Return of the Nightmare Bat King

by GermanAntasma

First published

Antasma comes back to the Living in the World of Equestria on the same day when Nightmare Moon returns. What will happen?

What would have happend when Antasma came back to the World of the Living Beings on the same day Nightmare Moon returned? Join as Antasma tries to realize his dreams in this new, weird world.

"It is time to finally finish vut I started so long ago, SCREEK! on that wretched Island."


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A being not seen every day. A creature far more powerful than a few think. A powerful nightmare that could defeat the most powerful heroes. And yet, he was defeated by a pair of brothers. Plumbers to be exact. Since the day he died, he was trapped in a place of Darkness. He liked it there but he still wants to get revenge. Revenge on those Pi'illos who imprisoned him in the Dream World. Revenge on the Brothers who defeated him. Revenge on that fat turtle who dared to betray him and left him to face death by the two super plumbers alone.

While he wandered this dark place, he was able to see other worlds in some kind of portel. He couldn't enter them, why he never cared, and saw some interisting worlds. In one, everyone looked like the red plumber and acted like retarded idiots, in another one a security guards tried to protect himself from machines that looked like animals for some reason. One world was amusing for him. In that world Humans were hunted by Dinosaurs. The strange, white Dinosaur was interisting for him but he wasn't really interested in standing there the entire time and watching it.

Now back to the present, the Bat King floated through this dark place until he saw a portal, one that was different than the others in this place. He saw a weird place with colorful, four-legged creatures. The happiness he sensed disgusted him. What surprised him was, as he tried to touch the portal his hand went right through it. He was able to enter it.

Finally having a chance to get out there, he went right through and found himself near a town that looked like it was made of stone, hay and wood. He saw a sign and read what stand on it.

'Welcome to Ponyville'

Well that was a strange name. Well for him anyways. Noticing that the sun was going down, he had already a feeling that something is going to happen. Being part bat has it good sides. Antasma then went into the town, of course making sure that no one sees him and waited at a building that was actually a tree. He looked through the window and saw the 'ponies' doing a party. Raising an eyebrow, even though I'm not sure he has eyebrows, he watched them playing games and had fun. Again he was disgusted. He said, "Vut is vrong vith them? This is not normal. No living being can be this happy, especially this pink vun."

He watched them until it was 4 or 5am. All ponies of that town had gathered together at a building they called 'Townhall' or something like that. Everything looked normal until someone they called 'Princess Celestia' didn't appear. Instead a mare as black as darkness, like Antasma's body, appeared. Unlike the other ponies he had seen, this one had both a horn and wings. She wore some kind of armor. She said something but he didn't care. But what got his attention was when she said something about 'The Night will last forever' and laughed.

He smirked and said, "Time to take action."

Antasma then turned into his cloud/mist form, making sure his eyes aren't seen, and flew into the public.

*Ponies point of view*

Twilight Sparkle was really having a hard time right now. First she and her dragon friend Spike were sent by Celestia to Ponyville to make friends, even though she wanted to find out more about the legend of Nightmare Moon. Then at the Summer Sun Celebration Nightmare Moon returned and now some strange purple cloud thing was flying around. It couldn't get any better.

Spike then asked Twilight, "T-t-twilight do y-you know what t-t-t-t-that is?" "No I don't Spike. I'm not even sure if something like this exists in Equestria," she answered. Then the cloud split into smaller parts before becoming the strangest creature everypony has ever seen. It's body was as black as Nightmare Moon and even though she would stand on her full heigh, Nightmare Moon would only be big enough t reach the half of it's body size. It had no legs, only something that looks like a tail that won't stop moving like it would be some tail of a ghost. On the shoulders were two long arms with big clawed hands that nearly reached the bottom. The arms were connected with some kind of cloak, which were pink. On the neck was a pink bow with bat wings. The head looked either like a helmet or something else. On both sides of the head was it's fur. It was black, slight purple at the end and it's form were spiked. The eyes were different. They were a pure golden yellow but they had no pupils. The surrounding of the gold colored eyes were black and surrounding of the black color was white. The eyes looked like a mask. It laughed with the deepest voice Twilight has ever heard so far and there were a few loud screeches that only a bat could make.

"Those are better reactions than I avaited. SCREE!"

This accent was unknown to her and everypony present at the moment. She realized that this thing was male. As she took a closer look at him, she noticed that by his lookes that he looked like a giant bat. Twilight then noticed that all ponies besdies Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Nightmare Moon looked at him in fear. Applejack looked more at him in confusion, Rainbow Dash in disgust and Nightmare Moon in anger AND disgust. She wasn't happy about this new being and she knew something was wrong with him. "Who do you think you are, interrupting me! The Queen of the Night!" The Alicorn spat as she looked at him. In return, he gave a smirk and she knew hat he showed her disrespect. 'How can he dare to show so much disrespect to me,' she thought bitterly as she looked at him.

"My name is Antasma. I am thee Bat King."

The Bat King has returned

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"My name is Antasma. I am thee Bat King."

Everypony in the room was shocked by that answer. Well except one. Nightmare Moon never heard of him but she won't let anypony or in this case anyone get in her way. Just as she was about to speak, Rainbow spoke up, "Oh yeah? Then tell me, what makes you so special you so-called 'Bat King'." Everypony shook their heads in agreement.

Antasma only grinned as he said, "I am a nightmare."

Now that shocked them more. Even the evil alicorn was surprised by that. A unknown being is a living nightmare. And it's a bat not to forget. Even before her banishment, Nightmare Moon never heard or knew that something like that existed but she didn't care. Antasma might be a threat to her plan and she would be damned if she let him come in her way. "I don't care who you are bat but if you dare to come in my way then I will destroy you." She spat at him, mostly the bat part. But he didn't seemed faced by that. He calmly said, "You vant to destroy me? Please. A vittle horse like vouldn't be able to beat somevun of your own size so shut up!"

