Completely Boned

by Draconian Soul

First published

Either they turn Winona back to normal... or she takes Big Mac's bone...

Due to eating the poison joke plant, Winona has gained the ability to speak and walk. The miracle comes off as amazing and the family enjoyed her new form. However, there are some canine instincts that stayed. One of those instincts drives her to want to mate with any male in sight, whether they want it or not.

With a dog in heat, Applejack and Apple Bloom has to find a way to satiate Winona's lust before she does something that everypony regrets. And with Winona sticking her business in Big Macintosh's face, their time is limited.

Pre-read by some Lurking Dude and A Giant Sponge
Edited by a Apple Seed, some Luna Fanatic, and a Talented yet Perverted Writer

The Heat of the Moment

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The rooster crowed, signalling the early morning. Sun beamed through Applejack’s window, waking her from her deep sleep. She stretched her hooves out and let out a hearty yawn, rubbing her eyes.

“Well, time ta start a new day,” she said aloud, pulling her covers off. Sight still blurry from drowsiness, she saw the silhouette of her dog, Winona, leaning at the edge of the bed. “Silly Winona, why are ya leaning off the edge of the bed like that?” Applejack giggled, noticing her dog squirming. Applejack figured her vision was skewed even more, because it seemed Winona was longer than the bed itself.

“Is she…? Naw, must be mah tired ol’ eyes playin’ tricks on me.” Applejack leaned in and patted Winona on the back. “Good morning, gal.”

“Morning, Master,” Winona replied, yawning and stretching out. The response caused Applejack to jolt back in her bed, staring wide eyed at her pet.

“Wait… did you just talk, Winona? Did mah dog just talk?”

“Did Ah… did Ah just talk?”

Applejack’s eyes weren’t deceiving her. Her dog had grown long and slim, barely able to fit on the bed. Her front paws looked like fingers, similar to a minotaur’s. But the most noticeable change about Winona were a set of petite breasts with perky nipples. Winona rolled off the bed in shock, looking at her new body.

“Master, what’s happening?” Winona was just as confused as Applejack. The dog sat up and wiggled her paws, trying to make sense of her change. She brought her paws to her chest and pressed them against her squishy boobs. “What are these, Master?”

“A… Ah think those are teats, Winona,” Applejack replied, scratching her head in disbelief. “But nopony Ah’ve seen has a pair that noticable.”

Winona tried to walk on all fours, but when she did, she noticed how clumsy and slow she had become. “Ah can’t walk! Ah can’t walk!”

“Um, can you stand?”

Winona lifted herself off the ground slowly, standing on her hind legs. She expected to wobble and fall over. However, much to her and Applejack’s surprise, she stood on her legs with ease.

“Wow!” Winona gasped, “Look, Master, I can walk!” Winona wagged her tail excitedly and jogged in place, showing Applejack her new ability. “I can walk on two feet!”

“Well slap my knee and call me Apple Fritter! Ya actually can!” Applejack had a full view of Winona’s body now, face turning a tint of red when she saw her pet’s lower half. “Though, Ah suggest trying to put that away.”

“Put what away?” Winona asked innocently. Applejack pointed down at Winona’s furry, pink pearl. Winona looked down and giggled nervously, scratching her head. “Oh, that. Yeah, Ah don’t know why Ah can’t conceal it.”

“It’s alright, Winona,” Applejack started, trying to pet her head. Winona leaned down to receive it, licking Applejack and tapping her right foot on the ground. During the petting, Apple Bloom opened the door, having just woken up.

“Oh, hey there, Apple Bloom” Applejack chuckled nervously.

“Mornin’, sis. Mornin’ Winon-AAAAH!!” The eager dog pounced Apple Bloom, sending the filly into a small panic.

“Mornin’, Lil’ Bloom!” Winona said, wagging her tail in delight, pinning Apple Bloom to the ground so she couldn’t escape her affectionate licks.

“Ahh! What are you, and what have you done with Winona?” Apple Bloom bucked and screamed, scared of the strange creature.

“Lil’ Bloom, it’s me,” Winona whimpered, pulling her tag to show the signature. “See? I am Winona. Please don’t be scared of me.”

Apple Bloom stopped panicking, but still showed the same level of confusion.

“It’s true, Apple Bloom,” Applejack added. “Ah don’t understand it fully myself, but that’s Winona.”

“See, see! Even Master believes me.”

Apple Bloom calmed down and straightened her face. “Okay, but why is she like that? And… um… what are those?” Apple Bloom poked Winona’s nipples, causing Winona to giggle and cover her chest.

“Stop that!” Winona laughed. “That tickles!”

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Winona said, licking the filly. “But Ah don’t know how Ah got like this. Ah’m just as confused as you are.”

“We can figure it out while we’re downstairs eating,” Applejack said, stomach growling. “Ah’m hungrier than a hog on slop Tuesday!”

“Yeah, me too.” Apple Bloom turned herself over and stood on her hooves.

“Ah could use something to eat as well,” Winona stated.

The three headed downstairs, eagerly awaiting breakfast. Winona tried to run downstairs on her hind legs, figuring she had the same agile abilities on two feet as on four. However, she tripped along the way and tumbled down the steps, crashing against the wall with her legs spreading as she smacked against it.

“Winona, are ya alright?” Applejack called out in concern.

“Yes, Master,” Winona groaned. “Just tripped on the stairs, s’all.” Winona took notice of Applejack covering Apple Bloom’s eyes, coughing slightly. “Something wrong, Master?”

“We really have to find a way to cover your, um, privates.”

Winona took notice that once again, she had flashed not only Applejack, but Apple Bloom as well. “Sorry. Let me see if Ah can fix it…”

Winona used her fluffy tail to cover her sex. “Does this work?”

“Can ya keep it covered using only your tail?”

“Ah think Ah can.”

“Then it’ll do… for now.” Winona stuck her tongue out, pleased that she satisfied her master and wagged her tail in excitement. “Um, Winona, could you not do that over your… you know? Kinda fanning the scent over here.”

“Sorry.” Winona stopped wagging her tail, making sure she placed it exactly over her vaginal lips to avoid sullying Apple Bloom’s innocence further.

“What in tarnation is going on down here!” Winona’s ears perked as she heard an old, gruff voice coming from the kitchen. “Ah swear, young whipper snappers such as yourselves make too much of a ruckus in the mornin’!”

