War on Terror

by cellum95

First published

Humans of Earth in steel warships will save the ponies from terrorism

The a fleet of ships got sucked into a whirlpool and moved into a land of ponies. Now they have to brave themselves and save the ponies from the organization Global Pony Liberation Front(GPLF).

Chapter 1: The Arrival

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It was stormy day for the sailors of Task Force Fleet Washington. This force comprises of:
-USS George Washington(Air Wing 5)
-USS Shiloh
-USS Antietam
-USS John S. McCain
-USS Curtis Weber
-USS Fitzgerald
-USS Lassen
-USS McCampbell
-USS Mustin
-USS Stetham
This force was doing routine journey leg on September 12,2013 in the Atlantic. The Admiral of the Fleet, Admiral Higgens Sprague, who joined the Navy 10 yrs ago, ask Lt. Carl Gitzworth:

"Lt. Carl Gitzworth, what is the weather forcast say?"

"Nothing much, except for the storm the fleet was heading. They didn't even expected this storm, neither do we." Carl replied in deep sense of trouble.

"I expect nothing much worse than this storm. Return back to your post."

"Aye sir!"

On the USS Fitzgerald, Capt. William Washington is now having a cup of coffee on his quarters when Private Devan Gordon, a young sailor who joined the Navy 3 yrs ago, arrived at his quarters.

"Private Devan Gordon, how are you doing?" William asked.

"Nothing much sir. Just a gloomy day for a routine leg I supposed." Devan replied.

"Yup. I didn't expect this storm to be in our track."

"Yup, and I hope this storm pass so we could go back to Brooklyn Navy Yard for damage reports."

"I hope so."

On the USS Lassen, Capt. Alex Vanguard, commanding officer of the ship, spotted something 5 nautical miles to the north.

"Lt. Diana Beywork, what the hell is that thing?" he asked his Lt.

"Oh no.....It's a whirlpool!" she shrieked.

"Alert the ships and the crew Lt.!" he ordered.

"Aye Sir!"

She dashed to the communication room and messaged the other ships, saying:

"All ships and crew! Alert! Alert! Whirlpool 5 nautical miles to the north! I repeat! Whirlpool just 5 miles to the north! Get to your stations, N-O-W!"

The alert message spread like wildfire. The fleets entire crew rush to their stations, and some hanged on to something when they got sucked into the whirlpool, which it did 30 minutes later. The fleet got sucked into the whirlpool, and the sailors braced themselves for they're impending doom. The Admiral prayed for mercy, and his prayer got answered. A white flash got them teleported to unknown and uncharted territory and water.


Princess Celestia and the Mane 6 was headed towards Manehattan for a vacational cruise ship to have a day-off from her royal work.

"This gonna be the best day ever!" said the pink colored mane

"Yeeha! I'm excited! I'm bucking apples every day. Finally, I could rest for a while." the orange colored mane said in excitement.

"Teacher, where are we heading to?" asked the lavender colored pony.

"Oh Twilight, it's just a tour of the Equestrian coast. What would be more fun than this? Besides, there's no other ships except-" Celestia's sentence was cut off by a blue colored mane

"Whirlpool!" she exclaimed in horror.

To their horrifying surprise, the whirlpool give them a surprise. The whirlpool spitted out 10 unknown ships, with the ponies staring at their unusual and horrifying design.

"What the hay is those things?" the light gray colored asked Celestia

"I don't know. Those are not Equestrian ships, and I don't know if they are friendly or not." Celestia replied.

*Back at the fleet*

"Argh! What the hell just happened?" Higgens asked

"The Whirlpool must have send us somewhere that I think it's enemy territory." Carl replied.

"It's a hunch, but I will take that Lt.. Let's contact the ships for any damage or casualties"

"I agree"

"This is Admiral Higgens Sprague. Report for any situations."

"Nothing to report sir!" All the captain of the ships replied.

"Good, now let's try to identify this enemy territory before making any questions to them, or they asking us why are we doing here."

"I agree sir."

The fleet now steams ahead to the north, with the Mane 6 and Princess Celestia watching in the port of Manehattan, still wondering about the fleet.

