Nightmare's Pets

by Michael Hudson

First published

After Nightmare Moon won, she had a few, pretty mares to deal with in her own special way.

The elements failed at their last moment. Something faltered, and Nightmare Moon was left unscathed. With her powers intact, and no pony to face her now, her regime may start. Still, she had a few that opposed her to deal with, but she has a few ideas on that matter. A few, terrible ideas.

Commissioned for by Luna117

Contains: Rape Infrequent Futa Humiliation Punishment Gangrape

Thank you to Dlowell for letting me use the picture for this story.


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Pain. That was all Twilight could think of as she slowly gained consciousness. Her head was throbbing, the back of it screaming from something. It dulled her thoughts, but she tried to force herself past it. Something was wrong, but she couldn’t figure it out.

Her eyes slowly opened, before squeezing shut. She’d seen white, possibly tile, stones beneath her, but then everything had begun to swim. She hadn’t felt like this since her and Celestia had celebrated her eighteenth birthday with the royal cellar’s best, and she’d woken up thinking she’d died.

But what had she done? She remembered that weird, pink pony’s party from the night before. She didn’t drink anything during that though. No, she’d had a reason to not to, well, besides the intrusion on her home and privacy. She just had to remember it.

Twilight tried to open her eyes again, to a touch more success. Her vision was still blurry, but she could at least have them open. Something was off besides that, but placing it would need to wait, especially as she fought the throbbing in the back of her skull. If only that would stop, then she might be able to properly think.

However, even in the blur, she could figure out where she was. The high braziers shed light over the beautiful, stone tiles that she had been laying upon, but they also bathed it over the windows. The cascade of colors made sure she knew they were the stained glass set that she had studied under so many times before.

She was home, back in Canterlot.

Her head swiveled towards the throne, before she let out a small yell. She knew better than to move too quickly while like this, but she had to see Celestia. She didn’t quite know why, but something told her that something had happened to her mentor, and she had to know she was safe. But why?

Twilight took a few deep breaths as she heard hooves echo across the chamber. They would probably be a guard’s, having only now noticed that she was awake. That gave her time, gave her a chance to figure out what had happened.

After that stupid party was the Summer Sun Celebration. She had made sure to make it to that, because… because…

Twilight blinked for a moment, her heart sinking as those hooves got closer. There was no reason to worry though, right? She had found the elements, seen them glowing around her and her… friends. She bit into her lip for a moment, an involuntary pause at the thought of the other five ponies. She’d still known them for such a small amount of time, but they had been useful, and they had stopped Nightmare Moon together, so they probably did deserve a title such as friend, even if meant in a more politic manner.

That was enough, right?

Looking up, she knew the answer. A bat pony, its features seemingly changed so he had larger fangs, a more scruffy cloak, and was about another half a pony to how the old guards had been in height. She was staring at a monster, which was only made worse by the fact that it wore no pants.

Twilight scrambled away from the stallion as it narrowed its eyes at her, her adrenaline pushing all thoughts of the pain away. She shut her eyes, imagining the castle back at the Everfree. She knew the rough coordinates, could imagine it, and while it might be a stretch, she had been practicing with teleportation before last night. She just had to focus and-

Pain. Only pain. Every fiber of her being in fact felt it. But, the worst of it, the stuff that made her think she was dying, was the pain in her horn that transmitted the agony to the rest of her body. She began to shake as she fell back, her vision beginning to become spotted from whatever was happening.

And then, just as fast as it had begun, it was gone, and she was left on the ground. She registered the fact that the stallion came back over, but she didn’t care. Her mind did try to comfort her, telling her that this one had pants on, but she dismissed it as her having fallen for some sort of illusion. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter, not when she was cut off from that which was her essence. A main block to any unicorn.

Their magic.

“Your illusion worked, your majesty. And, thank you. We were worried that she might break the inhibitor, and should never have doubted you.”

Twilight’s mind kicked itself back into gear as the trick was laid out. She was scared as a demonstration of whatever held her magic back, all by the thing she hadn’t stopped.

Looking up though, her mind clear as a chuckle came from the other end of the throne room, she knew it was a temporary measure. She had looked for the ‘harmonious’ solution to this. The solution she had been trained to look for. But cutting her off of her magic flared to life another side of Twilight.

Nightmare Moon had removed her mentor, mocked her, and now wanted her as a pet, as otherwise, she wouldn’t need an inhibitor. That was a mistake though, one that Twilight was already certain that she would make a fatal one for the false ruler she now looked upon.

The thoughts were delicious for Nightmare Moon as she looked at the angry, rage fueled hate behind those proud eyes. It would be fun to crush that.

A groan beside Twilight next interrupted the silence, Twilight’s deep, angry breathing having been the only sound in the room since she got put back down. Glancing at the sound, she could see two other mares, before her shoulders lowered.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were slowly waking up, their wings tied to themselves, and were in a line with Twilight before the throne. That’s why she’d been placed back here, so she would be on display when they woke up.

It was another mistake in Twilight’s eyes. While Nightmare Moon had showed her power before, this now gave her collaborators, and the three of them would easily be able to find a chance to take out the villain. Even Fluttershy should know how important this would be to saving Equestria to muster up some courage… she hoped.

Then there was Rainbow Dash. So brash, so loud, so annoying. Even if she had used the element of loyalty, she doubted that if threatened with her life, she wouldn’t squeal. She was self absorbed enough in her tricks that Twilight didn’t see why not.

And the disgust on Twilight’s face sealed their fate in Nightmare Moon’s eyes. She of course couldn’t get rid of the elements, but she didn’t mind that. She already knew who the destined six were, felt their power, and then, felt it falter. Felt the magic shake as their focal point, magic, had been uncertain of those she called friends.

And now that she had won, and Twilight had her goals reset, she knew they would never gain the bond that her and her sister once had. The elements would never come to threaten her, at least not while these six lived. All the more incentive, she supposed, to have her fun with them. Better yet, now that they were all awake, she could begin doing just that.

She leaned forward in her throne, the long, blue dress she wore pushing up her large bosom, letting more of her plentiful cleavage show as she smiled. While most rulers may wear something a bit less lewd, especially with the cut up to her hip on one side, but she had missed these sorts of outfits. Had missed being able to enjoy herself.

Something that would not ever be the case again.

“I see you’re all finally roused from your slumber. About time, if you ask me. Any longer, and you may have upset me, something you do not want to have happen.”

Twilight’s rage caused her pupils to dilate, but a part of her brain, the part that was still logical, held her tongue back. She couldn’t be wholly obedient to whatever the cunt wanted, but being too antagonistic could cost her her life, which would do nopony any good. So, quiet she stayed.

Rainbow Dash was another case, as she stood up, screaming, “And why would we possibly worry about that, your royal bitchiness!”

The guards stepped forward at the yelling, but a single wave of the new queen’s hand stopped them. All Nightmare did was smile in return, before tilting her head, and stating, “Because if I’m annoyed, I will find a way to stop being so, ranging from rape, knowing my guards are being satisfied, or even knowing that the prisoners that Celestia kept in her dungeons, who are the worst of the worst, will make you as annoyed as I was.”

All three of them were silent at that, Rainbow paling at some of the implications of her words. Not that the brash pegasus would simply sit back down and listen. No, she would at least get some answers. “A-and how can you decide these things? W-we beat you… right?”

