Fluttershy and Thunder Night

by Rakoon1

First published

This is the story about how Fluttershy met Thunder Night for the first time and how their love born.

After hurting himself by flying when the sun was raising up, Thunder Night ends up under the care of Fluttershy. Their conflicting personalities put obstacles to what can be a great love story. Will they be able to get over this conflicts and create mutual love between them?

Author's Notes: The first chapters of this story happen between Twilight and Blue Sword and The Light Kingdom.

A Turbulent Meeting

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Thunder Night, a proud thestral royal guard of the Lunar Royal Guard, was returning to Canterlot after one more night watch. However, he had been distracted by the weather, something that was always happening when he was always flying at night. The truth is he couldn't do it any other way, as, being a thestral, the sun burned his skin. But the fresh air of the night and the darkened sky used to give him an immense sense of freedom. However, at that moment, he knew he shouldn't have been so careless with the hours, as the sun was about to rise.

The thestral began circling Ponyville, knowing that he was already near Canterlot. But then he noticed that the sky was getting brighter, with the blue sky of the day appearing, accompanied by the orange tones of the sun. Thunder Night flapped his wings as fast as he could in order to reach the big city, but it was then that the solar rays hit him. Feeling them touching his coat, Thunder Night began to feel a strong burning sensation. Suddenly, a beam of light reached his eyes, making the thestral close them suddenly and stop his flight, what made him starting to fall.

Fluttershy, the shy yellow pegasus, had just wake up with the dawn, ready to start feeding her animals. It had passed two weeks since Twilight and Blue’s wedding day.

"Good morning, my friends, how are you in this beautiful day?" Fluttershy asked to her bird friends that inhabited in the bird houses that she had inside her house.

They responded with tweets that Fluttershy understood and then she replied:

"I am very happy to hear that."

She put the seeds in their bowls and then turned to her pet bunny, Angel, who was on his basket, sleeping.

"Angel, it's time to wake up," she said, approaching and touching him with the muzzle.

But Angel didn't seem in the mood to get up.

"Come on, Angel, I brought you breakfast" she said, picking up a carrot.

Hearing the word breakfast, his ear stood up and few seconds later, the rabbit got up completely, immensely pleased to receive his carrot. Fluttershy put the carrot in front of him and Angel devoured it completely in seconds. After this, he extended his forelegs to Fluttershy, as if asking for more.

"I'm sorry, Angel, but I can only give you one carrot" Fluttershy said. "A good breakfast cannot be too heavy."

But Angel, stubborn as he was, continued to extend the forelegs, but this time with a more impatience air.

"No, Angel, I've said no" Fluttershy said, showing firmness.

Despite normally being too doormat to her bunny, there were moments when Fluttershy knew how to be firm. But this did not please the little white rabbit who just came back to lie down on his bed.

"Angel, you won't get grumpy, will you?" she asked.

But her white bunny did not respond. Despite wanting to show firmness, there were also times when Fluttershy let herself be overtaken by her own kindness and she didn’t want nopony being mad at her.

"Okay, just one more carrot" she said, picking up another carrot.

With this, Angel rose up and extended his forelegs, receiving the carrot, delighted to have achieved what he wanted.

Before Angel started asking for more carrots, Fluttershy hastened to get out to feed her other animals such as the chickens. While she performed that task, a bunch of birdies came to her and began to tweet something, as if they wanted to tell something.

"Oh my goodness, what's wrong?" Fluttershy asked to her bird friends. "Somepony's in trouble? Show me."

And Fluttershy’s bird friends began to guide her to the edge of the Everfree Forest. It was then that she saw what her friends birds were trying to warn her. On the top of bushes, it was Thunder Night, unconscious by the crash that he had. Fluttershy was shocked to see he had burns on his body.

She knew he was a thestral, something she also concluded due to his armor, and also knew that thestrals were quite sensitive to sunlight. Fluttershy had to take him to a dark place where she could treat him. She realized that the only place nearby was his cottage, but Thunder Night was too heavy for her to carry him by herself. But the yellow pegasus soon had an idea.

"Can you get Harry, please?" Fluttershy asked to her bird friends which moved away.

Harry was Fluttershy’s bear friend who lived nearby and she knew that he would help her bring Thunder Night to her cottage. While she waited for his arrival, Fluttershy tried to put the thestral under the shade in order to minimize any contact with the sun. When Harry arrived, he carried Thunder Night to Fluttershy’s cottage. They entered, with Fluttershy thanking Harry for his help before he leaves, and she took the thestral to the couch. Angel, seeing that, hooped to the edge of Fluttershy who told him:

"Sorry, Angel, but it looks like we have an emergency. Could you close all possible entries of light, while I will lit some candles?"

Although usually Angel want to first satisfy his own needs, he knew when it was time to help and then he saluted Fluttershy with his ears and began to treat what she had asked him to do, having some help from the birds that lived in the interior of the cottage. Fluttershy, however, lit some candles for some luminosity. After that, she took off his armor and went to get some gauze and a bucket of water, starting to soak the gauze and put it on Thunder Night’s forehead to reduce his fever. But after this, her gaze fell on the burns.

"These burns look pretty serious" Fluttershy said. "I don't know if I have enough herbs to treat them. Maybe Cherry or Daisy have some herbs that can give me. I'll go to town to try to find some."

Fluttershy picked up her basket and, before leaving, headed to Angel:

"Angel, will you take care of him while I'm gone?"

The little rabbit simply nodded his head and salute her again with his ears, confirming he would do what Fluttershy asked him to do.

“Thank you very much” she thanked him. "Later, I make it up to you with two extra carrots for dinner."

That made Angel make a roar of joy and then lick his chops.

"So I leave him to you. See you later."

And, having said this, she went to go pick up the herbs that could help Thunder Night to heal from his burns.

Conflict of Personality

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Fluttershy advanced to the village, searching for herbs that could help her treating Thunder Night’s burnings. She went in the direction of Daisy’s botanic shop, but, by the way to there, she met with Cherry Blossom who brought a basket full of herbs with the help of her magic.

