• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 2,069 Views, 47 Comments

Samneo: The Earth Pony - Samuel-Neocros

It was a regular day, until a stallion named Sam, mysteriously showed up. He has no memory of where he was from, not even knowing what a Cutie Mark is! Soon Sam must discover who he is, and defeat the coming darkness that threatens Ponyville...

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SugerCube Corner

The bedroom was slightly illuminated by the light, with the curtains preventing it from blinding the room. Though the window was covered, the sun’s rays peeked through, and warmed the lower half of the bed sheets. Sam was holding the pillow, that he had imagined as his crush. But he was awake, but pretended to be asleep. As he did this, he was hit with a small question... which promptly caused him to open his eyes, and sit up.

Why did he like Rainbow?

Sam knew her, but not enough to warrant the thoughts and feelings he’s had. He appreciated the warm feelings he felt, but at the same time, he was still puzzled. Though it’s easy to point out how adventurous her mane and tail are, as well as how gorgeous her eyes are, it’s still kinda strange how he decided that she was the one. Though in the moment he thought of that, he realized that he may have the psychology of a princess in a fairy tale.

But then he remembered...

The voice.

Sam blinked, and found that his crush had awakened at the same time, when he heard the voice in his head. The voice in which, being somepony he didn’t particularly knew. Perhaps they have answers? Still, there will be time for him to ask, but who knows? It could just be swept under the rug like other things. But Sam couldn’t focus on it, at the moment, at least.

Sam got up, made up the bed, and Sam proceeded to his morning.

Though he hardly had anything to do, this morning. Sam had went for a trot through town, once more. Admittedly, he begun to see a pattern with his own behavior, and how repetitive it was becoming. The only difference between he and anypony, is the fact that he felt like there was no end to this loop. But maybe he can break out, if he could.

This psychological talk was making him hungry, so he couldn’t linger any longer on the subject. Sam thought of what he could eat.. He could just go home, and find something in the fridge. But where is it, exactly? He never got used to the layout of the castle, so he always preferred to go out to eat.

It was late in the afternoon, and Sam was still searching for the eatery. He was thinking of getting desert to go along with the meal he was going to have.

As Sam trotted through town, he felt eyes on him as he tried to reach his destination. Sam turned and looked, and spotted a couple looking at him. He decided not to stick around for vary long, knowing that whenever he notices somepony staring at him, more will start looking at him.

Sam didn’t like crowds, but it sort of worked in that he could blend in. No pony would see him, if he just keep low. Once he was behind a building, he continued his journey to find a place to sit. After he gets some desert, he would go to eat at a nearby eatery. But then again, what if the corner...

His thoughts were interrupted when he realized that he was there, at SugarCube Corner. He entered the building, and was greeted with the sight of Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, sitting at a table. Pinkie Pie got out of her chair, bounced right up to Sam, and grinned.

“Hiya, Sammy!” She chirped. Sam blinked, rather taken aback by the nickname.

“Huh? Why call me that?”

“Dunno, it just sounds nice!” She replied. Rainbow Dash trotted up next to Pinkie Pie, and glanced over to Sam.

“So, how’s it going?” Rainbow asked. Sam was rather reluctant on admitting that he wanted to go to an eatery instead, but he didn’t want to come off as a liar either. Sam ultimately decided, and stuck with it.

“O-oh.. uhm... I thought I’d get something to eat... Not sure if I made the right choice...” Sam replied, even though he was thinking of straight up saying that he wanted to go somewhere else. It seems to happen to Sam a lot; that he would walk into a room, for no particular reason. Sometimes he had something to say, but it leaves his mind, as soon as he enters.

“Well, you’ve made the right choice! We’ve got cakes! Cookies! And more!” Pinkie Pie chirped, once more. She had taken Sam by the hoof, and dragged him over to the menu. Sam found himself having eye contact with Rainbow Dash, before he found himself staring at the menu.

“Oh boy... what have I done?” He thought, as he was brought into a tutorial of what they serve. At least, that’s how he felt. He decided that he’d have some cookies with frosting on top. He didn’t exactly care what he was getting, he just wanted something to go with his future meal...

Though he managed to order his sweets; Sam always seemed to have this problem of asking what he wanted, or properly telling them what he liked and didn’t. It’s feels as if he was born with this disability, well okay, it wasn’t THAT troublesome. But nonetheless, he was always concerned about how he felt about others, and was afraid of making a scene.

Not that he already makes a scene, over the fact that he had no cutie mark.

Sam sat down at the table, opposite to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. In all of his days with his friends, he noted that Rainbow and Pinkie were one of the more closer duos of the group. Up there, next to Twilight and Spike, as well as Twilight and Starlight. But that were just his own observations, right?

His thoughts were interrupted, by the sound of Pinkie Pie asking.

“What do ya think?”

Sam was back to reality, when she was staring.

“Oh... um... I guess.. I like it?” He wondered. Pinkie smiled widely, which made him have small chills. “So... Rainbow?”

Rainbow glanced over to him, after previously watching Pinkie’s reaction.


“I’ve noticed, that Voss, has been strangely absent from my dreams, lately...” Sam said. Rainbow blinked.

“Huh? That shadow guy? Why haven’t you seen him?” She questioned. Sam nodded.

“I dunno. He’s been absent, which has made me somewhat unnerved... like a “calm before the storm”, that kinda thing...” Sam replied. He was obviously a bit nervous about what this could mean, and the duo in front of him noticed.

“It’s okay, Sammy! I guess he needed to do something!”

“Yeah, and that’s probably a bad thing... since...” He paused, before he decided to come out and say it. “...I can just smell double agent all over him... but maybe I’m wrong.”

“Hm... that doesn’t sound that far fetched, since he is shadowy. At least, you describe him as being such.” Rainbow said.

Though none of them were aware, they had a pair of ruby eyes, watching them from underneath a nearby table. It stared at them, and listened to them talking. It then moved back, and disappeared into the darkness of the table’s shadow...

In Sam’s bedroom: The lights were off, and the only light that was provided, was the window’s. The window was covered up, making the light from outside dim. A tall, black figure stood in the middle of the room. It’s hand was outstretched, with a crystal ball in it’s hand. Within the ball, was Sam, Dash, and Pinkie talking. The figure’s eyes opened.

“He’s not to far off...” Voss whispered to himself...

Author's Note:

Sorry if this came off as lazy, I just haven’t been feeling myself recently. It’s almost like the end of the world is coming, and I know that sounds cliche, but I seriously feel it. What’s worst, is that I feel like I can’t say anything, or else people will just tell me to be happy...

But aside from that, hope you’ve enjoyed this one... The next one will come vary soon