• Published 24th May 2016
  • 2,831 Views, 72 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Friendship Makes Magic - ImNoPony

Set in an alternate universe, Human Twilight protects her school from the Dazzlings

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Bonus Chapter 2- Bands

The next day, school was cancelled because it was a public holiday. Most students who are spending that one-day holiday spending it at home, relaxing with friends or going out into town. However, for the bands who are in Canterlot High's (now) battle of the bands, they were hard at work perfecting their performances. These are what they did"

The Rainbooms
After the slumber party at Pinkie's house, everyone decided to practice at Applejack's farm. They all rush back home, grab their instruments and rush back out before they could explain much to their parents. Once they meet up again at the AJ's garage, the Rainbooms then began to start practicing.

The first song that they worked on was Shake Your Tail co-written by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. It was a little difficult at first, being in sync with everyone and all that, but they eventually got the right groove. Even Spike and AJ's brother Big Mac was liking their music.

We don't know (we don't know) what's gonna happen
We just know (we just know) it's gonna feel right
All our friends are here
And it's time to ignite the lights!

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight
Shake your tail, shake your tail (x4)

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!

Once they were done, Twilight took a deep breath and tells everyone: "Ok, take five everyone!" Feeling tired, everyone then began to scatter about was taking their breaks.

As Rainbow Dash was getting a drink from her bottle of water, she notice everyone else was sort of getting into pairs. Rarity and Applejack was together and they're looking like they were about to have a fight about outfits again. Twilight and Pinkie Pie was chatting and the conversation sounds like Pinkie pitching an idea to Twilight that she disapprove of. The only person that was left was Fluttershy who was jotting stuff down. After finishing her drink, Rainbow decides to head for Fluttershy.

When she got to her, Rainbow could tell that Fluttershy was "deep in the zone". Curious but have a slight idea what she's doing, she ask her: "whatcha doing?"

Rainbow question startled her, causing Fluttershy to almost drop her book. When she saw that it was Rainbow, she reply to her: "Oh Rainbow! Don't startled me like that."

"Sorry. I was just curious on what you're doing?"

"Oh! I'm just brainstorming more song ideas. That's all."

"My I have a look?"

"Oh course" Fluttershy answers.

Fluttershy let Rainbow to come up close and show her what she wrote. As she was reading it, Rainbow was letting out expressions that let out that she was impressed. Once she was finished, she said to Fluttershy: "All of this is really good... but can I make a few suggestions?"

Fluttershy squinted her eye, suspicious that this was her plan all along. Cautiously, she ask her: "Like what?"

Rainbow brought up a chair and she explains to Fluttershy: "Can I be the lead again in the next sing? Oh! And can it be something like being proud and glorious like when I score the winning point against..."

"RAINBOW!" Fluttershy yelled, causing Rainbow to stop. She says to her: "You already have a song based after you. why do you want another one?"

"Because forming the band was my idea" Rainbow replied. "I was the one who wanted to be in the showcase. I was the one who discovered that we still have magic and I was the one who said we should all do this together."

Still trying to be calm and understanding, Fluttershy sternly respond to her: "Well one thing about being in a band is that it's a team effort. Everyone should have equal say and not overshadow others in the group."

"Then what about me, eh? Twilight got my role as lead singer, you got the job of song writer and even Rarity job of making outfits and such. Where does that leave me?"

"Lead guitarist and the person which the band is named after" Fluttershy flatly remarks. As both girls was getting more agitated, she then tells her: "Look Rainbow, I know how you feel, but we are also trying to save the school here. We don't have time for you to be selfish."

Rainbow then angrily yell: "Selfish!?!? Everyone Is Trying To Take The Band Away From Me!"

As the two began to argue, everyone else started to began fighting as well. AJ and Rarity started their argument of clothing while Twilight and Pinkie were having their debate for the band. The whole room was then filled with argument and yelling that nobody could hear Spike barking or telling them to stop.

The Dazzlings
Meanwhile, at a shared apartment across town, Sunset was with the Dazzlings as they practice their routine. They maybe magic stealing sirens, but even they had to practice to remain in shape. They try to remain the right amount of allure and hypnotizing while also trying to keep in sync with one another. Sunset wasn't practicing with them, nor could she since she isn't a siren. She was just casually watching by the side and seeing what they had in store.

