• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 2,456 Views, 94 Comments

Our Daughter - lillytheomegawolf

Two families share one unexpected bundle of joy. As celebrities secrets are uncovered and relationships tested, none of the Wonderbolts or the mane six will ever be quite the same.

  • ...

CH11: Offers of Adventure (four & a half months pregnant)

It was lunch time at Cloudsdale central school. Teenage ponies played in the spacious playground and flight courses, all designed for growing fliers of various skill levels.

One young pegasus was all alone inside the office’s hallway. She marched along with a great sense of reservation. Something felt off. And it wasn’t morning sickness. The growing sense of dread was something else. She had never been summoned to the headmare’s office all by herself. What could it be? Did Mrs. Sweets wish to commend her for her recent scores in the assessments? Maybe it was something to do with the joiner Wonderbots. No... that didn’t sound right. The Wonderbolts were not due to visit for another half year. Maybe it was... uh...?

Spitfire found herself in front of the door to her destination. She slowly pushed the cloud door open then entered the headmare’s office. The side walls of the dull white room were covered in trophy cases showcasing various exploits of the headmare and her close family. There was a large window on the opposite side of the desk, facing out toward the playground. A white mare with light candy pink tips on her mane and tail sat, perfectly poised by the large window, watching the school beyond. The middle aged pegasus sat rigid as though ready for action should any wrongdoing be spotted from the school playground below.

“Mrs. Sweets, you wanted to speak with me?” Spitfire carefully asked as she took a seat in front of the desk in the middle of the room.

Silence greeted the young mare’s question.

Yellow wings itched for action as Spitfire continued to sit in silence, awaiting her elders' response.

“Do you know why I asked you to stop by?” The older mare at last asked softly, her expression unreadable.

Spitfire shook her head. She then realized the head teacher had not spotted her action and spoke up; “no. Why did you ask me to?”

“Teenage mothers are not welcome at this most prestigious school. Especially in our elite flying classes.”

Icy fear shot through the young pegasus’s system. There was no way this mare could know she was pregnant! Each of their close friends who knew had promised to keep it a secret.


“Teenaged mothers, yes.” The mare turned and levelled her hard gaze upon Spitfire. “You are pregnant. Yes?”

Despite her best efforts, the fiery young pony found herself wilting under her seniors' gaze. This was bad. This was very, very bad! Maybe they should have left school already! Staying till the end of the term was clearly a very bad idea!


“No.” Spitfire spotted the stony lock on Mrs. Sweets face, the mare clearly wasn’t buying her lie for some reason.

“Maybe..?” No change in the headmare’s countenance. Damn.

Spitfire sighed in defeat. “Okay, fine. I am... okay?” The last part came out as more of a growl and the young mare, flinched, half expecting her elder to dismiss her from the school immediately.

A sigh escaped the headmare as she strode over to her desk and sat down. “Care to explain why one of my top students is currently pregnant? Is this to an unknown stallion or your friend, Soarin?”

Spitfire felt herself growing ever smaller under the stony eyes that faced her. “S-Soarin...”

“You mated with your best friend?” Another sigh escaped the white pegasus. “What am I going to do with you both...?”

“He’s my husband now,” Spitfire muttered, her face red. A poorly contained scowl wrote its way across her face as she continued to sit there in the awkward office.

“Well, that’s something at least...” The powerful white mare muttered. She regarded the awkward filly before her in judgmental silence. “Is that before or after the deed was done?”

Spitfire cringed “...After. But before that he was my coltfriend, we were trying to keep it quiet.”

“But then you both had an accident?”

Spitfire’s head hung low. The words from the icy pegasus stung as though she had been struck. “We- yes...”

“There is nothing wrong with dating or marrying your best friend. In fact, that’s what I did, many years ago. He’s made a fine husband and a wonderful friend for life. Ah yes... Best way to have it I think.”

Spitfire sat up straight and faced the stern pegasus. ‘Where was this little speech coming from?’