Chapter 2: The First Shot

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Princess Celestia and the Mane 6 look closely on the fleet, getting interested, but in the same time worried.

"Where did those things come from? What is their buisness here?" Applejack asks.

"I don't know where they come from and what is their intention." Twilight replied.

"I don't think-" Rainbow Dash's sentence was cut off by a *chop, chop* noise from above.

*At the fleet, 5 minutes earlier*

"Sir, I couldn't identify the waters in where are we right now." Lt. Carl said

"Dang it. If it is enemy territory, then we're screwed." Higgens replied. "Tell the crew to launch a Sea Hawk Helicopter to do reconnaissance to the water."

"Aye sir!"

The crew of the aircraft carrier readied themselves to launch a Sea Hawk Helicopter, piloted by Private Xyro Nixon, an elite wing man of Air Wing 5. The Sea Hawk started to fly off from the deck to the land mass they have spotted 10 minutes ago. Xyro spirals to Manehattan, looking at the port city and the Mane 6.

"Uhm sir."

"What is it Xyro?"

"I think we are in another planet."

"What do you mean?"

"I could a city and it's inhabitants. I could see......ponies."

"WTF are you saying Private?!"

"I mean, the inhabitants are ponies."

The Admiral had no time for this nick-nack story, but when Xyro repeats it again and again, the Admiral gets interested.

"Try to identify this...ponies. Their color, appearance etc."

"Aye sir!"

"Lt., get the men ready for anything suspicious with this.....ponies when they tried to board are ships."

"Yes sir!"

*Back at the present time*

"What in hay's name is that thing?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know it's purpose or it's capabilities." Pinkie Pie replied.

"I-" Twilight's sentence got interrupted when the contraption is flying back at the strange ships they witnessed earlier.

"I don't like the one who is operating just to S-P-Y on us! I'm gonna show who's boss!" RD said in pride.

"Wait! Don't-" But before Twilight could answer, their athletic friend now fly to the strange contraption to see a better look on the thing and it's operator.

*At the USS George Washington's bridge*

"Sir! I got BIG problem here!"

"What is it Private?"

"I got a flying horse at the my six! Repeat, flying horse at my DAMN SIX!"

The Admiral knew well that flying horse is the equivalent of the Greek Myth of Pegasus. Knowing the pilot's grave situation he gave instructions to the crew:

"All men in deck! Get your guns ready! Our flyboy is now being chased by a Pegasus, and we need to stop it dead in it's tracks!"

The men rush to their positions in the flight deck and readied their weapons. As the helicopter is closing in, so does the pegasus. They aim their weapons to the pegasus, to stop it from chasing the Sea Hawk. Then, after a long-breathed breathe of aiming.....


The guns fired one shot to the pegasus, injuring it's wings and leg. The pegasus crashes to the sea, with the USS Fitzgerald deploying it's men to get the pegasus to the Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer.

"Target got shot sir." Captain of the USS Fitzgerald reported.

"Get it to the Ward if it has any injuries."

"Aye sir!"

*Before that*

Rainbow Dash is chasing the flying contraption, not because of anger, but of curiosity. The body of the flying machine amazes Dashie, with it's body and how it flies. The body has an unusual body and it has blades, rotating to get the thing hovering. Dashie, preoccupied by the framework of the thing, didn't notice the ships underneath her. When the flying contraption nears the mid-ship, with Dashie following it, loud cracks where heard, and hit her wings and leg.

"OOOOOUUUUUCCCCCHHHH!!!!!!" she exclaimed in pain and crashes to the sea.

*USS Fitzgerald's Ward Room*

The captain of the ship, Capt. John Hagar, and 5 crew members watches as the pegasus opened it's eyes and said "Ouch....*gasps* My wings!"

"Uhm Sir, did it talked?"

"You mean 'SHE' talked." the Captain corrected.

The crew get themselves busy studying the form of the pegasus. It is cyan colored and it's mane has rainbow colored hair and tail. It has huge eyes for a head, with magneta pupils.

"Where....Where am I?"

"May I allow to explain?"


"First of, you are chasing our helicopter, so we need to shot you down. Second, you are in the USS Fitzgerald, an Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer. Third, who are you?"

