A Aliena Orbis

by Gidget_TheGear

First published

Tec, a brony, finds himself in Equestia and must now live in Equestia. He finds out more about himself in the process and learns that things may not always be exactly as they seem.

Tec, a brony, and his dog are transported to Equestria in his sleep. He does his best to live amongst the ponies while trying to decide what of his knowledge is useful and what is irrelevant. The princesses keep an eye on him while he slowly tries to earn their trust and the friendship of the Elements of Harmony. What journeys await them? Let's just go and see.

(Sorry that the description sucks. I'm not too good at making short descriptions without giving away too much story.)
(Mature Content in future chapters)
--Extra Character Tags--
Queen Chrysalis, Gilda, Sunset Shimmer, Changelings

Into the rabbit hole(Edited)

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… Tec's strange dream faded as he felt himself edging towards wakefulness. “… light I think it is just asleep,” a young male voice stated quietly. Who the hell is in my room and how did they get in my house? Tec thought. Being a cautious person he kept his eyes closed.

“Regardless, we need to report this to the princess. Spike, write up a letter and send it to her. I will subdue him if he wakes.” A female voice said in a whisper. It was at this point that he noticed that he seemed to be on a floor his blanket was still over him for the most part and his dog was completely hidden underneath it. Princess…? Spike…? Why do those seem familiar and why am I on the floor? he thought now that his mind was fully awake.

“No problem Twilight.” The one who was called Spike stated in his hushed voice as he began to creep away. Wait… What did he…

“TWILIGHT?!” Tec exclaimed loudly as he shot up off of the floor and caused his dog to panic and bark excessively from under the blanket. His dog tried to run off and ended up taking the blanket with him. He saw a lavender colored streak and then something hit him and he was out once again.

… Once again he began to wake. “What in the name of Celestia is it?” He heard a slightly accented female voice state in confusion. He noticed that he was no longer touching the ground but could not feel what was holding him up. Did she just say Celestia? He thought as he started to come to.

“Well, it sher ain’t no pony.” A country girl voiced. Wait…. Pony… His thoughts continued.

“I haven’t seen something like this before. Though, he seems somewhat similar to something.” A very quiet voice muttered.

“Fluttershy, how do you know that it is a he?” A slightly boyish female voice asked. That confirms it… He thought.

“Because she knows animals very, very well and can usually tell these things Rainbow Dash. I thought you would know that by now. To answer your questions I am a human.” He stated without opening his eyes. His excitement built as a smile crept its way across his face. A stunned silence filled the room as he tried to move and found himself entirely immobile. “Twilight, would you mind releasing me? I kind of have to use the restroom.” He said as he opened his eyes. Well… we were wrong about at least one thing… they aren’t full ponies… He thought as he took in the girls around him. Twilight had lavender fur, purple eyes, and a purple and pink striped, indigo mane and tail, he guessed she was around 5’3”, and was wearing a shortish, purple skirt and a light blue button up top, her wings folded up behind her. A look at her horn showed a soft purple glow. Her mouth was wide open in confusion and shock. Pinkie Pie’s fur was a light pink and was wearing a short pink sleeveless dress with balloons on the skirt of it a balloon beret in her poofy, pink mane. Her blue eyes looked at him with a strange knowing and she had a ridiculously wide smile. Rarity’s fur was white and her curled mane and tail were a very dark purple. She wore a simple white shirt and a blue skirt she had a pair of red rimmed glasses on which told him that she had been working. She too had an aghast look. Rainbow Dash’s fur was light blue and her mane and tail seemed to exemplify her name. Her eyes were a very dark pink that was almost purple and her wings were folded up against her back. She was wearing tight fitting black shorts and a white tee shirt a pair of goggles hung around her neck. Applejack had orange fur and a blond mane and tale that were both pulled up into pony tails, he giggled internally about that. Her eyes were an emerald green that made him stop and stare for a bit. She wore her brown Stetson, a long sleeved, green, button up shirt and a pair of jeans with a belt with an apple as the buckle. Fluttershy had soft yellow fur and a pink, wavy mane and tail. Her eyes were a gorgeous aquamarine. Her wings were also pulled in against her back. She wore a white turtle neck shirt and a black pair of pants. “Yes, I know who you all are. Yes, I can talk. No, I can’t tell you why I know. I need to talk to Celestia and see if she thinks it would be wise to tell anyone why I know. Now please I really have to go to the bathroom.” He continued as his bladder clenched with effort. He moved slowly in the air towards a door as Twilight and her friends began to come out of their shock. Then a pair of snickers came from Applejack and Rainbow Dash. At first, he was confused as to why they would laugh until he felt it… “Well… that is why I said I had to go… I could explain why… but… I am not going to.” He said as he continued slowly forward. “Well, at least you know for sure that I am definitely male. Now please hurry, I really have to go.” He was pushed into the room and the door shut behind me a purple glow illuminating it as he regained control. Well then, I never thought something like this would happen to me… He thought as he finished up and went to the door. He breathed deeply and noticed that the air was really sweet for some reason. He heard whispering on the other side of the door. “I’m done.” He said loudly. The door opened and he found myself surrounded by a bubble of lavender magic sectioning him off from the girls. Shrugging, he sat down against a wall and closed his eyes and took another deep breath. “So, when do you think Celestia will be here to check up on me?” He asked without opening his eyes.

“Right now.” A new voice stated. His smile deepened.

“I said Celestia, not Luna. Good test though.” He opened his eyes and stood up, stretching a bit. Both Celestia and Luna were standing in front of the shield with curious looks adorning their faces. “Though, both of you should probably step into the shield and put up some kind of silencing spell, one that doesn’t allow for any sound to leave so that no information is given prematurely before you both decide if they should know.” He cracked his neck and beckoned them in. More silence followed.

“I have a question before hand. How do you know that you are blocked in by magic?” Twilight asked confusion apparent on her face.

“Can you not see the… well, I guess not. I can see your magic in front of me in the form of a barrier. I know that it is yours because of its color. Yours is somewhere between lavender and pink. Rarity’s is light blue. Celestia’s is a very bright yellow and Luna’s is a midnight blue. Does that answer your question well enough?” His face changed to an earnest one showing that he was in no way mocking her.

“… Yes… I guess…” Twilight shook her head a bit more confused than before. Celestia and Luna teleported into the portal and looked at him, if they were surprised at all, they showed none to me. Luna’s horn lit up a bit and a layer of her midnight blue intermingled with Twilight’s light lavender.

“We know that you stated that you were called a human but, what exactly is that?” Celestia was looking at me trying to understand.

“Humans are a type of bipedal, societal creature surviving solely because of a large brain. That brain makes humans one of the most dangerous predators known. We are omnivorous and can survive solely on vegetable and fruit matter but, most prefer not to do so and we need still need a good deal of protein. Any further questions on that subject?” He asked still looking quite sincere.

“You state that your kind ‘survives solely because of a large brain’, yet you also state, ‘you are one of the most dangerous predators known’. How can this be if you have no natural weapons?” This time is was Luna who asked.

“It is correct to assume that humans have no natural weapons, however that means nothing if we use our intellect to create tools. These tools and prehistoric human’s natural aggression slowly dwindled humanities natural predators down to nothing. Also, just so it is known humanities natural aggression is still present we just temper it with understanding.” He sat back down at this point as he was still a bit bogged down by being hit with whatever Twilight had hit him with. His guess was magic but he wasn’t quite sure. He looked up at the two princesses before him. Celestia’s fur was pristine white and she wore a gown of the same brilliant white that came down to the floor. Honestly the only break from white on her was the adornment of gold that dotted her gown, the purple of her eyes and her multi-hued mane and tail that were flapping in a non-existent wind. Luna’s fur was indigo, her eyes were a grey-blue and she wore a black dress with silver adornments. Her starry night sky mane and tail were flowing in a non-existent wind blowing in the opposite direction of her sister. If I have to guess Celestia is about 6’2” and Luna is about 5’10”, as it is they dwarf my 5’6”. Tec thought.

“Your kind killed off entire races?” Luna stated in horrified confusion.

“Unfortunately I cannot deny that. However that is not what I meant when I said that. What I was speaking of was that most of the predators that thought of us as easy game soon learned we were not and taught there young and it became known that humans were too much trouble and not worth the effort and loss. Thus, humanity flourished. Mind you humanity thinks itself to be the only sapient race on our planet as well. Also, we evolved to taste bad to almost all creatures.” He answered still looking at both of the princesses. Celestia decided to enter the conversation at this point.

“You say that humanity thinks itself to be the only sapient race on your planet but, you do not see things that way do you?” A smile crept its way across his face once more.

“You would be correct in that assumption, just because something does not behave or speak the way you believe a sapient creature should does not mean that it is not a sapient creature. This behavior is pure arrogance in my belief.” He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. “However this is not the information I don’t know whether it would be wise to share.” He finished.

“Then what is it?” Celestia said, her voice full of patience.

“Put a lie detector spell on first, if you have one, and I will tell you.” He stated not bothering to open his eyes. His eyelids lit up for a second as brilliant light hit them. “Ok, let me preface this by stating that humans are pretty advanced when it comes to technology. We have also gotten to the point where a good portion of our day can be devoted purely to entertainment. Don’t get me wrong we still have to work and do a bunch of things and some have more free time than others.” He opened his eyes. “Humans have something called a television in which we can watch movies, shows, cartoons or other things, all of which are supposedly created within different humans' imaginations. I have a theory that anything that appears in one’s imagination is nothing but a glimpse into another world, though it gets horribly warped it seems. I know of you, your sister, the elements of Harmony, Discord and many other things purely from a cartoon from my world. Now, that does not mean that my knowledge of things is perfect or anything of that nature. Hell, in the cartoon that I watched you and all of the other denizens of this world were quadrupeds that had no need for clothing. I have no clue whether or not the information I got from the cartoon is relevant past certain names, voices and positions. I will have to see what is relevant from the show and what is not. Also, my being in this world does not prove my theory to be correct. It is only evidence.” He continued his long speech; her spell did not react even once.

“If not for my spell I would find that hard to believe.” Celestia said her eyes holding confusion. “Now I have another question for you. Would you harm any of our subjects?” She continued.

“That question is a bit harder to answer. No, I would not go out of my way to harm one of your subjects unless I was trying to defend myself or my friends. However, I also can’t make any promises because I am very protective and can become very vindictive. It also depends on what you mean by harm. Even when I become vindictive I wouldn’t physically hurt anyone, but there are far worse things than pain.” He said, his face contorted into a slight grimace. Once again her spell stayed dormant. “Also, I wish to become friends with Twilight and her friends. I actually kind of idolize what was presented in the show and would like to see how much of it is true. I am actually really excited as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, what the cartoon I was speaking about is named, was one of my favorite shows. Finally, if you decide that I am too much of a danger to risk please tell Fluttershy the reason I look familiar is that I am in the same biological grouping as chimpanzees, gorillas and other apes. Before you ask I have no clue how my dog and myself got here.” He finished after the grimace disappeared. Celestia looked at her sister and both of them seemed to zone out for a second. After which they looked back at him.

“We have decided that you may remain free but, under watch until you prove yourself, one way or another. However, we have yet to decide whether or not you may tell anypony of your theory or of the reason for your knowledge. Now, one final question before we depart. What is your name?” Celestia had a thoughtful look on her face as she asked this.

He smiled and took a breath. “You may call me Tec.”

“Very well Tec.” Celestia said as she looked to Luna and Luna took her spell down. She then looked to Twilight and nodded her head. Twilight’s spell disappeared and the girls looked at him apprehensively. “Twilight, this is Tec. He is not currently allowed to tell you how he knew anyponies names. However my sister and I do not think that he is an immediate danger to anypony and he has expressed the wish to try and become friends with you and your friends. I must ask would anypony be willing to house him for the time being?” She continued looking upon the girls in front of them. Pinkie Pie got a large smile on her face and her head began to fill up like a balloon before Fluttershy stated in a small voice.

“I… um… wouldn’t mind housing him… um… for now… that is if you don’t mind.” He smiled at Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

“Thank you Fluttershy it would be an honor to accept your hospitality.” He said as he walked up to her and kissed her hand. He looked up to see her blushing up a storm. “Pinkie Pie I am very sorry but, I think you and I would get into too much trouble, though, I am hoping for a Pinkie Party sometime in the near future. Now, I have a question for you Fluttershy. Did my dog, Anubis, give you any trouble at all? He is kind of skittish of new people and animals but, he truly is a good dog.” He finished as Pinkie Pie’s head deflated.

“My, my what a gentlecolt.” Rarity said with a vibrant smile on her face. Fluttershy’s blush began to fade as she answered.

“He was… um… he was… just fine… He really was… truly adorable…” She backed away slightly.

“Thank you very much for making sure that Nubi was ok, I love him and would be sad if anything happened to him.” He said with a very thankful smile. He turned to Twilight and saw Celestia and Luna pop out of the room. “Twilight, I wish to have many conversations with you about different theories and other things. It will truly be nice to have someone to speak to about things of a more academic nature.” Twilight began beaming. He turned towards Rarity. “I have a couple of things I would like to commission from you if you wouldn’t mind. I can pay you in labor if need be. I also have a couple of things I would like to talk to you about later, I may not be any kind of expert but I do enjoy looking at and trying to design things of beauty.” Rarity’s smile only grew. He turned towards Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Rainbow Dash I would absolutely love to talk to you about some possible stunts you may be able to pull off.” Rainbow Dash kind of rolled her eyes. “Applejack I… kind of need your help with something if you don’t mind. Do you mind stepping out for a bit so we can talk about this in a more private environment?”

“Well, the princesses said you weren’t all that dangerous and ya sher don’t seem like yer bad or nothin’, so naw I don’t mind one bit.” Applejack said. He walked out of the door with Applejack and followed her towards Sweet Apple Acres. After about 10 minutes of walking in silence and a whole lot of shocked staring, they finally made it to her home. “Hey Big Mac, this here is Tec. We’re gonna go and talk in the barn and he says it’s a bit private so make sher everypony knows not to come in ok.” She shouted to a large red stallion who was wearing nothing but jeans showing his toned abs as he worked in the field.

“Eeyup.” He shouted back without looking. Once they were in the barn, Applejack asked.

“So, what is that ya need help with?” She drawled out.

“In my world I picked up the habit of lying about things. Now, I have fixed a lot of that with age and experience but, I still lie about small things here and there. You are the element of Honesty and I believe you are probably the best one to help me break this habit. Would you mind helping me with this?” He asked slightly sheepishly.

“Well now, that wasn’t what I was expecting at all.” Applejack said as she got a thoughtful look on her face. “Sher I don’t mind helping you. Mind you if you hurt Fluttershy or any of the other girls I will not hesitate to put a hurtin’ on you.” She continued. He smiled and went to hug her but stopped himself an unsure look on his face as he said.

“Thank you so much.” Applejack smiled and pulled him into a hug.

“Yer real friendly you know that?” She stated.

“I try to be nice and give others respect. Though if someone loses my respect it is really hard to get it back.” He said as they pulled away. “Now I have to go check on my dog and talk to Fluttershy about my living arrangements. Talk to you later. Also, if you need any help with anything just ask, I will do what I can.” He started to walk away then stopped. He turned towards Applejack and asked, “Would you mind telling me how to get to Fluttershy’s house please?” He blushed with an embarrassed grin.

“I’ll do ya one better, I’ll take ya there maself.” She said as she walked out of the barn with him in tow. After another 15 minutes of walking and even more stares they got to Fluttershy’s house. Fluttershy was out amongst her animals talking to them and comforting Anubis. He whistled and pat his legs and Anubis shot out towards him jumping up on his legs and licking his face once he bent down.

“Oh, yes that’s my Nubi isn’t it. Yes, yes I love this boy.” He said as he got the smallish dog off of his legs and got Nubi to follow him. “Thank you once again Fluttershy for this. If you need help with anything please don’t hesitate to ask. I love animals and, while I am by no means an expert, I will definitely help whenever I can.” He said to Fluttershy. Then he turned towards Applejack. “And thank you for showing me the way.” He said to her waving good bye as she headed towards Sweet Apple Acres. “So, you offered for me to stay here quite quickly, even though it is quite obvious you are very shy. Have you had someone in your home before?” He asked Fluttershy as he came up to her. This will either be evidence for or against let’s see which. He thought as he looked at her.

“Well… um… yes… I helped one of my friends before… he was um… really lonely and I didn’t want to see you like that… and you seem really nice…” Fluttershy stammered out slowly.

“Well…” He actually began to think at that point. Oh shit, I just realized… I can’t see my family… Holy fuck… His face immediately became crestfallen as he fell to his knees and tears began to fall unbidden from his eyes his previous excitement completely gone. Fluttershy panicked a bit and rushed over to him pulling me into a hug with her head sitting on his.

“Shh, it’s going to be fine. Shh, I’m here for you.” She whispered to him as tears continued to fall, his face pressed into her chest. If I wasn’t depressed this would be amazing. He thought as he wrapped his arms around her and just cried.

A day with the girls(Edited)

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Three days passed as he wallowed in depression. Hell, the only reason he could sleep at night is because Fluttershy sang him to sleep each night. He hardly went into town and when he did he avoided everyone. He was so depressed that it actually seemed as if the colors of Equestria had dulled. He hadn’t seen any of the girls save Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and when he saw her he quickly turned the other direction. Finally, as he sat in the bathroom, he decided to look at him in the full length mirror Rarity had given Fluttershy. His long brown hair looked absolutely disgusting and greasy as he had not actually showered in days. Yet it also seemed… flat and dull… as this had never happened before he was a little curious… but, he was far too depressed to actually care. His plain black shirt was wrinkled and coated in various animals’ fur and seemed almost like a dark grey. His white pants seemed stained by the dirt. His white shoes were coated in grime. Fuck, don’t even mention his smell, the only reason Fluttershy hadn’t said anything was because she was too nice to tell him that he smelled like the underside of a camels balls. He took a deep breath and called out. “Fluttershy are you home?”

“Yes. What… um… what do you need?” Her quite response came from behind the door.

“Well, I am going to take a shower and these are the only clothes that I have… do you know where I can have them washed?” He asked a bit ashamed.

“Yes. I can take them to Rarity… I mean… if that’s ok.” She stated.

“Yes that should be fine. Thank you.” He said his depression still evident in his voice. He quickly undressed and set the clothes outside of the door from behind the door. Fluttershy eeped from the other side of the door. “Sorry, are you ok.”

“Um… yes… I am just fine. I just wasn’t expecting shoes as well.” Her quiet reply came.

“Shit, sorry those must have gotten stuck in the pant legs. I didn’t mean to put those out there. If it’s ok can you set them by the front door so that I can wash them later?” He asked, his voice sounding dull.

“I can take those over to Rarity as well… if that is ok with you of course.” She stated meekly.

“I guess that’s fine…” He replied in a way that can only be described as being well grey.

“Ok.” Was all she said before walking away. He took his shower but, didn’t get out when he was done. He just stood there underneath the shower head until the hot water went cold and it forced him to get out. He looked out to see if Fluttershy had returned. Not seeing her anywhere he wrapped a towel around his waist and looked at the mirror once more. He no longer looked gross but, he still seemed to look lackluster. Even his eyes looked duller than usual. Still too depressed to really think this over he headed to the room that had been converted to guest room for him and sat down on the edge of the bed. He put his face in his hands and began to silently cry. Before long he felt a really soft furry hand rubbing his back. He jumped a little at the touch and looked up to see who it was and, much to his confusion, it was Pinkie Pie. He laughed sadly and said, “so you really can get anywhere at any time for any reason, I didn’t even hear any of the doors open. Is your Pinkie Sense real as well?”

“Yep, it sure is.” She said her eyes looking at him with a knowing he never thought was possible.

“Do you know what is going on?” He asked never looking away from her brilliant blue eyes.

“I know enough.” Was all she said.

“I miss them so much…” He stated trying to hold back his tears.

“I know you do and I know that we can never replace them, however, know this, no matter what happens, they still love you and who knows maybe you can find a way to see them again one day.” She continued while giving him a hug. He turned towards her and put his arms around her and once again bawled his eyes out. They stayed like that for half an hour before he pulled himself together. He pulled away, took a deep breath and smiled. Instantly the colors around him seemed brighter and the world seemed more vibrant. Pinkie Pie smiled in an astonished manner.

“What?” He asked in confusion. Her smile grew and she had a bit of a twinkle in her eye.

“OHMYGODYOUCANDOITTOO!” She exclaimed almost too fast for him to understand.

“Do what exactly?” He asked even more confused. She pulled a mirror out of nowhere and pointed it at him so he could see himself. His hair seemed to be back to its normal dark brown wavy self, his eyes seemed to have more luster than they did moments before, and still he dismissed it. “I still have no clue what you mean.” He said looking at her puzzled. Her smile never left her face.

“You can do this.” Instantly her pink coat became darker, the white shirt she had been wearing seemed to turn a bit dingy, the blue jean skirt faded, her mane and tail went flat and became darker as well and her eyes lost any of the previous sparkle. After a few seconds her mane and tail re-inflated and she was back to her normal Pinkie self.

