• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,355 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 3

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 3
by Rixizu

Trixie waved at her friends as she entered Sugarcube Corner. Trixie always marveled at its bizarre appearance. When the building got half destroyed by a monster attack, it was remodeled into a bakery/youth center. The oddest combination Trixie had ever heard of. Still, it was a fun place to hang out with her friends and Ditzy loved bringing her daughter here. It also had a dojo making it an excellent place to train. After the show, Trixie’s friends promised to meet her here and she spotted them on one of the front tables. Bon-Bon was with them. They waved back only to recoil when they got a good look at Trixie.

“What the hay happened to you?!” Lyra cried out in alarm.

Trixie face and most of her body were completely red like it had been burned. “I just spent the last hour in the shower at the hottest setting. It was the only way I could feel clean again after what happened.” There was no doubt in Trixie’s mind that having that thing on her head was the grossest thing ever.

“.... I see.” Lyra said hesitantly. The rest of Trixie’s friends looked at each other.

"Cloudkicker apologized for what happened. She didn't think you would react so badly." Raindrops said. "Oh, and she was also wondering if you still might be interested in banging."

“Tell her absolutely not!” Trixie almost shouted.

"You shouldn't be so surprised, Trixie." Cheerilee looked amused. "You are famous now. You are probably going to have a lot of admirers now. Especially being the leader."

Trixie sat down and looked glum. “Great.”

"Hey, they might be a chance for you to find somepony," Lyra said helpfully.

“No thank you. Love is for the birds.” Trixie waved to Pinkie to come over.

"Hey, guys! What can I get you?" Pinkie asked. She had a notebook in her hooves.

“Six cupcakes would be fine.” Carrot Top said.

“One with hot fudge and jalapenos!” Trixie ordered.

“Gotcha!” Pinkie zoomed off to get their order.

“I don’t understand. What is wrong with love?” Lyra sounded perplexed.

“It involves too many gross things and sharing your life with another pony seems like such a bother.” Trixie snorted.

“You should give it a chance. It isn’t so bad.” Lyra said pouting. Bon-Bon giggled.

Trixie ignored her and decided to change the subject. “I have been meaning to ask you Bon-Bon. Where exactly did you get those fighting skills?” Back during the Corvus incident, Bon-Bon held her own again the strongest monster Trixie had ever seen. She did it without even flinching. Trixie knew something was up with her.

Lyra immediately jumped in front to her marefriend protectively. “I know what you are going to say and Bonnie is not a spy for Greengrass or any other noble!”

“I wasn’t going to suggest that.” Trixie rolled her eyes. Was she ever going to live that down? Ever since she mistakenly accused Twilight Sparkle of being a spy, Lyra seemed convinced Trixie was a paranoid loon.

“Really?” Lyra snorted.

“It’s fine Lyra.” Bon-Bon put a comforting hoof on Lyra’s back. “The truth is I like to lift weights and do Tae Bo class once a week.”

“Ha! See! A perfect explanation.” Lyra boasted.

“What?! That doesn't explain anything!” Trixie yelled.

“Shows how much you know!” Lyra smirked.

“Now now.” Bon-Bon soothed.

“Bon-Bon is completely normal.” Lyra crossed her front legs. “I’ve known her my whole life!”

Trixie grunted in annoyance. Lyra was so protective of her marefriend it was ridiculous. Bon-Bon was more than just a candy maker. She could feel it. But for now, she would have to annoyingly drop the subject.

In few moments Pinkie Pie returned with their order. Trixie nodded gratefully and started munching on her cupcake.

“I noticed you started adding swords to your act Trixie.” Ditzy pointed out. “Hmm. At least five tricks used one.”

Trixie shrugged. “I just like using them. And it is a fun excuse to practice my swordsponyship.” Trixie found she was actually quite adept at using a sword.

Ditzy was about to say something when Cloudkicker burst into Sugarcube Corner rather loudly.

Trixie groaned when she noticed Cloudkicker was coming right towards them.

“Look I’m flatt…” Trixie was about to say, but Cloudkicker stuck her hoof in Trixie’s mouth.

