Just Play It Cool

by tomColt15

First published

Rarity wants to learn how to be cool from Rainbow Dash

Elegance, beauty, grace. To Rarity this is the list of qualities that a mare must have in order to attract a fine stallion. Awesomeness, coolness, radicalness. To Rainbow Dash, twentie first century colts fall head over hooves for mares with these qualities. So when a little bet is put in place to decide who's right, the results leave a certain somepony stumbled.
Now Rarity is back in school, well Dash's school of awesome that is and she will do anything to learn.

A/N; Been working on this fanfic for a while (second one ever) just needed to spruce it up first. I'm trying to add as much comedy because I'm funny in real life (just believe me >.>) but when I write I'm really serious so... yeah. And well, I don't even, what... I have no idea what I'm doing in this fic >_<

Mall Bets

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The elements of harmony were all gathered at Twilight's library getting ready for their night out.

“Okay girls, we got everything we need?” Twilight asked as she finished checking 'money' off her check list. All the girls nodded in confirmation. “Good now lets-”

“Oh, please do hold on a second dear,” Rarity halted. “Let me just put on a few accessories. Who knows, maybe a few colts will be roaming around the mall,” she finished with a little giggle. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack rolled their eyes at the perfectionist as they made their way out the library and everypony else followed.

“So um, do you really think some colts will be at the mall. I mean what if they might have something else to do, or something.” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Darling, colts or not, a lady must always look her best,” Rarity replied. “However, if I do happen to catch a stallion's eye it will be worth it. Besides, with absolute beauty and grace, who could turn me down?” Now Twilight joined in with the two athletes in the rolling of their eyes.

“Silly Rarity, don't you know all the colts at the mall are weirdos that are trying to get Skyrim and Pokemon guides,” Pinkie said enthusiastically. All the others just stared at her confused by her remark.

“Who cares about colts anyway, I just want to get some new goggles and maybe something to help me fly faster,” Rainbow half changed the subject.

“Rainbow darling, have you ever even thought about settling down with a nice stallion? If you weren't always trying to look 'cool', as you say, we could brush your mane and colts will be all over you,” Rarity tried helping.

“Pfft, I don't need some colt to become a Wonderbolt. I've got other priorities that aren't related to stallions, and those need to be dealt with first.”

“Dash, I'm only trying to help. If you would just let me brush your mane I could-”

“I don't need you to brush my mane, it looks awesome already!”

“That is precisely what I am talking about, if you would just-”

“You know what, I bet I could get a colt before you could,” Rainbow said with a smug look on her face. Rarity was taken back by this statement.

“You? Fine, we shall see about that,” Rarity said accepting the challenge.

“Alright then, any rules to hold me back?” Rainbow double checked. Rarity tapped her hoof on her chin and stuck her bottom lip out a bit to think. She thought it wouldn't matter considering her confidence for herself to win. But then again this was Rainbow Dash they were talking about, the one who cheated at the Running of the Leaves.

“No forcing the colt and no making each other look bad.” Rarity finally said.

“Fine by me, you just can't stand next to me.”

“Why ever not?”

“I'll just make you look bad by comparison.” Rainbow teased. Rarity heated up and scrunched her face into an angry expression.

“Oh, why I ought to-”

“Well would you look at that, we're here,” Twilight interrupted the raging battle before it got out of hand.

“Well it seems like we certainly are,” Rarity said trying to stay calm. She then turned towards her rainbow maned friend. “We shall discuss the winnings later.”

“I guess so,” Rainbow agreed trying to stay collected.
~ ~ ~

“Ah sure hope Applebloom will like her new hat,” AppleJack said as the mane six exited a popular hat store.

“I'm sure she'll love it. The clerk hand picked it from one she said her foal loved,” Twilight reassured.

“And she got me this super duper fantastic party hat for Gummy!” Pinkie said bubbly as ever.

“Its obvious, the workers there know a thing or two about fashion considering she complimented my hat which will get a colt before some ponies here,” Rarity said while glancing at Rainbow Dash.

“I don't need some huge hat to get a colt's attention. I mean really Rarity, this is the twenty first century, colts like awesome things not big hats,” Rainbow teased.

“If 'awesome' means grace and beauty, then yes I agree.” Rainbow just rolled her eyes. They had finished buying everything they wanted and it was about time for them to head out.