"I'm....I'm Rainbow Dash. Greatest flyer of Equestria, until you shot my wings." Rainbow said with tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Well we're sorry for the wings ma'am. And are you saying we're in a different world?!"

"Well, I don't know what are you talking about, but I think yes. Who are you then?"

"I'm Captain John Hagar, captain of the ship you are in right now. By the way, what are you doing to chase our helicopter?"

"What is a helicopter?"

"A helicopter is a type of rotorcraft with spinning bladesto help it lift-off vertically in the air."

"Oh that thing....The one that I chase around?"


"Oh, sorry for that one. I was just angered by it by spying me and my friends, but I was also curious to it. I didn't know you guys that are in the ships. All of you cracked and injured me."

"Sorry for miss Dash, let me just report this to Higgens."

"Who's Higgens?"

"Higgens is the Admiral of Task Force Washington, and senior officer of the USS George Washington"

"Oh ok."

John quickly reported Higgens about his conversation with Rainbow Dash, which was surprised about the report. Rainbow Dash was escorted to the bridge a few moments earlier to have a conversation with Higgens.

"Hello, I'm Higgens Sprague, Admiral of Task Force Fleet Washington. Who is this?"

"R...Rainbow Dash."

"Hello Rainbow Dash. What was your thinking when you are chasing our flyboy?"

"I was angry by it to spy on me and my friends, but was curious as well."

"Your a pegasus right?"

"Well, uhm, yes. Why?"

"Can you fly to the USS George Washington?"

"No, I have my wings injured before....."

But before Rainbow Dash could speak, a shot was heard outside the fleet circle.

"Sir! Unidentified warship northeast of us!"

"Damn it! Battle stations now!"

The crew of the fleet ran to their stations, and with that, signaled the first shot in the Potshot of Manehattan.

Chapter 3: Potshot of Manehattan and Battle of the Skies

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"Sir, unidentified warship in 5 nautical miles. What are we gonna do sir?"

"Contact the USS Stetham to fire a warning shot at the vessel."

"Aye sir!"

The Lt. moves to the communication room and ordered to the USS Stetham:

"Unidentified warship at 5 nautical miles northeast. Elevation: 110. Fire a warning shot."

As the message was relayed, the gun of the Stetham traversed to the vessel, and fired the shot, only to be replied by another shot.

"Sir, the ship is still firing at us!"

"Well, we have no choice here. All ships, intercept course and return fire!"

Task Force Fleet Washington moved to battle formation, with guns of the modern destroyers firing back at the unidentified warship, turning the potshot into a major sea confrontation. The other ones fire Tomahawk Missiles, which proves deadly. 15 minutes into the confrontation, a Tomahawk hits the ship, with 2 direct hits from the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain following it. The unidentified ship ripped apart and split into two, with the US Ships deploying rescue parties to have some survivors to talk with.


*At Manehattan, before and after the confrontation*

"No! Dashie!" Rarity cried.

The Mane 6 and the princess watch in muted horror as Rainbow Dash plunged into the sea, only to be being boarded in a smaller boat than the rest.

"No......."Princess Celestia cried.

The Mane 6 and Princess Celestia rage about what happened to Rainbow Dash. However, 5 minutes later, a splash was heard and they turned their heads towards it, to see a column of water near the fleet.

"Uhm....Where did that come from?" Fluttershy asked.

"I-" But before Rarity could answer, a shot was heard,then another, and another. They turned and saw the ships firing at an unknown direction, only to see in that particular direction, a wooden ship with a flag on it.

"What in old's name is that?" Applejack ask.

"A ship with some kind of flag on it." Twilight responds.

Princess Celestia, not wanting to have the Elements of Harmony in grave danger, sought to talk to the Captain of the Fleet.
Then suddenly.........


The mares quickly turned their heads and saw the wooden ship split in two, with smaller boats with creatures moving towards it.

*At the Bridge, USS Fitzgerald*

"I don't want to be the receiving end of that." Rainbow gulped in shocked.

She was told about the history of the United States Navy, it's action in WW2, and the very gun she saw cause devastation.

"I don't like it either, but it's the least we could do." John said.

"Why? Why would you do this?" Rainbow asked.