A small giggle escaped Nightmare Moon as she leaned back, her long, ethereal hair spreading over the back of the throne, making the white marble disappear to a field of night. “Defeat me? Hardly. The elements you tried to use on me need a firm, unwavering bond, one forged by destiny. Unfortunately, destiny cannot fix the mind of one who thinks she’s too smart to need others.”

She paused for a moment, letting the words sink in as the other two mares turned to Twilight, who could only look down. The statement had its issues of course, giving cause for Twilight to possibly seek the other five out, but she doubted the unicorn would seek it out. Even if she did though, there was little she could do towards the goal.

Nightmare, satisfied with the tears that began to form in Fluttershy’s eyes, looked to her fingers as she spoke again. “As for why I can do as I please with you, is because I own you. I could have killed you, but instead shall make you my play things. And, if you want to resist, please, go ahead. Know, however, that one of your friends isn’t even in this castle, one is already working for me, and another has collapsed. And, if you want to try to do what my sister and I did, you will need to escape this castle, leave Equestria, and figure out which land I left them in.”

Twilight blinked a few times, before, just as Nightmare had expected, she gave up the brief thought of seeking out the elements again, and undoing her mistake through that. The odds were simply better that she would find a weakness in Nightmare’s defenses, and be able to take her out. At least then she could avenge her mentor.

Rainbow Dash looked away, tears now at her eyes. She didn’t like feeling this powerless, but she couldn’t see a good way out at the moment. Then again, if she ever freed her wings, she’d be out of here in five seconds flat. Then she could find others, and come to take Nightmare out.

It was Fluttershy, curled up in her dress, her knees to her chest and barely looking over them, that continued the conversation. “H-how do we make sure you aren’t annoyed?”

Nightmare smiled at the cute, little voice, a small warmth forming in her chest. She didn’t expect any of them to be easy, or simply to submit, but she hoped the small pegasus would. Not only was she simply ravishing, but from what she’d been told, she was submissive already, and easily scared. If she didn’t resist, she would make for a good mare to let the stress of her job out on, without including anger in it. The other two were for that.

Nightmare Moon licked her lips at her thoughts. “Well, that’s rather simple really. Do what all slaves should, and be willing to follow orders. That’s not so hard, is it? And I promise that my orders will never be as bad as my punishments, and you’ll know the difference. Trust me.”

Rainbow Dash snarled at the words, before barking out, “I’ll never obey you!”

Once more, the guards stepped forward, before being held back. Nightmare was merely shaking her head, before looking at the three and stating, not suggestion, not implying, but stating, “You will one day. I will make sure of that.”

A long pause went through the room, broken up by small whimpers from Fluttershy, who had started to quietly cry. The poor mare had been through a lot recently, and it didn’t show any signs of getting better. Worse yet, she doubted that listening to Nightmare’s commands would cause it to get better.

As if reading the shy mare’s mind, Nightmare said, “Now, your first order is simple. I wish you to strip down for me, and that means taking everything off. Understood?”

Once more silence, but the two glares were enough to tell Nightmare that she wouldn’t get a pleasant response from them. They were simply trying to not be punished, at least not yet, something that was almost just as annoying as if they had yelled, even if it showed a level of obedience.

After almost ten minutes of the group staring at Nightmare, the ruler let out a long sigh. She had hoped that at least one of them would do it, even if it was just to pretend to get on her good side. Then again, even before she left, her sister had taught her subjects to start thinking the world was perfect. That if they got in trouble, something would get them out of it. It would take more proof to break that.

Or, so Nightmare thought. She had just begun to open her mouth, ready for a punishment already, when dear, little Fluttershy stood up. Her bosom actually beat out Nightmare Moon’s, one of the few that could, and her breasts jiggled from the sudden movement. The mare’s body was visibly trembling as tears still came down the side of her face, but she still managed to squeak out, barely audibly, “If...if we do this, you won’t hurt us, right?”

Nightmare Moon smiled, happy to see her like this. It was promising. “Yes. So long as you obey, your life here should be easy, with your one job being to please me. That isn’t so hard, is it?”

“Fluttershy, don’t do it!”

Fluttershy jumped at the sudden yell, seeing Rainbow’s red face as the other pegasus fumed with anger. One look at Nightmare Moon though, and the mere thought of her punishments, and she was forced to look down. She just couldn’t let those happen to her.

Her trembling hands snaked down, gripping the hem of her green sweater. She could feel the eyes of every other pony on her, and froze. She had to, but only a handful of mares had seen her in nothing before now, let alone strangers and stallions.

Your mistress is the one who matters. If you undress, I promise I will be quite pleased.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and looked to Nightmare, who was smiling on the throne. Her horn was aglow, and she felt a slight mental prodding at the back of her skull. She bet the alicorn could force her to do this, if absolutely necessary, but Fluttershy also knew how upset she might be then.

Besides, she was owned now. Privacy was no longer a luxury of her.

Fluttershy shut her eyes, tears beginning to slide down her cheeks as the sweater finally pulled away from her body. It was dreadfully slow, requiring more force because of a cold sweat on her body making the fabric cling to her skin. Fluttershy tried not to care though. The noises of the guards as they muttered to each other, or Rainbow Dash growling, none of it mattered. What mattered was her safety and making sure she wasn’t abused as thoroughly as she suspected she could be.

And, as she took one last look at Rainbow, maybe if she acted better, she could make sure her rowdy friend was treated better, despite the likelihood that she would be an annoyance. It wasn’t likely, not if Nightmare wanted her to be a good slave, but it was the best the shy mare could think. Sell her body for her and her friend’s safety. It was… It was honestly one of the best things she could do for her now.

Fluttershy let the sweater fall to the floor, tears now staining her cheeks freely as she stood there in her white bra. It was tight against her heaving chest, each shuddering breath causing her bosom to jiggle. Of course, the bra had to be so tight, so as to support her magnificent breasts. Few in Equestria could even challenge her, a fact that Fluttershy hated.

Your mistress is quite happy to see that your sweater doesn’t add an inch to that chest. It gives her many… ideas.

A bright blush came to Fluttershy’s cheeks as she let out a silent sob, her arms wrapping around her stomach as she let her mind stray for only a second to what those ideas might be. She wanted to shove her sweater back on, to hide and flee from all of this.

But Nightmare was also happy because of it, so… She let out a half choked sob out as her hands reached back. She could hear Rainbow Dash yelling at her, along with getting a warning from their mistress. She already sounded so angry at the other pegasus, and Fluttershy grit her teeth.

With a snap, the bra came off, and Fluttershy opened her eyes. Every eye was on her, the loud, crisp sound being all too obvious in the air. The fresh air kissed Fluttershy’s areolas, licking at the sensitive nipples as her eyes widened. All eyes were on them. On her… on her…

Fluttershy hit her knees, her eyes completely vacant now as she doubled over herself, freely sobbing now as she faced the ground. She was muttering something, but understanding the words was beyond the mare. Her mind was gone, having run in complete terror from all of this, a panic so powerful that Nightmare was even forced out.

The alicorn rose from her throne, frowning to herself. This was their first days with her, and while they were her slaves, she didn’t want them broken. A scholar to talk to, a firebrand to joke with, and one to love. She had chosen them carefully for these reasons. If their minds shattered though, she would get none of that.