Granny Smith slowly walked into the halls to figure out what was going on. “Now, what in Sam Hill are ya’ll doing making such a fuss down here?” Granny Smith glared at Winona, who smiled nervously at the fussy old mare. “And what is this stranger doing in our house? Applejack, did you invite one of your weird friends over last night while Ah was asleep?”

“That’s no stranger, Grandma,” Apple Bloom began to explain. “That’s Winona!”

“Winona?” The dog in question waved at Granny Smith, chuckling nervously. Granny looked at Winona with raised eyebrows, unconvinced that this was their dog. “Uh huh… Well if this is truly Winona, she should react well to this.”

Granny walked up to Winona and scratched under her left ear. Winona’s ears perked up and her tongue lolled out.

“Oh, yeah…” Winona moaned, kicking her legs in excitement. “That feels good. Scratch faster.”

“Well, Ah’ll be darned,” Granny replied, still scratching. “It really is her. But why is she like this? And why are there a pair of lumps on her chest?”

“Don’t bother asking. We’re just as clueless as you, Granny.” Applejack answered. “We were hoping to eat a little before we continued talkin’ about it first.”

“Ain’t that just like an Apple?” Granny chuckled. “Thinkin’ with their gut before anything else. Alright, little ladies and doggy, let’s fix ya’ll something to eat so we can figure out what’s goin’ on with Winona here.”

“Um, not to worry ya, Master, but could ya help me up, please?” Winona pleaded, still in the bliss of the amazing scratch she received.

“No problem, Winona,” Applejack said. Winona grabbed onto Applejack’s hoof with her paw as the mare pulled her on her feet. Winona made sure to keep her tail tucked between her legs to avoid displaying her vagina.

The group walked into the kitchen, eagerly awaiting breakfast. Granny Smith made Applejack and Apple Bloom pancakes and eggs, with a mug of apple juice for each. Winona sat on the floor as usual. Even though she could speak and act intellectually, she still knew her place. She buried her face into her doggy bowl, chowing down. She was sitting on all fours for the first time in her newfound form, and it felt weird. They all sat enjoying their breakfast, with Apple Bloom occasionally sneaking Winona some of her pancakes and petting her while she panted lightly. After Applejack finished her food, she downed the last of her juice and began to speak.

“Alright, so Ah’m gonna try to figure out what’s goin’ on.” Applejack put a hoof against her chin to try to remember anything that could have caused this. “Winona, do ya remember anything that might have triggered your sudden change?”

“Winona looked up at Applejack, food crumbs falling off her face. “No, Master. Only thing we did yesterday was walk to the Everfree Forest together. You threw a stick, and Ah went to fetch it, just like any other day.”

“Didn’t you go into the Everfree Forest?”

“Yes Ah did, and Ah got the stick and… oh wait, there was one thing Ah did. There was this small patch of blue flowers, they looked kinda yummy, so Ah decided to take a bite into one. Needless to say, they were awful; and worse of all, Ah swear they gave me the runs yesterday.”

“Well… that was kind of unnecessary information,.” Applejack groaned. “But at least we know what the thing was that caused you to be like this.”


“Winona, Ah believe you ate a poison joke flower,” Applejack explained.

“Wait, so am Ah stuck like this forever?”

“ Not at all. Ah can go get ya the potion from Zecora to get you back to normal.” Applejack paused for a moment, looking at Winona. The dog tilted her head, using her hind legs to scratch from behind her ears, a task that was harder than it normally was for her. “However, this sure is an interesting change. Ah’d be lying if Ah said Ah wouldn’t enjoy having a walkin’, talkin’ dog around.”

“Ah don’t know though, Applejack,” Granny Smith began. “Winona being able to talk may be nice, but there could be some problems with her being this way.”

“Like what? Ah don’t see nothin’ wrong with her this way.”

“Um… Master…”

“Well, she did eat a poison joke,” Granny Smith argued. “Ah don’t think that too much good could come out of something like that.”

“Master, Ah have to…”

“Ah, we’ve dealt with the poison joke before, and it wasn’t anything too drastic. Though Ah’m glad Ah’m not tiny anymore; but this is a talking dog! Think about the…”

“MASTER! Ah have to tinkle sooo bad!! Ah need to go right now!!” Winona barked, holding her paws against her privates to hold off the urge to pee on the floor. She shook and groaned, trying to hold it off.

“Oh, Ah’m sorry ‘bout that, Winona,” Applejack said. “AB, take Winona outside to use the bathroom.”

“But Ah haven’t even finished mah breakfast yet!” Apple Bloom said.

“Well, the sooner ya take her out to tinkle, the sooner ya can come back and eat your breakfast,” Applejack claimed.

Apple Bloom mumbled under her breath as she got out of her seat. She walked towards Winona and smiled. “Come on, girl, let’s get you out back...”

Winona, still holding her paws over her privates and crossing her legs, followed Apple Bloom outside to find a place to use the bathroom. When they left, Applejack and Granny Smith continued their conversation.

“Look, all Ah’m sayin’ is we should be careful ‘bout Winona stayin’ like that,” Granny Smith argued.

“What’s to worry about? Winona has always been a good dog, and havin’ her talk shouldn’t be too much of a problem. What’s the worse that could happen?”

Apple Bloom led Winona to the side of the barn, pointing at where she should go to the bathroom. Winona ran swiftly towards the barn walls, squatting down to relieve herself.

“Lil’ Bloom, do you mind turning away for a moment?” Winona asked. “Ah don’t want you to watch me tinkle.”

“Oh, okay.” Apple Bloom turned around, wrinkling her nose slightly. “Ah swear, mah sister can be so unfair sometimes! She finished eating her food and she makes me take ya outside when Ah still have food on my plate!”

“Master did seem busy talking to Miss Smith about something,” Winona defended. “Ah’m sure it was of the upmost importance she finish it.”

“All they were doin’ was talkin’ bout whether to keep you the same or not!”

“That’s something very important, Lil’ Bloom. Ah need to know whether they want me like this.”

“Why should it matter? Ah mean, you’re still the same ol’ Winona, ’cept ya can talk. Ah think that’s really cool!”