“What do you say we get some lunch and put the fighting aside for a while,” Twilight suggested tired of her friends arguing over something so pointless and stupid.

“Fine, only for a while,” Dash agreed. The girls all walked around the mall for a little while looking for a place to eat. Soon enough, AppleJack spotted a sandwich place. As they walked up to the counter three stallions made their way to a table.

“Aha! Cute colts alert!” Rarity gasped as she spotted the three walking passed. “Now is our chance to see who really can get a colt.”

“Whatever, can we eat first though?” Rainbow said not caring for the stallions who just passed them.

“Is the brave Rainbow Dash afraid?” Rarity cooed.

“No, the brave Rainbow Dash is hungry.” Rainbow replied

“Fine, first we eat, then I upstage you.” Rarity huffed.

There wasn't a line or anything, so things went by at a fare speed. Fluttershy and Twilight got their sandwiches already and Pinkie was in the midst of getting hers. Unfortunately, since this was Pinkie, something went wrong. One of the workers was bringing the sandwich over right after it got out of the oven and the poor guy got burnt. The sandwich was suddenly sent flying through the air. There was no time for any pony to react, except for Rainbow Dash. She sped to the sandwich and dived for it right before it hit the floor. Everypony was staring at her and Dash just chuckled, remembering the time she had “saved” Soarin's pie.

“Dashie!” Pinkie called as she ran towards the sandwich-saving pegasus. “You got my sandwich! Thanks soooo much!”

Rainbow handed the warm sandwich to the bubbly pony. “Hey, it was no biggie really.” She said modestly while rubbing the back of her mane.

“No biggie? That was amazing!” a male voice came from behind. The girls all started to gather around Dash and the pale orange colt who had just complimented Rainbow. The other two colts also began walking towards the big scene. “I've never seen anyone fly that fast!”

“Heh, you thought that was fast? You should see me when I do a Rainboom!” Dash bragged.

“A Rainboom, eh? Where have I heard that before?” the orange stallion tapped his hoof on his chin for a moment until his eyes went wide through realization. “Wait a minute, you're that chick who one the best young fliers competition back in Cloudsdale! That is so cool.”

“I know right! It's not everyday you get to meet a pony like me. The name's Rainbow Dash by the way.”

“I'm Forest Fire. Hey, I got tickets to a movie and my friends didn't want to come, you wanna come instead?” The name suited him well. He was a pale orange colt who was pretty tall and had emerald green eyes. His hair was a mixture of green and red tips and his cutie mark was a blazing camp fire.

“Well, that depends on what movie it is.” Rainbow replied with a soft smile.

“How do you feel about horror movies?” Forest Fire asked with a smug look of his own.

“I feel like you've got yourself a date,” Rainbow responded just as cocky.

“Alright see you Friday.” Forest smiled and him and his buddies turned around and left. Rainbow waited until they left her sight before turning around and looking at Rarity. Rarity only stood staring at where the attractive colt once stood mouth agape. She couldn't believe it, Rainbow had just gotten a date from being cool. How could she lose to such a ruffian? She was so filthy and tumble. The colt didn't even glance at Rarity when she walked up. Jealousy filled the bleach white unicorn as Rainbow grinned at her.

“I think we have a clear winner,” Dash bragged while closing Rarity's open mouth gently with her hoof.

Lesson One

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“That is not fair Rainbow Dash. I didn't even get to make a move,” Rarity complained as the girls made their way back to Twilight's house.

“Oh it's pretty darn fair alright. I said I could get a colt cause I'm cool, and that's what happened. Besides, he didn't even look at you,” Dash mocked.

“Okay girls, lets not let something so pointless as some colt get between us,” Twlight tried reasoning.

“I don't know those colts were pretty hot and the leader asked Rainbow out,” Pinkie blurted, gaining her a scorching glance from Twilight.

“Ha! And I don't even care about the guy, I'm just trying to prove a point to Rarity,” Rainbow scoffed.

“And what might that point be,” Rarity said through her grinding teeth.

“That nopony cares for,” Rainbow paused to get into character. “elegance and grace.” she finished mocking Rarity. “You just gotta play it cool.”

“Play it cool? Darling, I don't think I quite understand exactly what you're saying,” Rarity admitted.