Her hoofsteps echoed across the tiles, her dress gently shuffling along the stone as she made her way across. Nightmare let her ears flick over themselves as she got closer, straining them to hear Fluttershy’s rambles. They were probably nothing, but she wanted all the advice she could get for the mare. She had almost broken herself, and knowing how better to treat her would he-

Twilight sprang up. She could see Nightmare’s eyes focused downwards, her brows furrowed in the same sort of concentration that she knew all too well. In such a state, there was nothing except the problem. No worries, no plans, and, most importantly, no magic, prepped or otherwise.

She put her full power into her hooves, pouring her strength into them for just a bit more speed. Every millisecond was going to help, even if Twilight had already done the calculations or the trajectory. A slight twist of her head, a diagonal from in front of Nightmare so as use the other mare’s momentum against her, and a small prayer to harmony for the second of luck she needed.

Harmony no longer answered the failed element though.

Twilight’s horn pressed against Nightmare’s neck, slicing into the skin. It did nothing more than break the fur and first few cells before something stronger than Nightmare responded. For a moment, Twilight saw blackness, before thousands of red eyes opened before her, and pushed away.

For a moment, Twilight thought she had just been teleported, black tendrils slowly coming away from her as the still living alicorn looked to her. From the look in her eyes though, she knew there was more to it. Her intent, plan… everything had been revealed to her by whatever had grabbed Twilight.

Nightmare raised a hand, snarling as her horn glowed black, the air around her radiating with a miasma that made it almost impossible for Rainbow Dash to breathe. Not that Twilight was any better, as the spell set off, and black lightning emitted itself from Nightmare’s finger tips. The minute the magic touched Twilight, she let out a screech of agony.

She thought the inhibitor had hurt. She thought her concussion had hurt. Compared to the pain that lanced into her, those were kitten scratches. The dark magic felt like it was tearing at her soul, trying to rip her in two, despite her not being able to see any sort of physical injury. Looking to her hand, she found out that she wasn’t quite right.

Her hand was pitch black, and,fading away into smoke. It wasn’t even painful to watch it become oblivion, the feeling in her hand disappearing with it. Not that that helped, as Twilight only begun to scream louder, her lungs burning as she felt more parts of her disappearing. She didn’t want to be nothing. Nothing meant she couldn’t save her ‘friends’ and mentor. She couldn’t continue to help Equestria. She… She…

She would be nothing.

Nightmare flicked her wrist, breaking the spell as Twilight’s mind shut down, letting the petulant mare fall to the floor, unconscious. She now saw that her hope was foolish. Fluttershy might just be willing to work with her, but these other two…

She looked back to Rainbow Dash, who had scrambled backwards, now whispering to Fluttershy some lie about the two of them being able to get away. Trying to give the shy pegasus a reason to fight. It was almost worse than Twilight trying some foolish assassination attempt. With a snap, Fluttershy disappeared, sent to the mare’s temporary, slave quarters. She didn’t need her regaining consciousness while she worked on Rainbow Dash. Not that she expected this to be a long talk.

And finally, she turned to Rainbow Dash, the pain in her neck having lost her all her cheer. Well, not the pain, not from Twilight’s wound at least. Such a rudimentary attempt was never going to kill her, but the miasma that stayed around her made sure she felt like a sword had shoved its way through her throat, and now stayed there. Such was the price of near failure, and needing to draw on more of her patron’s gift.

Now they would expect her to let out the demons that had called this power to her before, and looking into those cocky eyes, Nightmare was all too pleased to hold up her side of the bargain. She pointed one finger at Rainbow, the force of her aura nicking the pegasus’s cheek as she growled, “Strip for your mistress, or accept the punishment.”

Rainbow Dash glared at Nightmare for a moment, before whispering, and barely getting enough air in for even that, “You. Don’t. Scare me.”

Nightmare leaned in, cupping Rainbow Dash’s chin in her own. Her eyes darkened as she channeled a fragment of the sea of power she had beneath her. It wasn’t hard to justify it to her patron. If this bitch’s moxy had succeeded, she would have been cut away from the nightmare forces, and this wouldn’t be possible. Just like why they locked away Celestia with this all consuming darkness.

Her magic forced Rainbow Dash’s eyes open so that they could look into the darkness in Nightmare’s, and she smiled as tears came to Rainbow’s pupils, and she began to thrash against her magic. “Do you feel this? The power that rips the air from your lungs? The fear that speaks to the very core of your being, but you will never be able to get away from? That is my power, and those that do not yield to it will face it. Do you wish for that to be you today?”

Rainbow Dash felt herself be suddenly allowed to breathe, the miasma having invaded her soul it felt like as she began to cough, choking on the very air she needed. Once she felt recovered though, she looked back into Nightmare’s eyes, scowled, and spat in her face. No amount of fear would make her break, or betray the loyalty she felt for her country, or for her friends. “I will-”

Rainbow Dash didn’t get any farther, as a part of the black miasma that was dripping off of Nightmare at this point shot forward, shoving itself into her throat. Rainbow’s hands shot up, trying to force the tendril out of her, but it was futile. The darkness was merely too powerful, its pressure now even ripping off her clothes.

Something in Rainbow’s peripherals moved, and she saw Nightmare stepping away. The darkness did not though, instead looking like a large, standing mirror. Looking into it, she could see red eyes staring back, along with broken, crooked smiles. They wanted her, and she knew that if they had her, she would be lost forever.

She tried to scramble away, get away from the portal, but another tendril shot out from it, hooking onto her flat breast. It wasn’t just sludge though, as something sharp shoved its way into her nipple, before pumping something into her small bosom. It felt wrong, despite the waves of forced pleasure that ran through her body from it.

The next tendril was just as crude, sliding right into her cootch, a scream escaping the pegasus as she felt her nethers be filled to the brim. It was cold, slimy, and should never be there, but just like the other, it pumped that odd goop into her, heating her body, and trying to make her enjoy the writhing, wriggling, disgusting beasts.

More and more came, invading her private places as she was pulled into the air. She struggled against the darkness, mentally cursing it for what it did. Not even the ooze that now seeped out of her lower regions could make her enjoy this, and if they planned to take her, she wanted to make sure they knew that she was never going to submit, especially not like this.

Nightmare watched as she was pulled in finally, shaking her head. The mare wasn’t crying as she went in. She didn’t succumb to the fear. It was to be expected of an element, but…

One of her guards cleared his throat to her right. She waved for him to speak to, and he barely managed to say, “Did… did you really just sacrifice her?”

Nightmare shook her head as she placed a hand on her temple. This had gone both better, and much worse than she had hoped for today had gone, and the amount of emotion she’d put into her spells was now taking a toll on her, especially as she put the everlasting pool back in its place, away from her grasp. “No. I had hoped to make her admit her fear, just like Twilight did, but she was defiant to the end, instead of fooled. She should now be in her own, quarantined room, probably spasming as her body begins to expunge the darkness I put into her.”

The guard swallowed hard, hearing the harsh, cold edge in his mistress’s voice. His curiosity was a curse now, as he asked, “And what will happen next?”

Nightmare walked over to one of the stained glass windows, staring at the images of her being sent to the moon as she thought of how to put it. Then again, like these annoying pictures, the answer was simple, but aggravating for the same reason.

