The Misadventures of a Few Ponies

by Power Hors3

First published

What happens when a nerdy mare and her silly friends poke around the business of ancient ruins and magic spells?

What happens when a nerdy mare and her silly friends poke around the business of ancient ruins and magic spells? Alina Starfire, a mare in her youth, will have to see past her normal life to one of consant adventures.

Ch 1: The Map of When

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Ch 1: The Map of When

Twas and an average day for the light purple colored unicorn by the name of Alina Starfire; her day had been spent at the Canterlot library reading up on numerous conjurations. An announcement called her attention in the library.

“All participants in Twilight Sparkle’s seminar please go to room 125 E.” The intercoms say. Alina closes her books, taking out her student badge and proceeded to the large room where others like her had gathered to hear from the princess herself.

Taking a seat, her size in comparison to the average pony was a few inches smaller. The mare next to her, a larger light-pink unicorn turns to her with a smile, “I’m so excited for this! I had to miss my job today at the station for it” She says to Alina.

“It’ll be surely worth it, Twilight’s the wisest unicorn here besides the other Princesses.” Alina smiles back, settling her bag next to her flank in which the items rested beside her cutie mark: a double lighted flame the outer blue, the inner a low red.

After a few minutes pass by the Princess, lead in by guards, takes her place by a pulpit. The others in the room, made up of scholars and students, were up on college-like seats pointed towards the center at the speaker. As the audience goes silent, Twilight takes a few deep breaths looking at her crowd, and shifting her notecards. Her lecture began shortly after; Alina took notes as Twilight spoke.

Throughout her speech she tripped up a few times, but to Alina, it was fun to see such a powerful being be nervous in her talk.

“Obviously, the long term effects of...” Twilight says, someone in the crowd makes a little noise.

“Shhhhh” Someone says back, Twilight continues,

“...the simultaneous acquisition of cutie marks has yet to be determined, but...” She sips water, “Ahem. Next slide, please.”

She was saying to Spike who had been napping and snoring but quickly reacts, “Huh? Huh!” He changes it.

“I can speak from my own experience that the power of Cutie Mark Magic is very real, and in the instance of my friends and I, it can be traced to a single event! Without Rainbow Dash's race to defend Fluttershy's honor, this rainboom wouldn't have happened. Fluttershy might never have discovered her love of animals. Applejack might never have realized that she belonged on her farm. And Pinkie Pie might never have decided to leave hers. It must be hard to imagine Rarity without her sense of fabulousness. But it's even harder to fathom what my life would be like. Without this rainboom, I might not have gotten into magic school. Celestia wouldn't have taken me on as her pupil or sent me to Ponyville to meet my friends. And the most powerful thing about Cutie Mark Magic that I found is the connection I share with them.” She strongly continues looking over the crowd but then her focus goes as she peer over to who she thinks is…Starlight Glimmer? “But, um...” She shuffles her cards.

Alina whispers to the mare by her, “Cherry did you notice that, she was on roll then she stuttered” Cherry nods as Twilight resumes.

“The real question about... Cutie Mark Magic is... who it seems to affect.” Twilight says, she regains her topic, shortly after wrapping up the lecture.

Cherry was half-asleep herself once it ended, Alina had to nudge her, “Hey Cherry it’s over heh, they’re having a little dining place open for the participants.”

“Food…? Sweet!” Cherry becomes fully aware, teleporting Alina and herself out the door. The spot they are teleported to just so happened to be right in the path Twilight and Spike were just about to step in. Startled, Spike hugs onto Twilight’s leg.

“O-oh my bad m-my um friend teleported us here by accident” Alina says in embarrassment, but Cherry was more focused on the food, “Cherry!”

“Wha…? Oh my apologies hehe” Cherry turns to Twilight and Spike; her structure was right to size of Twilight’s.

Twilight giggles, “No worries girls, were you two in the audience just now?”

“Yes, and it was well done” Alina compliments, inside she was freaking out, talking to a divine-like pony, the most important in their time.

“Why thank you, though I think it could have gone smoother in some places” Twilight says.

“Yeah, I’ll say, we practiced it so many times” Spike jokes, Twilight playfully kicks at him.

Alina and Cherry chuckle, “It was okay, I took many notes” Alina says, showing her, Twilight levitates the note book over to herself, happily looking through it.

“Nice! Heh, here you can have these if you’d like” Twilight gives Alina her notecards. Alina’s heart races, the Princess had gifted her the notes!

“Goodness Twilight! Are you sure I can have these??” Alina was extremely enthusiastic. Twilight nods with a smile.

“Thank you thank you!” Alina hops around happily, Cherry burst out in laughter. Twilight giggles, giving her notebook back.

“Glad it could make you happy” Twilight says, looking over to Spike who was heading over to the snack bar, “Can I ask you gals something?”

“Ask away” Cherry says, grabbing onto Alina with her magic, and turning her back to face Twilight.

“During my speech, did any of you see a mare come in? She kind of looks like her color” Twilight points to Alina, “But her tail is a little swirled, her coat is more pinkish; Her mane is purple and teal. The cutie mark is of a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams.”

“I think I may have, I dunno” Cherry inputs, “I do know some pony came in and left quickly though”

Twilight sighs a bit but smiles, “Thank you, I’ll be off now. You two take care”

“It was a pleasure ma’am” Alina grins, after she goes, Alina hugs Cherry. “Wow! She spoke to us and asked us for help!”

Cherry hugs her back, “Definitely, but I’m hungry let’s go eat!” She pulls Alina along with herself using her magic. Alina giggles as they take a place in the short line, acquiring pastries and punch. They then take a seat by a large glistening window.

“I think it was that mare Twilight mentioned, she had this strange grin on her face, I think she teleported out. Was really stealthy about it too” Cherry says.

“You sure? You seemed a bit sleepy to me” Alina snickers, eating part of a donut.

“A little bit, hehe.” Cherry leans back in the cushioned chair.

Alina stands up, “I’ll be back, I want to go back in that room and take in that scene” Cherry mumbles: okay, with her mouth chewing a bagel. Alina goes on her way into the lecture room, she stands at the spot Twilight had been on and breaths out lightly.

“Wow…she was right here saying that all…” She walks around a bit and sees the slideshow machine. Going to it, she finds that all the pictures were still there. “She might want these back, good thing she’s still here.” She takes them, going quickly back out to the dining area but doesn’t spot the Princess and her companion.

“Looking for someone?” Cherry asks as Alina approaches her.

“Mhm, did you see where Twilight went off to?”

“She left with Spike not too long ago, why wanted to tell her more booky stuffs?”

“I’d love to do that, but she forgot the pictures from the slide show, I don’t know if I should have taken them”

“I’m sure she’ll understand, come let’s go to her castle” Cherry smiles.

“Us? Go there??”

“Yeah duu, come on”

“B-but it’s in Ponyville” Alina says.

Cherry lifts her up with her magic, “So? It’s a Saturday plus I already skipped work like I said, so we have time” Alina squirms in her magic field and nods, trying to get out of the magic. Cherry giggles, setting her down.

Boarding the train, the mares make their way to Ponyville, home to Princess of Friendship. “It has been a long time since I came here” Cherry comments.

“Me too, it’s much smaller then Canterlot for sure though that big castle in middle really stands out” Alina says. The train comes to a stop; it’s passengers board off.

“Last time I was here was with my father when I was younger, hehe he had a crush on the Princess before she became a princess.”

“He did? Wow haha…” They keep following several roads, having just the castle as their guide.

“Yep, he was a silly stallion, worked here most his life” Cherry sighs and smiles. “I’m hungry, hope they have servants at the castle that can serve us food”

“We just ate girl” Alina giggles, but soon is in awe as they stand before the castle’s doors. “I think maybe we should leave them on the door steps hehe…”

Cherry knocks on the door, “Nah she’ll be glad to have them, don’t be shy” They wait a while.

“See? They’re not here, let’s go” Alina starts to leave but Cherry opens the door, slipping in. “Cherry no! The guards will get you!”

“There’s no one here, no guards, no servants” Cherry says, Alina pulls on Cherry’s tail.

“We should go then; we’ll get in trouble!”

“Shh... I hear voices” The two walk up to a double-doored room, slightly opening the door and see Twilight and Spike talking to a mare, the mare that Twilight had described earlier.

“What are you doing, Starlight?” Twilight half-shouts.

With a laugh, Starlight replies, a giant globe-like object hovers above her. “I'd tell you, but I don't want to ruin the surprise! Won't be needing that anymore.” She vanishes with a flash of light into the object above her, leaving a scroll behind.

“Where'd she go?” Spike looks up.

“I don't know, Spike, but I think we better find out!”

“I guess we could start with this.” He reaches for a scroll on the ground.

“Spike, no! Don't touch that!” Twilight yells but is too late as they are sucked away into the object as well.

Pinkie Pie enters the room, “Hu?” She shrugs eating a cake, soon after leaving.

“W-what…just happened??” Cherry says to Alina who was speechless, “They got zapped into that thingy and they’re gone!”

“W-we need to go save them!” Alina barges into the room, looking how to activate the globe thing that had taken the ponies away, the table shocks her and grabs hold of her, “Ahhh! It’s got me!” Cherry grabs her from behind.

“I got you Alina!” She tugs, but is soon wrapped in this magic field as well. The globe re-appears, sucking them into it. “Alllllinnnnaaaaa!” Cherry holds on as they are whirled around and are spat out back on the table but without the castle around them.

Alina stands up, looking around, “W-where are we…”

“Ponyville, but… things are off” Cherry, shakes some rubble off of herself.

“Did we destroy the castle??” She sees that only the table remained.

“Gee…I hope not” Cherry starts to walk around; Alina looks to the floor.

“Hey its part of that scroll thingy Spike grabbed”

“Best keep it so if we find Twilight, we can give it to her.” Cherry says, Alina follows her.

“The sky is…different. Strange there are no ponies around, only a few”

“Some event must be happening, a villain attack…Oh I hope things are okay” Cherry says worriedly.

“We should go back to Canterlot, I have the pictures in my pack, we’ll give it to her if we find her”

Cherry nods, “Yeah, I don’t want to get attacked by a villain, let’s go home!” They run in full gallop to the train station, which is over crowded with ponies, ponies in uniforms.

“Wha… Excuse me sir, were is this train going?” Alina asks one of the stallions in uniform.

“Crystal Empire. Sombra’s troops are advancing” He answers.

“S-Sombra’s back??” Alina’s voice shakes.

“Well yeah, been that way for years now, but I believe we’re getting a strong hold, driving him back.” He boards the train.

Cherry and Alina look at each other, “Something’s definitely not right here…”
End of Chapter 1.

Ch 2: Running Around

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Ch.2: Running Around

“Are you two registered to go on the train? We’re about to part” A stallion onboard asks.

“To fight Sombra…?? No way!” Alina shakes.

The male onboard laughs a bit, “No worry misses, we’ll drive him back soon. Meanwhile just make sure to do your part here at home to support the troops.”

“We’ll do our best sir!” Cherry salutes. Alina just nodded.

The train starts to part, “So our part? What exactly does that mean?” Alina asks Cherry.

“I dunno, maybe we should ask around.” Cherry replies. They trot into town.