“Wait… I actually deflate when I get depressed?” He asked still a little confused.

“Yeppers. I haven’t met anypony who can do that as well.” She said curiosity obviously hinged on every word. His eye twitched a bit before he laughed and laughed and laughed. At some point Pinkie joined him in his laughter. After a while he noticed that Fluttershy was standing in the doorway his clothing, folded and cleaned, in one hand and his shoes in the other. She had a bright smile on her face. He slowly caught his breath, still slightly chuckling.

“Guess what we found out.” He managed, still chuckling.

“I don’t know what you found out but, I would imagine it was good from all that laughing.” Fluttershy stated with a happy tone in her voice.

“I don’t know if it’s good but, it struck me funny none-the-less. When I get depressed I ‘deflate’ like Pinkie Pie does. She got me to ‘re-inflate’ not too long ago. I wonder what else I can do that she can do.” He said through a wide smile. Fluttershy seemed to get confused for maybe half a second before she herself had to stifle a quiet chuckle.

“I don’t know how the girls are going to react to two Pinkie Pies.” Fluttershy said through her smile.

“Bubble Berry, not Pinkie Pie. That’s the male form.” He said without thinking. Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide. “Um… I mean… uh…” He stammered out. “Damn it!” He exclaimed softly. Pinkie Pie once again had that knowing smile on her face. “Pinkie Pie… I’m not supposed to say anything about that… mind helping me out?” He asked quietly enough that Fluttershy couldn’t hear.

“Hmm… what would I get out of it?” She whispered back.

“One favor. The only limit is that I can’t die.” He answered quietly.

“Silly, I wouldn’t get you killed. You promise?” She asked in her hushed tone.

“I promise.” He answered getting a bit anxious that Fluttershy would get suspicious of our conversation.

“You Pinkie promise?” She continued, a small lilt to her voice.

“Yes I Pinkie promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” He answered back in a hushed tone.
“Okie-dokie-Lokie.” She stated before looking at Fluttershy. “He and I started thinking up male names of all our friends after we figured out that he can do some of the stuff that I can.” She quickly continued then smiled a big smile and squeed.

“Oh… ok… um… could you tell me what you came up with for me?… I mean if you don’t mind… you don’t have to…” Fluttershy asked meekly.

“Butterscotch.” He answered with a smile, thankful that the possible crisis had been avoided. “Rarity is Elusive, Rainbow Dash is Rainbow Blitz, Twilight Sparkle is Dusk Shine and Applejack‘s Apple Brandy.” He continued.

“That is actually very nice.” Fluttershy quietly said with a smile back on her face.

“Now… um… not to be rude but, can I get dressed. I don’t think nice mares like yourselves would care to much for me trying to do that with you still in the room.” He stated with a bit of humor. Fluttershy’s face turned scarlet and left immediately… with his clothes…

“Okie-Dokie.” Pinkie said as she bounced out closing the door. He just stood there for a bit waiting for Fluttershy to realize she had taken his clothes. He rolled his eyes after three minutes passed. Finally, he heard a knock on the door.

“Um… I seemed to have taken… uh… your clothes with me when I left… um…” She said through the door. He smiled and shook his head trying not to laugh.

“I know.” He said as He made his way to the door and opened it. She handed him his clothes and shoes and hurriedly left shutting the door again. He quickly got dressed and put his shoes on, cracked his neck and headed out into the main living area of the cottage. Fluttershy was feeding Angel bunny a carrot and was turned away from me as he walked in, “Fluttershy,” he said trying to get her attention. She eeped in surprise before turning towards me, “I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me through my little depression and for taking me in. You truly exemplify your element as your kindness truly knows no bounds. Can I show a bit of his thanks by giving you a hug?” He continued. Fluttershy smiled and walked up to me.

“Of course you can.” She said before giving him one of the warmest hugs he had felt in a long time. He smiled and returned the hug. He realized then that Fluttershy was actually quite a bit shorter than him as his chin actually sat on her head. Probably around 5’ or 5’1”. he thought as they hugged. When they stopped hugging he took the time to actually look at her and saw that she was wearing a green sleeveless sundress that complimented her fur, mane and eyes very well.

“You look really good.” He complimented absentmindedly. When his eyes made it back to her face again she was once again blushing, the red of her cheeks actually making her even cuter. “I’m sorry if I make you uncomfortable at all.” He said through a grimace.

“N… no… n… not uncomfortable… ju… just… unexpected… I don’t usually get… a lot… of… um… compliments…” She stammered out quietly.

“I don’t particularly see why you wouldn’t. You are absolutely gorgeous.” He said with a confused look. Her blush deepened. “Sorry, let’s um… let’s go see Twilight to see if she has any news from the Princesses before I cause you to burn up.” He continued as he looked off to his left at nothing in particular.

“Yes… um… let’s” she said more quietly than normal. They headed out the door and had an uneventful walk to the library. I knocked on the door and waited. Soon enough the door was opened by the knee high purple dragon that was Spike, he actually didn’t have to wear clothes and was almost identical to the Spike pictured in the cartoon, save for looking realistic instead of cartoony. Still even if he looked realistic he still was completely adorable.

“Hey Spike, is Twilight here?” I asked.

“Yep.” He answered and said in a louder voice towards the inside of the tree building, “hey Twilight! Tec and Fluttershy are here!”

“Coming!” We heard from up the stairs as we walked in. Clopping soon followed as she walked down the stairs with a book floating next to her head to the left, books in her left and right hands and a book off to her right floating as well. She set the all of her books down on a table after bookmarking them. “It’s good to see that you are feeling better Tec.” Twilight said as she sat down in a chair and motioned for us to do the same. I did so and saw that Fluttershy had as well. Then I remembered what had happened not too long ago and began to chuckle again before breaking out into laughter again. “It’s good to see you laughing but, what’s so funny?” She quizzed. As I was unable to catch his breath I looked at Fluttershy and politely motioned for her to explain.

“Well, it seems that both Tec and Pinkie Pie share some of the same quirks.” Fluttershy replied in her quiet fashion.

“Ok, I still don’t see how that is funny.” Twilight stated in a confused fashion. Pinkie Pie popped out of an empty ink bottle and said.

“Tec deflates like I do when he gets sad and poofs up when he becomes happy again. It just isn’t as noticeable on him. We don’t know what else he can do that I can buuuuuut, we are going to find out.” Pinkie Pie smiled a Cheshire grin and bounced out of the house and closed the front door. Twilight looked confused for a moment, then looked at him, her alarm apparent and her eyes wide.

“Wait you mean there could be two Pinkie Pies!” She nearly shouted, coming up off of her seat slightly. I finally caught his breath before answering.

“Probably not entirely, I have a bit more inhibitions then Pinkie seems to have. Still, her and I will be experimenting later. I am curious if I can do some of the more unexplainable things Pinkie can do. Probably not, is my guess.” I took another deep breath and completely regained his composure before continuing. “However, that isn’t what I came here to speak to you about. Have you received anything from Celestia detailing whether I have permission to expose my knowledge or not?” I could see her struggling with the knowledge that I could possibly have Pinkie Powers but she seemed to have calmed down a bit after I told her that I probably don’t.

“Unfortunately, no. I have yet to receive any word on that.” Twilight seemed a bit down when she said that, “however, we will get to see the Princesses in less than a week’s time, that is if you don’t mind coming to my coronation.” She finished.

“That is something I wouldn’t miss for the world.” I answered with a huge smile on his face, oh yeah, I get to see her become a Princess, I thought happily. Twilight smiled happily as well. I took the time to notice what she was wearing. She had an indigo button up vest on with a white button up shirt on underneath and a black skirt on. “Damn why the hell are you girls so beautiful.” I said without thinking. Both Fluttershy and Twilight stammered a bit as matching scarlet blushes grew across their muzzles. “Damn it all, I did it again!” I said vehemently. Spike was laughing and rolling on the ground clearly enjoying their embarrassment. “Well, at least it’s true.” I continued under his breath. I stood up and finished with, “Well, before I fluster either of you anymore I need to go and talk to Rarity and thank her for washing my clothes and shoes. Fluttershy thank you for taking me here.” I turned to walk out before hearing Spike exclaim.

“Rarity! Can I come with?” I took a deep breath and turned around.

“Normally I would say ‘no problem’ but right now I have to talk to her about something of a more personal matter. Sorry Spike. Next time for sure.” I stated as sincerely as I could. I motioned him over to him. He came closer and I whispered, “don’t worry I won’t try to put any moves on her.” His purple scaled face shone bright red as he stiffly nodded, walked to the stairs and sat down. I smiled and waved to the girls and Spike and walked out quite pleased with himself. I headed off towards Carousel Boutique feeling almost happy enough to bounce like Pinkie. On his way over I noticed Applejack selling apples from her stall and decided to talk to her. “Hey Apple Jack, how’s the day treating you?” I asked with a huge smile.

“Pretty good so far.” Applejack said. “So, ya feelin’ any better, pardner?” She asked, her concern obvious.

“Quite a bit better, actually. Pinkie Pie found a way to cheer me up. Afterwards I spoke to Twilight to see if any word had come from Canterlot. Unfortunately none yet.” I explained with a wide grin. “So, how much have you earned so far?” I asked.

“Well, ah got 12 bits in the last hour. Ah had Big Mac over here minden’ the stall this mornin’ not sher how much he pulled in.” She answered.

“Hmm. Well, I don’t particularly know if that is good but, good luck with the rest of your day none-the-less. Talk to you in a bit. I need to go and talk to Rarity and thank her for her help. See ya.” I said as I walked off. The Carousel Boutique was not too far from the Twilight’s Library, you could see it from her front door, so the actual walk there didn’t take him too long. I opened the door and heard the bell above him ring. “Rarity are you here?” I asked slightly loudly.

“One second, darling, I’ll be right with you.” I heard her state from up the stairs. Well, the Carousel Boutique looks almost identical to what was in MLP. That’s four places on that list. I thought still smiling. Rarity soon came down the stairs wearing a lovely red gown with her red glasses set up upon her horn. “Oh, Tec, how are you? I heard from Fluttershy that you weren’t feeling all that great.” She continued once she saw him.

“Yeah… She kind of said something that made me remember that I wouldn’t be able to see my family or my old friends anytime soon. Pinkie found a way to make me smile.” He answered. “I’ll be fine now.” He continued. “Anyways, I actually came over here to thank you for what you did for me this morning. Thank you very much for making sure my clothing got clean. I, also, am going to need more clothing than what I have on. I will do what I can to pay for them, as I can’t actually pay money for them I will do odd jobs and run errands for you. I don’t really need much though. Please, will you help me with this?” He spouted out a worry apparent in his voice.

“Of course dearie and don’t worry too much about paying me back right now. I may have you do something for me later but, then again maybe not. It isn’t like your build is much different from a pony body. Though your shoes are much, much different.” Rarity stated as she went over to her work table. Ah, hell, why not I made half of the other Mane 6 I have met blush already, what’s one more. He thought.

“You know, you look utterly gorgeous and that dress really compliments you nicely.” He said to her, she was turned away from him and slightly bent over her work station giving him a pleasant view of her flank. Well, that is a nice view and I’m not even an ass person. He thought. Her flank wasn’t overtly big but at the same time wasn’t small and he guessed that it was pleasantly soft.

“Why thank you.” She said as she turned around and caught him in the act of staring at her flank. His eyes slowly traveled up to her face as a guilty grin formed on his face. She had her glasses down in atop her muzzle now but was looking over the top of them with a knowing smirk on her face. His face felt like it was in a furnace he was blushing so badly. Well, I guess karma works here too. He thought as he looked everywhere but at Rarity. “Darling, you really should watch where your eyes wander. A gentlecolt should have a more trained eye than that.” She stated. He saw a chance for redemption and took it.

“Ah, but Rarity my eyes are trained. They are trained to only partake in beauty, in all forms. Be it physical or internal.” His blush faded as he partook in a bit of chivalrous sounding smartassery. This time it was her turn to blush. She turned back towards her desk it seemed as if she was bent over a bit more but he couldn’t really tell.

“Well then, um… I think I will your clothing ready before Twilights coronation.” She managed to say, without turning towards him.

“Ah, speaking of that. I have been invited to her coronation and would very much like to attend. Would it be too much to ask if you have something I could borrow to wear? I wouldn’t want to look anything less than dashing for that and I know that you don’t settle for anything less than utterly fabulous.” He said to her, his eyes continued to wander towards her flank but, wouldn’t let himself stare as he quickly found something else to stare at just to find his eyes wandering once again.

She quickly turned around and looked at him, her face filled with utter glee. “I won’t have you borrow anything, I will just have to make something for you. Something that will be absolutely gorgeous. Something that will accent your natural beauty and show just how handsome you can be.” She stated; her eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement. He could almost see the amount of ideas running through her head. Soon he was in nothing but his black boxer briefs getting all of his measurements taken. When she started measuring down his thighs he closed his eyes and thought don’t get a boner repeatedly as he tried not to think of how hot the mare measuring him was. “You seem to have a lot less fur than I thought you would. I mean, after Fluttershy told me what you told her, I expected you to have quite a bit.” She said thoughtfully.

“Well, normally I am furrier than I am now. Not much more but still more. I shaved the day prior to me being transported here.” He said gracious to have something to think about other than the mare in front of him.

“Shaved?” She said quizzically.

“Yeah, I prefer to have very little or no body hair. Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you it isn’t fur, it’s hair. My kind lost almost all of our ability to grow fur once it was no longer a necessity.” He answered. Thankfully his measurements were taken without incident. Not so thankfully he let his guard down after he put his shirt on and his mind wandered. His manhood peeked out of the opening in front, which, while not too noticeable, was a bit stretched. He immediately tried to hide what had occurred behind his pants but, the blush on her face told him that he wasn’t quick enough. “Um… I’m… um… well, sorry… that is something that sometimes happens…” He muttered as his face flushed scarlet.

“Well… I… suppose so… um well… I have to go and start on your… clothing…” she stammered as she quickly made her way up the stairs slamming the door. He returned to putting his clothing on after he tucked his slightly protruding member back where it belonged. Good thing I didn’t get completely hard that would have been far, far more awkward. He thought. A muffled moan came from upstairs as he put his shoes on and rather than ponder on what she was doing he booked it out of the Carousel Boutique and found himself in the middle of town. He was bent over breathing heavily, less from the running and more so from the mental stimulation that had just occurred.

“Hey, haven’t seen you around since the day you got here.” Rainbow Dash said from above him. She didn’t sound too amused.

“Yeah, I kind of had a little breakdown. Pinkie fixed it.” He answered as he caught his breath and looked up. … bad idea… she was in a denim skirt and was flying just high enough that he could see that she wasn’t wearing any panties under her spats. He immediately looked down. “Um… you… you should come lower to the ground…” He managed to say.

“Why?” She asked genuinely confused. He looked around to see if anyone was around, seeing no one within hearing distance, he told her.

“I can tell you aren’t wearing any panties underneath your spats.”

“Oh…” was all she said before closing in on the ground. He didn’t look up until he could see her hooves hovering inches above the ground. She wore a dark blue t-shirt on with the logo ‘Wonderbolts’ printed in yellow and yellow lightning bolts going down from her shoulders. Also, he noticed that her wings were pretty small and only extended to her elbow. Well they are magical denizens of a magical world, he thought as his brain tried to apply Earth biology to the light blue Equestrian. She had her hands on her hips and was looking at him with an unamused looking half smirk she still had a bit of a blush on her face but, it was barely noticeable. “So, you said that you had some stunts you could share with me?” She asked almost deadpan.
“Yeah… I kind of said that in the spur of the moment… I can give you some ideas… but… I can’t think of any right now.” She rolled her eyes. “However,” a mischievous grin played itself across his face, “I do have a prank we can do right now.” That got her attention and her face lit up with excitement.

Half an hour and 14 bits later

Pinkie Pie was bouncing through the park with her normal glee and happiness. Suddenly she was jerked off her feet. “Weee!” She screamed in delight as she was turned upside down and dangled from a tree by one hoof. She heard a something pulling against something and giggled with pure happiness. In no time at all she heard something snap and felt herself being sling-shot into the air. “WEEEEEEEEEEE!” She screamed with a fun filled smile on her face. She found herself slamming face first into a giant tiered cake with pink and white frosting. She noticed, before she hit, that the cake had red icing on it that spelled out, ‘Got’cha Pinkie, Tec and Dash’. She giggled as she popped out of the cake and said, “That was fun, can we do it again?” Her face still turned up in her adorable perpetual smile. Rainbow Dash and Tec were laughing their asses off from behind a bush as she got out of the cake and, somehow, licked all of the icing and cake bits off of her in one fell swoop. She devoured the cake in record time and bounced over to them giggling. “Hey Dashie, hey Tec!” She exclaimed happily. “You know what this means right.” Her smile grew to a Cheshire grin and she got a glimmer in her eye that caused both Dash and Tec to stop laughing and shiver a bit. “PRANKWAR!” She screamed joyously. Dash and Tec looked at each other and thought the exact same thing… Oh, shit… what have done… Then they both took off in opposite directions.

About 10 minutes later

Tec was breathing heavily from all his running as he looked up to see where he was. Somehow he ended up directly under the tree where they had set up the first part of the prank. He heard flapping and saw Dash flying towards him. “That was so awesome!” She said once she got close enough.

“You can say that again.” He said as he laughed some more. He held up his fist and Dash quickly responded in kind “Oh, you know those stunts I was talking about?” He asked after they laughed a bit more. She raised one eyebrow and nodded an affirmative. “I remembered something that you may like to see.” He said with a wide grin. She smirked at him and they headed back towards town. Three minutes later they made it back to the middle of town. Tec judged the distance between each of the buildings and thought, Yeah, should be fine. He stretched his legs, back and arms a bit. He checked his pockets, something he had yet to do since he got to Equestria, and found that he had left his black biking gloves and his handy spring loaded switch blade in his pocket. He knew his shoes weren’t preferable for what he was going to do but, decided to try anyways. “Hey Dash, can you hold this for me?” He asked as he pulled both of his gloves and his knife out and held out the knife for her to take. She did with a confused expression. He slid the form fitting gloves on and stretched his legs a bit more. He looked around a bit more and plotted a bit of a route. Then, he took off. He ran up to a nearby tree and ran up it a bit before catching himself on a branch and flipping himself off of it and onto the top of the flower shop. He continued his running and picked up speed before leaping off of the flower shop and ‘rolling’ in the air over to a nearby building with a flat roof. He picked up speed and did a sort of spinning flip that led into a back flip over to the next flat roofed building. Catching himself on the edge and pushing himself into another spinning flip that turned him around, he bolted forward making more and more flips as he went from one flat topped building to another finally ending up next to Twilights library jumping over to one of the tree’s branches bounding off of it doing another spinning flip and rolling on the ground before ending up on his feet. Rainbow Dash was flying about 15 feet away from him with a giddy look on her face and her wings flapping stiffly. She landed right next to him and got right in his face. Her wings were still spread wide apart.

“That… was… So… AWESOME!!” She exclaimed giddy with excitement, she almost sounded like she was squeaking her voice went so high. “You HAVE to teach me how to do that!” She continued.

“I… can… but, later… ok…” He said between deep breaths. After a while he finally caught his breath and said, “Hey, hand me my knife.” She did and he pocketed it again, he pulled his gloves off and used the Velcro on them to fasten to his pants. “Hey, I’m starving wanna grab a bite to eat?” he asked her.

“Sure, let’s go.” She said as they headed off towards a nearby café. After they ate and parted ways he walked and thought. Where do I want to go next? Let's see if Applejack is finished. He was still a bit tired from the running but, wanted to make up for the past few days. He made his way over to check if her stall was still up and found her standing next to it packing everything up.

"You need any help?" He asked as he neared the stall.

"Sher. Why don'tcha load up some of them apples over there inta the cart." Applejack answered as she pointed to some buckets under the stall.

"Ok." He said as he loaded up the buckets. He found them to be a bit heavy and was thankful that he was in better shape than he had been in a long time. Thank the gods for my interest in parkour and martial arts. He thought. After loading up all of the buckets, he decided to be a bit chivalrous and offered to pull the cart. Needless to say he was sweating his ass off when they finally pulled into the Apple farm. Big Mac came and took the cart from him once they entered and Big Mac non-nonchalantly pulled it into the barn. He just looked at the barn and thought, fucking earth ponies. He caught his breath and stretched. He looked at Applejack and saw that she was wearing jeans that fit her very snugly, a long sleeved, white, button up shirt with a green vest, that was left open, over it and, of course, she was wearing her brown stetson over her blond locks. All though she was toned, she was, also, pretty curvaceous. "You girls are almost unbelievably beautiful." He said quietly. Apparently not quietly enough as her face immediately brightened in a blush.

"Um... well... Ya, really think so?" she stuttered.

"Well, yeah. I mean, take you, for example. You are toned but, at the same time you have curves on you that would make a lot of women from my world jealous. Your eyes are utterly stunning and, while you may not take care of it like Rarity does with hers, your mane and tail are beautiful." He stated matter of factually.

"Wow... Ah, ain't never got a compliment like that..." She said. She was still blushing but her face had a look of disbelief.