She looked to the guard, and, with a smile that never touched her eyes, stated, “We take the time to get it right, and work on the intricacies for as long as it takes for them to be just as I want. And, if somepony gets hurt in the process,” she now dropped the smile and any sort of joy from her voice, before whispering, “so be it.”

Fluttershy's Room

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Fluttershy’s ear twitched as she heard steps outside of her room. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard them, but she still flinched. Every time could mean Nightmare, and when she finally came, the shy mare would need to make a good few hard decisions. Decisions she didn’t want to face, especially with the images that still were in her mind.

Twilight had almost done it. Almost ended this servitude for them. She’d been able to see that much, but what she had seen afterwards… She could tell that the magic there was against anything Fluttershy had worked with before, and was likely able to destroy whole forests, if focused in that way.

The door to her room clicked as the lock was undone, bringing Fluttershy out of her thoughts. It gently swung open, glowing while it did so. At first, the shy mare didn’t know why, before a long, painful screech came away from it. Even Nightmare, the pony who was walking in, winced at the noise. “I’ll need to turn that down for you, if not off.”

Fluttershy blinked at the statement, before drawing her knees closer to herself. She didn’t have her shirt back, but curled up on her bed like she was, they were better covered than her arms ever could ever try to do. Not that it mattered in front of her ‘mistress’. “Wh-why?”

Nightmare glanced over, having switched out her dress for much more informal clothing. Now she was in a pale, purple shirt, along with a long, black skirt. She smiled at Fluttershy, stepping into the room as her magic brought silver platters in. Immediately the room was filled with the smell of roasted flowers, grilled sandwiches, and she could even see four, large, chocolate shakes on them.

The ruler sat on the other end of Fluttershy’s bed, the food placing itself between them as the door closed. Nightmare took ahold of one of the sandwiches, swiftly biting into it, before giggling. “To show that it’s safe, in case you were afraid of any sort of poisons or drugs that would warp your mind.”

Fluttershy frowned, only becoming more confused. Where was the armor? Where was the intimidation? Where was the molestation? She still didn’t move towards the food, but instead curled up tighter, becoming more scared as her confusion grew.

Nightmare took a sip of one of the milkshakes, before letting out a sigh, and standing up. She shut her eyes, and for a moment, all the light in the room disappeared.. When it came back, it was only enough for Fluttershy to see Nightmare’s face, which was less than a foot away.

The alicorn’s hand shot out, now covered in an armored glove, and grabbed Fluttershy’s chin, forcing her to look her in the eye. “Yes, I am your mistress, and the ruler of the night. I could kill you in a blink of an eye, torture you for thousands of hours until your mind snapped and you groveled at my feet, or simply rummage inside of that head of yours until nothing was left but devotion for me. Do you know why I don’t do this?”

Fluttershy trembled at the show of power, barely choking out, “No,” as she tried to figure out what she had done wrong.

And, just as fast as before, the lights went out, and then came back on, with Nightmare now looking to the ground. “Because then you are no better than the rocks I talked to for a thousand years. You do as I say because I tell you to, without anything that makes you unique. The only change is that you’re warm.”

Fluttershy swallowed hard, but not out of only fear. She had heard of the tale of Nightmare Moon and could only imagine what a thousand years of loneliness could be like. What if she were a slave because it made her safe? Fluttershy could see the enjoyment in that, as then you could know that the one you held close would never hurt you.

Just like what she would receive so long as she behaved.

Fluttershy slowly lowered her legs, trying not to care about her chest being revealed again. Luckily, in here, it was only her and the one she had to please, so it was a touch easier to cope with. She then took a sandwich and nibbled on it, before realizing how ravenous she was, and devouring it.

Nightmare watched the break in manners, before her horn glowed. She could feel what her magic did as it gently caressed the underside of Fluttershy’s large bosom. It was one that even she had to envy, though she wouldn’t tell that to a normal pony. She had no faults in the eyes of most, except for being evil of course. “I do hope you’re enjoying the food.”

Fluttershy brought her head up, in the middle of biting into some of the roasted flowers, before blushing, both at the lack of her manners, and the subtle touch on her breast. “Um, well, I, uh-”

Nightmare raised a hand, smiling as she did so. “It’s fine. What I wish of you is a friend, so please, don’t worry about manners in front of me. So long as you behave, you’ll make me happy.”

Fluttershy took a small sip of the smooth, chocolate milkshake, unable to deny the food was quite good. Would the others be given such treatment, or… “Do… Do I get all of this because I began to strip?”

Nightmare leaned against the wall, raising a hand to mimic the caress of Fluttershy’s cheek that her magic did now. “Yes, my little slave. Shows of obedience, loyalty, and submission will make me happy. And, in case you were worried about it, you keeping your skirt didn’t hurt you in the throne room. That was an overestimation on my part of your capabilities.”

Fluttershy fidgeted at the words. They were a bit off, more like what a boss would say about an employee. The gestures shown to her were what Rarity described in her romance novels though, even if a touch more casual than those usually. It only brought on more of the confusion she’d had before. Nightmare seemed open to questions though… “Is there a possibility of me not being a slave?”

“No!” Nightmare’s hand instinctively cloaked itself with its armor, scarring the stone wall as she bared her teeth. Seeing Fluttershy reel back, she realized her mistake and almost immediately dismissed the magic. “No, no, that’s not…”

She pinched the bridge of her nose, growling slightly at her mistake. “Look, Fluttershy, I… I can never let you get away from the title. It’s something for me. Your duties could change though, from a mare at my hip to… one I hold in my bed.”

Fluttershy’s cheeks became bright at the more romantic implication, before glancing at Nightmare. It wasn’t that the mare wasn’t pretty. In fact, much like Celestia, she was breathtaking. Her bosom was only a touch smaller than her own, she had well toned arms and legs instead of her noodles, and the illusory, dark blue mane that flowed around her head…

Fluttershy almost broke down to tears as she heard Rainbow’s frantic whispers in her ear. That they would be tricked, used, and one day abused. That’s what evil did, and it’s what would happen one day, no matter what promises were made to them. Still, she didn’t dare cry in front of Nightmare, so as to not upset her mistress. Instead, she decided to go along with the thought, hoping that that might help. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

Nightmare glanced over at Fluttershy, a soft smile on her lips, before sending the food away to one of the few bits of shelving that were along the stone walls. She then patted the spot beside her and cooed, “Now, come over here, after you lose that pesky skirt of yours.”

Fluttershy paled at the order, before internally sighing. She should have known this would come soon enough, even if most of the rest of her mistress’s visit had been so pleasant.

She slowly stood, all too aware of the eyes that were on her, before reaching down. She didn’t bother asking about her panties, knowing that this was more to get her to a normal state that Fluttershy expected herself to be in most of the time. Without ceremony, or grace, neither of which she could have done even if she was trying anyways, she slid them down.

Nightmare’s eyes widened a little more as she saw the long, long legs that Fluttershy had beneath the skirt, and wondered for a brief moment if the mare might have neared her own height. It would go better with her large assets, which were gifted to her round, motherly hips. They did have a slight bit of fluff to them, just like the rest of Fluttershy’s body, but it was by no means a complaint for her. No, for what Nightmare had in mind for the pegasus, it was perfect.