“Do you think maybe this is a play of some kind…maybe some big city reenactment…?” Alina looks as ponies on the street move large crates towards the train station.

“If it was, they’re doing a good job…” She points out a recruitment building, “Look at that, looks like we’ll find answers there.”

“Oh…I don’t like the feeling of this…” Alina comments as they step inside. There, ponies were talking about positions in the army, equipment, and fitness.

“E-excuse me?” Alina asks the mare at the front desk.

The mare looks down at the small pony, “Here to join?”

“I, um no. Just wanted to figure out what’s going on” Alina says.

The mare tried understanding what she was saying, “So you want to know how we’re doing? We are advancing troops in the northern front and just sent a new batch of troops over to fight”

“Fight…right…how long has this been going on for?”

“Three years, are you okay ma’am?” The mare asks.

“She’s fine, just had too much to drink” Cherry replies with a smile, pushing Alina aside.

“Hehe okay, what’s you gals’ names?” She asks.

“I’m Cherry Adams and this is my friend Alina Starfire.” Cherry answers happily. The mare blinks twice.

“Commander Cherry Adams…? And General Alina Starfire??” She squees, “I didn’t notice you two without your uniforms! My apologies, is there some official business you two are here for?”

“Yes, General- wait what? General…?” Alina sits down.

“She’s still a little drunk hehe, yeah we just came to check up on the…er, Ponyville recruits! Yeah.” Cherry says.

“Right away, I’ll let the General here meet up with you immediately!” She runs to the back.

“So now we’re part of the army…? I’m starting to put this together… we must have gone to some alternate dimension” Alina says, in disbelief of her own words.

“Yay!” Cherry giggles, “I get to command ponies!”

“We don’t know how to do that Cherry!” Alina says frantically, the General comes up to them, saluting to them. Quickly, Alina and Cherry do the same.

“Didn’t expect a visit from you two. Either way, I’m glad to see an ally’s face. Wanted to see the new recruits? Come with me” He states. Alina and Cherry nod, going with him. The General takes them to the back where he has all the newbies lined up in a random order. They all stiffen up when they glance upon the General and Commander. “What do you think?” He asks them.

“They’re perfect heh…” Alina says.

“They’ll need some work but they’ll do” Cherry tries sounding more formal, but still keeps her smile on her face.

“Very well Commander” The General walks around the recruits, ordering them to go out. “Any plans or things you’d like to share while you visit?”

“Um, well I’d like to see the map of Equestria and Crystal Empire as it stands as of today” Alina gets a hold of herself; primarily, she was going to focus on getting informed.
“Of course General Starfire.” He takes out a map outlying their territory. Alina looks at it thoroughly; Cherry looks with her.
“Ooh look at all those lines. The blue one are ours, I wonder what happened to Shining Armor and the main six…” Cherry whispers.
“We’ll find out soon enough Cherry…” Alina says to her, giving the map back to the General.
“I was notified that you two went missing from your posts” The General says, “But now you’re here, what happened?”
Alina thinks hard, “We were…magically blasted, we thought it was the end of us till we…Reappeared here in Ponyville out of nowhere”
“That is definitely an oddity, but I’m glad to see you two are safe. Best go to Canterlot and report to Celestia, she will have returned by now from her fight in the North.” He suggests.
“Canterlot, right. We’ll go there right away.” Alina says.
“I’ll get the flight carriage ready for you two” The General quickly says, parting from them.
“Look at that, we get our own carriage, speaking with generals, and even meet with Celestia!” Cherry hops around, excitedly.
“It’s ‘cool’ I guess, however I don’t like this war talk…Like they said, it’s been going on for years. Violence, deaths, and if Sombra is back, does that mean the Six didn’t stop Sombra…?” Alina says, looking to see where the General went. “He’s waiting for us; let us go”
Cherry nods, “We need to find a way out…” The General salutes them as they part on a carriage pulled by royal guards.
After a few minutes, they see Canterlot getting closer and nearer to them, it had a barely visible magical bubble surrounding it; it opens for them as they get near it. “Ah good Canterlot…” Cherry sighs happily. Upon landing, they are greeted by higher up officials.
“Hope you had a good flight.” One says, “I’ll be escorting you into the palace to see her Highness”
“Thank you” Alina says as he leads them through the heavily guarded and armored palace. Once they get to the heavy doors that open to the throne room, their guide leaves them.
“Guess we open it!” Cherry starts to open the door but is at a loss of balance once the doors open on its own. Alina catches her before she falls. Nervously the two mares approach Celestia, a Princess in heavy armor.
“General Starfire. Commander Adams. It is a pleasure to see you both are alive and well.” Celestia rises. The two bow before her and rise.
“Likewise your Highness” Alina says with a small tremble in her voice. The both sit.
“Now that you two have returned, you’ll be re-outfitted and sent back to your post. I hope that this time you won’t disappear.” Celestia states.
“I…yes Celestia” Alina quivers.
“Is there something more Starfire?” She asks.
“Welllllll you see your Highness, Alina and I just showed up out of nowhere here. We don’t know what is going on or what to do…” Cherry interrupts.
“Just showed up? Like you two were brainwashed?” Celestia rises again from her throne and goes up to them.
“No…it was like we were in Twilight’s castle and were taken her ma’am…” Alina says.
“Twilight’s castle?” Celestia asks.
“Yes, Twilight Sparkle.” Alina says.
“She was one of the students trying to get into my school of magic years ago, now she is still a hard worker and student but not in my school. What is this castle you say she has?”
“Oh I didn’t know she didn’t have a castle in this dimension…” Alina shys away.
“Dimension? Now you sound like you were brainwashed for a fact. I can’t have you two like this in the battle front.” Celestia frowns.
“But it’s true! In our timeline, there is no Sombra, he was defeated by Twilight and her friends that make up the elements of harmony!” Cherry says, unafraid of how she sounded saying that.
“Elements of harmony? Only I have wielded them, and once too, my sister and I-”
Alina interrupts, “Magic, Laughter, Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, and Generosity. They were part of the group of ponies we speak of…”
“Enough!” Celestia commands, “I know what the elements are, and it’s clear you two are mentally damaged from what happened”
“Wait, no! Twilight was the wielding the element of Magic, Pinkie Pie: Laughter, Applejack: Honesty, Rainbow Dash: Loyalty, Fluttershy: Kindness, Rarity: Generosity. That what it is in our timeline…” Alina says, her voice strong in what she said.
Celestia looks at them both in silence, sighing painfully, “What you say, I have dreamt about. How you know the specifics, I do not know…” She walks around them, “You said to you this was your timeline, your reality. Allow me to search your minds to see for myself”
“You can do that?? I mean yes your Highness” Cherry says, Alina nods in agreement.
“Hold still, I haven’t had to do this in a long time.” Celestia’s horn glow bright, her eyes go white and soon, so do Alina and Cherry’s. A few moments pass by; Celestia lets go of her grip with a gasp.
“My…goodness…it’s so…peaceful.” Celestia says, tears coming to her eyes, “The world you lived in was one that I would have loved.”
“Is there any way we can get back Princess?” Alina asks.
“I have some knowledge of traveling through places like this, but not enough to give you a solid answer. Unfortunately, with our Alina and Cherry gone, I must place others into their spots. I will give you access to the magic archives here; may your research serve you well.”
“They think we’re the General and Commander though” Cherry states.
“I will have you two declared unfit to serve due to damage to your heads. It an excuse I’ll have to forge. I must go, good luck young ones” She rushes off.
“Phew…we got that taken care of…” Alina falls back on her back.
“Now we’re stuck with doing research, yuck” Cherry giggles, laying by her.
“It’s a start, and now that we have full access to the archives, we just might be able to get out of here…” Alina stands up, “Let us get to work!” She takes off, Cherry teleports to her and runs with her, heading to the Magic Archives.
“Wow all these scrolls, some must be hundreds and thousands of years old…” Cherry says as she opens the door there.
“This is…so…awesome!” Alina squees with happiness, “I’ve always dreamed of getting to go in here!” She looks around the large room in excitement, “So much! Yes!”
Cherry smiles, following her around the room, “I’ll say, this place is nice, what exactly are we looking for?”
Alina stops mid-hop, “I…don’t know!” She sits, looking at all the available knowledge in her sight.
“We may be stuck here a while…” Cherry sits by her.
End of Chapter 2.

Ch 3: The Time Scroll.

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Ch.3: The Time Scroll.

Alina and Cherry spent a while in archives. “Starswirl the Bearded’s spells…oh my goodness…” Alina says, reading through pages and scrolls.

“Anything that will actually help us?” Cherry asks, going through some of them herself.

“Kind of, look for entries on dimensions or time things.”

“Got a few things, can you tie them up into something useful?” Cherry looks at Alina who was busy looking through other unrelated things. “Alina. Alina!”

“Hmm? Yeah, I may be able to do something- This stuff is so cool! I wonder if they’re the same in our dimension! I need to take notes of everything!” She takes out a notebook and starts to document the scrolls.

“We’ll never get anything done, just um…maybe take them with us?” Cherry suggests.

“You’re right, okay!” Alina begins to stash a bunch of things in her pack, now resuming her attention to the time scrolls.

“I think someone was here before us trying to do this.” Cherry says, “There are some books and things on a desk right there with things with the time spells.” They both go to the desk that had been dragged up to the scroll storage.

“That’s odd, so is our timeline connected that way too? Or are we just lucky someone here was doing research?” Alina looks at the items. Cherry shrugs and smiles.

“Hey that’s my stuff!” Twilight says, she looked different.

“Twilight…thank goodness you’re here!” Alina says, they both bow.

“Um…okay? What are you doing in here anyways?” Twilight asks them.

“We’re trying to get back to our timeline by creating a scroll and using our magic to power it so we can leave this terrible place.” Cherry says quickly.

