A Changeling Queen In My Apartment

by Oldtakufanboy

First published

My week has been terrible and now I have the queen of the changelings living with me at my place. Is it worth it or not?

My girlfriend broke up with me, I get fired from my job and now I have the queen of the changelings to deal with. As I started hanging out with her the first night, I somehow begin to have feelings for her? No! Impossible! How can I fall in love with a creature that I just met on the first night I met her?! She does have an attractive human form and I love the way she- DAMN IT!!

A New World/ The Meeting of Two Creatures

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"Ugh! What a landing," said Chryslis, as she slowly stands up and gives her head a shake, "Damn those two love birds. I will get my revenge on those two."

Chrysalis then checks her surroundings, realizing that it's nighttime and not daytime, which is bizarre because she was sent flying backwards by daytime.

"What the hay is going on? Why is it so dark? Where are my changelings?" asked the queen, as she frantically looks around the pitch-blackness around her.

She then makes her horn glow, giving her a visual of the world around her. She looks around, but could only see nothing but large tree trunks, bushes, and the darkness ahead. The way everything looked around her was… bizarre. She had never seen trees this huge in Equestria.

"What kind of trees are these?" asked Chrysalis, as she walks over to the tree trunk and examines it, "I have never seen any trees like these in Equestria. Are they new?"

She then looks up and could spot a shining light pour down onto her large green eye.

"Is that the moon? Have I been unconscious for a long while? I must see where I am."

Chrysalis spreads her bug-like wings and darts through the branches and pines above her and pops to the surface to be in the moons gaze. Chrysalis shielded her eyes from the brightness of the moon until she got used to it.

"What a bright, but lovely moon tonight," she said, as she stared upon the moon, "but back to where I-"

She was cut off, as she looked ahead and spotted large buildings, the sounds of honking in the distance, sirens, a helicopter flying above the city and an airplane flying past the metropolis.

"What is this place? Is this Manehattan?" asked Chrysalis, as she continued to stare at the metropolis five miles away from her, "I must know where I am."

And just like that, she flew towards the metropolis, unaware that it isn't what she expects it to be.

"Damn this fucking sucks!" I shout in my head, as I made a stop at a crosswalk, "My girlfriend breaks up with me and now I get a pink slip! FUCK!"

I straightened out my jacket before the walk signal comes on. I walk along the crosswalk until I made it to the other side. I take out my iPhone and looked up the time.

"8:13 Pm? Damn, time goes by so quickly," I said to myself, as I pressed the button and waited for me to cross over to walk near the national park.

As I stood there waiting, I looked up at the moon and spotted something below it.

"The hell is that?" I thought to myself, as I squinted my eyes, "Seriously, what is that?"

The mysterious figure then goes down and disappears from my sight. I look to my left and right and noticed that no one but me was looking up above the trees.

"Perhaps I'm just seeing things," I thought to myself, as the walk signal comes on, allowing me to walk across.

As I walk along the national park, I was getting suspicious to what I saw a minute ago. Was it an alien? Was it a UFO? I try to ignore it, but the figure keeps on flashing in my mind.

Within the National Park...

Chrysalis walks within the park with her horn glowing the way, but then turns it off, as she heard the noises of the streets getting louder with each step. She stays ten feet away from the sidewalk and notices a rather unusual creature walking along the border of the park.

"What an unusual creature," said Chrysalis to herself, "I must capture him and ask him where I am."

Her eyes slowly glow green, as she quickly sneaks up to the human, as though she were a cheetah trying to sneak to its prey.

"I'll use my magic, pin him down and scare him to tell me what he is and where I am," thought Chrysalis, as she was getting closer.

I continued walking along the sidewalk, still paranoid until I my body immediately was pulled into the park and I was slammed onto the ground with a scrape against my arm.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted, as I tried to struggle.

Suddenly, a tall black figure stood above me with glowing green slit eyes, a horn on the forehead and bug-like wings. It looked like a unicorn, but eviler. The creature chuckled and reeled its head down close to my face until I could get a good glimpse of the creatures face. It had coal colored chitin-like skin, eyelashes for some bizarre reason, long hair that touched the left side of my face, a muzzle, green lips and a set of sharp teeth that gives me chills up my spine.

The bug-like creature observed my face, as I could feel the hot breath of the creature breathing onto me. I was paralyzed by fear to do anything. The creature then looked at me in the eye and finally spoke.

"Creature," said the bug-like creature, "what are you and where am I?"

I couldn't speak; I was too terrified. The creature then stomped a hoof, which was inches close to my head.

"Speak!" shouted the creature.

"M-my name is J-j-josh and I'm a h-human," I stuttered, "and y-you are in Paradise C-City."

"Josh? Human? Paradise City?" said the creature with a cocked eyebrow, "Am I even in Equestria?"

"N-never heard of it."

The creature looked away and seemed to be lost in thought, but then looked down at me.

"You serious?"


"Are there ponies among this society?"

"N-no. You s-s-see them in the w-wild and in p-p-petting zoos. That's all that I k-know."

"Am I… in another dimension? Did those two lovebirds sent me to a stinking word of creatures that walk upright and ponies that aren't as intelligent?!"

The creature grunts and then looks back down at me.

"How can I fit in your society?" asked the creature.

"C-could you f-first let go of m-m-me?"

"Granted," said the creature, as the aura around me vanished, allowing me to stand up and brush away the dirt off of me until I get home, or if I get home.

"May I a-ask a question?"

"You may."

"What are you?"

"I am Chrysalis, queen of the changelings and I'm unsure how I came here to your world. I believe I cam from a spell that was cast off by that stupid princess and her knight in shining armor. Just thinking about them pisses me off," growled the creature, as she gave out a snort and stomped her right foot.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but you are not in that place anymore and therefore, don't need to worry about those two ever again."

"I WANT TO TAKE MY REVENGE ON THEM, YOU FOOL!" shouted Chrysalis, as she bared her fangs at me.

"Calm down, your highness," I said, as I took a step closer to her and held my hands up, "please calm down."

After saying those words, Chrysalis gave out three deep breaths and began to calm down.

"Thank you, human," said Chrysalis, "you seem like a perfect ally."


"Any who," said Chrysalis, as she looked over to my fallen stuff and made it levitate to me, "here you go. Your things."

"Thank you, your highness," I said, as I took them and placed them back into my pockets, "also, I want to point out that I can't take you anywhere looking like what you are. The moment people see you looking like that, you'll be shot on the double."

"Shot? You mean they'll kill me?"

"Absolutely. No one besides me has ever seen a creature like you ever. I am the only person to see a changeling in the flesh."

"Luckily, I have an ability to transform, little human," she said with a chuckle.

"You can? Then do it."

"Stand back. I'm about to transform into a human," she said, as I stood five feet back.

She closes her eyes, as a circle of green envelops her and suddenly, she glows green. From what I can see from her figure, she began to stand upright, shrink, her horn disappears along with her wings, her hooves turn into hands and feet. As the light died down, the circle disappears and in front of me was a gorgeous woman with dark teal colored hair. She wore a dress with holes in them likely to represent her original form (luckily it wasn't too revealing, even though you could see some of her cleavage); she wore dark green necklace that glowed like diamonds along with a crown at the bottom and she had really attractive and alluring green eyes. I felt as though I was under some sort of spell by her beauty.

"How do I look," she said in a normal human voice, "do I look lovely?"

"Y-you do, your highness," I said with a sharp gulp.

"I can tell by your face," she said with a giggle.

I looked away with a blush. Suddenly, there was a loud growling noise.

"Was that you?" I asked.

She placed her hands onto her stomach.

"Hehe, is there a place for a bite to eat?"

"There's a diner close by to my apartment. Like to go there?"

"As long as this queen gets something in her belly, then yes," she said, as she straightens out her dress, "what kind of- oh. That cut on your arm. Does it hurt?"

I look over to my scrape and noticed the blood was now crawling down my arm and towards my hand.

"It stings a little, but I'll live," I said, as I wipe it away with my other hand.

"Here, let me help you," she said, as she walks up to me and gently holds onto my arm.

She sticks out her tongue and licks off the blood from where the blood was at to the cut. I felt a shiver down my spine as she repeated the motion three times till the bleeding stopped. She looks up to me and gives me a toothy grin.

"Um… thanks?" I said awkwardly.

She lets go of my arm and places her index finger and thumb onto my chin and brings her face an inch closer to mine.

"Your welcome, human," she said in a somewhat sultry voice, "now, lets get moving."

"Here," I said, as I took her hand, "lets go get something to eat. I'm starting to feel hungry too."

"My you are such a gentleman," she said with a giggle, "you are definitely a perfect servant."

"Servant? Oh hell no!" I thought, as I brought us out of the park and walked along the sidewalk towards the diner.

As the two of us entered the diner, we got quite the stares (especially from the guys). I was worried if the men here are going to come over to our table and try getting away with flirting with her to take her to their place. I bet if they tried to, they'll realize that she is a changeling and things could get ugly. Anyway, we walked in and sat down at a window and waited for our menus.

"So this is a diner?" she asked, as she looked around, ignoring the stares.

"It is," I said, as I sat beside her, trying to let her stay by the window so that no man touches her, "Why am I so protective over her? She's a creature from another world and treats me like I'm her slave. Maybe it's instinct."

"Where is the food, human?"

"While we're out in public, please don't call me 'human'," I said, trying to keep ourselves from getting humiliated, "just call me 'Josh'. It's not normal for a beau- I mean; it's not normal for a woman like you to say that kind of stuff in public. You need to blend in to the world around you or people are going to get suspicious and call you a 'nut job'."

"No human will get away with calling me a 'nut job'," growled Chrysalis.

"Don't use magic either. If people see you using your magic, they will flip and try to attack you. I need you to listen to me or you could get us both killed."

"Okay, Josh," she said with a sigh of defeat, "I'll listen to you for now."

"You can do your magic around my apartment after we're done here."

"That makes me feel so much better."

After that debacle, A waitress comes up to us and hands us our menus.

"Hello, I'm Linda and I'll be your waitress for the night. Can I get you two started with drinks?"

"I would like a coke and for her, a warm cup of lemon tea," I asked, as Linda writes down on her paper pad.

"I'll be back shortly with your drinks," she said before walking away.

"Tea? You hu- I mean, this place serves tea?" asked Chrysalis.

"Of course. Is there tea where you're from?"

"There is."

"Good to know," I said with a smile.

Suddenly, a little girl comes up to us and gives us a giggle.

"You look really pretty, Miss," she said, as Chrysalis giggled.

"Why thank you, youngling," she said.

"You look like a queen," said the little girl, as she takes out a tiny plastic crown from her pocket.

"That's a tiny little crown you got there."

"Its from a doll I got from a toy store."

"Sorry, is my daughter bothering you two?" asked the mother, as she picks up her daughter.

"Not at all, ma'am," I said.

"She's such a darling," said Chrysalis, "what is your name, sweetie?"

"I'm Katie," said the girl.

"Good to meet you, Katie. I'm Chrysalis."

"Mommy? Can I give her something?"

"Go right ahead," said the mother, as she lets brings her down and takes out another crown that somewhat matched the crown on Chrysalis' necklace.

"Take this, Chrysi," said the girl, as she places the crown onto the table.

"Why thank you child," said Chrysalis, as she takes the crown and looks at it, "that's very sweet of you."

"Thankies," said the girl with a giggle.

"Thank you for being kind to her, Miss Chrysalis," said the mother.

"Of course," said Chrysalis with a smile.

"Your welcome, ma'am," I said.

"Come on, Katie. Let's go home," said the mother, as she picks up Katie and walked out of the diner.

"Wow, Chrysalis. I didn't know you were so kind?"

"I couldn't help it, but that little…um…"


"Girl was too cute and sweet to give me this tiny crown."

"Here," I said, as I held out my hand, "let me hold onto that. Your dress doesn't have any pockets."

Chrysalis hands me the tiny crown and I placed it into my left pocket.

"Here you go you two," said Linda, as she gives us our drinks, "would you like to have more time deciding on what to eat?"

"Two minutes please," I said, as Linda nods her head and walks away.

"Mm, smells sweet," said Chrysalis.

"Be careful. It's hot."

"I can care less about my tea, but what about food?"

"Here," I said, as I pointed towards the menu, "the dinner menu."

"Hm," said Chrysalis, as she reads through the menu, "how about a salad. I'm not in the mood for meat."

"M-m-meat?" I said with a bit of fear in my voice, "do changelings eat f-flesh?"

"My servants find little animals and cook them for me, but our main diet is love. Love is our true food," said Chrysalis, as she licked her lips.

"Phew! That's good to know," I thought to myself, "for a second there, I thought she meant as though she could eat me."

"Why ask me that?" she asked with a toothy grin, "are you thinking that I could eat you?"


She reels her head close to my ear.

"I need my human servant alive to keep me safe from the bad people," she whispered before reeling her head back.

"Anything for you," I chuckled awkwardly, "Well that's good to hear."