Fluttershy slowly sat beside Nightmare, shivering from a slight draft that ran through the room. Of course, her face shared none of the cold that the rest of her body felt. She couldn’t help but slide one arm over her chest while the other snaked down to cover her inner thighs, all in a futile attempt to hide her bare form.

Nightmare cooed slightly as she reached out, gently letting her fingers graze the top of Fluttershy’s left breast, before moving away. They brushed against the other mares shoulder, where their touch became firmer. Fluttershy hid her face behind her hair as they pressed along her side, letting her feel the strength that laid behind the ruler’s arm, even if the current touch was kind.

And finally, they reached the bottom of back, and Fluttershy tensed, ready to be groped. Instead, the hand trailed back up slightly, before resting on her thigh. Sure, it was close to her most private place, but it was also comfortably away from it as well. Or, at least, for where it was, it gave Fluttershy some comfort.

Nightmare’s other hand crossed across both of their bodies, turning Fluttershy’s head towards her own. The ruler’s eyes were soft as they looked into the scared mare’s own set. A slight smile slipped over Nightmare’s features, before she whispered, “Do you ever plan to run?”

Fluttershy opened her mouth, before pausing. Her instinct was simply to say no, but she remembered Rainbow’s words. How she would find a way out for the two of them, and then they could be free. But, after that, what would they do then? Nightmare had let them know the futility of escape, or hope, or… anything. Fluttershy shut her eyes, unable to stop the tear that fell down her cheek as she said, “No.”

Nightmare watched as Fluttershy’s arms fell to her sides, and sighed, despite knowing that this had to happen. The pegasus in front of her may be the best of the three, but that made her the best in a bad situation. It would take time for her to enjoy all of this.

The alicorn came closer to Fluttershy, their bodies only inches apart now at any point, before her hand slid between the other mare’s thighs. Fluttershy immediately jumped at the touch, whimpering as she felt a finger stroke her pink lips.

Nightmare let out a small hushing sound right next to Fluttershy’s ear, her hand thankfully stopping as she did so. She then looked back into the shy mare’s eyes and whispered, “I can make it easier to enjoy. Make it feel better. Would you like that?”

The confusion in Fluttershy’s head began again at this point. Nightmare hadn’t undressed yet, so it would be fairly hard to do what she expected her duty to be at the moment, and why did her pleasure matter? Sure, there was a romantic tone to what Nightmare did, but that didn’t change their relationship.


Fluttershy swallowed hard, made more difficult by the finger that now moved and prodded her nethers again. Her face felt like a Hearthswarming light that was about to blow from their current position. Still, that shouldn’t stop her from trying to enjoy this, instead of just avoid pain…

She shut her eyes, her head becoming increasingly in pain as her thoughts warred against each other. What she was thinking was wrong, even if she might become safe through them. She was a slave. Nopony enjoyed being a slave. It was wrong!

Looking into the concerned eyes in front of her though, she couldn’t quite remember the reason why. She swallowed hard, before breathing out, “Yes.”

Nightmare considered pulling her hand away and calling this enough for a moment, before pushing it away. She may adore the shy mare, but she was still the master, and she couldn’t completely forget that. It would be too easy to be hurt again.

Fluttershy gasped as she felt a magical shock go through her, as well as two fingers that dove into her slit. The magic did help, making her body extra sensitive to her mistress’s touch. She could tell every knuckle, wrinkle, and slight twitch of those two digits as they made their way deeper into her.

Her moans began somewhat against her own will, made worse by the fact that her heaving chest caused her nipples to brush against her mistress’s t-shirt. The friction made her needy body cry out for Nightmare’s actual touch. For her to be groped, despite the other side of Fluttershy screaming at the thought of anypony doing that.

And then, the third finger slipped its way into her nethers. It was tight in there now a the three squirmed and writhed, teasing her folds relentlessly. At least to Fluttershy, Nightmare’s years of self practice made her amazing at the act, and she could feel herself wanting to peak. Wanting to give in completely to her mistress’s touch, even if she knew it was wrong.

And then, she heard, whispered in her ear, “Kiss me.”

It happened before Fluttershy could properly react. Everything did really. She was pushed against the wall, her own lips locked against Nightmare’s. The alicorn quickly pushed her tongue into Fluttershy’s, wrapping it around the shy mare’s own muscle in a deep, deep kiss.

And the coup de gra, the thing that sent Fluttershy spiraling into the pleasure of it all, was Nightmare’s naughty thumb. It pressed firmly against her clit, sending similar sparks as the kiss, flooding her body with pleasure. She shut her eyes, giving herself to it, not even caring about how she soiled the sheets with her own arousal. She was only happy that the first mare to touch her like this could make it all she had hoped. Fluttershy even forgot about the situation she was in as her eyes closed, and her consciousness went away with her sight.

Nightmare pulled away, panting as she let a trail of saliva hang between them. She knew it wasn’t entirely Fluttershy’s choice to have complied with the kiss, but the shy mare hadn’t even resisted against her, which was almost as good as having heard her say yes would have.

She glanced back down to her sleeping mare, and smiled for a moment. So beautiful, but so innocent. Nightmare was all too glad that she didn’t have to harm this one. Didn’t have to do anything terrible to her to begin getting her like this.

Leaning back, Nightmare felt something press against her backside, and sighed as she pulled it out. In her hands was a fine, leather collar with the word ‘Fluttershy’ on it. It was the mare’s collar, proof of her servitude. Proof of what their relationship actually was, instead of the dream Nightmare had in mind.

She stared at it for a long moment, before standing and turning to the door. She slammed it open, almost taking a guard out in the process, before she turned to the poor thestral that stood there. Nightmare extended the collar to him, before commanding, “Take this to my apprentice, and tell her to make a white dress for the mare on the collar. And, if she asks any questions, tell her that it’s a gift, for good behavior, on both of theirs parts. Understood?”

The guard nodded fervently, before sprinting past her. Nightmare watched him go, making sure she stood tall until he was out of view. The moment he was, her shoulder slumped with the weight of the knowledge of what her other two visits would be like.

Twas the price of being the ruler though, and she would not live without the rewards of a ruler simply because it was a little hard. Besides, Harmony ad already shown her that it didn’t hate her being a ruler, otherwise she would never have had Fluttershy.

She would have had three cunts to punish otherwise, instead of just two to have their places show to, she thought as her hand drifted to her back pocket, and the two other collars that awaited her slaves.

Twilight's Room

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Twilight stared at the ceiling of her room. She hadn’t been awake long. She didn’t want to be awake. She didn’t know if she wanted anything. Not after what she had witnessed.

She thought she was becoming nothing, being nothing, erased from existence completely. However, in those last moments, right before she had been pulled back, she had seen more. Dark creatures with rows of teeth, thousands of eyes, and forms so uncertain that Twilight wouldn’t have been surprised if they could mimic her at will.

All waiting for their new plaything.

She shivered on the hard bed, turning away from the bed as she drew her legs in. She didn’t want to cry, but the fear was instilled into her bones. Twilight knew it would fade, become more manageable, but until that happened, she couldn’t stop the tears that came with the experience.

The sound of hooves brought her out of her mind, at least for a moment, and she looked to her door. Nopony had passed since she had woken up, a sure sign that she was in a dungeon. At least, it would have been if the rest of her accommodations didn’t prove that. A flat, hard mattress, urinal in the corner, and hard pavestones throughout.