“That sounds like something I was working on.” Twilight shifts her glasses up, “I was close to something, if you don’t mind I need to get back to it”

“Wait, oh you must be the Twilight from this dimension that didn’t pass and become a Princess!” Cherry says.
Twilight looks at her confused, “You two said you traveled here, I have a hard time believing that, have any proof?”
“I um…” Alina thinks then smiles, “Actually, yes!” She digs through her bag and presents her with the pictures from the slide show.
Twilight takes them up immediately, looking at them thoroughly, “These…are…real?”
“And you gave me your notes…” Alina passes her Twilight’s notecards. Twi looks through them as well in disbelief.
“Oh my Celestia…you two aren’t lying are you…?” She shakes, re-looking through them over and over until Alina takes them away.
“No we aren’t; we need your help please” Alina says, looking her in the eyes.
Twilight takes a deep breath and agrees, “Very well, I’ll do what I can but I can’t promise it’ll work.”
“You’re the smartest pony we know; you can do this.” Cherry smiles at her.
“Maybe in your world, but in this one; I’m just some nerd.” Twilight gathers her materials, starting to piece things together.
“You have just as much potential in you in this universe.” Alina walks up to her, watching her work, “I have no idea what caused your universe to end up this way, but that doesn’t mean you’re not useful”
“Maybe you’re right” Twilight grins a bit, then puts her attention back into her work.
Cherry tugs Alina aside, they go to a window, “The table was still there outside, the one that has that map”
“I was also starting to wonder about that; if Twilight and her friends didn’t save the empire and she’s not a Princess…then how’s that map here?”
“Yeah yeah…yeah! That’s where I was going, so somehow, it must be connected to our world.” Cherry squees. They look over to the other wingless Twilight.
Twi looks up at them, “Find something?” She asks.
“Maybe, but um, just keep working heh” Alina says back to her. She leans into Cherry whispering, “I’m not certain if we should show it to her”
“I mean…we got sucked into a thing above it; we might need to” Cherry whispers back.
“Okay, we will once she completes the time scroll thingy” Alina goes over to Twilight, finding it odd to see her wingless, she stares at the spot where they’d be. Twilight, though she was working, starts to notice Alina looking at her back.
“So…this other universe, what was I again?” Twilight asks.
“A Princ- let’s not worry about my universe Twilight, I don’t want to distract you from making this.”
“Hold on, how did you two get here?”
“We were in this castle with a table that had a map on it of all Equestria…then some pony with a scroll activated some portal above it and went through it, soon after followed…by-” She stops.
“By whom?”
“You and your assistant…” She says shyly.
“Oh, of course it was me. Wait, does that mean she’s here too??” Twilight says with excitement.
“We don’t know; we haven’t seen her”
“Were you two my friends??” She looks straight at Alina.
“You could say that hehe…I was actually on my way to give you the pictures I showed you. Then this happened.” Alina smiles a bit.
“Oh, that’s most unfortunate and unnatural”
“It was; trust me these things aren’t regular for me; we’re actually quite terrified right Cherry?” Alina asks. They turn to Cherry who was playing with her tail. “Ahem, for the most part that is”
Twilight laughs softly, “I’ll do my best, just don’t bother me too much. Maybe find the other Twilight”
“I have no clue where I’d start.” Alina confesses.
“Change of plans, take me to this castle you speak of” Twilight packs the scrolls up.
“Or what’s left of it” Cherry pops in between them.
“Some ruins?” Twilight asks.
“You could say that; you see in this universe that castle is none existent but there is one part of it left: The map table” Alina says.
“The map table? What’s its purpose?”
“I believe it’s for missions of some kind, it has ties to the elements of harmony” Alina leads the way to the ruins.
As they approach the train station, Twilight speaks up, “Where is it?”
“Ponyville, we’ll show you don’t worry” They board and head over.
“Must be peaceful in your world right…?”
“Most of the time, and when it’s not usually some wielders of the elements of harmony protect us.”
“That’s nice, wish this world had that…” Twilight looks out the window.
“Maybe it will one day! Or the elements can be found and wielded here by others” Cherry says with hope in her voice.
Twilight shrugs a little, “It’d be nice…”
Cherry looks to Alina, “She seems hopeless here”
“I would be too if we were in a war this long.” Alina comments back.
“Actually you’d be a Commander and I’d be a general but yeah hehe!”
Alina rolls her eyes and smiles. They ride the train to Ponyville and hurry off, going to the spot. The table seemed to be fluctuating. Instantly, Twilight goes to it and begins to observe it.
“Should we go and let her do her thing?” Cherry asks Alina.
“Let’s watch and see what she does, this is exciting!” Alina begins to take her own notes.
Cherry watches them both work but is quickly bored after seven minutes of watching, “How much longer…?”
“Shhh!” They both say. Cherry groans.
“Can I at least have a meal or something?” Cherry asks but gets no response. “Hmf, fine I’ll go myself” She goes without the notice of the other two.
She begins her own exploration, going to the shops where there were posters that had several messages of propaganda. One specifically grabbed her attention; one of her alternate self. The poster was simplistic, bearing an outline of her with outlines of troops behind her. The words below that said: Join Today, Victory Tomorrow. “Am I supposed to be some big hero then?” She asks herself.
A little girl sees the poster, standing by her then looks at Cherry, “Are you Cherry Adams??” She sounded excited.
“I’m her little filly!” Cherry faces her with a bright smile.
She squees, “Are you going to drive back those bad ponies? I want to join you but mommy says I can’t till I’m older…”
“We will- Hey say, what are the bad guys like?”
“They’re mine-controlled Sombra minions du, you fight them all the time!”
“Heck yeah I do!” Cherry winks, “So you want to be like me?”
“Yes yes! Can I have your autograph??” The filly jumps up and down.
“Oh for sure!” Cherry grins, the filly takes a pen and paper out of her small saddle bag. Cherry signs it proudly; the filly smiles and runs off. “That felt great” She tells herself. Strolling down the roads of Ponyville, she begins to notice a group of school children trailing her, led by the first small filly.
“Wait up!” She shouts to Cherry, causing her to stop.
“Yes young fillies?” Cherry asks.
They present pens and papers, “Please, autographs??”
“Oh um, yes!” She stands there as the kids come up one by one to get her signature. As she approached the end of the line of fillies, a crowd of town’s folk had started gathering around her.
Upon finishing, some start saying, “Wasn’t she declared MIA? Or was it KIA? What is she doing here…?” Hearing this, Cherry starts to slowly move away from them.
“Hey you! General Cherry Adams!” One calls for her, but she keeps running.
“She’s running away!” Another says in confusion.
“Oh no no…I have to get out before they start up something!” He thoughts say as she heads quickly to the map table.
“Cherry! We were just about to look for you!” Alina looks up at her, seeing Cherry huffing, “We got the spell to open the portal.”
“You…you did??” Cherry was both happy and nervous, “Good because we have to leave, like now!”
“Actually, Twilight did most of the work and, why are you rushing?”

“The town, they think I’m Cherry from here and are looking for me! I lost them for a while but-”

“Piss! Yeah, let’s go before they start a riot with Celestia or the military! Twilight!” Alina shouts.

“Heard it and got it! Dang, I just realized you two, I thought you looked familiar...” She tosses the finished scroll, “I’ll help you power it up with my magic, use yours too!”

“O-okay, let’s do it!” Alina stands next to Cherry and cast the spell on the table, Cherry witnesses as the portal above forms and Twilight giving it a boost. Soon Alina and Cherry start to levitate into the air, slowly but surely being sucked into the portal; disappearing before Twilight’s eyes.
End of Chapter 3.

Ch 4: Small Adults

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Ch. 4: Small Adults

In what seemed like no time at all, Cherry and Alina reappeared on the other side of the portal at Cloudsdale. At first they land on the clouds, notably, they start to sink in. “Alina we’re going to fall!”

“I think I got a spell for this umm...” Alina’s horn shines as she cast the spell, she closes her eyes, thinking it was the end for them.

“It worked yay!” Cherry hops around, she slips but Alina grabs her hoof, “Ahhhhhhhhh! Oh thanks Alina!”

Alina pulls her back up on the cloud, “Dear Celestia! We could have both died!” Her heart races.

Cherry smiles, her own heart was rapidly beating, “Yep…hehe where are we?”

Alina can see the grand pipes of the Rainbow Factory, “Cloudsdale. We might be back home now, but we’re…” Looks at the small cloud they’re riding on, “Stranded here”

“I’m sure some nice pegasus will pass by soon” Cherry snuggles up to Alina, the air up there was much colder than below. Hours pass by with no pegasus coming near them.

“I’m bored Alina…” Cherry says to her companion who was reading.

“How long has it been? I’m hungry now” Alina closes her book as their cloud drifts slowly across the sky.

“At least a few hours, your books are boring and I wanta use the restroom!” Cherry complains.

A few filly pegasus fly by and laugh at them, “Rainbow look! These two unicorns got stuck on a cloud!”

“Yeah hahah more flying unicorns in one day!” Rainbow Dash lands on the cloud with them.

“Say little one, could you send help or push our cloud?” Alina asks kindly.

“Hmm, yeah okay sure! Then you can see how strong I am!” Rainbow Dash begins to push the cloud, soon more of the small pegasus start to push with her, eventually connecting them to a ‘mainland’ cloud.

“Thanks we owe you!” Cherry hops lightly upon the bigger cloud, soon followed by Alina.

“What are two unicorns doing on a cloud anyways hmm?” A small filly asks; the other small kids gather round with curiosity.

“We’re experimenting” Alina speaks up, the colder feeling of the sky sent a rush of shivers through her.

“I saw two other unicorns earlier today; one had wings too! See wanted to race me for some reason.” Rainbow said.

“Twilight!” Cherry says aloud.

“Where’d she go?” Alina asks.

“I dunno she left shortly after.” RD replies.

“There goes that. Anyways we can get back onto the ground?” Alina asks.

“Ask the adults, I gotta go test some moves!” She flies off happily. Alina motions Cherry to follow. Together they go into the city, which was buzzing around with the flying ponies going along their normal day.

“Excuse me. Pardon me we- hey you can we...- I don’t think they’re listening” Alina looks as they fly past them.

“Wait till they’re grounded on the clouds or…a police station!”

“That would be good”

“No, a police station!” She grabs Alina and points to one.

“Oh. Righty heh” They trot on over to the station.

Going in, the male at the front looks at them and smiles, “How may I help you two” He looks at their horns, “Unicorns?”

“We don’t know how but we ended up on the clouds!” Cherry falsely panics and coughs, “Ahem, so we’d like to get back onto the ground if you wouldn’t mind helping us out”

“I’m sure I can arrange something for you mares.” He goes to the back and returns to them, “Your escort will be awaiting you outside ladies”

“Sweet! Thanks!” Cherry boops his muzzle causing him to blush. The mares go outside where a few Wonderbolts had gathered to see them.

“Two unicorns show up again on Cloudsdale on the same day?” One of the head ones speaks up.

“A um coincidence heh” Alina states, “We just want to get down…we’ve been up here for hours”

“Sure, you’ll be getting on a carriage to bring you down to earth again” The main one points towards a carriage.

“Thank you guys!” Cherry hugs every single one of them before hopping onto the cart with Alina. Soon they are off in the air.

“Where to?” One of the piolets asks.

“Canterlot or Ponyville?” Cherry asks Alina.

“Ponyville” Alina says; the pilot nods and brings them down to Ponyville within a few minutes.

“This place…looks a bit emptier.” Alina says as they look over the builds, mainly, the missing buildings.

“I dunno, maybe someone did some sort of spell that made them vanish!” Cherry squeaks.

“I hope so, somehow I feel like we aren’t back in our universe yet...” Alina sighs as they get off the carriage, “Thanks sir” She says to the pilot who salutes and gets the carriage part off his back, and goes into town.

“Looks normal to me but the old house look nicer, isn’t that a good thing?”

Alina looks at the road, “More dirt than cement, less worn out…”

“They must have done some reconstruction!” Cherry suggests.

“No no…look McKrie’s shop is open!” She points to a restaurant, “That chain of food shops went out of business years ago!”

“Someone might have brought back this one? Like since its antique, they brought this one just for the ‘Good O’l Days’”

“I- I suppose that’s a possibility” Alina sighs. A little silly taps her hoof.

“Ma’am…ma’am I lost my way…” The little yellow pegasus filly says with a half-whimper.

“We can help” Alina smiles at her, the filly smiles back shyly.

“T-thanks I fell off a cloud and couldn’t fly back up…I’m a bad flier…” She says, hiding her face.

“Aww it’s okay little young one, we’ll help you get there, won’t we Alina?”

“Yes, I already said that. If we can find the pilot that brought us- wait there he is going into the McKrie’s!” Alina dashes in.

