Tekkit Is Awesome(A Yogscast/MLP Crossover)

by T1MBUK0N3

First published

The Mane 6 plays Tekkit with Honeydew Inc.

This is an alternate history of what could've happened if Twilight and her friends end up in the Tekkit world as allies of Honeydew Inc., and begins during Jaffa Factory by Lewis & Simon from the YogsCast.

I finished the story, and posted it online. If any of you want more chapters, then I'll make them. Mail your ideas to me, and use the Jaffa Factory series if you need, want, and or have to. And by mail, click on the envelope & message me through there. That means you'll have to PM me. ALSO, this story takes place after the wedding, but before the 2nd Crystal Empire.

Introductions & Team-Ups

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"Hey Lewis! Over here!" Simon yelled, waving his diamond axe over his head.

He was a dwarf of Stoneholm, sporting a bushy orange beard, a helmet, iron gloves and leggings, and a pair of shoes. He had a big metal "S" strapped onto his otherwise bare chest.

Simon was also quick to act and rarely thought things through. Which is the reason he was swinging his axe around like that, and why it slipped from his hand and nearly killed the man next to him.

"Ow!" Duncan yelled, as the axe grazed his cheek. "Watch it Simon!" Duncan looked like a mad scientist, with a white shirt, grey pants, and some goggles. He was usually calm, but certain things got on his bad side. Like Simon being "an absolute idiot", in his words.

Another man came running. He had brown hair, a mustache that linked to a short but thick beard and sideburns, and wore a brown jacket with a grey shirt. On his back was a diamond sword. His pants were brown and his boots black.

"What is it?" Lewis said, screeching to a halt. He was panting heavily, his hands on his knees.

"Check this out," Simon said. He side-stepped to reveal...

"Ponies?!" Lewis yelled, jumping back. Indeed, a group of ponies, six in all, lay snoozing behind Simon. One was lavender (unicorn), another white (unicorn), another orange (regular pony), another pink (regular pony), and two pegasi, one bright blue and one yellow.

"I checked the server logs, and they don't show up," Duncan explained. "They might be some sort of NPC... do we have Mine Little Pony installed?" he inquired, turning to Simon.

"Yeah, but our skins aren't compatible. Theirs must be," Simon answered. "Maybe they're using a hacking client, so we can't see their names?"

Suddenly, one of the ponies began to wake up...

"Unh..." Twilight muttered, lifting a hoof to her head.

"Hey, one of them's awake!" came a British-sounding voice.

"Huh??" Twilight said. "Who's the-AGH!" she yelled, jumping back. Standing in front of her were three humans. No big deal; she'd seen humans in books and stuff like that. But what surprised her was the fact that they were made from blocks.

"Um," said the shorter of the three, "why are you screaming?"

"Oh, sorry," Twilight muttered sheepishly. "I-I didn't see you at first."

"She looks... familiar..." muttered the aviator. "Wait! Are you Twilight Sparkle?"

Now that was odd. His voice was identical to an incompetent magician who'd shown up a while back... "Fumblemore?" Twilight guessed. "But... if that is you... why do you look so different?"

"That was a disguise," the aviator explained. "My real name is Duncan, LividCoffee on the internet. Good to see you again, Twilight."

"And... Xephos and Honeydew, wasn't it?" Twilight asked, now making connections.

"Yup!" the dwarf said cheerfully.

"Our actual names are Lewis & Simon," Lewis explained, "we just used those other names, because we didn't know if we could trust anyone."

Twilight nodded. That makes sense, she thought, they had no clue who we were, or if we could be trusted. Well, we know we can trust each other now, so... “I'm sorry about this,” she muttered. “I honestly don't know what happened. I was just running tests on some stuff you left behind, and...” She stopped talking. There was no need to continue explaining. If she hadn't gotten involved, none of the following events would've happened.

Just as Twilight stopped speaking, something snuck up behind Simon, aimed, and...


