief moment before answering, “yes.” They remained in silence for the rest of the walk to the dining hall. Luna was already seated in her usual spot.

“Good morning to the both of you. Celestia did you tell Chrysalis about our plan for later on?”

Suddenly the sisters had the changelings attention. “What plan is she talking about?”

Celestia had a smirk on her face as she answered. “You are going to spend the entire day with me in court! Won't that be fun? Listening to all of the nobles and their complaints, I mean 'requests' all day long. Each one seemingly more bitter than the last. How does that sound Chrysalis?”

She had a very blank expression on her face, almost like a statue. “Sounds like a punishment to me.”

“Quite right, cruel and unusual at that. I really have no idea how you put up with that every single day Tia.”

“It is quite easy actually, I just tune them all out and say 'yes' to every sixth request. Hasn't failed me yet.” From the two looks she got Celestia could tell that her joke had fallen flat... again. “Would it kill either of you to laugh? Just because it's morning doesn't mean you have to be in a sour mood.”

“Sorry sister but if I laugh I feel it would encourage you more than not laughing.”

“And I just didn't think it was funny.”

Heaving a sigh Celestia gave up on humor for the morning and ordered her usual eggs and toast. By the time it arrived Luna was already finished and offered to explain the plan while Celestia ate.

“So contrary to what my sister said you will not be spending the day with her. We will all be going out to a nightclub tonight. I have a friend that performs there. It is a nice place and we believe it would be good for you to get out and socialize.”

Chrysalis raised a brow at the lack of details. “So you think two princesses and a former queen will not attract all sorts of unwanted attention?”

“Celestia and I usually go out in disguise so we're not bothered. That shouldn't be an issue for you. The only ones that will know our true identities will be my friends.”

Chrysalis could only sigh in resignation. “I guess I don't really have a choice do I?” She got two head shakes in response. “Then I'll go, but you can't force me to enjoy myself.”

That response brought a question to the forefront of Celestias mind. “Have you ever been to a nightclub before?”

Chrysalis nodded her head. “Yes only a few times on my journey here. That first time in particular I nearly got sick. I was not prepared for the sheer amount of lust that was floating around in there. I know neither of you can taste emotion but it takes a certain kind of changeling to actually enjoy it. The only way I can think to describe it is slimy. The subsequent visits went better since I was prepared.”

Luna only smirked at the description. “I know what you're talking about. Most clubs do seem to have that sort of environment but this one isn't as bad. Most ponies who go there are just looking to unwind and have fun after a boring day.”

Celestia had just finished her meal and seemed to be in an even better mood. “Don't worry I'm sure we'll have a great time.”

“I am not worried. I was just thinking of what to do for the rest of the day. Sleeping seems to be a poor choice.”

“Alright then we will take our leave for now. Tia I'll be back after the arrangements have been made.” In a blue flash the moon princess was gone, leaving Celestia and Chrysalis alone.

“I need to go start day court, if you do end up with absolutely nothing else to do feel free to stop by. I would greatly appreciate the company.” Celestia walked out of the dinning room, leave Chrysalis with only her thoughts.

She had never really had any free time up until this point. She had always been occupied with maintaining the hive and monitoring the hive mind. Now she was left with nothing to manage or oversee. No stray thoughts from drones to keep her company, nothing. It then occurred to Chrysalis that she had nothing in the way of a hobby. She didn't even know what she liked to do. Going to the library and reading was an option but didn't, feel right. Wandering the castle seemed pointless and she was fine on emotional energy. There was no need to interact with guards or servants to feed off of their negative emotions. Luna was setting up things for tonight so that left one option, Celestia.

The more Chrysalis thought of the mare the more frustrated she would get. How could she maintain the level of positivity, tolerance, and kindness that she did on a day to day basis? What goes through her head that makes her think she can help everyone? What makes her tick?

Being able to figure a creature out in a short time was something changelings excelled at. Chrysalis was especially good at this. The fact that she could not figure out what motivated Celestia was nearly maddening. Suddenly she had an idea. Getting up and taking the usual route to her room as not to arouse suspicion Chrysalis started to develop a plan. A simple plan, but a plan none the less. After passing through the doors into her room Chrysalis changed into the form of a small bluejay.

Flying out of her window she rounded the castle and landed on the sun princesses balcony. Transforming back she did a quick scan for traps and found absolutely nothing... that mare is far too trusting for her own good. She tried the door on the balcony and low and behold, it was unlocked. It was almost like she was asking to be kidnapped or assassinated.

Pushing the thoughts from her mind she began to look around. She found old letters from her student, a shelf full of fiction novels (particularly trashy romance), a sizeable cabinet full of wine, and a closet full of dresses that look like they have never once been touched. Chrysalis was slightly disappointed. She came here expecting to find some big dirty secret but Celestias room was practically normal. As Chrysalis was digging through the closet she found something interesting at the very back. The whole wall was lined with unmarked boxes that from a distance look like the rest of the closet.

Upon closer inspection she found out how to open said boxes and was only slightly surprised at the contents. She softly laughed to herself. “Oh I am going to have a field day with this.”

Back in the court room Celestia was up on her throne listening to a stallion droll on about how he was entitled financial compensation for 'burning his mouth on the too hot coffee' from a local shop. He was absolutely certain that it wasn't his fault and deserved something in return. The sergeant outside was supposed to pre screen these ponies before they came in so this sort of thing wouldn't happen. It seemed he needed a more detailed definition on important.

“Sir, may I ask you what you education level is?” The stallion stopped his rambling and stood just a little taller. “Your majesty is looking at a graduate of Canterlot Law School.”

“Fantastic and how is your eyesight?” The stallion paused for a moment, “I have 20/20 eyesight your grace.”

“Then did you not see the steam coming off of the coffee? Or is the knowledge that normal coffee is hot sail above your educational level?” The stallion just stood there with a shocked expression on his face as he tried and failed to respond. “So apparently the knowledge that you learned is better fit for a petty thief. After all that is what you were just attempting to do right? Take money from someone else? To summarize you went through all that studying at law school to use the information to swindle hard working ponies out of their bits. How correct does that sound?” While she was talking her voice gradually increased in volume and intensity. This was enough to get the stallion shaking on the spot.

“You... your grace... that is not at all what I-”

“Save your lies for someone who will believe them. Now leave and do not return unless you have a legitimate issue.” He gave a bow and briskly trotted out of the room. Then walked in the last petitioner before lunch. She had an unusual color palette for a pony, while most were bright she was quite dark. She was tall and grey, with a pitch black mane down to her knees, and piercing emerald green eyes. Something about them felt familiar to Celestia but the mare had already bowed and began to speak.

“Good afternoon, your majesty. I just wanted to stop by and inform you that I know.” The simple statement had thrown Celestia for a loop.

“I am sorry, you know what exactly?”

“Your secret of course, the one you hide where you think nobody will look. You know what I'm talking about.”

Celestia searched her mind for what the mare was talking about and found nothing. She didn't hide anything, she was a very open pony. When the realization hit her Celestia started to panic, even though it didn't show on her face the mare seemed to know when she realized it.

“See you do know what I am talking about. Now since I have this information who do you think I should share it with? The nobles? Your student? Luna?”

“No! Do not tell Luna! I have no idea how you found it but I am willing to do anything to keep this between us.”



“Then...” She put a hoof up to her chin to feign deep thought. “I want you to... pick up a stallion on our night out tonight.”

By this Celestia was totally and utterly confused. “What?” Then the mare began laughing hysterically and burst into flames. Revealing Chrysalis doubled over in mirth. All of the guards visibly tensed but did not make a move. After a moment all of the pieces clicked into place and Celestia couldn't help but laugh herself.

“That was pretty good Chrysalis. You got me.”

She wiped a stray tear from her eye as she calmed down. “You should have seen your face. When I said Luna you lost all composure. That was great.”

Still wearing a smile Celestia got down from her throne and started to walk with Chrysalis. “I was so blinded by the panic I didn't even realize it was you until you transformed. Although I must ask how did you find out?”

Chrysalis just smirked. “You need better security princess, one of these days that trusting nature of yours will be your downfall.”

“I can take care of myself and besides.” Suddenly the princesses smirk suddenly turned sly. “Maybe it was an invitation.” Chrysalis stopped dead in her tracks to look at Celestia. She was flushed and tried to get a response out, but was cut off by laughter from the princess. She was quick to calm down after she knew it was a joke and kept walking. It took a moment for Celestia to catch up and when she did she was still giggling. “Consider that part one of payback.”

“If that is how you plan to play this, then I guess Luna is going to get to learn where her sister keeps her secret twinkie stash.”

Like that Celestia was back to panicking. “Now now, we don't need to be rash. How about a deal?”

“The one from earlier still stands. Pick up a stallion tonight and I won't tell Luna.”

“Why do you want me to pick up a stallion?”

“Because I know you can't and will enjoy seeing you suffer twofold.”

“That sounds like a challenge to me. I will be glad to prove you wrong.”

After agreeing to the deal it only took a few more moments to get to the dinning room. Luna was early as usual and had a certain air of giddiness about her. “Tia, Chrysalis, I have made all of the arrangements for tonight. When we arrive my friend Vinyl Scratch will be playing a new set as an opener and when she is done we will meet her and Octavia in the back room. Then she is going to close out as well. Tonight we get the VIP treatment.” She was very proud of how well this had come together, she was also excited to see Vinyl and Octavia again, it had been to long for her liking.

Celestia was happy for her sister and Chrysalis got a nice snack of excitement. “Good job Lulu I can't wait to see those two, each one has played for me at some point or another. It will be nice to meet them in a much less formal setting.”

Soon enough the princesses had eaten and were fixed on getting back to their individual duties. Right as Luna made a move to leave Chrysalis caught her off guard with a sudden question. “Luna when was the last time your sister had a suitor?”

“Uhm... let me think. A few years before my banishment I believe. Unless she has had one in the time I was gone.”

This made Chrysalis smile in absolute glee, revealing some impressive fangs. “Then this is going to be so much better than I thought.”

Luna looked to Celestia for clarification and got a sigh in return. “Chrysalis and I made a bet. She didn't think I could pick up a stallion tonight.” The statement made Luna cover he mouth to stifle a giggle.

“What is it ponies say these days? Oh that's right, 'how is your pickup game?'”

Celestia and Chrysalis just stared at Luna. It made her slightly uneasy. “Did I say that wrong?”

Celestia was the one to answer. “No it just sounds weird, doubly so coming from you.”

“Agreed, how about we leave the slang to those under a hundred years of age.”

That had brought up an interesting question that had yet to be asked. “Chrysalis just how old are you?”

She gave Luna a small smirk. “Don't you know that it's impolite to ask a mare her age?”

“You don't have to answer if you don't want to.”

“Well it won't hurt I suppose, I am ageless like the two of you so long as I am kept supplied with magic. As for actual age around seven hundred.”

“Still fairly young when compared to the two of us. Tia and are I double that age at least, we lost track of the exact day of our births. Becomes a little trivial after so long.”

“Quite true, for your sake Celestia I hope you find a stallion that likes older mares.”

Celestia flushed as Luna and Chrysalis carried on laughing at her expense. “If the two of you are done I am going back to day court. I would rather deal with uppity nobles right now.”

After she had left Luna calmed down and got up to leave as well. “I have some more paperwork to attend, farewell for now Chrysalis.” Once again it was just Chrysalis left with nothing to do... and she still had a few hours to kill before their night out.

The rest of the day was uneventful for the trio. Celestia and Luna went about their daily tasks and Chrysalis occupied herself with some light reading. Dinner passed by and they had all went to prepare for the night ahead. The two sisters met at the gate and waited for Chrysalis. Celestia had taken on the persona of Sunshine. She was significantly shorter with a medium length bubblegum pink mane and pearly white coat. Luna had changed into Selene, she had a short white mane and kept her coat the same shade of blue. On her approach Chrysalis noticed how well done the transformations were and couldn't help but be a little impressed. While it most likely took a lot more magic than her transformation they were just as flawless.

Celestia saw the mare Chrysalis had formed into earlier and instantly knew it was her. “So what will we be calling you tonight? I'm Sunshine and this is Selene.”

“Call me Glyss. Now are we just going to stand here or will we be going?” It was then that she noticed a carriage waiting, presumably for them.

Selene noticed Glyss looking and elaborated. “Since it is quite the walk we decided on a carriage. It should only take around ten minutes to get there.”

With that the three headed towards the carriage, got in, and were off. The trip took no longer than was promised and the trio got out in front of a rather busy looking club. The sudden cocktail of emotion was slightly disorienting at first but Glyss was able to sort it all out. There was definitely some lust, happiness, and a slew of smaller emotions. She was pulled out of her analysis by Sunshine and was ushered around the side of the building. The walls inside must have been heavily soundproofed since the outside was quiet aside from the ponies waiting in line. By a side door a large griffin with a 'security' shirt was standing and talking to a grey earth pony mare.

When she saw Selene she waved a hoof. When the two got close they shared a hug and Glyss could taste the affection. “So good to see you Selene it has been far to long.” She then turned to the other two accompanying her. “Nice to meet you as well. I'm Octavia Melody.”

“Hello, I'm Sunshine and this is Glyss.”

“Well Vinyls set should have already started so we should go in.” She turned to the Griffin standing at the door. “These are our special guests Bertram.”