“But if the Wonderbolts discover this little accident as I have, it will harm your attempt at entry into their ranks. They hold every part of life to the highest standard, as you should know. A life conceived out of wedlock is dishonourable. Doubly so as teenaged parents. A foal will also change your life. The Wonderbolts are more than just a career, it will become your life. You will not have time to start a family and be in the ranks of the most elite pegasi. Then there’s the matter of your new husband-”

“Soarin and I have already decided to give up the baby. And we’re married now.” Spitfire spoke up then immediately ducked as the mare behind the desk scowled at her for being cut off.

The older pegasus regarded her student keenly for a few moments. “Hmm... I advise you to disappear for a while until you birth this life you have created.”

“That’s actually what Soarin and I were about to do in two weeks.”

“The holidays?”

Spitfire nodded, “yes... take an extended holiday.”

The white mare settled back into her chair as she continued to silently judge the young pegasus. After many long, painful moments, she wrote something down and once down, returned her attention to the nervous filly before her. “I advise you to leave sooner if you do not wish to be discovered by your classmates.”

Spitfire shot up with anticipation, “you mean... it might be okay to skip school like that? But won’t ponies begin to wonder where we have gone and why we both just vanished?”

Mrs. Sweets held her silence for a few moments as the young mare before her stewed nervously. “Not you both. I’ll send a third. Maybe a fourth or even fifth. I don’t wish to cause the school embarrassment over your actions.”

“What are you going to do with me?”

“I will recommend to both your parents that you embark on a little trip for about...” The mare’s eyes assessed the younger pegasus’s barrel. No clear signs of anything except maybe the tiniest hint of a possible baby bump. “...six months. That looks like enough time for you to pop. Then I expect you both here in time for the local tryouts for the Wonderbolts. They will be visiting the school in the last week of term four. I expect you both to ace the tryouts as though you had continued to attend this school. If you fail to hone your craft while carrying, don’t come back. In fact, if you even think for a moment you might score anything other than the top marks I expect from you when it comes to flying, don’t come back either. Are we clear?”

“Y-you’re expelling me?”


“Okay.” Yikes, this mare really could be hard as ice. Spitfire cringed internally as she worked through the ultimatum she had been given. “So you're sending us off ...then you promise to let Soarin and I come back for the joiner Wonderbots tryouts?”

“Providing you meet my criteria, yes.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Sweets,” Spitfire bowed slightly. “But what was that about a third or fourth pony on our trip? Isn’t this just between Soarin and I?”

Mrs. Sweets rose and strode to the window. Her gaze roamed the clouds that made up the school below. She followed a group of young pegasi who were enjoying the advanced flight course.

Spitfire itched to do something while the white pegasus casually gazed upon sights outside. The silence dragged on and the vibrant young mare wished she could just leave and return to her friends. Lunch time was wasting away and here she was.

“I am thinking.”

Spitfire jumped at the unexpected words.

“If I dismiss both of you, ponies will begin to wonder why. If I send a collection of my best students aboard to experience the world and hone their craft, then your misdeeds could be turned into something beneficial to several ponies and none need be the wiser.”

“Oh, that sounds like a great idea, actually.” Spitfire almost collapsed with relief. “So that would be Soarin, me and two friends we trust?”

Silence met the young mare’s question.

Mrs. Sweets carefully regarded a small group of late teenaged pegasi practicing nearby. “I will have the final say on who is selected and I see no reason to pick your friends just because they are in your confidence. That would defeat the purpose of the new project I have set up.”

“Oh.” Spitfire sat back, a little bit put off that she might have let strange ponies into her trust.

“I’ll give you more details once I have finished drafting this new program. It should be ready by the end of the day.”

“Okay, thank you Mrs.” Spitfire replied to her headmare’s back. ‘What is so interesting outside that she is ignoring me in here?’

“You may go now.” Mrs. Sweets dismissively flicked her left snowy white wing.

“Right, sorry.”

As the youngster turned to leave the headmare once again spoke up; “oh and Spitfire.”

“Yes, Mrs?”

Finally, Mrs. Sweets turned and staunchly faced the fiery young pegasus. “The conditions stand for the both of you. Since you two are a team, I expect you to remain one.”

