• Published 5th Jun 2015
  • 2,904 Views, 98 Comments

Five Score Divided by Four - A Mother and Daughter's Paths - Autum Breeze

Ben Smills and Tom Wills were the best of friends since kindergarten. Little did they know their bond was far deeper than they ever could've imagined.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


“Sis! We won! We won!” I cry out as I bounce around Sparkler’s legs, the blue ribbon floating above my head in my magic.

Sparkler just chuckles, before pulling me into a hug. “Yeah. And it’s all because I’ve the best little sister in all of Equestria.”

I giggle as she nuzzles my nose, which I return.

“I can’t wait for next year!” I cheer, giving my big sister a big smile. “We’re the best sisters ever!”

She giggles. “Well, I can’t think of anypony I’d rather do it with.”

My eyes light up and I close them, snuggling into Sparkler’s embrace. “I love you, big sis.”


“Big sis,” I murmur, shifting about on the couch to get more comfortable.

“Holy—! Dude, you are turning into one!”

I snort, feeling disoriented. Where’s sis? Who’s voice is that? Where...?

Blinking, finding myself waking up a bit more, I open my eyes to see Max standing before me. His eyes are wide as he looks me over. Then he frowns. “Wait. You get to be a unicorn?”

I cock my eyebrow. How does he know that?

He points to my head and I lift up my hand, only to feel a large something jutting out from my forehead.

I sigh, sitting up and look at him with a sad grin. “Yeah. Turns out I am turning into one. We just didn’t notice because the pony I’m becoming has no Cutie Mark.”

He blinks, confusion playing across his face. “Wait. What? But, that’s not how it works, is it?”

I sigh, shaking my head. “Maybe ponies other than those with Cutie Marks got sent over.” I blink, before smacking myself in the face, thankfully not the forehead, as I don’t know how painful hitting my hand against my new horn would be. “Oh, jeez. Talk about messed up. How many kids does that mean are now out there?”

We remain silent for a moment.

“Wait. What was that about big sis?”

I look up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Huh?”

He folds his arms. “When I came in you said “big sis”. Dude, you’re an orphan. How can you have a big sis?”

I blink for several moments, before looking down and feel tears flowing from my eyes. I don’t know why I’m crying, I just am and I feel a great want inside I can’t explain.

I feel motion on the coach and look up to see Max has sat down, wrapping an arm around me. “Hey... you okay?”

I sigh, looking down, shaking my head. “I have no idea, Carrot.”

We sit for a few minutes as I do my best to get a grip and stop crying. Once my tears stop, I turn to Max, frowning. “How come you’re here? It’s not lunch break yet, is it?”

He shakes his head, then smirks. “I could ask you the same thing.”

I snort, looking down with a scowl. “Jonathan.”

“Oh, for the love of...” he murmurs, shaking his head. “What did he do this time because of his pony hate?”

I look at him. “Held up production because he refused to help me do the work because I’m turning into a pony. Finally ended up getting fired, thank God.”

He whistles. “Doubt he was happy with you.”

I chuckle. “Since he found out I’m a Brony, was he ever?”

He frowns, before shaking his head. “Yeah. You’ve got a point.”

Suddenly my ears twitch and I stand up, looking around.

“Tom?” Max asks, looking up in confusion.

I hold up a hand, frowning.

I can hear faint voices, as well as running footsteps.

It’s something I noticed on the way back from work. My hearing is now a lot different. I could pick up things I couldn’t before. Getting more detail is trickier, though.

“Hey! What the hell’s going on?” a faint voice calls out. It sounds like one of the guys from IT class.

“Hey!” that’s the voice of the dorm room manager. “What’re you all doing in here? Get out!”

Curious, I move over to the door and open it a crack, peeking out.

What I see makes my gut drop. Guys in some kind of army-like uniforms are pressing down the halls, kicking the doors of each room in before moving to another.

I’ve seen enough movies to have a good idea where this is going and, with the way the government having been hiding the whole pony thing, I have a very good idea just why these army people are here.

Glancing around quickly, I grab the money tin where we keep our extra cash, plus our rent, stuff it all into one of my zipper pockets then hurry over to the window and yank it up, looking out.

“Okay, they haven’t completely surrounded the campus yet. If we move fast, we should be able to get to your bike.”

“Uh... Tom?” I look back to Max is just looking at me with worry and confusion. “Why’re you...?”

“No time!” I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the window.

“Dude, what the fuck?!” he cries in panic.

“We’re only a floor up!” I chastise, ready to jump. “Would you rather be taken away by military without knowing where you’re going?!”

“Huh?” is his only response, before he yells as we drop out the window.

I manage to land on my feet, only to be the cushion to break Max’s fall.


