• Published 22nd Dec 2014
  • 3,499 Views, 96 Comments

My Little Pokemon: Sun and Moon - WezzaHD

In the Equestria Region exists researcher Twilight Sparkle who, after discovering a terrifying legend, must set out to save everyone... And, unfortunately for her, make some friends.

  • ...

Swimming in the Deep

It was freezing. People usually steered clear of Los Pegasus at this time of year, though trainers had to come here if they wanted a gym battle and not to mention that this gym leader was a huge celebrity. All seven of the kids wore coats and their Pokemon were all in their balls.

They eventually made it to the Pokemon Centre and rested there, when Twilight went up to the PC in the Centre and call her parents.

"Hello kids." Her mother greeted.

"How are you two?" Her dad continued.

"Hi mum and dad, we reached Los Pegasus City." Twilight smiled. "I also caught two Pokemon, look." She got out two Pokeballs and released the Pokemon inside of both.

"An Eevee and a Ralts." Velvet looked at the two. "I'm so glad you've already caught your own Pokemon, you're growing up so fast."

"Twilight?" She turned to her father. "How's..."

"He's fine, but it'll take time. I'd rather not think about Gengar right now."

"Well how are you Spike?"

"I got an egg." He showed them the red and yellow Pokemon egg in its little case. "I also caught this." His Pokeball opened and a Dratini came out. "It's a dragon- type too, that makes it even better."

"Well we're happy that you're having a good time and catching the Pokemon that you like. So are you going to challenge the gym in that city Twilight?"

"Yes actually, though I'm going to train a bit first. I also met a couple of people too."

"Oh, so you made some friends, that’s great."

"Well they're just travelling companions really."

"I still think you should get to know them more."

"I don't have time to make friends when a deadly legendary Pokemon like Darkrai is out there somewhere."

"Oh dearie, I'm sure it was just a ghost- type roaming the streets." Night Light suggested.

"No, I'm sure of it." Twilight insisted "I'm going to call Celestia and ask if she can give me my book back soon."

"Well can we meet these travelling companions of yours?"

"Okay." Twilight sighed as she went over to her the five girls sitting in seats by the window while Nurse Redheart healed their Pokemon.

"Could you all come over here for a second? My mum wants to meet you."

"Oh we'd be delighted to dear." Rarity stood up as the others nodded. They walked over to the PC and were greeted by the faces of Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

"Hello." Night Light smiled. All five of the girls gave their names and talked about themselves, while Twilight stayed silent.

"So what are you going to do now Twilight?"

"Well I'll challenge the gym to get stronger so my research can take place in the more dangerous parts of the region. But before that I'm going to call Celestia to see if she'll give me my book back."

"Okay then, bye." Both her parents waved

"Bye." Their image left the PC. She then rang the phone next to the PC again a couple moments later. After a couple of seconds, a beautiful tall woman appeared on screen, with long flowing multi- coloured hair.

"Well hello Twilight." She gave her star pupil a warm smile.

"Hello, Ms Celestia."

"You don't have to be so formal Twilight, now tell me how you've been?" she asked while Twilight repeated what she had said to her parents.

"Well it sounds like the start of an adventure in the making. Can I see Spike's egg?"

"Sure." The little boy shrugged as he held up the egg for Celestia to see."

"Oh, it's red and yellow. It's like your necklace. It's also good you're starting to make some friends and not occupy yourself with books, Twilight." The champion smiled at both of them.

"Not really, but speaking of books can you return mine soon?"

"That's right, I still have your book. It is a very interesting and old book, talking about a parasite in Darkrai, and the people who will command legendary Pokemon to save the world."

"Yes that is interesting, I've read those parts before, but when can I get it back?"

"I'm not sure, I'll be training with Moltres most of the time." Celestia battled with her Elite Four monthly, to give them a chance to take her position as champion.

"Well okay then. Bye." She waved to her infamous teacher, who gave her signature caring smile and ended the call. "Well that's-" She turned to those five girl behind her, each with a surprised look that she had just spoken to the strongest person in the region and had multiple legendaries. Despite the looks she was given, she walked out past them.

"I'm going to be training for my gym battle now. You girls can join me if you want."