“That isn’t important right now!” Cloudkicker exclaimed. “Carrot Top, you need to get to your house right away!”

Carrot Top gave a look of alarm. “What do you mean?”

“It’s completely collapsed!” Cloudkicker said frantically.


Carrot Top stared at the remains of her house in total shock. When it stood upright, it was a lovely red single story house with a gray thatched roof. It was a sizable estate with about seven rooms or so. Now it was a complete mess and it looked like it fell into itself. Carrot Top didn’t move or say anything. She didn’t even cry. She just stood there staring at it with a wide-eyed expression. The rest of her friends tried to comfort her, but she didn’t respond.

What could have caused this? Trixie thought. The house was old, but it was well maintained. It looked like it would stand for another hundred years at least. She didn’t like this one bit. Something about it smelled fishy.

Ditzy wrapped a blanket around Carrot Top. “What am I going to do?” Carrot Top finally said. Tears started forming at the edges of her eyes. “It’s gone. My farm is doomed. I had everything in there. Tools, supplies, everything.”

Carrot Top put her face in her hooves and started to sob uncontrollably. Ditzy put a comforting hoof on her back and started rubbing it soothingly. “It’s going to be okay. We can get through this.”

“Yes! We can!” Trixie exclaimed startling Carrot Top. “And the Great and Powerful Trixie already has a plan!”

“B-but…” Carrot Top looked up and stuttered.

Trixie flourished her cape. “We will see what we can recover and if anything is broken, we will ask some of the nearby farms if they are willing to donate anything. Buy if we have to.”

Carrot Top sniffed. “I guess that might work.”

“Work? No! This will be even better than before!” Trixie exclaimed.

“There are plenty of ponies that would be willing to help out.” Cheerilee gave a warm smile. “Don’t think you’re alone in this okay?” Raindrops smiled as well.

"In the meantime, you can sleep at our house," Lyra suggested and Bon-Bon nodded, "we're near your farm and it won't take too long to commute here."

“You have home insurance, right?” Trixie asked.

“Yes, but who knows if they would actually cover this?” Carrot Top said gloomily.

Trixie crossed her hooves. “We will see them tomorrow and make sure that they will.”

Carrot Top was crying again, but this time it looked like tears of joy. "Thanks, guys." She tried and failed to wipe the tears away.

“We’re a team.” Trixie smiled. “That’s what they do.”


Greengrass marveled at the gadgets and machinery of the research department of Ministry of War. The department was researching all sorts of methods to protect Equestria. Greengrass watched a pony use some rod-like device to melt a stone wall and this pony was an earth pony. Another was using a flame spell on a suit of armor, and not only was the armor completely unblemished, but cool to the touch. In the sky, Greengrass could see a pony trying and failing to control his jetpack. It was all very impressive.

Vinyl looked equally impressed and gave delighted sounds when she spotted something she found particularly cool. Their guide, Solitaire the head scientist of the facility, gave a detailed description of each project. She was a tan pony with a chester brown colored mane. She had on thin red glasses and a lab coat. Her cutie mark was a single playing card, the ace of diamonds.

“And here is the Planetary System.” Solitaire showed them to a door that led into an individual lab. “The Archduke will be seeing you inside.”

Solitaire opened the door for them and Greengrass and Vinyl went inside. It was much like the rest of the lab with its strange machinery, but this one was far more spacious. Ponies were at tables using equipment for unknown tasks or writing and reading notes. He could see several smaller rooms each with a glass window for observation.

“So, what do you think of the work we do here Duke?” Archduke Fisher greeted. There was obvious pride in his voice. He looked even more self-satisfied than normal for some reason.

“Impressive. I see the funds the Princess provides you to protect the country are put to good use.” Greengrass resisted rolling his eyes at the obvious ploy to impress him with the Ministry's might.

Fished beamed, but became guarded and suspicious when she spotted Vinyl. “And who the hay is that!” He pointed a hoof at Vinyl. He almost shouted.

The nearby scientists stopped what they were doing to look at what the commotion was. There were some gasps.

“Oh my gosh is that DJ-Pon3?!” One of the scientists exclaimed.

