A Rainbow in the Dark

by Misty Green

First published

Data Swift, the lone stallion and embodiment of balance, finds himself as the center of Equestria's fate... again. Which is made all the harder when his need to maintain balance is clouded by his want to transcend good, especially for his beloved.

Could the balance of good and evil belong to a single pony? If so, would balance be maintained, or fail bitterly? Can we really trust anypony to wield such power?

Too late. Somepony already has this power, and the emotional turmoil it causes is weighing heavy on his head. How long before he snaps? One was sure it would never happen, and perhaps she would've been right if not for a single shadow Equestria had thought dead.


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In a clearing within the Everfree Forest, far from all civilization, shadows had begun to collect under the moonlight. They flowed in from random directions as if they were snakes drawn in by an unseen force. Over the course of three nights, they slithered their way to the center of the clearing where they melted together, shaping themselves until they appeared as the shadow of a single stallion, cast on an invisible wall.

But on the approach of midnight of the final day, the shadow opened its piercing green eyes as the last of the snakes made its way through the clearing. The surrounding trees began to bend into the clearing, pulled by some unseen force as they creaked and groaned in protest. The ground was also quaking, adding a deep rumble to symphony of creaks, but the air on the other hoof grew still and heavy.

It was when this slithering shadow joined its brethren that the stallion began to glow, growing in intensity with the passing moments. Brighter and brighter it grew, until finally it burst, releasing the creaking trees from their paranormal restraints, and calming the rumbling earth. A maniacal chuckle was audible under the blinding light, and continued as it dissipated, revealing the regal king of shadow himself. Sombra had returned.

"Did they really think a simple crystal could dispose of me?" He Laughed. "Now that I have finally reformed, I can have my revenge on the tiny dragon who did that to me."

He paused, frowning. "No. That's twice now I've been defeated. I need to be stronger if I'm to reach my ends unchallenged."

A smile spread itself on his face. Giggles emanated from his throat. "And I know just how to do it!" He released a fresh wave of laughter as dark crystals sprout from the ground around him, and grew to form a castle that consumed the clearing.

---A few months later---

"I don't get it Spike. Why here, why Ponyville?" Twilight inquired. She was in her castle in Ponyville, sitting in her throne with spike right beside her.

"I don't know Twilight." Spike said with annoyance. He was resting his chin on the table like a bored school pony.

"There has to be a reason why that chest built my castle in Ponyville."

"Well, why don't you ask it then?"

Twilight Sparkle glared at Spike, "Realy?"

"I'm sorry Twilight, but don't you think you're thinking way too hard about this?"

"I don't know. Maybe I am, but I just can't help but think about how strangely placed my castle is."

Spike sat up. "Maybe you should get some rest, it's getting pretty late."

"You know, you're right. Sleep always helps when it comes to solving problems."

Spike rolled his eyes as he stood. He made his way through the door with Twilight just behind, and together, they climbed the stairs to Twilight's room. Since Twilight got her new castle, Spike could've found his own room to sleep in. But he hadn't yet grown used to sleeping in his own room, and for that Twilight was thankful.

She was silently nostalgic for her old home. She wished she hadn't teleported to Golden Oak Library when she fought Tirek. Maybe then it would've been left alone. But isn't this what every filly dreams of? To live in a castle of her own? To run a kingdom where her every whim would be accepted without question?

Twilight is living this dream (or most of it anyway, for she'd rather not be pampered by guards), but tonight she wished she wasn't. Maybe that's why she started looking into her castle's placement, to criticize her unwanted home. Maybe she truely was thinking too hard about it, but she just couldn't get past how unfair it felt.

When they'd reached her room, she crawled into bed. "Don't stay up too late reading Power Ponies, Spike."

"I won't Twilight," He promised as he opened the latest issue of the comic.

Funny thing was, Spike fell asleep long before Twilight did. She tossed and turned for seemingly forever, fighting her adamant grief for her home. She'd growled with frustration until she'd managed to repress her feelings, and closed her eyes.

She didn't even get one measly hour.

She was awoken by Spike's whimpering. Twilight began to seethe. First her own mind wouldn't let her sleep, but now Spike! She turned to ask Spike to quiet down, but instead found Sombra standing before the now open window, holding Spike with his telekinesis. Spike had been gagged.

Twilight's annoyance turned to shock. "H-how..."

"Don't worry my princess," Sombra mused, "I'm only borrowing your friend here for a little while."

"Not if I can help it." Twilight recovered from her shock. Spending years protecting Equestria can do that.

Sombra only laughed. "I admire your courage," He said while walking towards Twilight. "but you can't even hope to defeat me." He then cast his nightmare spell on Twilight, petrifying her where she stood.

Once the spell wore off, the emotional roller coaster Twilight rode corkscrewed into panic. She flew out the open window in search of Sombra. She looked in every direction she could think of, but in vain. She wasn't good a tracking, nor did she know if Sombra simply teleported away! She needed help.

She turned to the first place she could think of, and teleported to each of her friends' houses to wake them, and to teleport them to their new throne room.

"What in tarnation is this all about Twilight?" Applejack exclaimed between Twilight's flashing in and out of existence.

"It's Spike! He was taken by Sombra!"

"Woah, woah, woah," Said Rainbow Dash while rubbing sleep from her eyes, "Are we talking about the same Sombra who took over the Crystal Empire?"

"Yes, and he took Spike!"

Pinkie Pie joined in, "Then which way did he go? I'll teach king meany face to kidnap baby dragons if it's the last thing I do!"

"That's the thing. He used his nightmare spell on me before leaving. I haven't the faintest clue where they wen't"

"Don't worry darling," Rarity reassured, obviously amused by the situation. After all, Sombra wasn't at all the hardest foe they'd faced. "We'll find Spike. We just gotta do a little searching is all."

"But we don't even know which direction he went in. How are we supposed to track them down without even knowing what direction they went in!?"

"I could start asking some of the birds around here to..." Fluttershy offered before Rainbow cut her off.

"Hold that thought Fluttershy!" She was pointing at thin air. "Is that a green flame I see."

To their amazement, the small fire appeared and transformed into a piece of parchment in front of Twilight. Using her Telekinesis, She held it up to read, "Sombra took me to the Everfree Forest."

Twilight sneered. Crafty dragon, she thought as her smile contorted in anger. Then she said aloud, "Come on girls, let's go get our friend."

"But, Twilight," Rarity asked, "doesn't this seem at all out of place to you?"

Twilight noticed the suspicion in her friends eyes. It was equal to the worry in them as well, but she herself was too panicked to pay it any thought. "How couldn't this be Spike?" She asked. "I don't know any other creature capable of sending letters this way."

"I don't know Twilight," Pinkie stated. "This sits about as well as tired Applejack's muffins."

"There's no doubt in my mind that it is Spike. Now, let's go girls. I don't think we have any time!" Twilight exclaimed as she bolted out the door. Her friends shared a glance at each other, than galloped after her.