"Are you two ready?" asked Linda, as she came up to us.

"Oh, uh, I'll have a cheese burger and some fries with that, please," I asked, as Linda writes down my order.

"And what about you, Miss?"

"I'll have a salad, Linda."

"Okay, sit right here and your orders will be here soon," she said before leaving our table.

"While we are waiting for our dinner, tell me about yourself Chrysalis."

"I already told you enough about who and what I am. Tell me something about you," asked Chrysalis, as she rested her head on her hands and gave me a smile with interest.

"Well, you know about me, but there's nothing interesting about my life," I told her without eyeing her.

"Come on, Josh," said Chrysalis, as she places her sharp nailed hands upon my own, "Please tell me. A queen must know at least a little about their servants."

I think I was too shy to answer, but it seemed like I had no other option but to tell her a little about myself.

"Okay then," I said before clearing my throat, "at the moment, I lost my job and need to look for a new one. I broke up with my girlfriend because she was cheating on me with another man and I live in a lonely apartment with nothing too interesting but things that I like growing up."

"A sad lonely apartment? It won't be lonely for long."

"Oh… that's right. You'll be there."

"Don't feel so down, Josh," said Chrysalis, "a woman like me can keep you company."

"That's… very kind of you."

"Cheer up, Mister," she said, as she places her hands on my cheeks and makes me face her, "I command you to not be so down and gloomy. Be happy around your queen."

"As you wish, your highness," I said, making her smile and letting go of me.

"That's more like it."

"You sure seem more nicer than before. Are you okay?"

"What are you talking about? I feel fine."

"Before you seem more demanding, but now, you seem like a nicer person. Was it Katie that changed you?"

"Possibly… I'm usually never this nice to anyone."

"I think it's cute."

"C-cute?" said Chrysalis with a blush, "are you trying to flirt with me?"

"No, I'm just saying that your kindness is cute."

We had an awkward silence for a moment there.

"Anyway, I hope you enjoy this city and world."

"I think it will," she said with a smile.

"May I teach you how to hold onto a teacup while we wait?"

"Of course."

I grabbed ahold of the cup around the loop and left out a pinky to demonstrate.

"Now you try," I said, as I place the cup in front of her.

She brings her fingers around the loop hold and tightly grabs on. She slowly and carefully brings the cup to her dark green lips and takes a sip.

"Mm, thank you," she says, as she brings her cup back to the table.

"Your welcome, M'lady."

"What type of drink is that?"

"This is Coke. It's a soda pop."

"May I have a sip? I never had one in Equestria."

"Go right ahead," I said, as she takes my drink with two of her hands and suckles on the straw.

"Oh. I love the bubbles in this drink," she said with a chuckle.

"I guess you like the taste of your first soda pop?"

"I do," she said, "you really are a kind person, Josh."

"Thanks Chrysalis," I said with a blush.

She places the drink back in front of me until our food has arrived.

"Here you go you two," said Linda, as she plops down our orders in front of us.

"Thank you, Linda," I said.

"Your welcome." she said with a smile before walking away.

"Bon appétit," I said before I grabbed my burger and took a bite into it.

"One more thing, Josh."

"Yes?" I said, as I placed my burger back onto the plate.

"Can you teach me how to handle the fork?"

"You sure do need to learn some things," I chuckled, "here, let me help you with that."

Fifteen Minutes Later…

"My that was a tasty dinner," said Chrysalis, as she and I walked out of the diner, "thank you, Josh."

"Your welcome, Chrysalis."

She smiled and hugged my arm, as the two of us walked back to my apartment.

"What is this feeling? Ever since she transformed into a human, I feel as though she isn't a changeling anymore," I thought to myself, as we made a left, "Also, I can't help but stare at her a lot. Could I be in love with her already? No! I mustn't fall for her. She's a creature from another world and she treats me like a lower class being. I must not fall for her, but damn is she attractive as a- DAMN IT!"

"How far is this apartment of yours?" asked Chrysalis.

"It's right here," I said, as I pointed towards the building on my left.

"Wow… such a huge building," she said with amazement.

The two of us walked through the doors and walked up towards the elevator, where I pressed the button for it to come to us.

"What is this thing?" asked Chrysalis.

"It's an elevator, Chrysalis," I explained, "it takes us up and down. And if this thing brakes down, we have to climb up stairs."

Suddenly, there was a loud ding and the doors automatically open up. Chrysalis and I entered, as I pressed onto the button to make us go to the fifth floor. As the doors shut, Chrysalis holds me tighter and I began to feel her quiver.

"What's wrong Chrysalis?"

"I'm f-f-feeling c-c-claustrophobic," said Chrysalis, as she began to shake violently.

"Don't worry, we're here already," I said, as I gripped onto her hand.

Her shaking immediately stopped and the doors slide open. The two of us walked down the hall and made it to my apartment door.

"Okay, Chrysalis," I said, as I take out my keys and unlocked the door, "make yourself home."

As I opened the door for her, I switched on the lights, as she looks around the living room. She looks left to my small kitchen and then stares forward to the living room.

"It may not be what you expect, but it's home," I said, as I closed the door behind us and locked the door, "why don't you sit down on the couch?"

Suddenly, there was a green light engulfing her and she turned back into her original form.

"I like the looks of this place," she said, as she turns her head to her right towards the paintings on the wall that stood behind the couch, "you have great taste in decorating."

"Thank you, your majesty," I said, as I take out my phone and set it on the charger, along with putting away my other stuff that were in my pockets.

Chrysalis looked back at me and walked up to me with a soft smile.

"Thank you for being so kind to me, Josh," she said, as I noticed her tail swishing back and forth, "you are such a sweet human."

"Your welcome your highness."

"Is there something you desire?" she asked with a sultry voice.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Do you like me?"

"What brought that on?"

"While I was in my human form, you seem to have a lot of love energy flowing out of you."

"Love energy? What is that?"

"Sit down on that couch over there and I'll explain," she said, as I walked past her and sat down on the couch.

She walks up to me and lays down on her fours on the floor.

"Do you remember me telling you at the diner that a changelings main diet is love?"

"Yes and when you meant 'love', you mean 'romantic love'?"

"Exactly," she says with a nod.

"How can I love you on the first day we meet each other? Romance doesn't work that way."

"How does it work?"

"When you are in love with someone, you can't just love him in just one day. You need to get to know that person and if things go well, then you two are defiantly perfect for one another. Perhaps while I'm doing job searching tomorrow, I'll let you watch an anime series called Video Girl Ai."

"Video Girl Ai? What is that?"

"An anime series that is a romantic comedy and will show you what true love really is."

"Hm… okay then, I'll be patient, but I need love to feed on."

"What happens if you don't eat love?"

"I'll go weak and possibly die."

"Wow… that's heavy."

"Sad but true."

"Well… okay then… may I have your permission for something?"

"You may."

I began to feel my cheeks flush and I fidgeted my fingers.

"May I… kiss you? In human form that is."

Chrysalis smiled and her tail swishes back and forth as she stood up.

"Permission granted," she said before she changes back into her human form.

"Hold on a sec," I said, as I rushed into the kitchen and pulled out two breath mints and chewed them quickly.

I rushed back to her and stood still in front of her.

"Ready, your highness."

She slowly places her hands on my cheek without making her sharp nails touching my skin.

"Thank you," she whispers before planting her lips softly onto mine.

She reels her head back and gives me a sultry smile.

"Whoa," I said out of amazement.

"I know right," she said, as she licks her lips sexily, "perhaps some other time we can have a sexual interaction?"

"Whoa!" I said, as I took three steps back, "You can get love energy by sex?"

"It's stronger. A kiss is nothing as strong, but it will do for now," she said before transforming back into her true form, "Sexual love is the strongest love energy."


"But like you said, I must wait until we get to know one another for us to make actual love. The kiss I gave you was a thank you gift for taking care of me and protecting me."

"You're right. Starting tomorrow, let's both get to know one another as I also look for a new job."

"Why do you need a job so badly?"

"Because I need money to live. If I don't have enough money to pay for taxes, then I'll be out on the streets and die."

"That seems serious."

"It is."

Chrysalis gave out a yawn and stretch.

"Do you have a place for me to sleep? A queen needs her beauty sleep," she said, as she rubbed her left temple.

"I have a comfortable bed that you can sleep on," I said, as I pointed towards the small hall where my bedroom is down the hall, "it's the door down the hall. Make sure not to knock anything down."

"I won't," she said, as she folded her wings downward and walks towards my bedroom door.

As she entered, I switched on the light for her and I noticed that because of her size, she couldn't lie down on my bed.

"Perhaps you can sleep in your human form? You are too big to lay down on my bed."

"Sure," she said, as she transforms to her human form, "Big difference. The room now seems larger."

"Why don't you lay down? A queen needs her beauty rest," I said, as I took her hand and made her sit on the bed.

"Thank you for giving me your bed, but where are you going to sleep?"

"I'll sleep on the couch. It's like an extra bed to me."

"Oh okay. Well… good night, Josh," she said, as she gave me a peck on my hand.

"You too, my changeling queen," I said, as I did the same.

I left the room, but left the door a crack open so in case she calls me for something.

"What a day," I say, as I turn off the kitchen and living room lights, "time for me to get some sleep."

I lie down on the couch and thought about Chrysalis and that she's from a world completely different to my own. Will she like this world? Will she get used to the society and people? I decided to think about that another time and began unbuckling my pants till I was wearing nothing but my shirt and boxers.

"I'll do everything within my power to keep her safe," I thought, "I won't let anything happen to her."

Before I could doze off, I heard my bedroom door creak and out comes Chrysalis covering her body with the blankets from my bed.

"May I sleep with you?" asked Chrysalis with a shiver, "I'm feeling cold."

I got up and turned the couch into a bed and scooted backwards.

"You may sleep with me," I said, as I patted the empty spot for her.

"Thank you," she said, as she threw the covers onto me, revealing her naked human body.

"Gah!" I shouted, as I scooted further away from her.

"What's wrong?" she asked, as she places her hands onto the empty side of the bed.

"Y-y-you're naked!" I said, as I looked away from her, trying not to be some sort of deviant.

"I'm always naked," she said, as I heard the sound of covers being moved, "in my true form, I'm always naked, but when I'm naked in my human form it bothers you?"

"S-sorry, I just don't want to be called a pervert," I said still looking away.

"You don't need to feel like one now. I'm already covered."

I look over to her and the blankets have covered her up.

"G-good," I said, as I got under the covers and snuggled in, "good night, your highness."

"Good night, Josh," she said, as she turned around.

I did the same and yet again, I was cut off from sleep as I felt Chrysalis' breasts squish onto my back, along with her arm sliding over me.

"Your body feels warm," she whispers before dozing off.

"… never mind," I said, as I heard nothing but her soft snoring, "but I do love the feel of your- whoa."

I shook my head and cleared away the dirty thoughts.

"I shouldn't think like that. Think of something else besides that voluptuous bo- DAMN IT!"

The Next Day/The Party

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I slowly open my eyes by the sound of muffled city noises from outside. I then turn around and came face to face with Chrysalis, but in her changeling form, which made my eyes widen.

"Good morning, my little human," said Chrysalis before giving out a yawn.

"G-good morning, Chrysalis," I said, as I rubbed my temples.

Before I removed my hands, Chrysalis darts her head and kisses me instantly on the lips. I push her head away from me and gasped for air.

"Why did you do that?!" I yelped.

"It's a good morning kiss to wake you up, silly human," she said with a giggle.

"Well, you did wake me up good," I said with a chuckle, "but could you change back into your human form?"

"What is it about my true form that you don't like?"

"Well…I… I'm not used to seeing a changeling. I do find your appearance somewhat beautiful."

"You do?"

"I like your hair."

"Why thank you," she says, as she flips her hair back and forth.

"And- wait…"

I suddenly began to have a taste of strawberries, which is odd because I haven't eaten anything yet.

"Why do I taste strawberries?"

"Oh that. Don't worry, it's changeling saliva."

"Changeling saliva? You're telling me that your kind has saliva that tastes like strawberries?"

"We get that a lot from our victims."

"Victims? Wait… did you kill them?"

"What? Never! I never kill a victim. I use them to feed me love."

"Oh right. I almost have forgotten that changelings feed off of love."

"Is there something else you like about me in my true form?"

I began to blush.

"Well, you do have such soft lips when you kissed me a minute ago."

"I do?" she says with a keylime colored blush, "I'm flattered."

"I really mean it, your highness."

"Would my little human like another?"


She places a hoof under my chin, as she brings her head closer to mine.

"I can see more love energy flowing through you," she says in a sultry voice while blinking rapidly.

"Y-y-you can see my-"

I was cut off, as she plants another kiss onto my lips.

"There you go," she says, as we broke our kiss, "feel better?"

"Better? I was trying to ask that you could see love energy?"

"Indeed I can."

"You changelings are interesting creatures," I said, as I looked deep into her large and green eyes, "you are interesting."

