Meeting the Parents

by Spot Light

First published

Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Parents, OctaScratch

This is a sequel to The Black & White Record. It's been almost two years since that night they first kissed. Now it's time for Vinyl and Octavia to meet each others family. But when it comes to Octavia's mother, things get tough.

Thanks to CometCatcher and Sarged3 for editing

2 Letters in the Mail

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I do make a reference to my Derpy story Derpy's Album. So to get that you would have to read it
9:00 a.m. Ponyville:
Vinyl Scratch was just waking from a long night. Rolling over with her neon blue mane plastered to her neck, Vinyl cracked open her blood shot eyes to the piercing light of Celestia's sun. Ever since she stopped living in the record store two years ago, she had been living with Octavia. The Black & White record was mounted on the wall in the living room. At the moment she was suffering from a major hangover. She and Octavia had gone to a bar the night before, and it was coming back to bite Vinyl in the flank. She sat up in the bed, looked to her left and saw that Octavia wasn't there. Ever since the two got together, this had been their typical morning ritual. Octavia would get up and make breakfast; Vinyl would get up later, sometimes with a hangover. Vinyl rubbed the sleep from her eyes, tossed on her robe and stepped out to the hallway. She could hear water running from the bathroom; it must have been Octavia taking a shower. This gave Vinyl an idea, so she decided to sneak into the bathroom, steal Octavia's towel and run out. She waited to hear the water turn off.

"Hey, what happened to my..." Octavia started.

"Wait for it," Vinyl whispered.

"Vinyl, that's not funny," she shouted.

Vinyl quickly ran back to the bathroom, "Lose something?"

"Give me my towel Vinyl."

"Why, the only thing you wear is that bow tie,"

"I need it to dry off,"

"Nah, I like you like this,"

"Hoof it over now or no morning kiss," That got her to stop. Vinyl levitated the towel and wrapped it around Octavia.

"Better?" She said sounding deadpan.

"Much," Octavia walked over to Vinyl, kissed her on the cheek and patted her on the head.

"Ouch," Vinyl said.

"What, do my kisses hurt?"

"Not the kiss, the pat on the head,"

"So you're having another hangover?" Octavia asked sarcastically, "You might want to lay off the Applejack Daniels."

"Well we did have a hay of a time yesterday,"

"Yes we did, but you got drunk again. Just take a shower and hope that your hangover goes away, we need to meet up with Lyra, Bon Bon and Carrot Top for lunch today."

"OK honey."

"I'll get breakfast ready." She left the bathroom and headed to get ready with a smile on her face. Meanwhile Vinyl went to take a shower, only to get a surprise.

"Darn it Octavia! You used up all the hot water!" The thing about Octavia, if you did something to her she would find a way to get even.

A few minutes went by and Vinyl had finished her cold shower. She shook out her whole body to dry herself off, brushed her hair, and put on her DJ glasses. Her hangover was starting to go away. She headed down to the kitchen. Octavia had already started making breakfast. Vinyl sat down at the table. Her head still hurt.

"There's aspirin on the counter,"

"Thanks Octie" Vinyl rubbed her head as lifted the medicine over to her. Octavia walked over to the table with breakfast but she didn't set it down.

"Vinyl, what time is it?"

"I think it's just about 10:00, why?"



Octavia took a step back.

"3... 2... 1"

CRASH! Vinyl jumped back as a blur of gray and yellow crashed down onto the table like the wrath of an angry god, sending pills in every direction.

"Mail's here,"

The pair of bulbous yellow eyes blinked, and their owner flashed a huge smile.

"Morning Miss Hooves,"

"Hey Octavia, I smell muffins,"

"We were about to have breakfast," Vinyl said sounding frustrated.

"She's just mad because you made her spill her pills." Octavia said with a smile. "And yes we do have muffins and I see you have our mail,"

"Fair trade, how about Muffins for Mail?"


Derpy dropped her mail bag and scrounged around for any mail for them. "Let’s see, what do I have for you?"

"Hey Derpy, I see those voice lessons have been helping you speak better" Vinyl spoke up.

"Thanks Vinyl, but I still have the scar from the bullet." Derpy replied, "Ah here we are. Two letters, one for each of you. That will be two muffins."

"Thanks Derpy, say will you be able to make it to lunch later?" Octavia asked.

"Maybe, I do have to take care of a few things, but I could have Sparkler pick up Dinky from school."

"How is Sparkly anyway?" Vinyl asked.

"She is doing fine, I have to go now, I've got more muffin to deliver and mails to eat"

Vinyl and Octavia just looked at her. Then Derpy took off through the hole that she made during her entrance. "So Vinyl, how do you know Sparkler?"

"She is an old friend from Manehattan. I was young when I met her,"

"Ok then. Let’s eat and see what we got in the mail"

As they ate, Vinyl opened her letter and skimmed it.

"Who is it from dear?"

"My Aunt A-Track and Uncle Turn-Table,"


"I told you about them when we started dating, but I think you were drunk that night," Vinyl teased.

"I've never been drunk in my whole life!" Octavia defended.

"Then what do you call that time at Lyra and Bon Bon's wedding. You know, where you just had to "taste test" the different types wine."

"I wasn't drunk! I was sober with slurred speech!"

"Note I had to carry you home and when I did you were chewing on my mane."

"So I was acting a little out of hoof,"

"You had a headache the very next morning; that is what we call a hangover, like I had. You were drunk,"

Octavia realized she had lost this one.

"What does the letter say?" she blurted.

"Let’s see,"

Dear Vinyl
It's been awhile since we last saw you; we heard you had a special somepony, a mare friend to be exact. As you know your Aunt and I are supportive of this and we would like to meet her, so we request that on June 17th you come to Manehattan for dinner. We hope to see you there. And bring your instruments.
you’re Aunt and Uncle

"They are inviting us over for dinner on June 17th." Vinyl replied, "They want to meet you,"

"I'm fine with that, the 17th it is then,"

"What does yours say Octie?"

Octavia looked down at her envelope, it had been sealed with a Canterlot stamp in the shape of a G-Clef Note. This could only be one pony and Octavia knew who. She ripped open the envelope and took out the letter. She read aloud.

Dear Octavia
Your father and I have read in your previous letter you have found somepony to love. I would like to meet this pony and see if I approve of him. So on June 29th I am holding a dinner party and I request you to be there. And If I don't approve I have just the Stallion for you to replace him. And if you cannot make it I will come down to Ponyville myself and meet him there. If I don't approve you're coming back to Canterlot.
You’re Mother
Viola Symphony

Octavia set the letter down, Vinyl looked at her.

"You haven't told your mother that you're a lesbian?"

"I have good reasons. It's not that you embarrass me, though sometimes you do. It's that my mother isn't very approving of the mare with mare relationship thing."

"Well if that's the case, we could always find you a Stallion to take with you that night just so your mom doesn't get angry with you,"

"That's sweet of you Vinyl, but I'm not sure,"

"Maybe at lunch today we can ask Lyra and Bon Bon for advice?"

"That sounds like a plan,"

Deciding Over Lunch

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1:00 that same day:

Vinyl grabbed her money, Octavia put on her bow and the two of them headed out to meet Lyra and Bon Bon at the restaurant. But before going to the restaurant they stopped by Derpy's place. Vinyl knocked on the door. They were greeted by an amethyst unicorn with three diamonds for a cutie mark.

"Hey Sparkly!" Vinyl said very loudly.

"Hello Vinyl, I thought I told you not to call me Sparkly!" She said sounding annoyed, "It's Sparkler,"

Octavia made the attempt to apologize for Vinyl, "You must pardon Vinyl, for her... insecurity."

"And you are?" Sparkler asked.

Octavia was about to reply, but Vinyl spoke up. "Sparkler, we've known each other for how long?" Vinyl started, "Since our filly hood in Manehatten, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out."

"Figure what out?"

"I'm not stallions."

"So she’s you’re..." The pieces started to fall into place.


"And you’re her..."


"How long have..."

"Two years,"

"Have you had..."

"You don't need to know that," Vinyl quickly cut her off there, she knew what Sparkler was going to say.

Octavia cleared her throat, "Can we cut to the chase?"

"Oh right, but first Sparkler this is my Mare Friend Octavia Symphony. Octavia this is Sparkler Hooves. Derpy's first daughter."

"But you're a unicorn and Derpy is a Pegasus."

"my little sister Dinky and I are adopted. Anyway what brings you to our house?"

"We were just wondering if your mother was home,"

"We need to see if she is coming to lunch today,"

"Well if that's the case, you just missed her. She is on her way to meet Lyra and Bon Bon."

"Well thank you Sparkly," Sparkler growled at the nick name.

"We shall be on our way," said Octavia. The two were just about to leave when Sparkler asked one last thing.

"Vinyl, I never took you for liking mares instead of stallions."

"Sparkly, you’re forgetting who your first kiss was." Vinyl said as the two walked away leaving Sparkler with a face more red then amethyst. As they headed for the restaurant Octavia had to ask:

"Who was her first kiss anyway?"

"Yours truly," Octavia had an angry look on her face and stared at her.

"And why haven't you told me this?"

"Because I was a filly when it happened, besides I didn't think it was worth talking about because despite it happened, you were my first real kiss,"

The angry look on Octavia's face faded. "You know Vinyl, despite your over the top, wild personality, you are very honest." She stopped and hugged her and then they headed to the restaurant. They finally made it to the restaurant, it was called Corn Stalks. They spotted Derpy who was sitting with Lyra and Bon Bon.

"Lyra! Bon Bon! Derpy!" Vinyl called.

The three of them looked over at them and gestured for them to come over.

"Vinyl! Octavia!" Lyra called over. "We saved you some seats,"

The two walked over and sat down, the waiter asked for their order, and they began to chat with the girls.

"So I take it Carrot Top couldn't make it." Octavia asked.

"She said something about having root weeds with Barry Punch," Derpy said. The other four looked at each other and laughed. Derpy gave them a strange look, as if she already wasn't. "What does that even mean?" she asked.

"Out of all ponies we thought you would be first to know," Bon Bon said, trying hard not to laugh. "After all you are the oldest of us."

"Take it easy on her, she has had it rough," Octavia said, "And she looks good for her age, she is also a mother and she works part time. "

"Part time with what? Delivering mail or putting holes in our roof?" Vinyl asked sarcastically.

Derpy was about to say she was sorry, but she was cut off by the waiter delivering their lunch. Vinyl took a sip of her drink just as Lyra spoke up.

"Speaking of motherhood, we have some good news." Derpy and Octavia leaned in to listen.

"What's the news?" Octavia asked.

"Bon Bon and I are going to have a baby!"

Cue Vinyl's nose take. She wipe her mouth and realized who got drenched. "Ouch! that came out of my nose... Oops, sorry Octie. Um..." She levitated a napkin over to Octavia, who swiped it out of the air. "Sorry?" she said again.

"Just be careful next time you sit down," She said with a deadpan tone.

"In that case, I'm not getting up," Vinyl stated. "Anyway back to you two. How in Equestria are you going to have a baby? "

"Do you plan on adopting?" Octavia asked.

"Nope, Bon Bon is going to get pregnant." Lyra smiled.

"Just how is that possible? You two are both mares."

"That is true, but as you can tell Lyra is a unicorn." said Bon Bon

"So what if she is?" asked Octavia

"There is a spell that she can cast to get me pregnant. A unicorn's magic contains their DNA and the spell will do something that I don't want to say because there are other ponies around."

"So you mean?" Derpy asked, "that it only works during..."

"Why do you think I don't want to say anything else about it." she interrupted abruptly.

"We get it," Vinyl quickly said. At that moment Octavia remembered something from earlier.

"Vinyl, remember what we were going to ask them?"

"Ask them what?"

"The thing, the letters?"

"Oh right." she remembered, "Say, Lyra, Bon Bon, we have been meaning to ask you?"

"And what's that?" Lyra asked.

"Well you see, we received some letters in the mail today from our parents."


"They want to meet each us."

"Then what's the problem?"

"Well you see, since my parents passed away, Octie will be meeting my Aunt and Uncle; they're fine with whoever I want to be with."

"The problem is my parents," Octavia said, "My mother in particular. She is the strongest member of my family and what she says goes. And she is not too fond of the mare with mare relationship. We want to know what to do about that?"

"Let me handle this one," Derpy said, "You two love each other, right?" They both nodded. "Then go as yourselves, and Octavia tell your mother how you feel about Vinyl."

"I guess we could, my mother is tough as iron nails, I don't know if she will understand; she's too stubborn."

"I know what it's like to be a mother and sometimes we don't realize what is important to our children." Derpy said, "Sometimes we need to be stood up too."

"Thanks Derpy," Octavia said with a smile. "Vinyl, there is no need to find a Stallion to come along, we shall go as is."

"If you say so, we have plenty of time to get ready."

"Girls, lunch was great, but I must go pick up Dinky from school." With that Derpy left.

"Wait, you were going to have a Stallion go with you?" Lyra asked.

