Once more, Dear friends

by Slice141

First published

Twilight and a exploration team have found something in the snow around the Crystal Empire something big.

Twilight and a exploration team have found something in the snow around the Crystal Empire. Something big.

Meanwhile dark clouds and the drums of war begin to pound coming from the Imperium of Earth. A powerful earth pony nation that is staring at Equestria to fund their expanding empire. Twilight and her friends are going to be thrust into a world of chaos as war engulfs the land.

Twilight and friends only hope may be in the very thing they dug up from an unknown war like race.

Inspired by Night Mares
Need editor.

Special Thanks to sirviper235 for helping me with the story. And all the people who donated OC

Special thanks to this guy

Prologue Part One

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In the frozen north about 14 miles from the Crystal Empire a purple mare sat inside a metal beast that her and her team had been studying, when they were attacked by snow wolves.

The mare was forced to take cover in the contraption and locked in.

"It's so cold." She shivered non stop looking around in the darkened interior. It smelled of iron, oil and gunpowder along with the smell of rust and rotting leather.

She had come out in this wasteland to investigate the sighting of a strange creature or something. It had been discovered after a snow drift that uncovered it after a few colts and fillies that were playing around it uncovered it.

It had a long barrel that stuck out from the 'head' that pointed at the snow and was bent in the middle.

The mare stayed quiet as she moved from the hatch and to the front looking out the ports to see. It was really cramped inside as she moved to the right of the large metal contraption that took up most of the inside built right in the middle.There was a seat right next to it and she could see below it an opening with some kind of long brass tubes with back tips. She used her magic to pick one up noticing how heavy they were to her.

"Oh wow this is really heavy. What is this?" She pulled it up setting it between her legs and looked it over. She grew bored after a while and set it back and looked around moving back to where she was before and began fiddling with some of the things on the inside.

She saw on the ground a book with a strange insignia on it with a bird and standing on strange symbol.

"Oh great, now I got something to pass the time with." She picked it up and opened it and nearly cried when she looked inside.

"I can't read it." She whimpered as her horn lit up and looked closer at it seeing some Equestrian letters here and there making her smile.

"Actually this does look familiar. Hey I know this language! It's Germane. Is this thing something of theirs?" She began to read smiling.

*First Page, October 1st 1940*

I'm finally done with training. I'll be a gunner for the Panzer VI in my new company. I can't wait to show those Ivan bastards what for. I'll be part of the 3rd Company of the 29th Panzer Regiment, 12th Panzer Division I'm very lucky.

*Becomes too smudged to read.*

"Hm so he was a military pony. So what is this thing? Germaney doesn't have anything like this that I know of." She said flipping a page but it was too worn to read making her frown. After a few more pages she saw another one.

*September 1943.*

I'm so tired of this damn war. Nothing but death and more death. The Fuhrer is insane. There is nothing left for Germany to win! The Fatherland is kapoot.

The allies have destroyed most of our supplies and he wants us to redeploy! I'm so sick of this war. It's consumed everything leaving nothing but death and sorrow in its wake.

"I don't recognize this date and I don't remember a war like that especially with Germaney in the middle of it. This is very strange." She went back and started to read more till a tapping sound on the side was heard.

"Ms. Twilight! The guards are here are you ok in there!?"

Twilight smiled tucking the book into her saddle bags that were thrown down with her in the rush to get her to safety. She used her magic to open the hatch and saw her brother along with her friends smiling at her.

"Yah scared us half to death sugarcube. Are you ok?" The orange and blonde mare trotted up to her pulling her into a tight hug.

"Yes Applejack I'm fine. Is everypony else ok? Did anything happen to them?"

"Yeah they're fine. Shaken up pretty good but they're ok." A rainbow maned and cyan coated pegasus said flying into the air.

"I'm glad to hear it Rainbow Dash."

"Oh darling it must have been dreadful in there. Here take another scarf." A white and purple maned unicorn said wrapping a scarf around Twilight's neck.

"Thanks Rarity, it was pretty chilly in there. But I found a book to pass the time."

"Oh my what kind of book? I didn't think something like that carried books." The yellow and pink pegasus said trotting up to Twilight.

"Actually it a very old journal. The writing is in Germane and a lot of it isn't readable. I'm going to need some heavy machines out here to move this so I can study it more."

"Twilight, you shouldn't look at other ponies things without permission. At least that's what you and the Cakes tell me all the time" A pink mare said bouncing up to her friend pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"ACK! Pinkie to tight!"

"Oops sorry Twilight"

"I'll get some workers down here soon lets just get you out of the cold and some hot coco in you." The large white and blue maned stallion said smiling down at her.

"Thank Shining Armor. I could use some of Cadences coco about now while I look over this journal."

"Ok come on lets get back then."

(A few hours later)

Twilight was a little taken aback at the sheer size of the metal monster, at a stunning 27.9 ft long from the tip of the barrel after it was straightened back to how it was suppose to be. It stood 9.10ft tall and was 11.8ft wide weighing in at a massive 54 tons. Even the friendship Express engine didn't weigh that much.

"This is incredible! I've never seen anything like this!" Twilight gushed as a stallion walked in.

"Ms. Twilight? My name is Dark Steele and Princess Cadence said you would need a mechanical expert with something." He was staring at the massive steel beast as she nodded.

"Yes. This was found in the snow and I want to know what it is and if possible get it to work. It's some kind of machine that nopony has ever seen before." She said getting a nod from the stallion.

"Well first things first Ms. Twilight we need to strip it down and see what makes it tick and if there are parts to it on the market then buy them. If not we'll have to make them." He said walking around it inspecting it noting the holes in the side but no real penetration while a few of the wheels were missing along with rust and corrosion.

"Well with the this thing it should take about three months to take down and get the parts we may need altogether. From what I was told we will need a lot of heavy machinery to move any of it." He said while Twilight nodded with a giddy smile on her face as she stared at the beast.

"Well lets get to work I would love to see this thing in working order." She said getting a nod from him as a swarm of earth and unicorn ponies came in.

"Alright boys and girls we are going to be taking this apart and clean it up as best we can before putting it back together and seeing if we can make it work. Tech Gear I'll need your help with assembling parts we might need. Glitter Shot make sure to watch the other unicorns when they assist in lifting parts of it away. You were with the recovery team and know more about the dangers." He said to a stallion and mare.

The stallion had a cyan coat with a yellow mane with glasses while the mare was tan with a slightly sparkling mane.

"Got it boss." They said before rounding up their ponies.

"Ms. Sparkle."

"Please just Twilight." She smiled.

"Alright. Twilight I'm gonna need you to exit the building till we-

"No. I need to archive everything that comes off that thing and take stock of what needs to be built." She said as he sighed and put a hard hat on her head.

"Alright but stay out of the way of the workers."


Over the next few months the 'Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf.E' or Tiger from the journal and a manual titled 'Tigerfibel ' That showed how it worked and what was needed to maintain it. She found it in a toolbox that was kept by the gunner's seat.

Twilight along with the princesses were shocked to find out it was a weapon of war. Celestia immediately wanted it destroyed but with Twilight's and Princess Luna's pleads to at least study it and put it in a museum of some kind for such a remarkable find. She finally gave in due to the combination of teary eyes from her two favorite ponies.

She looked out over the floor where it was completely taken apart with pieces lying everywhere. But everything was sorted with parts that went together and equipment that was on the tiger separated to another part of the warehouse.

"Good morning Twilight, up late again last night?" She turned and smiled at Dark Steele who had two cups of coffee handing her one.

"Thanks Steele. Yeah, I wanted to do another check to see what we might be missing on the tiger. A lot of the wiring and most of the motor had to be replaced. From the journal I found the tiger had a lot of mechanical problems and I want you, Tech and I to brainstorm on how to get past these. It's going to take a lot more time to get the tiger to work again than we thought." She sighed sipping her coffee.

Almost all of the interior of the tiger was covered in rust and water damage not to mention there was barely anything salvageable from it besides the chassis, turret and tracks. Luckily the wheels itself were freight sized and with the tigers massive weight they could replace the unsalvageable wheels with ease using existing train wheels that haven't made it to the processing plant to be grooved for the tracks.

Tech Gear has been an invaluable member of the team coming up with ideas after Twilight telling him of all the problems that were mentioned in the journal. He had cut the time down of restoration to a year and with five months already in things were beginning to really show progress.

" I know but I think if things stay the speed that we're going then we'll be done in no time. A lot of the ponies here are elated thinking of what it can do when we finally get all the parts made for it." He smiled walking behind her as she did her inspection.

"I know I can't wait, we might even have to take more trips out to the area and see if there is any other wrecks like this. Could you imagine if we've stumbled on a advanced extinct war like race and this area was a one time a battlefield?! This is so exciting!!" She squealed making him smile at her.

"Yes, well before we do anymore exploring why don't we finish one project before moving onto the next one hm?" Steele said just as Tech Gear walked in with a cup of coffee himself.

"Morning everypony." He let out a big yawn smacking his lips as the two smiled.

"Good morning, Gear." Twilight chirped as he sighed.

"I'll never understand how you can stay up all night and all day. It's in pony I tell you." He grumbled.

"That's because I take naps through the day." She said taking a sip of coffee as he joined his friends.

"Should have known. Anyway taking another inventory of the stuff that can be salvaged?" He asked sipping on his own coffee.

"Yes. Today we're getting the new engine block and hoses and a stronger transmission. Gear, how long will the new wiring for the tiger take to get here from Germaney?" She asked taking a sip of coffee.

"Should be arriving in a few days Twi. Oh and the things we found on the inside, um MG 34's is what the book said they were right? Well anyway the replacements to those should be arriving today from the forges. Also the treads have started to be refurbished and some new ones are being made as well." Gear said as they moved over to the where the chassis was as more ponies began to file in mumbling greeting to the three.

"We have two steel workers coming in a few days to being repairing these holes and we're going to be reattaching the cannon today.." Steele smiled taking a clipboard from a mare.

"Oh looks like those rounds have been made that you found. About 92 rounds altogether remade." Steele said getting a nod from Twilight while handing her the clipboard.

[The PzGr. 39 (armor-piercing, capped, ballistic cap)

The PzGr. 40 (armor-piercing, composite rigid)

The Hl. Gr. 39 (high explosive anti-tank

The sch. Sprgr. Patr. L/4.5 (incendiary shrapnel)]

"Good what about the other rounds?" She asked.

"They're still being made right now but they should be finished by the end of the week. A good 4,200 rounds for the MG 34's. Captain Shining has the tiger rounds stored in the barracks." Tech said getting a nod from Twi.

"Good with those stored and the rest on the way we can give the ponies here a real spectacle to see once the tiger is up and running." Twilight looked up at the tiger thinking of all the things they could learn. Not only was this a ancient war machine but it also brought things that may never have been thought of in maybe a hundred years.

No longer would they have to rely on carriages pulled by others with a combustible engine and with some design shrinkage they could have their own motorized carriages.

Not only that but what was called a radio could revolutionize their communication systems. They would no longer have to rely on scrolls that could take day to weeks and shorten it to instant communication! The possibilities were amazing!

"Anyway Twi you mind going and making sure that the engine makes it here on time. It should be ready." Steele asked getting a nod from the mare and headed out.

"TWILIGHT!" The mare turned just in time to catch a pink missile with her back.


"Yes Twilight?"

"Please get off me and why are you here anyway?"

"Well its not just me." She turned back and pointed to their friends who came around the corner.

"What are you guys doing here?" Twilight asked getting up from the ground while Pinkie bounced beside her.

"Hello darling we came by to see how you and Spike were doing with your little project." Rarity smiled as Dash flew up to her.

"We miss you egghead. You've been gone for the longest we've ever seen. Why don't you come home for a little while?" She asked as Twilight sighed.

"Sorry girls but I have so much work to do here and will probably be staying for a few more months. But you're just in time, come with me and watch as a new era dawns on us all." She beamed trotting towards the west side of the empire with the girls behind her.

After a while of walking they came to a large factory as a mare came out to meet them.

"Hello Twilight we have your engine ready, the girls are loading it into the mover now. We got everything right down to the littlest detail." She smiled as a huge chunk my metal and iron came out with eight earth mares carrying it.

"Oh excellent! Girls I want you to meet Iron Works. She's from Equestria and moved here to start her own metal and Iron casting works." Twilight smiled as the mare nodded to them.

"Oh and Twilight I even kept all the molds just incase things don't go right and you need a new one. Oh and I looked over the blueprints from your scan on the chassis of the Tiger and turret. We can begin work on building a brand new one from scratch if you want. It will be expensive I can tell you that." She had a serious face getting a nod from Twilight.

"I understand. Hold onto the blueprint for now. Now why don't we get that thing into storage till it can be tested with the rest of its new home?"

"Took the words right out of my mouth. Lets roll out!" With that the elements walked back towards the barracks where six stallions were on standby. waiting for the engine.

"So Twi, what did the princess say when she heard about it being a war machine?" AJ asked getting a sigh from Twilight.

" She was more than a little bit worried. She wanted it destroyed immediately, but Luna and I were able to talk her into letting me study it. There is so many things that we could learn from it AJ." She said as her eyes lit up.

"How did y’all manage to do that?" She asked.

"A lot of begging from the both of us. Oh AJ can you see it? A whole technological revolution, farm work finished in half the time. Motorized carriages, instant communication with other countries. The sky's the limit" She sighed as they reached the barracks.

"Hey Twilly." Shining Armor said.

"Hey Shining. You mind taking this off my hooves for a while? Just put it with the others and DONT drop it. We can't have these things break and set us back anymore than we are." She stated sternly getting a nod from her brother.

"Ok I'll make sure its handled with care." He said as six stallions took over from the mares who let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you BBBFF, I'll be in touch." She smiled getting a nod from him as he directed the soldiers to the storage area while the girls headed back towards the warehouse.

"So um Twilight how much longer will you be here studying this thing? If you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy asked as Twilight smiled.

" Oh I could be here for years if I didn't have you girls back home but I should be coming home with in the end of this year if no mishaps go down. I'm hoping that we get the Tiger running by the beginning of next year." She said getting nods from them.

"That's wonderful darling. How is Spike enjoying his stay in the castle?" Rarity asked while Twilight laughed.

"He's actually working with Iron Works. He was dying of boredom so she offered him a job till we left. He heats the furnaces so yeah. Nothing too hard for him." Twilight said opening and heading into the warehouse.

"Now girls let me introduce you to Tiger 131. The same one from a few months ago." She stood on her hind leg throw her arms out dramatically smiling all the while.

The five mares gaped at the massive Tiger as sparks flew all over it from workers and the likes. Most had their ears covered from all the noise but it never bothered Twilight after being around it for so long.

"Hey Twilight!" They all turned to see Tech trotting over to them with a smile on his face.

"Hey Tech! Girls this is Tech Gear one of the leading engineers on this project to refurbish the Tiger! He's very good at what he does and has helped cut our time down considerably over the last few months!" She yelled over the noise.

"Thanks Twi! By the way you're just in time! We're about to put in the cannon!" He yelled pointing to the barrel that as being moved by wires across the warehouse while she spotted Steele heading their way and waved.

"Girls this is Dark Steele the brain of all this! Steele these are my friends I'm sure you know them!" She yelled getting a nod from him.

"Who doesn't know the Elements of Harmony!? It's a pleasure to meet you girls!" He greeted while putting ear protection on Twilight's ears over her hard hat and five more for the other girls.

"Darling could we please head over to somewhere more quiet!? I can't think with all this noice!" Rarity asked as Twilight nodded pointing to a door on the other end of the warehouse.

"Meet me in there! It's sound proof so it'll be much quieter in there!" The other nodded while Pinkie and AJ stayed watching the workers weld and bolt in the cannon to the turret.

"Wow that's a much bigger party cannon than I have!" Pinkie yelled bouncing.

"I got to say sugarcube it's a might scary!" Applejack yelled a bit intimidated but interested none the less.

"Don't worry AJ it's not going anywhere for a while! Now why don't we head inside?!"

"Sounds like a plan sugarcube!" The girls moved through the warehouse and into the a small office on the side where the other girls were.

"So darling once you have that thing working what do plan to do with it?" Rarity asked.

"After it's up and running again we're going to be hosting shows with it and maybe even make more for the military. It after all was a war machine, though I think that the original will be staying here in the Crystal Empire. As far as more being built I plan to actually have one built for myself to study back at home so I won't be gone so long anymore. You girls have no idea how much I miss you all every day. "She sighed as AJ pulled her into a hug.

"Aw it's ok sugarcube, you got work to do just like all of us we just wish it didn't take you away for long is all." She comforted getting a smile from the unicorn.

"Thanks Applejack that means a lot." She looked over to see a spark in Rarity's eyes that made her wince.

"So darling tell me about these two stallions that you're so close to." She smiled slyly as her fellow unicorn blushed hard.

"It's not like that! They're just some friends and coworkers that I go have some lunch with every once in a while is all. Nothing like that." Twilight explained as the mare huffed.

"Well I'm sure that it took more than a bit of begging for you to convince Princess Celestia to keep that monster out there. So tell us about it." Rarity said digging for some good gossip.


(Flash back, Canterlot)

Twilight trotted through the halls with a little pep in her step heading to the throne room where Celestia and Luna were waiting on her.

She was greeted by the guards that were in front of the door nodding slightly to her as she passed through the doors.

"Twilight Sparkle my most faithful student! How are you dear?" Twilight smiled trotting up to her teacher as the two embraced.

"Hello Princess Celestia, I'm doing great thank you." She smiled getting a nod from her mentor.

"Good evening to you Twilight Sparkle." Twilight turned to see Princess Luna walking up to them with a smile of her own greeting her first friend.

"Hello Princess Luna it's good to see you again." She said getting a nod from the night princess.

"Now pray tell what have you called a meeting for that was so urgent?" Luna asked as Twilight smiled pulling out a picture of the un earth Tiger.

"We found something in the ice in the Crystal Empire. A massive armored beast. I believe that has technology that far surpasses us and could jump start us centuries ahead of our time!" She said following the princesses back into the room where they sat on their thrones.

"Please continue Twilight, we are most interested." Luna stated while Celestia looked a little uneasy.

"From what we gathered so far whoever created this thing had a great understanding of instant communication, combustion engines, and electricity. Thing about it. With just a thing that we have learned is called a *radio* ponies will be able to instantly communicate with loved one without having to travel all across Equestria just to see their loved ones." She smiled handing the two pictures of some sort of box.

"This is very interesting Twilight. What else have you learned?" Celestia smiled feeling a bit better that most of these things could indeed help Equestria in a very big way.

"Also with these combustible engines we will be able to phase out the pony drawn carriages and ponies will be able to actually steer and drive their own carriages where ever they want!"

"Amazing. Do you think we could have this... engine within this decade?" Celestia asked getting excited herself while her sister and student looked like school fillies.

"Indeed sister. We would like to partake in a moon lit drive, it sounds so unique." Luna smiled.

"That's not all, with the wiring and things that we were able to find we found out that we would no longer need lightning clouds to power our homes. Think about it, we would no longer have to worry about ponies safety if a lightning cloud was kicked the wrong way. With indoor personal electricity we could free up that tedious job and focus those pegasus more on controlling the weather than making house calls every day because a ponies house is out of power for the day." Twilight beamed looking at her mentors proud face along with a very impressed Luna.

"The only drawback to that last one would be wiring everyponies homes and we would have to build a electrical grid of some kind that didn't depend on lightning even if it would help some, but that would lead us back to square one with pegasus at risk of electrocution and constantly having to recharge the grid if it were to power a city like Manehatten." She sighed getting nods from the two.

"This is something to really consider Twilight you have given my sister and I something to seriously think about." Celestia said as Twilight smiled.

"Oh there is one more thing that it can be used for that we found out about it." She spoke up as the two blinked.

"There's more? This is really amazing Twilight, I have to really commend you and your team for such a find." Celestia said as the mare beamed at the praise.

"Well it can also be used for military purposes." She said as Celestia's face went blank while Luna's eyes sparkled.

"Do tell young Twilight." Luna spoke up.

"Yes, well from what we gather the thing is what is known as a Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf.E but has been dubbed the Tiger by everypony working on it. It was used as a weapon of war by who ever designed it, I even found a journal and a manual on how to operate it and maintain it. If we were to rebuild it and get it working again we would be decades ahead of any rival nation that may try to threaten us." Twilight reported.

"No. Whatever this Tiger has to offer that is any good is far outweighed by the fact that it is a weapon of war. We have no need for such a horrible thing. The Elements of Harmony has protected us for eons. I don't see the need to build these weapons of death." She said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Come now sister, don't be so short sighted. This Tiger could give us a massive edge over our enemies who would see us in ruins. It is no secret that many want what Equestria has, the Element of Harmony would work on dark creatures like Sombra, Discord, and the Nightmare that had taken me. But what of a invading more advanced and higher numbered enemy comes to our gates?" Luna pointed out.

"Not to pick sides Princess Celestia but Luna is right. Since her return my brother and a few friends I have in the guard has told me that you have reduced all aspects of our forces to mostly just town guards. We do not have a standing military if we are suddenly attacked. Our allies wouldn't get here in time to help us before we would be completely over run in a matter of weeks if not days depending on how advanced our enemy is." She stated.

"I believe that diplomacy would win out before anything like that would ever happen. Besides that nopony would dare attack us with our allies, the gryphons alone could repel any attack that would threaten us let not to mention the minotaur's. Those two allies alone could destroy any invading forces that may threaten us." She countered as Luna sighed.

"But sister they would need time to mobilize their forces and even though they are powerful allies we would have to hold the enemy off till we could be relieved. The gryphon and Minotaur forces are massive and slow to move. Even a *quick* response would take months to prepare and mobilize." Luna stated as Celestia looked down.

"With the Tiger we could hold out against almost any enemy not to mention the smaller weapons that we could fit with our other ground forces we could hold out until our allies are able to respond." Twilight continued as Celestia sighed.

"Very well. I will allow you to keep this Tiger but I want to see it when its repaired and operational. You will also be showing off it capabilities and how it would be be in combat. Also what smaller weapons?" Celestia asked.

"There were smaller weapons that the manual called MG 34's they could be mass produced to equip our forces. With them I believe we could hold off an army in itself with enough ammunition for them with a only a small company of our soldiers." Twilight stated as Luna was starry eyed at the prospect of Equestrian might like that.

"That is a truly horrifying thought Twilight. But I can understand how well it would be if we ever needed it. Very well I want to see them in action as I'm sure that my sister would as well and our leading military generals." Celestia sighed while Twilight and Luna smiled.

"Dear Tia there is no need for such a face. We are only looking out for the betterment of our nation. What's that saying? Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it?" She asked giving her sister a pouty look making Celestia cringe and look at Twilight who had watery eyes.

"FINE!" She yelled as the two mares smiled.

(End Flashback)

"So after that we're going to be having the first runs on the MG 34's very soon and Celestia will be here with a lot of powerful ponies." Twilight sighed.

"Do you really think that something like that would ever happen sugarcube? Do you think somepony would ever attack Equestria?" Applejack asked a little worried.

"I would like to think so Applejack since with our allies it would be a very foolish thing to do. But Luna made a good point, it would take our allies far to long to respond if we were attacked suddenly by another nation." Twilight stated.

"Why would anypony want to attack us anyway darling?" Rarity said a little worried herself.

"Well Equestria is the largest exporter in the world with the most rich in land and natural resources. And many nations want that, those that are allied with us have prospered for eons after the unification of the tribes and the princesses returned." Twilight stated

"I'd like to see some bunch of punks try and take our home! They'll have to go against the great Rainbow Danger Dash!" Rainbow boasted as the others smiled.

"Oh Dashie." Pinkie giggled as the others joined her.

Prologue Part Two

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Over the next year Twilight would travel back and forth between the Empire, Ponyville, and Canterlot along with making sure everything was in working order. The MG34's were made and would have a demonstration with them for Celestia and the higher ups.

Twilight walked towards the firing range with the modified MG34 where she could use it. Behind her were Celestia and Luna along with a few higher ups in the military and her brother along with Cadence.

"Now then mares and stallions. Princesses. Please stand behind the barrier while the demonstration is in process. Mare and stallions I present to you the future of our military that will force every enemy that if we were to face would have to completely change their battle plans. This is a MG 34 general purpose machine gun. Now I know you have heard of the guns that Gryphons and Minotaurs but I can promise you have never seen anything like this." She set it up on the ground laying on her stomach she loads the weapon.

"This weapon fires 800 to 900 rounds per minute. The ammunition it carries is a 7.92 x 57mm slug that can easily penetrate ANY heavy armor that is in the field today." She said charging the weapon and clicking the safety off.

"Cover your ears." She instructed while putting her own ear muffs on.

"Range is clear Twilight!" Steele called from the back.


The sudden explosion made everyone jump.


Luna was smiling wider and wider as Twilight moved something on the gun


They all watched as the targets that were down the range at the 1,200 meter mark be hit with the rounds that she fired. The mare stood up with a smile on her face from the excitement of firing the weapon.

"As you can see when we go down there each round passed through some of the best armor that was donated by the gryphon and minotaur nations a while back." She said taking off her ear muffs leading the way to the targets.

When they got there each target was completely shredded like the armor wasn't even there. It was impressive and scary to think about. Twilight could see the military leaders and Luna drooling at the new weapon.

"The round that leaves weapon travels at 2,500 feet per second and any armor thats not thicker than an inch will be penetrated with ease." She said holding up a round.

"This is amazing! How many of these are ready for the field now?" A general asked as Twilight smiled.

"Four. But sadly those are being used for something in another project. On the princesses orders we can begin mass production of the weapon and could outfit the entire Equestrian Guard in a matter of weeks. Training will take some time but I think that it can be done with ease in a few months." She smiled getting nod from the others.

"Well everypony that concludes the demonstration for today. I'm sure you commanders can field these weapons effectively in the coming months." She said getting nods from them.

"If you will excuse me. I have another matter to attend to. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, would you come with me please? I have something you need to see." Twilight said as they followed after the mare heading to the warehouse.

Twilight smiled as the engineers and workers that helped with the Tiger bowed to her in a clear and clean warehouse while Rarity trotted up to them.

"Hello Rarity. What are you doing here dear?" Celestia asked getting a smile.

"Why for the surprise of course." She said just as a large green and brown painted monster came around the corner making a roar as it came around the corner driving up to them before stopping in front of them as AJ, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash poked their heads out of the Tiger smiling.

"Hiya princesses." Pinkie waved from the radio mares seat.

"Pinkie?" Luna gasped.

"They got really into the project once they were able to actually get into it and play around with it. Rainbow is one of the best shots we have on the team and Fluttershy is a natural driver and AJ is has the best time when loading. So they became our test crew." Twilight said.

"What about Pinkie?" Celestia asked.

"Pinkie is our lead radio mare. She tests it with Rarity that sits here testing the range of the radio and where it might have trouble. We need to check how it is in a forested area." She said getting a nod from Luna.

"Well how does it run? Are the weapon systems working well?" She asked getting nod from AJ.

"Yep! The turret and everything works great! Hey Twi why don't we go scare your brother and the others. You did hold off on the 34's till the Tiger was done anyway. Come on commander and lets have some fun." AJ giggled as Twilight hopped up to the hatch as Dash went back in to make room for her friend.

"I have an idea, why don't you two go back to the others while we get these guns installed into their ports? Stall them for a bit while we get ready. Rarity you sure you don't want to ride inside?" Twi asked as the white unicorn gave a scrunched her face.

" Oh no darling thank you though. Its far too loud and dirty in there. I'm actually surprised that Fluttershy is enjoying herself so much." Rarity replied.

"Oh well I actually feel really safe in here like nothing could touch me." She smiled.

"I suppose so with armor like that one would feel very safe. Well I'll take my equipment to the field and wait for you girls. Pinkie be ready for my radio check when I get set up darling." With that she headed out with her equipment floating in the air behind her along with a small electric generator they rigged up a while back.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie called after her friend before going back inside closing the hatch along with the others. Twilight put on her throat mic.

[Radio check, everypony hear me?] She said getting a yes from her friends.

[Ok Shy, put it in neutral and hard right. Then head out of the warehouse to the firing range]

[Ok Twilight.] The mare put the Tiger in neutral having the tracks turn in opposite directions before putting it in first gear and heading out the door with a roar of the engine.

(Firing Range)

Luna smiled as she heard the roar of the Tiger as it came towards them making many cower as the armored beast drew near while Twilight waved.

[Ok Fluttershy I want you to pull past them and straight to our range, AJ get a round ready to load. Dash go for the two mile target post. Pinkie did you get a radio check with Rarity?] Twilight asked as they did as they were told.

[Yep she just came through and said the range was clear! So we're good to go.] Pinkie reported.

The group watched the Tiger rumble past them hearing the clank of the treads as the pulled to a wider area.

"Yes darling the range is clear and hot you may fire when ready." Rarity said with her throat mic and headset making them all turn to her.

"Excuse me but are you talking to that thing?" A older mare asked as Rarity held up a hoof.

"No darling there's no pony on the range. Of course. I'll let them know." She giggled before looking up at the mare.

"Yes I was talking to the girls through this. Its quite amazing." She smiled as the mare came around to watch what she was doing along with a few more.

(With the Tiger)

[Load HEAT AJ!]

[Round up Twi!]

[Fluttershy, transfer power to turret!]

[Its done! If that's ok?]

[Dash fire when ready]

[Target Identified! Big hunk of boxes.]


The earth shattering explosion took all of the onlookers by surprised when a second explosion was heard making them all turn to a large plume of dirt was in the air.

"That was amazing." Luna gasped before turning to her commanders and sister.

"Tia, I would like to commission 500 of these Tigers for a new battalion in my Lunar Guard. I would also like for one of the elements to teach on how to properly operate the Tiger." Luna stated getting nods from her generals.

"We will see in the coming months sister. We have sank more than enough into the rebuilding of this one. We need to wait a while before building one from scratch. Until then I approve of a new battalion for the new weapons we will be getting in the coming months. I will be making one myself. Twilight will teach on how to work the MG 34's to the commanders here so they may teach their subordinates." Celestia said getting a sigh from Luna but she nodded.

"Very well sister. Commander Shade! I expect our troops to be ready for their new training once Twilight has taught you all on how to properly wield the weapon. Now Everypony gather around Ms. Rarity for a demonstration on how to use this new communication device. It's called a radio." Luna stated as she herself came to the front eager to learn new things.

"Ok everypony we're going to have them head out about three miles and see how well the radio does." She said before turning back to the box.

"Pinkie darling do you hear me?"

[I read you Rares, what's up?] The ponies around Rarity were stunned making Rarity smile.

"Darling we're going to show these ponies around me how well the radio works. Head to where you found the tank darling and radio back once you get there."

[Okie dokie lokie!] They all saw the Tiger begin to move heading towards the snow fields.