“But if Master has a problem with it, Ah have to obey any order she gives me. That’s just how it is.” Winona finished using the restroom and stood up straight, still feeling a strange, tingly sensation. She looked down and noticed her vulva was puffy and swollen, becoming even more noticeable. “Oh my…”

“You done, Winona?” Apple Bloom called out.

“Oh, yes, Lil’ Bloom!” Winona answered, covering her bulbish lips with her tail once more and blushing.

“Winona, is something wrong? You look kind of… tense.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just feel slightly tingly s’all. Maybe if Ah go sit down somewhere, Ah can relax a bit.”


Apple Bloom and Winona started towards the house, until they heard the barn open, revealing the burly stallion Big Macintosh. Like normal, he woke up early to take care of work around the barn.

“Hi, big brother,” Apple Bloom greeted.

“Mornin’.” Big Macintosh squinted his eyes at the dog-like creature, fur mixed with brown and white. “Winona?”

Winona’s ears perked as she heard the husky voice call out to her. She turned around and looked at Big Macintosh, eyes half-lidded.

“Hey there, handsome…” Big Macintosh flinched when Winona talked; the dog waved at him, wiggling her fingers while doing so and flirtatiously sticking her tongue out.

“Um, yeah,” Apple Bloom began. “She ate a poison joke flower, and now she’s a walking, talking doggy!”

“Yeah,” Winona said dreamily, walking towards the confused Big Mac. “Walking, talking dog.” She stopped in front of him, licking her lips seductively. Big Macintosh backed away slowly, Winona stepping closer every step he took.

“Um, Winona?” The stallion became more uncomfortable as Winona denied him personal space.

“Ya know, up until recently, Ah never realized how good looking you were,” Winona cooed.

“Um, thanks,” Big Macintosh answered, sweating nervously.

“No, thank you for being an eyeful.” Winona pinned Big Mac against the barn wall, staring him down intensively. “Big Macintosh… Ah bet that Big part of your name is very fitting.”


Winona pulled her tail away from her vulva, forcing the stallion to look at her sex. Her tail was sopping wet from her arousal, and the smell was intense. “It’s okay, sug. It won’t bite; though it can swallow you pretty well.”


Apple Bloom looked very confused. She didn’t understand what was going on, or why Winona was so excited to see Big Mac. “Winona, what are you… um…”

Winona turned around and brushed her sopping-wet tail against Big Mac’s nose. “Smell that, sexy? You did that to me. And now, Ah want ya to do more things to me…”

“Um, Ah don’t think either of us want that, Winona,” he denied, feeling the heat radiate off Winona’s swollen pussy.

“Oh, Ah don’t want it, big boy,” Winona moaned, swaying her hips side-to-side to entice him. “I need it.”

Big Macintosh pushed Winona to the side and stared directly at Apple Bloom. “Little sis, Ah need ya to go get Applejack, now!”

“Okay,” Apple Bloom replied, still unsure what was going on. “But what was Winona doing to you?”

“No time for questions! Just go get her, QUICKLY!”

Apple Bloom ran towards the house, leaving Big Mac and Winona alone.

“Oh, so you want to do it while I’m on the ground?” Winona concluded, rolling over on her back and spreading her legs. “Down and dirty, just the way Ah like it.”

“Winona, Ah’m not having sex with you..”

“Aww, come on, Maccy,” she whined, bucking her hips pleadingly. “You wouldn’t give your dog a bone?

“Eenope.” Winona got back on her feet, and walked towards Big Mac again, grabbing his face with her paws. She licked him on the lips, not in an innocent, platonic kiss, but in a lustful, streak.

“But Maccy, it isn’t polite to deny your pet’s needs,” she cooed, dragging one of her paws down his back. Nervous beads of sweat continued dripping down his face as the horny pup slid her hand towards his underbelly, aiming to touch his sheath. “Just relax, and let me make both of us feel real good….”

“Winona, SIT!!”

Upon hearing the demand, Winona yipped and plopped her bottom on the grass, denying herself. Big Macintosh wiped a hoof against his forehead and backed away.

“Winona,” Applejack called out, running towards the two with Apple Bloom trailing behind. “What in Tartarus were ya trying to do to mah big brother?”

Winona’s ears flopped in shame.. She looked sadly at Applejack and began to explain herself. “Ah’m sorry, Master. When Ah saw Big Mac, Ah started to lose control… and Ah wanted- needed him to mate with me. And the urges, they’re too strong. So strong Ah wanna…”

Winona squeezed her legs together trying to ward off the sensation, but to no avail. Her vulva moistened, pushing out of her furry lips as time went on. Applejack knew exactly what this meant.

“Oh boy, this ain’t good,” Applejack stated.

“Why not, Big Sis?” Apple Bloom asked, oblivious.

“Well, it’s that time of year for Winona,” Applejack tried to explain, “and around this time, she gets… urges to do inappropriate things. Normally, it would be another dog, just like her. However, since she ate the poison joke, and developed intelligence matching that of ponies…”

“She does inappropriate things to other ponies, like mah big brother!” Apple Bloom concluded.

“Correct.” Applejack stared at Winona, who was biting down on her lips, praying the urges would just stop. “What a time for her to eat poison joke.”

“Ah’ll say,” Big Macintosh replied, staying a good distance from the dog who could potentially assault his bone.

“So, what are we gonna do about it, Applejack?” Apple Bloom asked.

“We’re gonna go to Zecora’s and get a potion made to revert her back,.” Applejack sighed. “As much as Ah’d like to have a talking companion, Ah don’t need her tryin’ to ra… Ah mean, act inappropriately ’round mah brother.”

“Do whatever you think is best, Master,” Winona groaned. “Could ya please hurry though.? If Ah can’t go back to normal soon, Ah might just pounce on Mister Sexy over there.” Winona winked at Big Mac, causing him to gulp.

“That won’t be a problem. Winona, go inside the barn.”

“But, Master…”

“Now, Winona!” Applejack pointed towards the barn impatiently.

“Yes, Master.” Winona walked towards the barn with her head hung low, whimpering a bit along the way.

“Now, brother,” Applejack began, “Ah’m gonna need ya to stay here and keep watch of her while me and AB here go fetch her the potion she needs.”

“Whoa whoa whoa.” Big Macintosh extended his forehooves and waved disapprovingly. “Ya want me to stay with a dog that wants to ravish me?”