“Hello, Fluttershy, how are you?” she asked, when the two mares met each other.

“I’m fine, thank you, Cherry” Fluttershy answered. “And you?”

“I’m also fine” Cherry Blossom said. “Without the fact that my hormones are agitated because of the pregnancy, it’s everything okay. I can feel this foal will be a full hoof.”

Fluttershy then repared in the herbs Cherry brought.

“Cherry, by chance, those herbs you have there have some medicinal use, haven’t them?”

“These herbs?” Cherry asked, looking to the herbs she had in the basket. “Yeah, actually, they have some medical use against burnings. How we are in summer, it’s better if we prepare ourselves to solar burns, isn’t that true? For that reason, Dr. Stable to get some of these herbs.

“Could you give me some of them?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well… of course, yeah” Cherry answered, becoming then a little curious. “But why do you need some?”

A little nervously, Fluttershy arranged an excuse that was completely convincent.

“Well, it’s just in case of some of my animals get burned, nothing more.”

She knew it wasn’t right to lie, furthermore, being Cherry a nurse with a magic capable of healing, mas Fluttershy couldn’t help but do it.

“Okay” Cherry said, believing in Fluttershy’s lie and using her magic to put some of the herbs in her basket. “If you think that they can be useful, I don’t see any problem.

“Thank you very much, Cherry” Fluttershy thanked, seeing the herbs Cherry had given to her.

“You’re welcome” Cherry answered. “Well, I think it’s best I go or else I’ll be late to the hospital. Bye.

“Bye” Fluttershy said, without taking her eyes from the herbs she had in her basket.

She really didn’t want to believe in her luck. She already had the herbs she needed to treat Thunder Night’s wounds. For that, she started to head in the direction of her cottage. She just waited the thestral was well and awaken.

In Fluttershy’s cottage, Angel was eating lettuce leaves, while he was watching Thunder Night. It was then that he started to awake, what called the attention of the little bunny. The thestral opened his eyes and asked:

“Where am I? What happened?

He tried to get up, but he felt an intense ardor that made him give a moan. He could feal the burnings that the sun made to him after he had fell. Thunder Night then looked around, noticing the place where he was. He also noticed that somepony had taken off his armor and had put it nearby. Although he had a debt of gratitude to whoever helped him, Thunder Night couldn’t stay there. He had to return to Canterlot.

He get up and started heading to his armor that he put it back and then started heading to the door. However, when he was almost getting there, Angel put himself in the way.

“Hey, let me pass” Thunder Night demanded.

But Angel stayed where he was.

“Listen to me, little bunny, I have a bit of a hurry, so I don’t have the time to little games” Thunder Night said.

And the thestral advanced to the door, managing to pass through Angel, but he, determinated to obey to the request his owner had made to him, tried to stop Thunder Night, pulling one of his hooves, but the thestral was too much big and strong for the little rabbit.

“You are really persistent, aren’t you?”Thunder Night commented, arriving to the door. “I’m sorry, little one, but I don’t have time to play.”

He opened the door, at the same time he met Fluttershy muzzle to muzzle, as she had just arrived with the herbs. Seeing Fluttershy, Angel dropped Thunder Night, relieved. The sudden meeting between the pegasus and the thestral caused a little but awkward silence between the two.

“Hi” Thunder Night said, blushing slightly.

“Hi” Fluttershy replied back, also blushing.

Recovering from the awkwardness, Thunder Night said to Fluttershy:

“I presume it was you who helped me.”

“Yes, I was” Fluttershy answered shyly. “I’m sorry for having take off your armor, but I have to see how your injuries were.

“It doesn’t matter” Thunder Night said. “I was also exiting.”

“Wait, you can’t” Fluttershy said. “I brought herbs to treat your burnings.”

“It will not be necessary” Thunder Night said. “We, thestrals, can recover quickly during night.”

“Yes, but now we are at the middle of the morning” Fluttershy replied. “The sun is getting higher and its sunbeams will be more dangerous to you.”

“I’m sorry, but I really have to go” Thunder Night said. “I need to go to Canterlot. Princess Luna is waiting for my report of this night.”

“But your burnings…” Fluttershy started.

“I already said I’ll be fine!” Thunder Night exclaimed.

That made Fluttershy tremble and let the basket fall to the ground. She hurried up to catch it, as well the herbs that were in it. Seeing her catching the herbs, Thunder Night felt sorry for her. After all, she just wanted to help him to recover. After Fluttershy had caught the herbs, Thunder Night said to her:

“I’m sorry, sometimes I… don’t have control over my temper.”

“It doesn’t matter” Fluttershy said. “I understand. If you want, you can go. I won’t stop you. I see that you have a lot of important things to do.”

And, having saying this, Fluttershy got out of his way, entering into the cottage. Thunder Night prepared to leave, but then he saw that it was a clear day with a shiny sun. Fluttershy was right. The sun was still getting up, what it means that it would still be brighter. He extended his hoof and let him stay at the sun for sometime. After some seconds, he started to feel his hoof burning, like he was touching fire, something that made him collect the hoof as reflex.

He then turned inside and saw Fluttershy putting the basket with herbs on the table. She seemed really despondent and Thunder Night couldn’t help in feeling guilty.

“Thunder Night” he said to Fluttershy.

That made her turn to him and ask:


“My name is Thunder Night” the thestral said, closing the door of the cottage. “What’s yours?”

Fluttershy couldn’t help stopping smiling. That meant that Thunder Night would stay, at least until the sun was not so intense.

“Fluttershy” the Pegasus answered. “My name is Fluttershy.”

“Well, Fluttershy, answer me this” Thunder Night said, getting closer. “Does these herbs you have here work well in burnings?”

“It was a friend that gave them to me” Fluttershy answered. “She’s a nurse.

“Well, I think it can’t discuss with an argument like that” Thunder Night said, sitting on the couch and then extending a foreleg where there was one of his burnings.