"Um Rarity, you do know that's more than three miles right?" Shining asked as she huffed.

"Of course I do darling I remember the long walk there of course to get your sister. Now we'll be here for a little while so who would like some tea?" She asked getting nods all around.

(20 minutes later)

[Hey Rarity! We're here, can you hear me?] The group jumped getting a laugh from Rarity as she turned to her radio.

"I hear you darling. Come on back and have some tea."

[Ok, Twilight wants two cubes please and AJ said there's some fritters and cupcakes back at the warehouse if you want to make a picnic out of it.]

"Oh that sounds wonderful. Shining be a dear and could you get those things please while I stay here incase they have any trouble?" She asked as the stallion nodded.

"Sure Rarity. I'll be right back." He trotted towards the warehouse as Luna sat beside Rarity.

"May we speak to Pinkie?" She asked getting a nod as Rarity put the throat mic and headset on her.

"Just press these to your throat and talk, they will hear you." She said getting a nod from the princess.

"Hello? Pinkie can you hear us?"

[Hey Princess Luna! What are you doing on the radio? Oh is Rarity using the little fillies room?] She asked getting a blush from Rarity.

"No dear Pinkie she's sitting beside us. Can the others hear us?"

[One sec. Ok they can hear you now.]

"Twilight, we must say that we are beyond impressed! Any other projects on this will have the full support of us." She smiled hearing a squeal from Twilight.

[Oh thank you princess! You won't regret it I promise, I have so many ideas that will help Equestria and I want to run them by you and your sister before I make any real plans for them.]

"Of course Twilight. How is the Tiger holding up? You said that it had many mechanical problems from the journal you've read."

[It's running like a charm now that we put in the new transmission for it in and made a few adjustments to the motor we haven't had any real problems with it. The only one that I can say is that it drains fuel, so I'm going to work on a way to put a replenishing spell on the tanks to keep them full. Other than that we've had problems in the snow and wet areas of getting stuck. The Tiger is just so heavy that it sinks into the mud.]

"Have you thought of a way to lessen the weight?"

[Well I could put some wards on it but other than that there's nothing I can really do without beginning to take armor off.]

"That is fine Twilight. Cast your wards and let us hope that will be enough."

[Ok, Tiger 131 out.] The line goes dead as Shining makes his return.

(20 minutes later)

Luna and the others looked up as the tank crested the hill heading in their direction making some of the more skittish leaders scatter when it got to close stopping a few feet from the table that had the radio on it.

Twilight and the others climbed out and trotted up to the others with smiles on their faces.

"That wasn't very nice Fluttershy scaring ponies like that." Celestia smiled.

"Dash made me do it. She said that it would be funny. It was a little bit." The yellow pegasus said hiding in her mane with a small smile on her face.

"Come on everypony lets eat I'm starving." Twilight smiled hopping off the tank trotting over to them.

"Pinkie what would make you ask something like that over an open radio?" Rarity huffed as the others laughed digging into the great meal.

Prologue End

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(A few days later)

Twilight and her friends smiled as they walked into Ponyville. Twilight looked back at her own personal Tiger that was finished just yesterday and was covered in a tarp.

"Oh I can't wait to get this home so I can study it more. I can't believe how much it cost nearly 300,000 bits not to mention the ammo for it. I'll have some of the construction ponies unload it and make sure it stays covered. I have a small area by the tree that I can keep it in. Fluttershy you mind helping me move it tonight?" She asked getting a nod from the mare.

"Oh I don't mind Twilight." Fluttershy answered as Twilight looked over at Pinkie.

"You're planning a party tonight right Pinkie?"

"Of course silly filly! We haven't had everypony here for almost six months so of course we're having a party!" She smiled bouncing around.

"Good have everypony come to the town hall around six tonight. Oh and go crazy Pinkie." She smiled as the mare froze for a second before a crazy look came over her face.

"Hehehehehehe! This is going to be so much FUN!" With that she took off towards Sugar Cube Corner.

"Well I'm gonna see how the family is Twi and see you at the party tonight." Applejack said heading home.

"I agree, I'm sorely miss my sister. I'll see you girls tonight then." Rarity trotted off to her home waving over her shoulder.

"I'm gonna go get Tank and see how the little guy is doing. I've missed him and Scoots is gonna be happy to see me. Later Twi." Rainbow gave a salute before zipping into the sky.

"I better go see how the critters have been. I left Angel with Lyra, I just hope that they are ok." She flew off waving back at Twilight.

"Well Spike you ready to get home and clean?" She asked hearing the younger dragon groan.

"Fine but I'm sleeping in tomorrow." He pouted as she smiled.

"Ok." She replied as they headed home for the first time in a year.

(That night)

Twilight smiled as Fluttershy turned the Tiger off and hopped out of it coming up to Twilight.

"Ok now lets get to that party Fluttershy." Twilight said looking up in the air smiling as the moon came out before catching what looked like lots of pegasus flying by.

"Hey Fluttershy, is there suppose to be any weather ponies out tonight?" f

"Um no they're all at Pinkie's home coming party." Fluttershy said looking up at where the pegasus were flying just when they say a rainbow streak head towards the pegasus.


The two mares looked shocked as tracer round were fired at Dash and the mare fall just as some things began to fall from the pegasus.

"Fluttershy hurry and catch Dash! Meet me back here!" She said watching her friend heading for the ground as Fluttershy took off like a shot kicking up wind all around racing to save her friend while Twilight ran for Sugar Cube Corner while she heard what sounded like.... whistling?


Explosions went off all around her as she teleported back to the tree to get Spike.

She appeared in the tree as he came running down the stairs.

"Twilight what's going on?!"

"We're under attack! Hurry get in the cellar! I have to get the others hurry move!!!" She screamed as he took off into the cellar as she headed back out now as ponies were running around panicking.

She looked around horrified as homes were blown apart with ponies still inside or were blown to pieces out in the street.

She saw Lyra holding BonBon crying, her lower body gone and her insides hanging out soaking the ground in blood she saw to her horror ponies on fire screaming unable to put out the fire on their bodies.

She made it to Sugar Cube Corner to see it completely destroyed nearly making her heart stop as she froze seeing the bodies of ponies under the rubble.

"No no no no no!" She screamed.

"Twilight!" She turned to see Pinkie and Rarity both with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo on their backs.

"What are you doing out here?!" She yelled as another explosion went off.

"Never mind that! We need to get to my house and into the cellar has anypony seen AJ!" She asked over the screaming and explosions as they ran.

"She left with Applebloom earlier! I don't know how they're doing! We were on our way to my house when it was destroyed by something!" Rarity yelled.

"Are they ok?!" Twilight asked as they heard a whistling directly above them. Twilight quickly threw a shield up around them as whatever it was slammed into it surrounding them in fire and losing their hearing.

The mares were shocked as time seemed to slow down while they looked around.

They Cheerilee pulling her upper body across the ground screaming in pain before she collapsed. They saw families being blown apart children, adults it didn't matter they were all dying around them. Twilight saw Mayor Mare screaming as she ran before she was blown apart in an explosion.


They looked up to see Fluttershy panting and crying as she carried a heavily bleeding Rainbow Dash.

"SHE LOST HER WING TWILIGHT!!" Fluttershy cried snapping them out of their shock before Twilight took Dash and Pinkie handed Scootaloo over to Rarity and caught Fluttershy whose legs gave out.

"I got you!" Pinkie yelled.

"Let go! Move! Move! Move!!" Twilight yelled as they took off to the tree again with a few ponies following a bit behind them.

Twilight looked back to see Octavia, Time Turner, Pokey Pierce, Filthy Rich along with his daughter over his back and Silver Spoon running with them.

"WAIT FOR US!" Time Turner yelled as the girls reached the tree first and Twilight kept the door open for them.

"HURRY YOU CAN MAKE IT!" They were ten feet away when Twilight watched them all be mowed down ruthlessly in front of her.

"Oh Celestia! They're gone!" She kept the door open as they ran into the cellar where a scared Spike waited. Twilight moved quickly clearing a spot on her lab table and putting Dash down on it seeing for the first time up close how bad it really was.

Her entire left went was gone the only thing left was a jagged bone where the round of severed the wing. They had completely caught her by surprise.

"We have to wrap this up and stop the bleeding!" Twilight said as they all looked for anything to stop the bleeding with.

"Stay here and I'll get some towels from the kitchen!" Twilight said as they began to protest but she had already reached the upstairs door as she ran into the kitchen grabbing dish towels and hoof towels and ran back towards the cellar door just when bullets tore through the side of the tree making her look back and scream as a round went through her ear blowing most of the top off.

Twilight tumbled down the stairs hearing her friends scream her name before her world went black.

(That morning)

Twilight opened her eyes to see the roof the cellar and groaned.

"Hey egghead. How you feeling? The others said that you really took a tumble." Twilight looked over to see Rainbow bandaged but alive.

"Dash! You're ok!" She gasped pulling the smiling mare into a hug.

"Well I wouldn't really say ok but I'm alive." She said moving the bloody stump around.

"Oh Celestia Dash. I'm so sorry. I- I-" She was stopped as Dash pat her shoulder.

"Hey I'm alive and so are my friends. Twilight I got to tell you that the tree is gone there's nothing left and it's not pretty up there." She said getting a nod from Twilight.

"I know, I saw it while it was happening. Where are the others?"

"Trying to find survivors. There's not many Twi. Whoever that attacked us wasn't playing around Twi." Dash said with a somber tone in her voice.

"And AJ? Did any of them make it out?"

"Yeah AJ, Bloom, and Mac made it out. Granny Smith didn't make it, since she was inside the house when it was hit."

"Oh no. Where's Applejack now?"

"She's helping with survivors. Bloom, Spike, Scoots, and Sweetie Belle are all upstairs. Fluttershy's watching them." She said her tone hollow as she talked.

"Come on Dash. Lets go."

"Ok." The two made their way upstairs where they spotted Fluttershy and the kids. When Spike spotted her he shot into her chest crying hard as she ran a hoof over his spines.

"Shhh, I'm ok Spike. We're ok." She cooed as the baby dragon sniffed and hiccupped and she could here Scootaloo do the same with Dash holding her.

They all looked up when they heard someone walk in spotting AJ covered in dirt and soot.

"AJ?" Twilight said as the mare broke down.

"T-T-The C-Cakes didn't m-make it! They're all dead!" She cried as they all froze.

"Where's Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"She ain't left the site yet. S-She just ain't movin." Applejack said continually wiping her eyes as Twilight ran out to see her friend.

The first thing she saw was the covered bodies in front of her door but she had to ignore that for now as she ran to her friend. All around her the smell of burnt flesh, smoke, and death hung in the air so thick that it was making her gag.

As she came to where Sugar Cube Corner was she saw Pinkie sitting in front of the store.

"Pinkie?" The mare looked back with puffy dead eyes before turning back to four covered bodies, two that were to small to be covered.

"Hey Twilight." She said as Twilight came and sat beside her.

"Pinkie, I'm here for you if you need me."

"I know."

"Do you want to talk?"


"Ok I'll stay here with you though. Is that ok?"

"Ok." The two mares just sat there as Twilight took everything in.

Ponyville was destroyed.

"Twilight?" The mare jumped and turned to her friend noticing her straight pink mane.

"We're going to get them right? We're going to make whoever did this pay right?" She asked as tears flowed down her face as she looked at the unicorn.

Twilight pulled the mare close to her as the flood gates opened and the mare screamed her pain and sorrow.

"We'll get them Pinkie. We'll kill them all." She closed her eyes as she heard the rumble of treads coming behind her making them both turn to see their friends in the Tiger.

"Come on yall Rarity heard a rumor about some strange metal things headed this way. Might as well by some time so these ponies can get out of here and the guard can help out when they get here. Pinkie you think you can do this?" AJ asked as the mare looked back at her family's bodies along with Pound and Pumpkin's choking on another sob before nodding.

"Tell Rarity to move over so she can get the ponies out of here and to safety." She said climbing onto the tank as Rarity got out hugging the mare before climbing down and hurried to where her sister and the other foals were, while Twilight took her place in the commanders hatch.

"Lets go everypony. Panzer vor!"


Stuten Und Tiger

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*June 14, 1034 AN*

(Seven Months later, Present.)

After that day we were all changed for better or worse we didn't know but we don't care. We all lost something that day. Homes, family, friends, loved ones. We were all fighting for something. We were fighting for ourselves and for the ones we lost.

We were fighting for revenge.

(Dream Valley)

"Harmony reports enemy tanks in our sector"

[Confirmed darling, you are cleared to engage]

"Roger. Load APC rounds."

"Loaded Twi."

"Target sighted. Fire when ready."

"Now I got you, come to momma" They feel a round hit the front of the Tiger bouncing off shaking the crew a little but nothing more.


"Shot out!"

"HIT! Enemy tank is down!"

"Confirmed, let command know that Harmony has another kill." The mare watched as the enemy tank burst into flames as its crew tried to bail out only to be mowed down by the hull MG 34.

"Target sighted, enemy cannon, range one mile at our 2 o clock."

"Roger, load HE and prepare to fire."


"Fire when ready."


The brass casing dropped to the ground before a mare tossed them out of the way.

"Target down. No targets in sight Twilight."

"Good, radio command and let them know that our sector is clear of threats. Proceeding to base for rearm and resupply. That's 34 today girls, good job." Twilight smiled at her crew as Pinkie looked back giving a small nod, her straight mane in a bun with a black uniform like the rest of them except Twilight who wore a black officers cap.

"Whew sugarcube, I got to say its been a long day." She opened up the rear hatch letting some cool air in as she sighed.

"Didn't think a whole company would be coming this way. Well we showed those damn imperialist bitches what's what!" Dash said her wing twitching a little while her stub flapped.

"They deserve every bit of it." Fluttershy said as she headed through the field towards a forest ahead of them.

Twilight kept quiet knowing that it was really hard for the mare to talk about her critter friends. Each one having been slaughtered in the attack on Ponyville when a bomb landed right in the house when the attack started killing everything inside, Angel bunny being one of them.

She took it hard when she found them all ripped to pieces from the shrapnel and explosion.

That day they racked up over 154 kills defending the destroyed town till the guard arrived to push back the infantry if barely with heavy losses. It was then a draft to all able bodies to report to a recruitment center immediately.

Twilight and the others became part of the the Lunar Special Armored Force under the direct command of Luna herself.

Twilight officially took command of Tiger 001 leaving Tiger 131 back in the Crystal Empire. So far their kill count was well over 300 for the ace Tiger crew.

Twilight stood up through the hatch wiping sweat from her face letting the cool fall air wash over her as the other hatch beside her on the right opened and Applejack stood out taking hold the mounted MG 34.

"So where to next Twi?" Rainbow called up to her friend.

"I'll show you when we get to the resupply station. You heard about what happened to Steele right?" She asked.

"Yeah his tank was knocked out last week. He was the only survivor, still don't understand why the princesses won't build Tigers, the only thing these other tanks have on us is speed but even then they can't penetrate our armor!" Dash cried.

"I've told you before Dash, the Tiger is costly in time is the main reason but we just don't have enough ponies that know how to operate it." Twilight reminded.

"So they make these stupid tanks that are mass produced so we don't get over run but are just as pathetic as what they were copied from." She groaned.

"I'm not disagreeing with you Dash but that is what Celestia and a majority of the military is best right now." Twilight could see something in the distance heading their way making her climb in.

"Turn turret 23 degrees left. Three targets moving this way. Identify."

"Stand down they're friends." Dash reported as the tension disappeared and Twilight stood back out.

She watched as the squad moved past them with the three commander staring in awe.

"Looks like we're even known out here to." Applejack said seeing a town not to far from them making her smile.

"Well just make sure you just get what we need and then we're heading back out again. So get some sleep while you can, in the morning we're going hunting." Twilight ordered getting nods from the girls.

As they came into view they saw many soldiers in camouflage uniforms stop what they were doing watching the massive tank rumble into the town and to the ammo depot near the center of town.

"Ok AJ you know what to do. Pinkie, Shy, see if you can get us a weeks worth of food for our hunt. Dash watch the tank I need to talk to command here and see what kind of help they need before we head out." She said climbing out of the tank as Dash nodded going over to the loaders area and began to pass the spent rounds out of the open hole to Applejack.

Fluttershy and Pinkie got out and headed for a diner not far from them serving some troops who froze seeing the two black clad mares heading their way.

Twilight headed to the only building that had guards standing outside getting a salute from the two mares.

"At ease, go find something more productive to do girls." She dismissed them as they looked at each other before heading over to some of their friends while she entered the building, a hotel of all things where she found Commander Thunderwing who looked up going wide eyed when he spotted her.

"Colonel Sparkle." She gasped snapping a salute while Twilight gave a lazy return one.

"What's the situation?" She asked while the mare blinked before looking back at the map.

"We're getting hammered by pegasus and armored units from the south and we can't get through to command for reinforcements. We had a runner head back yesterday but he hasn't come back yet." She reported the situation with a worried look on her face.

"Our radio works so we can call for air support. How have you been able to hold for so long?" She asked.

"Oh another one of your unit came to our rescue last night when our lines were about to collapse. They were able to turn the tide back and headed out this morning to help with reacon of the area."

"I see, who was the commander?" She asked.

"Major Steele. With Tiger 002." She said as Twilight's eyes flew open just as a loud clanking was heard and the familiar roar of the engine of the Tiger.

Twilight shot out of the door to see a green, tan and brown camouflage Tiger enter the town as they all froze even her own crew as Steele opened the hatch and looked around before spotting her waving.

"Hey Twilight!" He called as she disappeared and appeared in front of him with her arms wide open.

"STEELE!" She cried as she fell into his arms crying as her crew came running climbing onto the tank piling on the poor stallion as they cried happy to see one of their friends alive.

"Girls! Hey I'm ok really." He said as they pulled back with smiles on their faces letting him climb out with Tech Gear behind him who was instantly tackled by the mares happy that he was alive.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked wiping happy tears from her eyes.

"We were heading this way and stumbled on these guys here having a hard time so we decided to give them a hoof." He said smiling as the rest of his crew climbed out.

"Oh hey I want to introduce you to my crew." He pointed to a pegasus mare that was blue with a white mane and tail with white tipped wings. Three white wolves were her cutie mark two white heads facing out while the center one was a full wolf as all of them were howling. She was wearing the traditional black uniform of the Lunar Special Corps. She had a survival knife strapped to her left leg.

Corpral Wolf ma'am. It's a honor to me- Applejack?" The two mares ran to each other embracing as they cried.

"I thought you were dead! When I heard of the attack I- I-" She broke down as the orange mare cooed to her.

"Shh it's ok sugarcube, Bloom and Mac made it out with me but Granny, she ain't make it." She explained as the others looked at them confused.

"Wolf here has been a family friend for years and I knew her since we were fillies. We ain't seen each other in a while. Last I heard was she went to Manehatten, that was when the attacks happened." She said her own tears going down her face.

"Go catch up AJ. You need some time I can see it." She smiled getting a nod from AJ as they headed to the diner.

"She's my driver one of the best ones I've ever seen, I think she could give Shy a run for her money." He smiled as they gave one of their own.

"Now this is Serra, my radio mare. I'm sure that Pinkie has heard of her." He stated as the pink mare nodded.

"So you're the 02 romeo that I've been hearing lately." Pinkie said getting a nod from the mare.

"Yep. Been doing this at command for awhile and was trained under Captain Rarity herself." She beamed. She was a pale blue unicorn with a bright and dark red highlights in her mane and tail that was cut short similar to Rainbows.

"Private Serra was able to get a call out to command but we don't know if they ever got it. Our antenna was blown off by a enemy tank." He explained.

"Yeah Rarity said she got a garbled message from here and sent us to see what was going on." Twilight said getting a nod from him. She was dark orange with dark grey eyes with a small black highlight going through her mane.

"And this is Thunder Dawn, our gunner. We've scored over a 173 kills over the last few days and we've nicknamed her hawk eye." He said as Dash smirked.

"We'll have to have contest and see who the real better shot is. They call me eagle eye. What's your longest kill shot?" She asked as the other pegasus smirked.

"A mile and a half." She said while Dash laughed.

"That's it? My farthest kill shot was clocked at 3.2 miles it was a command post. Put the shot right through the enemy commanders bedroom window with a HE round." She boasted as they all looked at Twilight who smirked.

"What? She's telling the truth. I gave the order to fire." Twilight said as Thunder growled looking at the smirking pegasus.

"Whatever, I'll blow your record out of the water in no time." She challenged as the two got face to face glaring.

"We'll see about that rookie!" Dash shot back.

"Ok you two." Both their commanders said pulling them away from each other.

"Anyway Tech is our loader and on site mechanic if things go wrong for reason." He said as they embraced each other.

"It's so good to see you again Tech." Twilight said as the stallion smiled adjusting his glasses.

"I'm just glad the rumors were true that you were still alive. So word around the fire is that you girls have really built up a scary reputation. Demons of the battlefield? Just the sound of your engine can make commanders reconsider attacking if you're in the area." He had a raised eyebrow as while she shrugged.

"I don't care what the enemy calls us. The more that are taken out the easier it will be to take back our home." She said getting a nod from them.

"Anyway what's your next move Dark?" She asked as he motioned for her to follow him.

"I'll meet you guys later make sure we're resupplied Dash and get something to eat to. We'll be moving out soon."

"Got it Twi. Come on, lets get the rest of our rounds in and we'll help you with yours." Dash said as Twilight and Steele headed over to the HQ.

"Commander we are taking over the building for a little while. We need you and your staff to leave until further notice." Steele stated as the she looked surprised.

"Wait you can't just-

"I believe that a major and a colonel outranks a commander. Don't make us repeat ourselves." Twilight stated motioning with her head to the door as the mare growled but obeyed along with the rest of the staff.

The two walked over to the map on the desk pointing to where they were.

"This is where we are now, I plan to move us 200 miles south. We lost radio contact with the base there and if the enemy has taken that position we'll have to take it back. If they gain a foothold in that area then they'll have access to this bridge where they can bring in more troops and supplies. That bridge is vital, I'll be leading a tank battalion with troops to retake the base if it has been captured." He said tapping the position with his hoof and looked at her.

"What's your plan?"

"We'll be leaving here in the morning heading out at first light heading north where the main defensive is. I've been getting reports of the Imperials were mounting up for a massive offensive there. We're going to be doing recon on the enemy base and see if the reports are true or if its a fake and they're hitting in another spot." She said getting a nod from Steele.

"Sounds good. Be careful Twilight, I've lost far to many friends in this damn war. I wish I knew what was taking our allies so long to come help." He said as she sighed.

"Steele we have become the most powerful military might among our allies. They may have numbers but with how advanced we are now there is really nothing they can do but offer supplies to keep us in the fight. They would be walking into a slaughter if they tried to step in and we don't have the means to supply them as well with our weapons." She said getting a nod from him.

"How are you holding up Twi?" He asked as she sat down letting out a long sigh.

"I'm hanging in there Steele but as you know the attack has really messed me and my friends up. To see ponies slaughtered like that.." She trailed off as a haunted look came over her face.

"Yeah, I can only imagine. When we were hit I was actually blown from the tank, when I came to my entire crew was dead. Hell of a way to die." He said sitting beside her.

"But hey at least you guys are safe and alive and Serra has somepony to talk to when we're resting." He smiled getting one from Twilight.

"I think Pinkie would like that." She said as they fell into silence for a while.

"I better get back to my crew. It was good to see you again Steele. Stay safe out there." She said getting a nod from him as he got up looking over the map.

"Till next time Twilight."

"Till next time." With that she headed out where she saw Dash laughing with Dawn while Serra, Pinkie and Fluttershy talked. She spotted Applejack with Wolf smiling and talking by the door to the supply depot.

As she made her way to them all conversation stopped giving their attention to her.

"Alright everypony load up and lets move out." Her crew nodded and finished strapping their food to the Tiger before piling in. While AJ waved to her friend.

"I'll give you a call every night before we hit the sac sugarcube!"

"I'll be waiting!" Wolf called back smiling.

"Yell for your mare later AJ I want you to get those rounds sorted just in case we run into trouble." Twilight smiled at the small blush.

"It ain't like that." She mumbled climbing back down as they headed out of the town taking right into the woods and disappearing.

Taking Back Lost Ground

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(Road to the Front)

"So you've heard about those mares with that massive tank?" An earth pony stallion said as he and a few of his friends continued their mission to scout out the Equestrian lines.

"They are just a myth. I heard that the Equestrian beat back the 2nd Armor when a battalion of Equestrian tanks moved in." An earth pony mare huffed.

"That's not what I heard." Another stallion said.

"There are is not a giant tank on the Equestrian side! So stop talking about it!" The mare whispered harshly.

"Why are you so against it. We've all heard the rumors, the attack on Ponyville was stopped by a lone tank. The retreating soldier and tankers said it was one tank. It was massive and black like it had come out of hell itself. Some say its the Elements getting revenge on us for killing their friends and destroying their home." Another mare said as they heard a twig snap and turned to see a yellow mare with a pink mane stumble towards them.

"Please. I need help." She had on a blue uniform showing she was part of the air force. She had blood dripping from her uniform as they rushed to her.

"CAPTAIN! Quick lay her down put pressure on the wound. Stop the bleeding!" The mare stated just as they heard the sound of a weapon being charged. They turned to see four mares with rifles aimed at them.

"Nice work Fluttershy." Twilight said as the mare smiled and stood up taking off the bloody uniform as Dash gave her back her own and her weapon.

"Bring the tank up. We have some POW's that need a good talkin to. Don't you think Dash?" Applejack stated glaring at the group.

"I told you they were real! Mares in black with eyes of steel!" The stallion said as the mare began to shake hearing the sound of something massive heading their way when they saw a massive tank come into view from the bottom of the hill.

"It's them! The elements!" A mare yelled.

"Stop talking!" Dash growled as Fluttershy came with some rope while a platoon of Equestrian soldiers came up behind the tank.

"Nice job Colonel Sparkle." A soldier stated coming up the hill.

"Take these invaders to the Lunar Prisoner camp.We need some information out of them and see what they know about this upcoming attack." Twilight watched then closely and saw they were moving something in there mouths before she grabbed all of them with her magic.

"Now, now. We need information from you. We can't have you killing yourselves now can we?" She took pills out of each of their mouths as there eyes got wider and wider.

"I WONT BE A PRISONER TO THESE MONSTERS!" A stallion yelled as he made to run.

Dash brought up her MG 34 but Twilight stopped her.

Major, have a team follow him. I want to know where his friends are." She smiled as 10 mares stepped forward and trotted after the stallion.

"What are you going to do to us?" A mare asked trembling as Twilight leaned down to their faces.

"Not a thing, you'll have to ask Princess Luna herself what's she's going to do to you. You remember her right? She is a princess of the old ages and has no problem with torture. I could spare you that and you tell me where your friends are. They'll put you away in a nice little cell for the rest of your days. Sounds pretty good compared what Princess Luna could do to you." She said with a cold look in her eyes.

"Like you prissy little ponies would ever do-

"Is that what you think we are? Prissy little ponies? Tell that to the 154 kills we had on the day you attacked my hometown killing stallions, mares, and foals. I'm sure your buddies didn't think we were very prissy when we blew their tanks apart or gunned them down while their buddies burned inside." Dash said with a cruel look in her eyes that promised pain of untold levels.

"YOU'RE MONSTERS!" A stallion yelled as Applejack looked over at him.

"Says the invaders that attacked us for no reason." She growled as he looked away glaring.

"Enough, take them to Princess Luna. I'm sure she would LOVE to have a chat with them." Twilight said as their eyes flew open.

"NO PLEASE! SPARE US! I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING!" The mare said as Twilight turned her back to them heading for her tank along with her crew.

"You fate is already be sealed." She said over her shoulder as they climbed into the Tiger.

"Lets wait here for the troops to return and see where their base is." Twilight said buttoning the hatch while Fluttershy turned off the Tiger and waited.

(One hour later)

"Twi, got movement in front." Dash said.

"Load MG's, Shy power the turret, AJ, load a round and get ready to fire Dash."

"Understood." They said as Pinkie and AJ loaded their MG's after AJ loaded an AP round.

"Guns up Twi." AJ whispered.

"Can you see who it is Fluttershy?" Dash whispered up to her.

"Its the squad from before. It's ok." She smiled as they let out a sigh.

"Ok Fluttershy, start him up so they know where we are." Twilight said as the Tiger roared to life making them all jump as Twilight opened the hatch.

" Hey guys did you find the camp?" Twilight asked as a stallion climbed up.

" About a mile up through the woods they got a forward base. It's supplying all of their troops in the area. We're heading back and request a bombing run on the base." He said as Twilight thought for a second.

"Wait till command to begin operations for an assault on the base. Tiger 001 will be leading it. I want you to get a hold of Captain Flash and I want his regiment on the front and ready to go in three hours. It is not up for debate." She said as he nodded and jumped down before they headed to the rear.

"What's the plan Twi?" Dash asked.

"We're going to capture that base and use it to cut off their supply lines. At the same time we're going to have our friends in Dream Valley push up with their new reinforcements and swing left. They won't expect it and will be forced to fallback. We will have a ambush set up with a few platoons and a few of Grizzlys." She stated.

"Pinkie get me command. I'll need a airstrike on their positions as soon as we are ready to advance"

"Roger that Twi. Ok you're with command."

"Command this is Harmony request assistance taking forward base six miles due North West. Request Bolts on station at first light. How copy over?"

[Harmony this is command fallback to previous location. Princess Luna is in route your location. Permission has been granted.]

"Roger that falling back to last location."

"Target front! 2041 meters and closing! Enemy E-73 company with infantry support!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Confirmed! Engage!" Twilight cried.


"Shot out! Hit! Target is burning!" Dash yelled as AJ loaded another round.



"Fire at will! Pinkie get me in contact with Flash now!" Twilight ordered.

"Already done Twi!" Pinkie called back.


"Target destroyed!"

"Round up!"


"Flash this is Twilight you have massive troop movements headed your way round now! Get your tanks to the front now!" She yelled as AJ loaded another round while Fluttershy kept the front of the Tiger to the enemy.


[Twilight what's going on is that you firing?]


"Target down!"


"Twilight you're with command!" Pinkie yelled as a enemy shell landed next to them.

"TAKING FIRE!" Fluttershy yelled as she pulled back from their postion and moved to another.


"Target burning!"

"Round up!"


"Command we are in heavy contact with the enemy. A large force of armor supported by infantry is moving to the front. We need Bolt support now!"

[Roger that ETA on support is 10 minutes]

"YOU TELL THEM HARMONY NEEDS THEM NOW!" She yelled as the clank of the brass casing hit the turret floor.


[We have them scrambling ma'am.]

"Damnit! Pinkie!"