The words flashed through everyone's minds for a few seconds. Tools, materials, and some kind of cookies went flying everywhere. There was a dead silence. The skeleton looked from Lewis, to Duncan, to Twilight. Duncan cocked a mining laser, Lewis pulled out a sapphire sword, and Twilight began to ready a magical blast.

The skeleton's last words were, "Oh crud."

Approximately five seconds later, all that remained of the skeleton was a scorch mark on the ground, some arrows, and...

“A bow!” Lewis exclaimed. “That's a really rare drop.”

Twilight picked it up using magic, and to her surprise, was able to use it expertly at once. She put an arrow in, aimed, and nailed a four-legged green creature right around the corner.

Lewis whistled. “Must have been enchanted. Even rarer.”

Suddenly, Simon appeared in front of them. “Wow, that could have gone better,” he muttered, slightly irritated. He went over to where he had died and picked everything up that he had dropped on death.

“Uh, what?” Twilight asked, confused. “I saw that thing shoot him! How is he still alive?!”

“I respawned, that's why,” Simon answered. “Death is never permanent here for anyone with human intelligence. Testificates are an exception, though,” he added.

“Testificates?” Twilight said.

“They inhabit villages,” Lewis answered. “They look kinda weird. Look, let's get your friends out of this cave before any more monsters show up.”

A round of agreements and a spawn later...

“Whoa,” Twilight said, in shock of the machinery. “This is so advanced...”

“Yup,” Simon said, a little too proudly. “And we're not even done with the factor-"

"That man outside," Twilight said, looking out the window. "Who is that?"

“Sjin”, Duncan growled. “I hate that guy.”

“Why?” Twilight asked, tilting her head in a befuddled manner.

“See this?" Duncan asked, waving his hand at the machinery, "This is part of the Tekkit mod, a multiplayer version of the Technic Pack. I played it before, with Sjin amongst others. Sjin tried to steal all my stuff, & we've been bitter enemies ever since."

Multiplayer? Twilight thought. "So, is this like a game?" she asked.

Lewis answered, "Yep. Not actually sure how you got in the game."

It was about that time that the other ponies started to stir.

“Oh, my stars...” the white unicorn moaned, raising a hoof to her head. “I feel absolutely dreadful...” Then she noticed Lewis.

“Rarity?” he asked. Rarity's response was a yelp and a backwards leap. Then she paused.

“...Xephos?” she asked, as recognition dawned. A nod. “How...” she began, then looked around. “Where are we, exactly?”

And on and on, as the other ponies awoke. After the introductions and explanations were done, Fluttershy (the yellow pegasus) raised a hoof.

“Um,” she said in a quiet voice, “What's Sips Co.?” Sips Co. had been mentioned during the explanations.

Duncan scowled. “They dig up and refine dirt for use as a building material. It's boring, but useful. Apparently.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Well that sounds foolish. There's dirt all around, and who in the world would want it in the first place?”

Another scowl. “I don't know. Sips is a strange man, and a pretty bad boss if the stories are to be believed.”

“Stories?” one of the normal ponies, Applejack, asked.

Duncan sat down on a nearby chest, a frown lingering on his face. “Some say that Sips doesn't allow any holidays, others say he hates technology. I don't know how Sips Co. is so successful if they avoid all of this.” At that last word, he waved a hand around the room, indicating all the machinery.

“All true,” Lewis piped in.

“So...” Twilight said, “what exactly are you trying to do that's got Sips Co. against you?”

At this, Simon beamed proudly. “I am the founder and CEO of Honeydew Enterprises, and our goal is to make the greatest jaffa cakes of all time and distribute them for affordable prices to the world!”

“...What's a jaffa cake?” Pinkie asked, clearly interested.

“It's a pastry covered in chocolate with a fruity gel filling,” Simon answered.

“How can I help?” Pinkie asked, a smile on her face.

“So why is there any conflict?” Twilight asked, interrupting to keep things sane.

