FriendlyFire: Rainbow Dash's long lost brother

by FriendlyFire

First published

Lightning Blitz (Rainbow Dash's dad) had an affair with Spitfire's mom (Fire Lilly). Fire Lilly got pregnant with a little colt named FriendlyFire. After being told he had a sister named Rainbow Dash, he sets out to find his longlost sister

Lightning Blitz (Rainbow Dash's dad) had an affair with FireLilly (Spitfire's mom) three months after Rainbow Dash's birth. FireLilly got pregnant with a little colt named FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire finds out that Rainbow Dash and FriendlyFire are family. He goes to PonyVille to reveille Rainbow Dash's long-lost brother.

One - The colt named FriendlyFire

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One- The colt named FriendlyFire

A long time ago there were two ponies, Lightning Blitz and Sunset Breeze. Lightning Blitz lived in CloudsDale and Sunset Breeze lived in ManeHatten. Lightning Blitz met Sunset Breeze at a Summer Sun Celebration. When Lightning Blitz saw Sunset Breeze, it was love at first sight. They dated for a long time and after a year of dating, Sunset Breeze gave birth to a young filly named Rainbow Dash. After Rainbow Dash was born, Lightning Blitz and Sunset Breeze's relationship grew unsteady. They started fighting and things were looking ugly. Lightning Blitz starting having a secret affair with Fire Lilly(SpitFire's mom). Fire Lilly lived in Canterlot. No one knew about their affair and Fire Lilly didn't knew Lightning Blitz was cheating on Sunset Breeze with her. A couple of weeks later, Lightning Blitz and Sunset Breeze solved their relationship problems and got back together. Lightning Blitz left Fire Lilly, without knowing he impregnated her.

A few months later, Fire Lilly gave birth to a little Pegasus colt named FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire was born with an orange coat, and a red and yellow mane. FriendlyFire was born with night vision eyes. The doctor said to avoid eye damage, he'd have to wear a blind fold in the day. Over the years, FriendlyFire learned to listen and feel the vibrations of the Earth. He could see in the day by listening to his surroundings, and by feeling around. He COULD see... just not with his eyes.

Fire Lilly never told him about Lightning Blitz. She forgot about Lightning Blitz. They never dated long enough for her to really know Lightning Blitz. She was always confused on who FriendlyFire's father was. FriendlyFire would always ask questions about his father, but Fire Lilly never had an answer. FriendlyFire just assumed that his father was dead.

Today, FriendlyFire wanted to fly. He'd never flown before and today he was going on his first flight. SpitFire was training to be a Wonderbolt. She's been training ever since she was a filly and she was guaranteed to be a Wonderbolt. She just had to be in better shape.

When FriendlyFire and SpitFire were outside, SpitFire Bent forward and stretched out her wings.

"Come here, FriendlyFire and get I this stance" Said SpitFire. FriendlyFire walked up and got in the stance beside SpitFire.

"Like this?" Asked FriendlyFire.

"Perfect. Now push your wings downward and back up again. Just keep doing that, its easy." Said SpitFire, hovering in the air in front of FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire did as he was told. His wings pressing down on the air made him see everything, it made him smile.

"Move your wings a little faster, once your in the air, you can slow down a bit." Said SpitFire. FriendlyFire moved his wings a little faster and before he knew it he was up in the air. FriendlyFire made a big smile.

"I'M DOING IT! LOOK, LOOK! I'M DOING IT! MOOOOOMMM!" FriendlyFire yelled in excitement. Fire Lilly walked out of their house.

"What?... Oh my gosh. Your flying!" Said Fire Lilly in amazement. FriendlyFire was flying all around. In loops, zigzags, barrel roles. He was doing everything he could.

"Hey, FriendlyFire! Wanna race?" Asked SpitFire.

"You Bet!" Said FriendlyFire competitively. They both landed and arched their backs in the air.

"Tell us when, mom." Said SpitFire.