“Noted, hope you enjoy yourselves tonight. Feel free to use this door instead of the main one to avoid the crowds.”

After thanking him the four entered the establishment and immediately got a taste of the new mix Vinyl had cooked up. The walls vibrated from the intense volume and low frequency of the sound and Glyss found the tune rather pleasant. While the other clubs had only played repetitive electronic music this was entirely different. It started with a lone cello and as it picked up the tempo percussion came in with a heavy backdrop to set the tone. A brief fleeting pause came suddenly and then the music was back with much more force than before. It sounded as if the cello player was furiously sawing at the strings but somehow producing a coherent melody out of it.

The crowd was loving it and the mare behind the turntables did too. Her electric blue mane bounced in time with the beat and all too soon the set was over and the crowd was left begging for more. Picking up a mic the mare addressed her fans.

“How did you like that! You all just got a taste of my new mix that I'll finish later on tonight ,for now imma hand over the tables to Neon Lights! Let me hear some noise!” A stallion had gone onto stage and immediately began with a base drop. As the crowd got back into the swing of things Vinyl came backstage and gestured to a room with a star on the door. The mares followed and went into the room, after the door was shut the volume came down to a much more manageable level. The interior came complete with a mini bar and some very comfy looking couches. Which the mares took full advantage of.

“So what do you dudes think of my new sound? Pretty awesome right?”

Selene looked ready to burst at the seems with praise. “That was amazing Vinyl! I love classical and metal fusions. Octavia, did you make those rifts she used?”

The grey mare smiled and flushed a bit. “Yes Vinyl convinced me to branch out a little bit and I can say it was quite fun making those with her. Though it can't be too often, I went through two bows helping her with all the new tracks.”

Sunshine had her tranquil motherly smile on. “Its nice to see you two collaborating so well together. I am happy to see your improvements as musicians. When did you get the idea to do a collaboration?”

Vinyl threw an arm around Octavia who flushed slightly but made no move to get away. Glyss was getting something she didn't have too often from this duo. True love and lots of it. “Well Tavi here was always playing that classical stuff. Which is all well and good but you need to try new stuff sometimes right? So I showed her some sheet music from a great metal band, 'Stallions of the Apocalypse.' I left and got back later that day and she had already played the entirety of one album and was listening to another.”

“Well it had so much energy and I felt quite motivated after playing each piece. Shame they're so hard on my bow. I can't image how many the band actually go through coming up with all of their new pieces.”

“Well I find your collaboration to be extremely well done and original at that. The crowd also seemed to love it. They were all bursting with joy during the song.” Everyone in the room turned to Glyss who had yet to speak up until that point. None had expected genuine praise to come from her, especially the sisters.

Vinyl put her glasses behind her horn and everyone got a look at her ruby red eyes. She smiled and put out a hoof to Glyss. “Thanks, the names Vinyl Scratch.” Glyss extended a hoof and bumped it to Vinyls. “Glyss for tonight, you know who I really am don't you?”

“Yeah and Tavi too. Didn't the princesses here tell ya we knew?”

“They did, I just wasn't expecting a positive reception.”

“Well your getting one anyway, ain't that right Tavi?” Octavia nodded her head. “Yes, if the princesses trust you enough to let you stay at the castle then we have no reason to not trust you.”

Hearing that threw Chrysalis for a loop. These were the first two other than the princesses that didn't hold any animosity towards her. It made her feel a strange mix of happiness, unease, and skepticism.

Suddenly Selene slammed her hooves on the table making everyone in the room jump. “This is all well and good but we came here for a reason and that is to have a fun time. Vinyl! I challenge you to a game of drink. The usual bet. Vinyl sighed and nodded her head. She went to the bar, got two shot glasses, a bottle of grain alcohol, and a bottle of black rum.

Sunshine was slightly confused by all of this and wanted some answers. “Why do you have two different bottles?”

As Selene and Vinyl were too occupied staring one another down Octavia opted to answer. “Since Selene has such a higher tolerance she drinks double the proof of what Vinyl does. It evens the odds out a bit. Even though Selene always wins that doesn't stop Vinyl from trying. As for the bet the loser has to wear the jokers hat.”

Glyss was watching the battle begin as each mare downed their first shot. “What, pray tell, is the joker hat?”

Octavia pointed over to a corner where the hat hung. It was purple and green with bells attached to points all over it. “Suffice it to say it's a running joke here that the great Dj-Pon3 can't handle her liqueur, even though Selene is the only one shes ever lost to.”

Sunshine looked back over to her sister and Vinyl. In the short amount of time she wasn't looking they had managed to down a total of fourteen shots. Selene looked quite tipsy while Vinyl looked totally plastered. She sighed and waited for the game to be done.

After Selene downed her eighth shot Vinyl tried and failed to use her magic to pick up her glass. Letting out a groan she let her head fall to the table. The victor rose her hooves into the air and downed the remaining drink on the table for good measure.

“I am the victor and remaining champion of drink! All will see me and bow for I am... Urrrp. 'Scuse me.”

Sunshine shook her head at her sister. “That isn't fair, you know very well that she doesn't have a shot at winning unless shes drinking wine from that glass.”

“Don't look at me in that tone of voice. This is the best way to start off a night. Besides all she gets for losing is a silly hat.”

Grogily Vinyl lifted her head from the table and started to sway a bit. “Don't forget style points for doing my last set without magic.”

Octavia gently lead her wasted marefriend to the couch and gave her a bottle of water. “Just stay here for a bit love and you should be well enough off to do your set.” Slowly she nodded her head and looked over to the mini fridge by the bar. “Hey how about you all go and enjoy the club, I'll stay here till I'm able to walk a semi strait line.”

Octavia had a slight air of worry about her. “Vinyl are you sure?”

“Yeah, I'll be good to go in like an hour or two. Go its fine.”

“Alright, just try not to fall over on the way to the fridge alright?”

“No promises but I will try.”

The party of four left the DJ to her own devices for the time being. Stepping back out of the room the music wasn't as loud as before but you would still need to yell to be heard. They made way to the bar and ordered various drinks. Selene had a black sunday, Sunshine, Octavia, and Glyss all got wine. When they found an empty table in a corner where it was slightly quieter Selene put her drink down and immediately went for the dance floor. The other three could only watch as she flailed around in what one could only guess was supposed to be dancing. After sharing a laugh Glyss eyed Sunshine with a sly smirk.

“You remember the bet don't you? So get to it. The night won't last as long as you think.”

“Want this to be over that quickly do you? Fine I'll be right back.” Getting up she trotted towards a purple stallion sitting at the bar. She noticed but didn't stop the eavesdropping spell Glyss had cast on her.

When Octavia tapped on her shoulder and gave a questioning look Glyss passed the spell onto her as well. “I made a bet with her that she wouldn't be able to pick up a stallion by the end of the night; the spell is so we can hear her.”

As they looked up Sunshine had made it to her intended target. “Hello there.”

The stallion turned with a friendly smile on his face. “How's it goin'.”

“You mind if I sit here?” She pointed to a stool beside the stallion.

“I don't mind at all, have a seat.” After she sat down Glyss was starting to think this was a bad idea. Seemed like the princess could act normal if she really needed to.

“So I have a question.” Sunshine suddenly asked. “Well I might just have an answer.”

“Did it hurt... when you fell from heaven?” The stallion looked totally confused and just started to chuckle in an awkward manner. “Oh, uhm, heh, look at that, my friend over there looks like he needs a hoof. Nice meetin' ya. Gotta go.”

He quickly made his way over to the other side of the room and started talking to another stallion. He tried to subtly gesture in Sunshines direction, a quick nod was exchanged and they started to laugh together. Seeing this discouraged the princess a small bit. When she looked back to her table Glyss was losing it and Octavia was trying very hard not to laugh. That was enough to fill her with determination to prove Chrysalis wrong.

One time after another throughout the night Sunshine had been rejected in every way, shape, and form. Most just made an excuse and left while others had strait up told her to take her terrible pickup lines somewhere else. Each time she failed Glyss couldn't help but burst into laughter. It got old for Octavia fairly fast and she started to feel sorry for the princess. Selene had came back to the table occasionally to get a drink and have a laugh at her sisters attempts to romance a stallion.

“You know most of the lines that she's using were her own creation? She came up with most of those old style pickup lines back in the day.” She let out a soft chuckle. “You should have seen how well they worked back then. Since no pony had heard them before she swept mare and stallion alike off of their hooves. Though I'm not surprised that they've grown out of date since then.”

After Selene went back out to the dance floor Sunshine was rejected once again. This had been going on for hours at this point and the gag had run its course for Glyss as well. When Sunshine made no attempt to get up from the stool at the bar she decided to act.

“I'll be back in a few minutes.” Octavia nodded in understanding and watched the disguised changeling walk off. When she entered backstage and a tall slender stallion came out Octavia couldn't help but smirk as she watched and listened to the scene before her unfold.

“Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?” Sunshine looked up to see a white stallion with a teal ponytail looking down at her with a gentle smile. “No feel free.”

He took a seat while Sunshine tossed ideas around in her head. Eventually she settled on going for it one last time before calling it quits. “Uhm, do you happen to have a map?”

“No I don't, sorry. Why do you ask?”

“I was looking for the road to your heart.” It was difficult for the disguised changeling not to cringe. She was really coming on strong for the last attempt wasn't she? Somehow he managed to choke out a small laugh. At which Sunshine instantly sprung up, her entire demeanor had switched from discouraged to giddy with that small sound.

“That was a pretty good one; did you come up with it yourself?”

Her smile grew even wider with each passing second. “Yes! I have been waiting for someone to actually laugh at one of them! Every pony that I tried it on took it so seriously.”

“Heh, well I was actually on my way out but wanted to see if you were alright. I need to be going now but don't get down about this... just keep being yourself alright? See you.”

Sunshine was left with that advice as the stallion exited out of the back. She wore a genuine smile of gratitude as she made her way back to Octavia. Where a certain changeling was suspiciously missing.

“So how did that one go?” Octavia asked with smile mirroring Sunshines. “Fairly well, he was quite nice. Too bad he had to 'leave' so soon.”

A moment later Glyss was back and sat back down in her spot. “Did I miss anything?”

“Yes you missed the chance to see me woo a wonderful stallion. Isn't that right Octavia?” Glyss turned and got a nod. “He actually laughed at one of her jokes, imagine that.”

“Wow, he must have been lacking a sense of humor to find one of those awful pickup lines funny.”

“Regardless I was still able to romance a stallion so I win the bet. Now that I'm not otherwise occupied I am actually feeling tired. Octavia would you be a dear and tell my sister that I went back to the castle?”

“Certainly. It was nice seeing you again. I hope we can do this again soon.”

“Thank you and tell Vinyl to give up on trying to beat my sister at drink, she never will.”

“Heh, I'll certainly try but 'give up' isn't in Vinyls vocabulary.”

“Well I'll be seeing you.” Sunshine got up to leave and soon after Glyss stood as well. “I'll be going with her. It was, uhm, nice to meet you Octavia.”

“Likewise and that was really sweet you know, making her feel better like that.”

Glyss flushed slightly and scowled at the earth pony. “I only did it so I wouldn't have to hear the big foal complain about it later.”

She turned to catch up with Sunshine. By the time she had found her they were already past the club and on a direct route back to the castle gates. After getting some distance from the club and taking into account the empty streets Sunshine dropped her spell and went back to being Celestia, minus the regalia. Taking the hint Glyss dropped her disguise as well and the two walked in silence for a time before Celestia broke it.

“Thank you.” She said in earnest.

“For what?”

“For making me feel better.”

“I didn't do a single thing.”

“I know you were that stallion.”

“That is false. I was checking on Vinyl while I was gone.”

“Liar. I might not be able to taste emotion but I can put two and two together. You helped me when you didn't have to. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate it.”

Chrysalis sighed in resignation as they continued on their peaceful walk. “I didn't want to have to listen to you complain about this for the rest of the month. I didn't do it to be nice. Is that clear?”

Celestia smiled, not a smirk, not a plain old smile, one that was genuine and radiated gratitude. All of it was directed at the changeling beside her. “Crystal clear.”

A True Friend Indeed

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“You know, you're much more devious than your ponies give you credit for.”

“I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about; I just wanted to have my good friend with me throughout the day.”

“See what I mean? 'Good friend.' That title holds about as much value as my old one.”

“I'm not lying Chrysalis, you know that you're just in denial~”

“I don't 'deny' anything, I just see the practical purposes of doing this and identify them as your primary motivation.”

To this Celestia had no reply as another noble stepped up to plead their case. This had been the routine all morning long. A pony comes up, pleads their case, Celestia helps or doesn't, then it's on to the next. Today Celestia had opted to bring Chrysalis along to day court. This was for a multitude of reasons, but the primary one was she wanted the company as she was not in the mood to deal with most of the petty issues the nobles brought to her attention. Though that did not mean there were no practical purposes to this little idea.

Celestia was not as air headed as some would think, she knew that by doing this she could gauge a few things: public reaction to the rehabilitation of Chrysalis, her ability to interact with less than tolerable ponies, and how well she can deal with extended contact with one individual. In truth this was an experiment of sorts. Still the company was the best part... even if said company was not happy to be there.

