Room for two

by Sunatta

First published

One is lonely in her big house, the other is homeless. I'm sure they can figure something out.

Adagio Dazzle was just starting to get used to life without magic, but after a particularly bad day finds herself coping with a lack of something more crucial, a place to live. Sunset Shimmer believes she has the perfect solution. Two ex-villains, a mansion, and a lot of sexual tension, things should get interesting.

Warning contains pancakes. clop starts in chapter 3

Cover art is "On the bed" by NekoJackun

A cold start to a hot night

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Adagio Dazzle muddled through the slums of Canterlot City, gathering her thoughts and looking for a place to stay. I can't believe those two would actually leave me, after everything I've done for them. Her mind drifted to memories of the R.V. the three had been sharing until earlier that day. The betrayal hurt more than she wanted to admit, she realized as she felt moisture on her cheeks. "Now is not the time to get emotional" She scolded herself. "I've got to stay calm, finding shelter from this cold is more important than them." She pushed aside her memories focusing completely on the task at hand. Adagio pulled her jacket more tightly around her, trying desperately to get more coverage from the limited material. It's getting late Adagio noted as she saw the sun hanging low in the sky. Most of the diners in this city are family ran, so they'll probably be closing soon, and the only laundry mat that I know of has a strict no loitering policy, even for repeat customers.

As Adagio considered her options, or lack there of, a figure on a motorcycle pulled up beside her and Adagio froze. She was too tired to run, they would catch her if they gave chase, and she was unarmed except for a bottle of pepper spray, she doubted it would do her any good. I guess I've got to stand my ground and let this one play out.


Sunset Shimmer drew in a long breath, letting the soothing sent of lavender and hazelnuts that permeated through her house fill her nostrils, before letting it out. She continued this cycle as she tried to get comfortable on the black leather sofa beneath her, but try as she might, she couldn't find a position that made her want to sit still and sink into the couch, as she would on any other day. Her restless legs weren't helping her, and neither was the fact that she was going to be spending the night alone.

Sunset had intended to spend the night at Rarity's house, but that plan had fallen through last minute when Rarity called out of school sick.
"I suppose its to be expected, it is the middle of winter after all, and she isn't exactly the hardiest person I know." Sunset exhaled, casting a glance down at her chestnut stained coffee table. She didn't exactly know what sort of wood it was made from, just that it was sturdy and pleasant to look at.

"I wish I could have my friends over, but there are just too many questions they might ask that I'm not comfortable answering... and a few things they might find that I'd rather they didn't." Sunset blushed a bit at the thought. As much as she enjoyed living here, being by herself in such a big house was lonely, and no amount of furnishing would change that. Sunset picked up her phone to see if any of her friends had sent her a text, she didn't recall hearing it go off, but there is always the chance that she had just been too lost in thought to notice. "Nothing", she sighed to herself before she noticed the time. "It's getting late and I'm not even remotely tired, maybe an evening ride will help me relax," she said to the empty house before getting up in a hurry, too thrilled to have an excuse to be out for a bit.

Sunset enjoyed riding her bike in the winter, the warm humming of the engine was the perfect contrast to the biting of the frigid air. She made her usual loop through town, easing to a halt as she approached a stop sign. She looked around to make sure nobody was coming, she would have been surprised if there had been, traffic is rare at this time of day in Canterlot city. Before Sunset could take off again, she noticed a familiar face passing beside her on the sidewalk. Sunset looked the other woman down, noting her voluminous orange hair and desirable hips, "yep, that's her."

Sunset pulled over in front of Adagio, who staggered a bit as she came to a halt. "W-what do you want," Adagio stammered taking a defensive position. Sunset was a bit confused by the fear in her voice, until she remembered she was wearing a full-face helmet on account of the cold. After a moment's deliberation, Sunset decided to remove her helmet, much to the dismay of her cheeks, as the cool wind stung them in greeting.

Adagio would normally have glared daggers at any member of the Rainbooms, but she was cold, tired, hungry, and couldn't afford to blow her best chance of getting inside for the night. She opted to stand silently and wait for Sunset to make the first move.
"So... what are you doing out at this hour?" Sunset asked since Adagio had just been staring at her.

"Lets just say I've found myself short on places to go," the bitterness in her voice told Sunset it would be wise not to pry any further. While avoiding eye contact, Sunset noticed that under Adagio's hoodie she was wearing a maid's outfit, and not one of those sexy french get-ups either just a plain blue work dress. Sunset decided not to inquire about it, this was their first encounter since the battle of the bands and she didn't want to run Adagio off.

"Hmm, she says she doesn't have anywhere to go, and I can't leave her out here to freeze to death." Sunset gave the matter a good mulling over before speaking, "Look, I know we don't exactly get along but I've got room for one more at my place, unless you'd rather sit out here in the cold." Adagio studied Sunset tentatively for a minute, not sure if she could trust the girl in front of her, before finally giving her answer in the most pleasant tone she could muster.
"That would be nice, thank you." She had nearly chocked on the words, but managed to get them out with the intended level of sincerity. Even though she had already accepted the offer, Adagio's mind still raced, " Not only am I playing nice with one of the girls who ruined me, but I've got very little choice but to stay in whatever hovel she calls home." Adagio let out a heavy sigh that caught Sunset's attention, but Adagio didn't notice as she continued her inner monologue. "Just let it go Adagio she's your ticket to a warm bed tonight, or floor more than likely, but regardless you can't let something as silly as pride keep you stuck out in this mess." A harsh wind blew as if to emphasize the point she was trying to make to herself. Adagio didn't snap back to reality until she noticed that Sunset had placed something in her hands. She looked down upon the shiny black dome she now held.

"I always carry a spare, just in-case." Sunset stated through a barely suppressed giggle as Adagio fiddled with the strap, trying to get the helmet to fit comfortably over her mass of hair. After a few moments, she made a contented noise that told Sunset it was time to dawn her own helmet and get moving. Sunset patted the back of her seat as Adagio carefully crept closer. As she climbed onto the motorcycle Sunset couldn't resist the cliche, "hold on tight." Adagio did as she'd been told, and viced her arms around Sunset's waist, they took off without a moment's delay.
Adagio had never been on a motorcycle before, and she was more than a little nervous, so she buried her face into Sunset's back. The leather of her jacket was cool, but not uncomfortably so. Adagio detected a sent she couldn't quite place, lavender and something else emanating from Sunset. Whatever it was worked well with the lavender to form a peculiar, pleasant, and comforting sent that made Adagio feel warm.
She opened her eyes experimentally, and was surprised to find that the wind didn't sting as badly as she feared it would. With the new knowledge in hand, she took to enjoying the sights as they pasted by. The sleeping city was quite beautiful under the pale light of the full moon. So enchanting was the spectacle, that Adagio hadn't noticed where they were until they passed the Canterlot Palace hotel."We're on the rich side of town, so either we're sight seeing or she lives over here." The later was seeming more likely as they came to a halt in front of one of the three massive houses that dominated Richland Dr.

"So... do you work here in exchange for living space?" Adagio inquired, as she stared at the mansion that they were now approaching on foot.
"Nope, it's all mine." A prideful smirk stretched across Sunset's face as she rolled her bike into the fairly small garage. Adagio couldn't believe how big she had just scored. "She has a mansion." Adagio had been so caught up in her fantasy that she hadn't noticed Sunset open the door.
"You coming in?"

Coming to a boil

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Adagio climbed the three steps leading to the open door. As she peered inside the living room she took in its extravagance; with its hardwood floors, wood paneled walls lined with bookshelves, the sofa, which was probably worth more than she had made in the past few months, and the chestnut stained mahogany coffee table that looked to be in about the same price range. The unusual aroma that hung around Sunset filled the house, making it feel cozy despite all of its splendor.

Sunset soaked in her bewilderment. Adagio had given her the exact reaction she had hoped for, that subtle mix of awe and envy that was only apparent to those looking for it. "How on earth do you afford something like this?" Jealousy tinged Adagio's voice as she gestured toward the display of wealth. She scowled down at her maid's outfit, a gnawing bitterness seeping through her mind. She reminded herself that she didn’t have the luxury of hatred at the moment and let out a soft sigh before looking back up to Sunset, who still hadn't answered.

Adagio noted that the topic made Sunset visibly uncomfortable.

“Why don’t we save questions for later, you look starved, let’s get you something to eat.” Adagio didn’t like the change of subject, but before she could voice her opinion, her stomach let its own be heard. She hadn’t eaten all day and hadn’t had a proper meal in weeks. "I've got some left over daffodil soup if you'd like some, or would you prefer something fresh?" Adagio perked up from her mild slouch as she heard the words.

"You did say daffodil soup, right?" She asked, the beginnings of a smile raising the corners of her mouth.

Sunset began walking towards the kitchen. "Yeah, it was my favorite dish back in Equestria, and despite the vast differences in my human palate and the one I had as a pony I found myself craving it lately."

"I'd love some, but daffodil soup is a peasant's dish. Why was the princess’ disciple eating something so, lowly?" They reached the kitchen before Adagio had finished speaking. Sunset retrieved a moderately sized pot from her massive refrigerator as she gave her answer, "It's not like I was born her student. It was a pretty common dish where I grew up.” Adagio found the answer acceptable, and the subject was dropped. Sunset placed the pot on the stove, giving a knob a nonchalant twist before walking towards the table. She pulled out a chair for Adagio, who practically fell into. Her legs had been killing her since the feeling started coming back into them. Sunset pulled out her own chair, plopping into it with as little grace as Adagio had. The two sat there in silence, which gave way to awkward stares.

Sunset's gaze fell upon Adagio's figure, taking more notice of it than she had before. Her outfit isn’t very flattering, and she’d likely appreciate a shower. Her eyes roamed Adagio's form taking in her peculiar shabbiness.