"Ok. On your marks, get set...GO!" Shouted Fire Lilly as SpitFire and FriendlyFire both shot up in the air. FriendlyFire was right beside SpitFire. SpitFire kept going faster and faster, but FriendlyFire never fell back. SpitFire was going her fastest and FriendlyFire still didn't fall behind.

"Wow Friendly, your really fast!" Shouted SpitFire with the wind in her face.

"I can go faster!" Shouted FriendlyFire as he sped up. He was going faster and faster. SpitFire's eyes were wide open and her jaw was dropped. FriendlyFire was going REALLY fast. He was leaving SpitFire in the dust. SpitFire stopped flying and just hovered in amazement of how fast FriendlyFire was going. Fire Lilly was watching with her jaw down as FriendlyFire was about to do a sonic rainboom. FriendlyFire was flying fast. The air was getting ticker and thicker. He felt like he was getting squeezed through a cone of air. Then an explosion happened. FriendlyFire was colorblind in the day, but it felt like he just did a sonic rainboom!

Fire Lilly and SpitFire watched in horror and amazement. FriendlyFire just performed a sonic rainboom. But instead of a rainbow, it was FIRE! There was a giant flaming halo in the sky and there was a trail of fire following FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire landed next to SpitFire and Fire Lilly.

"DID YOU SEE IT! DID YOU SEE IT! I DID A SONIC RAINBOOM!" FriendlyFire said excitedly.

"A sonic rainboom? A SONIC RAINBOOM?! MORE LIKE A SONIC FIRE-BOMB!" Yelled SpitFire, horrified and filled with jealousy.

"What?" Said FriendlyFire. He felt the jealousy inside SpitFire, but he was confused on what she meant by sonic fire-bomb.

"Honey... you um... in...instead of a rainbow, you made fire." Said Fire Lilly.

"What?!...THAT'S AWSOME! I" FriendlyFire was trying to think of a way out of this. Then a horrible thought came to mind.

"DID ANYONE GET HURT! I DIDN'T HEAR OR FEEL ANYTHING! I SWEAR, I DIDN'T KNOW I'D CREAT A SONIC FIRE-BOMB! I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM! I...I..." Panicked FriendlyFire. But before he could panic more, his mother spoke.

"No, no you didn't hurt anypony. How's your tail? Are you burnt" Asked Fire Lilly.

"Mom, I can willingly set my tail on fire without feeling pain. I'm sure I'm fine" Said FriendlyFire.

"Look!" Yelled SpitFire. Fire Lilly looked at the fire halo in the sky and FriendlyFire listened. Some fire fighting Pegasus flew up to the fire and sprayed it with a fire extinguisher. But the fire didn't go out. They sprayed it again, still wouldn't go out. One pony scratched his head and stuck his hoof in the fire. He brought it back out, it wasn't on fire, it didn't hurt, and a few seconds after he touched the fire, it turned to sparkles and sprinkled downwards.
"What the...?" Said FriendlyFire

"I thought it was fire?" Said SpitFire

"Apparently, its an allusion...Hey, Friendly, Look!" Said Fire Lilly poking FriendlyFire on his thy. FriendlyFire couldn't see anything till his mom moved her hoof. Darkness rippled away and he could see everything again. And he saw his cutie mark. It was a flame with a smiley face. FriendlyFire had a big smile and got excited. He flew up in the air.

"MY CUTIE MARK!" He yelled. He could feel the jealousy on SpitFire's face. Not only was he faster than her, but he got here cutie mark before her. FriendlyFire was so happy he flew up in the air and did another Sonic Fire-Bomb. He just kept flying, nonstop. He was doing loops, twists and turns, and lots of other tricks.

"Hmmmph!" Grunted SpitFire as she stomped into their house. Fire Lilly, with a puzzled look on her face followed her inside.

"SpitFire, what's wrong?" Asked Fire Lilly.

"It's just not fair! I've been training my whole life and FRIENDLYFIRE'S FASTER THAN ME." Complained SpitFire.

"I know, but you should be proud of your brother. I bet he's the fastest pony there is."