“In conclusion, my associates and my own business would greatly benefit from a tax reduction this year.” While thinking Celestia had managed to miss the entire speech the noble had prepared. Luckily for her the ever observant changeling beside her was quite focused. She even managed to notice the lack of attention Celestia had paid.

She whispered, “He wants a tax break to keep more of his income since he 'generates so much commerce.' Honestly it seems he just wants to make up his losses for the fiscal year by getting a reduction.”

Refocusing on the task at hoof and taking into account the new information Celestia quickly decided on a course of action. “I'm sorry but our treasury can not afford to give you or any large business tax breaks. They are one of the primary sources of revenue for our government.”

He turned his nose up and started to trot away. “I didn't know that our princess took advice from an overgrown insect.”

At this remark, like the similar ones she had gotten all morning, Chrysalis simply had a deadpan look on her face while the petitioner trotted away. The reactions of all the ponies coming in today had been on par with her expectations. Not to say they were high, things just happened as previously thought. Nobles turned their noses up to her, common folk were terrified, soldiers were weary, and the few members of other species that came in showed only disdain for the former queen.

“How much longer must I sit here and deal with all of these petty complaints? So far noting productive has been done and my patience is basically nonexistent at this stage.”

“Don't worry, a few good things happen every day. You just have to wade through the thick of it to get to the real issues. Like this mare here.”

Looking down to the pony walking up to the throne Chrysalis noticed she wasn't trembling as much as other petitioners. She also gave off an air of determination that would take something rather serious to break. She bowed as all of the others did and started to speak. “Good afternoon princess and uhm, friend, I came here today on behalf of my little brother. He didn't want to bring any attention to this subject or himself but I can't stand by and watch something like this happen. He was formerly employed by a member of the noble caste as a cook. He also recently came out, as it happens this noble did not want, and I quote, 'one of his kind,' touching his food; my brother was fired for that alone. There were no issues up until that point and this qualifies as workplace discrimination.”

“May I ask what his employers name was?”

“Civil Suit, your majesty.”

On the inside Celestia laughed, though her princess mask didn't change in the slightest . That happens to be the same stallion that had come in complaining that his hot coffee lawsuit didn't go through. “I will deal with him, no need to worry about that. While I will not force him to hire your brother back there is a better option.” Lighting her horn she conjured up some paper and a quill, quickly wrote a few lines , then gave it to the mare. “That is a letter stating the bearer will have a new job at the castle kitchens. Do you find these arrangements acceptable?”

The look of pure elation on the mares face was enough of a tell, still she wanted to voice her gratitude. “Yes your majesty! Thank you. I'll go give this to him at once.” She dashed back through the doors and Celestia let a small smile come to her face.

“It's moments like this that make court worth doing. Helping someone who is down on their luck through no fault of their own. It is something that has and always will bring me joy.”

As Chrysalis observed the mare beside her the passing of millennia in her eyes started to show. With how she acts the majority of the time it's easy to forget how old Celestia is and how much she has seen in her long life. To think that something as simple as bringing joy to others could make her so content, even if she has done the same things countless other times. It actually managed to make the changeling smile, a real one at that. While she would never openly admit it she saw a little of herself in Celestia, at least in this regard. When she still had a hive Chrysalis took a great amount of pride in her work as queen. She was always happy on the few occasions when there was no struggle. Her children had smiles on their faces and that brought one to hers too. Wanting to see ones subjects happy is something that all good rulers have in common. If a ruler does not care for those they govern everything will fall apart from the bottom up.

“I can see that you know the feeling.” The words brought Chrysalis out from her own mind and she scowled slightly.

“I did at one time yes. Every good ruler should seek to make their subjects happy. It's the very thing that sustains a kingdom. How can you expect respect from those you rule if you don't hold their best interests at heart?”

“That is very true, I have always thought that-” Celestia stopped as she saw a vast array of emotions fly across Chrysalises features. She looked hurt and angry for the most part but soon her face took on an extremely neutral expression. The temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees as Celestia tried to get her bearings. That is when she looked to her throne room doors and noticed the newest guest. A changeling in their more colorful form. It instantly made sense what caused the drastic change in mood.

The Changeling itself looked absolutely mortified. Poor thing had never expected to see the former queen here of all places. If she were to guess this was an emissary of sorts to seek some aid in rebuilding their kingdom. Before Celestia even had a chance to try to diffuse the situation Chrysalis got up and opened her wings. “I'm going to find Luna,” was all she said before flying out the nearest open window. Celestia was left with a scared changeling and a new bundle of problems to solve.

Chrysalis was currently trying not to lose her cool. Seeing one of the wretched creatures that betrayed her... after all that she had put herself through for them all. They just abandoned her, they were supposed to be a family. Together until the bitter end. Chrysalis couldn't hold back a sad laugh. This was no fairy tale, you can't trust anyone in this world, even those you're close to. For now she pushed away the sadness, the anger, the resent, and focused on finding Luna. Earlier she said something about doing some special training at the practice fields. After flying for a few minutes Chrysalis spotted Luna and a regiment of her night guard. Currently they were sitting under the shade of a large tree in the middle of a field.

Making a quick decent she landed slightly behind Luna who was currently talking to what looked like her captain. “I told you we need to have the guard trained for daytime operations too. Not everything will happen to our advantage.”

“I realize that princess, I was talking about me specifically. If this little trinket you made me gets broken in battle I'll be a sitting duck and a detriment to the op.”

“Then you'll just have to adapt and overcome. If it does come down to that just flee from the battle, I cannot be losing you Wolfsbane.”

“Understood and you should probably attend to our guest, she doesn't look to be in the waiting mood.” The captain turned to leave and Luna faced Chrysalis. Instantly she could tell something was off about her. The cold aura around the changeling seemed to weigh down on everything. When she spoke it was with barely restrained rage. “How well do your night guards deal with surprises?”

The off the wall question gave Luna pause before she answered. “They are very adaptive by nature. I was actually going to face them myself and see how well they could change tactics against different magic styles.”

Chrysalises maw split wide open when she heard this. “Mind if I stand in for you? I promise not to hurt them too badly. You can even command them if you please. I just need to blow off some steam.”

This was a difficult decision for Luna. On one hoof Chrysalis didn't look to stable at the moment and could possibly injure her guard. On the other hoof, she would be there to keep them all in one piece and Wolfsbane was here too. Add to that the whole purpose of this exercise is being adaptive; with an enemy like a high level changeling surprises were sure to come. Looking over her selected regiment there were twenty highly trained thestrals, the captain, and herself. The benefits seemed to outweigh the risks and like that a decision was made.

“I will command my guard against you. We fight until submission, with no lethal blows.”

“Agreed I'll just wait over there, tell me when I can begin.” Chrysalis went off about fifty feet away from the tree and sat down. Luna went over to the resting thestrals and began to explain. “Soldiers, the exercise will go as such: our enemy is Chrysalis, the only weapons that will be used are the blunted ones we brought, and we fight until submission. This is a changeling queen we're facing. She has lived long for good reason, be prepared for absolutely anything. I will be acting commander, while I will refrain from direct combat I will restore vitality and provide cover. Captain Wolfsbane will be field team leader. Follow her orders and be sure to stay together. If any of you are singled out you will surely be eliminated. Any questions?”

The group was silent for a few moments so Luna took that as a go ahead. “Form up thirty feet from the target. Go!” With that all those present went to form a rank in front of Chrysalis. Heavily armored thestrals were up front, followed by spear wielding soldiers, and lightly equipped swordsmen in the back. All were ready to take to the skies at a moments notice. Wolfsbane was front and center, ready to lead the charge. Luna was already in the skies behind her squad. “Since you are outnumbered you may have the first move Chrysalis!”

The changeling barely batted an eye at the threat before her. “Why thank you, how courteous.” An instant later she burst into green flames and what emerged was a surprise to every pony present. A stark white bipedal creature stood before them. Its face was blank except for the two green glowing slits that were most likely eyes. Small spines with the same eerie glow stuck out from its back and shoulders. The creature had one normal looking arm while the other was longer with what looked to be a spherical cage in the middle. Suddenly the creature glowed even brighter as the magic in the air was drained away. That instant Luna remembered this creature from long ago and panic started to rise in her chest.

“Get down now!” She yelled as the creature raised its deformed arm. She cast a shield just in time as a magical blast tore through the air and slammed into the shield. It held up well as Chrysalis seemed to be keeping her promise of not to hurt them too badly. Dropping the shield Luna yelled more commands. “Be ready for absolutely anything and exploit every weakness you see!”

As the guard prepared for the second onslaught the dust kicked up from the first had yet to settle. Chrysalis had already capitalized on this and flanked her enemies. She came from the side before any of the soldiers could notice. Plowing through the heavily armored soldiers in a wild charge with the form of what looked like a draconian hound. She managed to do enough damage to make a few soldiers submit before having to engage with Wolfsbane. While thestrals were generally fast and strong this one was on an entirely different level. Landing sold blows that hurt even through the thick scales of her current form. She blasted a quick gout of flame at the pony to give herself a moment to think.

As the remaining thestrals and Wolfsbane closed in Chrysalis transformed again. This form made some of the weaker willed ponies stop in their tracks. Once again bipedal but with dark sandy looking skin. The most notable feature of this body was the mouth that looked to extend down to its chest. Opening her new maw wide Chrysalis let out a high pitched scream that made everyone double over in pain. As blood started to drip from their ears Luna cast a spell to halt the damage and slightly restore their hearing. Though Chrysalis had already accomplished what she set out to do. Immediately after she stopped screaming the former queen changed into a naga and dealt a crushing blow to Wolfsbane. The front plate of her armor dented and there was a distinctive cracking sound. She submitted as she lay on the ground in a heap.

The rest of the formation quickly turned into chaos as Chrysalis dove in with no concern for her own well being. While taking strikes she delivered her own. Changing between naga, manticore, and finally hydra she was able to beat every pony present into submission. After she went back to her original form Luna landed and was astonished at the damage she was able to take. From head to hoof she was covered in bruises. She was also keeping weight off of one leg and to top it off she had multiple head wounds that were seeping green blood. Despite all of that she had a smile on her face. “Haven't fought like that in ages... I feel a little better now.”

Luna could only watch as Chrysalis collapsed where she stood. All around her the guards were groaning in pain and trying to recover from the beating they just took. “All of you go to the first aid kits we brought with us. Return when you feel ready to do so. You are dismissed until tomorrow.” Luna picked up the battered changeling in her magic along with the woozy captain. In a blue flash she was gone.

A moment later she reappeared in the infirmary wing of the castle, surprising the current nurse on duty. Ignoring the her for the moment Luna gently laid down the captain and Chrysalis on separate beds. Sending a quick message to her sister the night princess looked to the nurse. “Would you please go fetch a doctor. Tell him it is urgent.” As the unicorn dashed to find the nearest doctor Celestia teleported next to Luna.

“Sister I got your message what is so urgent that... what happened?” Looking at the two before her Celestias attention gravitated toward the one who looked like they got the worst of the damage.

“She volunteered to combat my training regiment. Claiming a need to let off some steam. I allowed it since it seemed beneficial. Though I did not expect her to care so little for her own well being. She changed into a variety of forms and devastated my soldiers, one blow was all it took to dent my captains chest plate and destroy the charm underneath, the sun did the rest to weaken her. Chrysalis then decided to dive into the middle of the formation and cause a whirlwind of destruction. All while taking hits from a number of blunted swords and spears. None even got the chance to get off of the ground before she changed into a hydra and snatched them right after takeoff. All in all I'm very surprised she didn't seriously injure any of them.”

Celestia let out a sad sigh and took a seat next to Chrysalises bed. “It's my fault, I should have followed after her when I had the chance. I knew that she was planning on doing something like this.”

Luna sat beside her sister at laid a wing across her back, Celestia leaned into it slightly and continued to look over Chrysalis. “It is not your fault Tia, I let her do what she wanted knowing full well that she was not in the best frame of mind. I could have stopped her but let my rationale get the better of me.”

“I don't blame you Luna and I think Chrysalis appreciates the gesture.” Both princesses stopped and turned to the door when they heard hoof steps coming their way. The doctor walked in ready to deal with his new patients. “Hello your majesties, would you mind telling me all you can about the two patients you brought me today?”

“You don't need to worry about the captain she just had some fatigue. She should be back up and going soon. Chrysalis on the other hoof used a vast amount of magic in a short span of time and sustained bruises, head trauma, and a leg injury.” As Luna went through the various injuries the doctor seemed to inspect each one briefly before moving on to the next.

“Well I can't be certain on any of this since we don't know much about changeling anatomy. Though my best guess would be the most serious injury she is suffering from is a concussion and severe magic fatigue.”

Celestia nodded her head in agreement. “She did not have enough magic stored up to enter sustained combat. It most likely depleted her reserves.”

“That makes sense, sadly there is nothing I can do about magic fatigue in a changeling. For now I can give her some medication and pop her knee back into its socket. Those along with some healing magic to accelerate the repair of her internal injuries could have Chrysalis up and walking in a few days.”

“Thank you doctor, my sister and I will take our leave now.” Luna proceeded to lead Celestia out of the infirmary. As the two walked down the hallway the eldest sister started to lag behind until she stopped. Knowing her sister almost too well Luna could take a guess as to what she wanted to do.

“Go ahead, I'll close out court for the day.”

