The Fast and the Curious

by FlyingBlade

First published

A simple Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie romance but as humans. All of them are humans.

Rainbow has been crushing on Pinkie since they were kids. When certain circumstances happen will she find the courage to confess her feelings? Or will she fail and remain wishing from the sidelines. This story is completely humanized.

Prologue and Chapters 1 and 2 edited. Will be posting more chapters soon. Sorry for the wait. ^.^''

Prologue: Memories and Lists

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Prologue: Memories and Lists

The hour was slowly approaching noon as the sun hid behind a cluster of white fluffy clouds. A teenage girl with hair strangely dyed with the colors of the rainbow was laying in a meadow. Her arms were tucked underneath her head and her red eyes were closed. The girl wore a light blue tank top and black workout shorts that had colorful stripes on the outer thighs. The girl appeared to be athletic with toned muscles and slight curves. She wore black high tops that had white wings painted onto the sides and upon the relaxing girls wrist sat a sweat band of light blue that had a raincloud with a rainbow colored lightening strike sown in by hand. She waited patiently as she laid there in utter silence.

After a few minutes the sound of fast light footsteps reached the ears of the rainbow haired girl. She sat up and peered towards the hill with her tired red eyes. A smile slowly broke out as she saw a pink dot growing closer. The closer it got the more the dot resembled a human. At one point the dot stopped being a dot and became a teenage girl with long curly hair dyed a bright pink. Her sky blue eyes were trained on the teen laying in the grass as she waved her hand frantically. The pinkette was wearing a pale pink polo shirt with three balloons sown into chest pocket, one blue in the middle and two yellow flanking it. The shirt matched well with the dark red short shorts and the pink white and red frayed belt. The skipping, hopping, and light tan sandals couldn't add any more volume to her extremely light footfalls.

Soon the pink headed girl was towering over the other who was still sitting in the grass. They shared a mischievous smile and sat together. The rainbow haired girl stared at the balloons on the others shirt. "I swear pinks, those balloons are on every piece of clothing you have. Do you use the same one or did you make multiple??" The soft smile on her lips hinted that it was a playful statement.

'Pinks' however took the statement seriously. "Why Dashie you know I put it on everything after you gave me that first shirt with those balloons. I still have that shirt, its a pillow now but it still has those balloons." The girl hadn't taken a single breath as the words left her mouth in a fast string. She looked at her friend and tilted her head in curiosity. "Is that the same sweatband I gave to you when we were eight? It use to be so big on you that it'd always just fall off."

The toned girl blushed and looked away to try and hide it from 'Pinks', or as she is known by her friends Pinkie Pie. 'Dashie', or Rainbow Dash to their friends, had been harboring a crush on the pink haired girl since she had received the sweatband. "Well, Pinks, why wouldn't I wear it. A very dear friend gave it to me. I'm sure you know her, her parents named her Diane and she loves the color pink."

"Dashie, we agreed not to say our real names. If you start calling me Diane, I'm going to call you by your name, Sally." Pinkie smirked as she watched an expression of horror form on Rainbow's face.

"Oh, geez, that name is so lame. Why did my parents have to pick such an uncool name? It doesn't even fit me." She proceeded to act as if spitting out something that tasted terrible. Pinkie smiled and laughed at her friends antics. "Anyway Pinks, what's on the list for today."

The pink haired girl pulled out a list from her back pocket and unfolded it. She began to examine it and smiled. "First on the list is to prank Applejack." The two friends smiled at each other as they stood and walked off plotting their next prank.

Chapter 1: Apples and Bones

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Chapter 1: Apples and Bones

The sun was beating down on top of the trees of the Sweet Apple Acres. A blur of rainbow was dodging between them with a girl of pink following in a steady skip. The rainbow blur slowed to a stop before a clearing within the apple grove. Dash was looking at the steep slope that started at her feet. Pinkie stopped beside her and they smiled at each other. They had already planned their prank for AJ and were heading in to set it up.

Pinkie grabbed Dash's hand and pulled her down the hill. They slid down barely keeping from falling down headfirst. When they reached the bottom of the hill they both laughed and beamed at each other. Pinkie let go of the hand she was still clutching and skipped forward. Dash hadn't moved yet and watched the swing in her friend’s hips. A small dreamy smile crept on to her face.

However her heart dropped and her blood turned cold as she heard the deep sturdy voice of Big Mac yelling out, "Look out!" Time seemed to stand still for Dash as she turned her head and saw a cart full of apples rapidly approaching Pinkie and picking up speed. She jumped into action and started sprinting towards her friend who had frozen up in fear. Dash pushed her self to run faster than she ever had before and she kept pushing despite her muscles protests. As soon as she was close enough she lunged towards Pinkie just as the cart was a few feet away.

She smiled when she saw she got her best friend out of the way. The smile was quickly morphed into an expression of pain as a scream left her delicate lips. The cart had just run over her right ankle. It stopped a few feet after crushing her limb. Pinkie ran to Dash's side and tried to comfort the girl who was in pain.

