• Published 16th Jan 2022
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Bad Dragon's Short Stories - Bad Dragon

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28 - Somber Heart [2022.09]

“I’m very proud of you, workers.” Prince Sombra addressed his subordinates. “Despite the hot day, you were very productive. Take a half-hour break. Have a power nap or just rest. Work can wait.”

“My workers, I hope you all enjoyed the break that I graciously gifted to you. As you can see, even the heartless have a heart. Now let’s get productive!”

“No,” one pony said.

“He-he. Good one. But seriously, we wasted enough sunlight. Time for work!”

Nopony moved. The one who spoke previously stood up, “There’s one of you and many of us. You’re not a king yet, colt; you have no power over us. From now on, we work when we feel like it.”

“Okay then…” Prince Sombra turned around and left.

It was almost morning. But that day, instead of sunshine as usual, a shock of electricity woke up everypony in the stable. Magical shackles were snapped around everypony’s neck.

“Bad morning, everypony.” Sombra greeted them. “But the day shall be great. You’ll make up for yesterday's lost time and do today’s and tomorrow's work. No breaks anymore though. Or ever again, for that matter. And instead of three meals per day, just one. You proved yesterday that gratitude is wasted on you. From now on there shall be just pure productivity from dawn to dusk.”

Sombra directed his magic on their collars and shocked them until everypony worked twice as fast as the day before. When the last laziness was banished, prince Sombra retreated into his field office and wrote a letter.

Dear Father, today I learned that being good to somepony is a weakness. That’s why I decided to be bad from now on.

Just a heads up, when you read to the end of this sentence you shall feel my blade in your back. No hard feelings, okay?

Your son,
King Sombra

PS. The king is dead, long live King Sombra!

Author's Note:

This story took part in the 2022.09 writing competition.

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