"If it's bothering you that much just ask." Adagio drawled when she grew tired of Sunset's prying eyes. "Actually I'll save you the trouble yes, I'm a maid. I clean houses and do chores while wearing a tacky gown for money!" Adagio, noticing the unnecessary harshness she had put into her words, took a slow calming breath. "Sorry it's... just been a long day, I didn't mean to be quite so severe." Adagio reminded herself that she couldn’t afford such outbursts. .

"It's all right, you've clearly been through a lot" Sunset gave Adagio a warm, knowing smile.

Adagio let out a strained laugh. "What's so funny?" Sunset's face was painted with concern.

"We're enemies, but you treat me better than my friends."

"We don’t have to be enemies, wouldn’t you rather move on?"

"It can’t be that easy, it just can’t be."

"I don't see why not, my best friends are the girls who stopped me from taking over the world.”

“You took everything from me, I can’t just move on from that.” Adagio’s tone was growing more heated despite her efforts to stay calm.

”If you had won, would you be any happier?” Sunset let her words sink in before continuing. “If you're going to be staying here it makes sense to at least try and get along right?"

"I guess you have a point. So what, now we braid each other's hair?" Adagio grabbed hold of her fluffy mane and presented it to Sunset, "Gotta warn you though, mine has been known to attack people."

Sunset wasn’t sure how to respond to the abrupt change in tone. It was uncanny how quickly Adagio had changed her entire demeanor. She decided it would be best to go along with the change of topic, it’s not like they were going to work out all of their problems in one night anyway.

"You know I've been to a lot of slumber parties since I started making friends, but I've never done the braiding thing."

"So I would be your first... You ok Sunset, your face is really red."

"I'm fine." Sunset yelped frantically. "You just caught me off guard is all."

"All I said was that I'd be your... oh." Adagio felt warmth spreading through her cheeks as she let the awkward silence return.

"The soup should be at a good eating temperature by now, shouldn't it?" Adagio asked trying to break the silence.

"Yeah, probably so." Sunset walked over to a cabinet hanging above the kitchen sink and retrieved a bowl. She sat it down in front of Adagio after filling it. Adagio carefully lifted the bowl and took a deep drink of the brothy soup. She swallowed the mouthful she had, then sat the bowl down, smacking her lips together as if she had tasted something unsavory. Sunset gave her a knowing smile. "Let me guess, just the way you remember but for some reason it's unappealing."

"Better than I remember actually, but yes, for whatever reason I just can't bring myself to have more."

"The burden of a human palate I suppose." Sunset's words came out in a mock depression, as she paced over to her monster of a refrigerator, and began to pull things out.

"Hope you like pancakes, because I don't have much else at the moment." Adagio's eyes lit up with pure delight at the mention of what she believed to be this world's greatest delicacy.

"Yes!" Adagio held back as much of her excitement as she could, but it had been a long day; she was tired, hungry and didn't have pancakes nearly often enough for this to be anything less than a celebration. Sunset had retrieved all of her materials and began mixing them together while Adagio was daydreaming about stuffing as many of the fluffy, syrupy bites of heaven into her mouth as possible. She was pulled from her fantasy by something she saw out of the corner of her eye. As she honed in on it she realized that what had caught her attention was the gentle bouncing of Sunset's chest as she stirred vigorously.

How did I not notice those before? Warmth built in Adagio's cheeks as she took in Sunset's generous curves.

"Is something wrong? You've been staring at me for awhile now." Adagio snapped upright from the unanticipated noise.

"Oh, uh, yeah... I'm fine, I just sort of zoned out there for a bit."

"You sure it wasn't something you saw?" Sunset punctuated her words with a deliberate bounce of her chest.

"You... noticed, huh?"

"Hard not to, I could practically feel your eyes on me."

"Sorry." Adagio's face grew redder with her apology. Why am I acting so shy? I've never cared if someone caught me looking before. Probably because no one was capable of minding before.

"Eh" Sunset gave a light shrug. "I'll take it as a compliment, besides the look on your face right now is priceless." And it's not like I wasn't looking you over too.

The rest of the cooking went unhampered and before long Sunset was placing two plates of pancakes on to the table. Adagio briefly admired the stack of strawberry pancakes, oozing with butter, syrupy goodness, with a dollop of whipped cream on top. Sunset went back around to her chair to sit down and Adagio's plate was empty. "Um...did you, want more?" Adagio answered her with a hungry glare. Sunset gave a gentle smile, and passed her own plate over to Adagio.

"You...aren't going to have any?" Adagio asked in a guilty tone as she looked down at the untouched stack of pancakes.

"It isn't a big deal, I didn't really need the calories anyway." Sunset's voice was full of reassurance, but Adagio noticed a glint of disappointment in her eyes. She seems to be assuring herself more so than me. She must have really been looking forward to these, can't blame her they're delicious. Why do I care? Just because I agreed to play nice doesn’t mean I like her. Though I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to pretend that I do.

"You know," Adagio said as she was struck by inspiration, "This is an awfully big plate I'm not sure I could eat it all by myself." Adagio picked up the clean fork from in front of Sunset and put it into her hand. "Why don't you help me?" Sunset sat there for a few moments in a perfect still as she comprehended what was happening. She then scooped her fork through the dollop of whipped cream and retrieved a small portion. She used the flat of the fork to cut a bit of the pancake away from the stack. She took the chunk of pancakes into her mouth and let out a satisfied noise. She tightened her lips and pulled the fork out clean. Then she did it again; first a dab of whipped cream, then a bit of pancake, all the way in, all the way out, and again in a slow, consistent, hypnotizing manor. Adagio realized that she was staring again around the same time that Sunset did.

"Do I have something on my face?" Sunset teased, knowing very well that she didn't.

"'s just," dammit why can't I speak right around her?

"Look, I'm glad you like what you see, but it's rude to stare." Adagio wanted to get away, she was too tired to deal with the teasing.

"I'd like to take a shower now, if that's ok with you."

"But you haven't touched the second plate yet."

"I wasn't as hungry as I thought I was."

"The bathroom is the second door on the left heading back towards the living room. I'll bring you a change of clothes." Adagio took a few weary steps out of the dining room before looking back and muttering a quick "thanks."

A steamy encounter

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Adagio flicked on the bathroom light. She was surprised to see how modest it was compared to the rest of the house. It closely resembled the upper-middle class houses that she cleaned for a living. The only standout feature was the separate bathtub and shower. She turned the hot water on to let the shower warm up as she got undressed. After a few moments, her attire lay in an ungracious heap on the ground.

Adagio took a minute to admire herself in the mirror.

“Not too bad, all things considered. I really need to lay off of the junk food though.” Adagio chided herself as she prodded a small bulge that had affixed itself to her belly. The mirror began to fog, and she took that as her cue to step into the shower. She drew in a deep breath of the steamy air as the first drops of warm water splashed across her skin. The droplets cascaded upon her face, rolling down her breasts and trickling down her body.

She thought back on the past month she had spent living in an R.V. with Aria and Sonata.

“Ah, how I’ve missed this, the pleasure of purifying oneself—and using name brand soap. Hmm, joke’s on them I suppose. I’ll have to thank them properly if I ever see them again.”

I never thought I’d be so grateful for a shower. Adagio stretched as the hot water began to ease the tension in her muscles. I suppose it’s true what they say; you miss the simple things the most. This is truly bliss, and the only thing that could make it better would be if Sunset were in here with me. Adagio stiffened when she realized where her thoughts were going. Wow! What is with me today? First I’m staring at her, then I can’t speak around her, and now I’m fantasizing about her in the shower? I need to get my damned hormones under control.

She tried to get Sunset off her mind for a while, and after repeated failure she took to washing herself with thoughts of Sunset drifting through her head.

I wonder how she feels about me. I doubt she thinks very highly of me, between my actions in the past and my behavior tonight.

She remembered the warm smile Sunset had given her.

Though if she does dislike me, then why would she be so kind to me now?

Tremors of pleasure rolled through her as the soapy cloth glided across her skin. Beginning to feel a little hot, she began to trace her free hand up her inner thigh as she washed her breasts. She stopped when her fingers reached her crotch, before pressing them gently against her lips and sliding her index finger up to her clit.

I shouldn’t be doing this, Sunset could be here any minute with those clothes.

The prospect of getting caught only raised her excitement.

Maybe she’d join me.

She heard the door open, and could vaguely make out the silhouette of Sunset Shimmer approaching through the foggy glass shower door. She stopped a few steps away and stood there in silence.

“Did you need something?”

“No, I was just bringing you a change of clothes. I think they should fit you well enough.”

Adagio began to speak in a sultry voice. “You’ve been standing there for an awfully long time for that to be all you came for.” Now it’s my turn to tease her. Sunset’s discomfort was apparent in how long it took her to respond.

“It’s just that…” Adagio cut off Sunset before she could even finish her excuse.

“Did you want to use the shower too? There’s plenty of room, and I could use some help washing my back. That is, if you don’t mind seeing me naked.”

Adagio could vaguely make out motion on the other side of the door before hearing the faint sound of clothes hitting the floor. Surprise and anticipation came over her as the situation dawned on her. Sunset slowly opened the shower door with an embarrassed smile covering her lips as her eyes shyly darted away from Adagio’s body and towards the floor.

Adagio scanned Sunset’s naked form, briefly locking her gaze on her supple chest and taking note of their perky firmness. Adagio’s gaze continued to drift lower as Sunset realized what was going on, and a newfound confidence asserted itself into her actions. Sunset placed a hand under Adagio’s chin slowly guided her gaze up to eye level.

“Eyes up here.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

“Fun? I thought I was washing your back,” Sunset teased as she grabbed the washcloth from Adagio.“Or maybe you were hoping I’d do something else?”

Sunset reached around Adagio’s waist with her empty hand, giving her a long delicate stroke from her navel to her chest. She lightly cupped Adagio’s left breast and rolled her nipple between her forefinger and thumb. Adagio’s breath began to stagger as the sensations washed through her. There was a wet smash when the wash cloth fell to the floor as Sunset’s hand found its way to Adagio’s pussy. Adagio let out a long, purring moan at the intimate touch.