"Well it was more of just an idea," Vinyl said, "If it was helping my Octie, I would have allowed it." She rubbed against Octavia's neck. Octavia blushed. And a building behind them had fallen over. Oddly enough it was in the same direction Derpy had flown in. Followed up by an, "Oops, My Bad!" coming from that direction. "I would do anything just to make her happy." A grin crossed Octavia's face.

"Lyra, Bon Bon, lunch was good, thank you." Octavia said, sounding a bit sly.

"No problem," Bon Bon said with a grin, who realized what was on Octavia's mind.

"Say Vinyl, why don't we go home and play our special record."

"What are you getting at Octie, you know what happens when we listen to it. You fall into me and... Oh," She got it. "Thanks for lunch you two, me and Octavia have got something we have to do now and... bye. Good luck with that spell" she said as she and Octavia raced back to their house to listen to their record. Lyra looked at Bon Bon.

"You know, they remind me so much of us when we got together."

"You know Lyra, your right, say let's pay the bill and head back home."

Meanwhile, back at Vinyl and Octavia's place, the two danced

to their record, they kissed and the rest is history.

Off To Manehattan

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June 16th, 9:00 am:

Octavia opened her eyes, her head hurting from the previous night. She learned the hard way not to challenge Vinyl to a Las Pegasus Vodka shot contest. It was amazing that Vinyl could hold her alcohol when she was focused. Octavia's mouth was dry and some reason she had neon blue hair in her mouth. She sat up and saw that Vinyl's tail was in her mouth. Vinyl was over on the side of the bed packing something. Octavia spit out her tail.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop that."

"Sorry, what are you doing?" Octie asked.

"I'm packing my instrument." Vinyl replied, "Remember we need to be in Manehattan by tomorrow."

"Oh right, I almost forgot. But what Instrument are you packing, because turntables aren't exactly an instrument."

"I'm packing something else. You should get ready, out train comes at 11:00 am. It will take us most of the day to get there."

Octavia stretched, "Ok, I'll go take my shower," she yawned. She hopped out of bed and went to do so.

Vinyl smiled, "3... 2... 1" she said.

"Vinyl, you used up the hot water!" she yelled from down the hall.

"Consider it payback for adjusting my chair to be spring loaded; I swear our house gets more holes in it than Swiss cheese."

"At least you can fix them!" Octavia yelled.

Vinyl just shrugged it off and went to get something from the dresser. She pulled on the drawer and it sprang open sending fake snakes everywhere.


"I was ready for you Vinyl," she called back.

Vinyl caught her breath and spoke. "Say while we are gone Derpy said she would check on the house for us."

"When did she say that?" Octavia called.

"Shortly after you passed out," Even though Vinyl couldn't see her, she could since that Octavia had an annoyed look on her face. "Listen Octie, we might want to hurry up, so we can get to the station early and get good seats. So I'm suggesting you take some of my snack cakes from the fridge so we can eat them on the way because we won't have time for breakfast."

Octavia got out of the shower, wrapped her towel and headed back to the room. "Vinyl, you never let me have your snack cakes. Besides I don't eat processed foods, they make me fat."

"Octie, you could never get fat from these."

"And why is that?"

"They are low fat. So grab yourself some to pack and let’s get going."

"Thanks Vynie." she dropped her towel and put on her bow tie.


"My new nickname for you, you call me Octie all the time. So I thought you would like it."

"It does have a nice ring to it, better than Welcome to Near and Far: Music of Equestria, the music is from far away to get you near."

"Three years working at that record store and still you haven't come up with a slogan for it."

"Don't judge me," Vinyl blurted, as she closed her suitcase, "There I'm done packing. What about you?"

"I packed yesterday..." she smiled

"Before you got drunk?" Vinyl joked.

In the back of Octavia's mind: Just keep smiling Octavia, just keep smiling. "Let’s just go Vinyl. I'll grab some snack cakes on the way out."

"Sounds like a plan."

It was another 10 minutes before they left and were on their way to the train station. It was on the way there that they ran into a pony that Vinyl had warned Octavia about.

"Hey Vinyl, what’s up?" asked the eccentric pink pony, "Who's this, where you going, can I come?"

Octavia was wondering what was going on.

"Octie, let me handle this one." Vinyl reassured and looked at the pink pony, "Hello Pinkie Pie, this is my mare friend Octavia. Second me and her are heading to the train station."

"Really, where you going?"

"Manehatten to visit my aunt and uncle. And no you cannot come."

"I understand,"

"Good, now why are you talking to me anyway?"

"Well you’re the one doing most of the talking." Cue Vinyl face-hoof. "And I had an idea for a prank but I lost it. And I thought you might be the one who has it."

Vinyl gave her a strange look and pulled some sort of container from her bag. "I was planning on saving this for Octavia..."

"I beg your pardon," Octavia interrupted.

"...but I was wondering if you could sniff it for me." She opened up the container and Pinkie took a big whiff of it followed up by a sudden: Achoo! sending Pinkie taking off like a rocket and away from them.

"Well that was..." Octavia began.

"A grand sneeze?" Vinyl asked.

"...Pointless." she finished.

"I was going to save that sneezing powder for you but it seems that it was all used up getting rid of her."

"So that was Pinkie Pie?"

"I warned you about her."

"I swear I have seen her before. But I can't put my hoof on it."

"Well let’s just get to the train station before "it" comes back."

Ten minutes later they made it to the train station, got on the train and found their seats.

"So how long is this ride going to take?"

"Manehattan is a long ride. I say we will be there at least by 9:00." Vinyl replied, "This is why I wanted to get an early ride."

Octavia rested her head on Vinyl's shoulder. "I love when you think ahead; which is rarely."

"Hey, you’re lucky Pinkie used up all my sneezing powder." Vinyl joked.

"Say Vinyl, I never asked," Octavia began, "I understand you lived with your aunt and uncle, but what ever happened to your mom and dad?"

"I never told you? Well either I never told you, or you were drunk when I did."

"Whatever, tell me again."

"Well you see, when I was about 10, my father was a cop. Next to Sparkler, he was one of my best friends. Anyway one night a local convict broke out of prison. His name was Brass Hoof. This guy was bad news; he loved to hurt others just for a reaction, he is the reason our friend Derpy has crossed eyes. Cross Hairs, my father, was sent along with Sheriff Night Stick to hunt him down." Vinyl took a quick breath then continued. "They tracked him down in a warehouse, but the place was so big that they split up to find him. My father found him and got into a tussle with him by a second story broken window. The Sharif saw the fight but couldn't do anything to stop it. My father knew Brass Hoof was too dangerous to be kept alive. From what the Sheriff said: My father gave Brass Hoof a strong bear hug and flung the both of them out the window. Brass Hoof died on impact, my father told Sheriff Night Stick, to tell me that I was safe. You see Brass Hoof used to bully me and beat me up for being an albino. And to avoid that I dyed my mane this color." A tear fell from Vinyl's eye, Octavia wiped it up for her.

"So you father died a hero." She said, trying to comfort her mare friend. "But what about your mother?"

"Shortly after dad died, she came down with a strange case of black pox."

"Oh dear me!" This took Octavia by surprise, "Black pox?"

"Yes, its unknown of how she got it, our family doctor, Dr. X-Ray, said she would only have a month to live; she fought for three times that long." Tears were rushing down her face by now. "I know I'm crying, I never thought you would see me like this Octie. Anyway, after she passed, I moved in with my Aunt A-Track and Uncle Turn Table. Then I moved out and came to Ponyville."

"Wow," Octavia hugged Vinyl, as Vinyl's tears soaked her shoulder. "I'm sorry I asked about such a sensitive topic sweetheart."

"It's ok, you were going to find out sooner or later." she sniffed as she dried her face. "When we get there, you’re going to like my Aunt and Uncle."

"If it makes you happy, here." Octavia placed one hoof on Vinyl's face and kissed her passionately. "All better?"

"Thanks Octie. Say we have a room in the back, would you like too... you know. And neither of us are drunk"

"But Vinyl, it's not even dark out. And we don't want to make a lot of noise"

"What are you talking about, I mean to take a nap together. What were you thinking?"

"That's what you meant? I thought you meant..."

"Not here, that's for when we’re at home."

"If it's a nap you want together, I'll meet you there." Octavia had a smile on her face. "But what if we miss our stop."

"Manehattan is the last stop, the conductor will wake us if he has to."

With that the two went to their room on the train.

Ariving in Manehatten

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Author's Note: I make a reference to Derpy's album it this chapter. So If you want to get it read Derpy's Album.


6:32pm: The train pulled up in the Manehatten station.

In the back room, Vinyl opened her eyes, sat up on the bed and stretched. She looked around the room, Octavia wasn't in the room. She got up and headed for the door. Before opening it, she heard yelling coming from the other side. It was Octavia, Vinyl peeked out.

"I don't care how many bits you make, You can't just go around slapping mares on the flank!" Octavia was yelling at tall stallion, with a gold body and a sliver mane.

"I am terribly sorry," the Stallion said in a polite manner, "It's just every mare likes it when I do that to them." he added.

"I'm not every mare, so take your perverted self and get off the train!" Vinyl realized who Octavia was talking to, and quickly intervened.

"You must excuse my partner Octavia, she can tend to over react." She pulled Octavia to the side. "Octie, do you have any idea who you were yelling at?"

"Yes, he is a pervert, he slapped my flank,"

"I know what you’re getting at, but that's Top Dollar you were yelling at. He's the richest pony to come out of Manehatten."

Octavia was stunned. She turned back to him. "Sorry about yelling, I don't really like it when stallions touch my flank."

"The fault is mine. I'm sorry." Top Dollar looked at the two of them. "Say you know my name, it would be wrong of me not to ask your names."

"I'm Vinyl Scratch, you've already met Octavia."

"Octavia Symphony is my full name; it's a real honor to meet you"

"I would say the same. Say, I'm heading into town why don't you walk with me. I know we just met, but I would like to know you more." the three of them got off the train and headed into town, "So why are you here?"

"We are here to see my aunt and uncle," Vinyl replied. "They want to meet Octavia,"

"I see, let me guess you two are a couple?" Top Dollar asked

"How did you know?" Octavia asked.

"I overheard you about sleeping together earlier. But don't mind me, I'm ok with it. It's what makes you two happy."

"Well, I've got something to take care of," Vinyl said. "It was nice meeting you sir."

"That's fine with me, I've got my own matters to attend too. If I ever see you two again dinner or lunch is on me" with that Top Dollar tipped his mane and headed down the road and out of sight.

Octavia was confused, "What do you have to do Vinyl?"

"I need to go see the Sheriff."

"Vinyl, did you do something behind my back that was illegal?"

"No, I have this letter from Derpy, which I promised to give him." Vinyl replied, "The sooner I do this, the sooner we can head to my aunt and uncle's place." she said with a smile. "Stick with me, my sense of direction is the best in Equestria."

"I trust you sweetie but you don't have to lie."

"What's wrong with my sense of direction?" Vinyl was confused.

"You walked around a small tree one time and got lost."

"That only happened once." She defended, then she realized what she said, "I mean... let’s just go."

"Ok Vinyl." Octavia followed her down the streets, being careful not to get separated; and after hearing some of Vinyl's back story she didn't want to risk bumping into some thug or complete monster like Brass Hoof. But they managed to make it to the police station. Vinyl knocked on the front door. A brown earth pony answered.

"Hello, can I help you?"


"Wait I've seen you before, let me think, you’re... you’re..."

"A DJ?"

"Vinyl, little Vinyl?" He ran up and hugged her, "It is you, what brings to Manehatten? And who's your friend?"

"Visiting my aunt and uncle. This is my mare friend Octavia Symphony, but I have a letter for Night Stick from Derpy."

"Wait Sharif Night Stick? Vinyl, I'm the Sheriff now because Night Stick isn't here anymore."

"What did something happen, did he die?"

"No, he is still alive but he can no longer be a cop,"

Octavia was now curious "What happened?"

"His gun went off in its holster and paralyzed he hind leg. But I still visit him and I'll be more than happy to give him the letter."

"Thank you Six," she said as she hoofed over the letter to him, "It was good seeing you again." Vinyl looked at Octavia and nodded, signaling it was time to go. "Luckily their house isn't far from here,"

"That enplanes how the cops found you so quickly every time." Octavia joked.

"I was arrested only once you know it." the two stopped talking and headed for A-Track's and Turn Table's place. It was a quiet walk and the finally made it. Octavia went up and knocked on the door three times. A male voice from inside shouted:

"Go Away!"

She knocked again, same response.

"Go Away!"

She knocked once more and got the same response.

"Go Away!"

Now about to lose it she was about to knock again when Vinyl cut her off.

"Octie, let me handle this." She stretched out her arms and Pounded on the door and yelled, "Open Up The Door Dang It, Or I'll Break It Down!"

This time the voice replied: "Come in Vinyl," and the door opened.

"Uncle Turn Table," she ran in and gave her Uncle a big hug, he responded with a noogie. Octavia followed in. He was Maroon Unicorn with a record for a cutie mark.