"Why thank you," she say, as she nuzzles my nose with her muzzle, "may I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

She then took her right hoof and pointed.

"Why are you already hard?"

I jumped and slowly looked to what she was pointing at. Yep, it's morning wood.

"Eep!" I said, as I leaned up and covered it.

Chrysalis giggled and stands up.

"Is that normal? For a human to have a-"

"It happens a lot, okay?! It's called morning wood!"

"I know. Some stallions back in Equestria get that after they wake up in the morning."

"Stallions? Are you telling me that your world is full of ponies, stallions and possibly other creatures?"

"Pretty much."

I place a hand on the side of my head and let out a sigh.

"There's so much I'd like to know more about this Equestria place of yours," I said, as I removed my hand from my head.

"Same about me knowing your word," said Chrysalis, as she walked close to the kitchen, "today is the day we get to know more of one another."

"You're right," I said, as I got off the bed and took off the blanket and pillows, "hold on a sec. I'll make you some coffee."

"Coffee? Never had that before."

"You never had coffee? Do they have coffee in Equestria?"

"They do, but I never went into a coffee shop in my entire life."

"Then let's start our day by having a nice cup of coffee together," I said, as I turned the bed back into a couch and then placing the pillows back on.

After placing the pillows on, I began folding the blanket and placing it in the middle of the couch.

"Are you done?" asked Chrysalis.

"I am," I said, as I walked passed her and into the kitchen, "why don't you transform into a human and take a seat on that chair right behind you."

"Okay," she said, as she transforms into a human and takes her seat.

"Would you like cream in your coffee or none?" I asked, as I take out a thing of Coffee Mate: French Vanilla, "It makes it taste sweeter."

"I'd like to have coffee the way you have, please."

"As you wish, your majesty," I said, as I began making our coffee.

"Here you go," I said, as I place a mug of coffee in front of Chrysalis, "be careful it's a bit hot."

Chrysalis takes a few whiffs of it, as I sat down with my mug in hand.

"Mm, smells sweet," she says with a smile.

I blush and look away from her.

"Of course it is," I said, as I take a sip of my coffee.

I look back at Chrysalis, as she uses her magic to levitate the mug to her lips. She takes a sip and pulls the coffee back ten centimeters from her lips.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

She looks over to me and gives me a heartwarming smile.

"It's delicious, Jojo," she said before taking another sip.

"Jojo? Why are you calling me that?" I asked before taking another sip into my coffee.

"I dunno. I like it," she says, as she takes the mug from her lips.

"Don't call me that," I said, as I place my mug back onto the table, "it's as irritating as Bayonetta calling Luka Chersire."

"Come again?" she asked before finishing up her coffee.

"Never mind," I said before taking my final sip.

"Anyway, what would you like to hear first?"

"About what?"

"Of Equestria, silly," said Chrysalis with a giggle.

"Oh. Well, how about how your world works."

For the past hour and a half, I sat there listening to her and about the world from where she came from. I learned about the alicorns, the creatures and the society of the ponies that she lives among. It's weird that her society is full of ponies, griffons and other mythological creatures because it sounds like it could be all from a children's show. She also told me how she got here, which seemed to make her depressed. She was even more depressed when she told me how she got here. An alicorn and her husband sent her flying along with her hive and the next thing she knew, she's here; alone and without her hive to protect her. I felt bad for her; I'm glad I met her. If I wouldn't have walked along close to the national park, she would be dead without guidance. What bugs me is that, why is she here and not the rest of her changeling hive? Was the magic that hit her meant to only teleport her away?

"Well… you now know about my world and how I ended up here," she said with a sigh, "I…"

I then notice a tear falling down from her eye.

"I… I miss my darling hive," she said before she covered her face and began to sob, "all I wanted was to feed them but instead, I ended up being called a monster."

I began to feel bad for her. I scoot my chair closer to her and place my hand on her shoulder. She looks over to me with teary eyes and a sniffle.

"Tell me… am I a monster?"

I then gave her a tight hug and patted her back.

"You are no monster. You were just trying to keep your hive from dying of hunger. Those ponies are the monsters for attacking you."

"You think so?"

I break the hug and place my hands on her shoulders.


She wipes the tears from her face and gives me a soft smile.

"Thank you… thank you for understanding," she says, as she gives me a hug and places her head onto my chest.

"Your welcome, my queen," I said, as I rested my head on top of hers.

We stood in that position for fifteen seconds.

"I can hear the tune of your heartbeat," she says, "it sounds normal."

"Thanks, I guess."

She and I look each other in the eye and give each other smiles.

"You really are a nice guy. Why would your girlfriend brake up with you if you're so sweet?"

"Didn't I tell you last night? She cheated on me with another man."

"Oh that's right. But why?"

"She says he's richer and he's far more better than I am."

"Looks like even the females in your world go after the rich fellas."


"Anyway, do you mind telling me a little about yourself?"

"Me? Well, you know that my name is Josh. I live in an apartment; I lost my job and in need to find a new one; I am twenty-one years old and I'm the oldest sibling in my family."

"You have a family?"

"Of course I do. I have a little brother and little sister that are five years old. My brother is named Jack and my sister is named Clare."

"Such cute names," she said with a squee, "how about your parents?"

"Well I have a mother, but my father died when I was ten. My mother is single and is forty-four."

"Do you meet them often?"

"I do. They're about ten miles away from here."

"Really? Can I meet them at some point?"

"Sure. We can see them sometime."

"Oh good. I'd really like to meet your family and your adorable siblings."

"That's very sweet of you."

"Your welcome."

Suddenly, there were multiple growling noises coming from both her and I.

"Hehe, looks like we should have some breakfast."

"What do you have?"

"Would you like some scrambled eggs?"


I stood up and walked into the living room and grabbed the TV remote.

"What's that?" asked Chrysalis.

"It's a remote control for the TV. TV is a machine that gives us entertainment, just like you have plays in Equestria."

"Really? Entertainment from a box?"

"Check it out," I said, as I turned the TV on, which was on channel two, "right now I'm on the news channel. You know what a newspaper is?"


"The news channel gives us updates on sports, events, weather, and things that have yet to come. Check it out, as I get breakfast done."

"I thought you said last night you wanted me to learn more about what love was by watching Video Girl Ai?"

"Oh! That's right," I said, as I walked over to the TV and changed the channel to the PS3, "here, I'll get you started on that."

As the TV was on the AVI1, I turned on the PS3 and waited for it to go to the menu where it showed a peaceful forest as my wallpaper.

"Oh, lovely looking forest. Is that from the national park where I found you yesterday?"

"Indeed it is," I said, as I then walked into the hall, "sit right there, I'll go get the DVD."

I opened a closet, which was close to my room where I keep most of my movies and video games in alphabetical order. I looked around the 'V' section and found it. I grabbed ahold of the case and closed the closet door.

"Here ya go," I said, as I walk back into the living room and opened up the case, "prepare to see what true love is."

"Okay," she said, as she made herself comfortable on the couch while I inserted the disc into the PS3.

I skipped through the previews and made it to the DVD menu. I clicked play and the show began.

"Enjoy your highness," I said, as I walked away into the kitchen.

I first took out the pan and set it down onto the stove where I set it to the right heating temperature. I then walked over to the fridge and took out five eggs and began cracking them and pouring them into the pan where they began to sizzle. As I waited for them to sizzle, I looked over to Chrysalis who seemed to be intrigued by the show. Just then, the theme song started to play, which made her head bob back and forth to the song.


I turned back around to check on the eggs and I flipped them over.

"I'm glad she's getting into the series," I thought, "Breakfast is almost ready."

She turned her head towards me and gives me a smiles.

"I can tell. I can smell it from over here. Plus, I really am enjoying this show."

"Glad you like it," I said, as I grabbed ahold of the pepper and salt and sprinkled them onto the eggs, "Enjoy it."

She nods and goes back to watching the show.

"Breakfast is ready," I said, as I place our dishes on the table and went back to the kitchen to grab us forks.

She stands up from the couch and walks over to the table and sits down on the same seat like earlier. She looks down at her eggs and gives it a whiff.

"Mm, smells g…goo-Achoo!" she says with a sneeze, "why am i-Achoo! Achoo!"

"There are some peppers in there, sorry for not telling you," I said, as I cut a piece of my eggs and stabbed it with my fork.

"You should've told me-Achoo! Earlier," she said with a sniffle.

"I apologize your highness," I said before taking a bite into my eggs.

She gives out another sneeze before using her magic to levitate the fork and started cutting her eggs.

"Bottoms up," she said before taking the egg into her mouth, "Mm."

"You like it?"

"I never had scramble eggs before it tastes great."

I smiled and went back to eating my eggs.

"That was delicious," said Chrysalis, as she places her fork onto the empty plate.

"Glad you liked it," I said, as I took the both of our empty plates, "now go back to watching the show, your episode is almost over."

"Oh my!" she says, as she rushes over to the couch and sits down.

I giggled and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

"Um, Chrysalis?"


"I'll be on my Mac while you watch the show, okay? I need to know if there's any job openings out there in the city."

"Okay, I'll just sit here and enjoy the show," she said, as she turned her head back towards the TV.

After cleaning the dishes, I put them away and set them in the dishwasher. I then walked over to the table and pulled out my Mac and flipped it open. I press the power button and my Mac turns on with a tune.

"What was that?" asked Chrysalis, as she turns her head towards me.

"It's the sound of my Mac turning on, Chrysalis."

"Oh okay," she said, as she went back to watching the show, as the episode came to an end, "is this over?"

"Not yet. That's just episode one. Episode two is next."

"How many episodes are on here?"


"I will say that it's enjoyable so far."

I smiled and went back to my Mac.

"Time to look for a job opening," I said, as I went to Google and searched away.

An hour and a half has passed and I'm in luck! I found a job for a moving company and I was ready and prepared for a job interview on Monday. As I turned it off, I walked over to Chrysalis and sat beside her. Episode three was coming to a close and Chrysalis had a tear in her eye.

"You okay?" I asked.

"This was… an absolutely good episode," said Chrysalis, as she wiped the tear away.

"It seems like you're enjoying more than I imagined," I said, as I scooted closer to her.

She looks over to me and hugs me tight.

"The more I watch this, I realize what love really is… and it's a beautiful thing," she said, as she clenches onto my shirt.

"Now you know what true love is," I said, as I patted her back, "well done."

"Have you found a job?" she asks, as she wipes a tear from her eye.

"I sure did. I'll be working at a moving company and they pay good money."

"That's good to-" Chrysalis was cut off, as my cell phone on the kitchen counter began to ring.

"I'll be right back," I said, as I rush over to the counter and answered, "Hello?"

"Yo!" said a familiar voice.

"Jack? What's up?"

"You busy tonight?"

"No. I just got fired yesterday and I met a pretty lady."

"Too bad, but at least you found a hottie. Is she like the one you broke up with?"

"She's nothing like that other girl; this one is weird, but she's nice to hang around."

"Well, the hot ones are the odd. What's her name?"

"Her name is Chrysalis, but you can call her Chryssi."

"Sounds sexy."

"Thanks. Anyway, what's up?"

"Having a party down at my place and was wondering if you and your gal would like to join?"

"Let me ask her."

"Go ahead."

"Um Chrysalis, would you like to go to a party tonight?" I asked, as I turned my head towards her.

"A party? Sure, the queen demands to have some fun," she said with a wink.

"She says 'yes'," I said to Jack, as I got back to my cellphone.

"Great. You know where I live and I'll see you at four. Bye-bye."

"See ya," I said before hanging up.

I walk back to Chrysalis and sat down beside her and watched episode four with her.

"Who was that?" asked Chrysalis.

"A dear friend of mine named Jack. He's been a friend with me since elementary school. He's like a brother to me and we look after one another."

"Sounds like nice human."

"True story, I was bullied by tough kid back in middle school and Jack kicked his ass to save me."

"Really? Why didn't you defend yourself?"

"I was a coward, but after the incident, he taught me some moves that his father taught me and I learned his ways of fighting."

"Whoa… I'd like to meet him."

"And you will, my queen," I said, as I patted her shoulder, "he's a nice guy and a good friend."

"But first, let's finish this series," she said, as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"As you wish your majesty," I said, as I rested my head upon hers.

The show ends and Chrysalis sobbed on my shoulder, as the final episode ends. She looks up at me and gives me a sniffle.

"What a (Hic) beautiful (Hic) ending," she said with hiccups.

I place my hands on her face and used my thumbs to wipe away her tears.

"Thus, you know what true love is, Majesty," I said before letting go of her face.

She sniffles and smiles.

"This… was a beautiful show. Do you know any other romances?"

"I don't know much, but I have a live action movie called You've Got Mail. That too is a romantic comedy."

"Do we have the time for that?"

I take out my phone to check the time; it was 1:01.

"We have plenty of time," I said, putting my phone back in my pocket, "we can watch it, but first, you need a shower."

"Now that you mention it," said Chrysalis, as she sniffs her arm, "I do reek. The queen demands you to bathe me."

