• Published 5th Mar 2015
  • 12,927 Views, 435 Comments

Hooves of ice - Fictional Fanatic

Going to Equestria is a dream come true for many bronies/pegasisters. Yet, when Jack gets what he wants in his world, he got the short end of the stick when he met the 'Merchant'. This is a Displaced story.

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1X) Late arrival (No longer canon)

Author's Note:

[Credits to ShadeBlitz for the name Hell Frost.] (Even if it wasn't intended for what I'm using it for.) :derpytongue2:

And yes, there was a major increase in Fourth wall breaking involved here.

Edit: (Forgot to mention, this was a crossover with Solarkness's story "Winter, Frost and Cold")

Credits to: Kingdom Harmony for pre-reading.

Edit: As of now, due to the removal of the story this was a crossover with this chapter is no longer considered canon and the other chapters will be edited accordingly. However, it is too sad to simply let this chapter go, so I will keep it here for anyone willing to read it.

Hooves of ice
Chapter 14
Late Arrival

Location: Equestra.

3rd person POV

A sudden ripple could be seen, heard and felt in the air as it violently exploded inwards and got consumed by a black nothingness. Yet out of this nothingness stepped out someone very familiar, yet very unknown. Black Frost was on the scene.

As soon as Black had entered the new world that had drawn him in, he looked around and summoned his staff. He was not going to repeat his past mistakes and underestimate his enemies. This time he would have his full power at his disposal and he would not play any silly games with the Displaced. He would crush them!

Unfortunately there was one thing that always rang true for him. He was worthless at finding other Displaced. Deciding that stirring up some trouble would be enough to lure a Displaced out he called the wind and flew around, trying to spot any familiar ground. He would be looking for a long time.

Black Frost's POV

It took me a lot of time. This Equestria, or wherever it was, differed greatly from what I was used to. But eventually, I did find a town full off ponies, the perfect target to lure out a Displaced, be they good or bad. I contemplated if I should go for lethal magic or just scare them enough for the ponies to make a ruckus.

In the end, I decided to shoot blindly and see if I hit any. The small explosions of ice magic froze anything they hit, unfortunately I seemed to have missed all my shots. I had hoped for at least one pony pop sickle. The attacks, however, did have the intended effect and the ponies began screaming as they were nearly hit by my magic. It quickly evolved into full-blown panic and I even saw a pony faint, simply from seeing a few flowers having been completely frozen in a layer of ice.

Deciding to up my game a little I formed a magic blast bigger than any of the previous ones, this one, however, was not intended to freeze any ponies but to release strong gusts of air and blow them all away from the surrounding area. I was expecting the local Displaced to appear at any moment.

A loud *boom* sounded from when my most recent blast struck the ground and scattered the ponies in every direction, further increasing their screaming. If this didn't get the local Displaced's attention, then my laughter most likely would.

After a little while, I heard the sound of someone walking upon the ground. Sounding different to the clip-clop of pony hooves. I wasn't sure of what I expected, but another me wasn't it.

I smiled to myself as I created a big ice block and threw it towards him. In case he was like me, I infused it with my presence so that it wouldn't simply pass through him.

However, before the ice block could hit him, he was picked up by the wind and was flung on top of a house some distance away.

"That’s completely not cool!" My doppelganger shouted towards me.

“Heh, says my impersonator. You know, I was surprised to see another Displaced like me. So, how long you been living away from Earth?” I asked as I shot a beam of frost towards him. After all, if anyone, I was the real one. I had been trained by Jack Frost himself before I took up his staff!

He jumped back to avoid my attack, simply re-aiming towards his new position as quickly as I could before he could think to jump out of the way again. Unfortunately, he had other ideas as he thrust his hands at the floor, and made a wall of ice to defend himself from my frost beam.

While he was searching his bag behind the wall of ice, I simply walked around it as I had come down and was no longer floating above the ground. He was pathetic in comparison to me.

"I should just kill him and be over with it." I thought as a spear of black sand came thrusting from behind me. I had, of course, felt the subtle change in the air and simply sidestepped it.

“What do you think you’re doing?”, a new voice asked from behind me.

Turning around to face the new arrival I simply had to smirk as I saw who it was. Pitch Black, or at least he looked like him. “Oh, wonderful. A combo, or did this dofus perhaps summon you?” I asked, pointing towards the twerp behind me with my thumb.

Said dofus had just managed to find what he was looking for and took out some sort of device, One I would guess was a token, and opened his mouth to call for help. Unfortunately for him, I am fast to react.

“No, you don’t.” I simply stated as I moved my staff just a little bit, hitting the token with some of my frost magic, freezing his entire hand and the token he was holding.