"Use confusion." Shellder was lifted up and thrown into a tree. Ralts was tired from doing this for the sixth time, and this one had been particularly strong. She was training Ralts to learn some new moves, since she didn't think the'd be able to cut it with just three moves.

"That was amazing Twilight." Spike was watching her train. "Say, can I train with you?" He asked eagerly.

"Are you sure? I'm not sure if Dratini will like it."

"Come on, I'm sure he'll work through it." He said. "Can you hold this Rarity?" He handed his egg case to as he got out his Pokeball. "Go, Dratini!" The Pokeball opened and his Pokemon looked around, before it tried to slither to a warm place before the tip of his tail was grabbed by Spike.


"Wow, he really doesn't like the cold does he?"

"Come on Dratini, you can do this. Please battle." He pleaded but his Pokemon just continued to attempt at slithering away. "I- If you battle with me, I'll give you something extra warm after this." His Dratini stopped its struggling, considering the offer for a moment before nodding to Spike.

"Alright! What moves does he know, Twilight?" His sister got out her Pokedex to check like Spike asked her.

Moves: Thunder Wave, Twister, Wrap and Extreme Speed.

"Wow, your Dratini has some pretty good moves. I'd recommend holding on to Extreme Speed."

"Okay, can we begin now?"

"Alright then. I'll use Ralts okay?"

"Fine by me. Now use Twister!" Dratini slithered around in a circle and whipped up a small tornado before it was launched at Ralts.

"Disarming Voice!" Ralts cried out, sending a pink sound wave towards the twister, cancelling out both the attacks.

"Wrap!" Dratini quickly got close to Ralts and tightly wrapped itself around it.

"Confusion!" Dratini found its grip on Ralts loosening and it was soon lifted in the air then thrown to the ground.

"Twister!" His dragon- type launched its special attack again, though it did nothing. Spike had forgotten that Ralts was a fairy- type.

"Extreme Speed!" Dratini disappeared as it quickly got towards Ralts

"Double Team."Ralts made copies of itself which caused Dratini to miss and hit a tree.

Ralts looked like it was then in deep concentration after the battle, and Twilight stared at it.

"What's going on Twilight?"

"It's trying to learn a move I think." She then saw Ralts form some leaves surrounded by a colourful aura. "It's learning Magical Leaf. Forget about Growl Ralts." Her Pokemon nodded and it learned Magical Leaf. By the way Spike, Dratini could've used Thunder Wave to paralyse Ralts."

"Aaw." Spike groaned.

Some shady- looking people holding bug- like masks were creeping around outside the gym. They then put their masks away and looked around before one pulled a communication device out.


"Yes? Are you all in disguise?"

"We are sir and we're ready to enter the gym."

"Then go in, and tell me how the battle went and who's challenging."

"We'll do that sir."

"Good, have your all Pokemon been enhanced?"

"Yes sir."

"Then it should be a breeze, oh how I wish that I could be there with you. Send me a picture."

"I'll do that sir."

"Good. Now have fun!"

Twilight stood with Hoothoot on her shoulder on the opposite side of the field to Sapphire. The field wasn't really a field though, but a pool of freezing cold water with about six or seven fairly large floats for the non- water Pokemon. There was an audience of people cheering for Sapphire.

"The battle between newcomer Twilight Sparkle and Gym Leader Sapphire is about to start!" A voice on a megaphone blared. "Sapphire will use two Pokemon and Twilight uses as many as she wants, now let the battle begin!"

"I'll go with three." Twilight decided before she threw her first Pokeball. "Go for it, Eevee!"

"Eevee." Her Eevee jumped out and smiled.

"An Eevee? Alright then, go Sealeo!"

"Sealeo!" The Pokemon looked happy and ready to battle.

"Hmm..." Twilight got out her Pokedex.

Sealeo: The Ball Roll Pokemon.
It has a very sensitive nose. It touches new things with its nose to examine them.

"You have the first move." Sapphire said.

"Okay, Eevee use Tackle." Eevee shot forward and jumped off the float to go for Sealeo.

"Water Gun." Water shot from Sealeo's mouth before Eevee could land its attack and it was blown back.

"Swift." Eevee shot stars from its mouth while in mid- air, and they landed exactly on target. "Now Tackle it while it's fazed!" Eevee shot forward again and that was also a direct hit, but it didn't do as much as swift.