And that meant that the only pony who might come to see her was her warden. The nightmare who would haunt her dreams for the rest of eternity. Or, until she grew bored with Twilight, and gave her masters a new toy. A shiver began to spread through her, but shut eyes and a firm resolve to not show her weakness in front of the mare who was coming stopped it. She couldn’t, or else Nightmare would use that fear against her, and she would never get vengeance for her teacher.

The door’s lock clicked out of place, and Twilight considered straightening herself out for a moment. This position made her look more afraid though, more like she was ready to be obedient, something she needed now. If she didn’t get Nightmare’s trust back, she would never get a second chance to take her out.

And, as if on a cue, the alicorn walked in. Unlike with Fluttershy, the outfit was far less casual. Or, far more, dependant on how one looked at it. She now wore a dark blue corset, the laces tied over her stomach while the top part cupped and lifted her chest, even to the point to let her nipples above the fabric. On her lower half, she wore knee high, leather boots that were pitch black. All suggested by her pupil, and all hidden from her guards by a large trench cloak.

Twilight swallowed hard at the appearance. While yes it was beautiful, it also stated the purpose for her being here and what was probably expected of Twilight. It also had an odd familiarity to it that she couldn’t shake. At least, not until Nightmare cupped her chin and forced her to look into the monarch’s eyes.

Nightmare looked deep into Twilight’s eyes. She could tell from her body language the plan Twilight had, only confirmed by the defiance in her eyes. It was a little bit of a shame that Twilight wasn’t a better actress, as then she could still surprise Nightmare, but this did make things simpler. Besides, if the studious mare wasn’t easier to read and interpret, she would not make as good a slave.

Nightmare threw Twilight aside, jerking the mare’s head away from her as she stepped away. A little bit of cruelty, but hopefully all she would need to do today. “So, Twilight, I do hope you slept well. After seeing my friends like you did, I would think you would need time to recover and what not. Though, you got off easier than your dear friend, Rainbow, did.”

Twilight looked over her knees and tried to put as much of a warble into her voice as she could, trying to make herself sound utterly terrified. It was amusing to Nightmare to hear her try, especially so badly. “Wh-what did you do to her? Is she dead?”

Nightmare shook her head, leaning down to get something from her boot as she also teleported in a small, silver platter. From the angle she was at, Twilight couldn’t see the gruell, or the collar waiting for her. “No, nothing like that, my dear pet. She merely got to be treated by one of my friends, and have her holes used as they should be, especially for such a nasty rebel. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Twilight held back on saying no, but couldn’t stop her eyes from narrowing into a hard glare. She didn’t know the exact details, but no pony deserved to be attacked by the creatures she’d seen. To have them invade oneself like that though… it made Twilight shiver.

Nightmare stepped back over, the platter staying in the air, and on the other side of the room, as she held the collar in her hand for Twilight to see. It was of a rougher leather than Fluttershy’s, but still with an embroidered name on it. Upon closer inspection, Twilight could see that it was her name.

Nightmare extended it closer to Twilight. “You are to put it on and then get on the floor. It is to show you as my slave, or, more exactly right now, my pet. Once you’ve worked yourself back to being a pony, I will let you stand in my presence. Until then, you crawl, understand?”

Twilight’s cheeks grew hot as she thought of the humiliating position. It wasn’t the sort of thing a royal student should ever have to do, nevertheless to an usurper. If she didn’t need to be obedient, she would have tried to refuse, remind her who she talked to.

Unfortunately, Twilight had no such luxury, and so took the collar. She fastened it around her neck, trying to keep it tight. However, Nightmare corrected that by pulling on the strap and making sure it was properly bound. Not quite tight enough to choke though.

And then, Twilight, bare as the day she was born, slid off of the bed and onto the floor. She wanted to cry, hating herself for acting so subservient, but there was nothing to be done, not unless she wanted to be hurt again and lose all hope. This was simply how it had to be for now.

Nightmare sat onto the bed, her legs still open as she looked to her pet. Twilight did not have the chest of her friend, nor the fitness of Rainbow Dash. That didn’t diminish the fact that the pale mare had her own charm with a more than ample bosom, an unblemished hide, and, most likely, was still a virgin.

Of course, that wasn’t all she inspected. There were the white knuckles, the gritted teeth, and fiery eyes. All signs for how foolish Nightmare had been in the throne room. She should have been able to see the hate this mare held for her, and been more capable of reacting calmly. Then again, keeping her emotions in check was still something she was working on, especially while the forces in her rejoiced their victory.

Nightmare shook her head, hard, ridding herself of the worries. For now, Twilight was being good and she could use that. Her horn glowed, bringing the food closer, until it was on the floor before Twilight. It was a nasty, brown concoction. While definitely nutritious, it wasn’t exactly appetizing. “Until I decide you are a pony once more, you shall eat like a pet. From the floor.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She had to eat… No. This was one straw too far. She would be obedient, but if she gave in entirely, it would only cause more problems. Her eyes shifted to Nightmare as she scowled. “You can’t really expect me to-”


Twilight was silenced as the hunger within her let herself be all too well known. Nightmare raised an eyebrow to her before a thin lipped smile crossed her features. “Well, since you won’t eat, like a bad dog, I will take your food away. I do hope-”

Twilight reached out, grabbing Nightmare’s leg as her stomach squirmed in pain. She may have not wanted to be a dog, but she wasn’t about to ignore the fact that she needed food if she was going to be able to plan properly. “I… I’ll do it, I promise.”

Nightmare raised her eyebrow higher, before her smile cracked open to show her teeth. To Twilight, it looked like the look a predator gave to its prey.

The alicorn sat down, her legs wider than before now. Twilight got a first row seat to look at the monarch’s pussy, spread open for her viewing pleasure. Nightmare lowered a hand, gently stroking the open, glistening folds. Her trip to Fluttershy earlier today had left her like this, though she had not expected to need to take advantage of that fact. “You refused once, so now you must prove to your mistress how hungry you are. Understand?”

Twilight looked down, her cheeks becoming flushed at the request. The most she’d ever done before now were touches on herself, and a couple, long, tender kisses with Celestia. Now she would need to sully her lips on her tyrant’s… She glanced at the food bowl, her stomach squirming in pain as she thought.

She didn’t want to please this mare. She didn’t want anything to do with her if she could help it, but she also needed to live, and think, and, and do something! Twilight shut her eyes, her self doubt beginning to bite at her rationality. That what she said were just excuses for her being afraid and unfaithful. If she truly were loyal to Celestia, she would never even think of helping Nightmare.

Nightmare looked upon those doubting eyes, able to see the tears that Twilight probably didn’t even know were there. So scared, so desperate, it made her heart twinge in regret. In another time, the two could have been kindred spirits. On the other hand, if her plan worked, they would be.

Her hand gently traced Twilight’s cheek, looking deep into the unicorn’s eyes, before whispering, “This won’t help me. I still have Rainbow Dash to see, and I she will probably force me to take pleasure from her. All you would do by taking this deal is to show your faith as my pup, and earn your meal. That sounds like a pretty good trade off, right?”