“Come on, er, what’s your name?” Cherry asks.

“Fluttershy ma’am…”

“Fluttershy? I know a pegasus just like you, same color, similar hair…and shy too. Can you give us a moment?” Cherry turns to Alina.

“I think it’s the Fluttershy from our universe!” She whispers loudly.

“If you’re right, that means I’m right! We’re in the past!” Alina looks back at the pegasus who was patiently waiting for them.

“We know of a pilot that can escort you back home Fluttershy.” Alina smiles.

“Yay! T-thank you, I was beginning to think I’d be down here forever…”

Cherry puts her atop her back and carries her. “To the McKrie’s right Alina?” Alina nods as they go into to the restaurant.

“Welcome to McKrie’s dears!” A mare server greets them, “What’ll it be for today?”

“We’ll have three strawberry milkshakes” Cherry says right away.

“Ooh, many like those here, I’ll leave the bill here for you after ya’ll drink up” The server states.

“Will do, I got bits” Cherry giggles, “plus it’s cheaper, 3bits for three shakes!”

“Holy Celestia you’re right!” Alina says, the waitress takes note and goes. Fluttershy look at them both.

“Thank you misses for the drink…” The shy one says.

“No problem kid” Cherry says then turns to Alina, “Find that pilot dude” Alina nods and looks around them, as it turned out, he was right next to them, 2 seats down,

Getting up, she goes to him, “Excuse me sir?”

“The unicorn from Cloudsdale, how may I help ya? Want to go back up?” He chuckles.

“Kind of, not me though, I found this little pegasus that fell off from there.” Alina replies.

“Can do, I need to report back but figured I’d take my time here heh” He eats.

Going back to them, Alina informs Fluttershy of the special arrangement, she nods and goes to him, soon after leaving with the gifted milkshake. Cherry looks at Alina, “We just meet little Fluttershy!”

“Yes…oh…this is hurting my head; I feel so out of place here. Buildings gone…we need to go. I’m going to be sick…” Alina looks at her milkshake, suddenly looking up, “But this is exciting! I can see in person events that happen! Like the sonic rainboom that Rainbow Dash created! It connected them all remember? It’s today too!”

“Ohh you’re right! I can’t wait, Fluttershy didn’t have her cutie mark yet so we’re not too late for it!” Cherry squees, they had started drawing the attention from ponies in the restaurant, “Ahem, yes” She sips on the rest of the milkshake.

After the two are done they look towards the sky, “Sometime in the day; if Cloudsdale is that way, then it should be seen from there” Alina points.

“Can we take pictures?” Cherry says, already taking out the camera.

Alina shrugs, “I’m new to this travel thing too, let’s see if they last.”

The two adventures wait for the event all day into evening then into night. “Maybe Twilight got the date right?”

“No…she’s very right about dates. She wouldn’t get the date wrong” Alina looks up but her hopes of seeing it soon fade with the moon rising overhead with Luna’s imprint on it.

Cherry pats her back, “Come on we should leave, we’ve stayed here long enough, I miss home”

“Yeah, let us find the table” They go around to the (at that time period) outskirts of the small town seeking out the purple shaded table which they find, glowing a dull red. With a casting of the time spell, the two are lifted up and taken away in a small spectacle of light.
End of Chapter 4.

Ch 5: Life in a day.

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Ch. 5: Life in a day.

“Woah! Oof!” Alina lands on Cherry, they look around, seeing they were back at the grand castle of Twilight.

“Are we back…?” Cherry asks as they start to look around.

Alina looks out the window, “Everything appears to be normal” she smiles and hugs Cherry, “I believe we’re back. Let’s leave the pictures and get out of here.”

“Agreed!” Cherry rushes and leaves the pictures behind, Alina writes a note addressed to Twilight then they both leave.

“Twilight may be still out there but I think she’ll be okay; after all they had already passed through the places we had.” Alina says to Cherry as they trot out the castle.

Cherry nods, “Mhm, she’s very smart and has Spike too. Now we should get to Canterlot, I need to report to work.”

“And I need to get back to the library before someone takes my comfy spot!” They quickly rush to the train station, seeing along the way that everything was back in its place.

“It’s so much better, I don’t ever want to do that again, we got lucky ending back up home.” Alina rests her head on the seat. Cherry scoots closer to her then Alina shifts her head onto Cherry’s shoulder.

“There’s a lot of possibilities aren’t there? We could find a cool timeline, or for you, go to all those history places you always talk about.”

“It’s too dangerous, once Twilight is back, we can mention it to her in better detail. All I left on the note was that we had returned the pictures.” Alina closes her eyes, napping on Cherry the rest of the way to the capitol.
Cherry nudges her, awaking her upon arrival. “I’m going to the station to work, have a good day friend!” They hug and part on their separate ways.

Cherry makes her way to the police station where she is greeted upon checking in. “Detective Adams, welcome, how was your morning off?” A bright eyed stallion asks.

“It was crazy Gabe! And fun! Do we have any more cases?” Cherry asks.

“Yes we do, but I’ve filtered through and reassigned a few over to the police, they’re too easy for us.”

“Get me any exciting ones?” She hangs up her coat, going into her office.

“Certainly, there have been strange reports of an area of the Everfree where ponies keep disappearing at, this is the third case this month.” Gabe passes her a folder.

Cherry begins to read it, “They shouldn’t be going to that spot then if ponies disappear there.”

“Ma’am, it says lower down that the victims were playing into a dare.” Gabe points to the footnote on the side.

“That makes them even more illogical” She sighs closing the case, “Might as well look into it” Gabe nods and leaves the room.

Alina was back at the library, she eyed the restricted corridor where she had been in another timeline. Suddenly, a rush of nervousness fills her as she realizes she had taken a few scrolls from it. Luckily, none were from this universe, but if someone of authority found the scrolls in her bag, what would they think?
Getting up quickly, she rushes home where her mother was sitting down, involved in her own reading, “Alina, how was the seminar?”

“It was good mom, some – ” Alina thinks not to mention the timeline occurrences, “Some things happened, I got to speak to Princess Twilight!”

“That’s wonderful dear, I bet that was a highlight”

“It was” She smiles, “I’m going to my room to study some scrolls I got”

“Alright, just come down for dinner when I call you okay? I don’t want you ignoring me like the past nights”

“Heheh…sorry, I got so into a book” She rushes upstairs to a small desk that was organized in a way that she knew where things were. Moving aside undone college work, she unrolls one of the scrolls and starts to both read and translate some of the old Equestrian language.

She reads: “Batponies have always been a part of the land of Equestria ever since many can recall. Their origins are unclear though some say they were caused by a wizard combining the traits of bats into ponies. This theory makes the most sense and many support this claim. However, when asked, the batponies state it is the way they’ve always been. Dated as of 1 A.L (After Luna) the appearance of these ponies have been slim. In the years of 1-15 A.L they were despised and to the date of this scroll writing, they still are in some regions. This is in large part due to Luna’s uprising causing her night guards (The batponies) to rebel at her side with their loyalty to her only.”

She stops reading and looks at the picture drawings on the side. She remembered seeing some before in her life when Luna passes on chariot, her escort were batponies most of the time. This meant they were definitely around. The scroll she had read was well over 800 years’ old, but she had occasionally heard about them.
Alina resumes reading the scroll: “The year 5 A.L was a tragic one for these ponies, the hate and scars from what had happened before damaged their reputation to a point where ponies had taken it upon themselves to hunt them. On the 7th cycle of this year, a group (mob) lead by Charles Einster with a pack of beagles corralled the bats at The Castle of the Two Sisters and proceeded to slaughter them, though not without resistance. Little fled while the best warriors of the groups fought back against Einster’s mob. Ultimately, blood was shed, burnings, hangings, and murder took place. Celestia, upon hearing this, had Einster and his leaders put on trial and hanged. Celestia; however, had some public backlash as these bat ponies where still an image the public feared. Years passed and by 50 A.L most had stopped thinking about these night creatures, only bringing them up in legends. Soon they started to fade into history, though words of Batpony clans were whispered around.”
Alina sets the scroll aside and looks outside towards Luna’s tower. “If I meet one, perhaps I can learn more. Luna somehow has guards that are batponies, I’m sure there are some political documents on them recently coming back into the guard.” She goes downstairs to see her mother cooking up a dinner of lasagna.
“You came down before, how odd of you” Her mother smiles, serving her a plate, “It’s not quite time for dinner, but here you go while it’s fresh”
Alina sits down, moving the food with her fork, staying silent.
“Is it good dear?” Her mother asks, after a few seconds of no response, she talks again, “Honey?”
“Oh um, yes it’s good mom. Exquisite job as always” Alina replies.
“Is something bothering you?” She sits next to Alina.
“Just thinking about batponies”
“Batponies? Why, did you read about them?”
“Yes, I read an old scroll that had some history on them”
“There’s a bunch with Princess Luna, I doubt they’ll talk to us though” Her mother says, “Did you want something with them?”
“Kind of, it’s a little side research nothing too important. Today was a little crazy with, er the excitement.”
“Speaking of side projects, have you completed your homework? Mrs. Ama has been calling me about your tardiness to turn in your work”
“Ugh, I’m old enough for her not to be calling home to you…but she’s right, maybe I should do that instead.”
“She cares about you passing. Now right after you eat, I expect you to get right on it missy” She gets up and continues to cook.
Alina groans and eats up, giving her dish to her mother and going back upstairs. She stares at the assignments and frowns but starts to get to work. After about two hours, she finishes and goes to bathe. While showering, her mother hollers up.
“Alina! Your friend Cherry is here to see you!” Quickly she finishes up, and goes down to see Cherry in her coat and with her fancy detective hat that she wore just to add to the part.
“Cherry, aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Alina asks, she wraps a towel on her own hair.
“Yes, but you know I do a lot of leg work so here I am” Cherry grins.
Alina sighs, “Tell me what it’s about this time. Upstairs” They go to her room, “Okay, what case do you need help with this time?”
“Missing ponies in the Everfree” Cherry sets the file down.
Alina looks at it, “You know you’re always breaking the rules by letting me look through these things.” She skims through it.
“That’s because you’re always such a help!” Cherry boops her nose.
“Hehe…nah, I’m sure you just get bored”
“Yeah that part of it! Plus, it helps to have a spare pair of eyes to look or give a second opinion.”
Alina smiles a bit, “Look Cherry…today was wild with that time thing, I’m still trying to think of how we did all that.”
“I understand; I could get someone from the station to come with me” Cherry pats her head.
“Oh fine, I’ll go, but not tonight. I need to study up and rest for school tomorrow.”
“You get out at 12pm right?”
“Yep, we can meet up here. If that’s okay”
“Sure! Get sleeping bags, a tent, food, and gas.” Cherry hugs her, “Gotta go now kiddo”
Alina squees, “Okay Cherry, be careful. See you tomorrow” And with that, Cherry zooms off, saying goodbye to Alina’s mother as well. Alina looks through the closet finding a worn tent, and went to the garage to find a small container of gasoline. As she carries it all to the living room, her mother stops her.
“Going out with Cherry on one of her investigations again?” She asks her daughter.
“Yep, got into it again” Alina giggles.
Her mother sighs but smiles, “You two take care, and don’t skip school for it.”
“It’s tomorrow night, and we will take care.”
“Good. When your father comes home in a bit, tell him too” She says as she goes to sit on the couch.
“I shall ma mon” Alina trots back up, packing up some chips and granola bars, adding them next to the water canteens in the saddle bags. She packs some of the scrolls in the saddle as well then jumps into bed with the scroll on the bat ponies.
After thirty minutes, her father comes in from work. He tosses his helmet lightly onto Alina’s bed. “Dad!” Alina jumps up and gives him a hug, “How was it?”
“Another good day at base, peaceful and calm as always” He says smiling at her.
“Awesome! So mom wanted me to tell you that I’m going out again with Cherry on an investigation.” Sighs, “Everyone treats me like a child. I’m old enough to do what I want…”
“Yes, but you know we’d like to know what you’re up to in case something was to happen. That way I can send my whole unit to help you hehe, it’d give us something to do.” He chuckles, Alina grins a bit.
“I know but it gets annoying sometimes”
“You know; so you know you have to tell me. You’re a good kid, I don’t want to lose you” He says warmly.
“O-okay, say, since you work with the army, have you seen any batponies there?”
“Not often, but yes I encounter them from time to time, why do you ask?”
“I was reading on them hehe, but that’s all for now, I’ll let you go eat dad” She smiles, hugging onto him.
“Heh, okay kiddo” He gets up, grabbing his helmet and going to eat. Alina sits back in her bed and keeps reading on till nightfall, and then sleeps.
End of Chapter 5.

