• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 2,069 Views, 47 Comments

Samneo: The Earth Pony - Samuel-Neocros

It was a regular day, until a stallion named Sam, mysteriously showed up. He has no memory of where he was from, not even knowing what a Cutie Mark is! Soon Sam must discover who he is, and defeat the coming darkness that threatens Ponyville...

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Back within the Everfree Forest, the trio who fought Sam, had regrouped. Voss and his two rivals were a bit upset that they failed to stop Sam from getting the memory orb. However, Voss wasn’t as disappointed as the others, since he secretly wanted Sam to get the orb...

For what reasons, nopony knew. The trio decided to go find a place to stay, within the woods, or perhaps they can find a place outside the forest. They weren’t too sure yet. Slaughter and Dark were still a bit dismayed by how Sam beaten them. Though arguably they were commanded by Voss, Dark still felt like he was embarrassed by these idiots next to him. But still, Voss wasn’t stupid, but Slaughter certainly was.

The three were walking down a path, in the Everfree forest. The road was made of dirt, as well as some gravel. The trees hung above them, acting as unnecessary shade for the sunset sky. Slaughter was still invisible, but due to the coming darkness of night, his eyes were illuminated. His eyes were a lime green color. So in a way, his eyes glowed in the dark. Surprisingly, Slaughter’s appearance was a bit humanoid in look. He was vary slender, and he had a faint outline of his body--allowing his partners to see him, which was the result of him being able to glow in the dark. Dark had some pint up anger for the brat that defeated them.

“Beaten again... by a stupid KID!!!” Dark growled, enraged. Voss and Slaughter gritted their teeth as Dark yelled at the air.

“Arg.. Brute!? That hurt meh ears!” Slaughter sneered. Dark turned his gaze towards him, and just stared with a murderous gaze. “Huh!? What’s the matter, chum? You have fire for magic, and you were STILL beaten by that green little scum!”

“OH yeah? Look at you!” Dark retorted. “You could’ve taken him out, since you were a ghost! But YOU DID NOTHING!! Also, you look like a lil’ twig, I’d snap you in half if you were living!”

Voss just covered his ears, as the two argued. He honestly felt like he just played himself, by even bringing them together in the first place. Now they’re arguing for stupid reasons.

“Aye! Are you finished!? Stop!” Voss growled. Dark and Slaughter turned their gazes to their ‘leader’, for lack of a better word.

”NO!” They both shouted.

“Ugh.. well, hopefully this will get you to stop... we were employed to distract Sam, so... we won in a way.” Voss felt like he made the most half-flanked excuse for their failure. But his response was somewhat surprising. Dark and Slaughter looked at each other, and sighed.

“Well... fine. That was our job...” Dark sighed, still.

“Yeah... to keep that little squirt busy, while our bosses gather up the power, as well as earn our salary.” Voss added. He begun to float down the path. He still wasn’t even sure how he and the others were even going to successfully get rewarded. Since for one thing, their reward is over three thousand bits, and they’re expected to be rewarded after their mistress; Sorsirina, gets powerful enough. Even still, it was still a chore to keep up with that little, dragon baring brat.

He continued down the path. Voss was about to say something—when he noticed that Dark and Slaughter were missing. Voss turned around, and realized that the two were at least a few meters away. He also caught a glimpse at their faces, and noticed their rather skeptical looks. “What?”

“What do you mean by... “earning our salary”?” Slaughter asked.

“Are you saying--that they might not reward us?”

“U-uh...” Voss stuttered. “L-let’s just say... I kinda overheard what they were saying, in which--they mentioned that they didn’t have the bits... or dollars... or anything.”

He trailed off, as he realized in that moment, that he made a bit of a mistake spilling the beans. Dark and Slaughter shared equally distorted looks of malice, that which they were ready to rip Voss to shreds...

“Well... I’m screwed...” Voss muttered to himself. Before he quickly retreated into the ground, and began slithering away as fast as he could down the path. The other two gave chase, and with that, the three went deeper into the forest...

Author's Note:

A vary dialogue heavy chapter, I know... I guess I couldn’t help but do such.