“Thank you, Mrs.”

The middle aged mare smiled, “it’s not often one finds love in their best friend. Keep him close, he seems like a good catch for you.”

Spitfire’s wings fluttered a little in surprise, “thanks, I will.”

“Then go. I will compose a letter to your parents then finish this high flyers program.”

“Okay. ...Thank you.” Spitfire nodded in thanks then departed the headmare’s office, desperate to break the news to her spouse.

The lone cottage of Ponyville’s resident animal caretaker stood tall and imposing in front of a lone, bluish-grey colt with a two toned dark grey mane.
It was a Saturday morning. The perfect day to sleep in, enjoy time out with friends, or relax at home. Yet here he was. Outside the dwelling his crush now called home. He could back off. Come another time. Even see the pretty orange filly after school and-

Yeah. No. That would look even weirder if he approached her then. It was now or next week.

Next week felt appealing.

But he had discovered something! It required urgent attention. 

The colt took a few hesitant steps over the small bridge.

Was this really a good idea?

Rumble took a deep breath then strode resolutely up to Fluttershy’s cottage and knocked on the door.

“Coming!” The soft voice of Fluttershy was barely audible from inside.

Too late to back out now. The youngster nervously tapped a hoof as he waited for Fluttershy to arrive and open the door. He snapped to attention as the wooden door swung open.

“Good morning Rumble,” Fluttershy greeted with a smile. “I take it you’re here to see Scootaloo?”

“Yeah. She’s not with the CMC or anything... is she?”

“I’m coming!” The energetic voice of Scootaloo rang out.

Fluttershy smiled. “One moment please, she’s almost ready.”


“How have you been?”

“Oh, uh... fine.” The nervous colt gulped and he adjusted his mane slightly. “I’ve spent the last week and a bit trying to look up whatever it is that I think Scootloo has.”

“Any luck?”

Rumble nodded, “I think so. The books were all in adult speak but Twilight was very helpful.”

Light purple eyes spotted movement behind the yellow mare and the colt couldn’t help but smile. “Hi Scootaloo.”

“Hi.” The orange filly trotted up alongside her adopted mother. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought I might come by... see if you wanted to try flying again?”

Scootaloo lit up, “you mean you know what's wrong with me?”

“Stop saying that,” the light grey colt’s muzzle contorted. “There’s nothing wrong with you.”

“But you found out what I need to do so I can fly?”

“Well... maybe?”

Scootaloo eagerly looked up at her adopted mother. “Can I practice flying with Rumble, please?”

“As long as you are back by dinner time, I don’t see why not,” Fluttershy softly replied with a smile. “Would you like me to quickly prepare some lunch for you both to share?”

Scootaloo grinned but Rumble beat her to the chase; “no thanks. I wanna take her somewhere. T-that is if you don’t mind, Scootaloo?”

The filly grinned at the suddenly bashful colt. “Sure. Although I have this thing with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom in the afternoon.”

“That’s fine. Practice won’t take all day.”

“Okay, just let me grab my scooter,” Scootaloo hurried off.

Rumble glanced at Fluttershy who smiled knowingly at him. “I’m sure you’ll take good care of her, won't you?”

“Of course,” Rumble confirmed.

“Good. Have fun,” Fluttershy turned and retreated back inside.

Scootaloo dodged around her adopted mother as she rushed out the door. “Come on let's go!”

Fluttershy smiled as she watched the duo. Rumble flew alongside the speedy scooter. They already appeared to be in high spirits together. The light yellow mare closed the door and continued to smile as she made her way across the room to take care of her animals.

Rumble landed on the same hill the duo had practiced on well over a week ago. The speedy scooter driver skidded to a halt close by. She was a little sweaty, but the smile on her face made the young pegasus’s heart flutter. He suddenly felt very nervous. What if she thought his ideas were dumb? What if it didn’t work and she never was able to fly?

What if she didn’t like the lunch he had planned? Come to think of it, he didn’t even know her favourite food.