“Sorry,” he says, getting off me, before frowning. “No. Wait. I’m not sorry. What the hell’s going on?!”

“There he is!”

We both turn to see several man in army suits hurrying our way. What shocks me is they’ve got guns!

Guns?!” Max cries, his eyes wide.

I grab his hand and start pulling him in the direction of the student garages, where his motorbike is. “I’m turning into a pony, the government is trying to keep such a thing quiet and there are military guys with guys after us! Put it together, man!”

It takes a few seconds, but he seems to get the idea and starts running on his own accord.

“If we can get to your bike, we can get away and—”

We round a corner, only to find a bunch of soldiers on one knee, their rifles aimed right at us.

My eyes widen in horror, before a bright flash blinds me, along with a massive wave of dizziness hits me like a freight train.

“What the—? How did we—? Dinky, did you just teleport us into the garage?”

I wince, putting my hands over my ears. “Not so loud,” I moan sleepily. “Head hurt.”

“Um... right. Uh...” I feel myself being directed towards something, before feeling like I’m being sat down on something. “Hold on a tick.”

I just nod, finding it hard to stay conscious for some reason. I can feel something warm trickling down from my nose, but I can’t really think clearly.

“Okay, now you shouldn’t fall off if you lose consciousness or whatever.” I notice I feel closer to Max’s body and lean into it as I hear metal doors opening.

I manage to snap out of it a bit when he revs the engine. Seriously if a motorbike reving loudly doesn’t make you alert, I don’t know what will.

At once he shoots out the open door. I can’t make too much out, my vision is all blurry. We pass several greenish things and I hear gunfire, but that’s it before everything goes black.


“Now, are you sure you don’t want to come to Canterlot with us, honey?” Mom asks as we’re about to board the train to Canterlot.

Sparkler just nods. “I wanna hang with some of my friends here in Ponyville. We made plans for today. I hope that’s okay, Mom.”

Mom nods, smiling warmly. “Of course. Just be sure to stay safe, okay?”

“It’s not okay!” I cry, hurrying forward and clinging to Sparkler’s leg. “I wan’ big sis to come too!”

Sparkler just smiles down at me and tussles my mane. “Sis, you don’t want me there. I’ll just be the annoying teenager. You’ll have lots of fun with Mom.” She leans down and nuzzles my cheek. “Besdies, it’s only for a day or two, then you’ll be right back and we’ll make up by playing all day.”

That fills my heart with joy. “Okay, sis!” I nuzzle her fur, before pulling back and waving, then hurry to join Mom in the train cart. I move to the window, open it and wave to Sparkler as the train starts to move. “See you in a few days, sis! Promise!”

“It’s a promise!” she calls back, laughing. “See you both in a few days.”


“A few days.”

“Hmm? You say something?”

I slowly open my eyes and move to sit up, but feel a hand hold me down.

“No way, mate. You fainted. You’re staying down til your feeling better. Here.”

I feel a plastic bottle pressed to my lips and gratefully drink. I feel really thirsty. Hungry too, now that I think about it.

As my eyesight returns I see walls of what look like an old brick building.

“Where...” I groan, putting a hand to my head. “Where are we?”

“The old abandoned church,” Max says, helping me to slowly sit up. “You passed out whilst I was driving. Good thing too, as you normally yell my ears out whilst I ride fast.”

I cock an eyebrow at him.

“Let’s just say the times you’ve called me reckless before were nothing compared to what I had to do to get those military goons off our tails.”

I blink, before noticing Max has yellow pony ears pocking out of curly orange hair that looks more like a mane. His brown eyes are now green.

I frown, before noticing his a lot taller than I remember. “Um, when’d you get taller?”

He shakes his head. “You’ve got it backwards, mate. I didn't get taller. You got smaller..”

I blink, feeling confused for a moment, before I facepalm. I’m turning into Dinky, a foal. In human terms, a child. I’m shrinking to the size of a child.

I shudder as a thought occurs to me. I’m going to have to go through puberty again, this time as a female pony. Great.

As I move, something feels really weird. I look down and notice my pants and underwear have fallen down, giving me a very clear via of my lower region... I’m struck by a weird feeling. I mean, yeah, I feel what’s down there now and it’s weird as hell, but... I don’t know. It still feels... almost normal.

Studying my legs next, they seem to have changed in shape a bit, my pelvis feels really weird. It seems I don’t have feet anymore. I have hooves instead, with greyish-purple fur rising up from each hoof and up my leg. Now that I’m looking, my arms are covered in the same kind of fur too. My hands feel really, really stiff.

I frown, looking back to him. “How long was I out?”

He sighs, sitting down. “Almost two days. You had me worried sick. I couldn’t even take you to anyone.” He looks at me with a firm expression. “Don’t ever do that again!”