"Body Slam." Sealeo jumped up in front of Eevee and came down quickly.

"Dodge!" Eevee quickly jumped out of the way as Sealeo landed on the ground and the float shook. Eevee jumped onto another one of the floating cylinders that were the only places non- water Pokemon could stand.

"Water Gun." Just as Eevee landed, it was hit with the water attack. "Now go underwater." Sealeo dived underwater where Eevee couldn't see. Twilight looked to try and see the opposing Pokemon, when she got a glance of it near Eevee.

"Swift." Eevee jumped up and shot the stars out again. Twilight knew that Sapphire would do this to go where Eevee couldn't see and also gain more control over the battlefield, so Twilight's best bet was to use the never- missing move to attack it and draw it out. Her strategy was proven to be successful, as Sealeo jumped out of the water.

"Water Gun again." The special attack knocked Eevee into the cold water and went back in to follow it.

"Get out of there!" Eevee shivered while paddling towards one of the floats.

"Water Gun." A blast of water sent Eevee flying away from its destination.

"Swift!" Eevee readied its attack but another water gun shot it up into the air. As it came down, it landed on another water gun and was bounced onto one of the floats.

"Body Slam." As soon as Eevee recovered and tried to get up it was crushed under the water and ice-type, before the opponent jumped in the water again.

"I'm lucky Eevee didn't get paralysed." Twilight thought. "But I still need to watch out for that body slam though."

"Use Aurora Beam." A beam of various lights shot from the water right at Eevee.

"Block it with Swift." The special attacks collided and smoke covered the field. The crowd cheered.

"Now Ice Beam."

"Wow, she sure is givin' Twilight a hard time." Applejack commented.

"Well I would expect such from the lady of pop." Rarity exclaimed.

"You friends with the challenger?" They looked to their left to see a girl with sunglasses and insane blue hair.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash replied, and the girl chuckled.

"I always love watching Sapphire's matches; she always gives challengers a run for their money. I'm Vinyl Scratch by the way, and this silent gal next to me is Octavia." The girl next to her just sat silently and continued to watch the match.

"Rainbow Dash. This is Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike."

"Well dear, from someone who watches Sapphire's matches regularly, do you think Twilight has a chance?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe, if her Pokemon can get past Sapphire's strategies then I guess it's possible." She said. "You guys seem cool by the way, not like the other people sitting next to us. They just seem so serious."

"Well thank you dear and I hope we could meet again after this." Rarity smiled.

"Argh, that Sealeo is tricky." Twilight thought. "Quick attack!" Eevee quickly jumped on the floats and rammed into the Ball Roll Pokemon, but it did very little.

"Aurora Beam." The ice- type attack hit Eevee directly.

"It has to have a weak spot. Think Twilight, think. Wait a minute..." She thought back to what the Pokedex said.

It has a very sensitive nose. It touches new things with its nose to examine them.
Twilight smiled as she remembered this.

"Sealeo use Water Gun!"

"Use Quick Attack to dodge, also get closer!" Eevee quickly jumped onto a different float to avoid the attack.

"Don't give it time to rest Sealeo, keep up that Water Gun!" Sealeo kept on aiming for Eevee, who was getting closer and closer.

"Just a little bit more..." Twilight thought. "Now use Tackle and aim for its nose." Eevee rammed into Sealeo's nose and the effect was more visible as Sealeo was pushed back.

"Now Swift!" The stars hit Sealeo and it fell into the water. There was a momentary pause before Sealeo rose up unconsious.

"Sealeo is unable to battle, Eevee is the winner!"

"Vee! Eevee!" Eevee jumped around, happy that it had won.

"Well hon, are you ready for my next Pokemon?"

"Yes I am." Twilight replied. "Do you think you can still go Eevee?" Her Pokemon nodded in response.

"Dazzle us, Dewgong!"

"Gong, Dewgong." The Pokemon said as Twilight got out her Pokedex.

Dewgong: The Sea Lion Pokemon.
Its streamlined body has little drag in water. The colder the temperature, the friskier it gets.

"Ice beam."

"Swift." The ice beam went right through the swift and hit Eevee.


