• Member Since 16th Oct, 2014
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Dusk Melody

I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.


Comments ( 126 )

7041678 Yuppers? :twilightsmile: was that a 'Yuppers' I heard there? would you be a Wily fan? :twilightsmile:

It feels so good with wildfire back.

This and 3 chapters of Project Horisions in one day!:rainbowkiss:

7041751 you get a follow just because of your avatar, and also because you read my story. like it so far?

7041757 Let's just say, here's to another year of wildfire.

7043080 Indeed so, and just in case this book doesn't quite take a year to write, there are at least three more in this series making a quintology, as well as four spin-off books, one each for Air Raid, Darkstar, Cyclone and Brightstar

I usually read one chapter before bed. So without looking at the word count I started. 1 hour later, I checked how far down I was, and gave up until morning. 24000 words is a bit long for a chapter.

Do you think you could split it into maybe 4000 word segments?

7044851 i'm sorry to say no i can't (i'm not sorry i regret nothing) between 20-30k will be the average size of my chapters, as dictated by the story flow.

7045759 I know, please accept my apologies, all I can ask is that you read a little at a time and enjoy the story my friend

I was so looking forward to this and you did not disappoint.

This is so good! I think I have a certafied addiction now. I need to go to pony fanfiction rehab.

Ok so i may have not started reading this. Putting in my favs..... then my best story list and giving it a thumbs up... and still not started reading it?
Well only because the last one was soooo good this can't disappoint me :P
(Will get around to it. happens when you have 40 story's you read at one time :P )


Chapter 2 - A Haunting Truth has been released! I hope you all like it :twilightsmile:

7097290 things get moved along in this chapter :twilightsmile:

It's finally begun. Not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning. There are some major movements left in this piece, that's for sure.

7097864 stay tuned, Wildfire's true release is yet to come

Ooooh the truth is surfacing! I love this chapter!



7177927 Wildfire hates peaches, so her safe word is 'peaches'. :twilightsmile:

It is nice to see a real BDSM (Bondage & Discipline; Domination & Submission; Sadism & Masochism) in FIMfiction. Then that raises my saying, “Discipline with Love is what a Parent shows a Child. Love with Discipline is when a lover gives control to another. Without Love there is no Discipline. Without Love there is only Abuse.”

Thank you for showing that BDSM is something other than torture.

7179560 It was and is my very great pleasure. Real BDSM as you know is something very close to my heart, and in my opinion the other 'torture porn' fics - such as the Fall of Equestria, amongst others - are just excuses for abuse dressed up as bondage.

“And yes, the 'unpleasantness' has been dealt with.”

“We sorted the care home.”

they took care of the ‘carers’

the Nightmare howled for blood and vengeance, even though the act had already been carried out.

What with the blood on her hooves from earlier in the afternoon, she could feel the Nightmare semi-dormant within her

Well now, I can't help but wonder about how that went down. Summary execution by Luna, Dusk and guards on the 'care home' staff? I wasexpecting repercussions, but that's a bit much isn't it? No dragging the care home and everyone responsible for sending ponies there, including Wildfire's father, through the mud to make an example?

Anyway, I loved this chapter. The beginning of the healing. Lots of emotions are on display here, as are various other kinks, including Luna showing she can watch the BDSM game too.

7188761 Cold Front's time will come, as will his associates, I promise, all in good time.

Right now I'm concentrating on Wildfire's recovery and starting her new life within the Manehatten herd. A secondary concern to me was getting over the proper nature of BDSM, the love and care involved as well as the relationship between Dom & Sub.

I'm happy to say, there's two stories on FimFic that I laud as being able to truly describe the intricacies of a BDSM relationship, this being one of them. (Plus this one (these ones? Series' are always hard to describe correctly in text) has quite a few of my other kinks that it caters to, so that makes it doubly appealing.)

"To be a good Slave you have to love your Master more than life itself. To be a good Master you have to love your Slave completely.”

This is what most people miss from their understanding. That implicit love and trust that goes into everything that is a BDSM relationship. Not just about the sub pleasing the dom, or the dom controlling/punishing the sub. And that's why I love this story. It's very good at showing that subtle nuance.

There are definitely times I wished I had a Mistress as stern as Mapper... but at the same time, she terrifies me. I'm definitely not a huge fan of physical punishment, though it does look like Mapper has more than just that in her repertoire. As a sub, I sometimes feel like I want something stricter, harsher, though ultimately I know I'm very soft and wouldn't stand up to most of what's considered 'harsh' for very long at all. Mapper wouldn't have to work very hard at all to make me use my safeword, I don't think.