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Sambra's castle was easy to find with Rainbow Dash flying at mach speeds. She would have to give herself a pat on the back sometime considering how much weight she was towing. Even with all of her best friends and a big hot air balloon tethered to her, she managed to execute a perfect Sonic Rainboom! Which was just as well. It took Celestia and Luna to defeat Sombra (or one Crystal Heart, but that was all the way in the Crystal Empire). So if they planned to best Sombra, all six of them were going to have to face him together. At least that's what Twilight said, but Rainbow thought the Element of Magic could handle him on her own. On the other hoof, they were going to have to hurry if they were going to save Spike in time. At this speed, however, the Everfree Forest seemed as small as an alleyway. Rainbow could easily get from one side to the other in only a couple of minutes, so it didn't take long to find Sombra's castle.

Sombra's new castle wasn't anything special. It was just a collection of large dark crystals that appear as though they grew off a single boulder. Anypony would mistake it for an average, oversized crystal if it weren't for the large set of doors and the multitude of Windows. To Rainbow Dash, it looked like something a high-class changling would live in. She giggled at the thought of Sombra sharing a throne room with Chrysalis.

Slowly, Rainbow came out of mach speed as she approached the castle, but before they all came to a complete stop, Twilight jumped out of the balloon.

"Twilight," Rarity yelled as Applejack let the air out of the balloon, "Darling, wait!"

The alicorn completely ignored her, or didn't hear her.

Rainbow quickly untied herself. "Oh, I've got to see this," she said just before noticing how her remaining friends glared at her. "What? She's an alicorn now. She can handle Sombra, can't she?"

Rainbow flew ahead of them to catch up with Twilight, who was already through the main entrance, down the entrance hall, and standing in the central room, attempting to pinpoint the origin of the deep laughter that filled it. The room was overwhelmingly undecorated. It was just a cave that was carved out of metallic crystals, making it appear even more changeling in origin. Fortunately, the minimal light helped to hide its boringness.

Suddenly, Sombra's chuckles were replaced by speech. "So, the princess of friendship has come to save her pet. How touching!"

The castle began to shake as Twilight screamed, "Give me my friend back!"

Shards began to fly off the walls. "Tell me princess, how do you plan on saving your pet when you're busy fighting for your own life!?"

The shards floated in various groups around the two ponies. Slowly, they came together to form around twenty dark crystal stallions in the air just above the ground. Just as each one finished forming, their eyelids opened, revealing the bright white eyes beneath. As they fell to the ground, they producing a dull thud.

Rainbow reacted immediately, bucking the nearest ponyquin. It flew back in countless fragments, defeated as Twilight destroyed another with a blast of magic. Together they fought, easily dispatching the crystalline guards. But when Rainbow stopped for a moment she'd noticed more and more of them forming. They were closing in.

"There's too many, Twilight," Rainbow yelled as she watched them walk closer. Their sporadic, sharp movements caused by their crystalline bodies constantly cracking and healing made them slow. But their sheer numbers were overwhelming them.

Twilight growled and bowed her head. Rainbow could have sworn she saw smoke come from Twilight's mane as she charged her spell. A swirling circle of energy formed between them and the evil sculptures, that grew into a sphere and exploded outward, vaporizing all in its way. They now stood in a twenty foot crater.

"Woah!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as the rest of them trotted trough the now missing door, and slid down the side of the crater. "Remind me never get on Twilight's bad side!"

"Is that all you've got, Sombra!" Twilight screamed, "Come and face me yourself, you coward!"

Sombra only giggled. "Very well." A doorway appeared in front of Twilight. "If you're so inclined to face me, then be my guest."

"Come on girls," Twilight said as she began to trot towards the door.

"Hold up, Twi!" Applejack interjected, "Somethin' just ain't right about this."

"Sombra's demeanor does seem off," Rarity added in.

Rainbow refuted with, "Who cares!? Did you just see what Twilight just did!? Those statues didn't stand a chance!"

Twilight simply stopped and turned around. "I don't care! No pony runs off with my dragon the way this coward did. Not if I have anything to say about it!"

Fluttershy decided to speak up. "But Twilight, it isn't anything like you to charge in like this. Don't you think you're being a bit hasty..." Then she noticed how Twilight was glaring at her, "oh, um, sorry. Carry on."

Twilight was about to speak when Applejack hit her.


"Now listen here, sugar cube. This ain't you. Since when do you charge in without so much as a thought about what yer doin'! You ain't even sent word to the princesses. How did Sombra even take Spike, anyhow?"

Twilight answered in a slow, angry voice. "He had him with his telekinesis and he was..." Twilight eyes widened and her mouth gaped as she recalled Spike's condition when he was taken. "Gagged," she finished with a whisper.

Her friends looks told her everything. "I'm sorry girls. I don't know what got into me."

"It's quite alright darling. We're here now, and all that's left to do is save Spike," Rarity said.

Applejack nodded. "Can yu' send word to the princesses?"

Twilight shook her head. "Even from Ponyville I wouldn't be able to teleport a letter to Celestia. The distance is just far too great."

"Ooh! Ooh! We could send Rainbow to get them!" Pinkie offered.

"I could get there in only a few minutes," Rainbow agreed.

Twilight looked at the swirling portal in the doorway behind them. "I don't think we have that much time. I'd imagine Sombra's getting impatient, even now."

Fluttershy was quivering. "We could just leave," she squeaked.

"No, no Fluttershy, that..." Twilight paused again. "Could actually work," she finished slowly. The collective gasp didn't surprise her.

"Twi, don't make me punch yu' again," Applejack warned.

Twilight giggled. "No need. What I mean is, while five of us distract Sombra, Rainbow could quickly fly over to wherever Spike is, and get him out of here. Spike could send me a note, a leaf, or something to let me know he's out, then I could teleport the rest of us out of the castle."

"That could work," Applejack admitted as she warmed to the idea.

"Pinkie could go as well," Rainbow added, "she's pretty good at keeping up with me. So between the two of us, we could cover the whole castle in half the time.

The castle shook. It was time to move.

"Sounds like time's up," Twilight observed, and with that, Rainbow flew through one of the doors in the room as fast as she dared.

It only took a minute for her to search her half of the castle. The odd shape had lead her to the door leading to the throne room, where she met Pinkie. Did every hallway lead to this door?

"No luck?" She asked Pinkie.

"Nope. Maybe darkie in there has him."

"Let's find out."

The door lead to a circular throne room that was about forty feet wide, and like the rest of the castle, was largely undecorated. Sombra sat in a large throne in the center with Spike in a floating, clear, black bubble behind him. He was firing a purely black ray of magic at Twilight who had created a force field to counteract it. Twilight fought to maintain her force field, but Rainbow could tell it was taking every ounce of her strength.

"Hey, you coward!" Rainbow yelled, as she charged Sombra. "Let her go!"

She flew straight into his force field, and bounced harmlessly off. Just as she hit the ground, a bright, multicolored light flashed between Sombra and Twilight, momentarily blinding everypony. Once the light cleared, a green alicorn was revealed, standing where the light had originated. He had a brown mane with a red streak running down the middle of it. His eyes were also a fierce red, but his hooves were a subtle black. He was about as tall as Luna, but his body was shaped more like a pony's than a stallion's.

A little dazed, Twilight stood up straight. "Who are you?"

"Get back," the alicorn said.

"I know we just met, but shouldn't we fight him toge..."

"I said, get back!" The alicorn's eyes turned rainbow-colored as rainbow-colored bubbles formed around the six friends. Rainbow sensed something familiar about the magic bubbles. Of course, she'd been around magic her whole life, but though she could not use it herself, she felt she knew the kind of magic the bubbles were made of.

