Non Fiction

by RarityEQM

First published

Trixie helps Twilight with a magic spell and in the process makes Twilight really hot for her.

When Twilight has trouble with a magic spell, it's up to Trixie to save the day with her magic!

The Library Lesbians

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It was a pretty day outside the golden oaks library and the sun was shining brightly in the sky and the grass was green. It was a nice spring day, almost as nice as the mare sitting on the front steps of the golden oaks library. Trixie Lulamoon, most powerful and greatest mage ever, had taken time off form her busy schedule of show stopping performances to visit Twilight Sparkle who lived at the library. Trixie knew Twilight couldn't go too many days without seeing her, so she made time in her busy schedule to see Twilight, so Twilight wouldn't go crazy without seeing her. It was a noble gesture and a burden that Trixie was happy to do because she was a nice pony. She walked up to the library and was about to knock on the front door of the library when a rattling BOOM shook the whole library!!!!!!


"Whats that?" said Trixie, but the great and powerful Trixie already knew the answer as she stepped into the library. Black smoke was oozing out of the door to the basement, and Trixie quickly ran over to the door and opened it up, but first she put her hoof on the door to see if it was hot because fire safety is important. The door was not hot so Trixie went inside. Inside the basement, Twilight Sparkle was coughing and wheezing and hacking because of the smoke.

"What happened here?" said Trixie. Twilight turned around, shocked that the beautiful pony had come down into the basement to rescue her. Surely nopony else would brave the danger of a fire to rescue Twilight, but Trixie wasn't just any somepony, she was Trixie Lulamoon, most powerful unicorn in Equestria.

"Oh! Trixie! You startled me. " Said Twilight who was startled by Trixie. She walked over and gave Trixie a hug, happy to see a friendly face in the wake of such a disaster.

"Oh, Trixie, I'm having a very hard time with this new spell. It is very hard. " Said Twilight clinging to Trixie's neck. Trixie nodded her head and gently patted Twilight on the mane.

"It's ok, Twilight. You tried your best. Let me see if I can help. " Said Trixie who looked over the experiment Twilight was working on. it didn't look very challenging, but Trixie was really really good at magic, so it wasn't hard for her. She quickly fixed Twilight's mistakes and the experiment was a total success.

"Oh thank you Trixie! I had been working super hard on that all morning, but I just could not figure it out. I was trying to turn that color in the vial from blue, to green. " Said Twilight. Trixie smiled and pulled Twilight close and also gave her a hug, because Trixie was a nice mare that cared about other ponies feelings and Twilight looked like she needed a hug because she was sad her experiment didn't work.

"There there, Twilight. It's okay now. You're a very powerful mare you just need a little more practice." Said Trixie. Twilight smiled brightly and hugged Trixie even tightlyer , gently leaning forward to kiss Trixie on her neck where it was sensitive.

"Trixie, I don't know what I would do without you. Please let me repay the favor. " Said Twilight, kissing all over Trixie's neck. Trixie smiled and tried to fight it but Twilight was very eager to repay her.

"No need, Twilight, I'm just helping out a fellow mage."Said Trixie. But it was clear Twilight was not able to contain herself any longer. She kissed Trixie long and hard, submitting fully to the carnal desires that she tried to hide.

"Please, please Trixie, please?" Twilight said huskily, kissing more furiously at Trixie who gently wrapped her hoof around Twilight and held her close. The poor mare needed it badly, and who was the great and powerful Trixie to deny such a poor horny mare. So Trixie kissed Twilight back and it was the most best, romantic, amazing kiss that Twilight had every gotten before in her life. She literally melted in Trixie's arms as Trixie kissed her.

"I need you. Let me worship you. Twilight said, kissing and kissing Trixie. Trixie sighed quietly, but eventually she gave into Twilight's needs. There was no helping it.

"If you insist, Twilight. You don't have to do this, but if you want, you may pleasure Trixie." Said Trixie gently, trying not to let Twilight get to excited. Twilight was really excited though, and tried to pounce Trixie. Trixie chuckled and lay on her back on the bed, and Twilight started to eat Trixie's wonderful marehood. It tasted like the best pie ever and Twilight could not get enough of the pie. She pushed her tongue into Trixie's privates as deep as she could, wildly licking and kissing and kissing even more than that. Trixie moaned and bucked her hips while Twilight worked. It was very very hot. It was too hot, because thats when Twilight came. She came really really hard, just from eating out Trixie's gorgeous girlplace and then came again! Twilight had TWO climaxes, and Trixie smiled softly at Twilight.