Nightmare's left eye began to twitch as she heard the insult and instantly shot a sky blue magic beam at him. Antasma only hold his right claw infront of himself, hold beam with small trouble back and threw at the dark alicorn. Surprised and shocked by that, not to forget that she didn't had any time to escape, the beam hit her and she was thrown into a wall. Her eyes were spinning in cartoon style and small Rainbow Dashs flew around her head before she it. "Is that everything you got? SCREEETCH! Vell vutever, I haff plans so bye." He said.

Antasma flew out of the window. Nightmare Moon wasn't done with him so she screamed, "NOT SO FAST!" But before she could fly after him, he disappeared in a black, purple cloud or to say it in another way, he teleported. The other ponies got fast out of their shock before they saw Nightmare Moon turning into mist that looked like her mane and tail. Rainbow tried to fly after her but was not fast enough. But the rainbow maned pegasus saw Twilight running out of the Townhall and towards the Golden Oaks Library.


The Mane Six were now walking in the Everfree Forest, to get to the Castle of the two Royal Sisters and find the Elements of Harmony. Nightmare Moon gave them challenges, which they succeeded and without their knowledge, while Antasma watched in the shadows. After a while they got into the castle and found the elements. As Twilight tried to get sixth element, Nightmare Moon came and she and Twilight were teleported to another part of the castle.

As Twilights try to get the last element failed, Nightmare shattered them and thought she had won. But the rest of the Mane Six came, the Elements of Harmony were united and Nightmare Moon was defeated. But where the evil alicorn once was, was now light blue alicorn filly, which for some reason reminded Antasma of Dreambert. Then Princess Celeatia appeared, the ponies found out that she and Luna were sisters and returned to Ponyville.

But they didn't know that a part of Nightmare Moons spirit remained. Antasma took the opportunity and trapped her spirit in an Antasmunchie. He knew that she was glaring at him but only smirked. "I haff big plans und you might be of use. Soon I'm going to end vut I started so long ago, SCREEK! on that wretched Island." He cackled before breaking into an evil laugh.

Spying and making a new Servant

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It has been now a week after the defeat of Nightmare Moon and life went back to normal in Ponyville. Well almost. A few were still scared about Antasma and wondered when he would attack. Celestia was told about him but was impressed that there was a being, which was able to overpower her once evil sister in a battle. She tried to locate him but he was good at hiding himself. She didn't gave up but it was geting harder for her to get along with her business as a princess and trying to locate a threat to her little ponies.

Meanwhile Antasma was spying on the Mane Six to find out any weaknesses but so far he only found out that all of them were crazy. That Pinkie Pie was crazy was something everyone already knew but Twilight was supposed to be the smart but she acted sometimes like an idiot. He remembered when she got two golden tickets but instead asking for more in the first place, she just let everyone in Town do things for her; even she didn't wanted them do these things; and asked for more when it already turned into a 'desaster'.

Taking a break from the spying, he noticed an Antasmunchie that held the spirit of an familiar evil alicorn. Even it can't be seen, she glared at him. "You will not get away with this bat." She hissed, her voice coming out of the Dark Orb. The Bat King only smirked before he replied, "I don't think so. I told vou that you could be of use und vhile vee are talking thee changes are taking their effect on you."

"What are you talking about, my King?" She asked before the shock came. "Wait what did I just say?"

"That's vut I mean. I put a spell on that Antasmunchie to change you und it slowly erases your vishes, your desires und maybe your memories und personality."

"W-what do you mean with that?" She asked with a bit fear.

"I mean that you vill become my servant. You vill think that you vere destinied to serve me, SCREEP!, und you vill listen to every of my commands...und don't think I mean commands vhere you vould do things that you vouldn't vant to do. I'm not that kind of bat."

Nightmare was horrified. The thought that someone would change her was scaring her but she didn't wanted to accept it. No. She is Nightmare Moon, the Queen and true ruler of Equestria! She would never be someponies servant. But she called him her King. It was just to confusing for her. "I will never be a servant or slave to somepony like you."

"Vee vill see. The Antasmunchie will give you your own body vhen your transformation is done. It vill look und be exact the same body you had vhen you used the body of this 'Luna'. Goodnight Nightmare Moon."

Nightmare fought against the changes after Antasma was gone. But she wasn't strong enough to beat them. Slowly her thoughts began to change to exactly what Antasma told her. She still tried to fight but the thought of serving her master was stronger. She closed her 'eyes' before she saw only darkness.

After hours, she woke up and found out that she was back in her old body that she had now only for herself. She didn't had her armor anymore but she didn't care. All she now cared about was serving her master and do everything he commands her to do. She saw her mirror image in the nearby window and for some reason, the thought to look good for him came into her mind. She went into her old room and brushes her mane. When she went out of it, Antasma came into the room and she instantly bowed. "Good morning my lord. What can I do for you?"

"Hm looks like the transformation vas a success. Good. Now I don't vant anything. You can go." He said.

"As you wish." She said but for some reason, she wanted to be close to him. She felt so safe being near him and she is happy to have him as her master. But she noticed that she stared at his chest for a few minutes. Antasma didn't said anything, he neither didn't notice her staring at him or he didn't care. She began to ponder these thoughts but then it hit her. She still knew Antasma changed her into that way but she didn't mind that. It was that he had by accident made her having a crush on him. 'But this isn't important right now. I need to be a good servant, that's what matters.' She thought to herself. She went back to her business and tried to guard the castle if an intruder gets there, even though it would only be the Mane Six.

Antasma then continued his spying with a bored exprission. This is going to be a loooooooooong day.