Jack stared at this slackjawed, before regaining his mind: “Seriously, what’s your problem?”, he asked staring at me, “You come in here, wreck my town, wreck- Oh, hey Pitch! Long-time no see! Even though I guess you wouldn’t remember the last time…” He said as I rolled my eyes.

Youngsters, can't even keep focus long enough to hold a conversation, or even finish their sentences. I'll be doing this world a HUGE favor by eliminating him.

Meanwhile, Pitch just continued to throw black sand spears at me, still unable to hit me, since I was dodging them with ease, but he was improving with each spear thrown.

“A better question is, where did he come from? A dark version of someone doesn’t simply start existing for no reason.” Pitch asked. Seemingly these guys didn't even know of the Displaced, perhaps they were Displaced together? Well, it didn't matter. I would finish them either way.

“Of course not. I came from another universe. The fact I happened to meet another one looking like me is pure coincidence… or actually, that was a lie. I felt like this world was calling me, so I came over for a look. The last world I visited didn’t take kindly to challenging their Displaced for the right to destroy everything. So this time I decided to just do what I please from the beginning at full power. Also, to answer your question to why I’m not like you, I used to be nice, caring and all that. But that doesn’t get you anywhere and won’t let you protect anyone. So, when my world's Discord decided it was a good idea to corrupt me, I kicked his ass. Now I’m traveling the void as practice before I return to my world and bring it down to its knees so I won’t have any more trouble with it. But seeing as I’m striving for perfection, I want to have a little practice first! Also, I no longer go by the name Jack Frost, It’s Black Frost now!” I explained myself as I continued dodging the black sand spears.

Jack tied looking uninterested and let out a yawn.

“Who cares? It’s not like you’re gonna get away when I do THIS!”, Jack said and used his other hand to grab another token out of his bag, which was something I recognized as an old video game relic, a Pokéball. Once again, I simply sent out some of my magic and froze his hand and Token. Remembering something I had heard a long time ago, I decided to share some of my wisdom.

“You realize the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?”

At that, Pitch transformed his arm into a blade, having finally managed to get close to me, only for me to grant him his obvious request of an elbow to his stomach, causing him to back away again.

“That wasn’t insanity”, he said then, “The time the slowpoke needed to grab the token was shorter, and it was a different token. Different…” Pitch said only for me to hit him in the face with my staff.

“You realize I was referring to something? Also, just because the token was different and the fact that he was slightly different, doesn’t change the fact that it wasn’t different enough. Same action, same result.” I explained as I lowered the tip of my staff, frost spreading along the ground as it was touched by the tip of my staff, setting up my advantage.

“That is a lame trick. I can do that too. Wait, where did my staff go?”, Jack asked, looking around while struggling with his frozen hands.

“You mean this?” I asked as he held up his staff in my other hand. Having swiped it from the ground when he put it down to go through his bag. “Let’s see… If I remember correctly…” I said as I smiled and turned towards Jack.

“Oops,” I said as I drained the staff of its power and broke it in my hand.

“Isn’t that supposed to by my part?”, Pitch asked.

“And another thing… what Jack can do, I could do much earlier.” Pitch bragged, begging me to remind him who of us was in charge of the situation.

“Nope, my turn again,” I said as I sprung my trap, the frost covering the ground turned blue and spikes of ice shot out towards Pitch, hitting him straight on.

Pitch was thrown off the roof, and impaled on the next. “This reminds me of a video I once saw…”, he muttered, “‘You have proven that you are the best, for you have made a giant hole in my chest’. Pretty funny how true that rings.” He then dissolved into shadows, and came out of the shadow directly under the rooftop.

“I see something you don’t…”, he tried to mock me.

“Really?” I asked, “Give me a moment.” I said, as I powered up and fired my most powerful spell in no time, freezing absolutely EVERYTHING around me to absolute zero, making sure nothing managed to creep up on me, magical or otherwise.

“Yes, I do.”, Pitch said while shadow-shifting onto streets far enough away, “And it’s another token!”, he exclaimed while jumping into the air, catching a snowflake. “Huh, looks like something you would use as token. Unimaginative enough you are after all.”

“Whatever. You know what?” I asked, letting go of the magic keeping the absolute zero spell going, “I think I’m going to enjoy doing THIS!” I shouted, and quickly turned around towards Jack, who was trying to sneak up on me from behind.

“Gotcha!” I exclaimed as I pointed my staff at him and shouted, “Hell Frost!” as a wave of orange glowing snow gushed forward, completely covering my opponent.

The ear grating screamed and hissing as his skin melted was music to my ears.

Location: The Void.