Ch 6: Missing Ponies

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Ch. 6: Missing Ponies

The night was a beautiful one, nice, peaceful, and calm. Especially in the forest; aside from a few occasional wild animal howling or hunts. Tonight like most nights, there was guard duty at the half-ruins of the not so well-known fort of Ghost Sanctuary. Up as a new guard was a young male batpony, who had been trained for this for the better part of his life.

“Now that we’re running watch out here, we will cover a five-mile radius around the castle. If anyone comes within it, we capture them, if they fight back, we fight back. Remember, we are not to be seen first” An older guard says to the young batpony, who nodded shaking his gray-white hair.

Hours passed with nothing but the nightly noises to keep this patrol company. At every slightest noise, the bats turned their ears to listen then kept moving around in cycles, splitting up then regrouping. Each member did their role to make communication with other groups through low pitch noises only described as an “eeing” sound that varies in frequency depending on the need of the calling.
The patrol stops, not too far ahead was a figure not visible under the dark night but easily identified by the bats; a yellow unicorn, bigger than most of his kind.

“You’re up” The older bat told the younger one. He is quick to obey and stealthily takes out his blade, making a dash towards the figure, but is afraid to do anything, he perches on a tree above to watch. The unicorn was injured already it seemed, he was limping.

“Anypony there...?” The unicorn calls out. In that instant, the batpony grabs a branch, pouncing onto the ground behind the unicorn and knocking him out.

The head of the party comes up to the batpony and grins just a tiny bit, “Well done, go with one of us and carry him back to the castle.” The young batpony smiles, feeling a sense of accomplishment and does as he asked.

“I don’t know why I agree to do these things…” Alina says, getting a branch out of her mane.

“Isn’t it better than sitting around all day?” Cherry teases.

“Well the excursive is good…what exactly are we looking for?”

“According to the files, the victims are dared to go to a dark place in the forest with specific coordinates. Now yesterday when I let, I spent time looking for who was sending them there. It turns out it all got started by a local teenaged mare named Viola. Anyways, the coordinates are on the map I gave you, I don’t know how to read maps to well hehe…”

“Now I have a greater purpose to read you the map hu?” Alina snickers, opening the map, “It’s hard to locate where we are but we entered here so the spot marked should be 5 miles in, somewhere to our right it seems.”

Cherry leads them with Alina nervously looking around as the bright shades of day darken the deeper in they go. Cherry stops and picks up a sword on the ground, “Looks like someone dropped it recently” She examines the clean blade.

“There’s a backpack over here” Alina points, going to a dull green bag that was partially opened with packaged food and drinks.

“Whoever left it must have been in a rush, leaving behind heavy things to run.” Cherry look at where its dropped and where some branches seemed to have been pushed apart. “Alina how long have we been walking?”

“It’s been an hour and twenty-five minutes, just a little over five miles, assuming we trotted about three miles per hour.” Alina calculates

“So in other words, we should turn right, right?” Cherry asks.

Alina looks to the their right, “Yes…and seeing as the items we found are right here, my guess is wherever the disappearing ponies are, it’s close…”

“It’s my job to find them, we must go right” Cherry goes on to the right. After a few minutes they start seeing statues, and bits of bricks that once belonged to old structures.

“Did you know this whole area used to be a town according to history? It was because Celestia and Luna had their castle in the Everfree before it became overrun by the wild. So there used to be settlements around these part. I wonder what this place was” Alina says, looking around the ruins like an archeologist on a field day.

“Do you know if all the inhabitants left?” Cherry asks.

“Most did, and others left later. These places are too hostile and unpredictable for a town to flourish, why?”

“Because there’s a creature that looks like a pony over there” Cherry grabs Alina and pulls her behind a stone wall, she looks over and points to it.

“Maybe one of the lost ponies?” Alina suggest.

Cherry shrugs, “There are a few ways we could handle this: go to them and ask, follow them, or attack. Eh, I recommend following”

“How many ponies are even in the forest? We can ask.”

“Unless…” Cherry looks over, “They’re gone!”

Alina peeks to find that she was telling the truth, “An illusion? But we both saw it, could be that we both expected to see something and both saw it”

“No, it was definitely there. Who knows if it saw us, maybe it had to go heh” Cherry looks again, “We should stay here, in case we’re being watched”

“Cherry its over there!” Alina points to the figure, now to the right of where it was. It is picking at a bush.

“I’m not going to stay here any longer” Alina stands up and as quiet as she can, sneaks up to the pony, she stops upon seeing its ears and wings. They were unlike a normal pegasus’ parts. “A batpony…!” She says to herself. That whisper alone causes the batpony’s ears to twitch and his head to turn.

“Skreeeeeeeee!” It lets out a sharp note of noise that hurts her ears, he flees up a tree, but not before Cherry engulfs him in a ball of magic.

“Cherry it’s a batpony!” Alina was extremely overjoyed and shook her.

“Ohh it is! Excuse me batpony, are you lost?” Cherry asks, “If so, ponies have been looking for you”

The batpony shakes its head, half scared and observing the magic field around him.

“The file doesn’t say anything about a batpony Cherry” Alina says, showing her the file.

“Oh. In that case; have you seen three normal ponies around here? They’re lost” Cherry asks the bat which was now floating around in the bubble. He looks at them both and nods. “Can you tell us where they are?”

He shakes his head in a no.
“He claims to know but won’t tell us where. Do we let him go or leave him for interrogation Cherry?”
“He’s our only hint but I can keep him without evidence, but he DID say he knew, so he’s withholding information. He stays with us. Unfortunately, I can’t keep my hold on him so we’re going to use cuffs” She cuffs him to herself and releases the magic.
“Skreee skreeee! Eeeee!” The batpony shakes the cuff, trying to pull away from her.
“Alina help me out! He’ll rip off my hoof!” Cherry hollers.
Alina’s horn glows, “Er let’s see if this sleep spell works! Keep him still!” Cherry grabs the batpony, she was bigger and stronger than him but he could definitely squirm and released himself from her grip just as Alina cast the spell.
Cherry passes out but the batpony was still attached to her.
“Hey calm down we just need answers please stay still…” Alina says in a kind voice, the batpony frowns and tugs. “You’re hurting her body, sorry I have to put you to sleep” She casts the spell on him, he falls within a few seconds. She looks at the batpony, specifically at its distinct features like: it’s ear nips, the rougher yet softer fur fluff, the fangs that were mainly hidden from sight, and the most noticeable; the wings, covered in fur and webbed. She takes the liberty to lift up one of its wings, and looking at in further detail, this feeling caused the tail of the batpony to wag. “Awww…” Alina smiles and goes to the sleeping Cherry.

“Cherry wake up” Alina shakes her a bit, but the spell seemed to have been taking its toll, “Oh damn. It’s getting cold here.” She looks at the canopy of forest above them; it was darkening and the rays of light that had been pouring through weakened. Using her magic, Alina levitates them both, at the cost of her getting tired from the weight of the two ponies. “Ugh…where will we go?” Going a little away from the ruins, she sets them down soon setting up the tent and placing them in. Later, she sets up a fire and starts to read from the scroll.

Hours passed and Alina herself decides to take a nap. Around that time the batpony wakes up and calmly looks at where it is. Using its ears, it hears the heavier breathing coming from the sleeping mares and smiles. He looks at the cuffs and searches Cherry for the keys. Unaware, Cherry hugs him like a teddy bear. He holds back a screech as her hug tightens, he spots the keys and waits till her grip releases him. Letting out a sigh he starts to unlock the cuff and is soon out of it. His head pokes out the tent and he see Alina sleeping with the scroll on her face. With a smirk he slips out and starts to go but a scent of cooked ramen noodles catches his attention. A pot by the fire had warm noodles, attracting him to it and very soon, he feasts on them. Cherry wakes up and sees the missing batpony, she looks out the tent and spots it. In a half-smile, she levitates the pot away. The batpony lifts it head and flies up to it, eating more. Cherry shifts it again and again until she leads him back into the tent and sets the pot down in front of her. He eats more than notices the unicorn in front of him.

“Eeeeeeeeeeee!” He lets out an eeing that wakes up Alina.

“Woah! Cherry!” Alina rushes in to see Cherry hugging the batpony tightly and the bat struggling to get out of her grip.

“He’s so fluffy!” Cherry keeps the batpony in her deadly hug hold.

“Let me go!” The batpony utters.

“Did you just speak…?” Alina asks the bat.

“Yes! Tell Cherry to let me go!” It snarls.

“Can you help us then?” Alina asks, “Then she’ll let you go”

“Ugh fine, the ponies that are missing are back at a castle, well it’s called a castle it’s just an old fort.” He starts to get comfortable.

“A fort? Where is it at?” Cherry asks.

“I’m not supposed to say.” He replies.

“We’re not here to harm you or your kind, we need those ponies back because they have families and friends that are looking for them. It’s my job to get them back.” Cherry continues, “So if you are withholding information, I need to take you into custody.”

“I don’t want to waste my time with that and it seems my clan failed to hear my calls of distress so I have no choice but to comply” He sighs.

“So there’s a clan here in the Everfree??” Alina blurts out, she opens the scroll and shows him the list of clans, “Which one is it?”

He points to one, “Black Ghosts”

“Black Ghosts are an assassin clan” She says to herself, she suddenly starts to worry.

“We haven’t done much assassinating in years” The batpony says, having heard her.

“If we go, how hostile will they be with us?” Cherry intrudes.

“We don’t like when strangers come to our place.” He frowns.

“I don’t like the sound of that; what do you do with those who stumble into your place?” Cherry sits, still holding onto him.

“It depends on how they behave. Sometime we just leave them somewhere else in the forest, lock them up, or in extreme cases; execute them” He smirks, hoping to scare them.