"Vinyl, you’re not supposed to be here until tomorrow," he had a bit of swing to his voice, as if he was from the disco.

"We weren't sure how long the train would take to get here so we came early."


"Yes, Octavia come on over here and meet my Uncle," Octavia walked over

"So this is the mare you’re dating, the one me and your aunt read about in your letters."

"A pleasure to meet you." She held out her hoof to shake. He grabbed her and gave her a noogie.

"No need to act formal around here Octavia," He said letting her go, her mane was a wreck.

"He likes to give noogies," Vinyl added.

"I can see that," she was not amused and fixed her mane.

"Your aunt and I figured you would be staying the night when you came over for dinner, so let me show you two to your room. Yes, we will let you two sleep together, it would be cruel not to."

"Say where is Aunt A-Track?"

"Out shopping or probably getting drunk, I told her if she wants to get drunk, use my Applejack Daniel's." Octavia looked Vinyl suspiciously. "It's getting late you two, I'm waiting for A-Track to get home, I'll let her know you are here. You remember where your room is right Vinyl?"

"Yes silly. Come Octie." the two headed for their room; The room as small and simple, it had a bed and a night stand that had records painted on it. once there Vinyl spoke:

"So yes that was my Uncle."

"I can see that you get some of your personality for him."

"That's true,"

"That and you’re drinking habits."


"What about A-Tack?"

"Just wait until the morning, until then let’s get some sleep." The two crawled into bed, kissed each other and fell asleep in each other’s arms. Waiting for morning to come.

A Day in Manehatten

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8:00 am, the place Vinyl's aunt and uncle's.

Uncle Turn Table sat back in the lover’s seat, he had been sleeping there all night. He was awoken by the sound of a moaning coming from outside the front door. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and went to investigate. Opening the door, he saw a mare passed out on the steps. She was a light emerald unicorn with a light blue mane.

"So," he said sarcastically, "you made it as far as the front steps, A-Track." He lifted his wife on to his back and carried her in. He was about to place her on the couch, when she suddenly sprang up.

"No need to set me down, I can do it myself," She was very jumpy and had a rapid fire speech pattern, "Another night on the town successful, another hangover mastered."

Cue Turn Table giving a face hoof, "Hang over mastered? What was that moaning I heard? And where are the groceries?"

"Dang nab-it, I knew I forgot something. That means I'll have to get it before Vinyl and her mare friend get here."

"It's ok, and they are already here."


"They got here last night. Tell you what, I'll start breakfast and you go see if they are up. I'll make Vinyl's favorite."

"Okie Dokie."


Up in Vinyl's room...

Octavia opened her eyes, she saw that Vinyl was still asleep and that she wasn't chewing on Vinyl's mane (For once). She gently rubbed her mane and she woke up.

"Morning Octie."

"Morning Vinyl."

"Sleep well?"

"One of my best nights sleeps in a while. Maybe because you were with me."

"That's sweet of you." The two sat up.

"So this is your old room." Octavia said looking around, "I have to say it's not like an imagined. It's just a bed and from what I can tell a few colt band records."

"Well a lot of the stuff I took with me to Ponyville. As for those records, I left them here, because I don't care for them anymore."

"You could have sold them at Near and Far you know."

"How come I didn't think of that?" Vinyl whined.

"Because I'm the smart one," Octavia joked.

"Now it's on," Vinyl jumped Octavia and pinned her to the bed. "Calling me dumb are we?"

"I didn't say that."

"Say you’re sorry."

"And if I don't?"

"Well then I guess I'll have to do this." Using her magic she lifted a feather out from her suitcase and started tickling Octavia.

She couldn't hold it in, Octavia started laughing hard and struggled to get away. "Stop it, please," she cried.

"Say you’re sorry or you’re not going anywhere,"


"then I guess I'll have to try something else." Octavia stopped squirming and looked up, Vinyl had a smirk on her face. She bent down and gave her a passionate kiss. After a few moments of kissing, she pulled away.


"Ok, I'm sorry." Octavia gave in as Vinyl unpinned her. The two went to kiss again but they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

Knock, knock, knock, "Vinyl," Knock, knock, knock, "Vinyl," Knock, knock, knock, "Vinyl," Knock, knock, knock, "Vinyl,"

"Aunt A-Track is that you?"

"Yes, the one and only, may I come in?"

"Sure," A-Track entered the room.

"Vinyl, it is you. At first when your uncle said you got here already I thought her was joking."

"Well apparently he wasn't." Vinyl said with a shrug.

"Say aren't you going to introduce me to your friend."

"Oh right, Aunt A-Track this is my mare friend Octavia Symphony. Octie this is my motor mouth of an Aunt, A-Track."

"I'm going to let that slide Vinyl," A-Track said quickly, "I've heard a lot about you Octavia. Vinyl talks about you in her letters. You must be something special." now the raped fire pony really started talking. "So you’re from Canterlot? What's it like there? Have you met the princess? Why did you leave? Do you like your new home? Did you two have..."

"Going too far Auntie." Vinyl interrupted abruptly. Octavia had a blush across her face.

"Sorry, sometimes my mouth moves when I think."

"I know," Vinyl was sounding very dead pan saying that.

"Well anyway Turn Table is getting breakfast ready. He is making your favorite Vinyl. Now I have to go set the table," A-Track then left the room.

"Vinyl, you have a really weird family."

"Well they are the weirdest now. You should have met my dad then. He was a true rambler, but slowed down when he was on duty. But I'm not very comfortable talking about it. Anyway, Uncle Turn Table is making my favorite, Chocolate Chip Gingerbread pancakes, with strawberry honey syrup." (Great now I'm hungry.) Both of their mouths watered at the sound of it and before you know it they were down stairs and at the table. The smell of gingerbread filled the air. Turn Table walked out of the kitchen levitating two plates with pancakes on them. He set them down in front them. "You’re in for a treat Octie, my uncle makes some of the best damn pancakes in Manehatten."

"I've made you pancakes before and you liked them." Octavia responded sadly.

"I said "He" makes the best pancakes in "Mainhattan". You make the best in Equestria."

"That's sweet of you." Octavia smiled back. "These pancakes do look good." She took a small bite and her mouth was in heaven, or whatever their equivalent is in Equestria. The Breakfast went by rather quickly, Octavia completely forgot her lady like manners and let out a loud belch. "Pardon," her face was beet red. Vinyl and the others applauded.

"So Octavia," Began Turn Table, "how long have you been living in Ponyville?"

"Two, almost three years. I met Vinyl on my first day. And then it wasn't long before we were together."

"Interesting." A-Track said from the kitchen.

"You understand we support your choice of being together. We just hope you didn't rush things." Turn Table added.

"Not at all. I mean sure I did let her live with me on my second day, but that's because she needed a place to stay. Right Vinyl?"

"Right," Vinyl said with a mouth full of pancake, "I was living in the back of my record shop before she came along. Then I moved in with her, and a few dates later we are mare friends." Vinyl finished explaining. "Anyway breakfast was good Uncle. I'm going to take Octavia for a day on the town today. We will be back in time for dinner, stay one more night, but then we have to go back to Ponyville tomorrow."

"Why is that? We would like it if you stayed the week." A-Track suggested entering the room.

"Sorry, but we have another engagement me must attend to in Canterlot. My mother is hosting a dinner party and she wants me and my partner to attend to see if she approves."

"Wait what do you mean approves?"

"My mother doesn't know I'm into mares, and she totally agents it. My dad, on the other hoof, will always approve of my choices. He is fine with it." Octavia smiled, "But I really don't feel like talking about this anymore," she followed up with.

"Oh," both the aunt and uncle said in unison.

"If that's how you feel, then we will stop." A-Track said, this time slowly.

"Well, why don't you two love birds head out for the day. Me and a particular wife of mine, need to get groceries for tonight, because somepony thought it would be a good idea to get drunk instead." Turn Table said turning to A-Track with an annoyed look on his face.

"I said I was sorry," she retaliated.

Vinyl leaned over to Octavia, "These two are going to be at it for a while, let’s go." she whispered

Octavia nodded her head in agreement and the two of them slipped out the front door. They walked for a while in silence until Vinyl spoke up.

"So what do you think of my aunt and uncle?"

"They seem to be very nice, a little rough around the edges, but over all they are good pony folk."

"That's sweet of you Octie. A-Track drives Turn Table up the wall and across the ceiling sometimes, but they still love each other."

"All that matters is their hearts are in the right place."

"Just like us," this made Octavia blush. "Hey, why don't we go and do a little shopping. I know of a good place we can go."

"Go shopping? With you? We have never done that before."

Vinyl couldn't resist "It's not the only thing we haven't done before."

"What do you..." she paused and thought, "SHUT UP VINYL!" Now embarrassed she refused to say another word and the two walked in silence until they made it to the shopping district. The streets were busy and packed with ponies. There were several clothing stores, fast-food joints, food venders, a jewelry store and several other places.

"Here we are Octie, all you could ever ask for." Octavia still wasn't talking. "Come on Octie, it was a joke," But that was not the reason she wasn't talking. Looking straight ahead was two ponies she knew. One of them was Top Dollar. He seemed to be talking to a mare. The mare was well dressed, her jet black mane was well groomed and her cherry oak color coat shined in the sun. Octavia took one look at the mare's cutie mark. It was a bass-clef note.

"What is she doing here?" Octavia said, not taking her eyes off the mare. Vinyl looked to see what she was looking at.

"Hey that's Top Dollar, talking with some mare. I'm going to go over and say hi." she began to trot over, but Octavia stopped her. "What?"

"That's not some mare, that's my mother, and I can't have you meet her just yet. Let's just keep our distance and wait for her to leave."

"But Top Dollar said he would get us lunch or dinner next time we saw him."

"And indeed I will," said a formal voice from behind them. It was Top Dollar, apparently while the two were talking, he had finished talking with Octavia's mother, saw them and headed over. "I overheard the two of you talking, and Octavia, you’re the daughter of Viola?"

"Yes, why? By the way I don't want her to know I'm here,""

"Because she invited me to a get together in a few days."

"That's the same one we are going too. Are you going?"

"I might go, But first allow me to treat you two to lunch." And he kept his word despite the lunch coming from a fast food joint. He paid for everything. Vinyl ordered a grass burger and hay fries, Octavia got dandelion dippers with strawberry dipping stuff. He just got coffee. They ate quickly, hoping they weren't going to be a pain, but he said "Take your time girls, I have already did what I came here for. Now I just want to have some fun."

"Thank you Top Dollar," Octavia thanked, "I'll be right back,"

"Where are you going Octie?"

"Don't worry Vinyl, I'll be back soon." Octavia got up and left.

"She really is something Top Dollar."

"I can see that," he was looking at Octavia's flank.

"Hey no staring," Vinyl called out.

"My sincerest apologies,"

"Anyway, I do love her, and lately I've been feeling one step closer to her every day. I think I might want to tie the knot soon."

"I think you should, but you are aware of Viola though?"

"Yes, but that's Octavia's job, after all Viola is her mother."

Top Dollar's horn began to glow. He lifted up a suit case he had with him and opened it, in side he pulled out a small bag of money and plopped it down in front of Vinyl.

"In this bag is enough platinum bits to buy a hoof ring of top price anywhere. Take the money and buy her a ring."

"But this is your money,"

"I have more than enough cash, I'm rich. Remember?"

"I'm back," Octavia had returned but this time she had on new attire. It was a simple, almost a school mare's uniform. "I'm not one for fashion, but when I saw this outfit I had to buy it. Don't worry I had enough for it. 24 gold bits, that's cheap." Top Dollar was surprised at this new look, as for Vinyl, if she was a Pegasus her wings would be standing up. (Yes I went there).

"So what do you think Vinyl? Vinyl?" she was dumbstruck at this new look. "Hello in there," she said as she knocked on Vinyl's head.

"What? Oh, Octavia, when we get back to Ponyville..."

"No Vinyl, not yet." She cut off.

"Well Octavia, you look rather lovely." Top Dollar complemented. "Say, how about I take the two of you shopping, I have a few hours before I need to get to the train. I have a big day in Hoofington in two days."

"If you want, You seem a little too nice Top Dollar," Octavia said.

"Me? Too nice?" he said, with an unsure tone. "All I'm trying to do is show the common ponies I'm just like one of them."

"Now that you bring it up. Why hang around us?" Questioned Vinyl.

"Because, well, I have a daughter ok, she too is a lesbian. She once accused me of not understanding her, even though I do support the mare with mare choice."

"So you’re hanging out with us..." Vinyl started

"You can say that you understand her." Octavia finished

"Right, so about the shopping?"

"Ok then," the two said in unison. The three of them got up and left. They headed for the place where Octavia had gone to get her outfit. The place was called Tip-Top Fashion: Style with a Passion.

The three of them entered and greeted with a sudden, "Welcome to my Shop, I'm Tip Top feel free to look around!" He was a thin black earth pony with a needle and thread for a cutie mark. The three of them rolled their eyes. "Say weren't you here a few moments ago?" he said to Octavia.

"Yes I was, problem?"