Seeing that Thunder Night would let her treat his burnings, Fluttershy made a great smile and started to prepare the herbs to put on the burnings.

Lost in Passion

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Thunder Night watched Fluttershy, while she treated his wounds. First, she washed the wounds of his burns and then began to apply the ointment that she made with the medicinal plants that she brought from Cherry Blossom. While she was applying it, Thunder Night felt a huge burning sensation that made him squirm to get through the pain he was feeling. Seeing that, Fluttershy asked him:

"Am I hurting you?"

"No, you're not" he answered. "Please continue."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked again. "If you want, I can do it with ease to not hurt you more."

"I said I'm fine" the thestral insisted, speaking somewhat hastily, tempering the tone upon realizing what he had said and how he said it. "Sorry, I didn't want to talk to you like this."

"It's okay" Fluttershy said. "I have a friend who speaks what comes to her mind in the same way as you."

After she had cleaned the burns and had applied the ointment, Fluttershy started putting bandages, struggling not to over-tighten them.

"Very well, I think that should do the job" she said, when she just put a bandage around the Thunder Night’s torso.

"Thank you" Thunder Night thanked, while he raised up, being careful to not cause too much pain. "You made a good job."

"Well, I usually take care of the animals that live here" Fluttershy said. "Sometimes they get injured and usually I'm the one who help them."

"But what luck I had" Thunder Night said. "I was rescued by somepony who knows how to take care of burns."

The two gave a nervous laugh and then there was a small but awkward silence. Angel watched those two, along with the birds that lived in Fluttershy’s cottage. They seemed to be thinking the same thing: there was something between those two. Finally, Fluttershy broke the silence by saying:

"You must be exhausted" Fluttershy said. "After all, you're a thestral. You're nocturne. For you, the day must be like the night for me. You can sleep in my bed until dusk and then you can leave."

"You don't have to" Thunder Night said. "I'm fine. Furthermore, there is nothing better than a few burns to make us well awaken, isn't it?"

That made Fluttershy give a laugh. Thunder Night didn't know why, but Fluttershy’s laughter made him feel happy. The look on her face was so sweet and beautiful which seemed to be mesmerizing. When he came to himself, Thunder Night said:

"Maybe it’s better if I get some sleep and recover energies."

And, having said this, he took flight to go to Fluttershy’s room which was on the top floor. The yellow pegasus did not fail to look at the place where Thunder Night was before he had got out of her field of vision. There was something about him that fascinated Fluttershy. She was so distracted she didn't even notice that somepony was knocking on the door. It took Angel poking her for her attention.

"Oh, thank you, Angel” Fluttershy replied, addressing the door while Angel rolled her eyes.

She opened it and saw that it was Twilight.

"Hello, Fluttershy" Twilight greeted.

"Twilight, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked. "I thought you were staying in Canterlot until Blue had come from his mission."

"Yes, I also thought about it, but I realized I couldn't be locked in a room, depressed" Twilight replied. "Blue wouldn't want that. So I decided to come to Ponyville and spend the day with my friends. Do you want to go have a picnic with me and with the others."

"Well..." Fluttershy said, hesitating, since she didn't want to leave Thunder Night alone. " I don't know, Twilight. I think today I can't go."

"It's okay" Twilight replied slightly disappointed. "I'm sure you have a good reason not to go. After all, there will be many other opportunities. Well, I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye" Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy closed the door, then he heard Thunder Night’s voice saying:

"You didn't want to go because of me, right?"

Fluttershy saw the thestral leaning against the railing on the top floor looking at her.

"I didn't want to leave you alone" she replied, while Thunder Night flew down and landed in front of her. "You could use my help."

"I may have some burns, but I still know how to take care of myself" Thunder Night said. "After all, I'm a Royal Guard.”

"I know, but..." Fluttershy said, not knowing how to express what she was feeling. "But I don't think it would be correct to leave you alone here, knowing that you're hurt. It's not something I would do."

"You know, you're a weird pony" said Thunder Night. "But weird in a good way. I've never met anypony who cares so much about the others."

"Well, I'm sure there are a lot of ponies like me" Fluttershy said, blushing slightly.

"Maybe, but none of them have a goodness as great as yours" Thunder Night said, smiling.

He was shocked by what he had just said. He didn’t use to say that to ponies that he had just met.

"Oh, thank you" Fluttershy replied, blushing to the compliment that Thunder Night had said to her.

The two made once again an awkward silence. Angel was sick of seeing those two like that and had a plan to end it.

"Well, I think I'm going to go get something to eat" Fluttershy said. "With all the emotion of the day, I barely had eaten since breakfast."

Fluttershy was about to advance in the direction of the kitchen, but then Angel quickly approached and made his owner stumbled on one of his paws. She was going to fall, but she was picked up by Thunder Night. That made the two stay very close to each other. They stared into the eyes of each other, unable to divert them for a moment.

Then, as if a force was pulling them towards each other, the two approached their muzzles and their lips touched, creating a kiss. That kiss seemed to be only the beginning, since the two of them seemed not to want to separate themselves, he had been the first step towards what was going to happen next.

Hours later, the sun started to down, while the day entered in its final hours before the start of the night. In Fluttershy’s cottage, she and Thunder Night were both in her bed, having just given themselves up to passion they felt for each other. It was then that the thestral woke up and noticed the yellow pegasus whose head was rested on his chest.

He couldn't believe that had happened. After all, Fluttershy, for him, was a strange, since they had just met. However, he could not repent of what he had done. The vision of Fluttershy asleep at his side was too beautiful and the smile that she had was too warm. Thunder Night couldn't avoid smiling and passed his hoof gently through her face. It was then that Fluttershy also started waking up.

"Hello" Thunder Night greeted.

"Hello" Fluttershy greeted, a little sleepy.

It was then that Fluttershy noticed what it had just happened and said, starting to get up and panicking:

"Oh goodness, what I have done! Sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen! I just..."