"But I wanted to be the fastest! It's just not fair!" Said SpitFire as she walked in her room. Fire Lilly started thinking, "Nopony in my family can be that fast. I bet he gets it from his father."

FriendlyFire didn't notice his mom and sister go inside, nor did he care. He was to busy flying and making Sonic Fire-Bombs in the air. He was having so much fun. Then he stopped, he could feel someone watching him. He heard a fire pony flying towards him. When the fire pony got to FriendlyFire he said:

"Boy, your one fast son of a gun, but you gotta stop with the explosions in the sky. I know its harmless, but its freaking the other ponies out."

"I'm sorry. I just learned how to fly and I got a little excited." Said FriendlyFire. They both sat on a cloud.

"I understand. I remember when I was just a little colt. My mom and dad were holding me up in the air and said when we drop, you flap your wings. And they dropped me and I flapped my wings" Said the fire pony.

"Geese. My sister told me to flap my wings and I started flying,"

"That works too. I gotta go back to work. No more fire, ok?"

"Ok!" Said FriendlyFire as he flew back down to his house. He walked in and went to sleep.

Three years have past, SpitFire's a highly ranked Wonderbolt, FriendlyFire is a well respected weather pony, and Fire Lilly is a very skilled artist . SpitFire is training at the Wonderbolts Academy, FriendlyFire is making it rain, and Fire Lilly is at home, about to go catch up with a friend. SpitFire and FriendlyFire are both moved out. SpitFire lives in a bunkhouse at the Wonderbolts Academy. And FriendlyFire has his own house in Fillydelphia.

When FireLilly arrived at the restraunt, her friend, Silver Sky, gave her a hug. They started ordered their food and started chatting.

"So, did you go to the young flyers competition?" Asked Silver.

"No, but my daughter went."

"Did she mention who the winner was?"

"Yes. A miss Dash won the race."

"Yes. Rainbow Dash. Did she say how she won?"


"You'll never believe it, but, she did a SONIC RAINBOOM! Nopony has ever done it before." Said Silver. After those words, Fire Lilly knew Rainbow Dash was FriendlyFire's sister. Nopony in her family could even get close to the kind of speed Rainbow Dash and FriendlyFire had. Fire Lilly got excited.


"Get this. She's from PonyVille."

"I HAVE TO GO!" Said Fire Lilly as she ran out of the restaurant.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Yelled Silver Sky.

"I HAVE TO FIND MY SON!" Fire Lilly yelled back as she flew in the sky.

Two - Surprises

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Two- Surprises

FriendlyFire just cleared thirty clouds in a couple of seconds. He didn't time himself but if he'd guess, it'd probably be ten seconds. FriendlyFire had a late day, he slept in during half his working hours. Luckily he's so fast, he could make up a weeks worth of work in one day.

FriendlyFire was laying in a tree. FriendlyFire was just about to fall asleep when he heard heavy breathing. Familiar heavy breathing. It was his mom, Fire Lilly. FriendlyFire was confused. Happy, but confused. Fire Lilly didn't hardly visit at all. He flew up to her to greet her.

"Hello moth..."

"FriendlyFire! I have great news!" Interrupted Fire Lilly.

"You look tiered. Come, sit down." Said Friendly Fire, guiding Fire Lilly to a bench beside a lake. They sat down on the bench.

"Y...You...Have a...Sister" Said Fire Lilly, still breathing hard.

"I know. SpitFire is at the Wonderbolt Academy."

"No. Not her. You have another one."

"What? I don't understand."

"Her name is Rainbow Dash. She's from your fathers side of the family."

"I thought you didn't know who my father was?"

"I don't. But I do know you have another sister. She lives in PonyVille."

"PonyVille? How do you know?"

"Silver Sky told me." Said Fire Lilly as FriendlyFire flew up from the bench. FriendlyFire hovered a few feet in the air. He looked at Fire Lilly excitedly.

"I have to meet her!" Said FriendlyFire as he flew up into the sky. But he then flew back down.

"Something wrong, FriendlyFire?" Asked Fire Lilly confused.