"Did that feel good?" Said Trixie and Twilight nodded her head, two overcome with pleasure to speak, but Trixie could see it in Twilight's eyes. She could see the way she really felt. Love struck. And also horny. Super horny. Twilight was madly in love with Trixie, and it was Trixie's own fault for being to beautif-

"I'm home!" cried Twilight's voice from downstairs, forcing Trixie's ears to perk in alarm. She nearly spilled out of her chair when she heard the footsteps on the stair case leading up to the bedroom. No! Oh no, oh no! Was it five already? She was already home?! NO! Trixie wildly glanced around, looking at the numerous pages that littered the floor. Mostly false starts and raunchy ideas. Throwing her horn into the air, the carpet of pages twirled around the room once, before they folded semi-neatly into the journal Trixie had been writing in. She slammed it shut just as Twilight poked her head into the bedroom, smiling cheerfully.

"Hey Trixie, how's your day been so far? Oh hey are you writing again? What are you working on?" Twilight asked brightly forcing a slow and awkward nod from Trixie. The blue mage gave a nerve wracked giggle and casually rested a protective hoof on the journal.

"Trixie is fine! Just fine! This is just uh just some folklore," Trixie grinned nervously. Twilight tilted her head and gave an excited smile, almost prancing in place when she heard the news.

"Oh, that's awesome! I was really hoping you'd start using that in your show again. I absolutely love your folk lore! Do you remember the one about the buzzard? That was my favorite! Are you finished with it? Can you read some of it to me?" Twilight beamed. Trixie's ears splayed against her skull and she nervously shook her head.

"Oh, heh, no, it's not quite finished yet. It's unedited. Trixie is still working out some....kinks," Trixie gulped. Twilight, however wasn't going to let a prime piece of Trixie's creativity slip through her hooves. To Trixie's ultimate horror, the journal took on a purple glow, and rose from the table.

"Aw, just a peek? I bet it's really good! I can even help you proof read it if you like!" Twilight announced excitedly trying to levitate the book over to her- only Trixie's magic was preventing it. A miniature game of tug-of-war spawned almost instantly and as quickly as it started was as quickly as it ended. Twilight had let go.

"Alright, ok, if it's that secret I'll let you finish it but I really wanna read it som-" Twilight's voice was drowned out by the shattering sound of glass that the window had made when the journal was launched out of it. Trixie was still tugging when Twilight had let go, and the backlash had caused the book to soar majestically out the window and onto the ground below- which happened to be right in front of the little purple dragon walking up to the library.

"Huh...Twilight must be trying to read Fifty Shades of Hay again. Hey, wait, this isn't Fifty Shades of Hay? Hmmm, Twilight, did you mean to throw a lesbian out the window?" A voice hollered from outside. Blue and purple ears perked, only the blue set was rapidly turning to a tint of crimson.

"...What?" Twilight called out, opening the window to peer down at Spike curiously who held up the journal in his claws, waving it like a flag.

"Well, it says Library Lesbians! Is that this library? Do we have lesbians? Do we need an exterminator?" Spike called. By this time, Trixie had turned from blue to lobster red and was covering her eyes with both hooves. Twilight was doing her best not to break down into giggles. She was certain that if she started, she'd never be able to stop.

"No, Spike, I think we're fine! Go ahead and bring the book up here, we didn't mean to throw it through the window, " Twilight said, grinning wickedly at Trixie, who squirmed in her seat.

"You know, you could have just told me it was an autobiography," Twilight snickered as Spike climbed the staircase and poked his head into the room. Instantly, Twilight snatched the book from Spike with a forceful grip of magic, while Trixie desperately tried to snatch it back.

"Chapter one! Library Lesbians!" It was a pretty day outside the golden oaks library and-" Twilight began before bursting into giggles again. An impromptu a game of keep-away ensued with Twilight tossing the book to Spike and Spike to Twilight and always just out of Trixie's grasp.

"Nonononono! Give Trixie back her Friend-Fiction!" Trixie snarled, doing her best to snag the book from the air with her own magic. It was all playful though, as Twilight wasn't a cruel pony - after some nimble attempts at swiping the book back, she finally gave in, and handed it over to Trixie, whom immediately sealed it with a magical lock.

"You're gonna read me that entire thing tonight in bed," Twilight grinned. Trixie rolled her eyes, blush still flushed warm against her cheeks.

"OK, so I'll bite, what's a lesbian?" Spike asked curiously, prompting both Twilight and Trixie to glance at him in unison- and then burst into giggles. Spike rolled his eyes with a sigh. He knew far well by this point that when they did that, he was better off not knowing the answer.

Trixie spent the rest of the day dreading the horrific humiliation that the night would bring, when Twilight forced her to read her story- but it really wasn't so bad. Especially when Twilight suggested that they make it non fiction.

Bonus- Cutting Room Floor: In which Twilight edits Trixie's tale.

