• Published 22nd Aug 2014
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The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

The continued misadventures of you, Bugze the Changeling, as The Doctor calls up on your debt with him and he asks you to come to Canterlot immediately

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Episode 73: Two Against One! Selena/Bugze Vs Smaug (Dragon Quest Arc Finale)


Selena stretches your body, causing a few pops and cracks from your bones, before she smirks evilly at Smaug as she says,

"Ahhh... That was therapeutic. It's so nice to get out and about once in awhile."

As soon as she says this, she releases a mass burst of power. Smaug steps back in surprise at the raw power being displayed as it shakes the ground. The bolts of lightning that are drawn in around the aura cone of dark magic makes him hesitate before he incorrectly associates them with the pain he's suffered from Bugze's previous attacks. This only enrages him once more as he growls in anger,

"Fool! You think your petty tricks are going to scare me after what you've done to me and my son?!"

Your orange glowing eyes appear in a snap amongst the glowing aura before it begins to fade. Selena chuckles evilly before she glares and says,

"Petty tricks?"

A wall of force distorts the air, causing Smaug to stumble backwards again, this time from sheer force and surprise. Smaug growls in anger as Selena merely chuckles darkly before saying,

"The only trick here is the vanishing act you're going to pull in just a few seconds if you know what's good for you. But then again, like my bug, you don't know what's good for you. So we're going to have to do this the hard way."

Smaug gains a look of confusion before he asks,

"The HARD way?"

Selena smirks slightly before saying,

"Yes, the way in which I pummel your oversized flank into unconsciousness. And once I've done that, we're going to have a LONG talk in the dream realm about your son's behavior, and your failings as a father. One that involves every nightmare you've ever had, and that fact that no matter how hard you try, you can't wake up."

Apparently insulting a dragons parenting skills causes them to go off the deep end as Smaug stomps forward with a roar of rage,


Selena sprouts a shark-toothed grin before she says,

"Then come, and learn the meaning of true fear."

With that said you/Selena charge right back at Smaug. As Selena charges at Smaug with your body, you can't help but ask her,

Hey Selena, what was with that light show back there?

Merely a flashy entrance Bugze, now shut up so we can beat this lizard into the ground!

With that thought you/Selena meet Smaug at the center of the charge and,

Smaug grabs you in both claws, flies you high into the air, and then hurls you towards the ground with enough force to cause a large crater before following it up by engulfing the crater with flames. You proceed to walk out of the flames commenting something cool (or something you think sounds cool, but just sounds cheesy/stupid when you say it out loud)

Mind's Eye Comment

You/Selena try to attack him with a Falcon punch, but you/Selena miss. Smaug takes advantage of this as he grabs your body with both of his claws. You/Selena struggle to get out of his grip by using your tails, but apparently dragons have a pretty tight grip when they need it. Smaug grins at your struggling form as his wings start to flap. Soon he flies up high into the air. He looks at you one more time with a merciless glint in his eyes as he chucks you towards the ground like a hoofball. You manage to use your tails to cushion your fall, but you still cause a large crater to form under you. As you get up Smaug sends a torrent of flames at you, setting the crater and you ablaze. Smaug lands back on the ground as he says,

"So, the bug was all talk after all. He should have known better then to mess with m-WHAT!"

Smaug's eyes widen in shock as he sees you calmly walk out of the blazing inferno behind you. Your two tails wip around crazily as you do. You/Selena smirk at his shocked face as you say coolly,

"I'm afraid you got me a little hot under the collar...

Smaug groans at you pun as he says,


"Really. In fact, I think it's time to chill."

With that, you use the Winter Blast on the Power Glove to create a giant pillar of ice. You punch out the base, grab it in your tails, and hurl it like a spear at Smaug.

He incinerates it with a burst of flame, but he uses too much, and the melted ice boils into steam. You take advantage of the sudden smokescreen to get close and use the Shadow Shoryuken. Your attack hits its target as you collide with Smaug's lower jaw. This causes him to open his mouth in pain. Seeing a chance to cause some pain, you/Selena...

