• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 4,996 Views, 162 Comments

Slender - Armalite

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The Burned Letter On Twilight Sparkle's Desk

If you're reading this, then I am already gone. Whether I'm dead or just gone doesn't matter. All that matters is that you don't repeat my mistakes. I knew it was going to get worse; I just didn't know it would be so soon.

Spike, I'm so sorry that this has happened. Stay with my friends, they'll take care of you. I love you, don't ever forget that. You were like a son to me; thank you for everything you have brought into my life.

To my friends: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity; I know that this is sudden, and I know how much this must hurt, but please remember it's better this way. You were the greatest friends anypony could ever wish for. We had so many good times, and that's what I want you all to remember. I know I seemed distant these past few weeks, but it's over now. I can't remember when it started, it's been there since I can recall. It's always been there. Watching me. Waiting, and hunting. I'm sorry I can't explain, but I don't have much time. Even as I write this I can feel it watching me. It's behind me, I know it is. When this is over; do not pursue me, do not look for me. I don't want you all to be dragged into this.

Princess Celestia; I know I should have told you about this, but I didn't want to endanger you. I thought that the Elements would stop it when we used them, but they didn't. I remember it there with Luna. Watching from the distance. I remember it there with Discord. Blending in with the chaos. It was there after too; at the ceremony. It stood next to Luna. I remember it at the wedding; next to Chrysalis as she paced the pews.

You're lucky. You've been here over a thousand years, and you somehow haven't seen it. Haven't heard it and haven't felt it. It's so cold. It's what corrupted Chrysalis and it's what changed Luna. Princess, you helped me move past it for a while. For two years I lived without fear. It would make it's appearance known now and then, but it never took me again.

These have been the happiest two years of my life, and it's all thanks to you all.

To my mom and dad, I'm sorry. I love you both so much. You both helped make me what I am now. This isn't your fault. You did nothing wrong. This was all my own fault. I would say to burn a certain book, but truth is, I wouldn't. I don't trust you two, or anypony else not to read it. Pony curiosity is what brought me into this. I took the book far away, someplace where nopony would find it. It can't be destroyed, it can only be moved.

To my Brother, Shining Armor, I love you. So, so, so, so much. You stood beside me when I acted bad. You always stood up for me when other fillies picked on me. You tried to comfort me when I had a particularly bad encounter. I know you never truly understood what was wrong with me, and I made sure you never did. But you knew, you knew that something was wrong; something truly, horribly wrong. Don't blame yourself, you did all you could, all I would let you do. I love you BBBFF.

To Cadence, you always knew. You always knew that I was something special, even when I was a filly. Even when I would lock myself in my room for hours on end. Throughout my life, you have been there for me. You were somepony to lean on. To go to when it all got bad. I know I must have seemed a little crazy to you, and to be honest, I felt a little crazy myself. You were always the nicest foalsitter, and the days you came, my life brightened. It went away while you were there. You weren't just the highlight of my weeks, or just my foalsitter. You were my protector. You kept it at bay.

There were times when I was a filly, I would go on sprees where I wouldn't talk for days. I wouldn't eat. I couldn't sleep some nights. Insomnia and paranoia would tear at me. It was getting to the point where I was contemplating, just, ending it all. But Shining Armor, mom, dad, Cadence, and Princess, you were all there for me. You all thought that I was getting better. Really, I was just adjusting. I learned to live under it's constant glare. I learned to live with the nausea, the insomnia, the headaches. You all brought me back from the brink. You helped me live with it by giving me light in the dark.

You all gave me the happiest two years of my entire life. I know this is an abrupt end, but do not mourn. Thank you all, I love you.

~Twilight Sparkle

Please, this next part is for Luna. Please don't read it. Send this to Princess Luna. You all don't deserve this to happen to you. Don't read it.

Luna. If what I'm assuming is right, then you have been under the constant watch of a being. It's tall. It's slender with a black suit. It has no face. I have searched every book I could find, hoping maybe to find something on it. The most common thing I found that resembled it was a human, but they don't have the same powers as it. There is however, a myth. Not a pony myth, but a human myth. The myth of Slender Man.

It's a monster. A godlike monster. It stalked humans, hunting them throughout their lives, then, it would take them. Their bodies were never found. Since it's a human myth, this means that humans must have been in Equestria once, long ago. Slender Man may or may not be responsible for their disappearance.

Luna, I know what it does. It follows you. Sometimes you wake up in another room, and you don't know how you got there. You have insomnia, and paranoia. If it is after you, remember, follow your friends. Let them help you. Don' make the same mistakes I did. I know that it can do things, but if you keep your head straight, and stay sane, you should be alright.

I don't want to lie to you, it will get you eventually. I don't know how, why, or for how long it has been following you, but it will catch you. I can feel it's presence getting stronger, I don't have much time now. The book, the book that brought it to me, it's in the Everfree, in the old castle behind a pillar. The pillar has a marking, a circle with and X through it. Find it, destroy it.

And Luna, I'm sorry. Since I'm gone, it's going to get worse. Find the book, it will tell you how to kill it then, burn the book. Don't let it live. You have to. It's the only way.

I guess it's time now. Goodbye Luna, and good luck.