“If the missing ponies are there, we are going there too.” Cherry loosens her grip on him, “And you’re taking us there little batpony”

He looks at them, “As you wish then, it’s at your risk” He looks at the pot of noodles, “But more of those first”

Alina smiles, giving him the pot of humid boiled noodles.
End of Chapter 6.

Ch 7: The Fort of Batponies

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Ch. 7: The Fort of Batponies

The cuffs had been re-administered on the batpony so that he and Cherry walked in unison, occasionally though the rhythm was tripped up. “A little more, I’ll warn you that when they see us, they’ll come to us.” He says.

“Good, then we can have a talk” Cherry states.

“What’s your name? I don’t want to keep calling you batpony” Alina asks.

“It’s Einstein Fuzzyflüge, it was given to me randomly when I was born.” He picks at his wing with his muzzle.

A gush of air passes by them, “It’s getting a little windy here” Alina comments.

“Maybe wind, maybe my clan” Einstein smiles.

“How can we tell?” Cherry sees the fort now in sight.

“Like this” Einstein lifts his head up, “eeeee……” He lets out a pitch, soon a thin sound replies to him, “It’s them alright”

In an instance three batponies appear in front of them, one at their back, “Einstein who are these unicorns who are with you, more dared ponies?” The oldest one asks.

“They’re looking for them, to get them out” Einstein replies, the oldest notices the cuffs on his hoof, he takes out a sword and slices the chain in half, Einstein regroups with his clan.

“You mares are here for them?” He asks.

“Yes, my friend here is a detective. She was given the job of finding them. We mean no harm to you or your ponies.” Alina says, Cherry nods.

“Cover their heads and lead them to a cell.” Two of the batponies cover their heads, leading them slowly and carefully into the containmet area of the fort; they are searched and put into a cell together. The two have black bags on their heads that get removed by a batpony.

“Tell me, why have these ponies been coming here?” A female batpony asks.

“It was a dare to come to a spot in the Everfree, if you’d like to see evidence, I have a file in my coat that shows the case” Cherry states. The batpony looks through it.

“I see; the others have said the same but hadn’t had any documentation.” She says and puts it back into Cherry’s coat.

“Where are they? Are they still alive?” Cherry asks again.

“They are alive and in a cell.”

“What are you doing with them?” Alina asks.

“That is our business. You and them are trespassing, we are going to release them in an unspecified place in the forest.” She opens the cell and walks out.

“Wait, what about us??” Alina starts to ask but is ignored, “At least it’s not execution…and they’ve treated us well”

“Yeah, but we need to get out of here. I want to ask if they’re apart of the Equestrian Service in anyway, because if they’re not; I’ll need to report it.” Cherry looks around, “We could teleport”

“Good idea” Alina attempts to but only gets as far as the roof and falls back onto the cell’s floor, “Oww…”

“Must be magic-proofed like the Equestria Olympics” Cherry sighs, “We’ll have to wait.”

Einstein knocks on the cell bars and passes them a bowl of fruit, “Eat if you want, there are restrooms to the right of the cell with a cover.”

“Wait, Einstein I must ask, is your clan part of the Equestrian Service?” Cherry goes up to the bars.

“I can’t say, I don’t think so” He starts to walk away.

“When can we be released?” Alina asks, “We’re on a case so if we go missing, a lot of ponies will come searching.”

“I’ll go see, it’s not my duty though” Einstein goes away.

Einstein makes his way to one of the elder’s place after a few hours and knocks on the iron door, “Excuse me, it’s Fuzzyflüge”

The door opens, a very old looking batpony smiles, “What is it young one?”

“I think we may have some trouble if we keep those new prisoners here. They claim to be part of the Equestrian Services, one of them is a detective so they’ll have uniformed ponies coming to search if they’re here long”

“I was going to have them dropped off somewhere else in the forest, but now that you mentioned the Equestrian Services, I may need to speak to them myself.” The old one starts to trot to the cells with Einstein following him lightly.

“Cherry, someone’s here” Alina points a little (but not too much) to the old batpony who enters the cell.

“More guests for us, looks like we have a packed house or had” The old one says, sitting down a few feet away.

“We’re on a case sir” Cherry speaks up.

“I’m aware”

“Then you know we need them back” Cherry stand up.

“They’ve already been taken care of, they’re out of here somewhere in the forest. Unharmed. Well, almost all of them. One decided to stay a while”

“Someone? Which one?” Cherry takes out a file showing all the missing ones.

“The yellow unicorn.” He says and smiles, “He’s grown fond of the bat culture”

“Speaking of which, since you allowed him to stay, can I? I’d also like to learn.” Alina interrupts.

“Perhaps, but what of your friend?” He asks her, looking towards Cherry.

“I don’t want leave without Alina, and now that I know the others are safe, I’d like someone to take me to them.”

“I can arrange it, but first the Equestrian Services.”

“What of it? Are you apart of it?” Cherry sits down.

“We’re very loosely connected. We’ve been in this part of these woods for countless years, and since Luna returned, we’ve needed to adapt to it. The high law, the royals know we’re here but we’re not too disclosed to the public.”

“Why is that?” Alina asks.

“Long ago we were wronged by the ‘normal’ ponies as beasts or terrorist, agents of Nightmare moon. Although, yes, we were; that was over 900 years ago. Now we’re just getting by and thriving in our own places.”

“The clans…how many are there?” Alina starts to write things down.

The Old Batpony notices he scribing and grins, “Well, if you’d like to know, I’ll allow you to come with me for a small tour. Visits here are usually not often. Many may have a sense of hate towards your kind, so stick close and don’t stare.” He stands and opens the cell, “As for your friend, Einstein will lead her to someone that will show here the locations of these ponies.”

“Sounds good to me” Cherry says then turns to Alina, whispering, “Be careful and stay safe, we don’t know this place”

“I will be Cherry, same goes to you” Alina whispers back then follows the Old Batpony; Cherry parts with Einstein.

“Einstein mentioned a scroll you had, something about us” The Old Batpony says.

“Yes! I found the scroll” Alina gives him the scroll she had been studying.

“Written by Starswirl the Bearded. Where did you get this scroll? It must be older than I” He examines it, “It’s protected with a spell to keep it in its good condition”

“I um... just found it somewhere in the library. How old are you?” She asks the senior.

He chuckles, “I’m 257 years old this Sunday.”

“Wow, I’ve never meet anyone quite as old”

“Some ponies, of all kinds can age more if they’re wise with how they live.”

“Do you have a name?”

“I do, but most here call me Der Stammvater, or The Patriarch”

“You must be important here. My name is Alina Starfire”

“Important” He chuckles more, “I’m just an old pony, it’s mainly respect to the elder. If you want to know whose really important, it’s the ones in charge here.”

“Oh I thought you were hehe” Alina smiles.

“No no, the one in charge here is General Stinious. He is an alright leader in my opinion, however, he is stubborn.” They walk through the stone halls that had low visibility. Alina could see some batponies around silently talking, going about, nearly all of them wore some sort of armor, whether some simple toughened clothing or up to the knight status of armor; looking like 16th century gothic steel protection.

“Are all batponies like this in forts?”

“Not all, some travel in small caravans, migrating from region to region. We chose to stay here and so we do. Perhaps you know the knights of Luna, they’re full of themselves living in the luxury of the palace grounds. They were and are her personal clan. Though in the past it was all of us, mostly, as a part of the kingdom, like normal everyday ponies you would see on the street.”

Alina had written that down, “So your numbers were bigger?”

“Much bigger but not the most common pony you would see. We were known, and all was relatively peaceful. You probably read what happened to us. Starswirl The Bearded wrote that”

“I had no idea Starswirl wrote it, funny cause I thought I’d recognize the handwriting.”

They walk into a big room that belonged to The Patriarch, “He may have changed his style, he had a few that he used.”

“I only know of two”

“That’s okay, most wouldn’t know of even one” He grabs a book that was locked with key and passes it to her unlocked, “In this book I have written some of our latest history, it is towards the back.”

She flips through with care, “You have the data Luna returned. So, you knew she was coming back?”

“We did, though we were uncertain if it was entirely true. That day all the clan joined together in a spot to welcome her back. She wanted to do it on her own and overtake the kingdom but as you know, that failed.”

“Wait, so you were going to follow her as Nightmare Moon again?”

“I’m unsure if we would have joined, many clans seemed not to like her idea. I personally thought it was insane, trying to do something again the same way and with less support and more to stand against.”

“For the ones that would follow here like that, are they still that way?”

“Young one, there exist a few cult-like clans. Ones that mess with the true dark arts of magic.” He says, his tone shifting to a graver one, “We don’t associate with other clans too much, but with those ones, much less.”

“W-what do they do?”

“I know little of their dark practices, or what their ultimate goal is” He sits in a chair of fur.

“And your clan, what does it do? I heard the name from Einstein: Black Ghost. Assassins of some sort?”

“That was long ago when we’d take contracts from the wealthy. We were especially trained in it from our ancestors. You see, many clans have their own style of handling situations. We were just specifically known for being assassins. That title hardly stands true today.”

“I see, any books you guys keep here that I can read?” She asks.

“I do keep my little personal library if you want to take a gander”

“Yes please!” She almost squeals. With a smile, The Patriarch opens her a door in the room that had a book closet-like place inside. He sets a few candles for her and leaves the room as Alina starts to pick through the books.
End of Chapter 7.

Ch 8: Complications

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Ch. 8: Complications

Cherry, led by Einstein, go to an office-like place where the old pony that had led Einstein on the watch was sitting at. Einstein salutes, “Sir, I come to you from orders from Der Stammvater. He’s said to show this mare the locations of the ponies we let go”

“He did? Well that old pony is pushing his influence. I’ll need to talk to Stinious of this, we can’t keep making so many exceptions. We already have the yellow stallion here.” The pony states and walks to Cherry, “I’m Commander Nin and I’ll take you with me to show you.” Turns to Einstein, “You’re to stay here and watch over that yellow one”

“Yes Sir” He leaves the room.

“Would you mind marking my map with the locations too? In case we get lost” Cherry asks.

“We won’t get lost.” Nin says and goes out, with Cherry following behind.

“Can I ask questions?”

“Don’t stack them up and we’ll be fine” He opens a gate that leads outside to a small dirt path. Cherry sees that the fort had a wall around it, as well as fencing.

“How far are the ponies?”

“A few 10-20 miles.”

“Security precautions I’m guessing. Why don’t you guys er, serve the country better? Being here in the forest is sort of a waste of your skills. N-no offense intended”

“We do it because it has only been 4 or so years since Luna has come back. The only batponies I’ve heard of that are in public are those ‘oh so honorable night watch’ batponies that are the royal guard. They’re so full of themselves and the best known of our kind.”

“Have some friction between them?”

“How’d you guess?” He says sarcastically.

“Do you guys not go out because of it? What is it with them that keeps you from making your presence better known?”

“Inward disagreements that you shouldn’t concern yourself with”

“Ah, a struggle within your own clan”

“We shall speak no more of this.” Nin says and continues to trot at a faster pace.

Back in the fort, Alina was deep into her readings, she had a multitude of books laid out in front of her. By the light of several candles, she had made herself comfortable. A knock at the door strays her attention, “Come in heh”

Einstein trots in with the fore-mentioned yellow unicorn. “Hey Miss or Mrs. Alina, this is Striker, the one they talked about earlier.”