At the very least though, I have shown my Master this story, and told him that I'd very much like if he'd get some ideas from it~

7206028 As my good friend and collaborator in the Wildfire... series is fond of saying, “Discipline with Love is what a Parent shows a Child. Love with Discipline is when a lover gives control to another. Without Love there is no Discipline. Without Love there is only Abuse.”

Thank you so very much for your lovely comment. I'll drop you a pm later :twilightsmile:

Still literally nothing i can criticise about this.


Why must your writing be so good. And why must the chapters be 25000 words...Sweet Luna that's a lot of words to read in one sitting. (Says the girl who just read 3 chapters in one sitting).

Another awesome chapter!

I really enjoyed the interactions between everypony after what happened in the previous chapter. A lot of affection to offset the hurt. Aftercare done well is very nice to see/read. (Pluuus, affection is one of those things I can't get enough of seeing in general!) Not only that, but it's really nice to see Wily getting more comfortable again. It's been a rough road for her, and it's really nice to see her getting some much needed respite. Her new herdmates will take good care of her at least, for sure!

I for one though hope to see a lot more of Serenity. While Airmail and Tempest are the obvious candidates to help Wily get over her issues, and Mapper is her obvious escape, I think Serenity will be a real hero when it comes to helping Wily feel more comfortable with herself again. Serenity is a sister soul for her, and that will definitely count for a lot when Wily needs somepony who just straight up understands her, not just loves her.

I'm need to do another read-through of this chapter to give more in-depth thoughts, but I feel I have enough to note two parts that really stood out to me.

The first is with the confrontation of Wildfire and the others when they admit the entire thing was staged to get Wildfire to use her safeword. It feels... wrong. I don't agree with the progression or reactions of that section. Specifically, Luna should have been more forceful and straightforward. It was a test, to see if Wildfire would use her safeword. She took no enjoyment from it, save for that Wildfire passed. Because if she didn't pass, Luna couldn't trust that Wildfire would ever heal from what happened in the home. She would not be anypony's pet, she would be their slave.

And Luna killed the people responsible for that conditioning, so there is no way she'd allow a second group to continue the work of the first, even inadvertently. No matter how Wildfire would protest, because she wouldn't be considered competent to make decisions for herself in that regard. It's a very serious concern, enough that Luna did something horrible (and she more than anypony else knows how horrible since she looked at Wildfire's memories) to try and avoid that fate.

As I said, Luna should have been more forceful in her reply. Because the test wasn't done out of some kind of perverse pleasure; Wildfire's very freedom as a mare who could make her own choices was on the line.

That said, this comment...

“Wily,” Tempest said gently, “Will you forgive Luna for putting you through Tartarus so you could stay with our herd?”

I don't understand it, not at all.

Luna was the threat here. The test came from her. She could have gone about it in a much different way, if she wanted. Wily had the real chance of failing that test and being taken away from the herd. Luna could have ignored the situation and not offered a test at all. It was all on Luna. Why is she being considered for 'forgiveness' over trying to avoid a criteria she had created? The price of setting yourself up as a Judge is that you move beyond the realm of what is forgivable or not. Luna has Wily's future in her hooves.

[There is also a thing where Wily doesn't even consider forgiveness or not unless prompted by others. Her forgiving Luna unilaterally, without prompting, I feel would have carried more weight. But I don't think enough was explained of the motivation behind the test for Wily to make that distinction. It just feel like mood-whiplash of her saying what she believes is appropriate not suffer further.]

The second thing that jumped out was the summary executions all the wardens at the home received. Equestria in many settings is shown as being pretty lenient with a focus on reformation, or bizarre punishments, or various other things where they are obviously considered with great care.

Luna here just executes them all, despite the fact I'm pretty sure not all the wardens were equally bad, nor the fact that the home by itself wouldn't have been able to do what it did without outside assistance... But they were executed all the same, without public trial or review, even. Not that I doubt their guilt, it just seems very excessive for what is a race that's been shown to be rather reformation focused, or getting people to redeem themselves, or at least make up for the crimes they did. A corpse can't do any of those things. Not saying they didn't deserve it, but I feel there is a side to this story that is lost, and a focus on retribution that is hollow even by the executioner's standards, with Luna wishing she could kill them again, had they not already perished.

That said, having Dusk be the one to give the killing blow to the director was very inspired.