“Thank you sister, I greatly appreciate it.” Celestia started to trot back the way they came and was soon back in the room where Chrysalis laid. The doctor had worked fast in setting her leg back into place and was currently casting a healing spell on her while a nurse hooked up medication to her foreleg. The diarch of the sun sat patiently while the two finished up their work.

Once they were all done the doctor approached the princess. “As I said before your majesty I don't know anything about changeling anatomy and can't tell you exactly when she will come to. All we can do now is monitor her vitals and hope for the best.”

The motherly smile spread across Celestias face knowing the doctor did all he could. “Thank you, I appreciate you helping my friend.”

The doctor grinned at the praise. “I wouldn't be much of a doctor if I didn't help those in need now would I? Goodbye for now princess, I have other patients to attend to .”

After the doctor had taken his leave Celestia took a seat by the changelings bed and conjured up a book to read. While she tried to pass the time by reading the constant worry in the back of her mind made it difficult to focus and she only got a few pages in before Wolfsbane decided to get up.

“Good evening your highness.”

“Good evening. Did you enjoy that extra rest you got?”

“Yes I did, thought it would be bad timing to draw attention to myself when the doctor was in here. After all he may have insisted on checking my vitals.”

“Fair judgement on your part, most health professionals would be unsettled by a pony without a pulse walking and talking.”

“Speaking of a pony without a pulse hows that one doing?”

“She should be fine with some rest, but we can't tell for certain when she will wake up.”

“To be fair she took quite the beating, us night guard don't hold back even during training.”

“I'm sure you didn't hold back, yet you still lost. Mind telling me how?”

That was when Wolfsbane started to look uneasy. A captain and being of supernatural power was scared. “She turned into things that none of us save princess Luna had seen before. The first thing she did was turn into this thing that sucked out all the magic from the surrounding area and blasted it at us. If the princess hadn't thrown up a shield we would have been toast, and I think she held back with that blast since that barrier didn't even buckle. She had a few other transformations that were some powerful but well known creatures. The only other really odd one froze a few of the soldiers up on the spot. The thing had a gigantic toothy mouth and screeched loud enough to incapacitate all of us at once. Again if princess Luna wasn't there we all would have been toast. To be honest, I'm worried what else she's capable of if she had more magic. You said it yourself that Chrysalis didn't have a whole lot.”

It only took Celestia a few moments to put all of the pieces together. “Chrysalis is several hundred years old. Meaning she has seen a lot in her life. The creatures you saw her copy did once roam this planet. They were magical constructs that we were unable to ascertain the origins of. Luckily they were all infertile so over time we were able to wipe them out. Chrysalis must have interacted with each one at some point or another before they went extinct. The fact that she can transform into them is slightly worrying as she could have met some even more dangerous creatures. Although, when I think about it she doesn't seem like the type to go around using those forms wildly. In reality it's just another thing we've learned about her.”

“But aren't you even slightly worried about a... a...”

Celestia raised an eye at the captain. “A what? A monster?”

“Yeah... a monster.”

“That is quite the description coming from you.”

“I'm just worried about what she can do is all.”

“So was I when I first met you. Yet here we are.” Both sat in silence for a time before Wolfsbane got up to leave.

“I need to go check on the troops, make sure they got back in one piece. Farewell princess.”

“See you later captain.” As she left her hoof steps were near silent, leaving Celestia alone with her thoughts once again.

Looking over the resting form of the changeling she could only try to think of ways to help. Each idea lead to a dead end. Each dead end left the sun princess more and more hopeless. In unicorns, magic fatigue goes away with time but a changeling has a bank of energy they need to stay alive. Chrysalis had drained this to the point where she passed out. Top onto that the physical injuries and no way to actively transfer magic to her left no real options for Chrysalis.

The more Celestia thought the deeper down into the spiral she went. These thoughts were the ones that kept her company throughout the next few days. Every day she would hold a shortened version of day court and then head to the infirmary. Each day she was greeted with the same sight as the day before. There was no change in condition but her vitals were still fine. As Celestia sat in the same spot once again a dark thought sparked through her mind. 'What if she never wakes up?'

However much she hated to admit it the possibility was not deniable. Chrysalis could have used too much magic at once to recover. Celestia felt the despair weigh down on her chest. When the sobbing started and tears began to fall there was nothing that could be done to stop it. She had let it happen again, she let one of her friends die when she could have done something to save them. It was her fault, Chrysalis had come here for help... even if she would never look at things that way. When she was weak and had nothing left she came here. Even after such a long life Celestia had never gotten used to moments like this. Being absolutely powerless to help someone she made a promise to. Once again she had lied and let someone down; once again she just sat idly by and let things play out. It was times like this that she-”

“Hey if you could relax a little that would be great. All this despair is upsetting my stomach.” Celestia stopped her bawling and looked up with puffy eyes to find Chrysalis looking at her with a mix of pity, irritation and gratitude. The changeling was not prepared for the sudden full power alicorn hug she got. While Chrysalis struggled for breath Celestia didn't want to let go. “Chrysalis I'm so sorry I didn't stop you. I should have been a better friend and stayed with you while you were feeling that way. Could you ever forgive me?”

When she got a gurgling sound in response Celestia realized she was hugging someone with internal injuries that weren't fully healed yet. Letting go Chrysalis gasped for breath and took a moment to collect herself. “Why in the name of all that is holy did you think that was a good idea?”

Celestia couldn't help but smile at the irritated changeling, which only served to aggravate her more. “Sorry, sorry, I'm just... really glad you're awake again I couldn't help myself.”

“In the future keep your hooves to yourself. I'm not one of your touchy feely ponies.”

Celestia put a hoof to her chin in mock thought. “No promises but I'll think about it. That aside how are you feeling?”

“Like I got ran over in a stampede. My entire body aches and my head is killing me. The only reason I'm awake is because of the magic I've gathered while asleep. If I had to guess that was you?”

Celestia nodded, “Yes I shortened court for a few days so I had more time to visit. My hope was that you could passively gather my emotions and the extra magic would help you recover.”

After hearing this Chrysalis calmed down considerably. Upon further inspection of the little magic she did have it was clear to her that it came from hope and worry. Apparently enough of each to pull her from the brink of starvation. “Why?”

Celestia tilted her head at the question. “Why what?”

“Why did you worry so much about me?”

“I... I didn't do anything to help you when you needed it. When you left I could have followed but at the time I thought it would be better for you to sort it out on your own. I failed you as a friend, doing nothing for you in a time of need.” Fresh tears started to fall as she continued. “You could have died Chrysalis. I hate losing friends so much. No matter how many times it happens it always hurts. I'm supposed to be able to care for every single being I call friend. But I have watched so many die, some even right before my eyes. I let down the ones who trusted me and I will never forgive myself for it. For so long I've kept to myself because I can't stand to see those close to me go. I thought I just lost another friend...”

As Celestia shut her eyes and the tears continued down her face she felt a gentle pull and was face to chest with Chrysalis. The changeling had pulled her into a hug on the edge of her bed. As the alicorn returned the gesture she calmed down almost immediately.

“Don't expect this kind of thing often, it only seemed fair to help you after you helped me.” Celestia could only nod and nuzzle deeper into the embrace.

“Here is the truth, I very well could have died from magic fatigue and starvation because of a rage fueled decision that I made. You are the one that saved me. Without the constant flow of emotion I probably would have never woken up. So thank you Celestia, for saving me and for being a good friend.”

Something Great

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“Chrysalis I have a surprise for you!” Celestia called out to the door. She had already knocked and received no response. Most of the time when this happened the big bad bug was usually just trying to sleep in. While it was understandable to want to sleep one would believe that after doing the same thing for over a month it would just become routine. Celestia sighed, it was looking like she may have to physically drag the changeling out of bed, again. She cracked the door open and peeked inside. The bed was empty and Chrysalis wasn't in sight. With a quick check of the room the princess noticed the bathroom door was closed and the shower was running. A small smile came to her face as the worry left just as quickly as it came. She casually trotted up to the door and was about to knock until she heard something... interesting. Pressing her ear to the door she could clearly make out that Chrysalis was singing softly to herself.

I stood there and saw them all turn away
Watching and waiting, with nothing left to say
No savior was coming here to save the day
So I turned back... and swore that they would pay

As I walked through the desert with nothing to my name
Thinking and feeling were one and the same
When I emerged from the dust I was but a shell
Walking all alone was my own hell

Trapped in my head I fell to my knees
Crying I begged, please oh please
Come back and stand by me
Come back and be with me
Come back and help me please

Celestia stood in front of the door not knowing what to think. The tune was beautiful yet full of sadness. Chrysalis was still coping with all she had lost and the recovery was slow going. The only thing one can do in this sort of situation is make every moment as enjoyable as possible. With that in mind Celestia burst into the bathroom. “Good morning Chrysalis! I have something I need to tell yo-”

Before the sun princess could finish she was knocked back by a concussive spell she landed ten feet from the bathroom door and when she got up she came face to face with a very angry changeling. “Do you have any sense of decency!? Why would you just burst into my bathroom while it was very obvious that I was USING IT?! What kind of ruler are you?!”

Celestia couldn't hold back a smile while looking at the soaking wet Chrysalis. “I am the kind of ruler that likes to joke with her subjects. By the way, that toxic green blush you're wearing is adorable.” The former queen scrunched up her muzzle before storming back to the bathroom and slamming the door. With an award winning grin the sun diarch walked back up to the door and called out to Chrysalis. “Would you care to tell me why it matters I saw you in the shower? You do know we're naked most of the time anyway right?”

As the changeling continued her silent streak Celestia took it as a win. “Societal standards aside I really did have something I needed to tell you.” The bathroom door swung open a moment later to reveal a squeaky clean Chrysalis.

“What was so important that you felt the need to interrupt my shower?”

“I was just doing court and was reminded of something very suddenly. I took an early lunch to come and tell you that the Grand Galloping Gala is in two days.”

Chrysalis couldn't help but give a puzzled look upon hearing this. “Two days? Isn't that the largest social event of the year for your kingdom? How could you have forgotten about it until two days prior?”

The princess flushed slightly while rubbing the back of her neck. “Well this is actually ahead of the game for me. Most of the time I forget until the day before when the setup starts.”

“I was under the impression that you sent out all of the invitations yourself.”

Celestia blew a raspberry at the old rumor. She never did find out how that started. “I have neither the time nor patience to send out all of those invitations. I have secretaries for that. Personally I would shut this gala down if there wouldn't be serious repercussions for doing so. Alas the nobility need a place to suck up to one another. Though, theses past few galas have been much more fun. The last one in particular was entertaining on account of Discord.”

“I still don't see how you put up with that man-child.”

“He isn't that bad. He just needed a friend, like someone else I know.” Celestia gave a not so subtle nudge to the changeling. She in turn huffed and took a step away.

“If you think by trying to become my friend I'll just suddenly turn into a different person you're dead wrong.”

“I'm not really trying to become your friend since I already am.”

“We are not friends Celestia.”

The sun princess couldn't help but speak in a sing song tone. “That's not what you said at the infirmary~” The toxic green blush returned to the former queens face before she sputtered out a reply.

“I... I said that so you would stop crying, like a child. I can't be bothered to deal with nonsensical dribble like that.”

Celestia kept the smile on her face as she started to leave the room. “Whatever you say~” Chrysalis just groaned in irritation before beginning to follow.

“So where are we going?”

“Well I was hoping you could help me with something.”

“Such as?”

“Convincing my sister to attend the gala with us.”

“What do you mean 'us?'”

“You'll be with me for the duration of the gala. Did I forget to mention that your attendance is mandatory?”

Any trace of mirth had left the changelings features at this point. “I loathe you so much.”

“Don't worry it'll be fun, I made sure to invite my student and all of her friends. With them here things are bound to get out of hoof.”

“If all of them are there why does Luna need to be as well?”

“She has a tendency to skip any social events and as such she doesn't know many ponies. I was hoping she could make a new friend.”

“So you want her to find a new friend among all of the nobles; the very same ones which you have nothing but positive things to say about?” Chrysalis replied with heavy sarcasm.

Celestia can't help but grimace slightly. “They aren't all bad... just most of them.”

“Well it's not like I have a choice in the matter, what have you tried so far?”

“Asking politely, to which I got a very curt no. Bribing her with food, weapons, and books. Aaand that's it.”

“Really? Not very creative are you.”

“Well that's why I came for your help. I knew someone as clever as you would be able to get her to agree in no time.” Upon hearing this Chrysalis held her head a little higher.

“A nudge in the right direction is all it will take.” When the two arrived at Lunas chambers Celestia knocked on the door.

“The answer is still no Tia. I refuse to waste any more time with those snobs.”

“May Chrysalis and I come in?”

“You may.” Celestia pushed the doors open and Chrysalis quickly followed. The room they were in was a stark midnight blue with stars and galaxies painted on the ceiling. The walls were lined with weapon racks and book shelves. Luna sat at a large mahogany desk in the corner going over paperwork.

“Did you come to bribe me with something better than a half eaten pizza this time?”

“Whether or not you agreed you still took the pizza. But no I'm not here to bribe you. Chrysalis, if you would.”

“Right.” She stepped forward and came face to face with Luna. They were mere inches away from one another. Their gazes locked for a brief moment before Chrysalis broke the tension. “If I have to go you do too.”