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Trixie, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Really I couldn't. You know I'm a stickler for this sort of thing. I know you read it to me the other night, but I just had to go through it and help. I hope it doesn't upset you, but I'll be making a few edits to help with some mistakes.

It was a pretty day outside the golden oaks library and the sun was shining brightly in the sky and the grass was green. This is good. This is a good start, establishing the setting is a great way to open a story. It was a nice spring day, almost as nice as the mare sitting on the front steps of the golden oaks library. Alright, here we are introduced to our character, Trixie, (you) which is lovely, but lacks description. Considering I, the reader, had never encountered this character before, I would like to know the color of her eyes, her mane, her coat, etc. Just something to help picture her in my mind. You also established the name of the library before hand, so theres no need to tell the reader again. Just food for thought.. Trixie Lulamoon, most powerful and greatest mage ever, had taken time off form from her busy schedule of show stopping performances to visit Twilight Sparkle who lived at the library. Trixie knew Twilight couldn't go too many days without seeing her, so she made time in her busy schedule to see Twilight, so Twilight wouldn't go crazy without seeing her. This sentence is redundant. You have already mentioned that 'Twilight would go crazy without seeing Trixie (Snrk) There's no reason to say it again. It was a noble gesture and a burden that Trixie was happy to do because she was a nice pony. Gosh, I'm glad coming to see me is a burden. Visiting your mare friend- such an ordeal, am I right? She walked up to the library You already established that Trixie was sitting on the front steps of the library, so this counts as a continuity error. and was about to knock on the front door of the library when a rattling BOOM shook the whole library!!!!!! First, only one exclamation point is needed here, and secondly, in this entire first paragraph, you have used the word 'library' seven times. There are other terms for it, at the very least, and at the very best, you already established the setting and there's no reason to constantly continue to establish it. That being said, having the main characters in danger right off the bat is a good hook for a story and draws the reader in, good job, not to mention the suspense of the explosion.


"Whats that?" said Trixie, but the great and powerful Trixie already knew the answer as she stepped into the library. Then why would she ask 'whats that?' Black smoke was oozing out of the door to the basement, and Trixie quickly ran over to the door and opened it up, but first she put her hoof on the door to see if it was hot because fire safety is important. This seems like a really, really odd place for a public service announcement. I mean, I'm happy it's good that Trixie is aware of fire safety, but most readers reading this will be adults (I hope to Celestia they're adults) and would already know fire safety, or they're just here for the clop, and would not care. . The door was not hot so Trixie went inside. Inside the basement, Twilight Sparkle was coughing and wheezing and hacking because of the smoke.

"What happened here?" said Trixie. Twilight turned around, shocked that the beautiful pony had come down into the basement to rescue her. Surely nopony else would brave the danger of a fire to rescue Twilight, but Trixie wasn't just any somepony, she was Trixie Lulamoon, most powerful unicorn in Equestria. Wait, what? What do you mean no one would come down to rescue me? Why wouldn't they?! This also implies I couldn't rescue myself, so there's that, too. What exactly are you trying to say here, Trixie?

"Oh! Trixie! You startled me. " Said Twilight who was startled by Trixie. Again- this is redundant. There is no need to constantly explain the same thing over and over again. Why do you keep doing this? She walked over and gave Trixie a hug, happy to see a friendly face in the wake of such a disaster. I'm pretty sure I'd want to leave the basement first, if the smoke was that bad, before hugging you, Trixie.

"Oh, Trixie, I'm having a very hard time with this new spell. It is very hard." Said Twilight clinging to Trixie's neck. Ok, I'm starting to think you're just being redundant to increase your word count for some reason. There is no need for this. Trixie nodded her head and gently patted Twilight on the mane. Do you know what drives me to the point where I might bite someone? Being talked down to. Thats a button of mine. You know this is a button of mine, so implying that I would not verbally attack you, we're gonna go ahead and say this is the final nail in the coffin for this story being fiction.

"It's ok, Twilight. You tried your best. Let me see if I can help. " Said Trixie who looked over the experiment Twilight was working on. it didn't look very challenging, but Trixie was really really good at magic, so it wasn't hard for her. She quickly fixed Twilight's mistakes and the experiment was a total success. OH, I see we're writing a comedy. This is very funny. Hahaha.

"Oh thank you Trixie! I had been working super hard on that all morning, but I just could not figure it out. I was trying to turn that color in the vial from blue, to green. " Said Twilight. Trixie smiled and pulled Twilight close and also gave her a hug, because Trixie was a nice mare that cared about other ponies feelings and Twilight looked like she needed a hug because she was sad her experiment didn't work. I'm not sure if I should be giggling or fuming at my apparent inability to conduct a simple experiment but for the sake of our relationship, lets say this just meandered into fantasy.