"Well, I suggest you get used to it. I kind of have a habit of complimenting beauty when I see it. Especially when the outer beauty matches the inner beauty." He said with a smile on his face. Applejack shook her head in disbelief. He walked over to her and brought her into a warm hug. "If anyone ever tells you that you are anything other than absolutely stunning they’re just an idiot." He said quietly. He could feel her heat up as they hugged and he let her go. "Hey, wanna let Winnona play with Anubis at some point?" He asked.

"Sher... why not..." She stated her face still beyond red. After that he waved goodbye to her while he walked to Fluttershy’s cottage as the sun went down. All in all that was a good day. Started off a bit rough but ended great! He thought as he laid down for a little nap, after all that running and jumping and working he was beyond exhausted. Darkness settled in as he fell asleep feeling better than he had in days.

Pinkie's Favor(Some Nudity)(Edited)

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Tec woke up after that day of exertion feeling pretty sore. So he stretched his arms up and brought his back into a bit of an arc and suddenly felt something warm and fuzzy on his morning erection. Now he knew that he was naked but, he hadn’t questioned it because it wasn’t the first time he had fallen asleep clothed and woke up naked, this, however caused his eyes to shoot open. Rainbow Dash was in bed with him… entirely nude… He tried to keep his eyes from wandering but… well, it didn’t really work. Her cyan fur was silky and shined a bit with the morning rays. Her breasts were beautifully shaped, she was about a b-cup, and she had two small beads of darker blue that were her nipples. Her areolas weren’t much bigger than the nipples but, were the same blue. Her Stomach was beautifully toned and her belly button was cute. Her hips thighs were toned as well and that made for one beautiful flank. Then, she moved a bit and her fur brushed against his manhood causing it to twitch and, subsequently, giving him a small show of the gorgeousness that was her marehood, a wondrous shade of light pink that contrasted so well with the cyan of her fur. His blanket had been shoved down towards the bottom of the bed.

Fluttershy hummed a tune to herself as she made her way up the stairs to go wake Tec up for breakfast. Her hooves made a soft clip clop in her attempt to keep her volume down. Once she was at entry she smiled, softly knocked on the door and just as quietly opened it. What she saw shocked her to say the least. She eeped in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry." Then, closed the door loudly.

Tec turned his head to look at the door and shook his head, confused as to how this happened and what he was going to do. He turned his head back around and saw that Rainbow Dash had woken up and was silently staring at his lean chest. Her magenta eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Tec cleared his throat to get her attention. She blushed and tried to look at her hooves then blushed some more as she caught sight of his erect cock and decided that the ceiling would be better to stare at.

“I don’t quite know how this happened. I know that I was alone when I fell asleep and I don’t think you would get into the bed of someone you barely know especially…” he started as a blush formed, he cleared his throat and began again, “especially like this.” he finished. Tec stood up and began getting dressed.

“Are… Aren’t you going to ask me to leave or something?” She asked while he pulled on his boxer-briefs.

“Nope, you’ve already seen all there is to see, no point in getting worked up about it. I will, however, leave as you get dressed.” Tec answered.

“Um… one problem… I don’t have anything here…” She muttered… fuck… he thought.

“Pull the blanket around you. We need to figure something out.” Tec stated.

“Why? You just said that there was no point in getting worked up about it?” She said quizzically and a bit defensively.

“Because I need to be able to think and if I look at your gorgeous, athletic body any longer I won’t be able to concentrate on anything other than wanting you.” he answered. “That and this boner is getting a bit painful. Actually, you know what I’ll be back in a bit. Please be covered up when I get back.” he said as he turned towards the door went through and closed it again. He made his way to the bathroom and… took care of some business. When he returned he no longer had an erection and she was covered by the blanket and sitting up. His face was quite flushed. “Now, you need clothes, we need to figure out what happened and we need to get Fluttershy to believe that we weren’t, well, involved.” Raibow Dash's eyes opened widely in shock.

“Wait Fluttershy saw us like that… Ah buck…” She stated quickly.

“Yeah, not that I wouldn’t get involved but, I don’t want your reputation to fall. Not with any of your friends.” He stated still trying to think of how in the world this happened. He saw her face flush even further. Than a thought hit him… “I think I know how this happened…” he paused and looked into her eyes and saw the realization in hers as well, “Pinkie.” They said simultaneously and with finality. “I’m gonna go get Fluttershy so we can explain to her. You stay here I will bring her.” Tec said with a sigh. He turned to the door and walked out to look for Fluttershy. He heard the clatter of metal against metal and sizzling coming from the kitchen. He took a breath and walked in to find that Fluttershy was cooking some kind of yellow… bacon? Wait no, not important. Talk. Tec thought. “Fluttershy, um… you, Dash and I need to talk.” He said to her.

“No… no, what you do… and with whom… is… um… none of my business.” She said quietly, never once looking at him.

“That’s the thing we didn’t do anything.” He said sincerely. She looked at him then, her blush fading slightly and her face showed obvious confusion. “When you’re done please come to the room you allowed me and we will explain.” He stated.

“Well… ok, then… and… um… that’s your room you know… you can call it that…” She said with a soft expression on her face. Tec smiled joyfully.

“I… well… Thank you.” He finally said. He walked back to his room and opened the door. Rainbow apparently thought that he was going to be away longer than he was because when he opened the door he found her knuckle deep inside herself and moaning. He shut the door and walked back out with a huge blush on his face and a raging boner. He went back to the bathroom and began to wait out the erection. After about fifteen minutes he had finally calmed down and went back to his door. This time he knocked.

“Come in.” Dash answered, her voice muffled by the door. Tec opened the door and she had covered back up and was blushing just as badly as he was. “Well…” she started, he noticed that since she had awoken her wings had not gone down. “Now you really have seen everything…” she muttered.

“It was my fault for not knocking. I am truly sorry that you were seen like that…” He started, “however, I am not so sorry that I was the one who saw you. Um… so… in return I will offer you one favor. The only limit is that I can’t die. I have nothing else to offer as a means of apology.” He continued. “You don’t have to tell me what you want now and there is no time limit as to how long you have to tell me.” He finished. She nodded her head.

Fluttershy finished with her cooking and put the dishes in the sink to be washed. She went back up the stairs and cautiously knocked on the door. “Come in.” Tec's muffled voice sounded from inside his room. She opened the door and stepped in. “Ok, to start off, I fell asleep right after sunset and I was dressed and alone. I woke up and Rainbow Dash was there. All, I know is my side. Rainbow?” Tec stated immediately and Rainbow nodded her head.

“I went to sleep, in my home, somewhere around ten. I woke up here.” Rainbow stated.

“We pranked Pinkie yesterday and she declared a prank war. I think this is her prank.” Tec continued afterwards. “I’m not entirely sure but, I am almost entirely sure.” He finished. Fluttershy nodded as understanding set in. “Also, um… Dash has no clothes here…” Tec added.

“Oh, um… I can go and get them for you… if that’s ok.” She answered. Rainbow Dash shook her head in an affirmative.

“You might want to put them into something so that other people don’t see it. We don’t want any rumors, right.” Tec quickly added. Fluttershy nodded and she closed the door. After a while Tec and Dash heard the front door shut. “Ok. Now, I have to go and check on my new clothes. Are you ok staying here by yourself for a bit?” Tec asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be good.” Rainbow stated nonchalantly.

“K. See ya.” He said as he walked out and shut the door. He went out the front door, shutting it as well, and made his way to Rarity’s. He got there without incident and opened the door. She was working on something at her workstation when he entered.

“One second darling, I will be right with you.” She said without looking up. Shrugging silently, he sat in a stool near him and looked around at her different works. The dresses set up were absolutely beautiful, simply stunning truly. There were dresses with gems on them, dresses that shone with the utmost brilliance. Rarity cleared her throat. He turned his head and realized his mouth had dropped open. He promptly closed it and laughed a bit. “Well, at least you know that I like them.” She chuckled.

“So, what brings you here, darling?” She asked.

“Do you have at least one pair of clothing done? I kind of need to have some clothes to alternate so that I don’t start smelling bad.” He said with a grimace, remembering just how bad he had smelt only yesterday.

“I have two actually. I made them a bit simple. I hope you don’t mind.” She answered.

“Thank the Gods and thank you for even agreeing to do this in the first place. So, at the risk of sounding rude, where are they? I kind of sweat a lot yesterday and need to get the filth off of me quickly.” He explained. She smiled and pointed towards a small box.

“I was going to take them to you when I took my lunch. I thought you might need them pretty quickly so I got those two completed before I started on your outfit for the coronation. Also, if you need the get clean quickly, you can use the shower upstairs, just leave your clothes by the door and I will get them clean.” Rarity stated. His mouth dropped open in shock once more.

“I realize that you are the element of generosity and that this is going to sound redundant but, you are ridiculously generous. You hardly know me and you are willing to do all this.” He said with a look of pure disbelief. “You girls really do completely resemble your elements.” He continued and shook his head still quite stunned. “Back where I am from, people of your and your friends’ caliber are few and far between. I am happy I got the chance to actually meet you girls.” He rambled. …and see one of you naked He added in his head.

“Why thank you, darling. As I said the shower is upstairs first door on the right.” She happily said. He went over to the small box and opened it. He found two full pairs of clothing: socks, underwear and all the other amenities. One shirt was a plain white tee and the other was a green shirt. One pair of pants was black and the other was dark blue. He decided to go with the white shirt and the black pants and picked up one of the pairs of boxer-briefs and a pair of socks. He hurried up into the bathroom and, after disrobing completely and putting his clothes in the hall, hopped into the opulent shower. Tec thought as he bathed himself. Holy hell, this shower is gaudy and... tacky... and... and so... gold but, then again, I dislike gold with a passion. Still, he was in someone else’s house, using their things, so he kept his mouth shut. He showered quickly and toweled off and quickly got dressed. His hair was still slightly wet but, no matter what he did he couldn’t get it to stay strait. Gods damn it all. Now my hair is acting just like Pinkie’s, not that I should really be surprised. He thought. He went downstairs and said.

“Thank you once again. Also, have you seen Pinkie?”

“It was my pleasure. Hmm, not yet, though with that mare if she doesn’t want to be found, you never would see her again.” She answered chuckling slightly. He smiled and thought, she's probably right. He grabbed the box and found that his original clothes were in it and they were completely clean.

“Well, that was done fairly quickly. Thank you once again Rarity.” He said, still smiling.

“Yes, yes. I have all kinds of useful spells for apparel, so it was really no trouble.” She answered. He waved goodbye and decided If Pinkie wants war… then she better bunker down, cause we’re gonna blitzkrieg this mother fucker! Now to go get Rainbow Dash… The walk back was uneventful but it gave him some time to think of many, many possibilities. When, he got back Fluttershy had finished her cooking and was eating slowly while talking to Rainbow Dash. They were laughing a bit when he entered the dining room.

“Ah, Tec, if you’re hungry there is some food for you in the kitchen… I mean if that ok. You don’t have to eat it.” Fluttershy said to him.

“And miss out on your wonderful cooking, I think not.” He answered as he headed into the kitchen. Anubis was stretched out in front of the stove trying to look innocent. He shook his head and called Anubis to him by snapping his fingers and patting his leg. Anubis readily jumped up and quickly walked over to Tec. He crouched down and pet Anubis for a bit and kissed him on his forehead. Then, Tec got the food and quickly made his way to the table. He smiled at both of them and thanked Fluttershy for the food before digging in. Afterward breakfast he looked to Rainbow Dash with a mischievous smile. She looked back confused and then blushed. He became confused for a moment before realizing what she thought his smile had meant. “Hey Dash, I thought of a way to get Pinkie, even if we can’t find her.” His smile returned. Her blush faded and understanding replaced it, then, finally, a smirk appeared on her face.

“So, what’s your plan?” Rainbow asked simply.

“All will be revealed soon, my dear.” He said with a devious smirk. “First though, I must help with the dishes.” He said with an undetectable amount of enmity in my voice.

“No, you really don’t hav…” Fluttershy started.

“Sorry, not going to happen. I am going to help and that is final.” He interrupted, stood up and walked into the kitchen with the dishes. He quickly washed them and walked back into the dining room. Dash and Fluttershy had a look of slight disbelief on their faces. “What?” He asked.

“Wow… you don’t even leave room for argument.” Rainbow said.

“Well, yeah, that’s the point. I need to do something so I don’t end up abusing her kindness. I’m really happy that you all are helping me but, if I allow myself to sit and do nothing I will end up being a horrible friend.” He stated bluntly.

“Well, then. Thank you Tec.” Fluttershy said in her soft tones. She was smiling softly.

“No thanks needed, though you are welcome. Friends help friends. Period.” He simply stated. A song popped up in his head and he smiled and laughed a bit.

“What’s funny? Thinkin’ of the prank for later?” Rainbow quizzed.

“No. I had a song pop up in my head.” He answered.

“Oh, what is it? I mean, you don’t have to tell me… if you don’t want to.” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh… well… um…” He started, trying to think of something to say that would make sense. “I don’t remember most of the lyrics anymore.” He lied.

“Oh, ok.” Fluttershy stated. He walked over and pulled her into a hug.

“Thank you for offering me kindness, when you didn’t know me and thank you for giving me a chance.” He felt the urge to kiss her cheek but refrained. Fluttershy hugged him back and when they pulled away Tec looked to Rainbow. “You ready?” He asked. She smiled and nodded. “I’ll be back later Flutters,” He stated to Fluttershy with a smile. She blushed a bit at the nickname Tec had decided to use. Dash and Tec walked out. After a while Dash began laughing really loudly.

“Flutters… really… Flutters!” She stated in between her laughter.

“Better that than what I have for you and far better than what I have for Celestia and Luna.” He stated simply with a smile and sped up a bit. She took to the air and flew in front of him and turned around, continuing to fly backwards.

“Wait. What do you have for me, Celestia and Luna?” She asked. He smirked and snickered a bit.

“Little Dashie, Sun-butt and Moon-butt, respectively.” He answered. At the mention of her nickname she frowned a bit but at the mention of Celestia and Luna’s her eyes went wide and she tried to hold back laughter.

“You… can’t… say that… about… the Princesses…” She said trying very unsuccessfully to keep in her laughter.

“I wouldn’t say it to them to their faces until I knew them a lot better.” He said still smiling. “Also, if you don’t watch where you are going you’re going to hit something.”

“Pfft, come on I won’t hi…” She started before smashing the back of her head into a branch. “Ow, oh buck, that hurt.” She said after turning around. She rubbed her head.

“Told you.” I said as I chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah. So what’s this idea of yours?” She asked, we had made it about half way to town at this point.

“Before I tell you I need you to go and get some clouds. I need to go get a small pool.” He said as he turned towards Sweet Apple Acres. She stopped me and asked.

“Ok, why are you being so secretive about this?”

“Because I have a feeling Pinkie is around.” Tec said as he suddenly felt the urge to look at a bee hive. Pinkie popped out of it and said.

“Ahh… and I thought I was hiding really well too.” She shrugged and bounded off in the direction of town. Tec turned back towards Dash. Her eyes were wide with disbelief.

“How in the hay did you find Pinkie when she was hiding?” She asked. He chuckled again.

“Eh, just a hunch.” He said smiling. “Now, I need you to get enough clouds together to make a bed, I’ll go get the pool.” She shook her head. He walked over to Applejack’s and asked her, when he found her, “Do you have a small pool or something like that I can borrow? Nothing too big.”

“Well sher we do but, why do ya need it?” She asked scratching her head in confusion.

“Rainbow Dash and I are in a prank war with Pinkie.” He answered simply.

“Uh-huh. Well ah guess it’ll be fine just bring it back when yur done I guess.” She said as she led him to the barn and over to a small two foot wide wooden pool like thing.

“Perfect. Thank you AJ.” Tec said as he pulled her into a hug, which she returned. “Also, can we have a talk tomorrow about my little habit?” He asked as they split.

“Sher. I was wonderin’ when you were gonna ask me ‘bout that.” She answered.

“You know, country accents usually grate on my nerves but, I actually find yours to be really cute.” He said without thinking. Her face blushed heavily. “Sorry, just tell me if I ever make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Ah just ain’t used to gettin’ compliments from a stallion. Ah ain’t pretty like Rarity or cute like Fluttershy.” She managed.

“No, you aren’t. You are you, not them. You have things that make you alluring that none of the others have and they have things that make them appealing that you don’t have. Plain and simple. Now, if you don’t mind I have to go and get a lot of pudding.” He rambled.

“Wait, what now?” She asked.

“Pudding.” Tec answered as he grabbed the small wooden pool, it wasn’t all that heavy so he had no issues carrying it with him. He walked the rest of the way to town and met with Rainbow.

“So, what are we doing exactly?” She asked.

“We’re going to fill this pool with pudding and place it underneath the cloud that you are going to make look like a bed and replace Pinkie’s with.” Tec answered.

“Wait… Pudding, really?” She asked.

“Yep. She will probably already know what’s going to happen but, she’ll let herself fall for it anyways.” He stated. “So, where’s the cloud?” He asked.

“I have it near my house so it doesn’t attract attention.” She said quietly.

1 hour and 17 bits later

“To bad we won’t see what happens.” Dash said solemnly.

“Yeah, though, I am glad I left that letter asking for a truce for now.” Tec said.

“What, why?” She asked .

“Because, I don’t want to find anymore naked mares in my bed that weren’t there by choice.” He answered. She blushed heartily.

“Ok, I get it.” She answered. They sat down at a table at Sugarcube Corner and waited for a while. Not too much later they heard a loud thump from upstairs and laughing.

“Huh, that happened quicker than I thought it would.” Tec said, more to himself than anyone else. After a couple seconds Pinkie, who was completely clean, bounced down the stairs with a huge smile on her face and Tec's note in her hand.

“That was funny and delicious. Truce accepted for now. So, how did you two like mine?” She asked. Tec and Dash both blushed madly. Her smile only grew. “OH! I know what I want my favor to be. Sorry Dashie, I’m going to borrow Tec for a bit.” Pinkie spouted out as she grabbed his arm and bounced away with Tec in tow. They exited the bakery and she continued forward for a while before He could get his arm loose, damn earth ponies are strong, he thought.

“So, what is the favor?” He asked.

“You’re going to spend the whole day with me.” She said as she smiled and once again squeed.

“Ok, no problem. I kind of wanted to spend some time with you anyways.” He said smiling. He looked at her and saw that she was wearing a light purple dress with short sleeves that came down to the middle of her thighs. She had two blue, balloon earrings on at the bottom of her ears and he also noticed that she had three more piercings in each ear. They were small, simple, silver beads. He, also, noticed that Pinkie Pie was probably the most endowed of the mane six, her only possible rival being Fluttershy.

He pulled her into a hug, which she happily returned. “Pinkie Pie, you are really huggable you know that?” He said.

“Aww thanks.” She answered.

“So where to first?” Tec asked.

“Don’t know. What do you want to do?” She asked.

“Well, you know any good areas to swim?” He asked.

“Ooo! That sounds fun! Let’s go!” She stated excitedly and pulled him off quickly. Five minutes later they found themselves in the park next to a pretty decent sized pond. Tec smiled.

“This is going to be fun.” He said as he looked around. Seeing nobody, he stripped down to his underwear. Pinkie Pie was wide eyed. “What?” He asked smirking. “Like what you see?” Pinkie blushed. Then, she looked thoughtful. Then, shrugging, she too stripped down to her under clothes. Tec's eyes got very wide as he took in her dark red bra, that was just barely holding her in, and panties, her huggable soft stomach and cute belly button.

“What? Like what you see?” She asked giggling. He just nodded an affirmative. She blushed again at his bluntness. He smiled and jumped strait into the water. Tec found that the pond was pretty deep and he didn’t touch the bottom even as he sank a few feet into the water. Pinkie jumped into the water and Tec and her surfaced at the same time. He splashed her and laughed, she returned the favor and they both laughed. He dove down to see how deep it was. Finding that it was around thirteen feet deep he surfaced again, though Pinkie had disappeared he looked around wondering where she had gone. After about a minute he began to panic a bit, suddenly he got glomped from behind, Pinkie’s large breasts pressed against his back. I fought a boner and dove back down. She released her arms and he turned around under the water. Tec smiled as he had a devious thought. He swam up to her stomach and tickled her. He heard muffled laughter and she began to kick around a bit. He swam up further and surfaced and began to tickle anywhere he could reach without touch her inappropriately. They played around in that pond for somewhere around six hours before they finally got out and dressed again. Tec looked up and saw that the sun was setting.

“Pinkie, this was really fun. Thank you.” he said as he pulled her into a hug she returned it and laughed.

“Today’s not over yet silly. Come on let’s head over to Twilight’s.” She said. He shrugged and began walking in that direction. He was tired but in a good way and not so tired that he was going to fall on his face anytime soon. A song came to mind and he smiled and began to hum the tune. Pinkie, who was bouncing in front of me stopped. “Is that what I think it is?” She asked turning around with a huge smile on her face.

“Probably. Why?” He answered.

“I don’t know how you know that song but, now we are going to sing!” She said in a sing-song voice.