During the Fight, use your Tails to latch onto his tongue and whirl him around by it.
Also, since apparently Lightning is Dragon Kryptonite, unleash Lightning straight down his throat giving him EXTREME HEARTBURN!

Are dragons fireproof on the inside?
Just think on it guys . . .

Use your tails to grab onto Smaug's exposed tongue. Smaug's eyes widen in shock at this before you say,

"Oh what's the matter, bug got your tongue?"

With that you lift Smaug slightly up into the air before you begin to whirl him around like a top. Eventually you smash him onto the ground causing a crater to from. You smirk at this as you jump up onto Smaug as you aim your power glove at his open mouth. You grin evilly as you say,

"Now, let's see if dragons are fire and electric proof on the inside! Would you kindly Mix up!"

With that you that said you select Electro Bolt and Incinerate before you shout,


With that a ball of fire and electricity shoot out into Smaug's open mouth. You quickly let go of his tongue before you jump off of him and back a few feet. Smaug gets up and feels his stomach as he waits for the pain to come, but when it doesn't he just smirks cockily at you before saying,

"Heh, looks like you threw a dud Little Thief."

You just smirk at that as you say,

"Think again Smaug."

As if what you just said was a trigger word, a small 'boom' sound is heard in Smaug's gut. Smaug's eyes widen in pain as he holds his stomach as if it was about to burst. Smaug lifts his head and roars in pain, and when he opens his mouth a torrent of flames and electricity fly out of his mouth. You can't help but stare at it in awe as you mumble,

"Oh that looks so cool! Right out of an anime or something!"

Selena takes back control of your mouth as she says,

"Focus bug! That dragon is not down for the count yet!"

You gain back control of your mouth and you gain a look of confusion as you ask,

"What do you mean? That guy's organs are probably either scrambled or spazing out. There's no way he's gonna keep fi-"

Your sentence is interrupted by a giant red fist smashing into you. It sends you flying across the field, but you use your tails to hook onto the ground. You growl as you lower yourself to the ground with your tails. You stare at Smaug, who looks injured but not beaten yet, as he says,

"You...you think that little trick is going to keep me down! That was nothing, you are nothing!"

You growl even more at this, but Smaug doesn't shut up as he continues,

Kichi's Comment

"If... If you think that is going to be enough to defeat me you are wrong... This is not going to be like last time with the yellow pony!"

You gain a confused look at this as you as Selena,

"Yellow Pony? So he remembers what happened back at the mountain top?"

Selena decides to use your mouth to answer as she says,

"Of course he remembers...He talked about it before this idiotic fight started!"

You make a blank face before you make a "oh" sound before you say,

"Oh yeah, he did. Wait a second...how come he remembers but not even Twilight or Celestia remember it!?"

Selena makes a thinking face with your face while saying,

"Discord's spell affected mainly Canterlot and Equestria, he didn't have a reason to search for Smaug. Not even an Imbecile like him would want to battle too many dragons that have high resistance to magic, especially after just using the mass amount he used on the Elements, it could have broken his seal. Plus this dragon was out in dragon country when the spell was cast."

It takes you awhile to processes this, and when it does you can't help but tailpalm (smacking yourself with your Nightmare Tail instead of your hoof) before you say angrily,

"So... The only one that can remember that I helped the Elements, wants to kill me because I stole from him and punched his kid... Thank You Lady Luck. You sure know how to buck up my li-"

Your conversation is interrupted when Smaug growls out angrily,

"Will you stop talking with yourself? Because even if you try to fool me into thinking you are crazy, I'm still not going to stop pummeling you till you’re nothing but a smear on the ground!"

That sentence sparks something in you, and you start to twitch slightly as you say,

"Crazy..hehe...you thought I was acting crazy...hehehehe..."

Your head shoots up as you begin to laugh carzly,


Smaug looks slightly disturbed from your manic laughter. But as you continue to laugh, devil horns begin to form on your head. You don't notice this as you stop laughing and look over to Smaug before saying evilly,

"You poor fool...you haven't even begun to see the depths of my insanity."

With that you/Selena...