As she and the others fought and complained, the alicorn turned back towards Sombra, "Using black magic to pick on ponies. Not cool."

"And who are you to you mingle in some other pony's business?" Sombra replied.

"I am merely here to bring balance to the situation."

Sombra giggled again (Rainbow was getting tired of hearing that). "If not for you blinding me, I would have already defeated one alicorn. How could a second fair any better?"

"Let's just say I know more than you."

"No pony knows black magic but me."

"And you're proud of that?"

Sombra was confused by the question. "What, prey tell, is that supposed to mean?"

"It's simple," The mysterious alicorn answered. "Only cowards need that much power to get what they want."

Sombra growled as they began circling each other. "I will kill you, though you're not worth it."

He appeared to be filling up with some sort of black liquid, like water being poured into a glass. Likewise this new pony seemed to be filling up with a rainbow liquid, as he circled. Rainbow also expected him to have another smart flank comment, but he was quiet.

"Uh, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What's going on?"

"I, don't know."

In an instant, the two charged each other, while more energy appeared in front of them, essentially turning them into living fire balls. Once they collided near the center of the room, they stopped in mid air, both trying to plow right through the other. Their spells ended and they flipped back to the ground, charging up their energy once again.

They performed the attack a second time, but once they landed again, Sombra used his black ray. The alicorn quickly created a rainbow-colored force field around himself. While he was repelling Sombra's onslaught, the alicorn teleported above him and focused energy on his hind hoof in a kick attack. Sombra dodged, causing the attack to hit the ground, literally shattering it. Sombra bucked the alicorn, sending him flying into the wall behind him. As he flew into the wall, the alicorn began charging up another onrush attack, and once he collided, he used it. Sombra just barely dodged the attack, but was able to land another kick on the alicorn once he did, breaking the alicorn's spell, and sending the alicorn into the opposite wall. This time the kick was fueled by black energy, forcing the alicorn so hard into the wall that he sank an inch into it, causing large cracks to form in it as well. He pried himself out, landing on his hind legs. The alicorn began focusing rainbow-colored energy into a ball in front of him. Sombra did the same. As the the spells charged, the room gradually grew darker until the spells were released in two thick beams that hit each other dead on. The resulting explosion ripped the roof of the room clean off.

Once the light cleared, Rainbow saw that Sombra was the one who was hit. The king of shadow was sitting against the wall that had been behind him, his cape was torn, and armor was fracked as well as dented. He opened his piercing green eyes, so full of rage, took one look the green alicorn who approached him, and teleported. The alicorn turned in circles searching for him under the light from the moon above, growling and charging his onrush attack all the while. Once it was clear Sombra had run, the alicorn screamed, "Coward!"

He flew straight into the air, releasing his spell as he did. Rainbow immediately recognized the rainbow-colored ring that spread across the sky. As the alicorn curved back around to dive bomb the battle scene Rainbow knew what was coming next. Did this alicorn remember that they were still in the castle? Was this pony, with all his sarcastic humor really going to do this?

"Brase yourselves!" Rainbow yelled at her friends, though she doubted it would do anything against an atomic rain-nuke. She had, after all, used one on one of the old barns on Sweet Apple Acres.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity before she heard the explosion. The intensity of the light was so strong it pierced through her eye lids, everything shook around her, and her ears screamed for quieter noise. But when everything settled down, she discovered, first: that she was fine, and second: the castle was utterly razed.

"I'm alive?" The statement was more question than excitement.

"That was the most fun I've had in a millennia!" The alicorn exclaimed as he released everypony from their bubbles, including Spike.

That put Rainbow off. She did't see how scaring her half to death was fun. Then again, she did get a kick or two from scaring Fluttershy. But something about this alicorn wasn't right. How could a fight be fun if somepony almost died, especially if it was one of her friends?

Her train of thought was interrupted by the alicorn. "Hello. I'm Data Swift."

Data Swift

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Rarity couldn't quite get a read on Data Swift. He seemed happy and so full of love in some moments, only to become bitterly angry in others. It seemed like the two emotions were fighting each other for control of the stallion, and causing Rarity to be suspicious of him. Why would he be so conflicted on seemingly everything, but help them when they needed him most? It was as if even choices that should have easy enough make rightly put him on edge, like he no longer knew what the right thing even was. How long would he actually help them? Could Data turn on them as easily as the flip of a bit?

"I thought Celestia said the four of us princesses were the only alicorns in Equestria," Rarity heard Twilight say. "If this is truly the case, then where are you from?"

"Equestria, same as you," Data cheerily answered. "I just like to keep to the shadows. Few, if any, know I exist."

"Whyever would you do that?" Rarity pressed for answeres. "Doesn't it get lonely?"

"That's a long story," Data warned. "It's necessary that I remain hidden."

Twilight wasn't satisfied with that answer. "But why is it necessar..."

"That's none of your business!" Everypony jumped. Rarity supposed it was fair for him to yell. But it still didn't help how she felt about Data, but then she noticed a single tear on his cheek. Perhaps there was more to his behavior than she knew, but she decided to leave it, and from the null in the conversation that followed, she guessed her friends did the same.

Rainbow was the one to break the silence, "So, that magic you used back there. It's awfully similar to that rainbow power we used against Tirek."

Data chuckled. "Of course you'd be the one to recognize it, Rainbow Dash. Although, it's not what you think it is."

"Well, what is it then?"

"It's simple really. Rainbow Magic, as it's called, is the most powerful form of magic in Equestria other than the Elements of Harmony themselves. However, it isn't used like traditional magic. Instead of spells, it bases its effects off the will of the caster. So, really, anything could happen, within certain bounds. This includes the ever-spectacular sonic rainboom."

The look of surprise on Rainbow's face lightened the mood a little. "You mean, I can use rainbow magic?"

"Not only can, but have been!"

"Ohhh!" Pinkie commented. "It all makes so much sense now. Rainbow might be a little less awsome now that we now just about everypony could potentially perform a sonic rainboom, but wow! A pegasus who can use magic!"

Rarity was rather enjoying their excitement, but she couldn't help but notice Fluttershy. She was obviously scared, and was trying to get every pony's attention. Poor thing, Rarity thought, being assertive must not come naturally to all ponies. She was sure the new alicorn unsettled Fluttershy as much as he did her.

"Fluttershy," Rarity asked, loud enough to grasp every pony's attention, "surely you have something to say?"

Everypony turned toward Fluttershy. A couple of them apologized.

"Uh, yes. Um. Shouldn't we tell Princess Cadence Sombra's back? And, uh, can we go back to Ponyville?"

Data was quick to respond. "I can take care of the message, and I assure you, as long as you're with me, you are safe in the Everfree Forest. Heck, you've been here on your own before."

"How do yu' know that?" Applejack questioned.

"I'm the guardian of balance in Equestria. It's my job to watch it as much as I can, especially those who have a firmer grasp of its fate." He looked at each of the friends while he said that. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed my presence in the past."

"However long have you been watching us?" Rarity was a little creeped out.

"I have kept to the skies, intently watching your adventures since Nightmare Moon. I'd say the most obvious of my interventions would have to be when Discord reversed your personalities." He turned toward Twilight. "Did you honestly think Celestia knew you were defeated while also cooped up in her castle?"