"Quick attack!" The two ran for each other before Eevee ran to the side at the last minute and hit Dewgong's side. "Keep it up!" Dewgong tried to hit Eevee but it kept using quick attack to move out of the way and hitting the water- type afterwards.

"Ice beam on that float!" Sapphire pointed at the float Eevee was about to land on and the Sea Lion Pokemon shot the beam. Eevee landed on the float but instantly slipped.

"Get up Eevee!" Twilight was quite worried; Eevee was helpless now since it couldn't even stand up on that ice.

"Headbutt!" Dewgong went into the water and jumped out when it was close to Eevee. The attack was a direct hit and Eevee blown back into the water. It finally came up with spirals in its eyes.

"Eevee has fainted, Dewgong wins!" The crowd cheered as the announcer spoke through the megaphones.

"Come back Eevee." She returned Eevee to its Pokeball and got out another one. "Go Ralts!"

"Ralts!" Her recently- caught Pokemon was ready to fight.

"And Twilight has sent out a Ralts! But will it be able to stand up to Sapphire's strongest Pokemon?

"Confusion!" Twilight pointed at Dewgong and Ralts used its Psychic energy to give Dewgong a splitting headache. Dewgong clenched its head with its find and tried to bear the attack.

"Headbutt." After the confusion Dewgong went into the water and jumped out when it was near Ralts.

"Double Team!" Copies of Ralts quickly spread out across the room. Dewgong decided to charge for one but all it hit was a copy.

"Disarming Voice!" Each copy let out a huge cry resulting in the room being filled with nothing but large pink sound waves.

"You're doing well." Sapphire complemented. "But we won't lose, Signal Beam!" Dewgong's horn lit up and it let out a beam of light against all of the copies, which disappeared one by one.

"Confusion!" Twilight hoped that she could confuse the water- type or at least throw it off with the attack but this time, Dewgong endured the special attack and hit the real Ralts with the super- effective attack.

"Our fans have been patient Dewgong, so let's finish this battle with a beautiful ice beam!" Dewgong fired the shining bright blue beam at Ralts while the crowd cheered with excitement.

"Avoid the attack!" Ralts jumped off of the float. "Now Magical Leaf!" On command, leaves appeared astound Ralts from nowhere, all surrounded in a magical aura. All of the leaves were launched at Dewgong, who definitely felt them. Dewgong looked at Sapphire, who smiled at Dewgong and nodded, which caused her final Pokemon to smile back.

"Ice Beam." The beams shot at Ralts, who was dodging them by jumping from float to float, while its opponent was not letting up, but the Feeling Pokemon was also using magical leaf whenever it got a chance. Ralts kept hopping until it slipped on one. Twilight's eyes widened she realised what Sapphire had done; she'd frozen all the floats so her Pokemon wouldn't be able to use the only things they could stand on. Ralts tried to get up but before it could it was hit with another ice beam and frozen solid.

"Aqua Jet." Dewgong became engulfed in water and shot up in the air while the crowd began to get excited.

"Sapphire's signature move when she did contests." Octavia said, causing the others to jump. "I've seen that move in the contests I watched when I was younger."

"Now spin with Signal Beam!" Dewgong began to spin while its horn lit up and soon the signal beam was spinning around the aqua jet. Ralts was frozen and couldn't move, and Twilight was right now very angry that Synchronise didn't apply to freezing. Dewgong was in the air showing off the combination attack. Then it came down, enveloped in water and a shimmering spiral of light, going straight for the frozen Pokemon, as the ice was broken when the water- type Pokemon made contact and there was water covering the float that Ralts was on. Once the water cleared, Ralts was shown to be unconsious.

"Ralts has fainted, Dewgong is the winner!". Twilight frowned; Ralts had fainted so she had one Pokemon left to use.

"Hoot!" Hoothoot chirped, looking at Twilight straight in the eye, who sighed. "Alright then, go Hoothoot!" Her first Pokemon flew from her shoulder onto one of the floats, using the one talon it stood on to grip on the ice.

"And Twilight sends out her last Pokemon, a Hoothoot. Will it succeed or will Twilight lose?"

"Use Headbutt Dewgong." Dewgong shot forward with its horn pointed straight at Hoothoot.