Kersey's Comment

"I'm gone squash you like a bug! Smaug shouted
You feel a fended by this "HEY.. words do hurt know!" you replied

Slam your two Nightmare Tails into the ground, and with this you start to reel yourself backwards. Smaug notices what you’re doing and begins to charge at you with a cry of,


You give an offended look at that as you continue to reel back.

"Hey! ...Words hurt you know!"

Smaug merely gives a roar of rage as he continues to charge at you. However as you feel that you’re done reeling back you can't help but smirk as you say,

"But you know what hurts more than words..."

With that your launch yourself at Smaug with a cry of,


Smaug's eyes widen at your attack, but before he can dodge your attack your midnight covered punch slams into his skull. Time seems to slow down as you can hear a cracking sound coming from his skull and you can just imagine an x-ray of his skull cracking. Saliva flies out of Smaug's mouth, along with blood coming out of his nose. Time seems to speed back up as the force of your punch sends Smaug flying right through the cave wall and into the cave with all the explosives . Smaug seems to be dazed as he rest on a pile of the explosives. Your eyes widen when you get an explosive idea.

You land back on the ground and charge at Smaug. When you’re about to reach him you jump into the air, pull out one of your Fuse Bomb's from your Potion Sash and throw it at the cave in midair. You then use your tails to push off what's left of the cave wall to make some distance from the cave. Smaug seems to come to his senses as he looks at the lit fuse bomb and the explosives around him. As the fuse is about to reach the bomb, there is only one thing he can say,

"What the bu-"


You smirk as you stare at the pretty, pretty explosion before you execute a perfect split.

"Oh my nads....."

Of course you soon come to regret it as you can now not feel your nads. You quickly get out of that position as you hold your nads in pain. You hear Selena laughs at your pain before she says,

"And this is way I'm the better influence on our daughter."

You slowly get up but you wince in pain as you say,

"Says the psychopathic murderous goddess who wanted to kill everyling in her path just a few months ago."



But before you can continue your conversation with Selena, you hear a loud shouting coming from above you? You quirk your eyebrow in confusion as you look up...

and see a damaged Smaug falling right towards you!!!

You scream in panic as you quickly roll out of the dragon’s crash zone. Smaug's body lands on the ground with a humongous*THUD*. A dust cloud springs forward from where Smaug crashed and you can feel the earth quake from the impact. As you use your tails to stabilize yourself, Selena chuckle's using your mouth at this before she says,

"That should have done it. Nopony can survive that, this dragon should be out cold by now."

You nod your head at her logic as the dust cloud clears to reveal...

Smaug, slowly getting to his feet!?

He looks less for wear through as he has bruises all over his body. His face looks like it went through a Doctor Quack surgery as his nose is crooked and some of his hair scales are broken or smashed off. His scared eye looks even worse than before. He's bleeding from his nose as well from multiple wounds across his body. His tail looks to be bending the wrong way and he’s holding his left arm, which now hangs uselessly on his body. And that's only on the outside, you can't even image what his insides look like. But apparently Smaug's vocal cords are still good as he speaks in a raspy voice,

"How...how can such a puny, insignificant, worthless thief defeat me! I am Smaug! My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail is a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death! HOW CAN A LITTLE THIEF DEFEAT ME!"

You chuckle at this as you walk towards him and say,

During the fight, declare something like; "My name isn;t 'Little Thief', it's THE HOODED OFFENDER!!!"

Avenge your Subject Delta armor by peeling off some of his belly scales.

"Oh that's quiet simple Smaug, for you see my name isn't 'Little Thief', its..."

You send out your two Nightmare tails as you grab one of Smaug's loose belly scales. Smaug lets out a roar of pain as you continue,


You begin to pull back on the scales, causing them to start to peel off. Smaug falls to his knees with tears in his eyes as you continue,


And with one final tug you pull off some of his scales, causing Smaug to let out a roar of pain before you shout in the RCV,


Smaug just falls down as the pain from his scales being ripped off becoming too much. You smirk evilly as you begin to climb his body and walk towards his face. With a menacing chuckle you say,

"Hehehe...that was for my Delta armor. Now usually I would just walk away now and leave you to your self pity. But...."