“Oh, this is going to be awesome.” He said as his smile grew. “I’m going to sing it a bit differently though.” He continued.

“Ok!” She said just before beginning her song. He began at the same time singing with a nice baritone.

My name is Bubble Berry (Hello!)
And I am here to say (How ya doin'?)
I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day
It doesn't matter now (What's up?)
If you are sad or blue (Howdy!)
'Cause cheering up my friends is just what Bubble’s here to do
'Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile
Yes I do
It fills my heart with sunshine all the while
Yes it does
'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile
From these happy friends of mine
I like to see you grin (Awesome!)
I love to see you beam (Rock on!)
The corners of your mouth turned up is always Bubble’s dream (Hoof bump!)
But if you're kind of worried
And your face has made a frown
I'll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down
'Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin
Yes I do
Bust it out from ear to ear let it begin
Just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin
And you fill me with good cheer
It's true some days are dark and lonely
And maybe you feel sad
But Bubble will be there to show you that it isn't that bad
There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile
And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile
I really am so happy
Your smile fills me with glee
I give a smile I get a smile
And that's so special to me
'Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beam
Yes I do
Tell me what more can I say
To make you see
That I do
It makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam
Yes it always makes my day
Come on every pony smile, smile, smile
Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine
All I really need's a smile, smile, smile
From these happy friends of mine
Come on every pony smile, smile, smile
Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine
All I really need's a smile, smile, smile
From these happy friends of mine
Yes the perfect gift for me ( Come on every pony smile, smile, smile)
Is a smile as wide as a mile (Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine)
To make me happy as can be (All I really need's a smile, smile, smile; From these happy friends of)
Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile
Come on and smile
Come on and smile

Some ponies decided to join in with their singing along the way as well. All in all it was nice. Soon they found themselves outside of Twilight’s home laughing loudly. Pinkie opened the door and they walked in. They were laughing so hard that Tec didn’t question why it was completely dark and when he finally caught his breath the lights flashed on and every pony yelled out ‘Surprize!’ as a few party poppers went off. He jumped a bit at that. Then, he smiled widely and looked to Pinkie. “So, I am getting my Pinkie Party now, I take it.” She giggled and nodded.

“Tec,” Applejack said in as Tec turned and found her with two mugs in her hands. “Howdy pardner, y’all wanna try some cider?” She asked.

“Hell yeah, I love cider.” Tec said as he took the offered mug and drank some. It tasted wonderful, sweet but, not overly so, with a heady cinnamon spice to it, there was also the telling after burn of alchohol. “Hm… I’ve never had hard cider before. Warning: I am a light-weight and I have no inhibitions when drunk.” He said to AJ. “Please spread that around a bit AJ. I don’t want anyone to think badly of me because of tonight.” She nodded and said.

“Alraht. Will do. Hope you have fun.” She walked off and he heard her start talking to someone. Tec downed the mug of cider and looked for the refreshment table. Tec saw it near the stairs and began to made his way there. On the way he said hello to a few ponies, got a few names and shook a few hands. Once he got there, he saw that it was piled with food. Oh this is going to be delicious. He thought as he took a plate and put a little of everything on it. There was also a, wooden keg of cider near the table. He filled his mug once more and sat back listening to the music and sipping from the mug with his eyes closed.

“Hey, Tec! Awesome party huh!” Dash said as she made her way to Tec.

“Yeah, it’s totally off the hook Dash.” He said to her without opening his eyes.

“Huh… Oh! Ok yeah! The cider’s great!” Rainbow said.

“Yeah but, I have to go easy so I don’t get drunk to fast.” He said as he opened his eyes and looked at the mug.

“Buck that man! I challenge you to a drinking contest!” She said with bravado.

“Fine, fine but, I choose the game.” He said, accepting defeat in that argument a bit too fast.

“Wait, what do you mean game?” She asked.

“Why just have a drinking contest? Why not make it a bit more challenging and more fun?” He answered, smiling.

“That sounds awesome! What game then?” She practically squeaked.

“A little game called beer pong. Do you know what it is?” He continued.

“Uh… no.” She said confused.

“Well first we are going to need to get to an empty table. You go find that and I will get us what we need for it.” He stated. She nodded and took off to find a table. He gathered up twelve empty mugs and realized he needed help.

“Watcha’ doin’?” a happy voice asked from behind me.

“Going to play a party game with Dash. Pinkie would you mind helping me with these twelve mugs and possibly getting some more help. I need these mugs to be half filled with water. I also need a small Ping-Pong ball, two shot glasses and for the cider to be moved to where Dash is.” He listed.

“Ok.” Pinkie said as she scanned the room a bit then took off. She soon returned with Twilight and Applejack.

“So, yer playin’ a drinkin’ game with RD?” Applejack asked.

“Yep, did Pinkie explain what I needed?” He answered.

“Yes she did. To be honest I am curious as to what this game entails.” Twilight said smiling. Twilight’s aura coated the mugs as she levitated them up and took them all into the kitchen. Applejack smiled and said.

“Ah’m a might curious about this game too.” She lifted up the keg and asked. “How’s it played?”

“Stick around to watch and you’ll find out. I have to explain it to Dash as well.” He answered as he looked for Rainbow. She was flying above the crowd. She pointed down then, flew down. He walked over to where she was and had AJ put the keg down near the table. She took a seat on the top of it careful not to block access to it. Pinkie had followed too and pulled two shot glasses and a Ping-Pong ball out of her hair. “Rainbow fly up and get Twilight’s attention when you see her, she has the mugs we need.”

“Alright.” She said as she flew up. Pinkie set the shot glasses on either side of the table and gave Tec the ball.

“AJ, you wanna be our ‘bar-tender’ for the game?” He asked her.

“Sher, why not.” She answered. He handed her his shot glass and got Pinkie to hand her the other one.

“Fill ‘em up. When Twilight gets here we can begin.” AJ did so and handed both glasses back. Dash flew down soon after and eyed the shot glass. She reached out to grab it but, Tec stopped her.

“Don’t drink that yet. That is part of the game.” He said. Twilight soon got to the table. I grabbed two of the mugs and began setting up his end of the table. When he was done it looked like a triangle with six cups. He had seen that Twilight had set up the other side following his example.

“UBERFUNPARTYGAMECOMPETITIONBETWEENRAINBOWDASHANDTEC!” Pinkie screamed at the top of her lungs. The music turned down a bit and everyone began looking towards the table.

“Well ok then, looks like we have an audience. This game can be played one on one or in teams we are playing one on one. You and I will bounce this ball until one of us makes it into the other’s cup and the other doesn’t to decide who will go first. You either play by the Elbow or Wrists rule, in which you either have to keep your elbow or your wrists behind the table. We will be playing by the wrists rule. There is Re-wracking in which you can ask for the cups to be rearranged before you take your turn. If you are playing with more than six cups you may do this at six, four, three or two cups. Six cups are made into a triangle. Four cups are made into a diamond. Three cups are made into a triangle. Two cups are set one right in front of the other. You can always request for the last cup to be pulled back and centered. You can always ask for the cups to be fixed. This is not racking. You are just asking for the cups to be returned to the position where they would have been if they hadn’t slid or been knocked out of position. Bitch cup is one of my favorite rules. If you make it into the cup that your opponent is drinking out of, even if it is set on the table you win, period. Rollbacks is another cool rule. After you shoot the ball, if it comes back to you without touching the floor it is your turn again. You may also snatch it mid-air. Solo cup is a fun rule that can backfire. Once per game you can call out a specific cup that isn’t touching another cup, those that slid away instead of being singled out by the other cups around it being hit do not count. If this cup is hit then you pull that cup and one other of your choice, from your cups, out of the game. If a different cup is hit no cups are removed. Also, no magic and no flying.” Once he finished telling them the rules he smirked and looked at Rainbow. “You ready?” He asked.

“Psh, I was born ready.” She answered with a smirk of her own. She set the mug she was drinking from on a small round table off to the side that had a lamp on it. Then she sat back a smug look on her face. He tossed the ball and it went into the cup in the middle. She tossed the ball back and landed it in the same cup. They went back and forth like this for a while until Tec missed and she hit.

“Looks like you go first.” He said as he passed the ball to Pinkie and Pinkie passed it to Dash.

“Of course, I’m awesome.” She said as she tossed the ball into the cup in the back. He removed the cup and took the shot. He handed it to AJ who filled it up again. He stretched a bit and cracked his neck. He thought for a bit then smirked.

“Awesome enough to lose with grace?” He questioned Rainbow.

“Pfft, I don’t lose.” She answered.

“We’ll see.” He said still smirking. Then he took a breath, steadied his hand and took the shot. The ball bounced off of the edge of the table causing it to break towards the round table and strait into Dash’s drink.

“Ha, you overshot!” She said smiling.

“Nope, I got it exactly where I wanted it.” He said.

“You wanted to miss?” She asked confused.

“I didn’t. Bitch cup.” He answered simply still smiling deviously. “Pinkie five more shot glasses please. I want Dash to take her shots one right after another because she... just... lost.” He continued. Rainbow’s eyes went wide. Pinkie pulled out the five shot glasses, from nowhere it seemed, and AJ filled them. AJ was fighting laughter and Pinkie was smiling widely. Even Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity were giggling a bit. Dash growled a bit and slammed her shots one right after another.

“Rematch!” Was all she said after that. She won that game and the subsequent one. Tec won the two after that. It was about two hours later and he was completely smashed and giggling to himself. There were still ponies playing beer pong. Pinkie walked up to him after a bit.

“Hey Tec! Havin’ fun?” She asked.

“C’mon Pinkie, this is a Pinkie Party, those are always going to be fun.” He managed, doing his best not to slur, as such he was talking a bit faster. A song started playing that caught his attention. He grabbed Pinkie’s hand and said, “Dance with me Pikie.” She giggled and followed him to the dance floor. They danced and flailed and shook for the next few hours. It only ended because Tec ended up smacking himself on the ear with his arm and he crumpled onto the floor and began laughing. Pinkie looked worried for a bit until he started laughing, then she laughed too. Then Tec yawned. “Pinkie, are you sober enough not to fall?” He asked.

“Yepperooni.” She answered.

“Can you take me back to Fluttershy’s cottage? I’m starting to pass out.” He said.

“Okie dokie lokie.” She said as she put his arm around her neck to keep him up. She was slightly taller than Flutters but not by much. She took him to the door and he turned his head back to everyone and said way over the music.

“Gotta go! I’m getting’ really, really tired! See ya everybody!” Tec heard some good byes and some laughs. He giggled as well. They walked for a bit in the slightly cold air. Tec had a thought then. “Pinkie when’s your birthday?” He asked with a smile on his face.

“It’s May third which is sixty-one days from now. I’m going to be turning twenty-three this year.” She said happily.

“Awesome, awesome. My birthday is March twenty-eighth and I’ma be twenty-four.” He said giggling. Pinkie gasped loudly.

“Ohmygoshyourbirthdayisintwenty-fivedays!” She spouted out a little loudly.

“Mhmm.” He managed as he struggled to keep himself awake. A song popped up into his head and he decided to belt them out rather than fall asleep. Pinkie giggled at his drunken antics. When they finally got to the cottage and she got him to the bed, she hugged him and went to leave but, before she could do much more than turn around he grabbed her hand. “um… sorry… I… I am… terrified of being alone…” He managed quietly. Pinkie smiled sweetly.

“Ok, I’ll stay with you for a while.” She said softly. Tec laid down on the bed and she sat down on it. After a while he felt the urge to pull her down with him and, as he hand no inhibitions to stop him right then, he did so. She gasped a bit as he threw the blanket over her and snuggled her a bit.

“Pinkie, you are one of the most selfless people I know. All you want to do is make everyone happy and you will go at great lengths do… to do… so. I adore you.” He said. Pinkie Pie began to heat up a bit as she snuggled into his chest a bit and wrapped her arms around him and muttered.

“Thank you.” Tec felt wetness on his shirt that he assumed to be tears and put his arms around her and pulled her even closer. He nuzzled into her hair and could smell the sweet smell of cupcakes coming from it. He laughed a bit and kissed her on the top of her head. She heated up even more and He drifted off to sleep.

A coronation, a new friend and untold rage(edited)

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Tec thought the next few days were nice, he spent a lot of time with Applejack trying to get rid of his slight compulsion to lie and in return he helped her with some of her chores. They made some real headway on his habit and he didn’t feel the need to lie as much. He also spent a fair amount of time with Fluttershy, while it was a fact that he wasn’t the best with animals, that title belongs to Flutters, he certainly wasn’t bad. However most of Tec's knowledge of animals comes from books not from interactions… as such a small amount of hilarity ensued when Anubis tried to get at a squirrel, the squirrel ran up a tree and Anubis barked at the bottom. He tried calming him down a bit, a lot of good that did him, but the squirrel jumped from the tree and spread all four of its legs out causing the furry membrane between them to spread out as it glided to the nearest tree. Anubis tried chasing him even further, but alas, he ended up running face first into the tree the squirrel was going to. Flutters immediately ran up to him to see if he was fine, which ended up with her getting a face full of slobber and a happy bark from the dumb dog. Man, I love him. Tec thought. He spent some time with Twilight going over some of the magic theory of this world and was a little surprised at the lack of depth… He didn’t, however, voice this to Twilight. He had a lot of random fun with Pinkie… Tec wasn't sure of how… but… they ended up in Las Pegasus for a day and got hammered… somehow Dash showed up… or maybe she was there the whole time… even with the curse of remembrance… Tec still lost a good six hours there. He picked up the rest of his clothing from Rarity. She said that his outfit for Twilight’s coronation was done, but wouldn’t show it to him that day. She told him that it was going to be surprise. In return he showed her some of his, very few, designs. She liked all of… one she liked one of them… the rest she smiled painfully at. Oh well, no harm no foul. Finally, the day of the coronation came and Tec saw his outfit… oh damn… this thing is awesome! He thought. There was a long sleeved, soft-grey, button up shirt, under a vest that was only slightly darker than Twilight’s fur, with a grey and purple tie, a pair of grey slacks with a streak of purple down the outside of each leg and a pair grey formal shoes to finish it off. I feel damn sexy! Tec thought. He got approving comments from all his new friends, though, not as approving as he would have liked. Oh well, can’t look a gift horse in the mouth… that line hurt my brain… He thought as he waited for the girls to get ready. They had arrived at Canterlot not to long ago, but Tec was being a bit impatient. When they finally came out though… hot damn… These girls went from damn sexy to holy mother of gods fucking beautiful! Tec's eyes went wide with shock at how truly beautiful these girls were… I know the show didn’t prepare me for anything compared to this… even though I had seen these dresses before… I hadn’t seen these dresses before… just… damn… Tec thought.

Twilight’s procession and speech went fine and everything else went really well as well. The after party is where things went a little bit… south… to say the least.

Tec started the party off by talking to Rarity. “I know I already said it, but thank you so much for this. I feel soooooo good in this outfit.”

“You are quite welcome and, if I do say so myself, I think you look rather dashing.” She answered.

“Thanks. The first step to looking good is feeling good. The next step is looking good… wait… that didn’t… never mind…” He said as he confused himself a bit. Then, he saw Twilight. “I’ll be back later. I’m going to go congratulate Twilight.” He finished, giving Rarity a huge smile, then, walking towards Twilight. He ended up in line for a bit, but it didn’t particularly bother me. It gave him time to think. He got up to her about five minutes later and was greeted with her saying.

“Tec, how are you enjoying the party?” She gave him a hug, which he reciprocated.

“This party is really fun, but that wasn’t why I came over here.” He paused and gave her his most sincere smile. Princess Celestia came up to us with a smile on her face as well. She looked at us and said to me.

“Tec, we have made our decision. You may tell them of your knowledge.” He smiled even more widely and took a deep breath trying to calm himself.

“Thank you… um… I haven’t been calling you Princess all this time have I?” He asked.

“No, you have addressed neither my sister, Twilight nor me by our titles.” She said, “Why do you ask my little human?” She continued. He shuddered a bit at how she addressed me.

“Please don’t call me that ever again… The reason I ask is I do not wish to be rude. Would you like me to address you as such? Or you Twilight?” He answered. They both shook their heads no with smiles. “Great! Thank you Celestia, for allowing me to spread some of the knowledge that I have, I do not think I will say all of it because I think if certain things are to happen they need to happen for certain lessons to be learned.”

“Well, I will respect your wishes on the addressing portion and I thank you for your carefulness. Yet, I wonder, why do you not wish to be addressed as such?” Celestia asked.

“I…” He started, trying to be careful how he worded this, “didn’t have the greatest reputation with authority figures in my world.” Twilight gasped.

“You were a criminal!” Twilight said very worriedly.

“No… I just was a very… dominate person… I… kind of… didn’t listen very well… among other things…” He answered not too proud of himself. “I don’t like being reminded that there are those above me, in anything really… not that good of a quality to have… Anyways… Thank you Celestia, I will be careful.” Celestia looked at him very oddly, then, smiled and nodded then walked off to speak to more guests. “Now, Twilight, great job on the speech you gave it was very well spoken. Also, good going with the procession itself, all in all a beautiful coronation.” He smiled at her.

“Celestiasaidyoucouldshareyourknowledge! Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeon!” She spouted out excitedly. He chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes.

“I guess, if that is what the Princess wants.” He said overdramatically with a smirk. She smirked back.

“That is what the Princess wants.” She said playfully. We both laughed and walked to the buffet. “So, first tell me what was so dangerous about this knowledge in the first place?” She asked.

“Well… the danger could be completely imagined or not. I have no clue at the moment and will have to learn some more before I know whether or not my knowledge is even relevant. You see, in my world there is something called a TV, do you know what that is? Sorry, I don’t know what the technology level is here in Equestria.” He started.

“No… what is it?” She asked.

“A TV is pretty much a more portable machine used to view movies, shows and a lot of other things.” He answered. She nodded not quite understanding. “Well, one of those shows was called My little Pony: Friendship is magic.” He stopped for a second as she became really confused then her eyes went wide with shock as she realized what he was saying. “Yep, that’s right it was about you girls. Personally I absolutely loved the show and I am glad you had me in a spell when I first came here. I would have jumped up and pulled a Pinkie Gasp. However, as I said before, I am not sure how much of this show applies, so far the only thing that has been wrong is the time in-between things and your forms.” He finished.

“Our forms?” She said quizzically.

“Yeah, you were quadrupeds in the show. I would love to stay and chat with you, but I’m kind of pissing the Ponies off behind me.” He answered then, gave her a huge hug. “Talk to you when we get back to Ponyville.” He said as he walked off. He looked around trying to locate either Pinkie or Luna, having not seen the latter at all during this party. He ended up finding Luna first surprisingly enough. “Hello M…” He faked a cough while he caught himself. “Luna. I heard that I have been allowed to speak of what I know, if it even proves relevant.” He said chuckling a bit.

“Yes, Tec you have.” She said with a smile.

“So, I do have to say that this is a gorgeous evening you created.” He said smiling his best. “And you look rather beautiful as well.” Luna chuckled as well.

“Thank you on both comments. You look nice as well.” She stated.

I playfully gasped. “Compliments from Royalty, I am so lucky!” He said before snickering just as playfully. “Seriously though, thank you. So, I do have a question. What do you do for fun?” He asked.

“Well, I do lots of things, I read tales and poetry, I watch the stars, I look through Tia’s things, I spar…” She started listing.

“Wait… hold on what was that last one?” He asked.

“I go through Tia’s things.” She said with a smirk. He shook his head.

“No, not that… You spar?” He said quizzically with his eyes growing wide with excitement and his mouth curving in a gigantic smile.

“Why yes…” She started with a bit of enthusiasm that was soon lost, “but... the guards we have do not put up much of a fight.” She smiled mirthlessly.

“Well, they haven’t really been in war, recently, so that is understandable.” He said.

“Yes, well… that enjoyment has trickled down to only being with Tia.” She said.

“You both spar… Oh this is wonderful.” He said and smiled with a squee. “I have an idea. Would you like to spar with me?” He asked.

“Oh, do you think you can best me?” She asked smirking.

“Probably not.” He said shrugging, “but I have done dumber things than sparing with a really powerful Princess.” He answered.

“Like?” She asked.

“Um…” He thought, “Well, I threatened a god before.” Her eyes went wide with disbelief. “Though you and your sister are close to Demi-gods so, this is a close second.” He said smiling.

“Right… so are you sure?” She asked.

“Positive. Rules?” He asked.

“Well, I will handicap myself with no magic and no wings. You may use any weapon you wish.” She simply stated. He started smiling playfully, but still obviously deviously. “What?’

“You gave me a huge plus in this. I may not have as big of a plus as you, but I still have one. Shall we go to somewhere, where we may play?” He asked. “I will use a katana, if you have one.”

“Yes we shall and yes we do. Follow me.” She said as we made our way through the crowd. She ushered a few guards to us and whispered something to them. They nodded and left quickly. “I have told them to inform the other guards what is happening as well as get you your weapon.” She said. Some ponies had grown a bit of interest in what we were doing and had begun to follow us.

“It seems that we are going to have a bit of an audience.” He tittered. She smiled and continued to walk.