"Got Wonder One on the line Twilight!"


"Tank is burning!"

"Round up!"


They felt a round hit their side and bounced off followed by five more.



[Harmony this is Wonder One we are in the air and headed your way hold your position Harmony]




Pinkie fired into a advancing platoon cutting them down as their other friends hit the dirt.


"He's burning!"

"Round up!"


"Twi we have Flash on the line!"

"Put him through!"

[Get second company on the left flank! Have first company on the line. Give Harmony some Celestia damned support! Twilight I have my regiment in position! We are in heavy combat with infantry! Can you hold?!] She could hear gunfire and tank fire through the radio.


"Round up!"


"Taking hits! But no penetration!" Applejack yelled.

" We can! Have Fox company move to our location and lay down fire from the ridge! Have them move to my right flank and hit them hard!"



Pinkie continued to fire at the infantry that broke off to engage them.


"Back ups here!"



[Heard you could use some help Harmony. Captain Long Shot at your service.]

"Captain deploy your grizzlys in a line on the ridge and rain fire on them!" She could hear the Equestrian tanks open fire as more enemy tanks began to be knocked out one after the other while the enemy line began to falter.

[Roger! I'll get it done ma'am!]

"Twi, Spitfire is waiting for targets!" Pinkie yelled continuing to fire at the infantry as they fell back.

"All units mark your location with smoke!"

[This is Wonder One, we see your smoke and are making our run now.]


The girls could feel the shockwaves as the bombs went off and the sound of lightning strike were heard.


"Keep firing drive them back. Pinkie get me Thunderwing!"

"On the line Twilight!"



"Dream Valley this is Harmony are you there, how copy over?"

[This is Dream Valley! We are under heavy attack but we're holding ma'am! We got your message from your radio mare just before they hit. It looks like their line if faltering. Major Steele is here on the field assisting.]

" Good continue to push them back captain we have air support on the line now if you need them."

[Roger that ma'am! We'll chase them all the way to the Imperium! Dream Valley out!]

[This is Wonder One we are out of ammo and are RTB to rearm. Call us if you need us Twi.]

"Thanks Wonder One. I owe you some cider when I get back."

[Looking forward to it. Wonder One out]

[This is Flash, we are pushing the enemy back now!]

" Push them back to the forward base and be ready for heavy contact."

[Roger that. Flash out]

[This is Long Shot, where do you need us ma'am?]

"Take your platoon through the forest and hit them from the back. We're taking that base!" Twilight ordered.

[Roger that ma'am, Grizzly's are moving.]

"What's the count so far girls?"

"18 confirmed kills so far." Dash called out.

"Ok Fluttershy, head back to the base and be ready for combat. Reload your MG's and get those rounds ready." Twilight ordered.

[This is Wonder One we are on station. mark your targets.]

"Wonder One this is Harmony, head North for one mile and provide CAS for advancing friendly forces."

[Roger that Wonder One is going in hot.]

Twilight stood out of the turret as they moved through the forest with the main bulk on the left as she and the other tanks moved through the forest in a column with the Tiger up front.

"Base ahead 1000 meters, load HE. We're going to make our own door." Twilight called out to Dash and AJ.

"Round loaded!" Applejack cried.

"Fire." Twilight ordered.


The sound of crumbling stone was heard as the Tiger smash through the wall much to the stunned mares and stallions shock as they continued letting the Grizzlys in when everything turned into chaos.

Twilight ducked down shutting the hatch as Pinkie let a burst out into a group of soldiers along with Dash as she swung the turret mowing down swarms of soldiers as the Grizzly's began to join in on the attack firing into parked tanks or enemy soldiers.

Twilight looked through her periscope as they heard the sound of more Grizzly's close by as infantry swarmed in through the hole they made.

"SURRENDER! SURRENDER!" She heard as they stopped firing as the enemy gave up.

"Alright girls, lets disappear." She said as they deployed smoke and headed back through the hole and disappeared into the woods as the night took the sky.

"Great job today girls. Now lets head back and get some rest. I think we all earned a good nights sleep in a bed." She said getting tired smiles from her crew and friends.

“Oh man a real bed. Now that’s a order I’ll enjoy follwing.” Dash smiled sitting back in her seat as everyone mumbled their agreement.

“I know I can’t wait for one, it’s been months since we last slept in a bed. It’ll give me some time to write Applebloom.” Applejack said getting smiles from the others.

“Yea I should write the squirt and let her know that I’m ok.” Dash sighed with a smile on her face.

“I think she would be very excited.” Fluttershy said as they pulled up to the outskirts of the town where the front was.

“What do you think girls? Five star with some room service?” Pinkie called back making them laugh.

“If we find one thats still open and has workers then I’m the next princess of Equestria.” Twilight said as they all laughed as they rolled into town hearing the cheer of soldiers.


A Helping Hoof.

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(Year One. Forest, Six Miles from the front line)

A dull gray mare walked through the Imperial compound as many stared at her.

" Look that's the visiting colonel! Salute you idiot!" She heard a sergeant whisper harshly to a private as she passed.

" Good morning ma'am." They said as she nodded passing them.

"Colonel Silver, you know you're suppose to salute them back correct?" A mare followed behind her as she stopped.

"Oh?" Her tone was as cold as ice as she walked back to the two lower enlisted.

"I apologize if I seemed rude. I have a habit of not saluting back when I saw one of my own commanding officers brains get blown out by a Equestrian sniper when he saluted. Good day." With that she spun around leaving two frozen and scared along with the captain that seemed to follow more farther behind.


*Inside the forest*


" I really wish you wouldn't do that." Dash said spotting for the unicorn stallion next to her.

"Everypony has their vices, mine is gum." He said as she sighed and watched Maud head towards a large building.


"Seriously dude? This is a stealth mission part of that is being quiet. Which you are failing at." She whispered harshly as he shrugged.

"I told command that I didn't need anypony with me. I never use a spotter because they slow me down. It's why I was named Math Wizz. All my calculations are done up here without paper or need for help." He said tapping the side of his head as she huffed.

" Yeah well I would love to be in my tank where it's dry and doesn't smell like dead leaves and bark. Instead I'm out here with you because command thinks that two ponies with great vision and the top shots is better than one." She snorted as he shrugged.

" Not my problem. Do me a favor and just sit there quietly." He said looking through the scope of his .50 caliber rifle. A bit of overkill since his regular rifle was a stolen Imperial rifle a little smaller than the ammo EA uses but still a good rifle. So far he's bagged over 500 kills. Today he was aiming for his 501st.

"Look sharp. Patrol." Dash whispered as they ducked down as they walked within a few inches from the two covered ponies.

"Dude I'm telling you General Ironside and Colonel Silver are going to be in a thow down. I heard she doesn't salute while on the battlefield and is really loose with the rules. She even has some kind of messed up honor of helping the wounded enemy! She's been called a traitor a few times and with this last thing she did it might just end her." A mare said as she sat down behind the pair and lit a cig and inhaling.

"Yeah what did she do?" A stallion asked.

"Well I heard she let some Equestrian civilians go after they took a village. You know our orders. Burn everything. Well she let them go and even injured one of our own when he want to follow his orders from command. So now I hear she might be getting her rank taken and busted back down to a low class captain." She said taking another drag.

"Shitty, well when you play loose with the rules bad things happen. Besides after Alpha Base was taken we've been put on the defensive for now. I even heard that Princess Celestia burned all of the 2nd army when they attacked the left flank of their front lines. We can't afford to have ponies like the colonel." A mare said as they all grunted in agreement before moving on.

The two waited for a while to make sure they were gone before sighing.

"Sucks for them that old Silver is with us now." Dash giggled as he nodded.

"Well when you have a good mare like Silver trying to do what's right and then gets shit on all the time I guess you would get kind of tired of it after a while." Wizz stated as the two went quiet.



*Down in the compound*

"Very well if that is commands decision then I will retire at once. Ladies, gentle stallions." She said taking off her rank and tossing it on the table.

"But I will say this. If you think the massacre of Ponyville was anything to go by, the Equestrians will have us all pay with mountains of bodies. For every civilian we kill a hundred more of our own will fall to them. You mark my words,I fear we have awoken a sleeping giant that none of use will be unable to stop no matter what we do." With that the mare stormed out as she heard the older mare yell after her.

Maud got outside before she was roughly turned around to come face to face with old mare.

"The words you speak are on the border of treason! I could have you shot here and now Captain Silver!" General Ironside growled as the mare smirked.

" I only speak the truth general. Or did you not hear of what happened to the 2nd Army? We have overstepped our bounds and now we will be paying for it with our blood." She said as a group gathered around the two.

"Silence captain!"

They were out in the middle of the compound as the two faced off.

Maud held a straight face as the general was blown in half from the heavy round as her inside spilled out on the ground as thunderous sound of the shot was heard. Maud gave a little smirk before she took off towards the gate where her ride was hopping into the back of the car.

"Get me out of here now!" She ordered as she heard gunfire behind her while they drove away from the compound.

[Hey Maud how did it go?] The mare smiled hearing her sisters voice.

"Pull up here please I need to catch my breath."

[Ohh you still have the driver?]

"Thank you." The mare pulled out a pistol as the stallion turned back to her.

BLAM! The front of the windshield was painted with blood, bone and brain matter as the back of the stallions head exploded from the point blank shot.

"Everything went right on schedule and without a hitch. I'm heading to meet up with your friend Dash and the sniper."

[Ok just be carefull.]

"See you when I get back." She turned off the radio that was in the suitcase and closed it before getting out of the car and going to the back and opened the trunk where a dead mare was and tossed her into the car.

"Another one down and so ends the story of old Ironside and Captain Silver." She said as she took out a MG 34 from the trunk and fired into the car.


She watched as the car caught fire from a round hitting the gas tank as she took off in the forest while the car was engulfed in flames.

*A few minutes later*

Maud sighed as her sister gave her a hug while silver eyed mare that looked like Maud walked towards them with a few soldiers that were part of the Imperium.

"Thank you ma'am. Now." She pulls out a pistol and aims it at the two mares while the rest of her soldier aim their weapons at the rest of the Equestrian soldiers.

"Now with that old mare out of the way I'll be head general of the 4th Army and with the Demons of the Battlefield AKA the Elements of Harmony and the Ghost as my offering along with the assassin of the general I believe that will put my place firmly at the top." He smiled as two Imperial tanks rolled up.





Twilight watched in awe as the two tanks were blown apart as Silvers head exploded in a shower of gore while the Equestrians grabbed their weapons and hit the dirt mowing down the other Imperials.

"Sound aus!!" The Equestrians could hear shouts from the woods as a mare trotted out of the woods wearing a camouflage uniform. She was white with a pale blonde mane that was just peeking out of her helmet.

"Hallo. You looked like you could use some help.: The mare smiled with a heavy accent as the mares stayed on edge.

" Captain Panzerschreck Third Maremacht Division, Company B. At your service. Germaney thought it was time we helped out our friends. Prinzessin Luna sent us since she didn't trust zhat swine." She said kicking the dead body. They all smiled widely walking up to the mares and shaking their hooves.

"Thank you Captain Panzerschreck. My crew and these soldiers are in your debt. I'm Colonel Twilight Sparkle." She said shaking the mares hoof before she was brought into a hug.

"Froh, dass wir es geschafft in der Zeit. We would hate for our first mission to be a fail. Come we have some es gibt wurst at ze camp not far from here." She smiled as Dash's stomach growled.

"Sure, I could eat." She smiled as two tanks drove through the forest towards them.

"Wonderva!" She smiled as Twilight and the other girls climbed into their Tiger as the Equestrian soldiers piled on along with some Germane troops while Panzerschreck headed for one of the other tanks and hopping on.

"Entschuldigung." Twilight turned back to see a tan mare with a black mane looking at her.

"Ja? Sprechen Sie Englisch?"

"Ja. Sorry vhen I heard you speak Germane I just assumed..." She trailed off a little embarrassed.

"No problem but my Germane isn't very good but I'm trying to get better. What do you need?"

"Ve vere vondering if you are the famous crew that turned the tide of the var." She asked tapping her hooves together shyly.

"What's your name?"

"Oh! Private Gewehr ma'am!" She said giving a salute as Twilight grabbed her hoof.

"Here's a tip private. Never salute in the field, it makes your commanding officer a target for snipers, ok?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And to answer your question, no we're not. It was with the combined effort of all of my friends and comrades that we were able to turn the tide back and push them on the defencive. Now I have a question." Twilight said as the private nodded.

"Where did you get those weapons?" She asked as the mare looked at her rifle.

"Princess Luna. She let some of our researchers take a look at the weapons you found and took from the enemy along with zhe few tanks zhat you captured. Ve vere able to make our own and sent copies to our other allies but it will be a vhile before zhey can make their own and equip zheir armies to help. At least zhat is vhat Captain Panzerschreck told us." She said getting a nod from the mare.

"Well it's good to finally have some help in this war. I take it since you're here that most of your military is equipped?"

"Ja. Ve even heard zhat zhe navy is being upgraded and zhe panzers you sent us vill be getting a upgrade to from vhat I heard."

"Good we need all the help we can get. We're barely holding our trade routes at sea. Only with our air force are we able to keep them at bay."

Ja! Battalion Kommandant Blitzkrieg is heading zhat way to give support to your air forces and drive zhe enemy from your waters."

"That's good to hear."

"JA! Wir werden es fur diejenigen geben swine!" She cheered as the other germane mares cheered with her just as a small outpost came into view.

The Bridge Part One.

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*The Bridge*

Steele and Twilight met 5 miles from where they were suppose to capture and hold a bridge that would lead them into a back door in the first nation that was under Imperium control.

" There's a tank platoon that's parked here. The Bolts and Luftwaffe will begin their bombing run at 2 AM. The infantry will move up with tank support. Charlie Company and Foxtrot will move to the left flank while Germane troops take the right." Twilight stated pointing to each area that showed arrows of where the forces were going to attack.

"Right. We'll be moving with the main assault. Twilight, Luna wants you with the Germanes." Steele stated getting a nod from her.

"Wonderva! It vill be a sight to see vith you in action vith us." Panzerschreck smiled as the mare of Tiger 001 grinned having a great time a few weeks ago with the mares.

"Ja!" Gewehr cheered.

"Zhe 3rd Panzer Lehr division vill move on zhe 2nd Maremacht Division's right flank to provide panzer support. Zhe 309th Artillery Division vill be providing fire support before zhe attack starts." Panzerschreck stated getting a nod from the others just as they heard what sounded like thunder before explosions rocked the area ahead of them.

"Looks like they started early." Steele said they all looked out towards where the city was being completely devastated.

"What do you think it's like in there?" Thunder Dawn asked as the mares of Tiger 001 looked out towards the burning city.

" Hell on earth. I hope its worse for them." Dash said as they saw spotlights search the skies as and tracers shot into the sky as they saw pegasus flying over dropping the payload before breaking off and heading back to rearm as they saw some drop from the sky.

"Come on we need to get ready. Get some shut eye because your gonna need it." Twilight ordered her crew as she left with Panzerschreck and Gewehr to inspect the lines.

(Outskirts of the city)

"Target right 200 meters! Fire!" Twilight yelled.


"Tank destroyed!" Dash reported.

"Round up!" AJ yelled as they heard the sound of the hull MG 34 coming to life.

"Enemy in the open 100 meters!" Pinkie yelled as she fired into the group shredding them apart blowing a few limbs off.

"Hit that whorse with the MG!" Twilight yelled spotting a mare in front of them trying to turn a AT gun towards them.


"Enemy AT is out of action!" Dash yelled as AJ loaded another round.

[Zhis is Panzer! Continue zhe assualt, push zhem out!]

Twilight watched as a few Germane soldiers pushed ahead of them before they heard a banging on the hatch. Twilight opened it to see Gewehr there.

"Colonel! I'll be your spotter! Ve have a building around zhe vay zhat has MG positions in a building zhat has zhird platoon pinned!" She yelled getting a nod from the mare.

"Alright! Shy advance up the road, AJ load HE!" Twilight yelled as they lurched forward with a few germane squads using the tank as cover while another tank passed them and around the corner when it exploded.

"Sweet Celestia! I can't move up if theres a AT around that corner! You're gonna have to take that out first!" Twilight yelled as she watched in horror as a few of the crew tried to get out of the tank while on fire screaming.

Twilight jumped out wrapping her magic around them and smother the flames.

"MEDIC!! OH CELESTIA! MEDIC!!!" She saw a mare with a red cross running towards her only for her to drop dead from a shot to the head.

"FUCK! Don't worry I got you!" She yelled to the screaming stallion just when she was blown off her hooves.

"Twilight!!" She heard Gewehr and waved to she was ok before looking back to see the stallions upper body gone. She stared in horror as she scrambled away while the other stallion laid motionless next to his burning tank.

She felt Gewehr grab her and pull her to the Tiger as a soldier next to them went down from a sniper shot.

"Get to cover ma'am! MEDIC!" Gewehr screamed as rounds popped around them kicking up dirt as they moved back to the tank.

Twilight felt more hooves on her to see a stallion with a green mane and red coat.

"Ma'am are you hit?!" He yelled over the gunfire as more troops poured into the area.

"No I'm fine just a little winded." She said as she watched more soldiers get mowed down making her grit her teeth.

"Gewehr! I want you to find those AT guns and mark them! We'll take care of the rest!" Twilight yelled climbing onto the Tiger and back into her hatch as a few more germane tanks pulled up behind them.

"Yes ma'am!" She watched the young mare run through the hail bullets while all those around her that followed seemed to be taken down.

"PINKIE! Grab the portable and follow Gewehr! We need to know when to advance!" Twilight yelled as the pink mare nodded and opened her hatch grabbing a radio from the back of the Tiger took off after the other mare.

'Come on come on!' Twilight said waiting for Pinkie to call.

[Gun marked Twi!]

"Shy move up! Dash be ready to fire!" Twilight yelled as they lurched forward and turned the corner as Dash rotated the turret left as they spotted a AT gun 100 meters to their left.



Twilight smiled as the gun blew apart in a grand display.

"All tracks move up and support the infantry!"

[Ja! Bewegen sie sich aur der rechten seite!]

"Round loaded!"

"Fire at will take down that building!"



She smiled as the other tanks moved ahead of the infantry blowing the building apart. She saw Pinkie and Gewehr running back to her making let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Nice shot Dash!" Pinkie yelled climbing onto the tank after putting the portable radio away.

"Pinkie that was awesome!" Dash yelled as Gewehr ran up to them climbing onto the tank.

"Private I'm putting you in for a promotion! That was great work out there!" Twilight yelled as the mare smiled.

"Thank you ma'am!" She beamed as the Tiger lurched forwards as Dash fired another round into the building as it shifted and collapsed in on itself. A cheer rang out as the infantry charged ahead.

"I have to get back to my unit! I'll see you later Twilight!" Gewehr yelled as she hopped down from the Tiger and joined the charge.

" Advance with the infantry! take the left side!" She radioed.

[Ja, ma'am!]

"Come on girls this battle isn't over yet." Twilight said just as she saw Steele along with scores of Equestrian infantry going down a street heading for the bridge.

"There's Steele and the others! Move up and push for the bridge!" She radioed as they all charged forwards while they saw Imperial troops retreating across the bridge while then Germane and Equestrian troops fired at them cutting them down with no mercy.


"KILL THEM ALL!" She could hear her fell Equestrian scream out for blood as they all charged the bridge after them taking the other side and stepping into the first Imperial held country.

"After a year fighting on our lands it's their turn to shed blood on their lands." Twilight said as Equestrian and Germane tanks rolled across the bridge to support their comrades.

"Hey Twi." The mare looked over to see Steele's Tiger next to her.

"Hey Steele."

"Kinda surreal huh? After a year of fighting on our own turf we're finally taking the fight to them." He said as Twilight nodded while a few Germane and Equestrian soldiers walked up to them with a group of Imperial soldiers.

"Ma'am! What do we do with these guys?" A stallion asked as the two commanders looked at each other.

"You know your orders. Handle it." She said getting a nod from the Equestrian troops as they shoved them to the lip of a crater.

"What are you going to do with- BLAM! BLAAAAMMM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAAAAAAAAMMM!!!

"We don't have any means to take care of POW's right now. Sie kennen thre bestellungen." She said as the Germane troops nodded before heading to rejoin their units.

"You think this is right Twi?" Steele asked as she sighed.

"No but orders are orders. I'm not thrilled about them but I'm just following them."


The two watched as explosions went off on the other side of the canyon along the sound of gun and tank fire.

The Bridge Part 2

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In the capital city of the Imperium, two ponies walk down its expansive streets. One is a tall strong looking stallion, his coat is as blue as the sky with silver eyes, the other a mare whose coat is a deep shade of violet with red eyes.

Both wear black officer overcoats and hats with gold highlights with the symbol of an eagle on it, that show the signs of wear and tear that only long periods of combat can bring.

Many ponies regardless of whether they be guard, soldier or civilian, either gave them a large berth or bowed their heads slightly in respect. The two ponies walk into the headquarters of the Imperium military and enter its war room.

Inside the war room, the high command of the Imperium's military look over to the two figures, many of them with looks of disdain. One of which a tall black stallion spoke with thick sarcasm

"Well, well , well. If it isn't the mighty leaders of the Imperial Vanguard, the so called, 'Spear heads of the Imperium'. I can only imagine how it must have felt getting shipped off to some nowhere province full of rebels and bandits." The Stallion spoke with a voice that was cold as ice,

"I go where my duty takes me, I have no reservations on my posting there, so long as I can serve my Imperium, the location matters not."The same Stallion from before growled before another spoke up, this stallion was deep magenta.

"Well you would have been able to serve our Imperium better on our front lines in Equestria if you hadn't of disobeyed a direct order Darkling." Darkling removed his hat and looked the magenta stallion straight in the eyes .

"If I had been here when this war was started, we may have won long ago, instead of assaulting Canterlot and moving to capture Equestria’s princesses, you instead chose to launch an attack on the defenseless town, ponyville. Causing the birth of the 'Demons' I’m sure has been giving you reason to relent and regret such an incompetent action."

The Black stallion from before shouted at Darkling.

" DID YOU JUST CALL US INCOMPETENT!?" Several other stallions got up and voiced outrage at Darkling who only looked over at the black stallion from the corner of his eye.

" I did, in my honest opinion, if you all weren't in command of the Imperium's military, it would be far more powerful than it currently is." The magenta stallion growled at Darkling.

" I will have you tried for treason and executed you overblown bastard."The mare next to Darkling spoke up at that point.

" You could try that if you wish, all of you could at once, but you should know that he has more authority and power than all of you combined. The only reason any of you are alive is because General Darkling isn't like the rest of you. And you would do well to remember that." The mares voice was as cold as Darkling's and many of the stallions in the room either slinked down in their chairs or shuddered.

"As of right now, i'm in command of all forces in combat against Equestria and its allies, anyone who attempts to overrule that or dispute it...Will face the consequences. This is not a grab for political power,its a measure taken to secure the safety of citizens of the Imperium. Again is this Understood?" Darkling's voice was low and just as cold as before but it held such power and authority that no pony not even the most arrogant of the high command dared speak out against Darkling.

Darkling and the mare then left the high command building. The mare then said,

"What's wrong with our Imperium Darkling? Time was, the Military was full of ponies like you and me while arrogant,evil bastards like them were punished for their actions." Darkling looked with a bit of sorrow in his eyes.

"I don't know Deadeye, but I will not allow bastards like them to destroy what generations of our ancestors sacrificed everything to build. Our emperor is not a bad stallion, he is one of honor and duty just like you and me. He is who we follow. He is the only one worthy to be followed.” Deadeye closed her eyes sighing

“ Honorem, donum, et sacrificium.”

Darkling nodded back to her.

“Pacem lapsis”

*That morning*

"So anyway Lucky got a home run off the first pitch! I'm tellin you! Bottom of the nineth bases were loaded and she brought them all home." Steele smiled passing a few Equestrian soldiers hearing them talking about the latest baseball game, as they set up a machinegun nest near the bridge as he headed to Tiger 001 that was using a bombed out building as cover.

" Twilight! I got us some coffee!" He called out as the commanders hatch opened and Twilight popped her head out smiling.

"Where in Equestria did you get that?" She asked hopping off the tank and heading over to her fellow Tiger commander as he handed her a cup.

"Supplies just got pushed up. Hope you like it black." He said taking a sip of his as she took a gulp of hers.

"Oh yeah that's the good stuff. How's your crew doing?" She asked as he smiled.

"Sound asleep. After the last few days of nonstop engagements I think they earned a little shut eye. What about yours?"

"Same. Dash and AJ are sound asleep on the gun. I can't sleep with the way Dash snores. It's almost louder than our engine! Hows the other end doing?" She asked taking another sip.

"They've dug in and are waiting for a counter attack. The main bulk is on it's way here. Maybe another day or so. You know the orders. Defend the bridge at all costs." He said taking a sip as she nodded and yawned making him yawn.

"So what do you think we'll be facing once we push in?" Twilight asked as she sipped some of her coffee as he shrugged.

"Who knows. From what we've seen so far more devoted mind warped ponies and maybe some happy griffons." He sighed gulping down the coffee and sighing.

"I hope so. Eagledor was the last they took a year ago before they tried us. So lets hope they'll help us push them back." She stated getting a nod from him

" Yeah. Well I better get going. I need to make sure everythings ready if there is a counter attack. I'll see you later Twi." He walked away as she waved at him finishing her coffee.

"Bless that stallion. Well I better go see what needs to be done." She sighed and headed towards the command tent as she watched a few troop transports head down the bridge towards the defensive front as a few stallions waved and called out to her making her smile and wave as well.

"Hello Colonel Twilight." Twilight froze and turned to see Princess Luna smiling down at her as she beamed and slammed into the alicorns chest.

"Its ok Twilight. I am here now." She leaned down nuzzling the mare as she sniffed as Twilight pulled back.

"I heard you were shot in the Valley a few days ago. Are you ok?" Twilight asked wiping her eyes as her friend and commanders smiled and turned showing the small round scar that was near the top of her cutie mark.

"Tis a flesh wound my dear. The medic was able to remove the bullet before the wound healed up. How are you and the girls my dear? I heard that you have had quite a hassel when the Imperialist tried to capture you and the other before our allies stepped in." Luna asked as they headed for the command tent.

" We're fine now and are itching for some payback. Dash is really looking forward to moving out. You know how she can't sit still." Twilight smiled as they pushed the flap away entering the Equestrian command tent as they all bowed to the princess.

" My princess. We have to far side secured. Germane forces are holding that side while we are keeping this way open in case they need to fall back." One of the officers informed her.

"Very good. What of supplies for everypony?" Luna asked.

"We're fine for now and with the Germanes holding off any counterattacks. Besides supplies are only a few days away so everything will be ok till then princess." The mare said as Twilight looked over the map.

" From here we can hit their right flank before they can really prepare. At the same time we can hit them at the center and left flank. I believe it's call a pincer maneuver." Twilight said as Luna nodded.

" Indeed. We'll have the Germanes pull back and help with the main assault when they're ready. It should only be a day or so." Luna said getting a nod from the the other commanders.

" Ja. Ve vill give zhem hell mien princess." Panzerschreck stated as she nodded to her fellow captains.

As the commanders discussed strategy on the other side of the river German tanks began to pull back along with soldiers as Equestrian soldiers moved in to take their position.

In the forest Imperialist gathered to take back Trottersburg. Most were the Imperium's elite.

" Signal the attack while they're disorganized." A stallion said getting a nod from another beside him.

Above them pegasus swooped in as an alarm went off and tracer fire filled the sky.

Across the river Twilight scrambled through the debris as the air raid sirens went off while everyone that could fired into the air trying to take down the enemy when she heard the sound of tank fire across the river.

She looked back and could see bombs falling on the forward position while Equestrian and Germane tanks were being knocked out left and right from bombs and enemy fire.

"Twilight!!!" She turned and saw her Tiger pulling up as she scrambled up the front and took her position in the commanders hatch.

"Pinkie radio across the net for everypony to pull back and take defensive positions!" Twilight yelled as she slipped on her throat mic and headset while Pinkie relayed her orders.

[Negative hold position! Everypony reinforce the other side of the bridge!] Luna's voice was heard over the radio as Twilight gritted her teeth as a few soldiers ran past her.

[ Tiger 1 and 2 provide support for 3rd battalion!]

" What's the call Twi?" Dash asked as Twilight growled.

" We have orders to follow. Support 3rd battalion across the bridge. Move to a defensive position and hull down. We're in for a long one." Twilight said as the all looked wary.

"Lets go move! Ponies are dying without us up there!" She yelled as Fluttershy nodded as the Tiger lurched forward as they heard the sound of the Equestrian and Germane artillery thunder to life.

" Shy move us up by the wreckage! We're gonna be doing a lot of shoot and scoot today so Dash be on the bit every time got it!" She yelled as they felt the shockwave of a bomb landing beside them dazing them a bit.

" Ri-Right! You got it Twi!" Dash yelled as Fluttershy pulled the Tiger by the wreckage of a Equestrian tank and pulled up a little past it so Dash could get a shot off.

" E- 73, range, one mile, load HEAT." Twilight yelled as the large cannon swung to the right.

"Target sighted!" Dash reported.

" Round up!" Applejack called out.



*They watched as the turret was blown off the tank as some Germane and Equestrian soldiers moved ahead to a building while Applejack reloaded.

" Shy move up to that building! We're a bit exposed out here. Make us a new door." Twilight said as she turned in while Fluttershy pulled the Tiger up and turned right crashing through the side of the building just as a hole was blown through the wall and hitting the dead tank they were at.

" Fire at will!" Twilight screamed as she saw Steele moving across the bridge to support the other side.


The Bridge End

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*Next day*

The Imperial commander watched as the first wave was pushed back and completely destroyed from the the regrouped Equestrian and Germane forces and were beginning to push past the small town on the other side of the bridge while he was still trying to gather his forces when he heard the sound of boots crunching and turned to see one of the Imperial Vanguards.

“Commander what is the situation here? All the information I was given prior to arrival has been made invalid at best.” The vanguard soldier said calmly.

“Sir! The first assault was completely destroyed and the enemy is gathering for a counter attack! My forces are still trying to rally! Sir what are your orders?!” The commander panicked looking at the Vanguard with fear in his eyes.

“Calm yourself commander, I'll be taking command of the next assault personally. If I fail you are to either destroy the bridge at all costs to slow their advance, or contact high command and speak to High General Darkling. Understood?” The Vanguard asked calmly.

“Of course sir! My troops are at your disposal!” The commander said saluting.

“Good, order half of your remaining soldiers to fall back to a secondary defensive position and destroy all conver along the way. Have the other half form up to assault the bridge.”

“At once sir!” He takes off to carry out his orders.