“We’ve just started and you’re already making such lewd noises,” Sunset whispered into Adagios ear. “I like it.”

Sunset began working her fingers, coaxing more gasps of pleasure from her ensnared lover. Her fingers became bolder with every passing moment, making longer strokes and pressing more firmly into Adagio’s supple flesh. “You’re trembling. Are you that close already?”

A smile widened across Sunset’s face as she continued to tantalize her captive. She began to outline around Adagio’s pussy closely, but without touching it. The teasing caused Adagio to feel even more pleasure as the anticipation grew inside of her. As the tension rose, Sunset quickly inserted her middle finger and curled it against Adagio’s inner walls as she slid it back out. Using her thumb she began to caress Adagio’s clit while sliding in back and forth.

The motions began to increase in speed, and Adagio could feel the pressure in her lower abdomen build with each stroke. “Just a little bit more, please don’t stop.”

The sound of knocking at the door shattered her fantasy, and she pulled her fingers from her nether regions frantically. “I brought you something to change into. I don’t know your preference in sleep wear, so I put together a selection so that you could choose.”

Sunset blushed as she noticed Adagio’s naked form through the fogged glass. She couldn’t see her clearly, but her imagination was already starting to fill in the blanks. Ah… I need to stop doing that. It makes me feel like I’m some kind of pervert.

Sunset ducked out of the bathroom, hoping Adagio hadn’t noticed the attention she’d been giving her. Once outside Sunset allowed herself to indulge in her fantasies for a moment. “Ugh, why do human bodies seem to always need sexual gratification?” Sunset groaned to herself as she tried and failed to push her newly formed mental image of Adagio to the back of her mind. “Great, it’s going to be stuck in my head all night.” Sunset headed up the stairs to the master bedroom that dominated the majority of the top floor. She slipped into her silky nightgown and lay down in her usual spot on her huge bed.


Adagio stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel.

“That was refreshing,” she said to herself with a yawn. Adagio walked over to the counter and wiped some of the condensation away from the mirror. She took another moment to admire herself before looking for a hair dryer. When she failed to find one, she decided to grab another towel from the cabinet.

After wrapping up her hair, she finally looked at the selection of clothes that Sunset had set out for her.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”

Some like it red hot

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Adagio wandered through the house clad in her borrowed clothes. I probably should have asked about the sleeping arrangement when she dropped off the clothes. Warmth flooded into her face as she recalled why she hadn’t. I can’t believe I actually did that in her shower. Adagio stopped in front of the staircase. Now, is she the type to stay on the bottom floor or the top? She rolled the question around in her head. Top floor, definitely.


Sunset rolled around in her bed trying to resist the urge to grab one of the toys she kept in a chest below it and further indulge her earlier fantasy. The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs drew her attention. Shit, I forgot to tell her where the guest room is. Oh well, I get to see what she picked out this way. Adagio came up the steps wearing a loose fitting shirt that came down to mid thigh. I was hoping she’d pick something a bit more exciting. Sunset tried to keep the disappointment off of her face.

“So does this house have a guest room or do I have to sleep on the couch?” Adagio said as she reached the top of the stairs.

“Bottom floor, take a right from the living room. It’s at the back of the hall.”

Adagio began to turn around and head back down but stopped and grabbed the edge of her shirt. “Before I go, do you mind explaining this?” She pulled up her shirt revealing a pair of near translucent black lace panties.

“Wow, you fill those out nicely.” Sunset admired how the lace hugged her ass.

The complement sparked something in Adagio that she’d been missing. Her confidence came flooding back for the first time since her defeat. “I’d be careful of what you say if I were you.” Her tone went from cautionary to seductive as she approached the bed. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“Mmm… maybe I want to get everywhere.”

The words came out of Sunset’s mouth even though she was screaming at herself to stop. But with each passing moment, rational thought slipped further and further away. All she could think about was the woman in front of her and her growing desires.

Adagio crawled up onto the bed—stopping right above Sunset—and looked down into her eyes, seething with desire. “I guess we’ll be sharing your bed then,” she said while lowering her face until she was just inches away from the girl beneath her.

Sunset could feel the warmth of Adagio’s breath, and the last sliver of her restraint broke. She made the next move, pushing her lips vigorously onto Adagio’s. She savored the sensation of the soft flesh as their lips caressed each other, before inserting her tongue into Adagio’s mouth. Adagio moaned into the kiss as it became increasingly passionate.

Sunset’s arms wrapped around Adagio, holding her into the kiss. She began to explore Adagio’s curves—at first through the fabric of her shirt, and then beneath it. Adagio’s skin was soft and brimming with heat, and each caress brought more and more of that warmth to the surface.

Wanting to see more of Adagio’s body, Sunset decided to tear away the shirt she’d lent her. She had dozens of them, and it wasn’t particularly special. “I knew you weren’t very big, but I was hoping for a little more to grab,” she teased as she pinched Adagio’s nipples. “Guess these will have to do.”

“Mmm… well if they’re not good enough for you, then we can just stop here.” Adagio’s words were drenched with seduction as she pulled away.

“You’re not getting away that easily,” Sunset told her, pulling her back in for another kiss.

Adagio broke the kiss and whispered into Sunset’s ear, “That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear.” She leaned in just a bit further, took Sunset’s earlobe between her teeth, and applied a bit of gentle pressure. The sudden jolt of pleasure made Sunset gasp, and a soft moan passed from her lips. “Now it’s time to see what you’ve been hiding under here.”

Adagio pulled Sunset’s nightgown over her head, but in her excitement the gown became caught in Sunset’s hair. Sunset stopped to help remove the gown as they both playfully laughed at the situation. Wasting no time once the gown was off, Adagio began to toy Sunset’s supple breasts.

But just as she was finally gaining momentum, Sunset struck back. She put her hands on Adagio’s shoulders and pushed her down to the bed with a subtle ‘pomf”. Sunset streamed kisses, beginning at the nape of Adagio’s neck, and then began to slowly work her way down the rest of her body. She brushed her lips softly over Adagio’s bosom, pausing slightly to watch Adagio squirm in her grasp. Seeing Adagio in such a state sent shivers down Sunset’s spine as she continued to parade soft pecks down Adagio’s body.

Sunset’s fingers danced merrily down Adagio’s abdomen before reaching her mound and moving back up in order to further tease her. Sunset could see the desire burning in Adagio’s eyes, as every time her hands went lower she was seized in expectation. Adagio’s thighs were growing more wet with each passing moment, and seeing how moist she was, Sunset decided that she had been teased for long enough.

Adagio had been having the same idea as she suddenly grabbed Sunset’s hand and moved it into her panties. Sunset began stirring her fingers around the moist fabric, rubbing the slit underneath. This garnered several moans from Adagio as she was finally beginning to be touched directly. Sunset continued her slow and meticulous pace. The night was young and she had all the time in the world to play with her new toy.

Adagio began to buck her hips as Sunset’s fingers masterfully toyed with her. She wanted more than just the soft caresses Sunset was giving her.

Sunset looked down at her as she writhed in pleasure. “You want more?”

Adagio was uncertain if she was being asked or told but either way she did.

Sunset continued her meticulous play until Adagio gave her an answer.

“Yes… please,” Adagio gasped as she gave in fully to her lust, desperately grinding her hips into Sunset’s hand. Sunset, feeling content with the response, pulled Adagio’s panties down and gently pushed two fingers inside of her. Adagio gasped as her need was finally being meet.

Sunset twisted and pulled her fingers in and out of Adagio’s wet pussy. Slow and soft, again and again, hitting just the right spot for just long enough to leave her wanting more. Sunset picked up her pace just a bit faster, and just a bit harder until Adagio was used to the new rhythm. Then with one long hard stroke she went back to gently caressing her.

“Damn, how are you so good at this?” Adagio’s words came through heavy breaths and light moans.

“I play with myself. A lot.” A small blush adorned Sunset’s face. “That… sounded much sexier in my head.”

Adagio managed a giggle through her cries of passion. “You know, I can think of a few better ways you could use that mouth.”

Sunset smiled up at her. “I was getting to that.” She removed her fingers from Adagio and licked them experimentally. “Mmm, you taste pretty good.”

“Better from the source,” Adagio said through a seductive grin, as she reached down and parted her lips.

Sunset inched closer until her head was between Adagio’s thighs. She savored the thick scent of arousal as she pressed her lips against Adagio’s clit. A long purring moan let her know she was off to a good start. Feeling a little more confident, Sunset stuck her tongue out and began using it to explore the folds of Adagio’s pussy.

Adagio put her free hand on Sunset’s head, pulling her in as her moans grew louder and more frequent. Sunset reached a hand up to Adagio’s belly, feeling her muscles tense and contract. She used her other hand to aid her mouth, pumping her fingers in and out as she focused her tongue on Adagio’s clit.

“Fuck!” Adagio screamed as she came. “You sure you were a virgin?” Her voice trembled as she rode out her orgasm.

Sunset looked up, a layer of Adagio’s fluid making her mouth glossy. “What can I say, I find porn fascinating.” Sunset rubbed the outside of Adagio’s thigh. “Though none of those girls are nearly as hot as you.”

Adagio gained a mischievous smile when she finally managed to catch her breath. “There you go again with that flattery.” She sat up and guided Sunset up gently by the hair, until their faces touched. “Were you hoping I’d do something naughty to you?” Sunset licked the other girl’s juices from her lips and pressed her mouth into Adagio’s, forcing her to taste herself.

“I think we’re a little past naughty.” Sunset pulled away from the kiss. “Now, are you going to get me…” Sunset stood up on the bed and removed her panteis, “Or do I need to spank you.”