“Ah don’t think that’s beneficial for me in the slightest. Why can’t one of you stay and watch her?”

“Have you ever visited Zecora before with the same thing that Winona has?”

“No, but…”

“Then you can’t come with us.” Big Mac groaned at his sister’s stubbornness. “It won’t be that hard keeping her locked inside; just put a pitchfork through the barn door and you’re set until we get back.”

The stallion let out a deep sigh. “Fine.”

“Great. We should be back in a bit. Apple Bloom, let’s hurry on to Zecora’s so we can get this over with.”

With that, the sister’s trotted off swiftly towards the Everfree Forest., leaving Big Mac with a horny dog in a barn. He walked to the nearest pitchfork, and lifted it in his mouth.

What a way to start off a morning, he thought to himself, preparing to seal Winona inside the building.

Half an hour passed. There was no sign of Applejack and Apple Bloom anywhere. Big Macintosh sat in front of the barn door, waiting impatiently for them to turn up. From the other side, he could feel Winona bump up against the door, like she was banging on it.

“Winona, banging against the door ain’t gonna convince me to open it for ya,” Big Mac stated firmly.

“Ah’m not… banging… the door,” Winona responded. “Ah’m trying… to relieve myself… against it… but it’s not working!” Macintosh blushed at her statement, realizing fully what she was really doing to the door. “Please, just let me out, handsome. Ah can make it quick!”

“The concern is you mating with me in the first place! And Ah’m not lettin’ you out!”

“Please, handsome,” Winona begged, pressing herself against the door. “Iffin ya won’t help me get rid of this itch, who will?”

“Ah didn’t want to be the one to suggest this,” Big Macintosh groaned, “but have ya tried using your paws to… well... masturbate?”


Ah can’t believe Ah gotta explain this to her… “It’s when you use your hooves… or in your case paws… and touch your privates to ease any urges you might have.”

“Okay, handsome. Ah’ll give it a try.” Winona brought one of her furry paws down to her vaginal lips and touched her sopping vulva. Just one gentle stroke was enough to make her gasp in pleasure. She then proceeded to rub one of her fingers over it, panting heavily as she did it. When one finger wasn’t enough, she upgraded to two, pressing firmly against her pussy. Eventually, she began experimenting, and decided to shove her fingers deep inside. She pushed in and out of her walls aggressively, panting harder with each stroke while wagging her tail. Big Mac had the pleasure of hearing every single gasp and moan that came out of Winona, even hearing the slick fluids squishing against her wet fingers.

“Oh, Maccy, this feels… oh… so good…” Winona moaned, “but… Ah don’t know if… ugh… it’ll be enough… Ah still need your tool… your… ugh… bone…”

“Well, for the last time, Ah ain’t givin’ it to you!” Big Mac crossed his hooves and settled his head on the door. After moments of Winona whimpering and moaning in bliss, she ceased with the noises, allowing him some unsexualized peace.

“Maccy?” Winona softly called out.


“Ah… Ah think Ah can control myself now. Ah really appreciate your suggestion to masturbate to relieve myself. It really helped.”

“Glad to help then,” Big Macintosh responded. “So, what are you expecting, a doggy treat?”

“That would be nice!” Winona exclaimed. “But other than that, Ah’d like to come out and get some fresh air.”

“Winona, we already talked about…”

“Ah know, Ah know, but Ah swear to Celestia Ah can control it. It’s so depressing and crammed in here. Not to mention it’s extremely hot; there’s barely anywhere to breathe. Please, just for one minute.” Winona whimpered loudly, tugging at Big Mac’s sensitive side. “Just one minute, and Ah promise, Ah’ll come back inside.”

Big Mac considered the idea. As much as she harassed him today, he did feel sorry for her. After all, she couldn’t control it at the moment. But, she did say that she had control over it now.

“Only a minute, right?”

“Yes, Maccy.”

Big Macintosh sighed, letting his soft spot get the best of him. “Fine, but only for a minute, then you go back in.” He unhinged the door and set the pitchfork to the side. He opened the door, and was rewarded with an eager Winona pouncing on him and throwing him to the ground. She positioned himself over him, pinning his hooves so he couldn’t move.

“Winona, what are ya doing?” Big Mac screamed, causing Winona to giggle seductively.

“Takin’ what Ah need by force this time,” she cooed, sticking her tongue out.

“B… but you said…”

“Ah’m just glad you’re gullible enough to fall for a doggie’s whining. Makes this a whole lot easier.”

Big Mac struggled under Winona, but surprisingly, her weight was enough to pin him in place.

“Doesn’t look like your bone is out quite yet,” Winona stated, grinning mischievously. “Let’s take care of that now.” Winona rubbed herself against Big Macintosh, grinding against his sheath to extend it. Her fluids rubbed on his skin, warming up his nether regions immensely. Big Mac cringed at the unwanted pleasure.

Okay, this is bucked up beyond belief! he thought. Don’t let her win. Just think of something unattractive. Think about… Granny Smith naked in the shower. That thought did the trick. He was no longer becoming erect, much to Winona’s disappointment. It did leave a horrid thought in his mind, one that would require tons of mental bleaching.

“You’re being really stubborn,” Winona snapped. “Ah wanted to be nice and patient, but Ah can no longer wait. You’re gonna mate with me, whether you like it or not!” She leaned into Big Mac’s neck and trailed her tongue along it, trailing it down his body. Big Mac began to panic, knowing where she was heading.

Oh Celestia, oh Celestia… Think Maccy, thi… oh sweet buttery biscuits, she has me calling myself that now!

The stallion was helpless, watching the horny dog lap his body with her tongue, heading closer to her prize. He turned his head to avoid looking at what she was going to do to him, when he noticed a sizable stick just inches away from his mouth. Then, an idea came to him.

He carefully moved his head in the direction of the stick, trying to grab it with his teeth. Winona was now at his haunches, preparing to lick around the head of his shaft. It was now or never. He pulled the stick up with his mouth, praying this would work.

“Hey, Winona, look!” Winona groaned and looked up.

“What is it no...ooooh!”

Big Macintosh waved the stick in his mouth and Winona followed it, her tongue lolled out in excitement. It was like he was hypnotizing her with it.

“See the stick, girl?” Big Mac teased.