The vanguard turned to nearby soldiers, “ You! Form up and attempt to assist those retreating from the bride. Cover them until they reach cover.” He turned to a smaller group of snipers,

“You are to in turn cover them, there are several bombed out buildings close enough to the bridge to give you vantage points, but far enough to not be exposed, set up there.” The soldiers saluted the Vanguard and ran off to follow through on their orders.

*The bridge*

Steel and his crew at the front as more support poured in from across the bridge. At the moment Steel was engaged with a platoon of E-76 medium tanks with four already knocked out.


“Damn It! These Imperials just don't know when to quit. They are basically throwing their lives away at this point.” Darksteel said with a hint of pity in his voice.

Wolf took notice and asked, “Steel, you don't actually feel sorry for these ponies do you? They did start this whole war.” Another Imperial tank then exploded from a well placed anti-tank round.

Steel looked over at Wolf and let out a sigh, “ No these ponies didn't, their commanders did. I'm fighting to protect my home from them, but right now most of these ponies are doing the same. I'm worried that before this is over, many of us may turn out just like them.”

Wolf had a confused look on her face and asked, “What do you mean? How are we in anyway like them?” Steel raised an eyebrow at her and said

“They are ponies same as you or me. They have families, lives, hopes, fears and anything we have. They aren't very different than us, but we haven't been taking prisoners and have been torturing them for information as well.This may be war, but before we did that to them, they did it to us. That is unsettling in more ways than one.”

*On the Western part of the battlefield*

“Shot out!!” Dash yelled.


“Splash one APC!” Fluttershy yelled.

“ Rotate turret right 57 degrees!” Twilight called out.

“ E-76 in the open! 600 meters!” Pinkie called back as the turret rotated.

Twilight could hear Pinkie firing into a group of retreating soldiers as AJ loaded another round.

“Round up!” Applejack yelled.


“Tank is burning. New target 20 degrees right!” Twilight called down.

“You would think these guys would get the point and fall back!” Dash yelled firing into the front armor of a tank putting a nice round hole where the drivers viewport was as AJ reloaded.

“They are probably on orders to not retreat.” Fluttershy said through her throat mic.

“Ain’t our problem the more of these bastards we kill the less we got to deal with when we punch into their homeland. Round up!” Applejack yelled.


“We got Bolt and Luftwaffe CAS on station! They are requesting targets.” Pinkie said over the net as Twilight nodded.

“Have the battalion mark positions with a red smoke. Once the air support is gone get me an artillery barrage on their positions. They are not gonna push back! Radio Steel and tell him as soon as the air support of done to push his entire battalion up and swing right! We’re going to swing left while the Germanes are going right up the middle.” Twilight ordered.

“Got it Twi!” Pinkie called back and began to do as ordered.

*On the hill overlooking the battlefield*

The vanguard looked down at the battle. He saw the Imperial lines breaking apart and the soldiers attempting to retreat getting cut down. He turned around and looked at all of the soldiers he had left. Barley 1000 infantry and just under 100 tanks left along with maybe 20 37mm AT guns, not nearly enough to beat them back the way the battle was going. But enough to slow them down, he turned to a scout

“You. Run back to your commander, tell him that I won't be able to stop the enemy from advancing, but I can buy him time. Tell him to call General Darkling.” The scout gave a salute and ran off as fast as he could.

The vanguard then turned to his soldiers, “All of you are soldiers of the Imperium. You've sworn to fight,bleed and die for your emperor. That is not what is going to happen today, Today I ask you fight for your brothers and sisters and your families back home. I won't lie to any of you, if you follow me, you will not survive. But that is why I'm giving you a choice, you can either follow me into the cold embrace of death buy time for our comrades, or you can fall back to meet up with them. I will fault nopony for doing such either. It is your right to choose your own battles,I cannot force you to fight for me. I do not ask you to fight with me either. I ask you to die with me.” A few soldiers turned around and walked back, with their heads held low. But others stepped forward and saluted their leader.

“Sir, my squad and I always dreamed to one day be able to fight alongside the Vanguard and die if necessary.Now that we have this chance to do so, I dont give a damn how many hostiles are down there,we will fight until not a single one of us is left breathing!’ ” All of the remaining soldiers nodded and formed into battle groups and formed up to attack. The vanguard nodded and jumped on top of a tank and picked up and Imperial flag. He then yelled

“All forces, FORWARD!!” All of the soldiers let out battle cries and charged down the hill. With the Vanguard leading them.

*Down in the valley*

“ Have they lost their mind?!” Twilight yelled as they watched the Imperial forces charge out of the forest as 20 AT guns fired from the ridge wiping out most of first and second platoon.

“Pinkie tell everypony to fall back and set up defensive positions. They want to do a suicide charge then we’ll gladly send them to hell!” Twilight growled as they stopped and began to lay down a suppressive fire while the rest of the battalion fell back.

“Pinkie where is my air support!?” Twilight yelled as they fired at a tank with some crazy stallion waving a flag around.

“Dash load AP and hit that crazy idiot on the tank. I want every one of those bastards to watch their commander turn into a red mist.” Twilight growled.

“ With pleasure.” Dash smirked as Applejack loaded a round in as Dash lined up the crosshairs.

“ Twilight air support is on station!” Pinkie called back.

“Roger that! Have them burn that ridge where the AT guns are so our tanks can push back!” Twilight ordered as she heard Pinkie relay coordinates and locations to the Pegasus.

Fluttershy watched as the guns on the hill were engulfed in flames as Twilight called the battalion's back up to the front just as Dash fired watching as the tank exploded while her round missed, from him being blown off the tank.

“Damn it!” Dash growled as they pushed up with the Equestrian forces with their hull and coaxial MG fired into the charging infantry.

*Vanguard Commander*

I watch as my soldiers die all around me, cut down mercilessly under the enemy's fire. But Not one of them falls back or shows any fear, perhaps if they had lived some of them may have found their way into the Vanguard along side me. But still I would rather them fall in combat alongside their brothers and sisters, then be shot down in retreat. I looked back to my destroyed tank and silently give thanks to those within for getting me as far as they have. I pick back up the Imperial flag and a rifle from a fallen soldier and continue my advancement.

Bullets spray all around me,one even nicked me right through my mane. But it didn't faze me in the slightest. I then dive left to a destroyed tank and use it as a stepping stone and jump past the large black tank. I turn and take out a bomb, I was going to try and place in on the back of the war machine, but it seems fate had other plans. I sensed soldiers taking aim at me and I threw my bomb at them, the explosion took out 5 soldiers and wounded a few more. I then aimed my rifle at another squad and opened fire, I gunned down 3 of them before they fell into cover.

I grabbed a grenade and tossed it at them and watched as it exploded and a large gush of blood stained the cover they were behind. I could already tell that almost all of my soldiers were dead, I then noticed a second tank far larger than the others around it. It was forest camouflaged contrasting the one that destroyed mine. I rushed the tank, it opened fire on me and I was able to avoid it by quickly moving from cover to cover. I was able to get close enough to jump onto it and I get on top of it.

I opened the hatch and was about to toss a grenade in it when I sensed an attack, I jumped back slightly to avoid bullet fire. A black stallion smaller than most came out and attacked me.

I took out my combat knife and retaliated, he ducked under my swing and grabbed my hoof and twisted it. I dropped the knife and pushed the pain out of my mind and bucked the smaller stallion,he fell off his tank I had the advantage in close range combat.

I pressed my advantage and picked back up my knife and jumped down, in an impaling motion. I missed as the stallion rolled out of the way and took out a grenade and threw it at me, I jumped to the side and avoided the explosion and took out my rife and prepared to open fire, but it was jammed. I threw it to the ground and was about to rush the stallion when I heard the sound of firearms charging around me.

I looked around me and saw I was surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, I then noticed the battlefield around me was quiet. I knew that my soldiers were all dead and that I alone survived, the stallion then said to me.

“Give up. There is no way you are going to walk away from here alive.” Steel said as they all turned to see Tiger 001 along with the Germanes push up to clear out any other enemy soldiers while they could hear the and see the sound artillery shells fly over and hit the ridge where they were heading.

“I would rather fall in combat than be taken as some prisoner, whose only purpose is to be tortured for information and then killed. I would sooner die than allow that.”

The stallion gave me a strange look, perhaps it was one of understanding. Or perhaps it was simple pity, I could not tell.

“Look, You charged us, knowing full well that you would die. But you didn’t, surrender now is the only option, the alternative is that we capture you by force. Something tells me, you know more than most Imperial generals do.You're too valuable to be killed here.” The black stallion spoke in a matter of fact tone.

I look around at all the soldiers surrounding me. And I realise that I achieved my goal, their entire advancement had been halted by me charge. There was no longer a reason to fight, my mission was complete.

“Very well, I surrender.” The black stallion raised an eyebrow at this but none the less accepted it as soldiers placed cuffs on me and led me away without a fight. It was strange, despite my situation, I felt a strange sense of peace come over me. I did my best and failed, but I know that bought the time that my comrades desperately needed.

They turned as they saw Tiger 001 pull up as Dash popped out of the hatch glaring at Steel.

“Hey Steel what the hell!? I was going to shoot that bastard! Why did you hit the tank before I could huh?!” She huffed climbing out as the rest of the crew came out.

“Because killing him would have been pointless and we would have gained nothing. Besides Dash didnt you notice the look the Imperial soldiers had that charged us?” Steel asked calmly.

“I don’t care about their looks. The only good Imperial is a dead Imperial.” She growled glaring at the stallion.

“You know now that you mention it. He looks different than the other officers that we’ve taken. What branch are you with?” Twilight asked sitting on the turret while Dash huffed and began to help Applejack with the spent shell casings.

“I am with the Imperial Vanguard.” The stallion said perfectly calm, despite his situation

“So your command decided to bring in their elite to combat us huh? I always had a question I wanted to ask. Without all the zealot worshiping crazies that make up most of your military. Why did you attack Equestria? We never showed any aggression. Why attack our nation?” She asked as every Equestrian leaned in to hear the answer.

The Vanguard stallion shrugged and said, “I could not tell you, I have spent the last 5 years in the west fighting rebels, bandits, terrorists and broken souls who know nothing other than fighting and killing.But if you want my opinion, it happened for no true reason.”

“So whats all that crap your soldiers spout on about with the princesses holding the world hostage?” Dash spat at him.

The stallion got a strange look in his eyes, it was similar to resentment and hate. But also one of sorrow somehow.

“Lies young mare, lies. The high command of the Imperium is not as it once was. Many among them don't care about the Imperium at all it seems. All they care about is personal glory and power not mention each one of them are fools. How ponies like them came into power, is truly beyond me. Or any other.”

“Soooo where does the whole invade neighboring countries come in?” Pinkie asked lighting a cigarette and raising an eyebrow at him.

The Vanguard stallion shrugged once again, “Again, I could not tell you. They probably saw your nation as weak and easy to conquer. If my commander had not disobeyed their direct order, we may not have been all but exiled. The war would already be over as he would have lead the attack. Or prevented it altogether.”

“And what order was that?” Fluttershy asked.

“He would not massacre an entire county, fathers, sons, daughters and burn their countryside, simply for rising up and rebelling against a governor who ruled like a tyrant. Stealing wives, mothers, daughters. Butchering families and illegally selling them into slavery, taxing them to the point of poverty. When the Vanguard arrived, rather than kill the civilians, he had us kill every single soldier, guard, mercenary and criminal in the conquered nation. Rather than support them as orders, he also personally executed the governor and installed a new one. One that actually cared about those that lived there. If you were to try and say it was nearly high treason ,then yes it nearly was.” The Vanguard stallion said almost sounding proud of what happened.

“So tell me why are yall servin somepony like that if he’s a damn psycho? I figured that yall would have rose up against him or somethin. I know if the princesses started doing that we wouldn’t follow them.” Applejack said tossing out the last of the spent shells.

“Indeed Lady Applejack. It’s why I was sealed away for thousand years. My sister saw the darkness in me when I tried to destroy the world in eternal night. It saddens me that lives had to be lost in this ridiculous war because the ponies in your Imperium live in fear. Fear of death from somepony that kills any who speaks out against the crown. Am I right Vanguard?” *They all turned to see Luna walking through the crowd.

“To answer both of your questions, those of us in the Vanguard do not rise up against our emperor because he is not the cause of the Imperiums troubles...He cannot be. Hes simply a good stallion surrounded by corrupt nobles and military leaders who manipulate the wars truth to him. And yes unfortunately, a shadow has fallen over our Imperium. Anypony who even whispers a word against the war or anything against the high command is killed on the spot. Or worse. One day, the Imperium that we in the Vanguard believe in will return with us at its head...We simply have to fight for it.” The Vanguard stallion said strongly

“Sounds like somepony can’t see what’s right in front of them.” Dash said sitting down on the back of the tiger.

“It’s the blind faith that these zealots have to not even question such things makes me glad when we crush your kind.” Twilight growled glaring at the stallion.

“Ain’t no sense to try and talk sense into the ponies that won’t believe whats right in front of their face.” Aj said shaking her head.

The vanguard stallion raised an eyebrow at that. “Zealot? I am quite confused as to how I am a zealot. I did not kill myself as opposed to being captured, I am not standing here spouting off some insane chant about the Imperiums glory. I am not trying to blow myself up either. I have loyalty, there is a very big difference between being a zealot and being a soldier loyal to his emperor. I fight for that in which I believe. You may find that I am no different from any of you. Save allegiances.”

“I guess you’re right. So a loyalist is more the word for you then. Since I mean we can actually talk to you without you shouting on about the Imperium this and demon princesses that. Um if that’s ok with you?” Fluttershy said with him only seeing her eyes from the driver seat.

“Of course, war is not so black and white my dear. Extremely rarely can one side claim to be ‘The good’ And another simply being ‘The evil’. Besides I'm already talking to you now. My charge was not a result of blind faith or zealotism. Rather it was a result of willingness to sacrifice. I needed to buy time for my comrades to regroup, no great secret there. So I made the hard choice, I chose a suicide charge, as did every single pony there. They CHOSE to give up their lives, they were not ordered or forced, I gave them the option to fallback with no consequences. And they made their choice, does that make me or them insane? Does it make us zealots? Or does it make us simply soldiers? It all depends on your opinions and outlook on things.” The vanguard stallion said matter of factly

“No it makes you idiots. You sent hundreds of ponies to their deaths just to slow us down?” Twilight asked as they saw pegasus fly over heading towards where the retreating forces were heading.

“Does it? I succeeded didn't I?”

“Don’t know ask them if there is any survivors left. Besides, that where are they retreating? This mountain pass is still a days travel to any base around here. The closest one is your main front which is 34 miles away.” Dash said leaning back feeling her stump twitch. They could hear the muffled explosions from bombs dropped.

“I could tell you that but that would make no difference, in war information can be very misleading 100,000 troops can turn out to be 100. Or a million a thousand and survivors? We all fully expected to die. It is simple misfortune that I didn’t. Do not try to make it as if I forced them to do that. As your comrade there pointed out, every single pony who charged you had a look in their eyes, determination. Tell me, did you not do the same at Ponyville once? If the information is to be believed, you and that tank held off the entire Imperial offensive there until reinforcements arrived. You were untrained, undisciplined rabble back then. But you still made a choice to take on essentially a suicide mission, going up against trained soldiers. You survived, my soldiers did not. Its as plain and simple as that. Is there any true difference from what they did compared to what you did? Other than that they died?” The stallion asked calmly

“Yeah we were defending our home from a bunch of murdering psychopaths that attacked us for no reason! You don’t mention fucking Ponyville! We lost a lot of innocent ponies there! I watched your airforce gun down civilians and children so the difference is they got what they deserved. There was no reason for these ponies here to die today. You could have retreated after holding the ridge from us. You led these ponies into a slaughter. As for Steel he’s a bit sentimental about your kind. While the rest of us would rather see you burn at the stake he wants to understand you.” Twilight said hopping down from her tank and sat in front of him.

“I hope that this battle haunts you for the rest of your days. The ponies trusted you and you led them to their death in vain.” She said

“Interesting, you are both correct, wrong and insightful all at the same time. You are correct in saying that what happened in Ponyville was horrible, quite honestly all of us in the Vanguard agree that those soldiers should have attacked Canterlot instead of a defenseless village. However you are wrong in multiple ways, those ponies death will not haunt me because they made a choice, they did not follow my orders. I fought along side them, I did not lead them except in the sense that I was there leading the charge and I told them that they would die if they followed me. If those ponies died in vain, then why are we here now?

My charge did not stop you or force you back, but it did delay you slightly. That was the goal, not push you back, that was impossible and retreat? We would have been cut down from behind. Deaths worth of cowards, instead they died fighting. Not some heroic death or some grand last stand, but they had deaths that soldiers deserve.

You are also wrong in your way of thinking. If you think that way, full of hate and rage, then you will turn out no different than the generals who orders ponyville attacked for no reason. Using the horrors war taught you as a strange reasoning for your actions, as many writers have said, ‘Be careful when you fight monsters, lest you become them.’ And If I truly failed these ponies and led them to their deaths, then so did you. Plenty of your troops have died to get you this far, you look back at that and see their sacrifice, not that their foolish deaths.

And to try as make such a comparison, you were the elements of harmony, the lives of every single equestrian pony that has perished since the war began are on your hooves some might say. Even what happend at ponyville. In your own way you failed those ponies you did not protect them. Just as I failed mine.

But before you lash out, you should know that I also saw the same things you did, only far younger. But I lost my entire family and everypony I knew. I had to climb out from under my mother's corpse who died protecting me from the bombs. She was nearly burned to a crisp. I also tried to wake my brother and sister who were lying in pools of their own blood. With huge wood stakes and metal beams sticking out of them. My little sister was a newborn and she was torn pieces when our house came down.I saw it with my own eyes.

You were lucky to see only a few die, not all. Do not let hate and rage consume you young one, that is a path you will never free yourself from. Do not become a monster to destroy others, I have seen far too many lose themselves that way. I did not let hate consume me, I almost did and I did terrible things to soldiers who weren't even part of the bombing. THAT is what will haunt me until the end of my days, don't let it happen to you.”


"Don't fucking compare your murdering ways to us! We didn't fail any pony because you and your ponies are cowards. No formal declaration of war, you just attacked a peaceful nation. We still are the Elements of Harmony and are the protectors of a nation, we didn't fail anypony oh and the difference between us and scum like you is that the sacrifices my troops made under my command died fighting for their families and home. They died as heroes while all of yours died as the ravenous dogs they are. You failed your troops. I know what monsters are because I hunt them every day. Monsters like you and those worthless zealots that are going to be burned and left for the animals. I'm sure your family would be rolling in their graves seeing their son and brother help murder innocent people." Twilight glared at the bleeding stallion holding his leg.

" You will be taken into custody and I hope the princess skins you alive." She said looking down at him with cold and murderous eyes.

“Nopony gives a damn about your life here. To us you’re nothing more than scum and we will celebrate many nights when your empire crumbles. You’re a heartless bastard to only see a means to an end with your troops. I remember every face and name of those that died under my command and I make sure that my crew kills a hundred of every one of mine you killed. The heroes that died in the conflict are on your hooves and your murderous friends. In this war it is pretty black and white, you’re the bad guys we’re the good guys stopping you. Pretty cut and dry if you ask me.” Dash said from the tank.

The stallion stared at them as he was hauled up to his hooves and led away as Luna looked back at Harmony.

“Are you alright? I know he said some pretty things but don’t let it get to you. Scum like him will only cherish the look on your face if he gets a rise out of you.” She said as they nodded.

“We’re fine. It just pisses me off that bastard thought that he could compare when his people did to Ponyville to some childhood tragedy. He’s lucky I don’t kill him slowly myself.” Applejack growled as the others nodded while Twilight looked over at Steel.

“Steel we have some new targets. We’re going to be hitting the Vanguard from now on. Once we get the information we need it’s time to go hunting. We’ll support where can, Princess Luna how many more Tigers are being produced?” Twilight asked as the mare sighed.

“Only 20. There will be two for each division at least. Tia is hard on not producing too many. It’s just too much time and resources to train crews and produce them.” She sighed as Twilight growled.

“What we could do with another 1000 Tigers.” Rainbow sighed as the others nodded.

“Mount up! Steel you’re with me. Resupply and rearm because we’re going out tonight. I want to make sure those bastards in the mountains are all dead. That idiots little strategy failed. Plus I want to see if we can find anything about their plans.” Twilight said getting nods all around.

“We will be fine here. I’ll have the 2nd and 5th divisions dig in here until the bulk of our forces can push up. The rest of the Maremacht and Panzer divisions are pushing east to assist in the main assault. Do some recon while you’re out there and radio what you find.” Luna said as the two Tiger crews nodded.

“Yes ma’am. Lets go move! We have a war to win ponies!!” Twilight yelled as her crew scrambled and loaded up before heading to resupply.

Three Years Later

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*Three Years Later*

[ Anypony on this frequency respond!]

[This is Baker Company we’re bogged down and taking heavy fire! Harmony is down! I repeat! Harmony is down!]

[Roger that Baker Company what is your location over?]

[We’re bogged down in a irrigation field North of Waypoint Echo taking heavy casualties! Imps are giving us a real pounding! We need support now!]

[Roger that Baker. We have Bolt support on the way. Mark your position with red smoke.]

[Roger ma- *Static*]

[Baker? Baker Respond!]

*Irrigation Field South of Waypoint Gold.*

All around and in a flooded field bodies and tank carcasses littered the area. In a ditch sat a lone Tiger a hole in the right of the lower iglesias. Through the field a lone stallion walked through the carnage of bodies and smoldering wrecks.


A mare stepped out from the behind the turret glaring down at the stallion that had a hole in his head. She hopped down walking over to him taking a Imperial tag off his neck and turned climbing back onto the tank and into the hatch.

Down inside she could hear some sniffing along with some curses. She sat down in the commanders seat and looked over to see AJ working on the radio while Dash tried to fix the transmission. Up in the front she could see both Fluttershy and Pinkie motionless.

“You get that fucker?” The mare turned looking at Applejack as the radio box sparked getting a curse from her.

“ Yeah I got him.” She sighed and looked over at Dash who grunted and hammered something.

“Damnit!” She looked up to see Dash slump over and growled throwing a wrench at the open floor before looking over at where Pinkie and Fluttershy were.

“Let her go. Let her go! She’s dead. Leave her alone.” She heard Fluttershy sniff and shake her head.

“Don’t you fucking yell at her Twilight! This is your fucking fault!” Dash yelled as they heard a sob from Fluttershy.

“ Is that transmission up yet?” Twilight asked as she put on her helmet and throat mic.

“Don’t be hounding me! Fucking AP round clipped it and it’s leaking all over the place.” Dash growled as she tightened another bolt and put some clamps on.

“ Lets hurry the hell up. We need to get out of here. Hows that radio coming?” Twilight asked looking over at Aj.

“That should do it sugarcube.” She said looking over at Twi as she messed with the radio.

“ Able X Ray this is Harmony how copy over?” The radio only came back as static.

“ Able X Ray this is Harmony how copy over?”

[ *Static* Good to hear from your Harmony. What’s your situation?]

“..... Our tank is pretty banged up but we’re on our way back as soon as it’s fixed.” She reported.

“It’s fixed! We’re good to go!” Dash called to her before getting up and taking her position on the gun.

“Lets go Fluttershy. We have to move. Leave her alone. Show some respect.” Twilight said softly hearing the mare whimpered.

“Ok.” She moved back to her drivers position and started up the Tiger stating to back up.

“ Got some rain coming. Come on lets get out of here.” She closed the hatch as the first shells landed hitting one of the Equestrian tanks blowing it to pieces.

* 4th Guard Regiment*

As the Tiger rolled into the base everything stopped so they could watch the battered Tiger clank into the center of the base as medics rushed towards them along with Tiger 002’s crew.

They watched as they opened the hull gunner’s hatch as they pulled a covered body out.

Darksteel could feel a massive amount of dread fall over him as he looked at the body. He slowly walked forward and stopped a few feet away from the body and stared at it. He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Who is it?”

Twilight turned looking back at him and his crew before back at the body while the rest of her crew pulled her down laying her on the stretcher with the medics help.

“Who do you see missing?” She asked lighting a cigarette and taking a deep inhale.

Darksteel immediately knew. A part of him wished that it wasn't so, but he knew that it was Pinkie Pie. He felt a weight settle in his heart, he knew that this was war. That at any moment any pony could die, but that didn't change the fact that losing a friend like Pinkie was one of the worst things possible.

Darksteel looked down at the body and fought the feelings flowing threw him. Rage, Anger, Hatred, but above all sorrow at the loss of his friend. He then looked up to Twilight.

“How did this happen?”


[All forces push forward!]

“Everypony get your spacing and maintain speed. Infantry stay in cover, tanks provide support for the grunts!”

[Roger that ma’am! Big Momma slow down you’re right on the grunts.] One of the tanks slowed down so they didn’t run over some of the forward infantry.

“ Get your head out of your ass!” Twilight yelled as she turned out of her hatch ducking down low incase of enemy fire.



[Enemy fire from across the field!]

“Lets go right stick right and hit those Imps!” Twilight ordered as they pushed through some light hedges getting into the the field as the medium tanks pushed ahead as the heavy tiger made it to the lip of the ditch.



Inside the Tiger the crew screamed as they looked around.

“Everypony ok?” Twilight called out.

“ I’m good” Dash groaned as she tried to move the turret but it didn’t budge.

“Damnit! turrets jammed!” Dash yelled.

“ Ugh I’m ok. Fluttershy are you ok?” Aj asked as they looked up to see her rubbing her forehead but nodded.

“I’m ok. Pinkie?” They all looked over at the dark corner of the tank to see her slumped over.

“Pinks? You ok?” Dash went to move over to her before being grabbed by Twilight.

“We’re still in the middle of a battlefield get the turret working and see what the damage is. Fluttershy check on Pinkie, she’s probably out cold from a hard hit like that.

“Ok.” Fluttershy called back and moved over to Pinkie.

“Baker 1-1 this is Harmony we’re dead in the water how copy over?”


“Bad news girls looks like the radio’s fried. Aj see if you can fix it.” Twilight said getting a nod from her.

“Dash hows everything coming?” Twilight asked as she heard a grunt.

“Some fragments got into the turret track. It’s cleared now. Fluttershy? How’s Pinkie?” They all looked at the mare to see her shoulders shaking and was hugging the mare.

“Shy? Yall ok?” Aj called as she worked on the radio.

They just heard a whimper as Twilight moved over to where she was and moved her showing Pinkie still slumped over with a massive hole in her chest and a hole in front of her that was smoking.

Twilight went wide eyed as she looked at her dead friend while Fluttershy let out a choking sob alerting the others of what happened.

“No. No, no, no, no! She can’t be!!!” Dash screamed as she scrambled to her long time friend and seeing for herself what was true.

“Dash get back to work. We need to get back into the fight. Aj get me command, they need to know what’s happened.” Twilight said looking at the her dead friend as flashes of all they had been through went through her mind.

“Are you kidding me!? Pinkie is dead Twilight!” Dash yelled sobbing and wiping her tears.

“And we will be too if we stay here longer! Fix whatever needs fixing so we get into this fight! Ponies are dying right now and we can’t do anything if this thing can’t shoot back!” Twilight yelled as Dash growled at her before crawling back to the gun along with Aj going back to the radio.

“Fluttershy.” Twilight looked back to see her with tears streaming down her face and was hugging Pinkie again with wide eyes.

“Come on we need to help the others. Come on. It’s going to be ok.” Twilight tried to get her to move but she didn’t as the battle raged on around them shaking the tank from rounds hitting near them or bouncing off. Twilight sighed as she moved to the drivers seat and tried to start the Tiger only for it to not turn over.

“Dash see if there is something wrong with the engine or transmission.” Dash didn’t say anything but began to check on everything while a curse came from the command radio area. Twilight sat there in the driver’s seat looking out of the drivers view port as the battle raged on while hearing Fluttershy cry quietly next to her.

*End Flashback*

Steel let out a deep sigh and looked over to Pinkies body and then to Twilight.

“I know how you feel...Better than most. I lost my entire team years ago….The pain never really goes away...We should return her body to her family back home, she deserves a proper burial.” Steel then looked over to Twilight.

“....If you need time to recover from this...Nopony will blame you. But I need to know one more thing, what happened out there? From what I've heard, our forces were advancing into the field and then suddenly the place flooded and the whole place turned into a death trap for our ponies and the Imperials. Did you see what caused it?”

“Damn Imps flooded the area. The whole field was a irrigation system.” Twilight took another drag of the cig.

Steels eyes widened, “The whole field was an irrigation system? And the Imperials flooded it while their own troops were still on it? That would have turned the whole place into a field of quicksand and mud...Sweet Celestia and Luna, how many ponies were buried alive or drowned?” Steel placed a hoof over his face, he knew that one of the worst ways to die was drowning, but being buried alive was a terrifying way to die.

“......Twilight...If you pushed through the hedges and were hit on the hill...That means that if you hadn't of been hit and crippled there, you would have….”

“It means we could have saved a lot of lives the Tiger would have been fine.” She sighed.

“No, it wouldn't have. Twilight, the whole field turned to quicksand and mud. Irrigation systems like that field have been dug deep. The tigers sheer weight would have dragged you all down. You would have been buried alive or drowned in mud.”

“It wasn’t that deep. The initial flooding killed most of the infantry. The tiger is twice as big and the weight of the Tiger was reduced because of the seals that come standard on them. You were there during the testing and even suggested it. Besides it was maybe 5 feet deep so don’t you dare say that if Pinkie hadn’t been killed we all would have died.” She watched as Pinkie was taken away she had a dead sound in her voice.

Steel then took a deep sigh.

“Twilight...Pinkies death is going to be even harder to deal with than ponyville. At least that you couldn't stop, at least then it wasn't your decision that placed those that died in the crosshairs. At least then...You could tell yourself it wasn't your fault and a small part of you could believe it.” Steel at that moment seemed to more be talking to himself than Twilight.

“But still, even trying to move past this is going to feel impossible. You need to head back to Equestria until you're ready to fight mentally again-”


He looked back at her to see her aiming a pistol at his face.

“Are you trying to blame me for what happened to Pinkie and Ponyville? I believe that a certain Vanguard we caught a few years ago accused me of the same thing. I’d be very careful with your next words Steel.” Twilight had a cold look in her eyes as she looked at her fellow Tiger commander as their crews stood behind them while the others were still as stone.

“I lost my WHOLE team Twilight, and believe it or not, for a time I wouldn't even let somepony bring them up without being ready to break their jaws, or worse, I couldn't accept their deaths for a long time and I'm NOT blaming you, no pony is but don't act like Im not trying to help you. All im saying is that ever since the war started, you and your crew have been at the forefront of every battle. We may be soldiers, but we are still ponies you need some time away from the war, now more than ever. I dont want you to snap and go insane Twilight. Ive seen it happen to far too many ponies already, it almost happened to me.” She lowered the pistol as everyone let out a breath of relief as she smiled.