"Umm... Where's PonyVille?" Asked FriendlyFire. Fire Lilly looked up, then she looked all around the park. She then pointed to her left.

"It's the town next to the Everfree Forest." Said Fire Lilly. FriendlyFire smiled and gave Fire Lilly a hug.

"Thanks mom." Said FriendlyFire. He stopped hugging Fire Lilly and flew where Fire Lilly pointed. Fire Lilly waved good bye and flew the opposite direction. FriendlyFire was excited, he did a Sonic Fire-Bomb before he left Fillydelphia.

FriendlyFire has been flying for an hour till he saw the Everfree forest. Celestia was done for today, and now Luna was taking over. FriendlyFire stopped in front of the forest to rest. He moved his blindfold to a headband. FriendlyFire looked up at the moon, then looked back down into the forest. *Sniff Sniff* FriendlyFire's eyes watered and he moved his hoof over his nose. FriendlyFire smelled a horrible smell he never smelled before.

"Pew! What is that stench?" Said FriendlyFire as he looked around. Then, something caught his eye. He looked in the Everfree forest. He saw green eyes looking at him. FriendlyFire stood up slowly and glared at the eyes. After a few seconds of starring at the eyes, FriendlyFire's night vision eyes adjusted. He was looking at a timber wolf. The timber wolf started growling, and FriendlyFire knew it was going to attack. He could easily fly away from the timber wolf and fly to PonyVille. But FriendlyFire doesn't take kindly to threats. He was going to stay and fight.

The timber wolf growled louder and stepped forward. FriendlyFire smiled as it pounced towards him. FriendlyFire shot towards the timber wolf, crashing against its chest. The timber wolf bit FriendlyFire's shoulder as FriendlyFire slammed it into a tree, shattering it to a million pieces. FriendlyFire tried to stand up from the crash, but his right shoulder was in pain from the timber wolf bite. FriendlyFire couldn't stand on his front right leg. *Grrrrrr* FriendlyFire heard another growl. He turned around to see three more timber wolves slowly circling FriendlyFire. He looked at his injured leg, then back at the wolves. FriendlyFire smiled and bent forward like he was about to take flight.

One timber wolf to FriendlyFire's right pounced towards him. But before it could do any damage, FriendlyFire span around and kicked it on the right side if its face. The timber wolf collided with another timber wolf and they both shattered into a million pieces. The third timber wolf jumped on FriendlyFire's back a sank its teeth in his wounded shoulder. FriendlyFire screamed and flipped on his back. Shattering the last timber wolf. He rolled off the timber wolf and limped a few feet away. He sat and took off his headband. FriendlyFire tied the headband over his wound. FriendlyFire was about to fly away, but he heard a strange noise. He turned around to see all four timber wolves combining into a mega timber wolf.

The mega timber wolf glared at FriendlyFire. It was NOT happy. It was angry and it wanted revenge. FriendlyFire was breathing hard, he was out of breath. The timber wolf roared a loud roar and growled at FriendlyFire.

"Rrraaaaawwrrrrr!" FriendlyFire mocked the mega timber wolf. The mega timber wolf slapped FriendlyFire into a tree. FriendlyFire slammed into the tree so hard it fell over. The timber wolf walked towards FriendlyFire, but before it could do anything. FriendlyFire flew and broke through the mega timber wolf's chest. FriendlyFire flew up really high and turned around. He flew straight down and did a Sonic Fire-Bomb into the mega timber wolf. The timber wolf exploded into a billion pieces and FriendlyFire was laying on the ground. He was too weak to move and everything was fading. FriendlyFire only saw the tops of the trees, then he saw a zebra in a cloak walk up and look at him. Then everything went black.

Three - Welcome to PonyVille

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Three - Welcome to PonyVille

FriendlyFire opened his eyes to see a ceiling made out of straw. He starred at the ceiling for a while, confused.

"Where am I?" FriendlyFire asked himself. Not knowing about the zebra watching him.