We ended up in, what would have been, without the audience, a particularly secluded expanse of the castle’s courtyard. He did some stretches before sitting down for some pre-spar meditation. After about a minute or so, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and saw that his sword had been brought. He looked at Luna and saw that she had changed her outfit, via magic and was stretching. He smiled and turned towards the blade behind me, making sure that his actions could not be seen by Luna. “Can you make it so that my knife won’t cut or stab or cause any real damage?” He asked the Unicorn guard in front of me. He nodded and Tec pulled his trusty blade out and held it out of sight as he cast his spell. Tec put the knife back in his pocket and grabbed the katana. “Thank you sir.” He said.

“With pleasure.” The white Unicorn answered back. Then he made his way back to the crowd.

“Hey, Luna. Are you ready?” He asked as he turned around.

“Quite.” She answered, two English style short swords in hand. He smiled and readied his blade in front of him with two hands, having had tied the sheath to his waist. Then he thought aloud.

“Hey, can you magic me up more suitable sparing clothing for me, no metal armor though.” She nodded and he was soon in padded armor. “Thanks.” He said. He then looked her in the face, his expression completely different than it had been all night. He took a breath and closed his eyes for just a moment, but in that moment he felt a short sword crash down upon his leg causing it to buckle. He quickly opened his eyes and took an upwards slash, more to get her to back off than anything. Surprisingly, it almost got her. He stood up, albeit shakily. “Yep, definitely the second dumbest thing I’ve done. Oh well, no take backs.” He spoke to himself then he smiled, took another breath and quickly brought himself forward. He brought his sword down and while she blocked that he took his knife out and quickly brought it up to her throat. She noticed it last minute and blocked it. He smiled with both of his weapons out. Then suddenly sheathed his sword and put his knife away. Luna raised an eyebrow.

“Are you standing down?” She asked confused.

“Nope.” He answered simply. Thinking he was an easy target with his weapons sheathed she came at him with abandon. He smiled even wider and quickly pulled past her while slamming his quickly unsheathed blade into her stomach and sheathing it just as quickly. He quickly turned around and pulled himself into a more suitable stance. Luna was bent over coughing. He pulled himself up behind her and pulled out his knife. He put the blade against her throat and said. “Do you yield?” She started laughing a bit between coughing and he soon found himself on the ground with his weapons out of reach and swords pressed against his throat.

“No. Do you yield?” She questioned. He laughed heartily.

“I yield, I yield.” He said happy that he had gotten as far as he did. “You are a fantastic fighter, but I can see that dexterity is more your cup of tea.” he continued as she helped him up.

“What does tea have to do with fighting or dexterity?” She asked highly confusedly.

“It’s a figure of speech. It means that you prefer using dexterity rather than strength in a fight.” He answered as he handed the katana back to the unicorn that gave it to him and had the unicorn remove the spell on his knife, after which he pocketed it. “Luna, I have to say. That was rather enjoyable, even if I did get my ass handed to me.” he said, turning towards her once more.

“I did not hand you a donkey?” She stated confused once more.
“It’s another figure of speech. It means that you beat me quite badly.” He answered. She nodded and chuckled. “Now, I do have to apologize, but I should go back inside. We should do this again sometime in the near future.” He said. “Also, would you mind turning my clothing back?”

“Yes we should.” She said answering Tec's first statement. “Also, I do not mind it no.” she finished as she nodded and her magic coated his clothing once more, changing it back to what it was. He smiled and offered her a hug. She stared at him for a moment not understanding. He giggled a bit and pulled her into a hug, getting a scoff from several around me. At first it didn’t register in her head what was happening, but soon she smiled and wrapped her arms around me, returning his hug. We parted and he resisted the urge to kiss her cheek. He walked back into the party and was immediately barraged by a Pink blur.

“Tec!Howareyoudoing?Thisisawonderfulparty.Don’tyouthinksotoo?” Pinkie spouted out quickly. He laughed at her antics and answered.

“Hey Pinkie. I’m doing fine and yes this party is really good.” He pulled her into a hug that she readily returned. “So, um… wanna know how I knew your song and what other songs I know?” He asked, his mind wandering back to the excitement of being able to share his knowledge. Pinkie gasped.

“You can tell us?!” He nodded his head. “Oh, yesyesyesyes!” She continued.

“Um… I heard your songs from a TV show called My little Pony: Friendship is magic. It was one of my favorite forms of entertainment and… my favorite character…” He began to blush madly then he cleared my throat… “um… my favorite character was named Pinkie Pie…”

“Wow! That’s my name!” She said smiling… as he realized she didn’t get it…

“Um… the show was about you and the girls… and… you… you were my favorite character…” He said quietly, suddenly not wanting to talk so much about this. Pinkie jumped up and gasped.

“You mean… you knew us before we knew you! You watched us do stuff?! You watched us party! I’m your favorite?!” She spouted out quickly.

“um… yeah…” He said quietly as he started to deflate and become duller, “I think I sh…” He started.

“That is soooo cool! You must really like parties if I was your favorite!” He quickly inflated as his color returned.

“Yeah… I do like parties… but… um… that… that wasn’t the reason you were my favorite…” He continued in a bit of shock.

“Then why me…” she countered, all could see that she was shocked by this.

“Well… truthfully… I think you, while not the most generous, are the most selfless person I have ever seen.” Confusion played out on her face. “You do your best to make everyone smile. In fact you’re happiest when all of your friends are smiling. Also, watching you on the show helped me to find my smile when I was contemplating ending myself…” He said the last part very softly while looking at the ground. Pinkies eyes grew wide and she started to tear up. She pulled him into the most endearing hug he had ever had the pleasure of having which he reciprocated.

“Hey Tec. Hey Pinkie. What’s up?” We heard Rainbow Dash ask. Pinkie pulled away from the hug and, with tears still threatening to spill, gave him the most beautiful smile Tec had ever seen then kissed his cheek. Tec's eyes went wide as saucers and his hand went up to his cheek. She looked to Dash and wiped her tears away, sniffling a bit.

“I just learned that I made Tec smile even before he came to Equestria.” She said in a semi quiet voice before she walked off, seemingly in a happy daze.

“Ok… what was that all about?” Dash asked me. He slowly brought his hand down and looked at Rainbow.

“I… I… I jus… just told her…th… that…” He paused and took a deep calming breath and explained to Dash what he had to Pinkie. She seemed to be speechless for a moment.

“Well… at least I understand why she did that…” She stated shocked. “Wait… what the hay! I actually understood Pinkie!” She chuckled a bit. “I guess some things are the same between mares no matter what.” She continued giggling.

“Wha…?” He asked.

“You’ll see.” She smirked and raced off.

“Well, that was weird.” He said as he turned around and began walking around.

“Hmm… you’re a rather strange creature.” A male voice stated. A bit confused Tec turned towards him. He seemed to be a brownish-grey pony with a black mane and a red tail he had his hand under his chin, stroking his long white beard in thought. Tec stared at him trying to think of who this pony was. He seemed familiar. Then Tec saw his eyes, yellow iris with a red pupil. Tec smiled.

“Coming from you, Discord, that might be a compliment.” Tec snickered as his mouth dropped in shock. “What, has Fluttershy not told you about me?” He asked. Discord tensed up and his eyes narrowed to pinpricks as he held himself in an angry pose.

“No.” Was all he said. Tec could feel his anger, but underneath that, Tec could feel the purpose for his anger. …hmm… looks like my empathic abilities are growing stronger… He thought.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt her and I am not trying to court her.” He said smiling. All of his anger disappeared and was replaced by fear and confusion. “Yes I know that you have fallen for her and no I can’t read thoughts. I am just good a picking up emotions.” He stated. The fear, while still there lessened a bit. The confusion was still just as strong.

“How did you know who I was though?” He asked.

“Your eyes and beard give you away, mostly your eyes though. You are the only being I have seen in this world that has yellow eyes with red pupils.” Tec answered. He smiled hugely. “You wanna know a bit of what I know?” He asked with a huge smile. He nodded hesitantly. “Come see me at Fluttershy’s cottage in a few days. There are some things that I have to explain and some things that I want to know. Just so you know I think that you are really cool and would love to be your friend, if you would have me as one.” Tec said, his smile growing.

“Wait… you think I’m… cool… and want to be my friend?” Tec nodded his head happily. “Why?”

“Firstly, I myself am highly chaotic and love to trip people up. Secondly, I understand that chaos is a necessity in life. Perfection,” he spat out the last word like it was a piece of rotten food, “is utterly and completely boring. Perfect harmony,” he continued, “leads, ultimately, to stagnation and later on destruction.” I paused for a moment. “I want to be your friend because you are a cool person and I want to get to know you.” He finished. He stared at Tec wide eyed before a huge grin plastered itself to his face.

“You, my new friend, are bucking brilliant. I could just kiss you. In fact I think I will.” He moved in to fake a kiss. Tec smiled evilly causing him to pause. In that moment, Tec grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards me, giving him a very intimate kiss. He didn’t struggle for a little while, still recovering from the shock, but once he started to Tec let go and pulled back laughing.

“Don’t try to prank me like that. Next time I think I’ll slip in a bit of tongue.” Tec said still laughing. His eyes were wide with shock for a while until he too began to laugh heartily.
“I see you have made a new friend.” Celestia said from behind them, a slight chuckle in her voice.

“Oh, yes and this one, I believe, will be exquisitely amusing.” Discord stated.

“Oh?” Celestia stated quizzically.

“Yep, someone has to keep old Dissy here on his toes.” He said laughing.

“Tec, I think…” Celestia started before Tec interrupted her by putting a finger up and hushing her with a very serious face. He listened for a bit trying to pinpoint the rage and fear he was feeling.
“…ou bucking skank. How dare you treat a prince like you did.” He heard a voice that he quickly recognized as prince Blueblood's. His face contorted into a slight grimace.

“Buck you, you miserable…” A female voice, that he soon realized was Rarity’s, start before he heard a loud smack. his face contorted further as rage filled his being.
“Excuse me for a moment I have to go do something.” He said in as calm a voice as he could muster. Celestia and Discord noticed his rage.

“What do you have to go do?” Discord asked.

“Take out the trash.” He answered in an almost growl. He made his way towards the sound of crying the crowd moving out of his way once they got a good look at his face. He finally got to them after his small walk. His rage had only grown, but he still managed to keep a modicum amount of control. “Hey your royal dick facedness! Did you just fucking hit her?” He said to the white unicorn. He was a few inches taller than me, but he didn’t give a shit.

“Why would I have to answer to you peasant.” Blueblood mocked. His control cracked a bit.

“BECAUSE IF YOU DON’T I AM GOING TO TEAR YOUR FUCKING HORN OFF AND RAM IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!!” Tec shouted in the Royal Whee. He seemed slightly startled, but his pride kept him from showing much.

“You dare threaten a prince. I could have you imprisoned for treason!” He said angrily.

“Firstly, yes I dare threaten a prince. Secondly, I don’t give a shit! No one, and I mean NO ONE gets away with harming my friends. Thirdly, how dare you even claim to be a prince, you are just a royal dick!” Tec continued in the Royal Whee, while lessening the volume a bit. His face contorted with rage and he slapped Tec with quite a bit of force. Tec could feel his heart beat slamming in his chest as the last bit of control he had shattered. For a while his rage just built. Blueblood stood there with a smug expression on his face as Tec stood there silently shaking. He mistook the shaking for fear.

“What happened, coward, I thought no one, and I mean no one, got away with hurting your friends. You and this cunt should just leave before my mercy runs out.” He mocked. Tec clenched his fist and brought his eyes up to look at him. Just as there eyes met all of the windows in the room burst outwards. His hand slammed forward as he gripped Blueblood's throat. Tec began to lift him off of the ground in his rage. Tec wanted him to die. Tec wanted to incinerate his body until there was nothing left. He let out a strangled scream as steam came off of his throat where his fingers were digging in. He let out a feral growl and brought Blueblood closer so that his mouth was next to his ear.

“Do you want to find out why humans are the number one predators, meat?” He said quietly and harshly. Tec heard a collective gasp behind him and turned his head to see who it was. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Discord all had looks of disbelief and fear in their eyes. Pinkie though… Pinkie had tears streaming down her face. In that moment he regained his control and dropped the, now, unconscious stallion. He muttered, “I’m sorry.” Tears broke loose from his face as he turned and ran as fast as he could.

Tec ran without looking and soon found himself hopelessly lost in a hedge maze. He sat down against a hedge wall and bawled. “Great… just fucking great! I fucking lost it! I just couldn’t control my anger could I!” He berated himself. A song started up in his head that normally popped up when he was hating on himself. He started to sing.

“I had to block out thoughts of you so I don’t lose my head
They crawled in like a cockroach leaving babies on my bead
Dropping little reals of tape, to remind me that I’m alone
Playing movies in my head that make a…”

I stopped singing because for some odd reason singing that song didn’t seem like the right thing to do. He was slightly confused. Another song popped up.

“When the days are cold and the cards all fold and the saints we see are all made of gold
When your dreams all fail and the ones we hail are the worst, of all and the blood’s run stale”
Pinkie moved into the small clearing he was in. He continued like nothing happened without skipping a beat.
“I wanna hide the truth I wanna shelter you but with the beast inside there’s nowhere we can hide
No matter what we breed we still are made of greed this is my kingdom come this my kingdom come”
He could hear the music all around him and he could feel the magic.
“When you feel my heat look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
Don’t get to close it’s dark inside it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide”
Pinkies beautiful voice came in to the mix as she sang the next line as his voice started to fade out like it was planned.
“Curtain’s call is the last of all when the lights fade out all the sinners crawl
So they dug your grave and the masquerade will come calling out at the mess you made.”
She faded out as Tec picked it up.
“Don’t wanna let you down but I am hell bound though this all for you don’t wanna hide the truth”
We sang together.
“No matter what we breed we still are made of greed.”
She faded out.
“This is my kingdom come this is my kingdom come
When you feel my heat look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
Don’t get to close it’s dark inside it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
They say it’s what you make I say it’s up to fate it’s woven in my soul I need to let you go
Your eyes they shine so bright I wanna save that light I can’t escape this now! unless you show me how!
When you feel my heat look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
Don’t get to close it’s dark inside it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide.”
His voice echoed a bit at the end as the music faded out. At some point in time during the song Pinkie and Tec had gotten really close he stood staring into her magnificent cerulean orbs as tears silently streamed down his face. “I’m so sorry… I… I’m sorry…” He choked out. She stared at him silently, her cheeks stained with dry tears. Then, she pulled him into a warm hug and said quietly.

“It’ll be ok. I… I forgive you.” She said. He wrapped her in a solid hug of his own as the rest of his friends walked in and surrounded him a group hug. Happy tears streamed down his face as he smiled gratefully.

“Tec… I think we all forgive you.” Celestia said from the edge of the clearing.

“Yes. While harsh and frightening, you were trying to protect a friend and that in and of its self is admirable.” Luna stated from next to her sister. He chuckled softly as he motioned for them to join in the hug. They smiled and joined in. He could feel a presence behind him.

“Come on Discord you’re my friend too.” He said quietly. Tec heard him chuckle as he joined the hug. When it ended, some five minutes later, he looked at Celestia and Luna. “So… what is going to happen now?” He asked.

“Truthfully… we don’t know.” Celestia said quietly as she let one single tear fall from her face.

Tec and Confinement(edited)

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Unfortunately for Tec, just because he was forgiven… doesn’t mean that all was well. He still assaulted a member of the royal family, in the middle of one of the biggest, if not the biggest, events in recent history. Thus, he was in Canterlot for a couple days after his little outburst…

A knock sounded from the door just as he finished packing away the last of his meager possessions. “Come in.” He said, still bent over his small pack. The door opened and he felt a tinge of worry come from whoever walked in. He turned to tell the pony that he wasn’t going to hurt them, but stopped short upon seeing Celestia with a false smile on her face. Why is she worried? I thought that everything… no I guess it wouldn’t be that easy even in a land of magical ponies with big hearts… He thought. “Please… lose the fake smile…” He managed as he deflated. Her smile instantly disappeared and was replaced with a look of shock.

“How… how did you see through me?” She asked genuinely confused. He pointed towards my head and answered quietly.

“Back on my world I was what some would call an empath. I can actually feel small twinges of emotions from others. Although since coming to Equestria my sensitivity seems to have increased tenfold.” The joy he normally felt at explaining something was completely gone at this point as he stared at his feet. She seemed to understand what he meant. Then, it dawned on her why he became sad.

“Oh no, Tec I wasn’t worried about what you would do. I was worried about you. Unfortunately, because of what happened last night some of the nobles are rallying around Blueblood and are demanding that you be punished.” She explained. He inflated a bit, happy that she didn’t fear him, but not happy that he was going to be punished.

“So, what will it be?” He asked sadly. “Banishment? Execution? Something worse?” He continued.

“What? Why would… You know, you worry just as much as Twilight does. No, you will be staying here in Canterlot for observation and you will be answering some questions. However you will be confined to this room the entire time you are here.” She said in her normal motherly tone. He could no longer tell if what she was showing was entirely truthful as she had put up mental blocks.

“Ok… So, what are you here for the questioning?” He asked as his mood improved a bit more.

“Yes. Though, we will have to have somepony in here with us.” She answered.

“Well, let ‘em in then.” He stated.

“Ok, thank you for understanding.” She said softly as she went to the door and opened it to reveal a dark grey unicorn stallion with a black mane and hazel eyes. He walked in and sat down on a chair near the door. He stayed silent and closed his eyes as his horn lit up with a dull green light. Celestia took a breath and turned towards me. “Tec. What happened last night?” She started. Tec closed his eyes and did his best to remember his rage induced violence. He explained to them what came to mind and further explained that after He got hit he lost control and his vision narrowed and all he was paying attention to was Blueblood. She nodded and looked over to the grey stallion and he nodded his head. She walked over to Tec and pulled him into a hug. After they parted she said, “We will have to go over some things now, the fact that you didn’t lie will benefit you in the long run. I will see you in a little while after I take care of Day Court.”

“See ya, Celestia.” Tec said as she and the unicorn left. Execution by boredom then… Gods this is going to suck… He thought to himself.

He doesn’t seem to remember that he burnt Blueblood or that the windows exploded when his magical energy spiked. Not to mention the difference in power during that spike… where did he get that much magic… Did he always have it and choose to hide it… or… something else… He didn’t seem to even know… He just suddenly jumped from nearly nothing, far less than even an earth pony… to the level of an average unicorn… with absolutely no control… Should I bring this to his attention… or risk it… and keep quiet… Celestia thought to herself as she walked towards the throne room.

Meanwhile back in her Canterlot Loft Library Twilight and Spike were busy unpacking some things that they had gotten on a quick trip back to Ponyville. “Come on Twilight, do we really need to stay here. It’s so far from Ra…” He coughed in the middle of his sentence to cover up what he was about to say, “our friends. Also, what if someone wants to check out a book and we aren’t there to get it to them.”

“Spike…” She started, “If you want you can go back to the library and ask if Rarity would like your help. I, on the other hoof, need to stay here.” Spike looked at her excitedly and nodded his head in affirmation. She charged up a powerful teleportation as she focused on her Golden Oaks Library and let the magic free. They appeared in the middle of the Library and Spike immediately ran off to get Twilight a glass of water, as this level of spell was a bit of a drain on her magic supply. She panted as she waited for him to return. He came back with the glass in hand, which she drank down greedily. She took a deep breath, charged her spell again and appeared back in her Canterlot loft. A tired sigh came from her as she thought aloud and made her way to her bed, “Well, he’s not going anywhere for some time and I don’t have anything else to do today. A nap couldn’t hurt.” She fell into it and passed out the second her head touched her pillow.

I have been in here with nothing to do for five fucking hours. He thought poisonously as his stare bore holes in the clock trying to will time to speed up. He had asked the guards if one of them could get him a book and both had simply looked forward stoically like statues and after watching them for a while it unnerved him. He closed the door and laid down to try to take a nap to pass the time, to no avail. After almost an hour he stopped trying and began to look around at the room taking in all of the details. After the fifth time his gaze passed over of the entire room he looked at the clock and was flabbergasted. All my observations took me a good… half an hour… half of a fucking hour. He thought. At this point he was so bored he, half-jokingly, thought that maybe suicide was a better option than this boring hell. He tried to create a story in his head that he could enact to pass the time, but the boredom had already corrupted the creative center in his brain and he came up blank. Suffice it to say, three and a half hours later… He was not happy… in fact one could even call his mood caustic. He paced around the room and grumbled to himself as he tried to find something to do. His mood soured further as he heard a knock on the door. That’s just fucking perfect. Let’s go ask the pissed off prisoner some dumb questions and see what happens and while we’re at it lets poke him with a stick. He thought condescendingly. “Open.” He griped. In walked a smiling Twilight. Whether or not she noticed Tec's mood getting worse was irrelevant, but he wagered that she didn’t. “So you stayed behind. Spike here with you?” He managed in as calm a voice he could muster, which just made him sound empty.

“No. He decided to stay and help Rarity in Ponyville.” She answered while looking at a scroll in her hands. “Ok. I have a lot of questions to ask.” She squeed in delight.

