
by FierceRainbow

First published

When Pinkie Pie kisses Rainbow Dash at a slumber party she becomes very confused about her feelings.

It seemed like it was just going to be a fun night with her friends, nothing out of the ordinary happening. What Rainbow Dash certainly didn't expect to happen was to be kissed by her fun-loving friend, Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash is left confused and bewildered, wondering what the hay she was supposed to do.
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Rainbow Dash beat her wings, luxuriously floating through the sky above Ponyville. She glanced downwards, happening to noticing a little purple and orange Pegasus filly zooming along on her scooter, probably heading home as the sun set, having not yet noticed her hero. Well, she would make sure to change that. Rainbow Dash easily adjusted her angle so her she was heading down, folding her wings so as to make her go faster. At the last moment, she leveled out, rushing past Scootaloo, who stopped immediately with a big grin. She jerked upwards, looping around and doing a few barrel rolls to entertain her, finishing with a grin and wave before flying upwards again.

Maybe I should be the element of Generosity, I probably just made her day after all, she held her hoof to her chin as she thought about it. Nah, Loyalty is cooler.

Rainbow Dash landed neatly outside of a large tree which served as Ponyville’s library and her friend’s home. Without bothering to knock, she pushed open the door and trotted in, using one hind leg to quickly pushed the door shut. Inside, Twilight was sat in a chair, bent over as she read a book, her eyes darting back and forth as she read. Applejack and Rarity stood together, talking quietly together and giggling.

“Hey guys!” Rainbow Dash said, grinning and hurrying over to where they were.

“Oh, hello darling,” Rarity looked up from her conversation with the earth pony. “I was just talking with Applejack about our last sleepover with Twilight. Quite funny.”

“Eeyup, that was a real hoot.” Applejack chuckled.

“Uh, that’s cool, but what’s she doing over there?” she pointed to the alicorn. “I thought we were having a sleepover.”

“We are, she’s jus’ doing some studying.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Really?” Rainbow Dash fluttered over and snatched the book from Twilight’s hooves, who responded with an indignant cry. “A book about sleepovers? Twilight, you’re not supposed to read on a sleepover, you’re supposed to just have fun!”

“Rainbow Dash, give me back my book.” She growled, her horn glowing as she tried to wrestle it back. She held on tight, doing all she could to stop it from being taken from her. Suddenly, the door opened revealing two pink-maned ponies.

“Um, hello?” Said Fluttershy observing the scene. Her concentration, and her spell, broken, Twilight fell onto her rump in surprise. With no other pony to go against, Rainbow Dash was flung backwards against the wall where she landed in a heap, groaning.

“You know what, I don’t need the book.” Twilight giggled nervously, extending a hoof to the other mare. With a glare, Rainbow Dash took it, then she sighed and smiled.

“Good, no egg-heading this up.” She said.

Twilight laughed. “I’ll try not to,” she seemed to suddenly remembered the new guests, one of which was happily bouncing around, the other standing uncertainly in the door. “Oh, sorry Fluttershy. Come in.”

Rainbow Dash slid her front hooves forwards, arching her back in stretch. She opened her eyes and recoiled backwards with a yell. In front of her was a pink mare with wild, curly hair and shining blue eyes.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so nervoucited!” Pinkie Pie squealed, jogging on the spot. “This is going to be the best sleepover, EVER!”

She giggled at her friend’s antics. “Yeah, I’m sure it will be,” she turned to Twilight. “So, what are we going to do now everypony's here?”

“I thought we could play truth or dare and then have some hot chocolate,” she said. "Although, we'll need to be a bit quiet since Spike's asleep. He worked really hard today so I sent him to bed early."

“That’s okay.” Fluttershy gave a soft smile.

Applejack dropped to the floor. “Alright, let’s get started! Can ah go first, Twi?”

“Of course.”

Everypony else settled down. Rainbow Dash tucked her fore hooves under her chin, watching as Applejack narrowed her eyes, gazing at each one of them slowly as if she were a predator stalking for prey. Eventually, she stopped at Rarity, and Rainbow Dash breathed a quite sigh. She did not like that look.

“Rarity,” she said. “Truth or dare?”

Rarity bit her lip, eyes darting from side to side. “Truth.”

“Who was ya first crush?” Applejack ask.

“What?!” the unicorn sprung to her hooves. “You can’t possibly expect me to answer that!”

“You have to, it’s the rules.” Twilight said.

Oh boy, this is going to be good. She waited as a silence rung out before Rarity turned her head, gazing at the floor. “Well, when I was a filly, I did have a little crush on this Pegasus colt…”

“You have to tell us more than that.” Rainbow Dash put a hoof in her mouth to stop herself from laughing as she turned and glared at her.

“His name was Billy,” she muttered. “Although, he turned out to be quite a jerk.”

“You had a crush on Billy?” She struggled hard to stop the little snorts of laughter trying to force their way out.

“Laugh all you want, it makes no difference to me.” She sniffed.

Not waiting any longer, Rainbow Dash rolled onto her side, laughing loudly, tears springing to her eyes. Once she and the others (who had joined in) calmed down the game continued.

“Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said, directing her question towards the mare who sat to Rainbow Dash. “Truth or Dare?”

“I’ll do truth like you!” Pinkie Pie said, fidgeting excitedly.

Rarity placed a hoof to her chin, seeming to thinking hard before she lit up, a light bulb held above her head by a certain pink pony. “That’s it! Pinkie Pie, sit down and listen.”