Twilight's eyes widened. "You sent all my letters back to me?"

Data smiled through the corner of his mouth, and gave a single nod. "Of course you haven't needed much of my help. It was more so the bad guys who needed it. For instance..."

"IT'S A TRICK! EVERY PONY RUN!" Pinkie screamed and started running in circles around the clearing.

"I'm the embodiment of balance, remember!? I've never done anything to get anypony killed, nor am I against you this time in any way. Well, I had been the one to send you the note that lead you here, but..."

Rarity gasped. "You impersonated Spike?

Data was slow to respond. "Yes. I had thought the enemy needed more of my help than you guys. That is usually the case, after all. But I can see now that I was wrong. So I'm on you side, 100 percent."

Everypony was silent. They weren't sure whether to believe that or not. There was a reluctance in Data's voice as he'd said that, as if no piece of evidence, no matter how strong, was enough to prove his claim. He did seem to give Applejack a run for her money in honesty, but his emotional carousel screamed he was hiding something.

"Look. I'm not the best pony around, nor am I even good at my job. But you have to believe me! I've always been on your side. I have to help balance things out, or else I'll change." His own hoof immediately lodged itself in his mouth.

Pinkie appeared in the group seemingly out of nowhere, apparently done screaming her head off. "Change? Like, into candy or something?"

Rarity saw Data release a slight shiver, as if he remembered something he didn't at all like about candy. "Uh, forget I said anything."

Pinkie threw a hoof over Data's shoulder. "Ah, come on. You can tell us anything. Who else to help little fillies like us, than a good pony like you!? I'll trust anything you say. Except a lie, of course!"

"NO!" He wheeled around and sat with his head hanging low. Rarity listened to his sobs. She couldn't help but wonder what the deal was with this pony. Anything pointing to his past brought on anger, or he ignored it entirely. But why? He couldn't have done anything that bad, could be?

Fluttershy slowly approached the crying horse. She looked to others for approval. Reluctantly, they all nodded. So she wrapped a wing around him, and began to comfort him.

"Shhh. Please stop crying. You can tell us anything. We won't bite. No matter how bad it hurts, if you tell somepony, anypony, you will feel better." She whispered.

Data wiped a tear from his eye, but he otherwise didn't move. Slowly, he began to speak. "Being the embodiment of balance isn't all sunshine and rainbows, as I've already told you. You're forced to make sure both sides have an equal chance at winning. Both sides have to have the same level of power, or else I face the consequences."

He paused for a moment as his breathing intensified. "It's just so frustrating!" He yelled with the stomp of a hoof. "I don't even know what the right thing is anymore! I feel the need to help the good side, but if I go to far, it'll all be for nothing!"

Suspicion confirmed, but Rarity was still surprised. Fluttershy didn't even flinch! Instead she calmly pushed him on. "It's okay. Do you want to tell us how it'll be for nothing?"

Data took in a deep breath. "If I take my actions too far to either side, I'll change. I'll become the polar opposite of balance, as well as the inverse of who I want to be. I would become a tyrant far worse than Sombra, Tirek, or any of them. I would be the worst enemy Equestria has ever seen, and in a sick and twisted way, be forced to re-establish balance. That is why I help the bad guys so much. Because I never want to become a monster. Never again."

Rarity took a moment to let the implication sink in. Had he really changed before? How many times? She had so many questions, but she didn't want to push him any further for fear of going too far herself. Not to mention every answer they received left them with more questions. Fortunately, she didn't have to try.

"I don't remember any record of a tyrant capable of using rainbow magic, putting aside the fact I've never heard of rainbow magic either," Twilight stated.

"That's because there isn't any," Data said while trying to hold back more tears. It was clear he wasn't going to say any more about the subject, or he'd cry a river. Rarity felt she had to say something to make sure no pony inquired more from Data. She wasn't ready to have her head burst from question overload.

"Fabulous! Well, I do believe we have a few princesses to warn, so we can hold off on any more details for the time being. Besides, who knows where Sombra plans to go with his evil scheme." She saw the corner of Data's mouth curve up again, though only slightly.

"Yes," Data announced as he quickly stood, "Sombra might still be after the empire. We must warn Cadence at once!"

His horn flashed rainbow as three multi-colored rectangles appeared in the air in front of him. After a moment, the colors shifted to form the images of Cadence, Celestia, and Luna. Two of the images were Cadence and Celestia sleeping, which creeped Rarity out even more. How intently was this pony watching us?. Then, to her surprise, the image of Luna screamed in surprise. Apparently, the other two heard.

"Good evening, my princesses," Data announced. The look of revulsion on their faces didn't phase him. "I am Data Swift, and I am here with the princess of friendship. We have dire news that requires your immediate attention."

Twilight finished the announcement after a nod, "Sombra's back! Not only that, he's stronger than ever."

Celestia was the first to recover from her revulsion. "How came this to be?"

"I'm not sure, princess. My only theory is that the Crystal Heart couldn't kill him, so full of love as it is," Data answered.

"How certain are you of this information?" Luna asked. Rarity noticed the way she and Data were looking at each other. Why wouldn't she? She had shared the same look with Spike before. Oh, dear Celestia! Is there anything about this pony that isn't confusing?

"Entirely. The eight of us saw him first hoof."

Everypony voiced their agreement with Data.

"This isn't good. The empire needs protection," Cadence said. "Shining Armor, get up! Sombra's back!"

"Huh!" Came a male voice from behind Cadence. "You're dreaming Cadence. There's nothing to worry about."

"No, Shining Armor. It's true," Twilight told her brother.

"Twili? How did you...? What are you doing in...? Are you sure?"

"I wish it were false, lord Shinig Armor, but she and I have already faced him in battle. He kidnapped Spike, apparently for revenge, and nearly bested Twilight before I intervened."

But also after, Rarity thought to herself.

"You must protect your empire with your shield magic. It won't last near as long as it had before he got his new power; however, you certainly will last longer than facing him head on," Data instructed. "That way I will have time to reach you if Sombra attacks the Crystal Empire."

"Sir, are you absolutely certain the Crystal Heart won't dispel him as it had before?" Shining Armor questioned.

"Yes. Sombra has learned to use black magic. Its only equal is rainbow magic, which I use. Of course, the Elements of Harmony could dispose of him, but their locked away. And as for the rainbow power they bestowed on Twilight and her friends, I don't think they even know how to reactivate it."

Celestia closed her eyes. "This is truly dire news. Do you know where he is now?"

"No. He got away."

"You said he kidnapped Spike," Luna noted, "but you're also having the Empire build its defenses. Have you his intentions, or simply covering all possibilities?"

"I'm taking every precaution I can, which is why the eight of us will come to your castle. That is if that's okay with the two of you. After all, he might also want revenge on the two of you for sending the empire away a thousand years ago."

There was a null in the conversation as Celestia thought it over. "Very well," She said gently. "If what you say is true, and the element of magic couldn't even fight him, where this rainbow magic can, then I suppose it would be wise to have you in our castle. That is also taking into consideration Shining Armor's mastery in defensive spells, though I fear it won't be enough for you to get there in time."

"Ten minutes is all I need to reach the Crystal Empire from Canterlot using mach speeds and teleportation."