“And who is that?” Fisher asked the scientist.

“You know, DJ-Pon3. The writer of songs like ‘My Little Bass Cannon’ and ‘Digital Pony Love’.” The scientist explained. “She’s kinda famous.”

“Never heard of her.” Fisher snorted. He looked at Greengrass with suspicion. “And what is she doing here?”

“Notary is sick.” Greengrass gave a reassuring smile. “Vinyl is covering for her.”

Fisher almost laughed in disbelief. “Really? A famous DJ working as your secretary?”

Vinyl shrugged. “Yeah. Have to pay the rent somehow.” Fisher narrowed his eyes. The other scientists nodded in understanding and sympathy.

“Totally. The rent in Canterlot is so bad, I have to wait tables at Bennigans just to get by!” One the scientists said.

Fisher glared at them. “Get back to work, or I will dock your pay...again.” The scientists yelped and got back to whatever they were doing. Greengrass felt sympathy for them.

“I don’t know what you are planning, but I won’t let it work!” Fisher stomped a hoof.

Greengrass shrugged and gave an innocent look. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Fisher looked Vinyl over up and down. “And she’s a cripple. You won’t employ a pony like that without reason.” Vinyl’s eye twitched in irritation but said nothing.

"I believe in equal opportunity employment," Greengrass explained.

“Foalish.” Fisher snorted. “But that doesn’t matter. It’s time I show you how I plan to bring down the Tyrant Sun and the Rangers.”

Fisher led them to one of the small rooms. Through the observation window, Greengrass could see a small rectangular device attached to wires on a table. It was gold and looked very similar to the Galaxy Ranger’s morphers.

"This is the Planetary System and it is our greatest hope for stopping Corona," Fisher smirked, "it contains powers far greater than any of the Galaxy Rangers."

Solitaire gestured towards the device. “We learned how to duplicate the transformation process of the Galaxy Rangers, but the biggest problem was finding a suitable power source.”

“That is why we’re using the Planetary Gems. They are ancient items of immense power that are said to contain the power of the ancient gods the planets they are named after. Their power was stolen to create these gems according to legend.” Fisher explained. Greengrass could see a glimmer of hunger and greed in Fisher’s eyes. Having the power of a god was something the Archduke wanted, badly.

“Really?” Vinyl sounded skeptical

“The legends say they were created by cultist to power a super weapon. Powerful enough to burst a hole in reality to let them in.” Solitaire explained.

“Them?” Vinyl raised an eyebrow.

“Them. Creatures from the outside our universe.” Solitaire became very serious. “The cultists believed those creatures whose names have been lost to time deserved to rule this world. Not the princesses, not the old gods, but them.”

Greengrass gave an involuntary shudder and didn’t know why. Something about the story filled him with dread. Greengrass shook his head. No, that is just a legend. He thought. It’s a myth created by insane ponies.

"But the one thing we do know is that they have intense and powerful magic that can be retooled to suit our purposes." Solitaire continued. "There is one problem, however."

"The damn things won't just work for anypony," Fisher answered.

Solitaire nodded. “Even with the morpher, they will only work with a pony compatible with the gem.”

Fisher smirked. “I believe I already found the candidates needed to use them.”

Greengrass nodded in understanding. Truthfully he already knew all of this. While it true he hadn’t used to have spies watching the Ministry of War before, he did now. He was able to get all the research data very easily. In fact, his people were able to come up with information that the Ministry didn’t have. They were able to get all of this information even though only a day had gone by. Greengrass’s people were very good at their jobs. He knew the gems required a strong will and he knew just the pony that might be able to use one.

A burly stallion walked into the lab. He was an aqua blue unicorn with an orange mane. He was very muscular. They bulged out in every direction. He was almost twice as tall as Greengrass. His mane was in a military crew cut. His cutie mark was a book with a feather in it. Vinyl eyed him up in down obviously liking what she was seeing.

The stallion walked up to them. For some reason, he was lifting weights in both hooves while doing so. He put the weights down and saluted to Fisher. “You wished to see me, sir?” After saying this, he picked up his weights and started lifting them again.