Twilight was silent for a few moments, staring into Nightmare’s deep, green eyes. They weren’t threatening, or held even a drop of malice. In fact, for a moment, she thought she saw the power that Celestia held in her eyes. The power of an alicorn, of one so much greater than her.

Her eyes shut tight, dismissing it as anything but as she looked back to the ground. Knowing that Rainbow was next did help. She would be more experienced at all of this, as anypony could tell just by glancing at her, so she would have been better to simply get pleasure from. No, Nightmare was using this to humiliate her, and so long as she knew she was being humiliated, she wouldn’t be.

With her possibly shaky logic in hand, she looked back up, right into those pink folds. In a second, all of her confidence shriveled up. She still had to actually do a somewhat good job, instead of just breathe on it like she wanted.

Twilight swallowed hard, leaning in and taking in Nightmare’s smell. It was surprisingly thick for how little arousal leaked from between the alicorn’s thighs. The musk instantly lulled her in closer, making her desire the other mare as a wave of her own arousal ran through her. She was suddenly very aware that she was not only naked, but at Nightmare’s mercy. She could make her do anything, do anything to her, even give her spankings like a bad foal, or twist her nipples until she begged for her to stop.

Twilight bit into her lip, thinking her body was shaking in fear as she stopped only centimeters from the tyrant’s nethers. She wondered if Celestia’s would have smelled anything like this, or if hers did. If it did, she’d be amazed. This scent was one that conjured images of a commander, one who would make others do as they wanted, just as she did right now.

And, with the image of Nightmare over her, Twilight’s body moved on its own, giving into the desires it was supposedly needing to in order to stay alive. Nightmare smiled as she felt the gentle peck by Twilight’s tongue, before the virgin mare retreated back, falling on her rump as she panted. It was quite adorable, especially when put in the context of the unicorn being her pup.

Nightmare leaned forward, smiling as she raised an eyebrow. “Do I really taste that bad?”

Twilight’s cheeks betrayed her real thoughts as they became as red as apples, and she looked down. The other mare’s arousal tasted wonderful, but she suspected that it was either because of her thirst, or because of some sort of enchantment. Otherwise, only love would make anything from there taste good. She was… sure about it.

She swallowed hard, beginning to crawl forward again, her whole body shaking as she was watched. Even a shred of clothing would be better than what she had on, because she could only ever think about how exposed she was. How easy it would be for Nightmare to take further advantage of her. In fact, she bet the ruler was just waiting for the best moment to do just that.

Twilight bit her lip for a moment, hesitating again as she go close to it again. She’d already started the act, so there really was no reason for her to stop now, especially since this was far from the worse thing she could imagine Nightmare could make her do.

With one more swallow, Twilight began. Her tongue flicked out, gently pecking the folds. Her hot, sticky tongue never went in very deep or stayed long, but instead darted in and out of the ruler’s folds, teasing them, just like her breath. She hoped this was how a mare was supposed to do this, but she had no way to tell. Was Nightmare humming good?

The answer? Yes, though not because Nightmare was going to find satisfaction from just this. No, she hummed happily for a whole different reason. The mare was adorable, and she reminded her of old, experimental days. The days before her banishment, and warmed Nightmare’s heart with her pecks.

Yes, Nightmare was quite please in her selection of mares so far.

After a few more minutes of nervous touches, with Twilight even beginning to massage Nightmare;s thighs to try to help with the task, Nightmare put one hand on the back of the mare’s head and pushed her closer. “One more, long, deep lick. Understand?”

Twilight swallowed hard, unable to tell what the tone meant for her, but she had to try it. Once she got this done, she could be done with it and go back to planning how she would put the monarch down. She couldn’t forget that, no matter how good Nightmare ta-

She shut her eyes tighter, pushing out all of her thoughts as she buried her face into Nightmare’s crotch. Her tongue sank deep within the folds, being pressed in from all sides by the alicorn’s muscles. It was sweet, just as she had always suspected Celestia might taste, and, for a moment, forgot where she was.

She was simply a student to an alicorn, and doing her best to show her devotion to a princess.

Nightmare frowned as Twilight finished, throwing herself to the ground and beginning to sob. It wasn’t the reaction she’d been expecting, but… She bit into her lips and stood up, the illusions she’d had on for her guards coming back to make her appear clothed once more. While these clothes were good for sleeping with her mares, showing off everything was not how one got their guards to respect them.

As she opened the door, Nightmare paused for a moment. She could hear Twilight crying in the corner. She would have liked to cuddle the little, virginal mare, but that would only hurt her. Only make the confusion worse.

She turned to Twilight, and, stone cold, memories of pain in her chest when she looked upon Celestia a thousand years ago coming to mind, said, “Ponies don’t normally hate, but don’t worry. The longer you do, the easier it will become, and then that confusion will end. One way or another.”

Twilight barely heard the words over her apologies to Celestia and Equestria.

Rainbow Dash's Room

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Rainbow Dash whistled to herself as she stared at the ceiling, her foot tapping against the metal bars at the end of her bed. For the fact that she had almost become an eternal sex pet to some mass of evil, she was quite chipper. Then again, that very event was why she was like this.

Nightmare had lost control. Rainbow had shown how fragile the alicorn’s control was, and she would be able to simply keep pushing her. Even if it resulted in her being maimed, it would be worth it to have everypony else see that their leader was flawed. That rebellion was possible. And Rainbow was in the perfect position to be a spike in Nightmare’s cunt.

Her eyes slid over to the door as he heard the lever be turned. It was about time, as she didn’t quite know how long she’d been up, but it was plenty of time to be bored. Still, if she wasn’t careful, Nightmare could do something drastic, and Rainbow thought it was probably too early in her plan to cause that.

When Nightmare walked in, shrugging off her cloak to show the same corset she’d been wearing with Twilight, Rainbow forgot about any possibility of tact. Instead, she rolled onto her side in a fit of laughter that forced her to hug her stomach. “Oh my Harmony, you look like a fucking gothic whore!”

Nightmare stopped for a few moment as she processed the odd response to seeing her like, well, this, before scowling. She had hoped her friends might leave more of an impact, but this… This was unacceptable. “You do realize what this means for you, especially while you’re undressed, correct?”

Rainbow was quick as a whip to rub her bare arms, her clothes having been ripped apart by the creatures that had threatened to rape her. “Oh, I really fucking hope so. I mean, with how chilly it is, I’d even be willing to fuck your fat ass to warm up.”

The heat within Nightmare lowered for a moment, before the ruler forced it back up. She wanted release, and this cunt’s bad attitude wasn’t about to rob her of it. Still, she had things to take care of that and dismissed the current way things were going. “Well, if you’re so eager, than you should be overjoyed to see this.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow as Nightmare held aloft one of the collars. The pegasus's trained eyes could easily make out her own name on it, and Rainbow couldn’t help reflect on how stupid a thousand years on the moon made a pony. “Wow! Y-you mean, I’m going to get to own you?”

“No!” Nightmare slammed her hoof against the ground, the heat in her loins turning to a fire within her. Even if she wasn’t aroused, she was going to hurt this brat before too long. “It’s a mark of what you are. A pet, an animal, a thing. You are to wear it to show that.”

Rainbow put a hand just above her modest chest, mimicking Rarity perfectly as she said, “But oh deary me, it looks so garish, and that’s so embarrassing. Certainly, if I wear that, I’ll become a complete whore!”