Blood Cleaver's POV

I had messed up pretty bad. I had thought my tracking spell would have been enough to track Black, but it had apparently begun to fade away and would soon disappear. The Void being... itself, didn't make it any easier to follow the trail of the tracker spell. My little detour hadn't affected my hunt for the corrupted Guardian any, if anything, it had helped me.

As I exited Fourth Walls's universe, it sent me out at a different location to my entry, meaning I didn't have to deal with the big collection of ice magic left behind by Black.

My sense for feeling Power Levels wasn't responding correctly to my surroundings, seemingly the void itself disturbed my senses to a certain degree, meaning I had to stop and focus at a universe I passed, to make sure I didn't miss Black Frost.

Before I could do anything, however, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly picked it up to see that it was a summon. Unable to afford another distraction, I forwarded the call to voicemail where the summoner would be able to leave a message or call me once again if it was an emergency so that I could judge for myself what I should do. I hoped the summoner would go for the former or try to summon someone else. But with my luck, it was inevitable that my phone began vibrating again and I had to answer the call.

“Hello?” I asked the would-be summoner. “Is this urgent? I’m in quite a bind over here myself, so please be quick about it.” I informed them, making sure my irritation could be heard over the phone.

“Bad’n ghostey’s kill’n good ghostey ‘n’ want’n to’n destroy’n evrything there is’n coming through force’nto the universe and try’n to kill’n Good sandguy too’n…” I heard over the phone before I realized who it was that was calling me. Having met Sor’Gat once before, I was able to quickly understand what he was saying. And it sounded somewhat familiar.

“Sor’Gat? is that you? Never mind, the one you mentioned, does he happen to look like a human-like me, gray hair, pale gray skin, red eyes and clothed in a black hoodie and light brown pants?” I asked him.

“Sound’n ‘bout right. Just’n got’n first strike hit at him. “ Sor’Gat replied, making me curse myself. While I had helped someone else, and had saved more than one life. Black had managed to kill someone else. By the sound of things, it was a Displaced, and considering Black's current state, I would hazard a guess that it was one who would have saved many more lives in his lifetime.

Frowning to myself, I quickly locked on to the signal my phone was picking up to my token. Arriving at the right universe, I quickly re-directed my entry towards the power level of Black Frost and prepared for entry.

Location: Equestra.

3rd person POV

Black was just about to plant ice mines underground to catch Pitch off-guard as he heard a portal open up right over his head. A loud yell coming through. “Found you, you bastard!” Blood Cleaver screamed as she dropkicked him in the face.

Meanwhile the last of Jack’s agonizing screams stopped as what was still left of his body fell over, continuing to melt from the unnaturally hot, orange snow.

Pitch shadow stepped over to Jack’s dead body, the upper half having melted almost entirely, and said: “Surprisingly, it took him this long to melt… what am I saying? He just died, and I wonder about how long it took him to die… there is something wrong with me.”

“Definitely.” Blood Cleaver spoke as Black was getting up. As soon as he saw who he was facing he-

“Oh shit! Not you again!” He said and quickly bolted it out of there, trying to fly away.

However, his escape failed as the wind decided not to lend it's aid to him. Keeping yet another Frost from flying.

“What the?” He exclaimed as he nearly fell flat on his face.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Blood Cleaver provided in response. Taking on a stance that would to some be a very familiar one.

“Kame-hame-ha!” She shouted as a blue sphere of energy quickly materialized between her hands and was then turned into a beam, directed towards Black who because of his earlier stumble was unable to dodge.

As the blast hit him, he went flying without any more additional help. His body felt as it had been hammered with tank bullets.

As his body once again hit the ground, he groaned and tried to get up before Blood Cleaver made her next move. Unfortunately, his rise from the ground was interrupted by a black leather boot, connected to a very angry looking Blood Cleaver.

“Going somewhere?” She asked with a sadistic smile.

“Um... “ Was Black’s response as he tried to stall for time as he gathered as much energy he could muster into his staff. Unfortunately for Black, Blood Cleaver sensed the rise in power level and stomped her other foot onto his wrist, forcing him to let go of the staff.

“No way I’m letting you do that again.” She said, lifting her foot and kicking him in the head as hard as she could, sending him deep into the ground while creating a crater, as if a meteor had landed.

“Wow, I heard legends of you and your methods, but seeing them myself, I have to say, I am impressed.”, someone else said as they came, calmly walking down the street towards the fight, “Gotta say, that Dragon Ball Z technique is quite common nowadays. Wanna take a selfie with me?” The new arrival held up his phone, not having held anything beforehand.

“Who is that? / What’cha you?”, Pitch and Sor’Gat asked.