“Do I have to choose?” Adagio said through her seductive grin, as she moved closer to Sunset. “I guess we can save the spanking for another time.” Adagio licked two fingers and placed them softly on Sunset’s pussy, bringing out a long, muffled moan. Adagio glided her free hand up Sunset’s thigh and grabbed her ass as she showered kisses across her abdomen. With each kiss she’d move her fingers, and Sunset’s breath would catch.

“Your such a dirty girl,” Adagio said as she pressed the tips of her fingers into Sunset. She held them there for a few seconds before sliding them back out and resuming her play with Sunset’s labia.

Adagio’s kisses started getting lower. Sunset knew what was coming, and the anticipation was killing her. It only took a few seconds, though it felt like hours before Adagio’s lips lightly pecked her clit. The touch of her lips felt nice, but it was the promise of things to come that sent a shiver up Sunset’s spine.

Moments later, Adagio’s mouth made contact again, only this time instead of pulling away she wrapped her lips around the small nub. The sensation of the soft, wet flesh rubbing against her caused her knees to buckle. Again Adagio pressed the tips of her fingers inside and held them, then pushed them all the way in. She quickly found the spot she was looking for, and assaulted it relentlessly. Sunset erupted into a chorus of shaky moans, as her body began to tense. Adagio slowed herself, so that her fingers were just barely moving.

“I can’t have you coming just yet, not after you teased me like that,” Adagio purred as she pulled her fingers out of Sunset. “Now, bend over.” Sunset did as she was told. After a few moments had passed with nothing happening Sunset looked behind her.


“What? Can’t I enjoy the view.” Adagio ran the back of her knuckles against Sunset’s outer thigh. “It is quite lovely.”

“Your waiting on me to ask aren’t you?” Sunset groaned.


“Can I cum now... please?” Sunset felt the familiar pressure between her hips as Adagio’s fingers intered her again. This time the movement started slow. It quickly gained momentum until, with one long, loud cry Sunset came, soaking Adagio’s hand in her juices.

“Damn, that was good.” Sunset said as she collapsed onto the bed.

“Mmhm.” Adagio agreed as she crawled up next to sunset and embraced her. “Do you wanna keep going?”

“I’d love to, but I don’t have the energy, and we should get some sleep.”

“Why, do you have plans for tomorrow?”

“I might.” Sunset said in a smug voice.

“What do you mean by might?”

“I was going to go to the winter fair with my friends. But they’ve all decided not to go since Rarity got sick.”

“What’s that got to do with me?”

“I was hoping… that you’d be my date.”

“And what makes you think I’d be interested in that?”

Sunset gestured to their naked, entangled bodies.

“Just because I fucked you, doesn’t mean I want to date you.” Adagio said in a playful tone.

“Well, if that’s how it’s going to be.” Sunset traced Adagio’s jawline with her index finger. “You can go back to having fantasies about me in the shower.”

Adagio’s face turned completely red “How…”

“You might try biting your lip next time, I could hear you through the door.”

“The fair sounds nice.”

“That’s what I thought. Now get some rest.” Sunset flipped a switch next to her headboard and the lights went out.

“Dammit Adagio, get your fingers out of there I’m trying to sleep.”

A role to play

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Adagio shifted under the covers trying to achieve the same blissful rest as the girl next to her. The bed was warm and comfortable, things she was no longer accustomed to. She tried to wrap her mind around the events of the day. Hard to believe I started this day in a run down R.V. Her thoughts returned to the girls she had lived with for so long. The bitterness she had felt towards them slowly dissipating. I wonder what they're doing. She ran a number of scenarios as she finally began to drift out of consciousness.

Aria stood in front of an empty cabinet, clad in nothing but her panties. A look of frustration worked it’s way across her face as her search for breakfast ended as soon as it began.

“Dammit, why is there never anything to eat around here?” She groaned as she slammed the cabinet door only for it to pop back open. She was fixing to slam it again when she heard footsteps on the cheap linoleum.

“I’ve got something you can eat,” Sonata teased as she ground her hips into the back of Aria’s thigh, her exposed groin leaving a trail of moisture behind.

“I’m not that kind of hungry,” Aria stated flatly as she pushed the door closed again. Sonata’s arms snaked around her, one hand finding it’s way to her panties, and slipping under the waistband. The other wrapping around her throat.

“I wasn’t asking.” Sonata whispered as she began teasing Aria’s slit with her fingers. “You can eat me out like a good little bitch.” She pinched Aria’s clit causing her to inhale sharply. “I might even let you cum, or...” She tightened her grip around Aria’s neck, digging her nails in just enough to be uncomfortable. “Do I have to punish you?”

“I… I’ll eat you out.” Aria’s voice was trembling, as the pressure on her throat ceased. Sonata grabbed one of her pigtails and pulled her around so they were face to face.

“You don’t sound very excited.” She removed her hand from Aria’s panties and traced her damp fingers up between her breasts, then raked them back down leaving trails of red skin. “BEG.” she spat the word with unyielding authority.

“Please, let me eat your pussy.” Aria mewled as pain surged through her abdomen.

Sonata sauntered over to the counter, and propped herself onto it. She settled her back against the wall and spread her legs revealing her dripping wet pussy. She tapped her leg impatiently against the side of the counter.

“Get to work!” She shouted as she jabbed Aria with her foot.

“Yes ma’am,” she mumbled as she moved her head between Sonata’s thighs.

Sonata moaned as Aria’s tongue glided up her lips, and began to circle her clit. As she found a steady rhythm Aria moved a hand in to assist with her efforts. Sonata caught it before it could make contact. She gave a sadistic grin.

“Mouth only.”

Aria began exploring Sonata’s labia, occasionally pressing her tongue inside, before moving back to light circles around her clit.

“Wow Ari, you were right this is hot,” Sonata gasped as she could feel her orgasm building.

“Dammit Sonata, don’t break character,” Aria scalded.


“Uggh, don’t be sorry.” Aria felt a warm sting as Sonata’s hand lashed across her face.

“Did I say you could stop?”

“No ma’am,” Aria said through a mischievous grin.

“Then why...” There was another lash of pain. “Aren’t you doing your job?”

Aria pressed her mouth back into Sonata’s soft, wet, flesh, caressing the sensitive folds with her lips. Her tongue joined her lips in providing pleasure for her mistress, lapping at the tangy fluid that glazed her pussy.

Sonata grabbed one of her pigtails and pulled her closer, as she began gyrating her hips into Aria’s face. She fondled her breasts as she drew closer to climax. As the tension in her body reached it’s peak, she grabbed Aria’s other pigtail, and wrapped her legs around her neck. With a long cry she came hard, coating Aria’s face with her cum.

“Keep going!” Sonata screamed as Aria began to slack off.

Aria’s tongue found it’s way back to Sonata’s pussy.She gave the pigtails in her hands a hard pull.

“Faster!” she shouted through a moan. Aria pressed her tongue inside, taking care to make sure her upper lip brushed Sonata’s clit as she tasted her intimately. With another drawn out moan Sonata came again. Once she was fully satisfied she pushed the other girl away. Aria lost her balance and fell to the floor. Sonata stalked over to where she lie, and traced a finger across the still reddened skin of her abdomen. Aria winced as the forgotten pain burned back to life. Her breathing sped up as Sonata’s hand delicately cupped her breast.

“Do you want to cum?”

“Yes ma’am”

Sonata’s fingers clamped tightly around Aria’s nipple as she twisted, and then pulled hard. Aria’s voice caught in her throat the mix of pain and surprise leaving her breathless.

“Call me mistress,” Sonata said in a slow commanding tone.

“Ye...yes mistress.” Aria wheezed as she struggled to catch her breath.

“Good girl, now open your legs.”

Aria did as she was told, she was rewarded with the sensation of fabric being pressed against her slit. The motion was maddeningly soft, barely carrying the friction through her damp panties to the sensitive skin beneath. With each careful stroke Aria could feel her need rising, she shifted her hips striving to get more from the light touches.

“Is what I’m giving you not good enough?” Sonata asked as her fingers found their way to Aria’s thigh.

“Please, can I have more?” Aria heard a loud smack, followed by excruciating pain in her crotch.

“You’ll take what I give you, and you’ll love it.” Sonata’s hands ran the length of Aria’s thighs, right as she reached her panties she’d trace her fingers back up to her knee. Aria winced at the denied pleasure. Sonata’s fingers briefly ran across her panties, before moving up to her stomach. Her nails danced in gentle circles over the sore flesh, drawing mixed sounds from her toy.

“You’re being such a good girl.” She grasped one of Aria’s breasts and leaned her head towards it. “You deserve a treat,” she said as she flicked her tongue across her nipple. Sonata could hear the sounds of pleasure catching in Aria’s throat, as she licked circles around her areola. Her hand went back to it’s agonizingly gently caressing, pressing just hard enough to shift the fabric across the wet lips underneath. She gave a last gentle caress before moving towards the table at the other end of the cabin. “I’m hungry.” She let the words resonate “Fix me something,” she continued, annoyed that she had to do so.

“But… there isn’t anything here.”

“There is cereal in the fridge.”

Aria wanted to question this decision, and she would, after they were done playing. For now she’d do as her mistress bid. She stood and grabbed a paper towel from the counter Sonata had been setting on not to long ago. As she dabbed it across her cum-polished face she could feel Sonata’s disapproving gaze on her.

“You should leave it. You look more dignified.” Sonata giggled as she Watched Aria relinquish the napkin.

“As you wish mistress.” She struggled to keep her annoyance from her voice. Aria had to remind herself of her role in their little game, before proceeding with what Sonata had told her to do. Upon opening the refrigerator, she saw that there was in fact cereal, and just under half a gallon of milk left. She stood there, staring at the cereal, trying her best not to break character and yell at Sonata like she wanted to.

“You know, the longer you keep me waiting the less compelled I feel to let you cum.” Sonata’s voice was smooth and commanding.

With one final deep breath Aria retrieved what she had been sent after, and began making breakfast for her mistress.

“Can I have some as well Mistress?” Aria asked as she remembered her gnawing hunger.