“I’ve already accepted Pinkie’s death Steel and where are we suppose to go? Ponyville is still mostly ruins my parents won’t understand and… Spike… I don’t know if he’ll ever look at me the same again…… But…. I do have a duty to carry out.” She smiled as tears streamed down her face.

“I have to let her family know what happened.” She said as many that knew her were shocked to see after three years since the start of the war Twilight cried for the first time.

Steel had a small smile on his face, almost unnoticeable and thought to himself.

‘Shes far stronger than I was when it happened. Most other ponies would stay in that cold state with dead eyes. Fighting against their own feelings and trying to avenge their comrades dead. But she was able to accept it so quickly...She has such strength inside.’ Steel then looked over to Twilight.

“There is one place for you to go. When you take Pinkies body to her family...If you can, try to stay with them and help them, it will be very hard for them to come to terms with her death. You are the best pony for that and I think she would want you to help them to. And Twilight...Never forget that your parents love you, they may not understand war, but they will be there for you no matter what. And Spike...I'm sure that no matter what you have done, he'll still love you all the same don't forget that he loves you like a mother.”

“Thanks Steel. Sorry about before.” She turned to her crew.

“Get some food and have the mechanics take care of the Tiger….. I’ll take care of Pinkie.” She sniffed and holstered her pistol as she headed to the medic station.

“Twilight...I want you to have something.” Steel then reached into his coat and pulled of a small amulet, it was a deep shade of blue and was modestly made, but well crafted nonetheless.

“What is it?” She turned back to him.

“Its my amulet, It was given to me four years ago after I lost my crew. Whenever I look into it, Im always reminded of all the good times I had with my crew, it remindes me that I can't let what Ive lost, Stop me from moving forward. I want you to have it now, I no longer need it.”

“Why?” She looked confused taking the amulet.

Steel turned and looked to his crew, “Because I have them now. Pinkie may be gone Twilight, but never forget what she meant to you.”

“Like I ever would.” She smiled and took the amulet as she headed to the medics tent.


Twilight along with her crew in full military dress uniform as she held a Equestrian flag along with a folder as they drove up the dirt path coming up to a modest home where they saw a Equestrian flag flying proudly as they pulled up and got out.

“You ready for this sugarcube?” Aj looked over at her friend and commander as they walked up to the house as it opened to show an older stallion and mare.

“Mr. and Mrs. Pie.” Twilight and the others took off their hats and could see Mrs. Pie start to pale as her eyes widened.

“Yes?” Mr. Pie asked as they walked towards them.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m Pinkie’s commanding officer. May we step inside?” She asked and could see Mr. Pie pale.

“Where is Pinkie? Where’s my baby?” Mrs. Pie asked as Twilight and the others looked down.

“ I’m sorry.” She pulled the Equestrian flag that was folded up and handed it to Mrs. Pie.

“NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” She broke down as the mares looked down as she hugged the flag to her chest.

“ How?” Mr. Pie asked as Twilight sighed.

“ During an operation we were pushing the enemy back I made the call to give chase, when we pushed through a hedge our tank was hit by cannon fire. It hit our lower iglesias penetrating it…. I believe it was instant. She didn’t even feel it.” Twilight said as the parents cried at the loss of their daughter.

“ I cannot express my sorrow of the loss of your daughter. We all looked at Pinkie like sister. The loss of Pinkie has deeply scared us but we could never understand the loss of a child. You have our deepest condolences.” Twilight looked down as the parents grieved.

“Come on darling. They need time.” Rarity said as they put their hats on and headed back to the car.

“Wait!” They turned to see Mrs. Pie trotting up to them.

“I want you to make sure that those bastards pay for taking my baby away from me! You kill every last one of them. Promise me!” Her eyes glowed with rage and was pleading with them. She wanted to revenge.

Twilight nodded along with the other mares as they gave her a salute.

“We’ll send every one of them to hell ma’am. That’s a Pinkie Promise!” They all yelled as she smiled with tears welling up in her eyes.

“Thank you so much.” She pulled them each into a hug before heading back to her husband.

*Elk Horn, Eagledor *

Twilight tossed back another shot at the bar owned by a griffon while she looked over at all the other soldiers that were celebrating or just drinking with a far away look in their eyes.

“Careful darling I don’t want to carry you home to.” Rarity looked over at Fluttershy who was slumped over the table.

“ If anypony deserves to be out cold drunk, so don’t nag her Rares.” Aj smiled at the mare as she huffed.

“Well I for one don’t want to be carrying your drunk bums to our hotel.” She looked over at where a mug of beer was sitting in front of a empty chair.

“Don’t worry I’m fine. Besides it’s good that we are all together like this again after so long.” She gave a weak smile as they all looked at the empty chair and could see Pinkie smiling and laughing with a mug of cider waving around.

“Not all of us.” Dash said with a pained look in her eyes.

“Pinkie will always be here with us girls. Just not physically.” They turned to see Fluttershy roll her head to the side and gave a sad smile to them.

“ We’ll never forget her thats for sure huh?” Twilight smiled with tears in her eyes pouring another shot.

“Yer kiddin right? Forget Pinkie? I think that’s a bit impossible.” She poured her own glass along with the others.

“No kiddin, I’d never forget Pinkie. Not as long as I live!” Dash smiled as tears budded in her own eyes.

“Pinkie is one of those that is hard to forget. From her spunky attitude and bubbly personality to how she can make anypony smile.” She smiled as tears flowed down her face.

“To Pinkie” Fluttershy raised her glass that was quickly joined by the others.

“To Pinkie!!” They all cried clinking their glasses.

“ Well what do we have here? Drink for a fallen mate of yours?” The girls looked up to see a few griffons looking down at them.

“ Why don’t you three move on. We’ve had a pretty long day.” Fluttershy said as the griffons looked at each other.

“Move along? How can we move at all when every where we step there’s a damn Equestrian there. You ponies are like roaches not a single place where you’re not there.” A griffon growled as the mares got up glaring at the griffons.

“If it wasn’t for us you would be swarmed by the Imps. Not only that you would be throwing rocks at them if it wasn’t for us!”Dash growled.

“ Oh yeah we’re real thankful for the boost in military power. But it looks like this is one pony we don’t have to worry about tripping over.” He went to grab it only to have his claw gripped by Twilight magic making him scream.

“ You touch that and I’ll turn you into fried chicken and sever you to the Minotaurs.” They felt a cold chill run down their spines only for one of them to hit Twilight with a chair.

“AH!” Twilight yelled before Aj jumped into action turning and bucking a griffon right out of a window while Fluttershy tackled another spinning in the air and slamming him into the ground head first. All hell broke loose as ponies and griffons began to brawl as they heard whistling and yelling.

“Lets go girls!” Rarity yelled flipping a griffon on his head as Dash slammed a hoof into one's face as it hit the ground hard and out cold.

The five mares rushed out as military police rushed the bar while the mares took off.

After a while they made it to their hotel they fell on their beds as they panted.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!!!” They burst out laughing as they leaned against each other.

As they calmed down giggling they all had tears in their eyes giggling every once in a while.

“ I guess tomorrow we’ll be going back to the front.” Twilight sighed wiping her eyes looking up at the ceiling.

“Yep. Can’t believe that it’s been a week already.” Aj said as she climbed into one of the beds.

“ Well I guess we better get some sleep.” Fluttershy smiled getting a nod from the others. They all mumbled a good night and then went to their rooms.

*Equestrian Front a few days later*

Twilight and the mares of Tiger 001 walked up to their newly repaired Tiger along with the cleaned inside besides their personal effects that they took with them. They sighed as they looked over the tank.

“Ma’ams” They looked up to see a white mare with a short pink mane and tail and blue eyes. She was unicorn who gave them a stiff salute.

“Who the hell are you?” Dash asked as they continued to walk towards the tank with the young mare in tow.

“Um my name is Tender Love. I’m your new radio mare.” She whimpered as they rounded on her.

“The hell you are!” Twilight yelled making her yelp as they climbed on the tank.

“Yes ma’am I am.” She whimpered holding her duffle bag as the other mares hopped down.

“ Bullshit!” Dash growled.

“ Who told you that!?” Aj yelled as the mare squeaked.

“ U-Um Princess Luna personally assigned me.” Tender said shaking a little.

“ Celestia damn it. You girls get ready to move out.” Twilight sighed as the others went to get the tank ready.

“ That’s home. Get your stuff and listen to the other girls, they’ll keep you alive.” Twilight sighed watching as the other mare headed towards the tank while Twilight headed to regional command to see what needed to be done.

*With the Tiger*

Tender was scared as the other mares looked at her with glares as her bag was taken and Fluttershy began to look through it.

“W-What are you doing? Those are mine.” She went to grab her things only for Fluttershy to hold her back.

“Where’s the smokes?” Aj asked taking out a book.

“ I-I don’t smoke.” Tender said taking the book back.

“ How long have you been in the Guard?” Dash asked jumping down to her making her jump back.

“Um 18 weeks.” She was handed back her bag.

“ Know anything about a tank?” Aj asked as the mare shook her head.

“ No. I”m just a radio mare. I’ve never been to the front before.” The mares sighed as Twilight came out with a pistol and submachine gun floating up in her magic.

“Ok one pistol and SMG.” She tossed them over to the mare who caught it with her magic.

“Ah!” She tripped and fell on the radiomare’s hatch.

“ Aj take her through that gun. Fluttershy with me. We’re meeting with some of the other TC’s.” Twilight called out as Aj headed over to Tender while Dash continued to load their gear.

*Motor Pool*

“So second platoon is going to meet up with Charlie Company at Gatorsburg. Then we’ll regroup and hit the Town of Lo. The Imps are holding the town pretty good and are forcing the locals to fight us or die. They’re dug in pretty good and are being led by the Vanguard.” Steel said as Twilight and Fluttershy grit their teeth.

“Fuckers.” Twilight cursed.

“We’ll be hitting the town with infantry during the night. So be on your toes and watch your corners. The Imps are going to hold onto it with everything they got so be ready for a fight. We’ll be taking route Hammer so be on the look out.

“Got it. Troop movement?” Twilight asked.

“ Unknown. We need to keep our eyes peeled.” Luna said as the others nodded.

“ Lets move out.” Steel started to walk away till he saw his fellow TC’s lighting up smokes besides some of the the drivers who headed back to their tanks.

“The war isn’t going anywhere Steel.” He had a dull look on his face as they sighed.

“Alright. Come on girls. Lets move out we got a job to do.” Twilight said throwing the cig on the ground before heading to the Tiger.

*Route Hammer*

Twilight stood out of the Tiger as they moved down a tank road made the 22nd Panzer Company that headed to where Charlie company was. As they moved down the road they saw a sign stating that they were in enemy territory.

“Alright everypony keep an eye out. Imps could be anywhere, and I don’t want surprises.” Twilight said over the radio as they turned a corner and could see they had come into a open field along with a few destroyed tanks and other burned out vehicles.

“ Lets pick up the pace everypony. I don’t like this, we’re way too exposed.” Steel radioed as they picked up speed.


They all watched as Tiger 002 was hit near the rear as fire quickly spread as she saw Steel fully engulfed in flames as he let out a shrill scream as she watched him climb out of the command hatch and roll off the side hitting the ground with a thud as she saw his body already charred from the gasoline on him.

She watched as he sat up and pulled his pistol putting it to his head and pulling the trigger as blood, bone, and brain matter coated the grass while the dying screams of the other crew members quieted down before the only thing she could hear was the fire and some of the ammunition went off.

Twilight watched with wide eyes and saw Fluttershy and Tender had seen the whole thing.


An explosion went off beside her tank and looked into the forest as her eyes went wide to see another Tiger aiming at her.

“FLUTTERSHY BACK UP HARD RIGHT!!!” Twilight screamed into the mic as the Tiger fired again bouncing off the side of the turret as the Grizzlys were already firing at the enemy Tiger most of their rounds bouncing off or missing.


“T-Thats a Tiger!” Dash yelled as Aj loaded a round.

“Round up!” Aj yelled as as she grabbed another round.

“Fire when ready!” Twilight yelled keeping low as the enemy Tiger fired at them with the MG’s.


Twilight saw the round hit right where the driver was and she could see a hole where the drivers viewport was.

“Load APBC! Dash hit that same spot!” Twilight yelled as she heard the shell hit the gun deck and Aj throw another one into the gun.


They watched as the turret was blown off the the chassis and landed on the ground leaning against a tree.

“All forces. This is Harmony… We’ll be taking lead.”

The End of the Tiger Part One

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*A few weeks later*

“- Valley Forge, Luna’s ranks, San Hoof Hill and Twilight’s tanks, and the army went rolling along! Minute mares from the start, always fighting from the heart, and the army kept rolling along! Then it’s, Hi! Hi! Hey! The army’s on it way count off the cadence loud and strong! 2, 3, 4! For where’er we go you will always know that the army goes rolling along!” Twilight smiled as she and her crew drove down a dirt road with a bunch of infantry on the back of her tank singing the new Solar Army Song. They were heading to a secured location 3 miles from where they were. She looked down at her new crew as they seemed more than nervous.

She sighed rumbling down the road and looked back checking on her platoon. Over the last few weeks and loss of Tiger 002 Luna decided that each element should have there own tiger to lessen the chances of all of them being killed in one fell swoop. The tiger she learned was being captured by some of the Imperials Vanguard that had killed the crew and they just happened on them trying to find their own line while trying to figure out how to operate the tiger.

Not only that but all of her friends had been promoted to captain and was taking their own platoons across the front.
She missed her friends a lot and the only one she slightly knew was Tender Love. Right now she had three other new crew members. Each one were survivors of previous battles and knew about tanks and were folded into her platoon to replace her friends.

Sweet Water a white mare with a pink mane and green eyes was her new driver. She at the moment had her head out of the hatch next to Tender Love who was attending the radio.

Behind her was the new loader Earth Shaker a light tanned stallion with a green mane that was cut short to regulations and brown eyes. He had burns on the side of his face from a explosion standing next to his tank when it was hit by a Anti Tank round.

Next to him was her new gunner named Twister. A midnight blue mare with a blonde mane and blue eyes. She couldn’t make it in the air force since she couldn’t handle the loads they were required to carry. So she enlisted into the Lunar Corps and was a decent replacement for Dash. Twilight sighed as she looked up to see the outpost in the distance making her smile.

As they rolled into town she groaned when she saw who else was there that the army dreaded to see.

“What the hay are the Mareines doing here? There's not a beach around here?” A gray mare yelled as they laughed.

“I think they might be lost. Hey ladies the beach is that way!” They laughed as the Mareines turned glaring at them.

“You’re a bit late girls. We already secured the town last night for you.” A stallion said grinning at them as they rolled past him.

“ Oh we’re real thankful for that. How many army bases did you have to go through to get here? We’ll see you in the Imperium while you’re busy playing in the sand somewhere. Don’t you have a ship to take somewhere?” One of the stallions laughed as they pulled off the main road with the infantry hopping off.

“Where's your commanding officer Mareine?” One of the stallions looked up before blinking at Twilight and snapping a salute.

“What the hell are you doing!? Don’t salute you idiot! You want her to get killed by a sniper?!” One of the soldiers growled as the mare climbed off the back of the Tiger.

“Sorry ma’am. Colonel Trixie is in that building over there ma’am.” The mare said pointing to one of the buildings while the Army soldiers shook their head walking past them and heading to the mess.

*Hotel Command Center*

The Tiger commander made her way into the building passing some surprised Mareines before walking into the nerve center where she saw her old rival arguing with some of the Army commanders.

“Trixie does not care about that! Princess Celestia wants the city taken in 3 days.” Trixie growled before looking to see Twilight making her blink not really recognizing the mare at first.

“Twilight... “ The mare in question nodded to her as she looked over at the map and looked at the commanders.

“What's the situation?”

“Ma’am. It looks like the Imps are dug in all around the city and inside. With this road heading directly into one of the other countries they are going to fight with everything they have.” A stallion said as Twilight nodded.

“Enemy strength?”

“At least battalion size maybe bigger and from recon I think they have some heavy guns emplacements along with a platoon of tanks and maybe a Anti-tank section. The Imps are going to make us pay for this city.” A mare said as Twilight nodded.

“Any support?”

“All support is currently tied up with Operation Spearhead. So we’re on our own.” The stallions said.

“We were able to get some mortars and light arty but we don’t have much ammo for them. So we’ll have to use it sparingly.” The mare smiled a little.

“It’s better than nothing. What do you have Trixie?” *She looked at the mare who grinned*

“Trixie has three battalions of infantry and two platoons of tanks. We’ll be leading the charge.” Trixie smiled at her as she nodded.

“Alright. We’ll follow you in. Right now command is stretched and with the operation going on we don’t have the forces to get it done. What’s your plan?”

“I’ll be having a battalion with tank support going up the middle while at the same time hit them from the sides and split the second platoon of tanks between the two battalions. From there 1st company is going to hunt for those heavy guns and see if we can’t capture them along with any AT guns.” She smiled at her as Twilight nodded.

“I wouldn’t bother with the AT guns since I’m sure they’ll have them in the city in places to ambush our armor. But if you could get those heavy guns we can use them against the enemy. They might have some AT guns here and here or somewhere to hit our sides from the tree line.” She looked up at the nodding mare.

“That is what I thought. I’m going to send a few platoons out and scout the area” She looked over at Twilight and the other commanders who nodded.

“When do you plan to push out?”

“Trixie is going to make her push out once it starts to get dark and see if we can take them by surprise.” Twilight nodded at that.

“Alright. I need some more fuel and some of the mares need ammo. You got any you can spare?” Trixie smiled and nodded.

“Of course. Trixie doesn’t mind sharing her supplies. We are still friends right?” She looked a little worried before Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Thanks Trixie. I’ll have the mares get their ammo after chow. Why don’t we talk a bit? It’s been ages since I’ve seen any familiar faces.” Trixie smiled at that as they headed outside.

*Later that Night*

Twilight and her platoon watched as the mareines moved in while she ordered one of her own tanks to with every two companies of mareines as the Grizzlies slowly moved towards the city Twilight and a company of mareines moved on the right while some the last of her platoon followed the last company of mareines from the left just as they entered the city with still no sign of the enemy.

" Where do you think they went?" Twilight heard Twister ask as the mare squinted in the darkness.

'There's no way they don't hear us.' She watched the buildings as they entered into the city calling out to the mareines to keep an eye out.

Twilight ordered all of her commanders to buttom up and be ready for an ambush while she looked through the view ports trying to see anything as the mareines pushed ahead.

They made it a mile into the city before they heard the first explosions at the front of the city just as the whole street lit up with gunfire.

"AMBUSH!!! GET TO- CLINK" The mareine LT slumped over as Twilight called out targets.

"Target building! Right side high! Enemy MG in the window! Rotate turret 15 degrees! Elevation 0110! Fire when ready!" She yelled as they could heard the pings of bullets that sounded like rain hitting the tank.

" Clear!" Earth Shaker yelled as Twister pulled the trigger and the Tiger rocked on it's axles while the whole front of the building was blown away.

"Target left! Low! Rotate 56 degrees! Elevation 0057! Fire!" The turret slowly cranked left while the gun lowered and pointed at the ground level floor of a building.


Twilight watched the shower of debris from the point blank hit from the 88mm HE round while she turned to see a tank in front of her roll up making her go wide eyed as the tank turned its turret to them.

"GET DOWN!!!" *They all dropped as a round went right through the side turret armor and embedded into the opposite side right where Twisters head had been she took a quick check and saw they were ok as they got back into their positions.

"Rotate turret 30 degrees right! Target tank in the open. Distance, 70 meters!! Fire APBC!" They quickly got to work as the turret moved towards the enemy tank as it fired again this time right into the suspension as she heard Tender and Sweet Water scream.

"Fire when ready! You two ok!?" She got groans from the two making her stomach fall just as the tank rocked and she heard the explosion and looked out to see the enemy tanks turret get blown off.

"Tender!? Sweet!? Talk to me are you ok?" She moved up to them to see them holding their heads while Sweet water groaned in pain.

"I'm ok.. Cant say anything about the Tiger though. Tender you ok?" Sweet messaged her forehead where she hit the view port.

"I'm fine. Just smacked my head hard on the gun and view port. Is everypony ok?" Tender heard Twilight sigh behind her making her looked back at her commander.

"Try to fix what you can and try to get in contact with command." Twilight moved back to the commanders hatch as she called out targets for Twister.

[This is group one! We've encountered a new enemy tank! I'm all that's left of the main force! I need- Static] Twilight and the others went wide eyed as she looked at Tender.

"Get HQ on the horn and get Bolt support here now! These aren't regular Imps we-" They all hit the ground as they got hit hard as Twilight turned to see the engine was on fire making her go pale and her eyes widen in terror.

"GET OUT!! GET OUT NOW!!!" She pushed the hatch open and pulled herself out as rounds whizzed all around her while she turned pulling Twister out as Earth Shaker pushed himself out of the hatch. She could hear Tender groan as she pushed her hatch open and Sweet Water throw her's open.

They jumped off the tank and took off just as another tank rounded the corner and fired as the shell put a nice hole right through the front armor of the Tiger while the mares of 001 shot away from their tank just as it erupted in a thunderous explosion that blew the turret off and into the building next to it.

"FALL BACK!! FALL BACK!!" Twilight turned to see another of the new tanks come up behind the other as they started to fire at them and the mareines.

" Get HQ on the horn! We need Artillery at waypoint C now!!" She turned back looking at her crew as they ran for their lives as the enemy continued to pour lead down on them from the buildings. She turned looking back at to see one of the tanks aiming right at her just as she saw a flash from its muzzle and everything went dark.

End of the Tiger Final

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"Charlie 2- 2- Niner this is Bolt 1-1 I have your smoke" A mare banked left seeing the green smoke as she saw a group of Imperial tanks moving through the open as she dropped the 200 pound bomb right on the lead tank dodging fire from the top gunner as she looked back to see the tank blown apart and as her fellow bolts followed behind her as the other tanks were reduced to scrap metal.

"Thanks Spitfire. I owe you a glass when this is over" A mare smiled as she watched the Pegasus from the tree line standing out of her Tiger MN6.

["Twilight you'll owe me a whole brew by the time this is over.] The mare laughed as they flew back to base to rearm. [Call us when you need us Twilight.]

"Will do. Thanks again Spit." Twilight sighed as she looked at the burning wrecks of the enemy medium tanks. ITD - 262 that were equipped to deal with her Tiger. They were part of the Vanguards new tanks.. That were fitted with high velocity armor piercing explosive tipped rounds. They could punch right through their side, front and lower armor. They had lost a entire battalion to them in the last battle, tigers included. Their armor was slopped on the front and sides while the back was flat. The turret was slopped in the front but more box like on the sides and back.

After the battle the Equestrian front was moved back being pushed hard by Vanguard forces before they were able to be stopped at one of the border towns after the Equestrian's were reinforced by Germane and Griffon forces with more than 12 divisions with the new Lion and Leopard tanks.

"This isn't going to work. The Tiger is no match for the new tanks coming from the Imperium." She sighed as the Tiger lurched forward and headed passed the burning wrecks towards their objective trying to take back the ground they lost.

"Hey ma'am?" Twilight looked down to see Tender looking up at her.

"What is it?" The mare sat down as they headed through the snowy forest. It had been three months since the disastrous assault on Eagledor along with massive failures across the front during the failed Operation Spearhead the Imperials were able to regroup and push Equestrians back almost completely to their border before being reinforced by allied forces. Now it was Equestria on the loosing side when it came to their armored corps. The Tiger was no match for the new Imperial Hydra's. It looked like the Imperials had captured one or more Tiger tanks and had studied them. With the Hydra's long barreled 88mm high velocity cannon there wasn't a tank in the Equestrian military that could stop them. Even the Lion and Leopard tanks had taken a beating from the Hydra's. With its slopped front armor and gun mantle it was impossible to penetrate from the front by Equestrian tanks. The Equestrians needed something new and something fast to win this war.

"What are we going to do about these tanks? We can't even touch them we're just scratching the paint on them for Celestia's sake. The bolts can't be there for us every time we need them." Tender looked scared as she remember the failure at Eagledor and nearly dying during the failed operation. They were still new to war even if it had been a few years since it started and right now they were in a stalemate with a few small victories here and there but at the most as soon as Equestrian tanks hit the field the Hydra's would decimate them with ease

"I don't know Tender I just hope the princesses can figure something out before it's to late." They cleared the forest and moved through the snowy valley Twilight keeping a eye out for any enemy targets.

Behind the Imperial front lines where the main command of the Imperial Vanguard was based for this region of the war was based. At the moment the generals of the Imperial armies were looking over the map of the battle lines just as the Vanguard commander walked in as they stood up hitting their chest in a salute.

“At ease generals. What is the current situation of the allied forces?” One general spoke up,

“Sir, currently we are pushing the allied forces back, due to the vast superiority of our Hydras, the allies are unable to stop our counterattack, soon we shall be able to break their lines.” Darkling nodded,

“When are our supplies due to arrive?” Another general spoke,

“Very soon sir, our supplies should be arriving today.” Darkling nodded and was silent for a moment before speaking up,

“We have turned the tide of this war, it was not that long ago it seems as if our defeat was imminent. However we cannot get comfortable yet, we do not yet know if the allies have any new weapons that can destroy our Hydras, or if they are developing new tanks themselves. One of the few disadvantages the equestrians had throughout the war was their heavy reliance on their tigers ability to dominate the battlefield, when it was taken away they quickly lost their momentum. But now we in turn are heavily reliant on our Hydras, one wrong move or disaster could destroy the advantage we have gained.”

Darkling looked over the map, “When we break their lines, I want all forces to be aware that their only targets are military ones, we are not burning or attacking villages or towns unless they have a large military presence, doing so in the beginning of this war is what caused us to lose much needed momentum and created the ‘Demons’ that have caused us so much trouble throughout this war. I want all of you to inform your forces of this after this meeting is adjourned. What information do we have on the enemy forces? Which army is defending which line? What are their strength, their numbers? How much artillery do they have? What do we know?”

“Sir. So far the enemy has held the line here. The Germane and Griffons own new tanks and are holding the line while Equestrian forces have pulled back holding key bridges behind the lines while Griffons and Germanes are keeping us at bay. We don’t know numbers but we estimate close to Regiment size for each section. Though the Equestrians do hold their air superiority and it what’s mostly keeping us from a successful attack” The Imperial Air Commander said pointing to the red line showing the Allied line.

“Is there anything we can do about their air superiority?” Darkling looked over the the Air Commander who shook their head.

“Unfortunately not sir, there fliers are superior to our own. More than once their air forces have taken out our anti-air defenses. They are very skilled. The Griffons and the Germanes we have a bit more success with, but not by a lot. But it's enough that we can fight them more easily than their equestrian counterparts.” Darkling frowned,

“Why did the equestrians pull back behind the front lines? Throughout the war they have always strived to be the fiercest fighters and are usually spearheading attacks, so why pull back now?” The Generals looked at each other silently for a time before one spoke up,

“It...Could be that the Equestrians are attempting to find a way to counteract our hydras and believe that until they can it would be very unwise to engage us head on as they have so often in the past. They have shown more caution ever sense the Hydras showed up. Perhaps that is the case?” Darkling was silent for a moment before speaking up,

“ I fear your theory on them looking for a way to counteract our Hydras is correct. I hope it does not come to be, but anything is possible. The Equestrians have showed us time and time again that they are very resourceful and cunning when necessary. We must not lose our momentum, what parts of the enemy line would you say are the strongest and which would you say are weakest?”

“Sir. on the far right flank there is a small detachment of Equestrians that are holding a hill where they provide accurate artillery using it as a shield for the rest of the sector. It’s heavily defended but if we could take it we could use it to bring fire down on the allied lines with our own artillery. It would be even better if we could capture the enemy guns since they can be used for many roles… But compared to the rest of the lines it’s the lightest defended spot and only has one Tiger company defending the area.” Grins a little pointing at a high hill marked 113.

Darkling looked over with an unamused look on his face,

“Let me make sure I’m understanding this, the Equestrians, perhaps the most fierce and clever enemy our imperium has faced in a very long time, has the weakest point in the allies defensive lines? And you want to attack it and try to capture it? Have you even attempted this before? Have you sent forces ahead to try and scout the enemy defenses? How do you know if this isn't a trap designed to lure us in? Look here.” Darkling points to the Imperial lines,

“If we were to attack them here what forces would you use? If you attack with your own forces and succeed, we could gain a strong position. However we could also leave ourselves over extended, these forces would spread thinner than anywhere else and should the Equestrians be hiding forces somewhere close by and they attack our lines would surely break and scatter, leaving an opening for the enemy.” Darkling looks the General straight in the eyes who shifts uncomfortably,

“Alternatively let's say this ISN'T a trap and we take it, we would need to quickly close the gap in our lines before the allies send aid or counter attack. Where would these reinforcements come from? Each one of your forces are currently spread a bit too thin for it to be comfortable correct? It would take too long to get the soldiers needed to the new opening in our lines. So tell me general, where you planning to attack this place and hold it before or after you brought in our reinforcements to properly secure our new lines? Were you going to coordinate with your fellow generals and officers to make sure to keep our enemies occupied? Or were you planning to jump at this seemingly great opportunity and hope that it would turn out well?” The general was now starting to sweat,

“Well general? What was your plan? Did you even have one past attacking the Equestrians with Hydras?” Darkling and the other generals all had eyes on the one who now looked trapped and finally spoke up,

“I….Was hoping the vanguard could-” Darkling glared at the general,

“So you were going to attack and then ask the vanguard to close up the hole in our lines you caused? Without even considering if we could afford to do so? Is that correct general? You planned to risk the lives our your own soldiers and all of our soldiers...On the idea that one, you could maybe take this hill if it wasn't a trap. Two, that my forces would close the gap yours opened and three and perhaps most importantly, that you didn't overextend your lines to do all of this….So we could have a single hill with artillery? Is all that correct?” The general was sweating heavily and looked very uncomfortable.The door opened to show a captain come in.

“ Sirs. News from our spies. It seems that Princess Luna with Major Twilight Sparkle are leaving the theater for Saddle Arabia.” He slammed his hoof on his chest bowing a little.

“ For what reason?” One of the generals spoke up as the captain handed Darkling the reports.

“Unknown but if I had to guess a meeting with their old allies about something” He shrugged.

“There’s also reports on Hill 113 you requested General Irons” With that the older stallion smiled nodding as the young captain bowed and left.