Why was this a good idea, again?

“You okay?”

Rumble realized he was staring blankly at his crush and she wore a concerned look upon her face. ‘Oh no. How long has she been staring at me like that?’ “Yeah... I’m fine. Of course I’m fine.”

“You looked kinda out of it for a moment.” The orange filly dismounted her scooter and wandered over to his side. “I’m not making you nervous am I?” 

The poor colt gazed into those stunning purple eyes. His heart rate spiked as though he were flying in a race. His insides churned as though under the assault of a thousand butterflies. All in all, he felt weird. Really weird. ‘Whats wrong with me? Am I sick?’

“I’m okay,” Rumble hastily replied. “Say, what’s it like to ride a scooter. Mind if I have a go later?”

“You sure can, yeah.” Scootaloo quickly agreed.

“Okay, thanks,” Rumble smiled then fell silent.

Scootaloo gazed at her companion expectantly.

The silence turned awkward as Rumble continued to gaze at the filly beside him as though he was stunned.

“Uh... Rumble?” An orange hoof waved in the face of the stunned colt. “You okay?”

The young pegasus grinned at the pretty filly. “Yeah, yeah... I’ll be okay.”

“Okay? So have you found out what's wrong with me?”

Rumble sighed. There she went again. “There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re perfect just the way you are.” The passion in the young colt’s voice filled the air.

The pair froze. 

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes and took a step toward her companion. “What did you just say?”

“Uh...” Rumble stuttered into silence. He took a faltering step back, away from the pretty filly who was now in his face.

“Do you have something you want to say to me?” Scootaloo asked with great trepidation.

“N-no. Of course not.” Rumble staggered back a few more steps. This was not good!

“Really? Because my friends have been making fun of us sometimes.”

“T-they have?”

“Yeah. They keep calling you my coltfriend.”

“O-oh...” Rumble’s gaze fell to the ground.

“And no pony has ever told me I'm perfect just like I am. Especially how you just did now. So, uh... do you like me or something?”

“Uh...” Two grey forehooves fidgeted. Rumble shrank back a little before he softly uttered; “maybe... yes.”

Scootaloo took a few steps forward to better gaze into the fallen face of the normally brave colt. “So why not ask me out?”

Light purple eyes grew wide at the suggestion and Rumble’s head snapped up. “I- I... well you see...” He trailed nervously off and his gaze once again fell to his forehooves.

Light grey wings sagged. “I kinda never felt brave enough to ask.”

The young colt’s heart fluttered as an orange hoof lifted his muzzle.

Scootaloo felt her tummy tingle pleasantly. Her heart and head felt like they were high in the sky. Everything was rainbows and sunshine. If her stupid brain didn't know better, she felt like she could fly to the moon right now. She smiled, “so ya, wanna ask me out now? It’s not like I don’t know now.”

“Heh, yeah... would you say yes if I do ask you out?”

“I dunno.” Scootaloo poked her tongue out at the nervous colt. “I think you should ask the question properly and find out.”

“O-okay... S-say...” The light grey pony quivered nervously. “W-would you g-go out w-with m-me?”

Scootaloo felt her heart flutter and grow so much her body could explode. “Sure! Long as you take me somewhere nice.”

Light purple eyes shot wide open. “Wha- y- you mean you will?”

“Well yeah,” Scootaloo giggled. “I think you’re cool. Plus, I’m kinda past the whole stage where I think all colts have cooties. So... uh, yeah.”

“Okay.” Rumble's wings flittered with joy and he suddenly took off into the sky. “Yes!”

Scootaloo grinned at the wonky spirals. He was funny too.

The grey colt landed heavily in front of his crush, “yes! Yes yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes! Thank you!”

One hoof pump later and he finally seemed to settle down. A hearty blush darkened his muzzle as he seemed to realize who had just witnessed his little explosion of joy.

Scootaloo grinned smugly at him. “Now I wish I had done that in the playground. Then everypony could have enjoyed the show. It was so awesome and cute!”

Horror flashed across Rumble's face, his wings shot out he froze.