“If you don’t mind, I would pref…” He started but was cut off by Twilight’s rambling.

“Oh, the things we can talk about!” She closed her eyes and bounced from hoof to hoof.

“I really don…” He was cut off once more and his sour mood just turned worse.

“Like how you…” He cut her off by screaming.

“TWILIGHT!” Her face was one of shock. His horrid mood made him want to play off the thing that would get her to leave and his face contorted to a frown. “I don’t think I can learn much, if anything, from you. Your understanding of things is mostly shallow. Even your understanding of your own destiny is meager.” The shocked look on her face changed to one of hurt, then one of anger. He immediately knew that he had fucked up, but He couldn’t bring himself to care.

“My understanding is shallow! You didn’t seem to think that when we were conversing before!” She screamed back.

“I was sparing your feelings.” He said as he slowly felt himself falling into an emotionless state. His hair deflated, his colors dulled and his face became impassive.

“Oh, so I guess you were sparing my feelings when you said you wanted to be my friend then!” She retorted as she slapped him and one lone tear fell down her cheek. He felt the slightest pinch of guilt at that point as his emotionless façade slowly began to crumble.

“No… I wasn’t. I really did want to be your friend.” He answered.

“Well, THIS isn’t how friends behave.” She stated back her voice tinged with anger and pain. He looked down to the ground as what he did came back to him.

“Well, now you know why I didn’t have any friends back where I am from. My anger is a problem and it splashes onto everybody.” He said slowly. “I’m sorry… I know that what I said was horrible and wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t forgive me. If it makes you feel any better, I actually think that you are probably more knowledgeable than me for the most part.” He finished as he turned towards the bed.

“Throughout my lessons of friendship my friends and I have made many mistakes, but friends forgive each other. Now, why were you so angry?” She said.

“Um… it’s… the reason is stupid.” He answered.

“No reason is stupid. Come on tell me.” She tried to coax the answer out

“This reason is hardly even a reason.” He retorted.

“Come on.” She tried again.

“Ok… Ok… it is still stupid though. I was… bored… my boredom pissed me off.” He answered.

“Um… so… it had nothing to do with me?” She said slightly confused.

“My boredom made me want to be antisocial… I kind of get that way when I am reading a book as well… Just not as angry as quickly… that only happens when I am repeatedly interrupted…” He confessed as a blush made its way across his cheeks.

“Well… I guess I can sort of understand that…” She said clearly not quite understanding.

“Don’t worry too much about it. I realize that it’s stupid. I wasn’t kidding when I said I didn’t have many friends before. I kind of pushed people away.” He answered, obviously not proud of his previous habits.

“Well, just be careful. Um… sorry for slapping you.” She said after thinking a bit.

“Don’t worry about it. I was being a dick and deserved it.” He stated. “So, um… you said you had questions and things you wished to talk about?” He reminded her.

“Hm… OH Yes! How did y…” She started before a knock on the door interrupted her.

“Sorry, one second.” Tec apologized to Twilight. “Yes, come in.” He directed towards the door. The door opened to reveal Celestia and Luna’s smiling faces. He could feel no ambient emotion and decided to challenge himself a bit to see exactly how strong his sensitivity had grown. As he focused on the three Alicorn mares in front of him. He could feel Twilight’s slight frustration at being interrupted once more that was tinged with conflicted feelings, but that was overwhelmed by her happiness at seeing her former teacher and her friends. He could feel a slight amount of distrust, like she didn’t believe something that her sister had said, from Luna towards Celestia. Whilst he still felt nothing from the blocked off Celestia. “Firstly Twilight, it’s ok to feel frustrated with someone you really respect, even if it is Celestia and Luna.” Twilight’s face contorted cutely with confusion, while Luna looked at him blankly and Celestia’s grin grew. He put two and two and two together and figured out what Celestia had told her that Luna didn’t believe. “Yes Luna I can feel others emotions. I have a feeling that Celestia tried to tell you about it and you didn’t believe her.” It was more of a statement than a question.

“Yes. She did and no I didn’t. How did you come across this ability?” Luna asked suspiciously.

“Don’t know when I really figured out that I had it. My guess would be that it is just something I was born with.” He answered.

“Well then, is this ability widespread where you are from?” She asked, her doubt still hanging on every word.

“Not really sure about that one either. My mom was one of the only other people I knew that had it. So… probably not.” He answered to the best of his ability.

“So wait, is it hereditary?” Twilight interjected as her inner scholar reared its head.

“Possibly… it was a bit harder to trace that kind of thing back on my world.” Tec answered her. Luna lost some of her suspicious gaze.

“While this is all very interesting, we actually came here to tell you that we calmed the nobles down.” Celestia interrupted. His eyes widened and his hair puffed out once more returning to its normal color as a smile nearly split his face in twain.

“So, it all blew over and I can leave!” He said as he began to bounce in place a bit.

“Unfortunately, no, you are still to stay here for a couple days for observation.” Celestia stated. He immediately stopped bouncing and sighed he did not, however, deflate.

“Can you at least allow me some books or something then? I was bored out of my mind in here and… I kind of do stupid stuff when I get bored… like…” My voice trailed off as he looked at Twilight with a sad look in his eyes. He subsequently sagged with depression. Celestia and Luna looked at him with a tinge of confusion. “I’m sorry…” Was all he quietly said before he turned away from them and flopped onto the bed face down and began to silently berate himself.

“I guess we will leave for now.” Luna stated before opening the door for a bit, letting out the other two, then closing it behind her. Well, I can’t say that I am to surprised that Luna figured out my need for alone time before anypony else… Wait… did I just think anypony… Eeyup… Well then… He thought to himself before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Hey, Tec… are you listening? Tec heard a very feminine voice say from all around him as he floated in the empty darkness.

Gidget? So… now you can actually talk to me in dreams… Wow you gained more presence than I thought. He said without looking around.

More than you could possibly know... Gidget’s voice answered.

Wait… if you’re gaining presence… has it finally come for me to cease? He asked quietly, dreading the possibilities.

No… I don’t think so… We need to think about this some more… She said slowly as if she was, indeed, thinking. A bright light shone through the darkness as Tec began to wake.

Don’t forget! He repeated several times as consciousness took hold.

Light streamed through the window reminding Tec that he forgot to close the curtain the night before. He groaned unhappily and slowly made his way over to the window to shut the curtain. Something struck him as he drew the curtain closed, he had something that he was supposed to remember… but he couldn’t think of what it could be… Eh… if it’s truly important I’ll remember it later. He thought to himself. He heard a light knock on the door. He yawned a bit and stretched. He felt way better than he had last night, sleep always made him feel better. There was another knock on the door, this time seeming a bit impatient. “Come in.” He said slightly confused. The door opened up to reveal that Twilight was his visitor this morning. She looked slightly annoyed and was wearing a purple, silk nightie… and he could tell that she didn’t have a bra on… His face became very red, very quickly as he began to examine the wall to his left that had suddenly become very interesting.

“You sleep very hard you know that…” She said.

“All guys do…” He retorted quietly.

“What?” She asked. He fake coughed and shook his head.

“Nothing. Now what is it you need?” He asked as he brought his eyes to look at her and made it a point to stare directly into her eyes.

“Ooookayy… Anyways… I came to ask you what kind of books you would like.” She answered with a shrug. Before you got dressed? He thought before answering.

“Anything with romance or anything on magic.” Twilight’s face contorted into a huge grin at the mention of literature on magic her horn glowed as she charged up a spell bright light filled the room just as he closed his eyes. He kept them closed for a few moments as he waited for her to possibly return. He opened them when nothing happened and low and behold that's when the room filled up with the magical light of Twilight’s teleportation spell. He blinked, waiting for his vision to return.

When it finally returned he was staring directly into the eyes of a wildly smiling Twilight who had gotten extremely close. Needless to say he jumped… well… more like screamed and fell on my ass, but that’s just semantics. Tec mentally corrects the author.

On his way back to his feet he saw that Twilight still had yet to get dressed, but had brought a large menagerie of books with her, all floating in her magic. Should I let her know that she’s not dressed or should I just sit back and enjoy it? He thought. I think I’ll just… no I can’t… maybe just a moment more though… His thoughts continued. His watched her for a while as she began to sort out all the books. “… udging by our previous conversations I didn’t think you would need some of the basics, but I still brought them because it never hurts to brush up on things.” He heard her state as he realized she was speaking.

“Wait… are you staying here with me?” He asked as she bent over to sort some books and ended up distracting him with her lavender flank and answering two questions he had, whether or not they had cutie marks and if she was wearing anything under her nightie. Yes and… kinda… He thought. Plain white panties… kinda count… His semi-lewd thoughts continued.

“Yes. I thought you might want some company.” She stated without turning around.

“Oh… Well, thank you.” His face grew red at what he was about to admit. “You might want to get dressed… I can… um… see your panties…”

“WHAT?!” Twilight screeched as her face turned six different shades of red in about two point eight seconds. The room filled once more with the bright light of her teleportation. I’m not much of an ass man… but… damn that mare has a nice flank… Tec thought as he waited for her to return. He walked over and picked up one of the books that were part of the basics and sat down to read.

Around two hours later Tec had gone through three of the smaller books decided two weren’t needed and was half way through the one he had in his hands. The room flashed once more as Twilight entered again. “Feeling better now?” He asked without looking away from the book.

“Much. Now, how far have you gotten in that book?” She asked. He took a moment to read the last page of the chapter he was on.

“I am on chapter thirteen in this one. I read Your Magic and You, So you want to cast spells and Magicians Codex. I skimmed over Your First Spell and Know Your Limits.” He said as he turned the page. There was a bit of silence before he heard a squee.

“So, what book are you reading right now?” She asked.

“I picked up one from the second pile called, Crystals and Gemstones. I am quickly finding that this book is lacking in some details though, but whatever. I can experiment to see if certain things that apply from where I am from, apply in this world.” he said as he closed the book and set it down on his ‘finished pile’. He looked at her and smiled. “So, what questions do you have?” He asked. Her eyes were wide for a while before shaking her head and taking a breath.

“Well, I know you aren’t a beginner… what grade would you be at though?” She asked herself.

“Not that it would help much, but where I am from certain groups separated it out into degrees. First, you have initiate or seeker. Next you have first degree, which works with the basics, such as tools, holidays, how to work with spells, etc. Then you have second degree, which denotes when you start trying to teach others, with guidance. Past that is third degree and clergy. Now I will be the first to admit that I haven’t actually had much formal training, but last time I was ‘evaluated’ I was set at between mid-second degree and high second degree. I can teach with some of the things that I know. Hell, several years ago I was going to teach two students, on my own, but they decided that they didn’t want me as a teacher before I even began teaching them.” He answered. She looked at him while her mouth opened and closed repeatedly, reminding Tec of a fish. “Twilight?” He said trying to get her attention.

“I… um… I’ll be right back…” She managed as she teleported out of the room. He shrugged and went back to reading.

I have to get to Celestia… She needs to know this… Twilight thought to herself as she walked towards the throne room. Many of the guards and servants of the castle bowed their heads as she walked by, but she didn’t notice. She was a mare on a mission.

Celestia was in the middle of day court listening to a farmer from the outskirts of Fillydelphia and the owner of a chain of confectioneries, argue over property rights. “That land has been in my family for generations. I would no more relinquish it than I would give up my left hoof!” The farmer, Belle Sprout stated to Celestia.

“You have no documents to prove such a claim! Princess Celestia please, listen to reason. I went to the mayor of Fillydelphia and bought the land that this mare stubbornly won’t leave.” The business mare, Cherry Cheesecake, pleaded. Suddenly the doors burst open and Twilight walked in with a look of confusion and wonder plastered on her face.

“This case will be held until a later date. You both have two days to bring forth the documentation necessary.” Celestia stated to the two. Cherry Cheesecake seemed to be slightly annoyed by this, but chose not to say anything, while, Belle Sprout seemed to be awash with relief. They bowed and left through the gigantic double doors. Celestia turned to Twilight. “Twilight, my dear, what seems to be the matter?” She asked her in a caring tone.

“Tec…” At this Celestia’s heartbeat quickened a bit her mind going directly to the worst possibility, “He… he says that he was to be a teacher of magic… in his old world…” Twilight finally said with a smile plastered to her face. “He said that our advanced book on gemstones and crystals might be missing some information, but he needs to test if some of the same things apply in this world that applied in his. OH Celestia! I have never met somepony who was as interested in magic as he is! I mean, I’ve had discussions with him about it before but… at that point in time he was mostly silent and would only ask questions here and there! I didn’t know he knew that much!” Celestia raised an eyebrow in contemplation and thought for a moment, but… his energy… it’s so… small normally… but there still was that spike…

“It seems that I need to speak with him.” Celestia stated as she made her decision. She charged her teleportation spell as Twilight did the same.

Twilight had been gone for about five minutes before Tec began to get bored once more and started reading again. He picked up a book that he had heard of before coming here, Super Naturals, and chuckled, remembering the episode. As he read through it he committed a few recipes that seemed like they could be useful, a basic healing salve, a burn salve and a bathing mix designed to cure rashes, down onto some paper that Twilight had brought with her. He felt lucky at this point in time that he had learned how to write with a quill before now. He chuckled as he remembered how difficult it was his first try and how utterly horrid it looked… well, it still looks kind of bad… but hey at least it was legible… He thought. He still had issues writing strait across the page without the guide of lines. Yep… all of the words kind of slope down the page at an angle… His thoughts continued while looking at the final product.

The bright light of a teleportation spell shone from behind him. He was about to ask Twilight why she had left when a second light shone brightly, effectively cutting him off. He turned around and saw that both Twilight and Celestia had come. “Ok… Day Court should be going on right now… so… To what do I owe the pleasure of your company Celestia?” He asked curiously.

“Twilight has told me that you know quite a bit about magic. That you were going to be a teacher in your old world?” She said quizzically. He raised an eyebrow and looked to Twilight and back to Celestia.

“Yes. I know a good bit about magic. Well, magic from my world at least and yes, I was going to have students, two to be exact, several years ago. They decided that they didn’t wish to learn from me though. I haven’t tried to give lessons, save for some advice here and there, since.” He answered wondering where this was going. He gave trying to sense Celestia’s emotions another shot. He could feel the excitement practically radiating off of Twilight, but once again found himself unable to tap into what Celestia was feeling.

“How can you use magic with so little energy though?” Celestia asked her face seemed genuinely curious, but he still felt that there was something more to this. He chuckled a bit and took a deep breath. He stopped the flow of magical energy going out of his body and immediately felt his stockpile start to grow. Celestia showed no reaction for a while. He smirked and took another deep breath and focused on pulling in energy as well as increasing the production inside of him. He felt it skyrocket. Celestia’s calm demeanor cracked a bit but did not break. He took another deep breath and closed his eyes focusing entirely upon the magic inside him and began multiplying the energy. He opened his eyes and saw that both of the Alicorn mares in front of him had looks of astonishment. Then, there jaws dropped. A bit confused about their last reaction he cocked an eyebrow and asked.

“What?” Celestia and Twilight just blinked for a while before Twilight pointed towards her eyes. This confused him even further. “What, your eyes?” He asked.

“No… your eyes… they’re glowing.” Twilight stated slowly.

“Wait… What!?” He exclaimed just before he expunged the energy in him.

“How… how can you control all the energy in you when you’re overcharged…” Twilight asked.

“Overcharged?” He asked.

“Yes, the point in which you have focused nearly all of your magic into your… well you don’t have one… but it happens when a unicorn, or Alicorn focuses almost all of their magic into their horn.” Celestia explained. “How are you not tired after that?” Suffice it to say Tec wasn’t following her train of thought very well.

“Well color me confused… I’m not tired because, while my eyes wouldn’t normally light up, I was just doing a basic energy gathering practice. I didn’t use a spell or anything, not that, that would normally tire me out too badly. Then I just gave the energy back that I had drawn into me.” He answered. Both of their jaws dropped once more. “What?”

“You took energy from around you!?” Celestia said slightly panicked, her calm demeanor utterly shattered at this point.

“Well yeah…” He answered baffled by her response.

“Oh no… oh no, oh no… This can’t be happening…” Twilight began.

“Unfortunately it has too…” Celestia began.

“What?” He asked, becoming a bit worried.

“You are too dangerous to allow you to interact with Equestria… You must leave… or I will have to make you leave…” Celestia said in a low voice that seemed less threatening and more, just, sad.

“WHAT?!” Tec exclaimed. “I would understand if my anger had caused this, but this, really something that anyone can do. Fuckin’ really!” He continued. They stopped momentarily, confused by his words.

“What do you mean… something anyone can do?” Celestia asked with a bewildered expression on her face.

“I meant exactly what I said. Anyone can do it, any unicorn, any pegasus, any earth pony, any Alicorn, any anything can do it and does do it every day. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day you are doing exactly what I was doing, just subconsciously. If you didn’t you would die.” He answered, absolutely flabbergasted. They looked at each other and back to Tec. He calmed himself down a bit. “Look, do you know the scientific properties of energy?” He asked.

“Yes, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is…” Twilight began, suddenly becoming happy. He cut her off though.

“That is the only property that is needed to understand what I am going to tell you. All I did was convert the potential energy around me and inside me into magical energy.” They both looked at him blinking momentarily. Finally a look of realization crossed their faces.

“So you didn’t take the magical energy from around you at all?” Celestia asked.

“Nope.” He answer.

“Meaning doing what you did wouldn’t hurt anypony?” Twilight continued.

“Eeyup.” He answered. They both sigh in relief.

“Well… now that this has come up. Why did you burn Blueblood?” Celestia asked.

“Wait… What now?” He asked.

“You burned Prince Blueblood on his neck.” Celestia said.

“Well, that is unusual… I will have to do some tests to figure out…” He facepalm as he figure out what had happened. “The magic in this world… I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out… The sheer difference in the viscosity of the magic in this world versus where I’m from, I mean come on, the fact that even the air tastes different should have told me that!” He rambled off while pacing. “Anyways, to answer your question, it is because I lost control. I will have to try much, much harder to keep in control from now on, seeming as how my rage has become a quite bit more dangerous. Luckily, I have to actually focus to build up energy that quickly.” He said as he turned his gaze back to Celestia. Then he felt a sudden pulse inside himself. His face contorted in confusion.

“What?” Twilight asked just before Tec's world went dark.

Suddenly Tec's face and body tensed up as he let out a blood curdling scream that chilled both the Alicorn mares to the bone. His legs gave out and he dropped to the ground. He stared at them blankly as his face and body begin to twitch and draw further into himself. He blew raspberries and ended up with drool all over him. Twilight and Celestia noticed that his drool was tinted red. Finally it clicked in their heads what was happening as the seizure ended just as suddenly as it began.

“Twilight, begin asking him basic questions about you, your friends and himself. I will go and get a doctor.” Celestia said before teleporting away. Twilight did just that.

“Who am I?” Tec heard a female voice asking as his vision started to clear up a bit. His memory was still hazy but he knew who was speaking.

“You’re… Twilight… um… Twilight Sparkle.” He answered.

“Alright and who are you?” Twilight asked. The haze coating his brain seemed to lift quite a bit as he became annoyed by her question.

“I’m Tec!” He nearly shouted. His vision cleared to the point where he could actually see the people around me. At first he was scared and confused as he couldn’t remember how he got to Equestria. He calmed down as his memories flooded into his head and he began to feel the aching in his body and the pain in his mouth… Then, he finally realized exactly what had happened. He looked to Twilight with a sad expression. “How long did it take?” He asked. Though with his slightly swollen tongue it sounded like ‘hou lowng dihd ih tayk’.

“It’s been two hours since your seizure started.” Twilight said with a sad expression. Her face was coated in dry tears. He sighed sadly.

“A’m shawry…” He said as he pulled her into a hug that was quickly reciprocated as she began crying softly into his shoulder. He noticed Celestia with a scared expression on her face and a pony that Tec guessed was a doctor standing near him as well. “Aw shooh hahv tolh yue abowh ma Epihlepshee.” He continued. “Uh… am I going to have to deal with this wounded tongue or can it be fixed quickly?” He asked, carefully and slowly sounding out each word to the doctor after he noticed she was a unicorn.

“For a wound like the one you have normally I could just heal it with magic. Unfortunately I can’t guarantee it wouldn’t set off another seizure.” The doctor stated. Tec sighed and chuckled mirthlessly. Of course it can’t be that simple… He thought. He then realized he was still sitting in his own piss.

“Um… shit…” He said. “This is going to sound very bad but… I kind of emptied my bladder during my seizure… I need to get to a shower… but I can’t trust my legs… I… I’m going to need help…” He continued, slowly working around his injury. He could feel Twilight heat up in embarrassment at what he said.

“Yes, I can have a stallion come in to help you if that would be better for you.” The doctor stated.

“No it’s fine.” Tec said as Twilight backed up and Tec moved to the side of the bed he was on. The doctor came up to him and put an arm around his waist. Tec positioned his arm over her shoulder and tried to stand up. “Thank you.” He said to the mare. They slowly made their way to the bathroom as the haze faded little by little. Finally, a few moments before they got to the door, Tec felt able enough to do the rest himself. “I think I’ve got it from here.” He slowly struggled out.