"It was our duty, in the past, present and future, to protect our country from the threats, from the British, to support the Allies, and now, combat terrorism." John replied.

"What is terrorism?"

"Terrorism means using violent force to give them what they want."

"Oh......Do you have?"

"Yes, our threat was the Al-Qaeda, an Islamic Terrorist Group."

"I don't like terrorism. If I heard that there was in Equestria, I would certainly want them out."

"The same with us."

*At the rescue site*

"Uhm sir...Our directive was to know if there is any survivors from this ship."

"I know that 2nd Lt.. However, I'm still worried with that......flag over there." Captain Kael Werner, commander of the USS Curtis Weber, pointed out.

The rescue party turned their heads and saw the flag. It was a red cross with the initials GPLF in it.

"WTF is this 'GPLF' means?"

"Dunno what is means. Regardless, let's look for survivors in the water."

"Aye sir!"

The rescue party searched relentlessly for any lucky survivors. Every passing second, minute or hour, nothing.....Until, a crew spotted something.


The rescue party turned their heads and saw a lucky survivor, but not an ordinary one. It is a horse alright, but black and has 6 red eyes.

"Odd-looking creature."

"Same here."

"Just shut up and get this survivor to the ship."

"Aye sir!"

When they tried to rescue the unusual horse, they found 6 more, lying unconscious, but breathing. They put the horses into the boat and moved into their ship. But when they arrived, they saw another group of horses, this time in different colors, not the same as the ones they rescued.

*Before and After*

"Let's board their ship so we could.......you-know-what!" Rarity said.

"I agree, but brute force is not the answer." Princess Celestia replied.

"How are we gonna board this ship princess?" Twilight asked.

But before she could get an answer, a great white flash suddenly overwhelms. The next thing they new, they are boarded in the ship. They noticed it's unusual design. It's made out of metal, not the typical wooden type, and has a stick poking out of something. But when they heard a noise, they turned their heads and saw the beings in a small boat and have 7 mares with them, just like them, only to be more.....unusual.


"Dafuq are they?"

"Will you pls identify yourselves?"

"Hello, my name is Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria. And these are the Elements of Harmony."

"What are their names Ms. Celestia?"

"This is Twilight Sparkle, my personal student of mine. This is Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack. Including Pinkie Pie. Have you seen Rainbow Dash?"

"Why yes madam. She is in the bridge, but I will need to get these unusual survivors on-board."

"Yes you may."

The creatures got out of the boats and proceeds to the Ward Room, where they treat the 7 unusual ponies. The Mane 6 and princess,accompanied by John who introduces himself a while ago, check out Rainbow Dash.

"Hi Dash!"

Rainbow Dash turned her head and saw her friends, and John.

"H...Hi Guys."

"My word darling. What happened to you?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash couldn't speak a word, but John breaks the silence.

"We thought she would endanger our flyboy, so we take necessary actions. We took our guns, aimed, and fired. Perhaps we have injured her too much."

"How dare you!"

"It was just our instinct mam."

Suddenly, a voice moves in.

"Captain, the survivors are waking up. I advice you to come to them immediately."


"Where are we going?"

"To the ward room."

The captain, the Mane 6 and the Princess moved into the ward room, and saw the 7 ponies alive.

"Well howdy....." But before Applejack could finish her sentence, a green colored pony, much like her, moved into her face.

"Who....Who are you?"

"I'm Rottenbunch. I was revived by Dimmed Star, which is right over there."

They look at Dimmed Star, and Twilight was shocked to see herself, in a much more darker form.

"Hello, my name is Dimmed Star, a personal student of Queen Blackhood."

Twilight, and the rest of the gang, was in shock to learn about it. Twilight didn't know, that her darker form has a teacher, much like her. What's worse, the queen Dimmed talked about was actually the darker self of Princess Celestia.

"Let me ask you guys."

The rest of the unusual ponies wake up, and the 2 woken ones gathered around John.

"Where do you all come from?"

"My name is Queen Blackhood. I was once a co-ruler of Equinox, before I could my sister, Eclipse."

The Mane 6 and the princess herself was in shock to learn about it. Nothing, in anypony's lives, to hear that a co-ruler would kill her own sister. John continued the conversation.