The finality in that statement reminded Luna of the way her parents used to make her do things she didn't want to, so she put on the best pouty face she could. “But I don't want to!" She replied in a high pitched whine. "All the ponies there have their heads shoved so far up their flanks that they could taste the back of their own tongue.”

“Then just bring someone you like along. You are close to your captain right?”

Luna grimaced before answering. “I suppose, she won't want to but it's only fair that she suffers along side her charge. You owe me for this Tia.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “What? Why do I owe you? You're doing this of your own free will.”

“Yes I am because you are forcing Chrysalis to socialize with all of those 'elite' ponies. Now she won't be the only one there that doesn't want to be.”

Celestia sighed and hung her head. “I try to do something nice and this is all the thanks I get? Fine, fine. I have to get back to court, see the two of you later.” After the door closed behind her sister Luna shot a curious glance in Chrysalises direction.

“Have any plans to make this night more bearable?”

“Besides drinking a few bottles of wine prior to the actual event? No. I'll be sure to think on it though.”

“Hmm, well I have more paperwork to get done so I need to get back to that.”

“Right I'll be going then.” Not wanting to walk all the way back to her room Chrysalis instead transformed into a bird and flew out of the open window. One quick loop around the castle later she was back in her cozy room. After changing back she was about to start looking for something to do, until she heard a voice.

“Oh this should be so fun! Another member of the reformed villan club! You have no idea how boring it was getting having meetings with myself.”

“Where are you hiding Discord?”

Chrysalis felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see none other than the lord of chaos himself. “So I can expect to see your bright shiny smile at the gala then? You should be better company the Schmoozy. Between you and me he's kind of a handful at parties.”

“What do you want? I don't have the time or patience to deal with you.”

Discord cast a curious look around the room. “Well you don't seem to be busy right now, as for your patience I have found that closing my eyes and counting to ten helps.”

Chrysalis sighed and started to rub her temples. “Just tell me what you came here to tell me and then leave me alone.”

“Fine if you want to skip all of the pleasantries that's alright with me. I just wanted to be sure that you knew this gala is what you make of it, the same can be said of everything else as well.”

Chrysalis stopped her temple message and gave Discord a serious look. “What is that supposed to mean?”

The lord of chaos gave her a crooked grin. “Exactly what I said, just think of it as some friendly advice. Now I mustn't be late for tea with dear Fluttershy, tootles.” With a snap of his claws he teleported out of her room. The rather simple advice was stuck on repeat in Chrysalises head.

After thinking on it for a short while the meaning struck her and the changeling couldn't help but smile. “This could turn out to be a very entertaining party.”

For the remainder of the time before the gala Chrysalis was much more quiet than usual and Celestia was anxious to find out why. Before the gala she was in her usual spot at the top of the stairs, she had been waiting for Chrysalis for over fifteen minutes.

“I apologize for being late, did I miss the grand opening?” The voice had an eerie familiarity to Celestia and when she turned her head she found who it came from. Looking at her was an exact copy of herself. Chrysalis even managed to get the facial expressions down pact. When the implications donned on her Celestia just laughed at the perfection of this little joke.

“I can see you already found a way to enjoy yourself. How long did it take to come up with this?”

“About fifteen minutes.” Replied the non-Celestia. “Discord was the one who inspired this. A little chaos to start the night.”

“Well then lets get this show on the road. Open the doors!” The usual crowd of ponies poured in to start the night but unlike before they all stopped when they saw there were now two rulers of the sun. The mass confusion and worried murmurs were almost enough to send Chrysalis into a tizzy but she held back. After all it would blow her cover. Through the crowd six familiar mares and a draconequus made their way to the front. While the mares started wide eyed at the spectacle before them Discord just smiled and kept walking. When he almost reached the Celestias he split himself in two and gave a dramatic bow to both.

“Good evening Celestia and Celestia. Quite the rude crowd we have tonight hmm? Not very polite, just standing there, staring, like fish in a tank.”

The Celestia on the right said in a voice just loud enough to carry across the room. “You're very correct Discord it seems like my subjects are not in the mood to greet their ruler tonight.”

The Celestia on the left carried on. “Since we are seemingly just a road block how about we just skip the meet and greet and get right to the party?”

“What a wonderful idea Celestia.”

“Thank you Celestia. Come along Discord, the chefs made some of those tiny sandwiches.”

“I'll be along in just a moment.” He snapped his fingers and popped next to Fluttershy who was watching the exchange like every other pony. Discord quickly scooped her up and snapped his fingers again. This time he appeared by the Celestias that were trotting up the stairs. Fluttershy gently flapped her wings and landed next to the trio.

“Uhm... he-hello princess Celestia-s. I'm sorry I didn't come up to say hello. There were just two of you and... uhm.”

The Celestia on the left spoke out. “Don't worry Fluttershy I'm not mad. If anything I'm rather pleased. That greeting session can take up a lot of the night and always leaves me exhausted. Thanks to Discord and Chrysalis I can enjoy the entire duration of the party.”

The draconequus let out a light laugh. “It was the least I could do seeing as both of you are adding your own chaos to the mix.” He lifted a claw to wipe away a crocodile tear. “They just grow up so fast!”

As they entered the ballroom the mass of hoof falls could be heard behind them. Fluttershy glanced back at the noise. “Oh, it looks like every pony wants to catch up.”

“Yes how about we hit the snack table before they do.” Fluttershy was quickly dragged away by a hungry Discord, and with the prank over Chrysalis changed back to her original form.

“So what do you typically do after all of that nonsense is over with?”

“Well lets see... I usually just chat with acquaintances until I don't feel like it anymore. Then I retire to my chambers.”

“...Really? That's all you do?”

“For the most part yes. On the bright side Luna should be arriving any minute now. She had to go and drag Wolfsbane from the barracks.” Both turned when the herd of ponies started to filter into the main ballroom. As Chrysalis looked over the crowd she was already getting a taste of fear and curiosity. With all of the emotion directed at her Chrysalis was in for a decent meal tonight. While watching the crowd five particular mares stood out. They were approaching quickly and were only slightly less confused that the average party goer.

When they approached Celestia was quick to make the first move. “Twilight my dear friend, how are you doing?” They shared a quick nuzzle and Twilight smiled up at her former mentor.

“I'm doing great princess, I started work on some experimental runes and the results are looking promising.”

“That's wonderful, you should be sure to share your results with the Arcanium. I'm certain they would love to see your research. How are the rest of you doing?” The remaining four mares all gave some variation of 'good' as a response.

“I'm glad to see all of you doing so well. Now if you'll excuse us we need to go and find my sister.” The pair trotted off and left the mares behind. “For being so keen on talking to you they had no intention of speaking with me.”

“What did you sense from them?”

“I sensed curiousity, a little fear, and some animosity.”

“I apologize Chrysalis. I made sure to write each of them explaining the situation. It just seems it will take some time for them to adjust to the idea. I mean most of them are still getting used to Discord.”

“I'm not worried and my feelings aren't hurt. The fact that they don't wish to interact with me was only an observation.”

Celestia was about to rebuttal when she saw her sister by one of the drink tables. She nudged Chrysalis and directed her over. When they arrived something was a little off. Wolfsbane was in her usual captain armor and Luna was in her silver ornamental armor. With the intricate reliefs, sleek design, and bladed helmet it looked better suited to be in a museum. Both looked extremely out of place in a ballroom full of ponies in dresses and suits. Celestia just laughed softly to herself as the two were exchanging small talk over wine.

“It has been a long time since I last saw you in that armor Luna. Tell me, did no dress strike your fancy or are you planning something I should be aware of?”

Luna smiled as she downed the rest of her glass. “You know me sister, not the biggest fan of dresses. I also wanted to dress up for the gala since I have not attended in so long.”

“I just didn't want to come.” Wolfsbane chimed in. “I was perfectly content sitting at my desk and filing reports, when at the last minute this one shows up and declares that I must attend the gala with her.”

“Really Luna? You knew about this a few days ago and didn't give her a forewarning?”

She blushed slightly at the oversight. “It may have... slipped my mind until tonight.” She shook herself to regain her composure and was right as rain a moment later. “Let us not dwell on that, we are here to have a good time! Come, drink with us!”

Celestia and Chrysalis shared a look and both shrugged their shoulders. It took almost an entire table of wine and champagne to get the four supernatural beings to a state of intoxication. All of the party goers were shocked at the sheer volume they consumed. While some cheered from the sidelines others were uncomfortable seeing their diarchs downing alcohol like ambitious teenagers. By the time they were finished the bulk of the party had left.

“Why don't we continue this somewhere else?” Luna inquired. “Maybe someplace with stronger drinks?”

Wolfsbane was the first to speak up. “I can show you a place the guards like to go when off duty. They have stronger stuff and great music.”

“That sounds perfect. Will the two of you be joining us?”

Both Celestia and Chrysalis shared a look and seemed to come to the same conclusion. “I think I'm just going to retire to my chambers for the night.”

“As will I. Most wouldn't appreciate my sudden appearance anyway and I don't feel like donning a disguise.”

Luna blew a raspberry at the two, which the captain thought was hilarious, and trotted off in the direction of the gates. “Have it your way! Remember not to complain to me when you regret this in the morning!”

Celestia chucked and started towards her room with Chrysalis closely behind. “I don't think we will be the ones regretting something come morning.”

“Hmh, you're not wrong, we need to be sure to knock on her door extra loud tomorrow morning.”

“I'm not that cruel, I think I'll just 'accidentally' drop a plate or two at breakfast”

When the two arrived at Celestias door the sun diarch paused after she opened it. “I know you said you wanted to go to bed... but I have a personal cache of wine. Would you like to share some with me?”

Chrysalis took a moment to ponder. On one hoof she was socially drained for the evening, on the other Celestia wasn't too hard to tolerate... when they were both intoxicated that is.

“I don't see why not.” The large smile that came to Celestias face was slightly irritating but Chrysalis was not in the mood to point that out. She followed the sun princess into her room. Celestia lit a fire in her fireplace and placed two large pillows in front of it.

“I'll be back in just a moment.” The bubbly princess nearly looked like she was bouncing as she totted off to presumably get the wine. As Chrysalis took a seat and waited she couldn't help but think of her host. For a ruler who had seen so much violence and cruelty throughout her long life the princess was in a joyous mood most of the time. She also managed to hold on to her child like sense of humor. Chrysalis actually smiled at the thought. Now that she was thinking deeper into it, that fact is actually quite incredible. For one who has lived for so long to not become jaded is nothing short of a miracle.

“This is from a recent harvest so it's not a vintage but I still find the taste quite exquisite.” Celestia took a seat beside Chrysalis and poured herself a glass. As she went to pour one for her guest the changeling stopped her. After giving Chrysalis a questioning look she simply held up a hoof and lit her horn.

Wisps of green magic flowed and coalesced into a ball of swirling energy. It began to spin faster and faster until it transformed into a liquid and poured itself into the former queens glass. She looked immensely satisfied and Celestia was left to gaze in wonder.

“What is it?”

Chrysalis smiled as she explained. “A special trick a few changelings and myself know. We can take the raw emotional magic we have stored and turn it into pure liquid emotion. It drains our reserves so it can only be done when one has somewhat of a surplus. The drink itself acts as an amplifier for everything ones feels. If you drink when you're sad it will make it worse. If you drink it when you're happy it will make the mood even better. I am feeling quite good at the moment so I wanted to treat myself.”

Celestia only gazed more intensely at the new liquid as if trying to unlock the secrets of making some herself. Finding this amusing Chrysalis began to laugh, Celestia noticed what she was doing and tore her gaze away. She was slightly flushed with embarrassment. “My apologies.”

Chrysalis waved her hoof and shook her head. “It was amusing is all. Would you like some? I can spare one more glass.”

The sun princess blinked in surprise. “Really? You don't mind giving up some magic for me?”

“No I don't mind. As I said before, for some reason I'm feeling very pleasant tonight.”

Celestia was overjoyed at the friendly gesture from Chrysalis. She immediately drained half of her glass and offered it up for a refill. Chrysalis chuckled to herself and filled the other half with liquid emotion. They both raised their glasses in a toast.

“To good times and good friends.”

“Don't get too far ahead of yourself.”

The glasses clinked and Chrysalis took a sip of emotion. The joyous mood she had been feeling was increased twofold and she couldn't help but giggle to herself. Celestia had opted for another route and had drained her glass in one go. When Chrysalis saw this she burst into a laughing fit. As she was rolling on the floor clutching her sides Celestia was left to wonder.

“What? Did I do something wrong?”

For a moment Chrysalis gained enough composure to answer. “You are in for it now, I can't wait to remind you of this night for the rest of your unnatural life.”

Before Celestia could make sense of the statement her gaze drifted to her giant bed. “Oh!” She dashed over to it and started to roll around on the covers and rub her face on the pillows. “Chrysalis have I ever told you how amazing my bed is? It's so soft, and warm, and comfy, and soft... wait did I already say that one? Never mind it doesn't matter, I just like it so... wait!” She dashed over to her desk in the corner and started to angrily glare at it. Meanwhile Chrysalis had not been able to stop laughing. She did however find time to take sips of her own drink in between giggle fits.