"No not at all, and... Vinyl?" He looked toward her.

"Hello Tip-Top, It's been a while."

"You know him?" Octavia asked.

"We went to school together,"

"Sure did, she glued me to my locker with super glue."

"He was the one who I bought my permanent hair dye from. I went with Neon Blue because it brings out my eyes,"

"Hey," Top Dollar interrupted "Are we here shop or what?"


Vinyl and Octavia went to look for something to buy. The Shop itself was average size so there was plenty to look at. The two of them started trying on out fits. Octavia tried on a few, so did Vinyl.

"It's a good thing were doing this, because we can't go walking through Canterlot unless we look formal." Octavia suggested.

"Your right." replied Vinyl, "But I know somepony back at Ponyville who can help us." At that moment, the bell on the front door rang as it opened,

Top Dollar ran to the two of them. "No running in the store Sir," called Tip Top.

"Girls? Octavia," he said panting.

"What is it Top Dollar,"

"The pony that just walked in," Pant... pant "Was your mother. you two need to hide. Quick in the changing room. Did you pick an outfit. I'll pay for them."

"Here," they said he shoved them in the changing room. He ran to the cashier to pay.

"Will that be all Mr.?"

"Yes, can you be quick about it? I need to get going,"

"Hello Top Dollar." said a calm and cold voice from behind him.

"V...V...Viola... Hi," he turned around. "W...w...what brings you here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Why is a Top Class pony such as yourself, doing in a highly informal store?"

"Hey, don't insult my shop!" yelled Tip Top. Viola gave him a cold stare and he backed down and went back to bagging.

"Who are the trash dresses for?"

"My... d...d...daughter, because I travel a lot, I wanted to get her something." Vinyl and Octavia peeked out from the dressing room. He tilted his head to single for them to make for the door.

"You spoil your daughter," She said in a cold voice, "A good parent doesn't spoil his or her daughter, What's wrong with you neck? And why the feather are you shaking?" She turned her head to the front door. Luckley the two made it out before she saw them.

"Did those two pay..." Called Tip Top, a pile of bits plopped on the desk.

"That should cover it, Keep the change" Top Dollar cut him off. "Well, it's been nice talking to you Viola, I must get going," He picked up the bag of outfits and his suet case and just as he was about to slip out when Viola spoke.

"Why did you do that? You paid for some pony you don't know. You just go and just through your money away."

"No, I do know those ponies, one was my daughter and the other was her mare friend."

"How atrocious. Why did you have them slip out?"

"Because I don't need them knowing a cold hearted pony like you, I'm surprised your husband hasn't left you yet!" He shouted at her.

"No pony talks to me like that."

"Good day Viola." he stormed out.

Vinyl and Octavia were waiting outside, warring the outfits that took by mistake. Vinyl had a silver streamed dress and Octavia had a violet and blue mare's tux.

"What in Equestria happened in there?"

"Nothing, here are your outfits, It's getting late, I need to go. See you at the party." And without saying another word Top Dollar ran off.

"We should get going to," Vinyl suggested, "You know before your mother comes out."

"Good call, But what was with him?"

"I don't know, but I am getting hungry. I wonder what Turn Table made for dinner." Her mouth began to water. Octavia rolled her eyes.

"Come on sweetie." She took Vinyl by the arm and they headed

Dinner, Night and the Late Night Talk

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Time 5:00...

Vinyl and Octavia returned to A-Track and Turn Table's.

"That was a close one Octie, no offense but your mother is... is... I don't even have the words for her." Vinyl stated as they walked up the front steps.

"Believe me she is worse when you meet her. You heard how she was to Top Dollar, just imagine what she's like to a commoner." Octavia pointed out. As they enter the house the smell of milk batter biscuits fills the air causing their mouths to water.

"We're back," called Vinyl.

"Back already?" A-Track poked her head out of the kitchen. "It's only five,"

"Well it was getting a little tense out there." Octavia said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Did it now, well you're early, I just started dinner. Right now I'm just making something of an appetizer."

"Where’s Turn Table?" Vinyl asked.

"He had to step out for a moment. In the meantime how would you two like to help me get dinner all set?"

"Well I guess I could, Vinyl on the other hand well..."

"And what does that mean?"

"Oh nothing, you want to talk about the salad incident or the one about the pancake batter."

"Now wait just a minute, you wouldn't dare."

"What happened?" now spiking A-Track's curiosity.

"Well," Began Octavia, right before Vinyl tackled her to the floor and tried to cover her face. Octavia struggled to fight back and yelled. "Both times the food got up and walked away on its own!" Vinyl gave up and looked away with a blush.

"Well, that's ok, I've seen worse." A-Track said, "Now do you want to help me or not?" The two girls got up and nodded. As they headed to the kitchen, Vinyl attempted to shove Octavia into the door way.

"Vinyl..." She said quietly

"I didn't do anything,"

"Now Vinyl, can you get the cranberry sauce out," A-Track suggest, "and Octavia I need to cut up some vegetables but I've got to make sure I get the broth ready and get it right. So could you cut them for me?"

"Sure, what do you need?" Octavia asked.

Using her magic, she lifted some vegetables from the fridge. "Just chop these up, and I swear I'm forgetting something,"

"Could it be that you need to get the biscuits out of the oven Auntie,"

"Vinyl, don't call me that, You do that, after all I need your help, I need to watch the stove, you get them."

The stove is right on top of the oven, it would make more since for you to get them Vinyl thought.

"So anyway, how did it go with your little walk?"

"Well," replied Octavia, "we hung out with Top Dollar."

"Thee Top Dollar, the richest pony to come out of this town?"

"Yes that would be the one," Vinyl replied. "He is a nice guy, he even bought us lunch and some outfits."

"It's a good thing too, last time Vinyl made lunch it ran out the door. Rumor has it that it is living in the caves under Canterlot."

"What did she make?"

"I think it was toast,"

"It was a garden salad." Vinyl replied sounding embarrassed. "I had a bad batch of vegetables,"

"Sure you did,"

"Girls knock it off, it's time to go to the next scene."

Three hours and one small argument later...

A-Track deiced it would be best if she worked on dinner alone. Meanwhile Octavia set the table and Vinyl went and grabbed something from her suitcase, for when Turn-Table got back. It wasn't too long before the front door burst open and the shout of: "I SMELL DINNER!" from Turn-Table echoed the room.

"Uncle," called Vinyl,

"You’re just in time dear," A-Track said, "We are just about to sit and eat."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Octavia, by this point was just going with everything that was going on. The four of them sat down for dinner, A-Track served the food, and they began to eat. It was quiet for a little bit, then Turn Table spoke up.

"So how was the day out on the streets girls?"

"Well today was just fine, we met Top Dollar" Vinyl spoke excellently with a mouth full of food.

"He bought us dresses," Octavia followed up quietly.

"He did? It's not every day you meet a rich pony, did anything else interesting happen?"

"Octavia got some cute outfits," snarked Vinyl

"Knock it off Vinyl," Octavia was a little annoyed.

"Anything else?" Turn Table asked.

"Well as a matter of fact..." Vinyl started

"Nothing else happened!' Octavia interrupted out loud. The other three looked at her in shock. She then stood up from the table and walked to her and Vinyl's room.

"What in blue blazes was that all about?" A-Track motor mouthed.

"Vinyl, did you and her have an argument?"

"No, she has been smile and giggles ever since we got back. As for this little outburst, it might have something to do with her mother."

"Her mother?" questioned Turn-Table spiking his interest.

"We saw her earlier, but we managed to stay out of her sight thanks to Top Dollar."

"Why stay out of her sight?"

"You would have to take that up with Octavia."

"I will,"

"And I'll put her unfinished dinner in the fridge if she wants it later." A-Track added.

"Uncle, can I ask you something?"


"Earlier, during our day on the town, Octavia slipped away from us for a few minutes meanwhile I told Top Dollar that I might want to tie the knot with Octavia. He thinks I should, he even gave me a bag of platinum bits, I checked they are real, to buy a ring. I want to know if you think I should."

"Vinyl, A-track and I will support any choice you make. So if you feel that way, we'll be there."

"Thanks guys, but promise you won't tell Octavia.

"We promise,"

"I was going to get out my guitar and jam with you tonight. But because Octavia doesn't seem up to it, it will have to wait for some other time."


One hour later, up in their room: Octavia sat on the bed hugging a pillow. She was feeling upset, embarrassed, and stressed. After seeing her mother today, she knew that she would have to tell the truth. She knew Vinyl was the one for her, but how was she going to break it to her cold hearted fiend of a mother. She was too deep into this and snapped out of it at the sound of the door opening. It was Vinyl.

"I thought you would be in here."

"Hi sweetie, Sorry about that little outburst, I was tense."

"It's OK, I know you’re upset about your mother being here." she sat down next to her.

"I am, but we still have several days before we see her. I say let’s enjoy the moment."

"That's the Octavia I know and love," She put her hoof on Octavia's face, turned it and kissed her. "I love you Octavia, I'm going to get some sleep." She fell back on the bed and closed her eyes and began to snore.

Oh Vinyl she thought. Her stomach growled, reminding her she didn't eat much. She got up and headed down to the kitchen. On her way there she passed A-Track, who was off to bed herself. She asked Octavia if she was alright. Octavia responded with "just fine," and continued to the kitchen. When she got there the lights were off, as soon as she turned them on she was greeted with:

"Good evening, I thought you went to bed,"

She turned Turn-Table was sitting in his lovers seat.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"I was awake," he said as he got up. "If you’re hungry, your leftovers are in the fridge,"

"Thank you," She walked quickly to the fridge and took out the left overs.

"Vinyl told me what happened today,"

She stopped and looked down at her hooves. "She did?"

"Yes, you saw your mother,"

"I did,"

"Are you sure it was her you saw?"

"Let's see, Bass-clef cutie mark, stick-up-the-flank attitude, and Top Dollar referred to her as Viola." she listed still not looking at him.

"Viola, As in Viola Symphony,"

"Yes, let me guess you've heard of her?"

"Indeed I have. She's a top notch Canterlot violinist. You mean to say you’re her daughter?"

"Sadly yes, I'm blessed with suck." she grumbled.

"What’s wrong with her, I've never met her, but I have read about her she seems nice."

"That's what the news says." She turned and looked at him. "The only ponies who get to know the real her are the ones that attend her formal parties and the ponies who lived with her. While the news say she is a gentle and nice high class pony, I say she is a cold hearted fiend. She is the reason I moved to Ponyville." This felt good coming off her chest
“If you hate her so much then why are you going to her party?"

"Two reasons: One, because if I don't she will come see me in Ponyville, and you don't want to know how she treats commoners. And two, my father Bazantar. Whenever my mother acted cold to me and forced me to focus on studying and practicing my cello, he would sneak me out and we would go out have some fun. He brought joy to my life, but it wasn't enough to keep me from the ice queen living in our house." She stopped and looked, she had been so unfocused that she dropped her food on the floor. "Oops, I'll clean that up."

"It's ok, I'll take care of it." said Turn Table getting up. "It seems like your father is a really nice pony," he said grabbing a rag from a near buy shelf.

"I haven't seen him in two years,"

"Will it now? Well it seems like your dinner is dating the floor right now, but I think there are some left over biscuits help yourself." Octavia did such, as Turn Table cleaned up the mess.

Octavia with two biscuits in her hooves, headed back to the room but not before turning to him and saying, "Turn Table,"

"Yes?" he replied throwing out the dirty rag.

"Thanks for listening," she smiled.

"No problem, and Octavia,"


"You can call me Uncle," he smiled back.

"Will do, good night," She headed back to the room.

"Good night."

Back Home to Prepare

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This is going to be a short chapter.


Time 6:30 pm, Place: Ponyville Train Station

The train pulled up in the Ponyville train station after a long delay in Manehatten, the couple's time in Manehatten had came and went. The train ride was boring the way back, no in ride movie, no Top Dollar to talk to, so they fell asleep on the way back. The two stepped off the train and began to head home.

Vinyl let out a loud yawn. "Well that was a fun trip. But I'm surprised I managed to sleep at all with you snoring."

"Now sweetie, you know I don't snore, that's your department." Octavia teased back

"Oh please, Tavi, you sound like a backed up tuba that's filled with molasses."

"I do not sound like that."

Vinyl started chuckling, "So you admit that you snore," Octavia started to blush.

"Shut up Vinyl,"

They had made it home. They entered the house. "It seems like the Derpy, did a good job keeping an eye on the house. I'm going to have to see her tomorrow,"

"We were only gone for three days, even Derpy couldn't cause any damage in that time." Vinyl looked at Octavia blankly. "What?"

"The Town Hall incident," She spoke deadpan.

"I wasn't there, anyway it's good to be home. I liked your Aunt and Uncle, Vinyl. They are way different then the ponies I grew up around."

"Thank you," Vinyl smiled then frowned " There's a "but" coming isn't there?"

"But speaking of where I grew up, we must get everything set for our trip up to Canterlot." the two headed into the living room and sat down.

"Why is that?"