“Are you sure?” She asked. Tec simply nodded and made his way into the bathroom. He closed the door and stripped as quickly as possible. Tec took a brief shower, making sure to pay extra attention to his legs. He dried himself off afterwards and realized that he hadn’t brought any clothes with him. He sighed thoughtfully before noticing a pair sitting on the sink. He smiled and dressed as quickly as he could, without falling, and exited back into the room. Celestia and the doctor had left, but Twilight had decided to stay. His stomach growled loudly and he noticed he was absolutely starving as he laid down.

“Um… can you get me some food or ask someone else to please.” Tec said with a small blush. She chuckled a bit and nodded.

“Sure. What do you want?” She asked.

“Actually… some fruit would be wonderful.” He answered after a moment of thought. Twilight smiled and nodded once more.

“Ok.” She said softly. He giggled a bit. “What?” She asked.

“The way you said that was really cute.” He said without skipping a beat. Hurray! My internal filter is turned off. He thought in an odd tone that was mixed with loathing and joy. Twilights face burned brightly at his compliment.

“Um… th.. Thank you Tec.” She said while looking at her hooves.

“You’re welcome Twily.” He stated, while humming the tune to BBBFF in his head and swaying to the beat a bit. She poked her head out of the door and Tec heard her speaking to someone, probably a maid or something. He thought. He closed my eyes continued to sway.

“So… um… Tec… um… you never asked if we might be able to send you home… Why?” Twilight asked. He opened one eye and looked at her with a tad bit of confusion evident on his face.

“That was really weird timing for that question.” He said before taking a deep breath. He opened his other eye and looked at her seriously. “Do you want me to lie to you or do you want the truth?” He asked.

“The truth, of course.” She said obviously confused. He took another deep breath.

“Where I come from is… not too nice of a place… but in all honesty… that had nothing to do with my decision not ask. More than anything… the world I am from… well… bored me… if I had a chance to go back… the only reason I would, would be to ask my family and my few friends to come back with me. I don’t want to leave…” He said thoughtfully. “I don’t want to lose you all…” He said, his voice suddenly quiet as he sagged sadly at the thought.

“Are… are we really that important to you?” She asked.

“Yes… yes you are….” He answered simply. She walked up to his prone form and hugged him tight, happy tears falling from her eyes.

Warm feelings and Gidget enter stage right

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Finally, the day came when he could return home. Heh... haven't actually felt at home in a place for a long time... kind of a wonderful feeling. He thought with a smile and a happy chuckle. It was a glorious moment when he took that first step out of that room. He savored his freedom and thought. Ok, I promised I would talk to the girls and Discord. I, also, need to do some testing. I need to spend time with Anubis. I… His thoughts were interrupted by a black dress invading his vision. He looked up to Luna’s face and smiled. “Hello, M…” He coughed hiding his near error, “Luna. How are you?” She was smiling happily.

“Hello, Tec. I am doing fine. How about you? Reveling in your freedom?” She asked. He chuckled.

“You know it. Nothing is better… Well almost nothing is better than freedom.” He corrected himself mid-sentence.

“Oh? What, pray-tell, is better than freedom?” She questioned.

“Love.” He said simply. “Love is the thing that makes me tick, always has been, always will be.” He continued happily. She giggled cutely.

“You sound exactly like Cadence.” She said through her laughs.

“Who sounds like me?” He heard a voice say from around the door frame. He smiled at Luna and she stepped away from the door allowing him to exit fully. He looked to Cadence and was slightly surprised to see that she was his height. His surprise was reflected on her face.

“Hello, Cadence. Or would you prefer me to use your title?” He asked once his mild surprise faded.

“Just Cadence is fine.” She answered. “So, you’re this Tec that I have been hearing about.” She continued with a smirk. He nodded as he took the time to look at her. As he noticed before she was five foot six, same as him. Her mane and tail were pink striped with yellow and purple. She had a thin build but, still had enough weight on her to look healthy and have some curves. She wore a soft yellow dress that cut off at the top of her low C cup breasts, giving her that ‘off the shoulder’ look, which hugged her frame nicely but, flared out hiding her hooves.

“Yes, yes I am.” He said as he looked at her dark purple eyes. “I do wonder who told you about me though?” He asked as he decided to test myself once more and allowed his walls to fall a bit. Emotions flooded his senses once more. Luna had finally done as her sister had and put up a block. Cadence, however, radiated the excitement of one who knew something he didn’t.

“Ah, but that would be telling now wouldn’t it.” She said smirking. He raised an eyebrow and looked to Luna, as a smirk of his own started to overtake him. He turned back to Cadence, his smirk never leaving his face.

“So, Twilight right.” He stated. He saw her struggling to keep her surprise down. “Yep, Twilight. I do sometimes wonder how she describes me. Hopefully nothing I can’t live up to and nothing too bad.” He continued.

“If you already knew why did you ask?” Cadence asked, confusion evident in her voice. He chuckled and said.

“I didn’t know. You told me.” Her confusion only grew. He chuckled once more and explained his empathic abilities. Suddenly he felt distrust radiate off of her as her face changed to one of suspicion.

“Huh… sounds an awful lot like a changeling to me…” she trailed off. He raised another eyebrow and once again looked to Luna.

“Well, I can’t prove that to be wrong unless you have a spell to cast on me that would reveal a changeling's true form. Do you?” He asked. Cadence nodded an affirmative. “Well, cast it then. I really care for Twilight and the girls and you are Twilight’s family and a friend to the girls. I don’t want you, nor Shining Armor, because there is no way you wouldn’t tell him of your suspicions, to think I am something I am not.” Cadence nodded once more as her horn lit up. The pink light hit him and after a few seconds of nothing happening he said. “See, nothing…” He was cut off by a searing pain in his gut. He let out a grunt of pain and coughed violently as he fell to his knees. “Fuck! What the hell did you do to me?!” He said between the coughing and the agony.

Tec continued to wheeze as coughs wracked his body. “I… I just cast the spell… All it was supposed to do was reveal your true self!” Cadence managed through her confusion and horror.

“Oh you stupid bitch!” A distinctly female voice stated from Tec’s mouth as his eyes shifted to lavender for a moment as he stared up at Cadence vehemently, “Shut up Gidget! It isn’t like she could have known!” Tec said as his eyes shifted back to their dark brown and he looked at the ground and resumed coughing.

“I will get my sister!” Luna exclaimed as she turned to run off.

“No…” Tec stated as his wheezing slowly tapered off. “No… I… I think I am going to be fine… Yeah… Things are going to be just fine… At least for now.”

“Wha… What was that? Who is Gidget?” Cadence asked.
“I’ll have to explain it later.” Tec replied as he stood up. “Sorry, I have somethings I have to figure out about this as well, what just happened is kinda’ new.” He finished.
“Ok, well, sorry for what my spell did to you.” Cadence said by way of apology.
“It’s fine now. No harm, no foul. Simple mistake is all.” Tec said as he stretched a bit.
“Well, sorry my friend, but I really must go to bed soon. I wish to converse with you some more soon though, maybe even spar some more?” Luna stated as she turned to leave.
“Definitely. Just send me a letter or something and we can figure out a good day to spend some time together.” Tec said, purposely avoiding slangs or figures of speech. He turned back to Cadence and smiled. “So, anything you would like to speak about before I leave?” He asked happily, seemingly ignoring her accident.
“Sorry, but not really. I was actually going to meet up with Twilight before she leaves.” Cadence answered with a weak smile.
“Ok, hope you have fun.” He answered as she, too, continued on her way. He turned back to the room that had been his prison these past few days and picked up a book he had been reading.
An hour or so later, he heard a knock on the door of his room. "Come in." He said loud enough to be heard and set his book down after memorizing the page. Twilight opened the door and walked in, fully clothed this time.
She wore a dark purple tee-shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans and he still thought she was hot. She had her things with her and she, like him, had stashed away a few books to take back with her. "Ready to go?" Tec asked her.

"Yep, got everything I need. How about you?" She asked in return.

"Mhmm, I have all the stuff I took with me and a few books as well." He answered. Twilight walked up to him with her things as he stood up with his and offered to hold her things as well.

"Um, thank you." She said as he took her things from her and held them. She charged up her teleportation spell and put a hand on Tec's shoulder as she released it and they returned to Ponyville in her Golden Oaks Library. Spike was snoring loudly in the bedroom on the second floor. Twilight began to pant a bit as Tec realized that she must be tired.

"Do you want anything?" He asked, the care in his voice obvious.

"Just... a little water would be nice." She answered slowly. Tec walked quickly to the kitchen and filled up a glass of water and brought it to her. She drank it down quickly and said, "Thank you Tec." She pulled him into a hug, after setting the glass down, to which he happily reciprocated.

"Well, I hate to say this but, we both have days to start and things to do. I'll talk to you later Twily..." He stopped for a bit as a look of contemplation came across his face. "Actually, I haven't asked if you are fine with me calling you that, I'm sorry. Are you?" He asked.

"Well, I don't really mind no. Although, one of the only ones to call me that is my brother, I suppose you already knew that though." She said as she thought.

"Mhmm. Thanks." He said as he smiled and made his way out of her library and towards Fluttershy's cottage. It took a little bit to get back home, he giggled happily as the word passed through his brain. He shifted his pack a bit on his shoulder and knocked on the door. "Fluttershy, I'm home." He said happily. Tec jumped a bit as someone tapped his shoulder.

"I'm out here with the animals." Fluttershy said from behind him. Tec sat his pack down, turned around and gave Fluttershy an enormous hug, he even picked her up off her hooves a bit. She eeped a bit before wrapping her arms around him and returning the hug. Tec sat her down after a bit.

"Sorry about picking you up so suddenly, I was just so happy to see you." He said as he stifled a happy giggle. Anubis barked as he ran up to Tec and jumped up in the air in front of him. Tec chuckled, "I guess someone's happy to see me too."

"Yes, he was so sad when you didn't come back on the first day. We all were. Twilight explained what had happened to us." Fluttershy explained. Tec grimaced a bit as he, once again, remembered his actions at Twilight's coronation.

"Sorry that you all had to see that side of me. I can get really pissed off, really quickly when anyone says anything bad about those I care about. Especially someone like Blueblood. I realize that I can get violent as well, and, while I wouldn't like it and it would make me sad, I would understand if you feared me and didn't want me in your house." Tec said as his grimace slowly changed into a sad frown and he looked at his feet.

"Now why would we fear you. You have been nothing but a gentlecolt since you arrived and all you were doing was defending a friend." Tec heard Rarity say from behind him.

"She's right. None of us fear you. At the time yes it was a bit scary, but we understand that you would never, ever hurt us. Also, you don't have to leave. You can stay here as long as you like." Fluttershy said in a happy tone. "Maybe even forever." She said in a very quiet tone. Tec, however, was close enough that her heard her.

"Are you afraid that I'm going to try to find a way to go back to my world as well?" Tec asked. Fluttershy shook her head yes as a tear found it's way down her cheek.

"I think we all are and I don't think that we are wrong to do so." Rarity stated.

"Look, just like I told Twilight, I don't want to go back. The only reason I would is to ask some of my friends and family from my world to join me here and only if I could get back easily." Tec said as he turned so that he could see both of them. "I love it here and I don't want to lose you guys or any of the other friendships I have made here either." He continued.

"You would give up your entire world... for us..." He heard Rainbow Dash say from above him as she landed.

"Well, truthfully the world itself isn't all that hard for me to give up, I didn't really care too much for it. It's my friends and family that I am having to give up. I went through some sadness and depression about that already and it will probably hit me again at some point in time, but having you guys makes it a whole lot easier to deal with." Tec answered. The three mares stood blinking as what he said took effect. All three blushed heavily as they looked at him.

"Holy buck." Fluttershy said in a shocked, but quiet tone. Everyone looked at Fluttershy in confusion for a moment before the mares returned their attention back to Tec.

"Holy buck, is right," Rainbow said. "We mean that much to you?" She continued. Rarity seemed just as confused.

"Well, yeah. I mean why wouldn't you? While you may not know it yet you all helped me out of the worst depression of my life and I'll explain that later. Flutters you offered me a place to stay, not to rent or anything like that, a place to live and you didn't even know me really," Fluttershy blushed harder and smiled as she looked to her left, "Rarity you have done quite a bit for me as well, with washing my nasty ass clothing and making me some more." Rarity stifled a giggle as she blushed a bit more as well, "Rainbow, even though you saw through my original stint of trying really hard to look good, you still gave me a chance and we had an absolute freakin' blast and our game of beer pong, fuckin' awesome," he finished. Rainbow was still blushing a bit but she wore a huge smile. "Each and everyone of you girls have done something to earn my care, my respect and my adoration." Tec closed his eyes and smiled brightly.

"Yeah, I did think you were bragging a whole lot when you first got here and, honestly you kind of were, but you have proven yourself to be really awesome. I mean come on that running stuff you did was freakin' amazing and the fact that you got that mad at Blueblood for what he was doing to Rarity. That showed that your loyalty rivals my own." Rainbow said as she took a breath. She looked to the other mares around her. "Hey, um... I need to talk to the other girls for a bit privately. Do you think you could go and tell Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie to come here?" She asked. Pinkie Pie bounced down the pathway with Twilight and Applejack close behind. "Never mind I guess," Rainbow said. "We'll come and get you when we're done talking I guess," She finished.

"Ok, then. I'll just put my stuff up and read by the pond," Tec said, his confusion evident. He set his stuff in his room and pulled out an interesting romance novel he had been reading and went on his way.

When Tec was out of sight Rarity asked Rainbow, "Ok, darling what is this all about?"

"First I want to know... How awesome do you all think Tec is?" Rainbow asked with a slight blush.

Applejack was the first to answer, as she understood the difference in Rainbow's tone. "Well he's quite a nice colt and he knows just how ta make a mare feel like she's beautiful, even if she don't really see it herself."

Rarity was the next to speak. "He's quite the gentlecolt indeed and goes through lengths that most wouldn't even dream of for those he cares about, just look at what he did to Blueblood for me."

"He's really nice and always tries to make sure that he isn't hurting anypony's feelings or making them mad and he thinks of others more than he does himself. He, also, always seems willing to lend a hand when he can." Fluttershy added in her calm quiet tone. The other mares nodded their heads in agreement.

"He's really, really, really fun and he's really, really, really awesome and he's got a big heart and he gives awesome hugs and he thinks we're all gorgeous." Pinkie said as she bounced up and down in glee.

"He's brilliant and I can actually talk to him about theories and magical properties without him getting bored. Not to mention he reads just as fast, if not faster than I do and is willing to tell when a mare is not properly covered instead of just staring until the mare notices." Twilight said as she blushed a bit at her last comment.

"So... um.... am I right to think that all of you um... well... like him as well...?" Rainbow Dash asked slowly. The mares around her grew wide eyed as they began to think.

Pinkie answered almost instantly. "Yeppers. I have for a while." She smiled as she blushed heavily.

Twilight and Applejack nodded their heads after Pinkie's answer. Rarity looked like she was thinking for a bit before nodding her head as well, "Yes, I think I do." She said. Finally they all looked to Fluttershy as she blushed deeply and shook her head no.

"Nuh-uh, tell us tha truth Flutters." Applejack said with knowing look on her muzzle.

Fluttershy pulled back a little and shook her head no again.

"Fluttershy, com-on. We all answered with tha truth," Applejack tried again.

Fluttershy got a look of defeat on her face, took a deep breath and quietly admitted, "Y-yes... I do..."

"So, what are we going to do?" Rarity asked. "It's difficult enough to compliment him knowing that he's going to say a wonderful one back." She finished.

"Well, we could just ask him to focus his empathic abilities on us and point our affection towards him." Twilight offered.

"His what now?" Rainbow asked.

"He can sense what anypony around him is feeling. He can't read minds though, so he's still going to ask questions most likely." Twilight answered.

"So, wait... He could always do this?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, but he said he has to focus to pick up anything specific and that it wasn't as strong where he was from." Twilight answered.

"Earth." Fluttershy piped in quietly.

"What now?" Applejack asked.

"The world where he's from is called Earth." Fluttershy answered in nearly a whisper.

"Oh..." The other mares said simultaneously. "Well, I think Twilight's idea is wonderful. How about you, darlings?" Rarity asked right after. The other mares nodded.

"Well... as scary as this is... it's better to just go through with it..." Twilight answered as she turned and began to walk down to the pond, the rest of the mares turned and began to follow her. All of them had matching blushes and all of them had smiles.

Tec was sitting down by a tree stretched out into as comfortable a position as he could. He was about a third of the way through with the book by the time he felt presences around him. He looked at the page number. 139 he thought as he closed the book and looked around him. He found that he had been surrounded by the girls. He stretched a bit to get a kink out of his back. "You done with your talk?" He asked without opening his eyes.

"Yes and we have decided to help you see how strong your empathy is." Twilight said. Tec opened one eye and saw the girls massive blushes. I wonder what Rainbow talked to them about... Tec thought to himself.

"O... k then... sure I guess I could do that?" He said, beyond confused. "Tell me when to start." He continued.

"Now is good. Right girls?" Rainbow said. The rest nodded. Tec shrugged and focused his empathy on the mares around him. He felt affection, hope and a little fear, from all of them, a little bit of guilt from Fluttershy and a whole lot of excitement from Rainbow. Ok, the hell is going on. He thought as his confusion only grew. Uh, your an idiot. I'm taking over. Gidget said as Tec felt himself lose consciousness.

Tec got a look of confusion just before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell forwards a bit. Twilight started to freak out a bit at this point, thinking that he was going to have another seizure. What happened next left the girls very confused for a long time. Tec very quickly changed from a he... to a she. The female that was once Tec now had frizzy, red hair and a b-cup. She lifted her head and laughed. "Sorry Tec's an idiot, you're going to have to actually tell him that you girls like him." She said after a bit. Her eyes nearly matched Twilight's fur.

After a moment of silence Applejack said, "What in tha hay just happened."

"Ah, you all must be very confused. Ok first off, I am Gidget. I was just a persona until we came here, now lots and lots of things are changing. Now I am entirely my own person, save for having my own body. Talk to Tec about me and he'll tell you about the rest, I don't actually enjoy explaining anything. Anyways, as I said Tec still has no idea that you like him. You're going to have to be very blunt with him. He has a hard time believing anyone can like him. His self-a-steam is really poor and even if you tell him directly it's still might take a while." Gidget laughed a bit more. "Now, I'm going to give you girls Tec back. Ttyl my lovelies." She finished before her head fell back against the tree and her body transformed quickly back into Tec. Tec slowly opened his eyes and saw the shocked looks on the mane sixes faces and found that his head was throbbing.

"Oh, shit did I have another seizure. I'm sorry I should ha..." Tec began.

"N... No, we um... well... We just met Gidget. She said that she is now her own person, a lot of things are changing and she doesn't want to explain what that means...." Twilight interrupted.

"Oh... um... well then... I'm going to have to just..." Tec mumbled to himself. He shook his head and turned his attention back to the girls. "Well, as much as I would like to explain right now I can't. There is just to many things that are new about this situation. I will explain to you when I can, just not now. Anyways, why did you girls want to help me anyways?" He asked as his earlier confusion returned to him.

"Oh, um...... no real reason right?" Rainbow said as she looked around at the mares around her each and every one of them answered with a shake of there heads except Pinkie, who just rolled her eyes. Now, even if Applejack hadn't been sweating like she was in a sauna, he would have known they had lied. He just grew more confused and thought, why?

"Ok, then. Well, I'm thinkin' that I'm going to need to get a job at some point in time so that I can be more than a waste of space, so, I'm going to go into town and start looking." Was all he said though. Pinkie gasped at what he said and slapped him across his face, not hard enough to leave a mark though. "Ow, what the hell!?" Tec exclaimed as he rubbed his cheek.

"Don't you ever think you're a waste of space! EVER! Not a single one of us thinks that!" Pinkie screamed tearfully. Tec looked at her and saw that she was slowly starting to cry. The rest of the mares had looks of shock mixed with understanding. Pinkie let loose her tears finally and ran off in a random direction.

"I... need to go fix that..." Tec said as he stood up. His other friends were nodding their heads in silent affirmation as Tec took off in the the direction Pinkie had run trying to find her.

Around five or six hours, of searching, later, Tec leaned against a tree to catch his breath. Great... Now I'm confused and I feel like a jackass... He thought in silence. Hold on... Is that... someone other than me breathing... His thoughts continued as he opened his eyes and stilled his breath. Yep. He looked up towards the sound and found Pinkie asleep on the branch above him. Tec chuckled and gently said, "Pinkie, it's time to wake up." He waited for a couple minutes before trying something else. "Pinkie, come on I need to talk to you." He continued. When that didn't work, he simply said, "Cupcakes," in a grey monotone. The pink mare shot up from the branch and ended up falling off. Luckily Tec was a soft enough landing pad. "Ow..." He let out in a winded voice.

"Oh... Sorry Tec.... wait no, no I'm not sorry..." Pinkie said as stood up, crossed her arms and turned away from him.