“So desk. You think you're so important? Just sitting in the corner like the tombstone of fun! I always have to sit at this thing and muddle through heaps of paperwork. Well what if I just got rid of you hmmm? Then I wouldn't have to deal with that paperwork anymore!” As she enveloped the desk in her magic, hellbent on destroying it, she looked over at the laughing changeling.

The desk was saved as Celestias eyes focused on Chrysalis. With her gaze locked she bagan to slowly and carefully make her way over to the fallen queen. When Chrysalis didn't hear Celestia going on about anything else she opened her eyes to see what was happening. She nearly jumped back as the sun princess was a mere inch away. Her gaze was steady and piercing, like she was looking past everything and staring directly into the changelings soul.

As panic started to rise in Chrysalises chest Celestia began to speak in a soft and serious tone. “You're not a bad person. When I look at you I don't just see someone in need of help. I see so much potential in you Chrysalis. You act jaded and uncaring but I think you feel things deeper than most other creatures do. You try to act as if you don't, after all, most see strong emotion as a sign of weakness. But it can be a strength, it can be what drives you past everyone and everything to achieve your goals. You have already showed on multiple occasions that your love can drive you to do incredible things. It was the love of your children, your subjects, that pushed you to take care of them by any means necessary. I can't help but admire that... because it reminds me of myself and my sister when we were just starting this kingdom. We fought, we killed, we pillaged, to keep our subjects alive and well. While I would still do anything in my power for the kingdom I have lost the will, the strength to do anything to protect them.” She pulled back and gave a bark of a laugh.

“I send others to do my dirty work and solve my problems now. I lost something that I valued so much. All because I couldn't bear to come that close to the grim reality of things again. But you... you have built your kingdom from the ground up more than once. You have seen people you love die, leave, and betray. Yet here you still stand, all the stronger for it. I suppose the point I'm trying to make here is I admire you and what you are capable of. No matter what form you take don't change Chrysalis please... this world could use someone like you.”

Chrysalis was speechless. How could she not be? Never before had she gotten such genuine praise from someone deserving of legitimate respect. It was moving... to hear and feel that she meant each and every word that left her mouth. Her mind was nearly screaming at her that this was all an elaborate trick. That if she let this mare in she would end up stabbing her in the back just like her own children did. While she was still scared of what may happen she was determined to try, at least for now. In an act that she surprised herself with Chrysalis moved over to the still form of Celestia and pressed against her side, laying her head down and closing her eyes.

“If you tell any living soul about this I swear I will throw you in a pod again.” Celestia smiled down at the creature she felt was now genuinely her friend and draped a wing over her back. “I would never dream of it Chryssi.”


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Cherry Berry was working her usual shift at the Sweet Treat cake shop. It was boring most of the time since most of the Canterlot residents didn't like the shops 'unrefined' products. They weren't unrefined at all though, just simple. Just because a cake doesn't have some fancy design in fondant doesn't make it taste worse. Cherry couldn't help but sigh as she sat behind the counter waiting for some pony to walk in the front door. Today was seeming to be unreasonably slow, maybe she would get off early. Cherry perked up slightly at the thought, she would be able to see her friends that usually worked night shift. With a small smile she started humming a little tune to herself; after a few minutes the bell on the front door rang and she nearly jumped out of her own fur. “Hello! Welcome to Sweet Treat! What can we get you to eat?”

“You should see about changing that rhyme, something so corny could lose you business.” When Cherry actually looked at who walked in she saw a repeat customer from the last few weeks. She knew most of the regulars and while this one didn't come in as often it was hard to forget her face.

“So what would you like today ma'am?”

“Strawberry cheesecake.”

“Alrighty then.” As Cherry got a cake from the display case her curiosity got the better of her. “So do you mind if I ask why you like our cakes so much?”

“I don't eat them. Changelings don't need regular food to survive.”

The answer dashed Cherry's spirits a bit. “Then why do you buy them?”

Chrysalis paused for a moment before answering. “They're for... a friend. This is her favorite shop and I usually buy her a cake from here to make a bad day a little better.”

“Oh, so what has her so busy that she can't come in herself?” She caught herself right after she said it. “Not that I don't enjoy having you as a customer or anything! I was just, uhm, curious.”

“Well you know what they say... curiosity killed the cat.” Cherry's face went pale at the mention of death and Chrysalis let out a burst of laughter. After letting the poor mare suffer for a moment longer she relented. “Well if you must know she was in a diplomatic meeting and now she's resting.”

Cherry put the cheese cake in a box on the counter and rung up the order. “That will be ten bits.” After Chrysalis levitated the bits onto the counter and turned to leave she heard the mare at the counter call out to her. “That's really nice you know, I'm sure your friend appreciates that you want her to be happy.”

Chrysalis huffed and continued out of the door. With the cake in her magical grip she made her way back to the castle. She honestly couldn't blame Celestia for being worn out this time. The diplomatic meeting was with the reptilians. They were notoriously hard to work with and extremely aggressive. With the little bit of information she was able to gather the meeting wasn't a total bust but it could have undoubtedly gone better. For now her kingdom was safe from them but it was a guarantee that it wouldn't last. The only thing she can do for now is keep compromising and prepare for the worst. Even with the rocky situation Chrysalis was surprised it was going this well. Anytime a member of her former hive came into contact with a reptilian they always had an intent to kill. Her children learned quickly to keep their distance.

As Chrysalis passed by the guards at the front gate she was beginning to sense an air of indifference from them. It was quite the change up from the seething hatred and fear from before. Although it should be a given if you spend a few months around someone, you just get used to them. That was only speaking of the day guard of course, the night guard respected her for the combat ability she showed. They respected strength above all else.

If she was being completely honest with herself Chrysalis was starting to see this castle as a real home. She had made a friend out of Celestia and Luna was starting to grow on her as well. Most of the staff didn't even afford her much attention anymore. Thinking on it now, she had become a normal part of life here at the castle.

Arriving at her destination Chrysalis knocked on Celesita's door. “Come in.” When Chrysalis did she saw Celestia laying on her bed. The princess had a blanket draped over her back and was reading a small book. She perked up when she saw the changeling enter.

“Hello Chryssi, what was so sudden that you had to leave right after my meeting? I was getting lonely you know.” The princess had a tone of mock hurt but there was genuine curiosity there too.

“Why do you insist on using that stupid nickname? You know full well that I detest it.”

“That's just what friends do, make jests at the others expense and comfort. Besides you don't 'detest' it. You just won't admit that you like it.”

Chrysalis flushed slightly and cleared her throat. “To answer your question I got something for you. Don't eat the entire thing at once again, if you do and start complaining about your stomach ache I'm leaving.” The changeling levitated the box over to the princess. Just from the box Celestia knew where it was from, as for what was inside, Chrysalis liked to change it up.

“Strawberry cheesecake.” The princess smiled brightly at Chrysalis. “Thank you Chryssi, you always know how to make me feel better. Come over and enjoy this with me.”

Chrysalis walked over to the bed and laid down beside Celestia. “You know no matter how many times you offer me food I will never agree right? So why do you insist on making the offer every single time?”

The princess wore a sly smile as she took the first bite of her cake. “That is where you are wrong Chrysalis, you have accepted my offer almost every single time.”

The changeling blinked in confusion. “I can't recall ever agreeing, would you care to refresh my memory?”

“Well for instance, right now you agreed. I enjoy the cake and you enjoy the emotion I'm directing at you, like gratitude, happiness, joy, and affection.”

Chrysalis was silent for a few moments. The thinking back it was only the first few times the princess asked to share food with her. After a certain point she started to ask if she would like to enjoy the moments instead. Shaking the consideration from her head Chrysalis sought to sate her curiosity about the cause of this little exchange. “So how exactly did the meeting go? I only caught a small part at the end before I decided you could use something sweet.”

Celestia halted her cake consumption and pondered for a moment. “The reptilians had some issues with a pony gang forming in their capitol city. Rebelling against things that they considered culturally abnormal. I'm not sure if you know but the reptilians are a warlike race that partake in black magic. The pony gang in the city sought to end their ways. While the police in the city were able to eradicate the gang itself their government decided to start deporting any pony they could find. I was trying to get them to see this as an overreaction but they did not want to hear it. In fact, they wanted me to apologize and demanded reparations. Long argument short, we are exactly where we were before the meeting. The ambassadors are leaving tomorrow morning so I need to come up with another way to help.”

As Chrysalis looked at Celestia something felt like it was gripping her chest. The mare who was all smiles was laying here with a hopeless look on her face. She didn't feel like there was any way for her to help. That feeling was tearing the usual cheery mare apart. In an act that Chrysalis was becoming begrudgingly used to, she pushed herself into the princesses side and nuzzled her neck. “Don't worry too much sun butt, you're no use to anyone as a nervous wreck. Just lend assistance where you can when you can.”

Celestia nuzzled her back and stated with a mocking tone. “You know I detest that nickname right?”

Chrysalis chuckled and replied in kind. “You just won't admit you like it.” The two continued to lay there taking comfort in one anothers presence. Every once in a while one would shift positions and the other would have to readjust to get comfortable. It was relaxing for them, being able to be so close to one another and physically knowing the other is still there. After an hour of this Celestia had seemingly returned to her normal cheery demeanor. “Say Chrysalis, would you like to do something tonight?”

The changeling didn't move from her very comfortable position. “Such as?”

“The Canterlot Royal Orchestra is playing tonight and if we hurry we'll be able to make it in time for the show.”

“That sounds nice, doesn't that mare Octavia play for the orchestra?”

“Yes, she's the first chair. I even believe she will be performing a solo piece tonight.”

“Then lets get going.” Celestia waited for the changeling to get up but for some reason she didn't. “Is there something wrong?” Finally taking notice of the position they were in Celestia noted that she had somehow become the big spoon. Chrysalis was facing away from her but even from this angle Celestia could tell the Changeling had just taken notice of their position as well. That is if the toxic green blush across her entire face is anything to go by. Strangely enough this isn't the first time this had happened. Ever since that night things like this would just seemingly ensue.

Neither of them would be paying attention and next thing they knew hours had passed while they... for lack of a better term, enjoyed one anothers company. Celestia made the first move to get up and noticed that when Chrysalis did the same she made it a point to face away from her. “Lets get going, you said we don't have much time right?”

Celestia confirmed and followed Chrysalis who was moving at an unusually fast pace. Unbeknown to the sun princess the former queen was lost in a storm of her own creation. Each step was a futile attempt to get away from these errant thoughts. What bothered her most was that she let this exact thing happen more than once. She was getting unusually comfortable around the pony princess. It always happened the same way too, she would move in close to try and comfort the poor sap, it would work, what happens next... it was almost as if she gets lost. Feeling the warmth of the mare next to her Chrysalis would begin to bask in the affection and gratitude Celestia felt. The moment she moved even an inch away Chrysalis couldn't help but feel desperate to capture that warmth again. This resulted in becoming almost tangled together, and it seemed as though Celestia wasn't too keen on letting Chrysalis get too far away either.

The fact the she, a monarch that once had thousands of subjects, would lose so much self control in any kind of situation was beyond embarrassing for the former queen. While her mother was still around one of the things she valued most was maintaining composure in any given situation. If she had done something like this while her mother was still around, it would not have been pretty.

Suddenly the changeling felt a small tap on her shoulder. “Chrysalis do you know where the orchestra is performing?” Celestia had a worried aura around her and the former queen couldn't help but think the question was just a distraction.

Looking around Chrysalis noticed they were a small distance away from the front gate. “Now that I think about it no I don't. How about you lead the way.”

Celestia smiled and walked next to the changeling with a slight lead. A short walk later the two arrived at a large theater. The colt sitting in the ticket booth looked just about ready to close down the window when the solar diarch approached. “Hello there, are we too late to get in?”

“I'm sorry ma'am but the show is about to start and the ticket stall is closed.” The colt said without even looking to see who he was addressing.

“That's a shame, are you certain I don't have a reservation? For a private balcony maybe?”

“Those have to be requested in... advance.” When the young colt had finally seen who he was talking too his slate grey coat turned several shades lighter before he gulped and put on a large forced smile. “Princess, I'm sorry I'll just unlock the doors for you. The show should be getting underway now.”

Celestia nodded her head and thanked the colt before entering the theater. After escorting the still silent changeling to the small row of private balcony seats Celestia took hers and Chrysalis followed shortly after. As the colt had said the show seemed to have just started.

While Celestia had initially brought Chrysalis here because she thought the changeling would enjoy the show, her motivation was turning toward finding out what was going on in her friends head. She talked in a low voice so she wouldn't disturb any of the audience. “Chrysalis are you doing alright? You've been quiet ever since we left. I can tell something is weighing on your mind.”

Chrysalis looked to Celestia, should she just come out and say it? Try to explain the frustration she feels when they're close. Possibly about how she started to buy cakes so she wouldn't have to see Celestia glum. Maybe she could tell her about the pressure in her chest when the diarch moves away and the desperation that follows to feel the soft coat pressed to her side once again. All of these possibilities were on the tip of her tongue yet she found it impossible to talk about a single one of them. Instead she sighed and settled for what she knew would be a blatant lie. “I'm fine, everything's alright.”