"B-bathe? You?" I said with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yes. Bathe me. I doubt my true form can fit in your shower," she said, as she gets up from the couch, "that's a queen's demand."

I gave in a gulp. I never bathed a woman in my life. What if I do something accidentally inappropriate and she calls me disgusting. I had to find a way for her to do it herself.

"Why don't you clean yourself? Do they have any showers back in Equestria?"

"They do, but the stallions I flirt with always have them bathe me. Therefore, I want you to bathe me."

"They bathe you themselves?"

"Are you jealous?" she said with a smirk.

"N-no. I want you to bathe yourself."

"Can you do it for me, please?" she said, giving me rapid cutsey blinks.


"Pwetty pwease?" she said, getting closer to me.

"I said no."

Chrysalis continued to stare at me with those green eyes of hers making a cute pouty face. Damn, she's good.

"Ugh! Alright! I'll help you get cleaned," I grumbled.

"Excellent," she said with a clasp of her hands, "come. Take me to the tub."

"As you wish," I said awkwardly, as I stood up from the couch.

I walk over to the side of the couch and picked up my pants from yesterday. As I did, the little crown that was given to Chrysalis fell to the ground. I picked it up and placed it on the counter and walked Chrysalis over to the bathroom. I turn the lights on to reveal my bathtub, which was about average sized, rather than it being so small for me. She walks in and inspects the place. She looks at the closed toilet, the cupboards with toothpaste, shaver, combs, etc and then turns around to the shower.

"I like your bathroom," she said, "and I especially love the blue tiles around the place."

"Why don't you do your thing while I find clothing that I'll wear for today," I said, as I stood outside the bathroom.

"Be quick," she said before I walked over to my room and open up my closet.

I flipped through the clothing; I wanted to find something party-like. I knew there would be one and I found it: a light blue shirt that said 'party hard' with a dog passed out wearing a party hat. I take it off the hanger and picked out some black pants. I walked over to my drawer and pulled out boxers and a pair of socks and set them on the bed. I walk back into the bathroom and what did I see? None other than Chrysalis standing in the middle of the bathroom naked; the full monty. I immediately cover my eyes and turn my head away.

"OhmyGod!OhmyGod! I'm very sorry," I said.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"You're naked. I should've knocked."

"Silly, you know you are going to bathe me," she giggles, "I give you permission to see me naked."

"You serious?"

"Remove your hands from your face."

"Are you sure about this?" I said moving my hands from my face, but kept my eyes close.

"Yes. Open your eyes."

I slowly open my eyes and stared at Chrysalis who stood there twirling a curl in her hair.

"Well? Aren't you going to get started?"

I walk to the tub and turned on the bath, as water poured out. I checked the temperature to keep it warm.

"Hop right in. The water's nice."

She dips a foot in and then slowly dips her whole body in. She let's out a long relaxing exhale, as she lied there. The tub was nearly filled, as I stopped the water. She dips her head back, as her hair flutters in the water.

"This feels nice," she said in a relaxed tone.

"Want it to feel better?"


I nodded and reached up to the shower stuff and pulled out the bathing herbs. I pour the liquid into the tub, making the water turn orange. Chrysalis looked around with a worried look.

"What is this?" she asks.

"This stuff is to relax the body. Don't worry, your highness. Just relax and let your mind drift off."

Her face went calm, as she lets out an exhale. I place the herbal liquids away and grabbed ahold of the shampoo. I squeezed some onto my hands and rubbed it together. I reach for Chrysalis' scalp and scrubbed her head. After scrubbing, she dips her head back into the tubs and washes out the shampoo.


"Yes?" I said, as I put away the shampoo and brought down the body wash.

"Can I have my baths like this everyday?"

"Anything for the queen," I said with a smile.

"You're such a sweetie pie," she said with a giggle that made me blush.

"D-do you have body wash in Equestria?" I asked, as I grabbed my sponge and squirted the body wash upon it.

"Indeed. Why you ask?"

"C-could you…um…do this yourself?" I asked, as I handed her the sponge.

"Why? Are you embarrassed to wash me?" she says teasingly with a smirk.

"I don't…want to clean your body…it…it seems wrong," I said, as I can feel my face getting hotter.

"Wrong? Is it wrong that I don't mind if I give you my permission to do so?" she asks, as she points at me.

"I g-guess you're right," I said with a gulp, "okay, here I g-go."

"Good boy," she says with a giggle, as I got to me knees and dips the sponge into the tub beside her right arm.

Chrysalis raises her right arm, as I grab onto it. I slowly scrub up and down, as water drips from her soft and wet skin.

"Mm, that feels good," she says in a sensual way.

"I feel like a slave to her will," I thought to myself, as I go to her other arm.


"I feel refreshed," I said, as I walk out of the shower cleaned and ready for the party.

As I walked into the living room, Chrysalis was in her changeling form and sitting beside the couch with a happy grin.

"How was your shower, Josh?" she asked, as her tail swished to and fro.

"It was good," I said, as I sat on the couch, "why are you in your changeling form?"

"I felt like it. Is there something wrong about it?"

"Well…I'm not used to seeing a changeling in reality."



"Play the movie and I want you to do something for me."

"Okay," I cocked and eyebrow, as I got to my DVDs and flipped through to find the movie You've Got Mail.

I pull it out and go back to the TV and placed the DVD into the PS3. I skipped through the previews and pressed play on the menu.

"Now what?" I asked.

"I'd like you to move the couch a little that way," she says, as she points forward.

"What? Why?"

"You'll see," she says with a smile.

I did what she tells me and moved the couch ten inches away and close to the sliding glass doors. I turn around and Chrysalis sits down to where the couch was.

"Come. Sit with me," she says, as she pats the empty spot near her belly.

I gulped and sat down to where she wanted me to. I was nervous; I wonder what she's up to.

"Lean back on me and relax. I can tell you are scared, but don't worry. I won't hurt you."

I leaned back against her stomach and gave out an exhale. I turn my head left and see her smiling at me in a motherly way. She leans her head close to me face and gives me a nuzzle with her muzzle.

"You've been so nice to your queen when you bathed me, that you deserved this," she said, as she gives me another nuzzle.

"Thank you," I said, as she and I look back towards the TV.

The movie ends and Chrysalis gives me a kiss on my cheek. I look over to her, as she gives me a smile.

"Good film," she says, as she levitates me to my feet, "is it time?"

I turn on my phone; 4:23 PM.

"Yes it is," I said, as I walk into my room.

I go through my closet and pull out a leather jacket and place it on. I walk back into the living room and see Chrysalis standing there, still in changeling form.

"Chryssi? You need to turn into a human if you're coming with me."

"Oh! Right!"

A green circle engulfs her and she forms back into her human form, still wearing the same dress. I think tomorrow we should go to the mall and pick out some clothing, but boy is it gonna be a bad day for my wallet.

"Chryssi. Tomorrow, we're going to the mall to find you clothing to fit you in with society."

"Why can't I go around in this dress?"

"Because people don't wear dresses like that 24/7."

"Well, if it will help me blend in, then fine."

"Tonight and tomorrow, I will allow you to wear that dress till we get you clothes."

Chrysalis smiles and gives me a hug.

"You're the best, Josh," she said, as she looks up at me.

"Your welcome, your majesty."

Chrysalis breaks the hug and I go to the kitchen counter to grab my keys.

"Let's get going," I said, as I unlock the door.

Chrysalis walks up to me and blushes.

"May I hold your hand?"

"Of course," I said, as I held out my hand for her.

Chrysalis grabs my hand, as the two of us leave the apartment. I lock the door and the two of us headed down the hall towards the elevator. The two of us walk in and I pressed the button to take us all the way down. As soon as the doors close, Chrysalis grips harder onto my hand. She then began to shiver.

"Don't worry," I said, as I place a hand on her own, "you're safe. I'm right beside you."

Chrysalis blushes and hugs onto my arm. I let go of her, as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opening. The two of us go to the sliding glass doors, but were stopped by a lady who as well was wearing a dress. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and the color of her dress was yellow. She comes up to us and looks over to Chrysalis' dress.

"Your dress is really pretty," she says, "did you make that?"

"Oh…um…" said Chrysalis, unsure of what to say.

"This was a gift," I said, "from a woman I know and she wanted her to wear it. Right now, we're on our way to a party at my friends place."

"Oh? Well she must be popular," said the woman, as she gives me her gloved hand, "my name is Veronica and I'm a seamstress."

"Nice to meet you Veronica," I said, as I shook her gloved hand, "my name is Josh and this lady is my girlfriend Chryssi."

"Chryssi? What a lovely name," she said, as she lets go of my hand, "nice to meet you too."

"Same," said Chrysalis, as the two give each other curtsies.

"Have fun you two," said Veronica, as she walks away.

"Thank you," said Chrysalis and I.

The two of us walked out the glass doors and took a left towards the parking lot. As we made it, I pressed a button, making my car beep. I pointed out to her, as she looks at the other cars.

"What are these things?" she asks, as the both of us made it to my car.

"These are called cars," I explained, as I unlocked the doors and opening her door, "hop in. I'll tell you more."

Chrysalis jumps in and yet again, is feeling claustrophobic. Her body shivers, which makes me rush onto my side and hug her.

"Don't be scared, Chryssi," I tell her in a calming voice, "nothing bad's gonna happen."

I slowly let go of her and shut my door.

"I h-hope I get u-used to this," she said, as her shivering goes down.

"Buckle up," I said, as I buckled my seatbelt.

Chrysalis copies me and fastens in.

"What are these for?" she asks.

"They're for protection in case of a car accident," I explained, "wearing that seatbelt will save your life."

"Oh? Also, could you explain what this thing can do?"

"Allow me," I said, as I turn on the car, making Chrysalis flinch and grip onto her seat, "it's okay. You'll get used to it. Now as for your question, this vehicle can take you places. It needs gas so that you can drive more because if the fuel's empty, then that's bad and we'll be stuck. I want you to relax and enjoy the ride."

"Okay," said Chrysalis, as she gave out a few deep breaths, "I'll stay calm."

I smiled, as I drove backwards and onto the street. Chrysalis looks around and is amazed by the things she didn't see from yesterday last night. She saw the bookstores, Starbucks, DVD stores, restaurants, etc. She was amazed and was captivated by everything she saw.

"Wow! What's that?! Oh! What's that too?! I'd like to check- oh! What's that?!" she says, as she points to many places, as though she were a little kid.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to the mall and you can see many stores like those," I said, as I made a turn.

"Really?! Now I'm excited!" she said with a squeal, "you humans are fascinating creatures."

We arrived at Jack's place fifteen minutes later. There were some cars in front of his house, as I could hear muffled music playing inside, along with people laughing. Chrysalis and I got out the car and held hands on the way to the door. I pressed the doorbell and out comes Jack, wearing a short sleeved shirt, blue jeans and a wrist watch.

"Hey Josh! Good to see ya," he said, as he gives me a hug.

"Same to you too," I said, before we broke the hug.

"And you must be Chryssi," said Jack, as he looked over to her.

"Indeed I am, Jack," she said, giving him a curtsey.

"Come on in. Everybody's having a good time," said Jack, as he goes back into his house, as Chryssi and I followed.

"Psst, I want you to not act all queen-like," I whispered to Chrysailis, "I don't want people to think you are nuts. Please act normal."

"Sure thing," she whispered back, before we got in.

As we got in, it was quite a commotion than it was outside. There was loud music blasting through the speakers, people in the living room dancing, people in the kitchen and dining room talking and having a drink. A few others I recognized; there was Janet, Mike, the twins that remind me of Oingo and Boingo: Joel and Jake, Billy and his girlfriend June. Everybody else was new to me, but in time, I'll get to know him or her. Suddenly, as I stepped into the living room, Chrysalis and I were getting quite a lot of stares from the crowd.

"Josh, who's your friend?" asked Joel.

"Is she new around here because I don't see any beautiful women like that around this city?" asked Jake.

"You're too kind," said Chrysalis with a giggle, "nice to meet you two, I'm Chrysalis."

"Nice to see you too," said the brothers, as they walked up to us.

"I'm Jake, the younger brother," said Jake, as she shakes Chrysalis' hand.

"I'm Joel, the elder," said Joel, as he shook the other.

"Together, you two are like the Oingo and Boingo brothers," I said, butting in.

"Oingo and Boingo?" asked Chrysalis with a cocked eyebrow.

"I like to call them that for kicks."

"I would be Oingo since I'm the eldest," said Joel.

"And I would be Boingo because I'm the youngest," said Jake.

"There these two characters from a show I watched as a teenager and these two always remind me of those two brothers."


The party resumes, as Chrysalis and I walked around the house introducing herself and to the people I know. Chrysalis was in the dining room talking to Billy and June, as I stood a few feet away. I took a sip of my coke, as Mike comes up to me and stands beside my left. Mike was a guy I knew since elementary and was a good guy to hang out with when everyone else was busy doing whatever. He would often be my partner with whatever project we had and we always get the same grade. Ever since those days, we were friends since and we often stay in touch, just like my other friends. He's got brown hair, freckles on his cheeks, a mustache and has a lip piercing.