"Look... I'm..." Tec took a deep breath, "I'm sorry... I'm, like I told Twi, not so good at communicating and that's one of the big reasons I didn't have many friends where I'm from." He finished as he looked to the side.

"Silly, talking and friend making isn't something you need to be good at." Pinkie said, finally turning back to him.

"What?" Tec questioned.

"A friend is someone that will be there for you when you need them and someone you'll be there for when they need you, right?" Pinkie quizzed.

"Yes..." Tec answered slowly.

"Well, then while it's possible to be a good friend, or a bad friend. It isn't possible to be good at being a friend." Pinkie spouted out.

Tec slowly shook his head yes while saying, "I... have no clue what you're talking about..."

"You will eventually." Pinkie spouted out in a sing-song voice while bouncing around him. "Anyways, I think we should probably head back. Our friends are probably worried by how long we've been gone." She finished as she started bouncing towards town. Tec followed her with everything weighing down on his mind. Unable to sort through everything even though he now had the time. Just before they got back to Ponyville, Tec stopped Pinkie.

"Pinkie, you and I need to talk." He said. "Alone..." He continued.

"About?" Pinkie asked as she hopped around him. Tec stopped her when she was in front of him and took a breath.

"About this." He said as his eyes shifted color, but not enough to be noticed, and ended up giving Pinkie Pie what might be described as one of the most awkward kisses in forever. Pinkie just blinked at him for a second.

Suddenly she said, "Oh... That..." and passed out.

Pretty, Pink Princess Summit at Sunset

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Tec sat apart from his friends on the rickety train as he wondered why he even decided to come on this trip and watched the scenery pass by. These pass two weeks have been hell... he thought to himself.

Why? It's not like it's been much different then when you first got here? Gidget piped in.

Exactly... After what we did... She's acting as if she doesn't even remember it... Tec thought to her. He set his chin on his hand and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. He felt a hot breath trail down his neck, which caused him to shudder. "Please... don't do that..." He said as his thoughts continued on, unless you plan on finishing what you started. He opened his eyes and looked up only to be met with the object of his current obsessions. He put on his best fake smile and looked up to her. "Hey Pinkie."

"Why are you all the way over here?" She asked, she looked as if some, but not all, of her colors had faded.

"Because, I'm tired and not a morning person. I much prefer staying up late to getting up early." He half lied as he allowed a yawn to come through.

"Oh... ok..." She said as she turned away. Tec swore he could see her colors darken even more and her hair flatten a bit.

Great... Now my bad mood is depressing her... Even if I feel like shit... I don't want to make her feel like shit... Gidget can you take over for a bit? He thought to Gidget.

I thought you'd never ask. Gidget said happily. Tec's hair and body shifted as Gidget took the body over. "Oh, it feels so good to get some fresh air. Well then, time to have some fun." She continued as she stood up, turned around and made her way over to her friends. "Hey girls, it's been a little while hasn't it." She said, giggling a little, happy for her current freedom.


Tec sat in the recesses of his mind thinking of all the possibilities, trying to distract himself from his sadness. Wait, if Discord loves Fluttershy, then why would he betray them to Tirek. If... if.... Oh, this isn't helping I'm still thinking about Pinkie... Maybe I should just go to 'sleep' and wake up when I'm needed... Yeah... I'll just do that... He thought as he allowed his consciousness to fade into a state similar to hibernation.


Fluttershy eeped a bit at Gidget's interruption, Rarity just raised her eyebrow, Rainbow laughed a bit while Twilight and Applejack wore guilty smiles. Pinkie just looked out the window at the passing scenery, slowly becoming duller and duller as each minute passed. "What's... What's up?" Gidget asked a little confused at the sudden silence as she walked in.

"Well darling, if you must know, we were talking about... what Twilight was going to wear, this is her first Princess Summit after all, good impressions must be ma..." Rarity began saying.

"Yeah, even if I wasn't an empath I could hear the lie in that. Come on tell me the truth, please." Gidget interrupted. Rarity just got wide eyed and closed her mouth.

"Sarry sugarcube, it ain't really our place ta say." Applejack said. Gidget looked over to Pinkie and thought. Well then, should I... nope, not my place either.

"Well, if you say so..." Gidget answered thoughtfully, her gaze lingering on Pinkie for a bit longer. She shifted her gaze over to Twilight and said with a growing smile, "Though, if you want to play a little Pretty, princess dress-up, I might be able to help." Twilight's eyes grew wide as she paled and charged up a spell. Gidget licked her thumb and pointer finger and pinched the spell off with an evil grin still growing on her face. Rainbow and Aj laughed and laughed... until they realized that Gidget's gaze had turned to them. "Don't know why you're laughing," she started, looking over to Rarity, who was smiling as well.

"Yes, darlings, you're going to be coming with." Rarity stated with a small chuckle. They tried to shoot off, but, as this was a train, they were easily caught in Rarity's magic as she and Fluttershy trotted off to the back, the two boyish mares floating behind them with defeated looks. Gidget looked back to Twilight and giggled.

"Now that you're not the only one, will you promise not to use your magic to escape or do I have to put a block up?" She asked.

"I... I..." Twilight sighed, "Yes. I promise."

"Pinkie Promise?" Gidget continued.

"Yes, yes. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight answered.

"Ok." Gidget said as she let her horn go. "Now, go on and follow them. I still have something to do first." She said as her gaze trailed back to Pinkie, who was still just staring out the window. Twilight nodded and trailed on behind her other friends. Gidget walked over to Pinkie and went to put her hand on her shoulder.

"Please... don't..." Pinkie said without looking back. Gidget sighed and sat down across from her. Pinkie looked at her with sadness in her eyes. "What?" She asked simply. Gidget took a deep breath and looked Pinkie directly in her eyes.

"Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie to you?" She asked. Pinkie looked utterly confused at what Gidget just said.

"The... truth... I guess..." She said as she tried to understand Gidget's question.

"Ok... before I tell you anything, I have to know. Do you remember what happened just before you passed out a few weeks ago?" Gidget asked.

"I was asleep in a tree right..." Pinkie answered, still extremely confused as to where this was going.

She doesn't remember... Gidget tried thinking to Tec, but found that only silence answered her. Tec... She tried again. "Well then..." She said aloud without paying attention as she realized that Tec had decided to really leave her in complete control by going into a prolonged sleep-state.

"Well, then... What?" Pinkie asked

"Oh, um..." Gidget said as she tried to decide if she should tell Pinkie... Fuck it, she thought. "Pinkie, just before you passed out, Tec Kissed you. Not on the cheek either." She continued. Pinkie just stared at her for a second and mulled over the implications of what Gidget just said. Her eyes grew huge and her colors and mane returned to their natural state.

"You mean he... He actually, really, really likes me?" Pinkie asked.

"Pinkie, though you have to ask him for the actual answer, I think he doesn't just really, really like you." Pinkie deflated a bit at that. "I think he loves you." Gidget continued. Pinkie quickly poofed back up once more at that as she started to grin like a mad pony. "Now, you ready to get all gorgeous so you can talk to Tec and pull him out of his shlump when he wakes up?" She asked. Pinkie gave her a quick affirmative as she grabbed on to Gidget and shot to where the rest of her friends had gone as Gidget struggled to not fall over and keep up.

8 hours and a whole lot of bitching later

"Oh, come on Dash you and the rest of the girls all look absolutely gorgeous." Gidget said with a small giggle.

"Come on, are we done yet..." Rainbow asked grimacing at her appearance. "We've been doing this forever..." She continued.

"Oh, darling, it's only been a few hours." Rarity said with a classy smirk.

"Yeah, a few hours I could have been sleeping..." Rainbow muttered to herself.

"What was that, Dashie... I could have sworn you were just bitching." Gidget said with an evil grin. "And if I remember correctly, any bitching adds more time. Right Twilight?" She continued. Twilight, who had been finished with a little over an hour ago giggled and nodded.

"Yes, that was what had been agreed on after a while." She answered. Aj, who had been done for only about a half hour, laughed at Rainbow's discomfort. Pinkie giggled as she hopped around in her new attire and makeup, which had been finished not to long ago as well.

"Nope! Nu-uh! Totally wasn't what I was doing. Not-At-All." Rainbow answered rapidly.

"That's what I thought." Gidget said as she turned back to Fluttershy and carefully applied some eyeliner and other makeup. "And with that, you are finished Shy. Rares, are you finished with Dash?" She added, hoping that the short while that it took to finish Flutter's makeup had been enough.

"Just about, darling. Why?" Rarity asked as she stopped and turned to face Gidget.

"Because, we've arrived." She answered and pointed towards the Crystal Palace that slowly became larger in the window. Rarity put the finishing touches on Dash and chuckled.

"Don't we just look fabulous." She said to the group.

"Yes Rarity, we look gorgeous." Gidget stated, "Even if some of us," She started again as she panned her vision to Dash and Aj, "Bitched about it." She finished. The train slowed to a stop shortly after. The girls headed towards the door of the train while Gidget held to the back and found herself looking at her new friends. She smiled and took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I would do anything to protect them. She ended up running into someone after walking like that for a short while. "Oh, I'm so..." Her apology caught in her throat as she saw Pinkie staring at her with a smile that seemed a little different than her normal ones. "Sorry, Pinkie. Is there something you'd like?" She continued after a moment.

"You care just as much don't you." Pinkie stated. She had a calm in her voice that Gidget had a hard time attributing to her.

"Um... What? What do you mean?" Gidget asked. Her obvious confusion coating her voice. Pinkie just smiled and kissed her cheek before she turned and made her way to the castle. "Gods damned Pinkie Pie... I don't even think Discord can completely follow that mare." Gidget continued. She caught up with the group, who had already made it to the castle, and saw Cadence walking up to her, the girls already heading to bed.

"Ah, hello... Gidget right." Cadence said. One of Gidget's eyebrows rose in response.

"Yes. That would be correct. I guess I should thank you for my current circumstance." She said as she shrugged her shoulders, "Though, it would have happened anyways." She continued.

"Wait, what do you mean it would have happened anyways." Cadence asked, very confused. "Wait, no, that can wait until morning. I'm sure you're tired as well. Have a good night's rest." She continued. Gidget smirked at her.

"Truthfully, I'll probably be up for another several hours. If you wish to talk, feel free." Gidget said through her grin. Her grin only grew as she made sure that they were alone. "Or maybe, there's something else you would be doing, or rather someone you would rather be doing." Gidget giggled out. Cadence's face barely reacted as she looked Gidget in the eye with a smile of her own.

"Truthfully, yes, yes I would. Good night Gidget. Sweet dreams." She answered.

"Night, Cadence. Have fun, and be careful." Gidget said as she turned, still giggling, and made her way to the guest room she was occupying. Once there she found the room's bathroom, took out a towel, turned the shower on to heat up and began the tedius process of removing her makeup.


Tec sat in the peaceful, lonely, boring silence of his dream state. Probably should have told her before I did this. He thought with a deep breath. Always running from my problems. Always... His thoughts continued as he sighed. Running... I need to talk to her. I can't live like this, not again. Yes... I can't live in fear. I have to take control of my own life. I have to... His thoughts were cut short by a dark, malignant laugh. "What the hell?" He said aloud. He looked around utterly confused. Nothing seemed to be happening so Tec closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Whatever or whoever you are, this is my dream scape. I will ask you this only once. Leave or suffer the consequences." He said in a calm, but loud voice that echoed throughout his mental plane. All that followed his declaration for a while was silence.

Tec chuckled a bit before returning to his previous thoughts. I have... His mental pep talk was cut short once more by a searing pain right behind his eyes, which caused him to open his eyes, scream loudly and fall forward. Seconds later the pain dulled to a throb that thumped in time to his pulse. He soon realized that something was happening in front of him and he couldn't help but watch as blood pooled on the ground in front of him. Then he heard in the same dark, but indistinguishable, voice. "Foolish ponies." Fear gripped Tec as the vision ended and he tried to calm himself


Gidget woke suddenly to being shaken. In her half-asleep stupor she screamed, "STRANGE NOODLES!!"

"What?" Twilight asked very confused.

"Uh... don't... don't worry about it... just a weird dream." Gidget answered as she came too. "So, why are you shaking me awake?" She continued.

"Do not know?" Twilight continued.

"Know what?" Gidget quizzed.

"How did you not get woken up last night with all the..." Twilight started, "Never mind, just get dressed and come with me." She continued, then turned around and stepped out of the room.

"O...k, then..." Gidget said as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She crawled out of the bed and lazily got dressed, putting on a simple purple shirt and a pair of jeans along with socks and shoes. Then she followed Twilight out of the bedroom and to a meeting of minds around a mirror that pulsed with magic. Oh... that's what I slept through... Gidget thought to herself as she remembered about Sunset Shimmer.

Once everyone was situated, Luna spoke, "This, my friends, is no ordinary mirror. It houses powerful magics that open a gateway to another world. A gateway that, sadly, only opens once every thirty moons."

"Ooooo! Sparkly!" Pinkie said excitedly as she put her hand on the magic mirror and the portal bubbled around her hand. Luna grabbed Pinkie's hand with her indigo magic and drug her away.

"So, roughly two and a half years." Gidget said as she did the simple math in her head.

"Yes." Luna answered. "Now, it had been held in the throne room in Canterlot Castle. When Cadance took over the the Crystal Empire, however, we sent it to her for safe-keeping." She continued.

Princess Celestia sighed and spoke while she looked at the mirror, "I had hoped that Sunset Shimmer would one day return seeking my guidance or teaching. Obviously this isn't what happened."

Cadance took this time and spoke to Twilight directly, "Twilight you understand what you must do."

Luna spoke once more. "Yes, your crown does not belong in this world and in Sunset Shimmer's possession harm most definitely will come from your element of harmony. They, unfortunately, will have no defense."

Celestia looked to Twilight and asked, "Do you understand the importance of your task?"

"Of course." Twilight answered.

"Good, go at once and be careful my precious pupil." Celestia said as she hugged Twilight.

Gidget quickly put a hand on Rainbow's shoulder to stop her from moving and said, "Wait, I understand that only a small group can go through, to minimize the possible damage. However, I don't think she should go alone. I'll go with her since I'm already a stranger to this world and Spike would follow anyways if he wasn't allowed."

Everyone simply looked at her for a moment then Spike said, "She's right." Luna, Celestia and Cadance sighed.

"Go." Celestia said to Twilight, Gidget and Spike. Spike and Twilight went through the portal shortly after.

"Sorry girls, but I'll keep Twi safe." Gidget said, then she tried to follow Twilight through the mirror. When she came in contact with it, however, the portal pulsed and drug Gidget in while shooting an unconscious Tec across the room.

The mares in the room all gasped at what had occurred. Pinkie shot to him with tears in her eyes and tried to wake him. He stirred after a short while and rubbed his eyes. "Fuck... my head is throbbing..." He said as he came to. Pinkie crushed him in a heartfelt hug, which he returned after he realized who it was. Once she released him, he asked, "Ok, two things. One, what the hell just happened and two, why the hell am I naked?" He covered himself.

Luna looked from the portal to Tec and answered, "The answer to both may be one and the same. Although I am not sure, I believe Gidget and you may have been separated by the portal."

Tec looked at the mirror and started, "Oh... um... can someone teleport me to my roo..." Then screamed, "WHAT?!" He started to hyperventilate as his emotions and thoughts fell out of control. "Great, now she's floundering around without me in an unknown situation and place!" He continued. Celestia took this time to teleport him and her to his guest room. He got his clothes out and put them on without paying much attention to them, which ended up with his shirt ending up backwards. He sighed and took some deep calming breaths while he switched his shirt around.

Once he had calmed down for the most part, Celestia asked him a question, "So, am I to take it that this situation that Sunset Shimmer caused did not happen in your... show, was it?"

Tec looked her and shook his head, "If it did then I came to Equestria before it aired. I am at the end of my rope with that knowledge. The last thing I saw was Twilight's coronation in my old world." Tec took a few more deep breaths and his vision from his dream scape returned to him. "We can figure out what to do with Gidget and myself when she returns. Celestia could you call Luna here?"

"Of course, but what is wrong my friend?" Celestia asked. Concern laced her voice.

"You'll know soon enough..." He said as he buried his head in his hands. Celestia closed her eyes for a second then, shortly after, Luna appeared next to her sister.

"Tec, what seems to be the matter?" Luna asked.

He sighed and explained to them about his premonition. "I honestly can't tell you more than that and I know that it is only a possibility, however, I have yet to have one that hasn't come true." He said afterwards.

Luna and Celestia looked at Tec for a moment before Luna asked, "You are sure this was a vision and not some kind of dream?"

"Positive." He said softly.

"And you know not when it is supposed to happen?" She continued.

"Unfortunately, no. All I know is that it happens when the Elements of Harmony are powerless. It may happen tomorrow or it may happen in ten years. I just don't know. I'm sorry." He answered.

They continued looking at him before nodding. Luna said to Celestia, "Sister, this is... disheartening. We must be somewhat prepared for this possible threat."

"I agree Lulu, but how. We don't even know what we must protect against." Celestia said to her sister.

"Actually... I, might be able to do something, if you allow me... It would have to be tomorrow though, I have to plan it out and build up the energy necessary." Tec said as he had an idea.

Celestia and Luna were silent for a while before Celestia finally said, "Make your plan and bring it to us, then we shall decide." Luna nodded in agreement.

"Thank you both, for listening to me and for believing me." Tec said as he sat on the bed. The two Princesses nodded then walked out of the room. Tec laid back on the bed, his legs hanging over and sighed as he began to put his plan together. Not to long after they had left there was a knock on the door. "Yes, come in." He said as he peered at the door over himself.

It opened and in walked Pinkie with a nervous smile. "Um... He... hey, Tec." She said in an unusually, for her, voice.

Tec shot up immediately into a sitting position and coughed a bit. "Oh... uh... hi, Pinkie..." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"So... um... was Gidget telling the truth?" Pinkie asked after she walked in some more and shut the door quietly.

Tec scrunched up his face in confusion and asked, "About what?"

"A... about what you did?" She stammered out.

"What did I do?" He asked only getting more and more confused.

"Wh... when you... k... kk... ki... kissed me..." She managed after a second as a blush covered her face.

Tec blushed as well and he stuttered quietly, "Oh... uh... y... yes. I... I did... s... sorry."

Pinkie's smile grew and she made her way over to Tec. She cupped his chin and pulled his face up so that they were looking eye to eye. "You have nothing to be sorry for." She said before kissing him deeply. When they finally pulled apart both were smiling and breathing a little heavily. "Tec, I love you." Pinkie whispered to him.

"And I love you Pinkie." Tec said as he wrapped his arms around her and held her closely. He stared into her eyes in silence for a moment before he continued, "Pinkie, your eyes are brilliantly gorgeous." Pinkie giggled cutely at his compliment and put her arms around him.

"And I can get lost in your handsomely dark eyes." She countered. His smile deepened.

"Hey, so will you be my marefriend?" Tec asked, knowing it was a little silly.

Pinkie giggled and kissed him again. "Yes, I'll be your marefriend." she answered happily.

After a moment of staring into her eyes, Tec shyly asked, "Um... Pinkie... do you want to cuddle for a bit?"

"That sounds wonderful!" She answered excitedly. Pinkie hopped up quickly and dashed out of the room.

"Um... Ok then." He said a bit confused.


Pinkie bounced quickly down the hallway giggling the whole way. As she went she saw Rarity and Fluttershy talking. She stopped and said, "Hiya."

"Well, you seem to be in quite an excited mood, even for you. What's going on, hmm?" Rarity asked with a smile.

"Well." Pinkie started, but had to stop momentarily to suppress a giggle-fit. "Tec not only asked me out, but told me he loves me!" She finished exuberantly.

Rarity and Fluttershy both smiled widely and hugged her, "Oh, we are so happy for you, Pinkie." Fluttershy said.

"You're both happy for yourselves as well, aren't you." Pinkie stated in a knowing tone, her smile still wide. "You're happy for what this could mean, right?" She asked though she knew the answer already. They both shook there heads yes as Pinkie felt their faces heat up with a blush. "You can tell the girls that I will talk to him about herding, but for now I have a cuddle to get to." Pinkie finished then removed herself from the hug and bounced off to her room.


Several hours later

Tec stretched a bit and looked at the plan he had written down. I hope this works. He thought with a sigh. He set the paper and quill down on the desk and took off his shoes. And I am really glad I asked Rarity to make me an extra pair of shoes now. His thoughts continued. "I hope Gidget, Twi and Spike are ok." He stated aloud as he laid down and stretched across the bed. Knocking sounded at the door and Tec smiled. "Come in." He answered. Pinkie walked in, wearing her pajamas and smiled at him. He smiled back happily and surprised himself with a yawn. "I guess everything took longer than I thought." He said with a chuckle. He decided to be lazy tonight and just sleep in his clothes. "So, are we going to cuddle in our sleep?" He asked.

"Yep." Pinkie said with a gorgeous smile and got into bed with him. Tec turned himself towards her and put his arms around her. She, in turn, snuggled into his chest as they both slowly fell fast asleep.