“Yeah! Yeah!” Winona nodded wildly, tail flicking in the air excitedly.

“You want the stick?”

“Yes! Yes!”

“Well… here ya go!” Big Mac tossed the stick a great distance from them, and Winona gave chase. Big Macintosh took this opportunity to pick himself back up and run for safety.

Moments later, the two sisters trotted back to the farm with a bottle full of the poison joke remedy.

“Good thing Zecora didn’t use the last of the seeds, otherwise we’d be out of luck,” Apple Bloom stated.

“Sure is.”

They trotted towards the barn, where they assumed they would be. However, the only thing that even signified they were there was the pitchfork lying on the grass and the strong smell of secretions filling the barn. Apple Bloom held her nose and backed away from the barn.

“Where in Sam Hill are those two?” Applejack was starting to grow worried. A dog in heat was dangerous enough, but one with an attraction to stallions…

“We gotta find those two.”

Applejack and Apple Bloom looked all around the farm to try to find their brother and dog, but had no such luck. The two then decided to check inside the house;, but the only thing they found was Granny Smith sleeping, rocking in her chair. They stepped outside of the house and sat on the front porch, trying to figure out where they were.

“Ah gave him one simple job,” Applejack began, “one simple job and he goes and bucks it up. Now, Ah got a dog in heat roaming around, probably trying to do Celestia knows what to him, and all ‘cause he couldn’t follow simple instructions!”

“Woulda been better if ya stayed here instead….”

“Where did that come from?” Apple Bloom asked, startled by the voice. A barrel next to the house began to rock a little, as the top popped off, revealing Big Mac.

“Brother!” Apple Bloom chimed. “What are you doing inside an apple barrel?”

“Shhh…” Big Macintosh looked around, making sure Winona was nowhere to be seen. “Ah’m hiding from you know who…”

Applejack sighed. “Ya let her out, didn’t ya?”

“She said she had control over it, and whimpered as if she was miserable. Ah thought she was being sincere about it!”

“Well, mighty fine time for ya to go soft on us! Now we gotta find her before she does anything we’re gonna regret.”

“No need to worry about that, Master. I’m right here…”

Big Macintosh jolted at the sound of the lustful dog. Winona leaned against the barrel with the stick in her mouth, grinning seductively at Big Mac. “I found the stick you tossed, sexy. Now, time to get a hold of your stick…”

“No need for that, Winona,” Applejack stated proudly. “We gotcha the medicine that will revert you back to normal, so there’s no need to try to do things to our brother. Ah mean, sure it takes half a day to take effect, but at least it’s something.”

“Oh, that’s alright, Master.” Winona licked her lips. “Ah kinda don’t want to go back now.”

“Beg pardon?”

“Ya see, Ah learned something. These urges might be mainly animalistic, but after a few moments with Big Red here, Ah started liking him… and wanting him.” She dragged her tongue along Big Mac’s face, causing him to recede back into the barrel.”

“Now listen here, missy,” Applejack began, “this isn’t up to you to decide whether you go back or not. You will drink this potion or else…”

“Or else what?” Winona snapped back. “What are you gonna do, force it down my throat? Ah just figured out Ah could pin down sexy over here, so what makes ya think you can force me to do anything? Ah could break the bottle, and then that would have been a waste of time for you and Apple Bloom. The only way Ah’m going back to my old form, is if a stallion like Big Red here stops acting shy and rutts my brains out.”

Applejack’s eyes twitched at Winona’s response. This was the first time Winona had disobeyed an order that Applejack gave her. Winona was starting to gain a sense of free will,--at the perfect time, too. Winona crossed her arms and smirked victoriously.

“We could end this right now, ya know. Just convince handsome over here to come out and ravage me, and we can call this a night.” Big Macintosh closed the barrel once again to avoid looking at Winona, scared senseless. This wasn’t looking good for the big, red guy.

“Applejack, what are we gonna do?” Apple Bloom asked, concerned about her brother. “Is Winona going to do inappropriate things to Big Bro?”

Applejack put a hoof against her chin. “Not if Ah can help it.” Out of desperation, she turned to Winona and asked, “Does the stallion have to be Big Macintosh for you to enjoy it?”

Winona shook her head. “While having Big Red bury himself inside me would be delightful, it could be anypony, so long as they can get rid of this urge for the moment.”

“Well, that raises hopes a bit,” Applejack stated. “Dim hope, but hope all the same. Apple Bloom, Ah want you to watch Winona while Ah go and find a stallion desperate enough to ‘play’ with Winona.”

“Um, okay…” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow in confusion, but didn’t dare ask any further. After all, stranger things needed to be taken care of.

“Might wanna hurry with that then. Ah don’t know how long Ah can hold out when it comes to Big Red over here.”

“Oh, that won’t be a problem anymore, Winona,” Applejack said matter-of-factly. “In fact, Ah know what to do to keep you in place.”

Winona’s collar was chained to the door of the house, making it impossible for her to move anywhere. Not only that, but her hands were locked together by cuffs, much to Winona’s disdain.

“Explain to me why Ah have to be handcuffed,” she growled. “Also, explain why ya have a pair of cuffs in the first place!”

“Yeah, Ah’ve been meaning to ask you about that myself,” Big Macintosh stated, staring suspiciously at her sister.

“That’s not an issue right now,” Applejack evaded, blushing slightly. “What is an issue is Winona trying to release her urges on ya! Now Ah’m gonna go into town and pray that Ah find a stallion that’s actually desperate. If Ah can’t, Ah guess you’ll have to take one for the team and just bone her, Big Bro.”

“Please, sis, find somepony. Anypony!” Big Mac pleaded as Applejack trotted off to town.

The two ponies sat and watched Winona, who was whimpering once again, and rolling on the ground trying to hump the grass. Apple Bloom was highly confused, while Big Macintosh was highly disturbed.

“Lil’ Bloom… sorry ya gotta see me like this,” Winona moaned, trying to ward off her lust while in the presence of Apple Bloom, failing miserably. “If Big Red over there would help me out here…”

“Eenope! Ya already tricked me enough today. Ah ain’t trusting ya no more!”

“Well, could ya at least undo the cuffs? Ah can’t use mah hands to prevent the growing urges.”

“What urges?” Apple Bloom innocently asked.

“Shoulda thought about that before trying to pounce me earlier,” Big Macintosh coldly stated.