"There there, Twilight. It's okay now. You're a very powerful mare you just need a little more practice." Said Trixie. Twilight smiled brightly and hugged Trixie even tightlyer This is not a word. You mean tighter. After all that I've read, I should really stop reading this, but like a train wreck, I'm morbidly curious and find I cannot stop looking. Thanks for that, Trixie. , gently leaning forward to kiss Trixie on her neck where it was sensitive.

"Trixie, I don't know what I would do without you. Please let me repay the favor. " Said Twilight, kissing all over Trixie's neck. Trixie smiled and tried to fight it but Twilight was very eager to repay her. I can think of several ways I'd like to repay you for this story, Trixie. Some of which involve a Louisville slugger!

"No need, Twilight, I'm just helping out a fellow mage."Said Trixie. But it was clear Twilight was not able to contain herself any longer. She kissed Trixie long and hard, submitting fully to the carnal desires that she tried to hide. I...I can't even begin to correct you here.

"Please, please Trixie, please?" Twilight said huskily, kissing more furiously at Trixie who gently wrapped her hoof around Twilight and held her close. The poor mare needed it badly, and who was the great and powerful Trixie to deny such a poor horny mare. So Trixie kissed Twilight back and it was the most best, romantic, amazing kiss that Twilight had every gotten before in her life. She literally melted in Trixie's arms as Trixie kissed her. Alright, first of all, I need you to be very clear on something here. If I literally melted in your arms, I would be dead, and you would be filling out a police report. They would not believe you that I died kissing from you and you would probably spend some time in prison. Do you know what another pet peeve of mine is? It is when ponies misuse the term "Literally." It literally, makes me want to gouge out my eyes. (Or yours. Sometimes, I'm not picky)

"I need you. Let me worship you. Twilight said, kissing and kissing Trixie. Trixie sighed quietly, but eventually she gave into Twilight's needs. There was no helping it. Wow. You sure left this part out when you read this to me. It's a good thing to know that when I'm feeling amorous, you just give into me. Because I don't know what would happen if I had to fight you for it. Spoiler alert: I'd be getting my first assault charge.

"If you insist, Twilight. You don't have to do this, but if you want, you may pleasure Trixie." Said Trixie gently, trying not to let Twilight get to excited. Twilight was really excited though, and tried to pounce Trixie. Hey, Trixie. Can you imagine the look on my face right now? No, try again. No madder. A little double it. Trixie chuckled and lay on her back on the bed, This is a lab. The same lab in the basement. I'm pretty sure there isn't a bed down there.and Twilight started to eat Trixie's wonderful marehood. It tasted like the best pie ever and Twilight could not get enough of the pie. OK, It does not taste like pie. You wanna know what it tastes like? You know the dumpster outside of the chocolate shop in Canterlot? The place that got closed down due to the rat infestation? I'm not going to go into specifics, but I'm pretty sure we know where this is going. She pushed her tongue into Trixie's privates as deep as she could, wildly licking and kissing and kissing even more than that. Trixie moaned and bucked her hips while Twilight worked. It was very very hot. It was too hot, because thats when Twilight came. She came really really hard, just from eating out Trixie's gorgeous girlplace and then came again! Twilight had TWO climaxes, and Trixie smiled softly at Twilight. I never thought a story about me could make me so mad I'd force 'somepony' sleep on the couch and yet, here we are. This is a courtesy, because the next step is- well, we've already discussed the dumpster now haven't we?

"Did that feel good?" Said Trixie and Twilight nodded her head twoto overcome with pleasure to speak, but Trixie could see it in Twilight's eyes. She could see the way she really felt. Love struck. And also horny. Super horny. Twilight was madly in love with Trixie, and it was Trixie's own fault for being to beautif- Damn it, Trixie. I want to make it perfectly clear to you, that the bottle of opened wine on the top shelf was not opened before I started reading this story. Wow. I must admit, I'm impressed. I've never read something that made me fly into an inexplicable rage except for the one time I read Fifty Shades of Hay. Way. To. Go.

So, I've calmed down. A lot. And I want to apologize for the chair I threw across the room. And out the window. That I'd set fire to. I've been having a stressful week, and I know this isn't how you really feel about me. I also want to apologize for comparing your story to the horrific carnage of a train wreck, and also threatening you with a baseball bat. And gouging out your eyes. I was in a bad mood, and that wasn't at all called for. I am also sorry I compared your vagina to a dumpster filled with rats. Your story is a nice story, and I am very happy you wrote it, thinking of me while you did so. I will treasure this experience always and totally not hold a grudge. I love you to death. ~Twilight.