BrownDog's Comment

You/Selena feel a dark influence shroud your minds as you lash your Nightmare tails at Smaug's nose and grab it. Smaug lets out a gurgled cry of pain as Nightmare Mist begins to go down his nose and into his throat, choking him as you/Selena whisper,

"Today I'll make an exception so you don't cause anymore trouble."

Smaug just make a gurgled cry of pain at your statement. As you and Selena see the life slowly leaving his eyes, you can't help but call out in your mind,


You/Selena start giggling until you hear a tear filled voice cry out.

“NOOO! Please Stop! Please don’t kill my Dad!”

You look to Garble and see his horrified and saddened form.

Both you and Selena are knocked to your senses, thinking about your own daughter.

“I…I relent,” she says as you are given back full control and the fog dissipates.

Smaug, with his broken face just starts gasping for air as he just lies on the ground. Garble runs towards his father and begins hugging him while crying.

“Oh dad, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”

You both feel like dirt for what you almost did…again. You glare slightly as you just know that your Shadow had something to do with it. The Nightmare Cloak disappears from your body once again as you watch Garble hug his father. Sighing and deciding to deal with it later, you begin to walk away but a wheezing voice calls out to you.

“Thief…why didn’t you finish me off?” Smaug asks.

You turn back to him.

“Because no child should have to lose their parent” you tell him. An image of Nightshade flashes through your mind before you say,

“I have a daughter of my own, and I can’t imagine what would happen to her if I were killed in front of her.”

He nods at this.

“And I never would’ve actually killed your son, I’m not a killer anymore…at least I try not to be, so I don’t blame you for how you acted, I would’ve done the same.”

“Any parent would,” finishes Smaug to which you agree.

“Little Thief, what is your name?” he asks.

“I gave you my title, but I suppose I can give you my name. My name is Bugze.”

“Very well, Bugze, Host of the Nightmare Goddess, I concede half my treasure to you.”

Your eyes widen at what Smaug said as you ask,

“Wait, really? After all this?”

“Believe me, there is nothing I’d rather do than keep it and break you…but my code won’t allow it. You beat me fair and square, and you spared our lives. Take it, and never bother me or mine again.”

You can’t believe it. Lady Luck must be taking a break from ruining your life for once. Deciding to not waste this chance you say,

Smaug mentions how since Phoenixes are basically immortal, they would eventually overpopulate and starve themselves out so Dragons help deal with them (comparing it to Ponies and Chickens). However, Smaug is still upset at Garble for "wasting food" cause to due to the properties of Phoenixes, just 1 Phoenix egg can serve as a whole meal for a dragon.

“Alright, but keep a check on your boy and his friends, I beat them down in the first place because they were trying to kill a younger dragon for not smashing Phoenix Eggs.”

“HE WHAT?!” cries out Smaug in alarm. “Garble! Is this true?!”

“I…well…he….” Stammers out Garble.

“What have I told you about Killing?! It’s only for food or honor, never for fun! And look, it nearly killed us and ruined my nap!

“But the little Purple Guy was bragging about all the Mares he’d bedded, and I was trying to show him up and,” Garble stumbles.

“I couldn’t care less the spat between you and your stupid friends, how long have you been wasting Phoenix Eggs?”


“How Long?!”

“Just a few weeks, we were bored and thought it would be fun!” he shouts out.

“You are grounded mister, wasting all that valuable food,” Smaug admonishes

“Oh come on!” shouts out Garble in frustration.

“Um, not to question your parenting or anything,” you interrupt causing Smaug to look back to you, “but aren’t your priorities a little mixed up? I mean, Garble and his friends are just going around smashing innocent eggs.”

“You would have us let every phoenix egg hatch?” he asks.

“Well, yeah, I came from an egg…I think, and so did you.”

“Tell me something thief, what would happen if nigh immortal birds kept breeding, never dying without something to hunt them?”

“Um…they…uh…” you stammer.

“Their population would explode and they would use up every resource under the sun to the point of starvation” he tells you.

You hear Selena face hoof within your mind as what Smaug said finally hits you. You chuckle nervously before you say,

“Oh, well..”