"Hey, take it easy" Thunder Night interrupted, trying to calm her down. "It's all right."

"But... but..."

"We did what we did because we wanted to" Thunder Night said. "And, I must say it, I liked it."

"You liked?" Fluttershy asked, surprised. "But I... Seriously?"

"Yes" Thunder Night replied. "I have to confess. I... I think I might have a crush on you. I don't know if it's for you had saved me, but... I think you're captivating."

That made Fluttershy blush.

"Do you think... Do you think I'm captivating?"

"Yes" Thunder Night said, blushing slightly.

Fluttershy couldn't believe that a stallion would said to her she was captivating and that liked being with her. Plus, being that her first time. Everything made her gain courage to confess:

"I... I’m in love for you too."

And the two lovers hugged each other, but that lasted a short time, since Thunder Night felt a pain due to the burns, what made him give a small groan.

"I'm sorry" Fluttershy said. "Did it hurt?"

"Don't worry" Thunder Night answered her. "I've been through worse."

And the two gave a laugh and then they started exchanging caresses and kisses.

When the night began to emerge, Thunder Night wore his armor, preparing to leave. Fluttershy approached him and asked:

"Do you really have to go now? Your burns..."

"Don't worry" Thunder Night reassured her. "Thanks to you, I have enough power to fly directly to Canterlot. And don't forget that I'm a thestral. The night strengthens me."

"I know, but I'd like you to stay a bit longer" Fluttershy said. "After all, we hardly know each other, and I'd like to get to know you better."

Thunder Night passed her hoof through Fluttershy's face and said:

"I promise I will be back. Don't worry. But I have work to do."

Fluttershy smiled at him and said:

''I understand."

Thunder Night smiled back and then I told her:

"I love you."

"I love you too" Fluttershy replied.

The two exchanged a kiss and then Thunder Night came out and took flight, in direction of Canterlot. Fluttershy went to see him flying away, unable to avoid smiling. Maybe she just met the love of her life.

Meeting the Father

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“You want me to know your father?” Thunder Night asked to Fluttershy.

It had been passed some days since the attack from Shadow Claw, the alpha pony-wolf. Since that day, where Fluttershy revealed to everypony about her relationship with Thunder Night, the two started to spend more time together and strengthening their relationship. It didn’t last too long until the relationship become serious enough for Fluttershy wanting to introduce Thunder Night to her father.

“Don’t you want to meet him, Thundy?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s not that…” Thunder Night started. “Don’t you think it’s a little soon for that?”

“Thundy, we have been dating for almost a year” Fluttershy said. “I think it’s time for you to meet my family and my father is my only family.”

“Sometime ago you didn’t want to introduce me to your friends and know you want to introduce me to your father?” Thunder Night asked.

“Yes, because I was still very insecure about about all of this” Fluttershy answered. “But now I am more confident about our relationship. And my father is one of the most important ponies to me, along with you and my friends.”

Thunder Night sighed. Meeting his marefriend’s father it wasn’t something that we would like to do, but he said:

“All right, I’ll meet your father.”

That let Fluttershy very happy and she gave him a strong hug. However, Thunder Night didn’t seem very enthusiastic.

In Tartarus, the Lord of Chaos observed the city of Cloudsdale through his mirror.

“You know, Fire Punch, it’s hard to believe that a city like this is responsible by the weather of all Equestria” the Lord of Chaos said to his follower.

“I got it” Fire Punch said. “You will attack and destroy Cloudsdale to upset the weather in Equestria.”

“I am impressed” the Lord of Chaos said. “For the first time, you understood my reasoning.”

“What can I say?” Fire Punch said. “You are an excellent influence, aster.”

“You may have impressed me once, Fire Punch, but don’t push it” the Lord of Chaos answered, making Fire Punch drop his smile. “Now, the question is: what villain will I use to destroy this little city made of cuddly white clouds? It has to be a villain capable of flying and with power and intelligence to do the job.”

The Lord of Chaos thought for a while and then he had an idea.

“Of course, it can only be him.”

“Who, master?” Fire Punch asked.

Without answering, the Lord of Chaos turned to his mirror and called:

“Rothbart, your master calls you.”

An in the mirror appeared the image of an earth pony with brownish coat, dark mane and yellow eyes. His Cutie Mark was an owl.

“What’s your wish, my master?” Rothbart asked.

“I have a mission to you” the Lord of Chaos said to him. “It’s simple, but it requires a certain touch. I want you to destroy Cloudsdale, including its weather factory. Don’t live anything standing.”

“Of course, my master” Rothbart answered, bowing.

“Wait a minute” Fire Punch asked, a little confuse. “Master, how can an earth pony get to Cloudsdale?”

“I understand your confusion, Fire Punch, but it will be answered in a few moments” the Lord of Chaos replied to him, turning then to Rothbart. “Rothbart, reveal your other self.”

Rothbart smiled and then he was surrounded by a dark aura and his body started to change. Fire Punch didn’t want to believe in what he was seeing.

“Oh… my…” he started.

“I know” the Lord of Chaos said. “It’s wonderful.”

After the night had fell, Fluttershy and Thunder Night flew to Cloudsdale, landing in front of a two-level house made of clouds.

“Nervous?” Fluttershy asked to his coltfriend.

“Ah, how bad can it be?” Thunder Night asked. “It’s your father we are talking about. Probably, he is just like you.”

That made Fluttershy give a chuckle, while she knocked the door.

“What’s so funny?” Thunder Night asked.

“That would be my mom” Fluttershy answered.

That made Thunder Night starting to gulp.

The door opened and a pegasus stallion appeared. He had the same coat as Fluttershy, but his mane was as blue as the sky and the eyes were hazel. His Cutie Mark was a tornado.

“Daddy!” Fluttershy exclaimed, hugging her father.

“Flutty, so long I didn’t see you, my dear” he answered, returning her the hug. “You really have to come home more times.”

They ended the hug and Fluttershy said to him:

“I’m sorry, daddy, but you know I rather prefer staying down there.”