“Come by my house later this afternoon, I'll show you what I mean.” And with that the girls parted and waved goodbye. About two hours later Rarity showed up at Rainbow's house with a big fancy hat and a nice necklace. She had Twilight cast the cloud walking spell on her about an hour before she got there in a hot air balloon. Rarity rang Rainbow's door bell casually and waited before being greeted by the brash blue flier.

“Well, well, well, looks like you came after all,” Dash said while leaning on the side of her doorway.

“If you must know Dash, I simply came to try and understand the things you call 'cool' and how they attract stallions,” Rarity assured.

“Well, you came to the best to learn that,” Dash smirked. Rarity only rolled her eyes at her cocky friend. “Also, the whole thing about attracting colts is that everypony likes something awesome. So if you're awesome...” Dash stopped, letting Rarity complete the puzzle.

“That makes absolutely no sense,” Rarity complained.

“Fine. Look at it this way, you like uh, beautiful things right?”


“So if you saw a colt who was beautiful or gave you something beautiful or whatever, you'd like them,” Rainbow explained. “So its the same thing with cool stuff and cool ponies.”

“I see, so apparently this generation of colts are more attracted to 'radical' things now,” Rarity figured. Rainbow simply nodded. “In that case, I suppose I should learn from the best.” Rarity looked at Rainbow hoping to get assistance.

“Oh well I know a guy who can- Oh wait a minute! I mean, I suppose I can make time in my schedule to teach you the art of awesome,” Rainbow said as smug as ever. Rarity giggled and nodded.

“When shall we start Miss Dash?”
~ ~ ~

The sky was clear and blue. Perfect for awesome lessons with Rarity. Dash had her coach hat and sunglasses on as usual and was pacing back and forth in front of Rarity.

“Alright Rarity, first I have to know how much you know about coolness. So what do you think is cool?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, I absolutely adore-”

“WRONG! Ugh, looks like I have my work cut out for me,” Rainbow sighed.

“What ever did I do that was so wrong?” Rarity asked confused.

“'What ever did I do that was so wrong?'” Rainbow said with a stupid accent, immitating her unicorn friend. “That's whats wrong. You don't say all that, you cut your sentence down. Like saying 'sup instead of 'What is up?' Cut the sentence down, now try asking me that same question.”

“What... did I do?” Rarity said unconfined.

“Better, but cool people usually like that uh, word merging thingy.”


“Whatever, we use those. So you'd say 'What'd I do'. And another thing, saying 'Oh I absolutely adore' blah blah blah isn't cool. No stallion wants to hear all that. You just say I like this and that 'kay.” Rainbow nagged on and on about proper “cool” people speech. She told Rarity about cool things people say. Dash had talked so much about talking in an “awesome” way, Rarity had stopped listening. “Alright, that's all for now.”

“Huh, what?” Rarity scampered in surprise after snapping out of a day dream.

“You're dismissed,” Rainbow reminded.

“What ever do you mean?” Rarity said gaining an evil glare from Dash. “I mean, what's that 'sposed to mean?”

“Better,” Rainbow approved smiling. “And what I mean is that you can go now, that's all for today.”

“But you haven't told me anything but how to talk. I still don't even understand why a colt would go for such obscure behavior.”

“Look we'll meet again, uh, two days from now.”

“Why not tomorrow, I'm not busy or anything.”

“Cause tomorrow I have a date with a guy you couldn't get because you're not cool enough. But don't worry, I can help with that.” And with that, the two parted ways. Rarity was still somewhat confused by the methods of her friend, but from what she had seen they seemed effective enough. However, the unicorn refused to believe it was nothing more than a fluke. Sure, Dash is brave and cute and- Wait, what. 'Cute? Where did that come from? I guess I've been over thinking things.' Rarity thought to herself while heading home. Little did she know, she was only thinking what her heart spoke.

Dates and Picnics

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Zombies, sparkling vampires, mannuluswolves, and pretty bad actors with no emotions. This was the list of all the things Rainbow saw in the amazing “horror movie”. In fact, that wasn't even the worst part. Forrest Fire was pretty lame too. He'd use all the lamest moves, like yawning to wrap his hoof around Dash's shoulder and trying to make dumb jokes. Rainbow, being the straight forward one, kept the same bored and annoyed look on her face throughout the whole entire movie. However, Forrest Fire was totally oblivious to Dash's facial expressions. In fact, he thought he'd done a good job cooing her, so he asked her out on another date the next week. Rainbow thought about declining, but her competitive ego made her want to prove Rarity wrong and make her jealous. Even though Forrest Fire was a total stud, Dash soon remembered that not judging a book by its cover has a negative meaning as well.