Celestia pulled back slightly and wasn't able to keep the hurt off of her face. Chrysalis noticed and felt a pang of guilt in her chest. Celestia had to think for a moment before she decided what to say next. “You know Chrysalis I think you've really come into your own since you came here. I mean just look at what you've done today alone. When I was feeling drained and down from today's events you brought me my favorite food from my favorite shop. I didn't ask you just did it, for the sole reason that you didn't want to see me sad. Then to top it off you offered me comfort, emotionally and physically. I know you're still getting used to the physical part but you did it anyway. All of that just to make me feel better, even if it comes at your own expense. I can only feel honored at how much you care for my well being. It isn't often you find a friend that will go to these lengths on a regular basis for you.”

Celestia paused for a moment and let her words soak in before finishing her thought. “Chrysalis I want you to know that you can count on me as much as I count on you. I am always willing to help you when you're feeling down about anything. Don't be afraid to share, I would never judge you for what you honestly feel.”

Chrysalis thought on the words and while they were comforting they did not help with the inability to speak out. Instead she leaned on Celestia's side and rested her head on the alicorns neck. Before long she felt a soft feathery wing wrap around her and pull in tight. Closing her eyes Chrysalis let the gentle rhythm of the orchestra wash over her. Each cord that sounded off felt as if it flowed through her. Strangely enough the most appealing sound was the steady heartbeat of her pillow. It was like the sound added a whole new depth to the music.

While Chrysalis was finally letting go of her worries and enjoying the show Celestia was more interested in the changeling she was holding than the music that was playing. She couldn't help but think of how cute the big bad bug really was. She loved to be held like this but after the act she realized what she did and gets extremely flustered. That toxic green blush make her cheeks just look so squishable. When she acts regal and confident her beauty comes out to shine in all of its glory. Although the best part by far is how much she cares. At first she tried to hide the fact that she was beginning to care for Celestia. After some time she began to accept it and after that she began to show her true colors. As a friend she would not stand to see you at anything less than your best. Going out of her way to make you feel happy before she even begins to worry about herself. In that sense... she's actually self sacrificing, putting others before herself like that.

Celestia admired Chrysalis for the person that she had become. Being a teacher for so long has given her an appreciation for watching people grow. For Chrysalis this was her chance to learn who she really was after such a long life of hardship. When Celestia first saw Chrysalis at the wedding so long ago the queen immediately struck her as someone who had been forced to do what was necessary to survive. Now, Celestia was overjoyed that she had the opportunity to help the changeling and make such a great friend in the process.

For however much she did enjoy Chrysalis as a friend, being with her like this, feeling her steady breathing and heartbeat, made the princess long for something more. She had not had any romantic partners for a very long time. Not wanting to force her emotions on someone who wasn't ready Celestia decided to let Chrysalis make the first move on the subject, after all, if things like this kept happening it was bound to come up at some point. For now Celestia closed her eyes and got lost in the music along with her friend.

After a few hours of enjoying the music and one anothers company the show had come to an end and the audience was getting up to leave. As Celestia and Chrysalis begrudgingly separated an idea came to the alicorns mind. “Would you like to go backstage and see how Octavia is doing?”

Chrysalis shrugged her shoulders and began to follow Celestia. While trailing slightly behind her something seemed... off. She was putting out the usual joy and affection, but the affection had a slightly different taste to it. The emotion felt much sweeter than usual. Before she could delve too deep into the meaning of this they had already arrived backstage. Celestia walked around for a moment before spotting Octavia putting her cello away while talking to Vinyl.

After walking over both mares waved to the diarch and Chrysalis. “Hello Vinyl, Octavia. I enjoyed the performance immensely you did wonderful.”

The grey mare offered up a smile at the praise. “Thank you princess, I'm glad you enjoyed it. How have you been doing since the gala? We went but were unable to catch you after your, ahem, drinking.”

Vinyl burst out laughing before adding. “Yeah that was awesome! I can't believe you guys can drink so much. Is that because of the alicorn thing or the really tall thing?”

Celestia couldn't help but giggle. “A little bit of both probably. Speaking of which do you know if there are any refreshments back here?”

Vinyl perked up. “Yeah, Tavi and I were just gonna go get some I'll show you. You coming Tavi?” Octavia paused for a moment.

“I'll be along in just a few minutes, go on ahead.” Vinyl shrugged and lead Celestia off to the snack table. Octavia was carefully adjusting her cello while putting it away. “So how did you enjoy the show Chrysalis? The parts you managed to catch I mean.”

The changeling raised an eyebrow at the statement. “What do you mean the parts I caught?”

Octavia wore a cheeky grin as she kept an air of nonchalance. “Well you just seemed a little busy with your pillow is all. I will admit it did look very comfortable so I can't really blame you.”

Chrysalis tried to play this off but was unable to keep from flushing. “How much did you see?”

“Just the two of you being close but don't worry no pony else saw. They were all to busy on the pieces. I have personally played most of them in concert at least a dozen times so I could play those in my sleep. It gave me ample opportunity to look around, I found you and the princess, I also found Vinyl sleeping. I can't really blame the poor mare though, ever since we were first dating she insisted coming to all of the concerts I played even if she has heard all of the pieces being played multiple times. Too bad the elite want the same old thing played time and time again.”

“So was there a point to this or did you just want to embarrass me?”

“Oh! Yes sorry, got distracted for a moment there. I just wanted to see if you finally asked her to be your marefriend. After all that position did look quite intimate.”

The Changeling flushed even brighter and mumbled out a response and Octavia took the unheard answer as a no. “Well is there any reason you haven't asked yet? You two seem to be extremely close, it actually reminds me a lot of Vinyl and I before she asked me out.”

“I am not looking for a 'marefriend' right now, or ever for that matter. She is simply a close friend that I enjoy spending time with.”

“Alright well let me ask one more thing before we go find those two. When you're close to her like that, does it hurt to leave her side?” In the silence that followed Chrysalis was thinking deeper into the subject. The more she thought the more the mares words made sense. “It's just something to think about, I just wanted to bring that to your attention. You may not see it but there's a certain, light in her eyes when she looks at you. I can't say for sure what it is but I do know it's something special.”

She slung the cello case on her back and motioned for Chrysalis to follow her. When the two did arrive at the snack table they found it mostly cleared out with two guilty looking white mares next to it. Chrysalis sighed and walked up to Celestia who was trying to look nonchalant with a glob of frosting on her nose. Levitating a napkin over Chrysalis removed the offending paste and raised a brow at the solar princess. “I have no idea what you're trying to pull but you failed, miserably at that.”

Celestia just chuckled and moved beside Chrysalis. “I'm sorry to cut this meeting short ladies but we're going to have to be leaving now. There are some things that we'll need to attend to in the morning.”

Both mares frowned slightly but they understood. “Well it was nice talking to you princess, tell princess Luna we said hello.”

“And tell her she needs to come to my next concert, it's barely a party without her.” Celestia smiled and nodded. “I'll be sure to, see both of you later.” As they were leaving Chrysalis caught something just before getting out of earshot.

“You made her take the blame for the cupcakes didn't you?”

“Heh, well I didn't make her.”

Chrysalis looked over to Celestia and Celestia looked back. “I keep forgetting that you can actually be clever when you want to be.” The solar princess responded by sticking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry.

“I honestly cannot fathom how a crazy old lady like you is able to run an entire country.”

“First off it's eccentric not crazy, second you're the one hanging around this old lady so what does that make you?”

“A captive that is surely but slowly working on an escape plan. All I need to do is feed you enough cake and you'll eventually lose the ability to walk.”

“Well you better start buying more cakes then. You would need at least three a day to make that possible.”

“Not necessarily, I can already see the cakes taking their toll on your flank.”

“Oh? So you've been checking out my flank then?” Chrysalis flushed and was about to stammer out a response when Celestia bumped her with a large grin on her face. “I was only joking no need to get worried Chryssi.” Suddenly Chrysalis looked around frantically, presumably to see if anyone was watching. Luckily for her the streets were relatively empty on the walk back to the castle.

“What did I tell you about calling me that when we could be around any of your subjects?” Chrysalis whispered/yelled. “Do you have any sense of decency?” Celestia gave a soft laugh and had to refrain from patting the changeling on the head.

“Sorry Chrysalis, I won't let it happen again. You won't hold it against me will you?” Celestia made sure to put on her best puppy dog face and bat her eyelashes.

Chrysalis was not moved and only gave a deadpan stare in response. “Really? You are not cute enough for that to work.” As soon as the words left her mouth she instantly regretted it. Celestia not only looked hurt by the words but seemed to take them to heart. Chrysalis could swear she saw the beginning of a tear start to form in the corner of Celestia's eye. It was at this point that she began to panic. In the moment her next move seemed like a good idea but left the princess extremely surprised.

In a burst of green fire Chrysalis teleported both of them into Celestia's chambers. Before the diarch could truly gather her bearings she was tackled onto her bed by a frantic changeling. She landed on her back and Chrysalis was firmly latched on to her barrel. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that I meant cutesy faces don't work on me you're beautiful and caring and I have yet to meet a single creature who's worth half as much as you and I never meant to make you sad please don't hate me...” By the end of her little rant Chrysalis was gasping for breath, though her grip on the princess didn't weaken.

While what Chrysalis had said had hurt a little bit Celestia didn't mean to take it to heart. Looking down at the panicked changeling she couldn't help but smile. All of this for a little slip of the tongue. She used a hoof to lift Chrysalises chin so she could see could see into the former queens eyes. They looked sad but still shined that brilliant emerald green. “Don't worry Chryssi I know you didn't mean it.” She couldn't help but add the next part with a grin. “So you think I'm beautiful do you?”

The Changeling huffed and sat her chin on the princesses chest. “Maybe.” was all the reply she got. It was still enough to make the princess beam at what was coming to light. “Well so are you.” She emphasized the last word with a boop on the nose. Chrysalis couldn't help but giggle at the silly gesture. After calming down she look into Celestia's eyes, the violet orbs seemed to ease her troubled mind and she found herself feeling more and more confident in what she was about to do.

Slowly moving up to Celestia Chrysalis swallowed all of her doubt before closing her eyes and moving in. Celestia realized what was happening and closed the gap between them. When their lips touched both melted into one another. Chrysalis savored the sweet taste as she wrapped her hooves around her partner, never wanting to let go she gripped tight as her kissing became more frantic.

Celestia had one hoof behind her partners head and the other around her barrel. Both were used to pull her as close as possible. She tasted... it was hard to pin down honestly. It was almost like a mixture of all of her favorite things. One moment she tasted like strawberry cheesecake the next she could taste cinnamon. She saved the questions for later as she felt Chrysalis become more frantic. Gripping her even tighter Celestia brushed her tongue across the changelings fangs. It took her but a moment to gain entry and soon their tongues wrapped around each other in a struggle for dominance. It was something new for Celestia to feel a slender forked tongue with hers. Eventually she relented and let Chrysalis take control. The Changeling explored every corner of her mouth and after what seemed like a moment and an eternity the two separated. Each was struggling to catch their breath after such a heated moment.

As Chrysalis looked down at Celestia she smiled and laid down on top of her. Holding the sun diarch in her arms she made a simple request. “Will you be mine?”

Celestia returned the gesture in kind. “Only if you'll be mine.”

“Then it's settled. But you're still not allowed to call me Chryssi outside of this room.”

“That's fine because I think I'll just call you my love bug instead.” As Chrysalis groaned and buried her face deeper into her new marefriend she felt something entirely unknown to her. It felt similar to love but was more... raw, unfiltered, potent even. As the feeling started to pool in her she realized something had slipped her mind until this point. Her entire hive had taken on new forms once they had accepted friendship. She had not changed and had even just gone a step further. The question burned in her mind only for a moment before something Celestia said came to mind. 'Don't ever change.' Those were not simply words, it was something that the princess genuinely felt. Maybe it was that feeling, that desire for Chrysalis to be the best that she could be, that kept her normal throughout all of this. She moved the slightest bit closer to Celestia who let out a content sigh. This really was where she belonged, not in the castle, but by Tia's side.


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“I've come to take your castle for good this time princess.” The mystifying two tone voice carried throughout Celestia's chambers. The princess of the sun backed away in abject fear at the power radiating from the fallen queen. It was thick in the air and weighed down on her very soul.

“Please Chrysalis, think about this. You don't have to go down this path again, you changed so much. You have done so much better. How could you just give it all up?” The changelings smile was a vicious one, fully exposing her fangs in their terrible glory.

“Who said I was giving anything up? I am only doing what I now posses the power to do. Would you like to know what that is my dearest?”

Celestia had to swallow a lump in her throat before asking. “What is it that you really want?”

You.” The single word was uttered in a low smooth tone that sounded otherworldly with the fallen queen's newfound voice. It sent a shiver down the princesses spine and made her legs tingle with anticipation. As Chrysalis came closer and closer Celestia couldn't stop her heart from quickening its pace. When she was but and inch away her heart felt like it was about to burst. Chrysalis leaned in ever so slightly, her delicious lips were a mere hairs length away when it happened.

An explosion sounded out through the city of Canterlot soon followed by a large ball of fire erupting towards the open sky. Both Celestia and Chrysalis were too shocked to move for a moment. Celestia was first to snap out of it and immediately got up and blink teleported to Luna, carrying Chrysalis with her. The courtroom where they appeared was chaotic to say the least. The last of the nobles were being forced out of the large room by guards and platoons were coming and going like mad.