The new arrival smirked and responded: “Oh, no one. Forget me, I am unimportant. You probably wanted to know my name… call me 5.0. And I wouldn’t forget Black Frost over me, Blood.”, he said pointing at Black.

Blood gave him an ‘are you serious’-look as she once again looked at Black Frost who was lying at the bottom of the crater, holding his head as a strim of blood zippered out from underneath his hand.

She fired another Kame-hame-ha at him. To ensure he wouldn't escape.


“Hey, look!”, 5.0 exclaimed, showing his phone screen to Pitch and Sor’gat, “I got it on screen! I always wanted a picture of a Kamehameha!”

Pitch calmly, but notably angered told him: “You know this isn’t the time to do senseless things like that, there is still Black Frost. That woman may be holding him back for now, but we don’t know for how long.”

“Seriously? This is EXACTLY the time for things like these! ‘That woman’, or Blood Cleaver as is her name…”, 5.0 tried to say.

“WOULD THE TWO OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP?!”, screamed Blood Cleaver at them as her temper was getting worse. “I’m trying to scan his mind, something that isn’t getting any easier with the two of you! And as we-” She ranted as she suddenly noticed a certain object missing from its previous location.

“Horseapples.” She simply said as she looked back to where Frost had been, only to see the tip of his staff disappearing through a closing portal.

“Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. This is the moment he escaped. I rewound this fifty times to get the photo, and the video of you losing your temper. Thanks for your help!”, 5.0 told her, escaping through his portal.

The sound of a steaming kettle could be heard as Blood Cleaver stepped right up to where 5.0 had just been and began glaring daggers at the one spot. “Oh no, you don't!” She said as she reached out with one hand and dragged him back out…

Only to feel her hand grabbing her shoulder.

She heard laughter from behind her, and 5.0’s voice: “Sorry, couldn’t keep myself contained. Now this rewind can stay! So, what did you want?”

5.0 jumped back as she turned towards him with a glare, accidentally dropping his phone: “Oh- oh…”

Smirking to herself, Blood Cleaver did something that would help her relieve stress for the rest of her life. She punched the asshole in the face, not holding back an ounce of power.

As 5.0 flew through the house, he seemed to not be scratched an inch: “It will be sooo expensive to remake that fake-phone! Do you even know how hard it was to get that one?”

“Nope, don’t care!” Blood Cleaver said in a much more happy tone. “Now I gotta go.” She said as she turned around and grabbed a zipper in thin air and unzipped the fabric keeping her from entering the void.

“So, anything before I leave?”

“Yes, can we still do that Selfie?”, 5.0 asked, only to receive a hit on the head from Pitch, who shadow stepped over to him. “What he meant to say was, that it would be nice to have something to remember you by, didn’t you, 5.0?”

Sor’Gat hopped over to Blood Cleaver, and told her: “We should be’n meet’n soon without’n craz’n stuff. Like ruin ‘n’ bad ghostey.”

“Yeah, unfortunately my Author decided to cram a shit ton of crossovers for the- Oops, I mean, I don’t think I’ll be able to be around that much for a while. But as soon as I can I’ll come over. Also, you might want my token as well.” She said, turning towards Pitch, giving him one of her tokens. Ignoring the hopeful look on 5.0’s face.

“Thanks. I will make sure to use it only when I feel like.”, he told her, thinking about it for a few seconds, before saying: “Eh, you can have mine too. So, just procuring a bit of Nightmare sand, mixing in my essence… making a sexual harassment joke… done. Here, you can have it.”
The token in question was looking similar to the Nightmares the original used to invoke, well, nightmares.

Seeing how she was ignoring him, 5.0 pouted and said: “Whatever. It’s not like you were able to call upon me without creating a paradox anyways. And I know, it’s sometimes almost as if your life was a story, and your readers the only good guys, while the author wants you to suffer.”

“I signed the contract myself, he has some stuff planned that would make it all worth it and- Oh, sorry again. I have my reasons to keep going… Damn, I will have to re-arrange my memories again. And if you want to have something, here.” Blood Cleaver said as she threw him a small pink glowing sphere. “Pure energy in condensed form. Just make sure not to damage the shell or it blows.”

Now once again turning towards the portal. “Bye you guys, I’ll visit sometime later.

The last thing she heard before the portal closed behind her, was: “This’ll look great in my shrine! I mean, this will be a good reminder of her.” It sounded like 5.0.

She shuddered at that and noted the interesting bits of conversation between authors. Thankfully she would be able to return to enjoy some time with Sor’Gat while 5.0 wasn’t there at a later date.

Happy with such an outcome she left to once again find where Black had gone to. Hopefully managing to snap him out of his discorded state.