Shady Days and Burning Ways

by Mlp Kitty

First published

Everyone has someone they’ve left behind, and in Sunset Shimmer's case it’s her little sister, Shady. What Sunset doesn’t know is that Shady blames her own mistakes for Sunset’s disappearance. In her quest to reunite her family, Shady just mi

Shady's always been strange. At least that's what everypony else says. Well, almost everypony. In Shady's dark and isolated world only one pony matters, and that's Sunset. After Sunset leaves for school Shady discovers that she's odd for a reason, and that some talents are better kept secret. But when it comes down to stopping Sunset from making a horrible decision Shady will do anything, no matter the cost. But is saving one sibling worth losing another?

Shady Shimmer, Sunny Daze, and Daylight Gleam all created by me. Sunburst is Sunset's brother. For art of Shady please visit deviantart and search Shady Shimmer.

Sisters and Sunburst

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Chapter One

Shady wasn't extraordinary, not in the least bit. In fact, compared to her siblings she was dull. She had a golden hued coat, dark turquoise eyes, and a maroon mane. The only thing interesting about her was the fact that, unlike other ponies, she was born with her cutie mark. It was a simple arrow, facing forward. At first Shady's classmates had envied her, but after a while they simply ignored her. There was only one pony that Shady smiled at, her big sister Sunset.

Shady awoke to the sound of bird song outside her window. She groggily turned to look at her clock. Suddenly she bolted out of bed, “Today's the day!”

She tiptoed down the stairs until she had reached the main room of the house. Checking to make sure her mother wasn't looking, she climbed on top of the table. From her newfound perch, she could see Sunset hiding behind the large blue couch that they had dubbed as the official sister's' secret spot. She clambered down to join her.

“Target approaching,” Sunset whispered. She turned to Shady, levitating a rope in her magical aura. “You pull it this time!”

Shady hesitated, Sunset was amazing when it came to magic but Shady could barely levitate a piece of paper, let alone a rope. “You should do it,” Shady said, using her hoof to push the rope back towards Sunset.

Sunset frowned, she knew all about Shady’s “magical disability”.

“Come on Shady! If you never try, you’ll never improve!”

“And if I never try I’ll never fail!”

Sunset gazed sadly at her sister before turning toward their victim. “Tell me when.”

Shady peered over the couch, “Soon, soon, NOW!”

At Shady’s signal Sunset yanked the rope, sending ice cold water pouring over a very angry Sunburst.

“What in Celestia’s name is wrong with you two? Can’t you go one day without pranking me?” But his exclamations went unheard by the two fillies convulsing in laughter.

“Girls!” Shouted their Mother, Sunny Daze. “I’m appalled that you’d something like this on the day Sunburst leaves us to go to school!”

Sunset looked at Shady and winked. In unison they turned to their mother and said, “But that’s what makes it so fun!”

“Alright you two troublemakers no dessert for you!” Their father, Daylight Gleam said as he tickled them.

“But Dad!” Shady moaned.

“No buts!”

Just then there was a knock on the door. Outside stood a pair of royal guards.

“We’re here to escort Sunburst to Celestia’s School for gifted unicorns.”

“Thank goodness!” Sunburst sighed as he levitated his suitcase over. “If I stay here much longer my sisters will murder me!”

Shady giggled at the comment, but as Sunburst approached the door, the world became hazy and gold hued. Suddenly, instead of Sunburst standing at the door it was Celestia!

“I’m proud to accept Sunset Shimmer as my personal pupil!” She said to a very excited Sunset, and a very surprised set of parents. As Shady tried to make sense of what she was seeing, the haze faded along with the vision of the princess.

“Sunset!” Shady whispered. “Did you see her?”

Sunset turned to Shady, puzzled. “See who?”
Two Years Later…

“I’m proud to accept Sunset Shimmer as my personal pupil!” Celestia said to a very excited Sunset and a very surprised set of parents. From her position on the couch, Shady watched silently. She had seen this moment over twenty times, but this time there was no haze, no golden light, and no odd stares from everypony else.

Maybe the princess might understand me, she’s wise. Or she might be just like everypony else, confused and scared by something they can’t understand. Oh what the hay, might as well ask. “Princess?” Shady asked as she moved cautiously towards the radiant alicorn.

Celestia smiled down at her, as warm and as comforting as the sun. “Yes, my little pony?”

“You know a lot about magic right?”

Celestia chuckled, “I suppose I do, why?”