"Your girlfriend is a real hottie," said Mike before taking a sip of his bear, "where did you two meet?"

"I… met her online," I lied.


"Yep. We met in person yesterday and she and I have been getting along better than the way we communicated online with Skype."

Mike looks back at her, scratching his scruffy chin and then looks back at me.

"Good for you that you dumped that other girl," he said, taking another sip, "I didn't like her."

"I'm glad I found Chryssi," I said with a smile, "she's beautiful, exotic and is a fun person to hang around my apartment."

"That's good to know," he said smiling back at me.

"I'm gonna go check on her," I said, as I walked away from Mike.

"See ya," he said, before I was further away from him.

I walk up to Chrysalis and pat her on the back. She turns around and gives me a smile.

"Josh, your friends are such good people," said Chrysalis, "how did you ever find them?"

"Coincidence, I suppose."

"Good to see ya," said Billy, as we both shook hands.

"Same here," said June, as I shook her hand as well.

"What's been up with you two lovebirds?"

"She and I went to Paris and it was a sight to see," said Billy, as June held his hand and kissed him on his cheek.

"It was a romantic trip," said June.

"Paris? What's it like over there?" asked Chrysalis.

"It's a romantic place," I answered, "it's pretty and relaxing for lovers."



"Can I have a sip of that?" asked Chrysalis, as she points to my coke.

"This? As you wish," I said, as Chrysalis grasps onto it and takes a sip.

"Mm, bubbly," she says with a giggle, as she takes another sip.

"I guess you're not used to drinking coke, eh?"

"This taste delicious," she says, as she gives me back my coke.

"My favorite soft drink FYI."

Suddenly, the music goes down and the house goes silent. The four of us turned towards the living room where Jack stands in the middle and clears his throat.

"Attention everyone," he says with a microphone, "the party will end in about an hour, but now, I want every man with his girl in here to dance. That includes you Josh and Chryssi."

Everyone stares at Chrysalis, and me, as the both of us stood there surprised.

"Come on you two. Get up here and dance with everyone else," says Jack, begging Chrysalis and I to come into the living room.

I look over to Chrysalis and held out my hand to her.

"W-would you like to dance?" I asked.

Chrysalis slips her hand into my palm and grips gently.

"Permission granted," she said with a smile that made me blush.

Chrysalis and I walked into the middle of the living room, as people clapped for the both of us. I look over to Jack, who gives me a thumbs up and plays a soft song.

Boy does this song take me back to when I was younger. I grabbed Chrysalis' side with my right, as I held onto her left hand. The two of us moved back and forth to the rhythm, but all I could concentrate was the sound of my heart beating quickly, as people watched the two of us dancing to the song.

"Lovely song," said Chrysalis.

"It takes me back," I said with an awkward chuckle.

"Something wrong?"

"I'm fine," I lied.

"You sure?"


As the two of us danced like something out of a Disney film, I continued to stare at Chrysalis, who seemed to be enjoying this. I began to ignore the people staring at us and paid attention to her instead. I then began to somehow enjoy dancing with her, as she began to give me a smile of joy.

"Hehe, this is nice," she chuckled.

"I'm starting to like this too," I said, smiling back at her.

As the song ends, Chrysalis and I gave the audience a bow, as people cheered and clapped.

"Nice dancing," said Jack, as he places a hand on my shoulder, "you two were perfect."

"Thanks man," I said.

"All right folks! Let's continue with the up beat music," he said, as people cheered.

Up beat music blasted through the speakers. Chrysalis wraps her arms around my right arm and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

"Care to give your queen a drink?" she asked with a grin.

"Come," I said, as she and I walked into the kitchen, "let's go get you a coke."

After Party

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The party went on, as I introduced Chryssi to the others. I'm surprised to see her having a great time and getting along with humans knowing that she doesn't usually hang around with humans back in Equestria. I gave her some space, but I had to keep my eye on her in case goes south. Luckily, nothing bad has happened at all. She and I had a few drinks and did some more dancing like earlier. Overall, I bet she had a great night.

"Okay folks," said Jack, as he stopped the music, "time is up and this party is now over."

"Aw," said everyone, including Chrysalis and I.

"I know, tis sad we have to end it, but I don't want to get any complaints from the neighbors. I hope you all had a great time."

"You kidding?! Of course we did," I said, as everyone agreed with me.

"Good to know. Good night everybody!"

We all cheered, as everyone began marching towards the door, except for Chrysalis and I. As Chrysalis and I push through the crowd, we go up to Jack and shook hands.

"Thank you for the party," I said, as I break the shake.

"Anytime," said Jack with a smile, "I hope you had a great time too, Chryssi."

"I did, Sir Jack," said Chrysalis, as she gave him a curtsey.

"Hehe, well, time for me to clean up. See ya, Josh."

"Bye Josh," I said, as Chrysalis and I gave him a wave on our way out.

Outside, it was cold. I'm glad I have my jacket, except for Chrysalis. I look over to her and she is shivering like crazy. Her teeth clatter and she grips onto her arms.

"Looks like I should've brought you a jacket."

"Y-y-you sh-should've i-i-idiot," said Chrysalis, as she continued to shiver.

I took off my leather jacket and placed it on Chrysalis. She looks up to me and blushes. She puts her arms in through the armholes and zips up the jacket.

"B-b-better?" I asked, as I began to shiver.

"S-s-somewhat. Are y-you gonna b-b-be ok-k-kay?"

"Let's just get to the car," I said, as I gripped onto her hand and the two of us ran to the car.

The both of us jumped in and closed the doors immediately. We both fastened our seat belts and gave out an exhale.

"Brr, that was cold," I said, as I reached over to the heater and turned on the heats for our seats.

"What are doing?" asked Chrysalis.

"Turning on the heater for the seats."

"Heater? You can bring heat into a vehicle?"

"Just wait for it," I said, as I leaned back in my seat, "wait a minute and you'll feel it."

The two of us sat quietly in the car, as vehicles drove past us. I look over to Chrysalis who was looking at her green colored nails; I wonder how to start up a conversation.

"How to talk to her?" I thought, as I looked out my window to my left, as cars drove on by, "I may ask her 'did you enjoy the party' or probably 'did you like the people in there'? It's hard to decide, but I'll go with option one."

I continue to ponder, trying to think of what to ask her. I don't know what it is that's making me nervous, but all I want to do is have a conversation with her. I took in a deep breath and looked back at her.

"Are feeling it now, Chrysalis?" I asked.

Chrysalis gave me a cocked eyebrow.


"How's your seat? Is it getting warmer?"

"I'm feeling a warm spot."

"Hehe, good to know," I chuckled awkwardly.

"Can we go back home?"

"As you wish, your highness," I said, as I take out my keys and placed them in the ignition.

The car goes on, as I began to hook my phone to the car and began playing some music.


I place my phone down and slowly got away from the curb and drove along the streets toward home. As the song went on, I notice at the corner of my eye Chrysalis bobbing her head side to side and doing a little air guitar. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's so funny?" asked Chrysalis.

"Just you being funny."

"Me? Funny? What am I doing 'funny'?" she asks with slight concern.

"Well, I'm noticing at the corner of my eye you bobbing your head back and forth to the song and that you do a little air guitar."

Chrysalis blushes and looks out the window.

"It's a good song," she mumbles.

"It really is. The song is called Witch Queen of New Orleans by Redbone. My mother loves this song."

"Your mother?"

"Yep. She got me into this song from her youthful years."

"Are there any other songs by this Redbone?"

I smirked and grabbed my phone, switching it over to one of their best songs, which people now a days would know from the film Guardians of The Galaxy.


"This is one of their best songs," I said, as I place my phone back down.

"And this song is called?"

"Come and get your love," I explained, as I made a turn into another street.

"Love? I like the sound of that," said Chrysalis, as the song continued.

As we drove along the cold night, I was starting to have a good time with Chrysalis and having her as company. I'm still not used to her being a changeling and all, but at least she's not gonna kill me or do anything drastic.

"Ah! Home sweet home," I said, as I flung my apartment door open, letting Chrysalis in first before I could.

Chrysalis takes off the jacket and hands it to me after I lock the door. She walks to the couch and slumps into it, making herself comfortable. I walk into my room and put away my jacket. I walk back in the living room, as Chrysalis presses the button on the controller to change the channel and eventually stops on a series that I haven't seen since MTV went bad: The Maxx.

"The Maxx? What a weird title," said Chrysalis, as she sets the remote down.

"I love this series," I said, as I sat down beside her, "I remember watching this series when I was a teenager. I didn't know they were doing reruns of it. How cool!"

"What's it about," asks Chrysalis, as she grabs a pillow and places it on her lap for her elbows to rest on.

"It's a series about a super hero named Maxx and how he protects Julie, who in another world is known as the leopard queen."

"Leopard queen? Like the wild cats?"

"Yep. Because of her, Maxx can be a hero."

Chrysalis turns her head toward the TV, as she and I watched it together. As we did, I still wanted to ask her about the party, but I was for some reason too nervous to ask. I felt my body trembling a bit, but I took in an inhale and exhaled.

"So Chrysalis, how did you enjoy the party?" I asked.

"It was quite fun," she said, still looking at the TV, "I never knew you humans can have parties. I'd like to do that again sometime."

"Sure. Jack has these parties every two months."

"I like that."

"Um… Chrysalis?"


"Can… can I ask you something."

"You may."

"Would you like… another…um…"

My face felt warm and I began to feel tongue-tied.

"Kiss? Why of course," she said, as she puckers her lips.

I did the same and our lips plant softly against one another.

"There we go," she said, as she pulls away, "better?"


"You know, I can see quite a lot of love energy flowing around you lately. Do you have feelings for me already?"

"Huh?! B-b-but I can't. It's not right to fall in love with someone in one day."

"Aw, you're cute when you're shy," she said with a giggle, "be honest. Do you like me already?"

I gulped and looked away from her.

"I…I think I am."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Well… I think you are beautiful."

Chrysalis gives me a wide-eyed look and blushes.

"You do?"

"I…I think you are far more prettier than my Ex. You may be new to this world, but I find you attractive as a human."

The room went silent, with the exception of the TV. Chrysalis takes her left hand and places her index finger and thumb onto my cheeks and reels her head closer to my face.

"You are such a sweetie," she said sultry-like, "is there anything else you like about me?"

"I like how your saliva taste like strawberries and that you give me the best kisses no human, but me will ever have."

She smiles softly and plants a kiss on my nose.

"You are such a darling, little human- I mean, Josh."

I smiled, as she lets go of my face and let's me free from her love grip. We went back to watching TV, but I began to feel sleepy as the episode came to an end.

"I'm getting sleepy," I said, before giving out a stretch, "how about you?"

"A queen needs her beauty sleep," she said before giving out a yawn.

"Here," I said, as I stood up, "get off the couch."

Chrysalis listens, as I began taking off the pillows and blanket, making the couch turn into a bed. I place down the pillows and set the blanket on the bed.

"Go on," I said, "lie down."

Chrysalis nods, but before she could do that, a green aura around her clothes came and her clothes dissolved from top to bottom, making me see her in the full monty. I turned around, trying not to stare.

"What's wrong?" asked Chrysalis.

"G-g-get in the bed and cover yourself."

"Are you afraid to see me naked?"

"I don't want to be a pervert."

I then felt Chrysalis' hand on my shoulder, making me turn around and look at her face-to-face.

"You're not a pervert if I don't mind you staring at me," she said, as she pats my shoulder, "why don't you take your clothes off?"

"D-d-do I have to? In front of you?"

She nods. I gulp and began taking off my socks, pants and shirt; leaving nothing, but my boxers intact.

"That's more like it," she says with a giggle, as she lays in the bed and covers herself up, "now come here and rest with me. I'm still cold from being outside."

"Hold on a sec," I said, as I walk over to the lamp and turned it off.

"Leave the TV on," she said, "I'd like to watch a little more of this show before I fall asleep."

"As you wish."

"Now come here and lay with me," she said, as she points to the empty spot.

I slowly got in and sighed. I turned around toward the TV, but then got distracted, as Chrysalis slowly places a hand on my shoulder.

"May… may I cuddle with you?"

"If that's what you want."

She smiles and wraps her left arm over my left arm and lies close to my back, where I can feel her nipples poking. I was uncomfortable, but yet, okay with this.

"Good night, my handsome human," said Chrysalis, as she gives my ear a lick.

I felt a shiver down my spine and felt goosebumps.

"G-g-good night, I guess."

And just like that, the two of us were cuddling together in the cold dark night. Besides Chrysalis being weird tonight, I had a good day.

Take Your Damn Boxers Off!

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As I open my eyes, I felt something squiggling in my ear, along with the feel of hot breath. I look to my left and see Chrysalis sticking her tongue out. I yelped, making Chrysalis move back with a giggle. I lean up and place a hand against my left ear.