“Well, we bought some land, but Sips. Co claims they did first,” Duncan explained. “Since we lost the paperwork, we can't check the dates, so for all intents and purposes, the land's not ours.” With that said, they went outside, leaving the ponies inside.

"Did y'all hear that?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded, "I think we got some demolition to do."

"Woah woah WOAH, everypony," Twilight said, "Let’s think this through, I mean corporate warfare is fine, but do we want this to turn into a full on battle? Really, guys?"

Rainbow Dash already had a block of TNT in her hooves. "Come on, Twilight, it’s pretty likely that land belongs to Honeydew Enterprises."

"But that doesn't make it right!" Twilight protested. "What if someone gets hurt, like us?! We don't know if we could respawn, and I'd rather not try and find out!"

Rarity had been digging in the chest to find several diamonds. "Oh, my stars!" she said, then she brought the diamonds out.

Twilight got an idea, "Hey, didn't they make diamond armor when we last saw them in Equestria?"

A few minutes later, the ponies were all wearing diamond armor. It had took a lot of trial-and-error, convincing Rarity. They covered the dirt shack in TNT.

"Alright, Dashie!" Pinkie yelled, "PULL THAT LEVER!"

With that said, Rainbow pulled the lever, causing the attached TNT block to flash.

"RUN!" she yelled.

They all ran away from the area, & the TNT blocks blew up the dirt shack. A few seconds later, SJIN BLEW UP flashed, followed by the immediate chain reaction taking place. Afterwards, all that remained was a crater and a now exposed nether portal floating in midair.

Destruction & Restoration

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It was a few minutes after the Mane 6 set off an explosion, resulting in the chain reaction that left a nether portal floating in midair. In the Nether, mobs were becoming more ambitious than the rest, ambitious enough to go to the overworld to claim it for themselves. Doing so, Hell began breaking loose, just like the war that Duncan and Sjin had with each other a long time ago. The Mane 6 noticed this and invited the Honeydew boys to fight the mobs with them.

The fight lasted for hours, unfortunately, Twilight cast a magic spell that came in contact with the magic of the Nether portal, resulting in the destruction, and the crash, of the Tekkit server. When it crashed, the landscaped looked horrible, a lot worse than the aftermath of the war between Duncan and Sjin. A wasteland that left behind lots of bedrock. No obsidian, grass, dirt, water, or lava to be seen.

In real life(IRL), the computers were disrupted within the YogTowers, and the Yogscast men and women decided to find out what was going on. Investigating the rooms, they found one with the animated characters inside, unconscious once again. They got the ponies out of the room and into the main room of the building. After the ponies woke up in the main room, Ridgedog began questioning them.

“What the hell is going on here?!” he asked in such shock.

The Mane 6 explained how they got here when the Yogscast were playing Sunshine Of Israpony, how the Yognaughts left some stuff behind, how they got to the Tekkit world, the explosion that Rainbow Dash planned to set off, the Nether mobs, all leading up to now. Nilesy was thinking about protesting against what the Mane 6 have done, but decided to talk Hannah into reasoning with them on a new idea.

“Girls,” she got the ponies’ attention, “I have an idea. Ridgedog should recreate the Tekkit server from before the explosion you guys set off, and things will go back to the way they were. You girls should work with Honeydew Enterprises against SipsCo, as long as you don’t make Hell break loose again like that war that Duncan and Sjin had once. And also, Twilight and Fluttershy should help me sometime, despite the fact that Fluttershy has a fascination for animals, especially the owls, which I have a major fascination for, and that Twilight Sparkle has a pet owl. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Hannah,” Twilight began, “but what was with the war that Duncan and Sjin had?”

At this, the two mentioned men came in and told them about the war from their perspectives. How Sjin stole Duncan’s stuff during his mass fabrication machine constructions, this one time Sjin attacked Duncan when he was testing his rings, and the war that the two finally had, resulting in the destruction of most of the land there, Sjin sneaking into Duncan’s nuclear reactor and replacing his cooling cells with uranium cells, and the destruction of that world since then.