“Hm.” Takes the reports on the hill as Darkling looked over reports on Twilight and Luna

“I don't like this, something tells me this bodes very ill for us. Hmm….I'll have to send somepony to make sure that whatever they have planned won't cause us great strife. I'll have to intrust my second with this, can't risk this turning into a war with Saddle Arabia as well. Deadeye knows when silence and stealth is necessary and when to not blow her cover.” Darkling looked up to General Irons,

“What does the report say General? You seem rather pleased with it.” The general smiled as he looked up at the stallion.

“While my fellow generals are content to throw lives away for the glory of our Imperium I know we don’t have an endless supply of soldiers and equipment. So I had some of my soldiers scout the hill. Turns out there is a minefield surrounding the hill except for one way that leads into allied lines. The Tiger group that is defending the hill is Captain Rainbow Dash of the fourth Tiger Battalion. She’s supported by Captain Applejack of the Second Tiger Battalion while they have Wonderbolt and Shadow Bolt support on call. It would take a major offensive just to take that hill. The minefield alone would slow us down enough for Captain Applejack and her battalion to support Captain Rainbow.” He grinned at the other generals.

“However there is a way in since it seems that a small part of the minefield is open thanks to a Equestrian soldier telling us what we need to know. A strike team could open the way for the Vanguard to launch a small team to destroy at least the gun emplacements. Not only is it an artillery position is also a major Anti Air position. With the guns out it’ll take a while for them to be replaced and give us time to attack with our own artillery to soften up the enemy positions and not have to worry about counter batteries destroying them” He put his hooves together and leaned back looking at Darkling.

“Your thoughts sir?” Darkling was silent for a moment,

“This soldier...Where did you find him? Also, how did he give you this information? Did you torture him? If so how long did it take for him to break? While I agree that this information is quite fortuitous...Does no one else find it a bit convenient that we just happened to capture a soldier who knew all of this? Where they a shadowbolt? Bring them here. I think we should all have a chat with this soldier.”

“After an ambush we were able to capture one of the survivors. It took a while but we eventually got them to talk. I followed standard procedure and executed him as an enemy of the Imperium. From what we saw he was a staff sergeant that was patrolling the edges of the hill. My scouts are very good at what they do sir.” He smiled a little at that. Darkling looked down at the map and then up at the general. “Are you absolutely certain that all your scouts have reported is completely true and accurate?” The Generals smile grew,

“I am sure of it.” Darkling looked back down at the map and after a moment spoke up.

“I do not think we should use this information to attack the equestrians.” The Generals smile instantly dissipated,

“What? You can't be serious.” Another General spoke up as well,

“ Forgive me sir, but he's right. We should use this information to attack them. If this plays out right, we could take out both Applejack and Rainbow Dash. We cannot pass this opportunity up.” The other Generals all grumbled in agreement, Darkling looked back and forth between all of them before settling on General Iron.

“This is on your head General, I do not wish to attack them with this information, I feel as if something is off about it in my mind. But...I could be wrong and this information is completely true and very useful. If this attack pays off, all of the credit shall go to you and your scouts, but should it fail...Well failure is a shame we cannot afford right now. So this is on your head General Iron, is this understood?” The general smiles again,

“Of course sir, I take full responsibility for this attack, will your vanguard back my forces?” Darkling nodded,

“Then this shall be a great victory for all of us and our Imperium, if we achieve victory here, we shall finally be back on Equestrian soil and one step closer to victory.” Darkling looked over the map one more time and noticed something,

“ Strange...Why is it that one of our defensive lines is further back than the others?” One of the Generals spoke up,

“That is my line sir, unfortunately for some odd reason, we cannot properly set up camp in line with the others so we have to push our line back a bit further.” Darkling looked up at the general,

“ Define ‘Unable to set up camp?” The General blinked,

“Well the land is strange, sometimes our soldiers tents just...Start to sink and other times soldiers are hearing noises around them and even below them, one unfortunate squad even fell through the ground completely, the hole they fell through was so deep we couldn't see the flares we threw down. I believe it was a former mining location, or perhaps an abandoned Diamond dog tunnels. Either way, camping there is almost impossible.” Darkling frowned and picked up a nearby pen,

“ Do you remember where the soldiers fell through and how large and spread out the zone we cannot camp is?” The general nodded and traced his hoof along the areas, Darkling circling the worst places and drawing lines over the entire specified area. Within a few minutes the whole area was carved out and all the Generals could only stare at what they were looking at. It was a vast underground mining system, stretching for miles, even running as far as going slightly behind the Equestrian hill, with possible openings along multiple routes.

“If...This map we have is correct we have a way to smuggle forces right past the equestrian lines and strike them from behind!” One general exclaimed, Darkling then had a grim look on his face,

“Or perhaps the enemy has the ability to strike us from behind if our lines extend past these tunnels. These tunnels are expansive enough to house a whole battalion at least...If the allies know of these tunnels then if we charge forward…” Another general spoke up,

“ We would give them the ability to hit us from behind, we must secure those tunnels, they could either be a great boon to us or our worst nightmare. They have to be taken and secured now this meeting is adjourned, prepare your forces.”

“It will be done sir.” Irons smiled as he stood up thumping his hoof to his chest.

“ By your leave sir” One of the other general said.

Darkling and the other generals leave the building one by one. Darkling walks over to the vanguard secor of camp and finds Deadeye cleaning her sniper rifle,

“I have a mission for you Deadeye.” Deadeye looks up and puts the rag she was using down, “What is the mission sir?” Darkling handed her the reports on Twilight and Luna,

“ Twilight and Princess Luna have gone to Saddle Arabia, I want you to go there as well and find out what they are doing there and why. If you can stop it, do so. But do not under any circumstances engage those two, together or apart, they are too powerful for you alone.” Deadeye nods,

“Understood sir. I will arrange for my transportation and for Imperial Intelligence to give me a new identity for my mission. I will not fail you sir.” Darkling nods and turns over towards his soldiers and informs them of the tunnels and what's to come before they begin preparation, while Deadeye gets on board a truck and begins to heads back to the imperium, towards her next mission.

Rise of the Sheir

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*Saddle Arabia*

Princess Luna and Twilight moved through the dusty city streets before coming to the palace where they were met by Sheik Abal and Prince Kassad.

“Greetings Prince Kassad, Sheik Abal.” Luna smiled as they bowed to each other slightly.

“Greetings Princess Luna, it has been far too long since you or your sister has visited here. Last time you were here was long before the war began, nonetheless it is good to see you once again. Though I wish it were under more...Peaceful circumstances.”

“Indeed. We wished to talk to you about the Sheir tank? We are in desperate need of something to replace our Tigers that is affordable and push back our enemy before they overwhelm us again. Could we come inside to discuss this more?” She over to Twilight who was watching the rooftops for enemies something the two arabians seemed to take notice of.

“Ms. Sparkle there is no war here. You may relax.” Kassad smiled at her as she stared at a window

“ Sorry just old habits.” She looked away and to the princes with a small smile.

Unknown to them a mare watched them with a scope from the window and eyed the unicorn closely. The mare was from the Imperium and the right hand of the Vanguard.

“This is Deadeye checking in, the Princess and Major Sparkle are currently meeting the Sheik and the prince. Over” The mare was in a well furnished room, to the untrained eye it would appear to be a normal home, but under the surface was a safe house for Imperial agents either on route to their missions or to rest and recover.

“Roger that ma'am, agents are all in place as well and report no signs of anyone, pony or otherwise being suspicious of them. The operation is secure for the moment. Over.” The female sounding voice belonged to an agent known on as Ciper 3, a shadow operative for the Imperium. Cipers where ponies taken by Intelligence at a very young age, usually orphans and trained in assassination, sabotage, infiltration and even in some cases seduction. Most don't even know they exist, those who do are either among the most trusted of the high command, or royalty. If one did learn about them who was not approved or trusted enough, they often went missing in a matter of days.

“Understood Ciper 3, continue operations as normal. I will continue observations and let you know of any developments.Radio silence unless something major happens. Over.” Deadeye then shut off her radio and turned back to the Equestrians and the Arabians.

*Palace Meeting Room*

“ We are sorry to come to you like this Abal but we need your help in whatever way you can provide.” She sipped her tea while Twilight just stared at it before looking at the two rulers.

“It is no trouble at all my friends. Our two nations have always been friendly to each other, Long ago Princess Luna and her sister, helped my ancestors during a succession crisis that nearly destroyed us. It is only fair that we in turn help you now, we can supply you with the tanks you seek. But you must pay for them unfortunately, if we were to simply give them to you it would make us appear to be allied with you against the Imperium. While they have not invaded us in centuries, we have had our share of conflicts, both internal and external. I do not wish to drag my subjects into another war unless absolutely necessary.” The prince sipped his tea and let out a sigh.

“I recall a time when I romanticized war and conflict as many do in their youth, then I saw a true battlefield. So many dead, some mangled, others face contorted in anger or fear, others looking like in their last moments weeping. I have never forgotten that.”

“Indeed. I had hoped that war would never find Equestria again but it seems mine and my sister's wishes were just that, wishes that would never come true.” She sighed looking into her tea.

“But we can’t dwell on the past. This Sheir tank that you’ve talked about in your letters. Could we perhaps see it and its performance?” Luna looked at Abal curiously.

“We brought Major Twilight to also oversee the tanks performance. Major.” Luna looked at mare who looked up from her tea.

“Yes ma’am. The Imps have a new tank that punches right through our Tiger tanks from any direction. We need something that can punch through their front armor at a distance of a mile and can bounce 88mm rounds at the front.” She sipped her tea and frowned.

“To sweet.” Sighs as she looked at Kassad.

“You have anything like that?”

Kassad was silent for a moment as if deep in thought,

“I believe we do, it should be able to do as you ask. There is only one problem, it is not easy to produce. Let alone mass produce to properly equip your armies with them, your elite forces surely. But not enough to equip a majority.”

“If we provide the resources could you carry orders for our forces? And how many could you equip our forces with now? We have fives divisions that need them now. From there we can produce them after some training.” Luna looked at both leaders and then Twilight who nodded.

“Indeed we could fill as many orders as you need so long as you provide the resources and transport for the equipment. We will also need help if you are wanting to replace all of you tanks.” He let his head rest over his hoof as he looked at the two mares.

“That sounds ideal. We have to many variants of armor as it is and our own resources are starting to get thin. If you would, could you show the major the tanks? I’d like to catch up with Abal.” Smiles softly as the mare who nodded.

“Certainly, come Major Sparkle. The tanks are not far away from here.” The price stood up a motioned for her to follow with a smile on his face. Twilight rose up and stretched a bit and followed him. A few moments later they were walking down a great hall with several guards flanking them just in case.

“One big issues the tanks used to face was the engine. At one point it was so bad that 80% of them were in maintenance, making them cost more to maintain that it was make them. Sense then we have replaced the engine with a newer more efficient model. As a result the tanks no longer require the huge amount of maintenance they once did.”

“I take it you replaced the engine completely then?” She was watching the buildings across the street.

“Yes, we had to. The engines were just not viable, since then the tanks have become much more effective and efficient. We will be coming up on the main storage are soon….Is something wrong Major?”

“I don’t know… Call me paranoid, I’m watching for snipers Prince Kassad.” She looked at him as they saw a tank pull up and the crew scramble out and standing at attention.

“They seem well trained.” She watched them closely as they walked up to them.

“They are, we've run many, many drills with them. They have to be ready to deploy at any moment and be ready to react to surprise attacks. More often than not our enemies prefer hit and run tactics over direct engagements. And so, we train them to be prepared for those.”

“Impressive.” She walked up to the tankers standing in front of them.

“You, what can you tell me of this tank? In detail.” The stallion saluted puffing his chest out.

“ The Shir 2 has a diesel powered engine that has a on road max speed of 30 mph and 24 off road and a 310 mile operational range with a 120mm main gun. The main rounds are HESH and Sabot rounds, it weighs 62 tons and has two secondary machine guns around the the mantel and two that can be installed on the top hatches ma’am.” She nodded smiling at that as she looked at the tank.

“Can we take it for a ride Prince Kassad. I want to see how the tank handles” Looks back at the stallion.

“Of course, be careful however outside the city, we have recently had issues with rebel factions and while we have destroyed most of their military strength and purged their influence in our cities, there are some scattered remnants that attempt to ambush groups leaving our cities. They hide in the deserts or blend into wandering tribes, so it's very difficult to find them. Their leader is thankfully dead now, but his followers are still a problem.”

“All the better if we take a few down if we encounter them. Will you be joining us?” The crew climbed in as she hopped on the top and looked down at the prince.

“I'm afraid not, I have some business to take care of today, all I ask is you be careful. I have heard rumors that the rebels have captured a Shir tank, albeit a mark one. So do be careful out there.”

She nodded at that as she was handed a helmet and they rolled out of the compound heading out of the city. From the window they were watched as the mare radioed what was happening.

“This is Deadeye, I have news. Major Sparkle is taking a Arabian Shir mark 2 tank out to see its performance. I believe this is a good opportunity to see its effectiveness for ourselves. Cipher 3, is there any contacts you have that could arrange a little incident for us? Over.” The radio cracked for a second,

“Yes ma'am, I have some contacts with rebel remnant groups. One claims to have a tank and ammunition for it, even fuel and a proper maintenance for it. I am not sure how they did this, but they would jump at this opportunity, they despise any ally to the royal family and have proven time and again they would kill themselves rather than be captured. Should I contact them and tell them about this? Over.” Deadeye was quiet for a second.

“Yes, if the rebels succeed in destroying the tank, we lose a dangerous enemy. If they fail, we will learn of any flaws or weakness the tanks have. Contact them immediately Cipher. Offer them a large payout for this, large enough that they will be able to rebuild themselves and become a thorn in the royals side once again. Over.” The radio cut out immediately and Deadeye watched the tank leave the city before closing the blinds and walking out the room.

*Hidden Rebel Base*

“Sir, the radio is receiving a signal, should we answer this?” A young dark brown horse looked at an middle aged stallion who was looking over at map.

“Who is it?” The young stallion checked the signal and cross referenced it from the multiple ones listed,

“Sir I believe it is...Imperial Intelligence? They haven't contacted us in...Well years sir, not sense they helped us with the failed rebellion years ago.”

“What do they want? Are they going to help us take these infidels out of our homeland? Or do our old allies need something of us?” He smiled a little getting up following the stallion to the radio tent. The young stallion picked up the receiver and handed it to his commander,

“Here you are sir. The voice said it would only speak to our leader.” The older stallion took the receiver putting it to his ear.

“This is General Madul who is this?” There was a moment of silence,

“This is Cipher 3. Last we talked Madul, you were but a lowly officer. You certainly have risen high sense those days.” The stallion smiled at the radio and leaned back in his chair motioning for the others to leave.

“Ciper 3. It’s been too long my dear, has the Imperium come to aid us again? Or do you need us this time?” He shifted his weight to the side grinning wider.

“Both, Intelligence is prepared to give you a very large payout, large enough to buy as many weapons and ammunition as well as the necessary supplies you need to rebuild. For...Dealing with a certain target of interest to us. This is also one you will be very interested in Madul. They are a close friend to the royals themselves. And as an added bonus are currently with royal soldiers outside of the city walls.”

“Is that right? Where are the infidels? We will make them all suffer” He growled at that as hate filled him.

“They have just left the capitol, they have gone out of the northern gates and are currently three miles away, if you strike now they will be exposed and far enough away that they won't be able to call for help.”

“Consider it done my dear and I assume the money and weapons will be at the old pick up?” He smiles a little as he motioned for his troops to move out pointing to a map on the wall as they nodded rushing out.

“Do you need the head of this target of yours or would a photo do?” There was a moment of silence from Cipher 3

“If you kill the target, bring whatever you wish as confirmation. If you somehow succeed in capturing her, we will double the payout. But this is not recommended, your target is a very deadly adversary with experience in the field. Killing them is far safer, the payout will be in the old place. If you succeed, come there yourself and bring your proof with you. Then you can collect your payout and return.”

“Very well. I will see you then my dear.” He smiled hanging up the receiver and rushed out with his soldiers.

*Conucs Road*

Twilight and the arabians kept an eye out as they moved through the desert kicking up a cloud of dust, the gunner saw something in the distance, but couldn't make out what it was. After a moment as they started to get closer and more clear he realized what it was.

“Ma’am we have rebels incoming. It looks like just one group on hoof, most likely setting up mines for an ambush, but where there is one group, there are always more.”

“Have they spotted us?” She pulled up and looked through her binoculars at them digging into the sand.

“I do not think so, but it's odd that they are doing this during the day. Mining major roads and placing them is normal for the rebels, but not in broad daylight. Something is amiss or perhaps these ones are simply less intelligent than most.” She looked around putting the binoculars away from her face and listened closely.

“HARD LEFT AND BACK! BRING THE TURRET AROUND 30 DEGREES LEFT!” She roared as they pulled back and off the road bringing the turret to a dune just as the crew saw another tank’s main gun cresting the dune.

“TARGET TANK! LOAD AP!” The bottom of the tank was shown as the cannon raised up.

“FIRE!!!” The a bright flash went off as she watched a hole punch through the bottom and just as the tank crested the dune before coming down while the crew reloaded.

“FIRE!!!” The tank rocked back again and another hole appeared through the commanders hatch.

“Maam! We have a problem 2 more groups of rebels, one to our left and one to our south, they are closing in fast and are mobile. I think they are saboteurs attempting to get close and use explosives to take out the tank!”

“Turn the turret to the first group! Load HESH, man the MG and don’t let them get close pull back and East and let them come to us!” The engine roared as it pulled back a cloud of smoke billowing over it as more was popped in front of it creating a smoke screen around them as they pulled back further away from the road they could hear yelling and then dozens of rebels screaming towards them with rifles firing as the main gun fired blowing a few of the first group away as the turret MGs opened up cutting more and more of them down as the second group came from their right firing and screaming at them only to be met as well by MG fire cutting them down as the last group came in hurling grenades that exploded nearby coming from behind the knocked out mark 1 tank as Twilight and the tank commander opened fire with rifle and MG fire.

“Ma'am, we’ve killed most of the rebels. I believe their commanding officer is nearby in the tank. If we could capture him we could learn the location of the rebel base. In addition the rebels that have attacked us have been a group that has been harassing our soldiers for quite some time in this area. This will help stabilize the area and weaken the rebel remnants severely.”

“Alright once the rest is down I need two to come with me and secure the tank.” She reloaded her rifle and fired into the last of the rebels before they moved to the smoking tank.

Twilight and two others moved toward the tank weapons drawn as she climbed on the top as she pulled open the commanders hatch and saw the bottom half of a stallion the upper half been blown away by the sabot round before opening the gunners and seeing a stallion who flinched and raised his hooves whimpering.

“Please… “ The two tankers with her nodded as she pulled him out of the tank and threw him into the sand.

“He’s all yours.” She looked up as a few more tanks towards them with Princess Luna on top of one as she shot towards the mare.

“ Twilight! Are you alright!?” She looked the mare over seeing a few scrapes and bruises while a truck and armored car moved up and spotted the rebel leader as Kassad came out of the armored car along with Sheik Abal.

“Major Sparkle, are you alright? We heard from our spies that the rebels set up an ambush nearby. We immediately called in reinforcements to assist you.” Kassad was looking around the battlefield for any rebel survivors possibly playing dead.

“I'm fine really. Just a few nicks and scrapes. I think we found somepony that you’ve been looking for.” She smiled at him moving out of the way to show the rebel commander.

“So we finally meet. I've heard many stories about you General Madul, mainly stories of your brutality and your torture of our soldiers. I am very curious how you set up such a large ambush general. Its as if you knew exactly where Major Sparkle would be, would you care to tell us how you knew such a thing?” The General was silent but nervously looked around at all the soldiers surrounding him.

“We’ll leave him to you. I’m sure you’d like to talk to him” She smiled as the Arabian soldiers hauled him up and took him away.

“Indeed. We have many questions for him, I am glad that you are alright my friend. Capturing General Madul will help weaken the rebels presence all across our nation, he was one of the few effective leaders they still had. Did you know he was once an officer in our army? He proved to be traitor too late unfortunately and many good soldiers died because of him. You have our thanks for this.”

“ Of course. I’m also very impressed with the tank's performance and firepower.” She nodded to Luna who smiled.

“If you can we would like to outfit as many of our elite divisions as you can manage and we’ll be ordering more from you in the future you can be assured” She smiled at them as they nodded.

*Capital City*

In the room the mare frowned as she heard the failed attack along with the capture of the general and knew this couldn’t bode well for her country. The mare went over to the radio and turned it on and adjusted to the scrambled Imperial frequency.

“This is Deadeye, Madul has failed to kill Major Sparkle, this was expected. His capture was not, he knows too much about the aid Imperial Intelligence provided years ago and that we hired him to kill Major Sparkle. He must be silenced, all agents, prepare for an assassination mission. We either kill Madul or risk losing everything and being exposed. Over” There was silence for a good while,

“Understood ma'am. We will prepare for this mission.” The mare shut off the radio and looked out over the city with a frown on her face. This wasn't going to be easy.

*Later that night Palace dungeon Interrogation room.*

Madul was slumped over, tied to a chair and was bloody and weak. The room was windowless and lighted only by a single lightbulb above him. He had been subjected to many different kinds of torture and interrogation techniques, many of which he had used himself in the past. He knew he could not take much more of this.Twilight and Luna sat in the shadows as well observing and on guard just in case something happened. A dark green stallion leaned next Madul’s face

“General Madul, tell us what we want to know and we can stop this. Who told you the location of Major sparkle? Who funds the rebels and where is your drop off point?” Madul looked up and spat blood into the stallion's face who wiped it off and slammed his hoof into Madul’s chest, causing him to cough up blood.

It was at that moment a stallion walked in wearing high ranking officer clothing, “Easy there soilder, we do not need him to die on us. He has very valuable information after all.” The stallion saluted his superior ,

”Apologies sir, he has proven to be stronger than expected. He will break soon I believe.” The officer nodded and walked over to Madul,

“Madul, I remember training alongside you, learning how to fight, shoot, lead and survive. We were friends once, I wish I did now have to see you this way. But you are a traitor and none of that matters now. Tell me what we want to know and I can promise you that you will receive fair treatment and a trial.” Madul looked up at the stallion and was silent for a few moments,

“I-I will tell you-” Madul was interrupted by the sound of an explosion nearby, Twilight and Luna jumped up prepared for a fight.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” The officer yelled out, the stallion next to him ran out the room to check and came running back in a few moments.

“We don't know we think its the rebels trying to rescue him! We need to go help incase the palace is under attack.” The officer looked back to Madul.

“We cannot leave him alone. Someone has to guard him.” Twilight walked up.

“We will guard him, we will make sure he does not escape.” The officer frowned a bit, leaving guests to guard a prisoner, but they were the only ones around with the possible attack.

“Very well, be careful.” The officer and the stallion walked out to go aid the others while Twilight turned to Luna,

“The rebels will most likely be repulsed, but we should….” Twilight noticed Luna had adopted a stance ready to fight, she turned around to see a pony standing there, wrapped from head to toe in dark blue robes, only their eyes visible.

Rise of the Sheir part 2

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*Saddle Arabia, Palace Dungeon*

Twilight adopted a fighting stance as well her horn lighting up and stood in front of Luna glaring

“Identify yourself!” The unknown pony was silent only staring ahead. Twilight took the moment to look them over. She saw that they had a rifle of some kind on their back. Several grenade looking objects and a few knives. They had the appearance of an assassin. Yet they did not try to strike her from behind and their stance was relaxed, ready to move at a moment's notice. The pony took a single step forward, another explosion went off that shook the room slightly, Luna and Twilight stood unfazed by it.

“I won’t ask again!” She growled and glanced at the prisoner moving in front of him tensed and ready to defend him while Luna watched the intruder with an unreadable look on her face as she pulled two short swords from under her wings.The pony looked around the cell for a moment and then looked over to Twilight meeting her eyes, Twilight noticed something very odd about the ponies eyes. There was no excitement, no fear. None of the usual feelings that a normal pony felt when facing down an enemy, their eyes were focused and their body relaxed.

“These chambers….They were built long ago. They were made specifically to hold the most dangerous prisoners while interrogating them. In most magic does not work….This is the only one where it does. Curious is it not?” The pony’s voice identified them as a mare.

Luna frowned looking at Twilight as she glanced back at her as she pulled her combat knife from her shoulder and pistol from her hip.

“Put your weapon down or I will use lethal force. That is your one and only warning.” Luna slowly moved towards her while Twilight stayed watching the mare closely.

“ I don’t know why don’t you tell us why it’s the only chamber?” She frowned at the unfeeling look in the mare’s eyes while keeping her pistol training on the mare and standing in front of Madul.

“It is because this chamber houses the royal escape tunnel….And one of you is standing over the entrance right now.”

Twilight out of the corner of her eye saw Luna fall and fired as the mare disappeared appearing to her right with the barrel of her rifle to the Majors head only to be knocked aside as it fired the bullet going into the roof as Twilight fired again, the mare began dodging the bullets and swung the rifle at her while Twilight dodged and turned lashing out with a kick that was blocked and got one in return, knocking her away as the mare aimed at Madul only for the rifle to be shot out of her magical grasp as it clattered to the floor.

Twilight moved in firing as the mare seemed to phase away from danger and pulled her own knife charging back at Twilight silently as she ran out of ammo and dropped the pistol pulling her knife in front of her as they slammed into each other rolling on the floor as sparks flashed and the two scrambled to their hooves as her hood fell back

Twilight finally got a good look at the mare. She was very odd looking mare, she had cold blue eyes with a pale white coat. Her mane was a very pale blue and had a single scar over her left eye. Twilight surmised she was middle aged, but beyond that could not read the mare.

“Impressive Major. Not many ponies can say they have lasted this long against me. But this fight of ours must be cut short, we will meet again.” The mare threw a grenade at Twilight. Twilight caught it with magic but it exploded instantly, causing odd colored smoke to fill the room, Twilight started coughing as the room started to spin and she fell over onto the floor, she saw the mare take her knife and dive it through Madul’s skull and pull it out in a moment. She thought she heard Madul say something a word, a name she wasn't sure. Ciper she thinks it was. The mare turned around and left the room, Twilight rose to her hooves and staggered towards the door before falling to the floor. She heard the sound of wings behind her and heard Luna call her name.

“Twilight!” The alicorn moved through the room and found her major on the floor coughing and their captive dead growling as she picked the mare up putting her on her back and saw a shadow of the attacking mare and growled giving chase

The mare ran down the hall vanishing around the corner.

Luna heard several guards yell at her to stop and then heard the sound of somepony falling to the ground. She turned the corner and saw the guards falling over with their hooves near their throats as they coughed with black smoke surrounding them. Luna used her magic to disperse the remaining smoke and ran past the guards, she hoped they would be okay, but could not allow the mare to escape.

As she pursued she felt Twilight stirring on her back, worrying her greatly she hoped that what Twilight breathed in was not going to kill her. She felt anger rise up inside her, she wished to unleash her power and destroy the way out for the mare, but she knew if she did that she could endanger the lives of many others.

The mare turned the corner and the running stopped, she heard a small explosion and the sound of something falling over and glass shattering. Luna Turned the corner and growled there were 2 exists now. One out of a large window the other through a hole in the wall large enough for a pony to fit through. They both went in opposing directions and the wrong choice would allow the mare to escape. She heard hoof steps behind her and saw a medic along with some guards and the prince.

She heard Twilight groan as she sat her down while the medics and prince ran up to her.

“Take care of her. We will pursue the enemy.” She took off going through the window.

Luna saw the mare jump from one roof to another and turned her head to look at luna. Her hood was back on and the mare's face was hidden. The mare looked down and jumped out of Luna’s sight.

Luna took to the skies and flew over to where the mare was keeping a watchful eye out for an ambush or sniper. The mare was nowhere to be seen and so Luna realised a magic pulse to look for the mare, the pulse told Luna that the mare was running through an alleyway nearby and Luna flew just above it spotting the mare, she was about to unleash a spell to wound the mare when a young stallion and a young mare came into sight the young mare hid behind the stallion yelling out in shock and fear as the unknown mare threw a bomb at them. Luna growled and quickly teleported the young ponies out of the way of the bomb which exploded with white smoke. Only a normal smoke bomb.

She growled and shot into the sky looking around sending another pulse but couldn’t find her as she started to search the area. The mare having smirked and hid in one of the shops shielding herself from the alicorns pulse as the princess flew away making her smirk wider waiting for her to be out of view and headed out of the shop when a blinding pain hit her in the jaw.

“You’re trying to hard to hide yourself.” The mare looked up to see Twilight as she frowned when she heard the sound of a rifle being cocked and looked to see the prince and a few guards pointing their rifles at her while she sighed and went to bite down only for Twilight to shove her blade between her teeth.

“No easy way for you.” She reached into her mouth pulling out a suicide pill making her frown and glare at her.

“Common Imperial Tactic. Kill yourself to avoid capture and torture.” She tossed to the ground as she crushed the pill.

The mare had an angered glare on her face and looked around, she had been found out as an agent of the Imperium...But there was no way out of this for her, she could make it so they didn't think she was Imperial.

“Imperial? Of course an Infidel like you would assume that, the Imperials betrayed us long ago, to die in service of our holy war against the false Shik and his bastard son is a great honor. Madul was a great general who lead us for years against you. It pained me to end the life a great leader such as him.” Her accent was perfect, gained from years of practice and spending time around rebels. Twilight frowned, it was clear she was now unsure if she was Imperial. When last they spoke she hid her Imperial accent in case she was in a situation like this. She spotted a slight glint in a far off window and several others.

Twilight frowned as she stared at the mare while she remembered something that Madul had said.

“A perfectly executed assassination, an attack to disguise it. If your great general was so great then he would have had a better plan to attack me in the desert yesterday When it was only I and the prince that knew of my accompanying of the Arabians. This attack was flawless well...Until this point… Wouldn’t you agree? Cipher. It’s very suspicious how you can pull this off to kill our prisoner just as he was going to tell us who his contacts were.” She growled pulling robes open more seeing the signs of torture and conditioning she had seen before.. From Vanguard spies that were caught.

“Cipher 1 had been very hard to break… But in the end we got what we wanted. And you’re going to tell me what I want.. Imperial spy.”

“A SPY!? From the Imperials!!!? You dare attack us when we have shown no hostility to you!?” The prince glared at the mare as his soldiers pushed the rifles into her temple.

“You forget that I’m hunting you Vanguard. And I’ve learned a lot from my encounters and battles with you. You’re crafty and very tricky but that’s where you expose yourself. It’s too perfect.” She smirked at the glaring mare.

“It’s nice to see some emotion on that blank face dear. We will take this one your highness. It seems your dungeon is no longer secure” She smiled at the spy.