"Unlike Manehatten, Canterlot is more sophisticated than what you’re used to."

"Sophistica...what?" questioned Vinyl




"Oh, now I get it. But why?"

Cue Octavia face hoof. "Well we need to work on your manners for one."

"Why is that?"

"Well there isn't much you need to improve. I'll tell you in Canterlot we don't use our sleeves when we wipe our mouths, we use napkins."


"Also you will have to work on how you talk up there. You can't talk like you do down here."

Vinyl smiled and looked at her, "Oh come darling, and do you think a DJ commoner, like me, couldn't talk like a prim and proper Canterlot pony. I say you need to know me better."

First stunned with her jaw gaping open, Octavia jumped and hugged her, "Vynie, since when?"

"I knew I would have to go to Canterlot with you one day. So I brushed up on my formal snob by listening to you talk in your sleep." Octavia attempted to hide her blush in Vinyl's chest. "Oh Octavia, your so cute."

She lifted her head "That stays between us got it? Now we also need to dress formal for the party. But where are we going to get dresses for you. I mean I have one, but it's not you,"

"Dresses you say? My cousin Rarity owns the Carousel Boutique right here in town. She can make us both a one of a kind dress to ware."

"I've seen her work before, she does a magnificent job, but how are we going to afford such dresses."

"I've got that covered, because I am a relative I get a family discount of 20% off, plus," She used her magic to snag a slip of paper off the coffee table. "I have a coupon for a couple’s discount of 30% off. Add those together and we get 50% off."

"So you can add," Octavia curled against Vinyl, "That's good we will do that tomorrow. In the meantime..." She stood up and took Vinyl's hoof, "...come with me," she said in a seductive voice, "This may be the last chance we get before we go see my parents. I know it isn't for a few days but that nap I took on the train energized me, so you coming?"

"Miss. Octavia Symphony, do you need to ask?" Vinyl stood up and followed Octavia. Just put two and two together.

Dress to Impress

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10 am, June 19th, ten days before they have to go to Canterlot.

Vinyl awoke, it didn't take long to realize that she and Octavia were in each other’s arms, most her mane was plastered to her neck the rest of it was in Octavia's mouth being chewed. Octavia was still asleep so Vinyl did her best to try to wiggle out but Octavia didn't bother to let go. Vinyl then used her magic to lift her mane out of Octavia's mouth. The night before was something special, it was the first time they ever role played (I won't explain). But since today was the day they had to put in their orders for their formal dresses, Vinyl had to call up Rarity to tell her. The only problem was Octavia wasn't letting her get out of bed. Vinyl then used her magic to levitate a feather and started tickling Octavia until she woke up.

"Ok, ok, ok, I give," she yelled laughing.

"Good, now I need to go get ready, we have dresses to order,"

"So should I? by the way Vinyl, last night..."

"I know it was fun," Vinyl replied, then went to go take a shower.

"I hope she doesn't use all the hot water." Octavia said to herself. As soon as she heard the water running she went over and shut the bedroom the door. She walked over to the dresser and mirror and looked at her reflection. "Even after all the things you and Vinyl have done, come this in ten days we might...sniff...not be together." She picked up and started to put her bow no, she looked at it and started to cry. "You need to stand up for yourself, why can you never speak up to her. After all, that mare in the shower is going to be my wife." She wiped her tears away. "Your mother told you what to say, forced you to pick the cello, and said what you wanted to do. It was your entire mother." She heard the water in the bathroom stop as she quickly brushed out her hair, put on her pink bow tie, and wiped any tears left on her face.

Vinyl walked into the room, "Bathrooms all yours. Were you crying?,"

"Not today, and no." Octavia lied.

"Octavia, you never pass up a shower."

"Well this time I will,"

"You really should, not that that I have a problem with it, but when we go to Rarity's, she is going to drag you in and give you a bath herself. I know what it's like, it took me a month to get those bows out of my hair."

"You wouldn't let her do that to me,"

"Right, so go take a shower,"

"You used up all the hot water again, didn't you?"

"Yes," realizing she had lost this, "well, just watch out, I might do something..."

"I'll keep an eye open," She went over and patted Vinyl on the head, than headed to the living room.

Vinyl sniffed the air, "She smells like me after a long day at the store." The Store she thought, "I need to find out what to do with it? I don't get many customers... that's my fault I haven't been there in a while so maybe I should sell it. I'll need to think about it." She looked over at the shelf and saw that there was a small wet patch. "She was crying..."

"Hey Vinyl are you coming?" called Octavia. Vinyl hurried out.


The left the house, but not before Vinyl blasted Octavia with the hose to get smell off; Octavia was not amused and shook her self-dry but her main fell into place. "Remind me why I haven't killed you yet," she said

"Because you love me," snarked Vinyl

"That's true,"

The two walked through the Streets of Ponyville, on their way to Carousel Boutique, the two passed by Vinyl's Store "Near and Far: Music of Equestria." Vinyl stopped walking and looked at the store. Octavia stopped and looked at Vinyl.

"Vinyl, what is it?"

"My shop, ever since you started getting a paid job at the dinner and show, I haven't had to work here. So I was thinking of selling it."

"Vinyl, next time you want to bring something up like this make sure it isn't a plot hole. Anyway don't sell it, you will need some place to work, because no matter what happens in Canterlot I'm not leaving you."

"Is that why you were crying?"

"How did you know?"

"There was a wet spot on your shelf." Vinyl responded, "This thing about your mother upsets me as much as you, but if something happens where you can't go back, I'll be stuck with this job, which will go out of business, I'm surprised I had it open for this long. And with no job I'll be on the streets and... mph..." Octavia grabbed Vinyl and planted one large kiss on her. She pulled away leaving Vinyl speechless.

"Just shut up Vinyl, you’re worrying too much. Don't worry I'll help you, but right now we need to go get our dresses made." She tool Vinyl by the hoof and the proceeded to Carousel Boutique. After they walked for another fifteenth they made it to their destination. Vinyl went up and knocked on the door.

"Coming." rang a voice from inside. A White unicorn with a purple mane answered the door. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, I'm Rarity, how may I help you?"

"Hello cousin," replied Vinyl.

"Vinyl? I haven't seen you since the Wedding."

"That wasn't me; that was a decoy I sent, she didn't get the eyes right thought. I only go to Canterlot if it is important to me or my sweetheart here."

"I was going to ask, who is this your with?"

"Rarity, this is my mare friend Octavia Symphony."

"Mare friend? That's so..."

"Cousin, you shouldn't say gross because I know you've been messing around with that apple mare. Applejack was her name?"

Rarity blushed in embarrassment, "Fine, how can I help you?"

"Vinyl and I are going up to Canterlot so seem my parents for a special party and we need some new, transportable, original looking dresses. Vinyl said you could help us."

"Why of course darling step right in, after all anypony who is a friend of Vinyl is a friend of mine," She lead the two inside, "Take a seat, now in order for me to come up with the design for each dress I need to interview you Miss. Symphony."

"Call me Octavia, what about Vinyl?"

"She knows me enough."

"That's correct. But in order for me to do this I need to do this one-on-one."

"Fine with me, Octavia you stay here, I have to go take care of something." With that Vinyl left before Octavia could respond.

"Oh Vinyl." said Octavia bluntly.

"So you’re from Canterlot?" asked Rarity, "I thought they didn't approve of mare-with-mare relationship."

"It's aloud it's just not everypony approves. My mother being the most disapproval. So I'm going there to put her in her place."

"Your strong darling,"

"You have to be when living with Vinyl." They both laughed.

"Now this Interview shouldn't take long, by the way you act I can tell you rather sophisticated so that's one important thing to go in the dress. Any hobbies?" She held up a piece of paper and pencil.

"Yes I am a cello player, and I was wondering if my dress could have a pink bow tie,"

"Like the one you’re wearing?"


"Hmm... I think I can put that in, what about color?"

"Black, it's something that kind of runs in the family, we all have a thing for black dresses."

"Black dress, pink bow tie, any particular style?"


"Ok, I think I know what to do, by the way Vinyl's using that coupon I gave her isn't she?"


"That's fine and because you’re a couple you get the lovers discount, you pay after you get the dresses. Now let me take you to the back room so I can take you measurements."

"What about Vinyl"

"Oh, I already know Vinyl's when she asked me to make a new DJ jacket."

Rarity took Octavia's measurements and got right to work. Octavia waited in the main room, wondering where Vinyl went. What felt like forever was the two hours she waited. She didn't want to leave because what if Vinyl came back. She was about to fall asleep from being bored when Vinyl returned.

"I'm back, have you been waiting here the whole time?"

"Yes, where have you been? Why did you have to run off like that?"

"Around, Well I stopped at Derpy's to tell her about Manehatten. Then I went to... well I'll tell you when the time is right." Vinyl responded with a smile. "How's the dresses coming along?"

"Well there..."

"Finished!" yelled Rarity bursting from the work room. "Ah Vinyl your back. Now how about both of you come on back and try them on." The two couldn't wait any longer that dashed pasted Rarity eager. "Please don't run in the shop," she said in a flat tone. "Now Octavia your dress is over there to the left and Vinyl yours is over here. Only two hours to make hardly a challenge."

"Wow, Rarity," Octavia was amazed, "Your work is worthy of Canterlot, no pony is going to believe this came from Ponyville. May I try it on."

"By all means, you too Vinyl,"

It took a few minutes to get the dresses on but once they had them on, "Amazing," was the only word Vinyl could say when she saw Octavia in her new dress
. Octavia was speech less when she saw Vinyl in her new dress

"So do you like them?" Rarity asked. The two nodded in agreement. "I don't mean to rush but I have other plans soon."

Vinyl pulled out her coupon and a bag of platinum bits, "That should cover it," said Vinyl dropping it at her feet, "Keep the change."

"Where did you get such money?"

"Manehatten," She took off her dress and placed it in the bin for safe transport, Octavia did the same. 'What's the matter cous? Speechless," Rarity fainted. "She's going to be like that for a while.'

"Should we do something?"

"Let her be, her little sister should be home soon to wake her up anyway. Let's go." The two took their dresses, placed them on each other’s back and started head out.

"By the way Vinyl, where else did you go?"

"I told you, you will find out later, in the meantime we are set to dress to impress."

Bazantar Symphony

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Time 6:30 am, June 27th

Vinyl had been tossing and turning trying to sleep, but she couldn't due to the sound of hoof-steps pacing back and forth. She opened her eyes and sat up, her mane plastered to her face. The gray earth pony wouldn't stop pacing, and had a nervous look on her face.

"Ugh... Octavia is that you? What are you doing up this early?"

Octavia stopped and looked at her mare friend, "Vinyl, I want to go to Canterlot today,"

"But why? We don't have to, we can always go tomorrow."

"That's the thing, If we go tomorrow I won't be able to show you around Canterlot."

"Octie is that it? Where are we going to stay?"

"Well, I have enough money to get us a room at the Canterlot Inn for one night. After that we should be able to spend the night at my parents."

"Wait why do we need a room at the Inn?"

"Because my father is the manager there, that is when he isn't preforming in front of a large crowd. Even he doesn't get to do many gigs. Unlike my mother who does it a full time job. And..."

"And Octavia, your starting to ramble, now please go back to sleep. If we take the train depending on the time of day we should be able to get there sometime in that afternoon."

"I wouldn't know; when I first came to Ponyville I didn't take the train, I took a truck."

"And how long did that take?"

"I think over a half a day,"

"You think?"

"I fell asleep on the ride over."

"We fall asleep on trips a lot don't we?" Vinyl rubbed her eyes, she now was wide awake, "Well looks like won't be getting back to sleep now,"

"Sorry Vinyl," Octavia let out a sigh, "Anyway another reason I want to go there is because remember our day out in Manehatten?"


"I want to do something like that in Canterlot."

"Oh, sweet heart why didn't you tell me? Oh wait let me guess, your mother?"

"No, you see, whenever she plans a formal party she spends the whole day before making shore everything, every little solitary detail is right. As strict as she is when her O.C.D. acts up it's very amusing."

"Relay? Well it's time to get up," Vinyl let out a loud yawn, "Would you like to go shower with me?"

"Only if we can leave today,"

"Ok fine,"


The shower lasted an hour, normally they would have been in there for 20 minutes but they fell asleep. How did they wake up?

"Looks like we both used up all the hot water this time," said Octavia leaving the shower followed by Vinyl. Their manes were glued to their necks from the heat. They shook out their coats, the ending result being that they were the only things dry in the bathroom.

"Um, Octavia?"

"Yes Vinyl?"

"I was wondering if we go up there we could do a duet you on cello and me with my turn tables."

"Well I was going to ask you the same thing, I had Derpy and Sparkler pick up our interments from the shop, they will meet us at the train station. Speaking of which we should get our things and go."

"What about breakfast?"

"They serve on the train."

"Oh, in that case I'll meet you in the living room before we go, I just need one last thing." Vinyl left the bathroom and headed down the hall to a closet. She checked to see if Octavia had followed her. She opened the door and pulled out a small box. "Octavia's life was depressing because of her mother, she needs to stand up to her and when she does I will ask the five work question."