"What the hell was that for," I asked.

She giggles and licks her lips.

"A wake up," said Chrysalis, "good morning, Josh."

"G-good morning, I guess," I said, as I scratch my head.

Chrysalis then gasps, making me look at her with a jump.

"What's wrong?"

"Looks like somepony's hard," she said, as she points down.

I look down to where she pointed, making myself gasp. I see a bulge from the blankets of my morning wood. I quickly blocked it with my hands, as I could feel my cheeks warm.

"S-sorry you had to see that," I said with a nervous voice.

She smirks and twinkles her fingers on my shoulder.

"Does somepony need help with that," she asks, as I could feel her hot breath blowing on my left ear.

"Wh-what do you mean by that," I asked, as I gave her a light push.

"Are you afraid?"

"Of what?"


My eyes lit up and I looked away from her. Why would I be afraid of sex? Is she horny for something or me? I'm not afraid of sex; I still remember having sex with my ex before she dumped me. I look back at her and exhaled.

"No," I answered, "why ask that?"

"Judging by your boner," said Chrysalis, as she saunters to me, "I can tell you need some relief."

"I don't need that. I'm fine."

Chrysalis then scowls at me and begins to sit on the bed with her hips on her sides.

"I can't hold onto this any longer," said Chrysalis, as a green dot on her forehead glows, "I'm going to have sex with you by force. I need it now!"

I then began to notice my boxers having a green aura around them and they slowly began to slip off. I gripped onto the sides to prevent them from coming off, making Chrysalis struggle.

"Take them off," she roared, as my boxers were pulled off of my body and were sliding down the bed and onto the floor.

The blankets were immediately taking off, revealing my hard member. I tried to cover it, but my hands were suddenly covered by green aura, preventing myself to block it. I was then flung back into laying position and I struggled to move, but couldn't budge. I look over to Chrysalis, who had a evil-like smirk on her face, as she crawls over to my member. She licks her lips, as her eyes glow green. Her eyes suddenly change from normal human eyes to slit cat-like pupils. Her smile looked far more sinister, as her canines grew long and sharp. My body suddenly stopped moving immediately; I was paralyzed with fear. Chrysalis then looked back up to me and crawled over to my face and looked deep into my eyes, as though she were staring into my soul. She giggles, then sticks her tongue out, as it slips into my mouth like as though a snake was slitting into my mouth. The tongue licked all over my moist mouth and then wrapped tightly around my own tongue. She had it coiled for about ten seconds, then her tongue darted close to my throat, making me gag. Her tongue went a few centimeters deeper, making me gag, until she quickly slides her tongue out of my mouth, making me cough a few times.

"Did my tongue make you feel tingly," she asks, with a chuckle.

"No! It did-"

I was cut off, as Chrysalis places her index finger upon my lips.

"Calm down," she said in her changeling voice, "you need to relax and allow me to do the work."

"Please do-"

I was cut off yet again, as Chrysalis scowls me, along with giving me a hiss.

"I'm gonna have sex with you whether you like it or not," she growls, "do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said quietly.

She smiles and pushes some hair aside from her face. She crawls backward towards my hard member and gives it a poke. She giggles and slides her finger around the head, making me give out a light moan.

"I can tell you like that," she says, licking her slips.

She reels her head down next to the head and gives it a kiss.

"Mm, your male scent is rather fascinating, my little human," she said, as she grips onto my member and jerks it slowly.

I let out a moan and clench onto the sheets.

"Chrysalis," I moaned, "why are you acting like this?"

She stops and looks over to me with another evil smirk.

"Because you are nothing, but a sex slaves to me and my changelings."

I began to quiver, as the background changed and I was with Chrysalis in a dimly lit cave. Suddenly, green eyes popped around us, along with sounds of hissing.

"What the hell," I said, as I darted my head around the cave.

Suddenly, the lowing eyes got closer, revealing all around Chrysalis and I were women with glowing green eyes, sharp teeth, exoskeletal bodies, horns on their foreheads, and exposed bodies. The bug-like women giggle and moved in closer to get a better view of me. Two of them, one from my left and one on my right, walked up to me and sat down. They then grabbed my arms and began licking and suckling on my fingers. The green aura that held my hands down, disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that they like you," said Chrysalis, as I turn my head over to her, "I might as well join the action."

She releases my member and opens her mouth, as a little of her saliva drips onto my member, making me flinch. Her mouth was then wrapped around my member, making me moan. The changeling women that have my arms began to place my hands upon their breasts, making them moan with pleasure and moving my hands around.

"Your hands feel amazing, human," said the changeling on my left.

"Our queen chose the perfect slave," said the one on my right.

The changelings continue to play around with their breasts by using my hands, while Chrysalis continues to bob her head up and down. This has to be a dream, but it feels so real. My body flinched, as I began to feel the build up of cum.

"Chrysalis," I moaned, "I'm cumming!"

The changeling women laugh, as they moved my hands quicker around their breasts. I flinched again, as I could feel my seed spewing out of my member and going down Chrysalis's throat. I hard deep gulping, as I though I came a lot than what a normal human should. Chrysalis removes her mouth from my member and lifts her head up at me.

"Your love juices, taste delicious," said Chrysalis, as she licks a dribble on my cum from the corner of her mouth, "now I'd like you to clean the queens dripping pussy."

She snaps her fingers, making the changeling women stop using my hands and letting me go. I wanted to run, but I was stopped, as my throat was covered by green aura, pulling me down to my hands and knees. The aura disappeared, before I felt the warm bodies of the two changeling women sitting on top of me, preventing me from running away. I look back at Chrysalis who reveals to me her dripping pussy, as it glittered with her juices pouring out like a leak from a slightly broken fountain. She sticks her fingers in and moves them around there, making her moan. She then pulls her fingers out and takes a whiff of it.

"Mm, changeling juices smell amazing," she said, as she brings her fingers up to my face, "smell it."

I take a few sniffs, then felt my body get goosebumps. She then shoves her fingers into my mouth, making me jump.

"Clean the queen's fingers, slave," she said demandingly.

I nodded and began licking her fingers, as the changeling women on my back giggle. The queen retracts her fingers from her mouth and inspects her fingers.

"Good human," she says with a smile, "you deserve a reward."

She scoots closer to me and spreads her legs out for me to show her pussy.

"Lap it up," she says with a lick of her lips.

"What's wro-"

I was cut off, as the two changeling women on my back grip onto the back of my skull and shove my face forward, making my lips touch her lower lips.

"Thank you, ladies."

"Anything for the queens pleasure," said the two changeling women.

The other changelings giggled along, as they watched my humiliation. I was very embarrassed; I feel like I just became their bitch and are using me for sex. I'd rather be with a dominatrix than be the bitch of a changeling queen who craves sex and uses it to feed herself and her subordinates.

"Lick it, human," snapped Chrysalis.

I sticked my tongue out, as I began to lick her insides. Her moans echoed through the cave, as I stick my tongue as deep as I could. I then took my tongue out and began licking her clit. From what I learned, the clitoris is a very sensitive part and could help make Chrysalis cum quicker. I look up to her, noticing a trickle of drool falling down the corner of her mouth. She then squeezes my head between her legs.

"I'm about to cum," she shouts, as I could feel a splash of cum spray onto my face.

She pants and removes her legs from my head, letting me shake her juices off of my face. Chrysalis looks down on me and goes down to her hands and knees.

"You really know how to make a lady cum, my area human," she said with a toothy smile.

"Can you please get these changeling women off of me, please?"

Chrysalis snaps her fingers, making the two changelings step off of me and went back to where they stood before. I look back at Chrysalis, who places her thumb and index finger on my cheek.

"Now for the best part," she says, as she gives me another blood curdling grin.

I gulped, before a green aura surrounded my body and sent me onto my feet and flung me towards her behind. I look down at Chrysalis, who points her ass to me sky high. I began to see both her pucker and pussy, as she spreads her ass to me. Just from looking at her ass, my member became erect yet again for more.

Chrysalis looks up at me from behind and grins.

"Put it in whatever hole you so crave," she asks, as she gives her ass a jiggly shake.

My body automatically walks up to her and I place my hands upon her ass cheeks. I gave them a firm squeeze, making her gasp.

"Does the human like my ass that much," she asks, as she sticks her tongue out.

"It feels soft and squishy," I said, as I gave her ass cheeks another squeeze, trying to go with the flow.

"Do you want me?"

"I guess," I said with a gulp.

"Then please give me your cock."

"Where would you like me to…you know…put it?"

"My pussy," she says with a shaky breath, "please put your cock in my pussy."

I grabbed my member and slowly sticked it inside of Chrysalis's pussy, making her gasp, then give out a light moan. I slowly gave her another thrust, making her moan again.

"It feels…good," she moans, as she clenches her fists.

I began thrusting at normal speed, making her gasp every time I thrust inside. As I continued, I began to feel her womb.

"Give me a child," she begs, "I need another changeling daughter."

A child? She wants a kid already? I pull out and took a few steps away from Chrysalis.

"A child," I asked.

"Why'd you stop," asks Chrysalis, as she turns her head toward me, "come back and pleasure me! I need semen!"

"Nu-uh," I said, as I took another two more steps back, "I'm not-"

I was cut off, as I felt hands on my arms and back. I turn around and see changeling women scowling at me, giving me a hiss. I gulped, as they pushed me back towards Chrysalis. I tried moving backwards, but they were too strong with so many hands pushing me forward. They pushed me forward, until my cock was back inside of Chrysalis again. I then notice a green aura around my neck, making me flinch. I look back down at Chrysalis and unlike before, she looked back up to me with a far more menacing face; it was far scarier than usual. Her pupils were far more slit-like, all of the teeth in her mouth went sharp and she had a menacing grin that made me shiver.

"Give me more," she said in a demonic voice, "or die. Which is it?"

"I…prefer to give you more, then?"

Chrysalis's face went back to her normal human face and gave me such a heartwarming smile.

"Good to know," she said, "now thrust more until the both of us cum."

I obeyed and thrusted as quick as I could to get the cum out of me to get this over with. For the past three minutes, I thrusted as hard as I could, making the cave echo with the sound of slapping flesh. Chrysalis moaned very loudly, as the changelings around us watched with glee. Suddenly, the moment finally came: I had to cum.

"I'm cumming," yelled Chrysalis.

"I'm…close…," I said, before I gave out a loud yell.

My fluids went inside of her, as hers did the same, making juices spill onto the floor. I collapse to my right and panted heavily.

"Thank God, it's over," I thought to myself, as I layer there.

Out of nowhere, Chrysalis jumps and lands directly onto my stomach, making me almost hurl. I look upon her, as she gives me a scowl.

"Oh, we're not done yet, sweetie," she said, as a ring of green flames appeared all around Chrysalis and I.

I notice that Chrysalis's face looking more horse-like, as her fangs grew, her body egan to look more chiton-like, including her hands, arms, legs, and feet. A horn sprouted from her forehead, making a cracking noise until it came to its full height. Bug-like wings sprouted from her back, including her tail. She was not human, but anthropomorphic.

"My changelings need some of your cum as well," continued Chrysalis, as the ring of green flames disappeared.

The changelings that surrounded us, walked up to us, making such lewd faces, making me wonder what kind of kinks they had in store for me.

"I'd like to tie him up," said a changeling.

"I'd like to lick his cum," said another.

"I'd like to taste a humans skin."

Okay, that one with the fetish to taste my skin made me gulp. Suddenly, every changeling in the room had a red aura, along with a scary grin upon their faces.

"Let's chop him up," said another changeling with a demonic voice.

"Let's drink his blood."

"I'd like to skull fuck him," said another changeling.

Unlike the other however, this changeling had a dick. I gasp; I don't want to be fucked by a futa changeling.


I leaned forward, as I gave out a shout. My body quivered, as I could feel my face dripping with sweat. I looked around panting, noticing I was in the living room; my living room. I took in a few deep breaths, but then I felt a soft hand grabbing my left arm. I jolted and looked down. It was Chrysalis in her human form with red eyes. She leans up as well and gives out a yawn.

"Good morning, Josh," said Chrysalis, as she rubs her eyes, "why are you screaming?"

I looked away from her and down at the blanket.

"I'm sorry," I said, as I place a hand on my head, "I just…had a nightmare."

"Oh? A nightmare? Are you okay?"

I look over to her and smiled.

"I'll be fine," I said, as I wiped the sweat from my brow, "I was just very scared."

"What happened in your nightmare?"

"It…I was raped by a dragon," I lied, "that's why."

Chrysalis gasps and covers her mouth.

"You poor thing," she said, as she hugs my arm and uses her right arm to stroke my hair, "don't be scared. You're safe."

"Thanks Chrysalis," I said, as I began to fall backwards onto my pillow.

Chrysalis gives out another gasp. I look over to her, as she looked down at something. I jolted and jumped right out of the bed.

"Oh hell no," I said, as I rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door behind myself and locked the door.

I breathed erratically, until I heard footsteps coming up to the door.