“Okie dokie!”

“Who did you have your first kiss with?”

Pinkie Pie blinked. “I haven’t had it yet,” she smiled at the slightly shocked faces. “I’m waiting for somepony awesome and cool.”

“Maybe you should just kiss me then,” Rainbow Dash joked. “After all, I’m the most awesome and cool pony in all of Equestria!” She direction her voice to the ceiling before giggling with the rest of them. Or at least, most of them. Pinkie Pie, the element of Laughter, was not laughing.

“Uh, Pinkie Pie? Are you okay?” The sides of her face were gripped by two pink hooves, held close to the mare’s face, her light blue eyes staring at her intensely before she leaned forwards and slowly pressed her lips against Rainbow Dash’s.
Suddenly all noise was gone, apart from a few gasps. Her eyes widened, face heating up as she stared at Pinkie Pie before her. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks a slightly darker shade than before. Her lips were very soft and gentle, not sweet but instead a warm and spicy, like a fire on a cold night. Then, as quickly as it had come it was over with Pinkie Pie pulling away. Strangely, she wished she hadn't.

“Pinkie Pie!” Applejack was the first to speak. “What the hay did you do that for?”

“Dashie said she wanted me to kiss her!”

“She was joking!” Rarity cried.

“Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?!”

“Um, Rainbow Dash, are you okay?”

She sat blankly staring ahead of her, unable to think or move. Finally she moved her lips, cranking them into a painfully fake smile. “It’s fine. I don’t care. Nope! Not at all!”

The rest of the evening past in a blur. It felt like she was just going through the motions while her mind stayed in the past, that moment, the kiss that Pinkie Pie gave her. She found herself thinking about the mare. She always brought a smile to her face with her fun and silly antics, but she could still could really be very sweet and caring even when Rainbow Dash totally messed everything up. She was thoughtful, smarter than most ponies thought she was, thinking of the best ways to bring fun to everypony and herself… besides, she was really cute when she smiled, which was all the time.

“Rainbow Dash, darling, are you sure you’re okay? You've been acting strange.” Rarity put a hoof around her shoulder.

“What? Huh, I’m fine.” She stood up, dislodging her hoof. “I’m going to get another marshmallow.”

Twilight and Pinkie Pie stood by the bag of white snacks, Pinkie Pie scoffing her face and Twilight making sure she didn't eat too many. She turned, cheeks full, and noticed her. She swallowed quickly and grabbed another marshmallow. “Hi, Dashie!” that nickname she had for her. She only let Pinkie pie call her it. It somehow felt… right. “Want one?” She chucked the marshmallow to her. Caught unawares, she didn't have any time to catch it and it landed on her nose. Giggling, she stuck out her tongue, catching it and eating. Seeing Pinkie pie watching her she began to chock, coughing slightly as she forced her snack down.

“Pinkie, can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Sure, Dashie!” She didn't move.

“In private?”

“Oh, right! Twilight, can we go in your bedroom?”

“Sure, I guess…” The alicorn said as Pinkie Pie grabbed Rainbow Dash and bounced off up the stairs.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Pinkie Pie asked, blinking those beautiful blue eyes.

Rainbow Dash blushed, glancing at the ground and rubbing one foreleg with the other. “Uh, y’know, the kiss.”

“Right, the kiss.” The energetic mare’s voice was noticeably quieter as she too glanced away with a slight blush.

“Why did you do it?” she forced herself to try look her in the eye, but Pinkie Pie was glancing away. “I mean, you knew it was a joke, right?”

“Yeah, I did,” Pinkie Pie finally turned to look at her. “I guess I just kind of wanted to kiss you.”

“Wait, what?”

“Well, I've got this really huge totally amazing crush on you! Apart from you don’t feel the same way…”

“P-pinkie, I think I kind of like you too.” She muttered, her cheeks turning bright red.

“Really?” Pinkie Pie gasped. She nodded. “Oh my gosh, this is the best thing ever!”

“Pinkie, could we, uh, try that kiss thing again?” She asked, taking a few hoofsteps forwards.

“Yep-i-diddly-do!” Pinkie Pie threw herself forwards, knocking Rainbow Dash to the ground and the air out of her lungs. “Oh, Dashie, are you okay?”

Gulping in some air, she smiled at the mare above her. “I’m great.”

She hooked her arms Pinkie Pie’s neck, pulling herself up and pressing their lips together. Pinkie Pie responding immediately with a fierceness that utterly shocked her. It was different, but not in a bad way, to the earlier. Before she had been gentle, soft, now she was fierce, passionate, she could feel the heat vibrating off their bodies. And damn Rainbow Dash liked it.

The bundle of blankets in the basket by Twilight's bed stirred and rustled for a moment before curling up even tighter.

"Mares," Spike grumbled from the middle of his cocoon, before quietly falling back asleep.

Finally they broke apart, staring into each other’s eyes for a few tender moments. Rainbow Dash smiled. “We should do this again sometime,” she breathed. “But right now we should get back to the sleepover.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie Pie grabbed the doorknob, flinging the door open and revealing four mares who tumbled forwards with shocked cries. It only took a moment to figure out what was going on.

“Were you guys listening in on us?” Rainbow Dash growled, stalking forwards as they picked themselves up looking embarrassed. “You, are gonna it.”

“Girls, ah think we should…” Applejack started. As Rainbow Dash charged they finished together, darting away with a single cry of. “RUN!”