"Where you are is in my hut. I brought you here after I fixed your cut." Said the zebra, startling FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire sat up from the straw bed and looked at the zebra.

"Who are you?! Why'd you bring me here?!" Asked FriendlyFire

"Zecora is my name. I brought you here after your dangerous game." Answered Zecora. FriendlyFire stood up. He noticed his shoulder didn't hurt. He looked at his right shoulder. His deep wound was gone.

"Wow. Its like I was never hurt." Said FriendlyFire. Looking at his shoulder.

"Yes, I saved you. With my healing brew."

"Thank-you Zecora." FriendlyFire said. He walked towards the door, then stopped. He saw that it was morning out through one of Zecora's windows.

"How long was I out, Zecora?" FriendlyFire asked.

"You were out for an hour or so. That timber wolf gave quite a powerful blow." Said Zecora. FriendlyFire looked out her window, but quickly closed his eyes. The sunlight was hurting his eyes.

"Zecora, could you please bring me my blindfold?" Said FriendlyFire, with his eyes closed and his hoof stretched out. Zecora walked away into a different room. Then she came out holding the blindfold. She dropped it into FriendlyFire's hoof. FriendlyFire tied the blindfold over his eyes.

"How can you go anywhere when you can't see? You might run into a tree." Said Zecora.

"Oh, I can see. Just not the way you can. I see by listening, and feeling. I was born with night vision eyes, looking in the daylight hurts my eyes." Said FriendlyFire as he stomped on the floor. FriendlyFire felt that Zecora's hut was in the middle of the Everfree forest. That's when FriendlyFire realized he was lost.

"Hey Zecora? Do you know where PonyVille is?" Asked FriendlyFire.

"Indeed I do. Follow me, I'm heading there too." answered Zecora as they both walked out of Zecora's hut.

"So you say your related to Rainbow Dash? That is quite a smash." Said Zecora

"What do you mean?"

"Rainbow Dash is quite famous. Lying can be dangerous."

"I'm not lying! She's the only one that can match my speed."

"I believe you, FriendlyFire. But Rainbow Dash, might call you a lair." Said Zecora. Zecora and FriendlyFire stopped moving. FriendlyFire felt he was out of the forest.

"Welcome to PonyVille. This town is quite a thrill." Said Zecora. Zecora walked away and FriendlyFire felt and listened. *Grrrr* FriendlyFire's stomach growled.

"I'm starving. I wonder where I can find some food around here." FriendlyFire said to himself. He stomped both his hooves in the ground and felt the vibrations. There was an apple orchard north-west from him. FriendlyFire flew into the sky and headed towards the apple orchard. *Smack!* FriendlyFire heard somepony buck an apple tree. He flew down towards the noise. FriendlyFire landed next to the pony, accidently startling her.

"What in the tarn nation?!" Said the mare.

"Hi, my name is FriendlyFire. I haven't ate anything in a day. Can I please have an apple?" Asked FriendlyFire.

"Why sure sugar cube. Mah name's Applejack. Where you from partner?" Asked Applejack after tossing FriendlyFire an apple. FriendlyFire took a bite from the apple.

"I'm from Fillydelphia." Answered FriendlyFire.

"What brings ya to PonyVille?" Asked Applejack as she bucked another apple tree. FriendlyFire took another bite from his apple.

"I'm looking for my long lost sister, Rainbow Dash."

"Rainbow Dash! Well, I'm a good friend of Rainbow!" Said Applejack, excitedly.

"Really!? Do you know where she is?" Asked FriendlyFire.

"Last I know, she was helpin Twilight clean up the library. Why don't you stay fer supper? One apple ain't enough ta fill up yer belly."

"No, thank-you. I really must be going."

"C'mon. Rainbow ain't going anywhere."

"I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense. Your stayin, and I'll take ya to the library afterwards."

"Well, ok." Said FriendlyFire as him and Applejack walked into the house.

Applejack and FriendlyFire were walking down the road to twilight's library.

"That's quite a story, Friendly." Said Applejack.

"You believe me, don't you?"

"Well sure I do. But Rainbow Dash might not believe ya."