“Pounce you?”

Winona and Macintosh didn’t answer the filly’s question, much to her annoyance. “Why doesn’t anypony tell me anything?!”

Minutes upon minutes passed, and the three sat there with nothing to do but stare at each other, waiting for Applejack to return. Winona felt herself leak more fluids, her puffy vulva becoming more and more pronounced by the minute. She couldn’t bear it, the scent was becoming overwhelming for the others. After what felt like hours, Applejack finally returned to the farm, with a stallion to boot. Winona looked up in excitement and tried to run towards her master, forgetting that she was still chained against the door. Winona yipped as she was thrown back to the ground.

“Well, out of sheer luck, Ah found one,” Applejack proclaimed. “He even let me lead him here blindfolded, much to my surprise.”

“I honestly started to question why I had to be blindfolded,” the cream-colored stallion replied, “but I was down with it. After all, this will be the first time in months that I can finally unload in something.”

Winona blushed wildly and put a paw against her mouth, giggling flirtatiously. “Wow, sounds like somepony is hornier than Ah am! What’s your name, sug?”

“My name is Ace,” he replied obliviously.

“Ace, huh?” Winona’s felt herself getting wetter as her eagerness grew. “So, you’re pretty good at sports, Ah assume.”

“One of the best in Equestria,” he boasted. Winona was more turned on by the second.

“Well, are ya an ace at other things?” she cooed.

“You’re about to find out shortly, um, what’s your name?”

“Ah don’t think that’s important,” Winona stated, her voice dripping with seduction. “All that matters is that you plow me, and get the satisfaction you came here for.”

“Ooh, down to the nitty gritty.” Ace blushed at Winona’s advances. “Well, anytime you’re ready.”

“Oh, Ah’m ready, big boy,” Winona cooed, straining under her cuffs. “But first… Master, could ya unbind me?”

“Wait, she’s bound?” Ace questioned.

“It’s… um… for reasons,” Applejack replied nervously, uncuffing Winona.

“Oh, I see. She’s into the whole bondage thing! Pretty kinky.”

“Um, yeah, that’s it. Totally her thing, hehe…” Applejack just went along with it, unfastening the chain on her collar.

“Yeah, Ah’m a very dirty girl…” Applejack rolled her eyes at Winona’s flirtatious advances. The dog walked towards the stallion and wrapped her paws around his face. She licked his mouth with her long, hot tongue, forcing her way into Ace’s mouth. The two sloppily made out with each other, swapping saliva as Winona expertly explored his mouth.

“Um, not to interrupt your tongue play,” Applejack coughed, “but could ya take that somewhere else?”

Winona broke the kiss, blushing madly, and answered Applejack’s request. “Sure, Master.” She stroked her paw against Ace’s cheeks, which were heated from the lust-filled kiss. “Let’s take this to the barn.”

“Whatever you want, lady.” The two of them walked towards the barn, ready to have some fun with each other. Big Macintosh finally crawled out of the barrel and sighed with relief.

“Thank Celestia you found him, Applejack. How in Equestria did ya pull it off?”

“Ah just remember him sayin’ at one point that he hadn’t had any good mares recently, and he was desperate for anypony, so long as they were easy. Ah just forgot to mention the non-pony part.”

“So, that’s why he’s blindfolded?”

Applejack leaned against the door wall and replied, “Eeyup!”

Winona led the blinded stallion inside, closing the barn doors and ceiling it from the inside so nopony would disturb their activity.

“Whoa, it smells like somepony already went at it in here!” Ace pointed out.

“Well, it’s gonna smell even more like it once Ah’m done with ya,” Winona replied, turning her back to him.

“What did you have in mi--mmph…” Without warning, Winona bent over and pushed her pussy into his muzzle. His nose instantly took in her scent, and Ace hummed in delight, lapping his tongue in her vulva. Her tongue lolled out and her knees felt weak. It took all her strength to prevent herself from falling on the floor. Moans of pleasure filled the barn as Ace inserted his tongue into her wet, furry, lips.

“Oh, Nelly…” Winona moaned as the stallion worked his tongue inside her, sliding it in and out of her walls. “Oh yes!! This is what Ah needed!”

Ace chuckled inside of her, the vibrations causing Winona to yip in pleasure. She couldn’t bear the sensation anymore; her first orgasm was approaching. Winona clenched her teeth as a warm jet of sticky fluids streamed onto Ace’s face. He pulled his tongue out of her pussy and licked his lips, enjoying the foreign, yet satisfying taste of the stranger.

“That… felt… amazing,” Winona stated, turning back to Ace. She was practically putty, completely melting under the wave of pleasure. “Did Ah taste good, handsome?”

“Delicious, in fact,” Ace complemented, licking the salty fluids. Winona cheeks reddened from both his statement, and what he saw. The stallion’s prize was fully erect. She slowly crawled under the stallion, her sopping tail brushing under his belly.

“Oh, what is the horny girl doing now?” Ace teased, gasping once Winona grasped his schlong.

“You tasted my goods,” Winona began, drooling in excitement and slapping her tail against the underbelly of Ace. “Now Ah wanna taste of you.”

Without waiting for approval, Winona opened her mouth and wrapped it around the head of the penis. She lapped her tongue around it sloppily, drool pooling out of her mouth. The moisture was almost too much for Ace.

“Damn, girl. You’re pretty good at this,” he moaned. Winona smiled and pushed herself deeper on his cock, trying to breath through her nose. She took a paw along the base and began to stroke it, sucking his other half.

Ace moaned and bucked his hips, forcing more of his penis into her mouth. Winona loved the taste. All the contents of sweat and activity were apparent on his schlong, and she craved the taste of it. She continued bobbing her head along his firm cock and lapped her warm tongue along it. Ace felt an intense pressure build up inside.

“Whoa, girl,” he called out. “I… I think you should stop now.”

Winona made a confused moaning sound around his penis, not sure of why he would want her to stop if they both seemed to be enjoying it.

“I want to cum inside your lovely pussy, not your mouth. Make me blow now, and we’ll have to wait longer, and from the way you were moaning, I don’t think you want that.”

Winona slid his cock out of her mouth and panted excitedly. She was on her knees with her paws hanging low, wagging her tail eagerly. “Well, if you say so, sugar.”