Celestia nodded. "Very well. Let's discuss further details once you've reached our castle."

"Yes ma'am!" With that, Data ended his spell, and the eight of them got into the hot air balloon.

Past Sins

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Data Swift waited outside Canterlot castle while the others talked inside. He had no doubt everypony was talking about him, and wether or not to trust him. After all, he hadn't exactly presented himself in the most respectable of manners. Stupid!, he thought yelling and crying like that. You do realize emotional flip flops like that are a big red flag on your trust score. Oh, well. It's not like I could help it anyway.

His thoughts cleared while he lay in the grass. He felt unusually comfortable here. Too comfortable. Of course it was easy to feel that way when the draconaquus within him wasn't forcing its feelings down Data's throat.

That got him thinking again. He felt the pain welling up inside him for the millionth time. How could he have been so stupid? All he ever wanted to do was make the world a better place, but instead he wound up like this. He began running down his past, trying to find something in it he missed before. Some comfort in what he'd become.

"Ethie! It's time to go!" Data called to his little sister. She was going off to magic camp and Data had to escort her. Since the loss of their parents, Data had been the one to take care of her, and was fair at it as far as he knew. But he didn't like disciplining her, though he rarely had to, and would find the most indirect way he could when it came to it. This camp was one such occasion.

Ethie had become obsessed with ghosts. It seemed all she cared about since their parents died, and Data felt it was becoming a problem. He could never ask her to give up her false hope that she would see her parents again, and begging her to go out, at least from time to time if nothing else, was futile. She always had her book with her as she trotted around, asking questions at thin air. Then there was also the fact that Ethie would refuse to eat and otherwise take care of herself, so Data knew she needed help. She needed to be away for a while.

Ethie came trotting down the stairs. She was a unicorn, Like Data, with a silver coat and emerald green eyes. Her mane was short and combed up in a fro-hawk, and her tail was short as well, but both were black with thin, white streaks. Behind her floated her luggage encased with her green magic.

"How many ponies will there be in the camp?" Ethie asked.

"Oh, there will be lots of them," Data promised. "The poster I saw said there will be close to a hundred little unicorns there. Do you have everything, by the way?"

Ethie's eyes widened. She looked in her suit case, breathed a sigh of relief, and closed it back up. "Yep!"

"Do you have your ghost hunting book?"

Ethie was hesitant. "N-no."

Data sighed. "Ethie, look. As much as I don't think you should take it, I'm going to let you. Just, please Ethie, leave it in your suit case for most of the trip."

Ethie smiled, and nodded once. "Okay, I promise. Consider it a solid. But you know what that means."

Data rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes. Now I owe you one," he said just before checking the sun dial.

"It's time to go."


"Yep! Let's go."

Together, they walked to their town's school house. Data thought it was a rather large building for a foal school, but they did also live in Califilly, which in itself was immense. When it was time for the class to leave for camp, the two siblings waved their good byes, and Data went home. All was well and ends well, until four days later.

Data and his three friends had worked the entire day on their project. It would be the biggest innovation since language was conceived, if they could just get it working. The plan was to create an intelligence system capable of ever expanding knowledge by combining two great arts: magic and science. The latter has since become an endangered art, but it wasn't the problem, the magic was. They were almost perfectly certain the spell was worded correctly. If it would just start, the spell would run on an equilibrium, eliminating the need for future castings, but the spell itself required vast amounts of power in order to kick start it.

By this particular day, they had tried the spell and various variations of it using all sorts of magic. Gypsy magic, magic, arcane magic, magic potions, and even dark magic couldn't get it to work. But it was today that they had put the nail in the coffin; today they tried rainbow magic.

Data was the only one of the four to actually understand how to use it, so it was up to him. But when he'd casted it, nothing appeared to be happening, so they decided to call it a day. Little did they know that in the dark of night, the rainbow magic would meld with the rest of the lingering magic to form one primal force. In the dark of night, Digitar was completed.

Cosmic Caster was lounging in his room with a book layed out in front of him when he heard the crash in the work shop. Thoughts of the failure with rainbow magic were still fresh in his mind, so he almost hadn't heard it. He got up to investigate.

"Who's there!?" Cosmic called through his bedroom window in his British accent.

The workshop was built in his back yard. A club house of sorts for him and his friends to work on their project in private. But it wasn't there anymore. Instead, a forty hoof tall, bulky, bipedal figure stood in its ruin. It's body, hidden in shadow as it was, Cosmic could only clearly make out its shape, and all he could look at was its face.
Its bright red eyes rested in the black shape of a bull's head. It had horns that framed his head in what looked like a Greek Omega.

Cosmic Caster could do nothing but quake with fear as his end approached him.

Data Swift ran to the battle as fast as he could. The whole of Califilly could hear the ruckus. Fortunately, Data wasn't far; unfortunately, Data saw what he was getting himself into. Digitar scared the dung out of him, and it didn't help that the battle was definitely in the beast's favor. Digitar simply swatted ponies away like they were flies. The description grew even more fitting as their numbers grew. But instead of overwhelming Digitar, it would simply change tactics, and continually remain untouchable.

One pony was trying to cast a sealing spell on Digitar. Data instantly recognized her as Chemi Callore. She was one of his friends who was helping him with the project. She was great with magic, and even better with potions, but neither skill seemed to be helping. Everything seemed to simply slide off Digitar, until it got annoyed with her. That was when it moved in to attack, swatting pegasi out of its way as it did. Data barely reached her in time, and by creating a force field out of rainbow magic, was able to save her.

"What is that thing!?" Data screamed over screaming ponies, Digitar's roars, and its thundering attacks. Data had to strain in order to keep the magical barrier up.

"I don't know! Nothing I do seems to affect it except to bring about annoyance!"

"Uhg!" Data grunted. The strain was too much. "Talk later! Scatter! NOW!"

The next of Digitar's strikes shattered Data's force field like it were glass. The two friends tumbled to a halt on either side of its over-sized fist. Then, as if out of the blue, a grey-blue streak crashed into Digitar's gut, actually causing it to step back. It tilted its head at its attacker. Floating in the air in front of it was the last of Data's friends, Textbook Rainstorm.

"Where have you been, Data!? And where's Cosmic!?"

"Not all of us can fly you know!"

"Thanks for the tip, commander blatant!" The pegasus exclaimed as he dodged an attack. "A little help here!"

Data and Chemi jumped into action, both of them unleashing the strongest combat magic they knew. With unbelievable speed, Digitar extended his hands outward to receive the attacks. When they hit, they gave a quick flash of light, and were absorbed into Digitar's hands.

"Astounding!" Chemi yelled.

Digitar no longer acknowledged any of the other ponies around him, instead it simply dropped one of its arms, and pointing the other at Data, began to walk toward him. Data backed away, his horn alight. He wasn't sure if it would do any good to use the magic since this monster absorbed his previous attack.

"Any ideas?" Data asked Chemi, his eyes remaining glued to Digitar.

"Obviously, directly attacking it will be ineffective."

Digitar's hand was now glowing in white, straight, and angular markings, some of which ending in small circles.

Data was frantic. "Thanks! Got that!"