"That's what Zecora said." Said FriendlyFire. They stopped at a tree with a library sign on it.

"Here we are. I gotta head back. Them apples ain't gonna buck themselves down." Said Applejack

"Thank-you!" FriendlyFire said as Applejack trotted back to her apple orchard. FriendlyFire walked inside the library to feel the presents of a unicorn placing a book on the shelves. She turned and noticed FriendlyFire standing in her doorway.

"Hello. I'm Twilight Sparkle. Can I help you find something?" Asked Twilight.

"Umm, yes. I'm FriendlyFire. I was told Rainbow Dash was here." Answered FriendlyFire.

"Oh, I'm sorry she left a few minutes ago."

"Do you know where?"

"I'm sorry, I don't. May I ask why your looking for her?"

"She's my sister."

"Oh. She never mentioned having a brother"

"I'm her long lost brother."

"Oh. Good luck on finding her." Twilight said as FriendlyFire flew out of the library. FriendlyFire could feel that Twilight didn't believe him, but he didn't care. He just wanted to find his sister, and he had to hurry. The sun was going down. "I'll check to see if she's in town." FriendlyFire thought to himself.

FriendlyFire flew into a park. There was a nice statue, and about three ponies. He didn't feel the family bond in any of them. He knew none of them were Rainbow Dash.

"I haven't seen you around here. What's your name?" Asked a very happy pony. She was just bouncing beside FriendlyFire as he flew into town.

"Uhhh. My name's FriendlyFire." Answered FriendlyFire. Then the pony gasped.

"Oh my gosh! I love that name! I mean it has the name friendly in it!"

"You sure seem happy today."

"Oh I'm Pinkie Pie! I'm always happy!"


"Wacha doin in PonyVille? Are you moving here?"

"Actually, I'm looking for my sister Rainbo-"


"Really!? Do you know where she is!?"

"Nope, but I bet SHE'S AT RARITY'S HOUSE! C'MON!" Pinkie Pie said as she ran down the street. FriendlyFire followed her.

They arrived at a clothing store, and the sun was down enough for FriendlyFire to turn his blindfold into a headband. FriendlyFire stood in front of the door and looked up at the building. It was big.

"So this is where Rarity lives?" asked FriendlyFire.

"Uh-Huh." Pinkie Pie said as she bounced away. FriendlyFire was curious on where Pinkie Pie was going but he ignored the feeling and walked in. A bell rang as he opened the door. There was no one there. Then he heard somepony coming. Then a unicorn came down the stairs.

"Sorry, we're closed" Said the unicorn.

"Actually, I'm not here to buy anything. Pinkie Pie said Rainbow Dash was here."

"Sorry, but I haven't seen Rainbow Dash all day. It's getting late, you should go home."

"Actually, I'm from Fillydelphia. I don't have a house here."

"Oh dear, well there's a hotel a few blocks from here."

"Oh, well, I didn't bring any bits, but I'll find a cloud or a tree somewhere." Said FriendlyFire as he walked out of the store.

"WAIT!" The unicorn yelled as FriendlyFire walked out the door. He stopped and looked at her.

"I can't let you do that. You can stay here tonight."

"Oh, thank-you but I couldn't let you do that."

"Nonsense, You can stay on the sofa. I'll go get a blanket."


"By the way, my name's Rarity." Rarity said as she walked up the stairs. FriendlyFire walked back inside and closed the door. When he turned around, Rarity placed the blanket on the sofa.

"This is really generous of you, thank-you." Said FriendlyFire, as he walked to the sofa.

"Your quite welcome." Rarity said as she walked up the stairs. FriendlyFire layed down on the sofa and fell asleep.

Four - Meeting Rainbow Dash

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Four - Meeting Rainbow Dash

FriendlyFire woke up in the Everfree forest. It was dark and FriendlyFire could see.