The Mane 6 were shocked about this war that the two entities had in the former server, despite the fact that wars that powerful never actually happened in Equestria. Afterwards, Ridgedog began working on the recreation of the Tekkit server, which took a few hours. But for some reason, the server wouldn’t come back, because the disrupted computers wouldn’t fix.

“Ridge,” Twilight said, “I have an idea.”

“What is it, Twilight?” he asked.

“This may sound crazy, but I think Rarity and I should combine our magics and fix the computers so the server will work again.”

“What would Rarity think?”

At this, Rarity came in, “I’ll do it. Ready Twilight?”

“Ready, Rarity,” Twilight said, “All right, everyone, brace yourselves.”

The two unicorns readied their magic and tried to fix the machines, but it wasn’t enough. Then all of a sudden, the magic got stronger and changed the environment. The six ponies found themselves in the Tekkit server as of before the explosion. And then, words began flashing through everypony’s minds at an alarming rate.






The words flashed through until every Yognaught playing on the server before the explosion were officially on it. The Mane 6 rushed out of the unfinished Jaffa Factory to the shed to find the Jaffa Factory boys inside.

“Lewis! Simon! Duncan!” the girls shouted.

“Girls!” Lewis shouted, “How are two unicorns able to handle such magic?!”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said, “unless there are other ponies trying to join the fun.”

“Can you guess who those ponies are?” asked a familiar voice.

A few ponies came out of hiding from an invisibility spell that a familiar unicorn cast on them. Of those ponies was a mint-green unicorn that Twilight recognized as Lyra Heartstrings, accompanied by a creme earth pony recognized by Pinkie as Sweetie Drops a.k.a. Bon Bon, a white unicorn and a gray musician pony that Rarity recognized as Vinyl Scratch a.k.a. DJ-Pon3 and Octavia. Standing in between the two ponies was a white unicorn filly that Rarity recognized as her sister, Sweetie Belle, a yellow earth pony filly that Applejack recognized as Apple Bloom were accompanying Bon Bon, and a baby dragon that Twilight recognized as Spike was standing on Scootaloo.

“Lyra?! Spike?!” Twilight asked in shock and disbelief, “What are you and your friends doing here?!”

“We went out looking for you,” Lyra said, “we even talked to Celestia and Luna about your locations and learned about everything that happened with you six and decided to join the fun, to help you. We all have our ambitions. Also, we brought Spike and your sisters with us so you wouldn’t miss each other.”

“That’s so sweet, Lyra,” Twilight responded, “Also, I can assume of how surprised, excited, and/or flattered you are since we’re becoming friends of humans.”

“Yeah, but not enough to make me seem like a maniac.”

“That’s right, and I can already imagine Bon Bon’s reaction to this.”

“I was pretty shocked at first,” Bon Bon said, “and I also thought there would be humans that would despise us, and that there were humans that would like us. Maybe we could get used to them.”

“I hope so,” Twilight said, “because Sips and Sjin running SipsCo are terrible people, but then again they might not be so bad after all if you look from a different perspective.”

“Yeah,” Bon Bon said, “but I think I have a few ideas for teams myself.”

“Ooh…,” Pinkie asked, “what KINDS of ideas?”

“I’ll talk about them tomorrow. Right now, it’s getting dark, and I think we should get to sleep.”

“(yawn)You’re right,” Lewis said, “the boys and I will construct and condense some more beds. I’ll be right back.”

Lewis left the shed with shears and shaved some sheep, collecting wool in the process, then he chopped some trees within the walls and rushed to the crafting table in the yet unfinished Jaffa Factory to turn the wood into planks, then mixed the wool and planks to make beds. Once the beds were complete, Lewis took them out of the crafting bench, as well as a bunch of spare materials, then placed one of the beds in the Energy Condenser on the next level upwards. He then placed the spare materials and useless rubbish (including dirt) to make more beds.