“This is the twenty-first time I’ve seen you accept Sunny as your pupil, but it’s different this time.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes, “What different about the other times?”

Shady cowered a bit underneath the scrutinising gaze. “Well, the other times everything looked gold. And you’d disappear, after saying that Sunny would be your pupil.”
Celestia muttered something under her breath before asking Shady, “May I see your cutie mark?”

“Sure,” Shady said, confused, as she turned to the side letting the Princess see her cutie mark. Celestia peered closely at it, as if it held the secrets of the universe.

She turned to Shady’s parents. “When did her cutie mark appear?”

“Well Princess…” Daylight Gleam started.

“She was born with it.” Sunny Daze finished matter of factly.

Celestia’s normally serene expression was marred by her furrowed brow. “A cutie mark before she discovers her talent, a golden haze, seeing something only to watch it disappear… I believe I know what’s going on here.”

“What?” Shady said leaning forward eagerly to hear better.

“Shady I believe you have the talent of foresight.” Celestia said smiling once again.

Shady looked to Sunset then back at Celestia. “What does foresight mean?”

Celestia laughed, “It means you, my little pony, can see the future.”

“I can?!” Shady exclaimed at the same time as Sunset said,

“She can?”

Celestia smiled brightly at both of the foals, “Yes Shady you can. Starswirl the Bearded once created a theory about it, but this is the first time I’ve seen it for myself!”

Shady leaned towards the princess a slight smile on her face, “Does this mean I can go to magic school with Sunny?” She beamed hopefully at the Princess.

Celestia nuzzled Shady, “I’m afraid not my little pony, if Starswirl’s theory is correct then the more you’re around other ponies the more of the future you will see. And while I would like to know the future I don’t want to risk your gify falling into the wrong hooves. But, if there’s ever anything you want to tell me, you are a welcome guest.”

Shady’s face fell. Sunset came over and bumped Shady playfuly. “Don’t worry sis, I’ll always have time to write.”

Shady looked up at her sister, her last beacon of hope in this dark and dull world, and smiled, “Every week?”

Sunset nodded, “Every week.”

Shady looked at her seriously, “Sunshine swear.”

Sunset sighed, “I swear by the sun, moon, and stars in the sky that I’ll think of you as time goes by.”

Shady smiled before embracing her sister. She always made Sunset sunshine swear before letting her go anywhere outside of the house. And so far, Sunset had yet to break that promise. Shady stood up stiffly and saluted like she’d seen the royal guards do. “You may leave Ms. Shimmer.” She said in an overly pompous voice as she struggled not to laugh.

“Happy to do my duty Ms. Shimmer,” Sunset replied, mimicking Shady’s salute. She then turned to Celestia, “I’m ready to go Princess.”

Celestia used her wing to guide Sunset over to the chariot awaiting them, “Sunset, you are my pupil now. Please, call me Celestia.”
Shady did as Celestia had asked and quarantined herself to her home. And as the years passed by she found that she didn’t mind the eternal solitude, after all she could study and practice her magic, and she was more acquainted with her parents than most mares her age, and to top it all off she had the best penpal ever!
Shady walked over to the full length mirror her parents bought her for her 14th birthday and levitated a brush to fix her mane, a task that used to be difficult. Even now she had to sweep the house without magic, since according to the Princess the talent of foresight drained her magic supply. In other words, there were fillies that were more powerful than her.
“Shady!” Daylight Gleam called. “You’ve got a special delivery!”
“Coming!” Shady yelled back down the stairs. Turning back to the mirror she blew a last strand of her mane off of her face. She rushed downstairs only to come face to face with Sunset. Before she could greet her sister the world became consumed by a golden haze.
Sunset stood with Celestia in front of a large mirror.
“Sunset please don’t do this!” Celestia pleaded.
“You refused to tell me what I want to know,” Sunet retorted, her face clouded with anger. “I thought that’s what teachers are supposed to do!”
“Sunset,” Celestia whispered her voice both sad and stern, “You’re just not ready.”
Sunset whipped around to face Celestia. “And when will I be?”
Celestia stood, defeated, “There’s no way of knowing.”
Sunset stepped onto the mirror’s platform her expression grim, “That’s what I thought.” And with those words she plunged into the mirror.
“Surprise!” Sunset shouted as the haze vanished.
Shady blinked away her tears, “Sunset?”
Sunset looked concerned at her sister’s sadness, “What’s wrong Shady? Didn’t you miss me?”
Shady nodded, “Sunset promise me you’ll never leave without saying goodbye.”
Sunset hugged her, “I sunshine swear.”