The spy then had a look on her face of frustration. Not towards Twilight, or the situation even. But the kind of frustration Twilight only saw when one was forced to do something before they were ready for it.

“This operation has been compromised, all agents are now in danger. This operation must be purged.” Her voice was almost robotic, at that moment two of the prince's guards fell over dead and several more looked around in shock for hostiles, two more fell over dead and Twilight checked the roof tops and the buildings for signs of a sniper, but there wasn't one it was at that moment she realized what had happened. The shop was an Imperial safehouse most likely and now she had walked right into their hooves. The spy smirked,

“I believe you won't be taking me anywhere, as for Princess Luna...She will be delayed chasing me...Or so she thinks. I had not expected things to turn out this way, but this is quite fortuitous. Major Sparkle, tell me how does it feel to be trapped like a rat?” Twilight had a look of fury in her eyes but looked over to the prince, if she killed the spy the Imperials would kill the prince and she could sense that Luna was too far off to return to help her in time. She snarled and backed away from the spy,

“All of you drop your weapons, you are now guests of Imperial Intelligence. We never dreamed we would capture the prince. This operation has been compromised, but not unsalvageable. The rest of the prince's guards won't be arriving to help him either. They will be busy with a little...Rebel incursion in the palace. The only ones who know that the Imperium is involved...Are right here and won't be going telling their friends anything.”

*5 minutes earlier with Luna.*

Luna flew high in the sky and realised another pulse looking for the unknown mare when felt a sudden rush of danger and raised her shield as a sniper round bounced off it, she looked down to see the mare in the same Blue robes run into the trade district, which had many shops open and ponies and other races going about their business. She growled and landed, knowing she would have to play the mares game to find her, she used an illusion spell to disguise herself as a normal pegasus with bright blue fur and entered the crowds.

Luna scanned the area and spotted a pony in a blue robe similar to the one she was tracking. The pony turned their head and she saw it was a stallion bartering with another pony. She frowned and continued scanning the crowd, the many sounds and smells of the trade district made it difficult to focus for most, but not her.

She listened and watched, for a good few minutes she simply walked through the crowds before feeling something approaching her from behind. She prepared to draw her knife and turned around quickly only to see it was a tourist who tried to ask her for directions. Luna easily disappeared into the crowd and continued onward, she felt like she would never find this mare if she kept on like this.

But then she spotted a pony in a blue robe enter an alleyway trying to slink away and Luna followed. She entered the alleyway with her guard up and spotted the pony in robes who threw a smoke bomb down and after the explosion started to run. Luna pursued and shed her disguise and followed the mare once again.

The mare dropped several balls which rolled towards luna. Luna raised her shield as the black smoke filled the air and she ran through it, Luna stopped once she was through the smoke and looked around the mare had vanished. Luna looked around and realised another pulse once finding the mare who was close by hiding behind a stand.

Luna knew that the mare was trying to lure her in and stepped out into the street and then used her magic to blast the stall, the stall exploded and the mare was sent flying. Luna went over the mare pinning her and ripped the hood off only to see a frightened young mare with a green coat and red mane who was crying. She recoiled slightly and released another pulse. Finding only the young mare here.

“P-p-please don't hurt me. S-s-somepony grabbed me and made me put this robe on a few minutes ago. I ran away from them and hid behind the stand...Please don't hurt me I don't want to die.”

“Then you will come with us. This cat and mouse game ends, if you try to run we will not hesitate to use force.” She heard an explosion go off at the center of the city making her go wide eyed.

“What is going on?!” She grabbed the mare with her magic and took flight towards the city center.

*With Twilight at that moment*

The mare sighed but didn’t move from her spot and could see a few shadows coming towards her.

“Sorry but I know what you Imperials do to captives. You Vanguard being some of the most brutal in your interrogations… Well your part of the Vanguard anyway.” The mare looked at her confused as Twilight’s horn lit up and the prince disappeared as her horn glowed brighter letting off a pulse and finding the sniping positions and the emotionless agents.

“You will come with us Cipher.” She hit the mare in a pressure point as she blacked out while Twilight grabbed the dead guards rifles and started to fire into the windows with quick precision picking off the snipers as automatic fire came from the safehouse while Twilight charged her horn and fire into the building reducing it to rubble

*Eagledor, Talon City 2 Weeks Later*

“Roger that darling, ETA 30 seconds to drop point. Flight of 6 fighter/bomber squadrons are on the way and will be there to provide CAS. Put smoke on your position darling, it wouldn’t do to have you turned to paste by our own.” Rarity leaned back sighing as she pulled a cigarette lighting it blowing out a cloud.

[Roger that sugarcube!] Rarity could hear the sound of gunfire and explosions in the background.

Command had a new interesting idea. With the use of thousands of pegasus and griffons that were going to bomb the entire front line of the Imperial line. And then launch a massive Armored Invasion that was going to hit in three waves under the cover artillery fire. Their latest attempt through the tunnels had spurred the Allies to step up Operation Breakout. 14 Armored Divisions, 20 Infantry Divisions and more than 60 artillery batteries would be just the kick off of the operation.

The first would attack and break through the Imperial first and second line. Then reinforcements would push past the first wave chasing them back while retaking the City of Lions the Capital of Eagledor and hold their ground against any counter attacks while the last wave would reinforce the second and destroy the any enemy left from the counter attack. After that the first wave would move up and secure the capital while the second and third would merge chasing them all the way to DoeHo with close air support where they will retake their positions they lost and hold until supply can reach them with reinforcements.

Though such a thing wouldn’t be very easily hid from the Imperium who seemed to have a way to find things out. So they called on some of their best to make it seem like they were weaker than they really were. Keeping most of the up building of forces behind the lines and under cover while Germane, Equestrian and Griffon’s devised a way to keep the operation under wraps by seeming to build up in another strategic location , and that was Dream Valley.

It was genius to put it lightly as they placed fake tanks and buildings while having dummies of ponies and griffons on little pulley systems to make it look like there was personnel manning the site and down to laundry hanging on clothes lines. The Illusion Corps was formed and all they could do was wait for Twilight and Luna to return and give the word on the new tanks.

Operation Breakout

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*3 months later*

Darkling sighed as he sipped on some coffee in the beginning of the cold fall months. So far all had been quiet on the front and that was what worried him. Most of the Imperial forces had been built up around the southern area following some of their spies in Dream Valley reporting in about build up and aerial recon showed it was true. However not even a shot had been fired in the last month. He could hear singing and cheering coming from the Griffon and Germane lines celebrating the start of fall… But they hadn't heard a peep from the Equestrians and that greatly unnerved and somewhat frightened him. From the ferocious fighting in the years of the war to silent as a graveyard now it actually kept him up wondering what they were up to and when it would happen. Rumors were that the Equestrians left the war all together or some other ridiculous nonsense. There has been end to hostilities with Equestria and besides at sea they were locked in a stalemate with them on land and losing in the air.

As daylight darkened and night came he looked out over the mile of no mares land between the Imperial and Allied lines as everything seemed to go silent and the air itself went still before he heard what sounded like thunder in the distance as the first shells hit their lines catching them off guard as they sound the alarm went off before they heard a mighty roar over the front as he looked over to see Equestrian tanks pushing towards their line as their own fired and he watched as the first few Tigers were blown apart only for their own be taken out with single precision shot that went right through the front of their tanks

He looked up in the sky and could see thousands of pegasus and griffons flying overhead as they slammed the rear supply lines dropping bombs on key targets before a shell went off in front of his trench and blew him back as his world went dark

*Some time later*

Darkling woke up covered in dirt and felt a throbbing in his head as he looked back to see he had hit it on one of the dug out artillery shelters walls. He looked up to see everything devastated as he felt his arm grabbed and looked to see one of his soldiers there badly burned. He was a tank crew member from the uniform as he put his hoof to his lips

“Keep your voice down. Equestrians are all over the place sir. We have to get out of here or we’re going to die.” He whispered as he crawled along the trench and froze as they heard talking coming there way as the Vanguard saw two Equestrian mares on the lip of the trench

“Tell you what Blossomforth we make it back I’ll buy you an entire shop and display in Ponyville.” The unicorn next to the earth pony chuckled shaking her head.

“You don't’ have the bits to back that up Vinyl.” The unicorn smirked at her before they headed off their voices getting faint as they walked further away

“C-Come on. We don’t have time sir.” The stallion whimpered as he crawled along the ground due to his wounds as they got to the far part of the trench and around the corner as they leaned up against it panting a little

“Soldier what happened? The allies attacked us with far more soldiers and firepower than our scouts and spies told us about. Where are the rest of our forces and what happened to them?” Darkling was remarkably calm and collected compared to the terrified soldier next to him. He was slightly unnerved however, he heard too few noises in the area.

“They were completely obliterated sir. Between the surprise attack and air strikes. Any of us that made it to the command post is probably overrun right now. I nearly burned to death in my tank when.. Something hit us, I don’t know what it was but I know it wasn’t anything from the air. I just remember bits and pieces, mostly just a slaughter. The Equestrians weren’t taking prisoners sir. Anypony that gave up was just shot and the Equestrians would just move on. Last I heard they already took the City of Lions and the 7th, 9th, and 34th battalions in the south in Dream Valley are cut off and surrounded.” He was panting a little as Darkling took a closer look at him seeing he was one of the Vanguards tanks commanders.

“This is a problem, my projections were off. I had thought that in the worse case scenario they would be stopped just outside the city, placing it under siege. How did they take the city so easily? The forces stationed there should have had ample time to prepare. What were the generals doing this entire time? The 7th was supposed to fall back into the city with the 9th to cover them. The 34th shouldn't even have been here for another 24 hours.” Darkling and the commander pressed against the nearby wall as a pegasus flew over them scanning the trenches.

“From the chatter I overheard looking for any survivors the 34th just showed up and there was a lot of confusion… Overheard a few Equestrian saying it was like shooting fish in a barrel. So far it's Griffon and Germane forces that have them surrounded and any attempts that been made the Equestrian Air force just blows it away with strike fighters. I haven’t been able to get in touch with any other command… As far as I know it's gone.” Looks over the trench to see a few Equestrians talking and smoking.

“Trapped behind enemy lines and with no idea where our forces are and the enemy isn't taking prisoners. I've been in this situation before, more than once right now we are in a potentially useful situation. All we need is a opportunity….Soldier, what is your name? And tell me, how loud can you scream?”

“Maelstrom sir… And why do I need to scream?” Maelstrom Looks at his superior confused cocking his head to the side.

“In exactly 2 minutes I want you to scream as if you are in extreme pain. Just loud enough for those soldiers to hear you and come to investigate. And lie there. Exactly 2 minutes understood soldier?” Darkling had a calm demeanor to him as he spoke.

“ Sir you did hear me say that they shoot Imperials on sight right?” Maelstrom looked from him to the soldiers as they put out the cigarettes and laughed about something.

“Yes, but they won't get that chance. And if you would prefer, you could remove your uniform now. Though it most likely wouldn't help much. Also, here.” Darkling took out a silenced pistol and handed it to Maelstrom.

“Trust in me solider. You won't die this day. Close your eyes and count to 2 minutes and lie on the ground and scream.”

“Sir can’t we wait till night or they move on? If any of them get a shot off at all the entire base will be on us in seconds.” The burned stallion pointed over to where the two mares from earlier were just as the others were called away

“Hey let's go! Able, Dog, and Echo company leg it ladies. Orders just came down. Third wave is up. Supplies are coming in and we’re pushing up. Let's move! Hustle up!” Darkling narrowed his eyes seeing Captain Rainbow Dash coming into view through the trees.

“Her being here complicates things. I will grant you that. There is little chance I could take her in this situation….Hmm...I know this region well, there is a way out of here. Follow me.” Darkling and Malestrom begin to move through the cover the trees provided. Soon enough, they came to a very large tree with a stone nearby with a large V carved into the bark.

“Good, here we are.” Darkling shifted around the tree for a moment before he leaned down and pushed the leaves away revealing a very old cover that he then removed. It was pitch black within the entrance Darkling had showed Maelstrom.

“Sir? What...Is this? It doesn't look military made.” Darkling turned to Maelstrom.

“It isn't. It's a tunnel meant for teenage stallions and mares to sneak away and...Have some fun with each other. I know this place thanks to an old friend. Only natives to here know of it and don't speak of it due to many bastards being made here. Come on jump down. It's not as far down as it looks.” Maelstrom nodded and moved to just in front of the entrance and took a deep breath and jumped down. After only a second he Landed and looked up. Darkling had recovered the entrance as he had jumped down. Once the cover was back on the tunnel was pitch black. Then after a moment crystals started to glow, illuminating the tunnel allowing them to see.

“Where does this lead us?” The stallion moved out of the way letting the officer lead the way.

“To the outskirts of the city. Or to just past it if one travels far enough. Though that way is long neglected and could be collapsed. We go for the latter, if the way is blocked we will have to exit near the city. Also, solider don't you're burns cause you pain? You haven't even shown any signs of being uncomfortable yet.”

“Greatly. But I’m sure due to fear, adrenaline and most of my nerves being burned it’s keeping me from passing out sir.” Darkling looked at him to see the one eye that wasn’t melted shut looking back at him in the darkness.

“ So before that goes away can we get a move on sir? I’d rather not be in the middle of the city when the pain does kick in.” He gave a half smile since the over half was burned and melted the other part of his lips together.

“And so we shall, follow me.” Darkling and Malestrom began to walk through the tunnel. They could hear the sounds of vehicles driving up above them and muffled voices. After a good 3 minutes of walking they came across a fork in the tunnel. One going left and the other right.

“The right tunnel takes us past the city. Let's move.” The two stallions continued to walk for a few more minutes until they began to see something in the distance. A lightsource. As they moved towards it, they saw the overgrown entrance covered with plants and vines.

“The way out. We are past the city. Weather we are in more danger or less remains to be seen. I will go first.” Darkling pushed the plants and vines out of the way and exited the tunnel, he looked around at the nearby field they were in now. It was clearly farmland, due to the nearby barn and tools. He could see Griffons in the distance in farm clothes or none at all. He turned back into the cave and faced Maelstrom.

“What do you see? Is it clear?” He looked out a little as Darkling helped him out of the hole.

“Yes,for the most part. We are on farmland now. We have 2 choices we can avoid the family that lives here and continue on, or ask them for aid. We have no idea how loyal they are, or if the Equestrians won’t simply have the road ahead occupied and guarded. It all depends if they stayed and decided to consolidate their hold on the city. Either way, we take a massive risk.” Maelstrom was quiet for a moment.

“I think we should try the farm. At the very least so you can drop me off there. At least then I won't slow you down and I have a small chance to live.” Darkling looked at him and said nothing for a time.

“In that we agree.” Darkling and Maelstrom began to walk across the farmland, the tall trees and bales of hay covered them from both sides and they began to approach the family that was outside. As they got close to the farm a young griffon rushed out and stumbled on them going wide eyed.

“MOMMA!” He ran back into the house as an older male griffon came rushing out with a knife before going wide eyed at the two.

“ Come, come. We’ll help and you leave.” He had a thick accent as he spoke broken Imperial.

“Citizen, I do not wish to disrupt your life or threaten your family's safety. This soldier here needs medical aid. As it stands he only stands a chance to survive if he gets help. All I ask is that you help him and I will not bother you and leave.” Darkling chose his words very carefully.
As he brought Maelstrom into the light the griffon gasped at his wounds before he helped him inside where a female griffon was waiting along with the child as they looked in horror at the wounded soldier. The female started to talk in their language arguing a little before the female stormed off while the boy stayed and watched as the older griffon started to work on Maelstrom

“This very bad.. I need tools from clinic.You stay, I go.” He looked over at Darkling who nodded as the griffon quickly left

“... Grandpa says you’re the good Imperials? That Vanguard is good.” The young griffon pointed at Darkling.

“Your grandfather is...Not wrong young one. But to say we are good is...Perhaps too far. But we are not the bad ones. That I can promise you. Tell me lad, how old are you?”

“I just turn seven today. Grandpa says other Imperials bad, that Vanguard protect us from other Imperials.” He looked at the groaning stallion on the table a little scared.

“That is true. We always try to stop the others when we can. But sometimes, we just arent enough. There are too many bad ones, but we won't stop trying. Young griffon, tell me your grandfather what has he told you about us?”

“That when you came things get better for people. Now Allies have town… What happens now?” Darkling looked at the young griffin for a moment without speaking.

“They...Will tell you that they are here to liberate you. That they are the good guys here to rescue you from the evil Imperials. But do not believe them young one, you are only switching one bad guy for another. And these other ones will hurt you if you aren't careful, even more than the bad Imperials in some ways. They will try to make you think their way and if you don't agree, they won't not hurt you, but they will watch you from then on. But for now? I do not know young one. I simply do not know.”

“When will you be back?” He looked at him scared as the door opened and the older griffon rushed in.

“Equestrians are everywhere. They look for survivors.” He was panting hard with a medical bag looking back at the door moving to the stallion on the table.

“As expected. They won't take prisoners, if they see me here in uniform they won't hesitate to attack me or finish him off. Give me what's left of his uniform, I will take it and leave here soon. If or rather when the Equestrians show up, tell them that he was burned in a accident. Considering the nearby battle, it wouldn't be impossible that when the attack happened he was distracted and an accident happened. On my way out I will destroy a vehicle of your choosing and have it looked burned. His name is Malestrom, in case they ask.” Darkling looked out the nearby window, no soldiers or vehicles nearby yet, but it was only a matter of time.

“There is a car our back. Is broken. You can burn it.” *He started to cut the stallions uniform off giving it to Darkling as Maelstrom groaned and soon it became to much as he passed out from the pain. Darkling looked at the silenced pistol he had given Malestrom for a second before holstering it inside his uniform before looking to his subordinate.

“I cannot say I knew you well Maelstrom, but you were a good soldier. Hopefully, we will see each other again. For now, all I can ask is that you live.” Darkling looked to the Griffon who was tending to Maelstrom.

“Thank you for this...Tell me, what is your name?”

“Does not matter. Will not see you again, go before the Equestrians come.” He shooed him away before getting back to work on Maelstrom. He stopped and looked up at him.

“Thank you.. For saving my family. You kept bad Imperials from forcing my daughter to do bad things.” Nods to him as he started to work on the Vanguard soldier again.

“I will not forget that.” Darkling turned around and began to exist the barn before stopping for a second just outside.

“I'm sorry that your daughter was put in danger at all.” With that Darkling left the barn and began to circle around behind the barn. There he found the car the old Griffon has spoken of. It was broken, but in decent enough condition that it looked like it could have driven only days before. He took out a grenade and then put it away realising it would cause too much noise. He looked around and saw a bottle nearby.
He walked over to it and saw it was gasoline. He wondered why it was in a bottle, but decided not to question it and tore off a strip of Maelstrom’s uniform and stuck it in the bottle and took out a lighter and lit the uniform. He tossed the bottle at the car and the fire quickly spread engulfing the vehicle in flames after a few minutes.

After the fire began to spread over the car he turned began to walk through the fields away from the city and the barn. After roughly half and hour he was back into a forested area and looked up, the clouds were beginning to gather. With no pegasi around, it was highly likely it was going to rain. He then heard rumbling coming not from behind him or to the side of him but in front of him. He looked ahead to see an Imperial supply truck driving slowly towards the city, the driver must not have been informed of what had occurred. He quickly made his way to the road and waved over the truck which slowed down and stopped just in front of him.

“ Sir? What is it? Where is everypony? I came from command yesterday to bring supplies to you” He was a regular Imperial supply SGT and the back was full of fuel and a very easy target for pegasi and any tanks or AT guns nearby.

“Soldier we need to get back to command immediately. Virtually the entire army stationed nearby and within the city of lions has been wiped out. The enemy launched a surprise attack on us and smashed through our defences and took no prisoners. We need to move now, what is the top speed of this vehicle with the supplies onboard?”

“U-Um 20 maybe 30 if we floor it… Um sir I haven’t been able to raise command in the last few hours.” He opened the door for him as the other stallion got in as he turned around and headed back the way he came.

“You think they were hit to? What do we do sir?” The stallion was starting to panic as he began to realize the situation they were in.

“Calm yourself soldier. It's possible, but it's far more likely that command is in a state of chaos right now. Losing the city and contact with the army stationed nearby must have sent them into a frenzy to figure out what's going on. We need to get to the closest base and as contact any forces nearby as quickly as possible.” Darkling looked out the window, there was a storm coming he could see the clouds gathering and the sky starting to darken. The storm was clearly naturally made and the allies most likely wouldn't try to move forces until they either dispersed it or waited for it to pass over. Given the territory they just gained and needed to consolidate, the latter was more likely.

As they rushed along the road towards command they could see figures moving through the fields and they could see Equestrians rushing ahead of the storm towards where their command was. They saw and heard the sound of artillery and could see a few gun crews set up and firing while troop transports rushed down the main road they were coming to as the soldier started to pull off his uniform and merged in with them.

They were lucky none of the Imperial markings were on the truck or fuel drums as they followed the Equestrian supply convoy before turning off a back road. In the distance they could hear heavy fighting and could see smoke coming from up ahead.

“Sir that’s where command was. Should we try to get with them or see if we can find another unit?” He was looking out the passenger window occasionally when they heard many big explosions go off.

“Another unit. Going to command now is pointless, but something is very wrong here. Regules of how caught off guard we were, the allied forces are advancing at an alarming rate. They risk overextending themselves with attacks like this, so why risk it at all? Occupying and fortifying the city would make more sense that attacking command now. Especially with a storm on the way. Either way, we need to reach another unit quickly. Do you have any knowledge of any other units within any reasonable distance from here?” Darkling had also taken off his uniform and had a calm look on his face as he looked over to the smoke and explosions.

“The 122nd Intelligence is further past command and out to the west.” He took a side road and gunned it down the bumpy road.

“Intelligence? I'm surprised they are still out here, I would have thought they would have left this region some time ago. The ods of the allies knowing of them begin here are slim to none. Intelligence always covers its tracks. Perhaps they can explain what's going on.” At this point Darkling was more speaking to himself than the sergeant, none of the Equestrian pegasi paid them any attention, instead focusing on attacking command. After 10 minutes, the explosions began to fade away and the road became less rugged while they came to an wooded area where they were stopped by Imperial soldiers.

“Hey Berg.” The sergeant leaned out of the driver side window as the guards went wide eyed and rushed towards them

“Big C! Sweet Imperium man I thought you got caught up in that mess.” He nodded to burning city as they saw a red flare get shot up making them go wide eyed. It was the signal to retreat and the area was lost. It was also a warning to other units to fall back that was in the area as the small outpost became a buzz of activity.

“Got a survivor from the front. One of the Vanguards.” Big C leaned back so Berg could see him as he blinked and snapped a salute.

“SIR! They’ll need you inside then. Go on through Big C. We’ll help you unload everything” He waved them through while they pulled into the middle of the outpost as soldiers ran up to them and started to unload the truck.

“Sir. Captain Weathers is waiting on you sir in the large tent in the back.”Darkling turned to one of the soldiers pointing to a huge tent that took up most of the back of the outpost.

“Understood, keep an eye on the skies soldier. If you see even one pegasi in it tell me immediately. Don't waste time trying to shoot them out of the sky understood?” The soldier nodded and Darkling walked over to the large tent and opened the flap and looked around, he saw communications equipment and maps and charts of the area. Most of it was in a state of disarray, no surprise given the situation and recent events as he spotted the captain walking up to him.

“Special Command General Darkling. Good to see someone made it back. Now sir could you please tell me what the hell is going on!? All across the front whole lines are either wiped out, crumbling, or in full retreat and I was just informed to fall back the border and dig in await further orders. Not only that command has been lost and the 7th, 9th and 34th battalions have surrendered to Griffon and Germane troops while everything else is in total chaos! Can you tell me anything of what’s going on out there and where they came from? I thought they were building up in the south.” He panted running his hoof through his mane.

“I had hoped you could tell me. The Equestrians launched a surprise attack and smashed through our defensive lines and took the city. They took no prisoners and afterwards moved on to assault command. Such a decision is odd as it puts them at risk of overextending themselves. The build up in the south must have been a diversion and with command lost we are scattered and in total disarray. Do you have the means to contact forces outside this region?”

“I do and I’ve already told them of what’s coming and to dig in and wait. From some of the scattered reports Equestria has a new tank and it’s cut through everything we’ve hit it with. We’re once again losing the armored race sir and we need to get the hell out of here before the Equestrians find us. I suggest you come with us unless you have another way to get to friendly lines you want to share sir.” He looked around as his troops were getting everything packed up and rushing them out the door. What they couldn’t carry, they destroyed.

“Good. I need to get to a location where we have relative safety. Once we reach there I will contact the generals and organize our forces. Ever since the incident in Saddle Arabia they have been attempting to take power and command away from me and by extension the Vanguard. Hopefully they aren't so incompetent as to try this after what's just occurred.” Darkling and the captain left the tent and Darkling looked on as the soldiers began to destroy equipment that was too heavy or too bulky to be moved quickly or effectively. He saw several soldiers watching the skies, he saw lightning flash in the clouds and looked ahead to the nearby trucks.

*Doe Ho*

Twilight stood out of her tank as she watched a small convoy of trucks heading north to the border. They were most likely Imperials but without proper identification they couldn’t fire.

“Ma’am?” She looked down to see Tender looking up at her.

“What is it?”

“Ma’am command has ordered us to halt and wait for supplies. We’ve gone too far ahead.” Twilight nodded at her radio mare as she watched the trucks disappear into the distance.

The Sheir 2 tanks had performed amazingly with not a single one knocked out. The 88mm guns on the Hydra couldn’t penetrate the front at all. They were fast and with the new bag charges there was no casings to deal with and Twister was able to pick off targets at ranges of 2 miles. The Sabot round made quick work of the enemy armor and Equestrian tanks drove right over the Imperial lines.

Within hours of taking the front lines the second wave pushed on and had taken The City of Lions and moved on pushing into small towns and villages along with way rooting out any stragglers before the third wave pushed up past them as they let the third wave caught up with the second and merged then joined the first wave in taking Doe Ho.

Everything had gone off flawlessly and now they were to dig in and wait holding off any counter attacks while waiting for reinforcements and supplies to be pushed up.

“Well ain't you a sight for sore eyes.” Twilight and smiled wide see Applejack walking towards her tank making her squeal and jump down rushing up to her friend wrapping her in a hug.

“Oh it’s so good to see you made it. Have you heard anything else from the others?” Twilight smiled and pulled back as she looked over her friend. She looked exhausted and but wasn’t hurt.

“Dash and Fluttershy are on the south side of town diggin in. I’m more up north a ways from you. Got mah company diggin in and the Bolts are on call…. Glad to see you ok sugarcube.” She smiled at her pulling her back in close and didn’t let go.

“I was worried somethin happened to ya. Hadn’t heard anythin from ya in almost four months and thought the worst… Everythin ok?” She pulled back a little as the unicorn looked down.

“ I just miss you girls.. A lot. And with Pinkie gone.. I’m surrounded by strangers, and I just can’t loose another friend like that. I can’t loose another friend like you girls like we did Pinkie, I don’t want to go to anymore homes and tell their loved ones that their loved one died in the line of duty. I’m really tired AJ and I need some time away from all of this soon or I’m going to go crazy.” Twilight looked up at her while AJ sighed and nodded pulling her back into a hug.

“I know sugarcube, I know. We’ll see what we can do fer ya and go from there once this operation is done.” She held her a little tighter as they looked to where the enemy line was.

“Ya know yer gonna be in the thick of right? They’re gonna come right through here and yer gonna be takin the brunt of it all.” She ran her hoof over her friends mane as she nodded against her chest before pulling back looking a little better.

“When this is over.. We all need to meet up at the bar. I’ll pay the first round ok?” She smiled wiping her watery eyes as the earth pony nodded smiling at her.

“Nah ya should have Dash pay. She’s been stingy with her pay and we could all use some R&R. It’s been what? How long?”

“Since we laid Pinkie to rest” They got quiet at that before AJ sighed and stood up Twilight doing the same.

“Well I look forward to seein ya at the local bar and the rest of the girls when this operation is over. Heard they still have some good beds and hard liquor. None of that piss water we get a week.” She giggled as Twilight laughed and nodded

“See you later AJ” Twilight smiled and waved as the mare headed back to her company as she sat down as the infantry dug trenches in front of their tanks.

“Tender get the company on the horn and tell them to dig fox holes for the tanks with a reverse slope! We’re going to be getting hit hard and we’re going to make them regret trying to take back this capital!” She yelled as she climbed up on the tank grabbing a shovel hearing a ‘Yes ma’am’ from her radio mare as the rest of her crew climbed out and started to dig while Sweet Water pulled the tank back so they could dig a hole for it before joining them.

*Across the border in the Kirin Nation*

Darkling and the convoy approach a large Imperial base. After a brief halting and explanation for their lack of Imperial colors and markings, they were allowed in. Darkling existed his truck and began to walk through the base as soldiers scrambled around, some saluted him others gave him nervous looks. He had a nasty feeling that he would soon find out why.

He walked up to the command center and opened the door, once inside he began to walk towards the command room as technicians and communication experts worked fervently to try to gain as much information as possible and salvage what they could from the disastrous losses they just suffered. Darkling entered the command room and saw several Imperial generals turn to look at him.

“Well look who's still alive. We had heard that virtually the entire army guarding The City of Lions was wiped out and yet here you stand. Alive and only slightly worse for wear, Funny how things work out wouldn't you agree?” The general who spoke was a stallion with a dull grey coat and brown eyes with a equally grey mane, easily in his late 50’s. His voice dripped with satisfaction and anticipation.

“I suppose so General Greymane, it appears your body has finally caught up to your name. Now are we finished with these childish insults or would you like to waste more time?” Darkling had a sharp tone to his voice. Greymane only smirked and stayed quiet. The general to his left, whose coat was a deep blue with yellow eyes and mane spoke,

“Well Darkling, I'm afraid to tell you this but considering the debacle that was Saddle Arabia and the capture of your second and several agents of intelligence, which also resulted in the loss of the entire branch and now the disastrous battle we lost we have begun to...Lose faith in your ability to lead our forces effectively.” As opposed to Greymane who spoke with sarcasm and a lack of respect General Brightflame spoke with far more respect.

“So in otherwards your telling me that you want to take command away from me and give it back to yourselves. At this current time such a move is pure foolishness, we need to stay cohesive and united. Not divided and under multiple commands.” Darkling walked up the table they were all in front on and placed his hooves on it leaning upward.

“Considering the significant losses the Vanguard has recently suffered, just over 53% of your forces have been either captured or lost to the allies. You've lost over half of your entire force Darkling and considering your very strict requirements for entry, you won't be getting new members any time soon. And not in the numbers you need.” Greymane had spoken up and stared at Darkling with a smug look.