“Nice to meet you” Striker says, greeting himself with a smile.

“Likewise, and it Miss hehe, just say Alina and it’ll be all good.”

“Okay Alina, Einstein told me you liked the batpony culture too” Striker says, Einstein stays by him like a little companion.

“Yes, and you are too from what I’ve heard” She rises and shakes his hoof.

“You must be new here, but they didn’t take you away so it must mean they’ve allowed you to” He says, “And in the room of The Patriarch, you must be good!”

“Well, it was just basic communication skills, nothing fancy, or maybe it was that I had a reason to be here. To find you and the other missing ponies.”

“Wait, someone was looking for me?” He asks.

“I think so, if I saw the file my friend the detective has on you, maybe I’d know who.” She tells him.

“Must be my parents...I haven’t seen them in years”

“Guess so, then are you coming back?”

“I must, I can’t let them down, and I think the batponies here aren’t liking me staying here this long.” He says. Einstein chuckles.

“Perfect! Now Cherry can rest easily now, having the case closed.”

“Cherry is the detective yes?”

“So who are you?”
“A friend of hers that helps her out in this stuff, and you?”
“I’m an archeologist, sort of, does adventurer count as a job?”
“Are you…uh well educated in archeology?”
“I mean, no I didn’t go to college for it, but I still go out and look at old places.” He stutters.
“Conduct any research? Or how do you go about looking for these places?”
“I ask around usually”
“Okay then why do you go to them?”
“I find artifacts and sell them to museums”
“You what?? You’re not supposed to sell them! You find a place, get a warrant and team to search it. You’re supposed to be funded by the government to do this!” Alina says, she sounded greatly offended.

Einstein jumps up and hisses, Striker pats the batpony’s head and clears his throat, “Since, like you said, I’m not college approved or anything, some museums pay to have scavengers or my types to search ruins and get them things because it’s more costly to send a whole team with approval taking forever”

Alina crosses her hooves, “I don’t like the sound of it”

“I still pick up history, I’m careful”

“It dangerous, it’s probably how you ended up here, isn’t it?”

“Sort of, I heard there was a fort 5 miles in and was curious but my real goal was to go deeper, I was mapping out a new path through the forest but was ambushed my timber wolves, I fled in an aimless direction till I was crossed by Einstein and his patrol who imprisoned me. I made friends with him and that’s how I’m here now.”

“Okay, well when you go, you’ll come with us. Cherry is getting the other ones and will join us here, I think”

“I-I guess…yes. I must go, I don’t want to disappoint my parents” He says and looks at Einstein who seemed sad.

“Einstein, are you okay?” Alina asks, looking at the expressions of the batpony.

“Yes…it’s just, Striker is the only real friend I’ve had…” Einstein hugs onto Striker.

“Aww, you can come with us too” Alina offers.

Einstein thinks a while and starts to pace, “I don’t know if that’s breaking the rules…I can ask, pardon me” He goes away from the room.

“I hope he gets permission…” Striker says, he seems worried.

“Me too, if they force him to stay, we’ll need to do something about it”

“And I’ll gladly fight for him-”

“We don’t need to fight if we sneak him out heh” She suggests.

“Only if it comes down to it…no one deserves to stay basically locked in here and protect this place all their lives”

They sit and wait for Cherry to return.

Cherry walked with batpony till they find one of the ponies who was wandering aimlessly, they had gathered five of them already.

Cherry looks at the files to the picture and name, “Rogan?”

The pony turns, “A rescue party…? Yes! I’m Rogan!” He runs to them.

“Welcome to the crew, we’re going to get a few more folks, rendezvous at a point then head to Ponyville.”

“Good good! I just want to get out of here already!” Rogan says happily and walks with the pack.

“Three more, and you said they’re together, right?” Cherry asks the batpony.

“Yes, if they’re not there when we get there, then that’s on them.” Nin replies.

Cherry nods. The group walks on for a few miles before finding a camp fire with the three ponies huddled up and asleep. “Ahem” Cherry nudges them gently.

“Ponies!” One says aloud, the others are startled and wake up, falling over one another.

“Woah there, we’re the rescue team” Cherry says.

“With a batpony too?” One asks.

“Yes, he’s a guest to our team. Special operations right Nin?”

“Right.” Nin coughs.

“We should go back now.” Cherry leads them, Nin at her side.

“Cherry, I’m detecting a pack of timber wolves.” Nin whispers to her, his sword was ready to be wielded.

“Do you think you can hold them off while we go near the fortress?”

“Yes, but remember we agreed that they shall not enter the fort.” He makes his way to the back and stays as Cherry tells the others to pick up their pace. They do so as Nin separates himself and dashes in the direction of the wolves to distract them.

Once they’re near the fort, Cherry stops, “Okay, um, you guys stay here, I’m going to go get my partner” Cherry says and goes through the bushes and into the fort. “Alina?” Cherry goes through the areas.

“She’s in my dwellings with Striker, the other unicorn here.” The Patriarch states.

“Please take me to them, time is a of the essence” She smiles as he nods and guides her to them.

“Cherry, finally you’re back! I’ve learned so much!” Alina gets up, hugging her.

“That’s what I thought you’d do silly smart pony” Cherry hugs back. “We should go before another day passes, and the ahem, victims are restless.”

Alina sighs, “I wish I had more time here...”

“Maybe we can visit again” Cherry says.

Einstein enters, “Oh hey everyone, um Striker?”

“Yes Einstein?” Striker rises.

“They said yes, I-I can go” He shyly smiles, Striker hugs him tightly.

“YES! I can show you around our society, it’s quite different from here”

“Eeee! I bet!” Einstein struggles playfully at Striker’s strong hug.

“Perfect, let’s get a move one, we have road to cover” Cherry says as she adjusts her overcoat’s buttons, preparing to escort them all.

The small convoy of ponies group up outside, and with all its members there, they set off into the woods towards Ponyville.

End of Chapter 8.

Ch. 9: Closed Case, New Case

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Ch. 9: Closed Case, New Case

Around 3pm of a Sunday day, the group of ponies from the Everfree had returned town.

“All of you ponies need to come with me to the police station to complete a full case of your individual experiences” Cherry orders. Hesitantly, most of the party groans but follow her. “Alina, I need to speak with you privately” She whispers to her.

“Sure thing” Alina says back. They enter the station and soon other officers are one by one pulling in each of the victims over for a testimony.

“Alina pppst!” Cherry waves her hoof, motioning her to come to her.

“What is this about?” Alina asks as they go in her office.

“Okay so that batpony that took me to find the others, his name is Nin; and he had detected a few timber wolves on our trail so he stayed back and drove them off. Thing is I don’t know if he’s okay.”

“Are you going to look?”

“I can’t, but maybe you can? We picked up that other batpony with us, maybe go with him?”

“This may be a chance to do more research! Sure, I’ll go!” Alina squees.

“Please be careful okay? Don’t take all day, just go check in and go out, don’t stay longer.”

“Oh darn…fine, I’ll go if it helps you”

“Thank you Alina, it ‘ll take that off my mind.” Cheery hugs her firmly, giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek.

Alina blushes a bit, “Mhm, don’t get too overwhelmed here either.” She says and goes form the room.

Walking into the lobby, the yellow unicorn had just finished his testimony and sees her.

“Hey Alina, right?” He calls her attention.

“Yep, what’s up?”

“I was wondering where the little batpony went off to?” He asks, sounding worried.

“I don’t know but I’d like to speak with him too.” Alina comes to him, “We’ll look around, couldn’t have gone too far.”

“Let’s split up here in the station okay?” He says.

“Yeah, I’ll cover all the left wing” Alina rushes away. Striker looks at the rooms that are open and peek in with no sign of the batpony.

“Einstein?” He keeps going, enter the restrooms, he hears a constant flushing that had drawn him there.

“Striker come look!” Einstein says from a stall.

“Hu?” He opens the unlocked stall door catiously, seeing Einstein watching the water swirling. “What about it?”

“There’s infinite water here and it goes down and place cold new water!” Einstein flushes again, intrigued.

“Oh right, you guys have those hole restrooms where the waste goes into a pit.” Striker smiles, “It’s modern plumbing, we have it nearly everywhere.”

“Woah?!” He goes to the sink, “An infinite well of water? Everywhere!?”

“Sort of heh, come on there are more things I need to show you. Oh and Alina is looking for you”

“For what?”

“I didn’t ask but if she was searching, it must be of some importance” Striker pats his head. Einstein nods with a little grin and sticks to Striker, being shy of all the modern things around him.

“There you are” Alina spots them coming up to them, “Einstein, I need your help to check on one of your commanders”

“Hey, I can go real quick and check myself if you’d like, it’d be less of a hassle for you guys” He replies quietly.

“Yes, that does sound better, it’s one named Nin” Alina says.

“I’ll go with you Einstein” Striker volunteers.

“As nice as that is, I need you Striker so that you may meet up with your parents instead now that I think about it.” Alina intervenes.

“Oh…right, sorry little buddy, looks like we’ll have to rendezvous somewhere else” Striker says to the small batpony who nods, hugs him and starts to go.

“Now you Mr. Striker…” Alina frowns.

“Oh no, am I in trouble…?”

“You could be because of your illegal selling to museums and they also could be in for a lawsuit, so as it turns out; you’ll be staying here at the station, we called your parents in to meet with you.”

“W-what? Am I under arrest??”

“Not yet, but definitely under investigation”

“So I can leave right now if I want to?”

“It’s not recommended, however you could go”

“Guess I’ll stay here, no need for me to cause unnecessary things...”

“Good choice. Look…I don’t mean anything against you, it’s just, unethical...I’d hate for something bad to occur to you or any other scavenging and then getting hurt” Alina says to him before going back to Cherry’s.

Alina knocks at Cherry’s office door. “Come in” Cherry answers, Alina steps in. “Oh hey again, back already? Teleport there and back?”

“Oh, that was an option right…” Alina facehoofs then sits down, “No, I told the batpony to go and check”

“Saves some time, anything else you needed?”

“Yes actually, that unicorn, Striker, he’s involved in a bigger scheme of illegally obtaining artifacts and selling them to museums.”

Cherry smiles a bit, “Sweet really?? He told you about it?”

“Hehe, yeah in a casual conversation, I thought maybe you’d like to look into it.”

“Yes! What’s not to want with a big case like this? Museums will likely hide the accusations, and we’ll need to find more evidence.”

“Yes, and Striker is our lead, I’m excited cause I go to museums sometimes for research; I could dig into some information for you there.”

“That sounds good, I’ll talk to the unicorn and see if he knows of others involved.” She stands up, “Go ahead and get to looking into the libraries”

“On it ma’am heh” Alina teleports away.

Cherry goes to Striker who is holding his sword in his hooves, “Woah, hope you’re not planning on taking that out in here.” Cherry snickers, taking a seat by him.

“N-no not at all ma’am” Striker sets it at his side.

“Don’t worry we have an open-carry law here. Where’d you did you get it?”

“It was my father’s, he passed onto me after he trained me.”

“It looks nice, may you come on a walk with me?” Cherry asks.

“Yes ma’am, certainly.”