"Dodge then use Peck!" Hoothoot flew up and viciously pecked Dewgong when it came down.

"Signal Beam." Hoothoot was still pecking Dewgong, so it didn't notice the water- types horn light up and blast Hoothoot away with the special attack, though not really doing much damage.

"Now Headbutt." Dewgong jumped up from the water and went for another Headbutt attack.

"Confusion." In mid- air, Hoothoot's eyes lit up and Dewgong got another huge headache while going for the flying- type, but it pulled through the weak telekinetic force and still landed a direct hit, albeit a less powerful one.

"Aqua Tail." Dewgong's tail became blue and it flipped forwards and slammed its tail into Hoothoot, who fell down onto the frozen floats.

"Now Ice Beam." The bright cyan blast shot down at Hoothoot, who just managed to avoid it in time.

"Confusion again!" As Dewgong was going down, it got hit by the psychic- type attack again, causing it to lose focus and turned its landing into a huge splash instead of a graceful dive.

"Aqua Jet barrage!" It rose from the water and was going straight for Hoothoot, who dodged but Dewgong wasn't done. It landed in the water and shot back out from where it had landed with the same attack, which Hoothoot dodged again. Twilight's Pokemon was being forced to do nothing but frantically dodge as the opposing Pokemon shot out from different places, and each time it came closer to contact. Hoothoot was tired, and didn't have the energy to dodge much anymore.

"Use Refle-"

"Hoothoot!" It was a direct hit when Dewgong rammed into it while enveloped in water.

"Now go up with Aqua Jet again." Dewgong went up with Aqua Jet. Twilight recognised that clearly.

"Hoothoot you have to focus!" She cried out desperately, while her panting Pokemon struggled to catch its breath.

"Now do another spin with Signal Beam." Dewgong readied the second stage of its signature attack by spinning again and allowing the beam of light to form a spiral around itself yet again and shine beautifully in the water, only this time it was stronger. It then came down, going straight for Hoothoot, and There was no doubt that it would be a direct hit. It did, and smoke filled the area due to the impact and friction.

"Use Reflect!" The smoke cleared and Hoothoot was perfectly fine, standing upright against Dewgong's attack, with a glass- like wall between them. Twilight smiled, she knew that Reflect would minimise the physical damage taken from the attack, and didn't have to worry about Signal Beam, because it was a bug- type move so that wouldn't do much. She had called the move just before Dewgong hit and was extremely thankful that she did.

"Now, full- power Confusion!" Hoothoot's eyes lit up and Dewgong was pushed away and forced to change direction into a wall.

"Dewgong has fainted and the victory goes to Twilight and Hoothoot!" The crowd cheered enormously, and Twilight held Hoothoot up, who was panting and gasping for air.

"That was amazing Hoothoot." She smiled. "You deserve a nice long rest."

"You battled really well Twilight." Sapphire smiled. "You battled well and got the crowd excited. Even after I retired from Pokemon contests, I always love to give a good show to the audience and that's what you did Twilight, you got them hyped and they enjoyed every minute of it. So, I award you with this official Pokemon League Deep Badge." She handed Twilight the badge to put in her badge case. "I'm also giving you this." She handed Twilight a small disc. "It's the TM for the move Ice Beam. It's one of the strongest ice- type moves out there and can freeze your opponent."

"Thank you Sapphire. It's been an honour battling with you." Just as she was about to turn and leave, someone burst through the door.

"Sapphire you have to come quick, there's chaos in the city! People in masks are stealing things left and right and attacking buildings and we need our gym leader to stop them!"

"What?" Sapphire's eyes widened. "But my Pokemon just lost a battle." She turned to Twilight. "Can you get these two to a Pokemon Centre quickly?" She gave two of her Pokeballs to Twilight.

"Okay. I need to heal my Pokemon as well. I'll find you when they're done."

"And we'll help clear the city of any of those rapscallions who dare threaten the peace."

"Us too!" Vinyl and Octavia got out their Pokeballs. "Let's go!"

"Not so fast!"

Author's Note:

Moves: Confusion, Double Team, Disarming Voice and Magical Leaf.

Moves: Thunder Wave, Wrap, Twister and Extreme Speed

Anyway, how was the first gym battle? Let me know in the comments.