I blink, cocking an eyebrow, before I remember. I somehow managed to teleport us into the garage and it was hard to remember much after that, though I do remember a warm feeling around my nose.

“Well, Twilight did say teleports were hard in the show,” I say, scuffing my hooves on the ground. “Guess I’m not good enough at magic to teleport without a problem.”

“How did you even do that?” Max asks, leaning back against the wall. “I mean... yeah, sorry, this is kinda gonna be kicking you in your now non-existent nuts, but you’re a child, or will be soon, anyway and you were changing back into one at the time, barely even had a horn. How’d you manage a teleport?”

I shake my head, looking down. “I honestly have no idea. I was just so scared when I saw we were being shot at and had the image of the inside of the garage in my mind, wanting us to be there instead.”

He sighs, then smirks. “That new voice is pretty cute though.”

I blink, before frowning. “New voice?”

He nods. “You sound more like a little girl now... er, filly, I suppose.” He sighs, putting a hand over his face. “Man, this is messed up.”

I look down, wrapping my arms around my now smaller legs. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

We sit in silence for a while, before he sighs again and passes me a wrapped up salad sandwich.

“I went and bought as much food as I could with what we had whilst you were still out,” he says in answer to my questioning look. “Most of the stuff are things we don’t need to keep cold, so we’ll be good there. Though, I got that sandwich cos I guessed you’d want some veggies. Don’t worry, it should still be good.”

I nod, unwrapping the food with a bit of difficulty due to my stiff hands and take a bite, savouring the flavour. I never really liked salad much, I’m a meat eater mostly... well, was. Guess I can’t now, since I’m turning into a pony and all.

We sit in silence for a bit, the only real sound being my chewing.

As I do, I notice my mouth feels different.

“Mirror?” I ask through my food.

He reaches into a knapsack I didn’t even notice before and he holds a small mirror in front of me.

I sigh. I look like a little kid dressed like a pony. I’ve a snout, which would explain why chewing feels so odd from normal, my teeth are probably different too.

Once I’ve finished eating, I look to Max. “So... what now?”

He (or is it she now?) grins, nodding down to the knapsack. “We’ll wait a few hours, then we’ll ride my bike as long as we can.”

I cock an eyebrow.

Max rolls his (her?) eyes. “We’re both turning into ponies. You’ll be a full pony within maybe twelve or so hours. Me? I’ve still maybe a day or two before then. Once I go full pony, I won’t be able to ride my bike.” Max snorts. “Couldn’t have turned into a unicorn, could I? No, I have turn into the kind that can’t ride a bike with magic.”

I deadpan. “What, you think unicorn’s can work their magic just like that?”

He (she?) looks to me. “You did. You teleported us into the garage, which helped us get t’ my bike sooner and we were able to get away. Teleporting’s s’pposed t’ be some of the most advanced spells, right?”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I teleported, but it’s not like I was trying to. I just wanted to get in the garage. I didn’t even have time to realize what happened, especially with how it took it out of me.”

Max sighs. “Well, whatever the case, just rest up. I don’t know how long we’ll have to ride, probably will have to go off road. Safer that way. Less people to see us.”

I look down, wrapping my arms around my legs, nodding. “Clothes?”

“Did manage to get some stuff,” Max says, grabbing something and tossing it to me. “Suits your new self right now, plus will be easier t’ ditch when you’re full pony.”

I nod, taking the clothing, before turning back with a deadpan glare. “Pink? Really? You couldn’t find something in a less girly colour.” It’s a long pink dress. True, it’ll make it look more like I’m dressing as a pony as opposed to turning into one, but still, man. My manhood’s already been taken. Does he have to rub it in?

Mac smirks. “You’re turning into a pastel pony. The dress is too girly, but that isn’t even in the slightest?”

I just glare, before groaning and get up, struggling to get the dress over me. Once it’s on, I hear him snickering and turn to see him with his head over his mouth, trying badly not to laugh.

“One word, I swear and I’ll buck you once I’m full pony.”

After a few moments, Max gets control of himself and smirks. “You’re not the only one stuck with something she doesn’t want.” He pulls out a pair of leather pants and a brown woolen jacket. “I gotta wear this t’ hind my ponyness until I finish the change.”

Grumbling, I folding my arms, which only makes him drop to the floor, laughing.

“Oh, God! Where’s a camera when you need one?” he guffaws, rolling from side to side. “That look... that face... that outfit... it’s all too much, man.”

I snort. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up.”

Once he calms down, he comes over and sits down, grinning. “So, what was that about a few days?”

I blink, looking to him, an eyebrow raised.

“As you were waking up,” he says, scratching under his chin. “You said something about a few days.”