"Vinyl you coming?"

She stuffed the box in her pocket. "Coming Octie,"


After a long boring train ride they made it to Canterlot, it was about 2:00 pm. Before they had left Derpy told them good luck with Octavia's mother. Once they stepped away from the Train Station, each pushing a cart with their interments, Vinyl saw her first glimpse of Canterlot. She couldn't believe how different from Ponyville it was. And even though this was her home town Octavia felt out of place.

"My Luna, I've forgotten," she said to herself. Vinyl nudged her.

"So where is this Inn that we will be staying?"

"Huh? Oh right, this way," As the two walked to the hotel, several locals stopped and starred at them from the side lines. Vinyl didn't turn her head, but behind her shades she looked with her eyes.

"Octavia," she whispered, "Everypony is starring at us, why?"

"Vinyl, if you lessen you can hear why," Octavia whispered back. Vinyl perked up her ears.

"Isn't that Viola's daughter?" whispered one pony.

"Why yes and who's that ruffian that's with her?" asked another. Vinyl did her best to hold herself back.

"And where are they going with that equipment?" asked a third.

"My guess would be the dump, after all that's where those carnival tools belong."

"SHUT UP BLUE BLOOD!" yelled Octavia. "If you all must know, we are going to see my father!" Everypony including Vinyl looked at her a moment and proceeded on their way.

"Octavia, what was that?" Vinyl asked with a stunned look.

"That was a typical response to something Prince Blue Blood would say." she answered, "Hey there's the Inn," Octavia pushed her cart and ran to the Inn with Vinyl trailing behind. They stopped in front of a large building marked "Bazantar's Bed & Breakfast," The two walked in. The place was bigger on the inside. It looked like your typical 5 Star Hotel, a fancy desk, two floors in the lobby, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a few ponies checking in and out. Vinyl looked around with her head,

"Wow, talk about prim and proper." she stated, "Now what are we looking for?"

"My father," said Octavia,

"How are you going to find him? This place is six stories high."

"I know how, give me a sec, and wait here." Octavia walked up to the front desk, there stood a brown unicorn putting papers through a shredder. "Excuse me sir,"

The pony looked at her, "Can I help you miss?"

"Can I see Mr. Bazantar,"

"I'm sorry, he doesn't talk to the guests unless it's important."

Octavia then let down her hair and put a cute face on, "Please sir, this is important," she said in a seductive voice. Vinyl heard this and started fanning herself with her shades.

"That trick won't work on me miss. If you want a room please give me your name."

"Fine" Octavia said flatly, “It’s Octavia, Octavia Symphony,"

The Unicorn looked at her, "Wait are you Bazantar's daughter? Little Octavia?"

"Well Bronze Mane, it took you long enough,"

"Hold on, I'll get him for you," he pressed the intercom button, "Will Mr. Bazantar please come to the lobby, there is somepony looking for you."

A voice came from the nearby restaurant room "For crying out loud Bronze, I was right in here." Out walked a Sliver Earth Pony with a gold main, he had two Sixteenth Notes for a cutie mark and was well dressed in a tux and had a walrus mustache. He walked up to the desk, he didn't see Octavia at first. "Can't you see I was trying to get something to eat, I forgot my lunch today, and so I'm cranky. So what is so important?"

"Look to your right, Sir," replied Bronze. Bazantar did so and his eyes widened.

"Octavia? Is that you?" he was speechless.

She looked up at him, "Hello Dad." They stood there for a moment.

Bazantar broke the silence, "What are you standing there for, give your father a hug." She ran up to him and embraced her father. "It's been two years since I last saw you, I missed you,"

"I missed you too daddy," she replied. Vinyl watched from a distance, a tear fell from her eye.

The two pulled away, "So what brings you to Canterlot two days early, and where's this special somepony of yours, I'd like to meet him."

"Yeah about that..." Octavia stuttered, She went up and whispered into her father's ear, "It's not a him," He took a step back.

"Bronze, go on your break," He said calmly, Bronze Mane did just that and left the counter. "Octavia, you do know your mother apposes this kind of stuff right?"

"And what if she does? She can't do anything about it. But please don't tell her,"

"I won't, that's up to you; I'll support you, but it's up to you to break her icy heart." he finished calmly, "Anyway where is this mare, I want to meet her." he whip lashed into a cheery voice.

"I thought you'd never ask. Hey Vinyl, come over here." Vinyl trotted up to them, "Dad I'd like you to meet my mare friend Vinyl Scratch, Vinyl this is my father Bazantar." Bazantar held out his hoof and Vinyl shook it.

"Mr. Symphony..." began Vinyl.

"Please call me Bazantar,"

"Ok, Bazantar, it is indeed an honor to meet you,"

"Same here," He replied, "Hey why don't you two come with me to the restaurant room and we chat over some lunch."

"Dad, it's almost 3:00, it's dinner time," Octavia said flatly.

"So it is. The let's have an early dinner then." He corrected himself "After all Viola isn't too happy with me, and when she's mad there is a chance she did something to my food."

Vinyl got curious "What did you do?"

"It's what I didn't do. Apparently I must rotate every plate three times counter clock wise and once clock wise whenever I set the table." The three sat down at a table, and a waiter came up. "Three garden sandwiches Sir." the waiter took the order, walked away. "Sorry girls, but that's all I have enough to get right now."

"That's fine," they said in unison.

"So what brings you to Canterlot two days before the party?"

"Well, I want to give Vinyl the full Canterlot experience. That means staying in a fancy hotel and getting a tour of the place."

"I see, and that's why you came to see me isn't it?"

"That's right, hey are sandwiches are here," Octavia replied

"That was fast," Vinyl stated.

"That's the power of this hotel, we make sure everything gets to the guest quickly." Bazantar stated while hamming up. "So, how and when did you two meet?"

"The day I moved into my house actually,"

"Yeah, on her first day in Ponyville, she came to my record store and I gave her a record for free."

"At first I thought the record was broken,"

"What record?" he asked

"It is referred to as The Black & White Record." Vinyl replied, "Anyway in order to lessen to it, you have to be destined lovers, once we both lessened to it, we heard the most wonderful music we have ever heard."

"Wait, The Black & White Record? I thought it was a myth."

"No dad, it's real, I even brought it with me."

"I want you to show me tomorrow,"


The three had eaten their sandwiches, and left the restaurant. "Girls because I'm nice I have just the room picked out for you to stay the night."

"Where dad?"

"We have one room in the V.I.P. section open. Octavia why don't you go on ahead. Here's a pass,"

"Thanks, what about Vinyl?"

"I want to talk to her alone."

"About what sir?"

"Ok, dad, see you in a bit Vinyl," She headed for the elevator.

Bazantar looked around at a nearby pony in a red outfit, "Hey you, Bell Hop, can you take their luggage for them?"

"Right away sir?"

"What did you want to talk about?" Vinyl asked.

"Look, I need you and Octavia to come up with a temporally lie to tell my wife when she meets you. I would like it if you and her to get along so come to dinner tomorrow, both of you."

"Is that it sir?"

"No, where did you live before you met my daughter?"

"Well, my land lord was a jerk, so I lived in the back of my store. Octavia invited me to stay with her."

"What was wrong with your land lord?"

"He kept raising the rent each month, I did what I could to pay then I gave up."

"What ever happened to him?"

"He was caught cheating in Las Pegasus and is now in jail. Anything else?"

"Nope that would be all, you might want to go catch up to Octavia."

"Ok Mr. Bazantar, we'll see you tomorrow."

"You too,"

"Oh uh, Mr. Bazantar,"

"Yes Vinyl?"

"Could you not bring up that we are in Canterlot to your wife yet?"

"Don't worry I won't, now run along now." Vinyl headed for the elevator. "You know I don't care what my wife says," he said to himself, "Those two are meant for each other," he said with a smile. He looked and saw there was a line at the front desk. "Hey Bronze Mane get back to work!" he yelled.

The Sister: Sonnet Symphony.

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June 28, 9:00 am

Octavia stretched out over the bed in the V.I.P. bedroom, she nearly pushed Vinyl off the bed. Once the two had settled into the V.I.P. hotel room, they just couldn't leave and spent the rest of the previous day sitting around. While just hanging around an interesting and strange plot device was brought up. The previous day, 3:30 pm Vinyl makes it to the V.I.P. rooms after getting lost on the first floor.

"Wow, it's easy to get lost in here," she stated.

Octavia walked up to her and kissed her quickly, "So that's what took you so long, I thought you might have bumped into a high class snob on the way up,"

"I did,"



"Hey I'm no snob, not like my mother or sister" she muttered.

But Vinyl heard it, "What was that last part?" she asked


"Octavia, what happened to having an open relationship?"

"Ok, fine, I have a sister ok,"

"A sister huh? What's her name and why have you never told me about her?"

"Well you see, her name is Sonnet she lives up here in Canterlot with her husband Black Jack. And she is a bit awkward."

"The big shot casino pony?"

"Yes, we don't talk much, I still want to see her though," the two walked into the V.I.P. Living room and sat down on the couch.

"Dose she work with her husband?"

"Not often, only when he wants to make a few extra bits by putting on a show. Sonnet works and owns a small cafe much to my mother's horror."

"Wait so why doesn't your mother approve of her working and owning at a cafe?"

"She always want's the family to have big jobs and ''great'' futures."

"Oh, so I take it she hate's simplicity?"

"Correct, well most of the time, it really depends on the topic."

"I see, so about your sister," Vinyl said with a grin "Is she attractive as you?" Vinyl poked Octavia's chest with her hoof.

This would normally be the time where Vinyl would be on the floor out cold. But instead, "I don't know, how about when we see her tomorrow I'll have to ask her to show you our flanks." The thought processed in Vinyl's mind and she passed out with a nose bleed. "Oh great now I'm going to have to wait before we can try the Canterlot wine,"


Cut to the present time: Octavia opened her eyes, her head felt like a swarm of bees had gone through her. She had forgotten not to challenge Vinyl to a drinking contest, no matter what the drink was. She unscratched herself and looked to her right, Vinyl was on the verge of falling off the bed. She sat up and pulled Vinyl from the edge. Vinyl was still out cold, so Octavia took her head and put it on her lap. She looked down at her mare friend and stroked her mane. "One more day Vinyl, and then we will see what happens." she whispered. "Today you will get to meet my sister and my mother."

Vinyl slowly opened her eyes, her neon red eyes were met of violet eyes, and her head was pounding. "Morning Octie, sleep well?"

"Yes I did, how's your head?"

"How's yours?"

"Good point," Both of their heads were pounding, but they were used to it by now. But at that moment there was a knock at the door.

"Who could that be?" Vinyl asked, "Room service?"

"Not this early, Vinyl go take a shower and don't say a word unless I have to say something to you,"

"Ok," Vinyl was unsure of what was going on but went to take a shower. Octavia then went to see who was at the front door. She peeked through the eye hole and opened it.

"Morning Octavia,"

"Oh, it's just you dad," she sighed in relieve, "What brings you here, despite the fact you own the place,"

"Well you see, I'm not alone this time," he sounded stressed, then called down the hall. "She's here honey,"

From down the hall a mare who was well dressed, she had a jet black mane was well groomed and a cherry oak color coat. She approached Octavia.

"" she stuttered.

"Hello Octavia," Viola responded softly.

Octavia looked at her father and asked her mom, "How did you know I was here?"

Bazantar backed away slowly, "Don't look at me, she saw you enter the hotel after coming back from checking with catering."

Viola looked at her husband, "Bazantar will you give me and our daughter a moment." Bazantar darted out of there.

"What are you doing her mom? I wasn't going to see you until tonight,"

"I saw you yesterday, but I had important stuff to do,"

"So you wanted to say "hi"?"

"Well sort of that, and after hearing somepony yell "Shut up Blue Blood," in a familiar voice I went to investigate. But the reason I didn't follow you in to the hotel is because apparently I'm not welcomed in this hotel unless your father says,"

" that all?"

"No, I would like to know, who was that mare that entered with you?" Thought's rushed through Octavia's mind. "Well who was she and where is this stallion you that is your special somepony?"

Octavia got it and took a deep breath, giving a Fluttershy like rant, "You see mom, during the time I sent my letter and you sending yours, we had a bit of a falling out and broke up, that mare you saw is my roommate Vinyl Scratch, she didn't like the fact I would be going to the party alone so she asked to come along to be my wing pony. I said that would be ok as long as she agreed to dress formal and behave herself. And we spent the night in this hotel so I could show her around Canterlot before we go to yours and dad's place tonight." she had to catch her breath.

"Is that it, well as long as what you said was true, I'm ok with that," Viola replied, "Well, I still have somethings I must get done before tomorrow." Viola took one step toward Octavia, "Daughter, go easy on the wine," then she did something Octavia did not expect, her mother hugged her. "I must go now, I will see you at dinner tonight," With that Viola turned and left, leaving Octavia dumbfounded. As soon as Viola had left Bazantar reappeared.