When he had enough for the ponies, he then took the beds from the condenser and got to the shed to place them down, when he saw a third shed being built by the unicorns and pegasi. By the time the shed was finished, Lewis stepped inside to see how it matched the other two sheds. There was a marble floor, and the shed was made of wood, but what differed it from the other two was the fact that it was bigger than the other two.

“Holy crap!” Lewis shouted, “How are you able to do this?”

“Well duh,” Vinyl said, “wings and horns. We’ve been doing it while you’ve been condensing the beds.”

“Oh,” Lewis said, starting to put the pieces together, “well I guess it’s time to go to sleep.”

“(yawn)I think so to,” Octavia said.

“Here are the beds,” Lewis said, giving the beds to the ponies. The ponies then placed the beds within the rooms and gave themselves places to sleep. Unfortunately, there weren’t enough for everypony, so a few of them decided to cuddle with the Jaffa boys. Pinkie and Bonnie wanted to sleep with Simon, so they did so and everypony had someone/somepony to sleep with. Rarity slept with Sweetie Belle, Octavia and Vinyl, Twilight with Lyra and Spike, Scootaloo with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and Applejack with Apple Bloom.

When morning came, everyone woke up and went to the Jaffa Factory to listen to Bon Bon’s ideas for teams. When they got to the factory, Bon Bon cleared her throat. “Okay, for teams, I’m thinking that Pinkie and I should bake the Jaffa Cakes with Simon, while Twilight and Lyra should work with Duncan on the machinery, and Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash can work with Lewis on the mining expedition. The others can stay here and enjoy themselves, while trying to find ways to help out with the Jaffa Factory. What do you think?”

The mentioned ponies took to Bon Bon’s idea, and the teams were formed. Things in Tekkit were about to change forever.

Yellow Lanterns

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It was minutes after the morning came, and the Jaffa Factory boys and ponies woke up to get up to a good start on the factory flooring. The ponies, which were all female, were offended by the SipsCo motto being, “Big Money, Big Women, Big Fun”, which they claimed was sexist. They saw the sorting machine was out of order, the basement being a mess, and the factory being messed up, so they decided to work with the boys on that.

It is a rainy day, and the boys are on the second floor, the ponies being on the bottom floor, except for the pegasi. Lewis was announcing his plans for the factory.

“So Duncan’s gonna have sorting machines all over the back wall,” he said.

“We’ll see if we can help him with that,” Twilight said, with Lyra nodding in agreement.

When Lewis was on the 5th block in the empty rows, he said, “Right, and what we wanna try and do is build scaffolded beams across here.”

At that last bit, he placed a scaffolding block on one of the wooden blanks.

“But I’m gonna get some lamps first, because these are a bit of a pain in the ass to use.”

“Ya might want to be careful with your language,” Applejack said, “but since we’re not in Equestria, ah guess ah could let you off the hook. Do ya have anything you need for the lamps?”

“I got red alloy wire,” Lewis responded, “but I’ll see if I can find more resources.”

“I’ll check on the quarry deep underground,” Duncan said. He went downstairs to check on it. Twilight and Lyra teleported with him to check with him.

“Looks to me like it’s going great,” Lyra said.

“I think so too,” Twilight responded, “but what about the sorting machine upstairs?”

Duncan assured them, “I’m pretty sure the others are already working on it.”

Back upstairs, even though they’re only using ladders for up/down transportation, Simon, Pinkie and Bon Bon were investigating the macerators and condenser.

Duncan communicated with the others thanks to Twilight and Lyra combining their magics to create an active communication system. He told them about the quarry status at the moment.

“So any metal goes into this crazy macerating mess I assume?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Lewis answered, condensing iron ingots and rubies into glowstone dust.

“And everything else goes into the condenser?” Duncan asked.

“Oh,” Simon said, noticing the pipes, “stuff is actually coming through.”

“Yeah,” Duncan said, “it’s going into the condenser.”

“It’s working, Lewis,” Simon told his buddy.