“Just call me Detective Cherry, or Cherry hehe” She trots out with him, “Can I see your sword Striker?”

“Sure, I do like showing it off when people ask” He jokes.

Cherry takes it and takes it out, “It is nice, pointy…heh, I know nothing about swords”

“Oh, well this is your average two-sided sword, except this one’s enchanted to cut deeper and have a lighter feel to it.” Striker describes.

“Fancy” Cherry plays around with it and sheaths it back, giving it to him.

“Detective Cherry…am I in trouble…?”

“Maybe, it depends if you’re willing to cooperate with us. As of now only I and my lovely assistant Alina have knowledge of your involvement”

“So you’ll let me loose if I help?”

“Not necessarily, I have a code as an officer, but I could make it lighter on you with my influence”

“Oh…” He sighs, “I didn’t want anything bad to happen, I was just trying to make some bits and show my parents that I could sustain myself…”

“If you help you’ll be doing good for your community, the job market for archeologist have gone down due to this so it’ll help a lot of ponies out.” Cherry tries make him see it her way without causing pressure on him.

“You think so…then what about my job?”

“Find a different profession, this path you’re on leads to death, corruption, and long term harm for those needing that job”

“I see your point and- Mom, Dad?” Striker looks at two other unicorns coming their way.

“I’ll give you some time with them, I’ll be in my office” Cherry walks off.

“Striker…son, it’s been years” His mother tears up.

Striker hug them both, “I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch…I wanted to show you guys that I could make a life for myself…”

“You can son” His father says, “But you weren’t ready at the age you left, hardly an adult and wanting to take on the world.”

He keeps hugging them, “I understand now…I’m just happy to see you again, how did you know I was missing?”

“We saw your image on a poster missing with a group of other ponies. Then we got the call a few thirty minutes ago that you had been found…”

“I’m sorry for everything…” He hugs them tightly.

They talk on for a good hour, before agreeing on going out as a family sometime to catch up some more.

“Striker, how’d it go?” Cherry asks when he returns to her office.

“It went a little rough at first, but then I started to get a grip of the conversation”

“Great, glad it went well. Now to get down to business. I need the names of these museums.”

“Right ma’am, I intend on righting my wrongs.”

“Best choice, you’re being really willing to work with me. Here” She passes him a paper and pen. They spend the next hour discussing how involved each museum is till Cherry gets a call.
End of Chapter 9.

Ch. 10: Museums with Their Own Little History

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Ch. 10: Museums with Their Own Little History

(A few minutes earlier) Alina was in line at a new exhibit showcasing an old worn out magical staff that had been used by one of the old unicorn generals as a means to defend a village in a raid. When she approached the glass in which the staff was behind, she also took out a camera, taking a few pictures.

“Big, isn’t it?” A member of the museum asks her.

“Yeah, I didn’t think anypony can wield that thing. General Toliouse must have had quite the abilities”

“And he did, legend says he was a heavy magic lifter.” He says.

“Lifting heavy things for fun, I suppose I can see the use in that” Alina says.

“One being that nearly no one could lift his staff and use it”

“That’s clever; make a weapon only you can use” She looks at the markings on the staff, “Where’d you guys get it?”

“Well I don’t know, but I could try finding out for you” He smiles and excuses himself. After a few moments, he returns, “My manager told me an anonymous donor gave it to us.”

“So, you’ll never know who did? Who would even have this staff? From what I’ve read, it was in an old fort that’s no longer inhabited.”

“I don’t know much about where but-”

“And if was in a fort, how would some private party have it? Was there ever any official excavations?”

“I have no idea, I only know its history ma’am, sorry for the inconvenience”

“Look, you’re not in trouble but could I talk to your manager, I’d really like to know this” She smiles politely.

“O-okay heh, right this way ma’am” He calmly leads Alina to an office room where a mare is sitting, studying an artifact. “Excuse me Miss Viola, we have a guest that needs some information”

Looking up from her studies, Viola looks to Alina, “Yes, how may I assist you?”

“The new staff, General Toliouse’s. I was wondering how you acquired it?” Alina asks Viola, an earth pony with a leather getup.

“Private donners, why are you interested? Are you here under investigation?”

“No, mainly curious cause that fort where it’s supposed to be hasn’t been touched in many years so how would someone have the staff? If it a fake?”

“No, it’s not a fake but why worry of how it’s here? Appreciate its beauty and history.”

“I do but I haven’t heard of any excavation teams going there lately”

“We have our own private excavation crew heh, the donners, well you can ask them” She writes down some names, “if you’re so curious look for them” She gives the paper to her.

“Oh, um thank you!” She takes it, looking at the names. After a quick inspection, she dials Cherry’s office phone.

Cherry picks up, “PVPD, Detective Cherry Adams speaking.”

“Hey I got a few names on the donners of some of the items in the museum!”

“Alina! Great, I’ll be right over or do you want to come to me?”

“We should meet in the middle, err Rosee?”

“The fashion store, gotcha” She hangs up and turns to Striker. “I recalled I can’t really get you too involved, though your lead has been very helpful”


After meeting at the store, in which Alina had made a purchase, a golf-styled hat, Cherry starts talking about the case. “Now that we have time to catch up, tell me about this museum”

“The management at first seemed hesitant to release information; but I got it after some persuasion. That’ll probably mean they’re tighter on what we’ll see, maybe hide things” Alina replies.

“Indeed, they’ll be hesitant and more cautious”

“Where do you suggest we start? The list?” Alina takes the list out.

“Mhm” She swaps the list lightly, looking at the names. “I recognize the last names, but…” She takes out a notebook with local addresses, “Need a little memory jog” After a few moments, Cherry finds the places. “A few aren’t locals, we may need to get out of town. Are your studies going to get in the way?”

“No, I’m good to go anytime, besides, my college is nearly over for this semester”

“Okay Alina, I don’t want you to fail class.”

“I won’t promise, I’m ahead in my classes, except one”

“Okay, lucky for you this counts as ‘volunteer work’ for your school”

“Awww, come on, you know you like me tagging along” Alina leans her head against Cherry’s.

“Well, yeah you’re very helpful” Cherry pats her head, “still, I need you to catch up on that class, I’d hate for you to fall behind”

“I won’t like I’ve said” Alina trots back in place, “So where are we going?”

“First, there is one of the ponies that is listed in town. We’re going to their home.”

“Any background on them?”

“Age: 33, male, earthpony, no criminal record. That’s all in the small notebook, I’d have to check out the databases at the station for more.”

“Hey, since we’re going to be out looking for these ponies, how about I go to this one while you find out more about them at the station?”

“Are you sure?”

“Cherry, I can take care of myself, besides if things get bad I’ll teleport to the station”

Cherry nods and turns around, “Okay Alina, see you soon. Here’s the address” She writes it on a blank page of here notebook, gives it to her, and trots off; Alina watches her off then continues.


As Cherry walks to the station, she notices a few ponies trailing her, not sure of why, she stops. “Hey you guys, what’s this about??” She asks them.

“We need to ask you a few questions” A stallion says.

“Fine.” Cherry says, looking around in case of any sudden moves.

“What do you know about the museums?”

“They have good exhibits, history”

“No no, you, you’re on a case about them”

“I’m on a case on many things” She says, “How would you guys know?”

They move in on her, “Because it looks like you may…get in trouble so we have a deal. 200 bits to lay it off”

“200 bits? Trying to bribe off an officer?”

“500 bits, take it or…”

“Or?” Cherry lifts an eyebrow.

“Heh, well I think we know your answer is no” He chuckles and his horn glows trapping Cherry’s hooves. She struggles and teleports above him, she smacks the back of his head knocking him down. The others jump her, each getting their bottoms handed to them, but eventually the energy of the goons overpower her as she gets exhausted trying to fend off. The last thing she sees before having a black bag and muffles put in her is a ring being placed on her horn that prohibits her magic from being used.


At that time, Alina had reached the home of this trader pony who’s home looked like more of a scrapyard than a treasure storage. Taking a deep breath, she approaches the door and knocks on the door. Within a few moments, a pony opens the door just a bit.

“Who are you? Who sent you?” He asks with a cautious tone.

“I’m Alina Starfire, I’m just here to ask questions, er…about your museum dealings.” She says as polite as possible. He unlocks the chain on the door and waves his hoof.

“Get in before anyone sees you”

“Who? And why should I go in there with you…?” She was sketchy about going in with this random stranger.

The stallion, noticing her odd expression sighs, “Look, how about we meet up somewhere public, like a bakery?”

“Sounds better heh, Coco’s?”

“Sure, I’ll be there soon, make sure you weren’t followed.”

“Will do, don’t keep me waiting though.” Alina smiles a bit and trots off, the stallion closes his door right after she’s gone.

Making her way to the nearby bakery, she sits and orders a strawberry shake. Soon the stallion enters. “Alina Starfire.” He sits across from her.

“That’s me, I never caught your name.”

“Yet you knew where to find me, what do you know about the museums??” He asks, his voice rushed.

“How about a question and answer for a question and answer? Answer mine first” Alina says, she takes a sip as he thinks about it.

“Ben Udini. Now you” He says.

“I know about them due to my personal investigation about them. They seem suspicious…and have obtained things illegally. What’s your part in it?”

“I’ve given them items for their showcases when I explore. They give me good bits for it. Who sent you?”

“PVPD, why are you afraid?”

“I’m not afraid and Ponyville Police…well I was bound to get caught.” He says and leans back on the chair.

“What will you do, run?”

“No, what will you do arrest me?”

“Maybe question more. I don’t think you answered one of my questions to the fullest. Why are you afraid?”

“I…well the ponies at the museum have some muscles. They make sure one of us doesn’t back up on a deal and lately items have been disappearing from some of the crates of treasures we’ve found, so as you may figure anyone they’ve hired is being investigated. If someone pins something on me, I may be through…” He places his hooves on his head. “And now that the PVPD knows…I could be in real trouble.”

“You’ll be safe, we’re in public-” A few police enter the building and order everyone to clear out except Alina and Ben.

“Alina, come with us. And as for your friend here, we’ll take him away for now.” An officer says.

“Wait what’s going on?” Alina asks, seeing as they had brought a group of five PVPD there.

“I’ll inform you as we walk, we’re going to the station.” He says, leading the two out. “Cherry was seen kidnapped earlier, someone informed us but we got there too late.”

“W-what...? By who??” Alina’s voice shakes.

“We don’t know but by what the ponies at the scene described, they all wore shaded glasses, and tan clothing. The case you were working on together, what was it?”

“Well, it was new so you guys may not be too aware of it, it was just looking into some suspicious activity at the local museum.” Alina says.

“We’ll send in some police to check and ask the owners to come. Hopefully we’ll find something though we don’t know if they’d be behind it.”

“Wait, that pony, the one with me, he knows about their operations. I was interrogating him before you guys came, so if anyone knows of it, it’s him” Alina smiles.

“Already ahead I see, we’ll get to it. As for you, there’s someone at the station that needs to see you, the stallion Striker. We’ve talked to him and he works for someone who works directly for the museum as well.”

“Yes, that’s where I got my first hints for this case. I’ll see what he knows more of.”

“Perfect, a cross interrogation. Two connections, this may be big.” He says as they now approach the police station.

End of Chapter 10.