"Are you okay, Josh," asks Chrysalis from the other side.

"Y-yeah," I lied, "I just need to be in here for a bit. I'll be out in a while. Find something good to watch."

"Okay," said Chrysalis, as she walks away.

"Don'trapemedon'trapemedon'trapemedon'trapeme," I mumbled quietly.

Shopping (Part 1)

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I walk out of the bathroom, feeling a lot calmer than before. As for Chrysalis, she was lying on the couch bed in her true form watching some sort of sitcom as she gave out a laugh.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is hysterical," said Chrysalis, as she continued to watch the program.

I walked all the way into the living room, getting her attention towards me.

"Are you feeling better," asked Chrysalis, as I walked up to her, "you've been in the bathroom for the past ten minutes. Did that nightmare scare you that badly?"

"It did," I said, as I scratched the side of my head.

"Why don't you enjoy some laughter with me," said Chrysalis, as she taps a space for me to sit with her hoof, "come. Sit with me."

I obeyed and sat down on her right watching Friends; father really loved this show. I sat beside Chrysalis, as she and I laughed during certain parts. As we continued watching the show, I began feeling more and more comfortable being close to Chrysalis again. I still don't know why I had that kind of dream last night, but I'm glad that will never happen in real life. Chrysalis doesn't look like the kind of… creature that could rape a person. Unless… Unless she needs love to keep her alive. No… she wouldn't; she doesn't look or sound like the raping type.

"Um… Chrysalis," I said with a nervous gulp.

"Yes Josh," said Chrysalis, as she turns her head towards me.

"Have you… back in Equestria… raped a pony for love?"

Chrysalis gave me a surprised look, but then shakes her head.

"No, I never have," said Chrysalis, "what brought that up?"

"Well… to tell you the truth, that nightmare I had… I wasn't raped by a dragon… I was raped by you and your changelings. It went dark later when you kept on asking me to have sex with you or you'll kill me. By the end, everyone was talking about eating me by drinking my blood or something barbaric."

Just thinking talking about it, made my body shiver, as I place my hands on the sides of my head.

"Would you ever-"

I was cut off, as I could feel Chrysalis kiss the top of my head. She scoots closer to me, allowing me to be close to her. My shaking stopped and I rested my head against her neck.

"I will never do such a thing to you," she said, as she places her head above mine, "it will never happen to you. I swear it."

I felt so much better and hugged her neck. As I did, she pats my back, making me feel so much better. I let go of her and look up to her eye-to-eye.

"Thank you, Chryssi," I said with a blush, "you're so sweet."

Chrysalis smiles back at me with a blush. The two of us rubbed noses and continue to look at one another.

"Josh, your queen requires a kiss," said Chrysalis with a giggle.

"Of course, your highness," I replied.

"Close your eyes and pucker your lips."

I did as I was told and closed my eyes, waiting for Chrysalis to give me a kiss. I waited for five seconds as I can hear the sound of Chrysalis transforming, making me think she is transforming into her human form. I then felt her lips touch mine, making me open to my eyes to seeing her exactly as I thought she would. She's in human form, as the two of us kissed. She pulls away from me, breaking the kiss.

"Did that help?" asked Chrysalis, as she twirls a curl in her hair.

"That ought to do it," I said, as I give her a hug, "thank you, your highness."

I then break the hug, as the two of us sat on the bed couch and watched the rest of the episode holding hands. As I sat with her, the memory of that nightmare I had began to fade away little by little until it was completely gone.

As the episode ends, our stomachs began to grumble.

"Looks like we should have breakfast," I said, as I stood up and walked towards the kitchen, "we'll have cereal this morning."

"What do you have?" asked Chrysalis.

"Well," I said, as I entered the kitchen and opened the pantry, "we got rice crisps, cinnamon toast crunch, and Special K with chocolate bites."

"I'll have the cinnamon toast, please," said Chrysalis, as I take out the box, then the box of Special K for myself.

After getting things done, I set our bowls on the table and poured in the milk.

"It's ready, Chrysalis," I said, as I finished pouring in the milk for my bowl and walked back into the kitchen to put it away.

As I walked back, Chrysalis walks past me and sits down at her seat at the end of the table. I sit down and grab ahold of my spoon.

"Hope you like it," I said to her before scooping up a spoonful of cereal and placing it in my mouth.

I chewed on my cereal, as Chrysalis looks into her spoonful of cereal before taking a bite into it. She then takes a bite into it and her eyes widened; I can tell that she likes it because of her little smile she made the moment she pulled away the spoon from her mouth. She then went away on the cereal, as she takes in the next bite. I couldn't help, but give out a chuckle.

"Looks like you like it, huh?" I asked before placing another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"It tastes delicious," said Chrysalis as she takes another spoonful, "can I have this again some other morning?"

"As you like, your highness," I said, making her smile at me a before taking a bite onto her spoonful.

Breakfast went quiet, as Chrysalis enjoyed her cereal with a purr. As I was finished eating the flakes of my cereal, I began to eat the chocolate last for the final touch to make this breakfast worth it. I take a little of chocolate from the bowl and take it up to my lips and gave out a yummy moan. I then pull out my spoon from my mouth and munched onto the chocolate.

"What did you just put in your mouth," asked Chrysalis.

I swallowed the chocolate in my mouth and pushed my bowl towards her.

"Have it, your highness," I said, as Chrysalis looks down into the bowl, "it's chocolate that I always save for last when having Special K."

"Chocolate," said Chrysalis with surprise, "in cereal? Bizarre."

She takes her spoon and takes out a small spoonful of chocolate and sticks it into her mouth. She pulls the spoon out of her mouth and gives out a moan of deliciousness, as she munches on the chocolate. I rest my head on my hand and watched her as she enjoyed the rest of the chocolate.

"You are so cute when you're happy," I thought to myself, as Chrysalis licks her lips when finished.

She looks over to me and cocks and eyebrow, making me sit up straight.

"Josh," said Chrysalis, "I notice your love aura is growing a little bit higher than usual. Are you starting to have a crush on me?"

I jolted a little and blush. Now that she has mentioned it, I feel as though I am in love with her. We live in the same roof, I'm always by her side, we sleep together, we even enjoy the chocolate. Perhaps… she's right: I am falling for her.

I smiled and gave her a nod. She gasps and covers her mouth with surprise.

"Chrysalis," I said, as I scoot my chair close to her, "I've been having a crappy time before you showed up. You were scary at first, but as time went on, I began having feelings for you."

"Well," said Chrysalis, as she looks away from me and twirls a curl in her hair, "that's something."

"I mean it," I said, as I place my hand on her left hand, "I must admit that you are prettier than my last girlfriend. You are pretty in both this form and in your true form. I'm starting to get used to you in my life and I feel… as though our friendship can be something more?"

"M-more? You mean? That you are… legitimately in… l-love with me?" asked Chrysalis, as her cheeks went red as a cherry.

"Chrysalis," I said, as I looked at her eye-to-eye, "I love you. You are pretty and I want you to stay by my side forever."

Chrysalis smiled softly and immediately plants a kiss onto my lips. I kiss back, as our tongues fought one another, feeling each other's wet and moist mouth. We then pulled away and smiles.

"I must admit as well," said Chrysalis, "I love you too."

"Today, how about we got around and have some fun down by the mall, along with buying some clothes for you."

"I like the sound of that," said Chrysalis with a giggle, "perhaps we should get showered."

"Need help?"

"Nope," said Chrysalis as she gives me a kiss on the cheek, "perhaps you can help me tonight?"

My eyes lit up, as Chrysalis pulled down a little of her collar to show me a little of her bosom. I look back up to her, as she gives me a sultry wink.

"I will, your majesty," I said, as Chrysalis stood up and walked away towards the shower.

"I'll go first," said Chrysalis before turning on the bathroom light and closing the door behind her.

"Yesss," I said, as I take our bowls and began cleaning them.

Thirty minutes later, I came out of the bathroom wearing black jeans, a pink floyd shirt, socks, and holding onto a jacket in case it was cold outside. Chrysalis for the time being, will wear her changeling dress, which could get kinda awkward while we walk around the mall.

"You look look handsome," said Chrysalis, as she looked at my shirt to my face.

"Thanks Chryssi," I said, as I reached over to the counter and grabbed my phone, keys, etc.

"What's this Pink Floyd on your shirt?"

"Pink Floyd is a band," I explained, "my father back then got me into their music and I have the film Pink Floyd's The Wall lying around somewhere. I don't think you're ready to see that."

I take the keys and unlock the door, allowing Chrysalis to walk out before I do, because manners. I lock the door behind us and the two of us walked down the hall towards the elevator. We got in, as I press the button to take us to the last floor. The door closes, as Chrysalis grabs my arm out of being claustrophobic.

As we made it to the bottom floor, the doors opened and we exited the place and walked towards the parking lot. It was a bit chilly, so I decided to put on my jacket. I look over to Chrysalis as she too began to feel cold judging by her shaking.

"Don't worry, Chryssi," I said, as we walked up to the car, "I'll put on the heater when we get inside."

Chrysalis let's go of my arm as we jump in the car and fastened in. I turn on the vehicle and turn on the engine before putting on the heater on, including the heat on our seats. I then take out my phone and flipped through my playlist of Pink Floyd, but wasn't sure what to pick for her.

"Say Chryssi," I said, as I showed her my phone, "which of these songs would you like to play? Tap the one that interests you."

Chrysalis cocks and eyebrow as she looks at the playlist. She then presses down on one of them as it began to play:


I place my phone in on of the cup holders and giggled.

"What's so funny?" asked Chrysalis.

"It would be legit that you picked this song," I said, "I don't know why, but I expected you to play this."


"It was just a hunch," I said, as I began backing up, making Chrysalis hold onto the seat tightly.

I then move out of the driveway and we were on our way. As I drove, Chrysalis was singing to the song while looking out the window towards everyone doing his or her usual private lives. Seeing her looking out the window reminded me of myself when I was little and looking out of the window to see something new. I take a right, as Chrysalis began to see new things she hasn't seen before.

"Wow," said Chrysalis, "humans sure are interesting."

"Thanks," I said Awkwardly, "anyway, is the music okay?"

"'Bizarre' is the word I'm looking for."

"Yeah, Pink Floyd's music is weird, but I love it. Todays music is just not as good as it was back in the days. Back then, that's real music."

"How so?"

"Well, today's music is mostly boy bands and all I hear in a nutshell is, 'ugh! Feelings!'"

"Hehehe, really?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Also, while we're at the mall, let's have some fun as well. There's plenty to do; We can go to Hot Topic, that small arcade, and then we can get lunch somewhere."

"What are these things you call 'Hot Topic' and 'arcade'?"

"I guess they don't have Hot Topic arcades in Equestria?" I asked, as I made a stop at a stoplight.

"I don't believe their are. I never heard of either."

"Well, Hot Topic is a place with collectibles and other things," I explained, as the light turned green, allowing me to continue driving, "they even have shirts. Perhaps we'll find you something in there."

"And an arcade?"

"Arcades are where kids, teens and adults go play some games."

"Games? You caught my interest."

"You'll love it."

Another ten minutes have passed and we finally made it to the mall. I parked and the two of us walked over towards the entrance.

"Let's hope you don't get a lot of attention," I said, as I walked beside her.

"It would be embarrassing," said Chrysalis, as she looked down to the concrete floor.

"If anyone makes fun of you, I'll sock them in the nose," I said, getting Chrysalis's attention, "no one makes fun of my queen."

Chrysalis blushes and looks away from me.

We walk up to the entrance and I open the door for the both of us. As we walked in, Chrysalis looks around seeing many little stores. She was looking at the diamonds, then over to the left and sees a food stand serving hot dogs. Chrysalis was mind blown by all of what was within this large building.

"You seem to enjoy what they have here," I said, getting her attention yet again.

"Y-yes. This place looks amazing. So many stores to look at."

She then blushes again and looks me in the eye.

"Something wrong?"

"C-can you hold my hand?"

"What for?"

Chrysalis points ahead, showing a couple holding hands and laughing together. I scratch the back of my head and held onto Chrysalis's hand, making her face go red as a cherry.

"That's okay, Chryssi," I said, as I began to feel the warmth of her palm, "we're kinda like a couple. So there's no harm of me holding your hand."

Together, we walked straight ahead to get a better view of the place. We go to a railing, where Chrysalis can look ahead and down the place to get a better view of the place from top to bottom. After looking around for ten seconds, we walked on the left side until we made a stop at the mall map.

"Okay, we're here," I said, as I poked the spot to where we are at, "and Victoria's Secret is... here!"

"What is this Victoria's Secret?"

"It's a lingerie place for women and you need something for yourself."

"Lingerie? Do explain."

"It's stuff that women wear under there clothes. For instance, you need bras and panties."

"Ohhhh. Like what you wear under your pants?"

"Something like that."

"Well, let's go," said Chrysalis, as she tugs on my hand.

"Okay then," I said, as we continued our small trek toward the place.

"Also, what is her secret?"