“We keep their population in check, and in return, we gain a meal. Because of the magical properties of a phoenix, just on egg is enough to fill up a dragon larger than I.”

“Whoa,” you say genuinely surprised.

“It’s the same principle as ponies and their filthy chickens. So yes thief, my priorities are in the right place,” he then turns back to Garble. “Because half my horde is going away, you are going to repay every bit of it back Son!”

“But I don’t have nearly enough Dad!”

“Too bad, because you aren’t ungrounded until I’ve been repaid!”

“Graaaaagghhhh!!!” Garble yells holding his head.

“Don’t you talk back to me Mister!” Smaug yells.

You smirk at this squabble and wander off to the cave where you start filling The Inventory with treasure.


As you start to fill The Inventory with jewels, gold, and other expensive things, you can't help but ask Selena,

“Selena, is Nightshade still asleep?”

Yes, it appears nothing has jostled her. Even that mismatched dragon tried to wake her by licking and she dreamt of puppies.

“Sleeping like a rock eh? Just like old times.”


You stare silently at a expensive looking mirror. Your reflection staring back at you as you ask,

“…Hey, are you Okay?”

“I’m fine, why?”

“You seemed shaken when we almost…finished Smaug.”

Selena is silent for a moment before she says,

“I am fine…I was blindsided by the whelp’s tears, nothing more.”

“You saw Nightshade in his place didn’t you?”

Another moment of silence before she says,

“…Yes, as did you.”

“Yeah…at least you and I aren’t too far gone.”

Flashes of Fillydelphia and the other changelings cross your mind, but you shake them as Selena says,

“Verily…so what now that we have our small fortune?”

“Well, if Crackle did her job correctly, the others should be back in Ponyville…which means You, Me and Nightshade can finally go home.”

“Appleloosa?” she asks.

“Yeah, this is more than enough to pay the Doctor. Now we can live the rest of our lives in peace…we’re done.”

“I highly doubt that…” she says.

You chuckle at Selena's comment as you grab a few more things that look expensive before you...

You write in your Notebook for the Doctor to come and get you.
Soon after, the TARDIS materializes in front of you and the door opens.
You Walk Inside.

Take out the Doctor's Notebook from The Inventory and write to the Doctor,

Hey Doc, guess what?

I've finally gained enough money to pay off your stupid debt! Had to fight a dragon for it, but I have it. So get your cowardly little behind to my location so I can pay ya back. I'm at the big cave on the dragon mountain outside the Everfree. See ya soon.

With that you close the notebook and put it back into The Inventory. You grab a couple of jewels as you wait, but you don't have to wait long as you hear the TARDIS's familiar chime from in front of you. Soon the TARDIS materializes completely and the door to it opens. You smile smugly as you walk in.

The TARDIS door closes behind you as you take a look around. The TARDIS looks exactly like it did the last time you were on here. So you have to guess the Doctor hasn't regenerated. At least you hope he didn't, you do not want to have to deal with a new Doctor for a debt an old one gave you. As you look around you can't help but wonder,

I wonder if Derpy is still on board?

Your question is answered when you see a uneasy looking Derpy walking out of one of the corners. You stare at her in confusion as you ask,

"Hey Derpy, why the uneasy face?"

Derpy's eyes widen when she hears you as she says nervously,

"Oh Bugze, good to see you. But you should probably leave for a little bit, the Doctor is kinda-"


Derpy winces slightly before she says,


The Doctor storms past Derpy and heads straight towards you with a face full of rage. You gulp slightly at this as you nervously say,

"Uh...ehehehe...what's up Doc?"

The Doctor's eye just twitches in annoyance before he says,


You wince slightly at the Doctor's yell, but you shake it off as you say in a annoyed tone,

"Of course I know what I did. I just beat up a motherbucking dragon so I can pay off your stupid debt you forced me in!"

The Doctor just glares at you as he says,

"First of all, you falling in debt with me was your own fault. Second of all, you just set in motion things in time I was trying to avoid!"

You give him a confused look as you ask,

"What the buck do you mean? All I did was take the spoils of beating Smaug after he tried to kill me."

"Yes, and the only reason he did that was because you attacked his son!"

You gain an offended look as you say,

"Hey! I only did that to save one of my friends from getting killed!"

The Doctor just sighs before he says,

"You don't get it. Spike wasn't going to die, in fact he wasn't even going to be harmed!"

You look at him in confusion as you ask,

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that he would have been saved by his pony friends before anything could have happened. But no, you had to come along and cause yet another event in time to change from what it should have been! This is Fillydelphia all over again!"

You stare at him in shock, and the Doctor seems to regret what he said, but you ignore it as you growl in rage,

"Don't you dare compare what happened here to that event! This is completely different. Now take your bucking money and leave me alone so I can go home!"

The Doctor just stares at you, before he sighs and says,

"Look, what's happened has happened. Nothing can change it now. Now go put what you stole from the dragon back and head on back to Ponyville."

With that said the Doctor turns around and begins to head towards the TARDIS controls. Derpy just looks at you sadly before she to walks towards the controls. However, you don't care. You don't give a buck as to what they’re doing. Your body begins to shake in rage as you say,


The Doctor and Derpy look over to you in shock as he asks,

"What did you just say?"

You look at him with glowing orange eyes boiling in pure hatred as you say,

"I said...no. If you won't take the money then fine, I'll keep it. But I am not going back to Ponyville! I AM GOING BACK TO APPLEOOSA WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! IN FACT I DON'T EVEN CARE FOR THE BUCKING DEBT, IT'S YOUR FAULT ANYWAY!"

The Doctor looks shocked at your outburst before he glares and says,

"How is it even remotely my fault?!"

You snarl at him before saying,

"Because everything that's bad that's happened in my life is all your fault! Until you came into my life things we're going smoothly! I had a daughter, I had a place to call home, I even had bucking friends that didn't want to kill me! But when you showed up, my life was ruined! Discord erasing all my good deeds from everyling's memory, me being trapped in a town full of ponies wanting to kill me! BUCKING FILLYDELPHIA! IT’S ALL YOU FAULT! NOW I'M LEAVING AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

The Doctor glares at you as he says,

"Everything that's happened to you is far better than what could have been!”

“Could’ve been?” you ask but he continues.

The Doctor ignores your question (as usual) as he says,

“And yes you are leaving, to Ponyville! The debt is still in place. Now go back now or I'l-"

However you interrupt his sentence by letting out a roar of rage and charging at him. The Doctor can only stare at you in shock as you ram him into the TARDIS controls. You life your hoof up and are about to punch him but he dodges it. You hoof ends up hitting the controls with enough force to leave a dent. You turn back to the Doctor and are about to pounce at him, when suddenly the TARDIS starts to shake like crazy. Red lights begin to flash all over the room as you are sent flying into a wall. Derpy, who is holding on to one of the railings, shouts at the Doctor in panic,


The Doctor manages to get back up before he is slammed into the controls. He holds onto them and looks over them and says,


You try to say something but before you can the TARDIS buckles and sends you flying into the tube above the controls. It cracks from the pressure as you fall onto the controls. You grab onto a level and yell,


The Doctor grunts as he somehow manages to get his sonic screwdriver out and scans the TARDIS. His eyes widen in panic as he yells,


Deciding to follow the Doctor's advice for once you grip onto the level with as much strength as possible. You, Derpy, and the Doctor then brace for impact as the entire TARDIS begins to buckle and shake like crazy. Parts of the TARDIS begins to fall off all over the place. Sparks begin to fly as well as part of the controls (the part you’re not on) blows up. After about a minute or two the TARDIS finally comes to a standstill. You all take a deep breath as everything starts to calm down. You shakily let go of the level and get off the controls. You look at the Doctor and your rage returns, but before you can do anything rash you see a screen that says,

Location: Appleoosa, Equestria
Date: #@%@#$@$@4#@!

You can't read what the date is or what the rest of it says as it's just a bunch of gibberish. But you don't care as you smile triumphantly at the Doctor (who's getting up) as you say,

"While I still want to smash your face in, but I'm in a good enough mood not to. After all we're back at my home, even if the TARDIS somehow landed here when I broke it. Now ta-ta Doctor, see you never again!"

With that you turn around and begin to walk towards the door (while moving around the debris). The Doctor, however, just looks at the location in horror as he says,

“What? WHAT? No No no, this isn’t possible!” he shouts.

“What is it Doctor?” asks Derpy.

He doesn’t answer as he shouts at you, "Oh no no no! Bugze don't go out the door!"

As the Doctor goes after you, Derpy looks at the screen to see why the Doctor is so horrified...

Location: Appleoosa, Equestria
Year: 3428 A.N

“Oh No,” she mumbles.

You ignore the Doctor as you begin to push open the TARDIS door while saying,

"No thanks Doc, I have a home to get t-"

The words die in your mouth as you stare at the...the horror in front of you. For where Appleoosa once was....

Now stands a wasteland of destroyed homes. Everything has been destroyed or burned to the ground. There's a scent of...of death throughout the air. Signs of past fires are everywhere and whole houses are nothing but ash. Tears begin to form in your eyes as you run out into the destruction while chanting,

"No no no no no no no no no no no NO NO NO NO!"

The Doctor and Derpy follow after you, but you don't care. All you care about is how your entire home is gone. Everywhere you look there's ash, debris, or just...nothing. You continue your chant as you reach the center of town. Tears begin to fall as you see a stone standing tall in the center of the town. You rush over to it and see that it is a commemorative plaque.

You read out loud what is says at the top it says,

“The Elements of Harmony: Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack”

Below that,

“The Citizens of Appleloosa”

With that a long list of names are under it. Some jump out at you.

Old Man Muffin....Little Strongheart....Braeburn....What’s going on?

One name has been scratched towards the bottom of the list, as if done by a claw.


“What is this?!” you yell.

You then read the inscription below your daughter’s name.

“In Memory of Those Who Lost Their Lives’ at the Hooves of the Hooded Offender.”

Your eyes widen in pure horror at this. More tears begin to fall at these names as you can't help but think,

What the...what the buck is going on! This can’t be! THIS CAN’T BE!

“This is a joke, it has to be!” you shout as you pound on the Monument. You hear loose gravel fall from the other side of the plaque. You go around and see another scratched in note.

You read it out loud with grief,

“These are the ponies and friends and loved ones...who I have failed. May they never forgive me for my failure. I couldn't control it...I couldn't stop it...I have become the monster. I have become the thing I feared. I have become..


Your eyes widen in pure horror at this, and in that moment you break. You know what this is, you know who made it. This is your worst fear. You grab your head and release all your rage and sadness in one grief stricken scream,


This is it...the beginning of the end. It has happened, and there's no stopping it.


What do you do?

Author's Note:

This is it, the Nightmare has come! Prepare for the feeling of true evil and madness!

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here

Sorry for the delay for this chapter. And I know that this isn't my best chapter, but don't worry. With enough comments for the next chapter it will be golden!

Anyway, if you couldn't tell this marks the SEASON TWO FINALE! That's right folks, we're coming to in end in the second chapter of Bugze the changeling (your) life. Let's make enough comments and ideas to make this finale even better then seasons one's finale! We can do it Hive Mind!

Also, if you didn't read my blog about it, after this chapter I have decided to go back to the old uploading schedule! That's right, instead of this "once a week" schedule, we are going back to the "Every Other Day" schedule!
For those who don't know what this means, this is when I post a chapter, write the new one the next day and have it edited, then have it posted the day after. For example:
Monday: Chapter, Tuesday: no chapter, Wednesday: Chapter!

Now last chapter's question answer is

I honestly hear Mark Hamil when I "hear" Bugze's voice. When he is acting heroic, Luke Skywalker. Insane, The Joker. Although that may be due to Hamil being as multi-voice talented as a changeling can be.

Thank you too The Rutherford for suggesting this. While all of you are entitled to hear what Bugze (you) sound like, I find this one to make the most sense.

Finally, there are two end of chapter questions for you guy's today! They are...

What was your reaction to the ending of this chapter?


What was the funniest moment in this season?

One dark question (in a sense) and the other a light hearted question. Appropriate don't cha think?


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