• Published 18th Mar 2023
  • 1,441 Views, 47 Comments

Supernova - Incredible_E

Choose Your Own Adventure: Time is running out for everything you know and love. Equus will meet its demise soon... or will it?

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"I think I know how to stop this!" she exclaimed. "I need to go see Princess Celestia at once! Maybe she and I can put this to use? I wish you could come with me, Starlight. I really do, but there is no safe way you can get to Canterlot."

"I understand. What should I do while you're gone?" Starlight asked determined.

"Try and see if there are other ways we could stop the sun - anything."

"You got it, Twilight. Now go! I'll do my best," Starlight looked committed to the cause.

Twilight activated her horn to complete a teleportation spell to Canterlot, but was thankfully interrupted.

"Wait!—" She dove toward Twilight, Starlight tapped her hoof on the tip of Twilight's horn, ending the spell.

Starlight continued to speak, after plopping on the floor, "You weren't really about to teleport in this heat, were you? Do you know how dangerous that is?"

On the border of concern and confusion, Twilight asked, "What is it?"

"If you teleport in anything above 110, you risk disfigurement, missing parts, and/or death. You should know this, Twilight! It's the main reason why Celestia locked the sun's distance in the first place."

Twilight facepalmed, "Oh, right. Well, then I need to leave now! Goodbye, Starlight."

"Are you sure it's safe to fly in this heat too?"

"I can't just sit here, Starlight. Flying is less risky than teleporting, and those are the only two options to get to Canterlot in time."

"Alright. All the luck to you then, Twilight."

"You too." Twilight darted by Starlight, swung the front doors open, and bolted off en route to Canterlot.

The instant she left the shaded confines of her castle, she felt the scorching heat of the hostile sun violently bombarding her. When Twilight took flight, she was instantly out of breath, as if she were a newbie flyer once again. As she flew, fatigue quickly grew from ache to pain. The feeling of her wings disappeared before she even left the boundaries of Ponyvile, the same feeling she got when working out her wings with wing-ups. For the entire duration of the trip, she had to pant heavily for air, as it was hard to breathe in the blazing heat of the day. It was rough and demanding, but she had to make it to Canterlot.

Shortly before arriving in Canterlot, she compared her surroundings since starting. The sun was redder and had become even more intense, baking the world in its ever-worsening heat. This could be fatigue from flying or sight alterations from the baking atmosphere, but the sun looked larger as well.

The spires of Canterlot castle overcame the horizon and elegantly presented themselves to Twilight, swaying through the cooking air. These tall and proud towers of regality were surrounded by a transparent red bubble, the same way Shining Armor protected Canterlot on his wedding day. Twilight's mind sped through many different realities, speculating why the sun had become active in this way. Has the star reached the end of its life? Had Celestia turned into Daybreaker?! Twilight increased her pacing, trying to visit Celestia as fast as possible while frantically mauling over every possible situation.

She passed through the borders of the shield and instantly knew what type of protection it was: temperature. The evidence was clear when she entered its barrier, it was a vastly cooler environment compared to the outside. This added to the reality unfolding every second, that her vision of the sun was the dawn of a very real crisis.

Twilight flew onto the announcement balcony above the plaza. She didn't even spare time to land and instead slid on the smooth marble, transitioning from flying right to a galloping stride. Once in a steady run, she immediately called for Celestia.

"Princess Celestia! Where are you? I need to talk to you!" she shouted while swinging her head in the direction of every doorway.

Her calls echoed around the empty halls, but a reply was never given. The throne room was empty, and so were the meeting room, dining room, and ballroom. Not a single royal guard or cleaning pony in sight, it was desolate. Finally, she caught a glimpse of Princess Celestia in the gardens with her horn activated. "Phew, not Daybreaker," Twilight internally confirmed with a pleased sigh.

"Celestia!" Twilight blurted out with a tone of celebration upon finding her.

Princess Celestia was facing the horizon to the south, and in front of her was Luna, comforting Celestia and ensuring she remains strong. "Luna! You're here too, good."

Celestia turned around with a look of relief, "Twilight! Thank Me, I am delighted you decided to come. You decided not to teleport either, that was very wise. Though, I'm sure the flight was difficult."

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