"What does GPLF means? Who was it's leader?"

The Equinoxean ponies were speechless to hear an unknown specie to ask the GPLF. Finally, after a long purge of silence, Dimmed Star spoke.

"GPLF means Global Pony Liberation Front. It's aim, however, was a closely-guarded secret, and I can't even tell you about it. The leader, is also secret."

"Please tell me." Celestia then spoke.

"I told you, it's a closely-guarded secret. It can't be revealed."

"Uhm.....Guys?" Pinkie asked.

"What is it?" a red form of Pinkie asked also.

"My Pinkie Sense is tingling and it's coming from above. By the way, who are you?"

"My name is Zalgy Cake, and I'm a pony of jokes. But sometimes, I could make those jokes hurt people. But in my state of depression, my name now turns to Zalgressa, and disturb me, that's a death wish. Just ask me what is happening, or lock me inside my house."


*At the USS George Washington*

"Sir! Several bogeys detected!"

"Shit.....Send in the Hornets Lt.!"

"Yes sir!"

As the siren wails, the pilots of the Hornets rushed to their aircrafts, and flew off to intercept the bogeys. In the USS Fitzgerald, the Mane 6, princess, and Equinoxean ponies saw in utter awe as jets flew by, shooting the bogeys down one and another. The Battle of the Skies has began, and ended in the US Navy's favor.

'I don't know what's there intent, but I will be on alert.' Celestia thought.

The fleet was steaming north, with some pony vessels behind it, some 10 nautical miles south of it and secretly follow the fleet, in hopes to know it's secret.

Chapter 4: The Royal Meeting

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Task Force Washington is now steaming north in steady speed. Princess Celestia asked so much about Queen Blackhood, with Twilight doing the same with Dimmed Star.

"How long you and Blackhood get to know each other?" Twilight asked.

"As long as my memory served. I was actually a book worm, and studied magic under her care." Dimmed replied.

"You have the same hobby as me!" Twilight beamed with joy. Dimmed Star was surprised.

"Well, I hope you don't have any conflicts with your teacher. I have conflicts with my teacher once."

"Well, same for me. It's just a shame a personal student of a princess be turned down."

"I could imagine that." Dimmed replied with a chuckle.

"Well, Blackhood, I think your student is socializing with my student." Celestia said with a smile.

Blackhood only smiled, but deep within her, she is planning something evil.

"Well, then, uhm......Why did you kill your own sister?"

Blackhood think about it, why? She thinks about it before answering.

"I was driven for power. Corruption-" But before Blackhood could spoke her sentence, Twilight has screamed in horror as Dimmed Star put her own horn into hers a while ago. Evil images of her and her friends being corrupted, destroying everything in their path.

"It....It will happen to us?!" Twilight exclaimed in horror.

"I'm afraid so. It's an age-old legend, kept by us, the Equinoxeans, for years."

But before Twilight could answer, a strange-looking pony, which resembles Rarity, just showed up and reported that the Captain needs them, in the bridge.

"Very well, Stone. You may lead the way." Blackhood said.

"As you wish." Stone replied.

Stone, a personal friend of Dimmed Star, escorted them to the bridge, in which the captain and the other ponies are waiting.

"Have a seat."

"Why thank you."

"Now, in a form of national sense, why did you joined the GPLF?"

"None of your buisness ape!" Rottenbunch said.

"I'm just asking the only basics."

"She says no, so no." Blackhood said.



"What is it Lt.?"

"City due northeast in 550. Snowy storms have been looked upon, and heading towards us."

"Damn it...Alert the Admiral, I don't like the feeling I'm having right now."

"And what is that feeling captain?" Twilight asked.

"A feeling of doom."

The ponies shook their heads, dismissing the captains very words. But, Dimmed Star, knowing about the very words of the captain, nod in silence.

*At the USS George Washington*

"Admiral, John gave us a weather warning about a storm ahead. Snow storm to be precise."

"Get the men alert! I don't like getting frozen to death."

"Aye sir!"

The Lt. alerted the crew about the snowy weather, which was quiet chilling for them. The storm rages it's snowy fury upon the fleet, with sailors trying to keep themselves warm.