"Victoria's, you fool."

"Oh! Well, I know."

"You do?"

"Of course."

"What is it?"

I lean towards Chrysalis's ear and whispered to her.

"She likes anime," I said before pulling away from her ear.

"Anime? Like that Video Girl Ai show?"


As the two of us walked hand in hand, I began to see people stare at us; murmuring to one another. I was getting a bit nervous, but I did my best to ignore it.



"People are staring."

"I noticed."

I now know she's feeling the same way, as we continued. Suddenly, a woman with slick blonde hair walks up to us. She wears a small black dress, a green hair pin of a butterfly, wears red lipstick and her eyes were light blue.

"Excuse me," said the woman, making Chrysalis and I stop our walk.

"Yes," I said, "can we help you?"

"It's your girlfriend," she said, as she looks over to her, "you look pretty. Do you model?"

"Model?" said Chrysalis with curiosity, "never have."

"My name is Leona Weiss," said the woman, as she pulls out a card and hands it to her, "and I do model magazines and I was wondering if you'd like to join. You'll be paid handsomely."

"Leona Weiss," I said with surprise, "don't you also do Victoria's Secret modeling?"

"Yes I do."

"We'll think about it, Leona," said Chrysalis, "and thank you for the compliment about my beauty."

"Your Welcome, Miss. What's your name?"

"It's Chrysalis."

"Nice to meet you," she said, as the two shake hands.

"May I ask, why are you wearing a dress like this? Are you going to some sort of dance later?"

"Not really," I said, "we're clothes hunting."

"Oh, okay. Well, if you're interested, give me a call."

We wave to her, as she walks away.

"She sounds trust worthy," said Chrysalis, as she looks at the card, "what is this?"

"Its a card that has her info, website and number to call her if you are interested."

"... I'll think about it."

"If you do, you'll be my Jun Fudo, expect you're a changeling and not a demon."


"I'll explain later," I said, as the two of us walked towards out destination, "come. Let's go get you some undergarments."

Chrysalis browses through the panties, as I felt somewhat embarrassed to be around the entire store. I watched over Chrysalis, as she picks out a pair of panties that surprisingly match her hair.

"How about these?" said Chrysalis, as she shows me the pair.

"They remind me of your hair," I said, as I scratch the back of my head.

"Than I shall have these."

She hands them over to me, as I place them in the store bag. Chrysalis and I continue to browse, as I began to get uncomfortable with the women staring at me from afar.

"God, please end this," I thought to myself.

Chrysalis and I made it to the bra section of the store. Chrysalis looks at one of them, then stares at her chest size, then back to the bras.

"Say Josh," said Chrysalis, as she turns back at me.


"Do you know which of these bras would fit my majestic chest," asked Chrysalis, as she pokes one of her breasts.

"You're a D-cup, okay," I said quietly in an angry manner, "look for D-cup sized bras. Just hurry, okay?"

"Jeez, what's up your behind?"

"I'm embarrassed being here. I'm getting stares and I feel like a pervert being in a place like this. It would've been worse if I went here by myself."

"Alright, I'll be sure to be quick," said Chrysalis, as she looks through the bras.

She then founds a pair that matches her panties and I was surprised to see that they even have a color for something like green; it seems weird.

"Okay, let's go," said Chrysalis, as she puts the bras in the shopping bag.

We walked up to the cashier, paid and got out of there.

"Thank God, that part's done," I said with a exhale of relief, "now let's go get you some pants."

Shopping (Part 2)

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Chrysalis and I enter Hot Topic and walked over to the pants area, as she flips through the sizes that match her. So glad to be away from that lingerie store; I can't stand being in those places.

"These look like me," said Chrysalis, as she holds up a pair of green pants, "what do you think? They match my changeling-"

"Shhh," I said, cutting her off, "don't mention that."

"Why not?"

"Don't want people thinking you are crazy."

"Oh... right."

"I'll buy you those," I said, as I take the pair of pants from her arms, "would you like a shirt too?"

"That would be splendid," said Chrysalis, as she looks towards the boy shirt isle and walks over there.

"Huh," I said, as I followed her, "why are you going to the men isle?"

"This shirt caught my attention," said Chrysalis, as she bends down and grabs ahold of a shirt, "see?"

She leans back up and holds up the shirt for me to see. It was a Pink Floyd shirt for The Wall album.

"Can I have this one, please," said Chrysalis, as though she were a child, "I'd like to wear something for my mate."


"You're my mate," repeated Chrysalis, "come now, let's find us some more shirts."

I don't know why she would call me a mate, but I guess that's her equestrian way of saying I'm her boyfriend.

Chrysalis continued through the shirts and picked out shirts from bands that I am familiar with: Gorillaz, The Beatles, and she somehow picked another Pink Floyd shirt just for me to like her more, which is my theory. I paid for everything and carried a bag full of clothes (I'm starting to feel more like her servant now).

"I love this place," said Chrysalis, as she gives herself a twirl in front of the store like she was some sort of princess from a Disney film, "let's explore more around here."

"You like to?" I asked.

"Of course I do," said Chrysalis, as she walks up to me and wraps her arm around my free one, "let's go, lover."

"Anything for my queen," I said, as the two of us walked over to the escalator and moved up.

Suddenly, there was a small growl coming from Chrysalis. I look over to her and see her placing a hand on her stomach.

"Looks like I need something to eat," she said.

"Wanna go get an ice cream?"

"That sounds delicious."

She wraps her arm around mine, as I escorted her ahead to the ice cream place. Suddenly, three little girls came out of nowhere and got in front of us, blocking our path. One on the right was blonde, blue eyes, freckles, shorter than the other two, and wore a blue shirt with black pants. The girl on the left had slick black hair, wore a yellow dress, and had a light green bow in her hair. The Girl in the middle seemed to be the eldest by the age of sixteen. This girl wore a shirt with Lady Amalthea on it, gray pants, and glasses. Her hair was red and she also had freckles.

"You look pwetty, Miss," said the blonde girl.

"Why thank you, young lady," replied Chrysalis.

"Are you a pwincess," asked the girl with slick black hair.

Chrysalis smiles and takes a knee.

"I'm not a princess young one," said Chrysalis, "I'm just a woman who is really pretty."

"Oh," said the girl with slick black hair with a look of disappointment.

"But," said Chrysalis, as she picks her up, "the real princess is you."

"You think so," she asked.

"I know so," said Chrysalis, as she sets the girl back down.

"Thanks for being nice to my sister and cousin, Miss," said the elder.

"My name is Chrysalis," said Chrysalis, as she gives the three of them a curtsey, "and what are your names?"

"I'm Jessie," said the eldest.

"I'm Jane," said the girl with slick black hair.

"And I'm Cassie," said the blonde girl.

"Who's he," asked the eldest, as she pointed at me.

"I'm Josh," I said.

"Is he your body guard, Chwyssie," asked Cassie.

"He's my knight in shining honor," said Chrysalis, as she looked at me with rapid blinking eyes.

The girls giggled, making me feel embarrassed.

"It's nice meeting you," said the eldest, as she grabs her sister and niece, "we got to go. Our parents are waiting for us."

"It's very nice meeting you too," I said.

"It was a pleasure," said Chrysalis.

"Bye bye, Chwyssie," said Cassie, as she waved a hand.

"Hope to see you around," said Jane.

We departed ways, as the girls walked away towards the exit. I look back at Chrysalis and thought back to what she said to Jane. What made her say that? Is Chrysalis changing? I never said anything so nice and sweet to anyone else, but me.

"Come, Josh," said Chrysalis, as she yet again wraps her arm around mine, "let's go. I'm craving for ice cream."

At the ice cream store, I walk back to the table where Chrysalis sat and waited for me to get whatever looked good. I probably should've asked her, but I got her a sundae and for myself, rainbow sherbet on a cone. I must admit that Baskin Robins has the best rainbow sherbet I ever had. I still remember mom and... dad taking me here when I was little and getting my first rainbow sherbert.

I sat down across from Chrysalis and handed her bowl, as her eyes twinkled with hunger. Her mouth salivated, as she immediately picks up her spoon and takes a spoon of vanilla with fudge on it. She takes it into her mouth and gives out a delight moan.

"Mmm," she moans, "this tastes amazing."

"Glad you like it," I said, as I gave my ice cream a lick.

"What's your ice cream?" asked Chrysalis.

"My flavor is rainbow sherbet," I explained, "my very first ice cream I got when I first came here. I was just a little kid. I think I was five when I came here."

"Five? So young."

"My mother and... and..."

"What's wrong?" asked Chrysalis.

"It's... nothing..."

"I sense a hint of sadness," said Chrysalis, as she puts her spoon down.

"It's just that... father took me here too," I said, trying to hold in the tears.

"It's okay, Josh," said Chrysalis, as he grabs my hand, "I'm sorry for asking."

"It's okay, Chryssi," I said, as I made a soft smile, "I'm fine. I don't want my past ruining our day."

She smiles, as she picks up her spoon and continues eating her ice cream. I continue to lick my ice cream, until I notice a few glances that Chrysalis has been staring at my ice cream. I sigh and bring the ice cream close to her.

"Go on and have a lick," I said, "you could just ask me. I don't mind sharing my ice cream with you. It might add a little flavor to it."

She smiles big before leaning her head to give my ice cream two small flicks of her tongue before pulling her head back and enjoying the taste of the rainbow sherbert.

"Oh," said Chrysalis with surprise, "this tastes good. So this is rainbow sherbert?

"Indeed it is," I said.

"Next time we come here, I'd like to have what you're having."

"As you wish."

She smiled and went back to gobbling down her sundae, as little of fudge covered her lips. Thank God no one is looking, it's kinda awkward when your woman eats like a piggy in public.

"That was delicious," said Chrysalis, as she wipes her mouth with a napkin.

"I am willing to bring you here anytime we come to this mall or if it's a hot day," I said, "so, let's go play some games."

Chrysalis gives out an excited squeal as though she were a little kid excited for Christmas. She grabs my hand and pulls me ahead.

"Let's go have some fun," she said, as I get pulled by her hand while holding onto the bags.

Inside the arcade was full of teenagers playing whatever was in front of them like Pacman, Dig Dug, Galactica and a few other classic games. There was a place for picking out prizes and the machine that takes your tickets to tell how much you have.

"So these are games," said Chrysalis with confusion.

"That's the point of an arcade," I explained.

"I don't know how to play any of these things."

"Don't worry," I said, as I place a hand on her shoulder, "I'll teach you. You'll get the hang of it soon enough."

Chrysalis smiles and holds my hand.

"Lead the way," she says.

We walk in, getting some stares from people who wonder what a lady wearing a dress is doing in a place like this. We walk up to the token machine, as I place five dollars in for twenty-five tokens. Tokens fall out one by one, as I grab a small cup and handed it to Chrysalis.

"My hands are kinda full, so could you do me a solid and put the tokens in the cup?" I asked.

She nods before taking some tokens and putting them in the cup. We walked around until we found my favorite: Dig Dug. We walked over, as I place the bags in front of the system. Chrysalis hands me the cup, as I pull two of them out and insert them in. I crack my knuckles, as the game starts.

"Watch and learn," I said, as the game began.

I move to the left, as I try to get one of the red guys before pumping him up and making it explode before going to the next guy.

"So what do you do in this game," asked Chrysalis.

"You go around and pump bad guys up until they explode," I explained.

"Now you got my interest."

"Like to give it a shot?"

"Would love to," she said, as I moved aside.

She moves around, but has no idea what to do as a bag guy heads her way.

"He's coming," worried Chrysalis, "wh-what do I do?!"

"Point towards him and press the red button until he pops!"

Chrysalis turns and shoots at the bad guy until he pops.

"Yes," said Chrysalis with glee.

We went on through the arcade for awhile and got some tickets to get a prize. We walked the to guy at the prize stand and handed him our receipt.

"What would you like," said the guy so blandly before pulling up his glasses, "you got like three hundred tickets."

Chrysalis and I looked around and apparently something caught my eye. I saw a plush unicorn that matches Chrysalis's hair.

"I'll take the teal unicorn there for two hundred fifty," I said, as the guy turned around and handed me the unicorn.

"You got fifty left," said the guy.

"Would like five of those pieces of gum for ten and that small stuffed bear there," said Chrysalis.

The guy grabs the gum and puts them in a small baggie and hands that over to Chrysalis before giving her the bear for last.

"Have a good day you two," said the guy.

"You too," I said, as Chrysalis and I leave the arcade.

We stopped in front of the arcade to put away the prizes in the bags so that Chrysalis didn't have to carry them. We make our way up the escalator before feeling the soft lips of Chrysalis against my cheek.

"Thank you for today," she said, "I haven't had this much fun time in such a while."

"Anytime," I said.

She wraps her arm around mine, as remake our way to the exit.

"Can we come back here?" asked Chrysalis.

"Anytime you want," I said, "unless I need to save money for something big. We need to save money for food, rent, electricity, etc."

"I'm good with that," said Chrysalis with a smile.