An orange hoof playfully punched his shoulder. “I’m just kidding! Oh boy, you shoulda seen your face!”

Rumble poked his tongue out at the filly who broke out into a fit of giggles and fell to the ground.

“Alright then,” Rumble declared. “You’ve asked for it.”

The colt leapt at the downed filly and began to mercilessly tickle her sides. Scootaloo howled with laughter. She fought back, her hooves found his sides and they exploded into a frantic tickle fight. The brief bout ended when the orange filly ran out of air and began crying for release.

Rumble elected to cease his tickle attack and collapsed winded by her side.

The pair panted flat out for breath as they continued to share smaller giggles. Their eyes met several times. Each affectionate glance was withdrawn the moment they realized the other was looking too.

“Ah... that was good...” Scootaloo sighed.

“I think I won,” Rumble smirked at the filly by his side.

Scootaloo wriggled closer and playfully batted his muzzle with a wing. “You want to try that again? I’m sure I can beat you anytime!”

“How about we practice flying instead?”

“Like we planned before you asked me out on a date?” Scootaloo grinned cheekily back.

“Kinda?” Light grey forehooves began to fidget again.

Scootaloo noticed and placed her own forehoof between the two grey ones.

Rumble froze.

Scootaloo giggled. The cheeky filly withdrew her forehoof then stood.

Rumble slowly followed. Once upright he rather loudly cleared his throat. “So. Uh, with Twilight’s help, I think I might have something.”

“Okay. What?” Scootloo prompted eagerly.

Rumble couldn’t help but smile at the energetic filly as she bounced on the spot. “You either have to train your brain to properly coordinate with your wings and move them at the same time in the same way, or you have some kind of thing with the balance of your pegasus magic. A-at least, that’s what Twilight managed to find when she helped me.”

Scootaloo settled down a bit. Although she was still eager to hear what he had to say next, it was a little disheartening to hear that something could be wrong with her pegasus magic. She didn’t even know much about the topic other than that pegasi could play with clouds and control the weather.

“Okay. So...” Rumble continued carefully. “If it’s a coordination thing, I think I’ve found a few exercises to help you. But if it's not a brain and muscle thing, I’m not sure how to fix it if it's a magic thing. Twilight has said she will look into it more though.”

“Okay, thank you.” Scootaloo tentatively offered a hug and was pleased to find Rumble accepted the gesture.

The pair sat there, sides pressed against each another as the sweet hug turned awkward. As time wore on, the hug turned into a prolonged silence. Neither knew what to do next and so simply sat there enjoying the unusual but nice contact.

The orange daredevil haltingly withdrew.

Rumble grinned. “That felt a lot nicer than when mom or my older bro does it.”

“Yeah?” Scootaloo beamed back. “So... you liked it?” 

“Of course, did you?”

The purple mane swished around as Scootaloo nodded briskly. “Yeah. We should try it again sometime.”

“Okay. Cool.” Rumble paused as his brain fought to contain the bubbly feelings that rushed through his system like a whirlwind. “How about we start with a few glides? See if you can make it further than last time. Then I’ll take you through the stretches and stuff.”

“Okay,” Scootaloo rushed to the top of the hill and posed, ready for take off.

Rumble couldn’t help but admire the dazzling filly as her wings stretched out and settled carefully at her sides.

“Oi! Stop looking at me and get ready to glide!” Scootaloo giggled. “You look funny like that. It's like you're trying to catch flies with your mouth for some of Fluttershy’s animals.”

“S-sorry...” Rumble hastened to Scootaloo’s side. “Okay, just uh, forget you saw me do that.”

“Nuh, uh. No way.” Scootaloo poked her tongue out at him. “Three, two, one, GO!”


Orange hooves faltered mid rush and two short wings fell closed. “Huh?”

“The wind, remember?” Rumble pointed out, “we need to wait for a bigger gust.”

Scootaloo flushed crimson. “Right! Sorry!” She hurried back up the hill and stood bashfully by the side of her date.

“It’s fine, seriously. Just maybe wait for me to call it next time?”