Big Mac soon showed up eyes wide and pants frantic as he leaned with his hands on his thighs. His jeans were scuffed up and his red plaid shirt was hanging open. He quickly took in the scene and quickly approached the girls. "Ms. Pinkie, we need to get her to the hospital." Pinkie nodded and moved aside. Big Mac gently leaned down and picked up the girl cradling her in his arms. He stood up and swiftly walked towards the farm with the pink girl following. They soon reached the house and the strong man laid the injured girl gently in the bed of the truck and let Pinkie climb in with her. They were soon off on their way towards town. Pinkie stared down at her friend with concern in her eyes and she leaned down and kissed the girl's forehead before whispering in her ear.

"Thank you for saving me Dashie. I promise to help you get better." The girl with the rainbow hair gave a weak smile before she passed out the last thing she saw was a pair of worried blue eyes.

Chapter 2: Bad News and Bargins

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Chapter 2: Bad News and Bargains

A groan could be heard as red eyes slowly blinked open against the bright white of the hospital room. The machines were beeping and blinking monotonously. A tanned hand with a light blue wristband reached up and ran its digits through the mused rainbow locks. The patient looked around the small room noticing that the world outside the window was dark. She sighed and looked at the chair next to the bed. Her eyes widened when she saw the girl of pink asleep and clinging onto the sheets of the bed. Her mind tried to figure out how the pink ball of energy was able to weasel her way into staying after visiting hours. A small smile crept its way onto her face, as she decided not to question the pinkette's abilities. It had been agreed that after their friend Twilight, or better known to the public as Jenny Sparks, had almost gone crazy trying to explain Pinkie that no one would question the girl's talents. Dash laid her head back on the pillows, dreading the meaning of the numbness throughout her body. She knew that numb feeling meant that the drip attached to her wrist was feeding her some form of pain relief. That also meant that there was something serious enough to be medicated before she was even awake.

A whimper brought her out of her train of thought and she looked to the chair again to see her pink crush twitching in her sleep. She reached out towards the girl and gently laid her hand upon her best friend's. The twitches started to slow and soon the pinkette was sleeping soundly once again. Dash smiled softly at the sleeping form of Diane Amenia, Pinkie, the girl she was in love with.

Wait, the smile slid off of her face as her thoughts caught up, in love? I thought it was just a stupid crush. But then again no other crush has lasted this long. She ran her thumb gently in circles on the back of a pale hand as she stared at its sleeping owner. The thought of being in love with this insanely wonderful girl brought a smile to her face. She let her mind wander to fantasies of the two of them. They seemed to hold every happy outcome from lying in each other’s arms at the lakeside to holding a baby with bright blue eyes. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the sound of her pink love waking up.

A pair of slim arms wrapping around her and the smell of cotton candy invading her senses brought her out of her train of thoughts. She looked towards the pink mass clinging onto her. "Hey, Pinks. You want to tell me what the damage is?" A sob left the mass of pink still attached to her, then it was followed by more and more sobs. Dash's heart broke at the sound and she held the girl closer in her one arm that wasn't attached to wires. "Shh. Shh. It's ok Pinks. I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere."

The girl in her arms started to calm down and soon she was only sniffling when she spoke. "Dashie." She paused and pulled back with a solemn expression on her face. "I've got some bad news." She looked down not wanting to meet the other's eyes when she spoke. "D-Dashie, your ankle, it was, it was crushed completely. There are multiple breaks. They, they said there was at least 20 breaks. You were taken into surgery so they could reconstruct it. They, they," The pink girl broke off in another sob before she continued. " They say that you might not be able to run on it again." The girl broke down in sobs and clung to the rainbow haired rebel.

Dash held the girl close as her thoughts wandered. She knew why the pinkette was crying so much. Dash had been the track star; it was how she got her nickname Rainbow Dash. Yet, in this moment she didn't care about her track career or the adoring fans. She was more worried bout the bundle of pink in her arms. Dash knew she had to cheer up her pinks. "Pinks, it's ok. I'll be up and running in no time. You know I've made it through worse than this." The sobbing mess in her arms started to calm down with each word. "I'll be back on that field in no time and you'll be in the stands cheering me on like normal. Come on Pinks, do I need to tickle you to get that smile?" The girl in her arms shook her head and smiled sadly.
"B-but it's my fault you got hurt. If I had just moved you wouldn't have run to save me." She looked tearfully at the girl below her. "You saved me Dashie."

"And I'd save you again if I had to. It's not your fault Pinks. You were scared, the way that cart was heading for you it would have caused a lot more damage than what I got." She pulled the girl in tighter. "I'll never let you get hurt if I can stop it." Dash was beginning to feel tired and knew the medicine was causing it. "Pinks, I'm getting tired. Let me sleep with you like this. So you know that you did nothing wrong. So you know that I'd do it again. So you know I want to see that smile." With each word her eyelids grew heavier and her words became foggier. She laid back on the pillow closing her eyes and slowly drifting off to a dreamless sleep. The last thing she heard was eight simple words.

"I'll take care of you Dashie, I promise."