When Rainbow got back to her house that night, she quickly flopped to her fluffy cloud bed. After letting out a bunch of heavy sighs, she sat up on her bed and stared out her window.

“Jeez, that was a total waste of a night,” Rainbow sighed to herself. “Why did I even agree on going out with that loser again?”Dash kept talking to herself. She looked out at the shining white moon, it reminded her of the shining white coat Rarity possessed. Was she hallucinating or did she just see Rarity's face appear on the moon? Shaking her head, that always snapped her out of day dreams. It sure did the trick this time around. She froze for a moment then began ranting again. “Not like he was all that interesting in the first place. What'd he say he does? Sell peanuts at baseball games? What a lamo. Rarity's way more interesting than that goof!” Wait a minute. Rarity? Couldn't she have thought of somepony else, like AppleJack or Pinkie Pie. They were pretty interesting, but pretty similar to her. Similarity was never all that interesting. Yeah, that's what made Rarity come to mind first, nothing more. “Besides, I'm only doing this to make Rarity jealous.” Dash paused. “Jealous? Wait, no! I mean, prove that I'm awesome cause ponies like ponies who are awesome!” She paused again. “Augh! Whatever I know what I mean!” And with that, Rainbow Dash lay down on her bed and fell asleep.

The next morning Rainbow went to Fluttershy's place since she promised to go on a picnic with her and Angel. While flying through the skies, she caught sight of Carrousel Boutique.

“Oof!” a yellow pony cried. Rainbow mimicked the blue maned pegasus. She was focused on the fashion store she was soaring above and hadn't noticed she'd just bumped into another pony. Probably just had my head in the clouds. She thought to herself briefly.

“Sorry Raindrops, didn't notice you there,” Dash apologized.

“Yeah, okay Dash,” Raindrops huffed.

Once Rainbow reached Fluttershy's house she saw a small white bunny tapping his small back paw on the ground. Angel bunny was always impatient and huffy. Fluttershy just came out of her cottage holding a picnic basket on her wing.

“Hey Fluttershy, sorry I'm late. Had a little accident on the way here,” Rainbow explained.

“Oh that's quite alright, we just got ready. Sorry Angels a bit impatient,” Fluttershy also apologized. “Well, why don't we get going.” Rainbow nodded in agreement. The walk to the hillside wasn't very long, especially considering they flew most of the time.

The picnic time was mostly Fluttershy pestering Angel the eat his vegetables. Until an awkward silence fell upon them.

“So, how was your date last night?” Fluttershy brought up. Rainbow almost gagged in place.

“Ugh, don't even remind me,” Rainbow gagged.

“I take it that it was pretty bad,” Fluttershy guessed. Dash nodded in confirmation.

“He was a totally dork, and pretty boring too. The movie was the only thing interesting. That's saying something since the movie was filled with sparkling vampires and stupid mannuluswolves.”

“I guess movies these days don't appeal to you considering mannuluswolves and vampires have lost their touch,” Fluttershy giggled.

“Next week we're watching the second part in the series. This time I'll have to remember a gag bag,” Rainbow sighed.

“But I thought you said he wasn't that great?”`

“Well he isn't. I just thought if I kept going with him, Rarity would think I'm cool.” Dash said, earning a look from Fluttershy and Angel. A pang of heat entered Dash's face after thinking about what she said. “Not like that! I'm just trying to prove that her whole elegance thing doesn't work all the time.” Fluttershy nodded in response.

“Well then, why don't we pack up for today. You have to give her lessons soon, correct?” Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash hummed “Mhmm” and nodded her head to confirm.

“But that doesn't start 'til,” Rainbow paused and looked at the clock that stood near Fluttershy's cottage and themselves. “Five minutes! Sorry Fluttershy, I have to go. Thanks for reminding me though!” And with that a rainbow streak followed by a blue blur was all that was left in Fluttershy's path.