“Yes, and living with your animal friends, I know” Fluttershy’s father said. “It’s just I wanted to see you more often, just that.

“I know, daddy” Fluttershy answered.

And Fluttershy’s father’s attention turned to Thunder Night, saying him:

“So, you are the one.”

“My name is Thunder Night, sir” Thunder Night introduced himself, making a sly bow with the head.

“You can call me Raining Storm” Fluttershy’s father said. “Finally I get to know my daughter’s coltfriend. I just got a little disturbed by the fact of you two being dating for month without me knowing about it.”

“Dad, that was my fault” Fluttershy’s said. “It was me who didn’t want to talk about our relationship with nopony else.”

“Yeah, yeah” Raining Storm said. “Well, why don’t you come in? Dinner is ready.”

They got in and sat around the table, where Raining Storm had prepared some boiled daisies. While they ate, Raining Storm asked to Thunder Night:

“So, Thunder Night, what do you do for living?”

“I’m a guard in the Lunar Royal Guard” Thunder Night answered.

“Ah, so you work for Princess Luna” Raining Storm said. “How is it to be a nocturnal royal guard?”

“Well, it’s basically like being a diurnal royal guard” Thunder Night said. “The only difference is that it’s during night.”

That made Fluttershy give a little chuckle, but Raining Storm remained with his serious air, what didn’t cheered up the hope of Thunder Night in getting along with his marefriend’s father.

“I heard that you, thestrals, don’t support the sunbeams” Raining Storm said. “Is that truth?”

“Well, yes” Thunder Night answered. “Our skin and our eyes are too much sensitives.”

“You don’t tell me” Raining Storm said. “You know, Fluttershy likes to stroll in sunny days.”

“Dad…” Fluttershy said, in a reproving way to her father, knowing what he was trying to insinuate.

“What?” he asked to his daughter. “I’m just talking with your coltfriend. I thought it was what you wanted.”

“Yes, but not in that way” Fluttershy said.

“Easy, Fluttershy, it’s all right” Thunder Night said. “I understand your father. After all, I can’t do with you the things you like to do during the day. But let me tell you something, sir, I love your daughter and I’ll do anything in my power for her.”

Raining Storm stared at Night Thunder for a few seconds and prepared to say something. Then there was kind of a loud hooting and shouting and explosions outside. They hastily left the house and were shocked by what they were seeing.

It was a creature that looked like a cross between a pony and an owl. The front half was covered with brown feathers and the back half of covered by brownish coat. The head was just like the one of an owl and the front legs had claws, while the hide ones had hooves. And, on the back, there were great wings.

“What is that?!” Raining Storm asked.

“It looks like a griffon” Fluttershy said.

“No, it’s not a griffon” Thunder Night said. “Griffons have the head from an eagle, not from an owl.”

It was then that the creature gave a strong hoot that created supersonic waves that destroyed the houses they hit, making the ponies around starting to flee.

“We have to do something” Raining Storm said. “I’ll help the Cloudsdale Guard.”

“No, dad, you’re retired from the guard” Fluttershy said.

“Just because I’m retired, it doesn’t mean that your father can’t give some fight to a monster like that” Raining Storm said.

It was then that the creature, that was Rothbart, turned to the place where Fluttershy, Thunder Night and Raining Storm were and shoot one of his supersonic screams.

“Watch out!” Thunder Night shouted, pushing his marefriend and her father to safety, while the scream passed through them and hit a house nearby.

“Thank you, Thundy” Fluttershy thanked him, hugging him. “You saved us.”

“Well, I have to admit, boy” Raining Storm said. “You’re very fast.”

“Thank you” Thunder Night thanked, happy to have finally impressed Fluttershy’s father. “The night strengthens thestrals, for that I had enough speed to dodge that attack.

Rothbart then flapped his wings and started to head towards the place his master told him to head to.

“Oh não!” Raining Storm exclaimed. “He is in his way to the weather factory! We have to stop him now!”

Thunder Night and Raining Storm took flight with Fluttershy staying behind. After all, she would not be helpful, as she didn’t have her friends with her to use the Elements of Harmony.

The pegasus and the thestral and other brave pegasus, tried to confront Rothbart, but he continued to launch sonic screams. Hopefully, many knew how to dodge them perfectly. But their luck changed when Rothbart launched beams from his eyes, hitting and paralyzing the ponies temporarily, long enough for him to attack.

"This is complicated" Thunder Night said to Raining Storm. "He's too powerful."

"I will not let a monster like this destroy Cloudsdale and its role to Equestria" Raining Storm said.

And then he launched an attack against Rothbart.

"No, wait, Raining Storm!" Thunder Night exclaimed.

But he did not hear him because he was too busy to attack. But Rothbart, seeing that he was approaching, released a sonic scream that hit Raining Storm. He felt as if his ears were exploding, what made him block them with his hooves, as he moaned in pain.

"Daddy!" Fluttershy exclaimed, distressed, seeing what was happening.

Then Thunder Night, using all his strength, punched Rothbart which was pushed away some meters, while he ceased his cry. A little disoriented, Raining Storm lost his balance and began to fall. Seeing this, Thunder Night flew quickly to catch him, managing to do so.

"Are you kay?" he asked to Raining Storm while he recovered.

"Yes, I am" Raining Storm replied. "Thanks to you. Thank you, my boy. I owe you my life again."

"I'm sure you would do the same" Thunder Night said.

Rothbart, having recovered from Thunder Night’s attack, approached and said to him:

"You'll regret for what you did, your bat sample. Get ready, because you will feel an agony that you never felt before."

But before he could make an attack, a voice called:

"Hey, Rothbart!"

They all looked and saw Purple Smoke and Melody nearby, using a spell to walk on clouds.

"Get in with somepony of your own size" Melody told him.

"Or at least as ugly as you, owl face" Purple Smoke continued. "But of course I'm not talking about us."