"I take it your wondering why she hugged you?" he asked,

"Where in Equestria did that come from?"

"I asked her too. I know you two don't see eye to eye, but I have a feeling the events of tomorrow will show the true colors."

"Dad, what's going to happen tomorrow is between me and her," She explained flatly, "Now , I want you to keep me and Vinyl as a registered guest here just in case something goes wrong tomorrow. I plan on returning to Ponyville."

"Well I can only keep V.I.P. rooms in use for three days per guest, so ok," Bazantar told her. He sniffed the air, "Octavia, you might want to go clean yourself up. You stink of wine," He then turned and left. Octavia sniffed herself, man did she need a shower. But she knew Vinyl might have used all the hot water, yet again this was a V.I.P. room, which means all the hot water you can... Octavia soon darted for the bathroom, hoping Vinyl had not already finished.


About an hour later the two of them were out on the streets of Canterlot. For their public image Octavia decided to fancy up Vinyl's mane so it wouldn't look like bedhead, Vinyl said it looked like royal throw-up . Vinyl had never seen so many fancy places before. There was the Crown Boutique, Donut Joe's, Gustav's Great Gourmet, and The Simple Way Cafe which was the place they were headed.

"So, where are we going again?" Vinyl asked.

"The Simple Way Cafe; my sister should just be opening up by now," The two headed for the Cafe. On the way over they saw a gray earth pony with a white mane opening the place up. "Sonnet!" Octavia called.

The pony looked behind her, "Me? Wait is that you Octavia?" The two sisters ran over and gave each other a hug. "Octavia it is you." She pulled away and looked at Vinyl, "And who is this?"

"Sonnet, this is my mare friend, Vinyl Scratch,"

"Mare Friend? You know Mom is going to have a fit right?" She looked back at Octavia.

"Yes, but she can't do anything about it, after all Princess Celestia, herself, passed the law making it legal."

"Yes and Mom still doesn't approve,"

"And what about you?" Vinyl asked Sonnet.

"Me? Well because Octavia is my sister, she deserves to be with whoever she wants." Octavia smiled and put an arm around Vinyl. "Say I'm just opening up, how would you two like to help me in the shop today?"

"Well I promised Vinyl I would show her around Canterlot today," Vinyl nodded in agreement.

"I'm not saying for the full day, only until the other workers show up, come on it will be fun."

"Sure, why not?" Vinyl responded.

"Well, ok, but keep Vinyl away from any stove, rumor has it... ahh!" Vinyl jumped her hoping she wouldn't bring up the incident again.

"What's going on?" Sonnet asked in confusion.

"Nothing, nothing," Vinyl turned her focus to Octavia, "We are not bringing that up this time." She looked back at Sonnet, "So about working with you for a while,"

Sonnet bowed her head and smiled, "Right this way," Octavia got off the ground and followed her sister and Vinyl. They were now in the cafe. The place was average size, a few tables, and a large front counter. Sonnet went behind the counter. "So hungry?"

"But we don't have much money on us?" Vinyl said.

"Yes we do," Octavia mumbled to Vinyl.

"You don't have to lie Vinyl, besides it's on the house. I don't have to worry about losing money because I make everything myself."

"Oh," replied Octavia.

"Well how about a cup of coffee and a special Canterlot muffin?"

"Sure," replied Octavia, "Vinyl?"

"Dark coffee for me and what is in a Canterlot muffin?" she asked

"Chocolate chips, dried cranberrys and topped with cinnamon." Sonnet explained

"I'll try anything once," Vinyl said.

"Good, because I don't have many left." Sonnet got out the muffins and coffee. "I need to make more, so once you two have finished eating, I need you to take care of any customers that may come in, or until another of my employees shows up. They should have a name tag on."

"Will do," Octavia replied. She looked over too Vinyl, "Once somepony who works here shows up we are, done here."

Sonnet didn't here and went to the back room. Vinyl spoke, "Is this why you don't talk about her?"

"Yes. She thinks if she runs into somepony she knows she can get them to work for her if, even for a moment, if she bribes them."

Vinyl took a bite of her muffin. "It was a good bribe at least. We need to tell Derpy about this place,"

"That is true, but I think she needs to cut back on the muffins."

"And why is that?"

"They tend to go to her hips. Remember that one time when we invited her over for dinner?"

"Yes and she broke my best seat." Vinyl said with a dead pan tone. There was a call from the kitchen.

"Hey Vinyl, could you lend me a hoof back here?" It was Sonnet.

"Vinyl you might want to do that, she isn't one to take no for an answer."

Vinyl went to the Kitchen. "So what do you need help with?"

"Can you get the milk out for me?"

"Milk? Ok," as Vinyl proceeded to do so, she asked, "You didn't bring me back here just to get the milk did you?"

"No, it's not. The reason is more personal. How do you and my sister able to make it work?"


"Your relationship?"

"Well we have only been together for two years," she passed the milk, "And we truly care for each other, and have friends that support us. Why?"

"Well you see me and my husband Black Jack are having trouble in our marriage. All I want to do is have a good life with him but it is hard."

"Do you love him?"

"Well of course."

"Tonight go to him and show him how much you love him."


"Push him on the bed. Hold him close to you. Have fun. Make a foal."

Sonnet was now confused, "What?" she asked.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?"

"Spell what out?"

"You need to make love to him!"

"But I make him dinner for him, and that's a sign of love." Sonnet was confused.

Vinyl felt something in her mind break. Why is this girl being so naive? Looks like I am going to have to go for simplistically with her. "Sonnet look,"


"Sonnet understand all you have to do is have sex with him. Is that not clear?"

"Oh that explains why I haven't had a foul yet."

"You have got to be kidding me, are you that dense?" Vinyl was lousing her cool.

"Nope, the only thing dense around here are rocks, I was just kidding around with you. I knew what you meant the first time."

Now on the Verge of screaming, "Just do what I told you and things are going to get better for you." Vinyl took a deep breath, swallowed hard and left the kitchen, leaving Sonnet on the verge of laughing out loud. Coming out of the kitchen Vinyl looked at Octavia.

"Did she..." Octavia began.

"Yes... next time... WARN ME!" She shouted. At that moment the sounds of laughter from Sonnet and Octavia filled the cafe. Vinyl wasn't amused. "Let's just go to the next scene." she said in a deadpan tone.


About an half'n'hour later and only one customer, another employee showed up, that meant Octavia and Vinyl could leave. On the way out the door Sonnet called, "I'll see you two at the party tomorrow."

The two were glad to be out of there. Sonnet was a nice pony, but she had the power to be full of herself. "How long has she been like that?" Vinyl asked,

"Ever since she married Black Jack." Octavia replied, "It goes to show you what marrying the wrong pony can do to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Sonnet had an arranged marriage. She didn't want to marry Black Jack, she had here sites on another stallion..."

"But big bad mama didn't approve, did she?"

"Nope, if anything gets past mom, she is going to try to make at least one thing that matters to her stick. In this case it was who Sonnet was going to marry."

"Octavia, you must pardon my "Prench", but WHAT. A. BITCH."

"I could say the same, but anyway, where would you like to go? There is plenty of stores around here."

"Any music stores?"

Octavia stopped walking and paused, "Yes. A big one. Not too far from here. It's called The Symphony's Ballad"

"Ok, whats wrong th... Your mother works there doesn't she?"

"I'm that predictable?"

"Eeyup, well We don't have to go."

"No it's ok; my mother is too busy with the party planing that she won't bother, after all she owns the store. A matter of fact she owns a lot of music stores around here with the exception of Ponyville."

Vinyl stopped and looked at her. "Wait, so let me get this strait, she is a violin player, a monopoly manager, a formal snob, loves to be the one who is in control and a O.C.D. self obsessed bitch?"

Octavia Booped Vinyl's nose. She was right. "So would you like to go to the store?"

"Heck yeah."

An Awkward Day

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1:00 pm, the place: out side The Symphony's Ballad store

"So this is where she works?" Vinyl said out loud.

"That is correct. You know this is the place where I got my cello."

"So wait you mean to say it's not one-of-a-kind?"

"Vinyl, it's one-of-a-kind to me because my granddad got it for me."

"Octavia, just how many family members do you have that I don't know about?"

"My granddad passed away seven years ago."


"Lets just go inside," Octavia said after a short awkward pause. The two headed into the store, the place was lined with gold trim. There were all sorts of instruments, guitars, drums from all over the land, trumpets, saxophones, if there was an instrument you wanted, they had it; it was a band's paradise. They walked around, Octavia had to slap Vinyl's hoof away to keep her from touching things. "Vinyl, we aren't here to bye anything, so don't touch,"

"Sorry, it's just I've never seen so many instruments before and in such mint condition."

"That's because their from the newest shipment we got." said a rather rude voice from behind them. The two turned around.

"Mom?" Octavia asked, "What are you doing here? I thought you were taking care of the party."

"I work here and I was stopping here to check on things and make sure things were going smoothly. I did not however expect you to be here. Explain."

"Vinyl, this is my mother, mom this is Vinyl Scratch my room mate. Mom I was giving here a tour of the town and we stopped here. Vinyl knows her history on instruments."

Viola stepped forward and extended her hoof to shake Vinyl's. Vinyl returned the favor and gave a firm shake. If it was anypony else she would have given them a hard shake. "So your Vinyl Scratch,"

"And your Miss Symphony."

"It's Viola, if you don't mind." The two gave each other a long, cold stare. This made Octavia uncomfortable. "So you know instruments well?"

"Yes," Vinyl gulped.

"Care to put that to a test."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I show you an instrument and you tell me the year, material, and type."


"Tonight at dinner."

"Ok then." The two put there hoofs down, leaving a dead silence to fill the air.

"Be there by five you two. No later," Viola turned and started leaving. She was almost to the door when she spoke to herself quietly, "What are you hiding Octavia?"

Vinyl felt cold, she had never met such a pony before who was so heartless, so cold, so dark. "Octavia," she said.

"Yes Vinyl?"

"All of a sudden I want to leave and go back to the hotel."

"Your that freaked out?" Vinyl nodded her head quickly. "Ok, then. The tour is over."

"I only met her for a moment and I made eye contact." Vinyl was pail all over.

"Vinyl, your shaking, get on my back, you don't look like you can walk." Vinyl did so and the two headed back for the hotel.


They got back to the Hotel, Vinyl hopped off Octavia's back and fell on the bed.

"Still all shook up?" asked Octavia.

"A little, I'm starting to feel a little better." Vinyl responded, "Do we have to go to dinner? I mean I met your parents can't we just go home?"

"That would make since, but only if she wasn't willing to come down to Ponyville. When you two met, I could tell she has her suspicion about you."

"Now I have to play her little game later and guess the type of instrument."

"Well maybe that will give you a chance to impress her at least."

"Impress her? I'm too afraid now."

"Vinyl you aren't afraid of anything. Now you did pack some fancy clothes with you didn't you?"

"This is Canterlot is it not?"

"Ok, we have three hours before we have to go to dinner. So what should we do?"

"I'm not sure." Vinyl spoke. There was a knock at the door. Octavia went to answer it.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Candy gram,"

"Dad stop fooling around." She said as she opened the door.

"I could never fool you Octavia. I was at the front desk and Bronze Mane told me you came back early."

"He did?"

"Yes, he said you were carrying Vinyl on your back. What happened?"

"Mom is what happened. We decided to look around the music store and she showed up. Now she wants Vinyl to play her little guessing game."

"The one with the interments?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"One, she is my wife, and two, she did the same thing to me when I asked her out on our first date. I'm glad she chose a trumpet for me."

"And despite your name, you play the piano." joked Octavia, "Anyway after she left Vinyl was shaking so I took her back here and now we have two and a half hours of nothing to do."

"Is that all? Well if you don't want to go back out, I just so happen to have a deck of cards on me, anypony want to play?"

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" Vinyl called from inside.

"If I can manage this hotel in my sleep, then I can manage it while playing a little poker."

"Ok, I'll play," Vinyl called back.

"Bring it Vinyl." Bazantar boasted.

"Are you sure that is a good idea Dad?"

"Octavia, I never louse and I don't plan on starting now.


Two hours later...

"I can't believe I lost seven times in a row!" shouted Bazantar.

"Perhaps I should have told you Vinyl is a good poker player." Giggled Octavia.

"Just because I'm a mare doesn't mean I don't know the rules." Vinyl bragged

"I never said that but anyway, you girls should get ready, dinner is in half an hour." Bazantar pointed out. "Once your all set I'll walk you two over."

The other two nodded in agreement. Bazantar left the room and waited out side, leaving the two to get ready. They both through on a fancy school mare's out fit.

"Well it isn't formal but she will tolerate it." said Octavia, "Ready Vinyl?"

"My Aunt would freak,"

"Don't be so uptight Vinyl remember this is just for tonight. Tomorrow we get to put on our dresses."