Not too much longer, the pegasus that had been with Fluttershy arrived back at her own abode. Hardly a minute later, another pony was sighted not too far from Rainbow's home.

“Oh Rainbow Dash!” the unicorn called. Rainbow glanced at the well groomed mare. She couldn't help but let a wide goofy grin escape her lips. She'd enjoyed seeing her polar opposite of a friend, and it always brought joy to her when she would teach Rarity. The way she'd always mess up “cool talk” and say something fancy like. Sometimes, Rarity would even get in such a hissy to start speaking French. Rainbow laughed to herself as she remember only the first lesson on how to talk. For some reason, Rarity always had the ability to make Rainbow smile without even trying.


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Fluffs of clouds drifted by in the sky. The sun's rays were slowly leaving as it set and two mares accompanied the fields that soaked in the dimmed lights.

“Lesson number two!” Rainbow shouted out in the fields. She enjoyed being the boss, it meant screaming and power. Dash loved screaming and power. “If you're going to be cool, you can't only talk the part, you have to be able to look the part as well. I mean, no pony will talk to you if you don't even look the part,” Rainbow explained. Unlike Twilight Sparkle who would take out parchment and a quill, Rarity simply took mental notes. “Lucky for you, I've got all sorts of radical stuff that you can wear.” Rarity cinched. She knew that Rainbow Dash was the spitting image of “cool”, however, Rarity herself could hardly stand the fashion style.

Rainbow flew up into her cloud house and began digging through her closet for stuff. There was her scarf, but the season wasn't exactly great for that. Ah ha, her coach hat and some sun glasses! That could make any pony look radical. What else could she dig up for Rarity? Her black vest might do. Nevertheless, Rainbow took it all and flew back down to the unicorn mare waiting for her.

“Alright, I got a hat, sun glasses, and a vest,” Rainbow lay them all out in front of Rarity. “Try 'em on!” she ordered. Rarity did as she was told and put all the “cool” clothes on. Rainbow rubbed her hoof against her chin while examining Rarity, something was off. Rainbow usually wore her sunglasses over her eyes for style, but Rarity was a unicorn and that wouldn't work very well. She looked at the hat that sat upon Rarity's mane. Taking her hoof away from her chin, Dash brought it towards the hat and turn it a good ninety something degrees so that the bill rest behind her white ear. “Uh, try putting the sunglasses above your horn.” Rarity did so. Something was still off, but what was it.

“Is this good enough?” Rarity asked, getting impatient with Rainbow's examinations.

“Something is off, but I can't figure it out. Maybe its your eyes?” Rainbow said.

“Whatever is the matter with my eyes? Er, uh, What's up with my eyes?” Rainbow smiled at Rarity's attempt to speak modern. She had to admit, Rarity was getting better at the whole new speech thing.

“I can see too much of your eyes,” Rainbow said bluntly. Rarity rose a brow at Dash. “You know how my bangs kind of cover a little of my eye?” Rarity nodded, still a bit confused. “Try wearing your mane kind of like you did on the train, or just push them over a bit.”


“Oh forget it. I guess its good enough for now. In the future though try different mane styles that emphasize your bangs.”

“Wait, so you want me to change my whole fashion sense?” Rarity asked alarmed. Rainbow pondered for a while, she wasn't quite sure how to answer to Rarity's question. It was true that Rarity was already extraordinarily beautiful, but she looked really cute when she tried being cool.

“Uh, sure if you wanna get a colt that isn't over the age of forty,” Rainbow replied nonchalantly. Rarity rolled her eyes at the rainbow manes pegasus. Even though she'd gotten used to her joking around, there were sometimes when Rarity knew that Dash just didn't ever think about what she was saying. “So uh, yeah. If you want we can test it out on some pony around town that doesn't know you all too much,” Rainbow suggested. Rarity pondered at this thought. It would be pretty hard for her to find a colt around town that she hadn't flirted with already. Though she never truly loved any of them, she was what you'd call a “persuasive” pony that wouldn't take no for an answer. Whether it was to mooch of of less attractive ponies or just looking for some pony to take to the party, Rarity was a flirt.

“Um, I'm not so sure about that. A lot of colts know me around town so this new approach might not work,” Rarity finally replied.