Luna was at the center of it all, barking out orders to try and get a hold on the situation. When she saw her sister she immediately came over to give a sit-rep. “Sister I have sent several platoons to the site of the explosion to get an eye on the situation. For now it's only the day guard but the night guard should be forming ranks and reporting here any minute for backup. We do not know details yet but from some pegasi scouts we have some general ideas of what's going on. There was a small squad of five reptilians with two carts that entered the city today. They all wore some degree of armor and were spotted close to the proximity of the incident. After that intel was gathered the scouts reported back. I already sent out your captain with the first squad. She should be reporting any minute with the communication crystal.”

Before Celestia could get a word in a hologram of her captain Gleaming Shield appeared over the table that served as a central hub. She looked worse for wear and strangely enough looked ready to vomit. Her voice was rushed and terrified but she was able to hold it together. “Ma'am the enemy consists of an empeiros level necromancer and four zealot level shadow knights! They had at least two dozen corpses already reanimated and have killed civilians and soldiers to bolster their ranks! Downtown is currently being overrun and most of the guard are losing nerve at the sight of their friends as walking corpses! We need assistance now!” The image cut out as Gleaming turned to put up a shield for her squad.

While they were absolutely livid about the losses both sisters remained calm. Luna was first to suggest a course of action. “Sister I need you to take over commanding the troops while I head to the front lines. I am the most familiar with this type of magic. Perhaps I'll be able to break the spell on the undead and cripple their growing force.” As the moon princess moved to take wing Celestia put a hoof on her shoulder.

“I believe it would be unwise to change command in a situation like this. You have the best grasp on the situation so you should remain here.”

“But what about their growing forces? Without me the losses will continue to grow until the necromancer is struck down!”

“I can take care of that.” Both princesses looked to Chrysalis. “I have a transformation with the necessary spells to disable the growing horde of the undead. The magic I posses now is great enough to cripple their force but I will need backup after the spell is complete as it will take a few moments for me to recover.”

Celestia offered a ghost of a smile before she spoke. “I will provide you and my soldiers protection. Luna please send the night guard for backup when they arrive.” The lunar princess agreed to the plan and it was set in motion at once. Celestia took the liberty of teleporting herself and her charge above the battlefield. What they saw would have looked right at home in a horror show. Guards struck out with spells and weapons at corpses in burned and tattered rags that had once been expensive suits and gowns. The corpses could take fireballs and lightning bolts and continue to walk or even crawl on. The smell of their charred flesh and blood was palpable in the air. Most of the guards didn't even look like they were fighting, the princess noticed. Some were retreating or simply lying by a pool of their own vomit. These were the ones that made the easiest targets for the enemy. While Celestia understood the fear and trepidation they felt she couldn't help but feel rage burn inside of her soul. She shouted in a voice that was last heard over a millennia ago. It carried over the entire battlefield and even reached those barely clinging to life.


“FOR EQUESTRIA!” The battle cry echoed though the entire city. Soldiers that had been hopeless a moment ago had suddenly gained the courage to fight an entire army alone. Chrysalis looked to the sun princess and could only stare in awe for a moment. Her mere presence gave these timid guards the will to fight. She then cast a large scale spell and when Chrysalis looked back to the battle she was amazed. Every time any soldier received an injury in began to heal at an astonishing rate. These two actions allowed for the soldiers to hold their ground against the horde of undead. Shortly after the night guard arrived and the troops began to slowly push the grotesque herd back.

Chrysalis calmed herself and channeled her magic. Her transformation didn't come as much of a surprise to the sun princess. The lich floating next to her was a mumified bipedal creature with curved goat horns. The presence of such a being dropped the temperature to a bone chilling cold. Its hollow sockets locked with her gaze for a moment before the transformed changeling raised both hands. Each glowed a sickly green that glowed brighter and brighter with each passing moment. Shortly after the spell had started a previously hidden rune on the reanimated glowed with the same light. When it became nearly blinding the runes all shattered and the corpses dropped dead. The soldiers seized the opportunity to advance on the necromancer and shadow knights. Chrysalis felt her head become slightly foggy at the expense of so much magic at once but shook off the feeling shortly after.

“Chrysalis come on, we need to help on the front lines.” Celestia didn't wait for a reply as she flew in the direction of the battle. Chrysalis assumed her normal form and quickly followed. The guards had already begun to attack the knights trying to get to the recovering necromancer in the back. The reptilians actually had been able to do some damage even during a retreat. Their armor was heavy enough to take an abundance of damage and their swords looked to be made of stygian iron. The healing magic Celestia was trying to use had little to no affect on the wounds made by those weapons.

Celestia had enough losses for one day and dive bombed the knights. Her impact had incredible force and cleared a direct path to the necromancer. Her troops surrounded the knights individually and systematically eliminated them. Celestia blinked forward and knocked the necromancer to the ground. She pinned him there with a hoof on each arm. Chrysalis swore she heard each humerus shatter as the princess stomped down. The reptilian cried out in pain and Celestia spoke in a voice colder than ice. “You are going to tell me every last one of the details on this plan. Do we have an understanding?” After a few seconds with no reply the princess pressed down harder with her hooves and the stone beneath the overgrown lizard splintered with cracks. She spoke in the same voice over his screams “Do we have an understanding?” He frantically shook his head and the sun princess let off some pressure. That was when Chrysalis noticed them.

Celestia was surrounded by two faint outlines on each side. The changeling was too late to call out before they materialized and struck. In the commotion both had forgotten that necromancers had wraiths. The spectral beings plunged their sickles down through the top of the princesses back. Celestia didn't even have time to scream before she dropped to the ground in a pool of her own blood. Chrysalis however did enough screaming for the both of them. She was beyond mortified, in front of her the most precious being in the world had just been slain. She saw the life drain from her eyes and couldn't hold back a waterfall of tears. The one person who had ever truly accepted her was gone... she was alone again. She was overwhelmed by sadness until a laugh echoed across the now silent battlefield. The broken reptilian was laughing. The noise seemed to reverberate though the changeling's skull. Chrysalis held her head in her hooves when the sadness started to fade away. It was replaced with something stronger, something that wouldn't let this go on, white hot fury was all she felt. The only thing that she saw now was red.

She wanted this filthy, disgusting, wretch to suffer for his actions and she had the perfect transformation to do this. There would be consequences but Chrysalis didn't care, she was willing to give anything to know this filth got what it deserved. She focused on a form she had been unfortunate enough to see once, the normal green fire that consumed her had turned bright crimson and what emerged could not be called Chrysalis anymore. The creature took a short moment to gather in its surroundings. It raised a hand and the reality around it shattered. The creature stood on the real battlefield, still littered with corpses.

Celestia stood back in shock at what she was seeing. After Chrysalis had broken the spell she had passed out and fell from the sky. Celestia caught her and tried to wake her but the trap placed on the reanimation's had been a powerful one. Not being able to do anything but continue to supply the changeling with love she had waited. Not much time had passed before the changeling was engulfed in malevolent fire and emerged taking the shape of one ruler of the underworld, Baphomet. He broke the spell holding Chrysalis like child's play and had his sights set on the necromancer. Celestia glanced at the fire between his horns and it was dim, a signal that balance needed to be restored.

Even with her highly trained and keen eyes Celestia was unable to follow the spastic movements of the entity. It was almost as if her mind was unable to make sense of what it was seeing and tried its best to fill in the blanks. The reptilians had still been trying to retreat when the demon appeared in front of the necromancer. The entire fight froze at the sight of the creature. Its mere presence commanded respect, lest you be met with a fate worse than death. A slight movement with its left hand and the few reanimation's the necromancer had managed to bring back fell once again. He was visibly shaking now, with his connection to the dark arts he was able to feel how powerful this entity truly was. Baphomet reached its right hand toward the cowering reptilian and gently pressed a finger to his skull. The reptilian suddenly crumpled to the ground, the soldiers thought a single touch had killed him but Celestia knew better. Death would have been a blessing for him.

The creature turned its goat head toward the princess and gave her a short glance of consideration. When the flame between its horns began to turn bright the creature seemed to change its mind. It was suddenly engulfed in the crimson flames that brought it to this plane of existence and Chrysalis was standing in its place. She collapsed a moment later. Celestia flew to her loves side to treat her. While scanning the changeling with her magic Celestia kept an eye on the knights. With their leader gone each one gave in without much of a fight. The sun princess would need to interrogate each one individually but that could wait until later. Lighting her horn Celestia teleported to the medical wing of the castle. She was quick to hand off Chrysalis to the staff temporarily for treatment. From her earlier diagnosis the princess couldn't see anything wrong but when dealing with entities like Baphomet you could never really know what would happen.

Chrysalis woke with a start later on that night. After sitting up in the hospital bed and taking a moment to catch her breath the changeling took in her surroundings. She was in the infirmary again and the great princess sunbutt was resting her head on the edge of the bed. Celestia was woken up with a hysterical changeling tackling her to the ground and holding her with a steel grip. When the princess opened her mouth to respond it was met with the eager and hungry lips of a changeling. She went along with the admittedly passionate kiss but was confused nonetheless. When Chrysalis finally broke away from the kiss she still held the alicorn tight. Celestia was more worried now than before, she wiped a few tears from the changeling's cheeks. “Don't cry love bug, everything's alright for now, we're safe.”

There was a small sniffle before she responded. “I'm just glad you're still here Tia. I mean... I saw... I thought you were dead.” With that last image Celestia had managed to put a picture together.

“I think that a few of the undead were trapped with some sort of illusion magic that was triggered when you broke their seals. From here it just looked like you passed out then suddenly became that... thing.” Chrysalis had managed to calm down a bit and wanted to recount her side of things.

“I had just broken the spell and you said you wanted to go help on the front lines. You charged in and had the necromancer captured. Without any warning his wraiths appeared and impaled you. I wasn't fast enough to do anything so I just watched. I was so devastated that I just sat there for who knows how long crying. When the lizard started to laugh I was filled with a level of rage that I never felt before. I knew what transforming into it would mean but I didn't care, I just wanted that wretch to suffer. I transformed and blacked out, when Baphomet finally attacked I felt something in the void. In something I know was no longer than an instant but felt like an eternity I experienced everything that reptilian would feel for the rest of time. It's hard to explain and even harder to grasp but it's the best explanation I have. I waited for more but strangely enough he was the only one. I honestly expected more collateral damage.”

“Did you ever transform into that creature before?”

“Yes, one time. It took multiple souls and caused a lot of damage before finally letting me have my body back.” Celestia just laid there on the floor with her love bug and thought the situation through.

“We need to begin interrogations as soon as possible. If they're planning something else like this we need to be ready. This is the first time in a long time there has actually been a conflict like this. We're going to have to switch to a wartime mindset.”

“You're right, this needs all of the attention we could possibly give it. Something on this large a scale is going to take serious production and economic changes.”

The two laid there for a moment longer, neither wanting to break the serene moment before the ensuing storm but each knew that it had to be done. With much hesitation Celestia made a move to get up but was stopped by Chrysalis. She gave a half lidded look to her love and kissed the mare deeply. Their tongues danced with one another until Celestia took control and rolled on top of Chrysalis. The changeling had a deep green blush on her face and looked to the alicorn with a longing gaze. Celestia stared hungrily into her mare friend's eyes and began to kiss and nibble at her neck. Chrysalis let out small moans of pleasure while the princess slowly made her way down the changelings torso.

Tia moved at an agonizing pace and Chryssi could feel herself start to drip with anticipation. The only reason she wasn't forcing the other mare's head downwards was she knew the wait would be worth it. Celestia placed her last kiss above the changelings vulva and breathed in her loves scent. It was... intoxicating could barely describe it. It nearly drove the princess to dive into her prize but she had more self control than that. She let out a long breath onto the other mares sex. She got an adorable whine in response. Thinking they both had enough waiting Celestia took a long slow lick of the Chryssi's folds. The changeling started to pant and gasp as the licks got more and more frequent.

Tia moved a hoof down to herself and started to rub gentle circles. She was already soaked with anticipation at what she had planned. The alicorn angled her tongue in such a way as to barely graze Chryssi's clit with each stroke. This served to drive the changeling absolutely mad, it was only a short time before she was literally begging for release. “By the gods please! Please just do it!”

Celestia stopped her ministrations and instead moved a hoof to play with her mare. “Hm, what was that? Do what?”

“Please let me cum!” Chrysalis said with bated breath as the hoof on her sex was keeping her just on the edge. Celestia stopped her teasing and laid on her back with her legs wide open. Chrysalis wasted no time in getting in position on top with her sex dripping onto Celestia in anticipation. When she started to vigorously attack her lovers clit she felt her mare returning the favor. As sweet liquids began to fill her mouth and cover her muzzle Chryssi was sure her partner was feeling as close as she was. The changeling suddenly started to gently suck on her loves clit while making gentle passes with her tongue. She could feel Celestia moan into her sex and reciprocate. The world was becoming hazy as each approached climax. Their movements became frantic and desperate until finally the pair was lost in the throes of an intense orgasm. Each screamed and wrapped their thighs around the others head. Trying desperately to bring their partner as close as possible. By the time they had finished each was covered in their mare friend's fluids.

Chrysalis moved to get up onto the bed and Celestia took a moment to look at its small build before simply laying on top of her lover. “Promise you'll help me through this mess love bug?”

“You wouldn't be able to get rid of me if you tried sun butt.”