Fisher gestured towards the stallion. “Yes. This is Stanza, one of the finest soldiers in the Legion.”

Stanza put down the weights and took out a jumping rope and started jumping rope with it. “You do me an honor by saying that sir.”

“Why are you doing that?” Greengrass asked unable to hold back the question any longer.

Stanza changed to doing pushups and answered the question. “I have to keep myself in shape, if not I will lose my edge.”

"I… see," Greengrass said baffled.

Fisher beamed with pride. “Far better than those buffoons Princess Luna enlisted.”

Stanza was doing sit-ups now. “I don’t know about that. They seemed to be good ponies, and they have quite of bit of potential in my opinion.”

Fisher glared at Stanza who just shrugged. “Anyway, he will be the first real test subject.” He gestured to one of the devices.

Stanza nodded and entered one of the small rooms. He approached the device in the room.

“So far we have only been able to find five of the Planetary Gems. This is the Mercury Gem.” Solitaire explained. “Are you ready?”

Stanza nodded and grabbed the morpher and unplugged it from the wires. He did a pose. “It’s morphing time!” He thrust the morpher in front of him. There was an explosion of light and energy. Stanza was launched from where he was standing into the wall behind him. The wall was smashed and the stallion fell to the ground. Scientists opened the door and rushed to his aid. Stanza struggled to his hooves and signaled he was fine. Fisher was in complete shock.

"That was not fun," Stanza said with a groan.

“Seems he isn’t the guy you want.” Vinyl said helpfully.

“No matter.” Fisher waves a hoof dismissively. “We have plenty of other candidates.”

Sanza stretched. “If you don’t need me anymore I will be off. I still have a ten-mile run I have to do this morning.” Fisher waved him away and he left.

“Where in Equestria does he get that much energy?” Greengrass asked bemused.

“I’ll have to invite him for a drink later.” Vinyl mused with a wide grin on her face.

“Bring in the next candidate!” Fished yelled.

For next two hours, many ponies were brought before the morphers. All attempts ended the same way Stanza’s did. Fisher grew more and more agitated by the failures. He was stunned none of these soldiers qualified. He started pacing nervously. He did not like that his plan was failing.

Fisher stomped a hoof when a mare with a purple coat and a white mane failed. “This is ridiculous! These are the best of the best! How can they fail?!” He started pacing again.

“This is so stupid. Let me try.” Vinyl walked past the scientists and into the room with the Mercury morpher.

“Somepony stop her!” Fisher yelled. Greengrass watched her closely. His instincts told him that Vinyl had the will necessary to wield one the gems. He saw the way Vinyl looked at the Mercury morpher. It looked like it was calling for her.

“It’s morphing time!” Vinyl grinned. She had no fear what would happen to her if she failed. She thrust the morpher in front of her. Her body was enveloped by light. When the light was gone, her body was covered in armor. It was pink and it had a white v-shaped armor that went to her shoulders. The helmet has the mercury symbol on the forehead and the vizor was black and there were three spikes at the end of each side. The side of the helmet had white bird like wings attached to it.

“Mercury.” Vinyl’s voice had an obvious satisfaction in it. Fisher dropped to the ground in complete shock.


“You haven’t seen the last of me!” Trixie yelled as she stomped out of the insurance firm.

“There’s no need to be like that Miss Lulamoon!” One of the insurance ponies named Flim said.

“He’s right. We’re sorry we can't cover it, but that type of damage isn’t covered by her plan.” The other insurance pony Flam said. They were identical twins with a yellow coat and red manes. Flam had a mustache.

Flim nodded. “He’s right. There really isn’t anything we can do.”

Trixie got into Flim’s face and growled. “Make it!”

Flim gulped. “This isn’t a simple fire, flood, or monster damage.”

“It’s the complete collapse of the house!” Flam shook his head. “The house was just old, could happen to anypony.”

“You’re lucky to even be alive Ms. Top.” Flim put a hoof to his head dramatically. “Think of what would have happened if you decided to go home early!”

“Thank the stars you weren’t!” Flam agreed.