“Alright then, I guess we'll have to test it on a mare.” Rarity's mouth had fallen agape at this. She'd never flirted with any mare nor knew one that she could test on. “So know any pony you'd like to test out?”

“Well, I can't say that I do. I didn't know any mares in town were even.... like that,” Rarity lied. She was well aware of the ratio of mare to stallion in Equestria. That unbalanced ratio contributed to the immense amount of bisexual and homosexual mares and even some stallions. In fact, just a while ago, Rarity had finally marked herself as a bisexual.

“Well, I'm pretty sure that mare Lyra and Bon Bon are pretty keen of each other. A bit too friendly though, don't want to mess up any relationships. Raindrops acts kinda queerish, so why don't we go visit her?” Rainbow interrupted Rairty's epiphany.

“Oh, uh, okay than. Sounds like a plan,” Rarity agreed. Rainbow nodded and looked towards the sun. Celestia had already began letting it fall, it'd been mid-afternoon by the time Rarity had arrived. Dash decided it'd be best to test the next morning instead.

“Alright, let's do that tomorrow 'kay. It's getting kind of late,” Rainbow said. As the two began trotting their separate paths, Dash halted them again. “Oh and remember,” she said catching Rarity off guard. “Just play it cool.”


Once Rarity got back to her abode, she replayed her lesson in her head. Act the part, look that part, just play it cool. Rainbow Dash was fun teacher, and she seemed like she was pretty good in the subject she was teaching as well. Rarity didn't usually let herself admit when another mare was cute, but Rainbow Dash seemed to be an exception. She used to have a small crush on her dear friend Fluttershy, but she soon learned that they were too much like sisters for anything to truly spark. They're similarity was something that pushed them apart and sometimes made their conversations dull. Controversy and argument over things were interesting, however, just agreeing on one thing and dropping it is bland. Rarity and Rainbow would argue about everything, and it was always quite entertaining. Maybe, she'd test out her knowledge on a certain prismatic pegasus.

A/N; Sorry for the long wait. Not much for me to say... so thanks for reading.


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The golden rays of Celestia's sun hit Rainbow Dash's face as it came in through her puffy cloud windows. As she cracked her eyes open she let out an exaggerated yawn. As usual, a quick shower and breakfast were the only things she needed to get moving in the morning. Dash glanced at her clock and let out another yawn after noticing how early she had gotten up (well at least early for her). Since she knew Raindrops had morning sky duties. she decided to do her work quickly and catch Raindrops in action.

Kick, move, kick, move. The pattern continued as Rainbow lazily did her job. She was beginning to get bored since she had yet to spot Raindrops and it was already noon. Once her tasks were completed, Dash decided to get a good fly through the air and relax a bit. While drifting through the wind, however, she'd remembered that the blue maned friend she'd been looking for had the day off. Her hoof slammed into her face for punishment as she groaned – now it'd be harder for her to find Raindrops.

Rarity rolled around lazily in her bed. She hadn't known how the day would go about, but she did know she had to go flirt with some other mare. It wasn't that she disliked having to flirt with another mare, it was just who it was. Rarity didn't really know many pegasi outside of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, so she wasn't exactly sure on who this Raindrops pony was. For all she knew, it could be some hideous hobo pony.

Rarity swung her hooves off her silky unmade bed and let them dangle for a while before finally touching the ground. She looked to her bed and shrugged, she could always fix it later. Breakfast, being the most important meal of the day, usually took Rarity approximately on hour to make due to her being a perfectionist. This one day in particular was an exception. This time all Rarity decided to have was a nice bowl of cereal and a small epiphany. Through the days she had been taking lessons with Rainbow Dash, she'd learned quite a bit. However, she was still unsure of whether or not the lessons Rainbow gave were from experience or just what turned her on. When she saw Dash flirt with others, it was obvious she was taking in the whole looks and attitude thing, but there was still more to it than Rarity herself knew.

After trotting through the town square, Rainbow decided she'd just get Raindrops whenever she'd show up. She told Rarity she'd meet her at her place around noon, but since she was Rainbow Dash after all, she was expected to come fashionably late. However, it seemed liked the pace she was going would get her more than just fashionably late. Rainbow didn't like it, she hated being slow.

Walking into Sugarcube Corner usually brought Rainbow bad luck due to the fact that a certain hyper active pink pony worked there. This time, things were finally going in Dash's direction though. As she trotted towards the counter to order a pastry, a certain butter yellow pegasus greeted her, and no its not Fluttershy.