“Looks like we’re gonna have an easy time finishing construction of the, Jaffa Factory,” Pinkie said, “Right, Bonnie?”

Bon Bon said, “That depends. We might get distracted, SipsCo would sabotage us, other companies would be in cahoots with them, another server-destroying war would happen, some of our projects would go wrong, do you get what I’m saying?”

“Yeah,” Pinkie answered, “let’s hope none of that ever happens. How’s the sorting system?”

“I don’t know if it’s actually working,” Lewis said.

“Well no, when we get some iron, copper or something go through,” Duncan explained.

“Ahh…,” Lewis said, “Beautiful, thank you.”

After condensing enough, Lewis decided to stop. “I’ll take 64 for now,” he said, “I’ll see how many lamps I can make with that.”

“Okay,” Rarity said, as she came in. She was back from mining, and secretly casted a spell on herself to prevent her body from being messed up. Adjoining her were Sweetie Belle, Vinyl Scratch, and Octavia Philharmonica Melody Pie, who were mining with her.

“There we go,” Simon said, “I knew the iron was gonna be good for something.”

“Good for what?” Pinkie asked Simon curiously.

“Uhh…,” Simon said, “I don’t know.”

Lewis went downstairs to the level above the quarry room to gain more materials for the lamps.

“It’d be good if we didn’t have to use torches,” Simon said, “but that would be a lot of lamps. Wouldn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow began saying, “but you forgot that there are horned and winged ponies here. They could help speed up the process and place the lamps in the correct locations for the factory. You’ll have nothing to worry about, Simon.”

“I guess you’re right, Rainbow,” Simon said.

“Have a little bit of rose, maybe,” Duncan said through the communication.

“Why?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing,” Duncan responded.

“We can line them up with the marble on the walls,” Simon said, “and have them at nice neat periodic intervals.”

“Doesn’t look like a bad idea,” Bon Bon said.

“Or maybe it’s a hopeless dream,” Simon said.

Everyone laughed at his statement.

“Right,” Lewis started, “I got nine now. How do we wanna lay these out?”

“Nine what?” Lyra asked. She, Twilight and Duncan came back up from the quarry room.

“Nine lamps?” Simon answered but it sounded like a question.

“Yeah,” Lewis stated, “I guess it’s a start.”

Everyone giggled at Lewis’s statement.

“I’ll be off now,” Rarity explained, “Gonna mine more materials to make music players for my friends to use for entertainment.” After finishing the words, she left the factory and went looking for a cave. Back at the factory, the others were trying to create a layout of the lamps.

“Well, it is a start,” Simon responded to Lewis’s earlier statement, “it is a start, yeah.”

“What I was thinking of doing was having it like…,” Lewis said. He began placing glass blocks to describe his pattern. “just bare with me for a moment.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said.

Lewis tried to place the scaffolding block on the glass, but nothing worked, so he decided to place wood in place of the glass.

“Any ideas, Simon?” asked BonBon, using her chalkboard to find ways to use the Tekkit machines to make Jaffa cakes.

“”We can kinda have one here,” Simon explained, gesturing in the corners, “between, like in the corners there.”

Lewis placed the scaffolding on the plank, and it worked!

“Now if you watch what I’m planning on doing,” Lewis began, “okay, so I’m planning on scaffolding out like this, okay.” At that last statement, he began placing the scaffolding down as the ponies minus Rarity, watched him.

“Right,” Simon said, before noticing the rainy weather that began when everyone woke up, “oh my goodness.”

“Okay, now just bare with me,” Lewis said, “this might not worked.” As Lewis placed the sixth scaffolding down, he learned that he reached the limit.

“Oh, damn,” he cursed, “okay, that’s as far as it goes.”

“I like how it’s not lining up with the walls,” Simon said sarcastically, “god damn it, Lewis.”

“Sorry,” Lewis apologized.

“Make it line up with something,” Simon told Lewis, “or I’m gonna spurge out here.”