I hope to have some more comments as I read this in-depth. The chapter is jam-packed full of things. I haven't even touched the clop or affectionate sections, or even Luna participating in these strange, fascinating relationships.


I read both stories (thus far) in one sitting. :pinkiecrazy:


I think you glossed over the fact that the herd, that is Mapper, wasn't going to let Luna take Wildfire away. Unless Luna killed another 20 ponies to do so. That bit of sub-text is important. As for Luna's motivations. I think your interpretation is rather spot on. Luna couldn't let Wildfire be a slave to another pony. Then again, Mapper, spelled that out when she said Wildfire wasn't worthy of being a slave. Because Maps understanding of what a slave is and Luna's, differ.

I'm unsure how much more forceful Luna could have been. She was really clear on the goal, and wasn't going to let other's objections get in the way. "I don't care where you tell them as long as they are told and on board with this." That is forceful.

I, personally, can't see Luna doing the action to make Wildfire use her safe word. That is outside her abilities as Luna, and far too dangerous for her to do as Nightmare Moon. Ordering others to do so is more Luna's style in this regard. Same with telling / ordering Dusk to do the execution. It was a test of sorts.

Part of the issue here is this is an alternate universe, the Wilyverse, and this Equestira isn't as 'nice' as the Y7 TV show. If it was, ponies like Airmail wouldn't be needed to kill with out remorse.

And as to Luna doing executions without trial. The fact is that she and Celestia are co-rulers of a Monarchy. Luna, in her roll of Nightmare Moon (which I aluded to) conducted what we call a bench trail. There is only the judge and no jury. She pronounced sentence and the sentence was carried out with out option of appeal. Not something that could happen in the USA, nor in a Y7 universe.

Also, I think there was a bit of confusion as Wildfire accused both Airmail and Luna of doing this to her out of a perverse sense of pleasure. It was how Wildfire interpreted what happened. Now Mapper did get pleasure out of it for a pony using their safe word is a real turn on for Mapper.

I thought both ponies explained well their motivations for why it was done, even if Airmail had a more difficult time coming to the truth. "I did it for me, because I didn't want to lose you." Luna's motivation was simple. If you can't protect yourself with those that claim to love you, then you can't protect yourself anywhere.

Mapper knew two important things. 1. Luna wasn't taking Wildfire while she still lived. 2. She had enough info from Serenity that she was confident she could break Wildfire. If Mapper didn't have that, the whole thing would have gone very different.

Forgiveness isn't about the person you're forgiving or about what they did that you would offer forgiveness for. Forgiveness is about yourself letting go of what ever it was they did do. Tempest wanted Wildfire to forgive Luna so that Wildfire wouldn't hold the anger in her heart. Forgiveness is the healing of one's self. Which is why the hardest person to ever forgive is yourself.


Ah, by Luna being more forceful I meant Luna to Wildfire. Luna barely explained herself and it was kind of a hedged explanation. As the one ultimately responsible, and saying she should be blamed for it, Luna should have been willing to explain herself beyond "it was my fault, I ordered them to do it." Too much of it was explained by the others (and not explained that well to Wildfire).

Now, it's entirely likely that Wildfire, whose mind had been compared to swiss cheese in this chapter, simply couldn't handle complex explanations, and why the others coached it in terms that they did, but I would have expected Luna at least to try.

7243028 Aaaah. Yes I take your point. Luna could have tried harder, to explain herself to Wildfire, yes.

hmm, will Wily develop Echolocation?

7282884 you'll have to read on and wait and see. right now she flies by following scent trails. what did you think to the rest of the chapter?

7283555 glad you like it! :twilightsmile: wait till you see the rest of the story


Wildfire, you shall be come one with the echoes.

7307172 yes indeed, Wildfire is learning to live and spread her wings once more

Such a long truth or dare session. That's a rather surprising but effective way to increase bonding and also show off the little quirks of all the characters in one go. It was very enjoyable to read, and I hope to give it a closer reading so I could give a more in-depth comment later.

thanks for uploading when i was asleep.

They should sign up for the Truth or Dare League.

So, how was it with the swahili?

7343505 The Swahili was an idea of my collaborator and co-writer Zervon Tora. We thought it added an extra dimension to the Wilyverse.

By the way, chapter 8 will be released either today or tomorrow :raritywink:

7343438 I'm so very pleased you enjoyed it. It was a very fun segment to write

During her wings restoration, I kept thinking about phoenixes.

Was this planned?

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