Another blue streak flew into Digitar. This time Rainstorm hit Digitar in the shoulder, breaking the monster's balance momentarily. When it recovered, it aimed it's glowing hand at Rainstorm and unleashed the energy in a projectile. At the distance Rainstorm was at; however, he easily dodged it.

Watching Rainstorm gave Data an idea. "How about telekinesis?" He offered Chemi.

"I would have attempted to overload the beast with magic."

"But that's an undefined variable! We don't know how much energy it can handle!"

"Shall we compromise for plan B then?"

"Fine! Now let's go!"

The unicorns gathered as many large or heavy items as they could. Some they threw at Digitar, others they used as clubs. Swinging madly at the biped, but careful of innocent ponies, they mentally pushed their weapons through the air as fast as they could. Every time they hit it, whatever part of its body it was would flail or otherwise react to the laws of physics, but didn't seem to affect it in any other way.

"Guys!" Rainstorm observed. "I don't think it's working!"

Chemi smirked at Data. Why did she always have to be right? Data wondered. He turned to Rainstorm to shout at him. "Let's try overloading it with energy!"

Rainstorm momentarily lost his focus, and Digitar was able to land an attack on him. Rainstorm landed on his back beside Data.

Rainstorm spat. "Last I checked, magic only makes it stronger."

"Well, if you have a better plan, I'm all ears," Data complained as Rainstorm rolled onto his hooves.

"Look out!" Rainstorm screamed as he tackled Data. A large hoof replaced them where they had been standing.

When Rainstorm stood back up, he found Data wrapped around his neck, wide eyed and shivering. When Data noticed the stink eye he was being given, he returned a fake smile and climbed off his friend.

Rainstorm let it slide. "You and Chemi give it everything you've got. I'll go get some storm clouds."

Data nodded, leaped once toward Digitar, and unleashed a single ray of magic. He maintained the spell as Chemi fired a deluge of energy blasts, and Rainstorm gathered dark grey clouds over Digitar's head. Once he had them, he profusely jumped on them, causing them to strike Digitar with every hoof fall. Data thought the lightning had to have been blinding it, because all Digitar could manage was to swing its arms in no particular direction. This gave Data hope.

It was a struggle, but Data managed to squeeze a little more strength into his attacks. Through the haze of his extremely energetic horn, he could see that Digitar was now shrouded in light. To everypony around, it would look like the three of them were fueling a white bonfire, as if it were Burning Mane.

Exhausted, Data released one final pulse at his foe. His friends soon followed his lead, but that was what allowed them the quiet to hear what was happening. There was deep rumbling noise. It was quick and periodic, almost as if the earth itself was laughing at them. Then the fire extinguished, and Data knew it was indeed a laugh, but not from the earth.

Digitar's black body was now covered from head to hoof in white markings. As the monster laughed, these markings slowly grew brighter. Eventually, Digitar began to curl up into a ball, so intense was the light that five hoof long beams could be seen jutting out from the markings.

"DUCK AND COVER!" Rainstorm screamed just as he flew off.

Data didn't need to be told twice. He threw up a multicolored force field around himself, and Chemi followed suit with her magic. Neither was a moment too soon.

Digitar released the energy in a massive explosion that was more a prolonged gust of wind than a burst of force. Data struggled to uphold his bubble with the minimal energy he had left. Chemi wasn't doing much better, in fact, she had it much worse.

Data watched through one eye as the explosion stripped her force field away in a matter of seconds. With absolutely nothing to protect her, the wind began to tear away at her flesh. Particles of her body flew away as if she were made of sand, until there was nothing left. It had taken just as long as it had her force field.

Data screamed for Chemi, but the roar of the explosion prevented him from hearing his own voice. He was thankful for that. Hearing Chemi's pain would only have made it worse for him. He wished he could've done something, anything. For him there was nothing worse than having to stand by helpless as those he cared about died right before his eyes. Chemi's death only marked three times too many.

Suddenly, the explosion stopped. Data was panting, the cracks in his own force field a representation of just how close he was to blacking out. Hot tears clouded his eyes, but the unmistakable laughter told him Digitar was still very much alive.

With a shaky hoof, Data cleared his eyes to steal one last glance at his friend's murderer. What he found was Digitar kneeling right outside his force field with one of his hands held above the magical barrier. One of its fingers still glowing with energy.

Its laughter had ceased while a single word reverberated in Data's skull like it were made of rubber. Wings. Then Digitar resumed laughing and simply tapped the force field with his glowing finger. Data didn't even have time to think. Nor could he really concentrate. But the last thing Data could make out before passing out was the landscape bellow, flying by at an impossible speed.

One, single noise woke Data. It was muffled, choppy, and high pitched. Data was certain he knew what the noise was. Music? No. It was rhythmic, but there was no beat to it. Data groaned in frustration.

Suddenly, there was only silence. Data forced his eyes open. He had to know what the noise was, but what he saw unlocked painful memories. Data was lying in an impression in the ground at the edge of a forest, a barren waste land extending to the horizon in all other directions. There was no sign of the civilization that had been there not 24 hours past, no hint that even life had existed there. Only black sand and boulders.

Data drew in a breath to start weeping. A sharp pain in his sides funneled it down to a faint whimper. Pain. That seemed to trigger something, like his body suddenly remembered how to feel. Much of his body ached, save for his hind legs. Data couldn't feel those at all.

Before he could test his legs, Data heard a single question. It was in a broken voice, as if it were completely drained of hope, then some event left it in disbelief. "Data?"

It finally dawned on Data what that earlier noise was. Some pony, most likely the filly behind him, had been crying. Who was left to cry for him though? Califilly was gone, as well as every pony in it. But not every pony was in Califilly, were they?

Data tried to turn his head, but found his neck was too sore. "Ethie?"

"Oh, thank Celestia you're okay!" She embraced him which exasperated his broken ribs. Data moaned from the pain.

Ethie quickly released Data. "Sorry!"

"Ethie..." Data didn't know what to say. He didn't trust himself to speak without crying. He'd failed his sister. There was no way Data could survive his injuries, not for long. Not after having flown at such an incredible speed and landing with enough force to break his back, ribs, mar some internal organs, etcetera. Ethie will lose three guardians in her life time, and Data would only be a statistic. He was suddenly very glad Ethie still sat behind him.

No. Data had to at least say something. "Ethie. I'm sor..."

Data was interrupted by an oversized hand grasping him. Ethie screamed behind him as all non-paralyzed portions of his body demanded release. Data wriggled in Digitar's iron grip, the effort seemed only to worsen his pain, though. At least his neck wasn't broken, or he'd be suffocating too.

Digitar lifted Data to eye-level. There was no earth-quaking laughter, no glowing white markings, no words, just a piercing gaze. Data fought for freedom, pain dominating his mind. He knew he was as good as dead, but instinct drove him to fight for comfort. Then a single unspoken word worked its way in Data's brain. Father.

Data froze. He was unable to think about it earlier, but this word simply appearing in his mind couldn't have been coincidence. Last time it had been "wings" and Data was sent flying immediately afterwards. Had that been this monster, imprinting what it had to say on Data's mind? If so, was this monster listening to Data when he made his comment to Rainstorm about wings? But then there was this word. "Father". What could that mean? It didn't seem to have any context in the situation. The word was obviously directed at Data, but Data didn't have children. He wasn't even in a relationship. What could he possibly have created that would result in a living monster?