"Rainbow Dash!" called the blue maned pony known as Raindrops. A small smile grew on Dash's face as she turned towards the caller.

"Oh hey Raindrops, I was just looking for you," Rainbow replied.

"Well Sugarcube Corner is a great place to look on my days off," the other mare joked.

"Heh, cool. Anyway, I have a friend that I wanted to introduce you to. I don't think you know her yet."

"Her? Well, I guess I may as well have a bit of time on my hoof," Raindrops smirked. Dash rolled her eyes in response. She knew how her friend could get in situations like this.

"Yeah, whatever. How about we grab lunch all together at Four Seasons down the street," Rainbow suggested. Raindrops pondered for a bit. Three mares, all having lunch together.

"Sounds great!" Raindrops happily agreed.


Two ponies sat at a table outside under an umbrella, chortling amongst themselves. They've been there for all of ten minutes alone, and they were already getting to know each other pretty well. Or at least, the turquoise maned pegasus assumed she knew the acting unicorn.

"She didn't really say that did she?" Raindrops giggled to Rarity's somewhat funny story.

"Don't worry dear, I jest," Rarity replied absent minded. All of a sudden a buzz made its way into Rarity's ear and Dash's voice followed.

"No, don't say 'jest' and 'worry' you pricy pony! Kidding, joshing, fix it!" The raspy voice commanded quickly. Rarity mentally nodded.

"Oh, uh, I'm joshing you. She used much, uh, lamer words than that," Rarity corrected herself. Just before she and Dash made their way to the restaurant, they decided it would be best for them to be able to communicate just in case they were figured out. So they both had an ear piece and mini microphone with them for communicating.

"Hah, well said," Raindrops answered unfazed.

"Doing good. You pass if she makes the next move," Rainbow buzzed.

"Wait, what do you mean the nex-" Rarity whispered into her mic but was cut off by the same thing Rainbow had mentioned.

"Hey, Rarity," the yellow pegasus interrupted. Rarity looked up at the one calling her. "We should do this again sometime, 'kay!"

"Oh, uh, I guess we co-"

"Great!" And with that, Raindrops made her plain exit. Rarity watched the pegasus trot away before rushing towards a bush that had no natural business in the area. Once she got to the awkward bush, Rarity's magic began to envelope a cyan ear. As she angrily yanked the ear, a pained Rainbow Dash was revealed from the bush.

"Rainbow Dash! Did you anticipate for this to happen?" Rarity spoke as she weakly punched Dash's shoulder.

"What? I thought you wanted to learn how to pick pony's up?" Dash tried to defend herself. "Besides, you passed! I'd give you a B+ since you messed up your vocab here and there."

"While it is true I inquired how to attract other ponies, I didn't want to have Raindrops as my lover," Rarity explained. It was weird enough that Rainbow Dash, the most tomcoltish pony around, was giving her lessons in romance.

"Well why did you accept the second date? I only said she had to make the next move, not that you had to go steady with the mare," Rainbow crossed her arms. Out of usable responses, Rarity also crossed her arms and gave an annoyed huff. "Look, at least you know the basics now. Just tell Raindrops that something came up and you have to cancel your date, then we go to the mall."

"Rainbow Dash, suggesting to go to the mall? Might I have the liberty of asking who you are again?" Rarity joked. Rainbow couldn't help to let a cheeky smile appear on her face at this comment.

"Whatever. All I meant is that we can go to the mall and go stallion hunting... or whatever," Rainbow cleared up. "I'll be your wingmare or whatever you call. So that when, or if, you screw up I'll have your back!" Rarity pondered this, or at least pretended to ponder. She would love to go to the mall with Dash anytime, especially since seeing someone like Rainbow Dash in a mall was usually a pretty rare occasion.

"Fine, we'll do it your way," Rarity huffed after pretend thinking.

"Awesome!" Dash exclaimed. "We'll meet up Saturday morning, 'kay? Okay then, later!"

Rarity stared blankly as she was left by yet another pegasus. Rainbow Dash was always so vague when not describing herself. What time in the morning, meet where in the mall? Either way, it was always nice to spend time with Dash and Rarity couldn't wait for their trip to the mall.