"How'd I get here?" FriendlyFire asked himself. He looked around, then he saw a pond. For some unknown reason he was really thirsty. He walked over to the pond and looked into the water at his reflection. His eyes were different. They were normal. They were red. FriendlyFire was shocked to see normal eyes on himself. He leaned forward and began to drink the water. It was good. It was better than regular water. It had flavor. He closed his eyes and drank some more. Then suddenly, tentacles wrapped around his head and pulled him underwater. FriendlyFire squirmed free and swam to the surface. But he couldn't get through, it was frozen. He started beating on the ice. Then the water evaporated and he was standing on the ice. It started snowing, FriendlyFire was no longer in the Everfree forest. He was somewhere in the arctic. FriendlyFire started walking. He had no idea what was going on, he just wanted to get away from this place. He jumped up in the sky and fell back down. He tried to fly, but his wings were gone. FriendlyFire's eyes widened and he started panicking. He started running really fast. The ice turned into sand, and the snow also turned into sand. He ended up in a desert. He stopped running and looked behind himself. There was no ice or snow, just sand.

"What's happening" FriendlyFire asked himself. Then he saw princess Celestia in the sky.

"PRINCESS!" FriendlyFire yelled.

"PRINCESS!!!" FriendlyFire yelled again. Celestia then looked down at FriendlyFire. Her eyes were glowing red. FriendlyFire was frozen in fear. Celestia looked very angry. She then raised her hoof at the sun and brought her hoof down. The sun followed her hoof, it grew very large and it was going to crash into Equestria! FriendlyFire screamed and the sun crashed and burned everything.

*Knock knock knock* FriendlyFire was woken up, somepony was knocking on Rarity's door. Rarity came down the stairs.

"Pardon me, darling" Said Rarity. She opened the door and the sunlight came in. It burned FriendlyFire's eyes, he immediately tied on his blindfold. He couldn't help, but to eavesdrop on Rarity's conversation.

"Oh, Fluttershy. What brings you here this morning?" Asked Rarity.

"Oh. Ummm. Me and Rainbow Dash were wondering if...ummm...if you wanted to go on a picnic with us and Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight?" Said Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash jumped up from the sofa and ran to the door. Startling Fluttershy.

"Did you say Rainbow Dash?!" FriendlyFire asked excitedly.

"Ummm...y..yes" Fluttershy said quietly and nervously.


"Th..the park." Fluttershy said wither head down. FriendlyFire turned to Rarity.

"Thank-you again, miss Rarity." He turned back to Fluttershy.

"Thank-you Fluttershy." FriendlyFire said as he flew over her head and headed to the park.

"" Fluttershy said.

FriendlyFire finally arrived at the park. He could hear laughter from the ponies he met in PonyVille. He remembered Fluttershy talking about those ponies. He must be in the right area. He landed next to Applejack.

"Hey look, its our new friend." Said Applejack. FriendlyFire was pretty sure she was talking about him.

"Hi. Does anypony know where Rainbow Dash is?" Asked FriendlyFire.

"She's finishing clearing the skies and then she'll be here" Said Twilight.

"Hey, I been meaning to ask you. How do you see with that thing on? And why do you wear it?" Asked Rarity, as she walked in the little circle, with Fluttershy following her.

"I wear it, because I was born with night vision eyes. If I don't wear it, my eyes will burn. And I don't see, well not at least the way you do. I feel the vibrations of the ground and the air, I listen to everything around me, and I smell my surroundings. Like a snake." Said FriendlyFire. He could feel the stares of the other ponies on him. They were so interested in him.

"That's quite an amazing story." Said Twilight.

"Oh look! Its Rainbow Dash!" Said Pinkie Pie. FriendlyFire could hear a Pegasus flying in the sky, then she landed.

"Who's this?" Asked Rainbow Dash. FriendlyFire stood up and aimed his face towards Rainbow Dash.

"Who am I? You don't know this but I'm your long lost brother, FriendlyFire." FriendlyFire said.

"I think you got the wrong pony. I don't have any siblings."

"I don't have the wrong pony. I am your brother."

"I don't think you are, I mean...we don't even look the same."

"I guarantee you, I AM YOUR BROTHER."