"Good point. Lets go." The two met up with Bazantar and headed to Octavia's old home. Once there, the place was two stories tall, and very big. Bazantar showed them in. The interior was even bigger. There was a lot of cherry red on the walls and several painting of famous composers. Some Vinyl didn't recognized others she did. She stood in front of one that had Beehoofen on it. Octavia sat down on what appeared to be a red velvet couch, Bazantar headed down the hall and Vinyl admired the painting.

"If you don't know who that is, it says Beehoofen on the bottom." It was Viola stepping out from the hall.

"Oh, I knew that, it's just I never seen an actual painting of him," Vinyl said nervously and turned to her.

"Mom, you don't have to be rude to Vinyl, she was just admiring the painting." Octavia defended.

Viola rolled her eyes, "Octavia go to the dining room, I must talk to Vinyl alone," Vinyl gulped. Octavia did as she was told. "So, Vinyl is it? Is it true that Octavia had a colt friend but broke up?"

"Yes Viola, that is true,"

"What was his name because she gave a name in her letters."

"That's easy it was Blue Brass,"

"That's is correct, so your just her room mate?"

"Yes, I became one when she offered me a place to stay."

"Ok, now for my little instrument test, Vinyl come with me." She led her down a hall to a display case. She opened it and pulled out what was inside. "This is my personal Violin and bow, you remember what I wanted you too do?"

"Yea, just let me have a closer look." Using her magic she levitated it and gave it a close inspection. "Lets see, it's made from chary oak, it's for leading and it appears to be from the classical era. As for the bow made from chary oak as well and the string is made from your own tail." She gave it back to Viola who was stunned.

"Everything you just said was right. How did you do that?"

"I work at a dinner and show, I see these things a lot when it comes to booking gigs." (This is partly true)

"Impressive," Viola wasn't sounding as cold, "Why don't we get some dinner. Dinning room is down the hall." Vinyl walked down to the dinning room leaving Viola to think. "The night's not over Vinyl, I find out what you two are hiding."


The Dinning room was large enough to hold a large family. Viola set the table, each time she set a plate she would rotate it three times clockwise and once counterclockwise, her O.C.D. was acting up and her husband was getting annoyed by it. Vinyl and Octavia sat across from each other, same as Viola and Bazantar who each sat next to one of them. It was about an hour of silence and light appetizers, that Vinyl didn't seem to mind. Though Octavia would remind her that she didn't have to eat it if she didn't want to. Then Bazantar came out with a large vegetable pot roast. This would be the dinner. As he served each of them Viola was eyeing Vinyl to see how she would eat. Vinyl waited for the rest of them to be served before eating. Next Viola watched to see if she had good table edicate. Vinyl was starting to realize this so she decided to say something.

"Pardon me Viola," she started, "But this whole time, ever since I met you you have been observing me as if is was a criminal. It's making me feel uncomfortable, I'm not a bad pony; I'm just here on your daughters behalf, she's like the sister I never had."

"Octavia is this true," said Viola,

"Yes mom."

"Ok, I didn't know, I thought you and my daughter were filly-foolers. It seems I'm wrong." Bazantar was shocked to hear his wife say this. He knew something was wrong. The rest of the dinner was ate in silence and lasted about another hour. It was already 7:30. "Octavia, it appears to be raining out so why don't you and Vinyl stay the night, you will have to share a room. If that's ok with you Miss. Scratch,"

Vinyl nodded, "It's ok with me, it wouldn't be the first time."

"When was that?"

"A tree fell through my part of the house so I had to sleep with her."

Octavia quickly nodded to confirm it.

"Ok, Octavia show Vinyl to your room."

"Yes Mom," The two headed up stairs leaving the husband and wife.

"That Vinyl is certainly somepony," Bazantar said.

"Yes she certainly is, there's something that they are hiding. Something that they told you."

"Hey what do I have to do with this?"

"Is our daughter a filly-fooler?"

"What she can't be," he lied, "Vinyl told me the same thing she told you and you know I have never lied to you before,"

"And that's how we got married, Baz we have been together for 21 years and you say you have never lied to me."

"Why would you lie to you, your too gorgeous to lie too."

"Stop trying to butter me up, and I know you are for the filly-fooling and colt-kissing, so that's why I don't believe you."


Octavia had brought Vinyl to her room. It was small, had a large gray bed, a desk and a cello stand with old music sheets scattered around it.

"Just like I left it," Octavia said, "My parents never came into my room unless I asked them."

"So this is your room... I expected bigger but there's room." Vinyl smiled.

"Oh Vinyl," Octavia said as she sat on her bed. "Could you close the door?"

Vinyl closed the door and sat down next to Octavia, "We left our dresses back at the Inn,"

"I'll have my dad get them tomorrow. Vinyl I'm glad you managed to say something to mom, lets just hope she believed you."

"I hope the same, I couldn't thing of having a life with out you."

"Vinyl, come here and kiss me," Vinyl did just that. But what they didn't know was out side the room, looking through the key hole was Viola.

She backed away from the door, "I knew it, but this isn't time to call her out on it. Perhaps they didn't tell Baz because they knew I would find out if they said anything to him. Octavia, you aren't going back to Ponyville because I have just the colt for you. No pony lies to Viola Symphony, I always get what I want. Granted if Vinyl was a colt I would have approved. She is impressive," She then looked at the clock and headed down the hall, "Octavia, Bazantar, I'm going to bed now, remember lights off a 9:30," she called.

"Ok mom!" Octavia called back.

"I'll be up in a few honey," called Bazantar.

"Good, tomorrow I will expose her. I knew I saw somepony that looked like her in Manehattan." Viola headed to her room and went to bed. Bazantar was soon to follow. Octavia and Vinyl fell asleep around Nine. All waiting for the following day to come.

Getting Ready to Take a Stand

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Time 9am, place The Symphony Residence.

Viola's eyes peeled open, she looked to her right, Bazantar was still asleep, she was the first one up. She reached a hoof over and shook him until he woke.

"Honey what are you doing up this late?"

"It's nine in the morning Bazantar." She rudely said, "We need to talk,"

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "What do we need to talk about?"

"Our Daughter." She coldly spoke.

He gulped, "What about her?"

"I saw her last night..."

"So did I, we had dinner together, remember?"

"It was after dinner you dimwit!" She barked, "I was on my way to bed, when I saw our daughter kissing that unicorn,"

"Are you sure you saw what you saw, It might have been just the angle you saw that made it seem like she was kissing her,"

"I was looking right at them, they had to be, and I won't allow it."

"Hun, just relax, lets not jump to conclusions,"

"Relax? Our daughter is a dirty Filly-fooler!"

"Viola, settle down, I said not to jump to conclusions. I've heard that some mares will practice kissing on each other to get ready for time with a colt."

"What?" She was shocked, "They do that?"

"I work at an Inn, I hear this kind of stuff all the time."

"Maybe I am over reacting," Yeah right I know what I saw!

"Good you think that, now that I'm up, I'm going to make breakfast, I'll make you and me an omelet and prench toast.

"That would sound lovely, but just make the prench toast for them, I'll just have coffee."

"If you say so,"


In Octavia's room...

Octavia slowly opened her eyes, she looked around and saw that Vinyl had fallen off the bed during the night. She was sleeping upside down on the floor.

"Oh Vinyl," She got out of bed and went down to take a shower down the hall. On her way down she passed her mother.

"So did you sleep well?" she asked with a straight tone.

"Yes, I'm just going to take a shower."

"Where did Vinyl sleep?"

"On the floor, that girl will sleep anywhere."

"Even if it meant sharing a bed with you?"

"Mom, Vinyl has a colt friend named Blues,"

Liar! "Is that so?"

"Yes, even ask her. Now I have to take a shower, good morning by the way." With that Octavia headed to the Shower.

That's no way to talk to your mother! Maybe I should go talk with Miss. Scratch. Viola headed for Octavia's room to see Vinyl. She made it the room and let herself in. Vinyl was adjusting her mane in the mirror to try to make it look formal. Viola let out a short breath. Vinyl saw Viola's reflection. 'Oh Viola, I didn't see you there,"

"That's fine," Viola replied calmly

"What brings here, Octavia just went to take a shower,"
"I know, I wanted to talk to you Miss. Scratch,"

"It's just..." She stopped herself from correcting Viola, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Last night, I was on my way to bed and I saw you "Kissing" my daughter. You said you were straight and that you had a colt friend. You should know I don't tolerate liars so why were you locking lips with my daughter?" She said in a cold tone.

Vinyl had to think of something, she then remembered a photo album she and Octavia looked at before going to bed. "Ok what you saw was true, but it wasn't on purpose."

"Wasn't on purpose? Explain,"

"You see Octavia and I were looking at a photo album last night and she went to turn the page, she slipped and we crashed into each other locking lips,"

"So you two didn't mean to kiss, show me the album."

Using her magic she lifted the album off the nightstand. "See."

"Oh, I see," I see something all right, A big liar, that's what. What I didn't say is that I heard Octavia say "Vinyl kiss me," I'll expose them tonight at the party, In the meantime... "In the meantime Bazantar is making breakfast. We have another Shower down the hall feel free to use it," She started to sound a little more upbeat and polite. "I have something I must attend to at the moment." Viola smirked a little and headed down the hall.

"Phew, that was scary, as long as she didn't hear what Octavia said were good. But..." Using her magic she lifted a small box from the floor, "Octavia has to take a stand, and when she does I'll be ready to give her this."


(Happens at the same time as Viola's talk with Vinyl.)

Octavia made it to the bathroom for her shower, she knew it was only a matter of hours before the party. She was about to enter the bathroom when she was interrupted, "Good morning Octavia," Bazantar stood there.

"Oh dad it's just you, I'm just about to take a shower."

"Before you do I need to tell you something,"

"What is it dad?"

"I think your mother is on to you and Vinyl."

"What? How?" Octavia couldn't close her mouth after hearing this.

"She said that she saw you and Vinyl kissing last night."

"Well, I just saw her and I think she went to talk to Vinyl. Knowing Vinyl, she'll come up with a convincing lie for the time being."

"I hope so, I want you two to stay together," Bazantar said with a smile, "I'm going to make breakfast, it will be ready when you're done with the shower."


During the events of having breakfast and getting ready Octavia and Vinyl did their best to keep away from Viola or at least from making conversation with her.

"Octy, we can't keep dodging her like this,"

"I know, I know, but what else can we do?"

"Lets head back to the hotel and get our dresses..."

"But that will take only an hour and the party is at 8 pm," Octavia interrupted.

"... and take as many detours as we can on the way there and back," Vinyl finished

"That's not a bad idea."

The two of them stopped at several places on the way back to the hotel, such as Sonnet's place, a local restaurant for lunch and the Prim and Proper hair salon, much to Vinyl's horror.

"Octavia, I am never going back in there again,"

"It wasn't that bad, Prim only pulled out 20 hairs, she said they were louse ones."

"Only two of them were louse, and with all that hair spray she used I smell like the inside of a perfume factory!"

"Well it took a good three hours because Proper wasn't there. That means we have enough time to get back to the hotel, get our dresses on and get to the party."

"Octavia Melody Symphony, this is why I love you,"


The two of them got back to the hotel and started getting dressed when there was a knock at the door. Octavia answered, it was Bazantar.

"Dad, what brings you here?"

"I work here and I saw you come in, figured you and Vinyl would need a mode of transportation to get to the party, so I took the liberty of getting a carriage for the two of you."

"Thanks dad, Vinyl and I were getting dressed. I'm all set but Vinyl is still getting ready."

"Let me get a good look at you," Bazantar said, "Octavia, you look great and you even got that pink bow tie to complete it. You remind me of your mother, before she became a stick-in-the-mud."


"She wasn't always strict, she used to be a care free pony who would get into trouble,"

"What happened?"

"You see her mom, your grandmother, Magic Flute, was hard on her, when she passed she told your mother to not let her children stray from being good. Your mother was pregnant with you at the time, and when you were born is when she changed. Sonnet didn't have it as hard as you did, but she was still hard on her as well. But I believe the pony I married is still in there and you are the one who can bring her out."

"You think so?"

"I know so,"

"I'm ready," said Vinyl, stepping into the room, "Oh hello Bazantar, I didn't know you came in."

"Didn't you hear us?" Octavia asked dumbfounded.

"Sorry no, the door was closed, this place has sound proof walls for some reason,"

"It's for those who like to fool around, Octavia could you go head out to the carriage, I have something to tell Vinyl"

"Ok dad,"

Bazantar chuckled as he approached Vinyl. "Vinyl Scratch..."

"Yes sir,"

"... I've only known you for a short while, but when it comes to Octavia you have shown a lot care for her from what I've seen. And from that I can trust you, because if there is any pony for my Octavia, that pony is you. You have my blessing."

Vinyl smiled, "Thank you Mr. Symphony."

"Let me take you to the carriage your mare is waiting for you." He guided her to the carriage where Octavia was waiting. "I'll meet you there I have one thing I must do here first,"

"Sure thing dad,"

"Ready Octy?"

"Ready Vinyl," she then told the carriage puller to start moving. Octavia's time was almost here, for in the next few hours she had to be ready for the events that were yet to come.