Created. The word lodged itself in his mind. "Digitar?"

Without warning, something slammed into Digitar's gut. It was moving fast enough to knock the beast clear off its hooves. The complete unexpectedness of the attack caused Digitar to let go of Data as it toppled backwards.

Data saw everything in slow motion. This is gonna hurt, he thought as he descended, the ground slowly magnifying the closer he got. Data gritted his teeth in preparation for the wave of pain that was sure to come. When it didn't, he found he had been caught by green magic.

Data breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Ethie," He managed to say, his throbbing body making it difficult to even breath.

Data turned his head to see what had hit Digitar, wincing all the while at his sore neck. Rainstorm had somehow survived the explosion and was now standing on Digitar's chest. Nothing but rage inhabiting his eyes.

Ethie gently put Data down and prepared to attack. Data stopped her. "That will NOT end well, Ethie." Data coughed, which infuriated his ribs. "Believe me, it won't get you anywhere." After a moment of contemplation, Ethie released her magic and watched the death match.

Digitar had now stood up and was facing his combatant. Rainstorm was hunched over, his wings fully extended, ready to fly off in any direction he needed to. It was a stalemate of sorts. If either of them did anything, the other would retaliate or avoid as needed. It had seemed an eternity before one of them decided to attack.

Rainstorm was first. He flew directly for Digitar's face, apparently aiming to bash its skull in. Digitar swatted him away. It picked up a boulder and waited for Rainstorm to fly back around. Rainstorm didn't slow down, but sped up, and when Digitar did throw the Boulder, he corkscrewed around it. Coming down at an angle, Rainstorm rammed straight into Digitar's face, landing on the ground behind the beast only to take off again, back in the direction he'd come.

Digitar tried catching Rainstorm's tail after he hit him across the face a second time, but in vain. Rainstorm was already high in the air, looping around vertically for a dive bomb. His speed preventing Digitar from blocking as he plowed into its head, knocking the forty-hoof monster back down to the ground.

Digitar lay on his back while Rainstorm bucked it once in the head just before taking off once again. This left a red crack in Digitar's head that spewed sparks that were square in shape.

Digitar rolled over and punched the ground as it stood up a second time. The vibrations didn't feel all that well to Data who sat in disbelief. Rainstorm was actually doing it! He watched as his friend flew back around. This time Digitar tried to catch his while Rainstorm flew toward it, but Rainstorm changed course at the last second. Sliding between Digitar's legs, he came to a stop behind the monster, who promptly turned around to find a pegasus flying directly into its face. Rainstorm flew in a vertical loop again, and came speeding downward as he had the first time. At the very last moment, Rainstorm altered his course again, but Digitar was expecting it.

Digitar finally caught the grey-blue flier, and waisted no time swinging him over its head to send him crashing into the ground. The fury must have been building in the monster because the ground shook when Rainstorm hit. He immediately tried taking off again, but Digitar was already half way through its final attack. With both hands balled into fists, Digitar had brought them down from over his head, onto Rainstorm, and several inches into the ground.

"NO!" Data screamed, ignoring his sides.

Digitar stood up straight, and turned towards the two siblings. What was Data to do? He was paralyzed, all his friends were dead, and he was soon to follow, so Data did the one thing he could think to do. If any pony was going to survive, he had to make it be his sister.

"Ethie, you have to run!"

"Not without you!"

"I can't Ethie! I'm paralyzed! I'll only slow you down!"


"Don't stop! Just get out of here! Go warn somepony important!"

"Data." Her voice was broken.

"Please don't make this hard on me. I'm trying to save you. If I'm to do anything right, please let me have this one."

After a moment, Ethie nodded. "Just do me a solid, first."

"Anything, just say it quick." Digitar was slowly closing the gap between them, apparently amused by their conversation.

"Try to read my book." She'd brought it out of her luggage and handed it to him. "And, do shut up."

Ethie ran, oh she ran alright, in the wrong direction. Levitating boulders all along the way, she directed as many as she could at Digitar's cracked skull. She even orchestrated some sand into the onslaught in an attempt to blind the beast. Much of the effort was for naught as Digitar easily swatted most of the boulders away like flies.

Digitar slowly walked its way toward Ethie until it was close enough to stomp on her. Ethie on the other hand, simply teleported behind Digitar and chucked another boulder at the beast. This time hitting the crack Rainstorm made dead on. It, in turn, spread down one of the sides of Digitar's head. Digitar motioned a wince.

Digitar tried throwing his own boulder; however, Ethie directed it away from her and into the ground beside her. Ethie immediately bowed her head, and her body split into four identical copies, each on a cardinal side of Digitar.

Data wondered for a brief moment when Ethie had learned her magic. But then realized what was going on. She seemed to have the upper hand, so did he and Chemi, and so too did Rainstorm. At the last minute, without fail, Digitar had beat him and his friends in each battle, now Ethie was fighting it too.

Digitar looked around once, chose a target and punched it. Wrong. Another boulder hit its head. Digitar wheeled around to find all three of the other replica Ethies staring up at it. Digitar attacked another one. Wrong again. The two others teleported onto Digitar's shoulders, both keeping a large rock with them, and began to take turns hammering away at Digitar's head.

Data was watching out of unbridled fear. He wanted to help her in any way, even if it was just to give her a force field, but he was magically drained and broken. All he could do was watch in silence so his sister could concentrate. It was part of his solid after all.

"There something off about your sister," Came a voice beside Data.

Data jumped and quickly turned to see who was talking. He was a draconaquus, of all things, of which Data had no idea existed. The equine parts of his body were coated in white fur. His mane, eye brows,and goatee were all black. His dragon tail was red, his bat wing was royal blue, and his pegasus wing was cyan along with his antelope horn. Each of his four legs were different: one was a lion's for leg, the other was of a bird of prey, one hind leg was from a horse, and the other was of a green-scaled dragon. It was definitely the queerest sight Data had ever seen.

Data had so many questions that he could barely say anything at all, "Uh."

"There's an air of darkness about her. As far as I can tell, it's not dark magic, but something deeper."

"Who are... How can you... How did you..." Data was so confused.

"Relax Data Swift. I'm Stable, the spirit of balance in Equestria. I can see that the balance of this situation has taken quite the turn for the worse. It's too chaotic. If this creature wins, nothing will be able to stop it. So many will try to use magic, and well," He looked to either side, "we saw how that ended."

"Oookay," Data said slowly. "So, why are you here?"

"I'm here to restore balance, by restoring you."

With that Stable dissolved into millions of twinkling lights that drifted toward Data. He could feel various bones in his body snapping back into place as the lights were absorbed into him. It didn't hurt, but at the same time felt so strange that he still writhed where he lay. He felt invigorated. Like he could fell a mountain I one fair swoop. He felt restored. No, more than that. Reborn.

Data stood and turned in a circle as he looked over his body. What he found surprised him. Wings! I have wings! This released the flood gates to a deluge of questions. They burned in his mind. So much to take in, and in so little time. Then a sudden bang from the fight between Digitar and Ethie caught his attention.