"You!" Rothbart exclaied, seeing the two Generals. "You'll pay for having me locked in a cell for centuries!"

"Sorry, but we didn’t arrest you, remember?" Purple Smoke asked him. "It was Golden Paladin."

"It doesn’t matter!" Rothbart replied. "If I can catch at least one General, I will feel much better knowing that I got one of the siblings of the great leader of the Generals."

And having said this, he launched a shower of feathers and Melody and Purple Smoke defended themselves with their shields. As the battle between them occurred, Thunder Night helped Raining Storm to get down.

"Daddy!" Fluttershy exclaimed, approaching her father and embracing him. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am" he said. "All thanks to Thunder Night."

Raining Storm turned to Thunder Night and said to him:

"I apologize for the way I treated you, my boy. It is that Fluttershy is my only child and loved to make sure she was okay with a good stallion."

"Dad..." Fluttershy said, smiling, understanding his father.

"You don’t have to apologize" Thunder Night said. "I understand. If I had a daughter, I also would do the same as you, sir. But on the part of saving your life, I think we both have to thank Purple Smoke and Melody. After all, they saved us from that monster."

"I think you're right, Thunder, my boy" Raining Storm said. "But before they had arrived, you saved my life, twice, and this is something I will never forget and that makes me realize that my daughter will be in good hoofs with you."

Thunder Night was very glad to hear that. He had gotten the approval of Raining Storm. His moment of happiness was interrupted by a hoot that came from Rothbart, who had just been shot down by the combined forces of Purple Smoke and Melody. After he had fallen, Melody took the cell blaster and told him:

"It's time to return the bird to its cage."

And she began to suck Rothbart into a life cell and, after that, she put it in the prison-book.

"And it seems that Cloudsdale was saved" Raining Storm said. "Hey, since the danger is over, what do you say to continue our dinner."

Thunder Night and Fluttershy gave a laugh and then nodded and the two went back into Raining Storm’s house.

Despite Melody and Purple Smoke’s efforts to arrest Rothbart, it turned out that he escaped from the prison-book when the Dragon King made Spike steal it. Now the pony that could become a monstrous owl was free to continue to serve his master.

The Happiest Moment of a Mare

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The relationship of Fluttershy and Thunder Night couldn't be going better. With each passing day, the stronger it became. It was only a matter of time before becoming unbreakable. Feeling that happening, Thunder Night felt it was time to prepare for the next step: ask Fluttershy in marriage.

He had been thinking and back thinking about it over and over if account and at each time he concluded the same thing: he wanted to spend the rest of his days alongside Fluttershy. Therefore, using part of his savings, Thunder Night bought an engagement ring to offer to Fluttershy, buying a beautiful ring with a sapphire. With this ring, Thunder Night just had to prepare the perfect marriage proposal.

However, Fluttershy also was handling affairs of her own. In recent days, she has felt unwell, suffering from nausea and vomiting and having sudden food cravings. In addition, she noticed a big delay in her period. All this made her wonder about something that took her to the hospital to do some analysis. When they were ready, she went to Doctor Stable who revealed to her:

"Congratulations, Miss Fluttershy. You’re pregnant"

That revelation left Fluttershy without reaction.

"Are... Are you sure?" she asked.

"Of course" Doctor Stable replied. "There is no shadow of a doubt."

Fluttershy couldn't believe in what she was hearing.

"I'm pregnant?" she said.

"I'm sure this is a great time for you" Stable said. "If you want, we can already book your first appointment of obstetrics."

But Fluttershy was too busy processing the news that Dr. Stable had just given.

"Miss Fluttershy?" Dr. Stable called.

She was then brought to reality.

"Yes, of course, as you wish."

After scoring the first appointment of obstetrics, Fluttershy left Dr. Stable’s office and started heading towards the hospital exit, still trying to believe in the news that she had just received. She was pregnant. Fluttershy felt immensely happy and nervous at the same time. After all, that would be her first foal. Then she thought how Thunder Night would react when he knew.

She was so sunk in her thoughts that she didn't realize she was passing through Cherry Blossom.

"Hello, Fluttershy" she greeted her.

Fluttershy so, listening Cherry, turned to her and said:

"Hello, Cherry."

"What are you doing here?" Cherry asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine" she replied. "I just had an appointment with Doctor Stable, but nothing serious."

"I'm glad hearing that" Cherry said.

"How are things?" Fluttershy asked.

"Pretty good, actually" Cherry replied. "Except for the white nights me and Big Mac have because of Jona. That colt gives a huge hassle. But, in the end, it worth it."

"It sounds wonderful" Fluttershy said, starting to imagine what it would be like to be a mother.

"And it is" Cherry replied. "Just the look of him smiling makes me realize that I chose right in having decided to stay in Equestria."

Cherry then looked Fluttershy and then noticed something on her.

"It’s funny" she said. "You're glowing, Fluttershy."

It was then that she realized everything.

"Oh, it can't be!" she exclaimed, covering her mouth with the hooves, getting immensely surprised. "Are you pregnant?!"

"What?!" Fluttershy asked, blushing suddenly. "How do you know?"

"I'm a mother, Fluttershy, remember? It's kind of hard for me not to notice when a Mare is pregnant. Oh, I'm so happy for you. That's why you had an appointment with Doctor Stable, right?"

"Well, I just know" Fluttershy admitted.

"You must be pretty excited" Cherry Blossom said. "Just watch, Fluttershy, being a mother is one of the best things there are. And I bet that Twilight will agree with me."

"Cherry, can I ask you a favor?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course."

"I wanted to ask you to not tell anypony, at least for now. I wanted to do it and I still have to tell Thunder Night."

"Sure" Cherry replied. "You can count on my description."

"Thank you" Fluttershy thanked.

The yellow pegasus then returned to her cottage, when the sun began to set, and, when she entered, she found Thunder Night, beside a table set for dinner with candles.

"Welcome home, my love" he greeted her.

"Thundy, but what is this?" Fluttershy asked, looking at the table.