“Hmm,” Sonata hummed to herself as she pondered. “I’m feeling generous, you can have what’s left.”

Aria retrieved two bowls, and set them on the counter so she could fill them. She poured Sonata’s first, then gave herself the rest. She wasn’t left with much, but it would last her till she went out later. She carefully picked up Sonata’s bowl which she had filled to the brim, and carried it to the table. After she had carried her bowl to the table, and supplied them both with spoons she sat down. As she opened her mouth to take the first bite of her cereal she could feel Sonata’s drying cum, a reminder that for now she was nothing more than a plaything.

She stopped short of taking the bite when she felt something press against her nethers. It took her a moment to realize that Sonata was running her toes along her slit.

“What’s wrong? I thought you were hungry,” Sonata asked rhetorically “If you don’t start eating soon it’ll go soggy.”

Played out

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Sonata's toes running along Aria's slit made it hard to focus on eating, but she eventually managed to take a bite of cereal. It was stale and tasted like cheap sugar, but it was all she had, so it would have to do. She cast a glance up from her bowl to the woman tormenting her. Sonata was eating much slower than usual. On any other day she'd be done by now, but she sat there with a sadistic grin plastered on her face enjoying every squirming motion Aria made.

Breakfast was tedious. Aria wanted to enjoy herself, but she was starving and needed something on her stomach. Sonata pressed in hard, digging her toe into the sensitive lips. The sudden pressure caused Aria to drop the spoonful she was about to take. "You really shouldn't waste food like that. I'll have to punish you," Sonata said as she delighted in the power she had during their little game.The pressure on her nethers ceased as Sonata got up and walked around the table. She placed a finger under Aria's chin.

"Stand," the command was simple, and powerful, as she had come to expect from Sonata over the course of their game.

Sonata guided Aria to the counter, instructing her to bend over. She pulled up on Aria's panties so that the gusset rubbed against her slit, and ran a knuckle over the lips that could be seen through the soaked fabric. "Such a dirty bitch." Her other hand groped Aria's ass. "Tell me..." There was a hard smack. "Do you like getting spanked?"

Aria felt a jolt of excitement as her skin stung under Sonata's palm. "Yes mistress," she purred.

"Yes mistress what?" Sonata demanded as her hand came down hard on Aria's cheek.

"Yes, mistress. I like getting spanked!" Aria screamed as the sweet stinging pain filled her senses.

"Like it, or love it?" Sonata teased as she lifted her hand again, only to lay it gently on the small of Aria's back.

"I love it. Please mistress, punish me more!" She begged. Sonata's hand glided down to the untouched cheek.

"Let's make them match." Her hand came down hard, earning her a sharp breath from her plaything. Sonata continued until the entirety of Aria's ass was an even shade of red. "Are you ready for your treat for being such a good girl?"

Aria managed a faint, "Please," through her heavy panting. Her mistress upped her panties aside and slipped two fingers inside of her. After all of the anticipation, finally being touched left her completely breathless. The motions were slow, but the fingers hugged just the right spot on her inner wall. Every madding twitch of Sonata's fingers drew her closer.

She could feel the tension in her muscles getting ready to release. But before she could cum Sonata removed her fingers. She presented her soaked fingers to Aria, who looked at her expectantly.

"If I have to tell you what to do, you won't get to cum," Sonata said as she pressed her fingers against Aria's lips. Aria opened her mouth, and lapped at the fluid covering her mistress.

Sonata had turned out to be a better dominant than she had hoped. Aria didn't care much for her own taste, but it's what Sonata wanted.

Once her fingers were licked clean, Sonata gestured Aria to sit on the counter. Aria winced as the pain in her rear surged from having to support her weight.

Sonata slid her panties down. "Finish yourself," she commanded.

Aria had only hesitated for a moment, but that was enough of an excuse for Sonata. There was a harsh sting on Aria's thigh as her mistress's hand impacted her skin. She didn't move her hand.

"I thought you wanted to cum?"

"I...I do," Aria stumbled over her words.

Sonata's nails raked across the already sore skin."Wrong answer!"

It took Aria's pain-addled mind a moment to understand what was expected of her. Her hand moved to her crotch, and she began playing with herself.

Sonata watched intently as Aria winced when she shifted. The tips of her nails glided in circles around Aria's collarbone, her other hand doing the same for her inner thigh. Then once she was sure Aria was getting into it she gave her a sharp pinch. She jerked at the pain, and Sonata gave the captive skin a twist when she saw her hand slow down.

"What's wrong, don't you like the way I'm playing with you?" She teased as she pulled hard. "Oh you are helpless," she said as she swept Aria's hand out of the way, pushing her own fingers back into the tight, wet folds. "What a pathetic bitch, can't even make yourself cum." She took one of Aria's nipples into her mouth, and bit down just hard enough for it to feel good.

With a few deft movements of her fingers she brought Aria to the brink of orgasm. For a moment she debated teasing her longer, but decided her pet had been teased long enough. Aria came with a satisfying cry that made Sonata want to make her scream more. But they didn't have all day, so she would have to settle for just the one. Content and ready to relax, Sonata guided Aria over to a mattress on the floor. She collapsed onto it, pulling her partner down with her. Before long the two were entangled. Sonata rested her head on a pillow, and looked over to the girl she was holding. This was her favorite part. Sure the sex was great, but there was something special about this.

The warmth radiating from her skin, the rise and fall of her chest with every breath, the sound of her heart beating as they came down from the high of sex.

She couldn't take her eyes off of Aria, who was looking up at the ceiling. They had been here many times before, but this time would be different, this time she would say it. Feeling empowered from playing dominant, she took a deep breath and placed her hand under Aria's chin, guiding her till there eyes met. Before she could open her mouth Sonata pressed her lips into the lush ones of the girl next to her. It was a very simple kiss.No tongue, or roughness, just their lips pushing against one another. She wished they could stay like that, if not forever, then at least for as close to forever as she could. As they broke away from the kiss, she said it. Three simple words that made her feel so much joy, and so much pain.

“I love you.”

In a bed of ashes

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Adagio’s eyelids drifted open, as she slowly stirred from her slumber. She peered around the dimly lit room while she waited for her mind to finish booting up. She tried to sit up, but the softness of her pillow held her captive. Accepting her fate to be bed bound awhile longer, Adagio buried her face into her fluffy captor.

It wasn’t until she heard a voice from the other side of the bed, that she remembered she wasn’t alone.

“Sleep well?” the soothing voice asked.

“Mmhmm,” Adagio mumbled into her pillow as she tried to resist the urge to simply fall back to sleep. After a heavy yawn, and a great effort of will, she managed to lift her head. Her sleepy gaze falling upon the red and gold haired beauty laying next to her.

“I’m going to fix breakfast soon, you alright with pancakes again?” Sunset asked—even though she could already guess the answer, if last night was anything to go by. Adagio leaned forward, giving her a light kiss on the cheek. “That depends, am I allowed to stare this time?” The groggy siren teased as she tried, and failed, to leave the comfort of the bed. It had been too long since she last slept in a proper bed, and she simply wasn’t ready to give it up yet.

As Adagio wrestled with her conflicting desires, she felt the bed shift as Sunset’s weight left it. She couldn’t help but watch as the other girl sauntered away, her every step more hypnotic than the last. On her way to the stairs, Sunset stopped to fish a loose-fitting purple tee shirt from her dresser. Adagio briefly lamented the loss of her view as the simple shirt flowed over Sunset, covering everything above her knees.

With the object of her desire disappeared down the stairs, Adagio began to miss her presence. Well, it’s not all bad, she thought as she took advantage of having the bed to herself. Rolling onto her back, she stretched out. “Still hard to believe this is real,” Adagio whispered to herself as she let her body prepare itself for the day. While her muscles geared up, she pondered her current situation.

While she still wasn’t terribly fond of needing Sunset’s help, she’d be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t enjoying it. As much as it hurt her pride to admit it, she liked Sunset Shimmer. She liked the girl who ruined her. She fucked the girl who destroyed her life. And yet oddly enough... she was fine with it. Adagio brushed her jumbled thoughts away, instead deciding to focus on how to best move forward.

I need to pull myself together. Worrying about the past isn’t going to help me right now. I’ve got a good thing going here, and all this thinking about how bitter I should be is going to ruin that if I let it. She rolled around in the bed, trying to go back to the blank minded bliss she had been enjoying. The longer she tried, the more frustrating her failure became. “Fuck it, breakfast should be done soon anyway,” she grunted as she mustered the strength she had managed to build up. As she sat up in the bed, the covers slid off of her, letting the cool air of the house greet her body. With a final stretch, she kicked off the rest of the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. As she rose to her feet, yesterday’s soreness became prevalent. Pushing the mild discomfort to the back of her mind, she walked towards the stairs, stopping at the same dresser Sunset had to grab something to preserve her modesty. Dawning her own overly large shirt, she began her journey to the kitchen.

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen

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Slowly Adagio drifted down the stairs, trying to remember how to get to the kitchen. Hearing a commotion to her left, she followed the noise when she reached the bottom of the steps. Walking into the kitchen, she saw Sunset at the counter mixing something in a bowl. Each stir made her think of the pleasant bounce of Sunset's chest.

Coming up behind her, Adagio wrapped her arms around Sunset's shoulders, hugging her loosely. Nuzzling into Sunset's cheek, Adagio watched as the other girl prepared their breakfast. Sunset stiffened up a bit at first, surprised by the contact. Before easing into the embrace.

"My, you work fast,"Adagio mused as she saw the remnants of Sunset's preparation; a clear plastic clamshell, that likely held some form of berry before it was emptied, an egg carton with three eggs still in it, and torn wrappers from melting chocolate.

"The faster we eat the more time we have to get ready," Sunset said as she put the bowl down, content that all of her ingredients were properly mixed.

"Or we could spend that time doing other things," Adagio purred suggestively before licking behind Sunset's ear. The other girl quivered as the warm, wet muscle slithered across her skin.