“No need for THAT, Simey,” Pinkie said.

“I guess you’re right,” Simon said. “as founder and CEO, I’m sending the unicorns to find Rarity.”

“Okay,” all unicorns said in agreement and teleported away.

“We’re gonna have scaffolding beams, almost, like trusses,” Duncan explained, “with lights hanging off of them. Is that what you were thinking, Lewis?”

“Oh,” Simon began, “that’s a good idea.”

“I think so too,” Pinkie giggled.

Simon began to ask Lewis, “Is that what you were gonna-” but then realized, “no, they’re just sort of stuck.”

“I hope the lights don’t scare us,” Fluttershy said.

“They can’t do that,” Simon said.

He walked over to the stone brick line on the opposite wall of where Lewis first began scaffolding, and gave a few directions to Lewis.

“Okay, make it line up with here,” he began, “with this wall here, so one in, maybe.”

“But what about the other side?” Rainbow asked.

“We’ll fix that,” Simon assured her. After reviewing Lewis’s placement, he said, “I think Duncan’s diagram of the lights dangling down a bit might be better.”

Lewis began removing the scaffolding blocks.

“So move them all in one,” Simon began once again, “so they line up with here.” At that last bit, he indicated where he was. Meanwhile, Bon Bon was trying to explain to everyone about how she calculated on using the right machines to make the jaffa cakes.

“Doesn’t look good, Bon Bon,” Applejack said.

“I’m still trying to calculate the correct machines as well as the correct ingredients and crafting recipe,” Bon Bon answered, “it may take a while to finish.”

“Can you make the scaffolding into, kinda like an arch?” Duncan asked.

“I like how Simon’s sperging out about the actual like, lining of the scaffolding with the pillars,” Lewis said.

“Yeah,” Simon and Duncan both said in agreement.

“I don’t know how we can make scaffolding too much,” Lewis said, “maybe, we might be able to, make an arch in Minecraft.”

Lewis began making an arch.

“Maybe like that,” he said, finished with a poor design.

“No,” Duncan and Simon said in unison.

Meanwhile, in a cave, The unicorns found Rarity mining a bunch of diamonds and emeralds from the caves, using quarries, and the old-fashioned technique, with her magic.

“Rarity?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight?” Rarity asked back, “what are you and your friends doing here?”

“We came here looking for you,” Lyra said, “what are you doing here?”

“I just went mining for materials to make music players for the factory, and for resources we might need for the jaffa devices.”

“Why?” Sweetie Belle asked, “and what about the emeralds?”

“For entertainment and process purposes, Sweetie, dear,” Rarity answered, “as for the emeralds, they’re for a secret purpose that I can’t tell anyone.”

After the quarries finished digging, the unicorns then left the cave and took all the mined resources with them back to the Jaffa Factory. There, Lewis was still trying to find a way to make an arch, and was starting to succeed.

“I think if I knock this bit out,” Lewis said, knocking the corner out, “then maybe…”

“I’m thinking of a more gentle arch,” Duncan said, “with maybe two or three bends.”

“Do you wanna do it, Duncan?” Lewis asked.

“I’ll put some stuff in the alloy furnace, then I’ll have a go,” Duncan explained. Lewis’s new design was a bit better, and it looked good to Simon.

When Duncan went to the alloy furnace, he noticed the horned ponies back from their mining trip, which shocked him.

“Hi!” Lyra said.

“Lyra?” Duncan asked, “have you always been here?”

“Earlier,” Lyra began, “Twilight and I, as well as Vinyl and Sweetie Belle went to find Rarity, who went into a cave and used her magic to create a bunch of quarries to mine the whole thing, while also using the old-fashioned technique. She was mining enough resources that we might need to create the machines needed to make music players for entertainment, and Jaffa cake devices for progress. Still don’t know what the emeralds are for.”

“Emeralds?” Duncan asked, everyone else listening to the conversation.

“They’re for a secret purpose that I can’t tell anyone,” Rarity said. With that said, everyone resumed what they were doing.