"It’s just a little surprise for my marefriend" he replied, pulling a chair to Fluttershy.

She came forward and sat down, while saying to Thunder Night that pushed her chair:

"Thundy, I have to talk to you about something."

"Yes, but first let's enjoy this dinner I prepared for you" Thunder Night said, going to sit on his chair.

Angel then appeared, wearing a tie around his neck and carrying a bottle of apple juice that used to serve the empty glasses, and after doing so, the birds that lived inside began to tweet a beautiful song. The couple dined, as they talked about how their day had gone. Fluttershy could have spoken about her pregnancy, but she decided to wait for the end of the dinner. But she didn't know what would happen next.

After dinner, Fluttershy told Thunder Night:

"Thundy, everything was delicious. I didn't know you could cook so well."

"Well, I lived alone for a long time" he replied. "I had to learn how to take care of myself."

There was a pause and then Thunder Night stood up, approached Fluttershy and told her, while kneeling to be at the same level as her:

"Fluttershy, I have to tell you something."

"Yes, I also have to tell you something" she said.

"Please, let me start before I lose my nerve" Thunder Night said. "Fluttershy, before the day I met you, I never thought I could love somepony as sweet and kind as you. The truth is that you saved me. I'm not just talking about my injuries. I'm talking about my loneliness. You saved me from living a solitary life. And that's why I want to spend the rest of my days with you. So, I have to ask you something..."

Quietly, Angel approached Thunder Night behind his back to bring a velvet box on his ears that he delivered to one of the hooves of the thestral. He showed the box to Fluttershy who was amazed to see that. Would Thunder Night do what she thought he was going to do? He opened the box, disclosing the ring he had bought and asked her:

"Fluttershy, will you marry me?"

She was atonic when Fluttershy heard that question. Of everything she would expect from Thunder Night, that was, without a doubt, the one she least expected. Her amazement was such that Fluttershy didn't say anything for a while. Not receiving any reply from her, Thunder Night asked:

"Fluttershy, please tell me your answer."

Then she decided to respond and Fluttershy, sketching a smile, replied:


"Yes?" Thunder Night asked, beginning to smile. "You will?"

"Yes, Thundy, I will!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

Thunder Night gave her a hug and then the two shared a kiss, while Thunder Night placed the ring on Fluttershy’s hoof.

"What a relief" he said. "When you didn't answer, I feared the worst."

"You caught me by surprise" Fluttershy said. "I didn't expect anything like this. In fact, it comes in handy."

"What do you mean?" Thunder Night asked, not understanding Fluttershy’s last sentence.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you" she replied. "I today went to an appointment with Dr. Stable and..."

"You're not sick, are you?" Thunder Night asked, a little afraid.

"It depends if having a foal within me is a disease" Fluttershy replied, using a playful tone.

"Well, no" Thunder Night said. "I'm glad that's all, because..."

It was then that Thunder Night realized what Fluttershy had just said and asked her:

"What was that you said?"

"Thundy... I'm pregnant" Fluttershy said.

Hearing that, Thunder Night stayed with the same air Fluttershy had when he asked her to marry him, but it could see the stunned was bigger than hers.

"Thundy..." Fluttershy called. "Are you all right?"

"Do you mean..." Thunder Night started saying, after partially recovering from the shock. "Do you mean that I'm going to be a father?"

"Yes" Fluttershy replied.

It was then that a huge smile appeared on his face and Thunder Night exclaimed loudly:


With a huge joy, he raised Fluttershy, spinning around with her in an ecstatic way, landing her then and giving her a kiss.

"This is the best news that somepony could have given me" he told to Fluttershy.

"I guess my surprise supplanted yours" she said.

"Yes, you can say that" Thunder Night replied.

And the two exchanged a kiss, this time a longer one.

After months of engagement and with the threat of Lord of Chaos with the prison of Tartarus ended, Fluttershy and Thunder Night could finally marry. The ceremony was held in Ponyville, during night (of course), with Thunder Night’s friends from the Lunar Royal Guard and from Hollow Shades as well as Raining Storm, who had come to bring his daughter to the altar. Thunder Night’s thestral friend who was with him when Shadow Claw began his process of creating an army of pony-wolves was his colt of honor, while Rainbow Dash was Fluttershy’s best mare. Twilight would preside over the ceremony, while the other Fluttershy's friends would be her bridesmaids. Fluttershy was wearing a dress made, of course, by Rarity.

"Do you, Thunder Night, take Fluttershy to be your lawful wedded wife, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" Twilight asked to Thunder Night.

"Yes, I do" he replied, without taking his eyes off Fluttershy.

Twilight turned then to Fluttershy and recited:

"And do you, Fluttershy, take Thunder Night to be your lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"

"Yes, I do" she replied, always staring at Thunder Night.

"Then by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you mare and colt" Twilight proclaimed, turning then to Thunder Night. "You may kiss the bride."

And, wasting no time, Thunder Night kissed Fluttershy.

Now, the two were married and prepared to spend the rest of their lives together, with the foal that was coming.

The Birth

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After the wedding, Thunder Night came to live with Fluttershy, passing the nights working and the days with his wife. Everything seemed to be going perfectly well, especially with Fluttershy pregnancy coming to an end.

A few days after the wedding, Fluttershy was at home, resting, lying on the couch. It was darkening and Thunder Night was getting ready to go to Canterlot, asking while he was putting the cloak that he had bought to protect himself from the sun while he was still in the sky over his armor:

"Is everything okay? Are you sure you don't need me to do something for you before I go?"

"Thundy, everything is fine" Fluttershy said, smiling. "Don't worry about it. If I need anything, my animal friends help me."

Thunder Night took a deep breath and then said:

"I know, sorry, but our foal is about to come and I want to make sure it's okay with you."

"Yes, I think you have left that right implied" Fluttershy joked.

"Well, I better go" Thunder Night said.

And he kissed Fluttershy and then turned to her belly and said to his unborn foal, passing smoothly his hoof:

"Don't give many hassles. Daddy will be back in no time."