“Sure,” Scootaloo was quick to agree as she settled beside the equally nervous colt.

As the advanced flight class was about to finish for the day, their flight instructor Maelstrom, a stormy blue and grey stallion called for the class to land on the central cloud in the flight zone. Twenty young pegasi hurried to obey their teacher.

Several spotted the headmare incoming and began to whisper.

“Alright, cut that out,” Maelstrom called out and his class fell into obedient silence.

Soarin spotted his wife’s expression and knew why the master of the school was on her way to see them.

The white middle-aged pegasus mare landed with graceful ease in front of the class. She greeted the stallion with a nod, “thank you for calling in your class. There is something I wish to share.”

At this, more whispers broke out but died under the hard gaze of the stern white pegasus. “I have been drafting an additional course for our most outstanding students to participate in. Maelstrom and Greywing have both assisted and recommended a few of you for this.”

Excitement met the mare’s words as those in the class wondered what this new course could be and who was good enough to have qualified for it.

“This course,” Mrs. Sweets continued, “will assign four or five of you to fly aboard, find challenging new places to practice and perform, then return in a bi-weekly system. When you return we will assess your progress and assign new tasks. You will be given a taste of real life. You will need to find your own way. This includes seeking out accommodation and sorting your own meals. Depending on how well you budget, your cloud-shaping skills may also come in handy for fashioning a place to stay. If you need help, both your practical and theory teachers will be more than happy to help, although it is preferred that you try things yourself before seeking assistance. Your teachers may also periodically visit. It is expected that this course will allow those selected to expand their skill sets in new ways. You will also be expected to keep up with all written components of course work. If those selected fail to live up to our expectations then you will return to school here. For those who find success, the course will be allowed to run until the time of the Wonderbolts tryouts near the end of the year.”

The information took a few moments to sink in while the assembled students conversed quietly about the potentially cool, life changing offer.

Maelstrom cleared his throat, “I have chosen... Silver Zoom.”

The grey colt with a white / light grey two toned mane glanced around at his peers in surprise. “Me?”

“Should you accept, yes.”

“Well, I’ll have to talk to my folks about it, but sure! T-thanks.”

The stormy blue stallion grinned at the teenager's response. “Second... Spitfire.”

Several of her classmate’s cheered and the vibrant yellow filly grinned. Her eyes locked with the headmare. “Thanks.”

“Third...” Most of the young pegasi in the class buzzed with rising eagerness. The teacher grinned. “Fleetfoot.”

Pink eyes shot open wide, the light arctic blue teen squee’d with excitement and hugged Spitfire. “I get to go with you, this is gonna be so cool!”

“Yeah.” Spitfire grinned as she gave her good friend a quick hug in return.

High Winds offered a quick celebratory hug to Fleetfoot once the fiery pegasus was finished. The pair settled down as the headmare continued:

“Maelstrom and I have also agreed to open two slots to the following students; Blackout, Fire Storm, Razor Wing and Soarin. We will only allow a maximum of five of you to go. So please, be prompt in your responses. This will require parental confirmation and support. My office opens at eight tomorrow morning.”

Spitfire caught her coltfriend’s desperate glance before he hid it under a layer of calm. As the class bantered around her, Spitfire felt her world spin off kilter. Why was her husband not offered one of the primary spots? What if Soarin didn’t make it? They had to make sure they both got in!

The last warm glow of Celestia’s sun shone across the hills in a splash of warm colours. It would soon be night. 

In the cottage at the edge of Ponyville, three pegasi sat around the small table in the middle of Fluttershy’s dining room.

Rainbow Dash eagerly loaded her plate up with a variety of veggies. She quickly began placing them haphazardly on the bottom burger bun that sat ready for loading on her plate.

Scootaloo watched the Wonderbolt load the burger then place the top bun carefully in place. The burger was taller than the bun was round and filled with a variety of reds and greens with the veggie patty in the middle.

“There,” Dash grinned at her monster burger.

“You could always have more burgers, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy commented as she carefully laid out four slim layers worth on her own burger then closed it off.