"I'm trying to fix breakfast," Sunset gasped, trying her best to stay focused on the task at hand.

"Fuck the pancakes..." Adagio's hands roamed to Sunset's breasts, as she kissed down her body. "I want you for breakfast," she muttered as she pressed her lips into the fabric of Sunset's shirt, teasing the skin beneath. Slowly she pecked her way down, reaching the edge of the shirt, she licked her lips, giving a long, wet kiss to Sunset's inner thigh.

Before she could start working her way back up, the other girl turned around, catching her by the chin.

"Why don't we save this for the shower?" Sunset rubbed Adagio's lower lip with the pad of her thumb. "Maybe I can help you with that little fantasy of your's?" Her words flowing like a river of rolled syllables.

Adagio blushed at the mention of the incident in Sunset's shower. It took her a moment to gather herself, but she wasn't going to let Sunset have this victory. "Did you enjoy listening that much?" She teased her lover back, before taking Sunset's thumb in her mouth.

"Not half as much as I enjoyed visualizing it," She purred as she guided Adagio to her feet, and planted a heavy kiss on her lips. "Now let me finish cooking so we'll have time for a bit of fun."

"Fine." Adagio rolled her eyes as she made for the table. stopping when Sunset turned back to her preparation to give the girl a hard spank, which earned her a satisfying yelp. Adagio giggled as she took her seat, watching the other girl rub her shapely rear.

"I'm going to get you back for that," Sunset grumbled as she grabbed a skillet from one of her cabinets.

"Please do." Adagio smirked as she thought of all the wonderful ways Sunset might repay her mischief.

Sunset plopped a chunk of butter in the pan as she set it on the heated eye. She's awfully playful this morning. Sunset let her mind roam as she tilted the pan, letting the melting butter coat it. Maybe this could actually work. She had hoped last night wasn't going to be a one time thing, that she could do for Adagio what Twilight did for her... if a little more intimately than Twilight had. Still, this could be her chance to make a positive difference in someone's life.

Sunset poured the batter into the sizzling pan, humming a happy tune as she worked. Things were going well; she had a new roommate, and potential girlfriend, she was going to get to have some fun at the fair, and with the way things are going some fun before they even head out.

With a few careful prods Sunset scooped her spatula under the forming pancake, and flipped it. She never got tired of seeing that perfect golden brown color. It was one of a few simple joys of day to day life that hadn't lost its charm to repetition. As she plated the first fluffy disc, she glanced towards the table.

The other girl was eyeing her with a half lidded gaze. Sunset, deciding to help with the obvious mental undressing, lifted the hem of her shirt just enough to not show anything.

"You tease," Adagio pouted as the shirt fell back over Sunset's tender thighs.

"You know you love it," Sunset said as she lifted her shirt a little higher, and held it just a bit longer. Letting go of the hem once more she returned to finishing the pancakes.

Adagio's eyes were keenly watching Sunset, waiting for another slip of the fabric. Sure, she'd already seen the girl naked, but like her namesake, the sight never got old. As Sunset laid a plate in front of Adagio, she bent over much further than was necessary, her loose collar revealing her luscious breasts. Adagio's eyes stayed glued to Sunset's chest, even after it was no longer on display. After a quick trip to the counter Sunset returned to the table with her own plate, and took the seat across the table from Adagio.

"If you don't start eating soon, it'll get cold," Sunset teased the staring siren. Laying into her stack of dark chocolate, raspberry pancakes with the flat of her fork, Adagio scooped the first bite into her mouth. No sooner than it touched her tongue, her taste buds were enraptured by the rich, complex taste. It took a great effort of will to not simply scarf the rest of it down. As she savored her meal, her peripheral vision caught more of Sunset's antics.

You're not gonna win this round so easily. Adagio thought to herself as she schemed. A faint smile touched her lips as a devious plan took root in her mind.

Noticing that Adagio wasn't taking her bait, Sunset began working at her own stack of food. She had to admit, all that time spent with Pinkie Pie had really paid off. She might not be quite as good as the girl who taught her, but she was still a league above most. As Sunset swallowed her first bite, she felt pressure on her left foot. Looking across the table, she saw the smirk on Adagio's face.

“So that’s how it’s going to be? Sunset asked as she hooked her right foot behind Adagio's calf. Adagio in return ran the big toe of her other foot along the arch of Sunset's.

“Yes it is.”

Before long the kitchen was filled with giggling laughter as the two girls kicked and tickled each other under the table. Their food left to get cold as they tried to one up each other.

Warming back up

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Poking her fork into the last portion of her pancakes, Adagio took the final bite of her breakfast. It was cold, but she had expected as much. Swallowing the delicious morsel, she gave Sunset a playful kick in the shin.

"Would you hurry up, and finish already," Adagio teased as she ran her foot along Sunset's leg.

"I can't help that you don't know how to pace yourself." Sunset pulled her legs closed around Adagio's foot. "Now behave yourself, so I can finish. Then we can have some real fun." Sunset gave Adagio the most devious grin she could muster as she took another bite.

"Are you implying that food is more interesting than me?" Adagio's voice was filled with mock sadness, as she fondled herself. While her fingers cupped around the small mounds on her chest, her foot caressed Sunset's calf.

Sunset scrapped the rest of her food into her mouth, chewing it as best she could before swallowing. "Better?" Sunset asked as she stood up.

"Better," Adagio affirmed as she rose, and rounded the table. "But you got some on your face," she said before running her tongue up Sunset's chin, and across her lips. She held her tongue out as she pulled back, so that Sunset could see the chocolate that she had been wearing.

Sunset quickly moved forward, catching Adagio's tongue with her mouth before the other girl had a chance to retract it. She sucked tightly on the warm muscle as she ran the tip of her tongue over it.

"And you, had your own breakfast," Sunset purred after pulling away.

"And I cleared my plate like a good girl. So, can I have dessert now?" Adagio said as her hands snuck around Sunset's back, and grabbed her shaply ass. Sunset let out a light squeak from the sudden contact.
"My you're persistent," she giggled as Adagio slipped her hands under the shirt that had been preserving her modesty.

"Mhmm," Adagio hummed as she started kissing her way down Sunset's neck. "I'm used to taking what I want, and I want you, a lot," the siren growled lustfully as her lips were stopped by the collar of Sunset's shirt. "This is gonna have to go." Adagio pulled at the garment with her teeth.

Sunset gave a faint smile. "I don't know... It might be more fun to watch you work around it."

"You don't like this shirt very much, do you?" Adagio asks with a sinister lilt to her voice.

"Not particularly, why..." Sunset is cut off by the sound of ripping fabric.

"Because it was in my way," she growls as the torn shirt falls away, and she continued her stream of kisses down Sunset's body. As she reached Sunset's breasts, she mixed light nibbles into the soft caresses of her lips against the skin. Her hands ran down Sunset's back, returning to her ass.

Sunset gasped, pleasure running through her as she watched Adagio. The siren moved with a primal grace that was as commanding as it was eloquent. She found her body leaning into Adagio's touch.

"That was rude," Sunset breathed as she slowly became helpless against Adagio's seductive advances.

"Then maybe you should punish me," Adagio grinned, challenging Sunset to resist her and take control.

With a great effort of will, Sunset pushed Adagio off of her, and flipped their positions, so that Adagio was pressed against the counter. She could hear the shock in her lover's breath, and the start of a word before her hand came down hard onto Adagio's ass, the sound of the smack ringing through the kitchen.

Adagio's breath hitched as the sweet pain surged through her body. She hadn't expected Sunset to follow through with it, but she did enjoy the contest for dominance. Another rush of pain interrupted her thoughts, and she found herself moaning in pleasure.

Sunset's mouth formed a wicked grin. "Stick your ass out for me baby, and I'll give you more," She whispered, breathing against Adagio's neck. Her hands rubbed the forming red marks to keep the flesh sensitive.

Adagio wanted to retake her spot on top, but Sunset had her positioned so that she couldn't get the leverage she'd need, so she'd wait, and play along. Adagio pushed her ass out, giving her hips a slight shake.

"Just make sure you don't miss a spot, I'd hate for it to be uneven," Adagio said in a low, seductive purr.

Sunset barely let Adagio finish speaking before landing a hard strike on Adagio's thigh, earning her a yelp. "Who said I was only after your ass?" Sunset teased, giddy that she made Adagio show some weakness.

"As fun as it is watching you squirm in my grasp, I think it's time we moved this to the shower," Sunset said as she gave Adagio's thigh another slap. "No reason we can't get clean while we're getting dirty," she added with a giggle as she ran a finger over Adagio's pussy before getting off of her, and making her way to the bathroom.

"You are such a fucking tease Sunset Shimmer!" Adagio yelled as she went after her.

Hot water

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Sunset could hear Adagio's heavy steps behind her, and could practically feel her lustful gaze. Good, she wanted Adagio nice and horny. "Come on baby, you're not gonna let me get to the shower first, are you?" Sunset teased, trying her best to rile Adagio up.

Adigo broke into a sprint, tackling Sunset to the ground in front of the bathroom door, and kissing her vigorously.

"Well, it looks like you got your wish, back on top," Sunset giggled as she reached out and touched the door. "But I still got here first."

"You are such a bitch, sunset Shimmer. Why do I even want to fuck you again?" Adagio said more to herself than Sunset.

"Cause you think I'm sexy," Sunset teased, moving her shoulders in time with her words.

"I hate you."

"You love me," Sunset giggled as she wiggled out from under Adagio. "Now come on, we can fuck once we get in the shower."

"You really want to get me in there, you have a fetish for it or something?" Adagio asked as she followed Sunset through the door.

"Huh? You mean you didn't find my little toy last night? I thought that's why you were jilling in here,"

"You keep a sex toy... In your shower?" Adagio asked, a tinge of disbelief on her words. She didn't recall seeing anything out of the ordinary.