Carrot Top nodded and looked down depressed. She sighed.

“I tell you that damage wasn’t normal!” Trixie yelled. “It was sabotaged I tell you!”

“But do you actually have any proof of that Miss. Lulamoon?” Flim argued.

“According to our inspectors, the support beams were just old.” Flam countered. “How could that be foul play?”

Trixie just grunted not wanting to give up the point. “I’ll be sure that the Princess hears of this! She’ll have your hides for this!”

“Goodbye, Miss Lulamoon.” Flam waved a hoof as he reentered the firm.

"Good day to you," Flam said as he closed the door.

Trixie growled. “Those highway robbers! What the hay are you supposed to do without a house?!”

Carrot Top hung her head and trotted towards her farm.

"Don't be like that, we can beat this," Trixie said comfortingly.

“What’s the point, they won’t cover it.” Carrot Top said defeatedly.

"You really need to stand up for yourself," Trixie said, "you barely said anything after they said they wouldn't cover you. If I were you, I would be throttling them right now."

Carrot Top gave a small chuckle. “I’m not like you Trixie. I don’t like shouting at ponies.”

“You need to be more assertive.” Trixie nodded her head. “You can’t let ponies like them walk all over you.”

“Like it would have helped.” Carrot Top gave a sigh.

Trixie grinned. “You never know if you don’t try!”

“I wish I was more like you Trixie.” Carrot Top looked away. “I’m not like you or my grandma. I don’t have that kind of fire in me.”

“You could if you gave it a try!” Trixie said confidently.

“Maybe.” Carrot Top said half-heartedly.

They walked back to Carrot Top’s farm. It was a complete mess. Things that could be salvaged were in a small pile. Not much was as able to be saved sadly. The rest of Carrot Top’s friends were at the neighboring farms asking for whatever they could give.

“Oh, that’s right.” Carrot Top stood up.

“What is it?” Trixie asked.

Carrot Top went to her field. “In the commotion, I forgot to check the irrigation system.”

Trixie nodded. “Okay. I will double check for anything that still might be valuable.”

They looked through the ruins pretty thoroughly, but it didn’t hurt to double check. Trixie used her magic to put aside broken debris. She grinned when she was able to find an intact tea cup. She dropped the part of the roof she was holding in her magic when Carrot Top gave a yell.

Trixie rushed to Carrot Top’s side. “What is it?”

Carrot Top pointed towards a hole she made to inspect the irrigation system. Trixie started when she saw what Carrot Top was pointing towards. In the ground where these strange gray and red insects. They were coming in and out of the metal tubes of the irrigation system. It looked like they chewed their way inside and were living inside it.

“What are they?” Trixie asked horrified.

“I think they are called Metalmites. They feed on mineral deposits like iron and breed in water.” Carrot Top put her head in her hooves. She started sobbing again. “I’m doomed.”

Trixie stomped a hoof. “No, you are not! We will fix this too!”

Carrot Top turned towards Trixie fury in her eyes. “How?! How do we do that?! I bet the insurance won’t cover this either! So, what am I going to do?! Huh?! Huh?! Who is going to pay for this?!”

Trixie balked at the sudden and intense anger. “Well...um…”

“This isn’t something that can be fixed by pure blind optimism!” Carrot Top growled.

“Maybe that be something I might be able to help with.” A voice with a southern drawl said.

Carrot Top and Trixie turned towards the intruder. It was Applejack. She was the head of Sweet Apple Acres. It was part of the Apple Trust the biggest farming conglomerate in Equestria.

Trixie narrowed her eyes. “And what do you want?”

"Ah just thought ah would come by and see ya Carrot Top," Applejack said, "and don't ya’ll look at me like that. I ain’t responsible for this."

Trixie snorted. “Really?”

"Yes really. Us Apples don’t resort to tricks like this!” Applejack said angrily. “Why would we even bother? Miss Top’s farm is just a small carrot farm that bothers nopony.”

“So, what do you want to talk to me about?” Carrot Top asked trying to get back her composure.

"Ah want to give ya an honest offer ya'll might like," Applejack said, "ah want to buy Golden Harvest farm."