The speedster scoffed, “I got this, just watch.”

Rainbow Dash carefully picked up her tower burger and crammed it into her mouth.

Fluttershy ignored the spectacle in favour of enjoying her own, much smaller burger.

Scootaloo giggled as she watched a trickle of sauce run down her hero’s jaw. A rogue piece of cabbage popped out from the overstuffed burger. It landed on the floor. The speedster failed to notice as she enjoyed her oversized mouth full.

Dash carefully placed the bitten tower burger back onto her plate. The discarded cabbage leaf hit her in the back of the head. 

“Hey,” the speedy mare span around and caught sight of a cottontail just as the rabbit made himself scarce. “Come back here Angel! I thought Fluttershy told you not to throw things at me.”

“You did drop it on the floor. Maybe he was just returning it to you?” Fluttershy softly countered with a smile.

Dash huffed then stuffed a few hay fries into her mouth. “Not helping Flutters.”

Scootaloo broke out into a fit of giggles.

“So...” Dash spoke up, keen to shift the subject to a new one. Her gaze fell on her adopted daughter and she couldn’t help but grin. “I hear you were out and about with Rumble today.”

“Yeah,” the orange filly nodded. “It was fun. We did some gliding, some exercises then he took me out to lunch.”

Dash gazed at her adopted daughter in surprise, her burger halfway to her gullet. “Really? It wasn’t a date, was it?”

Scootaloo jammed a hoof full of hay fries into her mouth and carefully chewed on them, pointedly not looking at her long time hero.

“Scoots?” Dash glanced at her marefriend for support but only received a supportive smile in return.

Once the filly was done chewing she eyed her two mothers then nodded briskly.

“You went on a date?” Dash broke out in a giant grin, her monster burger forgotten in her forehooves.

“Well, he did kinda ask me out. I thought it might be fun... he’s cool. It was a little awkward.”

“Did you enjoy it?” Fluttershy softly asked.

More nodding from the orange youngster.

“Wow...” Dash at last seemed to remember her burger and took a huge bite out of it.

Scootaloo spotted the white rabbit waiting near the speedster’s chair. He was clearly hopeful that something else would get dropped so he could toss it back. The filly suppressed further giggles. Oh, the world seemed so bright, vibrant and fun now. She really wanted to just laugh and let it all out!

This time Dash didn’t drop anything on the floor. Once the mangled burger was returned to her plate, Angel pouted and vacated the space before any of the older ponies took notice of his presence.

“Would you like him to take you on another date?” Fluttershy gently inquired.

The orange filly nodded briskly.

Fluttershy looked delighted while her marefriend looked happy if a little surprised.

“How was practice?” Dash prodded.

“It was fun. Although I think asking me out left Rumble frazzled. He kept crashing into things or tripping up. I sometimes did too! It was really funny!” Scootaloo giggled. “Although he says it's either a coordination thing with my brain and wings and them flapping out of time ever so slightly or I have something wrong with my pegasus magic.”

“Oh.” Concern rippled across Dash’s face. “I thought you were a late bloomer, like Fluttershy. I didn’t know you could have something out of balance with your pegasus magic or that you had coordination issues. You always looked so awesome on that scooter. And I never heard of other pegasi having that, so I didn’t think. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault,” Scootaloo replied softly. “And besides, you’ve done so much for me already. You’re the best big sister and now mom that I could ask for.”

Dash nodded, her mind clearly elsewhere.

“And don’t worry about me.”

That got the speedy mare’s attention once more. “Why? I’m sure Fluttershy and I could help you.” 

“Can you please let Rumble try first? Remember you promised.”

The two adults shared a glance. Fluttershy beamed.

“Well, okay. Sure,” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I’ll let you two have some fun first. But I will step in if he’s not helping or if he hurts you. Then I'll kick his flank.”

“It will be fine, he’s only Rumble.”

“Yeah...” Dash grumbled something under her breath as she took a bite out of her collapsed tower burger.

“Rainbow Dash is only concerned because she didn’t know what romance was until after I asked her out.” Fluttershy brightly pointed out.