"No, silly. The sex toy is the shower."

"Yep, you have a shower fetish. Sunset shimmer, shower sexual," Adagio laughed.

"Just shut up and get in the shower," Sunest huffed as she stepped in. Adagio was trying to get under her skin.

"Okay, okay. I thought I was the pushy one," Adagio was about to say something else, but Sunset pulled her in before she could. After taking a second to recompose herself she continued. "So here we are, the mythical shower, can I eat you out now?" She asked Impatiently.

"Not yet, first I've got to give you a little something for being so patient," Sunset grinned as she turned on the water.

"You know, this is actually making me less wet," Adagio said as the cold water hit her body.

Sunset wordlessly reached up and grabbed the showerhead, adjusting the nozzle, the water went from loose streams to hard-hitting jets as she moved it to Adagio's crotch.

Adagio gasped, her legs buckling from the sudden slamming of cool water against her clit, and g-spot. "Fuck," she said weakly as she melted into Sunest.

"Worth the wait?" Sunset said with a purr as she traced circles around Adagio's left nipple with the index finger of her free hand.
"Mhmm," she moaned softly. The water had started warming up, and she was in heaven as the intense jets of water hit her in all the right places, all at once. "I'm gonna get you back for this," Adagio said airily.
"For making you feel good?"
"For making me your bitch."
Sunset pinched her self proclaimed bitch's nipple. "Feel free too," she whispered into Adagio's ear before bitting her lobe.

Adagio's mind fogged with lust, her chest heaving as she laid against Sunset who was rubbing her abdomen.

"You are being uncharacteristically quite," Sunset quipped after several moments of only hearing heavy breathing, and soft moans from her lover.

"Please... Shut up, and just fuck me," Adagio gasped, she was so close to an orgasm.

Sunset reached a leg out, and nudged the hot water off. Adagio yelpped as she felt the rush of cold water again. "Fuck!" She screamed as she came hard.

Sunset kicked the warm water back on as she readjusted the nozzle to its original setting. "So, tell me about your fantasy last night, let's see if I can't make it come true," Sunset said with a lustful lilt to her voice.

A little submission never hurt anyone.

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"Oh.... That? I mean it's nothing we've already been much more intimate than my little fantasy, no point in draging it up," Adagio breathed heavily as she recovered from her orgasm.

"That's not the point I want to know what it was that lead you to fucking me last night, it must have been pretty steamy for you to come straight to my room and try to get some," Susnset giggled softly as she ran her finger tips up and down Adagio's outter thigh. Her skin was soft, warm, and pleasant to touch.

"Excuse me, I didn't go to your room to fuck you, I was trying to ask where to sleep because you neglected to tell me. Between that and all the lingerie you left me, I could swear you wanted that to happen."

"Well it wasn't exactly some master plan like you're suggesting, but I was hoping to see you in something lacy, you are hot as fuck after all," Sunset said as she nonchalantly moved her hands up to cup Adagio's breasts. "Even if your tits are nonexistent."

"Low blow Sunset Shimmer," Adagio growled, before gasping as she felt Sunset pinch her nipples, sending waves of pain and pleasure through her.

"So serious, I was just teasing baby," Sunset purred seductively as she nibbled Adagio's ear. "Why's it matter who started it, we had sex, we both liked it, and unless you want me to stop...." Sunset gave the nipples a twist, earning her another gasp. "We're about to fuck again. Now come on, tell me what I want to know."

Adagio sighed, as she explained her fantasy to her lover. "Then you came in with the clothes and that's all of it."

"Wow, I didn't realize Adagio Dazzle was such a subby little bitch," Sunset chuckled.

"Am not!" Adagio protested as she tried to turn around in Sunset's arms.

Sunset tightened her hold on Adagio as she felt her moving. "Nuh uh, you're staying right where you are," Sunset purred as she began tracing a finger up and down Adagio's abdomen. "I touched you like this right?" Sunset breathed on the back of Adagio's neck.

"Mhmmm, keep going," she gasped as Sunset's teasing touch chipped away at her desire to be incharge.

Sunset grinned as she moved her hand up to Adagio's breast. "See, I knew you could be a good girl," she cooed as she brought her other hand down to Adagio's crotch, being careful to touch everywhere except her pussy.

"You are not the dom in this Sunset Shimmer," Adagio tried her best to hiss the words, but she felt too good to manage anything other than an airy rasp.

"That's not what these lips are telling me," Sunset said in a husky tone, as she spread Adagio's pussy. "They're trembling, begging to be touched." Sunset caressed Adagio's clit with her index finger.

Adagio's hips bucked as she tried to get more out of Sunset's maddeningly gentle touch. "Stop being such a tease, and fuck me already."

Sunset pushed a finger all the way into Adagio's pussy, which earned her a soft moan. She pressed into Adagio's upper wall before slowly dragging her finger back out.

Adagio looked up at her lover, eyes full of need.
"Don't give me that look, you'll get more when you submit," Sunset gave a devious grin as she went back to her monotonous strokes.

The conflict played across Adagio's face. It wasn't like she hadn't been submissive before, but Sunset wanted her to come out and say it this time. She wanted her to commit to the part.

"Tick tock slut, we haven't got all day you know," Sunset said as she removed her hand from Adagio's nethers. "We've got time for one more orgasm, if you cooperate.

"I... I will," Adagio stammered.

Sunset grinned. "You will what?"

"I'll be your good girl, please, make me cum," Adagio begged, giving her lover what she wanted, the more reasonable part of her hoping she wouldn't regret it later.

Sunset didn't hesitate, shoving two fingers into Adagio the moment she heard the words. "Damn, you wanted it bad," Sunset giggled as she thrust her fingers in and out methodically. "If your cunt squeezes me any tighter I won't be able to fuck you."

"Please, no more teasing, I'm close," Adagio moaned as she ground into Sunset's hand. "Harder," she gasped as she felt pressure building in her abdomen.

Sunset plunged a third finger inside, her movements becoming more forceful. "Cum for me, like an obedient little bitch," Sunset growled lustfully before biting Adagio's neck. Sunset felt her lover's body tense, then go limp to a chorus of hard breathes and loud moans.

"See, wasn't that fun?" Sunset asked as she pulled Adagio into a kiss.

Adagio returned the kiss briefly. "Don't let this go to your head Sunset Shimmer, I am nobody's bitch."

"I just gave you two amazing orgasms, and you come at me with the tough girl act? It's cute and all, but I thought we were getting passed that, getting to the real you," Sunset said as she held Adagio.

"You don't want the unfiltered me, I've got problems that orgasms aren't going to fix."

Sunset kissed Adagio on the cheek. "Yeah, but maybe if I keep making you feel good, you'll let me in," Sunset said hopefully.

"Maybe," Adagio shrugged.

The two girls sat there, enjoying the casscading water, and the sound the droplets made as they hit the shower floor.

No time to play

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Aria looked over at Sonata and gave her a soft kiss, but said nothing.

"Was it too soon?" Sonata asked, worried she'd screwed up their relationship. Stupid, I knew I should have kept my mouth shut, first time playing dom and I've already fucked up! Sonata mentally berated herself.

"Thinking so hard's not a good look for you, ya spaz," Aria teased, trying to move passed the subject.

Sonata looked away from Aria. "You don't love me, do you?" She spoke softly, or at least she thought she did, it was hard to tell with her heart pounding the way it was.

Yes I do, that's all you'd have to say, and this would be over. Aria shook her head slightly. She couldn't lie about that. "I... I don't know how I feel yet, I mean I like you, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for more than that."

"You don't have to justify it, who could love a total spaz like me, right?" Sonata huffed as bitterness crept into her voice.

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it. We have fun together, isn't that enough?"

"No, it's not enough, I want to be your's and I want you to be mine. I'm tired of just being a steady piece of ass you can come back to when you're done fooling around."

"I don't do that anymore, I haven't slept with anyone else since we got rainbow blasted," Aria said in an attempt to cool her girlfriend down.

Sonata sighed, “could you go on and head out Aria? I need some time to myself."

"But I've still got thirty minutes..." Aria bit back the rest of her words and nodded, getting dressed. She took one more look a Sonata before opening the trailer door. "I really have changed," she half whispered to herself.

Once she was certain Aria was gone Sonata curled into herself, she felt so empty now, when mere moments ago she was the happiest she'd ever been.... Emotions suck.

Aria pulled out a cigarette, she kept several hidden in her clothes since Sonata didn't like her smoking, and put it between her lips before lighting it. She was trying to quit, but she was glad she had this one, she needed it after that fight.

Aria felt around her jacket pocket until she felt a small plastic bag, she didn't know what was in it, nor did she care. All she knew was she got paid to make sure someone got it, so it was probably illegal.

After taking the last puff, Aria flicked away the butt of her cigarette and check the prepaid phone her employer gave her. "Still got twenty four minutes to go," she sighed as the cold started to get to her. Not having anything better to do, she figured she'd get some shopping done while she waited, the convenience store was near the drop of spot anyway.

The sliding doors opened and the smell of... Well Aria didn't really know what the smell was, but all convenience stores had it.

"Hey Toasty," she said to a stoned looking twenty something behind the counter.

"Hey Aria," he said in a mellow tone. "What ya after today?"

"Beer and cigarettes," she said as she grabbed a twelve pack of beer from the cooler.

"Thought you were quitting?"

"Yeah, so did I, but I got in a fight with Sonata this morning."

"You know she's just gonna be more upset if she finds out right?" Toasty grabbed a pack of Aria's brand and set it on the counter.

"Yeah, but I'll be more upset if I don't, besides, who's gonna tell her?" Aria cocked an eyebrow.

"Not me, I like my head just where it is, though, maybe get her some of those wine coolers she likes? It's never a bad idea to bring an apology gift."

"I didn't do anything wrong though, I haven't cheated in over two months."

"Oh? So it was something different this time?"

Aria heaved a sigh. "She used the L word this morning... And I didn't say it back."