"Listen to me, I HAVE NO BROTHER. Do you even have proof? How are you so sure we're related?"

"Speed. I'll prove to you we're related. A race, we'll race." Said FriendlyFire. Everypony starting laughing.

"Rainbow Dash is the fastest pony in Equestria." Said Twilight.

"She can do a Sonic Rain-Boom." Said Rarity.

"Look. If your so sure Rainbow will win. Lets make it interesting. If you win, I'll let you spend a day with my other sister. If we tie, you'll believe I'm your brother." Said FriendlyFire.

"Tie? Don't you think you'll win?" Said Twilight.

"I'm saying me and Rainbow have the same speed." Said FriendlyFire.

"I don't know. Why would I want to spend a day with your sister?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Because my other sister is SpitFire." Said FriendlyFire. Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped.

"Do we have a race, Rainbow Dash?" Asked FriendlyFire.

"Oh, we have a race!" Said Rainbow Dash. She spat on her hoof and stuck it out for a hoof bump. FriendlyFire spat on his hoof and they hoof bumped.

Five - The Race

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Five - The Race

Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy sat in the hot air balloon. FriendlyFire and Rainbow Dash stood in racing position on a cloud. Rainbow Dash was confidant. FriendlyFire was also confidant. But Rainbow Dash was also excited. She loved to race, she even got her cutie mark by racing. FriendlyFire raced once, and he got his cutie mark by creating fire that was harmless. FriendlyFire was nervous.

"On your marks...get set...GO!" Yelled Twilight Sparkle. Both Rainbow Dash and FriendlyFire shot forward. They were moving fast. Every time Rainbow Dash moved ahead of FriendlyFire, he'd move up beside her.

"YOUR PRETTY FAST! BUT HOW FAST ARE YOU!" Rainbow Dash shouted with the wind in her face. She shot forward really far ahead. The ponies in the hot air balloon cheered. Then FriendlyFire shot forward and ended up beside Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was shocked. She got frustrated and shot forward again, looping around a cloud pillar. FriendlyFire did the same and ended up beside Rainbow Dash again. She was startled. Nothing came close to the speed she was going. She got angry and pushed herself to do a Sonic Rain-Boom. The ponies in the hot air balloon cheered. FriendlyFire pushed himself to do a Sonic Fire-Bomb and ended up beside Rainbow Dash again. Rainbow Dash had a rainbow streak following her, and FriendlyFire had a fire streak following him. Together they were making a flaming rainbow. Rainbow Dash was so shocked she couldn't look away from FriendlyFire. All the other ponies in the hot air balloon stared at them with their eyes wide and their mouths open. The ponies on the ground looked up to see a flaming rainbow. Together, Rainbow Dash and FriendlyFire crossed the finish line together. It ended in a tie. They both landed, and the ponies landed their hot air balloon.

"Wow! I guess you really are my brother. Only a Dash could be that fast." Said Rainbow Dash. FriendlyFire smiled and walked up to Rainbow Dash. He placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"Thanks...sister." FriendlyFire said. Rainbow Dash smiled and they hugged. Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack walked up to FriendlyFire and Rainbow Dash.

"Wow... I... I... I don't know what I saw but it was awesome." Said Twilight.

"My mom calls it a Sonic Fire-Bomb." Said FriendlyFire.

"Is... Is it real?" Asked Applejack.

"No, its fake. The first time that happened fire fighters tried putting it out, but it wouldn't go out." Said FriendlyFire. All the ponies laughed.

"This is going to make a fantastic letter to the princess." Twilight said, magically holding a paper and a quill.

"You gotta be kidding me, you know the princess!?" Asked FriendlyFire. All the ponies laughed.

A month has past and FriendlyFire moved in with Rainbow Dash in PonyVille. Twilight did a blood test and it was confirmed, FriendlyFire and Rainbow Dash are blood related. FriendlyFire made lots of new friends, and his bond with Rainbow Dash grew stronger. This is the story of how Rainbow Dash was reunited with her long lost brother FriendlyFire.