“Did so!” The speedster insisted.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly back.

“I just thought it was dumb,” Dash played the topic off as she stuffed the rest of her tower burger into her mouth.

“Well, I don’t know if it’s love. I just think he’s cool.” Scootaloo spoke up, her muzzle slightly flushed at the thought of her date.

“That’s wonderful to hear, sweetie. I hope you both take it slowly and enjoy it. If it turns out to be love, then I can tell you from experience, it is unlike anything else.” Bright green eyes twinkled as Fluttershy gazed at her mare.

Scootaloo faked a gag. “Get a room mom.” 

Fluttershy giggled softly, “sorry.”

“But seriously, thanks. Your support means a lot,” Scootaloo replied as she happily finished off her burger.

“Would anypony like another bun for another burger?” Fluttershy offered.

“Yes please.” Scootaloo quickly spoke up then began to gather ingredients off the central platter.

“Me too please, you’ve done a great job preparing it, they taste better than bought ones.” The speedster proceeded to gather most of the chips then much on them as she awaited the return of her mare.

“Okay.” Fluttershy trotted over to the kitchen, leaving the other two ponies to their own devices.

“Are you staying here or at your place tonight?” Scootaloo asked between bites.

“I think I’ll crash here,” Dash confirmed. “Actually, I’m wondering if I should rent my place out or something.”

“If you do, every pegasus will want it,” Scootaloo eagerly pointed out with a grin.

“Yeah? Well, you know who made it, right?” Dash grinned.

Scootaloo gazed at the overconfident pegasus in disbelief.

“Yep. My parents helped though. Mom’s the best cloud shaper. I think she's the only pony who’s better at it than me,” the proud pegasus boasted.

Scootaloo lapped up the words of her hero. “That’s so cool! Now I really wanna see your mom and dad.”

“Be careful what you wish for kiddo. They are- uh... well let’s just say I haven’t talked to them in a while.”

“Oh. Can I still meet them?” Scootaloo eagerly asked.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, “sure.”

That evening, Scootaloo was still buzzing and as she settled down to rest in her small bed. The orange filly withdrew a crumpled piece of paper from her small bag of stuff. She stared at it for a few moments before she carefully opened it up and began to read the small note by candlelight. It was supposedly the note left when she was abandoned and was the only thing she had to remember her parents by. She wondered if the smeared bottom We love her so much was because her mom had been crying or if the lower part of the paper had been wet later.

She liked to think it was because her parents found it hard to leave her.

Why did they leave?

Who were they?

As the little filly traced the untidy mouth writing she realized something. It was so similar to her own, it was almost as if she had unconsciously copied her mother’s writing. A smile broke out.

At least she had inherited something from her parents.

And now she had two moms to love and care for her!

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were more than she could ever ask for. 

Yet as Scootaloo lay there in the candlelight, she could not help but wonder who her birth parents were.

‘Have they forgotten all about me?’

A sigh escaped the young pegasus. With great care, she folded the munted paper and hid it in her small bag of stuff again.

Scootaloo blew out the candle then settled down and closed her eyes. Never mind the poor souls who left her as a baby. Tomorrow was sure to be another day of fun with her friends and family.

Scootaloo found her dreams filled with two mighty pegasi, their forms wreathed in shadow. They felt comforting and homely to the young pegasus. They played with her, flew with her, Rumble and her two moms.

Suddenly the real ponies vanished from her dream and she was left with the two mighty shadows. The spectral ponies gave her a hug. In their care, Scootaloo’s soul found rest and she slept peacefully in their care for the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

This story is back and in the process of writing this chapter, I found there was so much more to explore, so this chapter has turned into two and I’m further expanding on a few things in part two. Then I can post that too and get this show back on the road. After taking forever to start the first Scootaloo section, I'm now really happy with them.
More folk are finding out about Soarin and Spitfire's little secret. How do you think that's gonna work for them?

All three of my primary fics are alive and kicking. All this time in quarantine is good for something :pinkiehappy: