• Published 25th Apr 2012
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Queen of the Predacons. - Gyvon

side-story to Stranger in a Strange Land. Queen Chrysalis meets with the Predacon leader, Megatron.

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Chapter 1: Fateful Meeting.

Chapter 1

Fateful Meeting

Needless to say, the Queen of the Changelings was furious. Her perfect plan was in ruins, all because of Twilight Sparkle. If not for that meddlesome Unicorn, Shining Armor and all of Equestria would be hers, and ripe for her minions to feed. But now she was lost in some light-forsaken forest, with only a small cadre of her Changelings accompanying her. The rest were either scattered to the four winds or, if they were unlucky enough to be indoors, squashed against the Canterlot architecture.

Suddenly, the sky gave off a loud rumble and an arc of lightning flashed overhead, signalling an oncoming storm. She hastily turned to one of her nearby minions. "You. Fly up and see if there is shelter nearby." she ordered. Bowing, the Changeling flew up to scout around. It returned within less than a minute.

"My queen..." it hissed. "A few miles to the west is a mountain. Along it's side is a cave that should be suitable for your needs."

Chrysalis couldn't help but smile. "Good work, my loyal subject. Let us make haste. The sooner we find rest, the sooner we can regroup with the others."

It took longer than expected to make it to the cave. There path through the forest was confusing, and at times Chrysalis feared they were lost. She dared not risk flying to the mountain, lest some wayward Pegasus spot her and rush off to warn Celestia. By the time they climbed the mountain path, the skies broke and rain began pouring down, drenching the Changelings and their Queen to the bone.

"You did well, my subject." said Chrysalis. The addressed Changeling bowed, and flashed a smile.

"Your Highness." said another. The Queen indicated for him to continue. "This cave is massive, unlike any I have ever seen before. I fear that this may be the den of a Dragon."

Chrysalis snorted. "It is of no consequence. As long as it's not a Black Dragon, we should be fine as long as we do not threaten its horde."

"And if it is a Black Dragon?" asked another of her subjects.

"Then we're already dead, and just don't know it yet." she replied.

With that thought, the Changeling Queen and her cadre marched deeper into the cave. They came across an opened doorway in the wall. She sent one of her underlings to scout it out, who immediately reported that it was empty, possibly a store room. That's strange. Dragons don't build storage spaces into their caves, she thought. Leaving that mystery behind, the group headed further down the tunnel, coming across a large, stadium-like cavern. Along the far wall were several other passageways. Some as massive as the entrance, others sized seemingly for something the size of an Alicorn. What set the chamber apart from the rest of the cave were the strange panels along the perimeter wall and a large dais in the center.

"These look like computers." said one of the Changelings, a female. "I once fed off a Unicorn that had a similar set up in his basement, though these seems far more advanced."

The Queen turned to consider the one who spoke up. "What is your name, subject?" she asked.

"Cara, your Highness." she replied

"Well, Cara..." said the Queen, her curiosity growing by the minute. "What do you believe these... computers were used for?"

Cara walked further into the room, cautiously, and examined one of the panels. "I don't know, my Queen. This... display is in a language I can't read." She then pressed a button below the display, and an ear-piercing klaxon sounded.

Chrysalis hissed in anger, but before she could berate the Changeling, she heard loud footsteps running towards the chamber from further in the caves. She turned to flee, but was stopped as a great portcullis slammed shut in the doorway.

"Damn it!" she cursed. "We'll have to fight our way out it seems." She adopted an aggressive stance and flared her wings, while her minions did the same. They were ready to face whatever the caverns threw at them.

From out of the distant caverns, strange bi-pedal creatures marched out and formed ranks at the far end of the chamber. They appeared to be mechanical in nature, though Chrysalis could see that they had organic components as well, such as skin and hair.

"Predacons!" hissed Cara.

Queen Chrysalis now knew what she was up against. While she hadn't arrived in Canterlot until a month after the Predacons besieged the city, their very existence had thrown her carefully constructed plans for a loop. It had taken all her manipulative skill to convince Shining Armor not to ask the Humans for aid in defending the city. She was fortunate that the Predacons had not shown themselves since the Battle of Canterlot, otherwise Celestia would've requested aid from Earth without hesitation.

And now she was trapped in their very lair. Chrysalis did not see her, or any of her subjects, surviving to see tomorrow. She involuntarily cringed as the Predacons leveled their weapons on her. Suddenly, a voice from the far tunnels cried out "HOLD YOUR FIRE!"

The Predacon ranks made way for the one who shouted. When he made it to the front, Chrysalis almost gasped as she saw that it was a Pegasus stallion. His coat was white as snow, while it's mane and tail were blood-red. It's cutie mark, strangely, was a silhouette of a ram's head. He approached the Queen as the Predacons lowered their weapons.

"Has Celestia reached an accord with the Predacons, little pony?" asked Chrysalis.

The Pegasus smirked, and before her startled eyes, transformed. His fore-hooves split and hands extended, his rear legs bent into a more humanoid shape as he stood up. The equine head folded forward into his chest, to be replaced by a another, mechanical head. Standing straight, he was short by Predacon standards, but still reaching to just below Chrysalis' head. His transformation finished, he bowed deeply, in an almost exaggerated fashion.

"Lord Megatron bids you welcome, your Highness. We are honored by your presence." he said. He straightened up from his bow and waved two Predacons forward. "You two, see that our guests are properly accommodated." The indicated Predacons snapped a quick salute and approached the Changelings. Receiving a nod from Chrysalis, the group followed the pair. As she went to follow, she was stopped by the Pegasus 'Con.

"Lord Megatron requests a private audience with you, your Highness. Please follow me." With a quick bow, the Predacon turned and led Chrysalis down another passageway. The ceiling was high enough that she didn't need to worry about bumping her head, but the floor was only roughly worked, and she stumbled a few times along unseen bumps. Soon, however, they came to an ornately carved door. The Predacon knocked for entry, and stood back.

"Enter." said the one on the other side of the door, whom Chrysalis assumed was Megatron. Her escort pulled on a handle, and the door opened smoothly. "Ah, Charger." said Megatron. "Please, show our guest inside."

"At once, my Lord." replied Charger who stepped aside to let Chrysalis in.

It was a fairly large, and ornately decorated room. Well made silk curtains hung along three of the walls, interrupted only by bookcases filled with books of every subject imaginable, from classical literature to quantum physics. The fourth wall was taken up entirely by a large computer. Along one of the other walls was a large bed, one that Chrysalis could lay down on fully splayed and still have room for another. However, unlike the room, it was fairly spartan, only consisting of a light sheet over a thin mattress.

What caught her attention, however, was a figure in the middle of the room, lounging in a large tub recessed into the floor and filled with warm, steaming water. He was broad-chested, covered in violet metal and skin. Even though half of his body was concealed underwater, Chrysalis could tell he was larger than the average Predacon. However, it was his right arm that startled her the most. While his left one ended in a grasping hand, the right ended in a dragon's head. From the way flesh melded with metal, she could tell that it was not mere decoration, but part of his body.

"Lord Megatron, I presume?" she said.

"Why yes, my dear." he replied. "But where are my manners? You must be exhausted form your ordeal. Please, join me. The water is nice and warm."

Chrysalis hesitated at his invitation. On the one hoof, she wasn't entirely sure she could trust her host. But, the trail to the cave was hard, and she could feel a layer of dust clinging to her coat, despite the rain. She cautiously approached the tub, seeking any sign of treachery. The moment her hoof touched the water was the moment all hesitation left her. Chrysalis quickly sank her body beneath the waters surface, feeling all her built up tension and various aches just melt away.

With a contented sigh, Chrysalis closed her eyes and smiled. "I thank you, lord Megatron. It feels like I haven't had a proper bath in weeks."

"Think nothing of it, my dear." he replied, turning to Charger. "Please, leave us. See to our other guests"

Charger saluted, and left the Predacon leaders room, closing the door behind him. Satisfied that his lieutenant was gone, Megatron returned his attention to Chrysalis.

"Now, my dear, we have much to discuss. Yessss."