As she was watching quietly, Sunset grew slightly bored and she decided to check her phone. When she opened it, she was alarmed by how many miscalls and texts that she hadn't notice until now by her friends. "Oh my" she whispered aloud to herself.

But as Sunset was thinking about texting her friends and telling them that she was alright, she was interrupted when a loud voice cry out. "You Missed A Line Again!!" When she looked up, she notice that Aria was looking angry, Adagio was looking annoyed and indifferent and Sonata was as confused as ever.

"It's: "You didn't know that you fell". Not: "You Don't know that you fallen"!" Aria angrily explains. "If You Don't Sing It Right, The Next Part Won't Rhyme!"

"I don't know why you're looking at me for? Sonata's the one who messed it up" Adagio reputed.

Sonata yells: "WHAT!?!? Don't blame this one me!"

Aria states: "For once, I have to agree with Sonata."

Seeing both Aria and Sonata against her, Adagio finally admits: "OK! FINE! It Was My Fault! I'm still memorizing the lyrics that you wrote!"

"Hey! It Was You Who Made Me Become The Groups Song Writer!"

"And Now I'm Thinking I Can Do A Better Job!"

"Oh Why I Oughta... " says Aria as she begin her fight with Adagio.

Seeing the two bickering, Sonata wave up her hands and says: "I can't take this anymore. I'm going to find a snack to eat."

As she was watching all of this, Sunset was left speechless by what she was seeing. She didn't know if she want to get involved or even if she could by how fiercely they're yelling. But even though how bitter or unfriendly they act with each other, Sunset couldn't help but think they share a rather strong family bond. How else do you explain them still sticking together after all this time. Sunset stop Sonata before she leave the room and ask her: "Do they always fight like this?"

After stopping and look back at Aria and Adagio, Sonata replies: "Oh no. They only act like this when we practice. Once were done, they'll forgive and make up."

When she left, Sunset was left wondering how true that was. She patiently waited, watching as Adagio and Aria was having their fight and going through the motions that they usually. Eventually, when both girls were out of breath and grew tired of arguing, they both became relatively calm. They both still look cross each other, but they doesn't look like they too upset either. After a moment to calm down, Adagio asks: "Ok... Are we done?"

"Yeah" Sonata calmly reply.

"Ok... I'm sorry for messing up the lines."

"And I'm sorry for calling you a horrible leader."

"Let's forget this and go back to practicing?"

"Yeah" Aria happily replies.

Once the two was now in a friendly mood again, they both went back into position and was about to start practicing again. It sort of left Sunset half impressed. However, after a moment, Adagio then realizes and ask out loud: "Where The Heck Is Sonata!?"

Flash Drive
In another part of town, the band Flash Drive was about to finish it's song in Flash's garage. This was Flash Sentry's band which he formed with his friends a long time. However, ever since the showcase was changed to a battle of the bands, Flash has been pushing his band to practice not stop. As they were wrapping up, Flash sang out:

"If you let me be your knight
Then We Will Have A Great night!"

Once they finished, Flash turns to his friends; Ringo and Brawly Beats and says to them: "Sweet! That was awesome you guys." Upon hearing the nice compliment, the two fall apart exhausted and was hoping that they had finished. Then Flash says: "Now let's do that again."

At that moment, both Ringo and Brawly Beats groaned and show their annoyance towards Flash. "What? You said we were awesome!?" ask Ringo in frustration.

Flash replies: "We were... but we have to keep practicing until it's perfect."

Brawly Beat moans: "Oh come on dude. We have been practicing for hours, our arms are tired and we can see that your hands are bright red."

When her look at them, Flash was surprised that his hands are red and his fingers very soar. This was because he had been playing his guitar with his fingers and not with his proper guitar pick. Ringo even remarks: "Really dude? You haven't found your pick yet?"

But then, Flash shook his head and says back to the two of them: "That doesn't matter. We have to be so good, everybody in that gym is going to be impressed with us."

But then, something click in both Ringo's and Beat's head. "Wait... This doesn't got something to do with Twilight, right?" Ringo asks.

"What! I-I don't know what you're talking about" Flash denied, trying and failing to hid his affection.

Annoyed as ever, Beats says to him: "Seriously dud, she is just one girl. Go out and find another."

Flash angrily responds: "NO! Twilight Isn't Like Any Other Girl! Sh-She's smart and intelligent and doesn't act like any other girl!" Flash and his band Flash Drive began to argue.