“Be that as it may, the situation-” Greymane scoffed at him.

“ ‘Situation’ he calls it, more like catastrophe.” Darkling glared at him but continued on.

“Is not one in which we can afford any mistakes. We need to be focused on formulating a new strategy.” It was General Brightflame who spoke this time.

“We already have one, we will launch a 3 pronged counteroffensive. Rather than attempting to directly reclaim the city, we will instead attempt to push the allies back towards it. Once there our forces will meet up and surround the city, placing it under siege.” Darkling looked at Brightflame as if he had grown 2 heads.

“Are you insane? Reclaiming the city now is all but impossible, the forces we have here are too few for such a thing and even if they were the Equestrians have a new tank that our Hydras cannot damage. We need to focus on defensive tactics until we can make a proper counter for them, not rush in to meet them head on.” Greymane slammed his hooves on the table.

“The Equestrians are over extended! If we strike now their supplies lines will be cut off and they won't be able to get reinforcements quickly. Now is our best opportunity!” Darkling looked to Greymane and shook his head.

“It doesn't matter. The fact is, we can't destroy or properly damage the Equestrians new tanks, attempting to attack them now will only end in disaster. We need to get reinforced and shore up our defences and attempt to find a counter.” Brightflame cleared his throat.

“If we do as you say, the allies will have the time to fortify their positions and establish a proper supply line. Thus making it all the more difficult to push them back, striking now we at least stand a chance of reclaiming the territory we lost and possibly capturing one of these new tanks.” Darkling could not believe the sheer idiocy he was hearing.

“What is wrong with all of you? Your plan is to throw our forces at the allies and hope for the best? Our soldiers will get cut to pieces out there.” Greymane only laughed at Darkling.

“This coming from the same pony who lost the 3rd Army, a capital and region in a single day. It doesn't matter what you say now Darkling, you are no longer in command. Our reinforcements will be here within the hour and we will begin our counter offensive within a few days. With or without you.” With that the generals got up and left the room. Darkling slumped down in his chair, everything was falling apart around him. His second was captured, Intelligence had lost an entire branch and now the generals were taking his command away and going forward with an insane plan that would end with another massacre.

He needed help, but all those he could turn to were either dead or captured. All except for one. He dreaded calling upon him, not because of any bad blood between them. But because he had put down the gun and war years ago now and was trying to live a life of his own. He did not want to drag him back into war, not after he fought so hard to leave it. But he saw no other way. Darkling stood up and walked out of the command center and to a transport preparing to head further back into Imperial territory.

Darkling walked up to the driver and told him that he required transportation to the nearest city. After a few hours of driving, Darkling saw the forces that the generals spoke of that were moving towards their deaths and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. An hour later they arrived at the capitol of the region, Kirin Tela. After he arrived he had gotten the intelligence branch there to book him passage back to the heartland via train. As he boarded the train he took a look behind him, he saw many civilians trying to book passage onto the trains, some refugees from the City of Lions. Others natives trying to flee the war out of fear that the war would come to the city. He turned back around and entered his train car and waited until the train began to move and closed his eyes allowing himself a moment's rest after the exhausting day he had just had.

He was awoken to the sound of the train stopping. He felt very hungry, he wondered how long he slept, but did not dwell on it. After he stepped off the train, he was greeted by uniformed officers who saluted him and showed him his way to Imperial High Command.

*One Week Later, Imperial Countryside*

Darkling stepped out of his car and closed the door behind him. With him were 2 other officers who accompanied him. He looked to the large house that loomed over him, it was not particularly unique or well designed, but it was a nice home nonetheless. He walked up to the door and knocked on it. After a few minutes a young mare opened it her coat was silver with a bright yellow mane and green eyes. She was no older than 13, he knew her as the granddaughter of the one he had come to see. Her face lit up seeing him.

“Darkling! It's been so long! I haven't seen you in 2 years. Its great to see you again. Come inside I…” Her excited tone had faded away seeing him in full uniform and the officers behind him.

“Darkling where is Deadeye? Why isn't she with you?” Her voice was now a bit worried in tone and she looked him in the eye.
“I need to see your grandfather Stardust.” Darkling’s voice was low and slightly saddened. Stardust looked at him and then away she nodded to him and walked inside. Darkling stepped in and closed the door behind him, the home he was in was very well furnished and ornamented.
He looked at the painting and walked through the house he knew so well. Eventually he came to the proverbial trophy room, he opened the door and looked inside. Within the walls were covered with framed commendations and countless medals and a single uniform. It was pure white with gold highlights, it was a uniform that any Imperial soldier knew and it was one to be respected.

He heard the sound of someone coming up behind him and turned around to see him. The stallion before Darkling was no taller than he was, he had a bright blue coat and black mane with grey coming into it with deep red eyes and he was clearly in his late 60’s to early 70’s. Darkling took off the hat he wore and looked his old mentor in the eyes.

“Hello my old friend. It has been far too long, I only wish we didn't have to meet under such...Unfortunate circumstances.” The stallion was silent for a second before he spoke.

“Do not worry Darkling. I have always been pleased to you, regardless of the circumstance. You look terrible old friend, why have you come here?” The stallion's voice was very calm and even. It carried the usual Imperial accent, but was somewhat more lax.

“I won't beat around the bush or try to make small talk. I need your help, Deadeye is captured and over half the Vanguard is dead or captured. The Generals have completely undermined by command and are going forward with plans that are suicidal for our soldiers or incredibly incompetent.” The other stallion turned around and looked out the open window to the countryside.

“I see. These are dire times and you need me. Perhaps it was a bit foolish to believe you were here to visit a old stallion like me with good news.” The stallion turned back to Darkling and met his eyes.

“Darkling, tell me what do you need of me?” Darkling looked down and then back up at the stallion.

“I need you to take back your old position. None of the Generals respect me and despise my leadership, but none would dare question you. You have never failed the Imperium once in your life, but I have and I cannot hope to fight this war alone. I am sorry to ask this of you, after all you did to leave the army here I am asking you to come back.” The stallion picked up a nearby photo of a mare, she looked like a much older Stardust and he was beside her in full uniform looking much younger.

“She told me time and again to leave the military. To retire sooner to help raise our family, but I told her I could not. That I had a duty and I had to stay for the sake of those under my command. We argued and bickered over it as long as I had known her. Eventually I stopped coming home whenever I had the opportunity, instead spending more and more time at High command or the Palace”. He sighed as his shoulders slumped a little.

“At first it was for hours longer, but then those hours turned to days, the days to weeks, the weeks to months and then to years and those years turned to decades and eventually she passed away. Our son grew up barely knowing me other than reputation and only saw me for the first time since he was a colt on his wedding day. He didn't hate me, but knew almost nothing about me and treated me like a distant cousin or uncle. I finally retired after that you know. I never did tell you why, it was not because I was too old. It was because I never got to know my own son, I never saw him grow up or speak his first words or learn to read or write.” He looked now to the picture of a young stallion with his coat and mane but with blue eyes instead of his red.

“I never saw any of it, only looking back did I see what I had lost. And that made me leave, I spent as much time as I could with him and my new daughter in law. But it was awkward and uncomfortable. Then Stardust was born and...I lost them both. Her mother died bringer her into this world and her father..Couldn't take it. I lost my son before I truly got to know him. At his funeral, I felt no sorrow or sadness only regret and shame.” The stallion let out a long sigh and had a regretful look on his face and closed his eyes. “And so I decided to be there for his daughter. My grandchild and I suppose I've done a good job with her, but deep down I can't escape the fact that...It's just too little, too late.” The stallion looked to Darkling the regret having faded from him.

“I will help you. But Stardust cannot go through what my son did, I want her to have someone in her life who can give her the love and attention she needs. If you can promise me that, I will stand with you once again.” Darkling nodded only once and then began to walk out the house, he spotted Stardust peeking at him from the second floor window and hid when she knew he saw her.
The Blue stallion looked at his uniform him in its case, it was perfectly preserved and pressed to perfection. After a few minutes he grabbed a nearby key and opened the case.

Outside Darkling got news of the counteroffensive on Doe Ho… It was a complete disaster with 90% of the attacking force wiped out.. Generals of the 3rd, 5th, 12th and 19th Army were all in full retreat as Allied forces reinforced and launched their own counter attack pushing deep into the Kirin Nation before stopping at a small city called Gun Loe. Imperial forces had pulled back six miles to dig in and defend until proper command could be established as the generals fought amongst themselves on who’s fault it was.

“Sir is he going to help?” One of the officers asked as the door opened and they saw the fully dressed stallion standing there making Darkling smile a bit.

“Yes. He is, welcome back sir.”

Hells Brothers

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*Imperial Capital*

The top staff of the whole war was in the castle as they could feel the seething gaze of their Emperor on them all

“Would somepony explain why we are once again being pushed back on all sides but at sea and why we our land offensive is being pushed back mile after mile by these… WEAKLINGS!? HOW?! Why do you all even have command of my forces if you can’t squash this little.. Resistance!? SPEAK!” Emperor Titan growled at them as they looked down

“My Emperor… Our troops are not equipped to handle these new weapons and every day our supplies are cut more and more from air raids and the locals are helping them” General Irons trembled in his seat at the Emperor's gaze

“I hear nothing but sniveling and whining from you general. If their air forces are the problem then SOLVE IT” He roared as all the leaders winced

“If I may speak your grace.” All eyes turned to Darkling, he rose from his seat and looked around him for a moment.

“Our problem is not the enemies weapons, or their technology, believe it or not it's not even our supplies. We have won wars in far worse situations in the past, as our ancestors have proven time and again...These alliances against us always cause us great trouble at first...but we come out on top in the end.” Darkling was quiet for a moment before facing his ruler.

“The problem we face here is divided leadership in my opinion. We have in essence dozens of generals commanding one army, each with different methods and tactics. We are disjointed and unfocused, try as we might this is destroying us. And my attempts to...Assert myself as a proper leader have been met with...Complications.” Darkling looked over to the generals he had spoken to before he left for the heartland for a second before looking back at his emperor.

“I however understand what the problem was, they did not respect me and still don't. Normally I would recommend a more extreme solution with these generals...But I propose an alternative.” Darkling then motioned to the stallion who had been sitting beside him silently.

“We restore your old friend Valor to his former rank and position. As he was as when served your father and you in your youth.”

“ Who are you?” The emperor frowns looking at him

“A Vanguard that doesn’t know his place. A lowly captain that thinks he’s a general.” Growls Quick Hooves as she glared at him.

“ If things weren’t so dire you would have been shot for your mouth BOY!” Irons glared at him as the Emperor nodded looking at Valor

“Tell me Valor. Is this how you taught your replacement to be with his higher ups?” Emperor Dawn asked still staring at Dark.

“I taught him to give respect to those who deserve it.Personally in this moment I happen to agree with his statements. Take a look at the situation here for a moment if you would indulge me your grace. These generals around you seem to care more that my old student has insulted them rather than pay attention to the valid point he brought up. That our leadership is divided between many generals, none of which seem willing to actually talk to and work with anyone other than those who share their sentiments and tactics. Look at previous battles for the evidence to support this.” Valor checked his hoof before looking around at the generals around him who all seemed agitated by his words.

“I understand you’ve been out of the game for a while Valor. But I didn’t think you forgot the very BASICS of how a military is run. Each division has an appointed general its always been this way. Your little pet runs his mouth to much but not only that he disobeys direct orders from his grace at every turn. Leaving alive prisoners or letting them flee instead of hunting them down. I remember when you were general of the 1st Vanguard Division and ruthlessly killed everything that was ordered of you. Combatants and resistors to our cause. Though your pupil here hasn’t embraced those qualities.. Why is that? Did you teach him to disobey his orders or is that your own doing?” Irons frowned looking at Dark

“I am well aware of the facts Valor. I get reports from all my generals in the field every day and I trust them to move to their strengths. You however captain should know better than questioning a officer or higher rank. You.” Dawn pointed to a soldier behind him.

“ I want you to show the captain what happens when you disobey and disrespect an officer.” The soldier nodded to his emperor and slammed the butt of his rifle in the back of the young officer's head making it bounce off the table bloodying his nose as he fell to the floor while the beating continued

“Now Valor. It's not just the incompetence of the generals that has me worried but also why you’re here. Care to enlighten me?” Dawn watched for a reaction from Valor as the captain was beat inches away from him

“Your grace...You have gotten reports from the field, of that I have no doubt. But...Let me make a request. May I see some of these reports you have been given? There is something I wish to confirm.”

“The reports are about our suffering supplies and moral along with complaints about a certain captain that thinks above his pay grade.” Dawn rubbed his beard as he waved off the soldier who stopped beating Dark who was then dragged away.

“Indeed they are? Very strange, because my contacts in intelligence tell a similar story. But with a bit more...Details.” Valor motioned over to a large door and in walked a intelligence agent who bowed silently and placed a few folders on the floor before walking back out the door. A nearby soldier picked them up as the Dawn waved him over to him and took the folders from him.

“If you read these reports you will find out that my captain, speaking above his paygrade told the generals to NOT engage enemy forces repeatedly, such as a disastrous attempt to reclaim the city of lions from the enemy. He had seen first hoof the power of our enemies new tanks and told several generals here that we had no proper counter for them….And his opinion was disregarded and they attacked regardless. Not as a united force even, but several separate ones...Which may be one of the single worst military decisions i've ever seen. And the result? Our forces were annihilated and instead of trying to salvage the situation...They debated and argued amongst each other for who was to blame. Were you informed of these little….details your grace?”

“ I was.” He slid the reports back to him

“I personally ordered them to take back the City of Lions at all cost, to do whatever needed to be done and they did exactly as I told them with the information given to them by your captain which was helpful but the city still needed to be taken back.” The generals smirked at Valor as the Emperor continued to look at him unfazed.

“This I expected. I had little doubt that you ordered them to take back the city and the logic behind it is sound your grace. We have lost far too much territory to this...Alliance against us. I only brought this up for a single reason, to ask you how many battles have these generals won in recent conflicts? The number is...Frighteningly low. I do not doubt their ability, what I do doubt however is their willingness to adapt to the situations at hoof here. They continue to use the same tactics that they did in the beginning of the war...With no alterations and often with the same results, there has been no adaptation or usage of differing tactics. Just the same ones...Over and over again as I am sure you are well aware of your grace.” He frowned at that nodding as the other general paled at his look of displeasure

“I am.” Nods frowning deeper

“So what do you suggest then? The combined arms tactics of the Vanguard?” Raises an eyebrow at him

“Please your grace, I feel as if we are getting ahead of ourselves here. What I wish to point is however, despite my captains habit of disobeying orders and his...Mouth. He had more than once attempted differing tactics and using different methods to achieve victory. As All officers are trained to, however you might notice something odd there...My captain attempted differing tactics multiple times...Yet our forces continue to use the same tactics over and over as a whole and strangely you get a large number of reports saying that my captains disobedience was a large factor in these battles. Does that not sound...Odd?

“I won't deny that but your captain has been brought up on charges of treason and disrespect since this start of this whole push into Equestria. It's not just this latest battle Valor but EVERY battle he’s been in on at the front with his company. Now I know you Vanguard play loose with the rules but disrespecting and disobeying commanding officers is a criminal offense. Besides that, your captain hasn’t won a battle against them either until our Hydra tanks were created.” Frowns a little at him as the Dawn started to eat his food

“All very true. Yet...Many of those charges of treason come from him attempting to be more compassionate, as opposed to ruthless. I believe this stems from his upbringing, coming from a war-torn area, he saw the results ruthlessness and brutality first hoof. I will admit he has always been...Soft. So I will not defend his actions there, only bring up the points that he has stopped soilders from rapeing daughters of our citizens and that at one point, he was able to convince the populace of a small town to hide wounded soldiers as injured farm ponies and workers. He saved their lives and they were able to make it back and fight again.” Valor drank a glass of nearby water he had before continuing.

“Apologies, old age is beginning to creep up on me. Need more water than I used to. I would like to add however, that him being out of the front has earned him the respect of those under his command. He has never ordered soldiers to do anything he himself would not do. If that means hiding in mud or assaulting a fortified bunker, he will do so without hesitation.It is true that a general's place is not on the front lines, but then again...He isn't a general is he? Though him acting like one does come off as disrespectful, he simply feels that it is his place to be the voice of the soldier in the trenches or the one in the fox hole. And he speaks accordingly, with all the flaws that brings.”

“Thats what a captain is supposed to do. And that is his problem, he feels its his duty when he bypasses the chain of command. The fact he is even sitting in the same room as generals and acting like one is beyond disrespectful. He is a lower rank officer and it’s his job to lead from the front, follow orders TO THE LETTER Valor.” Dawn growled at him slamming a hoof on the table.

“Him being soft is what is going to get his men killed in the line of duty, you think the Equestrians are going to show the same mercy as him? Three divisions have been all but wiped out because of their hunger for revenge. I believe we awoke a sleeping giant the day that we attacked Equestria.” Frowns at them all

“ All of you idiots have proven time and again that you’re too busy trying to get back the glory of four years ago. Now Valor are you wanting to rejoin the military or not?” Frowns at him more than a little frustrated.

“Forgive me your grace...For I have been...A tad deceitful here. Though for good reason, the frustration you feel at this moment...Is exactly the problem these generals have. They all feel so frustrated at their failures they look for scapegoats or worse, ignore what caused said frustration. As an example, My captain was heavily against attacking Equestria, even recommending we form a non-aggression pact with them until we were able to isolate it at the very least. He foresaw that it was a sleeping giant...Yet in that instance, he bit his tongue and followed his orders to the letter….And look where that got us. We have indeed lost three divisions… In this last battle...But he hasn't even lost a fraction of as many forces as they have. In fact, while the vanguard has lost over half of its strength...It has taken the least amount of casualties in this entire war. Something I feel should be noted and if you notice...Vanguard are often taken prisoner. Not executed on the spot like others are, worse in some ways, but still notable.” Valor drank the last of his water.

“Your grace what I want and we need are two very different things. If I rejoin, there is nothing stopping these generals from repeating the same mistakes as before, or not worse not coordinating with me and trying things by themselves. I wish to serve you as I did your father and I promise you this your grace, I will always serve the Imperium and you first. My own ambition or desires are inconsequential.”

“Hmmm let's fact check you Mr. Valor, the first being casualties. Now how many divisions of Vanguard are on the frontline? Ah yes. NONE. But a small COMPANY of Vanguard only 400 plus soldiers if I remember and casualties of that magnitude are acceptable in comparison. The loss an entire company of soldiers is a bad but the loss of an entire regiment is disastrous yes? So to me you comparing a company’s loss to a Regiments is laughable. Yes he has lost less than us put together because he has less to work with. Now let's talk about the Vanguard in the war in general. When did they attend the war? Ah yes I remember at the Battle of the Two Bridges as the enemy pushed us out of Equestria an-” Valor raised his hoof interrupting him.

“‘Leave an enemy a false opening and they will rush in head first.’ Did you not hear those first in the academy Irons?” Irons seems thrown for a second.

“Tell me General...Did I ever say that the loss of a regiment was equal to that of a company? No I did not. If you had listened to what I was saying, you would have picked up that I was purposefully leaving you or another an opening there to turn my words against me. And you rushed in, like a bull seeing red. Just as you did at Karkoo.” Irons paled noticeably. “Ah yes. Karkoo. Arguably your biggest blunder, I am curious, how do you lose a battle when you have 50.000 soldiers...To an army of 5000? Oh yes, by rushing in like a bull. How many soldiers died because you were foolish enough to believe you had found a opening in their defences? There isn't an exact number, but a 90 percent mortality rate speaks for itself doesn't it?” Valor turned his head to Quick hooves.

“Quick Hoof. I remember you as a young officer in the academy that I visited, young, spirited, eager..And arrogant. Always believing in the superiority of your training, or your advantages. How many mock battles did you lose or sparring sessions because you underestimated your adversary, or overestimated yourself? The only reason you passed if memory serves is because I saw something In you, a passion...A fire almost, you never gave up no matter how bad things got for you. Admirable...But, you always led yourself to ruin time and again and never learned from your mistakes.” He looked around and the generals around him.

“Almost every pony in this room was either trained under my watch, graduated with my blessing or rose through their ranks under my command. I can list off each and everyone of your strength and accomplishments...But also your flaws and failures. I had hoped with age, you would temper yourselfs. Come into being, rise above your flaws and failures. Instead, you are all dragged down by them, letting them dictate your actions.” He shook his head in disappointment.

“Worst of all is that none of you can look up and see that we must put aside our differences and stand as one. You attack others who you feel are a threat to your authority or those you feel do not give you the respect you feel you deserve. I staged Darklings actions today with him, full well knowing what would happen. I wanted to see your reactions to it...And I am very disappointed in all of you.”
Irons smiles as he leaned back at him being called out

“First off you did. You compared your pets losses or a whole other army. Second my faults are in the past and have been forgiven. I followed my orders that were given to me by our Emperors late father during that mission, what you don’t know is that there was a few unknowns that would have been great to know at that time. And that was they had stolen our equipment, placed mines-” Valor let out a sigh.

“Again, like a bull to red-.”

“ YOU WILL SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH CIVILIAN!!!” He roared slamming his hooves on the table

“ What do YOU know of my doings? Huh? More than once you have failed our emperor and you’re going to throw my mistakes in our faces?! What do you know of what its like out there huh? You were raised with pitchforks and swords having to get in close to kill somepony while any of us can die from a thousand yards or more. You were brought here because your pet had his little feelings hurt that those higher than him dismissed him when he brought news. The fact of the matter is Valor your era was far different from this one. Your 40 years too old for this type of combat that even we have a hard time figuring out. So don’t think that you can just walk in here and know everything their is to know” He sat down as Quick Hooves stood up

“I agree. You WERE one of our greatest high generals but that was back in another lifetime. While we have been repeating mistakes what your captain sometimes comes up with is borderline suicide. Or either are too daring for the operations that are needed for some of his ideas. Just as they little disaster with Saddle Arabia.” Smirks as Valor blinked at that

“Oh your pet didn’t tell you about that did he? Creating a political nightmare in a already volatile situation going to a neutral country and having their leader nearly killed as well as open fights in city streets with Vanguard spies. It took nearly a month to get them to not declare war on us and join the fight against us themselves thanks to his grace’s cunning. How the student follows in the masters footstep eh Valor?” Smirks as Dawn held up his hoof

“Enough. The actions that happened with Brittania all those years ago isn’t a subject that needs to be mentioned again and is not welcomed either General Quick Hooves

“My apologies your highness. I only saw it fair if we were going to point out faults then his should be brought to light as well. After all it is why he was ‘asked’ to retire instead of being in front of a firing squad.” Grins at him as she sat back down

“Now stop playing mind games and speak Valor. What is your pla-” The sound of the air raid alarm went off as they rushed out with the soldiers to see a lone pegasus trying to dodge flak in the sky from their anti air batteries

“Hmm 10 minutes.” Valor said almost to himself as he held a silver pocket watch out. “And it was evenly divided between you two. Not sure whether that is impressive, or sad. Still as easy as ever to get a rise out of you two after all these years, although thank you for the information. Also, tell the anti air batteries to stop firing. If you pay attention, this pegasus is clearly playing the role of the distractor, if I was in this position I would be trying to leave under the cloud cover. With the flak being fired the skies will darken and the clouds will blacked and become thicker, easy for the real one we need to kill to escape. And I had to guess...Its that cloud there. If you keep firing like this, the other one will escape.” Valor pointed to a small cloud bank, it looked like any other, but every few shots of flak it would seem to inch closer to the larger bodies of clouds.

“Or that in itself could be the distraction.” They turned back to see an older stallion walking towards them. The current head of the Imperial Army. High General Frost. A stallion with white hair and a brown coat with icy blue eyes that had an unnerving look in his eyes as he put his hoof to his ear as they saw the pegasus wing get blown off before the other shot away only to be gunned down by triple a fire

“But it doesn’t matter in the end anyway does it? Hello Valor it's been far too long.” Looks at him with a uncaring look on his face while Valor could see the same ruthless thirst for war in his eyes

“Still getting a rise out of the children eh?” Raises an eyebrow at him

“What can I say old friend? It's far too enjoyable watching them rant at me. Nothing quite beats watching another pony lose their cool. Your looking good for your age, how are your grandkids?” Valor seems to be unaffected by the look as if he had seen it many times and had grown used to it.

“Fine and spoiled rotten. I thought you were retired? Being brought out of it to help me with this stubborn fools?” He looks over at the other generals who paled at his look

“Ha, if only. If these fools had their way i'd be shipped off to some nursing home playing bingo all day and going senile. And that's at best, at worst they want to see me shot. Can you believe Irons actually roared at me? He even called me a ‘Civilian’ after all I did for him.”

“He technically isn’t wrong but to yell at a hero of our state….” Looks over at him before a shot rang out and Irons head jerked to the side and he fell over dead before even hitting the ground

“Such a thing is unforgivable. But why are you here then old friend?” Looks back at Valor as Quick screamed staring wide eyed at her friend's body

“Well originally I was just here to indulge Darkling and get a good laugh in, it's been far too long since I had some fun with the children. But after seeing the sorry state the leadership is in...Well it's no wonder things are going the way they are, I feel for you old friend having to put up with this all alone...Just doesn't sit right with me.”

“ So are you offering your services? It seem the 39th Army is in need of a general. A few of your old students are actually commanders in it. I’m sure you remember Lieutenant Smooth Wind, Bedrock and Blackwing yes? They’re all majors now. I’m sure they would be very surprised to see you back in your old uniform” Raises an eyebrow at him

“Ah Smooth wind, such an eager little stallion he was. Had the heart of a dragon inside him. Good to hear he’s rising up in the world...Hmm. I suppose it would be good to see them again after all these years and show them how its done. However...Before I do...Quick. I have a question, how old are you?” Valor looked over to Quick hooves.

“What's it t-” She caught Frosts look and whimpered

“5-57.. Why?” she looks up at him cradling Irons head.

“Well my dear, given your recent loss and your distinguished service to our great nation. I believe it's time for you to move on to greener pastures. Spend some time with your family and let a younger pony take your place. Like for instance Major Blackwing. He always had a natural talent for leadership, i'm sure he'd do great in your place...Don't you agree Frost?” Valor gave her a friendly smile, that made her begin to shake

“I think her usefulness has long since run out in my army. I can always send you to join your beloved. Turn in your armor and go home or refuse and join your lover… Your choice.” She nodded shaking badly as she stood bowing to the Emperor and left

“The only reason I kept them is because there was no one competent enough to replace them.” He sighed looking at his old student on the ground as his blood ran down the cobbled street

“Let's go see what our Equestrian foes left for us, shall we?” Looks over at Valor who nodded as they headed off with a few soldiers that wore the Vanguard colors came to their side

“Tomorrow the push begins. When you take command of your Division I want a report on what you need. Clear?” He gave the smallest of smirks as Hell's Brothers reunited again

“Of course sir. I'll make sure that nothing is left undone...And it's good to have you back general.” Smoothwind gave a small smile at his old mentor and friend.

“It's good to be back Lieuten...Or I'm sorry Major Smoothwind. Say did things ever work out with that lover of yours...What was her name again? Razorwind?”

“She’s pregnant with our fourth child actually” He blushed a little looking away smiling.

“Been quite busy haven't we? Ah I remember my youth. Many sleepless nights of passion. Ah to be young again. I'll have to make sure to send her a present...Hmm maybe a gift basket, or some wine just to mess with her...Or gift baskets with wine.” Valor seems to be deep in thought about it.

*City Outskirts*

The small troop walked up to see the Equestrian pegasus limping towards the body of the first who was holding a satchel there was no way that she was going to survive her wounds

“Now this is very surprising. You Equestrian's are made of tougher stuff than I’ve ever seen and stubborn.” Walks calmly towards her as she growled at him

“Fuck you, ya old goat.” Growls while Frost actually smiled getting closer to her

“Fighting till the bitter end I see.” He stepped in front of her as she glared with pure hate looking up at him.

“Ah those eyes you have my dear. I’ve lost count of how many times ive seen them. There like a comfort to me by this point. Lets me know i'm doing something right.” Frost was now in front of the mare, she spat at his face but he simply moved his head to the side and it went by harmlessly.
“34. You are the 34’th to ever try to do that to me. At least try to be original in your final moments.” The mare all but snarled at him and spat up blood on the ground.
“You know most others would put a bullet in your head, or beat you to death or put pressure on your injuries...But that’s for the young blood’s those in their 20-30’s. Me? Ive more...Refined what I like to do to others in their final moments.” The mare coughed and shuddered

“What? You gonna bore me with words till I die?” The mare had a defiant look on her face as she looked up at him.

“Oh no. Not at all. Oh by the way, the soldier you didn't notice behind you is about to stab you in the back, you don't even get to see the face of your killer. Now that is a sad death for a soldier.” The mare’s eyes widened slightly and she turned her head as best she could, but there was nopony there she turned her head back and saw the Imperial had the satchel in his hooves and it was already open.

“The oldest trick in the book, the ‘look out behind you’ Works every time. Oh would you look at this? Target locations? Troop patrol movements? Ooh, anti air defence locations now that one's important. You were quite good at this you know, enough that i'm actually impressed. Bu-.” They heard a pin pulled as she growled lunging at them with a grenade to her chest before she was bucked away by Smooth as the other soldiers covered their leaders when the grenade went off taking the Wonderbolt with her.

“21. She actually broke the even number this time kudos to her for that. Sigh, these ponies have GOT to learn to be more creative with how they go out. In her last moments she must have felt humiliated. Knowing the only pony she killed was herself and she had a shot at taking out the leader of the Imperial military. She must be raging in the afterlife right now. You know, for once I’d like that trick to NOT work, why do they always try to blow themselves up and take you with them?” Frost wasn't the least bit phased by what just happened and continued to look at the papers.

“No idea sir, gets kinda samey after a while, first few times it's pretty shocking and bold. After a while though...Gets real predictable.” Smooth dusted off his uniform at that.

“Oh well. Either way...These papers tell an interesting story. Looks like the capitol is going to have some...Visitors. Well...Let's get ready to throw them a blitz they'll never forget.”

*As they left one soldier moved the other body to be disposed off before they all heard a click as a whole squad was taken out by the other dead Wonderbolt.

“Clever little minx..Well that's what the 5th time i've seen that trick? Credit where credit is due...I love that one. Hmm...I wonder if she left a landmine somewhere? I'd put money on train tracks.” Valor gambled as Smooth raised an eyebrow at that.

“Hmm...I'd go with mainroad, or maybe in a forested area. That's a bit more clever.” Frost looked over the papers.

“I'll take that bet General....And raise you a tripwire.” As the two walked away from the scene thinking of ideas on where booby traps could be that the scouts may have laid out for them the rest of Vanguard soldiers were looking at them in shock at how nonchalant they were being.