Nightmare’s eyes opened slowly, before her new apprentice’s advice rang in her ears. That if talking fails, action can be much more persuasive. Show them that you can do it, even if they don’t think you can. Her initial legislation had turned many of the royals to her side by showing that she could be smart with the country, so now she had to do something to show Rainbow that she was to be taken seriously.

Nightmare’s horn glowed for just a second, and Rainbow could feel that she was in trouble. Despite how fast she was to fling herself out of the bed, it only meant that she was in the middle of the air when five black vines came up. Two for her arms, two for her legs and one last one that caught her entirely off guard.

One around her neck. It was tight, crushing her neck, and was the one that tore her back down the hardest. Probably for the best, she would think later, as one of her feet slammed against the bars at the end of her bed, almost breaking the appendage.

Rainbow wrestled against the bonds, her eyes beginning to water as she felt her lungs begin to burn. She couldn’t possibly breathe, not when a vice had been placed over her windpipe. Was this the end? Did she already fuck up this hard?

Luckily, after one more squeeze, Nightmare dismissed the one vine. She smiled at the marks left, scars around her neck, made purple by the magic. It was fitting for a thing like Rainbow Dash. She only hoped the mare had a quip to be made about what else was to come.

Rainbow couldn’t look up though. She couldn’t even speak still, as her lungs worried that the ability would be ripped away again to even breathe. Not even the fact that, after being so rough, Nightmare was gently sliding her hand along her thigh could get her to make a quip.

On the other hand, when Rainbow felt something against her nethers, she somehow found her voice. “Well, I never have been much of a bottom bitch, but I guess if that’s your kink, it’s my job to obey, right mistress?” She then stuck her tongue out before smiling again. “Though, really, you ask any of my friends and you’d know that I’m much for a dick.”

Nightmare raised an eyebrow, before narrowing her eyes and lowering herself so that their faces were a centimeter apart. “Good.”

Rainbow smirked back, before she lifted her head slightly to try to bite at the bitch’s nose. Instead of that, she found her mouth open in a yell as Nightmare thrusted forward. Despite all of Rainbow’s experience, she wasn’t lying about the bottom bitch part. She didn’t like being vulnerable or hurt. She’d rather be the one giving the pain. That meant a bone dry rod forcing its way into her tight folds wasn’t exactly pleasant.

Not that it was ideal for Nightmare either. Fluttershy had been lovely, but she’d been terrified of hurting her. Twilight was… fine, but she wasn’t exactly satisfying, not when she was trying to be smart with them. And this one… This one was just awful. The best thing she could think of so far was that Rainbow’s athletic body made her about as tight as her tentacle had been around the pegasus’s throat, and the friction was nice.

Rainbow shut her eyes, tears threatening to come back to their edges as more of Nightmare’s cock forced its way in. Thrust after thrust of pain and unpleasantness. Her body wouldn’t even instinctively give the bitch what she wanted, and Rainbow knew that she couldn’t either. It wouldn’t be her if she did. No, she had to keep up her bravery, or else…

Rainbow clenched her hands into fists, forcing all thoughts of losing out. She was too awesome to lose, and Nightmare was too lame. Some stupid cock wouldn’t change any of that.

She opened her eyes, forcing a smile on her face as agony poured through her body, and the want to cry grew from the forced happiness. Luckily, when it came to being a smarmy cunt, Rainbow could put on a pretty convincing act. “S-so, I hope y-you’re liking it as much as I am.”

The bonds on Rainbow’s wrists became tighter, threatening to break them as Nightmare’s rage blossomed to a new level. Even now, completely at her mercy, her slave still fought, still resisted and lied. It couldn’t be allowed. “Don’t lie. I can tell from your body that-”

Rainbow cut her off with a forced moan, as if she were in ecstasy. Admittedly, now that she was playing along, she could enjoy it to some level. Enjoy the fact that Nightmare couldn’t do much more than keep ramming her hips against a dry well. Enjoy the face she made. Enjoy the defiance that wouldn’t die in her.

Nightmare was done though. No trying to make Rainbow enjoy it. No, this was rape, and nothing else, so all restrictions were gone.

What Nightmare didn’t realize was what made the smile on Rainbow fade before her magic began. The alicorn’s face had purple markings beginning to glow on it, and the same, oppressive force that had attacked Rainbow before was coming back. It wasn’t just Nightmare above her now, but Nightmare aligning herself with exactly what her forces desired too.

Nightmare’s smile became crooked as her hands gripped into Rainbow’s nipples, squeezing them tight with the full brunt of an alicorn’s strength. A shriek of pain slipped through any remains of confidence that Rainbow had, and Nightmare, whose hair was rippling violently behind her, tilted her head. “Oh, more shrieks of pleasure, right? You just love,” pulling on them straight up as her hips crashed against Rainbow, “this sort of play with your mistress, right?”

Rainbow screamed again as was let down. This was bad, as her whole body wanted to shut down, to give up and do nothing. Her lungs could still work, and she took in a large breath, prepping for her sailor’s tongue. When Nightmare’s teeth clamped down on one of her nipples, threatening to split it open, her list of adjectives lowered to fit in an ear splitting scream. “Stop you fucking whore!”

Nightmare lifted herself up, smiling as she began to see the tears that poured down her slave’s face. It was delightful for her at this point, and much more pleasurable than the little, dry log she was rutting. “Come now, is it my tits or something? Because you’re the one who claimed to be enjoying being raped at first. Or,” she paused for a moment, “is it that you’re no longer because you’ve gotten used to this size?”

Rainbow blinked once, not realizing what Nightmare meant until she felt the cock come back in.

It hurt.

It only hurt.

It pushed into her, feeling like it was trying to force her organs out of position so it could come in. Rainbow could even see the mass in her as it bulged against her skin. It was agony, and her mind called for her to become quiet. To simply hide, as there was nothing to be done here.

And, with the next one, Rainbow gave in. She could feel the shuddering of Nightmare’s cock as it threatened to split her into two, threatened to break her, but she didn’t care. Whatever Nightmare was doing was not to her, because she had checked out.

And, Nightmare regained control as Rainbow went limp, having passed out just the moment before she came. The alicorn looked at the cum drenched cock and thighs below her and scowled with disgust at herself. She was supposed to be better than this, and yet this was all she could do.

She made her new piece of equipment vanish, thoroughly done with it, at least for the moment. Instead, Nightmare sat on the side of the bed, tired and angry. This wouldn’t be enough to break Rainbow. She had simply inflicted enough damage to make her retreat. Somehow she would need to find a way not to allow her to retreat, but the how escaped her, at least for the moment.

On the other hand, she doubted she would want to implement the how right now. If it weren’t for her stubbornness, Nightmare would have just driven a magical hole through the mare’s skull so as to remove her from the equation. She had decided that Rainbow would be one of her pets, and, even if it meant making a mindless whore by the end of it, she was determined to be successful in it.

For, as she was still teaching her student, Nightmare’s didn’t fail. They simply redoubled their efforts and forced their plans to work. Otherwise, they were just wasting the generosity of their backers.

Besides, even if the forces within her didn’t want everything, Nightmare would never have allowed for something she designated as hers to be taken away. Not after a thousand years of waiting to have anything.