“The problem, is that these lamps are gonna need to have redpower running along them,” Lewis explained.

“Right,” Simon said in response.

“I’m not actually sure you could do that,” Lewis said.

“Something to do with the scaffolding?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah,” Lewis answered, “but let’s have a look.”

“Okay,” Lyra said.

“I’m not sure this‘ll actually work,” Lewis said as began planting red power wires on the scaffolding, “oh, never mind.”

However, when he placed it on the top block, it didn’t connect with the rest. “I can’t run it up the step,” he said.

“Damn,” Duncan cursed.

“Watch it!” Sweetie Belle warned Duncan.

“Maybe you could put a normal block down,” Duncan explained, “like an iron block or something.”

“I don’t want to use iron blocks,” Lewis said, “they’re too expensive.”

“Hang on,” Duncan said, “maybe you could use a cover. Do we have a saw anywhere?”

“Oh, I get it,” Twilight explained, “so that the redwire could run up the scaffolding with the cover in it, and make the lamps glow!”

“I remember a saw being in a chest,” Simon said as he rushed to the automatic crafting table to get a saw out, while the ponies reviewed Bon Bon’s calculations for jaffa cake creation devices.

“God, we really need a roof,” Duncan said, noticing the rain outside. The unicorns protected everyone by combining their magic to create a rain-proof shield to prevent themselves from ever getting any colds.

“Of course we need a roof,” Lewis said, “that’s why I’m building one, and the unicorns did a good job providing a temporary one for us.”

The unicorns blushed at Lewis’s statement.

“Here you go,” Simon said, giving Duncan the saw.

“It’s good that we’re using scaffolding for a building material inside of building it up the sky,” Lewis said, “since it’s supposed to be useful.”

“But it looks good,” Duncan said, “I like it.”

“It does look good,” Lewis said, “doesn’t it?”

The ponies glanced at the structure, wondering why it looked so oddly familiar to them.

“It fits with our strategy,” Lewis said.

“I like this, Lewis,” Simon said.

“I need a better saw,” Duncan said, “this one isn’t cutting anything.”

Simon said, while trying to place a scaffolding block next to the orange lamp to complete the arch, “So you can’t actually put the scaffolding up against…”

“I think there was a diamond saw somewhere,” Duncan said. He went to search in every chest for the diamond saw, until he noticed Rarity placing the collected resources from earlier in the chests. He ignored her, and continued searching.

“Maybe it’s in the tool chest back in the shed,” he said to himself, leaving the factory.

Simon describe the pattern while building the arch with Lewis, and made a few corrections.

“No,” Duncan said, realizing that it wasn’t in the shed.

“Looks like they got it right,” Lyra said, looking at the still familiar shape of the arch.

“I’m gonna make us a diamond saw,” Duncan said, “so I could use it.”

Lewis began planting redstone wiring along the arch, fell off when he planted them on the side, and went back up to finish the planting along the lamps. Simon used a redstone torch to make the wire light the orange lamps, and it finally worked. When the ponies took a look, it immediately made them realize why the arch looked so familiar. Something very traumatic.

They saw those kinds of arches during their visit to Tartarus, which was a very dangerous place. It was a horrible place to stay, and in reality, the arch the boys just built and made the ponies relive the trauma, which broke them. It really broke them. When the boys found out, they reminded them that the arch shouldn’t have any relations to the bad parts of their memories, and that things are currently going to be alright. The ponies realized the point, and decided to let things go with the flow, and continue working on the right tactics to make jaffa cakes in Tekkit Minecraft.

“Phew,” Duncan said, exhausted from all the work, “that was probably enough for tonight.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said, “we should probably get some sleep.”

“I think so too,” Lewis said, “but first, since the Mane 6 meet us in our IRL, they probably know about YouTube. Also, I might need to do the Yogscast outro.”

With that said, Lewis already did the Yogscast outro, and everyone got off the servers, going back to their specific worlds.