Ethie had jumped off Digitar at some point and lost her final copy. Digitar sporadically attacked while Ethie performed some sort of ghost dance. She gracefully dodged every attack as green flames orbited and bounced around Ethie. Then with one final motion, the flames dashed to seeming random points in the ground, and after a moment, boney hooves sprout up in those same places. Out crawled countless skeletal ponies from the ground, all of whom set their flaming green eyes on Digitar.

Again, Data was impressed, but he knew the pattern would continue if he didn't help her. Even he failed against Digitar once, but if they worked together and refrained from directly attacking with magic, they might stand a chance. He was an alicorn now, after all. Few can stop an alicorn in battle.

Data immediately put his wings to use. He flew for Digitar's head, trying all the while to maintain stability and control. With all his might, he propelled himself forward. And after making final adjustments, he collided. The force of the impact caused Data to vibrate profusely. He slowly hovered away from his target, only to suddenly flop to the ground a moment later. Digitar hadn't even moved.

Data pealed his face from the dirt. He looked up at Digitar as it slowly turned to peer at him from the lower corner of its eye. Data felt embarrassed, and swore he could tell what the beast was thinking. Duh buck!?

"Data! You're okay!" Ethie shouted from the other side of Digitar.

"Yep! Though I suspect not for long!"

The element of surprise gone, the beast retaliated with its fists. Data in turn created a force field around himself with his rainbow magic, and stood up completely under its protection. While Digitar was distracted, Ethie created a fresh set of clones, and all of them threw rocks at their foe. Digitar came around with his hoof lifted high in the air, but before he could stomp on the filly, all four of her dodged. Then Data drew Digitar's attention back to him with another boulder.

The two of them continued to take turns wailing on the beast, slowly chipping away at its body. Under the pressure of a rainbow magician, his sister, and an unfathomable number of skeleton ponies, Digitar's body began to be consumed by long, red cracks. It was overwhelmed, outmatched, and it only got angrier.

Like the ending to a bad joke, Digitar raised its fists above its head and brought them down on the ground. So much fury was behind the move that fissures big enough to fall into and deep enough to give a pegasus a fear of heights, spider webbed their way out to a fifty hoof radius. The ground rumbled and quaked putting everypony else off balance and dismembering many of the skeletons. Ethie's copies puffed out of existence as Ethie tripped half-way into one of the fissures. With the loss of her concentration, the green flames in the surrounding skeletons freed themselves, leaving the now vacant bodies to crumble onto the ground.

"Ethie!" Data exclaimed as he attempted to put his wings into action. The rumbling under his hooves prevented him from using them very effectively.

Ethie fought for a good grip. She clawed at the ground with her hooves, determined to live. Digitar seemed completely unaffected by its earthquake.

"No!" Data screamed.

It simply walked up to Ethie.


And kicked her hooves free.


Data fell to the ground, his force field protecting him from the eventual attacks of his creation. He had nothing. No home, no friends, and now no family. The one pony he was willing to die for, was now lost to him forever. He felt the fury burning within him. He wanted to kill Digitar so badly. He wasn't sure he could do it though.

What good was being an alicorn if he couldn't help those he cared about? What was he even supposed to represent? Celestia was the sun, the order of the universe. Luna was the moon, the peace of the night. What was he? Stable said he was the spirit of balance. Was that now Data's responsibility? If so, how could that be if evil triumphed over good so easily? That didn't seem very balanced. The anger within him increased exponentially. It was far more anger than he would have ever before known a pony to be able to handle.

If balance was unbalanced, Data was going to make it balanced. Digitar will not win this time. It will perish for what its done to him. No more mister nice pony!

Data still had Ethie's book. He could never bring himself to read it. Simply looking at it was enough to open the flood gates he called eyes. Why did she have to do it? Why did she have to come home? Would he wonder for eternity to come?

His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a presence beside him. He opened his eyes to find Discord laying in the grass to his right.

"Good evening, " Discord said with that low, comical voice of his.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, you certainly cannot, but somepony can."

Now Data was confused. "Huh?"

"Oh, ho ho, my sincere apologies. Where are my manners? I'm am Discord, though I'm sure you've heard of me, and I've noticed something peculiar about you. I was wondering if I could ask a few questions?"

"Uh, sure," Data said slowly. He didn't trust Discord, not with his most recent blunder. Helping Tirek like that was just beyond stupid.

"Excelent!" With the snap of his fingers, Data suddenly found himself laying down on a sofa. Discord, dressed in a brown suit and square glasses, was sitting in a chair beside him with a clipboard in his hands.

"I can see something is troubling you, Data Swift. Why don't we begin by telling me what's on your mind." Discord instructed.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, just trying to help a troubled alicorn. Is that so wrong as to accusingly ask what I'm doing?"

"You didn't appear out of thin air just to do that now did you?"

"Well, if it's honesty you want, it's honesty you'll get." Suddenly he transformed into Applejack. "You scared Fluttershy so badly, I just had to see what all the fuss was about."

Data raised an eyebrow.

"Not buying it huh? Oh well." He turned back into his normal self. The sofa and chair had also vanished. He smiled and disappeared as well, but his voice echoed around Data.

"There something about you, Data Swift. A sort of feeling with origins you cannot sift. There is something inside you, I can see. Something less close to you, than to me."

With that, Discord was gone entirely. Data didn't quite understand what he'd meant. Discord obviously knew something about him that even he didn't know. That was something he didn't like. But soon after came something he did.

A guard had stepped outside. "Sir Data Swift! Princess Luna requires your audience!"

Finally Together

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Princess Luna had offered to discuss Celestia's terms and conditions with Data Swift. She knew well enough why none of them wanted to go near him. He was an emotional wreck with a hint of insanity, and neither trait boded well when it comes to first impressions. Luckily, Luna has spent enough time dream walking to get to know all sorts of personalities, and there were plenty far worse than Data's. Some, like Pinkie Pie's, sent shivers down her spine. To be so shadowless, so full of bright and shining joy, was just...unnatural, even in a place such as Equestria. Data's dreams on the other hoof, were just about as melancholy as Edgar Allen Pony.

Since being defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her friends as Nightmare Moon, Luna had taken an interest in Data. She saw herself in him: pure regret for a massive sin that essentially defines half of who she is. Some sympathized, others have never let it go, nor never will. It was these ponies who only reinforced her shame, and Data would know the same.

She had to admit though, it was harder than Tartarus to get Data to open up about it. She had to talk him into it, unlike every other pony. Luna could find just about anything she wanted to know about ponies simply by exploring their unconscious minds. She had to if she wanted to help them through their waking turmoils, but Data's were utterly locked away. Still, she couldn't blame him. He was so afraid of loss he didn't want to form any more bonds, and opening up like that would certainly unlock the path to a relationship.

There's was a secretive one. Data after all, still preferred to have minimal company and physically finding Data was in itself a chore. So they resolved to just enjoying each other's company through dreams. There their friendship could grow without any interruption, but tonight was different. Data was physically in Canterlot Castle, and on his way up to Luna's chamber!

The knock on her door took Luna by surprise. It stole her from her thoughts as a male voice worked its way through the wood. "Princess Luna! Sir Data Swift is here, as you've requested!"

"Allow him entry!"

With that, the guards opened the door and Data stepped through the portal. Luna signaled the door shut after Data made it through. She never allowed the guards in her room, even when she had company, so the guards stayed outside without the need to be told.

The two friends looked over each other, neither knowing what to say.