He went to the entrance and opened the door, exchanging a last look with Fluttershy before putting the hood of the cloak and leave.

During the night, Fluttershy slept peacefully on the couch. It was then that a pain made her wake up. A bit jumpy, Fluttershy froze for a few seconds until she realized that she was feeling water flowing between their hind legs. Her waters had broken.

"What?" she asked to her foal. "Now? But your father is not yet here? Angel!"

Angel, a little sleepy, approached, yawning.

"Hurry up, my waters broke" she said as she raise up as comfortably as she could. "Can you go get my bag?"

Angel, adopting a more awake air, salute with the ears and quickly picked up Fluttershy’s bag with the things of the foal.

“Thank you” she thanked, moving toward the entrance. "Take care of the cottage, okay? And tell the others."

And, having said this, she went out. Slowly, but decided, Fluttershy advanced towards the hospital. When she got there, she met with Cherry, who was doing the night shift.

"Fluttershy, but what are you doing here?" Cherry asked, who soon realized. "Don't tell me it's time."

"Yes, please, can you… help me?" Fluttershy asked, holding the contractions.

"Right away" she said, turning to a nurse who was near. "A wheelchair, please. We've got an pregnancy emergency."

Quickly, the nurse brought a wheelchair where Fluttershy sat.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy, I'm going to tell the others" Cherry said.

"Please, let Thunder Night know about this" Fluttershy said. "He has to attend the birth of his foal."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

And, with this, Cherry hastened to go tell their friends about Fluttershy’s foal was on the way, while the yellow pegasus was forwarded to the room where she would stay until the time of delivery.

In Canterlot, Thunder Night was in his office with Princess Luna, showing her the reports he had received from the other guards.

"It seems to me that everything is in order" Luna said. "We had a pretty quiet night."

"Yes, we had" Thunder Night said. "Your Highness, don't you mind if I go home now?"

"Of course I don't mind" Luna replied. "I know that your foal is about to be born. I hope this will bring immense happiness for you and Fluttershy."

"Thank you, your Highness" Thunder Night thanked.

Suddenly, the door opened and a guard came in and said:

"Captain Thunder Night, there is an emergency."

"What?" Thunder Night asked, rising up.

It was then that Rainbow Dash appeared next to the guard, gasping, and she said:

"It’s Fluttershy. She is about to have the foal."

"What?!" Thunder Night asked, not wanting to believe. "When did this happen?"

"For some time" Rainbow Dash said. "The foal should be out anytime, if you leave now, you still can watch."

"Princess…" Thunder Night started.

"Go" Princess Luna answered. "Don't worry about a thing."

"Thank you" Thunder Night thanked.

And with this, he followed Rainbow Dash. He was in such a rush that he forgot his cloak to protect himself from the sun, but that doesn't matter. The two began to fly back to Ponyville. Halfway, the sun started coming up. When its rays reached Thunder Night, he began to feel their effects on his skin, but that wouldn't stop him from watch the birth of his foal and to support Fluttershy during that time.

In the delivery room, Fluttershy was ready to have the foal. The contractions were now steady and she felt an immense pain.

"It looks like it's almost time" Dr. Stable said.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy" Cherry said. "Everything will be fine."

"I just wanted that... Thundy was... here "Fluttershy said between breaths.

"And I'm here!" the thestral said, entering in the room and advancing to the edge of his beloved wife.

"Thundy!" Fluttershy exclaimed, giving a cry of pain. "You came."

"Of course I came" he said. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Fluttershy then noticed the recent burns on him. She realized that he should have flown uncovered, but she didn’t worry. It just let her even more proud to have married that thestral.

The pain she was feeling, made her focus on the birth of her foal.

"We're almost there" Dr. Stable said. "Just one more effort."

"Come on, you can do it, Fluttershy" Thunder Night encouraged. "I know you can do it."

"It's time to push, Fluttershy" Dr. Stable said. "Let's do it. At three. One... two... three!"

And Fluttershy pushed the best she could, while moaning.

"That's right" Dr. Stable said. "I can see the head. Just one more effort."

"Did you hear him, my love?" Thunder Night said. "Our baby is almost out. Come on, just one more effort."

"I'm going to try" Fluttershy said.

"Let's push again" Dr. Stable said. "Are you ready? One... two... three!"

And Fluttershy returned to push.

"One more time" Dr. Stable said. "One... two... three!"

And Fluttershy pushed with all her strength and this effort was rewarded when the cry of a baby was heard.

"Congratulations, it's a filly" Dr. Stable said.

"A filly?" Thunder Night repeated, while a smile appeared on his face. "We have a daughter. Fluttershy, we have a daughter!"

"Yes, it's wonderful" she said, as happy as her husband.

The two exchanged a kiss, while Dr. Stable gave the filly to Cherry who went to clean her. After getting her involved with a blanket, she delivered the little filly to her parents. Fluttershy received her and she and Thunder Night could see the tiny being that now held them together forever.

She had wings similar to those of his father, as well as the tufted ears and the coat color. She also had little fangs. Her mane, however, was like Fluttershy’s and when she opened her eyes, they saw that were equal to those of Thunder Night.

"She is so beautiful" Thunder Night said, trying to find words for what she was feeling at that moment.

"Yes" Fluttershy agreed. "Do you want to name her?"

"Are you sure I can choose her name?" Thunder Night asked.

Fluttershy waved. Thunder Night, with this, tried to think of a perfect name for their daughter, but it was difficult to choose. Finally, he managed to find one that he liked a lot.

"How about... Moonlight Sonnet?"

"I love it" Fluttershy replied, turning to her daughter. "Hello, Moonlight. It's me, your mommy."

"And your daddy's here too" Thunder Night said to his daughter.

"We will take very good care of you, my little one" Fluttershy said. "That's for sure."

"We will be with you when you need us" Thunder Night said. "Don't forget it."

And so the two of them stayed watching that little filly that was their daughter.

The End