Trixie And The Illusions
Meanwhile, in yet another part of town, Trixie and her two female friends came out of a store with all of the stuff that they purchased. They've brought a smoke machine, extra stage lights and a bunch of other stage and magician equipment that Trixie liked. As they were walking Trixie began to act all giddy and exclaims: "Ooh I can't wait to incorporate these into my performance!"

Both of her friends behind her passed looks of concern bewilderment to each other. Eventually, one of them grew brave enough to talk. "Um... Trixie?"


"Do we really need all of this stuff."

Trixie turn towards with shock and surprise. "What! Of course we need all of this stuff. What makes you think otherwise?"

The other friend then explains: "Well you are spending all of this money on these lights and equipment instead of better instruments. Weren't you mad that you had to buy that old used guitar?"

Trixie rebuts: "I DID... but that thing slowly growing me. And what so wrong with all of the stuff that we brought?"

"We spend literally $300" one girl flatly remarks.

Annoyed, Trixie argues to them: "You two don't understand my vision of our perfect performance. The lights, the flares and everyone will be so amazed by use... they will surely give-up shortly afterwards."

"Not unless they find out we only know ONE song Trixie!"

"You Just Don't Understand!" Trixie yells. And surely enough, this band began their argument as well.

_ _ _ _ _

The Crusaders
Back at Sweet Apple Acres (Applejack's house), Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had arrived at the front gate and was greeted by Apple Bloom. "Hey Apple Bloom!" the two cheerily says to Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom politely replies: "Hey you guys" but then says "Now come on! We need to get practicing while there still sun in the sky." She then ran off a head of them, leaving Sweetie and Scootaloo a lone and confused.

They didn't immediately ran after her, just calmly walking behind as they follow her. When she realize that they weren't running, Apple Bloom stopped by the house and wait for her friends to catch up. When they do, she then ask them: "What taking ya so long? Don't you want to win?"

Seeing Apple Bloom so excited and passionate caused Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to become nervous. Eventually, Sweetie Belle tell her: "Actually Apple Bloom, we need to tell you something." When she says that, Apple Bloom grew slightly worried.

Scootaloo states: "We don't really want to be in the battle of the bands."

Shocked, Apple Bloom asks: "What!? Why Not!?"

Scootaloo explains: "Well it isn't because were terrible singers or anything..."

"But that is a slight factor" Sweetie Belle added.

"... It just that everybody have been acting weirdly. Everyone is arguing, is obsessed over winning and the whole thing just feels unpleasant."

Apple Bloom would normally make a retort, but even she could see that that was true. She admits to her worried friends: "Yeah... I see your point. The whole thing seems a lot more stress with everybody competing and everything."

Sweetie Belle chuckled and remarks: "Maybe that's why the showcase was never a competition?"

Apple Bloom chuckled along with Scootaloo, but then sheepishly ask: "But... can't we still try? Just for... fun or giggles?"

They all then silently think about it. But before they could come up with any decision, they all began hearing a loud ruckus coming for the garage. Curious, they then went off to go and investigate it. There, they look through the window and saw their older sisters and their friends all arguing with each other.

"No One Cares About The Darn Costumes Rarity!" yelled Applejack.

"I Care Applejack!" Rarity yelled back.

"Oh Come On Fluttershy! Just One More Song!" begged Rainbow.

"NO!" yelled Fluttershy as she refuses Rainbow Dash.

Twilight yells: "For The Last Time Pinkie: We're Not Having Confetti Canons On Stage With Us!"

Pinkie Pie then loudly insists: "There Called Party Canons Twilight!"

As they see them all arguing, the Crusaders were having second thoughts about maintaining the band for any longer. Apple Bloom then got Sweetie Belle's and Scootaloo's attention and says: "Ok, new rule: Let's dissolve the band and find something new says aye?"

"Aye!" says both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in unison.

"Let's go in there and stop our sisters from arguing?"


After taking a long deep breath, the Crusaders sucked up their courage and enter the room.

Author's Note:

Well... I hope you find this entertaining.

For those who didn't catch the theme, here it is: "Being in a band sucks." I know that may not be true in real life, but I thought it would be ammusing to write everybody in a band fighting and the only people who not get out of a band.

Anyway, feel free to critique this chapter and let me know of any errors I made.