Winona turned around and bent over, pushing her rear towards his face so he knew where to mount her. She flicked her tail around her vulva, waving the scent towards him and arousing him even more. “What’s taking you so long, big guy? Go ahead and bury your bone inside me.”

Ace set his hooves against her arched back, and positioned himself on top of her. “Don’t have to ask me twice.” Winona helped guide the blindfolded stallion’s girth to her pussy, humming lightly as he got closer. Ace gasped once he found the warm, wet flesh, pushing into the soft cunny.

“Oh, Celestia!” Winona panted as Ace entered her pussy. He was well-lubed from the oral fixation she gave him, allowing him to push deep into her walls. Her tail wagged wildly as he pressed deep inside of her; the pleasure was unlike anything Winona had felt before. Most of Ace’s schlong made it inside her slick cunny before the head rubbed against her tight walls. Winona’s tongue dragged along the ground as her orgasm welled up inside her. She moaned loudly, wagging her tail even more violently than before.

“Wow, you’re really getting into this,” Ace stated, pounding against her soft, furry ass. “You’re panting like a bitch in heat!”

“Oh, ya have no idea!” Winona moaned, clawing against the ground. Ace grunted as he rhythmically slammed his cock inside of her. Winona bumped against him to feel more pleasure. As much as she enjoyed being plowed by him, she wanted to do most of the work.

“Oh, Ace,” Winona began, “Ah wanna do the work, iffin that’s alright with you.”

Ace took the hint and smiled. “Sure thing, babe.” He pulled out of her and lied on his back. Winona whimpered from feeling empty, but she knew the empty feeling wouldn’t last too long.

“So, ready to be ridden by this puppy?” Winona cooed.

“Hah, you’re really taking this thing seriously,.” Ace chuckled. Winona positioned herself over his schlong and rested her pussy over his tip. Just the feeling of her vulva brushing against his penis made her yip loudly. She licked her lips and lowered herself slowly on his cock, causing him to moan loudly.

She bounced on top of Ace, rocking her hips in slow, rhythmic motions. Her tongue hung out, enjoying dripping saliva on his chest as she worked her body on top of him.

“Hot damn, you’re good at this,” Ace stated, pulling his front hooves to his face. “Ah gotta see who’s able to give good sex like this!”

He removed his blindfold, face freezing once he saw who was grinding against his cock.

“A DOG!” Ace felt uneasy. “I’m bucking a dog!”

“Sure are, big boy,” Winona cooed, leaning into him while still gyrating her hips on his penis. “And from what Ah heard, you think Ah give good sex. So, what are ya going to do? Just stop now because you found out Ah was a dog, or continue having a mind-blowing experience, getting to plow me in my warm, slick, pussy?”

Ace bit the bottom of his lips; on one hoof, this was wrong. He was screwing the farmer’s dog! This is the kind of thing that leaves ponies scarred for life. On the other hoof… he had to admit, she was kind of hot. Not only that, but she put out better than most mares he’s been with.

Not only that, but she was already grinding on top of him; he might as well had finish what he foolishly started.

Winona continued to raise and lower herself on top of him, quickening her pace every time she took him down to the hilt. Ace noticed her small, furry breasts were directly in his face, the nipples hardened and pointing out. Out of curiosity, he began to suckle the teats, tugging on them lightly.

“Oh, that feels mighty nice,” Winona moaned, indicating he was doing a good job. He continued suckling and licking around the breast, switching between the two petite orbs as Winona slapped her cunny against his cock, filling the barn with wet, sloppy sounds. This act continued for minutes, both enjoying the simple, animalistic pleasure they were giving and receiving. Both were reaching their climax, though Ace felt as if he was going to reach his first.

“What’s wrong?” Winona teased, “Can’t hold on any longer? Don’t tell me you’re going to blow before the needy bitch does.”

Ace gritted his teeth, trying to hold back his orgasm, but to no avail. Due to the teasing and the constant motions of Winona’s hips, he couldn’t hold back his load anymore. He shot his hot, sticky seed into her womb, making Winona yip and moan in pure, adulterated pleasure. The extra cum leaked out of her walls, dripping down Ace’s shriveling penis. Fortunately for Winona, her wave of pleasure had reached its peak too. She unloaded her fluids onto Ace’s cock, mixing it with the semen that was flowing down.

Winona rolled off of Ace and flopped onto the ground, her tongue hanging out to the side as she panted in bliss. Ace’s payload was still leaking out of her pussy, showing how pent-up he truly was.

“That was fun!” Winona hummed. “Ah never felt so good in my entire life!”

“Yeah, sure.” Ace clumsily got on his hooves and nervously looked at Winona. Her wide grin started to diminish.

“What’s wrong?” Winona asked. “Didn’t you enjoy it, too?”

“Yeah, it was all fine and dandy up until the point I realized I was boning a dog. Then, most of the pleasure just turned to shame.”

“But why would you be ashamed of that? Ah mean, Ah’m intelligent, Ah put out well, and ya did a good service by tending to my needs as a doggy in heat. Ah’d say there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Yeah, you know, except for the fact that I had sex with a dog,” Ace repeated. “It was nice and all but… I think I need to go lay down for a bit. Take care, um, whatever your name happens to be.”

“Winona,” she replied frowning.

“Winona. Alright. See you around, Winona.” He left the barn and groaned slightly, still not believing he slept with a dog. Winona sat inside the barn with her ears flopped. She finally had an outlet to her sexual desires, but after finally receiving it, something became painfully clear to her.

She walked out of the barn, making sure her tail was tucked under her vulva to prevent Apple Bloom from seeing it, and headed towards the trio of Apples.

“Winona!” Apple Bloom called out, Winona waving back.

“So, how’d it go?” Applejack asked.

“It went… okay. Then he saw who Ah was, and now Ah know the major issue with being this way. Even though Ah can walk and talk, Ah’m still viewed as a regular dog, and if Ah stay this way, and keep urging for stallions, Ah’ll cause more problems than it’s worth.”

“So, you’re willing to take the potion then?” Applejack asked.

Winona nodded sadly. “Ah’m gonna miss being like this, being able to talk to ya’ll, but Ah gotta do what’s best for everypony else.”