“A few days...” I look down, wondering what he means. Closing my eyes I try to remember. “I... I was going to see someone in a few days and... and...”

Tears start to fall from my eyes. I... I don’t understand why, but I suddenly feel really sad. It’s as if I broke a promise to someone really important to me, but I can’t remember who or what I promised or even why it was so important.

I feel Max sitting down next to me and wraps his arms around me. I turn, burying my face into his shirt and just sob.

I don’t know why, but I need to cry. I feel guilty about something, but I don’t know what.

Once I’ve managed to calm down, we just sit and wait a bit until it gets a bit darker. When Max is satisfied with how dark it is, he changes into his... or rather her new clothes and we head out and she straps her knapsack onto the bike.

That done, she gets up and on the bike, before helping me up and tying me with the same rope as before, making sure I’m connected to her and won’t fall off. With that done, I wrap my arms as best I can around her waist, she revs the engine and we take off down the road, leaving the old church and lives behind.


We drive for a long while, by midday we have to pull over so Max can redo the ropes, due to my change completing.

We drive all the way to Maryvale, but, due to having to take several off road tracks to find our way without being spotted, we have to stop and stay in a small inn not too far outside the town.

With her change so soon to be finished and to pay for the room and for the staff to not ask questions about Max’s “strange dog”, Max sells the bike to an auto shop in town so we have a little extra cash.

The next day we wake up to find Max is completely pony now too, meaning we have to sneak out the inn, leaving our clothes behind, it’s not like we’ll need them now anyway. Once out, we start moving on hoof out of the town.

Knowing a bit about the area thanks to a project I did back in high school, we slip through a gate and out onto the Ponto Reserve. Since this area is protected by law, even if someone sees us, they could mistake us for normal small horses with odd brandings. A quick movement of my mane covers my horn, completing the look a bit better.

Nodding to Max, we start off, walking through the reserve towards the direction of Dubbo. The place is pretty out in the middle of nowhere compared to most of Australia, so I don’t see why we can’t try finding something here.

Several hours of walking and we decide to stop under a try and rest. Max uses her mouth to take a bottle of water out of the saddlebags she’s wearing (it’s really two knapsacks twisted together to sort of resemble a saddlebag, but it does the job) and passes it to me.

Smiling, I take it, fumbling with my hooves, before using my teeth to screw the lid off and take a drink. She is doing the same.

My drink done with, I screw the lid back on (okay, first chance I get I am so figuring out my magic, doing this with my mouth is a pain in the ass), I pass it to Max, who has just struggled to do the same, then takes my bottle and puts both back in the bag.

I sigh, looking around. It’s getting a bit dark, so traveling wouldn’t really be the best idea. But... I haven’t gone camping in years and we’ve no tent, nothing. Just what Max has in her saddlebags and the fur on our backs.

“Come on,” Max says, getting up, shoulder her saddlebags. “There’s some cover a bit in that direction,” she point into a crop of trees. “We’ll rest there tonight, then try moving on in the morning.”

I nod, getting up and follow after her, before frowning. “How do you know that?”

She blinks, frowning herself, before shrugging uncertainly. “I dunno. I just have this feeling in the earth.”

I frown, before looking away. Is that a thing with Earth Ponies or is she just yanking my tail?

I blink, before snickering. Hey, I finally get that joke.

We walk for a few minutes until we reach an area where there are some very low hanging branches from a few trees.

Using a dexterity that I am confused by, Max reaches into her right saddlebag, yanking a large tarp out and, with a twist of her neck, flings the tarp up, letting it land atop the branches, creating a makeshift tent.

Winking at me she trots under it and nestles down, nodding her head to indicate I come over.

I just frown at her. “I call bullshit.”

She raises an eyebrow in confusion. “Huh?”

I point a hoof at the tarp. “How the hell did you manage that?”

She blinks, looking up. “Um....” she frowns, cocking her head. “I don’t... know.”

I pout, before trudging over and nestle down against her, curling up and wrapping my tail around me for extra warmth.

As I close my eyes, my thoughts turn to my best friend Ben Smills. I wonder what he's doing right now. I really wish I’d given him a call or something before this mess started.

“I hope Mommy’s okay,” I murmur as I feel sleep’s gentle hold falling over me.

Author's Note:

Been a long time since i uploaded something for this, huh?

First off, this is one of three chapters i'm waiting for the goahead to publish from my proofreader. i don't know when i'll get back to actually writing this fic, we'll have to wait and see.

Well, Carrot and Dinky are now both completely pony. Wonder what will happen in the next chapter. Will they reach the settlement, or will something come up only to reveal more surprises?

You'll have to wait and see.

Til next time, later everypony