Dresses and Disasters

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Sunset pulled out of the embrace. “Oh! I brought you something!” She hurried over to her saddlebags and levitated a cardboard box out. Walking back over to Shady she placed the box in front of her. “Here.”

Shady slowly lifted the lid off the box, squinting with the effort. Once the lid was off she stared, puzzled at the box’s contents. “A dress?”

“It’s the latest design.” Sunset assured her holding up the dress. “I was hoping you’d wear it at the student showcase.”

Shady backed away, “You want me to go to the student showcase?”

Sunset smiled,”Come on Shady, it’s just one day. What could go wrong?”

Shady bit her lip, considering her options. “Well I wouldn’t want to let you down, and it is only one day…” Sunset stared at her, silently begging her to come. “Alright.” Shady sighed, “I’ll go.”

* * *

Shady stood outside Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns in the dress Sunset bought her. It really was the latest, short and black with turquoise stripes that exactly matched her eyes and more sequins than any other garment Shady had ever worn.

“I feel so overdressed.” Shady said to Sunset, looking around at all the unicorns who weren’t wearing anything. A mare passing the sisters glared angrily at Shady.

“Nonsense! Everypony else is just underdressed and jealous!” Sunset declared loudly. Shady ducked as the number of glares multiplied.

“So… where am I supposed to go again?” Shady asked.

Sunset gestured around at the school as she named certain landmarks, “You’re in the auditorium over there, I’ll be in the presentation hallway back there, and that door on your left leads to the palace.”

Shady turned towards the auditorium, “I guess I’ll be going then.” As she walked away from Sunset she passed a couple with their little filly. Shady smiled at the lavender unicorn before continuing on. Suddenly the world became engulfed in gold. “Great.” Shady grumbled. “Five minutes and I’m already seeing the future.”

Sunset sat in the bottom of a crater. Her hair was singed and her eyes filled with tears. Her formerly equine body was bent out of shape until it was almost impossible to recognise her. Standing above the crater was a lavender girl with straight indigo hair and violet eyes. Slowly the lavender girl bent down and offered a strange appendage to Sunset.

Shady blinked, trying to make sense of the vision. However a jab from behind made her keenly aware of the fact that, while she’d been visiting the future, she’d also blocked the entrance to the auditorium. “Sorry!” She shouted to the ponies behind her as she hurried into the large room. Looking around she finally found the seat marked with her name.

“Shady?” The stallion next to her asked.

“Yes?” She replied automatically before realizing exactly who was sitting next to her. Turning to him, she gasped, “Sunburst? Is that you?”

Sunburst smiled, “You better believe it little sister!”

“Wow! You look different!”

“Is that a compliment or an insult?”

“A compliment silly.” Shady laughed. Looking closer, she laughed, “Is that a beard?”

Sunburst turned his chin up, proudly displaying the tiny hairs sprouting from his chin. “It is indeed!”

As the two of them continued to laugh and talk, the showcase began. Shady didn’t really pay attention until the announcer stated, “And up next, Princess Celestia’s very own personal student, Sunset Shimmer!” However when he stepped aside, there was nopony there.

“Huh, that’s odd,” Sunburst said looking at the stage.

Shady felt dread pool in the pitt of her stomach. “I need to go.” She said to Sunburst before running out of the auditorium. Once out in the corridor she looked for the door leading to the palace. “Sunset said it was the one on the…” Turning to face the door Shady exclaimed, “Left!”

Using her hoof to open the door, Shady dashed into the palace looking in every door as she went. Finally she arrived in front of a wooden door. Shady started to head back the way she’d come, maybe she’d taken a wrong turn. But the sound of weeping drew her back to the door. Peeking inside she saw not only the mirror from her vision , but the collapsed form of the Princess as well.

“Oh Sunset,” Celestia sobbed, “Why do I always lose the ones I love.”

Shady stepped into the room, “You don’t love her even half as much as I do. But… she’s gone now isn’t she?”

“Shady,” Celestia whispered, “Please understand that I never intended for this to happen.”

Shady didn’t respond, she couldn’t, the tears she held inside blocked all sound from escaping her. As she ran, out of the palace, out of the school, out of the horrible truth that threaten to consume her she held one hope. That lavender unicorn would find Sunset someday, and she’d bring her home. She had to.