“Glad ya thinking straight now, Winona.” Applejack walked towards the saddened dog and reached up to pat her head. “It’ll be alright. No matter what form you are, we’ll always think of you as the smart, lovable dog you are.”

“That’s right!” Apple Bloom chimed in. “Ah’ll love you just the same, no matter what ya look like.”

Small beads of tears started to well in Winona’s eyes. “Master, Ah’m sorry for being so defiant. Ah just was so consumed with my own needs, Ah didn’t think about…”

“Think nothin’ of it, Winona! Ah know it must be tough going through that.”

“Thanks for being so forgiving.” Winona turned towards Big Macintosh. “Big Red, Ah’m sorry for harassing you all day. Could you forgive me?”

Big Mac didn’t forget her last scheme to jump his bone, so he was having a hard time believing she was being sincere. However, her quivering lips, drooped ears, and sad, puppy dog eyes were too much for him to handle.

“Eeyup,” he replied, smiling softly. “Ah forgive you.”

Winona ran towards the red stallion and wrapped her arms around him, jumping in excitement.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!” she cried out, licking his face, innocently this time. Applejack and Apple Bloom both laughed as Big Mac was trapped in the embrace of the happy Winona.

“You ready, Winona?” Applejack asked.

Winona let go of Big Mac and walked towards her master, grabbing the bottle and uncorking it. “Yes, Master. Ah’m ready.” She downed the content in the bottle as fast as she could, gagging at the horrid taste of it.

“Well, the potion doesn’t take full effect until half a day goes by, so we’ll all be asleep by the time Winona changes back,” Applejack stated. “So, we might as well enjoy her company while she’s like this. What do you want to do, Winona?”

Winona brought a paw to her chin to think. “How about we just do what we normally do?”

The group nodded and proceeded with the rest of the day. The afternoon was a lot less hectic. Winona acted just like a normal dog, except for her ability to walk and talk. She played frisbee with Applejack, helped Big Mac around the barn without trying to coerce him into sex, and even received pleasurable scratches behind her ears. The rest of the day went by quickly, and the entire family enjoyed the company of their pet. Even Big Macintosh loosened up after a while and became more receptive of her.

But soon the day passed, and the night sky blanketed Ponyville. Applejack just finished tucking Apple Bloom into bed, yawning herself. “‘Night, AB,” she said to the nearly-asleep filly.

“‘Night, big sis.” Applejack kissed her forehead and left her room.

“What an eventful day this was, huh, Winona?” As Applejack walked into her room, she noticed that her pet was missing. “Winona?”

Big Macintosh had left the bathroom after brushing his teeth, preparing to hit the hay as well. When he walked into his room, he noticed Winona, standing right next to his bed.

“Winona, what are ya doing in my room?” he asked, sternly.

Winona tapped her paws together, looking down at the ground nervously. “Ah… Well Ah thought that since Ah was gonna go back to a regular dog tomorrow, Ah just wanted to know if… um… can Ah sleep with you tonight?”

Big Mac flinched a little at the request. “W… Why?”

“Well, it’s because Ah want to know how it’s like cuddling with a stallion,” she admitted, blushing slightly. “It’s just, Ah won’t get the opportunity to do this again and…” Winona fell silent, making the situation more awkward than it already was. “Ya know, just forget Ah said anything. ‘Night, Big Red.”

Winona began to walk out of the room; her sad expression tugging at Big Mac more than he could bare.

“Winona,” he called out, causing her to look back. “Iffin’ ya still want, there’s just enough room for you to sleep here with me.”

“Really?” she exclaimed, tail wagging.

“Eeyup. But remember, we’re only sleeping in the same bad. Nothing else; just catching zzzs.”

“Gotcha, Big Red.” Winona walked towards Big Mac’s bed and crawled up alongside him. She slid under the covers and nestled close to him, pushing her warm body against his.

“Thank you, Maccy,” she replied softly, wrapping her paws around him.

“N… No problem.” Big Mac was hesitant of her touching him at first, but after realizing it was completely platonic, he eased up slightly. It was a lot more comfortable than his earlier encounter with her.

“Um, Maccy?”


“Suppose Ah get the urge again… and Ah ask ya to use your hooves to try and…”

“Winona, Ah thought all you wanted to do was sleep here!”

“Right, sorry.” Winona blushed lightly. “But, what if Ah just took care of it mahself? Would ya be mad that Ah…”


“Okay, okay.” She fell silent and tried to close her eyes, with Big Macintosh drifting off as well.

“What if… hypothetically speaking, Ah rub against you to ward off the…”

“Winona! One more word about this and you’re gonna be sleepin’ on the floor!”

Winona yipped and fell silent as she cuddled up against Big Mac, avoiding saying another word. Big Macintosh sighed deeply and closed his eyes again, trying to go back to sleep.

The roosters began to crow, signalling a new day. Applejack woke up and rubbed her baggy eyes.

“Applejack, come look!” An excited Apple Bloom jumped on Applejack’s stomach, causing her to groan slightly.

“What is it, AB?” she asked, sleep filling her voice.

“It’s Winona, she’s back to normal. And she’s sleepin with Big Mac!”

“Huh, so that’s where she went last night.” Applejack lazily rolled out of the bed and onto her hooves. “Well, might as well see how the two of them are gettin’ along together.

Both of them laughed. Walking in Big Mac’s room, they noticed the stallion smiling and nestled against Winona. Only this time, Winona was significantly different from yesterday. She was no longer the long, fingered, breasted dog. She was the normal Winona, barking Winona once again, snuggling against the big, red stallion. A smile crept onto Applejack’s face at the sight.

“Well, Ah ain’t the one to think much about cutsie stuff like this, but Ah must say, after yesterday’s dilemma, this is kinda heartwarming.”

“Eeyup.” Apple Bloom smiled as they watched the two sleep. “Still gonna miss Winona talkin’ though.”

“Me too, AB, but we still got the same ol’ Winona, and that’s all that matters.”

They decided to let the two sleep longer, not wanting to wake them from their peaceful slumber.

“Well, since Big Mac is lazing around, we’re gonna have to do the barn work this morning,” Applejack stated. “So let’s get to workin’!”

“Okay,” Apple Bloom said. “But Ah got one question before we start.”

“And that is…”

Apple Bloom looked curiously at her sister, and asked her a question.

“Applejack, why exactly do you have hoofcuffs?”