Toasty walked over to the cooler, and grabbed a six pack of fruity mixed drinks. "You're gonna need em."

"You gonna give me a bag? I still have a delivery to make."

Toasty took the cases of alcohol from Aria, and sacked them before handing her the cigarettes, which she tucked into her pocket, her jacket lifting up just enough to show the handle of a gun.

"Why do you always get the cheap beer when you steal it?" Toasty asked befuddled.

"Cause I'm just nice like that," Aria said as she walked out the door.

After making her delivery, Aria headed back to her shitty trailer. She reached up for the handle, it was locked. "Sonata, open up, it's freezing out here," Aria pleaded.

"Sonata isn't home right now," she said back, she was still laying in bed.

"Come on Sonata, I'm not kidding, my nipples are gonna break off if I'm out here any longer," Aria huffed before leaning against the door and lighting another cigarette, her plea was met with silence.

"I got those fruity drinks you like." She still heard nothing from inside. "Look... About this morning, you caught me off guard, I..." Aria took a deep breath. "I'm still coming to terms with these new emotions, I still feel so much guilt for what I put you through, I don't deserve your love."

There is a noise inside the trailer before the door opens, and Sonata steps out. Aria goes to speak but Sonata cuts her off with a kiss, before taking the cigarette from Aria and tossing it. "Your mistress doesn't like it when you taste like an ashtray, now get your ass inside and prepare to worship me like the pathetic little whore you are," Sonata gave Aria a faint smile. Aria smiled back and went inside.

A day at the fair, part one

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Adagio rested her back against the wall as the warm water continued to work it's magic. Sunset had gotten out to dry off and pick out clothes for her to wear, so she had room to stretch out a little. Why did I tell her all of that? Adagio wondered to herself. Who am I kidding, I know why. It's because she's getting to me. She stood up turning off the water, she need to let her hair start to dry since someone doesn't own a blow dryer. How does she expect me to get volume in my hair without a dryer?

Adagio began to towel herself off, she'd expected it to be chilly after being under the warm water for so long, but it still felt pleasant. "I hope she has something tasteful for me to wear," she sighed.

Not even a minute after Adagio was finished drying Sunset returned with clothes. "I did bother looking for a shirt that wouldn't be loose in the chest, since you'll be in a jacket anyway," Sunset teased. "Your butt is a little bigger than mine, so the pants should hug it nicely and..."

Adagio cut sunset off when she saw the jacket. "Okay, leather might work for you, but I'm not really into the whole 'biker fetish' look you've got going on with this outfit. Please tell me that isn't your only spare jacket?" Adagio asked.

Sunset blushed. "It is."

"No hair dryer and no sensible jackets, ughhhh, must you really drag me to the fair looking like some flat haired biker bitch?" Adagio looked over at Sunset who was playing with the zipper of her leather jacket. "N..not that it's a bad look, you make it work great.." Fuck, I screwed up really bad.
"You know actually, now that I look closer at it it's really cute, and I've been meaning to try something new with my hair anyway, flat is the new floof after all," Adagio said trying her best to not offend her host.

Sunset gave her a half smile as she handed over her old favorite jacket. "You're getting it when we get home," Sunset said as she slapped Adagio's ass as a sign of what was coming.

"Mmm, I wouldn't have it any other way," Adagio said back in a husky voice as she inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. Adagio pulled on the borrowed clothes, they didn't fit quite right, but, it would do until she could get new clothes.... Sunset will take her shopping eventually right? Questions for later, she thought as she put the jacket on and looked in the mirror.

"Gotta admit, I had my doubts, but I can make anything work," Adagio said as she struck a pose.

Sunset rolled her eyes at Adagio. "I prefer it when you don't have anything on, I think that works the best for you," She added with a giggle.

"Of course you do," Adagio swatted Sunset's chest. "Under that good girl facade you're just a big pervert."

Sunset blushed. "I'm not that perverted."

"Says the girl with a sexy toy for a shower head," Adagio said, refusing to not get the last word.

Sunset, noticing Adagio's game, simply let her have it. "So you ready to head out now, or would her highness like a mask so the public can't see what a flat haired biker bitch she is?" Sunset teased.

"No, I'm going to own it," Adagio said as she strutted out of the room. "Um... Which way is out again?"

Sunset gave a warm smile and led Adagio to her garage. "Try not to distract me while we're on the road," Sunset said as she put on her helmet and straddled her motorcycle.

Adagio followed suit, refraining from making any snide comments. Sunset was still acting all friendly, but she did just insult her sense of style, so she needed to tread carefully just in case.

The ride was cold, but thankfully brief. "So this is it huh?" Adagio asked as she looked around, noting several small tents that had games set up, and a few dull looking rides. "I don't know what I was expecting from a fair in this city, small and boring, just like the people in it...." Adagio bit her tongue, expecting Sunset to be upset, but mostly she wasn't.

"It's more fun than it looks," Sunset said as she unconsciously grabbed Adagio's hand and walked towards the ticket booth.

Adagio's first instinct was to pull away, but something stopped her.... It was definitely the cold, what else could it be?

A day at the fair part two

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"Two all day passes please," Sunset said to the bored looking man in the ticket booth.

He looked up at Sunset, then over to Adagio before holding out his hand.

Sunset fished around in her pocket before pulling out a few crumpled bills, straightening them out before handing them over.

The man scrunched his face slightly as he looked through them. "These are all big bills, I'm not sure I've got enough to give you change," he said as he kept one and put the rest back on the table, opening his cash register and checking his money.

"That's fine, you can keep the change," Sunset said with a big, warm smile on her face as she put the extra money back in her pocket.

The man's face brightened up and he handed her two wristbands. "Enjoy," he said as he watched them walk past.

"So do you always keep that much money just laying in your pockets?" Adagio asked as she slipped the band on, she'd always hated the things, but it beat hauling around tickets.

"Is it really that much? I just keep enough on me to go shopping if I need to."

"Shopping for what, engagement rings?" Adagio said, bewildered with how irresponsible Sunset was with her money.

"Got marriage on your mind Adagio? I didn't know you loved me so much," Sunset teased.

"I don't love you at all," Adagio said with a frustrated growl. "That was just the first thing that came to..." She caught herself, she wasn't going to give Sunset more ammunition.

Sunset gave a smile. "Cheer up, I was only playing., I know I'm just a fuck to you."

Adagio sighed before breaking out a smile herself. "A good fuck," she corrected.

The two giggled before looking around, trying to decide what rides and games to hit.

"Ferris wheel!" Sunset said excitedly, dragging Adagio over to it. "We've got to ride it and kiss at the top."

Adagio rolled her eyes. "You really like your cliches, don't ya?"

"It always looks so romantic in the moves, I wanna try it... I'll let you dom me tonight," she added the last bit as a whisper in Adagio's ear.

Adagio gave it some thought, she hated that it was a hand out, but she did want to get Sunset back. "Deal, but no mushy stuff. I want your hand on my chest and your tongue in my mouth," she said adamantly.

"Alright," Sunset beamed as she dragged her away.

"Wh..what? I thought you wanted to go on the stupid wheel thingy."

"We have to wait till sundown, that's how they always do it in the movies."

"First the porn, now cheesy teen romance movies, don't you learn anything for yourself?"

Sunset shrugged. "Most knowledge is second hand. But to answer more directly, yes, I love conducting experiments."

"Like what?" Adagio asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Like how Adagio Dazzle looks as a sub.. The answer is delicious, by the way," Sunset added with a mocking giggle.

"You're going to pay for that one tonight."

"Oh I'm counting on it, I like it rough."

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Well, lets get this over with. What other ride do you want to get on?" She asked as she looked around. There wasn't much, a cheap looking rollercoaster, a merry-go-round, and one of those gravity chambers that she assumed was invented as a means of torture.

"You've got to work your way up to the rides, start with the games first, then get some food, then you go on the rides."

"Play some rigged games, consume toxic waste, then crash horribly on one of these cobbled together rides... Sounds like a delightful way to die."

Sunset punched Adagio in the shoulder. "They look plenty safe to me, and the foods nowhere near as bad as the stuff they serve at school."

Adagio grinned. "So you know the games are rigged then?"

"What is your deal? Yes, it's not perfect, but it's something fun." Adagio started to open her mouth, but Sunset cut her off. "And don't just say sex is fun."

Sunset slowed down for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I've only been once before, but this fair means a lot to me, when we went last year... It was the first time I really felt like part of the group. So can you please not nitpick every little thing before we even get started?"

"Ok, ok, I'll give it a fair shot," Adagio relented., Tthough she almost didn't want to, Sunset was cute when she was huffy.

Sunset gave her a warm smile that almost made her forget the other reason she didn't want to be here, until the wind blew hard.

"So can we do something before my tits freeze off?" She asked shivering.

"Um, what tits?" Sunset teased as she gave her chest a subtle grope.

"Ha ha, I haven't heard that one before," Adagio's words oozed sarcasm.

"Alright, got it, your sensitive about your cute little titties," Sunset giggled as she looked around. "Oooh, let's play the dart game, I'm really good at that one."

"They're not that small," Adagio huffed as she walked with Sunset.

"I never pegged you as the type to get flustered about your body."

"I'm not flustered," Adagio said adamantly.

"Sure your not, and it's not cold out here either," Sunset teased as she bought a set of darts. "I don't know what the big deal is anyway, having a flat chest doesn't make you any less gorgeous." Sunset leaned over and gave Adagio a kiss on the cheek before throwing her first dart. The first one missed, but each subsequent dart hit it's mark.

Adagio hadn't been watching, her mind was replaying the last few minutes, trying to figure out what this girl really wanted from her. 'Sex isn't off the table, but if that's all she wanted we'd be at home, so at the very least it can't just be sex. Is it possible she really isn't just trying to use me?' She was snapped from her thoughts when a stuffed lion was shoved in her face.

"I won a prize for you," Sunset chirped.